Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Scenario
CCaassccaaddiiaa SSuubbdduuccttiioonn ZZoonnee EEaarrtthhqquuaakkeess:: AA MMaaggnniittuuddee 99..00 EEaarrtthhqquuaakkee SScceennaarriioo Update, 2013 Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup Also available as Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 116, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open-File Report 0-13-22, and British Columbia Geological Survey Information Circular 2013-3 Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup (CREW) CREW is a non-profit coalition of business people, emergency managers, scientists, engineers, civic leaders, and government officials who are working together to reduce the effects of earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest. Executive Board President: John Schelling, Washington Emergency Management Division Vice President: Michael Kubler, Emergency Management, Providence Health & Services, Portland, OR Past President: Cale Ash, Degenkolb Engineers Secretary: Teron Moore, Emergency Management, British Columbia Treasurer: Timothy Walsh, State of Washington Department of Natural Resources Executive Director: Heidi Kandathil Board of Directors Steven Bibby, Security and Emergency Services, BC Housing Josh Bruce, Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience Kathryn Forge, Public Safety Canada Jere High, Oregon State Public Health Division Andre LeDuc, University of Oregon Charlie Macaulay, Global Risk Consultants Ines Pearce, Pearce Global Partners Althea Rizzo, Oregon Emergency Management Bill Steele, University of Washington, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network Yumei Wang, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Supporting members Tamra Biasco, FEMA, Region X Craig Weaver, U.S. Geological Survey Joan Gomberg, U.S. Geological Survey Nate Wood, U.S. Geological Survey Acknowledgments CREW would like to thank Tamra Biasco and Joan Gomberg for overseeing the development of this updated edition of Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes: A Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake Scenario. We would also like to thank everyone who shared information and materials or contributed their time and expertise to this project.
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