Performance Canvas

THE BEST PRACTICE IN FINANCIAL CONTROL What is pcFinancials? pcFinancials is a complete system for Financial Budgeting. It is based on the advanced Canvas Planning family foundation which is currently used by over 2000 companies. pcFinancials was created with the goal of supporting a multitude of complex business scenarios.

What issues do pcFinancials address? • Inefficiency in the use of personnel time to mundane tasks • Security concerns over highly confidential data • Heavy workload of the IT team due to lack of ownership of the system by the Finance team

Top 5 Most Useful Features within pcFinancials

1. Pre-defined Workflow • Budget Administrator - Configures budget process - Sets up areas of responsibility (submit/ approve) in budget based on Organization - Determines process & deadlines of budget cycle - Configures validation rules in budget process (optional) - Monitors progress in budget process • Submitter / Budget Responsible - responsible for filling out and submitting his/ her part of the budget according to the budget process • Approver - responsible for approving submitted budgets 2. Easy Role-based menu • No Excel sheet folder navigation • Full role based menu • Task assignments and traceability

by DSPanel pcFinancials

3. Create Custom Spread Why choose pcFinancials over its competitors?

Expert design – pcFinancials was created by the experts behind world-class products IBM Cognos, SAP BPC, and Outlooksoft. These experts worked together and brought their expertise to the table to come up with a never-before-experienced BI tool.

4. Support for Multiple Books Ease of use – pcFinancials has been implemented in several companies where the staff had limited technical training. It only took 30 minutes of in-house training to understand and accept how it works.

ERP integration – pcFinancials is designed to integrate to any ERP system making it possible to do comparison of projected vs actual data.

Robust engine – pcFinancials sits on top of a powerful MS SQL server trimming what used to take several minutes, hours, or even a day to update to only less than 5 seconds regardless of the number of rolls of data.

5. Budget Level security and user Reasonable cost – the main goal when pcFinancials was created management was to come up with a tool more powerful than the existing ones • Full role based security without the nonsense price tag. • Differentiate between read/write or not visible Which ERP system does pcFinancials work with? • All implemented in the OLAP cubes System

• Epicor E9 and E10

• iScala


• AX

• Jeeves


• and many more

by DSPanel pcFinancials

How will these features help Customer Testimonials your business? “If I am to rate the product in a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the pcFinancials affords a business the most satisfied, I would say 9. The system met our requirements control of the entire budgeting process. The interface of pcFinan-cials was built for ease of use for the sellers – even those who are not with the objective of easy ownership of accustomed to the IT systems. We really own this system in the the team using it even without technical accounting department and it creates trans-parency in the budget knowl-edge. process. The system is easy to manage and I can instantly see The automation of the complex budgeting any flaws with the reports. I can really recommend this product process not only means significant number of errors are avoided but it also to other companies with similar business issues. We have means more time in the hands of the received a more effective budget process – just as we wished! ” personnel to focus on more valuable - Marie Björklund, Accounting Manager, DAHL tasks. With pcFinancials, there is no more conflicting versions of data. There will “We think DSPanel under-promised but over-delivered when it only be one version of the truth across the came to the effort exerted in supporting us and in making sure organization. we had ease toward product acceptance. “

Other Key Features: - Gidget Lim, ERP Manager and Operations Director, Feruni

• Excel-based budget input and review “It was a quick implementation on the General Ledger. Our • Streamlined budget entry General Ledger is very complicated with multiple dimen- • Copy history in a single click sions, multiple account schedules mapped for local and group

• Spread budgets evenly or based on accounting. The way the report editor works – once you start trends using it’s easy and logical to use. It’s a tool for everyday working • Budget at account or line item level for somebody that is an accountant not dealing with how the • Include comments (account or line technical things work.” item level) - Margus Lutsoja, Group Chief Accountant, Gunvor Group • Pre-built as well as user-defined input templates “Medstop has the best operating margins in the Swedish • Planning & Budgeting pharmaceutical market according to the latest available figures, • Forecasting (Single or multi-year) and an important part of that has been creating a decision • Modeling and what-if analysis support system using Canvas Planning.” • Budget data immediately available for - Kjell Dahlberg, Business Controller, Medstop AB reporting

• Sophisticated approval workflow

About DSPanel DSPanel is a market leading provider of complete Corporate Performance Management solutions. DSPanel has worked with leading Fortune500 companies providing them with an integrated business intelligence and CPM solution. We are committed to providing BI and CPM solution to the masses. Our solutions are based on the needs, time, and monetary constraints that business people face every day.

Contact us for more information on DSPanel’s Products and Services

DSPanel Headquarters DSPanel USA DSPanel GmbH Phone No +46 8 669 03 40 690 Blinn Ct, Los Altos, CA 94024 Valentinskamp 24, by DSPanel Fax No +46 8 556 05 686 Phone No (650) 888-2610 Hamburg 20354, Germany [email protected]