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Abeles, Marc, 95 anti-tax campaigns, 226, 248, 249, 252-262 abstention, 48 An tier, Paul, 117, 236, 242, 243, 244, 249 Action Catholique, 151, 169 apoliticism, 14, 37, 45, 95, 244--246 Action Catholique Ouvriere, 142, 143 apparentements, 277 Action Fran~aise, 113, 185 benefits loosely structured parties, 3 Action Ouvriere, 220 GDC denounces, 252 Ain, 34 GDC exploits 253, 258, 261 Aisne, 34 RGRIF exploits, 236 Albertini, Georges, 76, 112 RPF refuses to enter, 228, 229 Algeria, 206,231, 272 underwrite class solidarity, 5 Algerian war, 163 Arbitrage Paysanne, 259 Algerie Fran~aise, defence of, 110, 22, Aron, Raymond, 216 273-275 association, 221 Alliance Democratique, 25, 38 175, 185 Association des Bouilleurs de Cru, 26 and business, 79 Association des Maires de France, 229 and Independents, 81 Association des Representants du Peuple de joins RGR, 204 Ia Troisieme Republique, 5, 156, 182 and PRL, 117, 118, 122 Association Parlementaire pour Ia Liberte Alpes Maritimes, 211 de l'Enseignement, !51 Alsace, 17, 139,205,205,222,228 Association pour Defendre Ia Memoire du amnesty laws, I, 130 Marechal Petain, 103, 107 Anderson, Malcolm, 16 Astoux, Andre, 225 Andre, Max, 149 Auriol, Vincent, 110, 232 Andre, Pierre, 125 Auxerre, 18 Anteriou, Jean-Louis, 173, 179, 182, 191, Avinin, Antoine, 183 196, 213, 223 anti-capitalism, 56 Bacon, Paul, 146 in MRP, 145, 146 banking, 28 anti-clericalism banquet des mille, 106 in conservative parties, 148, 149 Barrachin, Edmond, 186 influences male voting patterns, 49, 54 Bardeche,Maurice, 102 in MRP, 145, 146 Barra!, Pierre, 48 in PRL, 132, 135 Barrot, Noel, 167 in , 200, 211, 212 Bas Rhin, 230 anti-Communism, 110-113, 127-129, 135, Basses Pyrenees, 259 absence from programme of the GDC, Baud, Andre, 38 255 Beau de Lomenie, Emmanuel, 13 in MRP, 141 Beauvoir, Simone de, 47 in RPF, 219, 223,232 Begouin, Lucien, 210 in UDSR, 186-188 Belfort, 47, 49 anti-Gaullism, 107, 110 Berl, Emmanuel, 107, 108 in PRL, 131 Berliet company, 146


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Bernard, Ayme, 62 Buron, Robert, 42, 139 Bernard, Philippe, 201 business funding Bessac, Abel, 167 FrontEconomique,254 Bethouart, Bruno, 140 PRL, 126 Betolaud, Robert, 134 Radical party, 212, 213 Bichet, Robert, 145, 154 RPF, 224--226 Bidault, Georges anti-Communism of, 113 cadres, 65 co-listier, relations with, 169 Caffrey, Jefferson, 110 Democratie Chretienne, role in, 162 Cahiers de Ia Fondation Nationale des drink, weakness for, 168 Sciences Politiques, 12 reports to, 76, !51, 213, 232 Capitant, Rene, 183,217 Resistance, role in, 268 Centre d'Etudes Economiques, 76, 79, 80 Billiet, Ernest, 77 Centre FranfYais du Patronat Chretien, 63 Billotte, General Pierre, 40, 41, 160 Centre des Jeunes Patrons, 60, 63-66, 147 Birnbaum, Pierre, 3, 83, 95, 97, 101 Centre National des Independants et Bloch-Laine, FranfYois, 89, 246, 247, 268 Paysans (CNIP), 2, 6, 265 Blocq-Mascart, Maxime, 183 divisions in, 249-250 Blondelle, Rene, 242 loose structure of, 25 Blum, Leon, 128, 141 PRL, relations with, 135 Blum/Byrnes agreement, 129, 130 Petainism, relations with, I 02 Boisde, Raymond, 226, 259 Reconciliation Franc;:aise, relations with, Bollaert, Emile, 173, 205 177 bonapartism, 16, 18 sources relating to, 15 Bonnefous, Edouard, 184, 187, 198 Third Republic politicians, role in, 161 Bordeaux,42,66, 168 UDSR, relations with, 187 Bouchardeau, Huguette, 47 women voters, support for, 6, 46, 53, 78 Bouchayer, Robert, 125 Centre party (Germany), 164 bouilleurs de cru, 238 Ceux de Ia Liberation, 111, 116 Bourdan, Pierre, 183, 227 Ceux de Ia Resistance, 116, 183 Bourdet, Claude, 183, 189, 193 Chaban-Delmas, Jacques Bourgain, 235 Bordeaux, mayor of, 41, 274 Bourquin, Constant, 104 business, support for, 80 Boutang, Pierre, 114, 123 civil service, career in, 94 Boutemy, Andre Radical party, role in, 207, 210, 214 anti-Gaullism of, 80, 224 Rassemblement du Peuple FranfYais, role Centre d'Etudes Economiques, role in, in, 230 76, 78, 125, 126 Chambaretaud, Leon, 181, 236 CNIP, relations with, 81 Chamber of Commerce, 39, 58 decolonization, support for 250 Chane!, Eugene, 34 Peasant party, role in 243 Charlot, Jean, 144 UNIR, relations with, 236 charte du travail, 65, 221 Vichy official, career as, 62 Chiiteau-Chinon, 42 Bouthillier, Yves, 82 Cheval Aile publishing house, 104 Bouvier, Jean, 19 Christian Democracy, 25, 29, 161 Bozel, Alain, 223 in Belgium, 170 Brasillach, Robert, I 02 in Germany, 160 Bridier, Manuel, 220, 223 in Italy, 138, 164, 170, 171 Brigneau, Franc;:ois, 104, 124 church Brittany, 147, 211 compromised by Petainism, !50 Brulfer, Maurice, 76, 80, 125 encourages RPF to accept alliances, 228 Bruyneel, Robert, 134, 223 interested in working class, 143 Bulletin d'Etudes et d'Jnformation Politiques supports MRP, 147-151 et Internationales, 112 church schools, 219 Bulletin lnterieur, 104 Clemenceau, Michel, 116 Burgundy, 234 clericalism, 49-50, 121, 132, 135, 212

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clientelism, 166, 198 (see also notables) Conservative party (UK), 25, 115 Closon, Fran~ois, 138 Constant, Jean, 104 Closterman, Pierre, 217 Ia Constitution, 35 co-listiers, 33-36, 169, 211, 258 constitutional debate, 5, 25 Cold War, 114 corporatism, 27 colonies, 197, 205, 243 corps d'etat, 7, 82-101 Combat, 183 , 208 comite d'action pour Ia Iiberti! sco/aire, 211 Cote d'Or, 34, 40, 41 comite des houil/eres, 69 Coty, Rene, 110, 253 Comiti: Republicain du Commerce et de cour des comptes, 84, 243 l'lndustrie, 259 Couve de Murville, Maurice, 89 comites d'entreprises, 120 Credit Lyonnais, 6, 223 comites d'organisation, 59 Crozier, Michel, 99 commissariat general du plan, 3, 19, 30, 71, Cudenet, Gabriel, 175 91 Communist party, 184, 220 Dacier, Michel (Rene Malliavin), 105 age of supporters, !54 Daladier, Edouard, 175, 181,214 alliance with Radical party, 206, 207 Darlan, Admiral Fran~ois, 108 Blum's denunciation of, 141, 187 Dassault, Marcel, 223 in Europe, 22 Daum, Leon, 100 exclusion of ministers from government, Dautry, Raoul, 149 3,112,115 Davezac, Henri, 60 influence in labour movement, 27, 28 David, Jean-Paul, 175, 211 participation in government, 135 Debre, Michel, 39, 96, 207, 210, 214, 230 perceived threat of, I, 95, 112, 218, 266 Defense de Ia France, Ill, 183 role in Resistance, 145 Delbecque, Leon, 222 role in tripartite government, 160 Demarescaux, J., 38 support in parliament, 137 Democratie Chretienne, 162, 163 compagnies republicaines de securite (CRS), Denais, Joseph, 130 3, 88, 112 Ia Depeche de Chartres, 35 Confederation Generale de !'Agriculture, Descamps, Henri, 147 238 Desforges, Guy, 253, 254 Confederation Generale du Patronat Desgranges, abbe Jean Fran~ais, 60 Association des Representants du Peuple Confederation Generale des Petites et de Ia Troisieme Republique, leadership Moyennes. Entreprises of, I 02, I 03, 106, 110 relations with big business, 60, 74, 75, 76, Mouvement Republicain Populaire, 95,97 relations with, !56 relations with Front Economique, 254 Queuille, relations with, 204 conseil d'etat, 84 Detoeuf, Auguste, 60, 108, 265 conseil de Ia republique, 237, 229 Dides, Jean, 113, 245 Conseil des Federations lndustrielles Diethelm, Andre, 223 d'Europe, 71 Dijon, 245 Conseil National du Commerce, 74 diplomatic service, 85 Conseil National du Patronat Fran~ais dirigisme, 265, 269, 271 (CNPF), 2, 26, 266 attacked by Independents, 246 civil service, relations with, 95, 97 attacked by Radical party, 211 formation of, 60 business atttitudes to, 68, 69, 72 Front Economique, support for, 249, in civil service, 91, 93, 97 254,261 in RPF, 221 PRL, relations with, 125 threat of, 7,130 Conseil National de Ia Resistance, 116, !57 doctors, role in local politics, 36 consei/s generaux Documents Nationaux, 108 MRP fails to get support in, 166, 167 Dogan, Mattei, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 notables in, 33-36, 39 Dolfuss, Alfred, 185, 186 Radical party's support in, 202, 208, 209 double appartenance, !95, 208

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Dreyfus case, 271 relations with notables, 33, 35, 39, !55 Duchet, Roger relations with PRL, 117 Beaune, mayor of 40 Flandin, Pierre-Etienne, 38, 40, 105, 123, business, relations with, 78 179, 182, 241 CNIP, leadership of, 234, 235, 238 Fondation Nationale des Sciences Fifth Republic, career in, 110 Politiques, 12 PRL, relations with, 135 forcesfranr;aises de' interieur, 3, 86 UNIR, support for, 102 Fournier, Pierre, 60 Dunkirk, 240 Franc-Tireur, 183 Duprat, Fran~ois, 115 Ia France Independante, 235, 237, 248 Dupraz, Johanes, 144 Franck, Louis, 82, 91, 92 Duveau, Roger, 185, 186 Franco, general Francisco, 152-153 Duverger, Maurice, 46, 48 Frenay, Henri anti-Communism of, 112, 187 Echo d'Aiger, 230 Radical party, comments on, 199 ecole nationale d'administration, 82, 84, 85, RGR, comments on, 189 92 UDSR, role in, 183, 185, 186, 198 ecole polytechnique, 84, 85, 87 Fresnes prison, 145 Ecrits de Paris, 104, 105, 221 Front Economique, 226, 238, 253, 254, 258 Ehrmann, Henry, 13, 60 Front de Ia Republique, 174 electoral geography, 16, 17 Elgey, Georgette 13, 56 Gallia, 183 I'Espoir, 228 Gaulle, Charles de, I, 14, 80 Est/Ouest 112, 113 MRP, relations with, !53, !54, !56 Estebe, Paul, 124 PRL, relations with, 132, 134 etatisme, 69 RPF, leader of, 217,218, 227 I'Etincelle, 228 women voters, support for, 49, 53 Eure et Loir, 35 Gaullism, 258 Europe/Amerique, 104 in Parti Republicain Socialiste, !80 European Coal and Steel Community, 70, in Radical party, 207-208, 210 71, 100, 152 in UDSR, 186, 196 European integration Gaullist intergroup, 217 role of MRP in, !51 Gay, Francisque, !52, 168 Germain, Andre, 6 Fabre,Jean,62,254 Giacobbi, Paul, 208, 210, 214 Fabre-Luce, Alfred, 6, 103, 105, 109, !55, Gignoux, Claude, 62, 105 views on Pinay and Mendes-France, 240 Gingembre, Leon Faure, Edgar CNPF, links with, 62, 74, 75 clericalism, discovery of, 149 Ia France Independante, links with, 248 de Menthon, relations with, 145 GDC, role in, 252, 254, 262 elections of 1951, comments on, 252 politicians, links with, 95 Jura, deputy for, 38, 42, 202, 274 Giraud, General Henri, 108, 116, 129 neo-, representative of, 211 Giraudism, 133 Republicains Socialistes, candidate for, Giscard d'Estaing, Edmond, 71, 98,248, 178 269,270 Faure, Paul, 123, 178, 181, 183,236 Giscard d'Estaing, Valery, 97 Fauvet, Jacques, 12, 196 Glottin, Yves, 66 Febvre, Lucien, 18 Goguel, Fran~ois, 16 Federation des Assocations Regionales, grandes ecoles, 7, 69 63 Grenoble, 47 Federation Nationale des Syndicats Groupement de Defense des Contribuables, d'Exploitants Agricoles (FNSEA), 242, 2, 127 243 finances of, 254 Federation Republicaine foundation of, 252-254 approached by RGR, 175 links with other parties, 255-260 reformed after war, 139 success of, 10, 262

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Guichard, Olivier, 94,218,219,231 Laurent, Theodore, 100 Laurent-Thouvery, Charles, 42 Harcourt, Olivier de, 37 Laval, Pierre, 76 Halevy, Daniel, 32 Le Bras, Georges, I 6, 200 Haute , 139, 155, 166 Le Roy Ladurie, Jacques, 243 Herriot, Edouard, 62, 181, 199, 214 Lebon, Pierre, 223 Hoffmann, Stanley, 12, 15, 265 Lecompte-Boinet, Jacques anti-Communism of, I I I, I 87 lie et Vilaine, 187 civil service, career in, 94 immobilisme, 14, 214 ineligibility laws, views on, I I 3 1'/ndependant Franr;ais, 237 Resistance, role in, II 6, I 93 Independents, 32, 38, 175, 180, 182, 185 UDSR, role in, 85, 189 (see also Centre National des Leenhardt, Francis, 185 Independants et Paysans) Lefaurichon, Pierre, 253 , 175 Lefranc, Pierre, 218, 226 Indicateur des Flandres, 38 legitimism, 16 Indo-China, 205 Leites, Nathaniel, 32, 95, 140 ineligibility laws, 40, 106, 122, 130, 131, 272 Leotard, Paul de, 180 inflation, 29 Lepercq, Aime, 267 inspection des finances, 84, 85, 89, 94 Levy, Paul, 66 Instititut Fran~ais d'Opinion Publique, 47 Liautey, Andre, 237, 238, 245 interest groups, 26 Liberte Republicaine, 178 Isorni, Jacques Ligue Europeenne de Cooperation business, relations with, 78 Economique, 71 defence of Petainists, role in, I 03, 105, Locquin, Jean, I 78 !55 Loire, region of, .H Peasant party, deputy for, 243 lycees, 6, 7 Queuille, relations with, 204 Lyons, 33, 76 UDSR, comments on, 185 UNIR, role in, 236 Madelin, Louis, 103 Maier, Charles, 15, 26, 27, 265, 270 Jardin, Jean, 76 Malraux, Andre, 183, 221 Jonas, Paul, 223 Malthusianism, 68 Jura, 38, 42, 2 I I Malzacher, Sylvia, 15 Jeunesses Patriotes, I 65 Maquis, 18 Judt, Tony, 16 Maresca, Sylvie, 244 Margairaz, Michel, 20, 93 Kayser, Jacques, 179 Marie, Andre, 151, 206 Kerillis, Henri de, 107 Marin, Bernard, 231 Keynesianism, 92 Marin, Jean, 214 Kir, chanoine, 38, 235, 245 Marin, Louis, II8, II9, 121, 125, 155 Marine et Homecourt, 100 Labour party (UK), 29 Marseilles, 33, 73, 2 II Lacouture, Jean, 12 Marshall plan, 26, 39, 59, 68, 114, 255, 266 Laffay, Dr Bernard, 21 I Martin, Roger, 100 Lalumiere, Pierre, 93, 95 Martinaud-Deplat, Leon, 21 I Laniel, Joseph Masson Jean, 210 America, views on, I 30 Mauriac, Fran~ois, 140 business, career in, I 25 Maurras, Charles, 106, I 13 church, relations with, I 5 I Maus,Georges, 74 CNIP, role in, 250 Mayenne,42 Petain government, support for, I 13 Mayer, Rene, 20, 42,206 PRL, role in, I I 7 hostility ofMRP to, 146 Resistance, role in, 268 local power base of, 42 Lanote, Arnold, 237 relations with Andre Boutemy, 212 Laurens, Camille, 235, 241, 243, 244, 249 Mayer plan, 20, 29, 213, 225, 248

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mayors 33, 229 ~ouvement Unifie de Ia Resistance, 183 ~aze,Jean, 102,140,160,236,244 ~ovimento Sociale Italiano (~SI), 164 ~aze, Pierre, 212 ~unich agreement, 228 ~endes-France, Pierre, !, 13, 14, 89 ~uselier, Admiral Emile, 107 hostility of~RP to, 146 ~utter, Andre ~engin, Robert, 107, 109 PRL, role in 116-119, 123, 124, 132, 133 ~enthon, Fran~ois de, 145 Resistance, role in, 268 ~ersch, Jean, 63 UNIR, support for, 102 ~ichelet, Edmond church, relations with, 148 Nantes, 211 Gaullism of, 162 Narbonne,Jacques,48,50,51,52,53 ~RP, role in, 143, !53 nationalization, 7, 91, 130, 221 RPF, role in, 216, 218, 232 Nazat, Henri, 66 'military Poujadism', 87 neo-Radicalism, 210-213 military service, 17 Nervo, Fran~ois de, 79, 125, 126 ~illot, Roger, 167 newspapers, 35 ~itterrand, Fran~ois of the opposition nationale, 104-105 Communist party, relations with, Ill relations with the PRL, 134, 135 GDC, relations with, 259 Nievre, 18, 41, 186, 197 Nievre, career in, 41, 42, 274 Nocher,Jean,226,227,228 PRL, relations with, 122 Noel, Leon, 41, 223, 226 RPF, attitude to, 214 Noiriel, Gerard, 28 UDSR, role in, 183, 184, 185, 195, 197, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 21 198 notables, 31-45 ~och, Jules, 232 in North Africa, 230, 231 moderes, 35, 120 in Radical party, 202 ~ollet, Guy, 141 RPF, relations with, 32, 40, le Monde, !2 underestimate support for ~RP, !55 ~onnet, Jean, 90, 91, 269 Nouveaux Cahiers, 60 ~onnet plan, 59, 68 ~ontel, Pierre, 129 offices professionne/s, 59 ~oraze, Charles, 6 Olson, ~ancur, 25, 26, 270 ~orbihan, 166 orleanism, 16, 18 ~oreau,Jean, 180,185 Ott, Barthelemy, !58, 169 ~orice, Andre, 162, 211 ~oselle, 166 Paira, Rene, 205 ~ouvement de Defense des Contribuables, Palewski, Gaston, 69 73, 75 pantoujlage,94,99 ~ouvement Europeen, 72 Papon,~aurice,206 ~ouvement National des Prisonniers de Paris, 211 Guerre, 183 Paroles Fram;aises, 123, 124 ~ouvement Republicain Populaire (~RP), Parti Communiste Fran~ais, see 2, 4, 7, 25 Communist party advantages to be gained by leaving Parti Democrate Populaire, !53 government, 9 Parti de Renovation Republicaine, 117 anti-Communism of, Ill Parti Republicain et Social de Ia dissidents from, 258 Reconciliation Fran~aise, see finances of, 79 Reconciliation Fran~aise GDC, relations with, 261 Parti Republicain de !a Liberte (PRL), 2, notables, relations with, 31, 32 25, 107 PRL, competitition with, 120 aims of, 9, 115 role of Resistance leaders in, 183 business, support from, 78, 124--127 seen as failure, 14 claims to be Socialist, 140 UDSR, competition with, 192 economic policies of, 132 women voters, support for, 6, 46, 49, 50, foundation of, 116-123, 139 51 Gaullism, attitude to, 133, 134

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Parti Republicain de Ia Liberte (PRL) (cont.) Queuille, Henri, 36, 203, 204, 232, 268, 272 ideology of, 127 Queuille government, 134 joins CNIP, 135 Quilici, Francis, 243 relations with MRP, 140 relations with press, 123, 124 Radical party, 3, 4 relations with RPF, 133 anti-Vichy sentiment in, 179 USA, attitude to, 129, 130 business, attitude to, 56 Vichy government, attitude to, 130-131 clientelism of, 171 Parti Republicain Socialiste, 174, 178, 180 conseils generaux, role in, 202, 208, 209 Parti Social Fran~ais, 117, 140, 176 governmentalism of, 9 Parti Socialiste Democratique, 174, 175, Mouvement Republicain Populaire, 178, 179, 236 relations with, 149 Paul-Boncour, Joseph, 202 notables, support for, 38 Paxton, Robert, 146 reasons for support ofRGR, 182 Peasant party reconstruction of, I 60 divisions in, 243, 244 Ramadier government, 134 formation of, 242 Ramonet, Edouard, 211 Reconciliation Fran~aise, relations with, Rassemblement des Gauches Republicaines 180 (RGR), 2, 25, 107 RGR, relations with, 182 business, funding for, 79 UNIR, relations with, 236 CNIP, relations with, 182 Pendar, Kenneth, 110 modest ambition of, 10 Petain, Philippe, I, 53 notables, relations with, 32, 36 trial of, 194, 204 PRL, relations with, 122 Petainism 22, 62, 65, 102-109, 272 Petainist support for, 140 inCNIP, 244 UDI, attached to, 236 in MRP, 138, 155-158 women voters, relations with, 51 in PRL, 122, 130 Rassemblement des Groupes Republicains reconciliation with Resistance, 112-113 et Independants Fran~ais (RGRIF) Petit, Eugene, 183 179,236,238,259 Petit, Guy, 180 Rassemblement du Peuple Fran~ais, 2, 5, 25 Petsche, Maurice, 243 age of electorate, 154 Pfiimlin, Pierre, 165 anti-Gaullism in, I 07 Pinay, Antoine failure of, 10 becomes prime minister, I, 5 finances of, 79 business, relations with, 68 notables, relations with, 32, 40 church, support from, 121, 148 Radicals, relations with, 207-210 civil servants, relations with, 97 sources relating to, 13 CNIP, leader of, 250, 251 takes support from MRP, 158, 160 Gaullists, support from, 262 UDSR, relations with, 194, 196 liberalism of, 91, 93, 247 women voters, support for, 46, 54 member of Vichy's conseil national, 244 Recon~iliation Fran~aise, 4, 117, 175-180 parliamentary leader of Independents, 235 Remond, Rene, 16,216 reputation of, 239, 240 'Remy', 106 struggles against inflation, 21, 67 Republicains Independants, 234 (see also Pinol, Jean-Luc, 16 Centre National des lndependants et Pisson, Paul, 67 Paysans) Planchais, Jean, 12 Ia Republique Libre, 179 Pi even, Rene, I 96, I 98 Resistance Ponsio-Chapius law, 212 anti-Communism in, II I, 112 Pont-a-Mousson, 100 attacked by opposition nationale, 102 ponts et chaussees, 84, 93, 95 Bidault, role in, 163 Popular Front, 37, 58 conservatives in, I 16 Poujadism, 14, 37, 58, 200, 226, 272-274 divisions in, 189 prefectoral corps, 85, 88, 89 and MRP 144-145 purges,22, 105,160,194 and notability, 35

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power of leaders, 267 Shennan, Andrew, 146 Queuille distances himself from, 204 Siegfried, Andre, 16, 17 reconciliation with former Petainists, Socialist party, 7, 184 113, 130--131 advantages to be gained from opposition, 9 repression of, 88 alliance with MRP, 140--141 Villiers, role in, 62 alliance with UDSR, 187 women's attitude to, !57 expulsions from, 178 resistantia/isme, I 03 Resistance, role in, 267 Revue Fram;aise de Science Politique, 12 travail/isme, attitude to, 183 Revue d'Yonne, 35 Soustelle, Jacques, 110, 194, 222, 226 Reydellet, Paul, 34 Spaak, Paul-Henri, 72 Reynaud, Paul 1,38,268 Spanish Civil War, 152, 163 Independents, leadership of, 234, 236, Strasbourg speech, 217 238,240,241,250 strikes, 28, 53, 67 PRL, relations with 118, 131 strike-breaking, 225 RhOne Poulenc, 223 Suleiman, Ezra, 101 Ribiere family, 35 Susini, Jean-Jacques, 222 Ricard, Pierre, 60--62, 68-70 synarchy, 224 Riond, Georges, 235 Rioux, Jean-Pierre, 12 Tainturier, Colette, 33 Rist, Charles, 246, 269 Tanguy-Prigent, Fran~ois, 242 Roclore, Marcel, 235 Tardieu, Andre, 265 Rollin, Leon, 130 Tarr, Francis de, 13 Rosanvallon, Pierre, 92 Terrenoire, Louis, -143, 162 Ross, George, 15 Thoenig, Jean-Claude, 95 Rouen, 73 Thorez, Maurice, 80 Rougier, Louis, 105, 108, 155,214, 223 Teitgen, Pierre-Henri, 145, 149, 168 Rucard, Marc, 179 Third Force, 209 Rueff, Jacques and RPF, 232, 233 civil service, career in, 91, 92, 98 Third Republic, 173, 174, 266 Independents, role in, 246, 247, 269 Tixier-Vignancour, Jean-Louis, 105, 138, 162 liberalism, support for, 270 Todd, Emmanuel, 17 Torres, Henri, 180, 214, 220 StCyr military academy, 86 Touchard, Jean, 12, 14 St Maur (meeting at in July 1952), 217 trade unions, 26, 28, 29 St Nazaire, 67 travaillisme, 7, 14 Saivre, Roger de, 236, 240 in MRP 140, 142 Salazar, Dr Oliveira, 106 in UDSR 183 Salengro, Roger, Ill Triboulet, Raymond, 235, 245 Schueller, Eugene, 236 tripartisme, 120, 266 Schuman, Robert foreign policy of, !51 Union des Banques, 223 MRP, role in, 153, !58, 160, 168 Union Democratique des Fran~ais Petain, support for, 113, 144 lndependants,236,237,238 Resistance, relations with, 268 Union Democratique et Socialiste de Ia Schuman plan, 70, 72 Resistance (UDSR), 4, 7, Ill Schumann, Maurice, !57 government, role in, 9, 10 secteur abrite, 100 hostility to Petainists of, 179 Section Fran~aise de l'lnternationale Resistance leadership in, 193 Ouvriere (SFIO), see Socialist party RGR, relations with, 174, 182, 189, 191 secularization, 210--202, 212 RPF, relations with, 211 Seguin, Paul, 34 seen as failure, 14 Senate, see conseil de Ia republique Union Gaulliste, 217, 222 Serre, Rene, 227, 231 Union des Nationaux et lndependants Serrigny, Alain de, 231 Republicains (UNIR), 102, 236, 250 service du travail obligatoire, 18 Union Nationale des Maires de France, 229

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Union pour Ia Republique, 117 defence of, 102, 156, 244, 258 Unite Fram;aise, 176 political class, blamed for supporting, 25, Unite Paysanne, 243 40 United States Vienne, 47,49 attitude ofPRL to, 129-130 vignerons, 169 intervention in European politics, 23-24 Villey, Etienne, 113 L'Uomo Qualunque, 164 Villiers, Georges Urbain, 223 CNPF, role in, 60-62, 66, 67, 72, 75, 77 urbanisme, 93 Parti Republicain de Ia Liberte, relations with, 125 Val d'Aosta, 109 Rassemblement du Peuple Fran~ais, Vallon, Louis, 220 relations with, 224 Van Zeeland, Paul, 106 Resistance, role in, 268 Vedel, Georges, 12, 97 Vendee, 150 Warnier, Jacques, 64, 65, 147, 221 Vendroux,Jacques, 153 Weber, Henri, 64, 65 veterinary surgeons Weber,Max,32 in local politics, 35, 36 Wei!, Simone, 108 in parliament, 40 Wendel, Fran~ois de, 125 Viannay, Philippe, 184, 185 Williams, Philip, 8, 13, 200 Vichy government Wolf, Christian, 241 civil service, affected by, 90 Worms bank, 224

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