Parliamentarians discuss economic development and environmental challenges Parliamentarians from Asia and the Pacific gathered at the 16th General Assembly of the AsiaPacific Parliamentarians’ Conference on Environment and Development (APPCED) on 14-17 January 2012 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The General Assembly provided an avenue for parliamentarians to share ideas, best practices and policies relevant in meeting pressing environmental challenges particularly climate change while pursuing economic development. The General Assembly was opened by His Excellency Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai, Rt. Honorable Prime Minister of Nepal. He underscored the importance of regional cooperation among parliamentarians in tackling complex environmental issues. In his Opening Speech he stated, “The climate change and larger environmental problems are regional in nature and its impacts transcend national borders. Thus the impacts of climate change and consequences of environmental degradation will be felt both on upland and lowland ecosystems which will have severe socio-economic, physical and environmental implication in our region. In such a context, we need to develop and strengthen mechanisms and platform of cooperation in our Asia Pacific region and act collectively to tackle the adverse impact of climate change in order to secure and sustain our energy needs, conserve biodiversity, promote equitable access to food, and secure water needs of our region.”

APPCED President, Hon. Lee Ju Young emphasized that without environmental sustainability, economic development can no longer exist because it is directly related to the future of mankind. “As the term ‘green growth’ indicates economic development, whether at the national level or at the global level, should comply fully with expectations for environmental protection,” he said. The General Assembly was also attended by Hon. Dr. Keshav Man Shakya, Minister for Science, Technology and Environment Nepal and Mr. Sher Bahadur Deuba, former Prime Minister and Leader of Nepali Congress. Parliamentarians from APPCED member countries reported on the progress made, best practices achieved, lessons learned, challenges met, and on-going initiatives to foster sustainable development. In the evening of 16 January an interaction programme on “Development and the Environment: Challenges in countries with devolved systems of governance” was organized at Gokarna Forest Resort. H.E. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Former Prime Minister of Nepal spoke on “Development and Environment: Challenges for Future Federal Nepal”.

During the expert panel, Dr. Bharat K Pokharel, an expert on natural resource governance shared Nepal’s success stories on establishing Community Forestry Groups where local communities through shared-responsibilities, manage their forest and initiated self-help programmes for forestry and community development. In 17 January, the participants visited the Surya Vinayak Community Forest User Group, one of the Community Forestry Groups to learn how local people mobilize their community to protect their forest.

The meeting concluded with the adoption of the Kathmandu Declaration. The 17th General Assembly of APPCED will be held in Iran. Hon. Mohammad Reza Tabesh, MP accepted to host the event on behalf of the Iranian Majlis.

The Asia Pacific Parliamentarians’ Conference on Environment and Development (APPCED) was established in 1993 by the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea for the purpose of forming a forum for parliamentarians of the Asian Pacific region with a common concern for environmental and developmental issues. It has 46 member countries and supports mutual efforts among governments through policy development as well as collaboration at the parliamentary level.

AFPPD was represented by Ms. Mary Antonette H. Abello, Program Associate Communications. The event was spearheaded by Mr. Kwang Myoung Cha, Director General of APPCED and the Korean Parliamentary League on Children, Population and Environment (CPE), AFPPD’s National Committee in South Korea.

APDA and CAPPD mobilize Asian and African Parliamentarians on the Integration of Population Issues into National Development Frameworks Parliamentarians from Asia and African countries gathered at the Meeting and Study Visit of Asian and African Parliamentarians' Capacity Development on the Integration of Population Issues into National Development Frameworks which took place in Cambodia on 22-25 January 2013, co-organized by Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) and Cambodian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD) with support from the Japan Trust Fund (JTF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). In the Opening Session, on behalf of Hon. Dr. Toshiko Abe, Parliamentary ViceMinister for Foreign Affairs of Japan/Chair of JPFP Gender Issues Committee, Hon. Masafumi Kuroki, Ambassador of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Japan, welcomed the holding of this meeting on population issues, to which Japan attached the greatest importance. Following Hon. Abe’s message, Hon. Dr. Porapan Punyratabhandhu, Secretary-General of AFPPD, raised issues of the effects of the increasing global population on resources and stressed that the capacity building of parliamentarians was crucial to deal with them. Hon. Men Sam An, Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia/Chair of CAPPD, warmly welcomed all the delegates to Cambodia and urged for the continued cooperation among all nations to tackle the ever changing global population challenges.

The meeting on the first day consisted of 4 sessions in which eminent resource persons highlighted good practices and challenges, followed by active discussion by the participants. On the 2nd and 3rd day, the delegation embarked on a two-day study visit to Pursat Province and Kampong Chhnang Province. First hand observation of the status of education, health, development as well as demining activities in the provinces greatly benefited the participants.

On the 4th and final day, an Asian and African Parliamentarians' statement was discussed and adopted unanimously. The project concluded with the “Wrap Up Statement” by Hon. Dr. Pen Pannha, Vice-Chair of CAPPD and “Closing Remarks” by Hon. Kenya Akiba, Senior Vice-Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Deputy Executive Director of JPFP.

Effective Collaboration with National Committees On January 30-31 in Phuket, , AFPPD organized the National Committees and UNFPA Advocacy Planning Session which was participated in by directors and staff from the AFPPD National Committees together with representatives and focal persons of UNFPA Country offices. The discussed plans for 2013 are on the following issues of pushing forward bills on ICPD issues particularly in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Nepal.

These issues focused on gender equality, abortion, child protection, and antidomestic violence.

Another vital issue is engaging young people as stakeholders particularly in New Zealand, Australia and Iran. Policy issues are also to be prioritized this year on gender- based violence, child marriage, gender empowerment, youth sexual and reproductive health and rights, family planning and maternal health.

All of these highlighted plans will be attainable following the mechanisms of operation such as: 1) common message for joint sub-regional advocacy; 2) standardized training for Members of the Parliament; 3) Champions on issues and advocacy skills; and 4) standardized training for national committee members on advocacy, including modules on values and attitudes.

With AFPPD’s aim to strengthen the role of the national committees in the review processes of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), these plans of action were definitely determined to be in alignment with the national, regional and global advocacy events.

ICPD/MDG acceleration in Lao PDR The Laos Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (LAPPD) organized the outreach mission in three northern provinces of Lao PDR, namely Phongsaly, Luang Namtha and Borkeo on 20-29 December last year with the aim of accelerating the implementation of ICPD and MDG.

During the mission, three separate seminars on ICPD/MDG acceleration had been held in the three provinces. Over 180 high-ranking provincial officials attended these separate events, which were presided over by Prof. Dr. Phonethep Pholsena, President of LAPPD and Chairman of the Social and Cultural Affairs Committee, the National Assembly of Lao PDR.

Besides the seminars, LAPPD distributed 1,174 population and development books to all village chiefs in the three provinces with the aim of helping them access population and development information, including sexual and reproductive health, family planning etc.

In the mission the parliamentarians and LAPPD staff visited provincial and district hospitals and some villages to talk to people, encouraging them to take part in implementation of ICPD and MDG, particularly MDG 5, aiming to reduce maternal mortality rate.

Establishing RH, Population, and Climate Change Links: A Forum for National Legislators and Stakeholders In its continuing advocacy on addressing the links between reproductive health, population, and climate change, the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development Foundation, Inc. (PLCPD) held a forum for national legislators and civil society stakeholders last February 4, 2013. The forum was part of a series of activities aimed at underscoring the links between RH, population and climate change under the PLCPD’s project with the Population Action International (PAI).

Resource persons included Department of Health Assistant Secretary Dr. Eric Tayag, Climate Change Commissioner Naderev Sa๑o, and Commission on Population Deputy Executive Director Rosalinda Marcelino who each gave an overview of the Philippine situation on RH, population and climate change. Mr. Roger Mark De Souza of PAI, on the other hand, provided a discussion on the links between RH, population and climate change, citing various researches and studies conducted by PAI. Reactors included Congresswomen Janette Garin, Emmeline Aglipay, and Luzviminda Ilagan, and Congressmen Teddy Baguilat and Raymond Palatino - all of whom saw the need to address the links between these issues but stressed that the discussion should not be watered down to a mere numbers game but should be based on the fact that women and children are most vulnerable to climate change impacts and therefore should be mobilized to advance their significant role in adaptation activities.

PLCPD’s Executive Director Romeo Dongeto gave the opening remarks while PLCPD’s Chairperson Edcel Lagman gave his keynote speech. In his keynote speech, Cong. Lagman highlighted the undeniable links between RH, population, and climate change and the significant contribution that the recently enacted RA 10354 or the Reproductive Health Law will make in addressing these links. Special Gathering of Reproductive Health and Human Development Legislator- Champions of the 15th Congress

February 5 marked yet another celebration for reproductive health and human development advocates as the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development Foundation, Inc. (PLCPD) held its culminating activity for the 15th Congress. The gathering highlighted the achievements in policy advocacy for human development for the past three years especially the passage of the landmark legislation on reproductive health or RA 10354.

Highlighting the event were the keynote speech of Congressman Edcel Lagman, PLCPD’s Chairperson, and an audiovisual presentation on the challenges and milestones of the RH bill advocacy titled “Our Journey.” ( Distinguished guests also delivered solidarity messages including House of Representatives Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr., Purple Ribbon for RH Movement Lead Convener Dr. Esperanza Cabral, Aurora Governor and former PLCPD Chairperson Hon. Bellaflor Angara-Castillo, Save the Children Country Director Ms. Anna Lindenfors while a message from Department of Health Secretary Dr. Enrique Ona was delivered by DOH Undersecretary Dr. Teodoro Herbosa. A ceremonial toast to Human Development Legislators was also delivered by PLCPD’s Board Secretary Hon. Josefina Joson. The main feature of the celebration was the awarding of tokens of appreciation to graduating members of PLCPD and RH champions. Present in the gathering to receive the tokens were Congresswomen Janette Garin, Josefina Joson, Luzviminda Ilagan, Sandy Ocampo, Abigail Faye Ferriol, Bernadette Herrera-Dy, Henedina Abad, Jocelyn Limkaichong, and Catalina Leonen-Pizarro and Congressmen Edcel Lagman, Joey Zubiri, Arnulfo Go, Neri Colmenares, Antonio Tinio, Raymond Palatino, Rogelio Espina, Rodante Marcoleta, and Teddy Baguilat who also served as one of the hosts of the gathering. The tokens were presented by Cong. Lagman and PLCPD Executive Director Romeo Dongeto, together with other key stakeholders in the RH bill advocacy.

RH icons and former PLCPD members were also recognized for their significant contribution in the RH bill advocacy. Recognized were PLCPD’s Founding Chairperson and Former Senator Honorable Leticia Ramos-Shahani and Former PLCPD Chairperson and currently Aurora Province Governor Honorable Bellaflor Angara-Castillo. The night ended with great jubilation for the achievements in human development advocacy and a challenge to continue the fight to achieving a better quality of life for Filipinos in the next Congress.

Citizens’ Agenda for Inclusive Development

In 2012, the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development Foundation, Inc. (PLCPD) in partnership with the Millennium Development Goal Fund (MDGF), embarked on a series of Roundtable Discussions that aimed at crafting an MDG Citizens’ Agenda for the left-behind sector. The RTD series was meant to ensure that no sector is left behind in terms of achieving the MDGs especially that there is so little time left in the MDG timeline. The RTD series catered to the following sectors: (1) Males who have sex with males; (2) Female sex workers; (3) Displaced Moros in Mindanao; (4) Urban Income Poor, Informal Workers and Informal Settlers; (5) Small-scale Fisherfolks; (6) Small-scale Farmers; and (7) Out-of-School Youth.

Last February 6, 2013, the Citizens’ Agenda was formally presented to national legislators in the House of Representatives. The same was requested to be promoted among the members of the House. With the national and local elections in the offing, the sectors also hoped that the agenda may be considered in the electoral platforms of the candidates. Present during the event was PLCPD’s Chairperson Congressman Edcel Lagman, MDGF Coordinator Associate Alicia Gimenez, Congresswoman Luzviminda Ilagan, Congressman Antonio Tinio, and PLCPD Executive Director Romeo Dongeto.

Accepting the agenda on behalf of House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. was House Deputy Speaker Lorenzo Ta๑ada III who highlighted the need for continued participatory process in crafting policy agenda for inclusive development.

Following is the set of agenda crafted during the RTD Series:

Key Population at Higher Risk to HIV: MALES WHO HAVE SEX WITH MALES (MSM) Ö Well-informed community about the risks and consequences of HIV/AIDS Ö Stigmatization and discrimination-free society Ö Increased budget for sustainable HIV/AIDS programs and activities Ö Full implementation of laws related to males having sex with males and trans-gender people

Key Population at Higher Risk to HIV: FEMALE SEX WORKERS (FSW)

Ö Education for FSWs and their children Ö Healthcare and protection Ö Livelihood and decent employment opportunities Ö Cost-efficient and affordable housing for the homeless FSWs and their families Ö Protection of sex workers’ rights Ö Full implementation of laws related to women’s rights


Ö Lasting peace and unity between the MILF and the Philippine Government Ö Quality education

Ö Protection and rehabilitation of remaining natural resources Ö Human rights protection and disaster response Ö Updating the status of IDPs


Ö Security of tenure and housing opportunities Ö Access to basic services and stable livelihood and employment for resettled/relocated communities Ö Active and meaningful participation in policymaking of the urban poor sector Ö Government’s Responsibility in the provision of basic social services Ö Full implementation of housing laws and human settlements


Ö Full implementation of the fishery laws Ö Active participation of small-scale fisherfolks in policymaking Ö Provision of alternative livelihood for marginal fishermen Ö Protection, conservation and management of coastal resources Ö Address special issues and concerns of Manila Bay, Laguna de Bay and Polillo Island


Ö Full and strict implementation of agrarian laws, policies, guidelines and regulations Ö Access to land and security of tenure Ö Government’s responsibility to put in place policies which are responsive to the needs of farmers Ö Introduce appropriate technologies and innovations Ö Address special cases of farmers

OUT-OF-SCHOOL YOUTH (OSY) Ö Out-of-school youth enrollment in formal and informal education Ö Stable and decent employment and livelihood opportunities Ö Active participation of OSY in nation-building Ö Ensure full implementation of projects, programs, and activities for the youth

AFPPD Programmes in 2012

1. Indochina Parliamentarians Focus Group on HIV/AIDS Related Legal Environment On April 21-22, AFPPD, in close collaboration with UNAIDS, organized an Indochina Parliamentarians Focus Group on HIV/AIDS Related Legal Environment. 30 parliamentarians from 9 countries attended the meeting which also saw the participation of civil society organizations as well as several representatives from various UN agencies. Over the course of two days, parliamentarians reviewed their national HIV responses and heard presentations from UN resource people that outlined the cultural and legal barriers to HIV responses in Asia and the Pacific. Parliamentarians also had the opportunity to listen to civil society observers and representatives of key affected populations, who discussed HIV related stigma and discrimination, as well as laws and policies regarding access to treatment and support. Participants from Thailand: Senator Jetn Siratharanont Sen. Vichuda Rattanapian 2. 2012 Regional Parliamentarians’ Consultation on Emerging Economies, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Pattaya, Thailand The third Regional Parliamentarians’ Consultation on Emerging Economies, Family Planning and Reproductive Health was conducted by AFPPD in cooperation with the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) to conclude the series of three consequent regional consultations, review the progress achieved and outline the way forward. During the meeting parliamentarians discussed experience that their countries gained in developing national policies of reproductive health and supporting them with budget allocations, regional south-south cooperation experience and working with the civil society in budget allocation advocacy. At was evident that the emerging economies countries of the region have advanced in setting up policies and securing national allocations on family planning by laws. However, funding for sexual and reproductive health and rights has been declining in the region in general, and many funding gaps still exist. The participants have provided comprehensive practical recommendations to AFPPD as a regional network of parliamentarians to continue its efforts in increasing parliamentarians’ capacities to advocate for better resource allocation on SRHR programs. Participants from Thailand: Hon. Dr. Ratchada Dhnadirek Member of the House of Representatives Hon. Dr. Member of the House of Representative 3. WHO-SEARO Regional Conference of Parliamentarians on Strengthening of National Public Health Systems for Emerging Health Challenges, Bangkok, Thailand Hon. Sen. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Porapan Punyaratabandhu, Secretary General of AFPPD, gave a keynote address on Strengthening Public Health Towards Equality in Health at the Regional Conference of Parliamentarians on Strengthening of National Public Health Systems for Emerging Health Challenges organized by the World Health Organization in Bangkok, Thailand during 19-21 March 2012. In her speech, Hon. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Porapan Punyaratabandhu explained the five key actions that parliamentarians may use to strengthen public health and ensure equity in access of health care services in their countries. These tools included advocacy, representation, legislation, budgeting, and oversight. The conference was attended by parliamentarians from South East Asia region. Hon. Dr. Anan Ariyachaipanich, chair of the Thai standing committee on public health, and Mr. Shiv Khare, Executive Director of AFPPD, also participated. Participants from Thailand: Hon. Sen. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Porapan Punyaratabandhu, Secretary General of AFPPD 4. The Fifth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action (IPCI/ICPD V), Istanbul, Turkey More than 60 parliamentarians from 22 Asia- Pacific countries pleaded their continued support for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action at the International Parliamentarians Conference in on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action (IPCI) which was held by the European Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (EPF) and UNFPA in cooperation with the Regional Network of Parliamentarians on Population and Development, including AFPPD, under the auspices of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey during 24-25 May 2012. The 5th IPCI in Istanbul drew more than 300 parliamentarians from 110 countries, civil society members, and officials from governments and international organizations to discuss population and development framework in preparation for the conclusion of the Cairo Programme of Action in 2014 and MDGs deadline in 2015. Widely known as the international parliamentary conference on population and development, IPCI begun its journey in Ottawa in 2002.

Participants from Thailand: Sen. Dr. Jetn Siratharanont Sen. Dr. Vichuda Rattanapian 5. 28th Asian Parliamentarian Meeting on Population and Development, 2-3 October 2013, Tokyo, Japan Parliamentarians from 15 countries including UNFPA, IPPF, JPFP and Government of Japan officials gathered at the 28th Asian Parliamentarian Meeting on Population and Development, 2-3 October 2013, Tokyo, Japan in conjunction with the 30th anniversary celebration of the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA). The meeting concluded with the adoption of the Statement of Commitment in which Parliamentarians committed to reaffirm the progress and achievements that highlight their efforts in parliamentarians’ activities on population and development and that parliamentarians as a representative of the people, continue to play a crucial role in addressing population and sustainable development issues, including adaptive measures in response to continuing and emerging concerns resulting from the demographic changes in the respective countries. Participants from Thailand: Senator Dr. Jetn Siratharanont

6.The 10th General Assembly of AFPPD, 24-25 October 2012, Bangkok, Thailand The 10th General Assembly coincides with the 30th year anniversary of Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD). Thus, this remarkable event is not a mere conduct of AFPPD's assembly that happens every three years, but rather a historical gathering which provides a fresh opportunity to reflect on the achievements and lessons learned in the first 30 years of the AFPPD, and to look ahead into the next decades of parliamentary work in Asia Pacific on the continuing challenges of population and development. Participants from Thailand: Hon. Sen. Dr. Anan Ariyachaipanich Senator of Thailand, Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Public Health, Senate of Thailand Hon. Sen. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Porapan Punyaratabandhu, Secretary General of AFPPD Senator Jetn Siratharanont Hon. Sen. Mrs. Pornthip Lowira Chanratanapreeda Second Vice-President of the Senate of Thailand 7. The 70th and 71st Executive Committee Meeting of AFPPD, 23-24 October 2012, Bangkok, Thailand Participants from Thailand: Hon. Sen. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Porapan Punyaratabandhu, Secretary General of AFPPD

National Assembly and UNFPA working together to improve the lives of people in Lao PDR The Social and Cultural Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of Lao PDR and the United Nations Population Fund will continue together to improve the lives of people in Lao PDR. This announcement was made on 8th February at the National Assembly Office, during the signing ceremony of a letter of understanding (LoU) between the two organizations under UNFPA’s 5th Country Programme in Lao PDR. The agreement aims to strengthen the capacity of the National Assembly for better advocacy, oversight, legislation and representation on population, reproductive health and gender issues. The LoU includes a detailed work plan with a budget allocation of 150,000 USD for 2013 and 171,000 USD for 2014. The cooperation is also expected to strengthen the National Assembly in its legislative function with the focus on the preparation for the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in 2014. AFPPD attends Pacific Women's Parliamentary Partnerships Forum On 9-10 February 2013, Mr. Ramon San Pascual, AFPPD Executive Director, participated in the Pacific Women’s Parliamentary Partnerships Forum where women members of Pacific Parliaments met to build a new path forward in addressing gender equality. The forum was attended by participants and contributors including Presiding Officers, Deputy Presiding Officers, parliaments, electoral candidates and parliamentary staff from 19 Parliaments namely: Australia, Australian Capitol Territory, Bougainville, Cook Islands, Kiribati, New South Wales, New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Australia, Tasmania, Tonga, Western Australia and Victoria. Mr. San Pascual was one of the guest speakers during the session Parliamentary strengthening and gender equality in the Pacific which has the objectives 1) to take stock of the gender activities currently being undertaken across parliaments in the region and those organizations implementing them; 2) identify gaps and areas not being addressed; and 3) identify areas that could be more effectively coordinated. MPs tackle adolescent sexual health in Solomon Islands ‘Pacific Youth: Their Rights, Our Future’, report was launched by New Zealand MPs Hon. Maryan Street and Dr. Cam Calder which is based on the findings of the New Zealand Parliamentarians’ Group on Population and Development (NZPPD) on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Pacific. They were also joined by Solomon Islands MPs, key officials, representatives of international organizations and civil society representatives at National Parliament in Honiara. Charles Sigoto, Solomon Island Minister of Health, spoke at the launching of the report and emphasized the key role of the Members of the Parliament on issues of sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people. These roles include the political prioritization, legislation and budget allocation. The areas discussed where on the following: - Comprehensive sexuality education in formal and informal setting - Revisiting policies to ensure girls or their partners are not discriminated against by educational institutions due to pregnancy - Increasing efforts to ensure Solomon Islands adolescents have access to a range of high quality, adolescent friendly sexual and reproductive health services - Establishing a special interest group on population and development for Solomon Islands parliaments Capacity Building Training of Afghan Members of Parliament and Parliamentary Staff Seven participants consisting of officials and members of National Assembly attended the Capacity Building Training of Afghan Members of Parliament and Parliamentary Staff on 27 February – 1 March in Bangkok, Thailand. AFPPD in collaboration with UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office and Country Office in Afghanistan convened and exchanged necessary skills among the participants. Various sessions were discussed in order for the participants to fully understand population and development frameworks and issues and its impacts to the people of Afghanistan. These sessions focused mainly on the 1) situation on population and development issues and policies; 2) effective parliamentarian work in support of the ICPD Programme of Action; 3) parliament and legislative process and the roles of parliamentarians; 4) prioritizing policy issues; 5) effective law making strategies and tools and linkages with the population and development issues; and 6) legislative budgeting and public finance.

AFPPD Monthly Information Service No. 95 - March - April 2013

ESCAP and UNFPA organized CSO On March 28-29, 2013, ESCAP and UNFPA organized the CSO Consultation on the Asia- Pacific regional preparation for the special session of the General Assembly on the ICPD beyond 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. The consultation was attended by representatives of civil society organizations in the region including sub-regional level networks working in areas on sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and empowerment of women, ageing, youth, and international migration. The consultation provided CSOs with an overview of the ESCAP intergovernmental processes and the Sixth APPC. The preliminary key findings from the ICPD Global Survey in the region were presented. They also discussed the potential elements of the draft Sixth APPC outcome document; considered other key emerging issues, gaps and policies that could be addressed at the Sixth APPC; and discussed CSO contributions to and participation in the Sixth APPC and its preparatory processes. Mr. Ramon San Pascual, Executive Director of AFPPD attended. ICPD Parliamentarian Champions discuss the Sixth APPC AFPPD organized the ICPD Parliamentarian Champions' Meeting on April 9-10, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting came up with a detailed strategy for parliamentarian engagement in the review processes in support of ICPD covering national, regional and global levels. A steering committee of parliamentarians was established to oversee implementation of the strategy, including through providing inputs to the work of the High Level Task Force on ICPD. Priority advocacy areas were determined based on the recognition that implementation of ICPD is essential for countries to reduce poverty, and social and economic inequality, improve the lives of all their peoples, safeguard the health and rights of women, men, girls and boys, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, promote gender equality and women’s health, create conditions in which all can live in dignity, protect the environment and ensure sustainable development. 73rd AFPPD Executive Committee Meeting Members of the Executive Committee of AFPPD met on April 11, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was chaired by then Vice Chair of AFPPD Hon. Prof. P.J. Kurien, who was then appointed as the new Chair of AFPPD under the endorsement of the outgoing Chair, Mr. Yasuo Fukuda after his retirement from the Parliament of Japan. The AFPPD Strategy on ICPD Beyond 2014 was endorsed by the Executive Committee and elected Hon. Ms. Claire Moore, Vice Chair of the AFPPD as the Chair of the Working Group which will lead the implementation of the strategies. AFPPD Country Mission: Parliamentarian Advocacy on ICPD in Central Asia AFPPD conducted the first country mission in 2013 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Astana and Kazakhstan on April 21-25, 2013. During this mission, two round table discussions with Parliamentarians were conducted in the two countries. One-on-one meeting was conducted with Hon. Ms. Nadezhda Petukhova, MP and Member of the Committee on Social and Cultural Development of the lower chamber of the Parliament of Kazakhstan. The AFPPD was granted audience with the Delegation of European Union to the Republic of Kazakhstan and met with Mr. Kamen Velichkov, Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of Political, Press and Information Section. Parliamentarians and CSOs converge in Bali to discuss the post-2015 development agenda The Asia and the Pacific Parliamentarian and CSO Forum on MDG Acceleration and the Post 2015 Development Agenda concluded successfully in Bali, Indonesia on March 25- 26, 2013. It was attended by 65 members of parliament/, 44 civil society leaders from 25 countries in Asia and the Pacific, 10 parliamentarians from Africa and the United Kingdom as solidarity delegations, 4 civil society representatives from other regions and 58 representatives of development partner organizations. Hon. Dr. Marzukie Alie, S.E, MM, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia gave the Opening Remarks at the meeting. On March 25, eighteen members of parliament and including the Speaker of the Parliament of Indonesia met with eight members of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLPEP) allowing parliamentarians to make inputs and influence the post-2015 development agenda.

AFPPD conducts capacity building training among Afghan MPs and Parliamentary Staff Two Members of Parliament and five staff from the Parliament of Afghanistan underwent a capacity building training conducted by AFPPD in collaboration with UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office and Country Office in Afghanistan on February 27 – March 1, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The training aimed to explore legislative process, role and function of parliamentary committee on population and development issues. In March 1, the Afghan delegates visited the Senate Standing Committee on Public Health, Senate of Thailand to share experiences and receive briefing on legislative process related to reproductive health policies and programs in Thailand. Hon. Dr. Anan Ariyachaipanich, Senator of Thailand and Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Public Health and Hon. Dr. Jetn Sirathranont, Senator of Thailand welcomed the delegates to the Thai Senate.

New Zealand and Solomon Islands MPs tackle adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Solomon Islands The New Zealand Parliamentarians’ Group on Population and Development (NZPPD) launched the report, ‘Pacific Youth: Their Rights, Our Future’, is based on the findings of the Open Hearing on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Pacific which was held in Wellington in June of 2012. It was launched by NZPPD members, Hon. Maryan Street, MP and Hon. Dr. Cam Calder, MP in the presence of key officials including the Minister of Health of Solomon Islands, representatives of international organizations and civil society representatives at the National Parliament in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

VAPPD spearheads the Indochinese Meeting of Parliamentarians on Alcohol Policy Parliamentarians across the Southeast Asia particularly from Cambodia, Lao, Thailand and Vietnam participated in the Indochinese Meeting of Parliamentarians on Alcohol Policy on 6-7 April 2013 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Sen. Dr. Jetn Siratharanont and Hon. Sen. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Porapan Punyaratabandhu, Secretary General of the AFPPD attended the event. The meeting provided an opportunity for policymakers and parliamentarians from the abovementioned countries to share and exchange knowledge and experiences on alcohol abuse control policies in their respective country.

JPFP inducts Mr. Yasuo Fukuda into Honorary Chair The Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP) gathered on 26 April 2013 for its first General Assembly Meeting this year to report its 2012 activities and financial statement and discuss 2013 plans and strategies. The General Assembly Meeting was also an opportunity to create an additional article of the JPFP Constitution to establish an honorary chair and advisers in honour of those who have made outstanding contributions to its activities. In response to JPFP’s earnest request, Mr. Fukuda consented to continue to be associated with its work as the first Honorary Chair.

AFPPD participated in the Visions of Democratic Governance The Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development participated in the two day forum in Bangkok on Visions of Democratic Governance in Asia 2030 on 7-8 March 2013. This was attended by key influential members across Asia, leading civil society leaders from Thailand and Cambodia and intellectuals from India and Singapore. Interactive workshops were used as methods and tools from the emerging field of future studies to explore visions of democracy in 2030 and pathways to realize that vision. The Forum explored alternative future of democratic governance in Asia and developed possible strategies and identified the emerging trends affecting the democratic governance in Asia.

AFPPD Monthly Information Service No. 96 - May 2013

Women parliamentarians discuss gender equality and the post 2015 development agenda Under the auspices of the AFPPD Standing Committee on Women, the 9th Regional Women Parliamentarians and Ministers Conference on Gender Equality and the Post- 2015 Development Agenda was organized in Seoul, Republic of Korea on May 15-16, 2013 in partnership with the Korean Parliamentary League on Children, Population and Environment (CPE) and Plan Population Federation of Korea and support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Japan Trust Fund (JTF). It was attended by ministers and parliamentarians from 17 Asia-Pacific countries. Hon. Kang Chang Hee, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea and Hon. Toshiko Abe, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives of the Government of Japan gave their messages and support to women’s empowerment and the promotion of gender equality during the opening ceremony. Parliamentary Forum at Women Deliver 2013 The European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF), Inter-American Parliamentary Group (IAPG) and Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) organized three-series Parliamentarians Forum entitled "Success, Challenges and Obstacles in Advancing Women's and Girls Health and Rights" during the Women Deliver 2013 held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 28-30 with support from UNFPA. It brought together around 70 parliamentarians from around the world who are champions in advancing MDG5 and SRHR. The Forum enabled a productive and structured dialogue on the successes, challenges and obstacles in advancing women's and girls’ health and rights and delivering solutions for their advancement on a global scale. On May 28, a dinner reception for the participating 50 plus global parliamentarians was hosted by Hon. Dato’ Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah, Malaysian Minister of Finance II & President of AFPPD Malaysia. Guest of honor during the reception dinner was Dr. Babatunde, Executive Director of UNFPA. AFPPD attends Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 6th APPC AFPPD participated in the Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference held on 8-10 May in Bangkok. The meeting was jointly organized by UNESCAP and UNFPA to review the initial findings of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014 Global Survey for the Asian and Pacific region; identify key emerging issues related to population and development to be considered by the Sixth APPC; and consider the first draft of a proposed outcome document for the Sixth APPC.

G8 London On May 9-10, the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) and the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health organized the G8/G20 Global Parliamentarians' Conference: "What Place for Family Planning in the Future of Development" in the UK Houses of Parliament, London, UK. The conference provided a platform for global dialogue and action among parliamentarians from around the world. It brought together parliamentarians from donor and partner countries to discuss common challenges faced in promoting the cause of Family Planning. Around 70 participants attended including 15 from Asia Pacific, facilitated by AFPPD.

Report of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons Members of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons appointed by the UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon to provide recommendations on a global development framework beyond 2015 released their report on June 4 which calls for a new Global Partnership to eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development. APCOM and APTN launch a policy brief To commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), the Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) and the Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN) launch a policy brief which looks at the HIV and health needs for transgender people and communities.