’■ « r tT.i >.*• ! > , t i’; - .,

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..Mi* HINT. I- LOCOGlt. »EN>S ROAD, HASTIIi q i , bht de-i!ing to rou.” NO. 3105 lS m t « , C rate,. Tton»»r» - xt . b Cnotjlirs.i fm in s Geut'ii luid. I,adi(s’ tTiS£?i

— Send your Curtains, and .iKm vanous m 'm: IFI^D 8Ml|rH.l DROBK DEALER^ N-S-JtOAD, HASlaNGsi e a n i n g I Qoito, Bbikeu. : .Joorl oritcj cireu fo| T.^i^ bV raet-cfl CEOTHINg ] C n jfffi* paiocU valued aud m o n « retur^^ Public Notice 1 on iw vipt of Podtcard.! Public Notices. Public .Notice. COUNT^r BORbUGH OF BASTINGS. wm I i ■ Prclmilnary Nolica. Es t p r i c e s G aiety T<*eatre, JH astings. I SCHOOL OF . ART. CHn-DREN S, and GEN*i« E ast S ussex J I ospital, BAZAAR IN LIEU OP ITITE FOR RM t, of all kinc«. Ladies traSS Itm agnr: MR. H. W. RO\V^ND. I poatenrd. poatontd. Hradyttoadr «Wh.«wh. .« or ' i BRASSEY INSXirUTE ' ■> Bc&idont ^^hopers MR. 3. E. StiDTT. P atriotic R easons On belwlf of DR. B.lRNARDO’S HOMES fO-DAV (SATURDAY), A P R IL Slfit, atl 2.30 e&4 7.15, / H astings. ,St.- Liioaiards Branob), kS DENNIS. I Leai Deffonnancee of MR. -R. K A Y E’ 8 Compa|ay In ■ , JU M V 20th naid 2l«t. m 7 ' {D.V.), PREPARE FOR THE COMMERCIAL W AR In the MASONIO HALL. J)MBE ROAD KOitTH, IhG^oDoriaously. Auccesstui ReYuo:— , | s i l \-^:k h [Ll , ' Various ComiietitihUH mid AttracLiona. H esdM astefi P. W . C O LE, A .R ,C .A . (Lend;) (on Active,Ser»ice). •i .-si» ■■■„ ST. LEOX.ARDS-0\-SR^ he hirl of the **T 'V^ TowiN.** PoUNfii H ay. Acting^ Hesdinaster: H. T^ICKNER, A.S.A.M ., ‘ 1st Glass From tbe FalIadinm.'.^I.ondc a, H o n o u r s of Education. newS Ctosanthebiiiliiat: S t ir i w T aOMDAY.^^ A PR IL 23rdi SIX bllG IT S at 7.15, SATURDAY,, APRIL '28111. Money. E D . FatabUslici 23 ya During M r. Cole’s ’absence'the Life, Drawing, Painting,'and U A T lN ia e SA TURDAY.-. 2,30: - I o n Bttaws^^^ abd BESNIT, a q i. LEONARD LAURENCE and Ccuupany Poster Classes are being conducted by E . LESLIE feA D ljA M , ALER, GORDON V1L1..A I . BATTL® t e O te iapot •UfioaselTjl DetectiTO Play o: modem UmcB, ■ R.B.A., Exhibitor R.A., Paris Salon, International, Etc. LVKDS, Trill give- ibeet prioot fM PLEASE HELP BY BRINGING OR SENDING fs are now to be seen in a M, Gpntr.oraen’!!, loud Ohildren'^ M O N E Y. MNO APPARKL of erery dciicriptio^ EITHER MONEY OR C^l^FTS IN KIND/ Miss Lt ; M, HAYLOCK. A^R C.A- (Design), Design, [S’LV ONE ADDRESS. **AfcIAS JilMi&Y V aI ENTllllE.’ FROM Sio- (0 £1000. Em broidery and Crafts, W eaving.'Lettering ahdTrinting.' , TH pomnmni.'arione 1 sbnru 1Id, be ae»| . 42ier^ Comedy Theatre, I m ndc^ ■ ' ' ; T ' ! ^ ’ - v l I Villa, BettKvroad, I St. Lwnardi, ' ' Anyon. reqm'rins Tamnoiary L e n s e*n Ii*t* i.ai« loatptlv attended £ii'Stance m opsik Commence 7.15. P ices 4s. to 6d. at f.Ir ret. of Int.rMt; aim Bill, of Sal. a tttnted. V F R A N K F e n n e l l s , SpecUI Elementary and 'Secondary- ' object. ! V bL 07» S t, E eonards P ier P avilion. Apply LandaPa Local Aganta:— Teachers* C ourse..' MESSRS. COHEN « COHEN. to the'shoi^oom • - -5 S2, WESTERN ROAD, BEXHILL. H. TICK NER, A S-AaM.,: M odelling, Architecture, Anatomy |US ARTICLES— anted. ti^ASTlNCS P ier P wilion. • arid C rafts.' . to 1 M odaa5|»|pp|i iLINCt-^Mrs.. MedliurEt; 25« Lom*' . A l G r a n d ' E ntertainment ^ 8 Ladlc«’, Gent'di aim , Oeqecal Manager: MR. CHARLES HAWKER; 4. le; oarriag# lo r ^ i _ C ^ 'ldreS ard. ______^AJlm01 (m m DAILY, at S' and L4S;— WEDNESD.AY, JIPtelL jssib, S 7.30 p.m. 1. e s te e i ;d. •Jlery,' O^ioamee. Iftsd lOe. . HARRY . 3ENEX preeents tb{oe« Fomona IHtM Commenci^ APRIL 1917}’ 1«M:: .--aliM aont F.O. WaraiobM And 901, Qneen*e-^., H i- - teteia |l • -..-v IJs-.;- -v«. GASH ADVANCED X U c t i ^ toM Prospectus and Particulars of -this Central' and. jp^erfectly is; GROCERS, fdai^ c e d i m r i . " = ^R«SATlLE8tr', parcJiaao for ca<^, W 7 ApBiS T he G^Nadian- ' . £ lo ^ , ,, TO quanti^ . MR. TiEEDHAM STANL^. e AsoittedV...— by: • .tiia 2 GameonI — .1 _ DutyX.1 ' —X—w Ortiaitra. —— # Is, to Railway SiAtioii.^A liplj-)i •■Pact IT Pricce oua u ^ u l By hind pemufi^ion and under tho patronaeo of er ** Office, Hagtins —ajl • COIa, H . H. MATTHl^WSi 1 D.8.O.. O.C. Troops, in STRICT TRIVACY on NOTE To provide,1 .Ta a funds.. .. .3 towanijX .9 - 'mcetl49 . _ - X , I .* flicxay - heavya______*Mpenditur©» .3 . X.. lOUOHTi Xifton, Boote, etc.; caek OPBOIAL CONCERT ON SUNDAY, a | 7.45, b^ I»arL«l«; bankero'| jef< involved in extendins to “ fianngw,’* ^uarrj^^llL St. ot HAND only WITHOUT Sureties j . Wpfst, Ca-nterbury:. once.—Mrfc ^onardEr^^Seu, the woirk of jWert Dene Red Cross r i a teas T he M unicipal OaepsTRA, Hc«pital, This addition ie Iwing mode in respoiuse to fold OIL PAINTIKG, old copper. or Fees. ' ; » article.—Box 28, “ Snae Vocaltet: MISS DORIS NtCHOtSON/ the urseat oa>U Irom'^SeadQuaitei^ for more - beds- I E*pr?Si/« RRRCKANT BEECH in Monojogue**- Musical Scena, “ Tho Merryl Monks,’* Sgt. A. B.‘ Educational. E'ducktiohal. j_al3» Bwch, Pte. R. W. Hudson, Sgt. EldreiL Cpl. W\ Ehund rCLOTHING: ladi^' AfterncciL Tens and Befreshmente at (popular m ice...... — » a«xi|10*', MBii' DObciu^ m the Shore . Pavilion HKhtiy ai 7.30. Williams, Sgt. Fogff, Sgt. J . MillM» Sgt. D. B. .‘■o^ - J ' ' uii'te j; nipchiphsit zoarbafi Flewelline, Cpl. Jones. Paldce-M.,. O tQtPi’burT AAmieeion ftd. .- . I . LEWIS PHILLIPS, Jap Silk, ett.v .are: a ndtable _ a a Box ,Bq11 Alleys, Rifio .Saloons, etc. { Bao Dances by Mb>s Nancy Radford. Ladies’ - Establishments. Ladies' EstABLisHMENTS. Jpbase,. -any Quantity ^< f■ W 'ASTi . Soloe by/ Sjrt. Eldircd (Tenor!^ Pte. B . W. Hudson fip era .; aoAicnmt boi>rB. 1*h itoiis,,booi,,i (Baritone), SgU Fogg {Violin}, S ^ ._ A. B. Beech 31, Gowir Street London, W.C. L’J; piron Piioloi «iiirlic etir.ee. te EXHOUTH HOUSE SCHOOL. f o r g i r l s AND'KlNDERGARtTEN. Fxesontory ; g l e r T T E v r . |p IRON and METALS- . a n y quan- C inema H e iUXE. laiwion to any third p% ' . Screaming •'Faroe by .Harry Grattan, • _ for : fioyg. BCBOOL < FOR OIRtS AND KINDERaABTXIt, i ^ y eecuriMf HASTINGS. EXMOOTH PLACE, HASTINGS. m.—G. R. Jaokgoni X ti •t Iron lui^ “ PACKINQj UP.” ^. UOUliX BOAO. - V- anterbury. Tele. IH MONEY LENT. Sound Genenu Educavon at moderate fe|a. Course of trCl CO-DAY (SATURDAY) Cast.—Mias Cicely Hesseyt'S^t- A. B, Beech, Cpl. Jones, instructioD c&mprhMI Englith Subject*, French Icoaver- lUmoTte .fitnulEdmiiiia Boad to Um r rTlintiH - ■| •ationai), Phy«ic«l Orul, CTiaas Singing,*^l>rairiDC* Paiutinr, - THE FLYING TORPEDO.- .i; Accompanist: M ni Scarlyn JWilson. £10 to £5,000, . THOROUaHLY SOUND ' EDUCATION, with Pte 331 35 & 37; t etc. Preparationi for Oxford- and Canbridse Locale. ptntloa , tor .gnmbi^o Locals,, OoUm e t FisniRate, KONDAY, APRIL 23rd. and ALL T«E W E6K:- College of Preceptbrs. Needlework, and AMoeiated Boara Roys: Diawine So«i«&,' London "lusutats (or NmiUw 'Ekama.' ,work. and Associated Board 'EzatninkUbno. Tickete, 3s., 2s., Is., can be obtained from Messrs. d v a n c e s ma<^e at a feir hour# notic« / St. harlie haplin *^ng Brea.’ Libraries, St. Leonards and Hastings.; A Principal - AOSS HAYHUBST. ' 1 ■ Proassotni on ■ anpUoation; i C C i w s . S ^ ly n W ihou, 7, Warrior Square; and Sergeant ■upon. Simple Promiesory Notes to all Muilo MistTMs ELSIE L. HAYHURST. Principa);, M S S E. -VVALMaLEY • , ' • r r ; : In ojarthet NEW COMEDY, i A. B . Beech, 12, lilversfield Pmoe. responsible Applicants. NestXTapn oonanonoe* .Tuesday,* May. tth. ■BEHIND TH E SCREEljr." MONDAY, TUESDAY, Tend rWEDNE^AY. APRIL STRICTEST PEivA c t a s s u r e d . I HOME SCHOOL, «fd, Mth, and 25thr— p HOTEL Mj^ROPOLE, ROmRTSON TERRACE, 5, dHURCH ROAD, ’ , : s. HlCHiEL’S PBEFABATOBT HAST4NGS. No Fees Ciarged or Sureties Required. :. ; »- . Triansle Drama,. 1 ST. LpONARDS-ON-SEA. SCHOOL. ' "THE ,RA1PBR8." | A S elect D ance Principal . .. .. MISS HUDSON. 20, CHARLES ROAD. fliirticultuxal Phendnienay” *Fatlio Gazet^,-a^d UPPER ST. Le 6 n a RDS-ON-8EA. y e t i i ir« y o u r (m u r t r y 's ewLjLt .t 1 Keystone:— , 1 _ Will be held at- the above on . Apply in Btrict confidence to the old- HIGH CLASS BOXr DING SCHOOL tor tho Email FR ID A Y . APRIL; 27th, 7.30-12 p.m.. r CBtatdished fiiim. of ; i ^acipal: . MISS AMY. TAYLOR. . “ NEVER ■ AGAIN.*' j ana on- gone and daughters , of gentlemen,.v!.- 1 ‘ .TIYATE THE LAItO'r 2 "J... , TUESDAY, AY 1st, l ^ e s s r s . BARNARD k Prcspt--?his on application. • BOYS and QIRILS thoroughly gronaded-in all BrauoliM IMUmSDAY, FRIDAY, on®- SATURDAY, lAPBIti Another C rand CO.. 1. Of li. h’Ocdj ^ucaiion and prepared, tor other ecohole. .IHk. ritb. and 28tb;— FANCY DRESg DANCE. i. BANE BUILDINGS, BASjTINGS. The Sunmer Term begihe ' y * '' -fTT'i...... WiU be held at the ROSE AND BATES, ‘ XtttiilaatibDS. titirieged Chcheitja. ■ ] Patron: THE LORD b i s h o p o p CHICHESTER. QUEEN’S HOTEL,, HASTINGS, xx^axi. _ Haa ivo'w, working in - -bis- Daetj^det a " SlIMFLFiX " “ lifOTOB - --IFtitM ■ TBACTOB^- C entral P icture T heatpe. Ouncins taught by MUi V; V. Boiingl^ke ipupil of Chaumaa of Council:^ ilptors & Mas Ou W EDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1917, SIR W. MACKWOKTH YOUNG, K.C.8.I., M.A., J.P.- (THfi HOUSE OF QUALITY), ‘ C om a^ cing at 6.30 .sharp. Indame OHvlwlIi.- w ith ptoujrh sd‘S cultivator. PloughiiDg Idone by oanttiki.'' Apj^y^^tealUxofornui.l:’ -Next term coratuencea on Tueaday, May 1st. PRINCIPAL: m ss C. BATTYE iFiniil Honour |e South Coast HASTINGS. Ticketa 1b- School-of-Natural S^eaoe,^Oxford; Lette- Aaatftaat 'Mif Horu Secretary: Mrs. Kate Burtoii, 23, Norman Road, dioii ’Trketor- can be seen at work.. , o F r i c r .; — trees'Of the Glaphhm'High SffiyooJ lor-Girli, Loodoa; MONDAY NEXT. 23rd APRIL, for THREE Di.Y^t-x St. Looharde. i Late Lecturer Univerfity of London. -»o. \ 46, Loadoa Koad, St. Lcositxcp, FESMAIN. The Jb6gn;.ar Staff includes lERTSON 8TR s e t , “D aphne ANto the P irate’ ~T HOLLIHGTQir MISS FLEMING^ B.A., London (with louden Ts&chen* ' ST. . LEONARDS-ON-SEA. .Dipi<«naJ. . • f- - y ■HASTINGS. A ttagodficent Trhmglo prama in five acts, fciturinj ST. JOHN’S c h u r c h ; HOLLINGTON. Principal; . _ . .. mss PEAT. HISS F . E. WALTERS. Closaioal Tripoa, Guton »F. BEXHtLT,. TIRJ( rHTON, the deJikhtluL LILLIAN G ISH .- CoKege, Camh:, Cambridge TeocherB* Dip.Oma. > SI? BRIDGH w e l l s , i an ■ Episode 4 of “ LIBERTY.” MISA WILLIS, Modern'LdDtfUaKu Tnpoe, Ginon Ctfilege, i CHI. MARY PICKFORD, and luU pTOgremmk* I a s h AUVANCES made o n . Diamond - Gunbridge. ■ . - "-v ■.•/;•- ■ C / and other . Jewellery, Wafebes and BOARDING ah'I DAY SCHODL for Girla (tor, t to (E R ev. R . I M iddleton U years of age. . ,. • , m s s A.'‘ M. WEATHERUP. Higher Ccrtlfieats. N.P.U. Continuoua PerfonDanoe Ircmi 2.30 daily- (St. Mibhael’e. Rectdry, Norwich,) Chains, Antique and Modern, Silver Plated MADEMOISEUbE PBnCY. picvular Prices. Afternoon Tea eerred gratis. Entire chaise oS oh'iSdrw whom parenti ara abroad. MA------DXME----- B.' ALEXANDER, * - EXANDI A.B.C.M., L.R.A.M., ESTIJIATES FREE, Goods. Curios, etc., bn the followinp* rates-j- • W ill giro hie jPxophetio Lecture ^ lAGKS. DEATHS, IN MIpHORrAlff . Conw^ieut Y^eIWep|a«tjSj;.,)^^ Sttdr-yKsr.-'.. Tg^ Bd. for Ipur litiaa or leak Dom. , 1 AND :iAe2^,r,Edhe#tioltteij^^ The W additfonaladdii ^ line, and CamBrt^o Pieb^tor!^ ate. ler this heading inTtt4 ' VB prepaid, «t ^ U f t C t t . ‘ Matrichlalioh. Aei6octa,ted Boarja, etc. * . .! > laertoqs, c l PapF«..CDay or-JBoeiderfH. " 6d. will he charced. ‘ - THE QIRt. WHO BOWED TO F A T ^ . Frodpectus ou ap^Iicatkaia Qiiablc, eb fb i tb-^evW«ff#;.to wtura.tOi0{ th^-^akod^'cxi * ’ I under fhig headline lulist be cndorMi I.-* ■ ' 4A'-i**b :t a l PATRIOTIC i|iN0 INTERCESSORY Cla«6 ifor Littl! BOTt. . OOW..V..,-.. , ' w, . . ^ " .fiddreea rnooc, Saturda^^ and Monday, „ , SUNDAY,------APRIL —22nfl nt 3.30 _iun .. .the; ^th^ 29th; aud^39l^,' inst. MONDAY, APRIL ^rd:- With an Addreea on "ST. GBOBGE FOR ENGLAND.’ BerOpenJr Tuesday, lot'M ay. :AU Partioulais oAa^vbe, obtained from.:— • Do come end: join in prayers for eu f King, Country, WEtLINGTdX CpLLFGB »ifD» lit B irik A t .o o u a M - - H ENRY G. - BAILY, Seoretary» " . “ H oodman ' B lind Soklicjm, Sailors, and- FieJiermeu. • . DAY SCHOOL FOn G IB I^ and ^NDEEG ARTEI^^ W04diag Cmrdg • * R h a Mattme with Address, Gixtd Shepherd," at 11 a.m. The Beaufort Finance Go., I.td ,3 Md 4, .WELLINGTON S Q U A R E .^ . , 13,. Warrior Square, 3t. Ltonaidab M r /hrfRer.yarf^***" •PP^T— F. J . PiLracna, 4-M., 14, Mnuna in 5 r»rT*, featuring William Fainiim. Has removed its Office to I Head Miatrw* — MISS HELEN BATHGATE. ' r u m Ter,ion of Henry Artlmr lone, and Wileoa “T t m o B l , H a m t i n g i . Bartot’e famous oSd-tims M e^ram a. uou&e Mistreds—MISS *^EMnjY L. ’ BATHGATE, who ^E\V 1 HOUGHT C^INTRE. e. lFINnV STREET, HA8TII l a redeives -a few Retudest Pupils. GENTLEMEfi’s ESTABLISHMENTS. ‘ Dining Boom for Day Boaidocf. (■DBSDAY, APRIL 26tb:— WA-VERLEY.■VERLEY HOTEL, HAVEI.CCK ROAD.ROAD And is under entirely New Management. MARRIAGES. MONDAY. Mrdi, at 3.15, ■ «? I ' ■ 1 Fctmanent Stall of Seven Folly Qualified Toachera. HEALING AND DEVOTIONAL SERVICE, I lE L L.—On l\pyil Dh, 1917, at 8L with address on " -New Thought Intorpretatioue of the i Visiting Staff:— HOLMWOOh semooL. l:atiODal Chiir'-li, Lon/li !*r<*n4x_by tim “ K ing of the F orest ' Sermon on th^ Mount." ‘ Prompt Attention will be paid to all a, GYl^lNASTICS-Stafl-Sergeont Moss. BEXHlLt-ON-SEA. ' 1 8 , W e s t e r n Roa|d^., St.^ L eonki^ dii^ ley, B.A.. Hlury ynr.nce^t v w g .: te':-, lp8t‘ii, I’revff Wats sKuij of T. B. 'Gold Mfdalligt). nMium. etc. Tha School afu da in fit own grounda of ^vj'.rhcrdent-. Jairii? ro^.k. to ElaiS H astings M usical RES’i’ivAL SHORTHAND~Mj®t IC Peeves, F.Mc.S.T., >10. •Ivor, acrof. [iphrer .-if M r. and IMlrsf'iB. Janect* 6. TRINITY STREET, HASTINGS. Cadet Corpa atfaehed to fhie li t Suaeez Royal Enflneera * ikJ’Axy'MAY' M.u. 21st, 22nd, . ---- IMPORTANT NOTICE. Principal: Mat ALEXANDER MILNE. B.A. for families and S^holaiehip .hoIdiMB)^ on application, at NATIONAL il tiidar. 1^17, at Sal t-Unry-road, SL LADY ISHAM, 1 the College. . Asa'^ted - by IMPORTANCE lE!iz;ib';Tb, ti«: beloved (‘I id- D. JOHN LCCKEY. ; JOBMASTERS. School rc-opena Thurs<1ay,, April 19th. RESIDENT UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. Uon. Seci'etarieB. DEFENCE OF THE REALM ACT. ‘ ‘ MidBUimiier Term—May 3rd to July 3lRt. ‘5th • .Mannd.'’ Tlii fit 49, INDIVIDUAL Preparation for the UNIVERSITIES, HastiLp-s \-udrd, 13d7, atl “ Clacd*:- ” Burry-ioad, an employer must (under penalty in default) FOE YOU*?G LADIES. fa, n*rv sii'M-ii'y, TbC'mtipi Lt-wiE Private Motor and TaxiwCtit'B eqnipped school. Tlw playloe Uhldi a n boanUfnllr ■'•a :^Te,*pJioite 167. Tntirvridgvi W't llr-. I his 30tli yeax. 'AiniDAL OPEN. EXHIBITION OF DRAIw INGS, po.st up in a couspicj'nous place on his PRINCIPALS:. MISSES KIMM-and DEW. Hfghifl ■itnated Great attention is paid to Phteleai DaTolop- burp/lay, Atirii ,917. at 29, St, f a i n ’h n g s . a n d p h o t o g r a p h ?. premises. FOR HIRE. Tcetimoniais au4 References. rnsnl ttinp;f, • Mark; dvarly- 1 h.Trrl ha-l'-'tlld Superior Eduoativr. ou Modern Piinoiplei. Cadet Osrpa attached *to the Royal .Entinocra ■liari^'d BvddfC'ly av.'.ir. Aaoij K7 yeara JU N E 4th to 30th, 1917. . “ KEGULATIpN 41 A Ihcr ISth, kilb'd in airtion in offices:— Pupils prepared fo" Public Uxamln&tionis.. 1^ I, .2 ..r - .••“•“terr.A ,«rt- '!> y . T i’l. Ke.ru-l W t Surrey R* liV " He shall forthwith deliver to the ROYAL MEWS, KINDERGARTKN. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT . JnVtJ i i, Mr. a.nd Mrs. ENTRIES CLOSE MAY 19th. Recruiting Officer -for^ the- locality in ^ for BOYS^—Swedish Drl'H*/ PRIVATE TUITION. P-»ynicjn-ji»ary n: . '•iir-. Wiiafred report showing aiiy alterations and addi­ COUNTY BOROUGH OF BASTINGS Aadiete: H ARE’WQOD, TOWER ROAD WEST. Ihkcn -ir**ni i;s At-ri. h, 1913.-" Cyod tions to the said fita^ements dowm to the Telephone 628. ST. LEONA^DS-ON-SEA. ' ll Hi ••'ll- ut n T'.r front OUR .DUMB FRIBNDS LEAGUEj last dd.y of the | preceding calendar EDUCATION COMMITTER. iA Society for the Enoonrafrement of Kindnes* to Ih-vin.': in -Ti-f ry ,.. d--ar f.-ithAf, • Animals). monjth.” . j .. ■ DstAifl sl;ii5:v.. ;.iT • T i'l.mj•taiij An.-ii-r- As many of these lists have not reached 38, Robabim Wtaident: The.Bt. Hon. Tho EARL OP LONSDALE. PRIVATE TUTOR. aii'^. f.'haritS-, ’ \v i''! o'jtereii into the Recruiting Officef.s, cniployer.s are warned M l s d a m e s G r e e n a w a y SECONDARY SCHOOb FOR GIRLS |i l i-ltb, lyos. ^ ST HELEN’S. i«i f-ViT /i.-iir TO- .'»t, that they render themselve.s liable to lie COR8ETIERES, MR E. U. BLOMTIELD (regiatered under the Order T.Chei Ih.onr ii-i .d aw..y/ B l u e C r o s s J P u n d proceeded against in a Court of Law if they in Coaaeil. Msieb 8th 1907), tWIs ’ or lecelToa Pnpili t%. ROBERT.SON STREET to preparo for the UnWsrsities, London Matrionlatlon. —Louie, LADY SMITH-DORRIEN. fail to render them in due cour.se. ) rp:;.—In ' .-r ii-'uioiy ot. otn PiBfident: llonnorls of W.iUneton Plate). Head Ui.trsis: MISS N. CLARK, B.A. O x fm and Cambridge Local, Army, Nary, Msdtesl and |H t h . 1913. —AN— The correct form D.R.17 may bo obtained ot)iar Examlnationa Closate teksn in schools either a t the Post Offices and should contain:— GOLFING AND CYCLING CORSETS. A'BDOMI NAL temporalrily or permanently. Eipeoially ansoeastol with ■uu ton74 slM.jiilV Will b© fiiven in aid of the above Fund Oidan br pate r«.iv* ptonipt attontios. aituaied, on tram route. Li^iht, large, airy class-rooms, ‘ ' jeo'/i jiiui—1- r 3.i\u*'«1 iilj Table No. 1 an­ MB. BEGINALh E. GROVES. ’■T-ONUOY. ty. AT THE COLONNADE. ^ i nexed to this Regula- A.R.0.M<> A.R.q.O„ L.R.A.M., ir* . (,i huj d<*-i>r daiipbtet Organiatadaite and 'riiTa/vIr\YDirector e\P of Mtteitii« f'ThovlpCboir, all Smisado.*Sainte* mChuiohJ who r-a-.^-^d i-Mt-ilu ... nv,uy .April MONDAY. APRIL 2L-d., 1917, at 3 j[.m. ^ . ' tioii, of all male MR. B: MURROW. Hastinga. Conduetdr of |Ha«itiage Madrigal Society c:, Nvlii-, ar.d r..ueT. —" i ’eaee,, li^rspns (if any) of 16 holding T di(pd Aprifl 12t ii, m s . - A , •unday Concerts), Mr. Fancoiut, Co.i»;a;u 'Uuori^jdi Chnfiey, tijmetil being employed Wa l t e r M. s k i n n e r , Suceeaaor. SuC09fii>««. Preparations for the UnlTersitiso. Local. ond.,.oibex KlooutieB and Mnoieal RecitMion. Harmony, Counter-^ unntsa to oh ports of I |a del't--:]mgtr>a Square, Haatinge. uoint Theory and Pxaotioo of 'Teac>hiiig, etc. i iuld r I— r,.a to Hr. Ernest'Butgo Cat .the Piano). ■- {• been so employed for Spsoial Attention t o ’Bsekward end 2>sIissto Roys. Addrem:— J • . ■ I- iMHi.. st^Jana^**ot^giameB't Greenurean and Myda Fark;-Pjoaadllly. ^ It T it r'''frl’.v ROSEBANK. I Street,i Pxl]iaS9al^5«SL < Id Tr.-.-t what ir. Thu, Tiokete; 3«. 3d. (numbered and reserved) 2a. I 2d., and ohe week or’, more. AARDENS l a i d o u t and PLANTED. I Imp IVY BANK; tS SPRINGFIELD ROAD, BT. peaay 'bpe ni^. City U mi&uiea-by EUairiwRwa of DUTCH BU1.B8 OLd other Flowering RpOte. LEONARDS. . ' PRIORY AVENUE, 1 Tbr fr il done.” H. 2d. Statement No. 2.—M statement, in the I r -. - HASTINGS. _ 'iioiuo’".* oi Ju'jth'ii.j w [Xu-;-fd AUty Can be obtained at Vale’s Library, Devonshite Road; BLOOMING PLANTS at ell aeMoae. ilO. form shown in Table THE TOWERS. BATTLE. Frospsetiu and list of otlcosiiMa on applisatloa. kit the Secjotaiy'sut the Colonnade; and of the No. 2 annexed to this .. - E’.st-r nv Local Orgnoizer, Mrs. Burtoa, 29, Sea Road, Bexhill. Traima tr tm Memorial elop a l the Nureery. |lnaDi>etio]i Priadpal-MRS. JUTSON. ! | j9 -rav. .- til ir /b jij r.vsinre; Rlegulation, of the iHVited Tele.’ lIlyL Ir^i tf-r. fhil'h 'and iie.T[i''h HISS ALICH NORTON. ri? 7 «-te iwniovwi oaily fron a number of female per- HASTINGS GRiZMAR SCHOOL. V retonb. E s Pension Tartiis . I'liink. ftnd GordrtW . ' ' .Hijma (if any) of 16 BOARDING SCHOOL FOR THE DAUGB'IERS QY L.R.A.H.. I A B C.R. AbflieatioQ • Telesramb; WESLEYAN METHODIST LECTURE §aupf:i Qiid ih •d. as trul.7 sj employed for one Aetiag Hsodmaatan RET. T. J. THORBU RN,. D.D.; ’ *** HENRY LVNN iCbaiiHuia) and . l-iKen.” LECTURE ON THE The next term commences op May 3rd. LL.D.. Christ’a CeUega, Cambrldga. Spesial Oaaablng for L.B.A m .,. A.R.O.M., sad Haas ■week or more. MR. W. HOLDSWORTH LtiNN (Manaiiag DlrwRi^ lu'-ii) Ty >.i A r-a;vii\ 11 W<.o/l, wbe n.lFE AND .WORKS'^F S. COLERIDGE.TAYLOR' Statement Nc(. 3,- -A; statement, in the Unde^ Royal Patronage. eiated Beards Exaaas. laya^ably BnaewafnL | |s t .Anri! fnh. li»H.4- Uoiic, but 1 C* —by— ' form and containing M, MARDALRN TBRRAeg, - t e l A'.uv, ‘ami Ci.urlie,! elocution, DANCING. THOROUGH MODERN EDUCATION. OVES the particulars shown MOUNTSIDE—HIGH SCHOOL IST. l e o n a r d s .o n .s x a J HASTINGS AND Si!.- UBONARB*. - ' ^ 5 I r. R eginald E- G» ■ Yba EaglialralBiagrlt*. , in Table , No. 3 an­ MISS ELEANOR RATCLIFFE ,11. LATON ROAD, HASTINGS. Prsvsration far the UaiTsnities and oQ Exnmlnstioifa A.R.C.M., A.R.C.O;, L.H.AAI. nexed to this Regula­ yeara oaaiteaat to Mrs. Wordawortli. Mo*t.Perfect CUmate la Great Rtiteltei ~ 1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th. ot 7.M. 10 Principal _ - MRS. P. O. COOPER. Y ol^ia LEAVING EXHIBITIONS ta sl^oiTsraiUM. | « i r D a a ig m a M P i'm ^ td a iia Miwical. IIlnstratiODB by mombers of the tion, ■ of all fhale per­ HOLDS GLASSES at the ALBANY HOTEL on THOROUGH EDUCATION _oa Modern Linss. at HISS E. p: COZITRR. E R.C.O. I In eek!_ sheltered from K^W oad’ boK - HASTINGS m a d r i g a l SOCIETY; sons (if any) of 16 THURSDAYS.______Babies 2.30. Older papils 3.30. .S[pecial mederete fe«. Pr.-parations for Fublls Examinations if Army, Medleo). *U.; C o|lm of total apapal yalt* In woim ,wwth«r open .to Wteteriy sad T-Plbtei ■' ' C a r d a . F . J . P , Nrecced. will be giren fo the Natlana.1 ()9uldreii’a Claeses tor Operatic, Technique, also Elocution, Deep dtsirsd. Home Comforts for Boarders. Klndergsrtsn. Organist^ «t OUtS Vela Oengilagotlaaal Ghuite, Hatelngal ■* ' B m sao. .. . „ yfears or over, ■who Brcatlila;:. and Voice Protlnctiofi. -Home;and Orphanage. Wave heeir e'mployed ALLANDALE. QOOMBE ROAD, CROYDO:':!7. Speeial attention giten to musie, modern Jauims*ea, BolafaH slneplarlT low. Oitmad dil« qalaUy.'’ Z Claraaaamt, fft drawing, painting, and physical culture; honse wlth,sx- VISITS sad RRCRIVRS ^ U P teS for Organ, Plaaoi . ■ukahiaa records Abnormally .nf bjy him during the BOARDERS TAKENa ;i BY HEADMASTER. tocte, Siagiag, Voiea Pioduetito, Harmony, Conatatpolntl sellent sanitation, standing in its own grennds. SnpeA CUmsM. Soaaanf^ anA.; HlMeriaSt precediing month for 'I, Frapotatioa for Egaminatlu_ I less than one ■M’eCk Premteotni, els.', f r e m ; «r fto« ». W. S ussex S oldiers’ O gaIrette MISS CLARICE HARRADINE. Oolaa. Esq..' 1, Bank BnihUaga, Haattnga. Additea:r4 ’ j ’r" ' ALB4 NZ HOTEL; psr Agra . (ivhether stiU in his . ' TeoteisT of WINCHEI^TEB HOUSE SCHOOL. employ or not), -QUON.” ST. HELEN’S PARK ROAd. I GROHWRLL ’HOTEI^' from ■is. per dR*b AND C omforts F und, . DANCING AND GRACE CULTDRE. S i GHLANDS L.4KE ST. LEONARDB-ON-SEA. ■ . -■ ■ • ■ "■ .■HASTUrpH lEMATION. I^atituted October, 191L This Regulation does not appV unless one (or more) liale iiersons of 16 years or over Olssslcsl. Operatic. Fiuicr _and_ Natiojrel Dsassa COUNTY BOROUGH OP HASTINGS EDUCATION tii; steaiii (Eeff. . War Charities A ct, 1916). Al< tb t Lstoit Ball-room Diacaa OOMMl-ITEE. in Soteioite Bote*. tt«a to. pox dsyt SwaMK, )OD CEMIEtERY. are employed. Bolioola Visited. PrtTsto Lmiont orrsnste at: s sr PRINCIPALSi MISS AGNES BOOTH AND MISS ■ . tiute .lit; .par ■dair..o- • f ■' ' ■ ; Children’s Clssses rs-commsne, on SaturlsT, Ja LILIAN STRATTON. «rn Pro4M« at At« Rama. 9Mb 1917, at 2.30 p.m., at tha Grand. Hottl. SCHOOL OF ART, I SMOKIES. SOCKS. ROLITAN CIMSTB HY CO.. aiimentfi. Only thoee on.. active • eervioe aipplied. , IS, EOBEHTSON STREET, Boarding Sdboo! for Gantlomen’a Dallghtisrs. LoidoQ. K.C T#: I c ty TSTi AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE. , V el«.'t ,E. L. yA P H A l f , R.B.A; HASTIN 38. TItB KANDBINOBiill HOTI&, -TORQUAY, , ti*^ V ' REPAIR* 6 r ETEflY OE8GRIPT10M...... ter, day...... To Fapmers and Others ireqhirftg O n e M i l l i o n & T h b e e EDUOATION. Women for Work on Land SCHOOL ;0F SCIENCE. FA UCB. aoaCT.„ MOMTAMAAUSAIEBBX. Raw uarters H. fcOMUNB Boi CUTE TAUE. , te O m ’ fuiFN PO b MlUtarriOoBTalsseatea.'- - - IN E & S ON. Q ' i ELDRIDCE AND SON, BBASSEY JN Ste ANlViQEOHQK ShouM' apply . to. tho. ’ Eegistrnr ’ of tbeir General and Mra. Vastria highly lecooiznend Headmasters' Gr Pf KIJFRNEAUK. M te., ■FC.S. , HASTINGS.. & Monumental M a e o n f y ALREADY EENT .Village, whose HaifiSSf are given ,below eONTRACTOrtt,' SANITARY PLUMBERS. AND HOTEL MISS MELSOMJB.' ■ ■ •moHoao. tnfan-ttte and other OifU for. th» flnreex Breaaar Eoldfma" and'Soiloreand moat ■gratefiiKy received by:— 1 .—.Ashburnhom ■ and Penhurst: Lady Ash- DECORATORS, GAS. HOT WATER,'; Etc; Ptesseatu from , toatitmte or ■ IIGH ST., HAS ^ I N S S . burnham- Clement, Agmerhiirst. 2.—Battle: ESSENDEN- ROAD, .ST. LEONARDS, , PH ILIP O. BUSWELL, * Hiss GERTRUDE ADAMS. Hon. See., As a thoroughly giwd and ]iappy U .' WeUlagte* Sqnom, llastiD is PirnaniR t' BuiiliRc .Saalltv Fiffi patHnlon ftp*' t>« Hhaagrr^et «aaS ^ BoM. MISS HABDYi Hon. "Treat..----- Miss J. Ritchie, Tollgates. 3.^Bexhill: Miss 13. PROSPECT PLACE, HASTINIS. IQateiatrd Booklet Jfnt of all tha Hteata riiiiii TRp tii.iry. , Tel ^ , N o . 7 3 i EV ER SFnX D PLACE, ST. LPONARDS. •• HOME SCHOOL ” FOR CHILDREN. ■■• ■ ■ HAS'nN ca. t h e i^ARGESTI IN SUSSEX. . . 'I SMtatair; t, EaddMgli Ooidana, Loadoa. N.W.--- J5.^ '------" A.' Thornycroft, Barrack - HaJl. 4)—Briglit- PaperhADging Werehonee. ling: Mr^. Haviland, Brightling Place. 3.t- . ■-^;. •■REelERVEiFOND,.,s-.Xad*, -,■. ■!■ Ill, j ^ r g r .Jobbhig Work punetnaliy atlesded lo. Catsfield: Miss Wnynie, Campfibld, Battle. COr.LEGIATE SCHOOL, UNDISTRIBUTED SUNELUS) .. BISMI 1 6 .—Crew:lnirst: Mrs.Urc j Papillon, ■■ Catstield...... ST. L10HARHS < SOMHRVILLE HOUSE J ,ElijCHL_..BLf|A ROAD. . Unnsa4l O ^rtnnH y fa r .Invesio^ T A S ON ’ C astie: H.OTEL, Place. 7.—Dallington: Lady W renbyiy, Ohl CUMBERLAND GARDENS.. 'fibipyilHg^ Notioa Castle. 8.—Ewhiirst: Lady Baden-Powell, FOB ALL PUBLIC ' CoaBBSaca. tho; New Vaoy ]teM ng. o a o -o i'’d H ^ iN D IE 'l AEEiii,. WELLINGTOH: SQUARE, HASTING^; UPPER ST. LEONARDS.ON-8EA. bll«hcd._ Vary gireoiaafa'.. latesttig Sbaite ia. tlte aboTa.SMd1r aa'fidlawai-*. i Ewhnrsb Place. , 9.—HoUington: _ Mrs. Sim­ S H I P M A N ’S RatereBtea.TTeformski 'lagge'^arnred lagfa'O orm d C^miaaCate. ------mons. Wychnour.'- 1.0::—Mountfield: Mrs. SeS Or^i^^a^tefeaa ^BPateM atteteiah te doUSate Tat-Sbillinga par B oath iataatM far IS { f a m i l y a n d POMMERCT.^ PRINCIPALi MIAS. JOHNSTONE.’ Soseateor to . ■ ysam'.aateaiit tu ^ e, , IIIN ’S ROAD, «m i8 Howe. Moubtfield. CoutL -11.—Netherfield : h S ^ b o i k S j i bote Hntlr* Ckarg* e t .Indian — ■ aat 44.4. par.aaate |_ i.a-*.te BAY RHUM AND QUININE MUSS COPPER. . ;. OelanisPdteBdtaiv. lataraat a a iT E E b o o m s ,' WBlTlflO ^OOMS, Mrs. Songhton, Nethorfield;, Vicarage. ^12.— I ■ p OAD, OLIYK VALf B H iH A B O A ND SMQKINlG EOOMB, HIGH CLASS . BOARDING AI^D DAY SCHOOL FOR k x ttp , -A-OJ.',, . naat'csaaa:;i^ite' Sedlescombe : • ;Mrs. .'Combe, Qaklands. 13.— H A IR L O T IO N , i VfLLAg^: K . k j n g .' b a o . TABLINO AND OAjiApE, .. GIRLS. ■ ■.. , -i'WITH i SONUS If* ADDEnOH.; H A a r n f o a V « la . UV. EXC W estfield: Mrs. Marrito, Moprhui-st. : 1 4 .— Nnmeroas nniobuted toatlmoiiisla -rsMirsd kyl the__ ) drBtsIiait sad TteWar CABSIAGES ANB a l l W batlipgtdn: M ifs H I Gripper, WhatliDg- Prdpristoi prore that it is y post,'1>. Id.). paistiea' for''F xa^ aatieas whoa dotetod. Larg* ~ te' FWa Artiatty...... Bmam. District Rej^entativ© for. Battle Union, •HimAH, H, h i g h b t b s e x . b a s t i k 38. hiaUy nr*”*** Riialte&i asA TislUig Mpa‘at ttethors. ' Tht SsEm I wffi t A«S'& BOLTON CHAMWaiS te

./■'te l6i6i65Mtete HBsBBHQSflGGIfiHfiSAlZASS laTA'yyteP.P' i;iii^Tr4>IW,.li91i,'.^ Ry^#>teiR t m


id th a t defeudsSb was art ardinarily HASTINa£^OU£E COURT. ea t In_____ G i,_,t Britaio and' thrt he came (ft awn ■ n w ithto the exemptieas auatiouM in the I « n ■ S atvbdatJ—B efore Ur. P. B. Bones (in the schedule of top MfHtoi Act. Mr. Wflaon cbairL Captain Colrila Dr. C. Cbriatophoi^ was_____ not______a ent of tfe United Kingdom eon, OBonoUkur J; P e u a n i. and U r. Ke^.e. when toe War broke outi he waa only tem­ Snuth. porarily hero owing to illnoBS,.put since then A (3HABGB DISMISSEaD. had not able to return to Switewland. The taking out of the document In Switzer­ J. (J. Noel, a Prenoh subiject, wag sum­ land was proof that he. intoaded to m ida moned for bainjr in a prohibited area with- toere—Wiisoa (iwcalled) said that at Ms i oi^t the necesaary identity book.—Defendant address in Geneva he had i^bt of chemical %■. wae an attendant 62 15s., the property of William Hutchin­ he said n* did not know. A complaint had son, and a pailMif trOUMrs, value 5s., belong- been received of a- man being in the yard itut to dames Tbomsett Hutohineon.—Jamee R ^ m tha occupiers. The yard was enclosed Tnomsett Hutchinson, 2, .Halton-crescont, by a wall tea feet'high. The man was under Corporation labourer, said he was a widower. the influence of drink, but appeared able to The female prisoner was his daughter, who answer uueatioiu. He was billeted at Church- had kept bouse for him during the ipast eight rood, St. Leonards.—May Tidier said she years. Brown he-had known about three heard a noise in the back yard as of some­ weeks through hie coming to his hbuse to see body falling against a dustbin. Then a his daughter. At the end of last month, on light was struck, and somebody tried a door. a Saturday, the mala prisoner came to his She then went for the poliee.-r-Prisonier said bouse and stayed there until 9th April. His From he could not remambef anything about the daughter invited him to stay. On the 8th occurrence, and he did ligit know how he get April his other daughter asked Brown if ha there. He had been in a " pub in All Saints- had a pass, and he said one was not nSces- P ^ t i street,“ and' was- drun)c. He was paid on aary. . About six o’clock bn Easter Monday Saturday moraing.-~Fined lOs.. and allowed the two prisoners left together. Brown before a week to pay. leaving shaking hands with him, saying ha , A WAYWARD MOTHEE. knew he had done wrong. They did not re­ p e r p o turn, although ha expected his daughter to queen: BRIGHTNESS w p n A POINT TO IT Florenea Mabel Young wps. charged with giving wrongful information of particulars come back. H e went to .-his box and missed toe goods, the subject of the charge, now pio- t h e c o s t —THAI FORK. ooneeming herself at a lodjdng-house.—She pleaded guilty^—The Chief Constable said duced, and valued at A8. The watch was that prisoner gave the name of Maude sold by his daughter’s son to another boy, fiUSljl ■DRIGHTNESS can bi efinra m more waya than Sangsrter, wife of a Canadian, whereas she and the male prisoner got it from this lad, one—though every eqniti obmo Jtrom. Lanoiag, where the had left her Witnosa did not g^a psrnrission for tha bn must be associated watch to be sold. Tho prisoner Brown toW with V I M , the u n iv e r s a l1 fbM children with her mother. ;,She war the Clconser and Pdii^her, wire of a soldier, and for some time past she him this, and he -knew he had the watch be­ Tbe worM .wmnU to beoomo b^btcr,^ and mneh mere bridbtneta had been in Ha'stinki conducting herself im­ fore he left, and he did not ask him for it •■l]r meant a little more V IM little on the Knivet,< torkt properly. She.had had the separation allotr- then, as he thoimht he was going to give it- .and Spoona—a little ^ on th( Qbina^ and Glattware—a littl^ on ance transferred from Lancing te Hastings, tock to him . The watch was -worth 15s. the. WUte Table Toh—a little cn all ^ and^had not sent her mother anything■ forfc 'When Brbwn eaid he had done wrong wit- W e , h avef a the Cookind Utenttl^ &e, ness thought he referred to havitig stopped ■I the keelsp of the ohildren, having practl^ly deserted them’. them’ . ^he .^ t left home as assis' without a pass. W itness had' a son in the In 6d^ 3d. & Id. St LER^TOF TINS. tant'in a shop for Cmhadisn toldiers, and had Army and one in the Navy, so knew the rules LEVER BROTHERS'{LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, sinoo come to a similar one at Kobertson- about passes.—^Examined by th e female, -pri­ VMP—H rtr^t. Hastings.-In reply to Mr. Baton, the soner, he said only the trousers belonged te Chief .Constable said that none of the separa­ him; the other articles, including the watch, tion allowance had been transferred to pri­ belottj^ to his sbn serying in the Army, and soner's mother .-^A fine’of X5 was imposed, a were left in bis enstody. His son William week being allowed to pay. was arresW for not showing up in the Army, THE .B IG G E S T GFLQCE shd it tras possible that hetmay have asked ' BAXD ON THE GOLF CLUB. bis sister t o look after the things. He did (Tharles (Suinnell (17); Thomas Mitehbll hot see him before he went away, and had TEA^ COFFEE • GROCE 6 LC (17). and-Edw«id Bdwaras (17) were ch arg^ apt seen him since. He admitted calliDg ^Stft’fiaig*» Health«br|n< rer]** with bei^ conoeraed together in hresking Brown a fo, they exemption, the previous period of tbre* prieoaera by eight. They had beiwi eni- J.P., Alderman B. A. Hoicking, J.P.. and, months having expired.—It was • mentioned ■!0:- Mr. A. Blackman,IJ.P., wi h the Town Clerk that the man had to look after an ambulanca aad Rhnbetb — Dsias NstareV pwyM during- the holiday when toe Club car, and the Mayor asked If it was toe one busy, but they were not regular caddies; risoner was wearing the ctothing-' Brown . . TWO BUILDERS* CASES. and Mr. Nathaniel LIoydL Military Repre­ #ee^ sad teeie,—aeon epf sentative. j • J which was subscribed for by the public, and wore too old, the age limit being 15. ad no pass, being a deserter, having escaped used to take people home at night from en« f i r llaalf nt bM|M opes, veqr cbii —P.C. S. Smith said he found the Golf Club On Tuesday, at the Town Hall, before his CAMEIRA CASES. sad clasr eoaqpteideaa. i . jsnw s— {rom military custody on the 19th M arch.- tertainments.—Mr. Small said that had been iJfuMtiim* Okttnrd House &ar window broken at 8.10 a.m. Ho Irown pleaded not guilty, and said that he Hbifour Judge Mackarness. ___ The list contained 57 naifies. done a few times, but it was stopped be- Etc A ddigh^ftU diik — low in ^odt. ' «siMi3»xmaiar^2tae. g ive evidencs confirming that of Mrs. id not steal toe clothes, 4>ut only took the TH E TRANSFORMED CONSERVATORY. Application wa« made that the following cause Captain Gibbs put his foot down. Th« omstead. He fonnd toe empty brandy oan o| them. He.had bo«ii across on the Hayward v. Chandler (£4 8s., rent and cases should .be heard in camera: Prederu'k car had been out of use because it had been ■PHOHB I .■fettle (produced) in Clive Vale Reservoir on 'ther side and wounded twice.—He was then damage).—Thomas F. Hayward, son of toe Ticehurst, District Office | Agent,, Prudential improperly driven by the Canadian soldiers. the way back to the Police Station.—AotiPg- worn, and said he got acquainted with the plaintiff, said tho claim was for four weeks Assurance (tompany; Thjomas B. Gutsell. W f ile his man drove'it there was no trouhle.- Sergount Baker said that he was on the Golf 'Omale prisoner, and went 'to stAy at theit rent and repairs. Plaintiff let a conserv^ motor lorry driver;' Arthur R. Hookey, en­ irs were nearly completed, and it would Luika with Detective-Sergeant Pkilpott and Ouse. He was absenting himself from his tory to defendant at Ite. a week.—Defendant gineer’s clerk. Gap Compainy; Johp Crutten- soon be ready for service again. It had saw Edwards, whom he asked about a watch lilitary duties without a pass, and asked the said that he had paid tho rent. The water den, • washer, saddler, and hameto nmker; which he-bad stated he had found, and been used to take patients from one local irl for the loan of tho clothes to disguise 0&1H6 in Ajid Bwollsd tlio niaitoliboardniic of William H, Tapnto, outfitter and furnisher: cofivalescent - hospdtoi to another, — Three, which had been handed to toe police by his limself. She got -them, telling him' it was th e conservatory, and some of it was good reason for the defendant being, called n.p for service. He would now the other prisoners once (causing damage by dish, giving evidence, said that ho had been taking down the matchboarding in the way remain a while-tlmo fisherman.—Three ;ralin05lgzengf (« LEXISP-ORT” 5/11 playing football).—Quinnell’s mother said in bii3ine.ss for 38 year.s, apd had never had he did without fresh representations to the months’ conditional exemption. Mr son "pottered about” and kept himself. any pioceedings against him before. His plaintiff. Something might be due to plain­ IMPORTANT IGOVERNMENT WORK. He had no regular work, hut gave her 8s. or own slaughterman had joined the Army, and tiff in the t respect, and ho'gavo judgment for Ernest S. Sm ith,'36, general .service, manag' M bve with the bqdy in 9s. a week.—Edwards' father said his son had in conseriuenee he had entererl "into an ar­ all plaintiff lor 5s. ing clerk to Mr| Walter Parks, .auctioneer &] di:*ections, improve the vita alwa.vs been a very good boy at home. He rangement by which lie and two otliers used A POLITE DISPUTE. and valuer. Conditional j exemption had been GLA^S, CHINA th I - it y had tegular -Work as a ooal porter.—MitchelTs one slanghteorbouse. toi the particular oc­ Midmei v. Beney i£ 2 7s. 6d., work done).- granted on n previous occasiou.—Mr. Lloyd ough the unconstraint of grandmother, with whom he lived, gave him casion on which the oow iva,s killed the or­ Mr. Pearih, solicitor, represented plaintiff.— questioned Mr.P larks, -who said Mr, Smith ■nTIBEKlLA." a good character. Ho had regular work, and dinary slaughterman was not availalde, and Plaintiff, a builder a t Cliva, Vale, said that in mpve|nents of the figure. had been under him for 15,yeai-s. . He (Mr. P r ¥* Tna.n said the lads might think themsolvbs and gardens as a rifle) killed ,his second bul­ fence, a large part of which was lying on portance as a farmer of between 700 and 800 aridias uf 8n9p«iuiiran T'ijthout t^emovihg any steels lucky that they would not, be sent to prison, lock in eight yenra. The beast was «. fine the grou id* 'in ^ garden.-yDefendant denieil acres'and was the representative of the you w i t te UiMi Moasyf they would each be fined 40s., or 21 da.vs’ im- one, and the price ihe paid was equal to 10s. giving the order.—Plaintiff: I am. sqi^y to Board of Agriculture over a (ride area. He SaieJaifft year, we i 5 / 1 1 * 3 ^ ” pfisonment. and allowed a fortnight to pay. a Btoiie or is. ,'kl. per pound.—Re-examined. sayrif, but that is q-iiite false.—Plaintiff, coi^ explained at length the extent of his labours 1 soiyie “ R The bea.st wouldvhave been quartered by one tinning, said he used yellow deal pqsts, and on behalf of the Government. Ho was also T»E HASTINGS & EAST SUSSEX T cksdAT.—B efore Mr. J. Macer Wright (in of Mr. Parks’ men, and then tho state of tlie battening for palings, with galvanised nails tlio ropreaentoVivc of thje Board in respect .R N M K in T toe chair), Mr. J J. Boiitwood, Councillor animal -would have been di-vcoVered. TTiis and wood preserve. He rendered the account to derelict and neglected farms. No strangei See the Windows H. i^'inison. Captain Colvile, and Mr. C. could not be found out before Iwing cut up. in September, 19U, and defendant did hot could come into nis o£Blce and keep thing's 'A faLONOOlIl RD Coxeter. —Joseph M’neeler said he had exiierienco in reply. When he subsequently m w d «on - going in the. plado of Mr. Smith. . LICENSING APPLICATIONS. killing, and had been a slaughterman some dant, defendant said that plaintiff had done STnifh -wnTit: 'W'rtiilrl 1 years before.—.After listening to Mr. Morgan more work than he intended, and that plain­ BUILDING SOCIETY This Is a Grand T he On the application of Mr. Ben P. Meadows to give up voluntory Government Work for the Bench retirevl, and h.fter being absent a tiff had given the wood away of toe old fence. which he claimed| qualifications were Ecpriomy, whi st ^ R N E R p h U ^ E , STLEQNi iRDS the music licence of the Quee’n’.s Hotel was few .minutes said with regard to Mr. WiJdisl' PlaintiflTexplained that the old wood which WILL HELP YOU WITH AOVANTAOl transferred frpm the Chairman of tlie Com­ unique.—Tho Trib)!! anted three months they appreciated the difficulties under -which defendai^t saw, which was being used by conditional exemption. : o f O U pany (Mr, A, I). Thorpe) to the Secre-tarv he in commo-n with other butchers ^a.s work­ some other {leople, was from one of Ins THIE ONLY CORSETS MADE W^TH “ EI^PIRELLA.” (Mr. H. lliciiaTd.-«oii). ing, andjvould treat it as a purely technical (plaintiffs) fences. Plaintiff had never had GAS w o i K s E m p l o y e s . It Kivee th* high**t'r*t* •£ int*r**|i n o t t h e ADDRi Mr. Meadows also applied for sanction to offence, and one that left no stain against anv further reply from defendant,, and when kir. Botlcy, manager o{f the Gas Company, semej^^ *!»• alteratioms which Mr. W. S. Addison ban him. No order would be made in his case, plaintiff tow defemdant again he said. What, appeared in refermice to several cases of ii*nsi9tmt with p*rf*ct Mearityi made at his premises on the Marina. It but iho would pay costs. AVhcelcr would be about thjis account, Mr. Benoy? "Why don’t m ilitary rovi©w,i. j In the case of a man peared that the alteration was tho making fined 2 ls .. you sett e it and let ns bo neighbours Md named Horne. 28j BI, single, it was said comzhnnication from on'e house to the POTATOES ARE SCARCE! friends?:’ Defendant replied that he dis­ that he repaired stoves land assisted in odd Tgi s*v*—take out an invaedng skaf* B KER other. The wine licence was reiiuired fOr puted the account.—Defendant, said that jobs and was paid 24s, qr 25s. a week, out both houses.—The application- - __ was - _; granted-gr Three small boys, Reginald Perkins, 11, what happened was that Mr. Midmer com­ of which he paid his -widowed mother 21s. r«i l*nd— deposit any eparc sums *• 13, YORK Mr. Harold Glenisterister applieda for transfer Herbert TupiMmn;^y, 12, and George .Hutchin­ plained labont the . state of the fence,, and 6d-—The Tribunal! declined to withdraw tha of the licence of the York Hotel to Messrs. son, 9, plcau^ guilty to tJirowing potatoes at in te r e s t. (NEAR the hemori E l i defendant told him to strut up the fence, certificate.—Other employes of .the Company E. C. Moore and J. E. Rix (resident' mana­ a pedestrian at Albion-street on 3th April. whose cases came np[ for review .were; ger).—Granted. and do it as cheaply as possible. He thought Orders from a d is ta Only Hutchin.son hit him, however. The fis. would be ample repa.yment. Ther^ was William.s, Beney, Hulett, Morring, Glazier, vp w & rd a . 'fhe licence of the* Provincial Hotel wa.s motoevs, with one con.'sent. objected to tlieir no necessity te put up a now fence. Plain­ Bates, Morley, Bristo-vf, Spencer, Easton. 13. WELLINGTON PLACE, transferred to the owner (.Mr. Bi.sliop) and boy.s being bivched, and »o were ordered to' tiff said the old rails and palings were rotten, Neckland, Freeman, Duly, Beney (2), Willett, JIrs. Adamson (as manager). It was e.v- pay 2s. 6d., .3s., and .3.«. rcspoctivelj’. Hodd, Page, Swaine, Day, Winter, Davis, plained that Mr. Adamson, who had been and he dould not have put the old fence up. HASTINGS. manager, was now in the Army. CHoLOLATE l5*i''TER HOURS. Plaintiff! denied that his man was sent to Brett, and Pope.—j-Mr. Lloyd considered fh®f strut the fence, and he then found his man some of tho men might be replaced hy g.ub- SWISS OR BRITISH SUmECT? Esther I’adgham, 61. Mount. Pleasa.nt-road, pleaded guilty to serving a customer with knocking it to pieces. He admitted that the stitutc.s. With thp Daylight Saving Bill and Arthur -Calder Wilson, of gentlemanly man did more, than ho would haye wished increased daylighif Mr. Botley might bo able chocolate nt 8.35' p.iifi- ou Hlh .April, when her to make other arrangements.—All the men appearance, was char^md with failing to Re­ shop should have been olo'sod at 8. She ex­ without !seeing Mr. Beney again, but he did port himself for mintary H'lvicc.—Air. H. plained that silo thought the exten.sion of no morfi than was necessary.—His Honour who were not in! tho A and B classes were THE Glenister defended.—The Chief ' Constable said plaintiff practically 'admitted that tho granted conditional exemption .—Some con- EEL BICyblE time granted for Easter still held good, hut tentiou arose in regard to Williams. :i meter HMtare.) informed thff Befifh'toat sumc litHo time was fined 5s. order was limited in some' way by the defen­ ago, in consequence of certain information dant; he came to. fhe conclusion that a frir inapector.—Mr. Botley said that Williams Ir . V.: All Imriori •re mBd^“"1 with tough, unbruokable epres t he brought defendant before tho court for LIGHT CASES. amount would bo to give judgment for tho was indispensable and tJie'Tribunal allowdff dlaaionil-f •urfuces. ground up from • tho fit__ failing to register and he was lined JcH. The Gertrude 'Wilkins, .3, Kobertom-streot, plea­ plaintiff for 80s. conditional exemption,—In reference to other in orderof: it«eU ol UcYclcB huTC their beerhice stTBliOit frcun cases Mr. Botiey Ipointed out how his under­ the macl There are 90 “fluta" in JUleigh benrincB defendant waa of military age and was un­ ded guilty to an offence against tho Lighting out die world;| aa in t * of oth^ bicycles, while e«ch aniS eveiy able to produce any paper.s. The matter was Order on A)>iil lOih. Slit< is Secretary to a taking suffered fpom want of men. Things n s i^ in B iitis h l teU oMd ■aparatoy tested to 8/)O.OOO^s of as Iwrh- brought before the locruiting officer and the idonta.l surgeort. 'I'lio light was turned on at had bron stretched to the point of exhaustion. defendant was called up on the lUh April. HASTINGS WOMAN’S THREE He declared emphatically that he was un­ ben^; orde? GUAR {ANTJtED FOR E^ER.. toe main, ainl would not light, and defendant able to spare any more men. Before the F r^ -d 7 lOa. to £14 14«. By arrangement with Air. Glenister, Mr. went to tlso pictures, bvit on her rciurn found YEARS PROOF. I the Overseas 1 . . ■■'■?) Wilson waa allowed to come there that morn­ toe illumination.—Fined 21s. W ar the Corirpnfiy employed 297 men, and _ Send n itcard { ^ “Tlte Beak of the Radish.'* ing so a« to prevent his pa.ising too night in - Mes.srs. Plummer Rodclia, U r]., were of these he had 'lost 67. Since the War the ‘cells.—Lieut. Burnett, the recruiting other men had been engaged and at the pre­ similarly summonerl. This was a case aris­ Columbus '.-aid the world w.as round, but sent time thejnuipbor was 159, and including ST. LEOr —Marchant & Hunnisett, ofiice'r, said that defendant was called up on ing out of a cliargo against the Imy wlio the 31st March, and as he failed to apiiear nobody bi'lioved. him , u n til he had piovto it. the military rejected he had only 35 of,mili­ 2 ol King' s R o a d . turned on the light .and left it.—Mr. Hibbs Three years ag.e Mrs. C. W alter, o f 19, cl- tary ago.,—Mr Lloyd said he did not suggest lie was soxit a second notice to appear on pleaded not guilty, submitting that the duty llthi'April. Defendant had had an interview lington-squarc, told. Jio-w Doan s P ills nad that Mr. BoUoy could do with lesa;m8p, but HEATHFIELD- -C. T. Atkinson, Higlk St. of seeing to the light -was deputed to others.- cul-ed her kidney ti-O’Ublo. Being a flastings Al aud Bl men were badly wanted by the with him and e.xprosscd the view that ho Tho Hench fined defendants 412 2s. PEASMAR 8 H- Elgar, E. Farley. | was not liable- Defendant lived at 60, Kenil- -woman her word was accepted, and to-day authorities.—The 1 Mayor said the Tribunal worth-road.—Sergeant Pearce •proved form­ i ANOTHER CHARGE OF RECEIVING. she gives three years’ proof f>f a lasting cure, considered that the Gas Company had al­ RALEIGI CYCLE CO. LD., N ally; charging the defendant, wlio, made no Edith Morris, 84, Alanor-road, was sum- so that doubt is quite impossible. ready been sufficiently puni.shed and de­ , For “CycliaN to KeaUklft Fohita lot reply.—Mr. Olenister said the facts were rojoned for receiving 4 lb.s. of dates on 9th On June 6th, 1913, Mrs. A\ alter said nuded of men and on the whole of the cases Bowden. Bail.. F.aCj.8.. 100 pp. Is. Twelve years is a long time to suffer with conditional exemption wonld be granted. j, • Differentli admitted. JHc called defendant, who said he April, issued to a soldier, and ln>ing in pos­ rheumatism, but I was hardly ever free from was born at Brixbon in Septemlier. 188J, and session of two pairs of pants, also military , MILITARY REVISIONS. I Invaluable it during the whole of that period. It .. an cC'' when two months old was taken to Hyeres, proi>orty.—(iorporal McDonald, Canadian started long before I came [to Hastings, and Thomas Henry : Knp-a4ing, 28, Bl, buyer convalescence. in the south of , France. His father was of Contingent, said 'w h ile keeping obsenrvation after 1 came to live here I found it very try­ and manager linjen department Plummer. Eriglish blood but born out of the Kingdom. on a store in Priory-street Be sa-w two little "Bmwrt ing tackling the hills. I was in constant Roddis, Ltd. Conditional exemption had. -It is aval When about 12 years of ago he was sent for girls wiho -waited outside for some time. been given in l'’obruary, 1916, on business Insomnia pain, and if I walked any distance had to be three years to the Rev. J. W. Tottenham’s The cook come out and handed the parcel of Vnom't F tuif resting every few minutes. I could scarcely obligation^ of employer. There wore only ^LD age and anarvouStauperaibeDt b e k c b r ’s fc school at St. Leonards. He was articled to dated (produced) to one of the girls, who then two men of railitary_age on the whole of the a London solicitor and did chemistry work. left. When stopped by -witness the child manage to 'climb the steps to niy house, my favour sleepleesnesa. Before legs got 80 weak. Besides the rheumatism I staff in Hastings.-i-Bxemptiion to end of June 0 ‘ retiring take a cup of the ILD METALS, SCRAP IR At the end of five years-he ended his legal said she liad fruit in. the bag and bought it was in agony with backache; there weie on domestic gpround to be final. RAGS, BONES, FAT, education but he never practised oi- took out near the Memorial. He acoompinied the •Allenburya-’ PIET. This complete his certfleate. He contfiraed his atudiee in obvious higtus of kidney weakness, and oc­ Albert Early, 29,j Starr’s Green, Battle, em­ and easily digeated food soothes the ! BOTTLES. JAM JARS, 1 child home, and sa.w defendant, who said she casionally awelUngs appeared. chemistry and went td Switzerland, where had seat her daughter down -with a flat iron ployed by Miss MpAlister, Hollington Laun­ nerves, promoteacalm sleep and ensures- he -was>-with the late Professor Rontjen. He for a soldier to press his trousers with. She "It waa a customer who first introduced dry, had been granted conditional exemption 6LD RUBBER, MOTOR> CYCLE TYRES, HORSE Doan's'nackache kidney pills to me. I must since last August. ' Mr. F. G. Morgan repre- digestive rest. Largely nied by the was backwards and for.wau'ds to England till di-d not give the soldier any moftey for the Hedloal Profession. HAIR, RABBIT & HA1& SKINS, 1910. In the Rapialln Hllla he had sunstroke dates, but he took 3d. off the mantelpiece. confess I was sceptical, though I made up sented toe employer, who stated that 35 my mind to give > the medicine a trial. It hands were employed, and the continuance and practically lost his memory, fie next Witness took the child down to the store, and PromotM Sleap. LD CARPETS, OLD r o p e & CANVAS. *ti., etc. wont to' Algiers, .where he enlisted ■■ in tho she pointed out the soldier who gave her the wasn’t -until ajter th© second box that I felt of the business depended upon this man, who B O N E S ^ Foreign Legion qf the French Army. He dates. The pants were afterwards found in any brtter. Then the pain gradually dimin- was able to do rfinning repairs, and had *’ I heve se.d t£e ‘AUenbarye* DfET Xaquiro trar priem bfttoro aelling. eleewkere. iahed until after five boxes my back was charge of .th* suption' gas plant. —r Two at a i^ t on going to bed with ceaaidar- . I i ■ • - * ? -fl got sunstroke again and was discharged. He her house, and he showed to toe Beiich toe sblc bca'efit. 1 find it enetsining end eame to- Geneva. He was lurried and then mark on them which, identified them as coififortable, and every trace of the rheuma- months final. I 69, aEOROE S t r e e t , h | i s t i n o s . tlstb had dieappearea. I jean maiiage -to William JempsoA, 40,- Al, plumber, etc., eomferting end sleep maeb better after had a home in England. He atad his wife Canadian issue, which had never been wasT tekink it.’ (siOlisB.)...... d in , Ttml:-9r| separated' in 1909 ; ho gave her the home and H e said the dates .were a Government ratumv mb toe hilla new without ihe least fatigue, employed by A. Hi Wood, CJlivo Vale, was . W . BARNES & CO., made her an allowajice. Afterwards he had and had 'beeh for two years.—Defendant sale for Doan’s pills uuite cured me. (Signed), C. -given conditional exemption last Angnst in AIDS DIGESTION. INDUCES SLUP^ ic M i 1* OWR a divorce action against him and Ihie -wife her husband •was in the Army, and that too Walter.** f the national interest. It was claimed that Eatabliobad o v ^ 76 yaan ., Tolephona, 197 HoatiBBa. was granted a decree nisi about the end of pants -were h is property issued in J-une, 1915. On May 13th, 1918—nearly three yeare Wiiliam O. Smith, 34, Cl. jobbing house­ 1910. He was at Hyeres when he heard of the —Defendant said the soldier sent the dates later-Mrc. Waiter taldr--'* I dan’t get work, repairer, given exemption last May, Haad Offioa:—Chfipal Straat. BRIGHTON. .prooeedlngs. ' The dlvbroe decree was auashed to her, she supposed,' in rstnrn for the loan rheumatiim now like I uted te, thank* te said that in three months be oouid get his by intervention of the King's Proctor. In of the flat iron, but she did net expect them Bean’ft pMIt; I find a dace ar twa in the dxunii affairs, straight agkin.—The case had been 1019 he lived in Switzerland and took out a She repeated that the pants were those weather prevents me gettina any return of adjourned eo that |the man could be exam­ document produced, which was the pre- issued to her husband..— The case 'was ad- .the old trouble.” ined because be was deficient in eyesight and fllAUUMMJliminaiT’ towards WTY«*»aam coasavaaa.naturalisation. qeaamaavavaa* -s.aaIn vxsavaordsr joumed for a -week to call the- h-usband of de­ Urlo acid poison left in the aysiem by weak hearing. The result was that he was passed to take this st^ he had to rive up his fendant. .' kidneys causes lumbago, rheumatism, gravel, Cl instead of C2.—One month final. . Best Lauttdqr in the Dirtrict, British passport. It was his idea to make urinary disorders: makes v you. feel dull, WiBiam Cramp; 3S), Bl, master baker, heavy, tired' en d miserable, amd leads to fatal Geneva nta plswe of. residence. He had un- —Before <>ommander Oldfield (in the Bsnrne-stre^ - had exemption since Fehru- nt private reasmis f«r making Switxerla diiiMUMi if naglocted. Obao’f baokaiehe kidney a iv . 1316.—Three m onths conditional. iw r A d u l t s Best AA moderate Prices. ohair), GooxoiDor H. T. Dightoa, Al der­ -Pills art d firttly on the kidjaoya a&d tfiadder, S residence. He eoBie to England in Jni ma* R. W. 'Mitrtell, and i k . F. Strick­ Henry QatM, 3011 ooal carman and carter U,.on raedieal Mvioe; ha was aaff4ri bringing ^rrtok reUef, and ensniihg -the poi- te Meesre. T. H. 'morp. Ltd., had exemption tb Cm Mw «r Corn's m tk land. ■ aenouB u no acid and waste water being re­ Fii|iuly & S^ofd Worie a Speciality Mh' chrimio appHtdMtts. In AAignst tj BEYOND CONTROL. rinoe February, 1916. N o other carters of rteotroa mitS ’*r broke ont aiid h e wias apt auowed' moved befdro tooy have j time to set up ace yer* employed. . He had • .toitiot mattr onto. ld<^ I)vjTO die Sea. In S^tenber, 19U. he>went to' St. Aniftie HutoUASQa did aot-^m ear to aa ad; disease or irritafeifln in to e jbcidy. , . sp on siu e duties, M h e drove, a j690 hone. [ft Hin ^umekft, CkMiaiaj aad oCe^d jomned' eunnxma with ' rortart pert teto the had Of olljdealera^ <%fie. 3d. aibox. from Foster- 'The busy teoebn woe oomdng, as, on tte ad- I * T ine a t 1/9 aadl 9/6; o t Chemkts t o ^ i n the . as.' a rider, but aehoot etteawrewoe rt ter... w. ,1, 9 yeero^^agg. y e a i. MdCSeBon Go., 3, W«4ie-«trof»b. Oxford^rtreet, vioe of the Contcqller of MinM, people were tictdleef and deliver daily. they«y wowould V not take him aa. the ISwiw , . cF» ftieter ajippearod-r . «* . ter , V iSidioto, wrDbtri««ktor oeidB^ gradually getting coal in, and that would ioBen & Hanbtirye Ltd., London, E.C, d i i a-athoritiea odpld call him up.- A groat deal Out OI a poenble 25 attendexattendenoes the boy hod pills—ask duHnetlv tor Dean's backache continue all the eummor. — Three months rlLEMARDS-HM-SI Talephen* 88S. o i argiUttMt (oUow4Mi-—Mr. ftt coa- itot n a d o a alaclio atteodaACO.—'Itr. B rtw auJ ]ciduiri>itta, t t e a a a o as M n . .Walter co a d itio u L

i - m acjl^K&ATi APM L: 21V

of^sthem were work :ng together. After he iiad'flfiiri led-ithis 'he:^ le ^ i a an oppqsite.'direo- at was the iaat witness i m p o r t a n t n o t i c e , fioB ta-ir: iawss; g n d i saw of h ;m alrre. J jut five miiidtes later MB. J. witness liepril' an .ex ilogton, w hich'knocked 5:t5i*^®***.*^?.**'t leoetva inlomuitlpaifer wituees backwairds bit; 'I't was a lender S ? ® n^iaet ol lorthoomiac meetisf*, etc'., sod 1^ pur offer^ef free tins of "SHUR2INE ANTISEPTIG OINTMENT” to sai|drs‘; noise tlmii usual, iSwhen -witness had re^ leoeit engagemratt In lied' his brother asking: •battle. . . BODIAM, BBIGHT- tovered B im saF h e ’ci and soldiers is still open. We daily hear frqni eailcm and e^diers - ho'w 'useful. him w h x h e did n ot h ' loa, ou t “ F irei’t He-igot i ]fi W H U E 8 T. 1 MOUNTFIELD, Shurzine AntfMpfdo .Qintme!&t has been to tliem.and the offer ■will be ..kept open ho answet,__ so___ h______e calh for light, and went to, the spot teeni whence the ex^osioa seemed to ^ WESiylEIiP. anil WHATONGTOS. as long as ire have the dins to put the oiatiiient in. -'tlionld be sent Mo [ha “OtkerTW” come. Witness' was stocompanied by ^Buss and Saunders, who -vtere already workingito iKila th»* our Ooireapondhnt 'for I O yE E 50,000 o f ttieso tin s h a v e beehalread;r giTon^totwehty Chea^^t Country to Live i n COUNtRY NUTES- feet away-ftom the lM yw as a hole-in the •Sailors apd -Bclj^ers requiring these free tins are asked to addrpaS their applioa-• faoiag,'w Mch had been prepared foVblasttng. The hole would be alMut two" ipohes . across, i.WT' Bjiicr, of Sedlesodmbe. ;who tions for same to ■ ' -i holds the unique record in. these parts oLhay- and had been made by] deceased, and'Sauffiders ^gr oeoupied tlie . position, of honorary i^arish the previous night.. Decease’s dilty after L O O K YOU! Cterk foi- the long period, of 50 years, is one cteariag the ■water ■i*wuild'be'‘to get the pow* ot_‘ thq jibest-knowu, personages in thp. Ey© T H f SHURZINM der xead4 to charge the hole'.' ® y the side'-of- bhe hole witness foqnd a powd.er can w ith Division of , East tsussex. No maii has (Pibprietor, HAROLD IE. SKTRMB) striven to. eervd hife fellows better than “Jini-' five paCketa o f .powder i n ' i h about 2ilbs. Byner. During the past'half-century if .any- PHONr of,powder in all.. There were also two copper thing had-to be done for the benefit qf the 12, W ellington ^laqe, . He. 13«, bars used for charging thei bole, one .was comni'anity ,.it ‘was generally our Nold friend lying beside the hide and the.other standiag 'who had ■ .to take the initiative: if some de­ up. The;'hole would ^bo'-about 3 feet above, Excellent Put*e lving-object needed financial assistance Mr. j t h e : gricraad, and . was- generally reached by Byner has been ever ready to go round ivitb stooping. I He wotdd get light from -a' candle, Irat w it n ^ 'onfjrsaW one,candle about 6 -feet th e.h a t. . . • j » BXTBWABK. Hie stated that any enemies Be might have made in th e parish -were.Uo: longer euch, and' from tbemole.' ^^en:the hole was chargedlt There are .innumerable such instances. If he felt grateful to. the Chairman and mem­ was firedlby a fuse lit by-a can-dle. For tMs a farmer met with misfortune, if somebody hqle the fuse would'.'b^ about 3 feet, and -wite P o u n d D A Y .-E a st Sussex ■ Hospital, ber^ of th'e 'Council and-th'^ Overseers for the heas found a fuse burning near the hole hut waS; ooiisidered worthy of a testimonial^ or if April 28th. Please help. consideration he had'always received- at''theii: a Royal Jubilee or Coronation was to be com­ on- the'4r. H e seen deceased B U T f E i WOUNDED.—Private Bert Lusted, one of hands. - ' ■ i emoke ini th e mine.;' ^ memorated by the erection of a Parish Pump, The appointment.of his successor was post­ By.thednspector—The explosion put out all' 34r. Byner was always to the front.; And the four sons of Mr, and Mrs. B. Lusted, of poned for a,-week in order thatdikely-tondi- ■fldiether ' Dam e SVortrtoeC was sm iling i. upon 3, Victoria..terrace, who are serving their the lighto, and he ;wds .istanding about 15 country, yras wounded on the 12th inst. ^ dates might have time'to! consider their ap­ yardslaway from the shot hole, ''witness saw him, or like other agriculturists in thd past, plication. , a 'flame’and. felt the. wkxm 'air as it-passed he was under a temporary cloud, he: has ever A: GOOD E X A M P IE .—A Mrtle girl pi^ts a Mr. Q. Carlsywas appointed Parish'Coun­ penny in the box at Mh:s, . ■..uadon’s shop: him. There was more smoke .than ’osnally From the Rich been the same cheery, good tempered and cillor in pliacO of Mr. H..:'Kingsford, rerigned. found after blasting. i.Xhe^shirt' of deceased toed natured soul; As parish clerk of Sed- regularly every week in aid of the Soldiers’ He. was also-appoint^; School 'Manajier in tescombe how many weddings and funerals Tobacco, etc., Fund. Will others. kindly place of the same gentleinan. ' was burning lon the thigh-; - • I U seful.Shirt in “ Luviscf'' follow the example? Whqn a fuse IS about to be fired, the’man of and other, joyful and sad pictures hns he as­ Mr. H - Kingsford. having left the. paririx' in ChimgA of it calls "FireiVi and waits.until A material thRt,'.fWashes 'well ^ sisted? 'We remember him the greater part THE SCHOOIiS.—At g. special meeting of and resigned his , , one of the getting] an answer from his mates before he retains all-its freshness. It is service* of. the 50 years. We have seen him officiating the School Managers, held at "Rampyndene’’ trustees of the-Heiffiert Charity,>Mr. T.-Busa aj^ies the light. - able and practical.?for all occasitBi^ as Surveyor to the def unct Hastings Highway on Friday afternoon last, Mrs. Ambrose, of was appointed in his place. ' , ; ’Willialte - funders, of Spray’s Gottege, Board, -witnessed his manamment of the Kmce Lime Cottage, who comes with excellent crer A . cheque for-the'payment of the year’s ex- Netherfield, said' he was a gypsum minai(, In a large syeclicm of designs ai^ glorious club day at S^lesoombe, and ad­ dentials,. ■was appointed to the staff of 'penses was drawn. This'coneuded th e m eet­ mired his stage management of more than and'had,been at the work nearly-13 years. I colours, price 8/fl« 'i: teachers. She* commenced her duties on ing, by far the most-'importaht one of the Qn'Fridhy-morning he was 'working:in the oho fashionable wedding. He has_ been a Monday. Council for many years. : thoroughly usefnl man «Al; ro'und,' and al-"' mine, and saw deceived there and jiassed wit- though h e i.s getting on in years w e risiBfc'that MESOPOTAMIA DAY.—Thanks to the nees.on hte-.way to h is -work in the mine about he m a y , still b e : spared for' m a n y . yelars to generosity of the neighbonrhood, a most sue- OATSFI 7,30, whteh’'wae b^Ow wi-tness. , His working come. I,.:.' oessful collection was made byi Miss Brooke, plate 'Wab' about-: 15 'yards away.’ This morn­ and Miss Annie'McKntoht for Mesopotamia! ing decieased had' the!powdet for the three Day. The latiqr lad.y collected ^610 fe. Alq. men, anu witpess saw-him pass with the pow­ PER LB. Last -week Mr. ^j^mer’s friends and neigh­ POUNDS'' DAY.-^East j SuescK der; As he paaait^himi.he said; "I'mu6fe:have bours marked their appreciation <>f his and the former ^ 6 18s. 7id.. a very useful A pril 28th. Please hel-pl i ' collection. - ' your tamping bar and cutter." The bar was long labours on. th«r behalf by printing BOY SCOUTS.—Brasses^s" Own and the a'.copper I rammer end! the cutter a tool for him with a gold watch and chain. No testi­ MEMORIAL SERVJCE.-On Wednesday Battle: Troops will attepd ’ service at the cuttuig' pings,' shaped : lil»' a ’ chisel. As he We havef enoujg^I^ for everybody. m onial w as ever more worthily de.'served. evening a memorial service was held at the Parish Church at 7.0 p.m. on Monday next, left he said, ‘T tMnk I shall give it three Here’s to Old Jim Byner. and mayi he be Parish Church for four local men--who have being St. Gborga’s Day. ' packets.’'1. They had talked about how muoh spared t o see the declaration of Peade, and met their death on the battlefield, ■viz.,.Cor- powder 'Was necessary .the night-before. This take a leading part in the celebration;! poral George W. Jeffery, on February 3rd, would bel' the'-maximum charge, .usually two WANDERER. 1917; La'nce-Corporal A. Isted, June 30th, OBOWHUBST. . packets 'was used. 'VTitness had - helpM de- 19X6; Private Fred Brignall, February 14th,: oqpsed' to finUh the boring ovemight, and iP' 1917; and Private Charles Hepden, March V htel adviSed Mm that a slightly smaller quan­ i-iui, lyi/. ^ . .. PO U N D S DA,Y.—East ‘Sussex ", Hospital, tity would be-sufficient.'Very quickly after A CHILD’S DEATH.—Much Kj?m- April 28th. Flea^ help. he had left, witness the explosion took place, POUND DAA*'—East Sussex Hospital, path.y is felt with Mr. . and Mrs. "Ebb’’ VBSTBJ, MBET|N,a.-.tA Vestry meeting which wjse'the sharpest he had ever heard A pril 28th Please help. Richardson, of Crowhurst Bridge, on ' thb ■was held in the vestry' ipom'of'Crowhufrt smoo working, there. The candles went out, sudden death of their second! 'daughter, and as eteni ns he got a light 'in oom pA sy -with LOCAL BRANCHES,' SPRING STOCK SALE.—V very success- Church on Easter' Monday, when the 'ac­ Hettie,’’ at the age of seven years. She counts ;shdwed a balance in hand'of.£l 5s. Id. others •'they w ent in tq fihd deceasedT. H e cor­ fuls^e was carried out b.'v Messrs. Bui'stow was'only ill for about two days, and died on The Rector and: Churchwardens are to be roborated-lost witness as to h ow ' deceased I5«j GEORGE ST., HASTINGS, and Clements' on -Monday mu the George Satui-day "morning" last. The funeral 'took congratulated on having'a'balanee in hapd, lay. . always found deceased a capable ^ te l meadow.-: About M stole beasts, over; p^ce oh Wednesday, amidst- many Signs of and ^perienoed man,; and'-'he (was uste' to Iw store: sli©ep, and a horse ;woro amoiiK tiio : ' as there hl*s been only .eleven, months of col­ lections, and, owing to: the 1 very hjjgh price blasting., 'Witness went rup-to:,inform the QUEEN’S RD, HASTINGS, lots disposed of at excellent prices, i i g'vTTx ^Tr^ Ai> ! foreman,! and left the mine. A ~PQ ‘C’Ni'n 9nn?TT^T?^ ’Rrrffln rliiT nof trt' ' SOJjDLE-RS • TQBA-CCO a n d CIiGAK^ of oil and fuel:expenses have ;been much . STARS AND STOIP^.-fBattle did not let j ETTDS.--On Thursday, the 12th mst.i higher than tisfiul. ■ Mr. H. -Ballard was're- ■'They did' not eSrry-matches, and, 'when a America I ^ y pi«8 without making h ^ ' several ladies and gentlemen were busily'en- elected Parish; .'Warden, ;■ and Mr. William cmidle. vtent put .they had to call out for a |.n, Ct. dairrmaB, waa 17, LpNDON ROAD, LEONARDS. light; Th© 'driUs could'be used fo r tamping February, 1916, on tha display ^ th e G.S.A. flags m the town. Thr about 6 ly the Ganadia'nj soldiers. £ O N A R D S . Veterinary Corps, oamie home on Satnr- feet fipm-fibe hole. These were fired by the V it there was nq trouble. There was. 'a good market, a ; large Describing-the conditions of life lyith the. day for' a ’ few. days before ' emharkinir for company, and brisk - businiess dope by, explosion. He h-ad examined the. hqle. and. I completed, and lit would Salcnika Army; a Burwash soldier writes :— France. He 'was previously gardener at: the found nothing unusual.! It cOuld'not be seen BLOUSE iBeryice again. ' It had Messrs. James Woodhams and Son, the •" We do not,Sleep in tents; , we rhave a Etchingham Rectory. He looks remarkably whether any explosion took place, but there |patiwt$ from one local prices being quite up to those realised at the little hut built of petrol boxes, the same as well. last market. T w elve'fat beasts were sold,-, was no doubt the explosion ttek place in the to ajiotber,, — Three most of the buildings are in the camp. These- EGG • (XILLECTION.—An announcement hole. The hole-and' the 'tamping could never ^7 Robertsqo-StreeU the. top price being >840 15s. for a heifer from boxes are Billed with earth to mak4* them Mr. Joe Norris; a barren, from Mr. F; R. was made 'by -the Rector, on Sunday at the have been completed whien the explosion took 4d, photographer and heavy, and the roof is covered with large cbildren* "Sunday, School' that this year it is place. 'DeceasM was sin experienced man. Proprietor: EDWABD .EOGEES'. ed for general service, Yeoman fetched ^640 5s.; tly;ee nice heifers 8 ifoiscuit tins, cut into strips. We eahh proposed that-the' neual children'st Flower If'.the powdtqr had..heeh in -the open when ______: ...... - dr. Lloyd. He said he from Mr. Edward Hobdeh realised 435 10s.' make a bed for oiurselves, just a framq about each, and a fat bnll from Mr- Bishop .£39. Service on 'Whit Sunday should be supep- fired it, wodM only havq burnt. On .the fol­ Tasting;*, B exhill, and 6ft. long and 3ft, -wide,-aitd four legs,, and ceded by an Egg-Service. On that day every lowing'morfiing: witness found a candle on brother had been killed Try 0ur Engli sli Bu^ey Flour. Thirty store beasta ivere. sold at priebs .from cover them' pith stout can-i^as. It is so clay , cm the floor within a foot of the hole. Jtet th e bridge a t Powdert- 'MiH’'' irtrtjp "'** I Bisters were nursing.— 424 5a. to 432, barrens from ^17 5s. to |£21, •parent and child would;:be,invited -to;-bring proper repair, and also to^^,aeo that tho:f cold sometime.s at night, that we: cannot', one egg (o . !. more), - and rthe collection would 'Theto was s mark on ondof the tanking bars, leared in sxipport of M r.. and, yearlings 48 lOs. to 410 5^. Theife lyere and'it looked as thougbithe May on the bah-, ivas made in -working 'drdef. -U 62 calves, varying from 41 2s. 45 7s. In­ sleep, so now we, have made a brazier out of be dispatched' to the-‘tarious hostels for i>ad feat (As te^vfied to to a .petrol tin, and we have a sack of bharcoal wound^ soldiers. '• die had been stu good demand) ivasjSs. 6d. through travelling. The side streets are A pril per stone, and fat sowsjGd. less. Upwkrds of : disgusting—all rough stones, so one can . U N D DAY.—East) Sussex Hospital, the other over the head of the 'tamping bar. April 2Sth. Please helh. . If :'witneES had seen a, man working with a BELLRINGJIr S’, j.(ETY.—The^,^ndaX Sold in 1/- and 2/- pi ickets, to be obtained of all a hundred sucklers changed hands at from scarce.ly walk. No drains. All the waste c^dte within a foot of a hollq he dhooid i;e- ; nesting of the St; !l V i Saleh'or^'h^efy I5s. 6d. ;to 30s. The price for store sheep, as throph in the I'oad. , The m ain streeto are a 1 principal gi 9 ceus and dealers. ABSENT SOLDIER’S ILLNESS; primand him. ; sf Bellringers -was ■;:tin the...... bqlfiYvj. ;bp at other neighbouring markets, was a little,liittle better. The, Allies are making the . He.had seairched the facing and could find Jiaturday evening. Thtf'Vicar (Rfiy, Sole M akers^ down. Greeks clean the' streets up a bit, but they A t a special sitting_ of' the_ Bwohill Bench_ ho clay marka' 'Yard) presided, and there were CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION.— are ajazy, dirty lot, and sucli-thieves. Alex­ bn Tuesday,esday, before ' ‘ Admiral E. H. M. Davis, -Allan Charles Buss, of Tower Lands, ) a ^ - n s e | On Easter Day Hifty Conunuuion P'as, andria is muoh nieer. I think I should C.M;Q., George Fairall. of the Machine Gun Brightling; another gypsum miner, examined .RJBURGEi>S & CO., Ltd. a t 8 a.m. The .-Itoy. R. C. ; Davis have rather liked it out there — such fine Training Oorps, -was chaiged '♦rith beiM an t^e spot with last Witness, and corroborated buildingsj and the natives and funny, trees ■■ -i=-^ preabhed from Ib^'». i i., 10 and 1 1 . absentee from a camp in the Eastern Cknin- his evidence. He found a portion of a coil proposition of Mr. AU»E. Edwards, ..seoimdod R OBERTSBRIDGE, 8USSEX. At th^ two celebrations of the - Holy put me in mind of the Bible Land.” ties. '■ ■ - . - of fuse burning'about ten minutes after the by Mr. J. Goodaell. Mrl^ T.;Ssdth Commvmiqn there ivere 67 communicants, the P.C. T. Curtis, stationed at Guesthng, said explosion. This ©oil was about 6 feet away laonsly elected captain-'-for«‘'fee ensufiupweair. highest number ever recorded on Easter Day. that on recoint of a telegram he. -went to' from the hole, and there was not much of tho Ilr. ly. Bf. Perry'was rteappomti{a.:AVffi^ ’ 'A children’s service"took place in tliq after- BALDSLOW. prisoner’s residence, Dolebani-cottages, Guest- coil which had been cut off, but a large por­ Captam, and Mr- A, B: Edwards coddmitir. nbop, p'hen the young ptoplo brought their ling, where he, saw the accused, and told him tion had .been charred, about three parts of ifr. J. Goodsell was also re-appointed Sect» Waifs' and Strays’ 1x>xes, which tlmy had he 'yiro'uld arrest him for being an absentee. it. ■ tary-and, Treas-arer,_ and thankedi-for; the been' oollectiiig for during Lent. At evjenscmg A DOUBLE AFAR ’ BEREAVEMENT.- Accused said he had b^n nearly dCadiall The smoke in the mine was mostly caused , very able way-in which-he had carried ChurchwMQSena again preaclied from i. Luke 24; 38, 39, Eas­ ready given their lives for their country’s ply;, and ho had intends going back by the Henry Minter, of Faver^iam, mfihager of snd faimself-'ror th e .Very efficient m uiaehiha OUR ter anthems were sung tlixougliout the day. honour-. • The latest additions to the list are one otelock train .that day. the powder-factory there, said they provided vrhich they had carried out the iikn|lhgtim OF With the usual Eastei-^ anthems 'appro­ the two elder sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Accused was remanded!"to await an- escort. the mine tem pany • ■with blaE^iij^ ^powdte. these, abnormal times. Hr. T. Booth; ; priate ' for Easter Day morning; and buck, of th^ Post Office, old residents, and The powder -m the case was so supped' by Ending, than^d the ;Vicar' for hte|ldftd?i^ GLASS, CHINA & EARTHENWARE ■the proper Psalm s, -under tho i direc­ a much-i-espected family. Herbert, the liis-firm, and -was.made expressly for the purt nmrks and I Said -it I'gave th e rinfprs .mteft tion of ADs.-- Luck, the onanist and oldest son, was in the Royal Sussex, -sriiilst BniRSTaKEEN. pose. • Powder in the open would only ■ileasure to-lolow th at itheir effortell^weto'tep . choirmaster. The choir,'p-liicn is entirely Leonard, the second son, was also in the Sus^ buhn, but if confined in a hole would onch appreciated. The evening fipteffieil'’R,'.rBurgw * ' of their concerts,-of which they-have ai'- five years previous to his enlistment was in ■v'ith] a Musician Badge and permission to bton- in a stooping position, and the force of \ J . Mewett, iBIr. L J. Hodi »t'rat« of iatoroo|» ranged a series during the past season. The the Mrvice of General Sir Arthur and Lady weait it. the-explosion was at very close quarters. houMy re-elfcted'.^ipelCha^^ O n -th e NOTE THE ADDRESS (and pay early visit, as' .The.Coroner,.in:his;summing up, said from proposr^n of Mr. A. Watei^'^'setondtel concert at the Church HaU on Wednesday, Paget, and like his deceased brother much V.A.D,, . . HOSPITAL. As the school i jtorfoct aoeiiritjr. tonu of the lines cannot ' Id). judging from the overcro'wded house, must, respected by all who knew him. A mernorial the evid«aioe)it-apptewed quite Mear that the jlr. J. M ewett, Mr. L . J. BBodson w as laianfc service was held' at the little Church of St. cMIdfien hadbeen disappointed by being only n^ligence which.had occurred was that lously re-elected Overtoer,' On.the proposL have outrivalled all. previous entertainments 'hindered from entertaini^ the woaqded sol­ of'the deceased man; ' Everything appertain­ in the matter of attendance, all availkblo Peter, Baldslow, on Sunday evening last, a wn of Mr.. J. L. Mannington, seconded by crowded congregation paying their reverent diers in Ehster Week, they did the next beet ing to the management of the vvorks appeared ir. L. J ; : Hddson,’ 'Mr. W ; Hoad w us’unani­ pt an lOTMtiag tban BARKER & RATHBINE, seating accommodation being quickly taken thing they could. .- Theyl had' an egg colleo- in perfect ordey. up,: and large numbers of people had to bo tribute of respect for the dead and sympathy mously re-elect^ Overseer. On -the proposh with the bereaved family. The preacher, tionJand thqee. sturdy IVcfif Cpbe took three The jury.Tetumed a verdict of "Accidental tjon of Mr. L. J. Hodson, seconded by Mr. J. aoy apare aamt a» 1 3 , YORK BU1LDIR4GSi content with standing room only. The faro andja half dozen eggs to the Hawkhurst Hos­ Death, and endorsed the - remarks of the- ■provided was excellent, and the; audience was the Rev. Henry Cole, Chaplain, spoke elo­ BarnqSiJMry H. ■Carter 1-w a ^ a p p o » ^ ’0 W r t . quently of the dead heroes who had given pital. The lads were kindly sho-wn over the Coroner with regard te their sympathy with ster.' On the propdtitiiffi' of Mri'R.'^Biunnssi. [NEAR THE MEMORIAL] HAST! appreciative and enthusiastic; The pro­ the relatives of deceased. They also handed gramme waa augmeuted. by the assistance _oi their lives tor their country’s honour, and wards, and thoroughly enjoyed iTON PLAC^ cellent soldiers, whose loss the village will piessod'their'dtop regret at the occurrence.' '’’innHttee, while on .the proposition S Mr. tically encore for her tasteful and brilliant at Hunst: Green on Sunday evening.- Ltch- They did-not regard the loss as only that of a rendering of Legende by Wiehawski, and deplore to* a long time to come, and con­ i.egham and Huirst Greeh Joined up, and al­ J. B arn ^ , seoonded'hy Mr. E.!iH8Zd£* Mr. r i N G S . cluded by offering his heartfelt sympathy to miner, but of a friend. The working in .. Lusted wAs -'unanimously rMaphoi^i^ t« played in response a Fantasia by Birch. Her together there was a good muster. . Scout­ their employ'were always regarded in this performance of Sarasate’s Spanish Dance the family' left to mourn the loss of their master P. Haskew has arranged a, patriotic Oh the pro^sSwa'^ Mr, sons and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Luck have light, and it wa8'becanso,of the friendly feel-; HUd^,; seconded byVMr. L . fJ. Hodsdn. earned an encore, “ Schon Bosmarin " display of Boy Scouts to take place at Hawk- ipg that existed between'the firm and their- (Krieslor),. Mr. Tom Coussens. of Hastings, two remaining sons the frqnt.- hjirax on St. George’s Day. Ten troops are -T. T . J..'i Barnes waS-.'im anim lra^ Vgoaw. employes that. the..busmess had grown to the nnted; the Ccmncil’s Beptesentetive bji th* found Battle appreciative of his talent as an expected to meet at tho Highgate' at' six propdrtions.it had 'done.: elocutionist, in which tola he conti'ibuted "A ^mmitteeof Salehurst Sohcxds, w h iled fiia o’clock, when they will march to the Moor toposition. of: Hie same gehilemeh, IB . 'M. Fallen Star" (Cheyailierr, Ato BRIGHTIiING. chutoh foq a short service. The Union Jack " Lasca’’ (F. Desprey), and "The Suicide, will then hem n up andl ealutoii; the :Scont Baker -'■as re-appoint«l tolTHurst-fSkPeett and as a vocalist, -wherein a delightful tenor; NINPIELD. school. A tetter ,'Wds.: read tedm sonte^nsi. Promise renewed and the National Anthem djsnts m Robertsbridge iosking for the^ptovipi Placed First ; voice was heard to advantage in ^'Tafce a pair POU^D DAY.—East Sussex Hospital, sung. Any and all "Scbiiti will be made of sparkling eyes" (Sullivan). The remain­ April 28th. Please help. of allotments close te '-tiie town: w Omi weucome. ,: j ‘ , PO U N D , DAY.—East Sussex Hospital, ipositten^f Mr.' J.' L*: Maon£^gton,- secosK in order of merit by doctoi-s, nurses, and mothers, throiigh- ing items contributed by local artistes were April '28th. Please fhelp. . out the world; prescribed by British doctors for 35 yedrs; all well received, almost every item being 1 EASTER ...... VESTBY.-The .; ,, lofi,Easter ‘Vestry nni.Y J by Mr. L J. Hodtohi'it-wists itecide0 tto »»• used in British military-and cml hospitals and convalescent encored; Vocal ouartette by the ;^Htees N. I meeting was held-on the A^th_iMU The ONE SON KILLED. ANOTHER MISSING. jint, a Sub-Committee to inqdiie into tiw E 3 l and Millicent Raper. Messrs. H . T . Rector (the Rpv J .M . Lest^^^^^^ j|(atter and report at tho ’next meeting:.’; Th* .'I! homes; ordered for the Re J CJr^ Societies of Great Britain, Mys- M.: E yles,' of ’ Payhesbridge, Horeham Holliday and H. G. P^iillips. Miss Raper, accounts of the (ffiurch C^rities.^whiiA were BOBEBTSBBIDOE. fqllowing were aopointed:—Messrs. J. the Overseas Dominions, ai d the Allies. This is the record of always a favourite -with Battle audiences,' passed.^ Mr. Coventry was again appointed Road, has received tho distressing information nlmgton, L. J. Hodson. A. Waters, E. Hilder. thaU one of her three BOldier sons has died y id J . Qlyde. On the prox>osrition o f "Mr. L, • - Irote'wounds, and that;another is missing, - POUND " DAY.—East Sussex Hospital, J|. Hqdson, seconded by Mr. J. Mewett,'-it-wap _,Mrs. Eyles. received the letter on April 28th. < Please , help. Ujnan I mously resolved to hold the qmtfterlT Annie Hoad pqsse^es a , r, Thunsday "morni^, stating that her son, meetings of the Council on 17th.. Jnly.-ixetfi songs. “Hush, little voice (Landon Ronald), Mr. H. Kingsford, who has also left the vil- Private Charlies Eyles,'-.Royal Sussex Regi­ WESLEYAN CONVENTION.-The an­ October, and 15th January. 1918, at r.w V te. s "Grey Days," and “ Bird of Love Divine" lace. ______- ment, had died of wounds. Ho was ve^ nual meeting oL the Tioehurst 'Wesleyan Cir­ fHavdn wood), were well suited to her style. badly ivounded—multinfle ' wounds—and cu it Cdnvent'ioh ..w m held in the 'Wesleyan Mr.'H. T. Holliday (bass) sang “ The Ad­ ‘ a s s i s t a n t OVERSEER FOR 26 YEAEK hardly conscious, only ■ living aitfew hours. Church, Robertshridge on Wednesday. There WHATLINGTON. ; miral’s Broom” (Frank Bevan), and evoked _Itwas only a fewdays previously that Mrs. was a large; attendance. At the afternoon ------:0 ;-r — T-' a well-deserved encore, for whiqh the Kashi- Tho Brightling Parish- Council met on Eyles had . official information that her meeting the Rev. J. E^ Harlow, of FoDe- For Infants, Imali^. and tlie Aged. youniest son. Private Leon Eyles, of the stone. Chairman of the Kent District Synod, PO UND DAY.—East.-'Sussex. Ssopitil. miri Song was given. Mr. Jack pailey Mondav in the ^hool. There Were present: April 28th. Please help. * i O l d Different from other foods and most highly nutrifjive (tenor) was in good forin with " The Land Messrs. W. A. Haviland, T. Cramp. H. Canadian Infantry, had' been missing since preached: on • "Mountameering."' The rev. Invaluable for backward : nd ailing children, in illness and of Long Ago " .(Lilian Ray), and was called on French, H. Hoad, T. Buss, and H. Watson March 1st. This son was only 20 ^ r s of 8®ntleman emphasised the need of unity: in a n c C again, when he gave Coleridge Taylor’s (Clerk). age lqst October. Rfe . went, to Canada three ! **'‘® ‘ffi’*toh,'.and*saM that as it was necessary convalescence, and for aged pprsons. " Eleanore" in fine style. Mr. MacGregor Mr. Haviland was aghin ’ appointed years ag£> this April, and twelve months ago ' ter mountain ehmbera to be roped, together, ^ Diet and DisUtio** Tutt, a young and promising comedian, who Chairman for the ensuing year, and suit llast'August he joined the Canadian Infantry. all must stenfLunited.against all opposing > m n ia Food is In mFODtnicai tba nioet valaable proprietary food on thio nazkits has only recently made his debiit in Battle, ably acknowledged the compliment. Before emigrating he worked for Mr. Gas- o . in the shows considerable talent, his songs, ‘fl 'want Mr. Coventry, who has’been Oversee! for a son, grocer, Hurst Greeri, and prior to that J DDU ND d a y .—E ast Sussex Ptnter't Food a told in tint hf Chen mte. ifcy, eveniwhtre. pnee V-. 1/A V*. B/. A W/. T. . J. Barnes presided, and spoke of the good April 28th. Please hMp. BioapitkL k nwToui temperament CENGER’S FOOD LTDi — ------r MANCHESTER. Enaqaad. to meet the Kaiser" and "In other -words." good many years, wrote resigning his appoint­ for Mr. A. Aljchin, junj, grocer and hakeir. leepleeeneei. Before : N^fYORlck B«laian £ t.- S^PMS-vit?. Ktt St. PepBtt thro-wiran ^OPA. brineing down the house, and his encores, ment, which resignation was received with Cade Street, 'Heathflqld. I work done in the CHreuit by the M inister and i KHAJCI WEDDING.—There' was a'laiin- ]_take a cup of the "Moving" and “The Gay Cavalter,’’ being Lay Evangelist, and o f the -fine spirit that h^tendance ^ e Ch'urbh'^ op. -^^ednesday^ thoroughly well deserved. The conbludini? re^ett^e proposition of Mr. French, se­ had pervaded'the various meetings in the when rthe marriage was solemnised-of Miap Tbit complete item was an amusing comedietta,"Packing, ’ conded by Mr. Cramp, Mr. T. Buss was ap­ Circuit.-The Rev. A. C. Pearson gave an food footbee the ^ MOIXNTI^LD. Florence . Hayward to Corpordl' Eby HanM and kept the house in roars of laughter. Miss pointed overseer in his, place. Mr. H. Hoad address, in which he emphasised 'the im­ iterns, Canadian Contingent, the Rev. E. J. ^alm elrap and ensures Eaper ably sustained the part of Mrs. Bran­ consented to serve again. portance of prayer.-The Rev. J. E. Harlow argely^ uied by the gave a.foroeful address, entitled "Carry on.V Ifm gan ^ m a tin g . bricle*t tebb Afore i don Miss Jean Ritchie that of her daughter, Mr. Watson also resigned his ofBceas Assis­ NATALITY AT THE OYPSUM MINES. NPty pretty w hite -Bilk dress,--! w ith orangC bn. I *■ K itty, w hile Mr. H. G. P h illips was jinimilR tant Overseer, which he has held for 26 —The' Rev. L. J. Hunt followed: with a J EARL STIIEET, HASTINGS. Teil.'Iqoked hhatming-ffond w2h‘ able as Captain Breach. The.duties of ac­ years. - j , spirited speech. \ t ■ Mtended by tfwo bridesmaids., one. her idsterA Jttca Sleep. B O N E S & S O TIMBER MERCHANTS, etc. companist were shared .b.v Mr. P hillips, the The Chairman expressed ms 'personal re­ .On Tuesda!y morning the Deputy-Coroner D aisy ^ a M c e , and'i the*nth«r*'Mi)iH -lrtlS.iiw Ithe 'Alleaburya* DIET Misseb Elsie Holt, L.E.A.M., M. Raper, and, gret, and also that qf the Overseers and'the Mr.-F. Sheppard), held an inquest at the ^ w a r d s . B oth of these young ladies weni> Mo bed with consider* ' A. 1- parishioners in general, but said as he had Bungalow, ;M(Ountfiekl, on. the-body of W il­ -wtote silk dresses, and silk hats. Mr. Bad it sastaiaing and liam Stdnestreet. Deceased met his death at SEDLESCOMB^. Skirtings, frccnlieusii and French served so long, and was advancing in years, ^rtd, gave his daughter.away,.and the bTilte" ■sleep mneh better alter IMBER Ct £ll kiris, IKauItf <5tS. he could not well press him to'serve longbr. t^psum Mines on the -preceding Friday. (UOKXB.)...... U.S. Special attention given ” P 4RK ROAD 'WESLEYANS,—At the Lee-, Ate. T. Bay dell, one-of H.M7: Inspectors of was attended, b y &srgeant Coomb*^ T ' G w ien'Tlirt'er p repined eiji tlie Premises, ture Hall of the Park Road Wesleyan Church He spoke in high terms of the ability and POUND DAY,—East-. Sussex Hospital, ytV;* *S"-best>mnn.«: Several m e n t i s *t P H O N E , care , which Mr. Watson had shown duriagv Mtees, was in attendance.: The jury visited “jiaekjpom’s Company hwere-'.predent -and-, In . in d u c e s sleep. rchitects* own designs. 7 4 1 next Wednesday evening, at 7.80. Mr. Regi- ■ ■ i. «>-, , . , the ihine to view the body, but did not think April' 28th. ,P1.. Please help. . the whole term of Ms office,. and he wo'__ gave U e happy couple a rousteg send-off sK; Mld E. Groves. A.R.C.M., A.R.C.O.,: it tnecessary to enter, the working.ram, The 'j evi- PARISH, COUNCIL.—A meeting, was held L.R.A.M-.1 K A jn will Win letture_iovnic on n,i the iuw " Life «uuand: retire witU the good wlshes of all. Hc tiTisted they left-the' church.. Beautiluli^baefcets 3f- ■Works of* S'. Coleridge-Taylor," with musical ' Mr. Watson would live long to enjoy his well- dteice pointed to the' fact that' a lifih:!_ >ted.,can- at- the Schoolroom-on Monday e-rening, when were carried ^hy the bridesmaids, anC . - . a'-, - .j.l. _ - X.1 .TV _ j.w ■ earned,I vtAovrest. . . n: put bn a bar-standing near the th ere w ere p resen t :-(Meiwr8:'>H.. A.- P ra tt,- J . illustrations by the members of the Hastings shiot :hqlh>' and ignited a ' coil of fUse' which •Jteree bouquet by the bride. Npt only froar Church for service at 7.30 on Monday, St. Madrigal Society. The proceeds are to be de- Mr. Watson, m reply, said he regretted Byner, E-. .W.Yflilder,-L. .Dollaway, W , G. Westfield'^bot, alto'Bohemia' (whert the.ibrfdh' SCOUT NOTESi having to rtoign the post, but felt that his fired the, charge in .the .-Jhbte: before it .was Plii'kori.-W. Button, And T. Q. Hilder (clerk). Gedrge’s Da.v, in order to rbnew their Scout voted___ to ... the ... National Children’s Home and: properly prepared. -Deceased was an' ex- was .in business) a^ large nupibaV' of haaii* promise, and it is fervently hoped that all nTOhanaee age (nearly 74) was telling on him, and he Mr.' H. A. Pratt was untm ifiton^ re-elected som e and- usefnl presehte--wero;:focei'ri^- ' - Scents w ill nnakq, it a point] of honour to be Orphanage oonld»not do the work so well as he could petien<^ -workman,- and- enjoyed the greatest Chairman ' and Mr. J.' By'ner ’Vice-Chairman Chief, Siq Robert Baden- wish, and ho thought it better to resign be­ confidence of > his hinplbyera. for; the ensuing: year, Vboth these gentlhineh ind Hastings ^Calvert) Troop.—Mondt present, as the 'H ■ ' ■ return'ing thanks, tey ibb'honour done them. St. George’s Day, meet at Headquarters Powell, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., , has-^expressed_ a fore ho made any mirtakes. During his 26 wish to this effeit, and hopes that all Scouts years^ of office some - (£16,000 had pasted said'te Miessrs. H. Dengate 'and W . Holmes were re­ eiw prompt. Tuesday: ' Troop Night, S elected-'as Overseers. A'-precept! was m ^a l u l t s Railing, etc., Thursday:7.30, Physical Drf . vvill make it " their day” by approaching the through his hands,' and he bad never, had ;a UjPL ,, . penny wrong in his accounts. ther, ;teho was . 39. years -of age,' and also a o u t fo r->45, an d b ills am ounting to 4 7 '18s. tructiqn by A.S'.M. E. A. Betts: at 8 30, function in a true Scout frame of mind, and gypsaih ' m iner.; He was . mairied,: and . had irere. passed .for ^ip^Jinent. The Allotmeht lastiq S^uad Drill, under instruction of fully - resolve - tot -live nd1 to the------promise,- and - This was said in no-boastfur spirit, but (very little is known by the'outside public of beeh'-ei^loyed by the'.cbmpiwy^ about two Com m ittee was appointed as foUows s.*MessrS. 'atroi Leader Chaa.' Rranmery. ; Friddy: stick to it bren more than in the past. In- years. 'Witntes'saw.ghim’-qnFkidaT 'ntorhing E. vW.- Hilder, L. Daltewi^.- and- W: ,G. mmtsr •ml*,- 'Wolf'Ciibs, under the direction of Patrol spection; muster at Wellington-squaro at 7 Hhe amount .of work, which falls upon the the Scouts,! whether at home: : Assistant- Overseer, and - the fact speaks dbwn in the mine betweqn.8;aad' 8.w,:and he Parker. andrtlteiK annual insp^httoh.of al|i^ _denW. Hindon. Saturday; 3.(). Majub , p.m. Friends of. , had than just ifinished ladlteg out the irgter 'inents' was fixed ter- Wednesday; JuOe 7t]|Uat or those from ov er the seas.! are heartily wel- I volumes for Mr. AVateori’s care a n d .stiic f kt- 1 Chcon^ta. it. Sunday: 2.30.' Scouts’ Own. j -itehtion to details.' f rqkn- th e working place "where he' wail^lCluee, Ae7en o’clock The - Cleck wag instccudud': to Vh« local Scours paradq to-Holy Trmjity.lcome. — . I- , i. -' iUd„LMoiLftC. -4

t... HASTINGS AND ST* LEONARDS OBSEjRVER. SAT FED AY , A P M L 21; ^ 1 7 . . '■ • V ''] ': . ' ■ i n, bfe obtained either from the Ideal Com- WOMEN'S; E.S.A.—Miss Edith Lamb wai MAONESIA WILL eUREYOtfR ■: ■' • r-x"..-’ • - '.t:q Auction Sales. Auction Sales. Auction Sales. .jittoe, of which Ctunoillor, Clement Hill is th e s p e a k s la st Sunday. She gay© a power­ '■^Lr 1 Auction Skies. hairman, or from the Ministry of Food, ful address On ‘^Seeking.” Mrs 'Tuppenne;; STOMACH TROUBLE. •o.svpnor House, W ., or from the Editor presided, supported by Mrs. White, leadff of the Itisterhood in,North Finchley. Ih; ——:0 :—:---- PERCY WOODHAJ F.S.I., F.A.L BO H UN ’S a u c t i o n OFFiCBS, thip paper "who can be seen a t h is office d U ' C A N WALTER PARKS, REEYE & FINN y n)orning except Thursday and Sa,tur-- solo, "Ncarbr, my God, to Thee.’Nwas sun;; NO NEED TO DIET. 5 -r P. A .S. I , F. A. 1,, 11. HAVELOCK ROAD. HA8TINCHS HIGH STREET AND MXteKET ROAD. y. Let everybody who recognises the grave by Miss Cary Tuppenney. Miss Eagles will t : -j .'■'".'■a JAMES WOpDHyvMS & SON, (EsUblished 1B77). RYE. SUSSEX, AND AT LYDD, KENT. ces4ty for food economy take advanh^e be the speaker tomorrow (Sunday). Simple homelY remedies often girc bAtte* ii P f MJ'o lato Firm of'W oodhxm^, k leaults than elaborate and comphoaS 1'akks, csfablished at address bblbi> (Of til* lata firm of Wot dlianW, Son, and ESTABLISHED 1812, eveiry possible opportunity of convincing HASTINGS BROTHERHOOD.—Mr. T. R HE. J. H. BOHUN, F.A.I. loubtei". We assure our Teaders that this Kirkpatrick was in the chair last Sunday, treatmente, and it was the simplicity of IF YCJU 1 , 18«0. Parks), j method that first induced Ylr. While to s p r e p a r e d to unde uike SALES BY A UCTIONEBRS. LAND, HOUSE AND real National Service of-very great value TJi© speaker iv*as tb by Mrs. Revill on “Privileges” -was listened relief and soon effected a cure. Won’t you painted washstands and 1 ware, DINING, panies. ' , ' 12th U..NE, at “ SARACENS HEAD," Great Britain from to-day until the strain < SPEOTALLSRn IN. T ASHFORD.—Valuable Small Properties is reliejved. It must be remembered that the, to most attentively. The Sisterhooel meets try th is sim ple remedy for your stomach HASTINGS MUSI WRITING. C.\RD, Toilet, iPembroke SHIPPING AGENT AND PASSAGE every Monday evening in Mount Pleasant trouble? You may have suffered for a long and Occasional Tables, MAHOQ.ANY SIDE­ BKUKEK tinder MerchantSiupping Acts by ill Romney Marsh. G^-man people are characterised by a sheep­ FESTIVAL TUESDAY N EX T , A PEIL Sttl^. like docility. They are, therefore, ideal sub­ Congregationsil Church from 8-9. All Sistei's time from indigestion, flatuleuco, iTatSt BOARD, ANTIQUE CARD TABLE, HAND­ appointment to. the "Union C astle,"N ew Early Entries solicited for the above open over 16 are heartily welcome. t- ST. MATTHEWS GAKDENS, SOME CARVED OAK BRACKET C l^ K sales. jects for the infliction of compulsion. Yet <3er- brash, inflammation or gastritis, but if yon . ,'i Zealand," "Orient," "Houlder," "R.M..S.P. w ill take half-a-teaspoonful of Bisurated ST. LEONARDS-ON-SBA. with Cambridge chimes. Buhl Clock, Drejh Co..” “Nelson,' "Leyland,” *'"White Star,' Auction Offices; Rye and Lydd. many has failed to make compulsory ration­ A NEW ASSOCIATION.—At a meeting ■; YATTERNS FROM 0THBB| den Timepiece. GRAND!, PIANOFORTE by ing a sucoess, some people being badly under­ held a t the Albany Hotel on YVednesdayJ Magnesia in a little water after your meal* IS'TIQUB AND SUPERIOR MODE RN "American,') "White iifiAr • Dominion,' you w ill soon experience -relief. Bisurated CJoliard and Collai^, Brussels. Wilton, aim "Allan,'' i “Canadian Pacilio,'' "Cunard. fed whilst some in the country parts fare April IStli, it’was decided to form an Asso] HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. cohyiaratively well. Compulsory rationing elation of Hotel and Boarding House Pro4 Magnesia neutralises the acid -which is th* In ▼iew of the approaching Oriental Carpets. A QUANTITY OF FINE "Royal.'' and ochey linea. for aiet, 22hd,4ind 23rd prox.,-ij TURKEY AND BRUSSELS C-\RPE OLD ENGLISH CUT-GLASS, PAINTINGS. CHENBELLS DYER & GALLAWAY in| Germany produced bread tickets -with­ prietors for Hastings and St. Leonards, and root caus"© ibf the trouble, and having ffon* th is it w ill-soothe and heal your inflamed to g to note th A eucoeSsf-d festn AND ENGRAVINGS, Fire-Proof Safe, By Order of the Trustees. out producing the bread, and that brought a small provisional committee was elected to HEARTH SUITES. S. BERTRAM DYER. F.A.I. atout serious food riots-in the'tow"ns. Com- draw up 'rales and form up general lincsj stomach and quickly rftake you well once gently been held in many porm Linen. China, iKi.tchen and Culinary Uten­ A. W. GALLAWAY, FA.I. try. nqtftbly at Plymouth,'’C" French Bedsteads, Mattresses, Blankets sils, and Outd^rJ5ffec|t8, which EXCELLENT' FREEHOLD pujlsory rationing does not equalise food dis- upon which the Association can be of benefit more. N o need to d iet yourself or tlose your IN VESTM EN ’T. (Agents to tho Official Receiver in trJbutibn, because the fool sellers become to its members and of advantage to the town. stomach with harm ful drugs. A lai-ge sealed liondon, at Sti-eatham, and St WAiHj ROBES. CHES'H OP DRAWERS. Mfi%SRS.' JAMES At Plymouth there was a 1 90L1JJ OAK DINING KOOM FURNITUF-E. ME. J . 11. BUR UN Bankrnpiny.) food-smiugglers,o6d-Bmuggi and the rich buy the Mr. R. M. Key, "Craigydon,” presided, and bottle containing sufficient Bisurated Maa m uggltd foood whilst the poor have to go amongst tho speakem were:—Sir Hennr nesia for -six weeks’ treatm ent can be ^ gnlt. From 313 performens ^ CHIPPENDALE UHAIRS. WOODHAMS & SON A UCTIONEERS, GENERAL and HOTEL pnmber rose to l.Ol? th is ydar.M Bureau, Has been favoured with instructions to SELL VALUERS; E.STATE AGEN’1’8 and wijthouF Further the cost of administering Lunn, Mr. F. J. Notley, "'Yelton,'’ Mr. H. T. tained from tlie chemfst for 3s., so that this (Mr. E . f jsehce of Mr. J. BY PRIVATE TREATY, at a low figure, to compuleory rationing would •' run into Weston, Royal Victoria Hotel, Miss Sturte- ■wonderfully effective home treatment eosii ym lnding choralists. Dr. 'WaK VALUABl-.E ANTIQUE C.\B1NET. Woodhams on Miilita y Seryice will SURVEYORS, S'lKXlK A N D SHARE who is to xict in that capacity^ OoOBslonal Tables, Books, Cul'tains, .Glabs, P . Wood effect a speedy sale, the BROKERS. millions of pounds, and thou sands of officials vant, “Everton," Mr. I. Newton Moss, Wil­ less than, a -penny a day. B ut you inuil ask kindly conduct the Auction) have received wduld have to be appointed to act as spies ton House, F. (jildersleeve, “Metropolo,” and distinctly for B isuralcd Magnesia s'o as to Iras a very popular adjudicatof.'‘J DEFIANCE BENT STEEL SAFE, instructions from the Trustees of the ■IDREEHOLD BUSINESS PREMISES, J. ■ — At Stratfoid there were good^ and usual Household Effects, •nhich. Jj situate and being D. GEORGE STREET,. cm food; sellers and food buyers. And then Mr. J. A. Watt, "Waverley." 'The meeting avoid confusion if ith tome common bismuth late Mr.s. Agnes Burgess to SELL BY AUC­ a u c t i o n SALES of every descriptio*. ' there is the objectionable waiting for food was a representativ’e one. Thirty persons mixture, -which might do you more ham tike ooiniietitions, and. the cqnoSl TION. on tho above premises and date. HASTINGS, comprising; Shop. Workshops, EXPER'T VALUERS for all purpoaea. w^-attendod. The financial ,) MR. iSALTER PARKS Stores, and good living accommodation. Let by women and others in, queues outside were preeent. than golMl. ! Sale will coinmonoe at j Eleven o’clock, ESTATES MANAGED. Rents Collected. the shops, a long welt frequently ending in •xoelldnt, ttere being a profit Haa i^eceivcd instructions from 'M iss ;C. G. j Goods on View day previjius to Sale. on repairing lease, having five years unex- PROPERTY» REGISTER and Map (gratia). EX-POLKIB SERGEANT’S BEREAVE­ compared -with a loss last year,! Papillbn to SELL BY AUCTION on pie pired: at 1866 per annum. fnabilitV to secure tho food needed., On the Catalogues can be obtained at the Place of INSURANCES ARRANGED. . other hand all these, uffpleasantnesses can MENT.—Much sympathy will be felt with '.atrvo fund is now largw .(.tbs above premises Sale; of Messrs. E. Burgess land Co., Station- ihirther particulars of J. H. Bohun, 11, Ex-Seraeant G. Hickmore, of 46a, Lon don- (War. Th© Glasgow Choral Sale w ill NARI>SON-SEA. at the H astings Borough (Ileaftetery. and at .W indrrEte., Meoessary to add an exixa dayj^5| tings. Germans on the laud. The Naval problem Jgn additional a^udicatpr. ; The TO BUIiLDERS, CONTR,\CTOES, AND has beep solved; we caff beat the Germans which the Rev. Dudley Clarke officiatem&, Dressing Room, not a spectacular job, and food-saving is a Fellows, Mrs. Smith, Mre. Craddock, Mrs, errors of the War, and their 1917, at One e’clock, A ACCOUNTANTS. hemists everywhere at tho following ' Egaponragement to the proniot* BatuTiom, 3 excellent Reception Rooms, Will hold their part of modern war. Our women, can beat Scan, Mies Soon’, Mr.: Stiles, Mi's. Richer prices;— Bt>od Domestic Offices. Good Garden. Tlie. QUANTITY OF USED BUILDING Bailiffs nhder the Law*of Distreee. the Gormans by out-saving them in the (Lewisham), and others. 'The whole of the jti-ve festxvaJs generally. ORTNIGHTLY MARKEt on the above MATERIALS (from six cottages de­ Inauranoes of every Description. The success of these festivals , Bouse is well filanned, and fully furnishei. date, which will-, include the usual A matter of food. If our women back up our :’uneral arangements "W'ere admirably con­ POWDER FORM TABLET FORM. F molished by the local 'I'own .Council), com­ soldiers and our sailors by giving us the • wid^spreiwi recognition of tii^ Full {■ar.tbatlTars on application to IV. Park|s i^upply o f :— Expert Valuers and Ai;etionsera to ducted by Mr. Arthur C. Towner, of 25^and Price 3/- per bottls, Large Flaik .. 2/6 ■ansical festi-yal as a means of 'jL il , HiLVelock-rond, Hastings. prising : .Ajbout 20,000 hard kiln bricks .(fairly light food and wasting none of it, our 69, Norman-noad, St. Lronaa'ds. Ont Size—OnePriee. (mail Flaik, .. l/| PAT AND STORE BEAST, clean), quantit.y of brick and plaster jubbje, the Printing Newspaper. Stationery and women will have done as much to win the Jove of music,ai^ of raising thel FAT AND STORE PIGS. three loads of old slates, 70 18in. ridge tiles, Bookaelling Trades. CONFIEMATiON. -] Two Confirmation told of mntocal ednehtion. ■, J War as our Army or our Nav.y. Then the Every package accomi>anied by guarAnteti "The Daily Telegraph," oa©1 RESULT OF SALE. FAT SHEEP AND LAM^. 70 deal shutters, 50 panelled doors, rooi BilitUh representatives will enter the Coun­ services were hteld a t St. Mary-Snd;he-Ca«tle CALVES, HORSES, and POULTRY, and plates^ rafters, bressummers. quarteruiK 40 Years’ Practical Expehenoa aa Trade on ; Wednesday, when the Bishop of Satisfaction, or Money BacL'i' bst jonriials, in suppoi At t ^ SALE BY AUCTION oh Tuesday lafe cil Chambor in which the nations of the Jliscellaneous Effects. floor joists, floorboard and other timber ' Valuers and Aujctioneers. wcirld w ill make peace, as dictators. They Lewes was in attendance. In the afternoon 8T© .feeti-vail movement, AnUfl h e FOLLOWING PROPERTIES WER In addition to the above Market will bo 2, Bohemi^-road, ■n'hen Miai Nos. I and 7. CASTLE STREET. PRELIMINARY ANNOUliCEMENT OF TOCK ISOLD in Rye Market any Market AGENTS. VALUERS, A! SURVEYORS. s j Day. A Stripes from the flagstaff at the Town, Hall Toteihell, from fcho internm ent camp .ua No. 16, GEORGE S'J'REET. i , SALE. 48, M ARINA. Correspondence or other matter intended and also in otlier public places. In a few ermany, -wa.s Hie" speaker. Miss iWalther . 1«EE eSURGH pc B.v Order of the Trustees of tho late Sirs. All I Kinds of Sales Undertaken. > instances the Aanericai) flag was displayed rcoompanied at the piano for the cong'r^i;. THE PRIVATE RESIDENCES BT. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. Ifor insertion in this journal should be .4gne.s Burgess. , addressed to the " Editor," and adyeitise- from the windovve of private residences. ional .singing. known as' LIST OF SALES. Telephone 19x. » I b face of the great h e s u p e r i o r f r e e h o l d r e s i ­ jnentsk etc., itt the Publisher. = CAFE CHANTANT.--There was a very FISHERMEN’S* CHURCH.—Next Monday Mblio and necessary , d e n c e , 24th APRIL, .at ORE CATl'LE MARKET.— Establiahed over 80 years. ;iiig St. Gleorge's Day, a special patrioti* No«. p . 41, 42, 43. 4i and to. ST. HELEN T Fat BAists, .Sheep, CalVce, Pigs, etc., at H igh W a t ib for the week commencing large number at Cave’? Oriental Cafe on ttero isi a growing feeling' m WAD. TH E f i r s . ROBERTSBRIDGE, Saturday, April 21st, 1917. Wednesday afternoon, -vhen Miss Florence Jevvice w ill be.held to-morrow (Sunday) a i too country againBt the 2 o ’clock. 3.30, with an address on "St. George for Eng. ■No. 87..ST. HELEN’S ROAD (formerly |S, W hich i Saturday 11 52 12 01 Wednesday 1 56 2 19 Aylward and "The Migpies” gave one of gaoegoere. . ' , 26th APRIL, at SCOTS FLOAT. PLAYDEN. HENRY BAKER their splendid cafes chaptaut in aid of Sussex ^nd,” end intercessions fox- our King, Coxxxi. The Exeentiv© domnlitte© St. Helen’fi-terrace) let in two fiats. MESSRS. JAMIES —■y’ery Useful Machinery, Live, Dead Sdnday 12 30 12 40 Thursday ~2 36 2 57 ry,* Soldiers, Sailors, and Fishei*men. Mat, Fai-ming Stock,' and Miscellaneous «0U8S, LAND u d ESTATE AQEMT. MibhdaT 12 50 1 01 Friday . . 3 16 3 38 13 Red Cross Detachment. Enthusiastic ap­ gnd St. Leonards Frb©i I Nos. it,, 25 and 30, LOW ER PARK ROAD. WOODHAMS ^ SON 1, VERULAM PLACE, plause -was awarded all the artistes, who did ins with address, "The Good Shepherd,” at Effect.*^, for Uie Executrix of tho late Mr. Tii(ijesday ■ 1 IS 1 431 1 a.m . • ■ gassed th© f. TO B E LET. Stock Sale. ValuatloA”...... tor VroMtt.I. ell*. Mb'nday 8 37 Friday 8 43 obligato by Miss Sybil Jo were, for which he xlress on "The Stability of Art Ideals,” but latge jmmbers df private ifitf Early entries respectfully solicited for the Tusaday 8 38 received a well-deserved encore. He also NEAJEt THREE OAKS. GUESTUNQ.-- BELIMINART ANNOUNCEMENT OF unfortunately illness prevented his attending, eonyey parties to and •■ froifi.| above Sales. sang "with much effect "Beloved, it is morn.” Mr. T. Parkin, J .P .. gave a short "talk ftxtnibs. This meeting To bel Let. frmn Midsummer, a good-Countiy SALE. Auction Offices; Rye, Sussex. I'XASBa TBB M o o b . Miss Gladys Watson gay© great delight with ‘[The Advantage of Sketching,” which -wa* •etensitAe reasons ^ven -Ohtta^ -with ^ bedrooms, 2 reception-rooms, g u e s t l i n O o r Insurance Notices. A aril 7th, 1.49 p.m .—Fni/U M o o n . "Love is meant to make us glad" and "Khaki pntinued by Mr. Brooks, amd a -very plea. of fahes as ;a si^cient inrofic and Large kitchen garden. Bent. (Three miles from Hastings). Lad” (F. Aylward), which was given by re­ JSS Mr anirain, inclasiv^ of rates. ; Tli s Genuine Sale.—By Order of Exeentrix. ■ A >ril 14th, 8.12 p.m .—L a st Q u a r t e r . ..ant time -was spent. Among others present ■tost people regard ad Ar v a l u a b l e f r e e h o l d quest., ’Cello solos by Miss Sybil JowerS were would also be Let Furnished at 25s. p < ( 11 HE J PRE- A iril 21st, 2.1 p.m)—N e w M o o n . w ere; Messx-s. W atson, Kingston, ahd. m .Htal national resource JL MISES, being the Grocer’s and General - SCOTS FLOAT, PLAYDEN April 29th, 5.22 a.m.— F ir s t 'Quarter. thoroughly appreciated, and Mr. Tom Brooks, Mrs. VVeatberelle, the Misses R, 0*1 III util J ntges the Gov week>-For arrangements to view apply '(o (About One Milo from Rye Station). Established 1821. Coussens was heartily applauded for his ren­ „ - Offices, 51. HavelOck-road, Hastings. S top , Residence, and P ost Office, w ith Ware.- ^pantou, Warrl, Starling, Thomas, Haynes, Haj without ddEay, all races house. Stables, etc., at Guestling Green, i'n ALUABLE ENGINEERS’ MACHI­ dering of "Time’s -Garden." Miss Elsie icat-Cole, and others. Of W ar." (^ ie s od toeireso# e occupation of Mr. Beene.y, together with I’ll IMROSESv—During many years Mr. Tyler sang very sweetly rMa,v Day at Isling­ to Mr. Bdiiar Law, M;Pd. TO Sifi LET OR FREEHOLD TO BE SOLl». NERY and STOCK-IN-TRADE, in­ A POPULAR p r e a c h e r AT CENTRAL thje three cottages adjoiningi same, which cluding:V 6-b.h.p. high speed portable engine GUAEDIAN C iark-« Grimwood, o f 51, Western-road, has ton” and “Buy my Strawberries.” The coi­ Cave, K.CJ, M.P., Home ^ tion amounted to £ 4 19s. ’ESLEYAN CHURCH.—The many friendi DOWNS . ROAD, HASTINGS.—Excjelle4t MESSRS. JAMiES with locomotive type boiler, portable saw made a feature of a display of primroses on f the Rev. Chas. Wenyon, D.D., will b* ll^^llberb Stanley. PresidiB^ -Modem B^denioo, having 4 Bedhoom' til e anniversary of Lord Bearonsfleld’s death. bench with 6-b.h.p. motor engine, engine ASSURANCE COMPANY AN INFANT’S DEATH.—At the Silverhill lad to hear that he will pay 'h. visit to Hb»> 8 Beoeptiasa Rooms, B athi^m ,. and goo i WOODHAMS & SON truck on steel underframe, -4in. patent Til is year his exhibition was restricted to Council School on SatWday evening the uings 'very shortly. H© has promised to The tinieBns®? ^ euto- Offices. Nioo Garden. Rent j643. .1 ■Free­ centrefugal ptimp arid pipes, 2-b.h.p. ‘l i m i t e d . pfd.s of blooms, but he eqcceeded in making Deputy-Coroner for the boro.ugh held an in­ preach at the Central! Wesleyan Church, Bcoioed by the vigorous^ hold JB690,tir wtinld sdso'he le t Fom isheci. ve received ' instructions : to SELL BY a very pretty little show. quest on Henry James Pringle, an eight- • A rthnr %>urgeonr ohaimumj v AUCTION at the CASTLE HOTEL. HAS­ "Alverstone” ' motor, hack saw- machine, Cambridgo-road, on Sunday, April 29th. On ^ ply. Walter Patk^ Estate Agent, 5f, drilling miK-bine and drills, stocks and dies, Paid up Capital ...... { 1 ,000 ,0 0 0 CANADIAN SOLDIER’S END. — An months-old infant.—Mrs, Alice Bland Pringle the following evening Dr. AVenyon wUl leo- Bench of Alaffistra'^, Wljri Havdook'^roed, Hastings. TINGS, at an early date. shafting 'and pullevs, etc., MOTOR said she was the wife of a soldier,^William toainst the Ixxse of jietrol fon* Auction Offices: 27. High-street, Battle. Total Attets (ovar)...... £ 7 ,2 6 7 ,0 0 0 inquiry was held at Bcxhill at tho end of tnre in th e Central Church at 7.15. Cbuf LAUNCH AND ROWING BOAT, FOUR- Is St week into the circumstances ot the Henry Pringle, and lived at 50, King’s-road, advertisement columns will gree further parw 13 motor-car drivers W6r* "“■' St. Leonards. Deceased was their son, ased ' U83 -each for exoessi'ye I . MB. WILTER PAftKS Biv Order of tho Trustees ofj the . late R. H. SE.ATER FORD CAR (in running order), The COMPANY transacts all tho princi­ cteath of Elmer Langfoi-d, a Canadian ticnlars next week. Dr. Wenyon whenTesf. and sundry motor acoessories. pal Claases of Insurance. eight months and had always been rather dent in Hastings was exceedingly popularj- x o a d s f r o m t h e GiKtwink -—^ A UenONEER, VALUER, and ESTATb Burgess, Esq. i _ scldier. The decomposed body was found on weakly. Lqtely he had a oough, and -People o®,; ^vepi .hana arf ELEVEN l-I.AMB and 1’2 3-LAMB EWES the foirshoire at Lane Hill Lock and appeared and doubtless there -will be lark© diidilalSte A - \ AGENT. . j EOBERTSBRIDGE. ’ ‘ j and LAMBS, Geese and Gander. Full information may be obtained npoli appeared weak On hia chest, but seemed to be Wbonld busing men in i 51L HAVELOCK ROAD. HASTINGS. application to the Branch Office:— te have been in the water for quite three bi^.greet him on this' ■visit.'^ '' ■ . CAPITAL FREEHOLD INVESTMENTS. DEAD FARMING vSTOCK. POULTRY better, so she saw no reason to call . jrnMio in general-bd in o ^ 82, EAST STREET. BRIGHTON. months. Evidence was ^ven that the in a doctor. On Friday he seemed brighter, EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL.-For tl« to o tta ^ dfj petrol .vchffe APPLIANCES, etc., including; Galvanised dteeaeed was -missed from his billet at ■RB'OS. 8 to 15 indum ve, and 29! 30, 31, and and wooden goose co6ps (ratproOf), thatched and took his food as usual. She went to bed r eek ending, 14th April, 1917: Cases id- tn tills way*?' AY 32, FAIRLANE, all let tq good tenants Hostings about the end of December. The about ten. The child had been in bed all initted, 17; number in Hospital, 56: xuimuee i i BROADSTAIRS. roof and glaz^ aviary, pigeon cote and xiin, j ii"y retumed an open verdict. at low rentals. jortable corrugated iron -workshop, 10ft. by day, and slept with her. She, fed him when of out-patient attendances. 363. The Com- Jobmasters, Oontractors,. and Farmerk. The excellent Modern VILLA RESI­ 44 9* she went to bed, and when she "tt’oke up iiiittee acknowledge -wth thanks the follow, ift., galvaiiised tanks, stack cloth, poles, etc., URGENT LETTERS IX5B AMERICA OR iilg subscriptions and donations :—G.vpsnia AVilliam F. - Whiteing, deceased. DENCE, known as BROOKLANDS, STA­ part framework of small djungalow, roll wii-e PU SH AND GO T' EUTRAL COUNTRIES.—On and after the about two o’clock she found him lying on DEATH- OF MR; TION ROAD, together with the Cottage netting, beehives, tools, prongs and rakes, ,33rd April the' senders of a specially lirgent her right arm.; There was a light in the Stines, Ltd., £ 3 3s.; Miss Beddington, £1 Is.J ABTHBR HARCHANT adjoining. i is one of those apt and striking. phrase^ room, and she saw that he looked pale. She F. GUrdon, Is.; Miss.O’Connor, ,10s. 6d.| iron cisterns, sheep racks and troughs, horse which are so common in these modern days. h tter for the United States of America, or Sergeants’ Mess, Canadian Comihand Depot, The commodious (X)RN FACTOR’S hay rake, hurd,les, quantity manure ■ and for any lieutral country in Europe or at once called Mrs. Bailey, who occupied the TiAHO irk , T.TYADEB A N lij Uee received instructions to SELL B$" STOiRB. SHOP, OFFICES. W AREHOUSE, 'The meaning of the saying in question is, flat below, and letiviiig;deceased with her, .£10; Mrs. Cato, j61 Is.; Miss Tyler, 262 2s.| AUCTION, on. the Premises at ROSE AN litter, stone garden roller, nearlV-new of course, well understood. When it is America, may secure its specially expeditious aid STABLES, STATION pOAD, in the 2ft. Sin. kitchener, wheelbarrows, new dung t "eatment by the Post Office and by the m ili- went at once for Dr. Brodribb. who came at ly e Post Office, ^61 Is.; Dr. N . Yloore, 10s. PUBLIC ■ MAlJii» YARD. BROADSTAIRS. 6ii WEDNESDAY, occupation of Messrs. R. Burgess and Co. once, and prononneed the child dead. De­ Ql,; W. Wilson, 261; 'White and Norton, £1 APRIL 25th, 1917, the whole of the. bl o ^ it at the 'counter at 1 s.; proceeds of entertainm ent at Eversffeld iNos. 1 and 2, iVAEEHOUSE COTTAGES, gallon paraffin tank, etc., .etc,, etc., which and activitv, “Push and Go” is a “qualitv^' ^ “?t‘ngs *Iead (^ce. Queen s-road, with ceased had been attended at the Hospital in -Ajltanine feeling of deep III i ' I establisihed: and well-knoivn apd the Large WORKSHOP OR STORE,, in Jiotel b.v Ml". Reginald Leyland, .£5 14s. 6d;| • n Tnnrsdaijf .morning, wITen.'t which is usually regarded as a requisite to i stamps in January for a chill. It -was her first baby. f I OBAIASTBR'S' AND CONTRACTOR tiro floors, adjoining. MESSRS. VIDLER & CO. She "e'eut to sleep while the child ":vas being lewis, Hyland and Co., .£1 Is.; J. Keylock, read thrpflghont the towa-i I success. Although "Push and Go” may tho^J’ll ordinary No 2i2 2s.; Colonel Vf. H- Young] 263 3s.; Miss STOCK-IN-TRADE, ^pmprising The Substantially-built ! STORE and Have been favoured with instructions, from fed.—Mrs. E. B. Baile.y corroborated, and Sann bad'passed away .atr - J WAREHOUSE, formerly the GAS WORKS, be regarded as a temperamental character- ' . ® ^ said Mr.s. Pringle was a good mother, and McCrea, 5s.; Mrs. Harlo^Phibbs, 261 ls .| Harold-road. the Executeix df the late Air. E. F. Elliott to istic, yet at the same time the pos.session of | }. the letter will be Rev. C. M. Buchanan] lOs. 6 d .; Rev. Mr. A week aio last Tuesday H SO ST-^-TION ROAD, w hich | SELL BY rpuBLlC AUCriON on the Pre­ this “ quality"' indiciites a condition- o f f ?R^tchfd trom^^thm n o ■ respon^si- ver,v fond of the child.—Dr. A. W. Brodribb said he found tlie child was dead when he n-.i'l T'L's. Cook, .£2 2s.; i i r 'V'ere Isham. ' vnweU, and had to lea-v© tn Wdl-sUsoned CiARRIAGE, WAN and CART MESSRS. JAMES mises as above, on THURSDAY, i' 26th considerable physical vitality. The value I }£ ‘ty and^ ^ Bart., J62 2s. ] APRIL. 1917, a t 1.80 p.m. 1 10 retuim of the fee can be entertained, bnt arrived: its lipp were purple and its face • IFiibanal. ] He was miedidi H o r s e s , 2 Batm ler Motor Gnre, eacfh t|o therefore of maintaining the general ..health nadnally got worse . till WOODHAMS A SON Catalogues at the Place of Sale; at the at a high standard will be at once apparent. ill' general, letters posted under the specia. pale. He had made a. post-mortem examina­ ] APT AIN’ MARK BREACH DEAD.— tarry 14 persons, ah Up-to-Date Funeri omditions wi!l be dispatched appreciably tion and found! that death was caused by iny of th© older residents will learn witk bopedess. The greatest symp Car, with .rubber tyres, 4 Taxi Cabs, 2 Foil (Mr. E. S. Mills, in the abrence of Mr. J. Star Inn, iPlnyden: or of the Auctioneers, To achieve this, attention must be diriected ! Market-road, Bye, Sussex. s-)oner than those posted in the ordinary way. suffocation. The lungs wei-e congested, and fret that (Captain Mark Breach , a son of , to th© -widow, whoj haa boeiM [Horse I Coaches, 20 Landaus, 20 Heavy" Carti Percy iVoodhams, on Military Service, will to the’digestion. This is the basis of normal invalid fori eom© yeani,. ! l health and vigour. Any derangenjent = here THE MAISON BENBOW is the only this would render deceased ver.v liable to istings jrho won fam e as a sea captai*^ *0 Vehicled of all descriptions including kindly conduct the Auction have received r.airelres.sing Establishment iii England suffocation. A child in . this condition and :d in Sydney on the 6th February. He waf Mri. " Toin ",rMann -was Furtiitlure Vans and Lifts, Pair and Singl. iristmctiqns to SELL BY AIJCTION, at the must "be promptly dealt with. One of the M ^cially in the Old Town.' best medicines .for relieving and curing 'where first class attendance is assured for of this age -was very easily suffocated, par­ nember of a very old Hastings family, ani Hors© Vans; Stone aiwl Timber Trolfie GEORGE HOTEL. ROBBR'fSBRIDGB, on MESSRS. HOWSE & CO. nil. No lips received Experts for ticularly if the mother fell asleep while feed­ 11 be reineihbered as a strong advocate oli. Ae has been in the employ '<) pony, D(^ and Governess C’arts, BuRse,.] ilONDAY, MAY 7fh. 1917. at Four o ’,clock in disorders of the digestive system is Beecham’s Pills. Deecliam’s Pills keep the Chiropody,_ Manicure, Face Massage, ©be., ing the baby.— verdict in accordance with Ixalf of the Hastings iHutbour. Captate tkm, and by diligenbo- Phaehms and Victorias, SovCral Sets of Ne ti e Afternoon, in Eight Lots NORTHIAM, SUSSEX. 26, Grand Parade, St. Leonards. the medical evidence was returned' by the each, who wa.s in hxs 72nd year, had b e * pOeition. of a ^ foTeman; Particulars and Conditions of Sale can be digestion right. This remedy is known all Van lyheCls,' 40 Setsj o f Heavy Harness, 40 STATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS over the world for- its powers of promoting Jury, who added a vote of sympatliy. with failing health for sqme littie time. Hi* H the M unicipal Employe:^' Beta or Double and "Single Harne.sses, llh .i , obtained of Ylessrs. Buss and Levett, Solici­ AND AUCTIONEERS AND THE BOROUGH ASSOCIATION. — The the parents. IS associated -witli, the Australian traA* was chosen] the represtotatiy ' | . tors, Tunbridge Wells; of Mr. E. S. Mills, J health along these lines. Everyone desirous on. Secretary (Ylr. fY ederick. C. Morgan) Gas Ew'*)'®, Chaff Cutter, Com Ci usher, an ! VALUERS FOB ALL PURPOSES. of maintaining the "Push and Go" standard INTERNED IN AFRICA.-The Rev. F. H. ring nearly the -R’hole pf his long career 1 and will be pTwoeded by seryle UCTIONEER. HOUSE AND ESTATE R O U N D D A Y , patterns for the making of Suits into latest were no longer interned, but impi"isone(i, nor soon put the men at their ease. The* Ohureh at half-past two. t V R STOW & CLEMENTS k?. GRAND PARADE, AGENTS. ’ tyles for Spring and Summer wear; also sometimes in stone buildings and later on in fc Bowed Bible reading and prayer, and a sol* ood lines in ready-to-wear Suits for men ] W iv mill conduct their i 6T. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. (Tel. SSO). A F prison camps. The prisoners -were forced to b’l" Mrs. Holder, given at tlxe Bwhop’s request 17, HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS, EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL ,nd youths, to be seen at J. Macdougall’s, do work which was most degrading to a His strxxight talk to the men on making th* ECDND SPRING SPR CATTLE SALE, oft 'ailor and Clothier, 1, Devonshire-terrace, ESPERANl S and white man in sight of the black man, and b(«t of themselves was listened to with rapt 14th MAY, 1917. Entries By] Order of the E.xors. APRIL 28th. 'astings. the .Africans .-were'told that the British altention. He qndted most of our great Mo n dHomo a y . - Bred Beasts, includini; ClirRCH-lN-THE-WOGU.—At the Easter people were to be the daves of the Qerffians, leixdcr.s and statesmen’s names of the present pure^bred Guernsey Heifer in-calf, and n I lAMORNA."!’ J, BOLTON CHAMBERS, EASTBOURNE, MORTp DB D-RO Z i •om prise 50 Horn; 1(!. i m CHAM HOAD. • Public Nolko «.‘D FrcfOt Pa^’o. ssembly of the Vestry Ml the bearers of and that they had been brox^ht over to do dny as being .Chi-istian !men; having taken young British HoHstein-Friezian Bull. and Agencies. dice were re-elected. Sir Archibald Lamb, slaves’ work. It was duly impre.ssed upon Clxri.st as their e.xample. “Jesus Christ Further entries invited. MESSRS. BEAGLEYS •art., continues to represent the parish; Mr all prisoners that the Qermjxn race was far makes men," ;he said, and went oxx to toll . K nn bedaurego ni_ Jus ekse_ Anotipn.Offices, Battle and Bcxhill. [. 'T. Simmon.', .J.P., remains Rector’: superior^to the British, and theywere fre­ them how they could h;eep in close touch to nia estimate, kaj amate M| A ri in.sl.niC'ierl to SELL BY AUCTION, on PRANK -SH OESM ITH AND Co. poasMs fi. Zamenhof, la elpensinto .t' 0-' i MAY 3rd, at special lacilitioi for disposing of all kmds of iVardi'n-, and Mr. A. Noakes, Mr. G. Car quently lectui-ed on -What the Germans' w th Christ through prayer. How that somw Iho premises on Y'HUKSDAY' :>sep}i termed politeness. The third phase, was near Ungvo Esperanto. . Nentey Twjo p.m., the property The Kastings and St. Leonards hi d a wrong idea of prayer—that .they did-' ilaanship. Tho following is a brief summarj’ the erid, when the invasion was in sight. .At iKit get all they tusked for. Ixxxking back on ^snune rioevitej, sed oni tifiii OAKLANDS ESTATE, SEDLE.SCO.AIBE. U ,P E R. I O R FUR.N IT U R E AND of the financial statement received and once the attitude was changed, and the Com­ his own life he tha.nked God for Hie refusals. to lia urbego (VarsOvloV 8i inilec from Batfle and 5 fiom' s EFFECTS, adopted:—Church expeu.ws account: Balance mandant and Governor found out that there Wihat was needed was simple prayer fo GkKi ^rapidigis lian morton. Roberlsbridge .Stations. C’ntalofeues. in course of prjpai"atiom may ‘‘OBSERVER ” ip hand from 1915,'All 4'. 9d.; Offertory re- wei'e certain classes that Imust not be treatecl as a father, axid that as a father He w oulj Ni kredas ke trie baldafl ^ bo had of the Auctioneers, ijio. 27,' Qrand- T. H. GOHDABU, ejeipts for 1916, .£86 lls. 8d.; Special dona- as prisonets, and priests Were among the list. give all that was necessary and good. Th* fciam 'la 'granda elpensajol NOTICE OF SALE OF parade, St. Loonards-on-Sea. AUCTIONEER, VALUXB. BOUSE AND HAS A CIRCULATION AMOUNTING tjions in aid of church expenses. .£"22. 16s.— In consequenfce they were at once released, Bishop concluded an earliest address witih n Plcevos tutmondan akceptedoH I 8HIPPINO AGENT,— 'rotul. JlllO 12s. ,5d. Expenditure, .£108 8s and everything possible Uoiie for ih eir com­ te;it that had helped him greatly through L'i estis; persona konata 'd| 400 M, 8IUGHESTER ROAD, TO OVER ikl.—Balance carried forward, Ji2 -4s. 4d fort, but although ihe | repentance of the lile: Isaiah 41, 10, and quoted:'“ H im thaf Bsnerantistoj, kinj ifluKfoje'l OAK TREES B'T LEONAHDSiON-SEA. Hix>i"ial objects acc-"j'imt: Collections for the German Colonial Authoi"iities ■'vas ver3" com­ (*metix unto Me I will in no wise cast out.^ I*, dreersaj Esperantistaj Koll Standing on tho above estate, which STOUP.TON TDDGE. EWHURST, AGENT FOR THE ALLAN, AMERICAN, OUNAnD. Red Cross, 268; C'hurcli BlisMonary Society plete, it came rather late in the da.y. Tlie 'J''ljie nien sang “.Abide with me” with great •i,: kune kun la tnta esperantij SUSSEX. CANADIAN PACIFIC, ROYAL, WHITE s t a r : ,£5 Is. 7d.: British and Foreign Bible Society lecturer concluded by speaking of the future te -vour, and a memorable service closed rvith ffitiploros Ban forpason. .. ■ . MR. F. HUDSON dominion. ORIWt.ORIKI” UNION_____ OABTLE.______ROYAL 1 3 ,0 0 0 scG; Bishop’s fund, J610; National Mission of the colon.v, both politically aiid religiousl.v, th 3 pronouncement of the benediction. Ce la lasta kunveno de la 4 II aT l 8TEAM F A 0 A |T CO., and OTHER SHIPPING ALE OP EXCELLENT HOTJSBHOTD LINES. GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Lfi Kls. 6d.; Harvest festival, .£9; Choir fund, and said that the Germans must not bo •etis'deciidite sendi kondqlenpi jg instructed by Harvey T.‘B. Comlje, Esq. i;12 6s. lOd.; Sick and poor fund, J640 Is allowed to rule again in East Africa if their T h e “FOLLIES” AT]'THE HASTINGS to SELL BY AUCTION at THE GEORGl) S FUENITl'RB, a Tiwo-Seater 7-9 00., 6CEAN corporation , a n d PITT AND Y.M.C .A.—An excellent poricort was held at vidvino kaj familio de nia 10^ horse-power De IJibn Motor Car, 191.3, aSCOTT’S FOREIGN PARCELS EXPRESS, CERTI­ COPIE9 WEEKLY. S|d.; Ihc Rector’s Easter gift, 2673 7s. 9d. work -was to continue successfully. Tranalatidn: — HOTEL, ROBERTSRIDGB. on TUESDAY' FICATED BAILIFF UNDER THE I-AW OF DIS­ 'fotal, JA70 Us. 4Id. -wr j ■ Hastings Y.M.C.A. bn Wednesday even- ■Four-Seater Motor Body, Lawn Mowing TRESS F0R ;H E N T. TELEPHONE NO. IS. DICKENS I’ELLOWaHIP.—Dn Wednes- iiik, when there was a Special visit of th* DEA’i'H OP DR. Z i MAY. 1917, at ‘3 o’clock im the afternoon] Machines. Carpenter’s Benche^, Gent’s Free- day ^'hilrirfin .of rnnl T)iclreaker a t the Hollington Wes- Fellowsliip gave their atinnal enterteinment stxige was suitably decorated with flower* U is with profound AuctSoneer. Dung Cart, Chaff Machine. ()il Cake Mill, learnt o f ' the death of ouirl Auction Estate Office, Roberfsbridge. i 181, Advertisement Dept, only* l^an P.S.A, on Siinda.y, hte text being at the Queen s Hotel, llhere were two per- and palms. The programme was opened Wire Nettifig. Galvanised Cord Chests, Cow 8T1HLEY T. WESTOIT k SON "Run! Speak to the Young Man.”, He formances, which were ■fvell attended, and wiih a chorus by the Troupe. Private Scott beloved " Master.” F t. L. E .l Chains, and other Fg.rming Effects. ^ ted that there "were thousands of young Inventor of the internatioiiM 8. HAVELOCK ROAD. 132, Extensions to all departments. viRoroxxs applause greeted the efforts saiig "The song the kettle is singings" and MES8BS. E. S. MILljs & SON Canadians in the town, and it was very de­ of the luvenxles. Every item gave the greatest as an encore “ An, old-fashioned melodv."' peranto. No details hawe^y (ESTABLISHED 1864). UCTIONEERS. HOUSE AGENTS. Etc., sirable that they sliould be spoken to, ^ d , satisfaction, and it was wbnderful how clever Private Tayjbr sang "Uncle Joe” and "Yoka •eived, but we fear that tW Are favoured with instructions from Thos. Etc., i( possible, influenced for gOOT. It was a tome of the little on^ ^ere, especially the Hula Hickry Dula.” This was followed , Wswcity (Warsaw) by the e n y ■yatee. Bourne, E'eq., to SELL BY' AUC- A HASTINGS AND SX. LEON'ABDS . vtry.good plan tb invite one or two Cana­ dancers, who were so.tiny that the audience with banjo selection mis end. Bents Collected. Valuationli for banjo selections by (Corporal Pendl*. A UCTIONBEE and VALUER of Pro- TION, upon the above premises, on THURS- dians to tea; he had done it lots Of times, nt theu, bkek .Li of tho.JiaU rru ■ Were Lu- obliged------tq; r.—stand — A -oon coon song song and and dance, dance, “They “They'^oali caB itit Dixie-Dixie- We believe that the A . party for ARBITRATION, PROBATE] D A y , APRIL 26th, 1917, at One o’clock Probate, Etc. © b s r r n t i ; . ahd found it of great mutiiql benefit. They up to see them. Their actions were delight- laffd,” was given by Sergeant Cnstance. Pri­ Irhen the I great conception fiORT^OE REPORTS, and TAX an4 p.mL Sbarst in Local'Companies Bought, Sold, and hkd travelled thousands of miles to fight for fill and very graceful, 'fhe singing wa^^x- sTnSey'display'’^^^ tenor voice in Will bo accepted by the whg S a t e a p p e a l s , also FtlBNITUBE. Exchanged. SATURDAY, APRIL 21st, 1917. the Empire, and had given up home and' ■ceedingly gbod, and insti(umentati^los gave hTrsqng“^“My little'girl,” and as an encore. Ho was ] personally known Further Particnlare and Catalogues see friends, and many had made tlie great sacri­ BsTOrantists, who on _paiL _ future advertisement; ' [ great pleasure. A splendid Chairman "was "MoTher'.’’ ' A romedract was gteen fice of IHe. The. Christian cdiurches in lurnishcd in Master Leoiiard n ise^ who an-|ge;knts Watson and (5astance. Captain'G* 5lm at the different TspeM 70H N BB jLT THE FOOD CRISIS.—AN the (.own, had risen nobly to the great task nounced every Bern m a| distinct and mas^;Wr Bullock won, rounds of applause in hi* and thesej together with E?M LAND.. ESTATE, and HOUSE AGENT, W. N. OLDHAM 4o entertain these noble young men. The f, "The Bandolier," and the encore, . ■allv, will deeply mourn hlsj greatest temptation to the soldier wae found li. SOUTH COLONNADE. Hl^BBBS. W. T. BMI1!H & BOH Successor to Messrs. Breeds and! Son. APPEAL TO WOMEN. ^ . ..h en you come home.** A cornet solo, At the last meeting of theuT in the public house. If thev read the Has­ It was decided to send a Icti© fBstablished nearly a Century). u AJ- - +A Ai Son^s were , '‘llh e Officer of the Day.** was given by Pri- ST. LEONABDS-ON-SEA. (W. T. SM ITH. F.'aI.I.). A. tings "Observer" they would find that four given by_Mihh irotty A1 corn. Master Alan , vat^ Smefhurs, vioHn solo by Prirai • to the widow and fam-ilyi,<| BALES BY AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE Member Sussex Valuers’ Association. UCrriONEBR, VALUER, SURVEYOR, We are vei y gi-atified iix learning thatbur out of every six cases thait come before the ,,, .... T> • • ifc • Master Kennie Sabdifer. Private iCharatan frave two bu» : Itoder.- rUENITUEB. OR OTHER EFFECTS. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. article and "Vigilant’s” potes last week on local police court were due. to drink. He lorroster. Miss Pns^sie,. kfayes, and Master j m<,rous songs, " Pbor Old A th e r ” ani! UCTIONEERS, teURVETORS, A HOTEL AND PUBLIC HOUSE BROKER,the food problem have had a good affect hoped the present-Government would deal VALUERS, HOUSE AND LAND Leonard Wise. All th^e young singers r^is-Feet.” Sergeapt Watson sang ESTATES OB SINGLE PROPERTIES A VALUATIONS FOR PROBATE AND locally. We have x’eceived congi-atxilations with this question and pate a Bill to buy up sess sweet voices, and the r selection of songs ; " The Army of to-day’s all right." Brief NE-W THOUQHT.-In AGENTS. SUCCESSION DUTIES. C^TIFICATED and thanks from many people, whilst others tlie whole of the drink traffic as a preliminary the New Thought Centre a t h e STATION LODGE. BYE. was verv good. Ihe, lij.ti® * ^ f 3DFORD AUCTION EoiOMS, EYE. Inteiert 34 to < nst eeut. ritiS'toil MMhr. .vtenfng, iComuMiimng for everybody who is already convinced of inch appreciated. The Chairman -was Mr. the Holly Tree Inn,” wi® exceedingly well Cibkets (f6r which it ia_ tW INBUBANCB.-f-Fipe, Ufa, Aeeide&t, Glaaa ' VALUATIONS FBOBATR. Archan't and the soloist Miss Marohant. ) - FREE OP INCOKETAX. ^<3arlu, AaaiBtanta, 'wbrkmata. W ar anc 'SSRS W. T. SMIt|H & SON tho serious need for rigid economy in the 1 0 acted by Miss Marjorie Kent, Miss Nellie Abi relate. Ssoaiity. No DetmcM*** itly •appliqation) cam ,b* - 01 ILL SELL BY , AUCTION, on eoiiBoniptioB of food, and for prevention of (w (Sundsv) the ohair -will be taken by Bellham. and Mr. Gurnoy Tyler. A silver No Eos* at Cepitr*!. 6ombiardm«nt, and Dtenaatitt Sorranta. _ Hoed, and the npeaker will bq Mr. J. , Renwirbla in pifrt w iriiois a* rtqoiiwk. ' S , , THURSDAY. 17th .J£AY. at Tiro coUection wae taken in aid of the Trafalgar -virite ro N R V COtW NS, SScieUlT. 2A JfeM M i i.a * N T AJ - Jlborate and cojoni^^tS G A R I . ' j HIGH-CLASS WOR E was the On Monday evening, the curtain rose on (By ’ Canadian Private.) IF YOU USE O u r one of, tho daantiest and sm artest .shows seen THEM d e l i c a t e s h a d e s AND linducM Mr. M S .fe'te! here for a good long time. It is handsomely la for his digestife'f*E^t!?y i o r i g i n a l DESIGN. I lives at Sa. rftagod and dressed. The musio is excellent, n coming from Canada to England, and COAT-FROCKS I as f9l W the chorus is competent in every way, and ANYWHERE; than passil^ over to France, one realises a the whole production, at the close of the en- dinerence in the War of the three countries; II sufferer froin indiireatiS? “ STANDARD tertamment, leaves an admirable impression. LIVING ROOM. due realises it and yet .it is hard to exactly Id liavo had an' BARLEY FLOUR S E E WINDOW Tho leading parts are all in very capable BEDROOM, describe. ' ) IrtjHated gastric n?pe?s*^’^ -For Cakes, Buns, Scones, fet as less than half the quantity - hands, with the result that acting, singing, ^F6r STYLE & VALUE ■advortited tojpur© sthmi^w K n cB E N OR jVe came from the Pacific coast to the of suigar i,s required thaijr whert'ordinary flour'’ls° used* and dancing alike—and there is plenty of l^ORKSHOP— Atlantic. For hours we passed' through the ■ouncl nothing each—are as near perfection as can be. lure and ask )N ANY KIND mountains of British Colutiibia ; of sthich as Bisiirated M a^esia!^ Be for THORPEIS, which ii sold only in 2/- and 1 /- sealed The story deals; with the trials and trou­ ntry an American said, “'When God Is a victim of misrenr»4« r and marked cotton bag^, jy the best grocers and stores. bles of Cupid, a very delectable subject upon OE GRATE. Irsnaded to purchi^o^” ^ ^ made it he had so much land h# piled it up which to weave a story, and there a.ie plenty ih heeps.” Theu _____ „ through fame simi ar tolfiiBuratS Sole Makers — A. THORPE & S O N S , of opiioi'tunities for originality and novelty. the Kockihs j in '^the linorniiig catching 'PHONE 442. I was , a iMJure. and n ^ 6 Ferry i Road Mills, Rye, Su ^ .ex, Mr. Bert Normal^ plajfs the part of Cupid, .glimpses of gigantic snow clad mountain fupon having ; liiiu ra t^ and keeps his audience in a state of continual peaks, - rose coloured by the divn, we laughter. 'Miss Gwennie Harcourt has au reached, as if by some great gate'way in “while ■ exacting xole, in fact she plays three parts, Soipe eternal vale, the prairies. On we sped, ise ^vas certainly » and in each ^ows her* sterling qualities as a hojur after hour, in some places seeing no d Magmepia: gave promrt comedienne. As t-he dresser she is uproar­ sign of human habitation, in others, maybe, rected a cure. '^Von^t iously tunny. It is-quite a treat to renew her LARGE NUTS but a solitary horseman, a lone figure on 20, Robertson Street, Hastings. ■emedy tor your stomaS HASTINGS MUSICAL SUSSEX^ VOLUNTEERS. aoqu'aintaneo oncA more. Mr. Georgo Har­ th|B horizon. At times one felt the loneU- ESTABLISHED 1881. [y have suffer^ for a loo* vard is well in the picture as -“Beauty.” .j of tlie plains, at others their fascination festion, flatulende, wataS FESTIVAL. For specialities Lottie Stone's “Whirl GIVE BEST RESULTS asl if looking out to where the earth and on or gastritis but if!^^ 4th (HASTINGS) BATTALION, ' troupe of dancers give several .exhibitions of AND LAST l o n g e s t . sky Ulsnded into one, one knew not where fancy ended and fact began.. •teaspoonful of iBisurated- superb work, and tlie Yale Quartette contri­ BROWN ASH t lUe water after your meal* FArrEE|fS FROM OTHER TOWNS. Lord FiekP Marshall Visiiount French ad- bute several musical numbers in an artistic i'hen we passed through towns add cities; tpenenco relief. Bisurated .dressing a Volunteer recru iting meeting at and finished manher. The chorus, ,a strong wfis some of them that but a fgw years Kses the acid which is th* In view of the approaching l''estival fixed NottiugJiam. on Wednesda evening, made and refined body, and the augmented orches­ 43, King’«-ro*d. St. Leonards.' 'PhoniB 427. before did dot exist, until we reached the Great Lakes with thCir ports and gr trouble, and having dona ior 21st, 22nd, and 23rd prox., it is inteit'st- some observations which eVefy Inan in the tra, combine to give the musical finish to tho And Tram Junction, SilvafkilL le and heal your inflamed Ing to note th at guoeeSsful festivals have re­ coujiti'y should read and think over with piece. ■ Wheat elevators. These huge; buildings fckly make yoii ;well oooe am tly been held in many parts of the coun­ greatest care. The object of the meei- “ The WTrirl of the Town” is well worth iseimed to - crystalise the life of all that - diet yourself orUlose yon» try, notably at Plymouth, Croydon, S bl.th was to urge the able bi'died men of the seeing—it is too good to be missed. Ther# V .,0 ------grhat stretch of land which we had just . and elsewhere to answer in greater will bo two porfonnances to-day (Saturday) pdssed over. Reaching at last Quebec Pro- I A jarg^ seal^ London, at Streatham, and Stratford, E iS9X'..'- vijaces we caught a glimpse of narrow streets I sufficient Bisurated Ifagw At Plymouth there was a remarkable nujibers and with more eiiergy to the call at 2.30 and 7.1.5 --- V - - -- - cli their country in her great necessity afid many Churches, and hearing French bks’, treatment, can be ^ iult. From 313 performers last year iihe These -exoeedingl.v fine concerts are given "snoken, almost fergot we were in Canada. fh cm ist for -Is., so th a t thia number rose to 1,017 this year, this iiuml«r made upon them. Said his Lordship, “ AtlAS JIMMY VAI,ENTINE” NEXT ;e curious thing to my mind is that you every Sunday evening in the Pavilion with Then when on the boat coming across the |tivo home treatment cost* moluding choralists. Dr. Walford I>av,as, WEEK. a vocalist, who to-morrow will be Miss Doris Atlantic the sights seen, incidents ex- a day;- But you must ask 'Srho is to act in that capacity at Hastinss, people in Nottingham, audlin two or three "Alias Jimmy Valentino,'' by Paul Arm­ Nicholson. , jrienced, and words spoken, seemed to grated Magnesia' s!o as to liras a very popular adjudicator. other, places in the United Kingdom, do not strong, will be the attraction at the Gaiety The Orchestra plays dally at eleven a.m., bl|Wnd themselves into a whole, and one felt P a p e r ! scorn to realise •what th is War means or in­ Theatre next week. im yin fith some common bismuth At Stratford there were good audienchs at three p.m., and 6.4S, Thursday afternoon ex­ something of how Canada feels at this “night: do you more the oompetitions, and the concerts also deed that we are conducting a great War It is a fascinating detective criminal play cepted. period of her history. ,irell-attended. The financial results at &1.” ^ ■ of American conception and plan, ahd apaid Apprehension for itself was, it see’med to Piper Supplies are being drastically curtailed, •soelldht, there being a profit this yedr las lord French is quite rig fit, and I am the wealth of deteejive story with which fic­ mb, to a great extent non-existent—I do not (Sompared -with a loss last year, and the re- Sony to say that so far as my judgment tion and the stag© abound, it breaks ground "HOODMAN BLIND” AT THE PUBLIC njean to say that people in Canada, did not and the crisis- will be vei acutely felt in all Msrv# fund is, ndvr larger than before the leads me to form an opinio a upon'the sub- of its o-wn in a way that holds i attention . , HALL, j . realise that if the Empire was beaten the W ax. , The Glasgow Cffioral (Dbmpotitiye jec:, this Borough at 'any rate' so far as throughout. Moreover, it ia a particularly N othing ‘ but ap*preciatibn con 'be heard future of Canada would not be different, Trades and Industries. The beat way to I'estival is fixed for the 26th, 27th> and| 28pi rallying to the Volunteer raoverrent is con­ strong drama, full of stirring incidents, -but from the large number of patrons who flock biit I don’t think the feeling counted for lost., and the entrie^ are greatly in excess Jof cerned, must be included ir. Lord Fronch’a interwoven is a wealth, of oringinal humour to tho Public Hall to see the fine pictures minch.' jl am not sure that most of the secure Publicity with! economy to fyspepsia—F7atu/ence— “ k st year, ^ much so that it.has been fouid “two or three other places” in the United that amuses and at the same time heightens which are submitted, and, the delightfully- people did not believe that the Old Country jJDd—H fc., K ii g afterwards reforms and becomes wealthy. tipn. All sea craft seein endowed with per- jOger and Mrs. Shadforth kind must be highly gratifying to th|o cast their eyes overseas at i the Trenches “The Flying Torpedo,” a story of a sup­ He now seeks,his daughters who are 'botti spnalities, and the personality of these little [lands-gardens, S t Leonaida. bsSbchers and -sohp|ars concerned. ovpr there, and then to confeider what the posed invasion of , America, and its defeat by in different walks in life, Jess lives in a swift ori\ft seemed vastly different to that J . P a rs o ns L t d ^ ^ called trouble and inconvfenience caused a marvellous invention, one of the most ex­ of onr big transport. It was as though ^E '* BAND.^—On Tuesday to men at home in attendiilg a few, drills gipsy caravan, Nance has become the wife citing and thrilling pictureis ever seen, end* o f Jack HerWlett, a young farmer. “ T-vvx) King George himself, seeing ns coming, had ''O bserver'’ O ffice, H a s t i n g s , \t4.. .nttly meeting of the local was in. comparison -with th^ d^ily life and its stay here to-day (Saturday). .stint these little boats to meet us and guide nh by Onci’ Band w as held Small Town Romeos ’’ (comedy), " The Honte. PETROL FOR PLEASURE. death struggle of our compatriots in the Ou Monday “Charlie” again in another of of the Three Deuces ” (drama). " Bine Blood, ni to our haven. Although we all had on 1^. B^>aemia-:road, Tvheei Miss desperate fighting lines aerdss the water the new Chaplin films, onfe of the series in life belts, and were told to wear them night J tlio interniD^nt camp .ia. but Black Skin ” (comedy), “ Collection and And, Lord French urged, that the least we whicli he is now exclusively engaged. This Preparation of Abaca” (interest), and Gau­ and day, it was ,hard to believe danger ■he'sjwaker. Miss iWatther co(ild do at home was to suffer any incon­ is entitled “Behind the Screen,” in which Iqrked round. piano tor the congr^i^ FREE CHURCH COUNCIL ACTION. mont Graphic will be other films on the pro­ venience, any trouble, to hellp and support he will he s^n as an assistant at a cinema gramme. lAt last one evening we came to anchor in the gallant fello-ws at the Fjont. tlieati-p. This w ill be shown every day in Thursday, Friday and, Saturday the the Mersey, but were told we should not dis­ In face of the great ehortage of iietroJ fjxr In confining this week’s notes mainly to the week. The riar drama for Monday, embark before the morning. The men P CHURCH.—Next Monday ■ablio and necessary transport service, attraction will be “ King of the Forest.” I s Day a special pati'iotio allusions to the above speech, it is because Tuesday and Wednesday will be “The The story is a remarkable one and it gripe 'cijowded to the side, to catch a glimpse of. peid’ to-morrow (Sunday) a4 nhere is a growing feeling of resentment n ■wo meh of Hastings who have joined the Raiders,” a Triangle play of great strength. the Old Land. Some of us had seen it yeara tho [country against the waste of iietrol l>y, one’.s attention in a remarkable degree 'by ’M ^ s s on l‘St. George for E m l Force know how imperative] it is to largely “ Horticultural Phenomena,” “ Pathe its healthy exditement.and thrilling incidente .before, to others it ■was the land in which hssions for our King, Conn. fao^oere. : _ increase onr numbers without any delay, so Gazette,” and “Never Again” (Triangle Key­ follow in quick euccesSlon. The list also in­ Aneir fathers and mothers had been born, f-, |ors, and Fishermen. Mat. The Executive Committee of the BGastin 5s tlat the counttj’ may be ready for anything. stone), will complete the programme for the cludes “ A Lesson for Some'body” (comedy), while to many it was the- heart of that "Tho Goed Shepherd,” at ud St. Leonards Free Chur^ Couni al The return match between Bexhill and first three days of the week. “ Ablaze on the Rdils ” (drama) " Love -will Empire for which they had come to fight. passed .the following resolution of protest at Hasting.s Companies held at Bexhill on On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Looking across to the shore, one noticed Conquer” (comedy) " Plot and Counterplot’ the dark slate roofs of the houses, glistening tts last meeting :—" This meeting not ss, M ednesday, resulted in a dra-w. B exhill .’Charlie,” Triangle drama, "The Habit of (drama), and Gaumbnt Graphic. meeHng Srith grave m i^vings, the fact that,_;wh le Jl” team beat Hastings “A” team by one Happiness,” of which the fallowing is a with the rain ; after the shingle roofs of IStudio, Stonefleld-road, q»' It has been found necessary to reduce t he pcint, whilst Hastings "B’- team had the short story: A grouchy old millionaire, [wLo BO many Canadian homee. often painted lioon, when the , Presideifit ■apply Of petrol to Public (Jompenies by 20 better of the argument wijth B exhill "B” had lost his digestion and sense of humour, “ THE? ACE OF HEARTS'” AT TH E w(hite. green, or red, they looked staid, and have given an hd. per oeht., the Press directs attention to -the team, to the extent of fourteen points. was getting rapidly worse, and it wasn’t un­ KINEMA , PALACE. tpis 'impression in many ways typified to a Ability of Art' Ideals,” lj>nl tiu^ numbers of private motor-cars used to I^xhill “ A ” Team. Hastings “ A ’’ Team til the doctor discovered Douglas Fairhauks gieat extent the atmosphere of'the country. lei^ prevented his attbndihg. " Trelawney of the Wells” finished a At last when darkness came we lay down convey parties to and - from the various nice P ». Brigden Lt. McKinnell in a doss-house, m aking isand-wiehmen roar most successful three days run at this TOOLS PRICED IN PLAIN FIGURES. /•P -, Rave a short talk |o» Ixtnr^s. This meeting cannot accept he L;. Bryan ...... Pte. jSbubbs with laughter, that there w-as any lio^Pi for frtr onr last sleep in the ship which sfer-yed lof Sketching,” which wa* ^tensible reasons given for'the continua; icC . Pte. .Tenner popular picturedrome, on Avednesday. The as our last link with the other side. This C[?l. W-oods ...... the old dyspeptic. He forthwith prescribril a Management alw-ays puts on .the best thing 'as pqnetnated every now and then by th* SEE WINDOWS. 1 Brooks, amd a Very plea- of races as a sufficient jnstifioaition for] what Col. Hughes ...... Cpl. Jenner .. big dose of Fairbanks. Duggie wasn’t going, Among other.s present in films, and the programmes during this sirens of jjassing steamers shrieking out'a most i>©ople regard as a deplorable waste 1 of Sirgt. Kortright Capi;. Elphiok at first; he said a man ‘as rich as all that ■week have been excellent. ■welcome. ■Watspn, Kingston, ahd • vitel national resource ; it theajefi irt, Lxi.-Sergt. How© Pte.I Filbee didn’t deserve trpl. Langelaan Lc©l.-Cpl. Deeprose 91 rival to; prevent his carrying out a deal.; Of conclude the list. Dfent of luxury ; one felt too that the walls to Sunday. April 29th. On Arthur. Spurgeon, chairman of the Cj-oydon Luent. Charters Pte'. Cruttenden 87 course Duggie disposed of them all right; For the first half of next, week, tbe lead rinind many small towns and viUages as HASTINGS GUARDIANS. ling Dr. Wenyon will lea. Bench of Magistrates, on Saturday bit, Lto.-Ci>1. Dawson Ptes Lock ...... 86 and he inaijie the millionaire laugh, aud mar­ will 'bo taken by “ A Fool’s Paradise.” a well ap many small houses and big houses fa l Church at 7.15. Oar Skgainst the use of petrol for racegoers; -vhen ried his, charming daughter inte the bargain. powerful tmeiety drama featuring Aliss had crumbled, because many people lay A n E w c h a i r m a n . kmim w ill give further pap. '13 motor-car drivers were fined fromi Jil to Total ...... 634 Toi;al...... 640 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in “GravyJ” a Christine Afayo. It tells the story of diowu at night_with similar fears, and rose » TAPESTRIES, etp, T. Or. W enyoh when> resi. ' yB3 each for excessive eperf on the i iiaih DRILL ORDERS.—Monday. Company Pathe colour, “Ghiffa Passes,” and ; the W ilfred Morgan, retired 'ban'Jcer, -who i* the morning with the same hop# there ^ Was_ exceedingly popular, __*oads'fcom the Gat'wiok and Lingfieldiruces. parade. Summer Fields, 8 p.m. (if wet in “Pathe • Gazette.” “Good wine needsi 'no succumbs to the w-ilea of a clairvoyant with hjad. arisen Something of a common sym- A meeting of the Hastings Board of Guar- ore will be large audtenceo People on every hand are asking 'Yhy platoons at Drill Halls). Enrolment at Drill bush,” so when all the advantages of| the the result that he leaves his daughter and tfethy. The purpose,of the 'War and the diaus, at which the annual appointments FOR UPHOLSTERY; ““nis visit.’^ • Ubonld business men in i»articiilhr and the H^Us on drill nightsl. Tuesday,—Signalling Cinema de Luxe are known, as they are— fam ily in poverty vm til he realijSes that ho needs of it, all bad for the time beinj were' made, was held on Thursday afternoon. . public in general bo inconvenienced ly a section. 92ower-road Drill Hall, 8 p.m. Wed- its spaciousness, spotless, vacuum cleaned was living in " A Fool’s Paradise.” Other ajvallowed up many lesser aims. Tbe rec Th© members present were :—Mrs. Dymond, HC6 PiTAL.-iFor tho n ^ d a y .—No 3. recriuits, Clive 'Vale liealtliine.ss, the.'b°st films'in the -market, per­ blood th at would .shed ilself foe the* Em­ April. Mill Cases- ad- shortage of petrol while the rich take fheir fine dramas and delightful comedies together Mrs. Tuppennuy, Miss ^'ve, Miss Ruth K-on- pleeenres in this way.? Schools, 8 p.m,“.Thursday.—Nos. 1, 2, and fect lighting and projection, and tho com­ with interest films and the Gaumont- pire had gained in importance. The blue yon, AJderm-au C. H. B ali, Councillors H. 50 inch Tapestry, from 6/6 fd. K in Hospital; number recruits. Tower-road Drill Hall. 8 p.m. ; fort or a well-appointed drawing room4-en- Graphic are to be shown. Mood of a distant past 6ould do no more damson, J .F ., J. N . COlUns, J.P ., H. N . Col­ hndanees. 363. The C o m -’ No. 4 and recruits, Middle-street Drill Hall, largement at length on these subjects is There is a special attraction for Thursday.. than equal it. These,things one noticed, but lins, H. A. Tildesley, and H. Qroome; Messrs. 3 1 inch Cretonne from 1/3 yd. be wth thanks the follow. 8 Ip.m. ; -Signalling Section, Tower-road suiierfluous. because Great Britain is older than her I and donations Gypsum Friday and Saturday in “ The Ace of inch Velvet frbm 3/11 yd. DEATftOF MR. T. H. MANN. Drill Hall, 8 p.m. Friday.-Nos. 1, 2, and Herlrts,” b.v James AVilliard. The play has colonies and because in countries as well as 24 1; M iss Beddington, iEl I s .; refcrnits. Tower-road Drilj Hall, 8 p.m. ; achieved enormous success wherever it has individuals the faults and virtues of youth I ; Miss 0 ’Connor,| 10s. 6d. i “ THE DREAMERS” ON THE afre not all the same as those of middle age. No. 3 add recruits, Clive Vale Schools, HASTINGS’ PIER. been played, and the gam'bling scene has Blackman, J. Hai’vey, T. F. Smith, H. But­ SPECIAL SHOW THIS WEEK. vanadian Command Dcix>t, 8 p.m. ; No. 4 and recrtiits. Middle-street held ten million people spellbound. The au­ tpe atmosphere seemed more staid than that ler. C.‘ II. Qriffciu H j Jury, also the Clerk pE Is.; Miss Tyleif, ;£2 2e .| LABOUR LEADER AND USEFUL On Monday evening “ The Dreamers of Canada. Then too on tho shoulders of Drill Hall, 8 p.m. Saturday.—Nos. 1 and 2 awakened from the greyness of the clpuds thor h.iis played th© principal role over 3,000 ('Mr. S. Bumstead) aiui other officials, 1^; Dr. N . Mtoore. 10s. PUBLIC MAN. platoons. Tower-road, Dri I Hall, shooting times. With such a record this picture can­ tpe'Okl Land rests the great responsibility. p i; W hite and Nhrtoh, .£1 to the brightness and glare of the footlights Although the atmosphere'of Canada and tt CHAIliMAN. from 7 p.m. Sunday.-rChiirch parade. and proceeded tq entertain with a delightful not fail to make its appeal. ■ There are many htertainment at Everstield A genuine feelinf; of deep regret was calused Middle-street Drill Hall, 10.30 a-iji- Nos. exciting sceires and incidents. Episoil© 11 of Teat Britain differ in degree they are alike Mr. Slac^moved that Alderman Ball be and refreshing performance a good audience “ The Laughing M.ask ” and the usual long in one respect. In neither country have appointed C&airmau, He acknowledged the •a Thursday mprning, when.the news raj lidly 1 imdf 2 platoons. Tower-road D rill H all, in the Hastings! Pier Pavilion. the horrors of AA'ar been enacted on their read throughout the town that Mr.-I. H. 2.4|5 p.m. ; Nos. 3 and 4 platoons, Middle- list will ,be presented. services rendered by Councillor Samson, but ART SERGE. Mr.: Harry BenePs popular party "'The spil. at least to any appreciable extent urged that it was desii able that tlicre should ann had passed away at his homo ■ id stieet Drill Hall, 2.45 p.m. ; Company ith Prance it is different. It is that part Harloe-Phibbs.'i ^61 is.j S■Harold-road. parade. Summer Fields, vl 0 p.m. Aristocrats” hayb made a name in this town bo a change, and that honours should be dis­ 5 0 inch Wpol Sprge 3/6 yd. hanan. lOs, 6d .; R ev, Mr- hut we feel sure that in a few days his new 'France peopled by onr troom' to which tributed.! , A week ago la st Tuesday Mir. Mann beiam e refer, and as the beginning and end of 7 0 inch (for table co’vers) 4/11 yd. 2s. j i i r Vere I s iia o . ' WnwcSl, and had to loav-e the sitting oi the eompany, who | will be known f as “ The NEXT WEEK’S '*PICTORIAL.” Councillor Qroome teconded, and'CouneiU Dreamers,” will; prove equally as- succeijsful. things there is the territory in the battle lor J. N.!Collulis and others supported. Tribunal. He was medically attended, and BOWLl zpne to that part in particular. I r k b r e a c h d e a d .— padnally got worse till, the case became , The chief “'idreamer ” is Mr. Leedam Mr. Simmons moved as au amendment that Stanley, who isj very yvell knoVf’n to local Gur Em pire. Whether it be in the dis- Councillor 'Samsou. be re-elected to the chair. _• .residents-will learn witk fcopelees. The greatest sympathy is exte ided SOiME OF ITS CONTENTS. nt corners of the globe or nearer at hand, Im Mark Breach, a son of ARRANGEMENTS FOB OPENING THE patrons, his -versatility having chabmed Mr. BlAckman seconded.. to the -widow, who has been'm ore or less an jp the shrine wherein the fires of patriotism Alderman Bali disclaimed any desire to JOHN ■ 1 fame as, a sea captain, invalid for some years. SEASON hundreds of people during last teason.i He urn. There th^ impulses that sentl I the 6th February. He waa was accorded a fine reception when he fiamo The “ Pictorial Advertiser ’’ is still iesued supplant the retiring Chairman, but said he M r." Tom ” Mann was well known, more illions forth.'have been nurtured. If then would leave himself in the hands of the r old Hastiiigs family, aM ^jiecially in the Old Town. For many y ears IVeather permitting, the green of the Alex­ forward to give his humorous ite^ “ Exemp­ at the .pre-War price; one penny every week, dur land- is the shrine out there in France 25, LONDON ROAD, d as a -strong advocate on andra Bowls Club will bfe opened for play tions and Otherwise.” If possible he was B (^ d , 'lie has been in the employ of the C'orjiora^ on Thursday morning, and can be obtained it is the Cross. This is true of thos# who Councillor Samson itaid that to. deference Btings Harbour. ! Captai* tion,, and by diligence rose to the on] Tuesday. 1st Ma.y, by yhe Mayor (Alder- better than 4’'’er and laughter echoed from any local newsagent, or at the Office, die ■with a smile ®n their lips as well as I n his 72nd year, had b em man Geo.-Hutchings, .T.P.) . supported by the through the hall during all his items. Tlie to the views which 1 ad been expre^ed by ST. LiONARDS. position of a ' foreman. As • a member 14, Claremont, Hastings. To prevent disap­ t|hose with a pra.ver, and even, in many se'veral .members heif'Honld withdraw. ffor some little Gnic. Bto •f the Municipal Employes’ Association, he Dbpnty-AIayor (Councillor Pen-ins). At 2.30 ccimpany has another fine comedian in Mr. pointment orders for the paper should be ejases, of those who do not die at all, for lith, the Australi:^n trad* a match will be played letwreen teams se- Harry Talbot, who gaVe humorous songs and in one1 formton or othe’r comes Alderman Ball was "hen unanimously elec­ was chosen the representative of that lody given in advance. ^ ted and returned thanks. ■whole of his long career on on the local 'Trades and la b o u r Council. leOted by the Captain a nd V ice-Captain. was particularly good m .a comedy duet with. Amongst thp contents next Thhrsday will many. Travail iw-in the air and rests on journey to the O>mmo^ By selection of this Council he hecameTthe During the season there will be four_ Club _ Miss Gladys Clare. Mr. Bernard Knowles is be;— the face of the land plain to all. It is as .VICE-CHAIRMAN. ' - 50 as an- -apprentice. Hio representative of Labour-on the Educc.tion cotepetitions, viz., Singles; (handicap), Pairs a splendid baritone who -possesses a very Two groups of Canadians returning from a though some black plague had steitten ths Councillor J. N. Co lins, J.P., was unani­ ANGLING JOTTINGS. i of the ship ”jerusalem” i Committee and other public bodies. Mr. (handicap), Eltnks. The f‘ Championship powerful voice and a delightful style. His route marcli: ejarth destroying all beauty and wholesome- mously apiwiuted Vice-Chairman. Inland of-the "Aviemope, Mann was the-Labour representative on the Baidge, again presented hv Mr. .T. Pavier, acting in a duet with Miss Zoo Cornyr calls Flashlight photograph taken at the Sol­ ijess, and so as one gazes out across the battlefield nothing of favour catches the COMMITTEES. |s„siib.sequcntjy transferrod Tribunal, and most regular in his arten- will, as formerly, be played from scratch. for special mention. ’ ; • diers’ Club,.at Robertson-street Congrega­ ST. LEONARDS SEA ANGLERS. T two last nam«d I dance. He was also a. Trustee of the ISJag- The President has also offered a prize for ’I'he ladies arp riiarmitig and exceedingly tional Cluirrii on Thursday. ejye. Maybe a mist hangs on the l^orizon In th© appointment af standin-g committees I Clippers trading'; between siilgles. The entrance fee to each .event will Snapshots "at the Farmers’ Red Cross Sale like a pall shutting one off from even a the twelve members of th© Assessment Com­ dalen Charity, member of the Central Aid dainty. Miss (iladys Clare is a versatile glimmer of normal life. One knows that |ey. Some years ago Cap- Council, and member of the Eistress Com- bells. The usual Club Manual will be issued. at Roberfsbridgo next Monday. m ittee were re-elected{, except that Council­ Sport from the Palace Pier shows v#cy comedienne ivho gives equal pleasure in her little improvemqnt, but u* the time of .-wllL from 'the sea anA startoM Baitte?, besides-serving hig fellows in ether A meeting of the Hastings and St. Leonards comedy or more serious songs. Miss Helen Photographs of chiildren at Christ Church, lor fl. N.i Collins trek th© place of Mr. f asi a marine surveyor. He Bowling L^gue Committee will be held next Hlacklands Hall ye.sterday (Friday). Kelly. Councillor Qroome and Mr. Kelly mg the, weather prosi)cctis are more enodiuv' yseful capacities. He took active intirest Holmes is a delightful soprano soubrette, aging and warmer, brighter days may bn " ths. League ofi Ancienl In the efforts of the Equitable Friend’v Tuesday evening at 7.30 at 13, AVellington- Military ^Cedding gfonps. were appointed, membsrs of the House Com­ place, Hastings. The chief business is to who i-eceives vigorous applause for her ren­ Julf is fixed. ■ Moreover in the day time the looked for in the very near future. In no*w ^ Breach died at!his insi; Bociety, and often represented the local dering of " Just too Sweet ” and " Dyeam- Sergeant |C. Grover, in hospital at Glas­ sbene is strangely still, perhaps no human m ittee vice the Chairman and Mr. Hiiffie-tt Id.jNeutral Bay. |, member.s at meetings and conferences held arrange the fixtures for, the approaching gow. ■ (who has bton called up for military seryice). mal years the Weever would have bton ex­ s^son. A proposal will be made that as a-Day Jill.” Great success was gained by life is visible, at other times you catch sight pected by tliis time, and sport -wfith thin V oF c h e e m s e x Ir d a t . outside the tow*. In politics - Mr. Mann Miss Zoe' Comer, au exceptionally sweet; con­ The continuation of thq Pictorial Roll of of a few moving figures wandering about, The Chairm-an took the {ilac© of Mr. Brignall many of the matches as] possible shall Ije on th© Pihanco’ Com mittee. Councillor H. game fish even now may not be long delayed tT.—On Sunday there wan was a strong Conservative and a member of tralto, who sang with much effect “ The Honour. 1 • . . lit would seem to the layman like some lost given a hot sun,and clear water.^Eocklinw visit irohi the Bishop of the. Executive Committee; in Parliamei tary played in the evening, commenciing at 5 or An illustratril artiede of special intei-est to' touls in hell. One knows that round about N. Collins -was selected to - succeed Mr. 5.3()" o’clock, it being felt^tliat this is very Glory of the Sea ” and " U n til,” and! -ivas Hufflett on, the Children's (Mmmittee. Air. ha'^e been well in eridenoe duitoig ttie poai’’ Ir.M.G.A. H ut, ;St. Leo- olectipns it was known that his genfe] in- lieard to advantage in duets with ! Mr. women, accompanied by an »ffer of a paper there are thousands hidden away, in bur- advisable in view of the additional difficnltv pattern for a garment whicli can be easily Harvey and Mr. Kelly were selected as new wrok and , a few Dabs land small tolv«f ordship offered toj give th# flnence was of considerable advantage tc his Knowles. 'Miss Rosalie Carter is a most! able rjows and trenches and that even as on# Whifcmg have also been token. ? . ; ’ _ vening meeting, ; and th* paity. , , . a fiumber of members of the League Clubs matle at home. Ipoks, many are no doubt trying to boil members 'qf the Bo«rding-Out Committee. ■wiljl have in obtaining the time to play in accompan'ist. The Chairman and Clerk ■were elected to re­ Boat-anglers have, relatively speakinw.' „opked gave'way, land waa TTio funeral will take.place on Monday Performances are given twice daily at 3 ' Another series of photographs from India, little tea or writing sonj* sort of a letter to Intei'ested listeners. After the afternoon. AViith the Summer Time in showing scenes with which Hastings soldiers friends at homo, but those are not seen, and present the Boasd qp. ';he Association of Poor urawn. blank, and very few have been ofit, •fternoon -at the Borough Cemetery at 5.30, and 7.-15. Law Guardians of Enifland and Wales. A. turn on the G-oat on ol-er tho Lerfs m ight lishop's free and easy maafc- *nd will be preened by service at All St-uls’ vogue ploy is possible the greater part of the in that country are Ijecoming familiar. sin do not come into the picture ; and then Emen at the.ir easje. Then' Church at half-past two. season until 8 p.m., and even later for two Photogtraphs of an.v event capable o* illus- tomes night and with it a change DEPUTY VACClh ATION OFFICER. [happily find some decent Plaice about sunil months. (irntion w-liich may occur betw-een this week­ .1 Maybe in years gone by you have been it 18 withm'the bounds of possibility that Jing and prayer, ahd a solS “ DAPHNE AND THE PIRATE” AT THE It **©8; agreed that during th© absence of *en at the Hi'shoji’s request, ssnming that all the old clubs remain in end and! Thursday. dlone in the woods, and as the shadows ;h© seven-uounder taken from the hitteiF CENTRAL PICTURE THEATRE. the Asstetant Clerk ([Mr. Perring) his wife ’TT ^»trow inay, yet be beatefl. l o the men on making tlM -Lca(?ue-—tbero will tl is year be seven This -popular Theatre, so widely known as Information of the current wetk’s perfor­ deepened hare felt all . abound j^ou the Deputy fcotbpetitors instead of six, ©s tbe AA'hite Rook mances at the.local places of amusement. awakening of a thousand forms of life—and should be appointed Vaccination J he Won. Secretary hobes to have a Com- I was listened to^-with; rapt ESPERANTO. consistently presenting an excellent and well- Officer. nttee.m eeting next wCek whan Gie date of lioted mo.sf. of o!ur great Clnb is joining in. AVifli regard to this varied programme, continues to draw record Brief comments on local affairs in the yet feeling movement in ajl directions you Club, we are asked to state that anybody Our Gramophone ” column. have seen little—and so it is at the Front. MILITARY ATI WORKHOUSE. the general ^meeting and;prize distribntiAA Then’s names of tlA present, audiences. Beautifully clear and finely pro­ Til Be fix^. He asks me to eev that hn pstian men; having taken MORTO DE D-RO ZAMENHOF. wishing to become ,a member should coni jected pictures, the latest and best obtain­ A 'Vinixors’ List. Under cover of darkness lines of men pas# It was. reported by the Clerk that the War h.xample. "Jesu.s Christ miinicate with tbe Hon. Secretary. Mr. A. Some cf the nows of the week. up or from the trenches, others go put to „ °^L’ged if those gentlemen wha able, and accompanied by first-class orches­ work at the hundred and one jobs that need Office had paid je632 8s. 6d. for coal taken > kindly offered prizes for last sea^U w ill laid, and went o-iji to tell , Kun bedaurego ni Jus eksciis pri la mdrto F. AVoodi 13, AVellingtonj-plane, Hat*Hngs. tral music, form an ideal entertainment, Ainon,gst the special illustrations in the over from thetOuaidb^#- Tho Clnb fee for the season is 5s. Mem­ ilusitrations in tbe i,ssue of last Thursday .doing, ambulances pass up and down to th# e so good as to let him have them and #• jauld keep in clo se. touck 8e nia estimata kaj ainata Majstro, D-rd L. which invariably gives the greatest satisfac­ dlearing stations, ammunition waggons A letter from the Central Quartering Com­ [h prayer. How that somn L. Zamenhof, la elpensinto de la internacia bers will! then pay the gieen fees for tbe tion to one and all. were;—AVorkers on the new. Allotments at mittee informed the Quardians that it was ve extra work and letter writing. Som# neriod they clnxise to play; tbe choice being For to-day (Saturday), tho Management AVe.st Hill and Priory-avenue; series of views Aingi back on Bisnune rieevitaj, sed oni timas ke la okupido frejm the following :—Full season ticket, .^1 will submit “ .A Silent Conquest.” There at Guestllng; two local wedding groups; o-f the 'Workhouse premises for the Canadians. 11s. fid.; one month, 10s. 6d Magpiics ” at the Fi'ont; special portrait hand. And so each day succeeds night, and LANDING NinP, nked God for Hus [refusals, de lia nrbego- (Varsovio) de la malam ko : RE- CHUROH .—A , very Iwaiitiful east A remark.-ible five act Triangle drama w ill of local men in the “ Pictorial " Roll of lide the ugliness underneath. The motive The sajari'es of MeiSrs. Ball and McCo'r- SbuUi A fnca. from the pen o f Air. Metrim •i. kune kun la tuta esperantistaro, profunde window in memory of the la te Mr. C. H. ou Sea Anriing in /England. He desorib^ po^ble service closed 'H’itli ^iploros lian forpason. be the outstanding feature of the programme Honour. f it all stands out naked and unashamed, mick, junior clerks, the Union Offices, . -of the benediction. .Tuques w ill (n.v.) be dediea td next Sunday for Monda,y, Tuesday and AVednesday. From riie Edito.r w411 b© glad to arrange for the the angel of death is the star artiste. Some- were increased from ^636 to ,£39 per annum. tlie rompetitions held last year at HasHng# Cp la la.sta kiinveno de la Ha..stings’a Gnipo morning at 11 in Ore Parjish Church (St. one end to the ■ other ,“ Daphne and the taking of photographs of interesting events, and Deal. .In speaking of the Pier oompeti- •vtis deciriite sendi kondolencan letcroii al la hing of comedy there is, and maybe some- AT THE H.4feTlNG8- Helen’s). ! Pirate” is full of both charms and thrills, on- receiving an intimation at his Office, hing of comfort, but more of tragedy ; and BOARDED OUT. tions at Hastings the writer says “It's « |H ent concert was; held a t ridvifio kaj familio de nia foririnta Estro ^AST SUSSEX ARTS [ CLUB. - Tbe the chief feature being a wonderful fight Claremont, H.sstings. io because the atmosphere of France is that In reply to Mr. Kdly, the Clerk stated wally great,game, and you will get som a -A. bn Wednesdky even- Translation:—■' ‘ entries for the annual open exhibition of the between the* old pirate ship and. a vessel of f the Cross, and because of what the Cross that tho Hastings inmates boarded out to U e are very careful and can feat pas a special visit of thn DEATH OF DR. ZAMENHOF. E ast Sussex .Arts Oliib clo'je on 19th May. the King of. France. Besides-this, there is JS. and for-all that it means, a world may make room for the military were distributed ti e slightest try at |your line. Some of th* Concert Party; The Eiitvy forms can nnw be obtained from Miss the exciting stoi-y of bravery and beauty and REAL BARGAINS IN WARTIAIE.-;- jrell pray that if jiossibi© jt may pass away. as tolloWs:—33 at Battle, 28 at Rye,, 16 at aiiglCTs there must be expei te at tou«&, anJ- decorated with: flower* It is with profound regret we have just love with the delightful Lilian Girii ap Mbssrs. ■ Barker and Rathbone, 13, York- learnt of ihe death of our e.steemed aid Grigg, ifi. Downs-road. Hastings. The ex­ East Ashford, and 10 at Haiiskam, a total of tleir nerves must Be very highly ati-uug y* ■ Programme w-as[ opened hibits will comprtse’drawing.s, paintings, and Daphne. From the French cottage vrherp buildings, Hastings, have a great sale of 87. ! dei-oct any movement a t tile bait.**- ■he Troupe. Private Scott beloved " Master,’’ Er. L. L. Zamenhof, the her flashing temper brealis her old father’s gloss, c'lina and earthenware now proceed­ IN AID OF CHARITY.—Two concerts ar- A D13ATH. . His Worship the Mayori and also the Hon. Kettle as singiiig,” and inventor of the international, language, Es­ phoiographs. SMOKING CONCERT.—.A very pleasant heart to Louisiana far .across the jseas, ing. The firm announce that as they were tonged by Mrs. Floriart Matson were given S^retary of tlje Hsletings Association, liar# old-fashioned melody.’* peranto. No details hawe as yet been ;-e- where she is at last rescued by her dashing unable to hold their annual sale last year Information was, receiv-cd from the County e-vlening was spent at tbe Sergeants’ mess of ■vith much success at the Queen’s Hotel yes- . Asylum of the death o( George Easton, a Bas­ R e iv e d a conimun|icatioii from Mr, .F. H '‘Un^e Joe” and “Toka ' peived, but we fear that the occupation ,of lover, Lilian Gish'is piquant and charming. thej are now giving their customers tome erday (Friday) in aid of St. John of Jerusa­ Holcombe, Hon. Secretary British Sto An«u pis city (Warsaw) by the enemy has hastensd Bjand C Companies on Moniaay. when M ajor tings patient. ” This was followed Myatt, O.C. 1st G.C.D. anjrl a number of Supporting this picture will be Episode 4 of real bargains. The; public are invited to lem Hospitals. As usual, Mrs. Matson had tors fteciety, asking for Co-operation in ©*- ons b.y Corporal i Pendle. ■Is '©nd. the exciting eerial. “ Liberty,” and qther inspect’ the windows and priqes, and we be­ a wealth of talent at her disposal and the |anee, “ They call it D ixie- We M ieve that the ! day will soon cone offio.ei’s w-eje entertained. After a tpast bad been drunk to tbe King, S.-M. Tresidder, pictures will be “ How do you feri ?” lieve th(-y will realise that they are offered concerts were exceedingly enpj:mbl© and of a WOMEN AND THE LAND.—We have vices at the disposal of the State to assisff „ Sergeant Custanke. Pri- when the great conception of Er. Zamenhof (Nestor comedy), " !^e*s of laove ” (Rex an exceptional opportunity of saving money liigh order.' Each artiste ■was splendid, aud folfffihe nation. An»- blayed a fine tenonjvoice in President -of the Mess, explained that the pleasure:in calling attmtion to an announce­ will be accepted hv jhe [whole world. reason of these social evenipgs was so that drama), “ The- Tramp Chef ” (Joker com^.y), and replenishing thejr stock at a great ad­ ■ ieserved all the applause awarded. The pro­ ment by th e. East Sui sex Women’s Agricul­ If ® ttus eni^lmg^Avill he gfaiited permits'hr girl,” and. a.s aB encore, Ho was personally known to several local “ The Inner Circle ” fA.'B. drama, featuring vantage : in price. It should he noted th-at gramme was a ver.v long one, and dolight- the Admiralty to outside'the li-mifs now kdy act w'as givetti by Sep- the officers and N.C.O.’s wpnld understand Mary Pickford). tural Committee to f irmers and others re­ Esperanfists, who on tnany occasions met each otbeir better, and wonlcll be able to work orders ttom a distance amounting to ^dfil and ; ully varied. Miss Sybil Elliott, that popu- quiring women to woi'k on the land. Lady ™ conditi-on that th* d CBstance. Captain' G. aim at th e dgffereet Tsperanto Congress* is, Another great Triangle picture will be pre­ upwards! will be delivered^carriage paid.' ar and charming soprano, who has ijjiven so Ipnnds of applausi in llii in co-operatiijn in drilling and training tbe sented on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Ashburnham-Clement is the district repre­ 'Professional boatv ■pd these, together.-with; E'sperantists unive r- mjen in the Cominand. Major Mayatt ’re­ FORTHCOMING GRAND BNTERTAIN- queh pleasure on the Hastings Pier,, al- sentative for the Battle Union District, and mm are m^agi^ *131© local Hon. Secretaryi hlier, ^ and the 1 encore. •allv. w ill deeply- mour[n his loss. next. It is “ Honor's Altar,” (in five acts>. ■ 'hough suffering from a very severe cold saftg I Iwme.’’ A conjet solo. sponded. saying that be was ver.y pleased to an*l features Be-sie Bhrriecale, the greai; new MENT.-f-Mre. Scarlyn AViilson has arranged other ladies, whose names appear in the an­ tor -i’ IQrevatt, represent! At the last meeting of the Hastings Group bp present/" and on behalf of tbe officers of a grand entertainment _ to be given at the oxce^ingly well, and received encores. She nouncement, a're act ng in the following ?*’’*'•* of Beberteon- Day,” was given 1 b.y Pri- It was deciiled to send A letter of condolence star, and will be .supported by Episode; 9 of vas also heard to advantage in duets with b] and C Companies thanked the N.C.O.’s “ The Laughing Mask” and the usual full St. Leonards Pier Pavilion on Wednesday parishes; B attle, B exhill, Brii ’ ” ’ " ’ Caught under th### a violin solo by: Private • to tho widow and faihily of our departed :dr. Ffed 'V’errells. Miss Evel.'bn Jones field. Crqwhurst. Dall|ini ^ rmits at inarket prices.'’ 'ft is more partk Charatan (Stave' two hu» ■ for the hard work they had done in their star programme. eveping,; 2,5th inst., commencing at 7.80.' The libliged with several violin solos, and a par- leader. respective companies. The concert then objtot of the effort is to jjrovide funds to­ lington, ! Mountfield, boats should be set t Poor Old Father ” and icularl.T fine duet, piano and violin, was per- combe, WestfiAld, and Whatlington. purpose, biit any anglet’ma* ■Sergeant Watsoh sang open’ed w'ith a chorus b.v the popular troupe THE AIUNICIPAL CmCHESTRA. wards meeting the heavy expenditure in­ 'ormed by Miss Evelyn Jones and Miss B. volved jh fitting up Bannow, Quarry Hill, as sa a a ssa sa s I T f j —® O. F. M iller,' 19, Yorfe! l-day’s all right.” : Brief NEW THOUGHT.—-In connection w: of entertainers. Tbe “ Follies.” followe on “ '?e- the Canadians and the spbrndid work they orchestra under the most capable manage­ Garrison Dtity Orchestra. • The seteaming ffiaracter recitation, “L’Apach#," for which ^und Day on behalf of the Bast SnssMC [iV E IN dO M E TA X . I •dii ,.iion' of Sub-conscious M in d :, Suggjes- were doing in this AAter, pointing out that ment of Mr. H iram Hpnton. Tbe musicians farce, “ Packing Up,’’ will be performed by ihe received vigorous applause. The juvenile STAINLESS CUTLERY, Hospital. The public ar# earnestly invited ^ST IN TH E, Miss C'iioely Hessey, Sergeant A. B. Beech, tion and Anti-Suggestion.” A the capture of Vimt Ridge was a feat worthy are all to be congratulated on the fine perfor­ talent was well to the fore.-and they all did The finest work-savor invented. Try to a ssist b y bringing o f sanding to th e Ho*> ImproT«ia«M’ of tv highest praise. A; toast was then mances given in spite of the cold and wet and Cofppi’3-1 .Jeu^s. and there will be solo sxceedingly well. Master Edwin -Benbow's pjtal either money or gifts, in kind. ", $6 THE SYMPATHETIC ELEVEN.-This dances bj Miss Nancy Radford. Tickets are aianoforte solos were a musical treat, and sampte knif©. fcand of ladies, who have done much g< od dfunk to the Canadians inj ihe field. Re- which affects them equally as much as the T H E B LU E CROSS FU N H .-i-A n aftoriioc!)# h ’^slinifents were serv<»d, and! the concert con- audience. ready, and can be obtained at King Bros.j ioqgs by Miss Kathleen 'Woodyer and Mips oqnoert in aid of the Blue -C m s-Fud of O w Work in'sending articles to. our boys at the Libraries (King’s-rpad, St. Leonards, and Cash puturned if not kpppovtcl. fVont, hold a whist drive in aid of thsir tinned. Sergeant AVatson. 6f the “ Folliies,” On Sunday evening the Hastings Pie* Setty AUoorn .were vary sPreet. Banja solo# Dumb Briands' Ledgn# i# to' bb’giren at tag outlined the work being dope by the party,, Pavilion was crowded when a first-class con- Qneen’s^road, Haatings); Mrs. Scarlyn by Patrol Leader^riaPorg# Lindridge #er# ’’’ulonhade. Beathill, next Mbndar aftemoda, funds at the Queen’s Hotel next Wednesc Wilson,! 7, Warrior-iquarejor ' Sergeant mother feature, -And the dancing of. •vening; commenoing iplay at fl.30 sha’. and stated that although cianeert party was (sert was giron. The roealist was Madam# Mis#. :hie# o'clock. Several noted ’ Lenctoy INGOMETTAXT / easv spelling, it wasn’t eaky workl At a Ruby AYilliams, and instrumental solo# ga've Beech, 12, Bversfield-nlace. We trqst that [Jetty Urafen and N-ora and Cecil Thomtoh Will tak e Tickets (for which it is desirable to make the entertainment will prove a great success, ■vas all that could b# desired. Abl#' accom.- RANDALL’S! King’s Rd, of rlv -applioation) can be obtained .of 1 rpu’gh total, the Follies had]entertained over the greatest enjoyment. Everv item was ting# friends of tti# .moraia#nt'’mH 5ffiM wofmded boys in varioius hospitals’and thoroughly appreciated, and the applans# and bring im a larg# sum o f money to help lanists ware Miss Bsktrib# Foster and Mir. tbi# oppftrtaaitj’ giriV . tluir sni^ W on. Secretary (Mrs., K ate Barton). 23, N ‘PP tbla. m on deoarviag of object#. « 'ir. ShPrito. Stle da$at9 St, L94a*rd». S St. Leonardh 'soildieow* dub# in -th# town. I most gratifyinggrati:' to Mr. Henton and his ■Jf'].■* ■■ company of ariaetes /,


diers.’ The real fact whji the ' hoys * patro- DRINK AND IMPURITY. niso the institutions referred to is that, whilst the money lasts (Wthich is the crux of OUR ROLL OF HONOUR. the whole matter) they nlay. aet away from CRISP DEBATE BY CHURCHMEN. the daily and monotonous supply of stews, stews, and then more stews, me^e up of one INTERESTING OPINIONS FROM ’••For the Blood Is tbe \ Bouafe inch-of meat and a piece of-carrot, to DIFFERENT STANDPOINTS. two qu&rts 'of water. ~ Thp’ food we are snp- To Visitors. posed to'receive and-thej amount actually \ meeting was held at the Drill Hall in I f i t i s 1 issued is as difierept as Hindenberjt’s im­ Hughenden-road, on ’Wednesday; evening, - i HO - 086 e:ffi«t^eniiti| ynw it!i pregnable front and'its cohdition afte^ may the. Rev. T. W. Cook (Rural Dean) pre­ -RheOniatism. Saak penistantly f > 1 l_roy? the Canadian attack at Vimy Ridge. siding. • i„ s u c h D isei 'Putting on one'side the question as-to how There was a very good attendance of Xeztma, Serofida, 'jh many people in the t'wih tmnships have put clergy and: laity, among Ithosc present be­ PHILPOT & SONS, who have for So years been i S Abeeouet, Ulcer*, .St THE "APCEL” COURSE themselves on their honoj r to live on Lord ing, the Very Rov. E. R. Currie','Dean of —^ StoeUingt, Boil*, Pimm DeVonport’s scale of ratio is. I think I can Battle, the Revs. J. C. Miller, W.-A. Aria- noted for the quality and distinction of their pro­ emd Br»l>Jt*one, Pile*. ShetemaSu satisfy those who are hmonrable enouyh /lon g, H. C, B. itoyster, C.,F. Hodges, (S. W. Ite., don’t w&ste yoQT time kad-fl and you will th6n ba captain.oF duction^ in all kinds of garm ents that appeal to,the logons and. o'4tt:iaeats whi(dreanDot1 aaply .relief and an eventual cure. (and they are the ones who are worthy of ‘Douglas, t!. A. Stxxi'gea-JoneB, E.. J. Mor­ tbsforiacs of-theskin. -WOstyoul 1 APCEL**^ ia a combination oF consideration) that the J military ration gan, W. F. Jameson, Ghas. N., Buchanan, what yon must have is a nXedichml leaves a large balance in .the ‘boys'f favour, W. M. Edge, J. Webster, W. C. Bullock, taste artd requirem ents !of the gentlewom an, extend tjgMroogbly free the .blood of th» * ^ e ;enanttal properties of WiU I BO that any small pnfehaM of cakes is not A. Hume. Simpson, Miss G. Le Feme, Miss natter which alone -is the true i Gelery w ith othoif Anti-RheumiBLtiB Wasteful: in.foot, is esseptial considering the L. E. Barnes, Cotmcillqrs W. ,Peri-ins, a dordial invitation to La<^y visitors to look round their \ yoorsaflering., Clarke’s Elood Mina Simples. [ goefa a medicina It is composed'] amount of ‘ physical jerks * expected of »s. Clement Hill, and F, W. Morgan’, Dr. W. E. dients .which quickly sttaok; ove-^ It bringa about a eura withOu' i Many a cold morning my tomrades and my« Peck, Col. A. Burton Browne,- R.Aii Messrs. salons. ! The collection pf M odels include under one en »l the impurities from tbs' bk self have 'fallen in ’ at 8.p a.m. (7.M a.m. E. J. Dickinson, J. E. 'Weston, H.'^fing, why so many truly wonderful cn any aetrimantal effeot ontbe system, on bathing parade days), apd kept ' hard at its credit. ; as is the case whOn Iodine or Sali­ C. F. Botley, J. A. Aivmitage, H. J. Oldfield, roof the| designs of the jcleverest Tailors and Dress­ it* u n til 11.30 a.m .. and a ll wo "'have had to J.P., W. V. Edwards. F. W. Maggs, H. E. Over cylates ape'used';{ - ' ' I-' t - 'sj^ain* up were-a few Ibans,. one'slice of Dobell. F. Mf. Foster. J. Y. McMillan, W. m akers of London and Paris, which,' indi-vidually are 50 years’ I hold testimonials from'hun brejad and margarine,, and some weak coSee. Mayo, F . Jam es, J. “W. jp. Chubb, etc. success. _ dreds who have ifound relief front In [fact, I may go further into this question Although the meeting was prolonged until confined |to different W est E nd H ouses. The materials Ipteasaatte ^ TAKE its yonderful powers, so if yoi and inform-ithose whom it ^ncem s iia t our 7.30 iS was felt ’ that the question- of ■ “In­ take. daily issue pf bread amounts to 2^^ slices ’ler temperance,” oixe of the slxbjects for dis-; em ploye^ are of super quality, such as|; are rapidly ■ ' suffer from Rheumatism you should man per day; and potatoes one.’ In fact, our Cussxoa, produced so m uch -vivaaiity amo.ng Clarki get to know more about it. chief m ainstay- are bealns, and not tjio the members, that-in view of its. importance 'Boston* or 'Spokane* [variety at that, its fui-thex considex-ation should be ad­ becom ing exhausted, and we are cpnvin(jed that the !B1 Bend S/4 lor h full ffltnth’s trial rherefore, my, friends' and [critics, whilst we journed. This.debate will, thexwfore be re­ etnne. which will; be.fenrarded'pest would- raither'.^snend o u f money, on other sumed at a meeting .to be called later. m oderate prices will astonish you. W e p i e quite sure- tn a le^reW packed, legether witli things (man.T o f us enjoy the -society of one The Chairman announced a vacancy I gold by an Ian Instnctiont. | { or more of the local’ belles), I hope you will caused by the Rev. ,F. Thatcher's romaval, you w ill jbe interested, and if you feel in the mood to I -Chemisto; AND BE ( agree that if we are to. take our place once and spoke in high terms of that gentleman’s I and Stores I i\ If at the end pf one month yoi agdin alongside our oe haricot variety are cooked W e append! further letters received th is D istr Lct, jvithin the ago limit, gave themselves into hot by urging men-t» take the pledge, bulj faot that I publish letters from correspqn- ' Boston” -u-, or "Spokane” ~ style, and named week on the subject of Sunday gardening :— a t’% i h i l l ______^he hands of the Bishop, w ith the result if thej7 were baptised, to bring them 'back ,^lumn, [does-not imply that after two cities in the U.S •Srs,—It is not my intention to entfer,. into day“ eveniiig at Beulah Baptist Room, that many changes had taken place. Some to their baptismal vows, and if not' bap­ HOUSEKEEPER’S SELF-DENIAl, u e ‘ Observer supports,^ or agrees with, ' any controversy 'm this subject, muph less Chfford-road, Bexhill. . [tayed and? some had to go. They were in tised,- by winning them to Jesus Christ and UM contentions of the writers of the letter. to argue with, an Agnostic (as Councillor Brother R. J. D. Pratt, District Chief puttiiig them iivto communion with Him. |THE COMING BREAD SI OR TAGE— wex'al cases acting as Chaplains and in the An iaan est was held by the Debntfc "I thought-this was understood; but [from a. Reed professes to be) who, while olaimingf Ranger, being on active sex-vice a t Salonika, ’ar • zones, those remaining,, willingly It ceuld not be done by imprisonment., Now |AD ADVISERS. the exercise of 'his own, consedehee, [would Coroner (Mr. H. C. Davenport Jones)^^# oonversation 1 had with a local .public man Brother W. Bussell, District ^ub-Chief- ndertaking intei'-paroohial co-operation, as Citizens. If prohibition came into force, - - •ehi t a tasar taat me •M day this week, it setoiB that .some people denjr.-the same 4 privilege to an ordainea Rang.ir, presided. Brother E. Tubbs, the law would be 'broken by the b ilv ^ h ill Schoolroom on Saturday eveniar It seems incredible that here are -people nd they wore'not ashamed to dig, and so body of James Stewart, Jan old^w imagine that as these notes are regarded as pho.stiU 'Bout the warnings 6 f the Food Con­ Minister of Christ, My views are "BjeU ex­ P.D.(MR., was in the sub-chair. Others pre­ elp the food supply. First things must ‘'tTAlCINO OF t h e ' HOI.T SACOAUENT Itimrances effected on the foU . expressions of Editorial opinion, any letteirs pressed by an Editorial, which appeared,in sent included:—Brothers H. Hunter (Dis­ and.jxe was prepared to go to prison for the of 87. who £ad lived a t 17. Vale-road f o r ^ troller, ' especially that, with regard to the me first, and they must see to it that they years. _ Although generally supposed to be I' . FIRE d a m a g e appearing in this column must be classed In qonspmption of bread. But pne has to admit “ The Record” of the 12bh inst. It is as trict Treasurer),' and W, :/Ji' Stone (District [id not- suffer loss by tile mobilising of man rest of h is life. H e ■was afraid the Govexrn- the same category. I find it difficult to fol­ follows :— 1 Score (ary), and the following delegates:— ment might put their aim too high. They in very poor circum stances, after Ms death Resultant I)o«s of Rent aitd that this is the case. I>uriiig the past week- iwwer. This meetiiig was actually a con­ It was found he had £375 at the Bank, low, this reasoning, seeing -that Eijltoripl t have heard of several authenticated local We continue to receive a 'large number of Brothers 'T. J.- Sellens, Alfred B. Edwards, tinuation of the Mission, for a resolution should use all their efforts to form public and Bn^overs' Liability PeEBOBSllI •pinions are clearly defined and frequent. letters protesting against the attenjipt to and J. Brackpool, Couri: "Cinque' Ports,’* opinion. was the ^owner of considerable property* ^ #B. nrMB 80C1ETT c k s siiccesi drawTox- the time being. He nominated Bro. which showed a balance in hand of £12 8s. pened, but said h e whs glad she was there,.; ' itimes the prjees they i are-! worth, Is this : I am in agr.eemen'fv-with the w riter of the ' . W l M. towns, fell -victims, and others home on and that he did not remember falling out ol' absolutely necessary, just, and .le^timato? following letter. That the danger to which Hastings. April 17th. 1917. F. Ci tt instead. leave who had seepi death, -wanted to see They ^afforded a gi-eat deal of help to those Bro Tuhbs -was nominated Assistant Audi­ suffering in tho Town, and were always bed. Although shaken he did not appear; u se THORP 9hoto of us whoso Weekly incomes are really he calls attention is real is borne out life. No specialr xvarnings had been given any -worse, except th at he was breathingj:-f'. y v e j small -(who have ! no war bonuses or other correspondents.and I have had personal tor, and Sister Pratt Reserve Auditor. them, and there xvore niany excuses to be ready; to assist any person who,was afflicted. It xtas decided to bold the next half-yearly At the. special services held for them they heavily and when this got better’^ghe lew anything extoa), A|to fleeced right and left experience-of it. I hope the authorities Sib ,—I shall csteeiix it a favour if I| may, made. What Was going to happen when him. He got up as usu'al on Monday morn*. DRY CHICK FI ,'totK ono thtog. kna knother. The prices will .take notice of the complaint and pro- as a ^ratepaj-er, add, m y -voice ox' -righteous m eeting (-which -will bo the annual meeting) they returned from the front? Warnings had an attendance of fifteen to twenty. ' at H astings a t 6.30 p'.m. on the th.ird Tuesday ing and had his breakfast, and seemed aH arhioh the tradesmen ai[e charging fo^ their -vide the remedy asked fo r i-D e a r Sir,—I indignation as a p-totest against our 1 local had been given to the Local Government right until about tea tjine, when she noticed, * or “ LACTOMAI ‘goods are simply ruinons. Unquestionably should like, through the medium of your newspaper “ The Observer” being made an in October. Board by tlxe War Office,-and County Coun­ Broj. Ru.ssell made the presentation to Br6. “ Atdra" is the best of the Beef. he looked strange, so she fetched Dr. Hewa} - thore is a good deal of cheating,And robbery paper, to call attention to a danger that has abuse osxtion of Bro. 'rnbbs, tho best which enable you to-eat leas meat and yet be to assist, and attended him until he diedi’S' -'., oven'a penny, gets implrieonment, aqd ye Square Station being closed from sunset till in. Mr. Thomas Reed-,, they are subjected to their districts, tor - the treatment of on the 12th. Witness admitted she had ■: .]■ forsooth 1 tile tradesmen are allowed to id all sorts of abuse. ' ; wishes of the District w-ere sent to tho Dis- these diseases. A scheme which he well nourished. “A'rORA’' Beef'Suet mid- chicki foods^ pro] 7 o’clock the next morntog. On the diiigs [are also slrcmgly recCmmended for very ‘hax'd tim e, aixd had to provide mom Bose upon the cnstomeii to quality, ifeighi Warrior Square side of theTstation' to gain Tlxe Ilicar of Christ Church, Ore, did not triot Chief Ranger, Bro. R. J. O. Pratt, wh(j dx-ew up had been adopted by Hast­ is abroad on active service. for-the houseliold expenses. It was .no: and price, and all one [ gets to response -the bridge a flight .of steps-has to be as­ -write to too P ress, it was -written to b ia ings, and they had commenced opera- found that the house . Ike lived iJC yfas batauc^ sold protest ia ''Oh; ito war tunb.’' Undoubto cended; and the gate that claves the bridge pa^rishioners and friend.s. and many likb my-^^ tioixs in a small 'Wayi-'A clinic-was’opened own. thafi there was over £370 in the f honour 'him for his candid con-victious foil treatment, and the Utmost secrecyas to this War has opened dp tho avenue's 'df is at the top of ' the stepst ' and already contains leaflet of reciies for delicious pud­ thSYhe had shares in the Gas Company, a I ^’conomicalte gi^d,,vgato't;r frabbtog; and avarice, i| several serious accidents hpve happened, of the-sanctity of the Sabbath day, it is the fiET THIS DIET BOOK. ' the name of patients was observed. All dings—cggless and xnea|tl‘css, yct-ve^ nour had monej'ton deposit in a Building Society f . Tarions -ditocHons; I f ! there were! le^s thin end of. the wedge to con-fiscate the day treatment was free, to rich and poor alike, through people, either through lack of • I’odd is as important to the sick pei;son as ishing Ho had'] formerly been a painter, doing) ■tuddle-beadddnOss, and I'addlepatedness, i: knowledge or forgetfulness, | attempting to of re.st, from the toiler. A ll days ar^ rest and ha appealed to anyone who had know­ fa'ncy.-painting which had now gone out w' day-fqr-Mr. T. Reed, even in War time, Tho medicine, more so ia most cases. A' badly ledge of a case requiring this treatment to ' those who haveithe conjrol of pnblip afiairi. cross the bridge after sttnsotl.as on a dark chotehjdie’t may retard recovtn-y. ' fashion'.! ^ and H they would turn - tbeir attentib]:i. iiigh t it is impoBsible^ to See [the gate a t the other day the paper was full of abuse against recommend the patient to come to them -at A P O L I C E TRAGEDY. D r. QL H . H ow e said he treated decease!,’ kdnestly stod seriously to remedy - this un- a Noiioonforimist minister in the town, In health tho n.atural-appetite is the best once. He said [•iSanxji/M^nd! “ F E E D i m top of the steps, and the rejsult is, several guide] to follow; in sickness the appetite is two months ago for- heart disease and.- . •crupuIoQS state of affairs, they would unfortunate pedestrians have[ simply walked who -with others ape doing thoir hit to) save A. CUBlOrS IPEX bronchial catarrh, and slight dropsy. He'' many from the dtiirk curse. oftenjficklo and depraved.. -B'as prevalent that continency was dis­ POPULAR OFFICER h a n g s HIMSELF: SUCCESS ’’—the book t i rendering a real national service. ! It is up the stops and knocked their faces against Proper food and a good tonic will keep mo'st thought deceased was-very ppor. No menv abominable to tbtok .tihat while our [brave the closed.gate. If it is-a military necessity Ton or eleven years since toe Rev. astrous lo the health. That was utterly tion was made by him of any relative., 'Whe» Charles Cooijer opposed Sunday trams Mr. people in good health. Dr. Williams’ pink untrue, for chastity did no harm to mind or bow to feed ehiaka are men out/onder are fighting for liberty, an 1 to close the bridge at sunset every night, pills for pale people are the most popular WORRIED BY GIVINGING UP WAR WORK. he was called by:Miss [Bowers he found de­ - free4om, there! should be those- ‘at [ home close it'by all means, but I do think those Reed made liim self most Obnoxioixs in a body, and its discipline was excellent. ceased much shakep, "and his speech wpa- public highwray at Ore. with some of the tonic medicine in the xvorld, harmless, non­ Mr. Chubb suggested that the best -way the asking. making huge profits and fortunes out of the responsible should take immediate steps to alcoholic, and certain in their action, which The Box’ough C^roi.er (Mr. W. ' J. affected. He gradually got worse and died- •ddntxy’s necessities.'"' li have neither hear! do' away with this danger. I suppose the loxver class people to help him . W as that a tx deal with the subject—besides medical aj stated. J A post mortem examination re-: • ■or read of any' Christian minister bold necessity, that the Census was taken in the is to build up the blopd and to restore vitality treatment, xvas to instruct the young as to Glenister) held an ' inc[uest at Silvex'hiH present lighting restrictions would not to th|e run-down system. For gi-owing girls school on Monday even: ug, on the body of vealed that a heart valve was incompetent; ' snough to-sa^ from the pulpit what 1 allow a light at the top of the . stops, but month of August Avhen property owneijs are the! danger among them. and all the oi'gans were- congested. Theri( on holiday ? The result xii tim e of [crisis who become tliin and -pale, for pale, tired The Rev. C. A. Sturges Jones asked if Frederick Taylor .kave here "written.' Why are the^ to surely a rope qr something'could be drawn women, for old people who fail in strength. Deceased -was an ex-police officer, ba'ring was- a ruptured blood vessel on the brain ■trangely silent on this matter—ark th«y across the' bottom,'or bet-ter still have the is young gix-ls who are sim ply splendid in they realised how the sin of impurity had and a clot of blood had formed. This may,: helping the countx-y, have to work on | Sun­ Dr. 'Williaxhs’ pink pills are an ideaTtonic. been increased by the artificial means been, more than twenty-five years in the : afraid of losuig their, congregations,, pnd iis gate put at the bottom instehd of the top of To enable those who give these pills a trial Hastings Force, and was a very popular and have been'due to the fjall, or caused it. bxrtf - a Nresult, their stipends?—A Vicxii^.” I the steps.—T. CorELAXD, 1|G^ King^-road, days -w-hero one is eex-tain from a point of largely made use of 'in late , years, tor he: thought the fall'was the' cause. Death, health the.v should'havo the day tor [body to .observe intelligent care in the diet, the limiting the numbers of a family ?;, highly respected man, both among his, THOl kave said I do not agree with .the reinar]:s St. Leonards, . A ■ , was due to -valvular disease of the heart an£« and soul too. D r. "Williams’ Medicine CO. w ill send on re-, If ! intemperance was slaying its thou­ colleagues . an'd also his peighboux-s at 'of this correspondent,; a[nd I ehdnld not have quest free a' diet book, “.What to Eat and Hollington. The fact that he had to resign the rupture of the blood vessel on the brain,' published the letter but for similar Istats- These people want to rob us of a costly sands, inxpurity was killing its tens WHY NOT A BEACH WOMAN? How to E at.” I t is fu ll of useful iuifOnna- his position at Hollington Police Station, The DeputyrCoroner .commfeqted .on thi' .■lento made at hazard by other people. It treasure and heritage. We -who are associated of . thousands. ■ That was first brought self sacrifi'ce «f Miss Bowers who ha6(. with Chi-ist Cliurch, Ore, are proud of tho tiou, axxd whether you are well or ill,; if is a to his notice xvhile wox'king in ' the which ho took up during the. War, had evi­ deems necessary to deal with these I coii- , I continue to receive letters .on the sea dently upset him, throughout acted -with the greatest kxndnesi. bathing question, but as the Town Council 'Vifcar, and of his three sons -who are fight­ good book to liove. Send for a copy and other East End of London. He referred to a letter .& SON! ■Imnts . publicly. ' They . are not [ wt ll matters to follow, addressing a* post card Mrs. Kate Taylor, 33, Alina-terfaco, said to the ptd man, and had suffered such privOr founded. The opinions! expressed by '‘A has disposd of it for the cjurrent year,' it ing tor I'herlv and tho cause of righlJcous- vrhich he contributed to the local press on tions on bis behalf. She had experienced -would be a waste a£ spa -.to publish these ness. " The Sabbath was made for maxx ” to Offer Dept., 46, Holborn Viaduct,-London. the. subject,-which in-Spite of calling forth deceased] was her husband, a|xd had been a ▼ictim,” and. others who seem to! agree 'wr ;h 96 Yojx -will ,^o well to be^n Dr. ‘ William s’ ...... police constable. He was 69 years "of age, a very, hard time, but bad the satisfaction S u i kim, are'based on inadequate kiyjwledge af ;|;ommunications.' More, than one writer I personally fqel St. H elen’s m ight I)^'-wise unfavourable comments from- a gentleman of knowing mat sbd had done everirthiiif- j^tacks Councillor Dighton for bis state- at a later date of finding a mpre suitable pink pills to -day; any dealer can supply you, whom he saw present that day,''brought him and a peiuiioner. On Thursday he said his tile facts. Summed up the cha'rge is thlit representative for the ward. I “ A [mere but seo.that you obtain Dr. Williams’.- head felt funny, so witness advised him not she could for th is old m an who had eviden'U) tradesmen arfe deliberately robbing their oent.fihat tho whole of ftbi criticism ap- a mass of correspondeixco which'confirmed miserly habits. , romance.”; In the “ Daily ; New.s and all he wrote. He felt assured that this ax^ti- to go to-work in-his garden, but he went .. oustom ers by demanding more tfaegi a fair teared to be against the chajrge of 7s. 6d. for there, returning about 5.30. The ixext morn­ The jury returned a verdict in accordanet ST. JOHN’S. HOLLINGTOl the season. 'It is pointed opt that, as a Loader” a fax-met*Wrote the folio-wing Ifi'om ficial restriction of families was one of the R. Middleton (of St. Michael’s,;! profit for the goods thOj- have for sale, and Bedfordshire, " h e did not think it -would ing he -was' all right, ax id went to work ir with the medical evidence, and expressed they are using the War as a cloakthis matter of fact, not one word against this DR. BARNARDO’S HOMES. meaps employed by German agents, for Tieir admiration of Miss Bowers’, actiM ennounced to gxve^ his prophbtil add much to toe inciease by [working on limiting the iixan ^ower of England. ' ita. the garden again,' and when he went to be; “Impending Events in the Nearl behaviour. The cortoop'oudent^ho brings Charge appeared in the letters sent to the about 7.30 he seemed vary cheerful, mor* hroughout. t !t this charge seems to ; have eiuirely I ov< r. [ Council; all that the private tenters asked Sunday. The hoitos add the men were! both adoption was an . act of imparity, ahd was the above cbxrrch next Wednes* for was better treatment for the increased better for a day’s rest.” I fail to see any the eaxise of putting a premium upon forni­ cheerful in fact than he had bten' fox' the et 7.30. A hearty welcome is looked the very important faci^-that The ia- lack of patriotism in too 'V'icar of Christ F E T l ABANDONTHD FOR PATRIOTIC past five weeks.: For m jre than two years Orease in the price of goods is Wottthe[ far It ! fee. I publish below one of the letters. I . REASONS. cation‘apd adultery. He expressed sur- ioniorB* Church. I 1 prite that a member of that Council he had been doing police work at Holliug- CELLULOID SERVICE PROTRACTOM RAILWAY EMPLOYE’S Dl of the tradesman but is the natural oqt- have received on the bathing question this . A CHURCH MEMBER. ton Police Station. Five weeks ago he was •omb of the interference _with lies I peek, because it opens up ainew suggestion, Thb Officers .and Committee of the St. had I made an attack aipon him, aiid for military use can jbe obtained at the. 'death ocenrred of Mr. Edmu "T"s in I viz. :—The engaging of a (‘beach xyoman” P.S; I wonder if Mr. Reed knows thfire misquoted the Archdeacon and the Bishop, asked to rteign, which lxe N atioeal P atriotic Q u b , 40, < 'Whiito Rock. ! took place la st Saturday fit. ingsj and that it was the duty of every'man noon, and passing, the, i^reenhouse witness Th© boys and girl® of .the chMdren’s depart,.. ( Oemotery, the;Rev. C. M. Hue' than a fair price fox- certain articles, Wavi: ig indicates toe fitness of a wjoipan for this • :o: .Supply of Food the Controller considers that position. As a m atter of course, th§ “ Ixeach- to stend up against it. He did receive a saxv her knocking at tho wall of the house m ent gave tomperaxxoe tongs find recitatione. Ing. ' Mesws. Dyke, Lewer, • regard to existing circumstances, put I- THE WEEK’S FIGUEES. all such entertainments as tlioso to -which next door 'Asked -what she was doing, she 'ii eontui-e to say there ai-e very few whjo are 'jvoman” should have been trained to exer­ you refer, which involve the consumption of letter from the Rev. Sturges Jones, ac­ Miss H atchell, pxnfacing Hep address, said . ' Glazier, o-aiiTray men and frx« _ cise, authority, consequently the employ­ companied by a pamphlet of such an abomin­ said “Don’t be frighten jd, fathex-’s gone.” the children had done so well and giv« acted as hearers. The funeral; ■toing it on a- -wide scale. 'They woxlld be food, should be discontinued.” Witness asked her what she meant and she ment 'of a policewoman, at j once, suggests The total number of paeionsem carried by th« Haa- This decisive statement is Lord De-von- able character, that he only glanced at it such excellent advice in thelir song and were carried out by Mr. W. B ■ eory stupid if they were, for the.v would be tlxaia Trainraya Company, teeether. with- the receipt#, and put it away. The clergy could be better repeated, "Don't’bo frightened, I can see by •ijaply killing the gopse with the golden tself to mind, with progressive tendencies. compared irith tho corresponding period last year, are porCs ireply to a -petition that refreshments recitation, that she began to wonder what t2. Mount _ Pleasant-road. -findl employed than in matters of that kind, and his face he’s gone.” Wiiaiess nnderstood'he she could add. She took us back to th© Old ■ ' road. Hastings. ; i •ggs. "A Victim”- has also omitted to ;briW !ut if policewomen . are “anathemw appended;— may bb on sale- at a proposed fete in aid of was' dead when her daxi^ter repeated the the housewives into his calculations. Does aranotha” to to e po-wers th at be, a trained April SKhdWlu 1,916 _.. X3I.8I4 JE783 the Dr.'Barnardo’s Homes. Having r^ard he assured them, that if such an attack was Book and based her remarks on Deut. 22, t MUSIC AT - HALTON,! April Sth-15lih, 1917 .... 173,358 £1,066 made again, he would do as he did before. words, !"He‘has gone.” Deceased'had been “Thou ehalt not see thy brother’s ox or hil'^ ' he think these ladies are all fools? If [so he -ospital nurse .whose health might need The tnmbbr of passonsere carried each day 6t the to the|gravity of the National position it is twenty-alx years in the Hastings’ Police short recital of vocal and in^ fe making a-big mistake. Housewives t ecUperation, would be -well'suited for the weeh on the Whoi© aystem ia oa foWoire:—Monday, now decideiffidence that all loyal patriots very beautiful rendering of " who should be required-to wear a plain blue will commend the_ intimated cha.hge of .plans. womah' might be of comparatively tender .career. Witness explaiiied that the de­ there are profiteers in the country is im he will forward a syllabus containing all . pression she had mentioned -made deceased I Biv Redeemer liveth.’’ Mr. unpleasant fact, but a general charge of A s- lerge costume, and to whom the same weekly The foiiowing letter also, dealsus with this |ut utterly^ viciou s.' Hig' experience was ' sJaved effeotivefly two organ sol ' xartionlars of the foi^tbcoming examinations t ia t • o much importance could be attached silent,'as though he was l]rooding over some­ honesty against tradesm ens unjust and un­ salary should bo paid, as tp a' 'pxan doing Or open scholarships on receipt of a stamped ^ ! - SOLDIERS’ OONCERT.—A f toe _same work. The employment of two SfR,—[Owing to the food regulations, the -to w l :t a woman said when in difficulties, thing. ! '' I A ; ii ' weffoomed the artists from lio^ fair. and cannot be -subnntiated for re­ addressed envelope to anybody applying. ftiu.—a Whea she confessed it was not by yards, Cax-oline], Araes Daisy Tfaylor, daughter of liable e-vidence. .I ■ - policewomen, bowever, would doubtless, b‘e Foot! ' (fontrollcr,. Lord Devonport. cannot '' IMiss Hnllah, the secreta^ of L satisfactory in e-very respect. A beach give me Ipennissiou to run the refreshments but by iifches, and it was a wise precaution deceased,-':6aid she got up at, 7 o’clock on U W ar Tim© Concert! Parries, a | official may not |o much be needed after the stall at] our coming sale in aid of' Dr. Bar. takenTby the law when it required corroboraf Saturday thorning, and deceased -had his j IPxdr, on Wednesday.' A few cr" MORE ABOUT ALLEGED WASTE OF War as now, -when - the usual visitors to the naivlo’s I Homes in .Tune. This means a loss tion. 'what should be aimed at, he con­ breakfast shortly after, and about 9 o’clock went down to the glasshouse as usual.. -He!, RHEUMATISM I I had been invited, whilst the gL FOOD BY SOLDIERS. East Coast are likely to Continue taking to the Homes of £.54 (the amount taken last sidered, was the creajtion of a better opinion kept tools there and used to change his boots of tho andieno© was made upl holidays on the South Coastj. M eanwhile, it year) ox* 2,160 sixpences. in the country in every way, and that mort II troops. Miss Violet Evelyn madj It was hardly to be iexpected that 'niy re­ ;s far from agreeable to hpar and read,of But I|feel mire that I ba-vie only to lej the energy should be directed to set this higher there before going to his garden at Pond m arks on the waste of food in the Armjy apd wood. Ahoxit twelve o'ffiock when witness i I *ppeal to the civilians preseirf (tones being thrown at toe owners of private people'qf -St. Leonards know this, and they Standard. He dissented from the Rev. C u r e d . “•I practical sympathy in providi^ Jb some of toe' Soldiers! Clubs in- Hastings ents.-HASTINGS RESIDENT- will not] allow the Hotoies to suffer to this ex­ Sturges Jones’ remarks as "to pasied the glasshouse she saw deceased' in a •nd St.' Leopards would be allowed t<) pass I ! LIMITATION OP A PAMUiT standing position, and saw that he was dead. certs for the troops, quoting sri COALS tept,tent, h Du|: will send mo tkeir sixpence or six- i doctors and nurses on the soote 'without comment, but, judging from cofnniu- peaces beittg'/wiong, and rem arked that a man who She could see no rope'but his face was very JY THE WAY. M I'e& diM Be ing iKi-wer of musio. Altoget^ ■ications I have received during the week, too I f it pi lOuTd "be more convenient the money could jnot keep three: children, could not pale, and his tongue was protruding. She uneral opinion seenis to be that toe charge went for assistance and Mr. Cox came in foafiaaittvecnre ; of the finest concerts gi-^n xn tl f Mr. Conway )r. Conwaylslone of the Sub- ONLY. ca.n "be left in the care of Miss Fleet, 38, keep six, hut he had only heard part of the^ ‘ Richardson called for cheery tq made was well founded, and that if Was speech] so he inay; have been mistaken in about a quarter of an hour. Witiiess Had fortiteMiBitiMe. CommisBioners -tor Londop, under the Marina. i! which were heartily giypn. high time somebody had. sufficient courage to National Service Scheme. Don’t wait till June, "but 'please send it what he Said. not noticed any depression, but her father EdhUea, Ltmbngo, wnblicly deal with the matter. It is vety Dr', Armitage remarked that a little know-' had been quieter than usual during the past ' i| ■ ■ Estabd. half a Ceritury. noxv, wlijile it is fresh in your memory. ' 9ftt|oints»SMaiae, difficult to induce civilihns to believe-in the , ledge ]vas a dangerous thing, and that the five weeks. . . lMikee, fi«re Throat, \ ■efed^for food economy^ particularly in re- Cardiff has decided to offer its freedom to ELLEN PHILPOT. experience of Rev. Sturges Jones was totally G. A. Cox, of 31, Alma-terrace, Relie-viug :t - *ard to breadstuffs, and to practice [ such the Canadiain Premier, Sir Robert Borien. BURN Filsha|m Txvdffe, St. Leonards. different to his, as far as men were con- Officer, said that he went to the greenhouse aad all yecwlar ooia* •edttomy and avoid wapte, ■ when quantities 8 not the jxresent an appropriate time for Njerned; women ’ were just as bad. very quickly. He saw deceased, who was of bread can be fonnd ip gutters, and when it lastings to.'make a similar offer? The fact was, there wag curiosity in hanging fnoip a rafter which supported the N o akattag haw a w ta the YOU REACH ia welt known that soldiers consume a great both sexes, and they ought to ^ive roof. His 1 toes were touching the ground, w pa^ Bfll’e Sohraoe will deal of food at the canteens in the Soldiers'| I During the progress of the! military motor OCAL SHARE LIST. the bojis and girls warning. He praised his knees -kere slightly bent^ and a piece of ' epeedMy reUem it. looeea the “ HIGH WATEl


WAR. WOMEN’S PLACE IN THE EARLY \uFor the Blood is the Lite.**' CHURCH—AND NOW. Sir,—^I have i-ead w ith keen interest the J CHARLES account in the ‘‘ Observer’’ of the splendid If it is any BLiiKELEY-J0H1^0|^ A.D.O. TO THE work done by a woman churchwarden in — Bre- St. Lopnards jiarish during the past year. »n hot only is the loss of the above named G o o d - It is |a thousand pities women are not OP Smith. 11^11 [such Disease gaUant a ^ most popular officer, kUted nehr employed more often . than they are as LAD yvANTBPi, leUter h 8a3rears:t>e^j Anas on the 11^ last., a serious one for the ‘—'‘itBtotee. SU.. I ^ ^ Sezm ia. ScrefUta^ S a d IjMbJ churohwardinis. I n S 4 **^®'* U^lcerSj,•m Otandufaritdvfa A tm y^d uhe Empire of wiiidi he was a bril- PEO T JV E , or EDW ARDS’ FECTORIAL BALSAM Thoiie of ns who are students of early Pimples, Soresl Cavalry leader, but it is also a sorrow church history and know how honourablie b^iFfoi ^of theiri pr^ to aa BBfaiUng remedy tor COUGHS, COLDS. S e ONCHITIS, and other Chest -laM I*e.. dont WMte your time and m o n ^ ^ ’l W'Uicn touches- very closely local relations, AlbctlmB. were the offices women held in the church FOOD PORT, Oai’taUawar: — — — . appeal t6 tjie I lotions Md oijltments which cannot «et below ^rien^j and associations esaebjing back many ______' ' t fiiam aa tiw, ______then it is a matter for. real, deep re- ireSplCTSSLETi^ I tlM-surlaca oi^he skm. ^Vhat you wont and 1 grot t ley are not allbwed 'now to act as ^pman', e:^eiid I what you must have is a mediSine that will ,.'■^'*1®,, Brigadier’s maternal! grandmother CXI C" C* Marrellouii tomMly that cures eld s While-.v.u sleep. they c.id in those days. There may I dare- The Bert Ithorooghly f ^ the .blood oi the poison^] iM-Ts. Head, the widow of Maj Head) oamo & a ^ ■ Ifever fails to give insuut Belief and Ouies by almple say bd a fair percentage of women to whom I matter which alono is «ie true cai^ o j ^ l to Hastings some 60 years i Inhalation. jfook roundtheur to live. Her this is a matter of indiflerence. but there are I Mixture is just memory still, remains green the affeotian- ■ ______la |Wf BatBa; 3 tiaiei Bw aiw, la. M. *______others amongst us who feel, and feel Restorative Wine. ate remembrance of all' w . ______Atlty F. lude under or|e LO knew and sorely that it is gravely derogatory to ®®^^pi®d her. Miss Jane Head was married ED WARDS* NEURALGIA MIXTURE OR NERVfi TONIC. their epx that whiio other honourable at St. Mwy-in-the-Castle to j Mr. Bulkeley- I its credit. StxoBgly recommended tor NEURALGIA,£ SCIATICA, TOOTH-AOHE. profospions are open to them,, their hands ELUS, S0N & V lllL B i ^ors and liresi- Johnaon (a pai'tner in the well-known orien- , KPEUMATISM, Ac. .are tied in church. I wonder how few Over tal fii'm of Jardine, Matthes and Co., of U lar BaWt. DMbMHialaM. people, to-day ■ remember—if they ever idividually are 50 yean* China fame), and this boiw [h waa always GRAND PARADE. ST^IfbNARDS, Wotta. B«daifl1. ■ ; - ■'■•■-■ ’, - i'i~ / i.TLii-iT'*' cinifi . fUCCCH. kneu-—tlmf, women -were ordained Up to •VOUtH REQUlftltD for their headquarters, and the home of their TO BE OBTAINED ONLY FROM , tho fiist 300 years A.D. That Hildegardo PELHAM a r c a d e ; BASTm C l^ putiOM bi»in«s» *xperienoe prrieliSi- I PiMsaat to TAKE children, when in England here the Bri- The m aterials take. in. the 12th Century ajid St. Catherine of gadtor with his brother and isters lived in Siena, in 14th Century pi'eached with AMD - j- as are rapidly tlio^Mount, for - -years------under tlii — - watchful care church authority backing then).' A-Catholic of their aunto, the Misses Hjead__ Of -th at NEVEft CO.. WELUNCTON PLACX aarkeV ED W A R D S. M.Pa, chronicle records that "In the early S 1 I Sold by mil Mixture words of Tertullian, and he stated that m-WM Merslaat, .121.. I Chemuta AND BE COXED. Mary-in-the-Castle. with th4 Rev. TUi'omas women appear in e-very early reference to BOO'T TRADB.— Soi^ sUgWad. d is p Q s a ^ . II I and Stores \^ es as its centre. This h)dy’B Bncoeesful Eooles|lastical Orders” , BATTLE FARMERS-AND SPARBC)WS. efforts on behalf of M iss Wteston’s Sailors' “ FCa WebS w anted for grtrirt 1^ ^ 5s. 5d., May GafBon Is. 9d.. Collected cigar­ t. GIBERNE SIEVEKING. SarjtoB i>aiA-Fiaaic Dane awi-;Cla. AiMonL i c i s m . . and Soldiers' Hejp Association, is well known The Surrey HiJla are calling me ADDRESS vBY VISCOUNT GOSCHEN; All *■ CVKRVBODY>S here imd muoh appreciated^ Groat sym- ettes, Miss Wiadomv 150, Mrs. Spears, 40, With all their subtle charms AN-matft sV-ODCe.— I SulE»«titUt^ BLOOD PUKinSR." ' path, THE a’OOD PROBLEM AND THE PARK CARokNER-aud ly is felt for her at her heavy and griev- Mrv iJ.. Smath, B exhill, 60. Irae M i s » A wAnderer now in this drear land . QUESTION. There was a large and' representative DX.r. i iiHcas,'Lucas, ‘ kjuxiiuiu,Lozdoi4, uoIm®W* . ,v.I— ' ' "jg I ous loss, Hutchinson have kindly sent us three pairs Of death, and war’s alarms. Sin. -A terrible war has been raging for gathering at the Georg© Hotel, Battle, on INTELLIGENT MAN, ho following is quoted fronii the "Morning of socks, From Chanctonburr’^ ancient ring nearly three years ! Of course most of ns Monday afternoon, when a feombined uii’etinc Pin^tiT Food Fsotorr ; good wa*e«.—A. t " _ of 'Thursday" The death . of . '1 have hadi a charming letter of thanks To Wilmington’s Long Man, know ' this, but I just made-that remark in was held of the Battle and [District Farmers ------. ______-Ha men — W/WWa4 A Brigadier-General Bulkeley^Johnson seema from Leading-seaman. F. Goldsmith, aclwow- Giub and vthe N ational Farmers’ Uni *Ph(me?ilc 35y«' it. It arrived quite safe and not damaged O'er the great whit© road to Paradise eusiathi speoimen of the regimental oi hcer in the olid toste.r b^t if these worthy members of'the Sussex, would give an address, and a, very J..3.^., Hudson BlO{.. Ltd, M. FaatogdonTd.. ■ F IR E o f f i c e : Army, keen oh his regiment ad profession, at all. I think you both are very good When We come marching home. hearty welcome was accorded him on his [Tunbridge W« SUN packers by the way it waa paohed, and Coiin4il prefer to take their vegetable soup, widely read, a deep thinkei and a greait 1 PRIVATE J. CTNIELL. made from geranium stailks, dahlia roOli, arrival. SEECTAB4.E MAH . t FOUNDED 1710. sportsman. In the late ninei 3, when peace must thank yon both on behalf of my mess* Irish Guards. B. B. F., somewhere in and ■wallflower leaves, I thank the rest of us Mr. H. T. Simmons presided, and sn-pport- I ^med likely to reign ■ fitely in mates tor your great.kindness. We have had Franco. ing him were:—Sir Anchitel Ashburnham. a very nice two hours out of it to-night, for would like something more nourishing. , flie Oldest Insurance Office in the World. Europe, he went to Egypt aind spent' four The above verses were sent to us hy Oun parks have el'wavs been beautiful and Clement, Mr. A. Lemmon, Mr. R. H. B. Jesse mod. Besh'Ul. ,------myno_ years in the Egyptian Caval^, first organ­ a change. It was mueic on the meee-deck M. Jenner. St. MargareFs-road, St. Leonards, (Executive Officer for East Sussex), and Mr. kHOLSTERER ««d - . and snowing and blowing outeide, bat that looktd ei>Iendid,.and their laying out aaid , -to bUndJi oatneil-AnA Irao-.i ising and afterwards testing his work in the who received them from Private (yNiell, anocket, dpg up the mrioyMent.—Wright, By*. _J__:_ ■ 1 South African War and the phance' of mak­ memories of Sussex by the Sea." floweib and put in jjotatoea and other staple W. Goldsmith, T. Buss.B, A. West, A. Wri- 'WANTED at oa~c«,- MA.^ ^ £ HU R0M!ANCE. hoxtie of our brave eeomieai. Goldsmith tells lace, J.' B. Burton, J. A. iN. Thorpe, S. C. aiden.—Abply. etatin* tanft, to V i. -:o:------. ing an even bigger name fo: himself than vegetables in their stead. he had done in the Soudan, Shortly after* me he has written to the lady to thank her Clements, Q. O. L. .Wright, H. J. Gower, personally. Orders this week : cigar- _ Doubtless the scenic effect would be badly MIDST OF POVEBTy, ho had returned to the Sooits reys he wrote' impaired, but ■we have got to beat the Percy Smith, Snell, etc. I an article in, a London news] ,X>er respecting ettes to the 9th and 12th Battalions, Royal A N A P P E A L . The first business was the consideration of Sussex Be^ment, reepectively, 280 to each of " Hui^’’ and by growing food we ore greatly tho date and organisation of a Bed Cross the arme blanche in moder; 1 warfare. - On aas'stlng in this task, so ‘‘get busy " with Wanted, good reuawe the following for Sussex men in their sevieral Sale. It was resolved that in view of similar Trartor: ia«islb!o; good, S- PEK'S SELFiD EN U n, taking over the command of the Soots Gtoys units : Sergeant G. Lewis,. Lance-Corporal the s^de in the garden and I'et the children ------’ - OoBtractof, Olq in 1911 he bent all his en< ^ on trainiiig sales being held in the district, October would Ra Solly, (A.V.C.); andi Private A. D avis, TX) INHABITANTS OP THE DISTRICT look after the flowers in the window boxes. . be a bettor month than April, as at first sug­ WANTED, tbnrouiplity lUaito the regiment for active sei he,/end it was (R.A.M.C.), 100 to Private W. Brasier, We! are only, just beginning to feel the a perfectly-trained unit kt* crossed to PRINCIPALLY THE HOUSEWIFE. gested. HffiTftn TfeteL Middlesex Eegiment. Jack Mnriow’s cards ‘‘pinch," an-d it’s going to be much worse Mr. Simmons expressed the pleasure it gave (0 KmiT France in August, 1914. It w(rat throngh tho are now on sale at most of the leading befor s it gets better. to lAartye, retreat from Mons to the Marne and up ^ ain them to welcome Viscouht Goschen among sipM taa Ni« atii ina Stationers in the town and I hear a great At tho present time patriotism is the pre- them, as representatrie of the Board of Agri­ —Quoen’a Laundry, Wo*t_St. I©0ndrdi._;---- ; ■ to! Tpres, with surprisingly light casTialties to many have already been disposed of. I re- Owingj to tho great demand and necessity domipant feeling among us a’4, €und if we WANTED, CABMAN, ibore n^ttta^.’ Xacnrances effected on the following risks. men and horses, largely duel to his tradning culture ofr East Sussex. T-hey all liked to Ted a t 17, Val^roadTfor twa n et that I exTOoeicnialy statM that Private cf glycerin© it is ecle.ctic end to the nation’s cultivate our parks find set the example I hare a Sussex man to -leal with Susom pair bnaa work end tak^ 1 generally sutoposed to '^ FIRE DAMAGE and leadership. Honours fdM: thick and fast Apily Diayoea aad .Co., w W. Gasson.! who has been awarded ; the interest that the housewife should not am convinced that Visitors to this town will aflairs, and were particularly gratified at his lUdW*-at., Hastlags. ■t-’ ■c^stances, a ^ r his deaS upon him. He waa appoint Brigadier- Italiap Bronze Miedal, was the son of In- waste a portion cf Bones, Fat or Grease of highly appreciate the snbsititution of rows of had ^75 at tie Basultant Loss of E ^ t and Profits. Gfeneral and A.D.C. to the .K ing in Novem­ appointment to the office. (Applause.) He Bmpioyers’ Liability Personal Accident, epectoir Gasson. It should have road : “son any kind. vegetables in place of floweribeds. extended a hearty weloome also to Mr. Jesse, £ considerable probity. A* and Workmen’s Cbm- ber, 1914, and was awarded w e Cross of *be of Mr. Michael Gasson," (brother of our es­ Don’t put your natural pride of beautiful '•'•C Sickness and Disease, Legion of Honour and the Rjissian' Order of If people whose eye this should meet will who would perhaps, as Exbontive Committee, VACANT-r-FARM 'H A N D t; di^Tered ho | had no near pmsation, inclhding Fidelity Gnarante^ teemed Oollector). Letters received this Haistings before your jiatriotism. officer for E ast Sussex, tell| (:hem that as they SITUATIONS honTOkeeper,: vho'Traa hi* Accidents, to - St. George. During the long period of in- week: Lieutenant Upton, Royal Sussex Regi­ only take notice, inform their -friends and We can feast our 'eyes on scenery, but were no longer to feed horses on oats, what '' - ETC..::.-..- Burglary, I activity of the Cavalry hid gallant spirit •’ ,?“t ont of kindness to Domestic Servants. Plate Glass. ment, Leading^oeaman Goldsmith, Stoker take care to save oven the smallest quantity would we be satisfied by such "a meal? " they could substitute. (Laughter.). He ex­ le a ll she conlQ for Tiinx for was always fretting for actioin, and now, in Belsey. Corporal Winborn, Gunner William­ of such material refered iierecif, they will be WILLIAM A. FIELD. CARTER WANTED, w ^ bOT plained to the meeting thf work of the War Bnxl ■ .mri*. --. one ont to-, work i to e a r s Brighton Branch:—i abont the first cavalry action sino^rtha re­ son. Privates J. Kinnis. Simmons and J. assisting the interests .ard benefit of the Agricultural (Committee and tho Snb-Com- and I gardan.—Awly W, Wil rapport. j I treat, he has fallien. Details are-sflilil lack- Foyle. f DARart Sr 'R'EQUIRED fer_ S-Mm ' % PRINCE’S PLACE, NORTH STREET. nation in a way by providing an article for variotis matters afaMag wagea Msnirad, te 'Hr. w. lily Bowery identified tho J. W. L. BENATON, District Secretary, I ing, but we who knew him wril wiil be sur- E. GERTRUDE ADAMS, ^on. Secretary, sought in con- rised if he was not struck | down -well in the extraction of glycerine, which is a most rd.,[HaMlnga. __ ' was a widower, and so fat 15, Everaiieiff-ptace. St. Leonards. importaixt constituent in the manufacture of , . ------—.,™- — some twenty riBCWMAN, orar gaiUtart age. -.far no - relatives and never Agencies in every District. Frout of his brigade, showing his mera the have been corrected over and over agiiin.' circulars sent out. Among these matters EeetUald;' abeut-S oewi. [ way. they should go, ond oh^ieonzig them on. A HASTINGS POS'TBR AT THE FRONT. munitions. They ■will also be in a position ta o ^ U wife ar d*egbi)ai to « « n u n ; ,• anyone. .Witness was hji 3,.akd for instance bis assertion that ‘- in the were a motor tractor plotgh, which he was, gnadoatian aad gudae; .«tnt*,«gSD4a^.;ef His, force of character, his exampie and Private Percy Beney, writing from France, to obtain current "Market Price" by address- irariuiacture of tlie intoxicants sold, over sorry to say had not yet a]>peared in the dis- - dS* - and had kept house for ilTg a post card _to faaiiiied^-31»aik«ri. Caharwaad. ftoea-lAp^iSd.' __ _ 1^ 0 the. papers ho I training have left an indelible mark on his to his mother at 4, St. Panl’s-road, St. Leo­ 3U0,^ tons of suipy^worp us^ ui^sugar trict. and he gave, the loason of jts non- ~lAd WAHTED m Fairm - Ip find no trace of- aiiy rela> old regiment, where he whs idolised by nards, says:—"There’s one thing that might w . e .' b l i z a r d . thnti would have kept the entire Bntish Army arrival. As to seed potatois, he learnt that supplied during tho whole period of tho war. ’ - — - - ■ - j. . a niece of dei^eased's wifo.- officers and men, and where: he will long be interest you and some of the folks at home.’ 72,-Plynlimmoa Road, the Board of Agricdltare had no more. A ~XXd, 14, want, aitnntiao, t to be present. He w«# ' missed. But for himseii let there b e‘no When I was looking over the mins at the —IiicideutalJy, . may I say, that. if Mr. Rces,has------, ngyf order had just come in regarding the jeon' goad elmaotbr.—Cionali, SKq li® w a s‘ moaning at the bar.’ He has ‘ put out' to railway station 1 saw a poster of dear old Hastings. aclonronrete informatiora as to what the whole ' destruction of sparrows, and he explaiiied ■REaMERM WANTED 4ac BoutMewe Fh»«k;.»a^ a t tim es there jwas not^ in the way he would have chosen. Hastings on the only remaining wall, and perM of the war’’ is going> bo. It seems a that the supposition that pheasants might • lotdnc and' dwortac; g«rf tinaa aad goidap^AM yi o^fihe w ent on t to Work to yon may be sure it reminded me of home. It who will be prepared to send to any part of inty n® ajd not sot many wondering and be destroyed indiscriminately was not oor- I. iP. Rotolig. -Pababan. »aXMiL ■ «»■. . his and her | snp^rt. Ifi, LIEUTENANT TRL SCOTT. showed one view of the Front from tho West Hastings, St. Lednaids or Bexhill for any worrying minds at rest on that point But feet. The Executive Committee could issue STDCKMAN WANTED. asttage______Jio .was in Teoeipl laentonant Francis George Truscott M.C., Hill, and the other of the Marina. It is a q-uanti^ from seven pounds in weight up to oaqJit be that a controversi.ilist like Mr. Rees an authority demanding their destruction Wtthftaga, BBaaeac. ■ -VH f Snflolk Regimen^, attached Royal Flyin] She'went to keep honse for wonder the Germane never tore it down,, be­ any. amount. IS iguornnt'of the t’uct that the sugar used hy under conditions, but the occupier of a farm; .VANTRDTcarters toad i:d Was old, and a t ti^ e s ilL Corps, who is "reported 'missing but bolievet cause they have held this place for over Outside this area carriage paid on 28ibs. brewers 'is of. a character not suitable for ,^33 entitled to kill phtasants as he liked, —Alaaly Geo. Fannac, Obureh Fton; Flei^dag. -Satoi^. kiHed ii: an air fight on Good Friday, waa years, and it is not so long since they left it. demfeshe use ? Manufaoturere sugar is much qijj^ nuisance of rabbits usnd rooks had also •y for him . Two, \ month* and upwards. ■' ided by Dr. Hjowe at her 22 years of age. ' I should very much like to get a photo, as it supHnor to b e e r s’ siugar. and a little in- received attention, and it was an instruction wonid not have 3 doctor Ho was the elder son of S'r George Trnacott is quite a relic, and h-as several bullet holes qunri would have infortned Mr. Rec-s of food to the Committee to redv ee their numbers, rant of the expense, And sho Ijurd Mayor of London in 190il-9, and of Lady in it." „! spoilt by eutorprjsang cooks who have ©ndeav-, gj^ot. or seared out of their Trusoott, of 87, Lancaster-^ .te, W., and of our|xl to utibsg manufacturers’ sugar., . | negtg tiy bonfires at ni jht—(langhter>-80 k—Addiaat Bax le doctor, heroelf. -^Daceased CORRESPONDENCE* Dr. Howes’ treatment, and , IW, Marina, St. Leonards, Lientenont Trus- OLD GRAMOPHONE RECORDS It was iiot a brewer but a teetotal si^ar turning the birds out in tlie cold, but he did »d abont as nshal and went eptt, who was heir to the bironetcy, was a WANTED. broker, who felt impelled to write to ‘I he not Enow what the police would say to-this. graduate of Trinity College, -Cambridge, lie Methodisi: R^rdor that some years prior viscount Gqschen said t ow glad he was to :^ring the night sho Sir.—Kno'wing how willing you always SUNDAY POLITICS. SITUATIONS VACANT—FEMALE. of a fall, and phterinig do- joined the Suffolk Regiment wrly in the war are to make an sppea} on behalf of the lads T nroimmo lo f w -own,- bpewcrs u^d fo buy Egyptian jjg among thtm as a neighbour and as Com- If you want to rear and served some litco in a Cyciiat Division. St the Front, and how sUccessfol. yonr ap­ " e^ so low and salty that it nrissioner fof East Sussex He oongratulated rand him lying on the floor, ' Al V6UW6 QtRW. atom u . pcMsd Iw dsift ' able, to say what Uad hap. His meritorious services at the front. had peals generally are, I take the liberty of gained for him mention in die patches and the asking yon to make known among yonr IsTTAlbart-rd,. naxMM._.’- ■ ■■■ r ■- -■; ■ :yr--i'- he was glad sho was thero, j chicks successfully Military Cross. His brotlier, Mr, Erie not remember falling ont of 1 readers, how the lads appreciate the music —Dbreaabtte Homewood Stanham Truscett, is now 19 of a Gramophone, and also that some of and wh^ch appeared in your issue for March slions understood to bo tonirolled by one realised to the full-the d ifficultiesIS theythe; had lhaken ho did; not [appear | 31st. of the signatories of the so-called " Sixength ''Ar^HgiMf^ p A iL so r ^ pt that he was breathinw u s e THbRPES^ years of age. ! them are still in want of old records,; end to contend with by the mi Ititude of dinerent they hox>e your readers have some to ! dis­ W hat a fine address : what a ' oontemi>- of Britain" manifesto packets of malt and orders they had received--.,w. vfitie ' aIm balanced and very I parapet and exploded, oansihg instantaneous as it makes on, think of dear old ‘Blighty many Social matters wo have failed to do wD ild discover that fi;om the outset brewers ja e t the Prime Minisrer recently he ex- PFEBS$|8iil»3mBn Twa,s over .1^70 iin the banl^ ' ould lik^-to ofler ybw ouv'deep justly, and we have not 'loved mercy. There- w® '® offering induwments to their men to en- passed his sSttisfatstMni i ' - --- res jn the Gas Comphny, and; every time we hear it. Can yod do anything tlM Bplradid 0te econonucal. sympathy in yonr loss, for he had been with towards getting some old records sent out?" fore toi say that in these things we have list, and chreirniUy ei'irrendering horses and operation the farmers a: giving the Gnr- Jepopit in a Building Society.\ us long enough for- ns to be able to appre­ |ly been a painter, doing' If any of your readers would be kind walked humbly with our God. is to say that i o ^313^ ernment under great difficnltiea The ciate his true value. Be whs also a great enough to send any records they have to which ■ ...... ' - ■ - ~ * ~ t this War wm ivhich had :nowj gone ont m * 1 favourite with the men of his Platoon and we add 7TVS0W spare, I will see that they are sent ont to noh by toe man -ere out A the Lewis Gun Section to which he be- the section. r in the trenches, Fateeae. tu r e .said he I treated djeceased. I longed." ’ R. M. ELLIOTT. conditiojns touched upon in the address are'to achieve this end wi must be-prepared K ^ W SS ko for h e ir t jcUsease Samples and "FEEDING FOR The sincere sympathy o f' all friends and a disgijace to any Christian country ; and cojild net possioly take her fait to make some saprifices i| at as the fighting rh, and slight, idropsy, ’ 60, Stonefield-road, Hastings. .-ihiaro in the tremendous strug;(le for Jibeirty. — bttvt I relations of the family will without doubt be in the immediate future that religion which man did. The Navy was >ur great first liqe Mffifay, »7. T was very ppor. Np men* SUCCESS ”—the book that tells extended to Mrs. Burt. . fails tor take cognisance of these social ills, I Will add that it was generally understood of defence against the mb: arine menaoe, and ' him of any relative.!. I^ e » MELODBON WANTED AT SAIiONlCA. that teetotalers formed a very substantial tlHlL bow to feed ehioks are free for Private J-; Harper, of the South Wales or noting them does not bend itself in a agriculture was the sect for .it was to that raflKkiMiWt ' Miss Bowers he found de- LANCE-CORPORAL DAVIS. Borderers, at Salonica- writes asking ns to snprem^, effort to remedy them, will be cast pioportion- of the people ■who attended the we looked for our food s' pply. We sfanted |Uken, and his ! speech wao clisses ryhich at one time existed for the in­ iMIkV-Ri the sailing. Tho official information -was received last allow h im to appeal to our readerrs for a “ like rubbish to the void.” It will richly to let the men fighting fo: know that they tdnally got woi|se aid died Sunday that Lance-Corporhl Charles Gren­ m elo^n. Ho says ‘‘inany of the boys know 1 deserve | its fate^ After the War there will struction of consoientious objectors. ’ had a free hand,™ and by ing food avoid M: mortem 'examination re- ville Davis, of the London Rifle Brigade, was can play the instrament, and they nave often be no place or use for a religion that wia will Ministon of l,abour has quoted Trade im“i^conolusrve’peare. ..ce conid bring theun, art valve was incondpetent, k illed in action on October! 9th, 1916. suggeriied I should write to you. so, to pleaso tolerate the social injustices which have opinion, the only crganis^ opinion War to an end and orushtTnilitarism by this hns were congejsted. j There! 'The gallant soldier had been reported m iss­ them, I am doing bo. marred ! amd disgraced our so-callled Chi-is-Ihi-is- *'■ working classes, that Prohibitionists means, but to do so they .must not only pro- blood vessel op the brain ing rin engagement at iJe Transloy, near Private Harper adds that their presens tian oivilisation. - In many things and many are soekrng to exploit pwonal opinion -with vide for this year’s supply but for next year 9od had formed. This may Bapaume. Ho was tho thiild son. of tho late band consists of a comb covered ■with tissue directions it has only bren Christian in toe war a-s arf oxTOsc ^ he Prime Minister, ^ well, for things would not go back to _o the fall, or caused I it, but Mr.’ B. L. Davis and Mrs. Davis, of "Ellora," paper and a bisouit tin as a drum. name. ! rajrdly a bre>v'ors advoca^, said ; The normal coeditiohs at Hg w u very IfaU' was tile cduse. 1 Death, SilVerhill, and only brother., living of the W e dhall ibe glad to gi-ve h is fu ll adidtress to j In the future men and women will dc- Pleased at the cordial .peration of ths filar (bsease of the heart and Ai THORPE always willing to Rev. R. Claude Davis, of Battle. He was in anybody wittu^ to comply with his request. religion- ue .blood vepsel oh tbd brain, h is 33rd year, having b e e n i^ r n at St, Leo­ ---- ...-.i.------. . - - rr ^brks. |A prefcism that and tosir neigh- broner .comnftnlhd dn the . nards on June 26th, 188-4. He was educated so4ete_ dogmas and narrow, in their power. .And If ‘ Miss Bowers who had. ENGLAND AND AMERICA. cftle wa«ea-0 . 0Ste«> at Tudor Hall School, Hawkhurst, of which sometiir^, inhuman cre^s, will ddo from mkgt Inuclahlo spirit of dcterirdnation fo do thjng.he wantedL and that, was that with the greaihst kindnese old-established school Mr. Francis Heath is Arise, ye mighty Britons, when toe statistics were got out of irhat each ■■-jnLERk,—'Siraiic n iL-u ■" LAlttV ■ wMilft ire nd had snfieredj such .prir*. inanition. Just as tho breath ot a larger tlusir. power lo coutribute to tho safety .& SONS, still principal. He had bden since 1900 in In wond'rons strength arise. liberty seems to be sweeping over Europe <,f the nation." county had' done toe world could sa: ipeirl.—iravir ■tq Maeda Btoa, Bm half. She had ‘experienced Lloyds Bank, and 'wiS at -the Head Office, And lend your loud rejoicings - i f "Well done, Sussex." He hoped ■they wonJ and the tmrld, so there will come to' the .-VIJIERT THOMAS. isDOk-GENCRAii.i fe, bht had the ‘ satisfactiom lombard-street. Ho joined | the Army in the To rend the troubled skies: seeking tool and the earnest heart tho vita­ regard Mr. Jesse and hiniself as at all times vaatid;' two luaUrt : shd had done: everjrthinp ■ 6 , NYE, Sussex* first month of the War. ! Let grievance be forgotten most anxious to help arriicnltnre in every Oranre. Iver Brett. Dxl______lising TOwer of a new religion—new in the I " INTEMFEBAN(?E.’’- way, and promised them prompt attention ! old man who had evidently Stretch forth the loving hand, sense tihat men have caught a f'-eeh rision of AoeiL j<«^Wrete(lir^ft(4AM] eDW-teed kii -America and England !Sib ,—In reference to ,my remarks .xt the to all enquiries, for prbniptitnde in this HONOUR FOR O ^ BOY. Gcd, and in tli.st ail-revcal'mg light have R|uri-deca.nal Conference, viz -, my surprise ned a verdict in accordanet ST. JOHN’S, HOLLINGTON.—Tlio Itev. 8447 Q.M.S. Jack Grojombridge, -Cold­ In brotherhood must stand! piatter was of the most vital importane©. gainsd i. truer estimate of their feSlow-men. that thero were some who had not evidently (Jn the proposition of Mr. Lemmon, secon­ iMKA- Avlrirt ASS18TANinSr-L»' |her remarks on Dent: 22, h Battle of tho Marne, tho Battle of the Aisne Seek ties of one communion conduct* copy of the circular dealing with ixiokeries DRE8SMAKINQ.-«l«oSoS GOAT...... AIAND_ rentta « i MUSIC AT . HALTON CHURCH —A On OHO occasion Lord Melbourne, Queen had narrowly escaped death on to© railway, round. , j see thy brotherils ox of his short recital of vocal and instrumental music and tho first and second jBattles of Ypres.! Between the West and thee; whilst in a drunken state, thg poor man r, afud ^ hide thyself. from H e was dangerously gasScfl, but devoted The firm handclasp of comrades . Victoria’s first Prime Minister, come out of Mr. “Wright agreed that the protection’ of was given at the close of evensong at Halton church highly indSg^nant because tho said he 'wouldi^ sign if the clergyman did, so hawks would make the Ibalance in nature. us that we must not say it’ C.hurch on Sunda.v. The well-played violin nursing and a strong.constitution helped'him A glorions Peace foretells. both did BO. Another, the Rev. Dr. Barber if onr’s when wp saw poopl* to fully recover. Since thin Sergeant H. F. To still the bark of maxims. preacher had dared to apply religion to a Every keeper thought it his bonnden duty to solos’ by Miss Gcrtimde R-eeks, Handel’s man’s prirate conduct ! He thought ho hod ■who was curate many ycara ago at the tho shoot everything except pheasants. (Laugh­ il, but wo .mnist gq after Layton has been thronghl a course at the And cease the scream of shell' Paris'h Church, Wcllingbofo. who was a " Largo ’’ and Godai]d’s '! Berceuse ’’ ■(vere Hythe Soliool of Musketry, passing out dis­ done his religious duty if ho attended th© ter) ! aem back to the right v»py. Jpreatly appreciated, Mr. H. Hobday’s p! eas­ medical doctor before ordination, stated he ADVICE TO FARMERS. by Miss Beurle: addeid very tinguished. Previous to the outbreak of the Arise, ye mighty Britons, morning service and recited irith others ing voice was heard to advantog© in Verne’s from ■ toe Tudor book of Common Prayer had a patient -who ho in-vited to bo a total The gentlemen foripinc the Battle l^ar sure *of the evening; Mrs, " De ^ofundis,” and in Carey’s settin; of \Yar he was a member of!several successful In wond'rous strength, arise. qbstainier as di-ink was killing him, be told jklil Band* ■aanted for ,U ii rea.'ia^y ‘resident; presided dyer tlM teams taking part in the Aldershot and Our- And lend your loud rejoicings " O Lord Save Thy people.” It was intoler­ ijhe doctor, not ho, whilst the doctor could Agricultural Sub-Coinmit^, who are always raipi6jiiie&i.-T-Applj. Macoiria,; 9 , ■“ Nesurer, my , God, to Thee,” w hilst Miss ragh Pdflo 'Meetings, and was also for three 'To cleave the hearkening skies: able to bq-ve reiligioin app|lied to onq’e pj-i'vate ready to give any assis tance of qdrice to it:, UMtiinnii.-iMit. later-ttaa-MoDdar- ;ual able manne|r. Lily Baker sang Gounod’s " There is a g ’een have his wine, he would have his beer,—so years stationed at the Depot of the B.ifle Bri­ For when by might of battle life, as the surgeon usee toe knifo or ■^th signed. Dr. Barber bncamie?a vicar and farmers in toe district, are as follow-.—_____.. hill," ■with much expression, and also gave a gade at Winchester. At tlio outbreak ef war Tho victory is won. the pn^oian the drasbio medicine! In toe Hollington' Rural, Mr. ■"H. —T. Siniinons; . aeiS aad .g U ,___ very beautiful rendering of " I know hat rector, later ora. antiiiBr.—Anpjy • Matroi* ho joined his battalion dt Tipperary, and The reign of fear is finished. Tudor period they were ell too careless of 1, Everybody must know of snob oases of Mourineld, Mr. J. Lang„ Whatlington,_____ ^gti Mr. jH'r-'tdi., my E-edeemer liveth .’’ Mr. L. H. Eltord proceeded to the front., A ranmber of his old And the reign of Christ begun 1 their publio probity, not to speak of their W. Goldsmith;, Ashbnrnham and PenhnrSt, Qobia- cieNitRAiL- and-: slaved effectively two organ solos. ^rsonal' sacrifice of encli ao-called articles friends at St. Leonards will be glad te read private purity.' It was ©Bsentialiy till© re­ ^ diet, etc., to save the souls or booie* of Mr. J. Noi-ris; Cntsfield.j Mr.-J. B. BnrtonJ, it«lj;.-M, Lover .MoStJiill,______. SOLUIERS’ OONCERT.—A crowded hut of his success. Liouten-ant Layton expects to V lM i:. ligion of creed* and not a reUgiooi of oora- Brightling, Mr. D. Comntry; Dallingten, A welcomed the artists from Ixindon seni by qthers. I believe the bishop of London did Mr. C.-Baker; Sedloscombe, Mr. W.■'V^at retw'n to the front shortly Stern light is in their eyes duct. Something like it and toe bishop of Sheffield Miss Hidlah, the secretary of the Musi ' in 1 i _ , ------h------■ If Ohristianity is to prove a purifying, man; Westfield. Mr. W. Crump: Battle, ATy* I geNir a l tor Fanttorea; so War Tim e C'oncert Parties, at the Palace A nd fire is at their heart. (late of Lewee) has just told them up North ■yattlsg.—Mia. AUeom, 8*ri BR ITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY. As fields before them rise formative, and uplifting power in the when he was a curate, he overheard J. Scan and Mr. W. A. Raper: Crowhnrei , OOeo-OENURAL -inretft (minedlatalTr eopa tJiaiS Pier, on Wednesday. A few ci'vilian friends Donations.—Further donations towards future, it will have to become more and and Bexhill, Mr. W. Parks, and Mr. H. -t-Apply J.B., Hlth-a,, Brtateo, Bertaafts. -' IMATISM had been invited, whilst the greater poriion Unifol-ding like a chart. a drunken braiwl between man and ■wife, h© Hardiman is Hon. Secretary to (:he Sub- Pound Day, April 20th, ajt Filsham Hospi­ For deeds of derring-do. more a religion of conduct, and less and less ■went in and talked to the man, ■with the re- ERe RAL WANTED; asuU private UatOr; li|)4 cf tho audiieDc© was made up of Canadian tal : Mrs. Scott (Tunbridgd Wells), JBl; Mrs. —in some directions—a religion of creeds. Committee. iomtortabla pla£».—1. OrMceot- -W* Of prowess and 01 pluck, « Ault both became total abstainers. r d EkBRAL • WANtklS'.j :i AaA troops. Miss Violet E'volyn made an eloquent Arnall and Lady Martin, IQs. each; Mrs. Of oaicnlation too, The Aaiglo-Oatholiic w ill Rave to make hie appeal to -the civilians present for tieir I Surely at this time there ought not to li© ylttcitiaird.'. Oreem- -rini'laj. i r e d j Antenbring. 4s.; Miss Fielding and Mrs. Azfd enterprise and luck. choice ' between the few things that really (i single clergyman, who if only for ex­ 'QfllL, Akom lS,'fidp viUr Bsaaevodi; Whole re -pan practical sympathy in providing these jon- Hunger, 2s. 6d. each. Donations to Filsham matter, and the many things that don’t ample’s sake, but •will forego hie favourite Too Lato fer Cl^Hcatlon. day.—14. St Hel«a’>-m.' BacUnee. . .. —Jn certs for the troops, quoting statements f rom Hospital (special): Miss Harrison,'J63 lOs.; Old England shouts aloud matter a brass farthing, or he and his creeds looholio beverage whilst the war lasts and . aqkhRAILi Ma*Maio*~S3lt;gae;. no eottizt >. m aiftiP t/ doctors and nurses on the soothing and leal- MILLINERY, UNOERCLdTHINO; SiimT 'Yore atieos siil.-r.WaahiBckia Hotel,total. PeToaahB'a-i^ Breno^ Mrs. Williams, 10s.; Miss WiUiams, lOs. ; To claim her Weetem sons; and dogmas will , be relegated to some ■me time after. I -was glad to find Rev. GKioSi; alt iBtret freisre.—Biulter Bi(itlk«(a Tiuitj-*t.i ill's SohrsM Ing power of musio. Alto^ther it was one Mrs. Parker, 10s.; Miss Sheppard, 5s. The museum of interesting but obsolete autiqui- And Canada is prorad 1 tr. Simpson speak so well of-toe late great HMtiBK. I . 'diRL waatad *a'Ap PReRt ISR to dtoNorem IS a ^ . kpositiracQr* of the finest concerts giv’cii in the hut. C ipt Commandant, Matron, and Stafi of above Of leaders, men and gnns; ' ties. • . ass Temperance meeting, and praise up Fascy. aio.-; Ubeial tanaa—Are), OiUat’a Ubory, 41, IfiEheumatisni, Richardson called for cheers for the art sts, Hospital wish especially to- thank the Ma>reie While forth from Vimy Ridge Let not toe Hastings Brotherhood i>ay toe ur colonies for what they have dons. I' Deroiiiihtra-rd., Baxhi'ij. - . ,. ..riafth. .Lum bago. which were heartily givpn. Concert Party for the generous sum of wS4 The river lures them on, •lightest heed to the woeful' ■wailing of your ■hop© to be able to arrange a Temperance ser- Alteration InAdvid v ^ r t l s l n g R a t e s . GOOD cdOK.dkNkRAL and Boare-^rkniiniaaS 10s. OJd. I oerreapondent “ K ”, but rather let them anted; email family; aO baaOBeiit.—Wttta'paiticiiiuto pts,Sm uas, ■ To cross the neairest bridge vice- in the Fisherman’s Church, shortly. TH-Ar, 24 Muhwiok-tetraoai «L Leatuiida. ' a21' . *• Throat, Kindly given towards rent of Hospital That spans the Rubicon. eeonrq inany__ray more _ addressee of tho^ ------same ■ J. W. E. CHUBB. ~'GODS~CENERAC'MAID for AparizMat Honae; " ' aom- { shortly to be opened at "Bannow," Quarry- M.H.P. call hire as that given them by Mr. Macer- t; wacre -gUi-rU, C^*L-id.,' 8L .Lw^n h ill: Mrs. Bagshawe,, JB4D; Major Brailey, >ts.' I f- W right. CANADIANS IN LOCAL HOUSES. Notice to Advertisers. i!3. Collected by children of Ohnst Church, D. HENRY REES. Snt,—W hilst passing the Soldieira Canteen genRral Servant »uit< haw acuta tte YOU REACH Blacklands, Band of Hope, in coppers (per VIMY RIDGE. ohUdrea; Irith vnil^! In St. Leonards. (in the sea front last Sunday e-vening I was leor'v-id- SI. L*onia;d*. SoW w t ^ 1 Miss Stevens), 5s. 6d.; Dq^.s HealsdowB, by O Canada, o ’er Eidg (urprieed at the remarks of two ladies :— PREPAID ADVERTIIEMBNI anei re “WANTED,” I iA 4l»a “ HIGH WATER Ihe children). Is. “ TO LET." aatd “ FOR SAl ’ jRo-, *r* insartM ia APPRENTICgSi-lWa . wwtficva sale of magazines (one of Trinmphaint gq in ifreedom's name; WASHING ON THE BEA(3H. "Fancy the owner of that lovely house the foUovlBS FIBST GLASS R .Departmahlor-. I rsduca ths sweUiait. M .; collected by St. Helen 's Sunday School, 'That perilous beijdit is thy great bridge, iillowing it to be turned into a common ter ONE OBABG ipenstratss thcisni MARK” 4s. 3d.; Miss Vincett, 2s.; Rev. W. Bullock, On-reacblng to a deathless fame; Sta,—WiU you kindly find room in the lol-diera canteen.” (I 6 ; Workroom ool- Obserm " for the follo'wing, in answer to SASTflfOS k 3T. iSOltAllDS OBSenrj!9 _dopn to tM spot Rector of St. Helen’s, 10s. O Canada! 0 Canadal I do not think after tho Canadian boys 44a t>» Lredrenq., Hart WHEN YOU GET lection, £ 2 18s. 6Jd. the oonWoudoot of last week signing him­ have come over to fight for toeit king and BOVtm 8ASTSMF UDrSXTiSXS. is, and Isavm fk* self ‘‘ ( hmmon-«enee." I QgffXRAL SERVANT wanted; fe i- jits sootbod ft loosmad For W est Dene.—Missl.M. Kaye-Smith. J25. A fame hard-earned with sweat and hloed. 5 country and toe cause that is right that any BXXaZLl-i»y.SSJ^ 08SSRTSK. fcrtobid hreiii WRah, ' ,5r * uffler; M iss OeU It is quite true aom* dozens of people a Gifts.—Mrs. Fearon, 1 , Costlier than diamond or gold : house in Hastings ehoral;d-V considered any 8 V 8 S B X S . Wt .^^..paid.-^Itis>. - , J btful fssUag io l cisaa latfey, 3 pairs socks. 3 pain m ittens, 3 pairs Sons dying for toe Mother’s good. ickyafd is on too beach, the majority of roo good to add to the comforts of any Tm- .irosdoa, ! . cufls; Mrs. Tubbs. 4 pa] ■8 socks; Miss Story the noblest’from of md. honsae inoin Fishmarket to end of Georoe- lerial or Colonial soldier, who has done his i a WORDS a i s m ‘ dfiSk . h'feHMHAl" dfeHiH'AY ''"ftmfta;'' 'ftmfta; ’.Frilbrlftir-" street havs no yard at all in which iWhaamaid'•--*____ reOBtiTi- taaa: to —'fUBilyi *to..i4D, H .FserSsfcwas ,<• Tborlby, 6 cap bAndagM:! Mrs. Berger, 8 O Oaaadal O Canada! it. If those ladies had any one doing their ia WORDS (3 pairs socks,. 6 face swabs, 14 bags; Miss to dry tn ^ olotoee, and I do not agree with lit thev would undorabtedly think the earns. Im '-Fa^.^Ja^SSS ft ft ^Msftls Is jW WRIGHT & rs. Eddy. 8 cap " COaniDion-aense" that -while th© W est is Ibberteon. 3 paire socks: The Anzxfl''and South African, A CANADIAN SOT^DIER 'WHO HAS M ih in iw s, f MI’sSoItww tp-dajr 6 pairs socks; working the East is going down. I have bandagee; Mrs. Fryer Smit| The Briton and the Irfih lad ,| DONE A LITTLE BIT. Id. MR SVgRV ADDITI Bpaoial Mrs. Rawlins Capel, 1 pai: operation stock- Have beaten down the *Daper-maa.* Uved in I the East for a number of years, and I [Evidently toe "ladies" -were indulging Car* re rerUaadm ings; Mrs. Pnddioombe, 1 treasure bags; And yat thy Rke they -hsudly had. my orainion with others is that the East is in idle comments on something they do not '“B is s e s a ' «*.»■>»>><» .«•»* ty.seet *« taSw JD.,ld. ai* aabov- SaJuiT-M*tfc. and. Wafftere Medtew RL Leap l*s Sohaaa staiij*tei; Stratomore, t Leonards. lipirea. |My three children roquire pleo^y of I And soon we shall from ^ace te glory rise. . uktt lor WllifeB, Cwrefa-ITaiid; BreaaW a«i*r.' Square Baptist (Tburch, Miss M w m ingfons The Lord is risen I reveals Himself in pgrt « NoWoi S iff “ Bible Class, Gbristlau Enideavwur S ^ iety , dieu ©lothiBg whidh is quite impossible to Oibo ]tmiotio_ THE SAME GOOD MEMORIES OF SUSSEX. M t fo r [them 1 7 waehiiig and drying all ini Td all who diligently seek His face. or jbsiiUooa Miss Payne, Mrs. Bevao. Mrs. S™ms, N-arrt Throngh toe new birth, new spirit, and new QUALITIES HAVE STOOD H ill, Mrs. StaCOT, Mxi Barlter, Dtokene* Fel- In memory’* I see asain ^ dioM^ iha fre«b air being of vital import- te*j*» aeo* areT to ttaBatoa towship, 12s.; Miss (JulIlishJ £ 1 Is.; per Miss Tire Kiads wwm I yoold be. ^ DDoe fok toe aaiutatioti of children s cloth- heart . . for Bestows OB us the riches cf His grace. Ire seal IM* ea. laoaipk ef M. wr Wa* THE TEST OF MANY Bates. ^3 12s. lOd. L, v -_x roada that lead from London town We’ve washed our oriaisoB robes and mode if ft c 0 .• s Tlie vol'untaTy services pf a naardresser 8 DBaex by toe Saa. ir ysara past clothes have been dried on th e btooh.______*Bd_last___ __ .year everybody______mast them white YEARS. -would be muoh apprecia.ted| by 'the patim ts. The' open road that gaily 1 e ^ In the blood of the Lamb who ones was if : admit that toe East had a record numberiber of •1, To the laiuf of awaat aeli|to< ; v W t e ^ to e ■washing on toe beato not . MTBD. Wit. SUSSEX SOLDIER’S C^ABETTB AND nia land l^ fa alwn^ beiatlfal Eor us. He girda ns with the Spirit’s might, l ^ ^ o s by any meono. We ore not all of SITUATIONS V “LAOS...... momuff. noon, and night. ij-poid'tlanI to'aoad oat dotbea to a latin- And makes for His redeemed tough places We havs reoeived ftxiatfotiBjhft wMk from plain. JISV'"'WA'KTkd‘ . i B i 26, HftT«lo

1 SATURDAY,'APRIL 2 1 ;' 1 9 1 7 *

p a iiiia iii Inoluilas 4 PftB'atoto llcrim tliis l^itep ftESIfljnS*. Pjor Rates see Page 7 .

«ILES$RS.. CHliMNELLSr. DYER AMD A TBPAL SOLICCTED. ' ErtabUtted » - h o u s e 's a n d b u s i n e s s e s t o L | T MU.SICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC. CALLAWAY’S STOCK AND SHARE LIS1, a n d F O R S A L E . MEi BEEMII/■ PUWNI.MEJ AFAHTMENth. wiUi rottuuiio; bttWi-. PIANO PLAYERS, Eeveral, reoantiy. taken iu ezehaufe ftom £15 to clear.—a. MenmUiga and »uiw, 90, HooerK MESSRS. CHENNKLLS, DYER, and GALLAWAY -WARDROBE DEALER, GOEDON VILT.A raom; hlith greoiul; ntet trMi loutw *»! Alwum^. NO. ^9, LOWeR'"f a r k “ l l 0 A O ^^^aim ing ffiodern ROAD. ST. IdtONAHUd.^m Nd ^ A ’ ablghhogxhoodi tonng mortim:w Ga<» 3i •rat,.—Mm. B ., 7, ET«Mlw-rA . Bt. BoOMTdiL ■ to detached Villa of eight, rooms, with kitchen and batli- per ’ftcnt.'Converted' ■ “ - Stock at* 62- .50...... Vueeu's..... Hotel . . r^ui; well furnished; electrio light; overlooking at £ 4 ;' 30 Gaiety TjjcO'frurt ni 2J. Have buyv.« lW t-WF°WBAB1^^ e“S?r HASTINGS.-APARTMEEftr large eunny loonijB; Areyandra Park; rent £ 6 6«.—Apply 1, Cambrid?e-rd. WANTED, PIAN6" B-i^ xl6 to £25.—State eHfe ana | at £ 4 ;' 30 Gaiety Tucoteu* nl 2J. Have bujj^ra of texTQB moderate.—Mra.. Mackott, 9, BeTon&bire-tenuce. maker, 42, Ohaarver ” Qffine, NaatingA: te26 • Pitiimnet'Phujuupr Roddte— - Qrihnary - and , Prei'^renc?, . ,'^ueeu’ ' -WS HotvU Pii?r. Snares, lu d Haswa;.’s ‘ Ga*j Stcok.—Office**i PLEASE ^ — ~ ___ i.______• J a23 JO HbER C E N T IN V E S T M E N T .-F rw h o ld Hbufic, Havbr<>ck-rd., Hattingfl HASTING^—APJW tM E N T S; prira^o hones; healthy Silvcrhill), let at fe. por week; prioo £l20.—Dcri,, 7U0, PosiHoa: olme t« M iqb.—E ,B ., ISl, " Ubnurer " Oflloe. O l^rvoT" Oflico,_^Haiitiuae, _ _ _ _ ■ --u21 CARRIAGES, CARTS, BAXHCHAIRS, • * ‘ ___i _____ 53, EMMANUEL ROAD.—Seven-room^ Houv : te- ETC., FOR §ALE AND WANTED. HASTINGS.—To Let, luriii.hod Bod ancT'Sittins-xoom, FINi^NCIAL, ETC.^ GUAED u jcorated (^garden; 8e. 6d. inclusive.—Key 76, PlyuUm- Oa t h CHAIII and liLvalid Chair in good' condition. »pii«! floor, 15s. per week; Bed.sittlas-ioom, 10b. 6d.— iton-M ., Hufitingg. '^VERAL •inall « wanted on mortgage; Apply 1, EMhpde.______- q21 —Ayply 7, W'fute Hock, Hootiug«._ ~ COAL -MERCHANTl—A ' llisbt 'rrolter. carry ton cant, would • be i>eid amounal * required,^£{T‘ TEETH A HIST. EOTTfil, LAR'GE hnhirnished or furnished bRAWl'fi'Q.ROOM £2U0, .£45U.-^;na«3, oteno This is Indisputable, I but HOUSES AND BUSINESSES WANTE owner. Wluit ofioral'—CcuiJur, .WmO Storw, New r. & i E. LdCOCE, . I^AQE coinbinsd RODM; facing eouth; uelocfc ^ O iu n p y ,______^ J___ ^, 021 "Yh E ^ireetora of ^ o Haatiui,^ Pormauest SuikU:>nge ' 2H and 291, QUEEN'S ROAD, HASTlHGt. n^lfiibmKhood: permanency preferred.—K., 653, *‘Ob»er- COllNTRY HOUSE, with about 5 acro^, wanted to Socieiy are nrepared . receite MONEY'on depoeiit at i ver ’* Office, H artiagg^ ______!_ *___ aS8 pi|rikhiU6o.—Bohun, An«?fcion\>er, HaetiuL^B.___. ____ —a21 .FOR ~Sa LB, fclron;,*. square c a r t , jrcarly new, and It paid they roust b© ; accurately .Uaiiicrf.-^Kiinr, 16S,' .t*r.T>ry-jd.'i HaHttusi*'.__ — per cent, per anuncri. Income tax x>aid. luter^i Motto: " TJprislit^dealing to ,satisfy jon." I.AR'QE <^fortablc-8ED.8>rtlNG-R0bM; cooking,, ~~^u'RNi8HED HOUSE irnuted; H’astings or liOaet- halfryeariy.—App.y Fn, ok Shoeeanith, ManajfeCt X7h Have- at Mdance, bath (b, and c.); moderate.—1«15, “ .Ob8«n'er" uiao; two montbe or longer; from. luitkHe May; . 3 FOUn-W HEELEO DOG CARTi cob' aise, niUber lock-rd... Haatfuira. tc59 C"nt’« Snitw,. Coals, Tioiueia. ..1.^ adapted,V eiiteupe thisi by Offio»^, Bcxhill. —inyS tol 4 bedxooma. 2 reception; careful teruuue.— 41, tyi'C.4; cxvo.'ieut condkioni 4 ouincait.—Stoea, BurwaRij. ------CKRT—£3’ LENT for ^ la. pot month on all kinda cf JeWeiie^ ;Odduient«, Boys and. Girls’ Clothing,' Public _ __ ■ - ______L __ _ Kiieable Clothing, ererftliing. Gent’s and lodiM> ttH S? •ADY wiahGs to Iot-3 luco'-unfurnishi^"ROOMS to Hbyc Park-villafl, Hove, i^u«ci©x. |o21 Watcher.' Silver and PUated Goode/and ^ery'dee^:iription ’ FOR SALEp '^troiii; aqiinfa epring baslnees CART, of Toilnabla property.—Rbea and Batee, Ifewubiolokeri clpthing. Boots, Shoe,,; Leggiiige, Old J e w ^ j ; having the eyes tested by duiet peopiG; bathiooui; lavatoi^y ou naniQ floor: per­ iH0U8E%g—Pffliticuilartt wanthl c l any ’yai-antl fm ;roent«, Honrohold'Linen, cTerytbing Blanket?” manency.—“ May," 748, “ Observer" Office, Haatlhgii. rekigtraUon; upbli*^unta waitiug.—Bohun, liaglind Chatfoutter t>y BcuiaU; suod couaiUva.—beilun®. Middle- Lpneton-rd-. St. Leonar tcU '■^1 'at., riaatingrt. ‘ ■ - —a21 L h Plate, good Laec.; Prlciical Vainers.' PeSia^°^2* ^ _ . - - a21 1 • ______; • ______• card will bring n ,. Old astabUshed. *** T H E A T ^ E ii A •*f*^®M-"®“ CJamfartab>s furnished AFARTMIENTS i^ ALL detocl^^ Country HOUSE wanted tofl^ur- GOVERNESS CAR; rubber tyroa; square coinecod; r.1.0. W l « ; every home comfort; g c ^ end quiet neiiffi- '-oae; two large teception-rooma, 3 or i [ bedrpome. £7.—Pa3:».>i,_ Bl,_^Wearbay-prerf.» Folkestone. —a21 GARDEN, ETC. Usnager: MR. H. W. EOWD-t. bourhood; eomblned room or and sitting-room; mpaay'a water, guden. and arable; muet be. 1 ithin PRAM,. .]igbt numi^s,-good condition, 4(te.; alaO'aiuute p . Resident M sm ^: „^y distance' of uatstihee^ Bexhill, or Haatbou ne. (Load.) pennaaency or otherwise; elose eea, etatioii, and trams;, bed, 7s. bd.—Apply p4, Milward-xUir Haetinga. _ a 2 l. c a U l h ^l o w e r , Goa and Chbbaga Lettuce ■Fine, T MRS. FRIP SMITH, J. WATCON, terms moderate.—Apply Mis. need, 10. Neleon-rd., Has- AMr.oea; Btxiadleyi.,Muhda7 Boie, Egertori,_Kent. a39 * VA^N with 'fUt, rar^ ton-|‘ H'lfio HARNESS, iniit stron;;- p.ante,' ls.. lOO; post Iroe, is. 3d. 190.—W. Demus SO-DAY ' (SAnjRD.AYJ,-,APRiL J tinge. * I to WANTED lfl.*^xiiill,. about 8th Muy, a omal! fur- horfio 16 hiuada.—Bci^bi*-,-9, \VclUnston-sq., Hatrtin-j.v*. NuraeiyinicqL l, Duke^t., Silvoihilli St. Leqh- WARDROBE' DEALER, Mat perlormaiMi bl the G ‘ p a r t HOUSE-to. be let, beat part of , St. Leonards, n.iih«d HOUSE: 4 bod and 3 aittinc-roonis; for 3 or —a2l aide* ^ luyo^ 189, QUEENS ROAD, HASTINGS. “ ALIAS dIMMY (Sncc««ter to A. G. FOOltl)) elOM St. Matthow’e Chuioli; 4 bedrooms,^ 1 rfeception- 4 Juonths.—Write Bat&foid, Quex Lodi^o, Went Enplane, F 6R 8AL^, a quantity of Shrubs, fuuonyino-. ... eto.r offices; rent £35 per animuu, or Would b© let jpetead. ______;______—.2.1b alao' potted Ivy; 'no i >i«onabie ofiar refueed.-!—A]pply -15, ,, h ea d y--CASH.—Good pricee given for T.ji^ > MONDa V. APRIL ishh, ___ if funuahed.—Apply Dyer and Gailawuy. 38, i Havolook-rd.. ANTED, a Bioall fum iabed-K 6 u ^ on eea front Weetcrii-rd., St.. Ixjoi a21 Gent in and Children’* cnrt-Q« CLOTHING, c iS ® MA THfliS WEDNESDAY; Hastingej . —tc4 LIVE STOCK, c a t t l e . ETC., FOR SALE. Bpecial idrtsaggmenti of MB. 1 QUEEN'S ROAD/ HAS fov at* leo6t four weeks, from ond of April; contaimng SSo t&T • -ONE OT two Kirgo unfurnished • ROOMS Irt.- 32, 2 ^tting-roome, 5 bedromnia;. two in family; will pTips. ~A” FEW“pnfo'Brown7L^ltertt““and“ K.I.K7''pULtET8 . otto hhs Company irt the Wellingtcoirrd.,______Haa-tine* . ______—&31—a _ ’n three c»ervant8.—Reply, atating texme, to:i|C.U., for oalo, iu lull luj'.~729, Keuilworiu-rd., St. -Lconarda. Will call o, receipt of Poetcarl Afl the .Newest end Bpit Rimless Eyesltsses , Gordelier (Chemi«'t}, 76, Kenain^ton Paxk-rd., liOndoB. ■ •______—o21 LOST AND FOUND. ONE or tv o ROOMS, furniohod or unfuruished; cloM -WJU. • 028 ; ‘jT H E ^'AK±0:j traPMl.—Smith, 118, Old Church-rd., 8 h Lcfenardg. »21 A USEFUL HORSE for fcalo, euiteble for farm work. LOST,- Wire-haired T E R R IE ^ ^ k e ." —ffco\ at Tdric Lenses, &c,, at ReasodaLle Charges. —On view at Coiporutiou Yard, Queen's-rd.; particulara Nyauk,: Sutherland-av., BexhiU; -^2lb TEi l b t , two uufurniohod Ro E m S: q n i« houie; rout IHCKsbAYT'MAY' 3rd7 Apply 10, Nelsba-id., BaptiBag.] —t. from Perkliia, 43, Itevelock-rd., H^in$B.__;______T"^2l_ LOST,' on Friday lut. il^ween BEST PRICES* f FLATSlTO LET. ' ICA-riNEE SATDBDAYx — Ptnonal Attention to all Coses.* TWO ROOMS ^n^urnii^ed} to let; 4s.~6d. per week. FOR SALE, fiiood'iitrOQ? PONY.—Apply C. Chapman,- Medlow,Hotol and. Welliniften *Squ£Lre. pair x>i Gi J ^ ; es *°f LADIES'. OHILDEEN’S end r n ™ . Betton: yjiait of MB. L10« —91, AJfred-rd., Clive Vade, Hastings. | _____ o21 North-rtt.i Wt. Leonards. * —a2l in. case.—Anyone retm saind to Glenroydo^ Wellinis- of att kISis ’ L?Jeg®^SJ - ^ CHARLES MAiCDONA TO LETi^BBOfiOOM, suitable'for one lor two ladlm SSORTMENT .FLAT& Houaee; five-roomed, Taelf- FOR SALEVwoll-bbed olieatnut MARE, 14 21 hiAV tori-eq.,’ Haatinp^^ wiy bc rewarded. ' • u21 Pflffih Oj PoibMB * Play ;to th»*3 on holiday; beautiful country eurroundiiige.—Write K.» contaioed. gaaden, 8i. 3d. Incluaive; another 5a. 6dl; 12 ridden and driven by owner.—Appiy A . M. HoiefaU, . LOAT— La/l.v’a UMORULLA; t>rv ^ , H*', tetvsM e*o. 8. Brown, Bnrwash, Sussex. I rayS mihutea Memoiial.-i-Fryer, [phihstone-id., Gawthorpe, .Fairlight, Haatiuga.______■ —a21 accidentally in Hall’a .draper, London-road, Thureday, tWE ttufoi^lghed ROOMS to ioL with ©ve^ con- FOR SALE; Harness HORSE, chestnut, 16 hands, .8 19th, belonging to.IUQgmer. Sti Ifatthews-drim St. - . MBS; »EKSIS. ycBlenoe, m bggt port of St, Uelou,'»ly Mastiu Btos., -BreBOa* YOUNG LADY Toehea to take oat 1 or S children: cemrnl heating, etc.; rente inolulB hot and cold water also Whit© Leghorn' and Ciow-br©d^?^immon6, Weater- dUi^A NEILSON ,M ir or fire French leeeona.—Apply D.W ., “ Obeerrer.' and rate* and taxos.—Apply G. H . Gray, De La Warr ^CROSS-BRED Fox T^rriff^^UPPY, 4 months'old? 21, Sea-rd-, BexbiU. »-ap b IcdKh, Holiington. Park, St. Leonards. . _ ^ —a21 cheap. Mff good l«mie.---81miBcaM,. W ^ erleigh. Hollfiigtoa MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES-WANTEO, 1 ,aiA66HlE. Ladiw*: TailoO -,------street*- H utioffs, Offlco, Beshill. 1 allb FOUR actiro CART NORSES, ju«t off oontract; .olae llia » .n « u ieiw for IM P R A y S A i .-in. Skirt BDARD AND RESIDENCE. .CliLLBNT «elf-co' tutiied~ FLAT. Norwo^ H bW . Pittk,: 9U Loooorda. . \ : • :• •■*-a21 St. Martntret'airoad, Wunfor Squaro; ejode to ««a; con-^ thiok-aet Welsh Cotw 14.1; would euJfc tradesman.—Apply nFOA; £ A L e« Pood, i ! 0 ^ T E R R IE R ;' eight OioiithB.: .GArY' an^lSameas fof NiS5?~fS3a^J’ iMa&t/eib^ysiaGt; apply than Mooc^d Rolf, M, • Upper Oenmark'id*! Aahford. _ aSl ahtMp..r8«Hf, Grocer, leldeibani. Sn*w i, A PRIVATE NURSING NOME; Medical; Suigiuai. taiaing 3 altting, 4 bedroome, bathroom und kitchcial—To ol^er at trick©; Dply to caretaker; for partieulare to Mr. TreL 15, '~FBR SERVTl B, Feffitrea'S w m x ' b u l l , bred by toko'20tti—Otrii be *©en i«t >»> romaikahle axandnatien auoor h; Aleiidid teitiiiiG&ihtii OO MPMTABLE- BOARD^ESIDENCB; lohg H O M E S or every '^ oxipuou ior Sale or JliTA— dhort p e r io d ,,^ . W titfhill. 9t, Lgonardji. -«28 tiR N ISH ED ''FLA T, 4 good Toomn and bex-rOom. Kitten©, 'Bullfiachte,. 1 utlete. uy5 j^^ohiWfentj. ^ o m p t teiitiEmeute' h iS S t mSSS Mrl’ Harry Be»eJ> a « 1u n .» B gx •• Offltt. B « a u U. -ra BwM U rt»atad:-i.lT. Weliu . m., jH^trtino. iMlejc't locality.—^ A ., 5, Llnton-criM., Hoatings. —ffiyS. ajdmrwt. Weptarf*~rd.. St. Leonar d o . _____ ta2l Pjjffl*”-H aw ard, 22, PStece^et, Oanterbrnr. .• w n b r a organist j imi:^ ^n cJ to x ist ^ ^nioidAjfl; , OBHTIFICATED Maietlucy NURdE I»4»*gH p a litn i. . hegum nD , good L' aBnvAHT wAfirres jfl ■{‘W owm hooBe, aiitiate In a quiet *»d pleagant RNI9HED FLAT, eelf-contaiued: fta froair 5 HEAVY MILKING J E R S E Y S T ^ o first-clufia U a ^ jevolvin;?. open-air SHELTER"- BoodT;S. • ‘ ■ Xemporaiy Help.—IJ, Masillen-id., 8t. Iieoj>ar55- "T he —aSi, aSSa ■l*“ >»ty:^m»dioel piferojjce if deeired.—Apply Nuth, 8, rooiufi, bath.—Brown ■ and Woodley'a Library, Hastftnffe. accept fifty gniueaa for tho two cowa. Beautiful-In-calf MISC CLlMNjgaUSB,^ Basted. . ------Mount Pleaiantoret,. Hagtfngg. ' ■‘- |-31 Oboage ;of PrdgTsnime dii >OST requhod as RIANH|T to .Chaena. Ormnasiuni. Jersey Heifer, F>pring>ag to calve, twenty, guineae. ADVERTISER, acci k ttoed ^ / hoffid baking, I wU) f OOOTDNi leeidinig oU farm near Eaetbouine, reeeiyeg . R N iSH Etr^FLA T or foutu napeetP no Guemeey Bull, 16 montlia old, brwl by H.II.IL Prince to pnrebme. any qnantily of SiAn'i D«iioeA. AccoznDamet. Maftio P u silsi. or. daily. Hdofu] attbud *ot houMo pnd giva leMona to indiea ox^Iiaide tiewRPapei., aoooun* bools, ledgem CSJ ’ SDKDAy I at 7.45;—t 8ea~td;, Besfaill. * Obaerrer* Office, Onegla or Conyalgtoentg,—TemB, apply Norwood, Bor©- attindancd, cverythin-g in rooms for ueo.—Robinal 22. Christian, Wimisor. . twenty guiacaa.-Otham Court, Ooinpaaion, Goventbakihc*—Letteiu . to ^ b«t prioee idTen; eack. mippfied if moiiSS ' a l kradfii reaturins SITUATIOWB ilipYild Polegate. "ObieiTer”, O ffice;-Ifti ^ i f f i r r X J. Paraone, Ltmitefl. 14.. Clarehiont. Haatina? tr" . I f PQlPULAR f ^ RNISHED Mflioon^te FLAT, 3^ aittlng. 3^1^, •ritorrito.or c>ali, Mr« JEteedes‘» Bniployaioiit Buredn, 8.1^., s S s s r s FDR duration of! War,—Oomiortoblo HOME in Bex- KEEP WANTED, ewea and lamba; any number to N. F uM ^kt' 'lute wUevtox - oto Mbx, >-e33toe liiu onerod to -«gp©otahlo young woman !in exohang© hatn, olcctrio, gae, Maxina.—:G., 783, ‘ Observer * 46; now through luimuier.—Price, paiticuitizs, Gorham, ' WANTED, eecondhand rtrat-np Cabinet B C DftaaB EoWieG Rowy Lewags.______for oognpanionidiip and help girtii, oa account of hug- Haittinsa. ■BdertUk,. •]. ' fbr redaction of fate, uid fm w and .iffao oomblned Warihatond, Dreeising Tabl* iv5 ’ T-HE iM uNiCI&l SITRERIOR, capable Bergoa. reqtywd lor -rok am^l Mariey Pornt, *Brcdo. __ ^______a21 mcearon'on o i ,1 M t tax. r- OtSv- ti ^^awM^ 'good condirtott.—J.; 18, y*‘ Obserrer " b f S , WAN TED. band Joining tho coloorg.—Apply WiA.F..| "Obserrer ” FLAT TO LET—Apply Hunter Broe^Milliaota and ! OonddrtoT] Bo&se; hrlp given.—Write, atatine end full pat- Office, l ^ h i n , . • I - —a21b ONE SOW apd 11 pigH* 7 vrerfa* old, for sale; together -MeJiuiit Itoitluirt. n^'r '-i.i i'-- . ' ■ v’^ O ' The SpriagE, Chiy^a, Saaeocla. awe General Drapers, 9 and 10, Tiinity*et., Reberteon>et.. or aeparately.—Apply FT Ltetod, Market Gardener, We»t- ^ywocalist: M^S'CL a d v e r t i s e r yronld he g ^ of any UaA 9! N kE D L i- f a y i n g g u e s t reoeiyed la the hong© of a qnigt Haarines fleld. _____ ■ ______—a21 "W ^TBO , TIT THGW, .'any ^[uantity, any clti^ijl .S u p e r i o r Chnrca perooov experieroeti in how^e- WOHK» €ith»-R epairing or MMaking,j '' ai hOBs or" ladiaa* family in plaagant neishbonrhood a t modBtat© termg.— ^AT, fio.f-contalned: 4 eunny rooine; 7al jOd.; lonr hy 9 Inohea acro» thinncrt #b3 vbrka needlewoTk; piain cookin^r one ladyi ^ood>jrage|; Siam reoidanae.—KJP.8., “Obe^iirver’* Office, Hastings, too Addragg ,On©gt, e,o, g, Mount Fleagant-erea-V^ Hagtln^g to PIG KEEPERS who wie^ :heit-£*iga to pay ahoiikl MISCELLAMEOUt^ht ohee.—Fall partionlara to ' VapOlBri iPiioea as nstuL^-'' •w^hasemenblKiuse.—-Miss E. Woodward, 4o, Cariabr^ke- almalar. 6s. 6d., 5s. 6d,—Fryer, 41, Mount Pl«a«mi-rd., DM M s oondlmeai Tbnrey'. Food for OatUo; keep* MRS. F. SMITH. Manor Cottage, Hastings-rd., Bex- Haitingn. . - -^428 ------V ASternobn Teas anA Re pig. tbrifty.—Bo'd ia ceM. oontalning 58 mcfcebi. fln ‘AT^'^WBLDaMAy’ii'’':iMlRUkli,’’ toS, <}neeif»ma^' ■ tWAWfEU. aCBAP laON aad ME1ALS- -g j . perfect fitting loose covert; lARINA, ST. LEONARDS.—Beautiful FlaVlfnr- ■hilling^ by agent. In ell pertL ■ slTteb tity pnrchaeed; aofluniaiion to any third sartTiMMZ ' Box Boll Alleye. Riflecl ^nSKfafORTHY OBHERAC^BRYANT: o^Iog* siiM ^urtalQ^ c^potat^Me ^ _ . ;, exceUont rcforenceR; nleted, ■elfc-mtainedf ?very convenience; bathroom.— Hartias8’'‘''^to0Bdlrtfldt-BantoDnto' Oak . Orotmiatel. Irtle, iuiet place? one tody.—Send particulaia- moderate ohai^ee; a triai Elicited.* • —teb BOARD AND RESIDENCE WANTED. PIGS .ro often troubled with WORMS; Tboriey^i fltted ..U rtwped aaoto> itingie.______• __ *T-T®L HATS.—" Bodlne " it th. rapid rat lemorer. Swarm, rblid oak tfames; Oal: ^edert.1; Writing Xahl^- iitbto I ^ ¥ h E SUSSEX AND SOUTHERN COUNTIES iCJiiteat IE0ISTI|T«—TranFfer o f buainewL Mrs. Richards. 48, SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE HOUSES AND BUSINESSES yo LET "SELF-CONTAINED MAISONETTE, ground flooi^; 4 are nped ant in a night. Safa, anro, and rpeeHr. to. 9 drawer.; umhpgany qato, a bargain, A4 Ito % ' * jid-tMuade, IMs^toa, .oId>establiAiied Bejisbnr M a s , lovely ' rooms, kitchen, and houAekeeper’e room end if., 2... S«., 5s. Post 3d.-<-i]brley. Chemist. ’ Perth; _AT : ^■■HGUDOtVAi^ QBRNSR.-Secbadtoma:- AND FOR SALE. garfeD, level, hath, etc.—Cave Austin and Co., St,. Lfon- A p n tsH . O. Edwards, 17,, uilgen'nd., Hairangt; 18, JTable Grand Piano, eotid mahegany, maker BioaBwadd, now rellona’ bargain; Inatanf appibtoL—M u. Max, The Ohabe, «.t THOROUGHLY trained I Bwineas Man (emoitcd) Snargate-rt., Dover. my5 Nottingham. ■ 1 ~ ■ . - layle B&BS. LUCk, Proprietreaa. (ksires situation.—Address A ., 14, “ Observer'* Office, •BA. FLATS WA;*1TED. J; i t o l Hastings. | SEA ROAD. VAN, OOB, and HARNESS For Sate; reasonable BROWn p a p e r IS OBAR^We hsTe tor nle a «aa- ' WANTGD. eevenl Housemaids for , good schoois; Iiiet, Hap and Guide Free.| Tele. 400 te good homo; no dealers; together or Beparat^—V •ignment of Thin. Brown. Packing Paper, on ieel.t .9 Mt’s .:t«.MOU8EMAIO^«ul^;^.coiUIt■ M M ^T M jir M & if - th. JU f,' goo^piaw: COOlC—MaC tc67 SALE, AND WANTED. j d e a d s t o c k , e t c ., f o r s a l e . "i^ltNUiNE ^]AitQAJN8.-^0Al'^ EmtahUmhmt! oomr. ai C m iitu rV a GmnMe-eruasi ■W;Adioa .awaaty^-aiHA., .! COTTAGE, near The Green; gttUng-H)om, 2 bedrooing; and ^ d is s .Oldihing* n. B le a k ^ ' 6g. per week.—Cave Anetm and Go.. 8t- Ueouar*. ALPHA BABY *» SEPARATOR: rSSiiT 6D ;»t-W e. iliWSejBAlff aadJCook'G«roral; SITUATIONS WIANTED—FEMALE. . OFF, •J. LICENCES , to ------ANDGENERALS.—Choice of good order; £3. te.teleel trm : half 'nice o f « o — ._2A $J55J s IWhiriiwi^^at. .tkwiwrrti. . - - ■ .. . n ia i, i •______-a 2 1 ■’ two capital Buginck^aee: good shopa; well arranged pre- Apply Wateng., Nutley, Inn,_Nntley^ —a 20© dnrftl : tm r. tmtiAft' The Sculptors & Jasons CAFE FOR SALE, South c tnem 'Kepto—Kpiity ree.: 990 u A . ^WAIiITKK’^A S S ^ ]^Eieg. .15, 676, •* Obgetrer " Offlea liiMitiOiPi, Station; nice garden; moderate rent to c&refffi tenant. good manager euterteined}.—Wicken^nv Tunbridge We ;u .^ixted^______aiOe . ro., Hastinge.—We have over 150 Bedsteads of -ell «aee. B e , ROBERTSON STREET, Aty*lieoMrA>-ia./Hhxhlll. ~ ' . ~ ■.■ - -/-■■■ —aJlb., a21 —Ingleby, Etrhlngham. e20e and kinds, bought months before the rite ia prto^ comfortable h o m E wanted as .Useful Help; a2l * TWO Jeffries and Bims PLOUGHSl~ tiro wlHch we are now clearing at less than ,to-^i3r's erliq«als JIASTINQS. • WMi'Tfeb^'^yaims'TO foe * GENERAL idomuiticated,—66, Upper Denmark-id., Ashford, Kent. Martin’s Cultivators.—Particulars W. Riley, Nutlcj-; m VAIW a ih iM iB..NBO,iy c good nwiai-aad^oatios^~r a2i^ cost price. CaH and ate them; every one perleotly nev,. AMD AT ORe , SEXHILL. BRIGHTON. - Sit. -% a )im x ^ • . o g ' a21 b RVa NT a SONS.—We have just' pychaspit the (T m HOUSE j K 'TO iSlsficATED" 2adyl_ de«ij for.each nddltianal lia ^ . It. i:.'!)' LAOY .raQiKiraa xe-os( at as klANAQERESSln CLEA NED & g r o u n d : EGGS, Black ond .\Viiito' XAjghomi Bl^ck Mihoi^, (IcdNDHANID PURMi^li. CO., to AUTliieeriiOTe ttadsr; ftfrybeedlnt wee* .ba WNMG as> Bui! Orpington,.- 4s. 6d...... j.... j>er 13; broody hehs, 5a.—E. ana •W/ < |^ n ’tf'roto-+Pipe Ch9»t of Dral . in fine ■ - ...... ■ -»y.T-.,to, Mfh ulaaa apartment he ^ or bongo.; experience con- a bAddr^ L. Hancock. 68, Foul«er-rd.. New and Second-Hand blowers. Garden Tools, ebaira. towel airor. aikt neffertto cunbeaifi, a bargain, h m Bi«b ^ WGMtey CariB . m b Jka : "KING OP THE' to family; -BiTee-m«idt-k^;tW»8ag £Z1-2L—FnmiTal. 3, Upper TootinSfl S.Wa7. T ■ ______g a Reds, Light Sussex; these pens are all choice and on'.y 20 gnlneae: f-folfi. Dranabc. Seyeen, onfir 9 a .-to ; Vto MhsmI. 8L Leosiarto. . ~ ______, —my5 specially teleoted: Sa 94. sitting; day old Clicks. 13s. Black and' Gilt Pier 60 x 48, in fine' ciltoitiba. oMaiaeMf * t .F. J, P$ s.Z 4i.. i«. MID D LE^G B pexBon~[ deeirca post a i NUR8E- Rollers, Barrows, Trelis in Stock. dosep/; all carriage paid.—" Bridgeilyn,*' Poultry Farm, I ;A xemartahle Drama, ^ W a 8 V S 6 » x daily.' a tcpatmithy xespeotable G irla* ATTENDAHT.to invalid Ci^y; IdnA attentive, obliging: only. oOr., a bargain, - Note-the. aign i " Pieaae-rtep GJmrmatcmi, HmmHrnfm, MRNRIMfa^Apptr l^;Mo|init iPleasutotiilss. Haatincs. exeelleni refer^oee.—Care of Mre. Leech, 51, Rock-hUl Heueham RoaAII. i » w r about 30, for General ’FO iT wanted aa N^biEW OMAN or Linen MaiA— lb.; Is. per galten at form.—Apply Pxestoa, Fletohiag, a n d . 87, QueenVrood.- -Nearly new Axnxinirter Carpet Wetic, _Weat 8 t. LeoottOs : good nefereucea.—Write AJZ., 692, •* Obaerver **^Offioe, Haatinga • a21 UckfleM. - • ' 4 ‘x' 3i yds., only £ 4 15s. ed.: eevenR‘ .Cwp*te_to be DEATHS. ■ *719* Observer ** ee, Fatt-ing Pens, Chaff Cutter, Salting. Trough, France,* WUMa, Hatnbinsce. Oanadytn Pioneer Brtto ' •-A pply H n . Hart, Oak Cottage, Sedtaeoombe* ^ t t le . tefereijcee,—A W ., 6, Vale^rA, St. Leonards. a21 lion, C.E.F., the dearly lored hnsband of Jaat ■■! Quantity of Wiro Netting.—Hill, Ninfield. Telephone WHERE TO HAVElBOOTi REBAIRBO wito (ood H ntchineon,,ot 18,. Gi^mdrpaiade, SL Leonard!, Agii j i ' V’ —aM U8EML NUR8E.COMPAN10N to old'oTdclicaTe 201x7. a21b IM U B W A Y . (MAY 3rd:-^ ’"Wa n t e d , ytmne g e n e r a l SERVANtr^Hotllng- lady; 12 years' good topeoieDco: • accuatoimed to weH-MMoned Leatoer I by expeiieneM . wiWkmen . ia GRAND pen WHITE LEGHORNS, 9 H ens. layiw?, lew hour,,—Boob Miinqlectflriiis OompaBy, U ialted, 116 d R N llE H -O D O re 13U( iiart., at H osfinsa Hary A gB , Gtoi iia;'Wagiaiig,^F,J„''7i^ “ Obettrer" Office. Hgs- rheumatoid arthritia; kind and ikatient: responaiblc; unrelated Cockerel, Paduiaii's {285 egg strain}.—Fayrow, MWPg ^ . —a21 . end 198. Seaside, EMtbdnxBe; S; Farttonfrtxned. BexUlli widow of th e lato B aiiild Jesner, c< Bt. Leopaideeib ' . good reffiiencw;... dieenstod,—E.T., PeTenhili, The HOUSES AND BUSINESSES TO LET LICENSED HOUSES TO LET, FOR Haroid-rd.,* Hastings. • • ‘______—U2l - S ^ .l i i her 78th year, i : - **The.$ oul or ' -WA|IVED;''''«iEpeiieliyed and lorfng yonngest eon ot Mr. saffiM j WANTED, A Kspeotable-WOMAN, age 40 to 50. In WANTED, Situatiem- by elderly person, HOUSE­ ^'COTTAGE and GARDEN to leti near liver.—i^ p ly HEN, 12 CHICKS, apd Coop; eithor W hSe Wysm- LegwingL .ronda 'lor 'w om ^' doing men a work,., " : Mrs. . George Ktfig, Manqc Cottage, SL Mary’e-tenseb' ‘ -f f . iud EmL FBOei mnatl family for general work; plsdn cookus:' pood The Banks, Barcoinbe . ______! o^Oe ^ .‘>illy^5S Hastings. a21 water, lawn and garden; three miles from' Bexhill.— hancB uma years.—Wickenden and Sons, ^TunbriSe from Draper and Co... Com Merohants, Silverhill, QL boime; also $6, Uigli|«tieet, Lewes; 8, Paikhursb-ioed. w a n t e d , aa an-rmmd- good GENERAL SERVANT WIDOW LADY, experieiicod in ladies’, and children’s A.B.C., 18, ** Observer *’ Offlee, Haatinge^ a2l_ Leonards. .______- ______—e2S W M H B N .—On. 13th Aprti, 39i7,'at ;iS, BpiingfleldrimA UazBger: MB* A*. to r few 'days In Eastboome; 19>en in London onlakiTtg. dressmaking, will take iu Iwork privately or at ladles’ DOUIIl E d w e l l i n g HOUS^Fotkestone,- for sale; LIFO POULTRY MEAL la a perfect substitute for ^ONWN-B WARM LINEB^ FBLT BOB'n.. Leatoer St4 Lebnarde-oo Ben, Oetoju. B. Werien. son to M . . ; , ] • 2_^ % -• e-A n)r with refetenoea at » , Arlington-id., Hastbonme. residence: temna moderate.—Apply 25, Sllverlande-rd., rent £39« price £370; £250 can remain; long biw,nit- meal and saves Sd. in the Is.—Get tome io-day Goloeb Mofooeo, seam I to too; aleo VelTat Boota, tuee late CleiuetiV- W aiieih.’to -Bhunnaitd,' Surrey. Aged Mr - - 1 ______^______a ^ SilyerhitTl, St. Leonards. ______~~521 bargain.—H. Cowan, Ashford, ______521 MOTOR CARS, BICYCLES, ETC. fruu O. J . Banister,* Miller, of Ttnterden, Nortiiiam, 3 to 8, to Ud.; aled Women’a Leather GaKen and N o llOwerB.' ' -A . - ■ J - i ’-. it fXIL Sth to MAY 3^:— W a n t e d ,_ ceDiGGENCRAL; healthy London I YOUNG ■ GIRL .requir^leituation; juet left schrolV FREEHOLD INVESTMENTS;—Houses let at 8«. per Benenden, Wittersham, Staplecxoss, and Peaimaish. Leagiags.—Boot Man^aolpring Company, Idmited, WILLVUOHBY,-Ou; April: IW h-ini, at -the iM f fS ^ b ; ' uly;j good wagea; oharacter required- Bobettstujdge preferred.—P^na Farin, Bobertebridge. week; price' £1M ,—Gave Austin and Co., Sti Lconax^. ' .______^______—my5r MaUng and Ilepalring Dept;, 196 and 19g,3eaaide, EmL Sussex Hospital. Haefras*. H n y - wiDougiiby, t< ? J i V I —a21 A4 CUMULATORS CHAROfep carefully and prnim]^ LOVELY piS of Black Rteecomb BANTAMS, 3 bontne.;, o^o'296. Higbktreet, Lewea; 8, ^^aiklraret-road. yeara j ^ p j iy Tik9 Gables, 179. Anerley-rd., A nerl^, ■ ' T - ' • - n ______a21 aisa—F. J . ParvooQs, Ltd., “ UbServeS” tho laitbfnl ,and-:derro(«d .aerrant .ol rte .hto, **THri MlSLEAlill .36. a37e YOUNG LADY requires leituation aa Shop Aasiatwt, 'FR'fiD FISH and Reatauranti—Required, Working uiuSb' Hastings.- ' tn " PuKets-(layin'g) arid Cockerel; “ prise strain”; also Mks~Hiehr,-ol--lS. Wldta'-RdblL Haatwgs. Aged • ' W ANTEb, *pr_- NURSE-OOMPAHrON; Grocery 4ar Provision, with 15 months’ exigence; Has- Partner; no capital; must understand fried fish busi­ pair White Rceeuomb Bi^tams.—Farrow, Harold-rd. ^ ^ ^ B r N'^TO QBT CLOGS RB-IRGNBO, heat and years. ^ ■ •|' I'i I • ' . ■- • Hasitegs^______. • . , —g g tore-imDa-aU-compleeeJ while yon sralt, -for to, or Mew I : i . (Draiqp]. ywUug- capable, zeflo^ , for uezre patients; itene house- tings pretened.—Peane' Faijm, Bobertsbrkige. a2l ness; eveniBg trade: man or woman.—M.M., 693, from rtook 'M ofe Ologa xOT Boya .and Oirle,. to lU.t Womania, to Ud.— - V IN MKUORLAU. v«rk; MJaGry according to experience.—11., 758, " Obsei- YOUNG LADY, good ^ppearanoe, business exp^- ■ Observer ” Offlee; Hastinge. o21 R'O DEAD GHICK^—To make your poultry i Boob 'Maamiactniing Company, LtmHed. 196 aod >116, A photert^ of primltlTe pamlcl Ter^/^^^fllce, “ Citings. -521 FURNISHED and. Unlnrojehed HOUSn.—Lodglns J,A.P.', Stnrmey-Archei 3 speed, must rear every chtck,ruad the only sure way to 7o______bhte BRAM.-^In -erer- .loting loenory to m y dear M M euee, reqiflres position, d^ssistant, good-clase Draper, c»Afini6e ■ * ' ' — travMmor, Dartford, Kent, abating wages and ezperi- AnetioneeiB, 48, laatina, St. L«onardaon-8ea {eitabliahed FOORD.—In kyTing mei&oi 'Wilfiaaa Foocfip of Xk . ■aceu ': - ______■ • ___^ •• ,a27b 18391. -who will be b.ar etodL—ggjfeer. Iron Mtomant, Tunbridge WeBe. —my98 7 bf .post; ereiy aaBistBnoe_fiatl«._ i_ _ i tc41 . Se id for partitulara of gbod aecomdhand Motor tnred by Armltafe Btbthere, LtA, Poultry Food Spe^al* LAVY’B RlROt .impbrtanb half hoop, iiur dtaaomsiar Fairiksb^roud. died April. 17th, ,191$^ « WAN^^kr, eoiaU private, family, QCNkRAL APARTMENTS WANTED. OM»:— iita, Notttneham. Sold by Skinners, Qaeeu'e-ro^: F. tem rtrcnlar rtaner;;fti-eew t.aeM^ g ^ a. nejn-61 ’’ I thank of him itill ae te e facnei 1 a«r " I t ' s A L W A p r s j OERVANT; age about 21; knowledge of cookiiig^'wot “ HASTINGS.—To bo Lot or Sold. S3, Vicaragfrrood; 7 Strickland, Geoxte-street-: J . Weston. 132. Old London^ H e te not deodv h e te juM «w«y.*' rooms and acnllei,, greenbonse and garden; rent 9a. sa. naeas: barMUr: goaikittM lend £H.r:Raet aad Batea, Bee cosaty.—Apply MIm F . Baxxaieter, The HolUee, Uek- rood,. H------a ^ n g s; P . H------. Elite. 29. BpxhilVrc^ . . . . . « . and Battle* ftwahroksni,’41 ls)BdoB-r«l.. 8L Leimards. . *e69 MARTIN*—In loriu^'memory o f Mum,* April 23rdi ■Mi JfVoBi 9 ie isnctioaetal 0tamft Sy EeliL ■ , —aSf7e .AFAR^Mli«ii:^ N T W -ind:T^ Lrt; Ml part a28 reed HoUhigtem; J. Hoftoti. Roller Floor ’’ On that happy Feeter znoramg, Ae^prd and' neighbourhood.—31. Station-id.. A e h fo r d .------■*■—T iTSSTINGS.—M ■— odern------VILLA to let. IfnrnieJ^: RobettsbridK.i .Sterenera and Son«,.Seartde-l d; A. J. LIPB^L|KE ENLARGEMENTS faitktnllr leprodnced. HAYDEN 60FFIN andlNO^ ' to D G k lN G H O U SSK EeFER ; -or. i ^ t i o r Cook- 08 Irom a n y . photdgnvh, 6e. to . AU tho graves their dead restoro; Qeberol wanted; private: two in family; sqjsaeement; ______a21 nominal rent: I5j. weekly long teit: 2 eitting, 3 ;bed­ SUNBEAM, 21. h.Ii.. £35. Beeney. 19. Jnnetiois-road. . Earthonrae;bourne: Baymood" (faming dse, 98 X 16; Father, Sister, Child, Mother COLLfOE MISTRESS, |>reakfaet-rooin and bedroom, rooms bath.—M., '660, “ Obeerrer" Office. ____ 5>fL_ Holland. 288. Old London-road, Ore; Ea, . WWarbnrbon, .BeKe no;matter .how laded. By inrslided Snssex Srddier gefttN ice *'fbr IXTKtwpiurioeae eestotiol.—W;N., 759, HI W CARS in ’stock:— Photograpker. George ^apman.. If yon hare no photo- Mriet once xuoie. • m e of bathroom; moderatq tenne.—20, Towei-rd. Weat, “H ASTINGS.— A charming semi-detabhed modern HHl,-BexhlU: Jamee Hood. B^hill-on-ll-on-8ea; and W. SAUNDERS*—In- loving memory of oar dear fiFfiD AUO THE DSHAL AT Bti Lwaadtlj ; 1 ______—021 eS 5 S ' Touring, pins delivery ehsrge, A135. Draper ond .Co.; Bt. Leonards. ______. , tc3 graph, •siWlngt. lrea.-rStmUos.los. 63, . BtstlOti-rcU _ . , BexhiU. end mother, Robert Saunden and Sarah Amv SawfiRA ” WANt ^EoP a respectable, country middle-aged pereoo VILLA RFSIDBNCE To Let or For Sole freehold; 4 FuRp, .rseater. with special Torpedo' Body, painted No canVaeaera employed. Callsll dror ’write direct:direcL —a98b OF. P1CT1}B G E N f want* hronie^ Leonardo, k ^ o o n w . bath, and 3 leoeptionrroom., arranged on MILK.—Milk -wanted, sereral dairies e f New UUk; .of 4, r Waterloo-ploo^, Ryo, who Taaeed peaoettllf “ In au all hoepital (Way work);* a; dally wings, Pina'delifary charge, il66. THUREElt- U N iPO R I s f e u AliHt _ assort- I’.itian-1 for romri^ r o n ^ workr'goodw a r k r g n ^ homebim e aaod * wngea. Sexhill; atate family.—Domom, 672, ’’ Observer” Office, two flotto:-electrio li^ t nnd erery convenience: In (aimers’ bankers teferenoes.—Olairk'a Dairies, Sonth Nop- away Deoesnber’ 18th, 1897, and April 23rdi IRL*. . . - . , Wooddhnrcb. aastingis,, ,______r :______■ a21 perfect order.—Oonilna and Debenham, S4, Havelock-rd., Meciai body, J6150 plus delivery.! wood. ______' ______altee • omLi.raplefidia ti^s.'r ' -annter 'vl Irihityrst., “ Gone, but not forgotten.’—WUli* and P». :5T-in4;ihai^ . Hendon^ Plaee, W< Ml iXWELL, latest model, 5-seater, electiio liehti^ SCOTT*—In . loving^ memory oC opt dear EtbeK fifi ! ' Doha 9.38 to 1 0 1 -«ZU LADY requires Bed-Sitting, A t^da^e, 7s.; south Hartinam: ______i' ' . ~n21 start rig, completely equipped, slightly usod, £ 225* ONB TABLBSPOONPUL of Kaiswoed' Poniiiy Spies, iepaot; near, beach.—Wifeoi i, 38, MyddeitoiKsq., London eoataindng ground Ineeota, em m liee'90 hens one day. F H B F R L t9 R :/F b r' ^ e ' ; .dC'inbbs' solid, gnu medal, beloved yonngeet oauchter of Mr, and M n. Wilkiitete. n t Wcwldiig . MDUSEKEEFEW" in SeiA iOT jCArticulars fnaitf: earty dlncbf;. ,-no bawmmft.—Apply Bohecaio. • • •' I ______^ ^ et..'l»aating». ■ —a21 Sole proprietor, 34, St. George’a^t, Cantesbury. Til Y h , foBoWiDg a r & ^ hare U f l ^ 189; and 91,' High-et., Itaimgate. Tel.7274.' —»giT rti— Era Wwtore iHs*-J>o^-q iMra. ^ Btaasthafd, UX" Lendoo-td.; 8L Leonards, before '^Wlfeo'W MCQuirea a . JNOUROOM^ : very HtUe STAINES AND .CO., iftU te prodoMLO^ lo m ponsutege orwinnan: ^ 0 Knpe, Iff- B. S. Otii«l‘,.<^T^ to. after.8. ' - " ' ' , attendance; St. Lec»isrds referred.—Ron, 761, “OtHcr- I I ^ t Gr 'o a r wanted; email powered .two Seatu fto. ^ *-*1 SU. At ,shidy - iwAl4VSU',.’cbAIC (good pla>n),c/aUnde^banded; near Ter ” Office,, Haotsngs. ______:_____ rrtifl 7, ST. LEONARDS ROAD, ^ aboub £70.—B.S., 589, ■'Obeerrei"' Oflloa,'-.HaatiiSiT^ BeiMan s^blo Adnrisafon Iree. Stteer' 1008^ * " h a a a u O n 3'maid* kepf; of Emrland;; rood W a n t e d , unfumkihed ^OOM (for bed-eittiiig-Tooot, - BEXH ILL.PN.8EA. ' 1- . : ■■ «98l ton*tnri^« SREMATION. Slekrts' FeSenrahip Faufd lo^ — ... "Ki-.-Wfite,' rtaWag,-0,*, wagea, wbon by I 4H4 z 14ift. or 'litOe attendance; in ROy.BR LANDAULETTBy' 16 h.p.; mcehenb • H6 li—if ORES to hold b-dnh..;! SSL, to Dioksidl ia. BiaOk to BhhF- Yoodfsffe, (M d'Bw Soiue, SL lieon- or near BexMU.-^., ^‘ Oh^rreap • Office, B exhinv*^ AGENTS fa t sQ atsilobie 'Bnrnisbsd and BjBfnnrishsd tion ; lees tbao 10,000; '«**Faga, 61, Wearb^-or^ 18, or idea. egiktifthOThklsg■*" reqaijad}required] breakag—hreakan' ahsolutely M1SOEl:LANEOU|S ARTICLE8-WANTED. ______-■■...... r ., - ■ my8 ______-rft31h HGUSBS to ba Lat-oWBold; atoaial llata; m s i^ n d gniss Folkenone. • ' •^-’0211’ impesiible; prlssa 'to, 9d., Is., and la. to. saoh. or N O ^boO JpEMETERY. m ' - ' ^ ' ' t | YDUWD E55F ASEISTANT wanted: roeitectable, WANTED, two untumished ROOMSt uee of eoullery gtatla. Te.egia: ■"^FicpoHy, ‘ JBexhilL'' ...... —Teleplmio . . No. ~^|BALEr"12-16 Woleeley LANDAULETTE; good Wtok port free lOd., la. Id., la. Sd.. Is. 8A—Obtoinahle to' ASTORt oiRESS AGENCY, 5a, Dppor Bild«»rtreet. 349. Th* Uogl .Modsai Frossas. at MaAesW-Brtw CAVE’S GRIENTAll iniok:—DnitobTa Boyal Viotorta Library, Bt. Leonarde. preferred, with nice elderly eoaple:— — no other .. lodger:,r ing- fxii^t^n; .i^n . and tried hyi appointment.^ F. J. IVsons. Ltd. 14, Claremont, Hastings. to CsJiterhury.—Waidrobeel wanted; highest prices. a98 I ■ ' ■ . ■ a21 ■ muAt be moderate; reference.—H.H., 677, Camppell, pambridgo-rd., Hastings. 'a21 . PbTAtOEirWANTEDohais; soond; on rail] 12s. Office, HarfrHnae. ’'SUPERIOR, iubstantial, dotached RESIDENCE; . ANYThlNa OF VALUE.—Uouee to . p-nraiPue to Foy. psrHtwlse* sod MSbasaiy. fo ta s rtp ly te TIM VDUNG G A l wanted daljr to help lady niiiao with . 821 owt.—Pearce, 108, High-«t.v Dover. e21 part,: any turplne gootopurobated for o ^ ; Pert PdoM sound, qompact, comfortable; ohanning old garden over WA^ITED, Lady’s DICYGLE; muet be in good coni^- s e u w T mbtrofolitan^ em r t iiiV ^ sto a ' Up fra ieh i a Magpie^ tThrd i ■babiea'and girl oix.—Appiy, after 5 p.m..__ 3, i acre; south espeot; choice, pteaeasf position, fqvourits tion,’4State price and full particulars to Inglono(w, PULLETS and toung COCKERELS wantefd for eMh; rtTsm ter an^ruing of Imaxkrt ralue; Reerea and Bon, Tsnpl* Chsjnbsr*. Lopdod,; *.0.-. .(TsL, ICIity. HTS) ft-rtl.. BaibUi- -a21b distriot; town and country advantagea; near trams; -Military-id., .Rye. o21rT good price given for good etock.—Mr.- Moae, Wilton S. Hlft^l: the oldertaetaMlsbed Srm eie In the poel- /yiMING LAD Y ' wanted nraiet with booking.— COUNTRY APARTMENTS TO LET. qq i^ ; 1, Downe-road:, HastingH;,^ on view; 4 excellen ■ Will, stng- i ^______• •______n21 Helen’s, Hastings,-or principal Houso'Agents. Some 1816; ^ee fitted five deteohahle whe^; POULTRY k e e p e r s khonld write te Joseph Tkorley, eaiih furnitrire if desired. —a21 fa.p^.^WoTffiey’s, St. Leonards. eelier,: 6L Leonarda'id.J Baghlilll. ______te85b Untertakm ifi iWawiwwtBtar maivea': |B sa Florence A'jrlward will, I APARTMENTS.—Sitting-room; 1 or 3 bcdroonie.— Ltd^ Kinc’a Qioas. Londsa, Who are the .manufactorna li ' CAFE CHANT/ Mrs. Basfctt, Labuinham, 8|lverhiSl, Tonterden, Kent. ^ 0 LET,' COTTAGE; five rooms; sompany’s water; DBIIa QB, 13.9 h.p.; 1913 m o^l; fieeatsr with Of Ovum, Thorleyte Powlttr Bnioo, for Thorleyte F o u l^ k NALIBM , TIMBER , to' tosry.wyart dreeilptdeeeiiptioB .—^ -- --- waafiL zny5 laree'garden; rent 4b. 2d. inotusive.—It. Kemp, Burwash dickygpleadidly fitted; good 'tyres; sound meohanlsi Xeepers* Aooount Book; aufo book giving UMfiU hteta to rtihei standing or felled; oek. art, lairt,, Iieert, rtn,. On" WEDNESDAY. MAYI ordar.-IrWoTdleyte, St. Leonards. 1 potiftry keepera. Both tent free. ______nlTtoo Soqtrt______St] rttat*. . sa 46 ft 94, HIGH at.; HJL8TINtS. CARETAKERS. FARMHOUSE...... a p a r t m e n t s , with good cooking Weald. ______a27e A new song cycle. " THE REX 1913 model. 4 h.p MOTOR CYCLE; 2 speed gevk ROOTS will bo wanted.—Nothing b e ^ r ean be town romptly atWaAed to.r^Box and XtonarTlS^*®? Tmi ______and attendance.—Dann« Gotwaya, SedlesoMnbe. Battle, 1*6 LET, ^ooa uutTAQE and Garden; pleasantly lariilM,[sid6par, aU aonudj £1^ —W o r r y ’s, St. Leoaairds S(e n r tu te ,'M id -S o a e e z fS a w n ^ ^ Ardingl,, arawex.~naeex.' )nm«iice Aylwnrd. will be s 21i. upwards. . , _____ I______^ s20b- uMDniAJUijta APARTMENTS, (ikrnithed; nniet; coabb aepcet; well and use of yard.-B. £. Wilton, Olarsmont, Hastings. CsffB and two seaters. j. John Ade, Heffiitely 8usbcx, > ^ ______HOUSES ef Good ond-haad FURNITURE wanted, AND I OoMTORi ^ 'A d v IoR' FOST—Mafiame ' B ite, Olaiiroyaiiite, 74, reoommei^ed.—65, Vaie-rd.. SiirerhlH, St. Leonarto. a28 ■ . :______{_____ • ■ '______—a21 or rtafle OTtielM P’ aed. We are buyers of enything ' A.C.] SOCIABLE, in good or mile from town Bt. Le maids. Manager, Buxted Praltiry, Faimi Buxted. Sumsx. a17a (artta .skua,, eto, -Bens ^ortotrd or. uaU at. Shoesmitk ■gOKES, SOCKS, and o tiw rtrRMGR G F infE N G H j-M lm lM . A. Frubon. arid sea; 2 reoeptioBOo bed and dressing-rooms; electric ROYAL RUBY MOTOR CYCLE, 191$ model,-32 h.p , BtM.. M . 79. end 18. Bl i-rt.. Hastings; or 78 and 71, r%bb Tarioos BaWalion* ol the wifbonb boaol and. abtendanea;' .aonbh a«iicot; in beat WANTED, CHICKEN for letting. Fat Hens.- Noraren-rA, 8t. LeomKS ml Eogineect. and .Snaoex “TceolMm’ Bfplome, CrttlfieAtea. Ptifabe^Lee- part of Haetlngs; hibhert referwicea and moderate tenna. light, bath fb. and o.); large garden and 3 str,c^:e engine, 3 -speed free engine;- done less that Cruttoudcc, 4, Towor>rd. West, St. Leonards. * ■■Oiata, to Schott. »«**?• J Bgamiartioo* —W.P... 726,,Obeoirer’’ Office, Haeting.. —ijl lawn, sfaraf.*e; moderate leat.—Apply Mrs. O. Donnell, 600 m les: oil accessories.—Wordley..St. Leonards. —1( |. FAY the hiik«aC rleee tor WatGrekee. —. H ang rimeate. Only te 060 on «ori ^ -1 9 , OMBbriftfrcilna.. Harttnci. j«88 AuoklojMy. Bwhi'j-onrSea. —o21b WANTED. SaUew b illo w FENCE POLE*; ,eiaQBto W ella 98, Bietioa-rd., Irtiord.- _____ mtI, BASEMENT IG L E T ;'to webklri rednoMon for work or green; aab o«d bhestnuL green.—Smith. Globe Works, R U R fir^^ SlilJ^MENT for done.—Neele: 33. . Warridr-ba.. Si-' Leonarda. a21 TO LET OB Isaac* best side of Statioo>road.—8-room Heretmonoeox.______' ii28tee - MRS. NANSLEY, irry Yre^aveane, boser.—Ward- wSw ofrM eBteL-OtoOBle. Nerre; or Pairtyrta Oaaea: House and Shop ia good-repair; same tenant, green* robe, purobaaad; t o p ______carriage forward. Hs BURTON. O n e J lf ILLIONI ^ ------Bodeiaie fere.— CERTr AL HASTING8.-Apartmente. faolag Cricket MUSICAL instruments . ETC. YOU ahonld know that GVUM, ThOTley’s Poultry my5 , r ot^daart Yrtflpaeary to ponnpneotr m ed m ie h G ionad; modeiabe.—Mia. Will 19, grocery and general past 20 years; stable, coachhouse, ^ Mllh, cAVk. WardxcWt Dealer, 30,.8aargat«to.. Darer', A Hoaiit PMbaanttoto. ^ DeTSsshir^ce. and garden;, reut £40 p^i.; new frost might be put Biiicc, ia diteient to any ether poultry spite and con­ "JUARI ______my5 I X S y g r a n d wanted: abonb tSSB: state lengtli tains all- that in neoeseary tor keeping ponltlr healthy tehest prises giied tar| bll' ksnds to left-oB oloiltlng; in for approved tenant.—Apply Lamdins Shoe -Store, maker, age. wood-—S.K. 7, “ .Obseryer ” Offloe, Hastings M H e ^ gnMemep^waited on; maney to orders ht Btoufitld Road, Qntaii's Road, - 'pRRTfPtGATED Fieadh Bdhool-Taechre gi«a French CCMFORTADLEI FRONT skiSkTTINQeriCOM, ^ th one Beihlll. -a21b m d prodneing ahundaime of egto Sold la caset, eon- a l i I'e a d v s b I of mors bedrooma^;; good oooBi|Bf aid attsodsfios.—Miss / " tc2b telalng 79 paekeie, six. shHlinga. Cartons (twe sises). ***ff *: *? r ______to« practige 1» Efifli* Forloy, 21« LindaO’j.fd., Bexhig. tob BS m s RE-HAIRED all dmeriptione; bridges, flug Is., Id. and eixpeace each, by agents in all ports nl7te« MOLE-SKINS m nted be*t prlae, to per doiea,.giren Taltfihmnm io 4 7 9 f l a i t i n d a b ^ r i ^ i e -iPnpikf moderaio; feima-—23, OaialiiWp- TO LET OB 'Ashdown Forest, 4-nK>med c Rt TAOE: far best'stretched large clean Skins; any quanti^r large COMFORTABLE (nrniabedj APARTMENTS; good large prodnotlTe garden pig pound, and wood Hodge; boards, end peg, fitted; all rmialrs to stTingsd ingti 13 TIMES Ita cort ia, n ru p y ntruned in eggs to PERSONAL ATTENTION. cooking; oloie to Oolonnadc.-428, AlbaBy-rd., Brtrliiil. monte: old nolins bought.—M. Blaiar, 28, Bouinemonl pdultry-Veepei* who nao Ksicwood Peoltry Spice, oen- or aiaall parcels: mens/ by return to port.—HH’., 12. rent. 3e.„ t o —weekly. -!kly.—Apply SumerlilU ' Villas, Homey rd., Fj'iksstone. . . Biaybrbol^ierraee. Hast BCT. mi-5 «*=» GERTOTM A ^ . ,______' ' s ■ mySb Common, Maresfleld. o27o taining ground. IhsecU. natnie's oWn egg producer. EDIfiON.BELL PIMINodRAPH, 60 Tosordi, tmmpetl Packet, 2d„. 6d., la..—Draper and Oa„ Sedletsembe-rd. o L d 6lOL|0'waut*d *1 srery desorlptien. — W.-Rntelr I 15; EVERSFlfaD W CHARMING BED-SITTING-ROOM; facing eea; WHITE ROCK.—To let,’ small, mglit-rcmned HOUSE; and etnnd, 38k—1, Burdett-plaoe, George-st., Hastingn Sonth. St. Leonards. - . : .______. and, S o)^ T—JewsHsta, — .. 59 -x^ a >d 6L Mount M PJessaat-rA. Tnn- s. flt.' Lsonerds.- Marina: in lady'e self-contained'UDDer flat.—Coinfort, rout moderate; firat-sloas decoraure and sanitary repair. btidn-W slit, giye (he hlghsst^ ^ ^ t prio* fof aU kinda of 684, " ObaeiT«.” Office, Hastings. a2I —Z-X-W., 113,'* Obsesrer " Oflloe. HastUga. —tc48 ___ ...... ______■ ■ -a21 Gold,-Jewellery. Watshre, Chsi . ______.. '^rieteO'ufiiGRD^ ^ FINIi Miller Amerioan ORGAN, 14 stops, sale, chnip 1 Chains,qBllA.M«rtP Cigarette -sdim ArerenSIAdA^ Oases' «n^l or W . E. HINKLEY, -COMFORTABLE fuinf'ibed RFARTMENTS: also WINCHBL8EA.—Furnished COTTAGE; 6 rooms; Rye. ______, a21r [ say arutl* rtauiniag rtld. whatersr.its conditioa. Fbr beard-roeldeiioa for . ladles.—3. | Amii«nt-id., Beziil^^.^ cTory coBTealonco.—33, Warbam-id., Harringayl London. goodjj s new.—Dgioon, rv FARMS TO LET, FOfl SALE AND : p ortto;p rt< ^ w s.ssnd b fl« by rstnra: Oiamoato and FOR SALE, 65 key Oiohcstrelle Piono Player ' W ANTED. , Psarl< , 1*0 wanted. —mr96 CARPENTER. DECORATOR, i^REHCii:::?Ex,i3i5eto taaober, «^t«a In j ______-I ______my5 walnut, wilh 50 rolls Music;- bargain, £10.—Apply 1981 - Irteou, tr«Mlstliiaat would laoeire ohUdren aa icrtdmt ' eOSlFORTABLE SltTINo'^oAM anti ¥we bedrooms H, CAMBRIDGE QARDENS. oontainiiie eight rooms Queefi’i :-rd., Hastings. k —a21 .. gir* A Ito Old .Geld, Jewellery, i, UPUOLSTERBa. ^BLINDMAEER Wfc WEU.IHGTGN (Kpila.-^,’. Oe«S5J., HaaNnsa: ' to Let; toth (h. and c.); rtao small front Sitting- and' kitchsa; now beip« re-deeorated; rent £48.-»Apply CHEAP Kentlali FARMHOUSE, SO aoxfs; price ASSH any crtdltion: large or snail quantities;.also Ibr prerk room and Bedroom erw: anitjone lady oi-Y eatlo^.— to. any Htotlnge Agent. ______—tc53 GRAMOPHONES, PHONOGRAPHS, all mtSi Farmhouse, 95 aoies, £660.—Rutteit, 37, NorloCk-street, tosmutid*. airt t^ier.pricioua stonto-Ros* and'Wtca,- .^QbD»'tiitAaRiR"'olV'Aiitto^ in ^flrat- Apply 6, Arrijart-rJ., Bexmlk ______teb tepalrei; Columbia. Zooophone, Regal, Wianer, London. Particulsrs 3d., . ^ ^ te r 48..'.arwlse.r-8t DeToaehire-terrace. eooli. Blue Aberols'ls; 6d" csoh.—Hadtiilge’Gramophoni early pcMt^essiOft; state fullest, particuiors.—Rowe, Re^ port.-ChioisrhnrT,- buy* Ladies’, G ent's.. and ChildreiJ* very lew resit ef £35 each to teaaats w iffite ^ O0.i. 4j Panl^bdgB., near Memorial. ’Hastings. tc99 b i l l i a r d E artinsi. ___ * ,_l______j_____ L-______1_°28 hill Fario, Dyke-rd., Brighton - e2te^ Wardrbbes; top Talus; earrisge torward, ' . ftl . ’ - |Rim.RWMIAN wiiW~3 them- without rsquirisg rapain.—Apply to aay> Hostings PIARais.-^A largs unmbei of bighH:iase Socotadbaii-, 5 2 , iCGmatt WlMkaipt Wrt»d, XAstla||V r''to"otker wstfci laitens ia.. Sebak^le. and PURNISHRorBed apd Bittira-roem; also nafniBitiked Agent. ______' to50 PIANOS, all lesently taken in exchange at very lot! d w -’Jsirelleiy,-'t^ oait}**, and Wardrobe* ■- ' towntot.f.PiNT BTAHUB ~ Sroteeritos.—Bos'SIO, '(tte eriser r a r ’ Offioe, B ei- Bed-Rittlng-room; plaaaont eitnatloa; close tew s.—W 9, ROYAL VICTORIA BUlLBIriOS.—This fln, loslr- WORKS-EMICANUEL ROAD. ' •UUtlAGES ' ANOl > 4^ F., 688, ” Obeerrer ” Offloe, Hjentinga. ______my5 , piiaes. -S. Hermitage and Foss, 38, Roberteon-sL, Has ..--to,5b Up Rhop (with oeUar uadari, 33 'feet by 18 fe e \ to let t ^ s , tnd 26 and 98, 9t. Leonartord., Beihin. ■ toSo , LAND TO LET. FOR SALE AND TEI;EPH0NB N o; 617. i TRAINS,' -ITO ^FOUR- nnfninisbed' Or jparfy' fornl^Md ROOMS - to at £40 par anttum t^ll 6 menths titer termination of PlAllOS.—For Bargains-ffa Seoond.hand PIANOS n WANTED. • • -YB ■ FBUITERI^nS. ^ROCtad, T*aAbcnNI8T8. let.—9. PeHiaJii-rewceot. Haetlngi.______a2l the War; adairakly •urtefi'.for habirewer os millirier.— htgh-ol iM .makers at low prices. The largest eclectiofl si*.—Adybrtisei will, jinjchsie lor cash, empty AppI*. -■i,’'';.:'Ci£Mj9JS tIOTfl,;. _ .. FURNIfiHEF AFARTMBNTS in tiainwi Apply toiaay . Bt. Leonanhi .Agent. tc51 ha the Bottth of England.—S. Hermitage and Sons,.3w Barrels,' Craps .Tube, Butter Firkins, Cube Sugar Boxee, F rln tsl aad ^ P rtU rtld r t s n . Batnidar^ K etaM 4 T EN ‘"'TS'00 PLOTS- of: Freehold LAND, oppdeita Based «c>d yther 'Paoldi* Bsxee: pleaee. lit© quantity th sii FitaKag Worht. CaaranoaV la th* Parish as.. ',nif.-tos«RE ' Njiw rw»Mto- Hams; good opoktet. m A cttew ricw : Bteuical, m aaesg# T i l , AIILWARO gftA oT T nSB d. I rooeptim. batJfi Robdrl con-et., Hastinge, end 26 and 28, St. LeonartU-rd.1 OoTrt-ternoe (or sale at ^ £7 each on eaay tenna.—Apidy and pribe_dotiT,ered to lU ilw ij Slation.—Apply "Pack.' Of asterasty.—lb, Aati*»H4.,| Xtxhin.. ■ *-'i&y5b £28.—9, 8eclfe-tM.i K ^ asiv —«U9 Bashi^. ts3l 1, Oamkriice-iid.) Haiti nsi. fas. Holr TrlaMy. HtsSfito, to rts CVwty to Barts, w- tag oimm 6, •' OhssireT'• Office, ;KtoUn|e. ’’ - 3 l ' V. fl. .Ptoseas. LM. ' ' .

' iy V cc.J •: