A Guide to

O.S.S./State Department Intelligence and Research Reports

The : 1950-1961 Supplement


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A Guide to

O.S.S./State Department Intelligence and Research Reports

XI The Soviet Union 1950-1961 Supplement

Edited by Paul Kesaris


Copyright © 1979 by University Publications of America, Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-89093-248-4



Frame 0000 The Four Continent Book Corporation and Soviet Intelli- gence Procurement. January 18, 1950. 45pp. 0045 Soviet Preferences and the China Policy of the U.S. February 1950. 31pp. 0077 Trade of the U.S.S.R. and Its Satellites with Southeast Asia 1945-49. March 31, 1950. 62pp. 0139 Soviet Financial Policies and the . June 5, 1950. 9pp. 0148 Political Control and Organization of Science in the U.S.S.R. June 21, 1950. 95pp. 0243 The Soviet Budget in 1950. July 24, 1950. 15pp. 0258 Special and Secret Units in Soviet Organizations. August 14, 1950. 49pp. 0309 The U.S.S.R. Intensifies International Maritime Activities. August 28, 1950. 9pp. 0318 The Amounts of Tin Shipped into Soviet Sphere in 1949- 50. September 28, 1950. 11pp. 0329 Extent and Stability of Soviet Control over European Satel- lites. August 3, 1951. 47pp. 0376 Chronology of Significant Events in the U.S.S.R. for 1950. December 31, 1951. 38pp. 0414 An Estimate of the Number and Status of Spanish Prison- ers of War in the Soviet Union. January 3. 1952. 4pp. 0418 Soviet Propaganda Image of the U.S. Armed Forces. January 18, 1952. 8pp. 0426 The Alleged Revolt in Kazakhstan. February 28, 1952. 12pp. 0438 U.S.S.R. Plans Record Peacetime Military Outlay. March 12, 1952. 9pp. 0447 The U.S.S.R. in 1951. March 14. 1952. 104pp. 0551 Moscow Still Concerned over Nationalism in Western U- kraine. March 20. 1952. 2pp. 0553 Paramilitary Activities in U.S.S.R. Increase. March 20, 1952. 2pp. 0555 Soviet Noncooperation with U.N. Efforts to Obtain Infor- mation. April 2. 1952. 19pp. 0574 Draft Power in Soviet Agriculture. April 17, 1952. 7pp. 0582 Soviet-Japanese Trade: Facts and Potentials. April 18, 1952. 4pp. 0586 The Moscow Economic Conference. May 7. 1952. 29pp. 0616 Major Developments in Soviet Agriculture in 1951. May 20, 1952. 27pp. 0643 Forced Labor in the Soviet Union. June 2, 1952. 126pp. 0770 Moscow Economic Conference Has Produced Few Results. June 18, 1952. 4pp. 0774 Restrictions on Travel by Foreigners within the U.S.S.R. July 3. 1952. 26pp. 0801 Statistics on Soviet Propaganda Media. July 25. 1952. 18pp. 0820 Soviet Economic Plan for 1951-55. September 3, 1952. 22pp. 0842 The 19th Congress of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. December 18. 1952. 56pp. 0898 The Place of the "Great Construction Projects" in the Soviet Economy. January 8. 1953. 4pp. 0902 The Position of the Jews in the U.S.S.R. January 26. 1953. 35pp. 0937 Soviet Voting Record on U.N. Palestine Issues. January 24. 1953. 8pp. 0945 Decline in Publication of Soviet Statistics. January 30. 1953. 25pp. 0971 Soviet Sensitivities. February 9. 1953. 15pp. 0986 Soviet Economy Shows Continued Decline in Rate of Growth for 1952. February 12, 1953. 17pp. Reel II 0000 Barriers to Freedom of Information in the U.S.S.R. and the Soviet Bloc. February 13, 1953. 99pp. 0100 Soviet Adjustments to Stalin's Death. March 9, 1953. 22pp. 0122 Key Declarations by the U.S.S.R. in the U.N. on the Estab- lishment of a State of Israel. March 10, 1953. 15pp. 0137 The U.S.S.R. in 1952. March 20, 1953. 70pp. 0217 Malenkov Buildup Diminishes as Party Secretariat is Re- organized. March 30, 1953. 4pp. 0221 Quotations from the Public Statements of G. M. Malenkov. April 9, 1953. 33pp. 0255 New Soviet Regime Bids for Popular Support by Amnesty Degree. April 20, 1953. 6pp. 0261 Pattern of Current Soviet Behavior. April 21, 1953. 32pp. 0293 Public Statements of G. M. Malenkov. May 8, 1953. 174pp. 0467 Soviet Regime Cuts Forced Loan from Population. July 2, 1953. 4pp. 0471 Purchasing Power of Wages in U.S.S.R. JulyS, 1953. 5pp. 0476 Interim Evaluation of the Beria Affair. July 21. 1953. 14pp. 0490 Soviet Party Restates Position at 50th Anniversary of Its Founding. July 28, 1953. 4pp. 0494 Soviet Plan Report Shows Reduced Rate of Economic Ex- pansion. July 29. 1953. 14pp. 0508 Career and Views of G. M. Malenkov. August 6, 1953. 21pp. 0529 Highlights of Recent Soviet Internal Propaganda. August 25, 1953. 6pp. 0535 Current Status of the Soviet Trade Unions. August 27, 1953. 5pp. 0540 The Soviet Budget for 1953. September 14, 1953. 23pp. 0563 Soviet Trade with Free World Shows Decline in 1953. October 9, 1953. 7pp. 0570 Status of Soviet Agriculture and Recent Agricultural Meas- ures. October 9, 1953. 26pp. 0597 Soviet Party's Role Expanded in Agricultural Affairs. October 12, 1953. 4pp. 0601 ' A List of "Conciliatory" Soviet Bloc Gestures in Foreign Affairs. October 14, 1953. 12pp. 0612 Survey of the "Great Construction Projects" of the U.S.S.R. Decembers, 1953. 11pp. 0623 Survey of Operations of the Soviet Agency "Tass." December 17, 1953. 19pp. 0642 Public Statements of G. M. Malenkov. May 15, 1954. 76pp. 07IS Analysis of Communist Propaganda in Iran. June 1. 1954. 174pp. 0900 Soviet Literature Maintains Its Stalinist Outlook. July 13. 1954. 4pp. 0904 Soviet Leadership Presses Temperance Drive. August 3. 1954. 3pp. 0907 Recent Trends in Soviet Schools. September 10. 1954. 13pp. 0920 New Textbook Reaffirms Stalinist Postwar Doctrine. November 10. 1954. 5pp. 0925 Chronology of Significant Events in the U.S.S.R. for 1953. November 30. 1954. 41pp. Reel III 0000 Articles on Atomic Energy in the Soviet Army Newspaper Red Star, January-September 1954. December 17. 1954. 118pp. 0118 Soviet Reaction to Western Security Measures. December 23, 1954. 34pp. 0152 Writers' Congress Reaffirms Party Line on Literature. January 14, 1955. 4pp. 0156 Streamlining of Soviet Bureaucracy. January 20. 1955. 3pp. 0159 The Soviet Exchange Program in 1954. January 20, 1955. 10pp. 0169 Probable Soviet Response to the Ratification of the Paris Agreements. January 24, 1955. 13pp. 0182 Soviet Attitude toward the Laws of War. January 26, 1955. 24pp. 0207 Khrushchev Reaches Top after Long, Steady Rise. February 17, 1955. 25pp. 0232 The Soviet Budget for 1955. March I, 1955. 18pp. 0250 Soviet Police System Shows Some New Features. March 4, 1955. 7pp. 0257 Developments Which May Influence Soviet Tactics at 10th Session of Economic Commission for Europe. March 8, 1955. 31pp. 0288 Recent Indications of Change in Soviet Trade Policy. March 9. 1955. 6pp. 0294 Revision of Soviet Legal Codes Reported Progressing. April 11, 1955. 3pp. 0297 Soviet Foreign Trade: Policies. Performance, and Pros- pects. April 11. 1955. 26pp. 0323 New Soviet Village Plans Resurrect Khrushchev's Ideas. May II, 1955. 3pp. 0326 Soviet Disarmament Proposal of May 10. 1955. May 18. 1955. 13pp. 0339 Soviet Communications Network Shows Some Expansion. June 21, 1955. 14pp. 0353 Information in Lend-Lease Files on Soviet Gold Production during World War II. August 30, 1955. 5pp. 0358 Current Trends in Soviet Contacts with the Free World. September 23. 1955. 22pp. 0380 Selected Quotations from Soviet Statements Since the "Summit Conference." September 26, 1955. 36pp. 0416 Recent Soviet Bloc Statements on the Banning of Nuclear Weapons Test. December 12. 1955. 19pp. 0435 Soviet School System Continues to Undergo Changes. December 23, 1955. 7pp. 0442 Moscow Makes Moves on International Socialist Relations. December 23, 1955. 5pp. 0447 Soviet Bloc Credits and Grants to Non-Bloc Countries. January 3, 1956. 5pp. 0453 Soviet 1956 Budget Stresses Long-Term Preparedness. January 18, 1956. 18pp. 0471 Selected Quotations from Recent Soviet Leadership State- ments. January 26, 1956. 20pp. 0491 The Soviet Exchange Program in 1955. February 1. 1956. 31pp. 0521 The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. March 6. 1956. 56pp. 0577 The Sino-Soviet Bloc Student Exchange Program. March 8. 1956. 6pp. 0583 Main Administration for Economic Relations of the Soviet Union. March 15. 1956. 16pp. 0599 The Soviet Disarmament Proposal of March 27, 1956. April 3. 1956. 20pp. 0619 Soviet Views on Foreign Affairs: A Selection of Quotations from Major Speeches at the 20th Congress of the CPSU. April 11, 1956. 53pp. 0672 Soviet Views on Internal Affairs: A Selection of Quotations from Major Speeches at the 20th Congress of the CPSU. May 1, 1956. 64pp. 0736 Some Recent Developments in the Soviet Exchange Pro- gram. May 25. 1956. 16pp. 0753 Visit of Bulganin and Khrushchev'to Britian. June II, 1956. 32pp. 0785 Moscow Presses Bids to Socialists. June II, 1956. 6pp. - 0791 Soviet Bloc Expands Activities in International Civil Avia- tion. June 18, 1956. 16pp. 0807 The 20th CPSU Congress and the Doctrine of the "Inevita- bility of War." June 22, 1956. 23pp. 0830 Recent Soviet Moves Regarding Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. July 18, 1956. 15pp. 0845 The Soviet Exchange Program. January-June 1956. July 19, 1956. 23pp. 0868 Soviet Mass Communications Facilities Show Some Expan- sion. July 19. 1956. 13pp. 0881 Tabulation of Trade and / or Payments Agreements between the Soviet Bloc and the Free World Since December 31. 1954. July 24, 1957. 8pp. 0889 Soviet Authorities Press Establishment of New Boarding Schools. July 26, 1956. 6pp. 0895 Supreme Soviet Meets in Regular Session. July 27, 1956. 5pp. 0900 U.S.S.R. Publishes First Statistical Handbook Since 1939. July 30, 1956. 16pp. 0916 Soviet Bloc Continues Petroleum Shipments to the Free World. August 7. 1956. 14pp. 0931 Development of Soviet Asia Accelerated. August 13, 1956. 15pp. 0946 Midyear Economic Report from the U.S.S.R. August 21, 1956. 6pp. 0952 Chronology of Significant Events in the U.S.S.R. for 1954. August 22, 1956. 56pp. 1008 Urban Housing in the Soviet Union. October 17, 1956. 17pp. Reel IV 0000 Probable Soviet Tactics at the 11 th Session of the U.N. Gen- eral Assembly. Ocober 19, 1956. 11pp. 0011 Soviet Disarmament Proposal Has Few New Points. November 20, 1956. 13pp. 0024 Molotov Assigned to Head "Watchdog" Ministry. November 28, 1956. 5pp. 0030 Soviet Educational Aid Program Focuses on Less Devel- oped Areas. November 29, 1956. 3pp. 0033 The Impact of Visits to the U.S.S.R. on Non-Communists. December 13, 1956. 6pp. 0039 Stability and Cohesion of the Soviet Satellite Structure. December 21, 1956. 9pp. 0048 Soviet Agriculture Shows Considerable Gains in 1956. December 27. 1956. 7pp. 0055 Soviet Bloc Economic Diplomacy in Less Developed Coun- tries: A Review of Current Programs and Bloc Motivations and Capabilities. January 18, 1957. 31pp. 0086 The Soviet Exchange Program in 1956. January 24, 1957. 30pp. 0117 Chronology of Significant Events in the U.S.S.R. for 1955. January 25, 1957. 29pp. 0146 Review of Developments in 1956: Soviet Internal Affairs. January 28, 1957. 15pp. 0161 Chronology of Significant Events in the U.S.S.R. for 1956. February 19. 1957. 37pp. 0197 Soviet 1957 Budget Reflects Economic Slowdown, Contin- ued Preparedness. March 14, 1957. 11pp. 0208 U.S.S.R. Slows Down Economic Growth. March 21, 1957. 15pp. 0223 Recent Economic Developments in the Soviet Bloc. March 28, 1957. 48pp. 0271 Soviet Citizens Learning More about the West. April 17, 1957. 18pp. 0289 The U.S.S.R. and the Panama Canal. April 25, 1957. 6pp. 0295 Reforms Pressed in Soviet Penal System. May 10, 1957. 7pp. 0302 Soviet Manpower Deficit. May 13, 1957. 6pp. 0308 Status of Soviet-Finnish Relations: A Survey on the Eve of the Bulganin-Khrushchev Visit to . May 29, 1957. 19pp. 0328 Reorganization of Soviet Industrial Management. June 24, 1957. 15pp. 0343 Soviet Bloc Continues to Expand Civil Air Activities. July 9, 1957. 36pp. 0379 The Soviet Bloc Exchange Program, January-June 1957. July 23, 1957. 49pp. 0428 Khrushchev Visit Bolsters Czechoslovak Party Leadership. July 29. 1957. 5pp.

0433 Probable Soviet Tactics at 12th U.N. General Assembly. August 8, 1957. 8pp. 0441 Domestic Propaganda Treatment of Soviet Economic Of- fensive. October 22, 1957. 6pp. 0447 Debate on Soviet Legal Reforms Continues. October 23, 1957. 5pp. 0452 Soviet Propaganda Facilities Continue Expansion. November 13, 1957. 23pp. 0476 Soviet Attempts to Control the Baltic Sea. November 19, 1957. 17pp. 0493 Khrushchev Promises Consumer Benefits, Implies Indus- . trial Slowdown. November 20, 1957. 7pp. 0500 Major Soviet Comment on East-West Negotiations Since July 1957. November 29, 1957. 8pp. 0508 Sino-Soviet Bloc Educational Exchanges and Technical Training Programs. December 2, 1957. 12pp. 0520 Khrushchev's Financial Proposals Due for Early Adoption. December 9, 1957. 9pp. 0529 Dissidence in the U.S.S.R. December 10, 1957. 18pp. 0547 Soviet Gold Sales. December 13, 1957. 4pp. 0551 Main Themes in Khrushchev's Recent Statements. December 20, 1957. 6pp. 0557 Moscow Seeks Favorable Terms for East-West Talks. January 7, 1958. 14pp. 0571 "Contradictions" in the U.S.S.R. January 24, 1958. 5pp. 0576 The Soviet Bloc Exchange Program in 1957. January 31, 1958. 62pp.

10 0638 Khrushchev Proposes Major Agricultural Changes. February 20. 1958. 18pp. 0657 The Soviet Union in 1957: A Review of Internal Develop- ments. February 20, 1958. 34pp. 0692 The Sino-Soviet Bloc Economic Offensive in the Far East. February 28. 1958. 26pp. 0719 Regional Patterns of Soviet Industry. March 7. 1958. 14pp. 0733 The Sino-Soviet Economic Offensive in the Less Developed Countries of the Free World. March 12, 1958. 146pp. 0879 Japan-U.S.S.R. Fisheries Negotiations, 1958. March 14, 1958. 7pp. 0886 Sino-Soviet Bloc as a Market for Natural Rubber. April 1, 1958. 7pp. 0893 Composition of New Soviet Government. April 4, 1958. 9pp. 0902 Tendentious Travelogues in Soviet Publications. April 16, 1958. 6pp. 0908 U.S.S.R. Exploits U.S. Recession in Foreign Economic Moves. April 23, 1958. 9pp. 0917 Khrushchev Attempts to Bolster Bloc Unity in Trip to Hun- gary. April 28, 1958. 8pp. 0925 Reform and Experimentation in Soviet Schools. May 13, 1958. 6pp. 0931 New Soviet Legal Statute Nears Enactment. May 23, 1958. 5pp. 0936 CPSU Session Foreshadows Stress on Chemical Industry. May 27, 1958. 8pp. 0944 The Intellectual Khrushchev. June 23, 1958. 9pp. 0953 Soviet-Yugoslav Relations, 1955-58. June 24. 1958. 8pp. 0961 Khrushchev's Proposal for an Expansion of U.S.-Soviet Trade. June 27, 1958. 20pp. 098! Initial Reactions and Possible Future Responses of the U.S.S.R. to Middle East Crisis. July 18, 1958. 10pp. 0992 Chronology of Major Soviet Statements and Moves during Current Middle East Crisis and Suez Crisis of 1956. July 21, 1958. 7pp. 0999 The Soviet Bloc Exchange Program, January-June 1958. July 25, 1958. 45pp.

Reel V 0000 Soviet Forces in Foreign Countries. July 31, 1958. 17pp. 0017 Soviet Midyear Report Claims Continued Material Pro- gress. . August I, 1958. 9pp. 0026 Soviet Language and Area Programs for Asia and Africa. August 5, 1958. 18pp.

0044 Ü.S.S.R. Adopts Overtly Critical Attitude toward De Gaulle Regime before Referendum. September 24, 1958. 4pp. 0048 Main Trends in Soviet Capabilities and Policies: Soviet Foreign Developments. September 25, 1958. 23pp. 0071 Recent Soviet Moves on Germany Serve Tactical and Propaganda Objectives. September 26, 1958. 3pp. 0074 The Taiwan Straits Crisis: Soviet Statements and Propagan- da Treatment. September 29, 1958. 13pp. 0088 Moscow Discards Theory of "Capitalist Encirclement." September 29, 1958. 4pp.

0092 Khrushchev Proposes Radical Educational Reforms. October 2, 1958. 7pp.

12 0099 Moscow Resumes Tests. Increases Pressure for Ban. October 6. 1958. 5pp.

0104 The "Dumping" Problem in Trade with the Soviets. October 23. 1958. 20pp. 0124 Currents in Soviet Architecture. October 23. 1958. 7pp.

0131 Lysenko's Status May Denote Regime's Mood toward Sci- entists. October 24. 1958. 3pp.

• 0134 The Development of Shippingand Shipbuilding in the Sino- Soviet Bloc. October 27, 1958. 28pp.

0163 Khrushchev as Premier Displays Personal Style of Rule. November 17, 1958. 4pp.

0168 Khrushchev Announces Soviet Intention to Withdraw from Berlin: New Diplomatic Offensive on Germany Seen. November 18. 1958. 7pp.

0175 U.S.S.R. Cooperative at Geneva Lead and Zinc Meeting. November 18, 1958. 2pp. 0177 Current Soviet Views on U.N. Participation. November 19, 1958. 5pp. 0182 The Soviet Seven-Year Plan. November 26, 1958. 26pp. 0208 Sino-Soviet Bloc Aluminum in World Trade. November 28, 1958. 14pp. 0223 Recent Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy. December 2, 1958. 13pp.

0236 Soviet Bloc Medical Aid to Underdeveloped Areas in 1958. December 9, 1958. 3pp.

0239 Bloc Activities in International Railroad Organizations. December 16, 1958. 31pp.

0270 Soviet Gold Sales: A Weapon of Economic Warfare. December 19, 1958. 9pp.

0280 Khrushchev in Private: A Compilation of Unpublished Statements. 1955-58. . January 5, 1959. 27pp.

13 0308 U.S.S.R. Calls for Demilitarized West Berlin. January 9, 1959. 20pp. 0328 The Soviet Budget for 1959. January 22. 1959. 13pp. 0341 U.S.S.R. Renews Calls for Negotiations on German Peace Treaty and on Berlin. January 23, 1959. 16pp. 0357 The Political and Economic Effects of the 1957 Soviet In- dustrial Reorganization. January 23, 1959. 51pp. 0408 The Soviet Bloc Exchange Program. 1958. January 30, 1959. 54pp. 0462 The Soviet Labor Supply Problem. February 2, 1959. 8pp. 0470 Internal Aspects of Khrushchev's Report to the 21st Party Congress. February 3, 1959. 7pp. 0478 Foreign Policy Implications of Khrushchev's Report to the 21st CPSU Congress. February 5, 1959. 7pp. 0485 Supreme Soviet Approves Legal Reforms. February 6, 1959. 10pp. 0495 A Separate Soviet Peace Treaty with East Germany? February 27, 1959. 7pp. 0502 Soviet Reply of March 2 to Western Notes of February l6on Germany and Berlin. March 3, 1959. 6pp. 0508 The U.S.-Soviet Economic Race. March 17, 1959. 9pp. 0517 Khrushchev's Trip to East Germany. March 4-12. March 25, 1959. 8pp. 0525 The 21st CPSU Congress: A Review and Appraisal. April 6, 1959. 41pp. 0568 Implications for Latin America of the Soviet Seven-Year Plan. April 30. 1959. 8pp.

14 0576 Bloc Foreign Ministers'Conference Sets Soviet Line for Ge- neva Talks. May 5. 1959. 4pp. 0580 The Soviet Position on Major Issues Likely to Arise at the Geneva Foreign Ministers'Conference. May 8. 1959. 25pp. 0605 Status of the Bloc Economic Offensive at the End of 1958. May 14, 1959. 59pp. 0664 U.S.S.R. Formally Establishes "People's Guards." May 18. 1959. 7pp. 0671 Moscow's Changing Policy in Underdeveloped Areas. May 20, 1959. 9pp. 0680 The 1959 . May 22, 1959. 9pp. 0689 Soviet Writers Congress Demands Orthodoxy: Khrushchev Offers Conditional Reconciliation to Heretics. June 16, 1959. 7pp. 0696 The Soviet Position at Geneva. July 14, 1959. 17pp. 0713 The CPSU Central Committee Discusses Technology and Automation. July 24, 1959. 6pp. 0719 Recent Soviet Article on 1958 Soviet Foreign Trade. August 6, 1959. 13pp. 0732 Kozlov's American Tour: June 28-July 13, 1959. August 7, 1959. 15pp. 0747 Soviet Boarding Schools: A Potential for Social Change. August 7, 1959. 5pp. 0752 Khrushchev's Trip to Albania: May 25-June 4. 1959. August 14, 1959. !3pp. 0765 Housing in the U.S.S.R.: A Progress Report and a Look at the Future. September I, 1959. 17pp. 0782 The Soviet Educational Reforms: A Progress Report. September 2. 1959. 7pp. 0789 Soviet Mass Propaganda Media in 1957 and 1958. September II. 1959. 27pp. 0817 The Soviet Drive for Parity. September 24, 1959. 4pp. 0821 The Soviet Vision of the U.S.S.R.'s Future. October 5, 1959. 6pp. 0827 Khrushchev's Peking Visit Underscores Sino-Soviet Differ- ences. October 15, 1959. 22pp. 0849 Current Trends in Soviet Foreign Policy. October 22, 1959. 9pp. 0858 Soviet Trade in Machinery and Equipment. October 26, 1959. 6pp. 0864 New Campaign against "Bourgeois Nationalism" in the Soviet Borderlands. October 29, 1959. 7pp. 0871 The U.S.S.R. and the International Labor Organization. November 2, 1959. 7pp. 0878 Soviet Regime Maintains Moderate Literary Policy. November 4, 1959. 11pp. 0889 Mikoyan Remarks Concerning Soviet-Finnish Relations. November 6, 1959. 3pp. 0892 Chronological Analysis of the Positions of the U.K., the U.S.S.R., and the U.S. at the Conference on the Discontin- uance of Nuclear Weapons Tests during the Period June 8- August 16, 1959. November 12, 1959. 47pp. 0941 Five-Year (1961-65) Finnish-Soviet Trade Agreement. November 16, 1959. 3pp. 0944 Khrushchev's Treatment of the Soviet-U.S. Trade Issue during His 1959 Visit. November 27, 1959. 23pp. 0967 Probable Soviet Position on Berlin and Germany at a Sum- mit Conference. December 2, 1959. 15pp. 0982 The Soviet Proposal for General and Complete Disarma- ment of September 18, 1959. December 4, 1959. 14pp. 0996 The I960 Soviet Budget. December 16, 1959. 12pp. 1008 Soviet Exports of Equipment for Complete Plants. December 23, 1959. 7pp. Reel VI 0000 Troubles in Kazakhstan Linked to Economic Problems. January 6. 1960. 6pp. 0006 Intra-Bloc Economic Assistance, 1958-59. January 8, I960. 20pp. 0026 Soviet Foreign Trade in Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products, 1955-1958. January 15, I960. 8pp. 0034 Abolition of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Interior. January 27. I960. 6pp. 0040 Soviet Intentions and Tactics in East-West Disarmament Negotiations. January 29, 1960. 21pp. 0063 Sino-Soviet Bloc Exchanges with the Free World in 1959. February 9, I960. 61pp. 0122 Income Redistribution under Khrushchev. February 23, I960. 7pp. 0129 U.S.S.R. Releases New Census Data on Age Structure, Ed- ucation, and National Minorities. March 1, 1960. 10pp. 0139 Probable Soviet Summit Position on Berlin and Germany. March 8, 1960. 7pp. 0146 The Soviet 1959 Economic Report. March 15, 1960. 19pp. 0165 Trends and Implications of Soviet Policy October 1959- March 1960. March 31, I960. 14pp. 0179 Soviet Objectives at the Summit. May 4, 1960. 19pp. 0198 Major Political Treaties and Agreements between Commu- nist Countries. May 20, 1960. 103pp. 0299 The Wartime Khrushchev: A Chapter in the Development of His "Cult." May 24, 1960. 12pp.

17 0311 Khrushchev's Trip to Asia February I l-March 5. 1960. June 8, I960. I8pp. 0329 Soviet Tourism in 1960. June 9. 1960. 23pp. 0352 Moscow Amplifies Disarmament Position but Remains Hesitant on Controls. June 9. I960. 8pp. 0360 The Soviet Proposal of a Unified European Inland Water- way Network. June 14, I960. 28pp. 0388 Key Khrushchev Missile Statements. July I, I960. 50pp. 0438 Indications of Future Soviet Tactics on the Disarmament Issue. July 15, 1960. 5pp. 0444 Soviet Foreign Trade in 1959. July 21, I960. 15pp. 0459 New Phase in Soviet Foreign Policy. July 21, 1960. 7pp. 0466 The U.S.S.R. and the Paris Summit Conference. July 25, 1960. 28pp. 0494 Khrushchev's State Visit to Austria. August 23, I960. 18pp. 0512 Probable Soviet Tactics at the 15th U.N. General Assembly. September 7, I960. 8pp. 0520 Current Penal Policy in the U.S.S.R. Octobers, 1960. 13pp. 0533 Main Trends in Soviet Policies, 1960-1965: Soviet Foreign Policy. October 31, 1960. 34pp. 0567 Soviet Intentions Regarding Cuba. January 30, 1961. I5pp. 0582 Sino-Soviet Bloc Exchanges with the Free World in I960. February 1, 1961. 43pp. 0626 The Sino-Soviet Economic Offensive through 1960. March 21. 1961. 37pp. 0663 Effects of a Possible Expansion of U.S.-Soviet Trade. March 24, 1961. 15pp. 0678 Soviet Attitudes on Negotiations with the West. March 27, 1961. 27pp. 0705 U.S. Trade with the Soviet Union in I960. March 27, 1961. 5pp. 0710 Intra-Bloc Credits and Grants through I960. March 29, 1961. 6pp. 0716 The Soviet Position on Partial Measures of Disarmament. April 10. 1961. 21pp. 0737 The Sino-Soviet Economic Offensive in the Underdevel- oped Countries: Trends and Prospects. May 10, 1961. 21pp. 0759 Moscow Hesitant on Cuba's "Socialist" State. May 29, 1961. 5pp. 0764 Political Aspects of the Agricultural Debate at the January 1961 CPSU Central Committee Plenum. June I, 1961. 13pp. 0777 Soviet Statements on Japan-U.S.S.R. Relations. June 6, 1961. 23pp. 0800 The Soviet Position on Berlin and Germany July 1959- May 1961. June 28. 1961. 29pp. 0829 Chronology of Significant Events Relating to Soviet For- eign Policy: 1958. August 16, 1961. 38pp. 0867 Chronology of Significant Events Relating to Soviet For- eign Policy: 1959. August 16. 1961. 30pp. 0897 Chronology of Significant Events Relating to Soviet For- eign Policy: 1960. August 16, 1961. 44pp. 0941 Foreign Policy Aspects of the CPSU Draft Program: Post- Stalin Policy Concepts Reaffirmed; Soviet Leadership of World Communism Emphasized. August 29, 1961. 15pp. 0956 Domestic Aspects of the CPSU Draft Program: Ambiguous Blueprint for the Future. September 29, 1961. 41pp. SUBJECT INDEX

The following Index is a guide to the major subjects of the six reels and is usually limited to one reference and, sometimes, one cross- reference for each report. The Roman numeral refers to the reel, and the Arabic numeral refers to the frame number at which a particular study begins. Hence, III: 0934 directs the researcher to the study which begins at Frame 0934 of Reel III. By referring to the Reel Index which comprises the initial section of this Guide, the researcher can find the main entry for this study.

Africa V: 0026. 0048 Agriculture 1: 0574, 0616, 0945; 11: 0570, 0597; III: 0672, 0900; IV: 0048. 0146, 0638, 0657; V: 0017, 0470; VI: 0764 Aid Ill: 0257, 0297. 0447; IV: 0030,.0055. 0692, 0733. 0908; V: 0048. 0236, 0605; VI: 0006, 0626. 0710. 0737 Albania V: 0752 All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers Ill: 0118, V: 0689 Aluminum V: 0208 Amnesty II: 0255 Architecture V: 0124 Asia. Soviet Ill: 0931 Atomic Energy Ill: 0000. 0830 Austria IV: 0428 Aviation. Civil Ill: 0791, IV: 0343 Baltic Sea '. IV: 0476 Beria, Lavrenti P II: 0476 Berlin V: 0168, 0308, 0341, 0502, 0517, 0580, 0696, 0849, 0967; VI: 0139, 0179, 0800 Biography II: 0508, 111: 0207, VI: 0299 Budget I: 0243, 0438, 11: 0540, III: 0232. 0453; IV: 0197. 0447, V: 0996 Bulganin, Nikolai A Ill: 0753

20 Bureaucracy Ill: 0156 Census V: 0680 China. People's Republic of I: 0045, V: 0837. 0849: VI: 0582. 0737 Cold War 1:0139 Communist Party I: 0148. 0258. 0376. 0820. 0842: II: 0100. 0217. 0261. 0476. 0490. 0535. 0597. 0900. 0904, 0925: III: 0152. 0442. 0619. 0672. 0807, 0889. 0952: IV: 0117. 0146. 0161. 0657. 0936: V: 0470. 0478. 0525. 0664, 0689. 0713, 0864, 0878; VI: 0000, 0764. 0941. 0956 Congress of the Communist Party Ill: 0521. 0619. 0672. 0807; V: 0470. 0478. 0525: VI: 0941. 0956 Construction I: 0898, II: 0612, V: 0124 Cuba VI: 0567, 0759 Czechoslovakia IV: 0428 De Gaulle. Charles .. V: 0044 Detente V: 0048 Disarmament Ill: 0326, 0380, 0599; IV: 0011, V: .0849, 0982; VI:.0040. 0179, 0352, 0438. 0716 Dissidence IV: 0529 Draft Power I: 0574 Economic Commission for Europe Ill: 0257, VI: 0360 Economic Plans I: 0820, V; 0182, 0470. 0765; VI: 0146 Economy I: 0376. 0447. 0586. 0820, 0842. 0898. 0945, 0986; II: 0147, 0471, 0494, 0612, 0920, 0925; III: 0521, 0583, 0931,

0946, 0952; IV: 0117, 0161, 0197, 0208, 0223.:0441, 0493, 0657, 0908; V: 0017, 0182, 0270, 0280, 0357. 0462, 0470, 0508. 0680. 0713; VI: 0000. 0146, 0165. 0956 Education I: 0376, II: 0907, III: 0435, 0577, 0889: IV: 0030. 0146. 0302, 0925; V: 0026, 0092, 0747. 0782. VI: 0129 Exchange Program Ill: 0159. 0358, 0491, 0577. 0736. 0845: IV: 0086, 0379, 0508, 0576, 0999; V: 0408, VI: 0063. 0582 Far East IV: 0692. V: 0026, 0048. 0849, VI: 0311 Finance I: 0139 Finland IV: 0308. V: 0889. 0941 Forced Labor I: 0643 Foreign Policy I: 0045. 0447. 0555. 0842. 0937. 0971; II: 0122. 0137. 0261. 0601, 0920; III: 0118. 0169. 0326. 0442. 0471. 0521, 0599. 0619; IV: 0000, 0011, 0433. 0476.

21 0500; IV: 055!, 0557, 0981, 0992; V: 0000. 0048. 0074, 0088. 0099, 0163, 0168. 0175. 0177, 0223, 0280. 0308. 0341. 0478. 0495, 0502, 0517. 0525. 0576, 0580, 0605, 0671. 0696, 0817, 0849, 0871. 0892, 0967, 0982; VI: 0040, 0139, 0165, 0179. 0198. 0311, 0352. 0388, 0438, 0459, 0466, 0494, 0512, 0533, 0567, 0626, 0716, 0737, 0800, 0829, 0867, 0897, 0941 Foreign Relations I: 0045,0329,0414,0447; 11: 0261, 0601, 0718; III: 0358,0380, 0442, 0619,0753.0785; IV: 0011, 0033, 0039, 0055, 0289, 0308, 0379, 0428, 0441, 0493. 0551, 0733, 0879, 0917, 0953, 0999; V: 0026, 0044, 0048, 0071, 0088, 0236, 0280, 0517, 0605. 0732, 0752, 0837. 0889. 0944; VI: 0063, 0198, 0311, 0466, 0494. 0567. 0582, 0663, 0737, 0759, 0777 Four Continent Book Corporation I: 0000 France V: 0044 Geneva Conference V: 0576, 0580, 0696 Germany Ill: 0169, 0380; V: 0071, 0168, 0341, 0495, 0502, 0517, 0580, 0967; VI: 0139, 0800 Gold Ill: 0353, IV: 0547, V: 0270 Government I: 0139, 0148, 0243, 0258, 0329, 0376, 0438, 0553, 0820 0842, 0971; II: 0100, 0217, 0255, 0261, 0467, 0476, 0529, 0535, 0540, 0570, 0612, 0623, 0925; 111:0118, 0156, 0232, 0250, 0294, 0453, 0521, 0583, 0672, 0895, 0952; IV: 0024, 0117, 0146, 0161, 0197, 0208, 0295, 0328, 0447, 0571, 0657, 0893, 0925, 0931; V: 0092, 0131, 0182, 0328, 0357, 0485, 0664, 0747, 0765, 0782, 0821, 0996; VI: 0000, 0034, 0122, 0146, 0165, 0520, 0956 Housing Ill: 0900, 1008, V: 0765 Hungary IV: 0917 Ideology II: 0490, 0920; III: 0471, 0807; IV: 0571, 0657, 0944; V: 0088, 0280, 0689, 0821, 0878, VI: 0941 Income II: 0471, VI: 0122 Industry I: 0945, 111: 0672, IV: 0146, 0328, 0719, 0936; V: 0017,0357 Information II: 0000, IV: 0271 Intelligence I: 0000, 0258; II: 0623, VI: 0360 International Labor Organization V: 0871 Iran II: 0718 Iraq. , IV: 0981 Israel II: 0122;

22 Japan I: 0582. IV: 0879. VI: 0777 Jews 1: 0902 Kazakhstan I: 0426, VI: 0000 KGB. Committee of State Security VI: 0034 Khrushchev, Nikita Ill: 0207, 0323, 0753: IV: 0428, 0493, 0500, 0520, 0551. 0638, 0657. 0893, 0917, 0936, 0944, 0961; V: 0092. 0163, 0168, 0182, 0280, 0470, 0478. 0508, 0517. 0525, 0689, 0752, 0837, 0944, 0982: VI: 0000, 0122. 0139. 0179. 0299, 0311, 0388, 0438, 0466. 0494. 0512, 0764 Kozlov. Frol V: 0732 Labor I: 0643, 0945: III: 0672, IV: 0302. V: 0462, 0871 Language V: 0026 Latin America V: 0568 Law I: 0376, 0643; II: 0255, 0925; III: 0182, 0294, 0952; IV: 0117, 0161. 0447. 0931,' V: 0485 Literature II: 0900, III: 0152, V: 0878 Loan II: 0467 Lysenko, Trofim V: 0131 Malenkov, Georgi II: 0100, 0217, 0221, 0293, 0508, 0642 Media I: 0801, II: 0000,0623; III: 0339,0868; IV: 0271, 0452, V: 0782 Merchant Marine I: 0309 Middle East IV: 0981.0992, V: 0849 Mikoyan, Anastas V: 0889 Military I: 0418, 0438, 0553; II: 0925, III: 0000, 0118, 0169, 0182, 0326, 0380, 0416, 0471. 0599. 0672, 0952; IV: 0011,0117, 0161,0981; V: 0000,0308, 0580, 0982: VI: 0040, 0352, 0388. 0438, 0716 Ministry of State Control IV: 0024 Minorities I: 0902, VI: 0129 Missiles VI: 0388 Molotov, Vyacheslav IV: 0024 Moscow Economic Conference I: 0586, 0770 MVD. Ministry of Interior VI: 0034 Nationalism I: 0551. V: 0864. VI: 0000 Negotiations IV: 0500. 0879; V: 0341, 0892; VI: 0040. 0678 North Atlantic Treaty Organization V: 0849

23 Nuclear Weapons Testing .. Ill: 0416. V: 0099. 0580. 0892: VI: 0179. 0716 Palestine 1: 0937 Panama Canal IV: 0289 Penal System IV: 0295, VI: 0520 People's Guards V: 0664 Petroleum Ill: 0916. VI: 0026 Police '. HI: 0250, V: 0664. VI: 0034 Politics 1: 0258, 0329, 0426, 0447; 11: 0137. 0217, 0255. 0261, 0476, 0490, 0529, 0920; IV: 0024, 0529. 0657, 0893; V: 0163, 0280, 0357; VI: 0165, 0764 Population Ill: 0900, V: 0680, VI: 0129 Prisoners of War I: 0414 Propaganda I: 0418, 0801; II: 0137, 0529. 0623, 0718: 111: 0159. 0416, 0672; IV: 0441. 0452, 0902, 0908; V: 0071, 0074,0782; VI: 0179,0360 Purge 1: 0426 Railroad V: 0239 Religion 1: 0376 Revolt I: 0426 Rubber IV: 0886 Science I: 0148, 0376; II: 0925, III: 0952. IV: 0117, 0161; V: 0131 Shipping I: 0309, V: 0134 Social Conditions I: 0376, II: 0137. 0925; 111: 0521, 0952; IV: 0117,0146,016h V: 0821 Socialists Ill: 0442, 0785 Southeast Asia I: 0077 Soviet Bloc I: 0077,0329; II: 0000,0261,0601; 111: 0416, 0447, 0577, 0791, 0881, 0916; IV: 0039, 0055, 0223, 0343, 0379. 0508, 0576, 0692, 0886, 0917, 0999; V: 0048, 0134, 0208, 0239, 0408, 0525, 0576, 0605, 0849; VI: 0006, 0063, 0198,0582,0626, 0710 Spain I: 0414 Stalin, Joseph II: 0100, 0920, 111: 0521 Statistics. I: 0945, III: 0900. V: 0680, VI: 0129 Suez Canal IV: Ö992 Summit Conference Ill: 0380, V: 0967, VI: 0139, 0179, 0466

24 Supreme Soviet Ill: 0895. IV: 0893. V: 0485 Taiwan Straits V: 0074 Tass II: 0623 Taxes IV: 0520 Temperance II: 0904 Tin I: 0318 Tourism I: 0774, II: 0000. IV: 0033. 0902. VI: 0329 Trade I: 0077. 0318, 0447, 0582. 0586, 0770. 0945; II: 0137, 0563; III: 0257. 0288. 0297. 0583, 0881. 0916; IV: 0055, 0692. 0733. 0886, 0908, 0961: V: 0048. 0104, 0208, 0525, 0568. 0605, 0719, 0858. 0941. 0944, 1008: VI: 0006, 0026, 0438.0663,0705,0710, 0737 Treaties VI: 0198 U-2 Incident VI: 0466 Ukraine I: 0551 Underdeveloped Countries IV: 0030. 0733; V: 0236, 0671; VI: 0626, 0737 Unions II: 0535 United Kingdom Ill: 0753, V: 0892 United Nations I: 0555, 0937: II: 0122, IV: 0000, 0433; V: 0175. 0177, 0982. VI: 0512 United States of America I: 0000, 0045, 0418; III: 0736, IV: 0289, 0908, 0961; V: 0508, 0732, 0849, 0892, 0944, 0967; VI: 0466, 0663, 0705 Villages Ill: 0323 War Ill: 0182, 0807 World Peace Council I: 0586, VI: 0438 Yugoslavia IV: 0953


The O. S. S. I State Department Intelligence and Research Reports series includes the following 14 Parts: 1. Japan and Its Occupied Territories during World War II II Postwar Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia III China and India IV Germany and Its Occupied Territories during World War II V. Postwar Europe VI. Soviet Union VII. The Middle East VIII. Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and the Far East Generally: 1950-1961 Supplement IX. China and India: 1950-61 Supplement X. Europe: 1950-1961 Supplement XI. The Soviet Union: 1950-1961 Supplement XII. The Middle East: 1950-1961 Supplement XIII. Africa: 1941-1961 XIV. Latin America: 1941-1961