nog gaan skryf en SundayTimestoe stuur'. Hy en die verteller is albei Tem a belus op die sensasie wat skuil onder die kleindorpse kalmte. Anders Daar word meer as eentema waargeneem. Die mitologie word by as Loffie, wat moet raai, het die verteller die vermoe« om te onthul sommige van diekaraktersingewerk. Die mens se reaksie enhoe hy watonder daardie kalmte skuil. Die vertellingkry mettertyd 'n reageer op verskillende dinge en gebeure soos seksualiteit, jaloesie, meesleurende vaarten dit word algaande duidelikdatdie¨ roman met woede, versoeking, ensovoorts is nog'n tema. Politiek word betrek groot planmatigheid afstuur op sy tragiese slot. deur nasionaalvan partypolitieken herinneringe van die Anglo- Karakters Boereoorlog melding te maak. Internasionaallees ons van die ge- Klaas Steytler seª self `die dorp is die boek se eintlike hoofkarakter'. beurein Europa deur middelvan die briewe watdie Joodse dokter, Dieinwonersvandie dorp Kspeelalmal'nrolindieverhaal. Eerstens Mendel Baruch, gereeldvansysusteruit Tsjeggo-Slowakye ontvang. is daar Dewwie Dykstra. Die soel jong vrou van die Kaap. Sy is vir Ta al en s tyl Sinclair soos'n`godin, wat ongemerk uit die lae, onderste grys wolke Klaas Steytler gebruik baie lekker woorde en stellings in die boek net voor die eerste grootlenteree« ns afgesaken het saggies agter soos`Die dood wat opdaag,'n katterige gedagte oor 'n hond,Thys Sinclair se apteektoonbank te lande kom'. Sy verpersoonlik verskil- Dippenaar wat somsna geldlyk,'nbroderige glimlag, dietuin sehare lende eienskappe: verleidster en verleide, manipuleerder en slagof- wat netjiesgekartel en gekap is en haar ogies raak vetergat'. Die fer, vernietiger en lewegewer. Die¨ dubbele lewe word onderstreep boeklees maklikenis nie swaarleesstof nie. Die gesprek tussen deur haar doopname - Helena Dawida. Die vrou sowel as Sinclair en sy skoonouers op p. 304 wyk af van die res van die mansnaam houverband daarmee dat sy een van'ntweeling was, skryfstyl. Die rede hiervooris onbekend en nutteloos. waarvan die seun by geboorte dood is. Die omruiling van haar name Stemming na Dawida Helena sinspeel op haar swak verhouding met haar pa Die verhaallykop die oogaf lig en humoristies enisgeskryf metdie (wat eintlik 'n seun wou heª ) enis die motivering vir haarlatere op- doel om te skoken vermaak. Daar is egter 'n dieperliggende erns en trede teenoor mans. Dewwie se donkerheidlok aanvanklikheelwat donkerder kant wat nie misgelees moet word nie. Ditis waar die reaksie by die vrouens van die dorp uit, maar sy word toglater deur boek se`angel'eintlikleª . 'n Onskuldige kind boet met sy lewe sodat hulle aanvaar. Die mans vind haar onweerstaanbaar. Syknoop'n die grootmense se geheime nie op dielappe kom nie. Ons kom omte verhoudingmethaarbaas,Stefanus Sinclair,aan. Die dorp se dokter, lag en bly om te huil. Jannie Brand, is haar volgende teiken. Die uitvaagsel, Adderjaan Kruger, raakookby haar betrokke en selfs ouderling Dippenaar Titel spring haar aanslag nie vry nie. Dewwie hetook spiritualistiese Die titel word dikwels herhaal in die boek. Die seisoen somer is be- skrywend van die volheid en rypheid van Dewwie se lyf (p. 357). Sy Ander werke Kinderboeke talente enisin staatom metdie geestesweª reld in verbinding te tree. ª het in die vroee« lente gekom en na 'n vol en vrugbare seisoen verlaat *Die doodkis-spesjel. 1982. Miss Underhill se mense het haar nodig. Hulle moetdeur haar gaan In die somer Boeke om hulself te word. Die¨ deel van Dewwie se karakter leª klem op die sydie dorp, laatindie somer van1936. Somerisookdievoorganger *Man in die spiee« l.1954. Televisie geestelike en haar kamermoleste op die vleeslike. Baie van Dewwie vanwinter.Vir baie van die karakters hetdaar na die somer 'ntyd- *Die leeukuil. 1982. Zap zap.1981. se eienskappe hou verband met die mitologie en daarom word die perk van winter gewag. Byvoorbeeld,Dewwie wat swanger was, van '36 *Die walvisman.1986. Dirk Hoffman.1985. ideevanhaarbestaanmettyeintwyfelgetrek. Syissoos'nillusiewat Sinclair wat baie verloor het, die Joodse dokter wat sy suster ver- *In die somer van'36. 1990. * Beskikbaar inWes-Kaapse verskyn en weer verdwyn. loor, die Kruger-gesin verloor hulle pa en seun. Die jaar1936 plaas Provinsiale Biblioteekdiens. Tweedensis daar Stefanus Sinclair. Hyis die apteker en verant- dieverhaalin'npresiesetydvlak, sodatdieleser'nduidelikebeeldhet woordelik vir Dewwie se koms na die dorp. Sykarakter word die vanhoe diehuise, motors, meubelsenklerelyk. Diebeskrywing van Opsomming van die verhaal volledigste beskryf. Hy het'n obsessie met Dewwie (wat hom net dinge en gebeure speel'nbelangrikerolin die verhaal. Dit verwys MARIETA SMITH Die verhaal speel af op dieVrystaatse dorp,K. Dis'ndoodgewone gebruik en dan verstoot) en dit lei tot die verbrokkeling van sy hu- ook na die naderende oorlog en sluitdie boek af metdie sin,`Op Khet Langebaan Leeskring rustige dorp, maar dan daag die nuwe apteekassistent,Dewwie welik en sy vernedering deur die dokter (volgens die toneel by die die dorpsbewoners die herfs en winter van1937ingewag en sonder Dykstra, op en die dinge begin`roer'. Syraakinverskillende ver- swemgat). Hy word deur die dorp verwerp, maar word deur die om te weet, ookdie volgende oorlog'. houdings betrokke tydens haar kort verblyf op die dorp. Dit ver- hele proses'nvryman. 'n Sterk vriendskap ontwikkeltussen hom en Vo orblad Die skrywer oorsaak'nkringreaksie op die ander karakters se lewe, sodat icolaas Georg Steytler is op die seun,Sagrys Kruger, watironiesgenoeg ookdie oorsaak van die 'n Skildery deur JanVermeiren. Die voorblad is sprekend van die wanneer sy vertrek, daar baie veranderings plaasgevind het. seun se selfmoord is (want hy wil nie sy belofte aan Sinclair verbreek 20 April1922 in Ladybrand Foto: Annarivan der Merwe verhaal en drie van die hoofkarakters. Dewwie lyk afsydig, maar N gebore. Hy sterf op 27 Milieu, tyd en ruimte nie). Met Sinclair kan die leser simpatiseer en sy toespraak aan die sensueel en maakdansgebare met haar hande. Die mans is gefassi- Augustus1998 weenskanker op die `In die bree« suksesvolle dorp,Kwat in die somer van1936 - min of kleingemeentewaartydenshysysondesvansyverledebely,laat neer deur haar. Die twee rose is'nteken van die liefde, maar onthou ouderdom van 76. meer tussen die Grootdroogtevan'33 en die Grootdood se begin mens met deernis en'n gevoel van: Sinclair het geval, baie verloor, rose het ook dorings aan. Hy het in Harrismith grootgeword in'39 - nie skaamhoeftevoeloordietoonaardvansylewenie.'Daar maar sy selfrespek teruggekry en gaan voort met sy lewe. Kritiek heersorde enordentlikheid. Elkeenweet waarhyhoort- kindersuit Jannie Brand is die dokter op die dorp. Hy is so pronkerig en viriel en in 1939 gematrikuleer. Steytler het Daar is te veel karakters in die boek en aanvanklik voel 'n mens ver- die voorkamers, vrouens uitdie politiek, swartesin die lokasie en soos sy perd en'nvergestalting van die god, Zeus, en die mens se sy BA-graad by Wits en'ngraadin dwaal (maardishoe ditin'nregte dorp gaan). Die sekstonele mag almal Sondae in die kerk. seksuele drifte. Hy manipuleer mense soos Dewwie en Adderjaan kuns by Kaapstad Universiteit voltooi. aanstoot gee en onrealisties voorkom. Dewwie en Sinclair se ver- Kruger om sy doelte bereik. Hylieg en bedrieg enkom ongeskonde Asjoernalis het hy,onder andere, by Ty d s v e r l o o p trek stel teleur en daar is te veel los drade wat pla. Klaas Steytler anderkant uit. Toghet hy ook'ngoeie kant. Op p. 282 seª hy aan Die Vaderland en DieTransvaler Die hele verhaal speelin een seisoen, naamlikdie somer, af (sowat raak nie betrokke by sykarakters nie en hulle verdiep nooit, behal- Dewwie:`'n Kwart vandiemensewatekop die dorp enindie distrik gewerk. Hy was ook redakteur van drie maande). we Sinclair. Die doel van die bonatuurlike en spiritisme word nooit behandel, betaalnie. Ek speelhard en werk nog harder.' die HuisgenootenTafelberg Uitgewers Ver teller werklikduidelik nie en die verhaal kan daarsonder op sy eie bene en'ndeeltydse skrywer. Sy belang- Adderjaan Kruger (die dorp se nutsman) is onverfynd en gewel- Die verhaalword deur'n anonieme persoonvertel. Hyisbaie be- gestaan het. Dewwie verander te gouvan'nonskuldige vroutot'n stellings was letterkunde, die teater, dadig en verpersoonlikdie donker en slegte deelvan die mens se trokke by almalin die dorp en praat met gesag en insig oor almal se siniese manipuleerder. Die leser word uitgesluit van haar gedagtes musieken die mitologie. karakter. Sy aangetrokkenheid tot Dewwie, asook die uitbeelding lewens. Hy skep'n afstand tussenhom en diekarakters deur hulle en gevoelens. Al die resensente is dit eens, dat die¨ boek nie'ngroot Hy was getroud met die skryfster, van haar verkragting word gelykgestel aan die van'ndier. Metdie formeel op hulle volle name aan te spreek. Die figuur van Loffie letterkundige werk is nie, maar wel 'n lekker storie met baie fyn hu- Elsa Joubert watookonlangs oorlede is, en hettwee dogters en'n vreeswathybysyseuninboesem, ishydirekverantwoordelikvirdie¨ Alberts, redakteurvandieplaaslikekoerant, isin'nsindiekarikatuur mor en goeie Afrikaans. seun. se selfmoord en wanneer hy van sy verstand af raaken weggestuur van die verteller. Hy seª op bladsy 372 `hier leª 'n groot storie wat ek word, is die leser saammetdie dorpsmense verlig. % Kaapse Bibl.,Jul/Aug 2003 Cape Libr.,Jul/Aug 2003 17 18 BOEKWEê RELD BOOKWORLD

teachings of Seneca.- Coronet, 2001. (188 House, Adrian. Francis of Assisi.- Chatto, *Lunderstedt, Steve. Thekingofdia- McCullers: a life.-Women'sP., 2001. (920 SEN) 2000. (920 FRA) monds: Cecil John Rhodes: his life in MCC) Frank,Katherine. Indira: the life of Indira *Jeal,Tim. Baden-Powell.-Yale U.P., 2001. Kimberley.-Kimberley Marketing and Pro- Schenkar,Joan. Truly Wilde: the unsettling Nehru Gandhi.- HarperCollins, 2001. (920 (920 BAD) motions, [2002]. (920 RHO) story of Dolly Wilde, Oscar's unusual GAN) Jenkins,Roy. Churchill.- Macmillan, 2001. *Macey,David. Frantz Fanon: a life.- niece.-Virago, 2001. (920 WIL) Biographies Fraser, Antonia, Lady. Marie Antoinette: (920 CHU) Granta, 2000. (920 FAN) Schoeman,Karel. Die laaste Afrikaanse the journey.- Weidenfeld, 2001. (920 MAR) Johnston,Kenneth R. The hidden Words- *Mango,Andrew. Ataturk.- J.Murray, boek: outobiografiese aantekeninge.- Geyser,Ockert. Jan Smuts and his inter- worth.-Pimlico,2000. (920 WOR) 2001. (320.9561MAN) Human, 2002. (920 SCH) national contemporaries.- Covos Day, Jones, JDF. Storyteller: the many lives of *Matz,Terry. The daybook of saints: a *Secrest,Meryle. Somewhere for me: 2001. (968.06 GEY) Laurens van der Post.- J.Murray,2001. celebration of saints throughout the year.- a biography of Richard Rodger.- *Gray,Francine du Plessix. Simone Weil.- (920 VAN) Beazley,2000. (920 A-ZMAT) Bloomsbury,2001. (780.92 ROD) Weidenfeld, 2001. (920 WEI) Melia,Paul. David Hockney: paintings.- Service,Robert. Lenin: a biography.- Brink, Andre Philippus. JanVermeiren: a *Kafka,Franz. Letters to Milena.-Vintage, Compiled by DENISE HARRIS Prestel, c2000. (Q 759.2 HOC) Macmillan,2000. (920 LEN) Flemish artist in South Africa.-Tafelberg, Growe, Bernd. Edgar Degas: 1834 -1917.- 1999. (920 KAF) Book Selector c2000. (Q 759.968 VER) Ta s c h e n, 2 0 0 1. ( 75 9.4 DE G) Kannemeyer,John Christoffel. Die goue Meredith,Martin. Robert Mugabe: power, *Seymour,Miranda. Mary Shelley.- plunder and tyranny in Zimbabwe.- Ball, Picador,2001. (920 SHE) Buckle,Catherine. African tears: the Hallinan,Camilla. The ultimate Peter seun: die lewe en werk van Uys Krige.- iographies constitute a very popu- c2002. (968.9107MER) Zimbabwe land invasions.- Covos Day, Rabbit: a visual guide to the world of Tafelberg, 2002. (920 KRI) Sisulu,Walter. Iwill go singing: Walter lar genre in public libraries. 2001. (968.9107BUC) Beatrix Potter.- Dorling Kindersley,2002. *Moin,Baqer. Khomeini: life of the Sisulu speaks of his life and the struggle for B Repeated requests from public *Kershaw,Ian. Hitler, 1889-1936: hubris.- (Q 823.912 POT) Ayatollah.-Tauris,1999. (955.054 MOI) freedom in South Africa.- Robben Island Carruthers,Jane. Wildlife & warfare: the Allen Lane,1998. (920 HIT) libraries with no access to CPALS for infor- Museum, [2001?]. (Q 920 SIS) life of James Stevenson-Hamilton.- Univ. *Harman,Claire. Fanny Burney: a bio- *Montefiore,Sebag (Simon Sebag). Prince mation onthisgenre, have resultedinthe *Kershaw,Ian. Hitler, 1936 - 45: nemesis.- Natal P., 2001. (920 STE) graphy.- Flamingo, 2001. (920 BUR) Allen Lane, 2000. (920 HIT) of princes: the life of Potemkin.- Phoenix, South African botanical art: peeling back compilation of this selection of biographies 2001. (920 POT) the petals.- Fernwood P., 2001. (Q 758.42 *Charity,Tom. John Cassavetes: life- *Hayman,Ronald. A life of Jung.- from the Central Collection (SN). Single *King,Michael. Wrestling with the angel: a SOU) works.- Omnibus, c2001. (791.4309 CAS) Bloomsbury,1999. (920 JUN) life of Janet Frame.- Picador,2001. (920 *Moore,James. Gurdjieff: a biography.- copies only available in this collection are Element,1999. (920 GUR) Steiner,Reinhard. Egon Schiele, 1890- *Coates,Kathy. Samson Mudzunga: artist's Heinrich,Christoph. Claude Monet, 1840- FRA) markedwith an asterisk. The unmarked 1918: the midnight soul of the artist.- titles are available in SN and also in some book.- D.Krut, 2001. (Q 730.968 MUD) 1926.-Taschen,c2000. (759.4MON) Krystof, Doris. Amedeo Modigliani, 1884- More than brothers: Peter Clarke & James Matthews at seventy.-Kwela,2000. (Q Taschen,c2000. (759.36 SCH) public libraries. Cohn-Sherbok, Lavinia. Who's who in Heller,Robert. Bill Gates.- Dorling 1920: the poetry of seeing.-Taschen, 700.9687 MOR) Stevenson,Michael. Christo Coetzee: Christianity.- Routledge, 2002. (R 920.3 Kindersley, 2000. (338.761HEL) c2000. (759.5MOD) paintings from London and Paris,1954- COH) Henig,Robin Marantz. Amonkandtwo Lansing, Alfred. Endurance.- Phoenix, *Morley,Sheridan. John G: the authorised Abrahams,Peter. The Coyaba chronicles: biography of John Gielgud.- Hodder,2001. 1964.- Fernwood P., 2001. (759.968 COE) *Comay,Joan. Who's who in Jewish history peas: the story of Gregor Mendel and the 2001. (919.89 LAN) reflections on the black experience in the (792.092 GIE) Stockmann,Hardy. CapeTown jazz, after the period of the Old Testament.- discovery of genetics.-Weidenfeld,2000. twentieth century.- D. Philip, 20 0 0. (920 Lawrence,Jeremy. Buccaneer: a biography 1959-1963: the photographs of Hardy ABR) 3rd ed.- Routledge, 2002. (R 920.3 COM) (575.11HEN) of Sir Joseph Benjamin Robinson, first Nicholls,CS. Elspeth Huxley: a biography.- HarperCollins, 2002. (920 HUX) Stockmann.- Booktrader,2001. (Q Ackroyd, Peter. London: the biography.- *Coote,Stephen. Samuel Pepys: a life.- Herne,Brian. White hunters: the golden Baronet.- Gryphon P.,2001. (920 ROB) 785.4209 STO) Vintage, 2001. (942.1ACK) Sceptre, 2001. (920 PEP) age of African safaris.- Henry Holt, 2001. *Leni Riefenstahl: five lives = Leni Riefen- Nicholson, Stuart. Ella Fitzgerald: a bio- (799.2609 HER) graphy of the first lady of jazz.- Orion, Sutherland,Joan. A prima donna's pro- *Danchin,Laurent. Jean Dubuffet.-Terrail, stahl: fu« nf Leben.-Taschen,c2000. (Q *Adler,Laure. Marguerite Duras: a life.- 2001. (780.92 FIT) gress: the autobiography of Joan Phoenix, 2001. (920 DUR) c2001. (Q 709.44 DUB) *Hirson,Baruch. The CapeTown intellec- 791.4309 RIE) Sutherland.- Weidenfeld,1997. (780.92 tuals: Ruth Schechter and her circle, 1907- *Nujoma,Sam. Where others wavered: Davidson,Keay. Carl Sagan: a life.-Wiley, Lever,Evelyne. Marie Antoinette: the last SUT) Agnew,Kate. Children at war: from the 1934.-Witwatersrand U.P.,2001. (920 the autobiography of Sam Nujoma.- Panaf, First World War to the Gulf.- Continuum, c19 9 9. (920 SAG) queen of France.- Piatkus, 2001. (920 *Tadie,Jean-Yves. Marcel Proust.-Viking, SCH) MAR) 2001. (920 NUJ) 2001. (820.9358 AGN) Dommisse,Hermien. Long journey of the 2000. (920 PRO) *Hopkins,Graham. Nell Gwynne: [a pas- *Nuttall,Jolyon. A literary friendship: Alan heart: a memoir.- Lapa, c2001. (792.0968 Lewis,MaryTompkins. Cezanne.- Phaidon, Armstrong,Karen. Buddha.- Weidenfeld, sionate life].- Robson, 2000. (920 GWY) Paton and Neville Nuttall.-ValleyTrust, *Van Diemel,Raymond. Insearchof 2000. (920 BUD) DOM) 2000. (759.4CEZ) `freedom, fair play and justice': Josiah Hoskyns,Barney. Arthur Lee: alone again 2001. (920 PAT) *Dunlop,Ian. Louis XIV.- Pimlico, 2001. Lewis,Richard Warrington Baldwin. Dante Tshangana Gumede, 1867-1947: a bio- *Aron,Leon. BorisYeltsin: a revolutionary or.- Mojo, 2001. (780.92 LEE) *Peake,Tony. Derek Jarman.- Abacus, (920 LOU) -alife.- Phoenix, 2002. (920 DAN) graphy.- R. van Diemel, c20 01. (920 GUM) life.- HarperCollins, 2001. (920 YEL) 2001. (920 JAR) Edwards, Anne. Callas: her life, *Vaughan,William. Gainsborough.- Atlas, James. Bellow: a biography.- Faber, Prigent,Helene. Chardin: an intimate art.- her loves, her music.- Orion, Thames & Hudson, 2002. (759.2 GAI) 2000. (920 BEL) Thames,2000. (759.4CHA) 2002. (780.92 CAL) *Weitemeier,Hannah. Yv e s Kl ei n , 19 2 8 - *Baxter,John. George Lucas: a biography.- Radzinsky,Edvard. Rasputin: the last Essers,Volkmar. Henri Matisse, 1962: international Klein blue.-Taschen, HarperCollins,2000. (791.4309 LUC) word.- Weidenfeld, 2000. (920 RAS) 1869-1954: master of colour.- c2001. (709.44 KLE) Bix,Herbert P. Hirohito and the making of Taschen,c2000. (759.4MAT) *Reeves,Nicholas. Akhenaten: Weir, Alison. Henry VIII: King and court.- modern Japan.-HarperCollins,c2000. Egypt's false prophet.-Thames, Farr,Michael. Tintin: the com- Cape, 2001. (920 HEN) (920 HIR) 2001. (932.014 REE) plete companion.- J.Murray, Blair,David. Degrees in violence: Robert *Welchman,Kit. Erik Erikson: his life, c2001. (Q 741.591HER) *Robb,Graham. Rimbaud.- work and significance.- OpenU.P.,2000. Mugabe and the struggle for power in Picador,2001. (920 RIM) Zimbabwe.- Continuum, 2002. (968.9107 *Fay,Laurel E. Shostakovich: a (15 0.195 WEL) BLA) life.- OxfordU.P.,2000. *Rubin,Jay. Haruki Murakami and White, Michael. Leonardo: the first (780.92 SHO) the music of words.- Harvill, 2002. scientist.- Little, 2000. (920 LEO) *Booth,Martin. A magick life: the bio- (895.635 MUR) graphy of Aleister Crowley.- Hodder, *Feinstein, Elaine. Te d Hu gh e s : *White,Michael. To lki en : a bio gr a p hy.- 2000. (920 CRO) the life of a poet.- Weidenfeld, *Ruhe,Peter. Gandhi.- Phaidon, Little, 2001. (920 TOL) 2001. (920 HUG) 2001. (920 GAN) *Breger,Louis. Freud: darkness in the 3 midst of vision.-Wiley,c2000. (920 FRE) *Forstater,Mark. The spiritual *Savigneau,Josyane. Carson

% Kaapse Bibl.,Jul/Aug 2003 Cape Libr.,Jul/Aug 2003 19 20 DIE KU N TE book Unieke musiek reviews *** ADULT NON-FICTION the important relationship that exists between weapons and the societies that produced them. uit SN VOLWASSE VAKLEKTUUR This entertaining and informative study is tastefully illustrated by artwork from aleadingillustrator of air- craft and military images. Readers will be surprised DALENA LE ROUX by the interesting material discussed where the auf Naxos,Medea en Pygmalionhet vanhom skepper van die Nuwe Simfoniese Bewe- COTTERELL, Maurice Bibliotekaris, Sentrale Naslaan author reveals some fascinating facts on subject een van die voorste komponiste van sy tyd ging. The terracotta warriors: the secret of the Weiss, Silvius Leopold (1686-1750) matter very seldom covered or mentioned. slenersbyhulplaaslikeopenbare gemaak. Emperor's army.- Headline, 2003. Cartellieri, Antonio Casimir Eenvan die mees bekendeluitspelers van die EB biblioteke instap met die doel om na After the spectacular1974 discoveryofover 8 000 (1772-1807) 17e eeuwas Silvius Weiss, geborein Breslau, A die musiekversamelings te kyk, kry life-size terracotta warriors found buried near the hoofstad van die destydse Silesie« (tans Pole). PFEIFFER, Lee and WORRALL, Dave hullesomsniewathullesoeknie.Dikwels Hy word beskou as'nkomponis op die pyramid tomb ofthe first emperor of a unified China Die sterk invloed wat die Italiaanse luit-kom- verwag hulle spesifieke tipes musiek, kom- drumpel van die vroee« Romantiese periode. over 2 000 years ago, many have been perplexed as The essential Bond: the authorized guide to poniste soos Corelli en die Scarlatti's op poniste of instrumentaliste se weergawes Om verskeie redes is hy egter nie so bekend to why these were buried there. This has led to var- the world of 007.- Boxtree, 2003. Weissgehadhet, komtotuitingin symeer as watdanlykofditnieinvoorraadisnie. Dis op soos Beethoven (sy tydgenoot) nie. Sy ope- ious speculations and here the author, who has deliv- A visually-attractive title highlighting the twenty seshonderd solostukke vir die luit, sowel as sulketye dat Sentrale Naslaan (SN) die bib- ras, orkestrale werke en kamermusiek sal ered fascinating research into the mysteries official James Bond films. It offers critical reviews of etlike ander luitwerke en sy kamermusiek- liotekarisse tot hulp kan kom, want'n baie heelwat meer gespeelmoet word voordat surrounding the ancient Egyptians and the Maya, each film, featuring the cast, background and pro- ensembles. Sy sukses met hierdie instru- gives his interpretation. duction of the films. It is superbly illustrated, making groot persentasie van hulversamelingis nie sy uitsonderliketalent na waarde geskat kan ment, askomponissowelasspeler, maakvan Once again best-selling author Maurice Cotterell use of over 250 photographs of stills of the films, the algemeen beskikbaar op biblioteekrakke nie word. hom een van die hoogs betaalde instrumen- has providedreaders with some engrossing, specula- cast and posters. This title includes the latest Bond -watnieteseª is datditglad nie beskikbaaris Kuhlau, Friedrich (1786-1832) talistein Dresdenwaarhy tot sydoodin1750 tive food for thought. film and will be enjoyed by Bond lovers who can lei- nie, o nee! Die SN-versameling van CD'sis In die vroee« 1800swasdiemeestebelangrike in die paleis van Augustus Die Sterke speel. EB surely browse through the contents and reminisce on totalmalsebeskikking-disnetvirvra! Deense komponiste hoofsaaklik van Duitse Die luisteraar wat belangstel daarin omte some of the past productions. 'n Aantal titels op CD is slegs as enkelko- oorsprong - soos Kuhlau ook, watin Uelzen GARDNER, Laurence EB luister na die musiek van enige van hierdie piee« vir SN aangekoop, hoofsaaklikomdat in Duitsland gebore is en die meeste van sy Lost secrets of the sacred Ark: amazing komponiste kan gerus by SN aanklop vir die die aard van die CD'smeer gespesialiseerdis musiekopleiding in Hamburg geniet het revelations of the incredible power of gold.- PRELLER, Martie volgende CD's: en nie algemene belangstelling in biblioteke voordat hy in1810 na Denemarke gee« mi- Element, 2003. Eendag was daar 'n storie!.- Tafelberg, 2003. gaande maak nie. Omdatdaar welleners sal greer het. Hoewelhy tans meer bekendis Arensky, Anton Stepanovich Inthislatest speculative title by the author, he looks In Eendag was daar 'n storie! gee Martie Preller weeswat salbelangstelhierinisbesluitdat so vir sy fluit- en klavierkomposisiesis sy meer Suites for two pianos/ Stephen Coombs and atthe sacred Arkof Biblical times, trying to probe the aan die leser 'n verwerking van haar suksesvolle 'nkernversamelingin Hoofkantoorgehousal dramatiese werke (byvoorbeeld, sy operas Ian Munro, pianos. 1compact disc (68 min). long outstanding mystery surrounding it and the Internetskryfkursus. Preller,'n ervare aanbieder van awesome powers allegedly associated withit. word. Roverborgen enTrylleharpen) nogtans van Benda, Jiri Antonin skryfwerkswinkels gebruik hier haar uitgebreide Omleners se aptyt'nbietjie op te wek belang in die Deense musiekweª reld. Hy To assist him in his venture, the author turns to kennis en ondervinding om aspirant skrywers in te Sinfonias, nos.1-6. Prague Chamber orche- word 'n aantal van hierdie CD's nou kortliks word dikwels beskou as die manwat'nmeer ancient Egypt where he explores the secret meta- lei in die wonderweª reld van skryf. Sy gee voorts stra; Christian Benda, cond. 1compactdisc physicalimportance ofgold fromthe time ofthe phar- bespreek. Die lewens van'n aantalminder moderne aanslagin die redelikoutydse raad, wenke en inspirasie, tesame met nuttige (56 min). aohs and takesit rightdownto moderntimes. bekende komponiste word bespreek met'n Deense musiekoeuvre ingebring het. inligting oor die skryfproses en die uitgewersbedryf. Cartellieri, Antonio Casimir Thisis thelatestin Gardner'scycle of books tracing Die teks bevat ook inspirerende verse uit 'n verskei- aanduiding van hulwerkein ons voorraad. the messianic dynasty of Jesus and a history that Rott, Hans (1858-1884) Wind concertos. 2 vols. / Dieter Klo« cker, denheid bronne asook prettige sketse deur Vian aboundsin alchemy and sacred science. Arensky, Anton Stepanovich Rott se kortlewe (hyis reeds op 26-jarige clarinet; Sandra Arnold, clarinet;Kornelia Oelofsen. Ter afsluiting sluit Preller ook haar curri- leeftyd oorlede) was gekenmerk deur onge- Readable controversial information written with culum vitae in (vir diegene van julle wat wonder wat (1861-1906) Brandkamp, flute. The Czech Philharmonic conviction which is certainly thought provoking. Arensky is in Novgorod gebore en was in sy lukenterugslae.Dieenigstevasteposisiewat Orchestra. 1compactdisc (60 min). sy alles op haar kerfstok het). Aspirant skrywers sal EB dolwees hieroor. 45 jaar een van die mees suksesvolle kom- hy ooit beklee het was as orrelis van die Kuhlau, Daniel Frederik Piaristekerk in Wenen tot in 1878. Daarna, LAHR, John EMW poniste en pianiste in pre-revolusioneª re Overtures. Danish National Radio Rusland. Binne die kort 25 jaar van sy pro- hoewel 'n gunsteling-leerling van Bruckner, Prick up your ears.- Bloomsbury,2002. SINCLAIR, David kon hy nooit weer daarin slaag om profes- Symphony Orchestra;Michael Schonwandt, fessionele bestaan het hy drie operas,'n bal- cond. 1compact disc (69 min). A re-issue of the previously banned biography of Sir Gregor MacGregor and the land that never let, etlike orkestrale werke (waaronder 'n sionele sukses te behaalnie. Sykomposisies the British playwright Joe Orton, first published in was: the extraordinary story of the most het die een na die ander misluk, en die de- Rott, Hans klavierkonsert,'n vioolkonsert en twee sim- 1978. Orton is best remembered for plays such as audacious fraud in history.- Review, 2003. pressie waarin hy verval het as gevolg hier- Symphony in E major. Norrko« ping What the butler saw, Entertaining Mr Solane and Loot. foniee« ), kamermusiek, baie liedere en koor- Afascinating but a tragic tale of one ofthe greatest van het gelei daartoe dat hy uiteindelik in 'n Symphony Orchestra,Leif Segerstam, cond. A best-seller at the time when it first appeared, it is werke, sowel as 'n uitvoerige lys van werke hoaxes in history where Scottish immigrants were 1compactdisc(65min). candid, shocking, attimes funny,buttragic, based on vir sy spesialisinstrument, die klavier ge- sielsiekegestig opgeneemis, waar hyin1884 encouraged to start a new life in the New World Orton'sdiaries. komponeer. oorlede is. Eers na¨ sy dood het sy Simfonie Weiss, Silvius Leopold during the early nineteenth century. They were in E Majeur onder die aandag van Gustav EB Benda, Jiri Antonin (1722-1795) Sonatas forlute vol1./ Robert Barto, under the impression thatthey could investtheir live- Mahler gekom, wat sodanig be|«ndruk was Baroque lute. 1compactdisc (72 min). O'CONNELL, Rober t lihood in a prosperous land called Poyais situated Hierdie Boheemse komponis is in Stare¨ hiermee dat hy Rott beskryf het as die somewhere in South America. Bena¨ tkygebore, vanwaar hyin1742 saam 3 Soul of the sword: an illustrated history of weaponry and warfare from prehistory to the This territory was ruled by a successful Scottish sol- met sy ouers en familie na Potsdam getrek dier,General Sir Gregor MacGregor who had been het om as violis in die paleisor- present.- Free Press, 20 02. made a prince after serving in Simon Bolivar's army. kes van Hertog Friedrich die A classic study by a noted military historian cov- He and his beautiful wife became celebrities when Derde van ering the history of weapons from ancient times up they visited London to promote their fictitious Saxe-Gotha te dien. Sy talent to the present. Extraordinary weapons of the past country and even started a development loan, which vir melodrama en die skepping are unearthed and discussed, revealing the major was floated on the London stock market. It was only impact they had on changing mankind's history, and van sulke operas soos Ariadne later that the scam was discovered and Poyais was

Kaapse Bibl.,Jul/Aug 2003 Cape Libr., Jul/Aug 2003 21 22 book reviews revealed to be nothing butthe swamp-infested DUNANT, Sarah Later, helped by his lover Sionan, Cormac's sister, A charmingcoming of age novelwith an`East meets Mosquito Coast in Central America. The birth of Venus: love and death in he escapes to Britain to claim his birthright, only to West' setting, written with depth, sincerity and EB Florence.- Little Brown, 2003. findhisfather'sestateinruins. touches of humour. VON DAë NIKEN, Erich Dunant'slatest novel is set in Florence during the He meets up with one of his old friends, now a MY time of the fundamentalist Savanarola. Alessandra priest, and journeys to Gaul where, disillusioned The gods were astronauts: evidence of the with his fate, he joins the Roman legion. After many WILSON, Robert true identities of the old ``gods''.- Vega, 2 0 01. Cecchi is almost fifteen; intelligent, independent, andanartist,noneofwhichareattributeseither adventures in Gaul,Germania and eventually Rome, The blind man of Seville.- HarperCollins, 2003. The author, well known for his international best- desired or valued in a woman in Renaissance Italy. Succat returns to Ireland to the arms of Sionan, from Wilson is the award-winning crime writer of titles selling titles such as Chariots of the gods,onceagain When her wealthy merchant father brings home an whom he learns that he is a father. He joins a sect of such as A small death in Lisbon and The company of offers the reader some interesting, speculative artisttopaintthefamilyportraitaswellasthe chapel, the Druid order which is slowly introducing Chris- strangers. With this latest title, he has shifted his set- material. In much the same context as his previous Alessandra becomes fixated on him and what he can tianity to the land, and the restis history. ting from Portugalto Spain, more specifically the city titles, Von Da« niken sets out to prove that the gods teach her. Times are changing and Savanorola has A compelling fictional portrait of this well-known of Seville during the Easter celebrations. Police associated with early myths and belief structures created a city filled with suspicion and violence in saintdelivered by an accomplished author. inspector Falcon is investigating the murder of a were in reality extra-terrestrials who left their mark which wonderful art of the era is destroyed. EB wealthy restauranteur whose eyelids have been cut on earth and on man'shistory. Alessandra makes a marriage of convenience to a out, forcinghimtowatch avideofroma chair towhich They can be seen, in many cases, as representing man in love with her brother. She must ride out the MARILLIER, Juliet he has been bound. This grisly murder upsets Falcon the winged angels populating the Bible, Koran and period of fundamentalist destruction and hope for a Wolfskin.- Tor, 2003. unlike other murders he has investigated and during other religious texts from cultures from all over the the course ofthe book he verges onthe edge of a ner- return of the luxury, learning and art that is present An historical fantasy set during early Viking times world. Readable and controversial as ever, the vous breakdown. Not only are others viciously mur- inother Italianstatesofthetime. Shemust also create telling the story of two friends, each with very dif- author does allow for some interesting observations dered, but he finds a photograph of his father in the her own unique and unconventional life without ferent ideas of what they wish for the future. Eyvind on which to reflect. dead man's flat. His father, who was Spain's most upsetting the social structures ofthe time. who lives on a prosperous farm in Norway has one EB famous painter after Picasso, died recently and left A wonderfully evocative and atmospheric novel. great desire and that is to become aWolfskin, an elite his house to Falcon. He starts going through his WASON, David Dunant's soulful, imaginative writing brings alive the order of warriors devoted to the service of the war father'sstudio of artworks and comes across his dia- Renaissance, Florence and its people. Her heroine is god Thor. Somerled, on the other hand, is a slightly- Battlefield detectives: what really happened ries that he had started as a young man withthe For- a sympathetic character and the tension and pace of built boy, introverted and very bright, who desires to on the world's most famous battlegrounds.- eign Legion. The murder investigation and the thenovelarewelljudged,makingthereaderreluc- be a king. As the years pass,Eyvind becomes aWolf- Granada, 2003. uncovering of his father's past are tied together and tant to put it down. Well researched, this is a vividly skin and together with Somerled ends up in the threaten to overwhelm the recently-divorced A fascinating new title based on recent research, at portrayedperiodinthehistoryofFlorenceandwill Orkney Islands. There Somerled's brother, Ulf, has inspector. what really took place at seven well-known battle appealto anyone who enjoys a good historicalnovel. set up a Viking colony with the permission of the king As withWilson'sother recent novels, thisis notjust sites. Here the combined effort of a selection of `bat- KM ofthe aboriginalinhabitants. a police procedural with an exotic setting, but a psy- tlefield detectives' which include archaeologists, for- Somerled, now corrupt with ambition, murders his KENEALLY,Thomas chological portrait of a man and a gripping explora- ensic scientists, military experts and metal- brother, places the blame on the local inhabitants, tion ofthe historicalpastonthe present. detectorists, reveal that there is more to history The office of innocence.- Sceptre, 2002. and incites the Vikings to massacre them in order to JdeB thanjust broad outlines. The results oftheir research Thelatest novel fromthis acclaimed award-winning declare himself king. enable the reader to understand why events turned author is set in wartime Australia. In an outlying Meanwhile Eyvind discovers Somerled'streachery, out the way they did. Famous battles covered are Sydney suburb, James Darragh is a newly ordained falls in love with the local king's daughter and with her *** YOUNG ADULT FICTION Hastings, Agincourt, the Spanish Armada,Waterloo, Catholic curate, working zealously to maintain the aid sets matters right. Balaklava,Little BigHorn and Gallipoli. faith amongst his parishioners who are anxiously An engaging and riveting story of early Norse set- TIENERLEKTUUR This title accompanies a major television series and awaiting the Japanese invasion. When a young tlement in the Orkney Islands by the author of the allows for some riveting reading. woman, whom Darragh has been counselling is mur- acclaimed Sevenwaters trilogy. EB dered, the Church'sfirst reaction is to send Darragh EB on retreat, out ofthe way ofthe police and the press. CASSIDY,Anne On his return, an American serviceman, in the NAIR, Preethi Love letters.- Scholastic, 2003. *** ADULT FICTION secrecy of the confessional, admits to the murder. Atfirst Vickyis flattered when she starts receiving Darragh is precipitated into a classic conflict between One hundred shades of white.- VOLWASSE VERHALENDE HarperCollins, 2003. anonymousloveletters. Sheinitiallysuspectsherbest his faith and his conscience, obedience to the Church friend'solderhalf-brother whom she fancies andthen Attheageoffour,Mayaistakenwithhermother LEKTUUR against his personal feelings of grief and revenge, and aboyinherclass.Butthingstakeadarkerturnwhen Nalini and her older brother Satchinto live in London, crippling personal doubts about his fitness for his the married store manager atthe shop where she has where her father has businessinterests. Her beloved calling. a part-time job owns up. Mr Messenger is a stalker, grandmother and her native India are left behind. DEANER, Janice A multi-layered novel, tension-filled and enter- appearing in all kinds of situations, seemingly out of Later, however, their father Raul abandons them taining, and with serious undertones regarding the blue, but in wait for her. There are never any wit- Notes on extinction.- Plume, 2003. and they are forced to take lodgings in a slum, with a motives and morals. Keneally's portrayal of a good nesses and so her parents and the police do not Will Mendelsohn'slife's work has been a huge book prostitute, Maggie, and her adult son,Tom. Maggie and pious man battling with the constraints of his faith believe her and suspect that she is deluded. Vicky on world extinction of species. When his wife acci- finds Nalini work in a factory, and the children are is compelling. decides to take matters into her own hands and dis- dentally sets fire to their home and destroys the told that their father is dead. Discovering that Nalini BK covers that she is not his first victim. book,Will leaves her and sets off to write another has a talent for cooking, Maggie and Tom encourage Cassidy writes realistic novels for teenagers, book - an eyewitness account. In Assam, India, he LAWHEAD, Stephen her to start her own business, specialising in Indian usually with an element of suspense. She is particu- meets GraceTagore, an American screenwriter mar- cookeryanditsmystical applications. Theirlives start Patrick: son of Ireland.- HarperCollins, 2003. larly good at portraying two aspects of adolescence ried to a wealthy Indian merchant and they begin a to improve and Nalini has a chance to remarry. An epic fictional biography which covers the early - developing teenage sexuality and the way in which passionate affairjust as politicalviolence erupts. Maya, however, has many issues to work through years of the famous Irish saint. It opens during the teenagers can live wholly separate lives from their A lyrical and compelling novel that explores the as she grows up. She questions her mother's integrity summer of 405AD when Irish raiders pillage the wes- parents. In this book she is particularly good also at drivetowards extinction andloss, along withthe pos- inlyingabouther father'sdeath, and doubtsher step- tern coast of Wales, taking Succat, a sixteen-year- depicting the changing relationship between Vicky sibility of recovery and hope that is bound up with father'smotives in marrying her mother. A trip back old-son of a prominent Roman family prisoner. Sold and her best friend Jen, who has changed from a bit love. A strong opening to the novel is followed by to India in search of her roots helps her to develop into slavery, he becomes shepherd for a minor Irish of a swot likeVicky,into a boy-crazed flirt who is not seamless and elegant prose. her sense of identityand come toterms withthe truth king. After various attempts of escape, Succat gains discriminating with her affections. KM of her past. the attention of novice Druid,Cormac, and so begins JdeB his initiation into the Druid faith.

% Kaapse Bibl.,Jul/Aug 2003 Cape Libr., Jul/Aug 2003 23 24 PRACTICAL

highlight are complex and dealt with in a challenging *** JUVENILE FICTION and thought-provoking way. JEUGLEKTUUR JdeB PRELLER, Martie Ek is Simon.- Tafelberg, 2003. BANKS, Kate Klein Simon maak een aand sy boek oop en begin Close your eyes.- David Bennett, 2002. lees. Hy lees van die sterk olifant, die vinnige duiker, snore/smell. Theycan be told to sit up and A little tiger is reluctantto go to sleep, giving his rea- die slim spinnekop, die ratse apie en die vlakvark. sons to his mother for notdoing so. For everyconcern Maar dit bly nie net daar nie: Simon word deel van wakeup, orleavethelibrary.Streetchildren of his, his mother provides a comforting answer. die weª reld. En meteens voel hy swak teen die sterk can become rowdy and older ones frighten When he admits that he is afraid of the dark, her olifant, om van die ander diere nie eens te praat nie: smaller children in the children's answer is truly philosophical and re-assuring, as she hy voelonnoselenlompteen hulle. Boonopverteldie department. See the standardlibrary by- vlakvark vir hom hoelelik hyis. Simon voelnouregtig matter-of-factly states that`dark is justthe other side law clause16:No person shall... Display it in of light'and that she will always be there if he needs sleg. Dit is eers nadat sy ouers hom vertel van sy her. This soothes him and sets his fears at rest. The unieke eienskappe en vaardighede dat Simon beter a prominent place on a laminated card so bright, almost warm atmospheric illustrations by voel. Bevat aksiebelaaide kleur-illustrasies deur Vian you can flashit atthe personyou are asking Georg Hallensleben blend in satisfactorily with the Oelofsen. Prettige verhaal wat op 'n slim wyse die to leave. story. kwessie van selfaanvaarding aanspreek. EB EMW . Damaged material KELLY, Mij WORMELL, Chris One can become involved in endless and Ihate everyone.- D.Bennett Bks., 2002. Tw o f r o g s . - Cape, 2003. sometimes acrimonious arguments with Queen Bee is very rude and demanding and never An amusing picture book featuring two frogs borrowers who disclaim responsibility to eversayspleasewhenaskingthestaffatherpalace holding a conversation on a lily pad in the middle of a damage. In summer we regularly display for anything. Whenever they ask her to say please, large pond. The one is holding a stick and the other heat/beach-damaged books to make bor- she responds by insulting them. She is so furious that questions his reasons for doing that. For every ques- rowers aware ofthe damage which can be she locks herself away in a deep dark dungeon and tion, the frog with the stick delivers a witty answer. caused. Amazing too that most borrowers there realises the error of her ways. With its expres- Later when a passing heron snaps them up into its sive text, and large painterly illustrations by Ruth beak, the stick certainly comes in handy in their who damage a video claimto have brand Palmer, this is great fun while teaching a lesson about escape. They both swim ashore and look for more new VCRs. Accurate noting of damage is manners. sticks. veryimportant so thatone does not hold JdeB The vivid illustrations are a real treat and comple- the innocent responsible for damage. ment this sophisticated story. MABALA, Richard EB . Fined borrowers The special gift.- Maskew Miller Longman, There are some borrowers who regu- 1996. Compiled by JEANETTE VOSLOO document (ID) and proof of home address larly argue aboutfines: they have renewed One in a series of graphic novels produced by Assistant Director, Metropole Region andillwillis created before a person even UNICEF-ESAROs Communications Section, devel- Note: At the time of going to press, some of these titles were their books, or they have paid the fine on a still on order. joins. Elderlypeople seemto be particularly oped by a team of artists, writers and researchers in previous occasion. No easy answer- try to affronted as they think one is questioning eastern and southern Africa in which problems spe- he pasttenyears have seen many give the borrower the benefitofthe doubt- cific to girl children and teenagers, living in rural and their honesty. An ID numberis a search changes in the daily tasks that unless he is a habitual`offender' who tries his peri-urban areasinthe region, are addressed. Sarais T librarians are confronted with. fieldonPALSandwehavetocheckthata luck with every member of staff. Fortu- ayoung teenage girlwholivesin an East Africanvillage BK Brenda Kyle SCity Libraries) borroweris not a member elsewhere/does and through the stories, she becomes a role model Librariansin general willprobably agree nately,with PALS, one can make discreet not have outstanding material or fines and symbol of children'srights as she faces and copes EB Erich Buchhaus thatthey are often faced with issues never (NB - because borrowers read the screen) with specific problems as well as seeing how the pro- elsewhere. A borrower must have proof of EMW Ethney Waters before experienced by their predecessors. notes about such cases. One must always blems of others in the community are dealt with. address so thatoverdue and other notices Wehave encouragedlibrarians to share give a borrower a till slip as proof of his pay- These graphic novels have a set of notes at the back reachthe correct address. (A summonsis JdeB Johanna de Beer some ofthese situations with us as well as to ment, particularly if it is a large amount. to guide teachers and group facilitators so that the also served at a home address and notin a themescanbe exploredwithyoungpeoplein a group provide us with possible solutions. The KM Katherine Moon SCity Libraries) post box address.) It is common practice in situation. responsewasquitesurprising-somuchso . Noisy borrowers This story addresses the issue of girls being taken MY MarionYudelman SCity Libraries) that we will probably publish a follow-up business to ask for proof of details before Particularlyinthe reference section out of school when there is not enough money to pay article in a next issue. opening an account. A borrower may take where youwantthemto be quiet. We for their education and/or they are needed at home thousands of rands of material on a card. recently had two female studentsgoing at orinthe community towork. Saraloves school andis Librariesdonotaskforadepositas,for devastated when she is told that she has to leave for 3 each other with fisticuffs because the one Suggestions from... example,Eskom does - libraries merely her father, who works in the city,has not sent money was trying to study and the otherignored forher school fees and sheis needed at home to fetch require a recent proof of address. her requestto be quiet. Solution: show firewood. A book with science experiments, on loan Bellville Library borrower who talks a yellow card asking fromher teacher, enables Sara and her friendto build . Homeless/street children Ilze Swart, Chief Librarian himtobequiet.Ifhedoesnotlisten,show a fuel-friendly stove that demonstrates the value of They are not necessarily borrowers but him a red card whichtells himto leave the education. This title also explores issues of local poli- they frequentthe library because itis a tics, gender and corruption in her community.The reference section. Keeping young children . Proof of address warm and comfortable place to sit/sleep/ Saratitles, withtheircartoon-style format and acces- Prospective members cannot under- quiet is more problematic. sible presentation, appear simple, butthe issues they read the newspapers. Other borrowers stand why they have to produce an identity complain aboutthem because they sleep/

Kaapse Bibl.,Jul/Aug 2003 Cape Libr., Jul/Aug 2003 25 26 PRACTICAL DOCUMENTARY FOCUS

. Thieves . Drunken patrons behavein a similar way under special circumstances can be Calling all Have discovered thatthelibrarycan offer but can be removed much easier. overturned. good pickings because people are concen- . In the case of serious fighting in the . The staff has been giventhe rightto use aspiring trating on finding a book or information. library,whenthe securityguard cannot their discretion in certain matters. Warning notices about keeping an eye on control the situation, the city'slaw enfor- Everybody works on the basis of trust your possessions are necessary.Cellphones cementofficers are calledinto dealwith and respect and anycomplaints about sport heroes, and purses are particularly vulnerable, the problem. staff is referred to the librarian. At no especially when borrowers are making . The mostefficient way to dealwith a dif- stagewillastaffmemberbeinvolvedin trainers and photocopies. ficultcustomeris to remain calm and badmouthing a colleague. Complaints Treating everyone with courtesy and speakin a confident manner without aboutthe libraryclosing earlier due to enthusiasts! respect and having a friendly and helpful hesitation, especially when explaining staff shortages are referred tothelibrary attitude is a great defuser of problem situa- library procedures and rules. manager. tions and borrowers. . The mostimportant aspectof dealing Encourage staff to refer problem bor- Compiled by HENNELIE DE KLERK then discusses allthe variations on each. The movement and tactics as observed during with difficult patrons is to keep them rowers/situationstoalibrarian,whoshould Publications and Promotions details are as follows: fielding and - training sessions withtheir match equiva- Belhar Library informed. They need to understand why preferably take the borrower out of the keeping (with and Bob lents, so thatthe application of what has Samantha Barreiro, Librarian certain rules cannot be broken and public eye before speaking to them. Habi- ew can deny the factthat your aver- Taylor), pace bowling (with and been practised can be seenimmediately othersbe adapted. A queryon a blocked tual troublemakers love an audience. age South Africanis`sport mad'. Norman Cowans), spin bowling (with John afterwards. In each case a top player talks Belhar Libraryhas traditionally focussed on card, for example, for outstanding fines F What with the French Open and Emburey,Phil Edmonds and Abdul Qadir), about his role inthe team and discusses the improving customer service. It is our policy need to be carefully explained to the Wimbledonjustcompleted, it'sslap-bang batting: the back strokes (with ), special skills required for his position. The to gothe extra mile forourpatrons. Itdoes, patron. We should not assume that Delft Library into and the Rugby World Cup. and batting: the forward strokes (with lastchapter deals withthe importance of however, sometimes happen that a patron patrons know whatour procedures are Ingrid Neethling, Librarian We've put together a short selection of Graham Gooch). physical fitness and depicts a demanding set cannot be appeased or placated. Inthese and therefore need to be clear and titles onthese and other types of sportto Othercricket titles: of exercises devised byTom Hudson, cases where the patron demands service transparent in our service . At Delft Library the appointed security inspire your users to great heights! The Bob Woolmer way (volumes 1-5) director of physical education at Bath above and beyond whatis offered the fol- guard deals with difficultcustomers. How- . Our overallpolicyis to assist and serve Hard ball: the history of black cricket in University. Also included is historial news- lowing procedures are followed: ever, there are occasions when the librarian within set parameters. Any deviation South Africa reel footage, featuring talented players of or staff have to deal with difficult patrons. fromthese must be addressed by the Highlights of the 1993/94 World Series the past, amongstthem some South . The patronis calmly addressed and librarian andprocedures andthereasons 10 years of Western Province cricket. Africans. handled. If at any stage verbal abuse is . Administrative problems, for example, foritsimportance should be explainedto Other rugby titles: usedthe staffmember willaskthepatron fine notices, damaged items, et cetera, patrons. Our aimis service delivery and All Blacks vs Springboks to refrain from swearing or ask him/her are dealt with by explaining procedures we will do whatever is within our power Battle of the giants to leave the library and return when a andrules. Ifthe problemisonour sidewe to deliver an efficient and effective ser- 101 rugby tries more civil and productive conversation promise to follow-up the query and vice. Rugby World Cup 1995 cantake place. Atno stage willthe staff informthe patronwhenithasbeen WP-rugby: die eerste eeu. solved. If, however, the problem is as a member become embroiledin an argu- Ours is not a perfect world and if all else resultofthe patron'sown actions, we ment with a patron. fails, remember to remain calm. Bear in tactfully explain our procedures, for . The staff member will not allow him/ mindthatyouasalibrarianarenotalonein example, loading of fines, damages, lost herselfto be forced to make allowances the dilemmas facing you and that you at This game of cricket / producer, books, et cetera, and then implement it. for difficult patrons if it goes against the least have the support of your colleagues. Peter Bucknall; director,Jack . Rowdy patrons are asked to leave the procedures and policies ofthe library Remember, if all else fails, go for an Indian Dennis. service. If the patrons insist with these head massage..! Focus on rugby / producer,Ray library-theassistanceofthesecurity This five-part series, made for the National demandshe/sheis senttothelibrarianfor Marshall; director,Terry Ryan. guardis normallyrequested. Cricket Association, is intended to assist resolution of the problem. 3 Made with the cooperation of the Rugby . Verbally abusive patrons are difficult to cricket coaches at school, club and even Unions of Wales,Ireland,Scotland,England, control, the staff would point out to the . The most common complaint is that of county or provincial level by showing a France,New Zealand and Australia, this patronthat her/his behaviouris unac- patrons stillwanting to use the old number of internationalplayersin actionin series often programmesisintended to give ceptable, but verylittle can be done dockets and their reaction whenthey their specific fields. Using specially-staged Focus on soccer/ producer,Ray players and coaches an in-depth look at the exceptto letthe patron blow off steam; realise thatthey need to wait a week. demonstrations, extracts from top class Marshall; director,Terry Ryan. training routines of some of the world's top they tendtoleave assoon astheyhave Thisis an operational procedure and matches, slow motion and animation, it Madein cooperation withThe Football rugby players. Itdevotes separate chapters had their say. illustrates the basic techniques of bowling, League, this series of seven programmes is to key positions onthe field andintercuts batting, fielding and wicket-keeping, and intended to give players and coaches an

Kaapse Bibl.,Jul/Aug 2003 Cape Libr., Jul/Aug 2003 27 28 DOCUMENTARY FOCUS

in-depth look at the training routines of In addition the filmmakers have employed some of England's top soccer stars. Begin- sophisticated, computer-enhanced cine- ning with a brief introduction to the history matic techniques to bring out details of the of the game and a demonstration of basic action. McEnroe and Lendl take turns to skills, itdevotes separate chapters to key narrate and the music they use is by The positions on the field. It intercuts move- Police ( Walking on the moon), The Cars ments and tactics as observed during club (Shake it up),Blondie (Shayla), The Preten- training sessions with their match equiva- ders (Time the avenger)andTheMotels lents, so thatthe application of what has (Forever mine). been practised can be seen immediately Other tennis titles: afterwards. In each case a top player talks Borg vs McEnroe about his role inthe team and discusses the Ten years of Wimbledon1971-1980. special skills required for his position. Also included is historical newsreel footage, in Keep fit with karate /director, which soccer stars ofthe past are seenin Barry Morel. action, illustrating how changesinthe game Alocal productionin which South African have come about. The films arenarratedby karate expert Stan Schmidttakesa squadof Hugh Johns, with Sir Matt Busby acting as his pupils through a series of workouts. All series consultant. the exercises are derived from basic karate Other soccer titles: moves and are designed to re-shape, re- condition and re-create the body, without The people's game (volumes 1-3) wasting any energy or effort. The pro- Teaching kids soccer. gramme is divided into three parts, repre- senting the three stages of growth - Teach your children to swim / elementary,intermediate and advanced - and viewers are advised notto tackle any of producer, Chris Davies. the sophisticated techniques before the This video programme is meantfor use by basicshavebeenmastered. Pleasenotethat parents and teachers who wouldlike prac- the video is intended for use by individuals ticalguidance and a clearly-structured interested in getting fit through karate and course for teaching young children to swim. is not primarily meantto teach karate as a It consists of five lessons, each following the discipline. Other karate titles: school syllabus ofthe Gauteng Department Beginning karate of Education from Standards1to 5, butitcan Essentials of karate. also be followed atthe individual child'slevel The winning edge: private lessons of proficiency over a shorter period oftime. Other sport titles of interest: with the pros / producer,Rob The instructoris one of South Africa'sfore- Thefun,theart,thetriumph:allyouneed Walker; director, JohnYandell. most swimming coaches,Mo Lamont, who to know about road running In the introduction it is explained that this begins with confidence building, breathing Great golf courses of Southern Africa videowasmadeto helpthe viewer play and floating exercises and then progresses Hunters better tennis. In five brief lessons,John fromthe dog paddle to the crawl, back Self-Defence McEnroe and Ivan Lendlteach us how to stroke, breast stroke and butterfly. Also Solo ascent develop the basic shots and how to put included are progressively more advanced 1992 Summer Olympics - Basketball & them together into winning strategies. The instructions on diving and life saving, as well boxing firstthree lessons cover groundstrokes, as some useful information on competitive Supercharged: the grand prix car1924- volleys and serve, and the two advanced swimming. 1939. onesillustrate how to win and break serve. Other swimming titles: The players starteachlesson by pointing 1992 Summer Olympics - Swimming & Put these titles to good use together with a out key elements to watch for and explain diving display on book titles - remember a healthy why they use music when practising. The Teaching kids swimming. bodyinspires a healthymind. demonstrations were filmed indoors Note: Reviews by Freddy Ogterop, Film/Video/ against a neutral dark background, which DVD Selector. prevents the viewer from being distracted. 3

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