______TESTED FAITH INTRODUCTION: NUMBERS 19 • In chapter 19 we come to something that is very interesting • It deals with the purification laws and the red heifer

Numbers 19:2 (NKJV) 2 “This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD has commanded, saying: ‘Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring you a red heifer without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which a yoke has never come.

• If any person came in contact with a dead body or a bone or a piece of dead flesh they were unclean, defiled by death • Before they could rejoin the people, they had to be sprinkled with water mixed with the ashes of the red heifer... • This was referred to as the water of purification • Only the water of purification with the ashes of the Red Heifer could remove the curse of death • In our midweek study we looked at how the Red Heifer represented • Jesus is the only sacrifice that removes the curse of death and this is a recurring theme in our study through the Hebrew Scriptures

According to Numbers 19:9 • The ashes were to be stored in a clean place outside the camp... most likely a cave or a dry cistern • According to tradition, whenever they ran low on the ashes of the Red Heifer, they would always save a little of the ashes of the original sacrifice and add it to the ashes of the new red heifer • Thus there was a perpetual tie in back to the original red heifer that was sacrificed (It’s like sourdough starter) • But when Herod’s Temple was destroyed, everything was lost

Now this poses a problem • The Jews are looking to rebuild the Temple but in order to resume sacrifices, they must have the ashes of the Red Heifer • [SLIDE 1] So for years, the Rabbis have searched for the hidden ashes of the Red Heifer (The Copper Scroll from Qumran gave the location) • One archaeologist thought the ashes were hidden in a false floor of a cave in the area of Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found

THE RED HEIFER AND THE © 2020 Holland Davis ______TESTED FAITH However... in 2002 a Red Heifer was born in a village in Israel • It was the first time in 2000 years a Red Heifer was born in Israel and the Rabbis believe it’s a sign that Messiah is about to be revealed • The Misha teaches that up until the destruction of the , only 9 red heifers had been sacrificed • In the Mishna ... it is written that the 10th red heifer will be sacrificed by the king, the Messiah • Recently 2 more Red Heifer’s were born... take a look at this video


Now why is this significant to us? • Because the birth of a Red Heifer is an indicator that Daniel 9 is about to be fulfilled

Daniel 9:26–27 (NKJV) 26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”

Vs. 26 says after 62 weeks Messiah will be cut off and the city and sanctuary destroyed • We know from history 483 years to the day after the Decree was issued by Artaxerxes to rebuild the Temple, Jesus was crucified • In 70 AD the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple • Jesus prophesied not one stone of the Temple was left on another • That fulfills 69 of the 70 weeks of Daniel... and there is a break in time between vs. 26 & vs. 27

Then Vs. 27 says... he (a global leader) will confirm a covenant with many for one week (7 years) • This will mark the beginning of the 70th Week of Daniel also known as the Tribulation Period or the time of Jacob’s Trouble • But in order for this to happen, some things need to be in place o There needs to be a way for a one world government to emerge

THE RED HEIFER AND THE THIRD TEMPLE © 2020 Holland Davis ______TESTED FAITH o There needs to be a way for a one world religion to emerge o There needs to be a way for a global monetary system o The Roman Empire must be revived • I would encourage you to go back and listen to the message entitled A One World Government where I show you THE STAGE IS SET FOR THIS GLOBAL LEADER TO EMERGE • Daniel prophesies this global leader (False Messiah or antichrist) will bring an end to sacrifice and offering after 3 ½ years • NOW... in order to stop sacrifices, you have to first start sacrifices • AND... the only place sacrifice and offering can happen is in the Temple • Thus, the Temple has to be rebuilt before sacrifices can be reinstituted • AND sacrifices cannot be instituted without the Red Heifer • That is what makes the birth of these Red Heifers significant at this time... it’s a sign that the prophecy of Daniel is about to be fulfilled

THE RABBIS BELIEVE MESSIAH IS COMING • For the first time... both Christians and Jews are saying the same thing... Messiah is coming soon and we need to be prepared • [SLIDE 2] Plans to rebuild the Temple are already being drawn up • [SLIDE 3] is training Kohanim or Priests • [SLIDE 4] The furniture and utensils for the Temple are ready • [SLIDE 5 ] The Sanhedrin, the Religious Supreme Court, WAS RECENTLY reinstituted and they are asking future JERUSALEM mayors to include plans for a Third Temple • [SLIDE 6] Something the news hasn’t reported on... Saudi Arabia, Jewish religious leaders and Donald Trump have been negotiating in secret to transfer control of Israel’s holiest sites to the Saudi’s • This is part of the Abraham Accords signed on August 13, 2020 to pave the way for the rebuilding of the Third Temple

Now... in , every letter has a number and has significance • There is a book called the Gematria that gives you the meaning of names based on their number • Donald Trump (424) is the Gematria of “Messiah for the House of David” • [SLIDE 7] Now the Rabbi’s do not believe Donald Trump is the Messiah, but they believe he is the President that will usher in the Messianic Era • The Rabbi’s look at Donald Trump as a King Cyrus who allowed the temple to be rebuilt... thus, the way is being paved for Messiah to be revealed


[SLIDE 8] Rabbi Shlomo Amar, a former Chief Rabbi of Israel said... All the great rabbis of this generation are saying that the Messiah is about to reveal himself. All the signs the prophets gave, all the signs predicted in the Gemara, the , the Midrash, everything is taking place, one by one.

What are the looking for? The MIshnah Torah states... Moshiach will first rebuild the Temple and then gather in the exiles. Jerusalem and the Temple will be the focus of divine worship, and “from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of the L-rd from Jerusalem.”

• The Rabbi’s are looking for a global leader who will rebuild the Temple and allow them to begin Temple sacrifices and offerings • The Bible says this world leader will be the False Messiah, the antichrist BUT Israel will hail him as Messiah

Now there is one major obstacle to this fulfillment of prophecy • [SLIDE 9] There is a big golden dome occupying the • The Golden Dome has to be removed or does it? • Over the years there has been a lot of theories as to where the Temple could be built based on where the Holy of Holies is located • But some recent discoveries have been made

[SLIDE 10] There are 3 mountains in Jerusalem • There is Mount Zion, Mount Moriah and the • They are separated by 3 Valleys • The Kidron Valley also known as the Valley of Jehoshaphat • The Central Valley and The Hinnom Valley also known as Gai Ben Hinnom or Gehenna • The 3 valleys meet and form the Hebrew letter “shem” which is the name of God (“Ha Shem”) • In 2 Kings 21:4 the LORD said In Jerusalem I will put My name... and He has literally put His name on Jerusalem • [SLIDE 11] In between the Kidron Valley and the Central Valley is the City of David where David built His palace • Above David’s palace they found an altar... remember there was only one altar in all of Israel for Temple Sacrifices... • This recently discovered altar is not located on the Temple Mount

THE RED HEIFER AND THE THIRD TEMPLE © 2020 Holland Davis ______TESTED FAITH • [SLIDE 12] During the Time of Nehemiah, the Temple was just north of the City • [SLIDE 13] During the Time of Jesus, the Temple would have been built just below the current Temple Mount • What we call the Wailing Wall or the Western Wall could actually be part of the Praetorium where the Roman army was housed

[SLIDE 14] This is a picture of Jerusalem in 1910 • Notice the circled area... this is where the City of David is located • 2 Chronicles 3:1 says Solomon built the Temple on the threshing floor of Onan the Jebusite which was located in the City of David but if you look at this photo... there is no evidence of a Temple, just terraced farmland

Micah prophesied concerning Jerusalem Micah 3:12 (NKJV) 12 Therefore because of you Zion shall be plowed like a field, Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins, And the mountain of the temple Like the bare hills of the forest.

Josephus said concerning the destruction of the Temple “It was so thoroughly laid even with the ground by those that dug it up to the foundation, that there was left nothing to make those that came thither believe it had ever been inhabited”

• If there is nothing left, no foundation... then the Temple Mount Area where the Dome of the Rock is does not fit the prophecy of Jesus because we can see it... it’s still there • Which means the Temple was not built on the Temple Mount which has been the source of contention between Jews and Muslims for decades • If the Temple was not built on the Temple Mount then Israel can build the third temple on the site of Solomon’s Temple and avoid a major conflict with the Palestinians • Revelation 11:1-2 tells us The Temple will be rebuilt 42 months before the Battle of Armageddon • NOW the Rabbi’s have said no Jew should even go onto the Temple Mount until the necessary means for cleansing from “contact with a dead body” becomes available... speaking of the ashes of the Red Heifer

THE RED HEIFER AND THE THIRD TEMPLE © 2020 Holland Davis ______TESTED FAITH • So you can see... the recent discovery of the 1st Temple, the recent birth of a Red Heifer, the recent peace treaty with the United Arab Emerits,the secret transfer of control away from the Palestinians to Saudi Arabia • All of this is setting things up for the rebuilding of the third Temple • The prophecy in Daniel says a False Messiah will rise up and broker a peace agreement and I believe it will include the rebuilding of the Temple and Israel reinstituting Temple sacrifices • But 3 ½ years into this peace treaty... in fact, just before Israel begins Temple sacrifices this False Messiah will break the agreement and stop Temple sacrifices from happening • I believe he will open up the as a House of Prayer for All Nations and invite idolatry into the Temple to which the Jews will say NO WAY and declare war against the False Messiah • This will begin the final attack against the Jewish people where the False Messiah will attempt to rid the world of the Jewish problem once and for all • He will gather His forces in Har Megiddo (Valley of Megiddo) and march towards Jerusalem and when he gets to the Valley of Jehoshaphat Israel will cry out to God • God will hear their cries and Jesus will return with His saints riding on White Horses and with one word destroy the armies of the False Messiah • The prophecy in Daniel 9 will be fulfilled and it all began with the birth of a Red Heifer in 2015

Now... what does this mean for us today? • I’ve been making the connection between the and the Jewish betrothal leading to the Marriage Covenant • After the bride accepts the betrothal, the groom goes to prepare a place for her and after it’s completed he returns to bring her to the place • God is bringing Israel into the land of promise • In the same way, Jesus ascended to heaven and said I go to prepare a place for you and if I go I will return and bring you to this place • Everything that needs to happen before Jesus returns is happening • Everything that needs to be set in place is being set up • Now more than ever God is saying... get ready, live ready, number your days, be about eternal things because Jesus is coming back soon • Now is the time to forgive, to set aside things that easily beset you • Jesus is coming back and we don’t know when so we need to live ready