The Development of the Kandilli Observatory & ERI Seismic Network

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The Development of the Kandilli Observatory & ERI Seismic Network SeismicSeismic monitoringmonitoring inin Turkey,Turkey, anan overviewoverview ofof KOERIKOERI networknetwork Doğan Kalafat Contributors: Rıza Pektaş, Ayşegül Közeoğlu, M. Didem Samut, Mustafa Çomoğlu, Doğan Aksarı,Mehmet Yılmazer KOERI Organization Boğaziçi University (1864, Robert College) Rector Disaster Preparedness KOERI (1868, Imperial Obs.) Training Unit Director Academic Units Laboratories Education and research Research Centers Research and Observatory Research, Implementation and Observatory Earthquake Solar Geodesy National Earthquake Engineering Monitoring Center Physics Dept. Geodesy Belbaşı Nuclear Meteorology Monitoring Center Geophysics İznik Seismic Risk Geo-Magnetism Mitigation Center 2 3 Organization Chart Total 22 persons 6 PhD researchers 4 IT Engineers 9 expert –engineers 3 Technicians 4 Seismicity of Turkey and surrounding area between 1900-2010 time period 5 Major Earthquakes & Tectonic Plate Directions 6 Faulting Mechanism Solutions of Turkey and Surrounding Area 7 THE DISTRIBUTION OF BROAD BAND STATIONS BY YEARS 8 The distribution of seismic stations of Kandilli Observatory and ERI. Inventory of KOERI’s Seismic Stations Broadband 124 sensors (BB) Sea Bottom 5 sensors (SBO) Strong- Motion 76 (SM) sensors Total Stations 205 9 The present distribution of broadband seismic stations of KOERI 10 The present distribution of SM stations of KOERI 11 Existing BB & SM Stations around the Marmara Sea 12 SeaSea BottomBottom ObservatoryObservatory ProjectProject forfor MarmaraMarmara RegionRegion Main Framework : • LAND-BASED BROADBAND SEISMIC STATIONS • SEA BOTTOM OBSERVATORY STATIONS 13 Sea Bottom Observatory Systems 14 The important targets of the project • To improve the station distribution in the sea of Marmara seismic network and entegrate with land-based seismic stations. • To install new land-based stations in the Southern Marmara Region that has several gaps in the station distribution for reliable monitoring. • To record and analyse of earthquakes with magnitude of about 1.0 or less • To improve the resolution of hypocenter determination • To determine physical caharecteristics of fault-source mechanisms • To obtain high quality data for better determining the crustal structure for Marmara Region. • Better understanding of the tectonic structure of Marmara Region • To obtain multidisciplinary data such as seismic,temperature, pressure and sea floor current measurements. • To develop a Tsunami Early Warning System for Marmara earthqaukes • To disseminate reliable and rapid earthquake information to public and relevant agencies. 15 16 LANDLAND STATIONSSTATIONS •10 Broadband stations installed in the Marmara Region •High standardized digital seismometers and recording systems • All of seismic data are recorded by real time and disseminated to the National Earthquake Monitoring Center (NEMC). 17 SBO Station Component • Broadband Sensor 3 TD 3C Guralp BB velocity seismometer, period 120 sec • 5TD 3C Guralp Strong-Motion Sensor • Pressure difference measurement • Hydrophone measurement • Temperature measurement /underwater lighting • Flow meter /real time camera/light 18 Main equipment used in the Sea bottom observatories (BB sensor, SM sensor, Hidrophone, pressure measurement) 19 Sea Bottom Observatory System during launching This project finished completely in Jan., 2011. 20 The first micro-earthquake records OBO5’s 21 Examples Jan.2, 2010 Marmara Sea EQ record (06:14 LT; Ml=3.0) Mar.11, 2011 Great Eastern Japan EQ (05:46 GMT; Mw=9.0) 22 Installation of Seismic Stations : Case Study Monitoring of Earthquake Activities –Increasing of number of Earthquake 23 Yearly earthquake activity increases with the increasing number of stations every year. 24 25 Seismic Station Equipment 26 According to periods of seismic stations distribution 27 Distribution of Communication types of seismic stations 28 Chart of Communication types of seismic stations 29 30 31 Near real Time data distribution 32 Waveform data distribution You can download the data Sac format at . 33 CATALOGUE REQUEST SYSTEM via WEB BASE 34 35 36 37 38 The local crust and velocity models used by KOERI 39 The real-time processing and analysing system SeisComP3 40 Telephone ( 0 216 556 44 00 EQ Information Line ) Internet ( ) SMS message Fax Electronic mail message Radio-walkie-talkie ( Ankara DAAKKM, İstanbul İtfaiyesi ) Wireless Data (TRAC) Prime minister, İstanbul Governor direct telephone line Permanent and Mobile Satellite phones International Seismological Centers 41 SHAKE MAP 13 Oct 2011 Van Earthquake . DAMAGE MAP 42 LOSS MAP 23 Oct 2011 Van Earthquake 43 Kandilli provided seismic data and information to the İnternational comunities and data centers 44 45 KOERI is providing seismic data and information about earthquakes for EMSC 46 Koeri has MoU agreements between Germany (GFZ), Netherlands (ORFEUS) and Greece (AUTH) real time data exchange. KOERI established real time data exchange between Bulgaria, Romania, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan in order to improve the quality of solutions. KOERI provides quick and reliable 47 information to the public. Every year, we publish pruductivity and healthly reports of the stations. 48 Istanbul Earthquake Early Warning System 49 ISTANBUL EARTHQUAKE RAPID RESPONSE SYSTEM 50 Regional Tsunami Watch Center 51 Existing and newly established Stations in 2012 • Existing Stations 110 İstanbul EEW+RR System • 100 SM sensors were purchased by the Governorship of Istanbul. • IGDAŞ Istanbul Gas Distribution Company 200 •SMpurchase process was done. • 100 SM in Buildings, bridges, and Mosques • 15 SM/WM KOERI has been purchased with its own budget •5 BBstations KOERI has started the installation of five new stations this month. 52 ThankThank youyou forfor youryour attentionattention !..!.. 53.
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