ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT Proposed Temporary Rezoning

Planning Rationale | 3430 , , ON

Carling Avenue

Elterwater Avenue

Prepared for: Prepared by: Fab Di Franco Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. Villa Lucia Supper Club File: 2020-02 3430 Carling Avenue Date: February 18, 2020 Ottawa, ON

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 1 of 18 CONTENTS 1. OVERVIEW ...... 3 ...... 3 Figure 1. 3D render of subject site (Google Maps, 2019) ...... 3 2. SITE & CONTEXT ...... 4 2.1 Subject Site ...... 4 Figure 2. Site context demonstrating property lines (GeoOttawa, 2017) ...... 4 ...... 5 Figure 3. Extract of plan of survey prepared by R.W. Arnett ...... 5 2.2 Surrounding Context ...... 6 Figure 5. Aerial map showing subject area and nearby transit (GeoOttawa, 2017) ...... 8 ...... 9 Figure 6. Streetview imagery of subject site and surrounding context (Google Maps) ...... 9 ...... 10 Figure 7. Streetview imagery of subject site and surrounding context (Google Maps) ...... 10 4. PROPOSED USE...... 11 Figure 10. Existing site plan demonstrating parking area ...... 12 5. PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 2014 ...... 13 6. OFFICIAL PLAN ...... 14 Figure 9. Extract of Official Plan, Schedule B – Urban Area ...... 14 9. ZONING BY-LAW 2008-250 ...... 15 9.1 Existing Zoning Provisions ...... 15 Figure 10. Zoning extract showing GM20 H(18.5) zone with subject site in yellow (GeoOttawa, 2017) ...... 15 Table 1. GM zoning provisions ...... 16 9.2 Parking Provisions ...... 16 9.3 Proposed Zoning ...... 17 Table 2. Proposed zoning exception for GM20[xxxx] H(18.5) zone ...... 17 10. PLANNING JUSTIFICATION...... 17 11. CONCLUSION ...... 18

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 2 of 18 1 . OVERVIEW Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. has been retained by Fab Di Franco of Villa Lucia Supper Club (the ‘Owner’) to prepare a planning rationale report for a proposed Temporary (Minor) Zoning By-law amendment with respect to the lands municipally known as 3430 Carling Avenue (the ‘site’) located in the Crystal Bay- Lakeview Park neighbourhood.

The subject site currently operates primarily as a restaurant business. Considering the size of the site, the Owners are seeking to permit the use of a portion on site as a commercial parking lot on a temporary basis Monday through Friday (7 am to 5 pm) outside of restaurant hours. Our client is seeking this temporary rezoning in order to permit the continued rental of a portion of the Villa Lucia parking lot for three years.

In order to permit the continued use of the parking lot on a temporary basis for three years, a Minor (Temporary) Zoning By-law Amendment is required. The site is presently zoned General Mixed Use Subzone 20 with a Height Limit of 18.5 metres – GM20 H(18.5) – and the proposed zoning is to continue as a General Mixed Use zone, with an Urban Exception to permit a parking lot containing 100 spaces with limited weekday usage (Monday through Friday, 7am to 5pm) on a temporary basis for three years. The proposed zoning would be GM20[xxxx] H(18.5).

This report sets out the site context and planning framework in support of the proposed temporary rezoning.

Elterwater Avenue

Carling Avenue

Figure 1. 3D render of subject site (Google Maps, 2019)

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 3 of 18 2 . SITE & CONTEXT 2.1 Subject Site The subject site is a large, roughly rectangular-shaped interior lot located on the south side of Carling Avenue and north of Elterwater Avenue in the Crystal Bay – Lakeview Park neighbourhood in Ward 7 – Bay. The site is located in the area bounded by Carling Avenue to the north, Elterwater Avenue to the south, Ullswater Drive to the east and Crystal Beach Drive to the east.

Legal Description Block C Plan 420102 Parts 7 to 16 Area 6,169.60 m2 Frontage 143.90 m (Carling Avenue) Depth ~ 51.50 m

The site currently contains a restaurant building and associated parking lot with 118 spaces. It is our understanding that the site is serviced by municipal water, sewer and storm services. Figure 2 below presents the subject site and Figure 3 presents the Plan of Survey.

Figure 2. Site context demonstrating property lines (GeoOttawa, 2017)

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Figure 3. Extract of plan of survey prepared by R.W. Arnett

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 5 of 18 2 . 2 Surrounding Context The subject site is located in Ottawa’s Crystal Bay – Lakeview Park neighbourhood, which is generally located south of the Ottawa River, east of the , north of Highway 417, and west of Holly Acres Road. The neighbourhood is generally characterized by a mix of low-rise, low- to medium-density residential development with some low-rise commercial uses. Immediately surrounding the site are pockets of low-rise, low-density neighbourhoods located to the north and south, primarily consisting of single- detached residential dwellings. There are some medium-density apartment uses to the west along Carling Avenue. The site is located on the south side of Carling Avenue, which is a four-lane arterial road running east-west across the City from near the Glebe to March Road in Kanata. The site is just east of Moodie Drive, which is a north-south arterial connecting the Crystal Bay neighbourhood to the north to to the south. The site is also just to the west of Crystal Beach Drive with is a north-south collector road connecting to Corkstown Road to the south. The site is in close proximity to the National Capital Commission’s Greenbelt lands, which are to the west and south. Within the Greenbelt and just to the west off of Moodie Drive is the former building which has been recently retrofitted and converted to house the new Department of National Defence (DND) headquarters. The adjacent land uses are:

 North Carling Avenue (four lane arterial road); Low-rise residential; Ottawa River  East Low-rise gas bar and restaurant; Medium-density apartment dwellings;  South Low-rise residential  West Medium-density apartment dwellings; low-rise strip mall; Greenbelt; Carling Campus (DND Headquarters)

Figures 4 and 5 below represent the aerial imagery of the site and context for surrounding transit. Figures 6 through 7 present street views of the subject site and surrounding context.

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Ottawa River

Nepean Sailing Carling Campus (DND Subject Site Club Headquarters)

Carling Avenue


Low-rise Residential

Figure 4. Subject site and surrounding context (Google Earth 3D render)

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Subject Site Subject Area (Site and Carling Campus) Transit Buffer (600 m) Figure 5. Aerial map showing subject area and nearby transit (GeoOttawa, 2017)

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 8 of 18 Subject Site

Subject site looking south

Subject Site

Subject site looking southeast

Subject Site

Subject site looking southwest

Subject Site

Subject site and Carling Avenue cross-section looking west

Subject Site Carling Campus

Subject site in relation to Carling Campus looking west Figure 6. Streetview imagery of subject site and surrounding context (Google Maps)

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Subject Site

Dwellings immediately opposite the site, looking northeast

Carling Campus

Nearby apartments, strip mall, and Carling Campus looking southwest

Subject Site

Cross-section of Carling Avenue looking east towards subject site

Carling Campus

Nearby strip mall and Carling Campus looking southwest

Carling Campus

Intersection of Moodie Drive and Carling Avenue looking south

Figure 7. Streetview imagery of subject site and surrounding context (Google Maps)

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 10 of 18 4 . P R O P O S E D USE The existing restaurant is a permitted use under the GM zone. The restaurant is a single-storey building which is approximately 850 m2 in size with a small outdoor patio on the front. There are currently two accesses from Carling Avenue, leading to 118 existing parking spaces. The Owners are seeking a temporary zoning by-law amendment to permit a commercial parking lot use on the site. The Owners have the intent of renting the parking spaces during off-peak restaurant hours primarily to employees of the nearby DND Carling Campus located at 60 Moodie Drive. The proposal is to rent 100 of the 118 parking spaces during daytime hours only while the restaurant is closed. As such, 18 spaces will still be dedicated to the restaurant use during the day, and the full 118 spaces will be available to restaurant patrons during business hours. Considering the recent influx of employees in the area, there are reported parking pressures at the DND campus and surrounding area. Further, there is a lack of transit accessibility in the area with the transitway being located at Moodie Drive on the north side of Highway 417. The Stage 2 LRT construction is underway and is planned to travel to Moodie Station; however, the extended line is not projected to open for several years. By permitting the temporary use of the Villa Lucia parking lot, the additional parking in the area will relieve some of the pressures resulting from the DND campus. The parking lot is currently paved, and there are no changes proposed to the site layout, grading or drainage. This application is intended only to permit the use of a commercial parking area for three years. The existing Site Plan prepared by Cleland Jardine Engineering Ltd., is presented in Figure 8.

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 11 of 18 Figure 10. Existing site plan demonstrating parking area

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 12 of 18 5 . PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 2014 The Provincial Policy Statement 2014 (PPS) provides policy direction on planning matters for the Province of . Decisions affecting all planning matters shall be consistent with the Provincial Planning Policies. The proposed temporary parking lot is consistent with the applicable policies of the PPS, as demonstrated below.

Section 1.1.1 of the PPS states that healthy, livable, and safe communities are sustained by: a) “promoting efficient development and land use patterns which sustain the financial well-being of the Province and municipalities over the long term; b) accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, institutional, recreation, park and open space and other uses to meet long-term needs; c) avoiding development and land use patterns which may cause environmental or public health and safety concerns; e) promoting cost-effective development patterns and standards to minimize land consumption and servicing costs;”

Section of the PPS states that: “Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on: a) densities and a mix of land uses which: 1. efficiently use land and resources; 2. are appropriate for, and efficiently use, the infrastructure and public service facilities which are planned or available, and avoid the need for their unjustified and/or uneconomical expansion… b) a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment…”

Section of the PPS states that: “Transportation systems should be provided which are safe, energy efficient, facilitate the movement of people and goods, and are appropriate to address projected needs.”

Section of the PPS states that: “Transportation and land use considerations shall be integrated at all stages of the planning process.”

In the above PPS policies, there is a significant emphasis on efficient development that is safe, respects the natural environmental, uses available infrastructure, and provides for the needs of the community in both the short- and long-term. The parking lot exists currently in association with a permitted use and exceeds the required calculations for required parking. The proposal to permit a commercial parking lot for three years is intended to relieve the nearby parking pressures from Carling Campus (DND headquarters) and will meet the needs of the community in the short-term. There will be no alterations to the existing grading or drainage, access or egress, or site landscaping. The parking will assist in providing additional transportation options to employees within the neighbourhood until such time a long-term parking and/or transit solution is established.

Overall, the considering these factors, the rezoning application to permit a parking lot use on a temporary three-year basis meets the intent of the PPS.

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 13 of 18 6 . OFFICIAL PLAN The subject site is designated General Urban Area under the City of Ottawa Official Plan (2003) (see Figure 12). The General Urban Area designation permits the development of a broad range of uses including residential as well as employment, retail, service, cultural, leisure, entertainment and institutional uses.

Subject Site

Figure 9. Extract of Official Plan, Schedule B – Urban Area

The site is located along a four-lane arterial road with considerable buffering between residential uses. The area is characterized by primarily low-rise residential to the north and south, and some low-rise commercial and mid-rise residential to the east and west. Large surface parking lots associated with these uses are typical for the area. The site is located within close proximity to the Greenbelt Rural Area, as well as the Urban Employment Area and Greenbelt Employment and Institutional Area designations in the Official Plan.

The current restaurant use is permitted within the General Urban Area designation. By permitting only a temporary amendment to the zoning by-law to allow for additional parking alternatives in an area presently underserved by transit and parking, the proposal is in keeping with the intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Further, the proposed use is compatible and consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood fabric.

Overall, the General Urban Area designation permits a wide variety of land uses, which are subject to the provisions of the zoning by-law. By permitting a parking lot use on a temporary basis, the permitted restaurant use will continue while also assisting in relieving pressures on the surrounding community for parking potentially related to the new Department of National Defence building at the nearby Carling Campus. The parking lot currently exists, and the restaurant use will maintain sufficient parking on-site per the zoning requirements. No new site development or alteration is proposed as part of this application. As such, there will be no foreseeable adverse impacts on residential neighbourhoods in the area.

On December 11, 2013, City Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 150 (OPA 150) to implement the completion of the five-year review of the Official Plan. OPA 150 is now in full force and effect. OPA 150 has no impacts on the proposed development.

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 14 of 18 9 . Z O N I N G B Y - L A W 2 0 0 8 - 250 9 .1 Existing Zoning Pro v i s i o n s The subject site is zoned General Mixed Use, Subzone 20 with Height Limit of 18.5 metres – GM20 H(18.5) under the City of Ottawa’s Zoning By-law 2008-250 (see Figure 10). The purpose of the GM – General Mixed Use zone is to: 1) allow residential, commercial and institutional uses, or mixed use development in the General Urban Area and in the Upper Town, Lowertown and Sandy Hill West Character Areas of the Centre Area designations of the Official Plan; 2) limit commercial uses to individual occupancies or in groupings in well defined area such that they do not affect the development of the designated Traditional and Arterial Mainstreets as viable mixed-use areas; 3) permit uses that are often large and serve or draw from broader areas than the surrounding community and which may generate traffic, noise or other impacts provided the anticipated impacts are adequately mitigated or otherwise addressed; and 4) impose development standards that will ensure that the uses are compatible and complement surrounding land uses.

Carling Avenue

Elterwater Avenue

Figure 10. Zoning extract showing GM20 H(18.5) zone with subject site in yellow (GeoOttawa, 2017)

The GM zone permits various residential and non-residential uses, including the existing restaurant use. The GM20 subzone also permits a bar, hotel, and nightclub use. Provisions of the GM zone are listed in Table 1 below.

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 15 of 18 Table 1. GM zoning provisions Zoning Mechanisms Provisions (a) Min. lot area (m2) No minimum (b) Min. lot width (m) No minimum (c) Max. front yard setback (m) 3 m (i) for a non-residential or mixed-use (d) Minimum interior side yard building, from any portion of a lot line 5 m setbacks abutting a residential zone (ii) from any portion of a rear lot line (e) Minimum rear yard setback 7.5 m abutting (f) Maximum building height 18.5 m (g) Maximum floor space index 2, unless otherwise shown (i) abutting a street 3 m (ii) abutting a residential or institutional (h) Minimum width of landscaped area 3 m zone (iii) other cases No minimum

9.2 Parking P r o v i s i o n s Per Schedule 1A of the Zoning By-law 2008-250, the site falls within Area C: Suburban and is therefore subject to the Area C parking requirements. The rate for a Restaurant use is:

 10 parking spaces per 100m2 of gross floor area The required and provided parking allocation under the current zoning is as follows:

 Restaurant GFA: 849.38 m2  Zoning Requirement: 10 spaces / 100m2 GFA  Required Parking: 85 spaces  Provided Parking: 118 spaces The restaurant use currently exceeds required parking by 33 spaces. These 33 spaces would be allocated to the parking use during the day. An additional 67 spaces would be allocated to the parking use during daytime hours while the restaurant is closed, for a total of 100 rental spaces during daytime hours, Monday through Friday only. The remaining 18 spaces will remain allocated to the restaurant use, during all hours. It is important to note that the site is subject to an approved Site Plan with the former City of Nepean (2001). The pre-amalgamation by-law requirements for parking exceeded the requirements today. As such, 137 spaces were required for a building 849.38 m2 in size at that time. A minor variance was approved to allow 19 fewer spaces than the zoning requirement; therefore providing 118 spaces for the restaurant use, which still exists today. The current City of Ottawa Zoning By-law 2008-250 requires fewer spaces than that of the City of Nepean. The current application will apply the present zoning standards to the site, which totals 33 extra spaces. A total of 100 spaces are to be used for rental parking, with 18 spaces allocated to the restaurant at all hours. However, the 100 spaces are only to be rented during the week and daytime hours while the restaurant is closed (Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5pm). While the restaurant is open, all 118 parking spaces will be available and allocated to the restaurant use. The Owner intends to rent these spaces to nearby Department of National Defence employees.

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 16 of 18 9 . 3 Proposed Zoning As previously noted, the partial use of the site as a commercial parking lot is not a permitted under the existing GM20 H(18.5) zoning. The Owner is seeking to permit the commercial parking lot use for a temporary period of three years. The proposed zoning amendment is to rezone 3430 Carling Avenue from General Mixed Use, Subzone 20 – GM20 H(18.5) to General Mixed Use, Subzone 20 with exception, GM20[xxxx] H(18.5). The site will maintain all other provisions and uses prescribed by the zoning.

Table 2. Proposed zoning exception for GM20[xxxx] H(18.5) zone Exception Exception Number Applicable Zone Provisions xxxx GM20 [xxxx] H(18.5) - A parking lot containing 100 spaces limited to operation on weekdays (Monday through Friday) during daytime hours (7 am to 5 pm) is a permitted use for a period of three years following the enactment of this zoning by-law

10. PLANNING JUSTIFICATION In addition to the policy context, the surrounding context, availability of transit, roadway classification each further justify the appropriateness of permitting a parking lot use on a temporary basis on the site. This discussion follows:

 The site presently contains a large existing parking area that exists in associated with the permitted restaurant use. The weekday restaurant hours are Monday through Friday are from 5 pm to 10pm.  There are 118 parking spaces on site, of which 85 are required by current zoning standards. The intent is to rent 100 spaces on a temporary basis (3 years), during weekdays and working hours exclusively (i.e. Monday through Friday from 7 am to 5 pm). Of the 100 spaces rented, 33 are in excess of the zoning requirements. The restaurant will retain exclusive use of 18 parking spaces at all times, and all parking spaces during the evenings on weekdays, and weekends all day.  The proposed leasees of these spaces are to be Department of National Defence employees who are based out of the nearby Carling Campus which was recently rehabilitated and retrofitted to accommodate the new headquarters. The intent is for DND offices across Ottawa to be consolidated to this one location, therefore creating an influx of population travelling to and from and working in this neighbourhood. Further, many of the DND employees currently live in Ottawa’s east end (i.e. Orleans).  Due to the recent influx of employees at this site, there have been recently reported pressures on nearby streets for parking, including Moodie Drive, due to a lack of parking for employees as well as with inadequacy of nearby transit services.  The closest transit station along the transitway to Carling Campus exceeds the 600m buffer zone considered for walkability. As such, there is limited transit accessibility in this neighbourhood.  Rental of 100 parking spaces during weekday, daytime hours while the restaurant is closed, will have little to no impact on surrounding neighbourhoods and will contribute to a small, temporary solution for the parking and transit challenges associated with Carling Campus until such time that a broader solution is implemented.  The site is located on the south side of Carling Avenue which is a four-lane arterial road that connects Ottawa’s west end at March Road, to the Bronson Avenue in the east. The site is just east of Moodie Drive, a four-lane north-south arterial, and is west of Crystal Beach Drive which is a two-lane north- south collector. As such, the area is fairly high-traffic and well connected to other areas within the City.

File No.: 2020-02 Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd. February 18, 2020 Planning Rationale – Temporary Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue Page 17 of 18  The closest residential neighbourhood to the north is separated by Carling Avenue. To the south is a residential neighbourhood buffered by landscaping on the south side of the site. To the east is a low- rise residential apartment building complex which is buffered by its own parking lot. Considering the appropriate separation between residential uses and the fact that the parking lot already exists, is accessible, and is used by restaurant patrons, there will be no adverse impacts on the surrounding neighbourhood caused by the temporary parking use. 1 1 . CONCLUSION The subject site is a large interior lot located in the Crystal Bay – Lakeview Park neighbourhood with frontage on Carling Avenue to the north. The surrounding context is a mix of primarily low- and some medium- density residential, and low-rise commercial uses. The site is within a kilometer of the NCC’s Greenbelt as well as the recently rehabilitated Department of National Defence headquarters located at Carling Campus on Moodie Drive. The site currently contains a one-storey restaurant (Villa Lucia) on the southeast portion of the site, and associated parking lot with 118 spaces. The Owner is seeking to rent a portion of the unused parking spaces to employees of the nearby DND campus.

The existing zoning is General Mixed Use, Subzone 20, height limit of 18.5 metres – GM20 H(18.5), does not permit a parking lot in its list of permitted uses. The Owner is seeking to rent out some of the parking spaces on site to nearby DND employees during daytime hours (i.e. 7 am to 5 pm) on weekdays (Monday through Friday). The parking requirement under present zoning standards is 85 spaces (10 per 100m2 GFA). There are 118 spaces currently on site. Of these 118 spaces, 18 will remain allocated to the restaurant use at all times, while 100 spaces will be rented Monday through Friday during daytime hours only, while the restaurant is closed. As such, this zoning by-law amendment application is to rezone the site to GM20 H(18.5) [xxxx] to permit the parking lot as a use on a temporary basis of three (3) years, while maintaining the other applicable zoning provisions as they currently are. No changes to the site layout or function are proposed as part of this application.

Considering the lack of transit accessibility and on-site parking for the nearby DND campus, and the excess of parking available on site at 3430 Carling Avenue, the proposal represents an opportunity to fill a parking deficit and relieve street parking constraints from nearby surrounding streets including Moodie Drive. This will be on temporary basis and will provide context-appropriate alternatives until such time that additional parking is available for DND employees or transit because more frequent and accessible.

The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014, conforms to the policies of the City of Ottawa Official Plan, and complies with the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law with the proposed addition of parking lot as a permitted use on a temporary basis. The proposed rezoning represents good land use planning and is recommended for approval.

Respectfully submitted,

Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd.

Jessica D’Aoust, MCIP RPP M.Pl Planner

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