Automatic Control Laboratory ETH Orçun Karaca B [email protected] Í ORCID: 0000-0002-6584-3709 Brief CV Google Scholar ID: qXxmdZMAAAAJ

My current research interests are focused on developing pricing mechanisms for electricity markets that are characterized by nonconvex models. I am also particularly interested in the development of new market models for those involving intermittent generation, using stochastic optimization and risk-trading. Education Started on 10.2016 PhD in Electrical and Information Technology, Research topic: Game theory and optimization with applications to power systems operation and electricity markets, Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA), Eidgenössische (ETH) Zürich, PhD advisor: Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour, expected defense date: November 27th 2020. Completed on MS in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, 09.2016 Area of Specialization: Systems and Control, ETH Zürich, with Distinction. Completed on BS in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 06.2014 Area of Specialization: Control Systems, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, with High Honors. Employment History 06.2013–09.2013 Software Engineer, Arçelik A.Ş. Research and Development, Istanbul. 08.2012–09.2012 Operation Engineer, Iberkom Telecommunication - AVEA, Istanbul. 07.2011–08.2011 Intern in PCB Design Lab, Sanel Auto Electronic, Istanbul. Institutional Responsibilities Teaching assistant, student supervisor, and seminar organizer. More detail ahead. Preparing and leading scientific meetings, and presenting seminar talks within the department. Supervision of Students/Junior Researchers expected to finish: Daniel Tihanyi, Master thesis (ETH Zürich), “Multi-robot task allocation for planning under dynamical 12.2020 uncertainties” 08.2020 Lukas Wachter, Master thesis (, ABB Corporate Research), “Optimized pulse patterns for power conversion systems using polynomial optimization methods” (co-supervised with Georgios Darivianakis, Gernot Riedel, Tobias Geyer and Themistoklis Charalambous) 07.2020 Petros Tatoulis, Semester thesis (ETH Zürich), “Bayes-Nash equilibrium analysis for electricity markets” 10.2019 Anna Leidi, Master thesis (ETH Zürich), “Learning Nash equilibria in electricity markets” 04.2019 Baiwei Guo, Master thesis (ETH Zürich), “Actuator selection for structural controllability: Perfor- mance guarantees and impossibility results” Teaching Activities Falls 2017-18-19 Linear System Theory, head teaching assistant, deputy lecturer, and coordinator, ETH Zürich Spring 2017 Fachpraktikum, teaching assistant, ETH Zürich Spring 2017 Control Systems 1, teaching assistant, designed the final exam, ETH Zürich Organization of Conferences { Sole organizer of the weekly research seminars called IfA Coffee Talks Seminar at Automatic Control Laboratory (more than 80 talks, since 12.2016) { Applications in Energy session chair at 2019 International Conference on Continuous Optimization, TU Berlin, Germany Invited Seminar Talks and Conference Presentations 07.2020 No-Regret Learning from Partially Observed Data in Repeated Auctions, IFAC World Congress, Germany (virtual) 12.2019 Actuator Placement for Optimizing Performance under Controllability Constraints, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France 11.2019 Designing Coalition-Proof Mechanisms for Electricity Markets, Conference on Nodal Versus Zonal Prices Revisited: Lessons from the US Experience and Applicability to Europe, Chaire European Electricity Markets, Université Paris-Dauphine, France 08.2019 Core-Selecting Stochastic Auctions, International Conference on Continuous Optimization, TU Berlin, Germany 04.2019 Designing Incentive-Compatible and Coalition-Proof Payment Mechanisms for Electricity Markets, Energy Science Center, Frontiers in Energy Research, ETH Zürich 01.2019 Core-Selecting Mechanisms in Electricity Markets, The of Energy Systems: Flexible Operation and Advanced Control for Energy Systems, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK 12.2018 Exploiting Weak Supermodularity for Coalition-Proof Mechanism, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami Beach, FL, USA 07.2018 The REPOP Toolbox: Polynomial Optimization Using Relative Entropy Relaxations, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Bordeaux, France 04.2018 Designing Coalition-Proof Reverse Auctions over Continuous Goods, Computation and Economics Research Seminar, UZH, Zürich 12.2017 Game Theoretic Analysis of Electricity Market Auction Mechanisms, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia 12.2017 Design of Coalition-Proof Electricity Market Auction Mechanisms, IfA Coffee Talks Seminar, ETH Zürich 07.2017 The REPOP Toolbox: Tackling Polynomial Optimization using Relative Entropy Relaxations, IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France 08.2016 Enriching Sum of Squares Hierarchies with AM/GM Polynomials, IfA Coffee Talks Seminar, ETH Zürich Computer Skills Languages:C,C ++, VHDL, PLC Programming, Python Simulation: Matlab, Simulink, YALMIP, CVX, COMSOL Multiphysics, P-Spice, OrCAD Capture, Xilinx ISE Design: Microsim-ISE, Proteus Other: Git, Cygwin, OpenCV, LATEX, Microsoft Office Applications Past Academic Projects 03.2016–09.2016 Enriching Sum of Squares Hierarchies with AM/GM Polynomials, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zürich. Master Thesis supervised by Paul Beuchat, Georgios Darivianakis, Angelos Georghiou, John Lygeros 09.2015–02.2016 Robust Frequency Reserve Provision via an Energy Hub, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zürich. Semester Thesis supervised by Xiaojing Zhang, Georgios Darivianakis, Angelos Georghiou, John Lygeros, Roy S. Smith 01.2015–06.2015 Model-Free Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zürich. Semester Thesis supervised by Paul Beuchat, Angelos Georghiou, John Lygeros 01.2014–08.2014 Electromagnetic Manipulator for Micro/Nanoparticles for Biomolecular Applications, Bio-AFM Laboratory, Boğaziçi University. Part of project MANAQA partnered by Multi-Scale Robotics Lab, ETH Zürich (Bradley J. Nelson). Bachelor Thesis supervised by Hamdi Torun

A complete CV and references are available upon request. Please refer to my page for the list of publications.