
., Daily Vacalion Brblo School Conlmuos f'loxl Wook !land In Keeping Tr aslr The Ingham County N Off Crly Sirools Ninety-Sixth Year No. 24 Mason, Michigan, Thunday, June 16, 1955 4 Sections - 26 Page~ Wheat Control S~Jimming Program A_ppea~s Mason Scouts 5 · Two Men File Vote Is Slated TM~ .. ~~.~.~~ ~~.! ,:.~~.~:!~,, ,,, "" Will Camp at wllli lllemiJJ•J ~ 011 ilw Rchool therr• will lw no quoir~s or p~ndl· 'l'hr• high sdtnnl prlndpnl's of Cl!'f'Uil rourl llllflls I:!Xr•usPd 11 .Tohn l\enncdy, Gru·y Lamphere, boar rl On I y IhP !1• r m of Dee !IPs for the I!J:lfl Wlil'ril r•rop II fir c si11H has hr•cn husy h,mding Mnsnn WcrlrwHrlftY fnrcnonn rill' Die!< Helman, Did< Selbe1·t, Don r Bra>' I'Xjlll'f'S lhls Yl'rll', TPnns ot Jr•ss than II t!Jirrl o[ ihr> VOIP!S oul mrorlrr·nl ~xam r'illrls, ne!'CS· to relurn In Mason Mnnrlny Haviland, Douglas Hilton, Roger Slnlllrl' G. Holnws rrnrl Lyle A. vole agninst quoins, llw sysll'lll Ahenrl of them Is a full Wf'Pi< of Brown, Douglns Langham, Bill 'l'horhu1·n c>xplre In lfl:ifi nnd D1·. sat y for ,ill boys anrl lt)rls pnrtl· 1 will mnllnlll' on ull fnrms whPrr• f'ipnllng In IIH• swlmnunr; pli,rs~ civil sui Is muyh~ more, r nurl Campbell, I llf'lf'S of Wllf'rll rllf' ol IIH•' Mr~son IOf'tf'ntlon prngr<~m. offlf'lals lnrllr r~IPrl WPrlrwsdny. DPnnls Mr·lress w,rs un· D~nnls Whipple, D!dt Raymond Bray rlt•li rnerl I" he a Crlndl· llf~tlng quol;r pPlllllllPs of 'ii>'/, of l'l'"l~l'flm Dlr l'l'lfll J•;d 1\chc al till' f'X(lPP!f'd. Orlglnnlly 2 r•,1scs had ami Harry Spcnny, Jr. driiP df,:"llill parily on jll'nrlurllon from nr·rr• ltcrm sci for 111111. SPiilcml'nl was htgh sr•hflnl Frrd,ry morning of Sr:ouls have planned for d .vr•ar I Dcxler b .111 a'"islr~nl nltornr.v 1' nge In ""r'Pss of allolnwnls. I his WI'Pic 'l'lw offlf'c wllllw op~n reached In one Tur.;,day and ,rfiPr to tnld gl'llf'l nl. Bell IS fill f'Xf'r'UilVe nt "However, llw voiP will nnl lu• from !l In tile mnT'nlng In one a .Jury had been sr!lePif'fl Wednes· mnrc than $'100 thruugl1 lc•r• Wyclh L11hrmrlor1r.s fllf'. Both nre to delerrnhtP- whr•nl '"'I'Pagc allot· o'r·lmlc In lhe aflernoon. day, sell Iemen I was rcal'lwd In cream soeluls, r·ar· washing and the other. l· Lansing last Or toiler· 5 Bufore n the lsl.md where they will pitch ------\vltnP~s tonk 1he sLtnrl, linvycrs tents. vole 111 tilP sdH)[)I elrPI!on if Iiley ins.: quolllli hy a voiP of 2fiH In Kl r·esisr Mason rllstt'll'l itll'luric•s 1111 the To Lighter Car vln J. Salmon appwvr.d the settle· ;,;as. She 1\',1;; grvPn lite lng-IH1111 dssrgnment he· volcrl nga1nsl tlw system lasl have volunteered to transport the ot the summer ll'dching C111'1sllr11111y anrl sl,lll' l'lly, !liP former l!,nvley ,rnd Wll· ment. causf' ot he1 d!lll'r•h .tr·t Ivi tics al 1he unrl PHil Iy. year 4,3:i!J lo 3,68:i. In a l'nllrsron at the eor·ncr of boys and equipment to Clmrle· and org.tnlzlng I'PC!'<'.tllon son drslrr~ls Ill Vevay and most Only f,trmcrs who havP allol· Gale anrl Curlier• roads In Aurc 0111 Cust' Gor•s to ,Jm·y voix are Russell Whipple, 0. G. Velr~~qucz !'Olll)llt•lcd slurhes ~~ the El P.tso of the formet Al,uedon township mcnls of 13 acres or IIH>r<• pet· llus at :l o'clod; Wednesday aft· A jury awanled John Enright Langham, Ed Campbell, Dr. R. R. Mr rlllrl l\lts. llobPJI Sanrlm11n lt\'e 111 1\l,Json mrs,mn 'chool las I spring and pi.ms to em oil tn !IIIli. fnrm arc cliglhlc to voiP- m tlw crnonn, a pounly marl trucl< lost $1,394.80 Monday eratron the Mrss Ph.tl'lss, .John Rodreque:;, camp llldn.tger, ASC cooperation ar·e also rlcnicrl rallied toward mot nrng and by verdrct was tctumed. As Delegates to Mrss NdVCtd l'h.1r iss, 20, of Ihe Univet s!ly of Mrss L) ons, Beebe <1111t Velasquez. a referendum vnle. Arl:nce hospital and about vember 6• 1949· He used part of Mason organizations are send· r:ounl~ They'll help mrg1an1s in the un1on nnd local· funds eollected hy 'the rn1ssronary commit for· a week hy frequent rains, ty when lhc referendum vote is 10 o'r loci< was mov~d to Ingham the PUI'Chase price to buy an . W S sugar beet fie iris mound Stockhnrige as well as tee. llngham County N~ws plwto). rnosl fdt'll1ers were 111 a hutTy to t- talcen, m11y vole by absentee h.d· Chest hospital where he under· automohllc. To celebrate the sale rng 5 t~ olverme Boy,s tate ?t l'ateh up IV!th their hr~ying and lot, accorrlln!t to Alchrn. Absen· went chest surgcr y to l'epair· lung of his farm and his birthday he M 1 c h 1 g a 11 State. fhe, J:>t'O· M h• cultll'<~llng, tee ballots are avallnhlc at the •lamage. invited Mr. and Mrs. John En· gram hegins Saturday and COil· ac I nery R.Jins made' ;-r hay r•rop from ASC offir•e In Ma~on. They can right and Mr. and Mrs. Harold tlnues for 8 days. News Index be mailer! hack to the of:Cice no I Accm clrng In she1 Iff's officers Enright to .loin him in a party. At Deleg~tes from ~as~n and the , wiMI were pr>ot prospects. Rains who mvestrgated the r:rash, Mer· p 111 organrzatl n ate Replaces Pens later th11n June 25. wrn r.;vcritl, Mnsnn, was driving a 3 o'clock the following mornmg 5 onsor g . · 0 s. 'N::rnt arls, Pages 6, 7 and <~!so broughl on qu,!CIC grass in Polling plnccs Will lw an Delmonte lost contml of Ills new I John Howlett, Lrons club, Brll 8, Pclrl ] 1he corn. M.111y flclr.ls which wem nounced ne"t weclc, Alchrn sard lrmderl gl ave! dump tnwl' cast ear at the intersectroll of Colum· Diamond, Kl\vanis cluh; Harn• Socl,ll n~ws, P,rgcs :3, 4 anrl nnt clean before the rain started nn Curl icc anrl was Jlast the In· bia and Aurelius roads He lost Hallenbeck, Jr, Legion post; In County Bookeeping 5, Pdtl 1; Page <1, Part 2; Page were high wrth qu,tcl~ grass this j let secllon with Gale ro.td when his life 'rn the c·rasl1. "I.r's • pas· Robert Carr.oll, Vetera.ns of F.· or.·· 5, Pari .3. week, dnd SJ>t•ay won't do the Schnepp's panel true!\, aolng .rc " 1 W d B 11 p t Autom.ttrrm hns r·ome to the Eclltorinls, P<~ge 2, Part 3 trick. nm th on Gale, hit the gravel sengers suffered inJuncs. e/n ars, an 1 01 ei, court house A Burroughs Model lwspila! contributions, Wtlh olhcr 1 Fat m news, P,lges 2, 3 and F'.11·mr.t·s whn f'U t 1hen· hay, no JayCees Adopt lruck. The impact knoclced the In presenting the case to the nrghts of Pythias. 70 offrce m.tehine for wrrt g dcdLiclions on the horrzon. This 4, Pnrl I. 1 000 111 m,ttter· ho1v shorl It was, before fi'Onl wheels out fmm unclet the jury John Brattin, lawyer for Mor·e than • boys from al~ checks ancl poslrng jolllnals rs new machrne is expected to Legal news, P.1ge 8, Part I: lnrr k. II also stove In the left John Enright charged Delmonte sections of Michigan! chosen fOl beuw installed Ill the pflvroll clc· handle deduclrons and l1eep them the ra1n already have a good sea· Three Projects . ' qualities of leadership and good " ' Page fl, Pmt 2; Pages 5 and 6, side segregated automalrcally ond eullmg in srght. Fanners nf Sr'1111epp's tnwlc. The with gross negligence and wanton citizenship, will mal\e up th~ part men! of the county clerJ(~ Part 4. whn dirln'l rul befor·e the rain l(rnvel ltlll'i< was over·tumed in a and willful misconduct The law· mythical th state, pattemerl offrce. lnstcad of writing one elwell 49 are now nwving fast with their For Community dll~h. The ch·iver sulfcred only ycr .declared that _Delmonte was after Mlclllgan's form of gov~rn· D G Arlgalc of Lflnsing has wrt11 2 c!Lrplicates, wrilutg of jus! first CLiltmg. hr·uiscs. klsslllg one of hts ment. The boys will be drvided been 111 Mason this weel, m,Jklng the origlndl will be all that rs comp~nlons H<~tns held up work on muck dMason's t d ncwcsl f'ivrc gt!t· r~tor·s now have wecd-spmylng Monday mght The new .1Lrnior J' M k L ft g '. .· I government. cater!, Counl) Clerk Ross Hrl check rs mmle ou 1 au tom a lrcnlly, Ire ar s e c. equrpmPnl wl!kh they a1·e using • Chamber of Comme1 ec rlcr·idcrl Pro,testsd off thetEI nlwtglthls, thet Y 1ad Formerly housed Ill 60 Quon-,liard snrd Trme was, l1e recalled, 2 copies of n payroll ~ummmy Decides Millage ~ 1 1 to clean I heir fields. In fact, muck t A R bb (I r cc at•e rom 1e ness s anc. . 1 ll d "Q • ami a journnl of expenrlltt11es Inghdm's tax allocatiOn tmatrl o: s 0 ery ew Har0 II . d Clarice Enrl ht set lUIS common 1y ca e uon· W1Cn1 illl emp 1O)ee recerver1 a farmers ate mechanizrng to the Provide lcaderslup for clcanmg ·h ~ t$20 000 J h E right set Village," the boys this year; check in full payment nf his 1\'rll be nutom1111 grollfl will 1nl!1~t nt thn Br11 Wnr.·C II VI! n1l Ill' JIDHt nf Find Something. .10'1 WeB I CoiUiltllln ~~ I'I!Ut lmll hnnw nf M1•, Ulll] Mr~. Lee flhll(l· Amerlrnn LClglon IR offering :!x5 Wf!U]~ 't 'I' hr. fn!lllly en me lo ton, 2:121 Nm•th Ci•drn· sll'l!et, From Hay Mow llngll frll' 11nln, 'l'lwy mmn with n l.\·t West Point June Week Reunion Has Been Added Mus on from Ouylorrl. 111111 WJIH Jfnll. fo'l·ldny, ,11111/l 17, nt 8;110 Wnltr!J' Mille•· of· Mnson 1111f· jolntll![ Hllll't' Ill' ili'IWIWt fill' rl!lil• locmterl In Holt lor u Hhol'l p. 111. n.v i\1 l'H, Wnllm• Rlmngu cally recupt urert t11r! good old u nil noull-t lll!·hrss I!UgiJt' thrit hr.r denllnl IIIHplny. 'l'lw price IH $:!, tlllll!, HIHHon Is c!nlplny1•d with fm•cfl pnlnful ln.Jurle~ In n pe~JI· · cloys, l!w;bliiHI src! lwr, was Mumlo Owners of •nutol' hontH fllld Rill II Mllce Simone has i!IIUI'go of tim Nl!W YorJ~ .<21lll'lll us Mnson lla•· fll!cldl!nt lust 'l'hut•srl!ly nftm·· l•l II I 'I' II lt'H NO'I'I~i MI'H, W ''II"" '!'Ill! !leX I ri'IY unotiJUJ' JlUI'IIiiiJ l~irli'JI)lOWI'I', WnVIIIg gully and I'll· bouts nn Mir:blgnn lnlwH unci Hll'llllf~u, l.t.:ullu I!UI'I'IJSJIOIICiuut, fnl' thv ~ sales, Hn has u ollpply of the lltn1lnn ugent. 'l'lw rnmlly noon. Whilr! throwing 1lown hay lnvilllhl I:OIIOIY Nuwn, IICIIIJillllllnliUI hill' WIIS' given, as llll!tll!llhlltHiy Jll'l'· wunled hy fl hroa(] smile and II sl rcums lllliHt htty lir.euses for Jluw; ut tile Simone store, jolnr.cl the MnHilll Methodist """'"'"" '" ih•· IIIIth IJIIIIJVOI'Hill'~ uf hiH feet, us [H'ille·jH'OVIlllill" Ill f!VI!I'Y \VIIVt! in J'PIIII'n, tlwlt• cmrt If lhl! bouts are W foJ• his stnPII, hl8 ovemlls 1!a1lgi1t' lfiiHiunllll!l r·l1111ti rtl IJnltt!d :illlllltl Mill· h dnu·eh by Ionm· of transfer Veterans Work feet 01' lliOJ'C iu lcmgt h. on nn ohstruetlnn. He lost his· lurv '"''""'IllY ut W•.t l'ulnt. hlnJur nnd citizen watehing It 11~ tlw fll'til. 'J'tll'll tlwre WIIH the superln· J D • H d 't'hl' new Jaw lwrama r!ffectivrJ from G~JylnJ'(I, Miti,1 :ilrlli>Hil rullli'IIUd ilumu ~·uuoduy, 'l'v•eJttY·OJ]e "LIIIH h1Hlllll'd IJWii.Y ll'lllic•iil'.•,· J'!'l'e)JiiUII WllCl'l' you !'iVIS S· lVI I I. I l footing nnrt wns s11R11ended helld J•', ilo\Uil!( Ill Ufl IH~I:Ullfll nf tludl' t!X• ' h oy U ea Otl( Uy, ..-ICf!n8eS ('LJJl W SUCUl'eC ----- On New Building ''"''"".• ,, "' '""Point. on Bpttlo MouLimomt 11nd <~II HIIIV ovr.ryon1~ you hnd ever from spedal llciJIIses division of Justice Court Ler:lon11nlrc~ hurl a HLICcessful downward 18 feet nhove tiJC Uno1·. "l·lfl,\'/ :-11rnnge," cazne fl'om n lmew tliut tlw grent monwnt hild l\illl\VIl In the urmy, It seem13cl, For Hu d son Bay lila~ ."r.c•J't!li11'Y.. ol' sttlle'"·~ offli.'O 111 \VIIl'll Jlurty Sunday ul tlwiJ• new The overalls tore lnosl! und Mll· whlll··ltiilmd little mun wl.th 11 arrlved-IIw wus ther,, 1111d In lhr•lt• very bl'si clothes, · Lansing. F'er.s ure $5 for bouts· Lyle Luntz, J.esllo, plonrlr.d illllldlng. ler pitcher) onto n hny lnadhr All ll tlli'I'C he WUH, smlllllg' 1111d 'l'IIC.'I'I'. 1\'l.'l'o IJ1UI'I! rUnners, lunch- J'J'Illll Jt1' tc1 ~(J l'"t.•t, ."'J",J foJ' 2fl 111 rrullty IJt•foJ"• Tlt"ti"" of I)IP slundlng on tlw llUJ'n ltoor. He twinlrliill~ Hmile liS' he eume with - ~ •P ., • ~ ' ~ LL • l•'ot•ty voto•I'UIIH l'l'JIOI'Ir!d for hHIId ,.xtewiPd, ~nylng "Remem· grnclous unrl ns Pl'idl'!\11 of 1111! "oiJH, tc•11s, hop~ uwl the g-ayest Joy 0. Duvls unci his boy !lH ro•et, ~:25 ful' 2R Ju .15 fcet, uud Peueo noy W. Adams to fishing wortt usslgnnumts ami muny hmlw his collarhone 1111rl his body 111 ,1, 1111 ,.,. I t'ltt!.'rl you in your pageantry thnt Is .JuJu• we1•1\ us t>li>nil' r•omplr•te wl!h n perfect F.:I'IIes·J Jeq Wlldnesduy nlgltt wlt.lt ll1l up to $75 r111• flO to Bfi [Pet. without u llcensl!, HI' Jlllld fhrH ngrPed wnl'lt eueh wcwlt ll1ltll wns almosl complet.cly cover~rl · t I 11 IJ. 'l'' y 0 ,1 1my other nlurnnus und Jli'C!~ent· mnm1 ovrr Hound pond, more Vei'Jle Davis nnd Dldt Hhy111ml Houts !t•ss tllun lti !el't in a1ul costs of $12.80. He wus flsil· ,. 10 g is J'l'llrly fot· oecLI· by bruises. I'" H· ~'~ r,•·ms '• years R!10. ' Ill" tl1e ncarlemlc nwunls lit! otJL'f' "111.''• 0 • 11~. J'lllOIIY unrl tlwn the :JOI'h of Luosln•! ami Hownrd Clnl'l( I I IT I I 111 ~ 11111111111 Miller made his wny from the· I 4 wen• fllll' tiearml i.Juy those days. hllll" covete1l oud lllll'l'!lW.Iy missed, "l'l'llnlon " " of the duGs of 192!5 wus und o;on of"' J.uclcson for 11 fishing length, c•allolls und ull boats pro· ng'f n c·l!wes R 11 lltll. M 1 tmncy, reJJorll!d• r.ommander tmrn to the h01Jse. He wus talllm · NfJt lillY more so !hun lite Ellsen· peilecl l1y Dill's Ul' pudrtles ut·o ex· om . · o J nson, .ason, w1m J•' · u k Schmirlt. I f •• 11 1 by umhulunce Jo Mason Generul J~ach uluss went ou to Its own uV!!t'. 'l'lw gralluatlon, execpt for tl'lplnnm·thern Canarlu, up with- l.'nl)Jt. Atly 1111 ,, .Jr,· 1·.,1 1 lona wllll befell''' T"rl•"' A1to n" Mo111l'lY foJJ' II0\'11'1' wtrs '10 ycul's 1e Iore you. 2 1 1 h · 1 11 ~ ,., ~ '.., ..,. 1 ·' ' Following the wot·l•, tlw Auxil· l1ospltul. lie Is nnw ut )lis horne, , I , l'l'Unlon, '!'hose of I!I fi wen I to tliP :ilumnl who hurl sons f n s · in 75 mlles of Hu1 son Buy, m~tcJJ' 111. ,''IJ)I 11111 ," JJn li"eJls'•rl. viotr t]o of Pl'lllllltlotJ IJn v ·· go(l(tll':; 1',1111111(1 tn HI'!!1 you, lOy, I H Cullum hull· for dl11lng ami liruw ill!! tliiH "Pill', seemed uhnost ·lin 'fhe JlHl'IY dl'ove to the Cun· " n " 1 • L ~ t 1 11j 11 I' 10 1 • . " 1 11 ,, iiii'Y, l!•rl hy MI'H, Pl!£11'1 .Jewett, still I'Oilltned to bed. ' 1 •,·r•o•. Yllll ," ln[J but. mostly fo1· remmnlwr 1lllf 1111 ti-dimux.· " adian Soo where they bouTderl 'I'll"L 1'1\V' [JI'ovlcl'"'c., tl1at · all n1o · sen ° ·a 01' 1 ays. pl'n_IJ,'II'C•rl" till' !11111nsc fOI' n potlll"ltL Pltollgh! It was Riohnrd 1 1 1 1 f I' t Willi , Jew o1· sail boats JG feet and ovm· Rlchnrd Ct·u ndull, Mnson, Icnlc. Boy Drt'nks Kerosene ~-'lll'r• I 1luys as cruets o r YPH eJ'I ay nn• W:illl'l' Smtt SII'U.Jlge Is a mem· s 11lfl Ill' •or UIJl, 1'rom I I I II I f I I 11 011 Wat:.tJ now 7U, retlwd nmiliv ng 11eHI'Ilg 1 0 r tl le Jli'P.Se!l t ' tr HJ. 'I'IJP"" 1!1'1' of till! !!lass or 1925. Just 34 tl wre tl wy IV ill (I'I lv e ' 100 Ill II l'S opemted the GJ'[Jilt Lakes off pl'urec !lllw ty I Je omII 'lllgl' 'I'll"L J.!'g'l.oJl- lVIII IIIIV''c It··n EIJL· ••r'r1gl'1' 'l'c!I'Jls, 21,:.,-:. of -?233• N~'" ill llil~lilililll !•'rills, who, with his lnllcetl of Cnsn HlnJll'n Jlunl( ,.YI'III':i Hgo he went fmm 'l'aun· to Red I,alte, Munltobn. At Hell Michignu HIHJJ'I!S uJ' cnnuecltlng Alclarns,l llerliJIJiesr:lly, £'I wnsf· nnul Plrctlon of offii'C'l'S 'l'hm·s· DPihi, llolt, tool\ n hlg swig of hrotiiPI' Hol>L•rt, nnw 7G, hud been Hanldns, uml Hnwuil fl'Dm BJ•ucr! ton, Mnssadnlsctts, 1o report Ill Lulte they will take planes to wnters unil un lnluwl waters· HIIV· clllllrge\rw t I lelga t$'~~~eHstu o day, .Tune tU, In the lliiW lmllrllng lwro~en£> Wr.tlnesrlay night about 1iltl111' Ill tiH• acudemy foJ' 50 Clarl<, who had tlnwn In fmm J•:il'.,t Ao·adl'mle hall In West lhelr cump, 'J'hey are tailing In lng u navignhle Inlet Ill' out ot quOJI' .. e wns I rll!c ,'l ,1) am slenl Ill's o'eloclt. 10 o'cluclc Deputy Rogel' Muss· .\'1'111';, llw1"tly Hl!en t\lgelher this f 1 It! 1· - 11 1 1 1 1.,1 1 must IJe licensed. to Ju I for 10 cays w t 1 unot ICl' , , . , f iff' t there fur the estv I!H m· o l'nlnt. .luHt :m ye 111 •11 ago he hnd a twrtents, JC!ung, JOats,mo- lOuaystndolffinenndcustsm·e Jhr. nomlnutlng c.o1nmltter. s mnn o tw swr s 1epaJ•mc11 .Juno• II'P<'k, tiH!Y neve•· missed a Lealie with Waller Stmng1! Ol' of gaily Jlill'lidpated In .Tune week tors and supplies. 'l'he Duvises Aslwd If Lulw Lunslng anrl not [lflld headed hy 1{, A. Zlmmet·mnn.1 unswercd 1tlw 1c•ull of pnrents1 1 for !Will", lli'VI'I' falterer! on lh~ yeor E:rsatz, Maine, where a rr!tln~rl unrl 1111 ,11 wunt 011 io seJ'Vl' hulf· have made the trip pt·evlously. Pleasunt lul

Pnlmel' and Itile ltei'Osene·ancl the hoy was re- tnilillll latJIPs for tholr urmlmmls' ugo tried no! to ]oolt Hr•ll·l'llll· M•tjfll' <'tl'lllll'n's nt•my carenr I ason neman Sll(lrl!lllll COUI'I has deeldecl I hut Monday. She was )lilt on Jli'Oim· Mike Simone. lensed about midnight. . nrul idl'lllirimtlon cards. 'l'hese 1 1 1 1 ti · 1' • •' " lillY ··tr·n·1111 W1'tl1 "llOUgll \Valet· to lion fo1· n yn_,'\1'. . , · SC OllS 11111 0 S ep S!Jl, at' y I•IS•• !' illf'llii,ICII JI,J?",J·2..;', ~. 13111 lnfaJJtry,~ Ma k e Jwo· Runs ~ "' ~ " 1\'Pr£• lil<'it' boys nnd they were on trudged up the hill Jtom th1 J.ul- Brl"ln th•• 1~o;HI Arsl'nnl, Mnrylund; 1929·31, rul alarms. sail boats ](J feet lung. spent 3 days in .!all. • on I, "\l'nlt, J'd Jmnw you any· ote. ~ 1°, "u u ,1111 111 was thr; 2Gtil infnntry, Plattsburg bar· Just. before midnight 11 passer· II Bert VunVallwnbet•g ami Hnr· 1 1 1 1 i Jlawlesls rl.al'1111 ct.,l Pmn 1,1,11 g1.1.1J111 ' C'.Lll·· l'tll'lS ~ Wh<'l'l'. II C'an't he :!0 yearli;" or amJUn n n , 11 1 I fee law carries penalties up 1o ry VauVallwnberg, both of Lill'inll llolrlu0's, "How many l I ail to 'i'h'lYC!I: momt111en1 Willinm McKinley, Ph ipp ne S· a barn on Jhe William UbeJ' $100. Hl'Vf'nU/! fmm ~ale of !Joat Meridian, pleaded guilty before J•UDLISIIED THUIISDI\Y AFTERNOONS IN TtiE CITY OF \'Pal'>· siiH'P we were In 'l~l~s t.m 0 n u m'£> 11 1 Inscribed: llnnrls; l9:l2, U. 8. expedltlonury place, 1138 Harper road. Cloth· licenses goes Into a stute fund Judge Adnms Saturday to MASON, MICHICAtl 3 .ilnrhllr'?"1 Ill' Lewle Riggins call· "Colonel Thayer Fathe1· of llw Jol't:r; lo Shang-hai, Chma, lst In· lng hanging on a post had caught fo1· improvements of harbors and Phnrges of drinltlllg n11 the high· Entel'el! '" ••oond rl~•• mntt11r nt po•loll'l<", Mn•on, llll•hlu•n, undor Acl in ~ "''', "I guess the Phllllplnes A de y" and st·mding In fl'oni fant•·y; 19:l2·35, :Jlst Infantry, Ma· on fll'e, probably from a clgaret docks. way. Each pnld $12. ., Mnreh , IH?U tar<'d iJndly nrtel' we left there, ot~LII'~ted, ivy-c;verecl Wnshing· ~til Ia,. PI.Jilii~Jllne. I~lancls; 1935-40: dropped from. the f!oor above, ------Paul Fernhurg, Holt·, plended 1 11 Wntl." ton hnll, received first the men of 2nd Jll~,JiltJy, .Fmt. Wayne, De sugg~sle~ Fire Chtof Leland guilty to an nssault nnrl hultel'y 'J'hh wn~ the r.la~s of 1925 thut 1895 and on through to lnsl year'' tJ·olt; 1.1·10;:"· .30~.h l.~rantry, Pre· Austm. 'Ih£> Ubers had the fire H f ( charge when taken before Judge SUilSCRH'TION RATES IJ:id lllf'q.:Pd in forming the "Long graduates who were fortunate ~!diu of s.m I"JnllCISCO, 1941·42, under Cllntrol before fh•emen I unter ·0 rows; Adams Monday, He paid $10 nncl One yettl' In Jnglillm nml JliHJllny udHrllttlnR rnt.•ft on PP• Cl'l'l' I .iw•" in Ibis matchless set· enough [~ get b:ICII for Jl.llll' !:P.IIt~ State! .eoll;ge; ROTC, Penn arrlv~d. Damage wns only a fewj · , was placed on prohntion for :l naljululnl( t•ounll~ft ...... ,,,,,,.12.60 pllrntlon. Unti!Ot!Rti lcu•nltt nnd rend• 1 (PayniJlu Ju Advance) In~ notl1'P.!\ on firHt uratl lot•nl J•BKI.!I1 tin ~ lll'stlr•ll between the high· weelc. Most of them had a Wife, Stdlt., Pcnnsylv.ml<~: dollats. . Sh t H If months; OnP. )INII' ou!t~ldt\ Jnnh11m und ~lie n 111111. No J•twdiiiK or hu~lnet.u lmul:: 11f thl' Hudson, with fine nlmost· at· tile point of tenrs· of M:J.Io•· Stmnge 1s now em·· At 2:25 Saturday mormng fire-~ Trnffle violation tlcltets rr.· udjolnlng t!OUntt1•11 ...... 3.00 aulvortiflln~f li!KII thnn fiOt•, Announce· 00 S lmSe !llx muutiltt lu Inidmrn urul nll'niH of ..rJtfol'tUinlnPUttt wht•re nU· old ivy-dad halls housing the pride, standing- on lip-toe waving ploy(•d at Commonwenlt!1 Asso· men made a run to a burning ported· settled In Jullge Adams' niljuinin•~ t•nuntlet~ .... """'''"' l.fiO Jnlttt!lon ft1 I'IUU'Kt•d Ul' of U.ll)' Plnn trni11ing that is 1he tradition that to Jhe most' important man in tlw l'intes in Jac:l{son, and wtth Mrs. house /railer located at the cor-, DeVere Edv.:ards, lG, Lansing, court during the week w£>rc listed )•'uur liHlllthH ...... },II() I 0 rult~e fu111111 lnlltil lit! IHlld ILL. J'PH'U• iH Wo•st Point nnd' producing 1he group-her hushancl-so lhnt he Strange, li_vcs 8 miles enst of ner of Aurelius and.. CuJ•tlce roads. shut himsel~ 1nstend of a crow by him as follows: !:]lnKh•tl IHIIJh!H """"""""""""""' _ .05 lnr rntt'fl, I 4 rlignity Ilint is hom through In· might see hm· pride in his LI'Hiie. I~u 1s th.e Flrs1 ~eader of It was completely destroyed. Mrs. at. the Wlllmm Bupp farm, 6 Rolph Hedman, Leslie, speed- stilliiiJ(, "llonm·, Duty, Country." nehlevement! Protecled from tlw the Leslw Clmstian Scwnce So· Juanita Betancourt was tlw own· m1lcs east of Moson Sunday aft'. lng, $12. " Tlit•ro• Wl'l'e misty eyes when crolvd, hut none-lr.te-less pmurl eiety. er. She had gone to Lansing et·noon. Hn shot himself in the Merle D. ·rldillg this trui:lltlon. r Ther.e . N '!'here was no £>lectrlcal connect· Edwards, who worlcs on tlw speeding, $7. \VI'rf' lliOHI' preseJit who had been L ews ion. The stale fire marshal and Bupp farm, wus shooting at Charles Carlton, Manchester,' rlr'niPd tllf' privilege. of gruduu· es1 I e Fire Chlel Austin ore continuing crows befot·e he IIJI[) Bupp went speeding anrl running stop sign, 1 inn hPI'UliSe of serious accident their investigation of the blaze. to mend fence. Bupp put. the 12- $16. on I ill' fontbnll field lilcc ·Jaclt· Clara C. Strange - I I I . R I Stnnley Swan, Mason, recl:latus, he stHI feels the.sdng Mort Waldo of Lansing, chair· shelter. Bupp drove to a shed, Ray Balter, Stockhl'idg£>, r£>ek- nf mi,;sing- his cherished dream ot qllilP a rlifferent thing for they man of fnrm committee of Lun· parking thn cnr outside. less· cll'lving, no opeJ·ator's license, and \Vf':lt'iJJg his Icountry's tiniform E I' h Str.ke· tr'vClrl lllnt·n Lltltl'l tllelr son, JlOW $45. . . . l .1 ng IS I ' ' sing Chamber of Cornmerce, is Edwards walked out to the nnd pmving I 1e trummg 1.n euu· . .v. g · .e".'lle, \""." 16. They f . f( ••. T . HoiTy .Tones, Mason, running I I W 11 111 111 1 11 1 1 1 rr~hip Ill it coumge . t Jat. est c','llne ft'l"'l • to,, Plll.lall~Iphla,u~ and ma 1 Ang p lUIS ~ Ill''1'1 a tiCI' t·o ulll·'II ear and too<1 the gun. r~e sh' 11pped stop sign, $5. hi I p ~ ~ ner ugust l.J. 1e ( mne1· WI in a shell and wa:s wutc mg a PointI liildI givenI l Ill. d Ha t s assage 1111'.11 lcJ Deti'ot'l WlleJ'e t)lny stlll d . f I f }i'ranlt L. Young, III, Mason, If' II ~ prece e opemng o t 1e arm crow when the gun was dis· M.attress T I le w we group seeme . l'rJ',JI•a t lir•'it' IJome. 'fhe Stans· I I . I Ml II speeding, $9. . 111 111 I 'I' I 1 1 1 ·~ mec 1an zatwn s ww, at c 1 gan charged. Bupp heard the shot and M I ' II ll'rl', wyl watcle(I t le pa- Lesl"le Iel fll•.lrl.·· ii"V". "ll,lllY"rl their trip but s A 1520 Jan Dart, ,, ason, excess 1ve R4!gular $44.50 Quulit;y t·~· I' t tat prececed t 1e presentu- Of Coup rill llf>t,, f.l.lltiiJ.vt'ngu " c ~ l'n the harbor of tate ugust , · . seconds later saw the boy stag· speed, $7. · · 11 · ,, t' ger into the shell, stating he had h J h M . 11()11 ol 1111 et1c awarus, no mg Liverpool abroad ship too pleas· St t' Q p I t shot his foot off. Beu1 a o nson, ason, speec1 · ' t hal I!11• old "squnds right." for· England and its extenr!ccl clor:k ant, tiiPY write. a IOn Wner ro eS S ing, $12. mal h111 was bad< In vogue und workers ~tTilrest de:-'elops n league will be I 0 tal'y of the sixth district. igan State. formed to Include adults and high wt'J Si s'ld' c . I c I schol1ola bleoaygs.ueHew> opuolldntebde ofiuntai11Cheadt 0 Qultl'tel I ng 0 1e1 omp etes OUrse. sue ....· MPmhel's of the Leslie Meth· . by team entry fe£>s and by col· odist church will be hosts to the Army P'lt. Auburn C. Perldns, lections at games. . :a .John Brown university male whose wife, Von Du Lee, lives in The Mason J'ec•·eatlon director quartet f"rldny, June 24, at 8. Vestaburg, recently was grad· udcled that he would lilce to have .Beef . Professor ,J. Emerson Russell, art uated fi'Om the mllltary police tt1ose Interested and who plun on · ' . · I instructor, travels with the young training center at Camp Gordon, attending the meeting to cnll him rollege men. They have appeared Ga. Prlvat 15 ...... '...... 44 8•1 June 16 ...... 70 ESTnt4TES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ·Dog Food 5 Lb 54C: SPi\NISK !\lASS IS SAID Head· Lettuce 2 For .35c I Father Antonio Herrara came I· to the St. James church Sunday ( . to give 11 t;nass ut · 8:30 a. m. for· ' ( the migrant workers. The ser· ...,.. Davidson Sahr Fur Co .. mon .was gly~n ln ·Spanish. He will do ·this th"n~ghout the sum· 118 W. Lima.wee .. One bl~ck southwest ~ Arbaurtl!s ) me1·. Father o:~vrara '19 .•from "Li.nslng· Open e.venlnp for yonr oouvea~enCfl ' ~ ' ' GEORGE'St • ' .MARKET • • •••• ' '• Mel'l~o and ,L ..••1e • ~o ·. t~~:. t,lnlted States ·to· help "mlgrant:.WorJw:s. fHONE 9R·7-~.7,1 ~ 1.· .. , , . . . during t!le ilu~mer. ' . . . ~ ' 4 .. }] Clubs Silver,. Old Rose Are Theme~ Clllllllllll Cunuun Aggh!B met 111 the • • • lwnw of Churlos Everett f'r·iduy, • • • • • • • • • ,lull() 10, Holl mil was unswcrecl Graduates Are Honored at Parties I lly "Why 1 jolnerl tho H·I chtb," DJ\NCffl S'l'UDI!!N'I'S Pfo:Jll•'Ofl.M Repnr·t s on pm,lect s were mude All gr·adrtntrs of llfnson lilgh grl't!ll'd Dnrlt•n" l!r·nwn, diiUJ(hler· nnrl Mr·~. William l•'lsl1, 1\':r~; lion· Vacalion Bible School: J'alsy Wnl~on pmseniPd lu•r· Circles Meei by Rollm·t .Johnson, Leon F.vm·ett school wem honorl'cl Ill rm·op­ 111' Mr·. lllld MI'H, Mt•r•io lll'llWil. lhlrd dnnmJ rl'vun In J•;nslt!r·n nnd David Doolltlle. tlcms 01' open hottsns fnilllWlrrg nrr!d 111 n fnmll)1 g;ilill'l'int~ 111 i11'1' Mrs. Bmwn's slslul', Mrs. Cillll'lr!H honw. HPfr'Pshnwnrs ot Hiltlll· lllgh school nudllm·lttrn, Lansing, Agglos uc('epted an Invitation commencement exorcises '!'hurs­ l:l!'uiiC'Il ol Ml'Comll, Ohio, H;· nlllo11 for c•nrnpletlng grad" 1me lhc lwm,. of 111m. f'Purl Vaughn. dny, .June 20, Gm·den rnl!mbl!rs with a white llnrm doth, gnrdPn worlwrs, 'l'en l'OIHIIs 111 Mllotlll S. Pulw•r•, Mr·s, Hobert LPonard, sun 111 11 l't!l't!pl ion at Vevny town plii,l'l•d Lllllnu'~ gills. and .Suzanne Mills I'Pcclwd 11 I'Pt'· Mr•s, c111 ·iy.te Waltz, Mn;, Ida Will ml!et 'l'uesiluy, June 28, with l'lltii!S and MliVI!I' CliiHIIes, e'OI'l't!· I1•P high sdrnol are heinl( usc!d £111' Mrs. Lawr(!JH'C Burton, Mrs. Don· lwll. I'I'Pam nnd cui!< ~~ 'I' llflcale for· huving cumpil'ted 'l'Ut'llbull nnrJ Mrs. l•'mncl:-; Gucn· Chnrlcs Sanders. &pondlng wlih the elass culot·s of ~i'I'VI!d b,Y Mrs, l~cl'll Wamer· ul' the school. 11/rl I llghlu, Mr·s. Russell Hobbins, gt'ade ~- The beglnm~r·s 1h•par•tnwn1 lms Mr~. l-liii'I'Y Shultis, Mr·s, Elmer I her will lw cu·hm:lessPs, Mrs. Ed Cunnnn Armies won I heir soft· 11ld r.o~c unci sl)ver. !Ioll, Mrs. JYiuxlne DLIITlliV Cllld • • • Judl'l',/ohn will glvr. devotions nnd hall game plnyerl ngnlnst Alnle· M I'H, Sm11 hwici<, nn em·o!lment of ·12, wlllr Mr·s. !;f'irofleld, Rf!v, Raymond Norton Lyle foss, son of Mr. tind Mrs, Presbyterian Almon Fulton as supPrinlendPnt. and Miss Barlum1 Norton, Mt's, Slc!rllng- Mrmcs Is In chnrgc don Lumher,/ncilions and Mrs. L. Members of White Oa!c .1-1 of roses were placed tlwoughoul c·r·eam and coffee, Cirde •I lllPmhl'rs will pil'llil' Guests came from .J:u•ksun, 111 Haym•r· park 'i'IIPsrlay, .lllrll' !1, · h~qJ1Izcd on hrs parents' first wed. Mrs. Joseph Butoru of Ft. Knox, L. Swanlnger, Mill. Chesler Flet· club met at the home of Rose-4 the Miller home. Ice Cl'eam, calw Brig!Jion and Narrow lal\e to . Clill1! Study Club No. I met all ding unnlversnry Sunday. Rev. Kentucky, and Bannister, and Mr. cher nnrl Mrs. Lucille Wilcox are mary Bruvendet• Tuesday eve· at 6:30p.m. Mrs. N:rililln 1.:11rlr: and punch were served lo guests congmlulatP Gar·y Lampheri!, :;on Is hostess, Mrs. V:urglru S11ordc RayJler pal'it Wednesday fur a Paul Amolrl officiated at the rl\es qnd Mrs. John Lundy, Mt·. aml maltv of t 'lrrisli:rn Servlc•e lwvc• ,;,.,,n c•xlf•Jiilt•rl 11 ,mer.chll,dr·en_ f'wcnty.IJvc all?nd~d. molirl'l's. . and . . daughter,nounce th" Shal'On marriage Sue, toof Gordon their Mpraessoer111.' from Eaton Rapids amlj'Mus'IC Studenf thAe e1osde of the meeting. Lul1eland, Florida, Lanstng, Dans· Pink und sliver calr Jassel r!ecomtcd the table. Holjln ·Dart cnm]ll'isJ•d tlw food • • " , , , , . this summer. In tlw fall she will and· played outdoor games. Mrs. Don Doohtllc, at her home. Joe Graham, son of Mr. and committee. Meetings will l'<'sumc Rev. and Mrs, George Tennant Mason W?men s Golf A~~oci,J return to Eastman where shl' 1'omlln~on A buffet luncheon was ser·ved Mrs. Gerald Gmham, recelvcel Mr. antl Mrs. Biit'ilrll :'nrilh and Mic:heiiP WI'I'P guPsls ol ~II', from a table decoraled In old congmrulallons from 30 guests, In the. Jail. of Copemish and Fife Lalall Coterie had fJ Frederick serving as general served calw, ice ercam and cllf- Mr$.:'Qharlcs Clipper, trensurl't', Rev. Wilson Tennant of Holt, ~lllhc/o~l<, lo~ pu:\ , r~iy-11'01 11 potluck dinner at I he I. 0. 0. F. chairman and .Joellen Bullen as fee. OtTiceJ's We!re cleet·e!d Wednesday and Rev. Wirth Tennant of Scott· I pet • 0~ nth alnc 1 rs. 1 tam 1hall Monday, June 13, at 7 p. m. advertising chairman. Fifty friends and rel[ll ives 0 Ingham County News June 16, 1955 Page 3 evening. ville, and his son·in·law, Rev, d I l b r·The picnic had lieen previously The club will have a roller ~ 15~r, Cl'f~~0 :~j 11 ,1 8 • • • Raymond Norton. Rev. George M. j ~ ~ ;nd ~ . e~ ~ planned for Haynl'!r pari<. sly plane -. $7.95. Mrs. Harry. .Johnston; Mrs. Hugh trolt. Shrrley Martin was married from Willow Run airport Lounges NO DOWN Austin and Joseph Sterle of Ma· t~ Roy Qunnstrom of Gary, In· Wednesday. Color&d in g11y plaid. Light, e.uy to move. PAYMENT son dtuna, and Joan Martin was mar· 1 Mrs. H. J. Bond returned to Tables ' • ,, • rled to ,Douglas 1'uclt of Detroit. Mason Monday, from Los M11de of strong oluminum lor durclbility. REQUIRED The Martin sisters.' fRther, Rev. Angeles. She will be spending the The idul gift for DAD. Deck Chairs New Arrivals · Ernest Martin of Detroit First summer at her home, 184 East Church of t;he Nazarene, per· Ash street. T MJ', and Mrs, Russell Hunting· formed the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rollinson EASY OREDI ton of Mason are the parents of a 'Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bullen and returned home Wednesday nfter daughter, Jacklyn Marvel, born Mt'. and Mrs. Robert Wnlker rep· spending the week with their son June 9 at Mason General hos: resented the Mason Methodist and daughter·ln·law, Mr. and pltul. church at the Young Adult con· Mrs. Chan Robinson, and family Michael David, son of Mr. and ferenee and dinner In Albion last of Painsville, Ohio. W.hlle 'there MASON· 'Mrs. Vern Garlow of Mason, was Saturday, They brought back the Roblnsons attended .the plano born June 11 at Mason General reports and Ideas for-the newly recital of Rebeeca and Pamela hospital. formed Young Aelult Fellowship Robinson and thl-! dance recital . MJ•. and Mrs. Jack MttlhoJ,Jand of the Methodist cl1urch. · of Rebecca. :... "ome. ·Appliance of Mason are the parents of n ·Mrs. Claude Jones att«!'nded the .Mrs. Bessie Wlllters spent Sun· :itO.W. M'ple. . Phone 08·'7·6911 daugl1ter, Kelthu Jo, born June Pat&Y Watson duntoe recital a~ day Wltll Mr. a~d 1\frs, r. ~. Kutt ' . ·~...... ~ ··- .... ' . 1a !Jl Mason General tiospitnl. · · Eastem high school Monday, · and i'amlly of LB11slng. Iertgtll roae taffeta format ror c,.ace lle(lp,'len Wells lVat-i-ve o)' A lg·onac hm· clnur,hler's wmlrllng. Her cor sngo Wll~ of ~~lmnrHipped yol In 11 tH'Pily l'lltHIIPllgllt l'r'rl'· tow t·o::;ehudH. 'I he hrlclcgroom'; lll111l.l' "' n::m Sitllll'tlll,l' I'Vi•lllllg,l f'' SociaL Personal mother wore llll JHJUII floor·longll and .l11nn 'l, l\IIss lil'ill'f' 1•:1'1'1)'11 lii•IIJl· ,.,. ,,, gown of lnfl'oln nnrl lwr corsng1 • lr!n of Alr:rlllill' lll't'llllli' tin• ill'il[l' • wns of phil\ t·osehuds. of ClwstlP,\' Pmnillar11, ,It·., ufl' lt•w••Jtllnn ul Murhw Clly . l'"li""'lf', itt '''" '""'tr' "r ''"' .Newlyweds l/oneyn1-oon at .Niag·ara .. Falls Lotts Receive IJr·itll'~:rnnm',; jlilll'lil,.,, J,Jr. illlll Throe hllnrll'l!rl gcwsls nt lr•tHiet' 11 ~ Jrs. I 'III•Hill',\' I lrnlli l101 I d. : :r. 'J'itl' j rreeptlon honoring the newly ·•.. l'vlr. and 1\'Ju;, Wnyru• H. r•:vnry 1 I IIJI'irll' Is Ill!' rlllllghlt•l' ni' ~lr. 1111d: weds ut I. n. n, 1•'. 111111 In M;u·lnr '''ilrl) al. 111lllli! 111 ·Ill:! Woodworth Guests Sunday i'll,n;, l.awton lli•rlr:ll'll or ~li.,illll. i City at H:OO :-iaturrla,\' I'Vr!nlng · ;dn:PI, l,r~slil!, nfiPI' 11 honnymoon 1 '1'1w hall wns rlr.mrnlnrl will 111 Nlugarn J•'nlls nnrl Maddnne 1!1'1'. 1•:. Yllllill"l ttl' lit!' i\l~ollill' white wc!rlding lwlls, r•retw pnpr.· Jr;l,lnd. 1\lr. J•;vt,!l'~' and Miss At· Open House C'lntrl'!t of l'lll'ist p.'J'fn: llll'rl II I'' ·~ strc•nnwrH and garden llnwr.rs , 11 .M:trlon ,flllllllll! Larson of Ln:;llc :;in!:IP·I'III~ l'l'l'f'nll>llY ill tl11• [ll'£•.,. Pundt waH srrvrrl, follnwml hy 1 tlr\V£'1'1' ITiiiiTIPrl l•'rlrlay (!\'Piling, Mr. iilld ~In;, Hay Loll, 1711i PIII'P or fill> illlnH•riiy lill'li' l'iilhln•n, (;[V"Il In 111/ll'J'i;J"I' hy ilPr r.,.' mlninlun• hrlrlr> nnrl hrlrlrgroon 11111 aud 1'11111lt•lilill'il for llw dtntblr.· Ml', 1111rl ~Irs. ~llll'\'ill Lntt 1 1111'1', thr hrirlP Wlll'r• n llonr·l··IIFIII HtHI plnlt weddln~-: hells r•enlcrer rlnt.: 1'1'1'1'1111111)', wlilr•li was JH!I'· Mr. 111111 ~ll'.'i . .ltlllilll' llt'rtwnfif'ld. l~ll'.'lll ld' wllill' 11.1""" 111'1 ,.\.'t''' IIW if'l' I'I'PIIIJl, fornwd by 11111 \'astor, Hr•v, ,John Otll! hlllllirPd thlrl,\' fl'il'llriH 1111rl 'al'l', fn,;lliotl''ri will> 11 full :;hirl. 'l'lw lirlrll• grruluatl'rl frwr 4 'llullodl. .lnlHI fltllrll'll, Jr., plnyr.rl t'l'lntil'l'H l'lllll'd 111 tlwil' linllll! N\'lon llf'l :rnrl llml'l'l':i of liit'l' Spring Arhot' .Junior enllr•ge, anr org1111 ~~>\'r•s r•;.;tr•lld,•rl 111 lJ-:1111 111'11 'l'r!lr•phmw c·omtmny at 1 Hllll" llPt'illt:H•, 0 l'romi.~i~ Ml! 111111 AnniV('J',o..;nrv t'lll\(1 1 lt•£l t't'C~aln, i puln!s onq· IIH Wl'i!;ts. li1•1' i\lgnmt<•. 'l'hl' hrlrlegrortm gmrlu , 'l'hr! J.rml's I '1'11.\'Pr. [lllltch, r·ril'fr'l;, lliiiH :tllrl minis, I slullllrlt>r·ll'llgill Vr>il 1•::rs lit>lrl ill alert from Algonac high sdwol .:, '!'hi• ltrirl" is fill' rlillll(iller of wr•n• SPI'\'t•rl. '1'!11• inrlividnnl sc•rv·l pliii'P hy " stiff 1111'1' I iar11. ~:111• unrl lljlrl'lllt•s ills own slr:n JHtllll· .,l\Jr. 1111rl 1\lrs. llarolrl K. Larson i11gs of in• 1'1'1':1111 \\'1'1'1' dl't'lll'illi•rl l'ill'l'iPrl 11n III'IJJ IHllllflll'l 111 1\llll'l'i· ing IHisltwss In Algon:u!, .of I.Psllt•. ~Jr. iiiHI 1\•lr·s. lill'll 11. with n ":l ..," In c·oritl. 'l'l11• taliiP r'ltn il1'illtly ~'"""" ll'ilit·ll 1\'as ''''II· IICIIII',YIIIulln In Nm·th .':,.Jo:l'l'l'\' 111' 1\IIIHilll lilT! I hi• hrldl'· rif'l'lll'llllttns I'OIIsiHtl'rl of 1:111'ill lr•n•d with n pull·olll lon;iiJ''' 111 Afll'l' it III>IH')'Il11111n ·trip In ' gl'onin's Jllll'l'lll~. ''iiiHIII's n11d a il"'"llll'l ttf 11111('1\ gnnlenlils, tlllltlll'l'll ~lir•hlgan, tlw nr.wly· \\'(>(Is will l11• at l1111tw 111 Mill ", Tl11• ill'lrlr• dtiiSI' l'llillltllly liil'l' dl'illlgl' illtd t'lll'ilk11llln~d rost•s. ' Mr.'', Arlr•!l1• llr~tllill;p·d of l"ti· 8::;o slrl'el, lll~onll(', l•'or hr>t' ~-:nln~-: "flVr•r r;afln l11r ill'l' WPdrling rlrPss, ~lr''· f.oll wa:; nttirr•d in 1111 In•· I ''"1~11, sisll'r·in·l:ll\' ol' till' ilrid.• 1 1 awa,l' nnlfil 1111' llt'\V Mrs. Drottll· fll!;llilllll'd \I'll It il HI'IHIJl 111~1'1\11111! blur' IHl:l • dn•s.c.t. llt'l' ~'OI'!-i:IW ~~r f..rt'no~n, 1-'PJ'\'~'d jJ~ lll:li I'Pil nl' iltll\ larrl dw~l' il ~·f'ilmv sler•vr>h!ss nllliltll'rl in 1111lr•. IIPI' ho11ffant t'llrltl lllllllllllll't' rllhi'S 11'11.~ II gill 01', Stu• rilllllll'd il IIIII[\ it.l[ll'l'lin d rr•ss wi I h whIt r~ al!ee:;snri(•H, sltlrl, in liPrs of lui'[>, w11s waltz from llPr gr:llldr'llildt·t•ti, IJiatw ll'nt.:lh 111' lntfl'lll, f:tsllit.lll'd ~ll\1'11 whll'h stw r'I1111[11PnH'nlerl with ,,·.fr>nJ:th. 111'1' t'ingPrtip \'r•ll nf slllt 111111 l111\'irl J.,tf, willl 11 full sl\irl, ill11l l'lll'l'ir•rl illll tlw Jl111l·11lll gilrrlr•nla r•orsage ii[JI!,illtl \\'liS llllllf'lll'rl Ill II half· ann hollf!ll!'l llf ililll' l'iii'IJillillll~. fmm hPI' lirlrlill ho11q1tr•t 1 ,;, lin I nf In'''' 111111 sr•qullls atHI stu• ,JqJm Onntiilll''d of 1 'ltil';IJ:" • + • I ( · h('/Lt'l'lt,d il Pl'iiYPI' hnol.; c·ov(lrPrl hmih<'r of tlw hrirll':!'''""~'· \\">: 11lf'llill'fl of f'anlon, Ohio, , \\'lth pill!\ l'llSI'S, SIPpllllllOI!s 111111 Wi~hh Mason Couple ilf'H[ 1111111, 'J'\\'11 lif'Jlllt'II'S of 1111' was n \I'Pi•lt 1'1111 guest of Mrs. wJJitP :-;ll'(lil!lll'l'!'i. I hrlrll'gl'llllill 11slwr·Prl. ..,. . ,.. , Chilrles ~1idd1Pion. l\llss Nilllt'\' Larson nf LPslil' Fln\1'1'1' Cll1·ls Wl'aJ' l'asll'is · · ·:.. ···:·I Mr. anrl ·Mrs. I. r;. WPsl 111111 \Vni'P :1 gown of lavrnrle!' nnt ov~·l' Plans Wedding l\IIL M-.!IJ iVIItS. t'IIESTJ.t;;y llHOliiLLAIW, JR. family nf 1\mvltawlin and S. D. Yvelll' Dl'llllillarrl 11f ( 'llli':JJ~•, ::;ntln, f:l,c;!Jilllll'rl wilh 11 filll'ri h11· Wl•dr!ing plilns ::rr> hPillg rn:1dl' ('/trisl illl' I ll'rii(IPn til' t lvid ·ill!'' 1\'111'1! hPinlpicr·l•s of lllltll'iting . , , MPIHtvslcr• werP Sunday !lllesls of rli<'P nnrl slllil', filii skirt illlrl hy LuC'ilt• \V, I 'r·at t. lngllilm hool<· of llw ill'ldl', pia~'"'' trarht1onal, Mr. anrl Mrs. Daniel Mi•nrtvslw, Linda llr!rlglrll 111' Masnn :llil'lld,•il l'll~t·IHids illlll l'iiiTil!d llilHI\I•Is nf '"ln:lil'iling IH•t~hile lihl'lll'i:rn, 1111r! l•'rl'rl .J. wedding music iiiHI ilr·c·~nnpanierll Bi•lly llr>nham is spending this :JS tiOWl'l' girls, YI'Pffp':.; ril'l'.c:.; \\'11: gill'lil'll tlll\1'1'1'' trimntl'd Willi ':'lll!l' sistr•r',-; m11id of liolHlr. SIH• ~iilshv of fllasllll. A date earl,\' In lwr hnslmnrl, HI'V. AI D:mllllt, as \\'Pel< with llPr hrother·ln·law and of pin!\ ll,l'lllll, Linrllt's \\'iiS )'1'[[111\ llllllli''"l"r<'rl rihhons. cntTiPr! :1 £'1'1'HI'I'Ill·shapr:rl hou Augci:.;t Ita:.; IH'i'll Hl!l. lw "I Love Yo11 Truly." sisll'l', HPI'. and Mrs. Royal nnrl Cllristinr wurr hiiiP. '!'liP.\ san~. "tqltl'l 111' wliitr• £'ill'll:tlio11s and yel· Il'lrs. l'lar<'lll'l' .r. l'rall, Bailie Mrs. AI Dimh:tl of 1-'rilzc•r, lllllll Mrs. !ll'dglen WOI'I~ a lhmr·IDavirl, of Nilr•s. Jo\\' I'IISI'illlds. .'n•PJ\, lllillll' till' IIJllll.llllli'Cilll'nl J,[nrJII f,ilr.'lllll llf 1,psjje prl'· 11f tile l'll"a"!'llll'llf nf 111'1' rill'llll, COUSIII of tlw ~II(.'!, 1\',\YNI·: n. 1·:\'t·:l\\' 'dltlol g hririP, ushr•n•rl lilt' guests lo tlwlr I , s , · , .,. "')11'\VS, . wllilf' JH'ollit'~ l'o!' lilt' lllT:tsicJII., li1• high sd!ci!J! in l!i.-l:2, I las IJPPI1 Mtss· · Pl"lti.. ~ 1s·. ''1 gnr!Liilll'' ' · of '" 'l'ltl' hl'iriP's motlwr wo1·r an ISandwit-lu~s. n•lislir•s, \l't•ddin:~ l'lliJll"''l'd 1J1· 1\'I'Sil'l'll Silrmping Bailie ( rr't.'l' .tngll Neiwol and I :ll[llil rlrr•ss ll'illi pinl\ ilf'f'I'SHill'ii!S. l'llke and plllll'h Wt'l'l' sr•n•ptl It\' l''"lllJlil.ll,l', .i:II'IISIIII. "l'lw h1·idr IIVc•stel'll iYiwl,,~lg~~n .:·olll'g-l'. ··J\!rs. t•:vPry's fnll'l< of blue illlll Mrs. Br>tly l~n~ode 111 l'ill'lllil, i\lr.,, 'groom 1\'~>rk.~ for AI rtir•p Clll'l'l'll I ~ CHECK THIS LIST 'wliilP wo~s lll'l'l'llled willl wilitP LaiTI' Anrh'I'\I'S IIIHI ~t:'" \'il'i<'ll let. IIe grarlual<'d fl'om Mason 1ii'I'I'SSorii'S, Both lllOIIH'I'S \1'01'1' Hill 'or LPsliP and ~I h. lilll ~~>;~ FOR DAD .. 11:111 fllllll\\'l'ri ll11• l'l'l'l'llHlll\'. The lvlro. E;rtward 1\'oidl of ShPplwnl Florida, Clmvson, Dl'll'llil, Ann ~'i.!­:!1, . .. hiill 1\'IIH rll'l'lll'lll<'d wit It pi;1l1 111111 lwpt 1111' guest rPgi:;IPr. I 1\rh111', Sill'plienl. Jad""" and For Trip Abroad "'•WltiiP sil'l'illlli'I'S and Jlillk 111111 Tlw ht·irl!•, u gl'ilrlllillt• of Lc•s· i flla,on. Mr. and l\Jrs. \\', lc. Zimmer sailed Mnnrla)· evening from 1 1 ltt\\' ""'"s illltl hurl l':rs~es of ycl· Qcwhr•c· aboard tlw Italian liner' 0 Gadget Bags D Flash Atta(hments :::Bride Wears Gown of Silk loll' l'IN':.; ril'f'lll'lllrrl 1hi' sen· in;.: Honwric• iur a 111ur of 2 months lahle. YPilow ll'llil punr•h, icr· :11Jroad. They went to Quehcc by lin]JOrted for Her Wedcling· l'l'l':lm, r·ofJ'ee and nuts wcrP also I min, leaving Saturday. 0 Slide Viewers served by Miss Hllrla Taylor nnrl The Zimmers are : lravclin~· D Proje(tors ~!iss Vrlrl~ GrPIImh0t'gPr of with a Study Abroad 'tour and HnilPI'I:t 1\elly wa:; gowned in sister ;r:.; tmdd 111' hllllllJ', \\'l'arin;: OIH'flllls, .\'Irs. Keilh Bra nell of will be in IrPland prior 111 a .3-rlay handwoven silk brocade from In· a wnltz·lengllt gown 111' aqua 'ilk Novi. 1\lr,, KPnneth Ilnlmr1 'lf stay in London ,July 8·11. After · dia wlu•11 slJp het'lllnt' tl1e bride of laffc~t;,, slvlPrlwitll 11 lmlPrtJ. !\lis~ Lan.,ing, Miss R11th McAdams of visiting nlher points of interest D Tripods .John First of loni11 Satmclav, June Cooj1rr of ~Is P''rfornwrl tlw rlouhl'~· gown of pral'lll'i: blue. 11;>111 '<'Ill'· Tlu• hrirll' wore i1 .sllil 11 f li,c:hl rtnn .July 10 to a11enrl the Bfl[tlist ·l'ing l'f'l"l'llll>llY 111 01\Pmos Com· ri<'d r·ascarlc ill'l'angl'lllt•nls of hlllc with while llt:l'CSSIIl'ies fnr \Vorlrl Allian~e . 0 l~ght Mete~·s . ·munity l'lllll'l.'ll. which was dee· )'Pilnw C'lll'llillillm; itiHI ,l'l'llnw llwir trip In nnrlhcm Michigan. .July 22 through August 7 tile D Telephoto Lens ''OI'illl'd with hnsl:cls nf white chryse~nthemumH. I Slw h~rl a corsage of tin,\' whiiP Zimmers will travel in Italy. .. .g!arlioli iltHI r·:•rn:llittns illlrl can· NPnl l•'irsl ttl' J·~nsl L:lllSill•~ """hirls and whit£' rn~es, Thr The)' will also visit Switzet·Iand, Movie Cameras riclflhra trimmed with gladioli hmllwr of I he hrid(•gi'IH>nl. \\'liS couple will '"' Ill hDTllC ill 2,)1) Austria, Germany, Denmark, I 0 spikc•s, , hPsl man. Dir·l; Fir:;t. als11 11 hmtlt· Lnfa)'elle :;trecl, Junia, aflPr Sweden, Norway anrl Scotland Ball & Howull l(cy5IOIIIl D Cameras ··• Tltl' hririP, 11'!111 grarlu:tiPrl frnml 1'1' nf lhr lll'iriPgrmtm, 111111 Carl .lu11e 10. befure returning to the Uniler. l of En>;l Lmsin~: 1\lr. and Mrs. c;ordon Edmonds Tile 17111 imnualrcunion of the :· 'lnnin. I II' is .1lso an alumnus nf s·ang 0 Promise 1\'IP, lll't'i\Usr anrl Werlnesrlay, Mr. anrl Mr:;. ~tuarl Willlins family mel al Masunir --·--·--- ·nJil'lti"an Slnte, where he was Hf· \Vr•drling Hymn, ill'c·omp;11lil'd h:: F:rlmonrls 'and rnmily of J'vlidlancl Temple, Okemos, Sunday, instead ! I '''filinled wit11 Farm House .fralet'· Mrs. GPnl'ge Parsons td. E:ast l'isilcrl ltis Jliii'Pnts Tllursclay of at McCormkk park, Williams· nity. Lansing, ll'ilo also played trmli· through Saturdny. 'l'ucsrlny aft· tun, as previously planner!, After 0 Ballpoint Pens 0 Electric Razors 'l'lu• sill\ for• the hrirle's rlrcs" linnal mu~ie fnr till' nuplial.c;, Pl'noon Mrs. Gordon Edmonds dinner and lite business meeting, PaparMil ~c - Sh~affcr was JHII'l'ilasrrl in India 2 year': Mrs. 1\elly wore 11 frol'k of light and Mrs. Phil Knapp visited G. L. Will,\' ilt'l' f111lwr, slle ear· sages of ~·,.lluw roses and whitl' •ricd :r wllitr• Bible loJlpcd \1;1111 a c·arnalinns, ·o Bi~Uo~ds Cigaret Lighters :wliil1• nrl'llirl. Yl'llll\1' Is R<'l'I'J!Hon 'l'lwnll' .0 ,.. ;\Hl'IHinllb \\'Pill' !'iill; Yellow w:1s u.cp[[ n:; 1heme! of Open /louse 1/onors Coles ~· The hritiP's altenrlflllls als11 tile l'l'l'f'Jllinn ill the ellurl'h par· :wore gowns of Indian silk, fash· tors fnllowin~ I he I:Ct'l'llloll,\'. Tllf' O·Pens and Sets •ioncrl ft·nm saris, for the wcd11ing. ·l·lii'I'Pd hricliii t•:ll\c was IOJlJWd D Skot(h Koolers :llliss Hltnlla Kelly attended lwr with a miniature of .."'­ hou~ttel ~·el· .. Ingham County News June 16, 1955 [J Po,ket Watches D Father's Day Cards' Cool Cottos]s Shaving· Sets and Needs Fo1· Summer Wear Old Spice Sets $1.50 Up HaHie Leeds Ok: Spice lotion $1 o.~esses I $5.95 SizeS' I0 to 20·tllld 14112 lo 22lf2 [J Yatrd~ey's After Shave $1.25 0 \~hate Sh art Lotion Way11e Meid $1.25 ·sun Dresses D Fab~rge Sets $3.50 Up With Jdclel ... , ...... $3,98 Sixes I 0 to 20 and 12lfi to 221f2 WE GIFT WRAP

Mr. and Mrs.•A:,W. Cole!, 1117 11!11'(] Cole or Clare, Mrs. Hnzel DATHING SUIT~~· POPLIN JACKETS East Columbia, w·ill be honored Webb of Tmverse City, Mr. and $3.9!1 up ' $3.90 ho~1 sc celebrating Mrs. Theodore Cole of Charlotte, Mr. and Mr~. Ricl1ard Felgh.t ·of SHORTS ANGEL TREAD SCUFFS. wedding annivel'· Ypsilnnli ami . Mr. and :Mrs. $1.79 up $1.90· ' Sunday, June 26, from 2 to Charles Cole of Mason, , ····' m. ·The Coles have iived in Mason reception is being pla,nnetl 22 yeai·s. Mr. Cole retired from Self-Service· the couple's chlldrell. _They the Oldsmobile faclory in Lan­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole, Mr. sirig in November, 1953, after· he· ami Mrs. Burton Robbins unrl Mr. lng employed there 35 yenrs. . and Mrs. Milton Cnlc .of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Cnle were mar· ·o·rug Store Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Cole of ricd at Holland Jurie 25, 1905. .Hall, Mr. nr1d Mrs. RnltJh Loomis Mrs. Cole was formerly Amelia I of Perry, Mr.· and Mrs. Mnx Cole Bell, drmghter of Mr.· and :Mrs . We Deliver .~~~--~~~*~~~~...-.+-:~~~~~~-.-~+~~·~'.!of C~len1a11, ,1\:tr. nnd ·,Mrs., Mny· ~ldei:Bell, who !lve(j at· Holland. : ~' I • ~ ': '' , ' , , ' •.',, ' I ' .',: , ... '!. ,' r :-'· :' ,. :,' :• J' I· ·~ •'. • .' '• ··t '• ' ' , ' : ' ,' •f :' "" ', ''•. , • • / Vows Spoken Eng·a11·ement Told I .Joaru1e Butler Lr;; ]Jfarried in .Eden Church Shower Given lVur[Je 'GI·aduates Miss ,Tnnnnn llitlll'i' IH'I'IIIJIP I liP I Lodge Mernbers hrirlo of ErlriiP rrr.lanrl S:illilri.J\' evening, ,fliJH' ·1, 111 H;llll p, 111 . .11 At Rogers City · For June Bride the l~rlen !Jnlh•rl Hi'<•llirPJI <'IIIII< 11 Mls~ ::-lilll!lr'oi 1\, 1\ll'i'Pcl!lh Confer Degrees or ll11sll f•'l'illn of HI!V, llr•Jillll'f 1'11<•1'1',\', flol>;flll Ill 1'1•' ·n 1111rl Grnrgl' Cr!lllcllil 1\s IVI'I'P mnfnrmrl on lhn uhttrPh, Jll'rfiii'IIH'rl IIH• do111il•• ol Mason W<'l'l' lliiii'I'JCrl Sntrll'flny shO\VI'I' f•'rfdny I'Vc>llillg htllllll'inl~ Mrs. I"I'NI 0, Ilmwn nnrl Mrs, ring c•et'Pmony h<'llif'l' ·lllt'<'liilil••· Pvenlng, .runr• II, ill Prr.sbyterlnn MIHs Br•wrly llarry, hrirlc>·elr!l I Jnsslf! 'l'n.vlnr 111 11 Sllednl 0, E. S, llllri C'ICIS!' fl'il'lllih of fill' fdllllii<"• Pliurdl, 11ogen; Cli,Y. Miss MPI'I' 'TlPCI!ng lnsl Jlrl1lny. Mr~. II. J, GII!'HIX \Ill'!'[' llli'SI'Ill from 1.1111· I 'J')Je Chiii'<'IJ \\'liS dl'l'lll iii I'd Willi dllll Is lhr> clnughlr•r of 1\lt', and I\ urn, 1\II'H. C. L. nash fore(, M•·~. pulm~. <'oilHir•lahJ<~ 111111 h ,.,,,,'1•. "1/ sing, J~nlnn 11nplrls, I.PsiiP, i\111'1' I Mrs. C:Pgrnnm ih Ill<' mm r1f Wllllum~ wcrr r·n·lrostcssCli, They Thn liosiPss W'l'VI'rl l'PfrPsh G!'111 1:1• ('onlclitl o[ MaHon, I 'l'hr• hrlrlt• is 1111• ilaiJHiii"r "' llH'IIIH nf jdlo, r•JIIH• 111111 m!f'1•r• . ~P.rvrod rcfmsh~ncmls of sherbet 1111'H, llnwl lllill1•r. l:lr:li 11"1!1• Tom SIHH'maiH•r· of MIISIJII Ill punl'ir und cooltlf!H. fi'Oill 11 Jill'!' f'OVI'I'Pri JniJJp rlr•l' mad, Ma~o11n. ~Jr. illld ~11 '· l•'ol ii'IHI<•d 1111• ill'iril'J.(I'IIIlln n:, Jrns, ru·a trod wll h vns"s "f plnli r11s<• · 'J'hh·ty.t hren D, 1~. S. members. \VIIJ'rJ frPJIIIld, ~IJ[) lll\1'11111'• ·11'1'1'; llloln. iiiHI I'Pilil'rc>rl Willi I hi' l'llkP, wlildi i 1ncl lhrh· fnmii!P.H aiii'IHicrl the m·e I he hi'ldi'J.ll'lllll!l'h 1"'1''11 h Mr. r'nnlclln Is n grnclllilll' rr! wa~ marlr• In lhl' sii:IJIP of :r 1111111nl plr·nlc• ill Mnsonll! hall l•'nr h1•r Wf'drlilll~ 1111• II ul• llogPI's ('Jfy hlgl1 >whool nne! nl silfll\'111' lll!lill'PIIn. 1 '-iliiHiay. Following the dinner, cho~co 11 J.(0\\'11 of I 'ilfllilill,l' 1,11'1' IPnrlr•rl f•'PI'I'is lnsltlulc flllcl Midi MJ:;:; llnn·.v will irP<'Ollll' thr• •;lldns unrl Jli<'flll'l!s wr•r e show11. nver fallll' laf!Pid. fl,vh•d 11'1111 :• 11:an Stale. Mr~. Conlclln 1111' ill'lrle nr ill"ll ffii'IH'l'l or II.IVI'P, I The plrnlr· was tim flnnl netlvlty • I slrapiP.';/i liodil'•• of 1:11'1' l1ll••d 11 IH't!ll ll•nelilng Hl'ilolll, Inti plilll> MonliiiHl, :'i'• .lllnl' IH. I nf tlw lodg-e until Snptember, wllh pll'oilf'rl l11lil' 1111'' In talcP fllrlheJ' worlc ill Mldilgnr ... frill~ of: ... * . . topped wllli il lorrl'l lei• r• '"''1'1'" !·; lill (I' Whir•h IHid II Mllll'iollill ••dlo~r oil11 1 Till! lli'IVI,YII'Pds will nwlw Graduates of 1951 hullntwrl down llu• 11'11111. 'J'Iw 1111•11' liomP 111 J•::n,f Lansing, I WSS I ;1\tf. 111 lltN )nng fllll'rl liti'I'VI'Ii 1'1111<•!1 it• Reception Given polnls llVI'l' lil'r' lVI i•l!, nlill 1111 Hi\INIIO\V r;JHLS 1\11•:1•:'1' ~lr. ill HI M1• .. C ":trl< II. 11<1111 nf Have First Reunion Mt•.s 1•'1'11111'1'!• Sllvesln• ~-:rwlll houffanl sllirl ll'<~s lashilllil'il 11r , I 1\Jit:iflll iltlllOIIIH'P 1111' f 1 11gilgf1InPIII 'I'W<'Ill,\' flvp tm•mlir•r.• , hjiilng, during 1'0111 Sgl. and MIS. Arthur 1\11· cnp Hl'altl'n•rl willi irld<•:.•l'lll '" I ~Inn• ~·fr. rJH,\', ,lrinl' 1:!. Anna llolmf's, 1\li'!i, r'liflon rrf lng clnss IJ[ Mnson 11/gll Sl'illllll llll'lll'(']llf'lli I'XI'I'I'i~I'S Sullclii,\ Plllrlelt of l~t. Mycr, Vlrglnln, fflltllS Hil· :;J VP!>II'r, us. n' ''Pial! VI'S mrt he red 111 Vev11y town nnrl whiff' msr•r;, ll'illlllll' I 111111 for Mnllrlll,Y, .Junr• ~7. Ill H p. Ill. 1\lr. ~;11'111 ,., II 1!;:;1 r:''.Jrillllll' of 1 127 f1nnna Bl'i<'hl't', !-:J.:I. '!'I'd Wf'idJ r • , 1'!!<' road. hall al H n'l'lrwl< to help them Sfl'PIIrliPr's, • * • 1\ln•IJtll ilii~IJ hf'illlfli llllri WriiiiS for 1 11 •'lti\NI\ .'ir'IJMID'I' IHINOIU·:Il Ill!• 1\lldligo~JJ ~l:lli111111l r;n:nrl. and 1\.lr, and Mr;,. I :r•rJI'gl' Lnnd"n ~ , •·rlr•lm!IP, Werlcllng e11llilli Lr"riifo and l.aNPIIa, all of f'on· 1 Lilli I:; Mill' liP ol I J,Jt. '1'111' rV!!· Mrs. /O:;Jrl Ewing, .Jr., 1\lr. illllf fll' "•itl•·nl ol 111111 r;.mil'll l'iuh HOYSTON I•'AMILY ME:I!:TS lions. IJ.i,., a111l Mrs. i\lfnrrl l'owl'lsnn, J\lil'l' r:ill'l11 ist /I lUI llnriJ:il'/1 nlr11~ w ,,, !.JII'III plit,YIIlf! gnnws Mrs. Halpli llond, n11 ;JJHI Mr:; IV.J', 1111• 1~'1'"" sp••:il;r·t·. l,.ollowinr: Hoyslnn reunion was held at William ll'!'lllntl >1'1\r•d '" IJi•. ''"I" II lor, ~lirinm J·:rvin, fill• hn•;nu•ss 11\1'1'1 in~-: Sill' dl'llllln· r:u.v Hoystnn's lifllnC! Sunday hroilil't''s hPsl Ill/Ill ,l:olnr". ''" ''~'''IH', 11ill1 \\hill' iH'r'I'SSill'il's. sllll 111r:IJ •.d11ml 111 I!I',J :11rtl frr1111 • • Thl' lill\lnl'l•tl ::11••st npr•n••d 111'1' Mr. nnr/ !\Irs llon i\IP11, Mrs. sll.ll<•d 1rrilliin1: ('(jJ'~agPs, using wllh 2•1 allenrling. The next I'!'· ll1nd, niHn lrJIIIill'l' of IIi•• hi'lli•• liniiJ lllitllir•rs liiHI I'OIS·II:r•s nf IVII'ill•ll•• li<'.IHI.I 111ll"l:<' ill f.'<'IJ 1\lrs. l•'mnk ltnllilliii'IJ, ~ln •. glfl:, fl'lllll II l:lfrll' I'I'IJII'rl'rl I"JfiJ il l.'~lilill Kl~. lnJioll'illr: I ill' II!IJ'I ,Ifill fl'lllll ~)JI'i,jj"IJI ;;1111<• Ill llllii'Prsily ot HndH"il<'l' t•::t::lm.lll L,rrr,v J..rxlorr, DIIIIJ,Iois f,.JI I, r 11 .!'S, ri.oll;if•r, 111111 SWI't'IJII'as, n. r,, Ifnlmr•:; lllld Phyllis Bren· Mrs. Nalhnn Do~v1s pl.t.l'<'il IJ':t '''i'l'llloJI\' 'l'l11• l·li<'J<'rlw••lidingl~l;Jri'!J, 1'1,: •. ll1• l'. <'1npl11,\'t'd h,l' 'H'J11111I II[ 11111Sifo ~lliHill,V. .Jam~•s 1\PIIy, Hnlph ltl•dJno~n, ~·:.rndwi• 111•·: r•nrl mffl'l' wr•rr• 111111 nf Detroit W<'Je ninrrlcd by )Ct\HI\1 lliiiU<:tdl \Vlii\JI·;~ MJ·:f~'f' I Mal'le L,I'OIIS ;l]j(! 1\~ir~· ( 'oliJy, Sl'l l'l'ri ill' 1\li''• II. D. Nlr'ltel- illlll ,lusfipp nr I hr. Prn!'e no.v w. I I dillrrnnl nupllnl llliiSI<' lnr lilt' , .Jf,,., '"PI"'" ll'ilh 11 lllilllilllii'" Jo'JsiJr'l' liorlv i11 1.nnsin:~. Mr::. r:larlys Smith spc•nl Fri· 1 111 c·r.rf,mony and ;u•c•rllllJiilllif•d I\J1.. ln·iril' :111d ltl"ldt";ttHllll, w:1s f'll'· Hl•:.;l,liuf.i in ~Jason l•'o~nn !:111' '1111 1 111<'1,1 s c•nm Mr:;, .loliil f/JIIIlf'~'. Atlnms "' his ho1ne Saturday. day oillrl Salurdn.l' with 1\·lr, iillrl mllll'l' Will nw•·l .lrJJH' 21 :11 the Mr. unrl 1\lr~. llngli C'nrnr>l ' ' \VilnPsscs wetc Mr. and Mrs. Chnrll's llltllrr Ill l.Psll<', ·o~~.lr•r 'l••d ''·" ll'hil<' 111~.r·s 1111 IIi<' laillf' ~11·. 11111! Mt•.. li<'':IJ\11 Ill<' tl' Mrs. 1\lalllww SmiiiJ r1f Mirlrlll'· 1 in-law nf llw ill'irlr•, 11'111• s.JJJ;• Till' r·o~f,,. 11'/Js r'lil a11d t;l'l\'r•rl h.l ,o,irling :11 :l~'l J•:l1n sli<'l'i, ~!.11 1111. fo"lll'lll lllll'l'llll ofi'li'l' in Mn~nn al a11rl ,IC'fln•y r1f r:.Jg<'lol\'11 VISIII'd IVIti'I'INr; r:JWIII' Mt•:J•:TS Maurlrp Dlshl'foW of Lansing. Inn. Mr~. Mallhew Smith i:: Mt·s. 11:110 11. 111 1\n ngr•nl 11om pm· Mr. illld Mrs .•Janws ('oJIJI'r ~1111 'f'IH· Alll"lii'IIJJ /\,•·•ll'ialion of • • • "'l'hrnugl1 fiJI• Yr•aJ"," :llld "'1'111'1 ~li'.s 1\.rllilr•r•n Jl.rll!•nlil'l'!; anrl, lolloii'Jill~ .r IHIIH'\'1111111\1 111 no"lli· r:1:1dys Smith's rlaugiJicr. IJ;rJp r·on11 will ~pc•:dc. Mt·s. dfl)'. Ptfl,\'1'1," J•:nwn:;, l\l1ss B:Jrh.rr:J[I'I'll Mil'liil:"n fcor ll'lll'l'ling 1111' CII'IIIH Slridilmg, .•John noh· Mr. illlri ,, , Lord'~ ~''''· ~1.11',1 Mr. and Mrs. nnhct·l SI'!JaPIJ'er ~lis Mt'·"· !'. 1 ,', 11 ,, 11 s1111 IIJIII'<'l''"' y WoiiH'Il Will in,; grnup SliaJ'ol! and .l;1dc Stuhbert MI'S, Riiller 11'111'<' ,j rlii'SS Ill l.lliii\Sll'lll 111111 .~liSS i\lil'f• r;iJ. hrirl•• \~orp II Jlflll' g'll'l']l linr•n illtrl l'ililrln•n, Anila, Tom and \VI'!•I< Willi Mt•. olllfi llll'f 'f'IIIJISdoiy .llltll' (), at till' slayprJ with l!wir gr,mciparents, blue pnllm·dol shJ•Pt' mr•r I 11 f1'1.1 I <'IJrisl sr•J'I'I'd pillll'h. Mics ( ;jJ.I rl11•ss wilh 11 !Iii<• IH'<'I'S'oiJI'ir•s, ,JI'· inson illld Mr.,, 111t•;lml'l'1 Plwlps :Jrc spent l'· ~lr. illHI Mr: .. c:nrrlnrr l•:dmnmls Mr. illlli ~II'S. l•rl'd. Slioht'l of Mrs ll<'ill\' IVrHlil'llll ~rnilh, Mr;,.l Mt· · I M ·s f•' ·t · B· tl tt f . G . 1 I I l r 1 , 1 l 1 1 l ,., 1' 11 I· ' r ~~ 1 . • rill( r. ' OS C!t • rlr e 0 lu•J'Siiip of 'l'l'lllllllill \VJII111111! Ill'· Mr~. I:'loyrl Thomrson n{ Wn· Hllf'IH!!'d Ill!' ."1 then· , . ,g,llr.. s Willinrn Mrs.• l:;r i\ lil'n II'[I Thurs. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nnznrerw, MirlriiPiml'n, lnrllan.J,j ~li's llt•nli;JIIl wnrc• 11 11111',\'lpig"loi'l',lf'li Jlllllilll g;Jinr·rl in llw of Del roil were WPr.l' end gur•sl s lhdi' f:11;1il1f'::, , Lorrn Ji:rlrnonrl~ ~f Sin.c:lchr·t~l.c;? CJ~!~'':''~ 1111 'd _Mr. rlay lo spr•nd llw s11mnwr months i Frye iutrl just rf!lurnecl from Was 1111' S<'!'lle of llw WPrirling of I rhr".. s ll'illi ll'lliiP o~r·r·r•ssoJ·il•s fm '1'111111'<'. 'l'lil' mecllnr; l'llclt•ri with of Mr. anri Mrs. Cm·i .TPIVrll. ·~nrl fnnll!,l' of I• l.irr~, Mr•. anr_l Mrs. :tnrl ,1\-lts: Wii!J,Jlll '.Ink .md fo~rn·lwilli 111'1' rliiilghii'J', Mrs. L. rr. I heir honeymoon in northern Mbs Shliil',\' lii•nliam, rl.lltgiJir•rll"''' ri.Jil);llil'r';.; ll'<•dding. J\IJs, Jcpr•;Jiilil! lilt' f:ll llllllloitl's ~lr·s Nan Mnrnn :1nrl ffl't'hr"l Sl.ll,il'l J•,rhnonrls diHI f,Jmtly n.f li,Y Sun.rlo~y. . . , , . lkl.oill'li, of Alma Mrs. AIIPn MkhigHn. of Mr. iliHI Mrs. \Villi:un IL flPII· 1\l'llll<'rl,l ll'ils :rllir1•rl in il nav~, proJ~<·J', Taylor r•alled on Mn;, E:lizahclli ham o[ Mason, :rnrl .lr•J'I'y 10:1'11·1 rln•,,s willi pink ar·r·r•ssoril''•· Bnl h ~lull:lll'l .IIIII ~lr.' n_nrl M1s. ~nrl !·"~11·1 M.tl~~~~~~. o~nr~ l,ol.'rtl vhill'd in ~IHsrrn SI'V<'nJI 11111111hs Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan·ciJ Dens·· C'ollar Pnltr.r • Thursdny. Mr~<. lcrlmnnri!J 111111 f,u11JI.Y o! GJ.mrl Mall~on of I ryo1 L.rJ,c, Mnm· wllli lil'r dllughl!•r, Mr.s. Glarlys f N· , . 1·1 , M. d netly, ~->nn of Hr•v. nnrl 1\lrs. 111111111•r ,, \l'ol'l! t'llll~dt .• t. fl.J, ;' : nnd i\11s. r:r•r:ilrl l'rrlvet· illi'l graduation of Gary Lamphere hlc-t•lng r·erl'lllill'lllll', .lol111 <'.Jnsir• llllri LitHia 'l'hursclay, decnr·af?ci Willi sal1111111 ,;ladilllild''l'ol,lfl'd willl_ .Pink rn,;.p:; fiiHI/ 1\lt•:, H. 11. J.'iPid 11': ·; ·IIIJII'h;l'd Rynd, trnrg-ht third grade ·.Jllllwi•·ll!•s, Mr. ancl Mrs. Cheslct' Church and 111 wr•clrlin,~ IO:arl Smith_ and Mrs. R11bcr.tso,1: ycHJ', C:r}IJi{c iliHI Mr A;.: Sa!Jirri:Jy. 1\lrs. PrrriJH', ConniP Mr. .. T!rJward Grewett .~nn of DeWill Suncla,Y. Jr. a~d Mr~ 'tou lruly. 11 ip in IIIJI'IIiPrn lllcllan:L il'l•, Jc•:irn, hirlllfl:l\' mkP r11ul cuf will :11 Mrs. qunye w·e ft•om the Gold r, ,, , nnrl i{onnir• spr>nl Wcclnesrlay and of Lansmg VISilerl Mrs. Claude 1 Mr. ;uul Mrs. nay Clem nnd en!~rtn.t~l l:~b;rts.n.n ~ 011 1 Given in lllill'l'lolgl' II,\' hl'l' J,J· 'f'IIP hridi'J.(I'fllll11 g l'ol rill at I' ci fi'P 11'1'1'1' >·<'IVI'rl. (;III'Sis IVCJ'P lin me I IIlii hcrnnr tng buth nnrl Mt·. Urlnh is frllm Niget'lil. TIIIIJ'srlil.Y will! Mt·s. Mary 11cerl Pnst Sunday, family artenrlecl a !amily dinner· srlo~.y tiler, tlw hrid!' WOI'I! " ll'ilil<• suit 1111111 J\ilirlrlil'lown high Sl'ilnol in Iptrsl'nl fl'lllll ,latlcson. 111111, Lan· day d 11 wlrlil' llthlt•. llr•r t:l!il. J\'lr•;, J\en 11 pdy i:; n J!l:lllsinr.:. Sf ,loiJIJS 1111d ~[;Json. Swiin and Mrs. IIPicn Pollnlc. Norton family for Hhout a ,YI'ar Mrs. HPJ'Ihii Barr and :>nn, Col· need Ctly are ~lsllrng with Mr. corsage was of I'Pd r·n~'llllli"ns. J.!r:ldU:tlr• of Jlri:Jsnn' lligl1 sC'Iwol. TIIC' lionor••rl l'lll'sl n•••uivecl IIarr.v Clem and farnii,Y of Middle· I ville Sunday, Col. Mai'sliall D. Dan of F'i. ami a llalf. · ~1arshall D. llc~JT nf 1"1. Mon· and Mrs. Ro.v 1\arn. , Mr~. nnynl r. ll.rvul nl Niii'S, llolli


Loads of Food Values r \ Are Listed in This Week's Handbill. ' LOOK IT OVER Come'· on Out and Save Bri~g the Kids Out Sunday Open Every Day , I DENSMORE'S 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Let Them Ride the ,. IGA FOODL·INER Including Sundays /

Iii ". 'i lUGNMORE WASHER, ~u tomatfc ---·------~------·------~--~------.------~---, gns WJttop lwntrr. :jllfl; 11:, h, p, motut•, 1111 cw 220, tnhle Haw, hlll~ mntnr, $:1.00; llflllquo culnnclnt·· For Ad Action IYIII! r!lodl, ll dining ronrn c•hnh'H, mrnrnorle, Willi! I' pit cit£11' Hr!l. 1(.1 flolhmun, :JOfl:l llilllunl Hlrput, I .unslttJJ. Phr11w 'I'IJ ·2·!l!i70 ul'l HI' Phone ii m· on Snturclay p.m. 2•lwl

HI'ACI•: llJi:A'I'l~H -- Ktnnli Dno· 'l'herm spnPr heatr.r. Vr.ry ~oml OR 7-9011 c•otHIItlon. Goon,:~: Vugl, .rr., Dun~· ville! MA-:l·2:J!l2. 2•lwl p VINYL 'I'ILIO:-· .. WI! will hPI(l you • Wtldlwtulny ltfloJ'JUJon "lny·lt·yourHt!lf." W1! will fur· llr.adllutl 1111 diiB!iUit~ds nlsh tlw lnols and rollc!t'. Zlmlll1Jr·1 mnn's. 24wtr 1 .. !0 WOJ'clli f«ll" 50(! - All· -~----·------·- -·------lllf.iOJUtl WOI'Cits lu I!IH!h UPRlGH'l' l'IANO lind ill'llC'Il fOI' I' snll!. Mrs. I'll II HII'I'IIH', :l2R f·~ast e Clmitilllml tllSl)hlY auJIJ IElm, MIISOII, JliHille 01t·7·:!:lH I. IH11 }llll' hwh 2•1wtf I t '------e Ono of 1\flcblp;~tll'tl llll'g· VI AN'l'I~D to ti'IHie rvr.n l!Jl IIHPd est. l'Urnl want 11d st•tJ· I l]lc!r•IJ'h! l'lllll{f! fnt' t~ns. Mrwon tions !Innw A(J(Jllancr!, Jlhnnc Oil·~ 7·591 L. Gwt r MAKJ,;.j),{;\(~f.i"fi·j-j;--,~~~-~ii~wo~~ I l!l'H Willi WUVl'J'IY !Jmuled l'nh· l'l!' SHEEP - 89 re~lslcrerl Oxford CMm WfHE!J'Il~ BALER, goorl eomblne wit 11 molot·. Hendy to rles. Will no! l'urlr!. Complete I sheep and lambs. Cholee lot. condltlun. David Bmdloy hum· go, Hobe1t filed, 12:33 N. g(frJt'l Hell'etlon of 82 Pill tiJrllB fot• 1!!5:1. Earl Nlcl!ols, corner of Nlehols mi'I' mill, r:uod eomlltlon ..John roud, Holt, phone OX·4·827G. Zlmmet'IIHin's. lBwtf and OnorJdagn road. Pl1011e OR· Dei!L'LJ lt Appliances .... becousr. it's Dad who shoulclet·s om• burdens, foots our bills and 1 1 Manure Loaders ·----· M Charles Brown geldings. Colors, bl arl am Ezce.flow Fertilizer Spreader CASE COMBINE-with motot·, G aSOil insures our future by saving at: while. Gentle for children, Will foot true!< in good eondltlon. , Insemlna tor \vorl, ot· drive on buggy. Prier. Clod Buslers ~~ A I I $85 each• or will lruclc for nthet· W agons lllll 1 u n1 °" "ler•1 - " Clifford .Jcnlts, :.l95a Phllllps road.2t!w2 Orne pp taJ1CC l!vestoclt. Will rlcllver. Hoy D. V·13clls,

23wtf Donald, second farm sutilh of Used corn sheller INTERNATIONAL hay loader in Phone OHeltard 7·5911 J ---- Aurellus Centel', piHme Aurelius Lombunl Chain Saws excellent w o l' I< 1 n g condition. 23wtf GUERNSEY HEIFER, 19 months 2203, 23w2 Covrt• Boards for most plows LouiH Knchmurchll<, 1 mile east ----- old. Brr.d March 28, 1955. Also . Gmln Atlgcrs of Vanlown and 'A mile south of AUCTION ev~.:ry Saturday, 7 p. about 350 bushels of dry cur }() GILTS due soon. Also a HUrl·/ User! Oliver Raydex plow Howell road at 381 Haywood m. al Lunslng IC.:c.nomy Furni· THE FARMERS BANK rol'l1. Russell Ehr.rly, 2.343 Eifert die hor.~e. Fred Nichols, mile Oliver low price baler, power road. 24w2p tm·e, Lansing, on 111·9!1. J~urniturc, l'oad, Holt. PhoJH! OX·4·8G71, Holt. west of Williamston to Zimmer talw·off appliances·, tool~. fi~lllng 1acl,lo, Oldest llnnl' In lnghnm County 1\lcmbcJ• F. )), I. (). Federal Rest~rve ~ystem 22w3 road, north on Zimmer to Bany CASE BALER In good shape. t~v__ '~'~-~~~---- !l2wtf I I I 3 HOLSmiN cows, .. f-;:;~1~;~1~road, flt·s.t ~ou~e we~t ~n Bnrry.l Francis Platt v Sam Krau~Iei, 1 11111e ~' asHt of ~·-A-B-IG_S_A_V_I_N_G-----.-~.-I~a_g_R_e_d_l· lnghilm County News l .rolsteln clue end of month, All Phone \Vtllwmston G.>O·h. antown on · owe1 1 roac.1 oute T I F , June 16, 1955 Page 6 ha.:gs. tested. Mrs. Harold Rod· 2:lw2p Flnl'st In Farm Machinery 1 Webhervllle. 24w2p 00 S - Urn!tUre Mix concrete, $11.55 p~r yd. de· ·------hrrg,11 fi76 Lamh road, phone OR· I l\1 ·M lllll1 011 ver l b !livered to Mason. Concrete 1Jlocl1s ~._ ·I·IJ COCI·"".•.R,,, SI>ANI"'.l·,, _ PlJPPir.1S.:_ ., 7·0588. 23w2 HOLSTEIN' COWS-11, fresh and %mile north of Mason on US·127 H h ld G d urn er i at y:ml 1Gc, delivered 20c. For WEIW KILLERS Blond. Call Wllfl'I!U Jewett, OR· due dUJ')ng base month~. No Phone OH·7·5871 O QO S lO,OOO feel of new hurdwoorl No. 1 quality 2x4 to 2xl2 $133 7·!i0•12. 23W2. CATTLE-Have to reduce herd Sunday calls. George Rachow, 895 24w1 ouse lumber perM. No.3 2x4 at $93.10 pet· M. Estl'ron !lfl of registered and grade Guern· Brogan road, v, mile north of ----- 2/8xG/8 outside doors $10.45 each. COLLIE PUP, At\C reglstere'd, Dansville road. Phone Wehhcr· CEMENT STLO!:>-Smllll Silo Co. STOVE-Electric <~·burner aparl· 2·wheel trailer with stoc·k l'nC'k 2/GxG/8 Birch llusl1 door $!Li0 Amine ~~~~~!."~~·9{P~Tfe~·~odl'(~~~.s. ~~~t~ ville 3F11. 23w2p will deliver and erect. Early ment·slze Norge stove. a years Mlnneapolis·Moline lmelot• wilh each. 2/8xli/8 combination door Avallahle in sai!IP and white. Phone OR· season di~cnunt. now. Artie Wood, old, big oven. It's in very good 2 1G·inch bottom plows, disl1 $ . each. VInyl floor tile 9xfl, -·-·------7·3181. ------24~1 phont> OX·fl·21!l•l. L. K Zimmer· shape hut our family Is I'usl too and h·uTow 15 15 .1· and fi·e-allon Quanllilrs DOG, POIN'l'ER, l vear· old, man. 23wlf Leslie. Pltone Leslie 4413. . • · · · ' · l3c ench. 9"x12" 4-llte barn sash, 1 ' ------:--::-:-·------Hay-Grat'n-Feed 22w7p illg for lt. :jllOO. Jim Brown, phone 4-rotary·gang lmvn lllOWf'l', li2·1n. 1$2.09 each. 9' Berry garage door, I Mason Elevator Co. male. Will give to a hunter who FQUR DAIRY COWS; Holstein OR-7·5091. 24wtf cui, almost new. $G4.GO. 8' door $58.90. 2:Jite steel. I will give it a good homo, E. 'E: he!fe1·, 3 yrars old, fresh and lN'l'C:HNATIONAL heavy duly :FURNACE u 1 22-.- 1 400 feet of 2·ineh plmJf' gumwood. basement sash $3.09. 2'x8' shelllh· 1 :J·1:i w. Columbia i Wcnlland, 3:i8n Harper roai:l. open, mlllcs 11 qts, $135; Brown CORN~ About 50 hushel of corn Iwy Io.u · Iel ·· 1 model. . ){ Papec . ' cnst. Iron'- cool!'lee ful'l!ace.·In Verylflme c amern~.•. 7. etss, · ~upc~r ··II wn,. "'·''•• o Jng, $11•1.00 per M. J5 or 30 Ill Mason 'l'lt owt OR· 78'B4 · • , 24\vl· Swiss, 3 years olrl, fresh, calf and also a hoys bicycle. Phone Jlmy chopper and stlo filler Wllh .eo d Iiii $ 4 ~ Phone pj. ,J,~ns; "odak, lHJst rard stzc felt, $3.09. 'A" plywood, $4.42 pm· 1 _____2•_1\1_•1 :1 CANAltiES--l ltavt: a few very by sirlc, millis 4 qts after calf OR·72•1R3. 24wlp 1 Jl. sire! pipe. I corn binder, G mille ~-~~ 03 c~ slon. ' .J. 24 wl Slc•reo with C'ma•, almo»l new. sheet. %x8 Cedat• slrlln~:. $152.00 1-~-- ·- 1 niee youn" guaranteed slngei·s feecls, $150·, Holstein cow, 5 •1ears -·--·------cans. May be sel'n any day except ' n ng. Tools, misccllanenus and new. Jler M. Pattern 106 garage sluing, iT •1 . " J S I I M 3" t left. Fot• u sh11rl time only wlll old, fresh, rnlf hy side, heavy OATS-Lyle Luyeorll, 2'1l8 Har: Sunri?Y· Louis • wo lOla, . u a KITCHEN COUNTER and doll· D J c p ,$171.00 per M. 3 In 1 shingles,. rat ers sell at a sacrifice of $•1 each. Mrs. mlllter, $17:i; Holstein cow, 4 per roar!, flt·::;t pluce eaRl ol Mlllvtlle. 23w2p ble sink We will be talting this r. , , 0nt0n '$7.32 per sq. We haven few flush ~.:.----·--- ____. Muude Farrell, South Plil'll yrars old, fresh and open, mill1s Ol1emos 1·aad. Phone OR·7·49,14. unit ·out of our home this week I doors from $5 to $6. We. carry n 19·18 MOBILE: SPOft'!'SMAN all· 510 10 qts, $150. Cnws are all TB and 24w1p BUILDING~ ·- l:Joane·cleslgned end. Measures 10 fl. x 30 ..in. Phone OH·7·!lGDL or OR·7·2G93 complete line of windows. Build· aluminum lwusP traiiPI', 1!l'. street, Masnn, phom: OR·7·12fi2. Eangs tested, all OK in every pole frame farm buildings worl' Plastic Jinolmtm top laid by pro· ·-·---- ______.... ______,_:~v_1 ers Hardware, everything for !lobcrt A. 't'hompson, H07 Srntlh ·- .. __ ··--·----- 2 ~wl~ way. Will t1·acle for ot11er live· Cook Farm N'ttrogen for you. Wr offer a complete fesslonals just 2 years ago. Hus UPHOLS'I'EHY--Lnok anywhcrl' 1 that new home. Our terms are Jaclcson road, Dansville, phone PARAKEETS·- Home raised sloe!<. Will deliver. Hoy D. Don· hnildinl{ and pla.nnlngT 1~rvi~e. 4 1i)g clrmvers and large cup· al upholstery·fa!Jt·ie prices- 'strictly cash. Open weeK days 1lll MA·3·:38!i2. 24wl beauties. G u a rant e e d baby ;~Ill, second fnrm south of Aure· Servt'ce Checl< Sout· ~ow c~rJCe s;, rN· o~n ~ boards. Fixtures go with deal. Then see the low prices at Zim. · 5:30, Saturday until <1 o'clocl1, · ------$~ I d 4 20 1 !Ills· Center, phon~ Aurelius 2203. Farm · er~1::e o., u · ·.as Mal:!.::~.::~· .·71711.,.- .... ,,. ·· .. ·, '· -· · 24wl · · · · · · · ·' · ·. · scopes, sights, Polychol1es, Rem~... · .JlOund; · froni''" gooi:l'·• Jfu'ntlng. t'.oo;~,:;;.,, ... ""''" au···· .r.· :i.1:\ ',o:J, ... '·~ter;d~ili::fn'flllR> 'soutli oVD!lllS' .Uficd .. PIO\VS. ·•·. ··" ·---· - NEW 8-ft. pienlc table, redwood, SAFEs··::.. 'A1l''ln'nite'~ .. Wpes ·umt minglon 740, Winchester 77, stocl,, $5 each. Burt Warner, 609 ~~ · · """"'A..,r· 'ex1rn •· BARGAINS FOR COTTAGES _ snlid bulld and light weight sizes. Bought, sold, opened ami L · 1 · 1 II We ... '·! 1 • 1 1111 1 1• b _; vllle. Phone MA·3·2Ql4. 24w1p U~;ecl .John Deere Field Harvester, . . . ,, uger smg e Sl.'> anr o wrs. West South SIJ·eet, Masoll. · . arge anc n ce, ar c a I'eeu· 2 heads Beds, complete, $1G up; chests, 2 l·tn. Jr. 1evtsllm, In11 1 E' 1110( 1e 1 n~1t1 repa)recl. Vau 1t uoors. money trade. Island Marine water soft· 4wlp lng,' ~on of Langmendow Master, desks and dressers, $6.50 up; U~bl~. Woulcl 11~1;. orders to lnuld chests, steel desl)\·''-' . . ·:. ' ''··. :...... ': ; .. : .. ... ·. '' . .. . l."·:. . >·.; .. ,,...... , ason. · · · '· · : .. ~-"CIA. •' ! ' ' I I ' ' ' ~· ', ' ,t ~.\ :;;,:~ PTCI\UP, 1051 Ford in good 1'un · 80 ACnEs of goorll)nsturo nonr dO-ACnE hl!ii1Ung lncntlon · on WANTED-Pnl't circl<~l' J)iippJes nl11g ronrlltlon, $475, 0, P, Ford, Holt, Jl.llrrrtlng Wflter yeur UPHOL.STEW'NG auo rcfli1lr~ngl inyOillfJ lOIIIIIY IW~WS "' hluelttop roafl, $2,500, 10 uca·c~ or• nny nko pupp!~s. 5 or ll tur.nltuJ"e, Will cn)l nt yo111' .. pllomi OX·•l-711!ll, lflwtf l'ounrl, Phone IV+Bma, 24wl UJICI mmlcr·n mttngtl on US-127. weeigas~~u~~~ wtf WORI< WANTED.:....Boy 1:; w'arits Loclters; ·phone Lesll~ 536l. ar _:. wtl painted !lowers around edge .. Mnson Mason. Just west of Miclcelson· 12 35 lt h Tlls farm wort{ un' farm o1' odd johs·for OR·7·0~al. · · '. · ·· 20Wt, HEATING SALES and service. Lost during comarwncProent exer,;, ----- Balter Lumber yard. Phone OR· x . pou ry ouse. l. Real Estate summer. Harold Turnei·, '1206 . . , , . . j Lennox furnaces. Cady Hard· else at Mnson athletic field last•. 'OLDSMOBILE - 1947 Hydr;tma· [ 6·1201, 10wtf can be bougttt .on easy terms. E t D lhl I-I l PI OX S f I I PI hi S l M Thursday I'VPning. It' foung.,; tic, heuler, radio, good tires, NEAR LESLIE-SO·acre farm; 5· as e ; Qt. !One . ware anc um ng upp y, U· I I Wanted . tate . arm ncur·ance runs goml, $125. Chevrolet p c <· WILCOX-GAy radio for sale. room lwusl'!· and· garage, 34x50 4-8416. . · 24.w._1 . C.o· .. 01 5011 , 12wtf IV-5-588!l.please mil lV·!l·17'1a Lansing24wl• or 1 up, 1949, good tires, runs good, Also 20-g~tlon ct·oclt, almost hlproof basement barn, o~her I l1ave a buyer \1'110 will p~y up to W · · · 1 deluxe cub, $300. Phone OX-47691. new walkingu plow. Clayton Lar· buildings. $12,000. Tel'llllJ. $20,000 fm· a good farmu around ANTED - Rei ahle woman to DO YOU NEED a plumb~.;r or NOTICE-All str·ny dogs plclw- 16wtf I II l h [ I M M M I I l 'I stay1 with1 girls1 ..7 11and 11 un AUTO e1ectrlclan? Call Cady Hard· UIJ by til" Irrglrnm County l""~ , CHEV-ROI.-E'l',·-::-::::--:::::--:-:----=-:-:- 1951 4.door· St,.'le· OX-4-ll61a. . 24 w 1 and Lans Ing. 4·room h ouse, i ngs. I am not mterestecl . In a weeOR c enc s occas· onll y. one ware. .and Plumbing Supplv,J 141 mann~ Socl".ty" ot· lly Clayton Hu·. 61111 24 2 LIFE line special,- good running con·- ---·- partY] mo dcl'll, wtt' l1 b asement, II stmg.. All I want t o lmow ts ' . . ' .W • ·. W. Ash, phone OR-7-1241. 32wtf lett, cottl11y dog WUI'£len, at•e l1eld,, J ditlon, nice llltte color, $::l00, o. p 'It Y gamge and poultry house, do you want to sell? HELP WANTED, waitress, good c FIRE· a full 7 days at Ihe Animal SheJ:· ~' P. Ford, phone OX-4-71i91. ou r $7,800, Tel'll!S· Call hours, wages and tlps. Call In I Chard's ter befor·e being offered for sale•.. 19wtf · · " 200 ACRES with · 170 tillable, person. Ranch Restatu·unt, ·US· 'l'hls gives owners n chnnce .tD · ------PULLE~'S-10 weel• old Warren large dairy barn, 40xloo,· with Russ lott Real Estate 127, at College road, 24w2p .Bernard E. Wilson ·.·1 PLUMBING AND PUMPS locatle them,. With owned dtogsl;' "' ·' 275 1 33 stanchions and drlnldng 315 East Asll Street we 1 o nH tIll owner reques s; '•·• stra.ln Rhoder.2 1 Island !tr.ed~,6 cups, grade A milk house,- silo, WANTED-Someone to cut and Mason, Michigan Bathroom Fixtures possible. We do not seize .dogs on · pullets at $1. · each. :i.J~ Dell granary, corn crib. Large moll· Lansing put up 15 ncres o, alfalfa hay, , PHone OR-7·8152. Burl;~.wJ;~tfd ~~~t~~iversal the highway. Animal Shelter, road. Phone IV·7·1255 Lnnsl~!~l ern home. Phone OR 7·4985, IVanhoe 4·2663 on shares. Wllllam Fountnln, on' . . . . . OOwtt Pumps phone JV-2·6218, open 9 to ·5" Robert I{irby. 24w1 Columbia road, 2¥.. miles west of · · · · : . week days, 9 to 12 Snturdny; ' PO!TLTRY-8 year-old large 3-ACRE farm with ll-room mod· Mason, phone OR-7·1144. · 24wll PVESTOCK TR!JCI b 3G 1.10 poultry. See Lawrence Hyatt, work for full· or· part·tlme: ware an ·. um ng·· PP ' 141 1 am r · ~n, 246 sc on ' and fumlly. 22w~: in, excellent con dillon. within 3 bloeits ·of new Cedar g~~·~e ;enn:~~~~~;se, a~ rage." 200 309 S. Main street, Eaton Rapids, Melvin Lenr, phone 'OR-78525. · W. Ashi' phone· OR·7' 1241 ~ 33wU W~bb~rvllle. 2~w4 p GAMBLE-I wish thank m)P 1953 FORD Cus. 6 cyl. Fordor, Street schooL Large 13x21 living acres plow land,· new silo. Terms. phone Eaton Ruplds 44521. 28wtf . 24wl_p . . ·.' . ·' · · . . · · · . BUILDING 'rRENCHES, · septic Eden friends for 10I heir c:irdiif, light gt•een finish with darlc room, oak tlom·s, full basement; R. E. Whitney i\gency, Leslie. WANTED-Ironlngs to do In my' PLASTERING~All kinds of P1as· · _. tnnks ·and tile fields, dug with letters and pruyers during m,Y top, radio, heater, turn signals attached garage, aluminum sld· 24w3 WANTED-We liledroom Ave w ty. Robert. S. Burns, 3811 Aure· a right price call L. K Zimmer· valescence at my son's home at, FORD 1952 Cust. 8 cyl. Tudor, Lawrence Simpson, 627 Hnll 260 ACRES NEAR LESLIE. Mod· house so we can stay here. Burt· · • 24 1 P, Jlus road, Lansing, Route 2.·Phone man, phone OX·92194. 24wtf 167 Cherry street, Battle Cree~~.' mnroon J? or do mat lc, radio, boulevard, phone OR-6·1281 nfter ern 7 room house, 2 large ba'se· lett E. Smith. Phone OR-64744. WOULD LIKE a middle-age wom·. IV-2·5108. 1wtf . Yours in Cllt'lst. Mrs. Lottie· heater and turn signals. For· 6 p. m. 24w1 ment barns, 3 car ga1·age, milk 17wtf an to share my large farm CALL MASON CAB for new etlJ.I Gamble and Rev. Gamble, 24wl, mer owner gave the best of house. Heavy soli, on pavement. DAIRY FARMER interested In home. Write to Box 229 Ingham clent service. Hours 7:30 a. m. care. HOUSE IN WEBBERVILLE with Terms. R. E. Whitney Agency, bred Holstein heifers, must be County News givln" ~ferences Photographs to 9:30 p.-m. Friday and Saturday EDMONDS - Often u· perscitt FORD 1!l51 8 cyl. Tudor with seven rooms, plumbing, lat•ge Leslie. · 24w3 calfhood vn'1lclnated. Phone IV· , • b · w2 7:30a.m. to 2:00 n. m. or later. ,doesn't realize or appreciate ht,, 24 Ct•estllne trim, maroon and lot. Convenient locution close in. 72 9 wtf _ !That you .wlll like) 24wlp friends until hc,.-gets into a crisis snow white It's sharp and in May be seen by appointment. In· 127 ACRES NEAR LESLIE. 06 ' 24 MAN WANTED for custodial and in the past few weelts I hav~' excellent. condition. quire of Melvin Oesterle, 4705 Modern 6 room house, new WANTED_ Buck ralte In good worlc. Steady employment, WEDDINGS: Formal or c;mdld RUBBISH and ashes hauled. appreciated the many cards oJ;, FORD 1951 8 cyl. Victoria, bronze Howell road. Phone Webbervljle dairy l>arn, 2 new silos, garage, condition to fit a John Deere . varied duties, some driving, phone Chureh - Home - Studio · Phone OR·7·7712. Archie Mills, well wishing and get well that· I with Ivory top, rndlo, heatet·, 81Fll1. 22wtf doul>le corn house. R. E. Whitney B trnctor. Phone OX-4-8275, Holt. OR-7·7211. 24w2 BABY AND YOUTH: Special • 22w:3 have re~elved. Also the Inter.•,, and· Fordomallc, One owner, Agency, Leslie. 24w3 w p ----- . high speed camet•as with high cessory Guild nnd others of the• 24 1 B 0 e"tra nice. . PAINT PEELING? Maylie we WORI< WANTED - .Attending i lid Presbyterian church were help:·:. DON'T· FORGET OUR budget can help you. We wlll checlc 5·ROOM modern home and 2 WANTED - A good used pot·eh mason, I>J•lck or plaster. E)(· speed lights for act v~ ch ren. usaness ful with thell' prayers, as '111)!_, speclnls-Fot·ds and Chevrolets the .Job at no cost to you. Just acres of land in Leslie. Terms. glider. Mrs, Ludell Cheney, 427 perlence, Clifford Morton, RFD Old photographs copied and re· 0 o o 1 stay in the hospital was shoJ·ter· -1950 models $99 down, $10 call OR·7·4311. Perldns Hardware.23 R. E. Wlrltney Agency, Leslie. S. College road, Mason. Phone No. 1 Mason, corner of Lansing stored. Commer.clal and pass· · ppOrlUDilleS than usual fm• similar cases. 1. per weel<. Fords 1949 -models, Wtf 24w3 OR-7·7481. 24w1p and Jefferson. 24wtf port · appreciated the thoughtfulnes~· several to choose from, $79 , from all those who sent cards r I. down $8 pel' week WOULD LIIleanlng. Mliny styles and sizes mazoo stt·eet Lansing or will 1 ld " d 1 bl Moore, Holt Route 1. Phone ox. Phone OR· . , s. Jeffer- In southwest Ingham county or 24 ~-1 ; FORD 1952 8 cyl. 2-ton dump ' ' · ns e and out. .ery es ra e 6 4392 897 B b I Ph t. city of Lansing. Easy to start · · truck 4-yurd box 2-speed nxle trade for smaller home In Ma· place. R. E. Whitney Agency, 41376. , 24w1p son. 24w2 a s 0 OS Immediately. Selling C)(perlence WITISTPHAL-I wish to eXI'IM,!B~; dl ' 1 •t oo' tl · nd ."'5' garden, uspamgus, Leslie 24w3 834 Soutll BArne· s, Maso11 l!elpful, but not required. Car iny slnce1·e thai nlk s and raI teso, leuOnly er, 32go 000 milesres a a strawberries, black· ' WANTED-Girl's 24·1n bicycle in LIGHT HOUSEWORK illld cnr· ., 1 •· ·dgrat~· FORD.P a 1949• 8 Yl• llnel · gray berries,. cherries, peaches, plums 360 ACRES located on M-50. goo d con dl !ion. Phone ·OX· lng for children. Have had 5wt1 ne""'ssat•y,.~ .. Wt·Ite at once fol' paJ'· tude to ial bmy neg· f Juorsd ~n d . 4 9882 1 1 fi. 1 h. 1 t c · tp ' t · 6,0 0 and grapes. William McGinn. Mode·t·n 7 J'oom brick house, · · 24w1 e"perience. Reference· furnished' - tlculars. Basil Holland, 1962 Elm meri ne f g 1 hors, r den 18 ttan. n s ' ten er•, e" ru sea ' · 24w3p d bl 1 G 00 d if needed Mai'Y Lou Bushard "'VERYTHING"' In· plumb_lng ftx· St., Holt, pllone ox.4.2797 or tb vcs,tlf or1 11t e 1car If s, 1 e ers x 16 6·ply tires: Run.s real ou e garage on louse. · WANTED-Logs and standing Dansvllle 'Route 1. 01• Call MA: lures, material for plumbing Rnwleigh's Dept. B, w. T. Raw· eau u ora 0 er ngs. good. • INCOME PROPERTY-312 West tenant house, 2 lnrge basement tlmbet·. Howe Saw Mill, Rives 3·2070 Ddnsvllle. , 24W2 and sheet metal. Do your. own Ieigh.Co., Freeport, Illinois. who sent messages of syrl'!p~ttll)(,., FORD 1947 8 cyl: ',~·ton pick-up, Washington St., Leslie. 2 unit barns, 2 silos, tool house, chlek· :J.unctlon. Phone OR·7·6651 ot• Les· lnstalJing and save. C. J. Perrin, 21w4 ~~~ds~r:~Jd ~o~J.~~nh 4·speed trimsmtsslon. Runs real lttcome, 7·room unfurnished unit en house. Some ex~llent timber. lie 2326. 12wtf WAITRESS W ~NTED at Ji'arrilly 113 State street, Mason. 19wU -·- ood . Highly productive soU. R. W. - restaurant Apply lit J!ei'son · · MAN OR WOMAN with car· to home for sueh nets of. kUuJ~es~l;. g R· · Ch . and 4·roon, furnished unit. Huge Whitney Agency, Leslie. . 24w3 WANTED-All Illnds or scrap ' ~ p C · deliver and take care of orde1·s May you all · tlnd such Oy riSfensen lot .with lots of fruit. Priced at Iron, tin, cars and trucks. Also 24 1 USfOm by apillllntmimt, $85 to $125 a your hour·s of affliction. . ;. $7,950 with only $1,500 down.· 40·ACRE FARM, modern home, old farm 'machinery. Write WANTED-Someone to cut and Pho· to .fl'nl'shl'ng week to start, with e"pense nl· A. We~Whill. · · Yo!Jr Friendly Ford Dealer Johnson .Agency, 608 Insurancei ·-3 bedrooms, nice blirn, chicken Charles Mullins Dansville or call l>aJ.!e 16 11cres good al1alfa hay lowance. Phone ED·2·2956 morn~ -:--'-'--'--::-c,_..;,.-;::-:":-..,-·-:---:--..~·~ 20lp0eJSltaetveenl.ngs Ptlhllon9e, OSRat.7u·r9flda1yl J!;xchnnge bu,lldlng, Jackson.· house, gr·anary, near town, MA-3-3344. ' 21wtf on shares. C. C. Griffin & Soni . , lngs for Interview. 22w4 FIELD-We ~ho.ile STate 2·9475 or STate schools and churches. 120-ac1•e 142 Okemos street, Mason. , ~ .One·Day Deyeloplng • ronny frJends till 6 2·5554. 23W2 1 farm, modern home, large bat•n, WANTED- All kinds of. junk, . : W2 ··• Expert SC!I'VIce· • for the beautiful· 24 ' . . '· . :. very good. on main . high· automobiles, also old fann ma· • J.arge·SI~. Prints. other acts ... of .th·~~:J!~m::~r .60 ACRE FARM .on College· road, way,' ncar schoolsSDII, and churches. chlnery. I will buy at' my home FARM HELP WAN'I'ED-Exper· "Deluxe Quality,•· . ·For Rent · during· the r, · .5·room house ,,for .-sale by,~ BO~act•e fat'm near Million •. Pt•iced or pick up at your place. I .buy lenced boy ()r · single marl ·ch 1· I D' ·st In the loss· owner. lake .Br.l_gg~, ·1601 -South! right,: Cull ·Clarence . M. Bolell, by scale weight. James Whltta·· wanted for dairy and · general ' . es ey 5 .·. rug ore ,FLQOft SANDERS .. tor· rent. Field .. M1·> and· AAk"-tn·r:t C~llege road, _Route 1, Mason. · : OR·7·2361. C, Jewett A.rer:_tc;v. · ~elj·l738 Murray Rp~~. P.imsvllle, tan.n~· William, ~~lt!!y. ·, ·P.ho~· · · PIJW ·OR·7-cll~) · ·Perkins Hardware, phone OR· Stee1and, Mr: · · ... · · ...... · .3f~J.Jlj ,:' .. ·. · · . ;_ . · 2iW1Pi phone MA·33414. . ;45wtf OR;7·sp6~. ·. ·· ~4Wl . · ' . ' ~ ~AAll· .. · : , ' -~ Mln~.- .. '. ' . ' ...... '. ·~ ' . . "' lnuham County tlew:1 / Legal Natic;es Travelers Rtturn the The Main Da·ag M1 llncl M1s Le\~ls Wmkman P1ml~n June 16, 1955 Page 8 -----I Children Like to Plan vlslterl Mr WoiltlllllllH Jllllf'll\H Dv the Acl Staff M1 nnrl Mrs W c, Wnrl,mnn of Wllllo~m PitH h Ingham c nnnfl Alalerlnn thl~ wr.cl< I hov 11 rr nt 11 t Nrws r mployen IVHK IRirl 1111 n Their Vacation Clothes IV 1ot 111 llf'rl from nrwot 1 c nlnm I rtllpJr of 1\nyH Jhit Wf rJt !PI OVCI hla " lwrc 111 r W ml11nnn h 11 H Want Ads lni( frnm lnjnrlm; rclllvr.rlln n herm 111 cnglneOJ unrh r Point fnll While rnovlnr::- futniiiiiC! f1mn l"olll the pn~t 2 VI uts In Jtlll they will lenvo for Jr I Aviv lltt tn hiH IIJl'lnlts npllltncnt In Tcsllr ELDRED I wish thnnl< Dr der gnver nment appnlnllnr.nt Enr I Pnrltr.t Dr I I I r wls to his new Mnson homr Pln~h Dr Lewis St1 wnr t 1nrl M 11 vln fell f10m 1111'! .tptrlmrnt roof No Blar.llmhy X till trrhnlrlnn fm honrH 11r re hrolwn their ~:~lncere r•llrtls nnrl tXIWll Winston D liiiCr mediC'RI care rltlllng my lllnt ss buyer jolnr rl the M ltnynwnrl I llulnu' ulso the tllll H s slnff of I' JOtr club 1 111 HrlltV nlgllt hospital nnrl tho l

In Memoriam

Bunker H1ll Legal Notices ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR J1emlett1L Jlnltlru 1 HEARING CLAIMS OESTERLE-Auguat 23 I 955 Mrs Arlo Cltrlw tnrl sons St 1lc of M1el " II u Pro I tc C .rl Rleh,ud 111d Mtch tel ol Tudtsun spent Sund tY With her patents Mr and Mrs I lmolhy McCann Mr and Mr ~ Robert Cltt ke of Jacltson visiter! Lt the frmoth) McCann home l\1ond ty Maleic hyclr IZide may he user! Elwood Fulkncr Mr and Mrs to Induce male stellllty 111 squ tsh and farmly Ita vc moved to the plants Th 1t will make hvlmd Clarence Greene place on Vaughn seed production easier dml cheap wad er Mr and Mrs 1 rn nl< Ilelllcl, Were cllnner gueols of Mr mel Mrs Wilham Z1csl

De~1gnod to produce b•ttcr TV p1cturc3 wl nrovor you hv~ Tel rex Co 1col V Beams Wilt out perform nny other type ontennn ThiS de• go cn~Ineored nntenno by Amen ens lead ng nntenn! Is your auto insurance. producer Will g1vo you nil the ' J fme perf or noncn the mnnufnc a misfit? t IT•r destgncrl mto your tete Vl!lton sot Phnne or slop tn no You It be nmnzcrl to Itt ow hnw httle 11 costs to recc vc tl•c best pJCture 1n town COUSIN'S Rad1o &TV Serv1ce Jll) S J1 If IHOII Oft 7 H081 I L~------·~------~

~uto-Owners new rating plan Sts farmers ORDER FOR I'UDL!CAT!ON FINAL ACCOUNT fair and Square MARTA!N-July 7, 1055 St otr of Mlchhruu fhc 1 ob1 t• Court for the County of ln1d11 m At. l Hf!HHI of rmll Co ul hull on Auto-Owners new reahshc method of rat1ng drtvers Jur c II Ill fifo I''""' r t I! ON JOHN McCLELLAN for auto msurance now ptovtdes the fatmer wttl1 a Jud.:u or I obnte In the M LLcr of t1 c E•tntc of ARN reduced rate 1egatdless of the ages of car ope1at9IS Ol,!J I MAR1AlN Vee< ••ed Notice I• llc1 cby ( lvc 1 hut the 1 c Tht~ wm kmg man who dr1ves h1s car for busr.ness, tltlon of M IKIIIuL M 01owr Admlnl the young marued couple, and many otheu will alluh lx of Kuhl cKtutc Jarnylruc t1 t' tllowuneu of her tlnnl tecour t und (or benefit w1th Auto-Ownets teduced rates See how the llHH)J.tt n nL und dlstalbutlon uf thu t't.!Hll le of Httld cHtUtu 1 rn)'inH for the much YOU can save Wlth Auto-Owners lllSU!ance' ullowuncu of hur fhud wrnunl un I the nHKIKumont 1111d dlottlbutlon of tho rc!!Jduc O( ttU)d tlHlUtU Will LH.! JIC d u July 7 tor.r. ut ten o clock In the fo1o noon ut Ll e P obute Otflcu u.t .!UG Wut~L Stladnnw Hl cut LnnHIIIK Mlchbmn IL lo ordc cd fhut notice thereof bo given by uubllcntlon or 1 co11f h1 reuf fot thrco wcckH contu.!cUtlvtJI)' 11rcvlou~ to oald dny of houllhK In \ho ln1dlllm County New• nnd th1 t the IIDtlLioncr C l\11'10 U CO)IY or thiH notice to bo HerYed upon tmeh known 111L1 ty In lntcro~t nt h'a lul'lt lmown n ldreu b)' l"OKh:ltcred mnll rctuu tocoll•t demanded at len•L fourteen (14) dar• prior to ouch hcnt h II 01 by 1 croonal oorvlcc nt tcnot five C~) dnr• a>rlor to •uch hcnrln11 .IOHN McCLELLAN A T1 Cnr•Y Jmliro of l'rnl lloburtuo L. Drnko ntol nnlllntct o( l'tohnto ~411 n I 1 June 16, 1955 The lngham·CountY News Part 2

1o LIS to lw one of .slmplll'ylng the mcchnnlc£ cif this program.· llnll, who will nt t nne! Alhlon col· Hoover Commission Aid Makes Reply "Recommenclf!tlon No. 12 li!gn, unci llw nth(•r Wl'lll to .Tunct "'l'hllt federnl gl'ltnls·lll·llid IH• CoJ'IliVi'il, who \\'Ill alll!lul Michl· u~crl to provide secul'liy fnr IH'IV· "an Slall', ,John Lillcli!cln received illr! lonns to slum clearnncc Jll'O} 11 sdJolnrshlp In Mif'hlgan Collego To Rep. DQn Hayworth's Assertions ects and thut the fedcrnl lending o( !\lining unci '.J'(!l'illlulogy. The llnrl gum·nnteelng . ruiwtions of l\lasun Coiil'l(l' l'!ub gavo a Uy J.n\Yl'l!lll'r\ Llndmlll'l' flg-tu·r• is many limes that. num· tl1is ngenc:r he t£mnlnnted." sehohu·slrip lo !'at l'idn Rosebury. I WIIH intrri'HlPrl to Hl'l' a il'tiPI'/ ilPr. 'l'lwn Mr. Jlay\VOI'Ih Illites H. IIIIYII'III'llll • ' !\!Iss Hosl'htii'Y, l3mhnn• SlmpMon 111 1 Issue wllll what be dulms till~ and .111111'1 Camphi'll t•eeelved Cen· ~~~ :i~~~y;,~,~~~~ ~-~cl~: fJ:;~ ~:;~~;~: Hr1ovrn· Commlsslnn Is rlolng. "Raising lntorest rnles IIIHI Jt·ni Ml<'itlgan 1:olh!gp nf educu· 1 ehnrges undeJ' the J~eclcral Cr~p : .: ••>· lng, "Hoover Aclvlc:e Ailll'lllH !lay· I. lluywurlh: 1 lion sdwlarshlp!.. ,ID)'cr. llall rc· Insur·nnce Corporation unci tlw I , ', l'i!lwcl 11 Hl'llltlar.,hlp lu Western \voz·th," In yo11r Jssl!l' of .il!ll!! !l. '"1'11111 !he gr1vr.rnmen1 gel oul Small Business Admlnlstration,"r . It Is Mr. 1-lnyworllt's rigill lo rlls· of the flill'l!el post bllslnnss and l\lldtlgan ('oiiege of edtwutlon. ngrl:!e will! llnovr!l' C'onunlsslnnl turn It IJ\'er to private entet·· ,fLJII;I l!olnws l'l!ee!Vr!il 11 sc:lwlar· reeommcnrl:tlions wiH!II Ilia! dis· prl.o.;l!," ship to Kalamazoo l'oliror:e, 'l'hll ngrPemr•nl Is lmsPtl upon fiir•ls 'J'I111 Jo'nl'ts: Univet·sily of l\lidtlgaJI selected Ell'illllll' Ellioll for a sd10lmohlp anrl his lYJie of lililll~lng. I ,rio Tills ('(JI1111llssion, In Its 11eprll"t ii!HI M lehiga 11 ::it ill e selel!ted Lan11 tnlw lsstw, lirJWI'Vrn·, Willi ills as· on BIJsinPss I~nlerprls!:!s, 11ecom· Dart. sault upon llw facts. nHmriallon Nn. II, rr!eommendecl Mr. llaywort h sl arl s off hy "Thai liw PoslmastCI· Genernl saylnr: the I lrio,VI!I' Commission shall, If llw Clll'l'enl rntes do nnt was set up In lll'17. I realizP he cover alll!osls of lhc parcel post hnsn'l !wen mound Washing-Inn s e r vIe e s I including Indirect" I long, hut ajiproxlmately nnee a coslsl, seek a furlller·incrr.ase of week tlw "Congn•ssinnal Her·rml" mlr!s." In other wonls, the com· mntains some eomment tJI' oliwr mission proposes limt parcel post about lhe lJntJver· CnmmissitJn, pay for Itself, nol that It be generally refc!tTinr-: lo t IH• fiiC'I Hbanr.loncd. that this mmmlssir•nls a new ami :!. fluywurlh: Separate r:ommlsslon C'I'P.Illerl hy "Slopping crop Jnmts to farm· ,congress In lfl~il with 11 diffPI'I'Ill ers by lhc Commodity Credit ~mandate fmm lhal dlre<'led to I hi! Cot·p 1;rallun." first commi~sinn. I '!'he Ful'!~: Serving as an aide on 1he This rror>Vrr· Cnnnnissioli is go· I On I his point llw congressman Hoover Commission in Waslling· Shoes ing inlo (jltesl ions of policy. Con· is eloser In aceumc,v, Ihough the ton, Lawrence B. Llndem1!r of gres.~ t~Jiri il to rio so. 11 wotllri impression he gives vlnlatl:!s the Stockbridge lal

Men's Leather NO WONDER' ... ,.,."'-·';'~'"'Jill"'"' ·sandals- $4.98

If You Are in Doubt- Choose Wisely With 11 Thil bdby noods •tlontion- ond •he Jsu•liy qots it! D•y or night pap• ond Gift Certificate From rn.1ma ru1h to tho crib to offer scrvico. Your printing baby will got tho some trr..,tmont •t tho lnghom County Nows, o.,y or night wo'll quiet your norvos by Mason Family Shoe Store 1howing how you e.1n gat • qood print. 124 W, Maple inq Job •t low cost. Rocking printing Phone OR-7-6211 babios is our bminoss.

lETTERHEAUS • BUSINESS FORt·AS • ENVELOPES t BOOKLETS • CATAlOGS When You Think of Printing (Letterpress or Offset) Think of Why people who could pay more buy The Ingham County News Mason Phone OR.7.90 II for a Printing Salesman FORD More and more people. wh'o used to drive costly cars ore being enthusiastically won "Abandoninr: post I!Xehanges rstorcs for mllilnry posts)." over by Ford's Thu~derbird-inspired styling Tlw Fads: and Trigger-Torque "GO," I quole the Hoover Commission recommendation relative to posl exehanges, the effect of which is Why, indeed, pay mor·e? to eliminate abuses !hal hnve Each oF Fo!'d's 16 models featnr~s styling ill• arisen in connection wilh them spired by the J';tbulous li'ord Thundei·bird. and to put them on a self.sustuin· ing hasi:-:. The luxurious inlorio;·s of a Ford contain beau· "Rccommenclatlon No. 5 tiful fabrics m1cl eye·ple1\sing colors such as the "lal Thiit !he DepRrtmenl ol low·price field has ne1•er known. Defense, lnnccordance with lhc Intent of the congress, confine Ford's new Trigger·Torque power brings you a Its post exchanges to localilles new thrill in re.1ponse, It give& you the secure where nclequate or reasonably feeling of you can pass in split-jiffy. convenient scrvlees ·are not knowing a That Will avalliible and, in all cases·, con. And Ford's [>O\\Iel' assists; too, (power brakes, fine Its post exchanges to use slecring, windows, 4~Way ~wer• Seat and Speed· by military personnel except in Trigge1' Fordomatic) •can't be beat at any price.· ·Have ·LASTING Isolated illlcl ovr.rseas locations; "(hl llwt price~ In post ex· Take your Test Drive today. You'll sec why, PLEASURE! changes be made adequate to dollar-for·dollnr, you can't hny better than Ford. eover all costs: and lhnt the Dcp:trlment of Defense impose and enforce penalties for re· Two Are ·Injured sale by purchasers of any goods bought at ·post ex· Arrow Shirts changes: In Delhj Crash "(c) that except in isolated George Hcthorn and his ~ife Tropical or areRs the post exchanges cease Regular Weight Rena suffered cnts and bruises selling luxuries, ,Jewelry, sport· Monday afternoon In a colllslon ing goods,. cameras, and other at the Intersection of Grovenbui'g $3.95 . Items of high unit vu1ue; and Miller r·oacls. Mrs. Hethorn "(d) that the use of military also injured her ribs anti chest. personnel . supported hy appro· According to sherlli's oclcers. Ties. prlated funds · in post ex· Hathorn, driving east on Mlllez· changes be· terminated except road, did not heed the stop sign· $1.50 to ·$3.50 for supervisory personnel; at Grovenburg and rammed his "(e) that consideration be cat· lnto the side of a road com· given to contracting out the mission u·ucl< dl'iven by Maurice S;traw Hats operation.of the exchanges;,."' Grimm. The truclt driver was not 5. llaywm·th: hurt. "Shutting- .off. public housing, $3.95 to $5 ·low·rent projects." . · 'I'he Fncts: · . Belts Mr. Hayworth has closed Slacks arid 'blundered. I ·quote State Seeks Bids $1.50 to $].50 $§,95 to $14.95 the Commission Report on Lending Agencies: "The elimination of · these O,n Special Jobs more whtn you buy it STRETCH Sox-'1 slums whleh · 'are breeding Bids on dz•lveways ·at 3 · FORD the new lEST SELLIR , , , \ . , , ; and many morel grounds· of· disease and crlme.ls establishments In Lansing, ·' In the Interest of the country ·as pollee post In East Lansing and .P.D.A.F. sells more becauu lt'l worth morel Thrill to a Fore/ Test· Drive -GIFT WRAPPED- a• whole and we believe partlci·. at Michigan state sana:tarlum, ·- - .Order by Phone- We Will patlon In the cost by the federal Howell, are belt\g taken, Wednes· ., government Is justified. However, I day, June 22, In Lansing. The the nequlsltlon of these undeslr· Lansing .. establi.~unents are Vo,· able· areas, the removal of the eatlonnl school, state1 automotive buildings; the erection of. suitable repair and supply, 'depot and apartment.· houses, and 'the. assur· School for the Blind. once of rents· make the PI'O· . 'l'he work will consist of aggre· cess .a' ·. . . one best. The gate surfacing ·and placing of a bituminous ljg.gregn,te . llllr.fnce . ' ( .. ' , loglmm. County News June 16, J95S progi'Oln! wns pre~enterl nnrl ench IL•IIC'IIlH' 'gave ll I'I!SUrlle of jfle Doun Ias' lm• fQnillles In memot·y of llwlr ll WIJO ------·------\VIJI'I< ~Jill! l111c1 CDVf!twl during 11w moti11W1 Mt•s, Clam 'l'u;vlot•, I!Vt!llhltf 11t •rlw l1onw of their! ft(l¥JIIe fliyUII rJiecJ l'f'CillltJy, danr,htc•i'1 MrH. Clinton Hol1lhl of Wf'l!fl, Grovenburg News ,lndu;nn, Ml' artcl Mrs Harold Glynn Mt•, nnrl Mt·~. H.ny illllllr.y 1'11· Webberville Mrs. DorrllllC'e HlactJ was In visitdd'Mt·. and'Mrs. Rex: Weyer·· turnorl to lhnlr homn lust Mr$. lioward North f'runels 1\r•sllng Is S[llll!tlitlg LrJJmlng Snlm·duy uight to nt· mnn nf OltL'IllOH Wednmlday eve· WPrlnesdJtY ltftar spr.ncllng tho sonw tIme n I t IJe home of 1\(r, Mu. Mytl Gtnltnm - Phonu 66-F-2 li·nd u ~glll·log•!IIJHr dlnnf!r of nlng, wJntrJJ• 11t WlniPt' flut·rlen, Flol'· MJ•s, .Jesflle Poworn of Oliv[)t nnrl Mrs. Clnrrrwn l(eHllnc, flttll· - lclu. tlJt! mmlng yrm• will hr Rev, Hlllllf' of. tlw foJ)nwr teachers of ,J oe Z.a Iews I1 l and Ronnie 1 were , rullml Jnst wePit 'J'uc~sclny on MJ's. l•'J'Illlf'IH .Jolllillthh~H. lit> c•r1mrs to lwr filii J'outl, Lnsllr!. 1 CiJ'flf'l' ~:1'111111, llolilly C'11ol, .Jndt till! Willlurnston school nt thl! Sunday flfternootl callers of Lc!o Phoohr. .~teplwns "', relnrnerl to Emmn 'l'lwmpsnn, StJ tHiny of Mlf'!Jlgun C'onf<•i·c•lll't! fl'fllll Pitts· UeryJ BlslmJl of F'rnnl•lln, V11., 1 last weelt M1·s. 'l'hompsnn 111111 llil[~lii!B, Mrs. 'J'Pd SIJil(JIJ>•, F!nrl hnmP nf MIRs Iluhy .fohnson. GJ;vnn 1 1 her wnrl\ Ill Walter Mlllm· s at httrgh1 l'a. Mr. 11111l Ml'H, Guy vlslll!rl ut tIll' homr. nf Mr. ~nd Flower SJ1ow Has Flllsnr and Mm. IVIPJ'Jin c'opt•II!IJil. · . Musnn Sn1Lwdrry after spcmdlnv, a MI'H, Lo1 t le !Tol!flll 11f Dlmpncln le Mf'Clli! attenderl f'lltJfl'l'l'ilf'i! at Mrs. BerJHJI'rl Bishop ltmt weel1. Mary .To Loti and .T!llll! Loll frw clnys at hi· 1· home hrre. Uf'l'nmpnnlerl Mrs. J\11 hr1r Lam· Alhlon Just \l'!!r>l<. M1·, Mc•CJII! wus iool1 )JUri In the Jliann 1'11cllal Mr. IIIHI Mrs, ftll,YJTIOill) Ste· ll!'em1x of lloll to ,Tnl'!tson wlli'J'f' delegatP l'J'IIIJJ I hi~ 1'11mgr.. Many Entries Columbia Road g}veu hy pupils of Mrs. H.cmnld phens r!IIIPI'tnlnerl M1·. unci Mrs. they visited In tlw !tome of 1111· flh·s. W. C, Nul'I'IH l\.arn. at Williamston Bnpllst Lee Oshni'IIP nml fnmlly· of Wll· lntll~l' 1 S clullghti'J', Mrs. c:nrulrl Mrs. floldl'n Stile~ [)( MnHnn Clark Center The lust mer!l illf( DJ' 1hr• W. A. Bible School I Has ehuteh :r;lJ·l!Jay t•veulng: llmnsvllle ut rllnucJ·, ~IIJHI~.v. hon· Clever. .~pent 'l'UI'sriny with .Mr, nnd Mrs. 1\J!'H, Nt•ftl•• llull••n C, until fiept••mhl!l' wns st11gud Tlw Chllrlrc•n's Day exr.r·rlses ,JumPs llnrl1 and Mrs. llurt WPnl Douglnl! school closed F'rldny. orlng Mrs. Oshoi'JW'H hil'1hdny un· SutUJ'dny Mrs. l~rmnn Thump· laMt Satu1·duy nt tlw t'tJflllllJJnily 111 I hr• l'illll'l!h S111ulny \vct•e well Wn,Yn1! H. to Tt'<'IJmst•li nn Wrdnrsdn.l' of Mrs; Br!llt' c;ooltht•ltt~ nf Cm·· 75 Mr·. ntld Mrs. Foler·, nlversnr·y, wlileh was .JunP. son tmtl her nlrt'e1 Mrs. Charles Enrollment of uttrndPII. M1·s. Arln I,, Orll't'ln of laHI Wl'Pi< whrm Hh£! visited hPr SUII City hi SJU!Jiding :! WI!P.IHI hall. Ctm·encf' l"ntlllt'P gu VI' a Mr-.. l.lnd Mr·11. DIM Wr\rllllls, Mr·. Thro f'hlldreo nf Ml', unci Mr~. Miami WPJJI hy plnnr. to DetJ'olt Mosher of Lunslnu, rJIIendcd IIIP Bon, ArllnJI' f;P!Hf'rliJIJVt'J' nnd with Ml'. unci MI'IJ. s. A. flPI'tlr!r. tnllt on flowm· IIJ'J'nnJ:WJTIPnl 11t R W••IJ!H•i·vill'• Mt•illlull~:t I'!JtJJ'dJ and M1·s. nay Lo1t, Mr. and Mr·s. Wnvne G11r•r IVPJ'P g11ests of Tonln nll1mnl r,ntlwrlne. Sltl! was liud Uilill' SC'lillld .Jiilll' tl !11 Ill, !11 lllll'nll thr. funeral o[ her SIS· Marv!H LnH, Mr. and ~11'~. Gus F·loi·enef~ Dillion 'ruemlay eve· fumlly, relnrnlnt~ 'I'IJLJI'Sduy, Runrtny l'all••rs of MJ'H, A1111a o'clor.lt. Dt•IIJllif~ \Vhitr•, t:ay IPI', Mrs. Lro. Allen, anrl Wedn1•s· Schillel·, Mr. aile! Mr•s . •1, Cerhe, nlng. !I Snlttrday fllEhl g\Jf'St or ltl't' Lf'SI'IJPY IVI'J'e Mr. nnd Ml',l, Vrm I WJIJJ iill I'IJJil(JJtli'ill ol ·~-:·,, :-lixl~' niece. fi:Jtllrday uftPI'Ilnon nnrl f'VI'· . ~· .Johns, JmnHif• .Whit,. aurt .lilliPI rl'l'f'il'rll 1'1'1'1 ilil'.til": 111' l't'i'llf(lll· dny mnr'JJ!ng lJ'IIVPIPd lly bus to Mr. nud MJ·!J, Leo Glyun were Mary llailsenrn!JI ancl fo'lorr.nce u!Jt!~ M1'. aud Mrn . .fanws flnl't 1\l'f'rJrt: nf l'ltmsnnt lalw, M1•. 1111d Clarence Leom11·d relelirntrrl f.ichnr:ir.i,.r play••d jlillllfl ntirllll''''' lion fill' haviJII: !11'1'11 f>l''''"'lil 111 st••· Ill'!' only nunt, Mrs. WIIJ Nor· nmllnH tltul;e Who uili!nded tiw Dul ton I'IJlh•d un Mrs. f•!ffle visllPd i11 thf' homP nf 1\li'H, Hart's Mt'H. Cl£>nn LPsenl'y nnd flOns of dtirlnc 1!11• rtny. his blrthcluy nnnlversnry 'l'ues· l1•11sl ·I dnys "' 1!11• liw. TIJ,. sp:; rls. SliP J'<•l Jll'llt'd tu Detroit 'l'ues· fllllel'lll iur Lyle Haylwe last Al'lmltrone und Mrs. !.aura si.'IIJ!J', 1\olm. I .POll Prenclmorc> In Chnrloltt:>, Mr. nnd Mrs. ftohel't day or lust wet~lc Mr. and M1·s. Allc1! MillPr l1:u I dlili'J!f' nf Ill<' ::!1111h lrfl!!ilrr al !) a. 111. n111l dW.ifld clay In hPJ' brother's home befol'f! Wedt1!!1!day, Bi·owri Sittl u·cJuy. Tiley HI! vis!led LunslnE, and ::iunda)• aftPrnoon Wllll!n!ton nnd tamlly of F:11ton Charles flundf!J'S unci fwuily nf puhltcity, wiiiJ I :nu•p Sditlll, at 11::!11 11. 111. h!<;Villg fill' llllllll', . Douglas !JChool pUpils had .lop Brown, who 11· a pulien1 ul 11 und Pvr•nliiJ~ 11'1'1'1' Sjlf'nl with Rapids ami MJ'. unci Mn1. RU· 1111rl Lamb rour! wrre mtpptn EIJI'Btli of Mema Copeuwn F:ditli Wr•st JlpgJJilll'i'H di'Jiill'tlllPJJI 1\'IIS M1·s. Aria Griffin and Mrs, W. tlwlr Jlle11le Wednesday noon at cnnvnle~cPnl l1ome 111 !lowell. Mr. lind lVIrs. C'lnrPIJCI' Mlltllll'JJ dolpli' IVIlr.lilt:;dJ and 13Ptly nf the Leonurds. M!!SOJJ. on the I'Oilllltittr•P, I loi.';ft'K."'·~ Wf'J'I' l:ill)~hl li,V IVIr!:. 11111'1'1'\' :-ll'llilll P.. Non•li; wm·e Monday evening the scho(JJ. Mother11 .attending Mrs. ,Jane Hullinr,e1' nnd l.'!Jr·Js. of f':alon rtaplds. Ruth Sehmlrli, M HI'.Y Wrost m"r"· :U1d Miss 1\a~· ,t,hw.; t•rillJ:JJ'j' dP· ~upper guc•sls of MI'S, Norris' 1wre Mrs, Clare Loll, Mrs. Ctnlr topheJ' W1•re In Ann Arhn1· Thill'!l· Sumlny aflernonn Mr. and Mr. nnd Mrs. S1111 Clarl1, Lnmh MJ·. fJJHI Mrs. !Tow::ml Clark land, Christ litr• r 'mndnll, flPtd:dJ Jlill'llill'lll II•:II'IH•u: \\'I'll' ~!I'll. AI'· ~1111 1 1fl!l'llcrt Norris. Bwdberg, Mrs. Don Taylor, Mrs. day fm· tile hoy's dwelHtp, Mrs. Durwi11 Dori'J' l'allcd nn Mr. hrld lljlPII hOIISP 'j'iJltl'Sclay €Ve· Cool and [:oris I .al•'iiitd. 1 rmtd, vi:;JJed MJ'. and Mrs ..fanws th11r l'ha.~t·, Mh~ i\nil:i !)Jr•lt. and l'viJ·s. Lillian Ruthbun visited 1-Ilram WHrd, Mrs. Rubert .faclt· J;;cnerHon Klnm!y r•nllPd on his unci M1·s. LPJ'OY Rc lf•IJ of lloll ·to llart Monday, nl ng IHIIIIJritJf~ t hPh· son, F!llls, WilmeJ's lflJ' lio\Vi'J' a JT, i:ll'hill'll Hr:uii'IJ; tiJIIior ell'· Mr~. W. C. Not'l'IS Monday, son nnd Mrs. Hurold,Giynn, fnther nl .St. LawrPJH'e linspltal see the Jll'W liaiJy whn lms llif' fol Jowl hIs t!I''Jil ll'ill'ill•t·s 11'>'1'1' Mrs. 1•'1':1111< lli•:Ticlt of Bunltet• Hlll ------h1 Lonsln~ Su111Jay f'VIming, 'T'he name Tlwmns Slummm. Ills ty·slx fr!PJHis 1111d J'f'latlvPs fmm Gmce Schilt t, lll'!lltill Cuol, 1\'laJ'.Y II'Jld(•d I !Jr \Vflsl IV ilidsor· ~ldlllol llllvrJ, ButiiP CJ·r•PI(, Mn!wn ami J•'l'flni< IVP:tl 111111 J•i:rnd :11 td Mrs. vislli!d Wi!dne~rlny aftemoon, fa1her Is l'PJJortt!rl ns Improving. llirthduy was Wrllnr~clny of lust WeslmllrPiund, i\IIJ·s. ::;un Andl•t· week, I'J!Uillon :-itJnduy ultel'IJonn. l·~atnn Hnplds attendrd. I low:trd ·'""!;,:; illli'l'llll'di:tll's n11\l Mrs. F'lnrenr:e Clm·lt called Northwest. Stockbridge Mrs. Lily .furvls, Mr. anrl Mm. SOh, J~Jf!HJJOJ' }•"111'1'1 I Iiiii, ('!flo 1\'I'J'f' t:JIIf~hl i1.1' 1\lr:;. J•!hllt'J' J•'oJ'P· Friduy. Mr. and Ml's. Orlu Rldwrds Chase, Mn;. GIPtlrt IV••st, Arlin•· and fmniJy of Dimondulc vlsiiPrl Braden l'llllnil oJ Cull latH• Sun· llnP hird t lltro <'J'OWIWrl pigQunl lii:tiJ, Mi':': AiiJJ ,J,!Jn:;, Miss '1'!11• \VIflrh School club elected · North White Oak rtav aftPJ'nnnJJ. Milthiesf'll, ErlltlJ Wt•!>l, Ar!dlf' M:li·Jllit C'J:riJ:, :rnd Mi:·s C':trol Hnllantl, Lelund, CIJ[fnrd and 111 tlie honw nf 'Mr. a11d Mr.' .. ~;perclr>:; u !:Jipply of mill< In lis Llchlel', . oi'J'ii'I!J's .Jwu; :l ami no more I ~Jr. a111l h;J·s. Bl'l'tlard Blshnp ~odJIJII [lf;~;h;tf·d 1111 ""' play· Stw Ann Towrwenrl and Ethel 'CJ:u·en~;!; Ll'liiiUI'd r;tlllllHy evr.· stoma1'!1, whldt II pumps IIJl and Wilma Tlllllllii, Orrlf' ~:ttslly, J)H'I'Illlf~S arc; plnnned until Ser, nl ng. WPJ'f' >llljlfll'l' t:lll':ils 'l'hill'~ltl:iy Jntn till' halij•'n lll1Hllh. t:rnlllirl. Mrs. Jlp~ Nll'lllll•; 'aJIJsll· tt•lltlwr. Platlnt rnl!l at Rev. F'runl< Co· Mr. and lv1rs. CIJ:u·~Pc; Gauss Suzanne ~:f'!Jill'ic!PJ', MPI!nii:J Mr. and MI'!J. GJ':IIll Hwwrt, l liill'd lliH' dil,\' 11'111'11 foil(' 111' lhP wld<'s home ·Friday night with sprnt tiJr• Wf!f'l< t•JJd with thr.IJ· v Comer, Loris .Joltns, 1\-ln;, 1-'1'1''' South Wav<'rly J'nLid, ;~pPJJI SiJJJ· II'IIJ'IWt':, IJ:Ill In IH• ml'il,\'. Millville You1h Fr~llowshlp to son, Donultl, who Is statlmwd nt Schneld0J', M1:;. Nt•llil' l.J!Ptz, 1\'trs. Mrmlli'I'H ol H1101SIPI' 1 In':'; fill'· plan meetings for the•next month. day evening at till' lwnJr:o nf Mr. Nell Pli!t~. lllni. I'P:trl C,illl'l', South Aurelius and Fm·t Knox, l(y. They also vlsltr>d and Mrs. Leon N11rlh. . IIi •, '"'" till' l't ',,.,.,'II I"' 'Ill': Ior IIll' Mr. un(l l'frrs. Lout Townsend Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Wigle ut Motoring Enjoyrnent Edna 'l'aJJllfiJ', 1 'lai':J 1 'I'll .··11" .. Iiii wit Jll 'l'illll. 1\ II":. 10:111 >I' I' !•'on>. MJ•, nnd Mt'.'i. ltalplJ Nowiilt uf • Mr·s. S:un Andror:,iJil, · '·· amt L'hlldren had Sunday rllnnl'r Pllwsv!JIP, ';l'PnnPssPP. 111:111 ''1'1 \'I'd :J: '1'1'1 1'1<11'.\' 11f I liP North Onondaga F'llnl wen• rlinni'J' f~IJP~I!, and Ella J.'lll'l'lil:lil, J\1:n·ir> J\llril'l'· with Mr. and Mrs. Vf'r'nnn Proc· IIowarrl l.ing ot HPPci City was illl'N, B. II. J•'tc•lil tor :tncl Ka t11y. SpPJll till' U!IPfnOOII fll II H' llfoillf' son, Mn. fl:ut ::,.,., ~Irs. I.'J'J I; 1\'ii!i 0111 P::ltillit. A !he horne 'of Mr!l. Lytlla Criblr!y M1·. and ~1rs. Fcn·Pst Fellows vh;iiPd Mrs. l~thel Wilt:ox last Mr. and MJ'!:. Arthur .J~ulc>dtf' .. ----~"-· ··~-~--·---- ··---. --~····~··-- Werlne~.· ----··------1\'1'1'(( HI liP!' f'lll IUgP Ill Phm~allt Jor the monthly rneetlnt: Wtm• SuJJda.v nfternonn callf'J's rlny night. of Mt·. and l\1rs. Chm·lr.s Lowe nf were r.nl<'l'lain••il irll' cliJIIlf'J' at 1:11;•• In !larry t•uunty. lltP hom" 11!' Ills slstC'I', Mrs ..J:rilt• Mrs. Lyllla Crlilley unci f'hildi·en Wc~IJbervJIIP., Mr. :mrt Dullwe But>ll'iiPI', Mille!' rn:td Siiiiday, Mr~. Orl•lr nlllt r~llll'neil horne . Monday ::1fter Miss DOJ'flt hy DtJnsmnrP Is l\lr. and NIJ'S. Anthony Goris an'rl spendint; a weeJ( with hl'r sister, helping Mrs. Mf'lVllll' Titus. WetiJil'sdny of llisl WPPlt Mr. and Mrs. !ltJt;li AngPJI l'aliPd at ::on Wf'I'P at Hnughton Lake fi'Om Mrs. Clnrencr. Stoclnvell of Ona· Mr. and Mrs. Carmll Glynn I.'I'Jrl:iy nir~l•t until Snnday, way. , the home of Mr. nne! Mrs. Gt!orge and Doris visited M1·. and Mrs. Denning, Battle Creelc William, M1·. n11d IVJJ's, Ll~ty 1\11-Gauglwy Mr. and Mrs. ,Jesse Campbell Harold Scnll~lcl of Mason Sunday. of Unlnnagon ::tnd Mrs: I~llsie f'alled o'n ..lt. Segart Tuesday eve· Ronald und Kay aJ·•· rii'[!J'Iy I'~· Mr., and 1\frs. Ol'ln Voss, Sr., c•overed from injurle:; I'Pcc•iwd in Wallill!' ot AlaiPdon Wl'l'e Sunday nlng and at the Owen Kennelis ancl Roylyn Mlemlr>d the wedding fflll·:;t,; at tlJP .Juhn Hemuns home. Wednesday evening. ' of their .<;on, f\Plth, tn Miss Bar. a ret•enl auto al'cldenJ. Mr. and Mrs. 1-lr.lli'Y l31nldr.y '1'111• :J WOIIH'JJ ili'P. SJ~ters. Wulter I\och and family spent bara S<'ili'U.V ut tlw Methodist Sunday wiih Mr. and Mrs .•Te~se church in' Mt1nlt h Sunday. spent the wec•lt ~nd with M1·. and Mr. and Mrs ..fohn ·Powell at· Mrs. Bern It• Binllh wedding :uiii!VeJ'~ary of M1·. WHinesday and l~rldny. ' iHI's, I,. 1'. \Vllllnm~ sistt>l'·iiJ·imv, Mrs. S:Jridi Su1111t· awl Mrs. Hay Lull of Alalrdon Miss Ethel Plnunt spent the l't•opl•• hm•r•n't dtlln~·etl Ullll'h nlllwu~:h tlu• v•·lti••li• tlw.y !I•nvel m<~n of JJIJnondulfl, ('£'1PIJJ'UI ing Sunday night. weelt end \Vlth Rosalie Sampson Mr. :mel Mrs. Fmnk Nemer and lu hu~. 'l'lwy stIll t!ll,lu.v 1111 tlltt ltJ~,; in tl11• surrJllllWtimt~, 1md of Fltchhtli'E· Mrs. l•'mnltlin's hirllH!ay :mni· PuJ'ltPr Orr of Mason attended Mr. and Mrs. Nucltley Nenwt· 1llllay they 1!1111 t•u,ioy In 111111 rilll• many of tho• 6111111' r•omfm•ts Mr. and Mrs .•Tf'sse Ca!npbe·ll versary which orrLJI'J'Pd that rlay. 1he surpl'ise party Sunday tm· callecl at the GJJIJert Heineman Sunday nf this we<>lt 27 J'elallvr·s llllll lll!•llsllt'l's 1iii',V hnve 111 huuit•, callecl on Mr. and Mrs. Charlle homl' near Elrnol'f•, Ohln, Sut ttl'· his slsler, MJ•s. B. H. Field, on Hlelts of ,Jackson Monday eve· dlued at the Country J\ltdwn ' hPJ' 80th~ hh·t hday nnnivr>rsary. day. Terry, Heineman, who has Worse Than nlng. been visiting the F't·ank Nemcm;, honoring lwr !Jirihrlny and li 1'h,.~r· t•nmflll'l~ /IIlli plea~ure~ Ill'•' whut we huve to St•ll. llal'!'ls Hemans of Flot·Jtla was Ml'. and Mrs. Fay 'l'ownsenrl returned home. others occur-ring that IVPPic. One n Saturday railer a1 the B. H. and Mr. and ,Mrs. Erwin Barth granddaughter has the s:une Pield home. Mr. and M1.~. Donvin William~ elate. Seat Covm·s -·- Snn Vism·s A Bronc ••• called on Mr. and Mrs. Loal and Pntrlee WP.re Sunday dlnnc>r Townsend Sunday evening. gltf's1s of Mr. nnd Mrs. Freel Graf Mrs. Warn>n Childs, Mrs ..John C:Jarr Shadrs- G!':lVP] Guards Aurelius Center Mr. and 1\'lrs. I !oward Town· nenr Millville. Ellsworth, Mrs. Hug!J Angell, And you are liable for damages in sepd nnd chpdren spent Sunday Mt•s, Howard NnJ'tlt :Jnd Mrs., cr,mpass - Mil'l'OI'S .OJml E. Smlt>hhaler M1·. and Mrs. Leslie Meacl and I evenlnli: with Mi·. atld Mrs. Rex rhilclren spen I the wPel< rncl with Asll 'l'owsle:,• atiPncled 11 W. S. 1 flaf!ios - Rrat· SP:t I Spenkrt' case. of accident to a friend or an Townsend. relatives in Wiseonsln. C. S. ol'l'lcers traimng meeting at 'T'Ile 4·H wlhlflower nncl flower Holt Methodist cltlii'Ch 'J'ucsclay Winrlshit>Jd Washm·s - Hnclc-11p r~arden gi'Oups wiJ,l meet nt. the ., Mrs. Wand~ Horwond ancl snn, emproye,~ while using your equip~ Clair, of Howell were Snnrlay aft. of last weelc Lamiis hume of Mrs .. Cecil Rosehury 0 0nd . !Ill• rk· el'lloon calleJ·~ at the L. P. Wil· The Good Nf'igilbors .fun" June 2 2af 10:00 U, m. 10 maJte II n aCJ., nlc dlnne1· was held ut tlw clai1'eh 'Fmnt and Hear lt'cndeJ' Cwmls ment. Jus.t be sure you carry Farm tutu· of the rose gardens nt Jnclt· l\JJ•s, ·Htu·toii Baldwin linms home. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Nemer and Sunday aftPrnnon on ~IC'f'lltlllt of Full Contoul' Flool' Mats SOil. A Wedding I'CCe)JtJon Will Jje unfovoJ'aille weal her. Liability Insurance. givPn at the Aurelius township 1\Tr. and Jlifrs. E. D. Barr of Ma· family were i11 northem Michigan hall June 18 from 3 to ::; p. m. son·were guests of Mr. and Mrs. last wee!<. Sunday morning thP ministPr, fol' Beverly Bal'l'y and nen ·Hie· Don Barr and Nell Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Jacobs has been 'Jamr>s Moores, held his last serv· lee here. He will he Htlltionecl at IH·rl. fo'riPIIris IIJHI 111;!ghllors are ·Mr. and Mrs. ·Robert Bush visiting her son, Wilbur, nncl.fam· invited.· · · and',Carole and Pute Wood ~pent lly at Bellaire. ' Athens near Battle Creel<. In Sum)uy In i3attle' C1:eel( visiting M1·. anrl Mrs. Merton Hlce and September he will llet::in l1'ls slur!· ies nt Garrett fnstltute in Ev;ms· AI Rice Chevrolet DART INSURANCE AGENCY . Eig-hteen friends attend!!d a Mrs . .Je~sle push nncj Mr·. and Kennell! :Jit~ncled fuJwraJ serv· 1Jlriliday parly Jm~ Ray Dean Hill Mrs. Walte1: Mulvaney and Cam· iees Saturday fm· Riclmni De· ton, Ill. '!'he minister who will JIJ~RN Art)) PJ.AIUm, l'nt•ts 1\lnna~;·tw 100 Ash Sh•e1~t, ~bson Phone ORchard 7-!1051 l;'riday afternoon, cl)lebr;ltlng hi!! i!y,. also tllelr neplww, Gary Mul­ Waters of fo'oll'lervllie, n nephew serve Grovenburg·ltohhins eilnrge; •-,------~------_. ninth birthday anniversary. A.ftl!r vahey, who Is on furlough from o[ Mrs. Rice~. He died Thursday a wri11rr· roast ll1e gt1ests played the u. s .. air force. While they morning following an automobile outiloot· games whlh~ wearing were In Battle CJ·eclt Mr. and ur:eident last WellnPsday night. erepP Jl(Iper party hitts .. Ray r·e: Mrs. ri.obert Gray of Hudson Mr. nml Mrs .•1. C. Bohnet left NOW ••• get a l'l'ived many gift,<,;,. which helped r.alled ,at their home here. Sunday rnurnlng to bring bacJ( l'ornplete his Davy Crocl:ts and M1·. and Jlilrs. Or·vr.J 1-Iensllet lntte. They fished at Lacy lalte of Mr·s. ·J-Iazcl Lybolt and son. ' unci family attended opr.u house in the aflerno01i. Mr·. and ·Mrs. Robert Baldwin, Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. William .o"f any New. McCor~icli Mr. and Mrs. Dnnald Wood· Mr. and Mr:s, Ralph Baldwin and Russell of Webberville honoring ' daughters; Mrs. Edna Glover, Mt·. tlwit· 25th wedding anniversary. wm·th and daughters of Vm·non and Mrs. Donald Foote, and Mr. Farmall~' Tractor sprnt Saturday with Mr. and .Mrs. and Mrs. Floyd Lyl on vaeallon. Mrs. ontc 11 aywar\1 spen dill· were guests for cUnner S11nrlay at day in To)e(lo, at the home o( Mr. nnd Mrs. l~dwm·cl Daft had Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Battley the home of M1'. ami Mrs. Harold Sunday dlnuer with M1·. and Mt•s, and family, · Green o! B,VI'OII. the 1-2 Plow FarmalllOO -the tractor with famous Lew Daft. George Schrott spent the wcclt ·Mrs. Lee Gerhurtlsteln spon· . Culti-Vision for faster, better-quality work. M1·. and Mrs. Ben Losey had end with relatives at Mlo. sored a class party for· her Sun· dinner with .Alva Howe and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David Munson of• day school PLiplls at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Et·nle Monroe Mon· Ada Smith Saturdny. Marlon and their son Melvin of day night. the 2-Plow Farmall 200 with all of its years-ahead £xclu'sivo "Wind· Tunnel ONLY /$89.95 David Strong and daughter, Fort Riley, Kansas, spent income-earning features. Florence Bateman, and · El'llie Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Grace Strobel called on Vacuum Action" Does ltl Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bear•ss Sun· Neal and daughter, Mrs. C. Mrs. Charles Mearing. · dav. · , 'l'hurlby, were callers of Mt·. and Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Buclt an· £nd1 roklno I Chops both clippings ·11nd leaves into M1·s. Guy Bateman last Wl>ek. miunced the .arrival ot a dough· Mr. and Mr.~. Gerald Daily, fine mulch tlutt improves your Jnwn. Mi·. and Mrs. Leroy Skutt and ·tor, Lam·a Mae; at a Lansing hos· Tommy and I:r!lnin.. Carrol Daft,, .~atsy ·Implement. Co. veroillca Wariler .pJayed ·a < ' ·', ' ,. ~ctired Teacher Holt News Man Electrocuted I Service Afell . Odd Fellows Rais~ Flag Dies at Mason Cpl. Wllllnm .J. DcOilf!lhor, ,)/'., Sundny 11 flernnon 12 rllffr.ront Mrs. Alton Kinney Wh.en Model Plane l!l, whoso pnronls live at 2170 hrnJwlws nf lhe I, n, 0, Ji', rlerll· On a vl~lt In the llflmc of lif'l' catl!rl the new ling pole and 1 Morguu flrlvP~Aw11y, lur·,, t\nuth lhn11l, Auhui'JJ nveiJUC!, llnlt, rccenlly dqugh!cl' In Mnsnn, Mrs. I JnrriPt u\or!llllll~lh lrur·l,, $111./111, wns nnmml :;nldlnJ' lrf Jlw weel1 rnlsed tho ling nl the m·~aniUI· F: Dneshorc of Phllarh,Jpliln wrrH 1"11•d A. 1\mrt. l.nllldllh', nn utwrutol''tl Contacts Wire lion's Jil'llllfl lorlJic lwnrlqlltLI'tr.rs · llr•IJIIIlf' $1 L:tll j IIU ull(PI y HI np, :l>·l.llll. fill' tlH' 7fil h neglrncnlnl !'Om hal Delhi Justice 1 In Lansing, The fin~-: Wits pt·e· tulwn slclt, Rlw 1llnd SIIIHln,Y In 81'11 rii'H I'J'•Jdtu•u !:n,, 'l'ul•·•h•, uvr•r· Gnrry r !lghlc, 2:!, 1809 Phillips I loam nl l~nrl BlleJOlfll', Oldnawn, Mn~on Gcnnrnl iloHpllnl, wlit•rp l11111lr•d lnll•k, ~I :Ill, avemw, IIolt, wns clr.ctrocuterl In II sqtrnrl if'mlot· In lite tenm's sentml hy Louis Golfimnn, 86, 1•;1111111' /\, MIHUH'I, Cirnud '·'~·~~~··~ rnlllll'!l who mme to tho Unltorl Sintr.s ~l)e had licnn tnl/'1', Makes Report fmnt of his home Into Stmdny Clllll[lllllY r;, ,,(l WIIS Hl!)P.('It!rl for In muhu Hnrcl.v Htup, ~H.:to, I S~e wns n retired l'lillati!'lplrln l.hrhiH 'l'tl'f! t;u., IIH·hlatul, 1111 punnlt, ;rflcrniHJII when n modo! nlrplnno :lis soldll'ry ii)Jflt'lfi'UIH'I', lmn\NI· fl'fllll nusSIII liS II hny, fie hilS $/,311, HOhonl tcndWI', lll'l' rlnughiPI' Is lw WIIS II ylng tnLW!ted a high 'OWerecl, In .July, lfl:i:l, llllfi IIITIVr.d 1111 sentcfi 80 l)ngH In Odtl Fellow .Jilslic•p or 111r. Pc•Hf'C John .r. J\udr·t•w 'l't•l'l'l'll, Mlltd,t•gflll JfllJ..dltH, /ir, lorl,;us and nthm· orders., Mrs, BoPshnrP \Vas hom 1'1 I I, f D !Iii !!Jllll'fnrJ n lu .Jr, wnr•, ~ti.11H. ultnclwd to a 110-foot thin molal ClklliiiWfl Iii .IIIIH', I fl'i•J. fie WIIK • e 1111'1 H () (! r ~ ' WIIHnn II. llul'iwl, /lnlll•• {!Jpu[., 1'1111· conlml enhle, PhlladC!Iphln nnrl llvf'rl lilf'l't' l'l'fl\Vderl dod11JI fnr Mr1y. Tile fnl· nln" Hin1• 'hrn, $11.1111. ·~rndlilllf'd In J!);i:J from flnll high of her file. She w;rs a wldr>w. Jrnvlncr C'i\HPS nnd ciCC!)!iJons WUt'C l'rr1td llt•ttr11dr• 'J'nuhu, /h•nrlwnr, Mi In The Delhi lire rlepurtment In· sdwnl. Oregon, nnd nl Yreltll, Wo[)(JIIurrl Surviving besides 1lin dnugl111'1 h ·I~ WIIIJ, ~!1,{(1, lwlnlor \Vil.\ called and Deihl nnrl FrnsiHJ, Cnllfornln. Privale rl'[lllrll'd by him ns hnvlng hPen llniJ•h A. n""r"''lo-h, Flint, r.r. In ·lr. Pvi. Bl'll''" W. Plckr!rlng1 lfl, l'ldrcrlng, regularly assigned to ,Jrlc a sfeiJ~rm, ,J,hliJ JlopsJJnrP of 11 police wero ~lllnmoncd and an c•ornplol('rl cllll'lng the 1\.vlt·, IJPtrnll, In .Jr, whosl' wilt•, I•;rln:t, liVI'~ at :!0::11 tnonlh: ?.nW;;l~::;; ~hr·lhy nr. al tempt mwlc In l'evlvo the vic· the 2nrl lnf1111p·y Division nt I•'m'l iCilfton llclghls, f'n., •I ~grand· VrJI'/1 l•:lwl, 1.111\llillk, dr·lvlnu \\ll.hmrf WIUt, :f. I 1.!111, Valt•nl'in hflu}f'v:t rrl, Lan~ln~, lefl 11/II'IIIIIH''h $11:111, J,UIIIIIIHr, In tim failed after minutes. Dt•, Lr.wls, will remnln nt Clllllfl !lob· . I ehll1lren nntl one gn!IJI·grnntl· llr·r·IIHI'Ii, H1dph W. ~ltlll/1'1, fnll111r• 45 l•'orl i.Pwis, Wnshlng Jon, .I IIIII' li, chUrl. Vl'lrrrl1 Mrltnnirl, J,unHIIIH, llll/H'UIIttl lilllfl Ill ll!iHIIH'flr•lral' d!HIIllllr•, !ilii.:IIJ. 1•', L. Trnosl, !Iol l physlda n pro­ r.rls lht·ough Seitlernhet•, A J!l5'1 uddrr•rtll 1111 upr•ral•••"~ lli'I'HHl!H, $·J.:JIJ,' Huiu•rt II. LuVr!, IIII~Jdu•Jd, D\JI'Ihmdt!d for ('nmp HoiH•rl~, Callfol'llia, 1-(riHIUIIil' of !loll high school, he The horly wns I ;JIH•n hy Hnll· tJuPI,, $ 11.au, lllllllll'l'd !IIgbic dead ut 5:15 p. m, IVIH•rp hP Will ilHHi:;J HllrT!Iner 'J'III'nrlflrr• It, W•·llt•I'HrltJ, LilllllirtJl, l'l!ll· Nurwull\ •rrur•(, J.. inr·~, f'nllllllinl.~, Ohio, Cornner Drwwln Hoffmeyer sa lei cntererl the aqny In Fr.bruary ot Dunn funeral f':x,:!u. for c•nnclilwiJN, "I :!,:111, grrnrmiPd from lhe clllli'Jif!. Con· Funeral Hcrvii'Ps will Ill' l'llll· , f'iudlng eJwampm!!!lls at J~ugt•ne, Cednr street, Bolt. Luuclull VIIIII'IIIIVI'I' J•:xptc•t1K 1 l)nlul"lo, Hlc·lmnl Cnrl•·r·, LHIIIliiiJ.t', lUI IIPI'I'IIIur'H sumers Power company llll'll 2018 ducted In Phllarlclphia Friday., fiVI'I'Wr•l).!ill ll'tlrl\, :,ar.:!lr. llc•pruu•, $11.:111: ruiiiii'O In lljljrUIII llltdr•r· 1\-IIPIIIGAN J)I~U~GA'I'J~S to lite national convention of ' Mill1·r 'J'ranrqtur t11tiun, IJullunnpnlhs, Htrmnlfllllt, Sill.l!lr, were summnncd to shut off tile i.hc Juniot· Chnmlict' of Commerce will be plugging MiC'hlgnnJ H\.11\~l'i~hl true!,, ~'.!IIS,:Iu, Llllllt•l Nro\llon, C'n11111111, llm,«·l l'nl'lt, cUITenL nnd remove tho airplane I 'd r:u.YI'n Mllllllfllt'liii'IIIJt f:u., Iull!unnp• r,r, In ·lfi 7.11111', $/'i,,Hr, 1!! the way fmm Lansing to Atlanta, Georgia, and hack. I Ingham County News June 16, 1955 Mrs. Nor on Sh ows Sl I es Hlitl, IIVI·I'\~t·hrhl trut•l,, ~1!1.!!0, Un.rrnnncJ IJ. llnr·nhnr·t, LunHinu, fl:i In and cable fi'Dm the wires, Page 3 • Morton M llnh«'IJi'k, LUII!oilrq.r, rldving ur, )'.fH)I•, $!1J,an. M1·. Illghh~ wi1s a rcslrlcnt o[ They will cll·ive convoy :>lyle in this fleet. of' Michigan-made ------­ ,, Mrs. Raymond Nn!'lOil !'pol·w rrn r•·vrd,,•d ll•·••nHr•, Iii/ •lnYH In Jnll. fir·uunJ'Y Andrl'ltH, l~rdon Hutddtl, (.ri/111'1' llnlt and Mnson during his lifo. Plymouth:>, paintccl gt·con and white, the coiOt'ii of Michigan nncl showed new C'O)IJI'{Irl slidP~' Wlllll•l· t'IIIIJIIIIIIII, .J•IIIIH!IIJ.(, dl'unk lllld ln ylr·Jd l'lghl j)f wny, ~Ju.:w, dliilll'dl•i'IY. au d11,Ytt Ill Jnlf. fluwnrd lndul!tii••H 1114'., Hni-!IIIHW, J.y. lie sc1·ved 2 years with lho U, S. State, which iii obset·ving its ccnlennial. The cam m·e bliing ;on the \Vorl< of hPr ntsler in Hl'utlt> l'rod,~r··· ''"·· st ••fuhnH, nv,.r·- fJ/IHH!rrl{ tll'nlc·H, $ll.:rr1. army, 17 monlhs of which was provided clr.loga t cs through Michigan Plymouth clonlm·s fot· I Portug-uc~e I·~asl Arrka hPfoi'P \\t•lght ~~~~~·r,, !':!I~ :111 At~Hfw!nt•:d '1'1uc·l· Lrn1•N, '""·· r:.·u11d ' , • [ f 'J I llr•l'lrll U111'1,11, J,lllltl[ll)!o IC1111IciH, uvt•lluudt•d lnwk, S 111,:\!1, spPnt In 1\moa with the engineer­ the occasion, 1\m()nJ.:: I he co-opemt ing dealet'R is Ingham Mo­ I the Woman s Sew c(y (J ( 11' :-;. lr!'lll.t·~. :\1.:111, Juhtt 1\l.t'IH, l.nrulirq.(", (1111111'1' Ill lwvc• 1 Ing I'OI'ps, a11rl was an Oldsmobile Uan Serviec! of tlw D(!Jia ('('lliPJ' .JoHI' 1;11r·r·lu, J.,,u,dnJ.!, itll 111 ''"I' nnd'''' •·mrtl'lll, :o;ftJ.au: fr'llttlu In u • tor· Sales, Incorpot·al<'d, Mason. The convoy will leave ft·oml ,, 11 employr.e, l·le Is survived by the .1 .1 'I' , . 1. , 1,, 1- , 11 ,. :'itl.hu. PI'"" u'"'''' ttllllllllflll:-1, :r;,~,,,u, gat hol'ing points nt· Lansing and .Jnckson .hinr~ 1~: I (.~urc.: 1, LH sr "~ c Ul llg. ld purents, Mt·, and Mrs, Russell 1 E (I , lldn , tl supu v s , ( 111'1'/IHI', ;o;Jo.;l!l. rhrhl nf W/L,Y In lil'l'lllllll tl 1'111', :ti 1.1111. lligblc of DeWitt; 2 brothers, gl'fltif'S WiJJ fiJI liJP JII'C'SI'nf S!'hrmJ the IIartzel ~ehool al lllhillnbaru~, r'hnl'lt•ll L s, I111IL<:, n,·Witt, IJonnltl c. Jl"L'·h, 1~"""111)~. ,.,.,·fd••,ul In r•apadly. I P t , I' .1 \J't,'lt"l 'J'ItP znllr·, ;.;Ju.:tr•. tll'ivlng-, $:1!1,:111, A wiley lllgiJlc and Keith Higbie, xpert a1m s n or u,quese ·~ns J I. • Alllli'H 1>:. llullui~. J,/IIJHI/1~~. 1'111111111~ Unllf'l'l 'l'r•II'Y Murgtrdg-P, In all nf lhcsp figtn·••s, :-illlllill pictures were till t;&]IW/lYK, Vt•rnnn L. Monuw, Lun11lng, iiu in ;u; lu11t f'l li'UI'II, J>:l-ill.:lll, rlkls that IJoll sdH>ol Pnrollmclll ho;mJ prcssrd fnr the n•ntwlll of As we survey conditions in which men liv6d the of .. l'lt~on. Muy ~7. z 11111 ., ;.;J J,"-11, , Mul'':ill fl. llmri,Jrn, L.lllioiinv,, faillll't• tn at lime Avnrll'll Ht•ynuldtt \'Ko );1111':11 Ht•ynuldx. r y ,. \V llru••l, !it. ,JuhriH, y[1;ld r·Jg-ht.or wny, :t:J ,:1o, 111 11 1111 1111111 11 Nazul'llllt'H l~lm•L OI'J'ir·Pr~ will rca('h :~.HI~ hy EJr;:i, 'l'hnl's 11fl extra :i mills J;1x for opt'l'al· the birth or ,Jesus, we become aware of the great changes fm• II PH 1111 t 1 u,.J,, 1.:111. I llnhr:r:t, ,b. llaullrt, Lalllilfll-!, 711 in ·10 Muy 'J.7. 111 1 II ~ Officers clccled In the llnnual'ne;JI'iy lriplr! llic pn•st•nt numher ing prPsPnt sl'iwnls, ThP millagr• the beltct· which have taken place since then. We see llonnn M. Bul'nt•r Y~. Ma:-. IJ. lint ' ' I <'lnurlt• It. Millt•r·, f,JIIIHin~, ,'j,'j In ·lit Wile, $:.,! •10 • (!ll Mny ~7. Will·, ~!t.:ltJ, 'l'li'tlll (If tile Ilr>ll N,']'',,'ll'elln. o( !!nit st•hnol duldn•n, /]'IS IJr•nll PI'IJ\'I'fil'll J' I' i nr 1 1 11 0 11 ,, M11y }o', 1Wt ' ' \'H, t'nd • Hltt~Jr, 1\1111 1•', 1\tiiii:;H, ,J1·,, Lnnlliu~, l'llllllin~or ,, " • • • "·n· changes in eclucalion, culture, cat·e of the Riclt and aged, in lhll'IOl' 8t•t•ils Umll'll ,Juh church wcrc: Sunday school sll· Sttmill arlrl!·f•:;scrl n jninl meel· for tlw Jlllsl fl yr>;Jrs. lt r•x· the growth of' clemocratic pl'Oc:edm·cs, in improved economic 1 .. 11111 Mil.!n, ~ J :Ill, lion~ , 1·7· Jurw 1\. llcHHI' v:-t. Cha1·lr·~ A. II'H:oot• pr!rintcnclcnl, Jra Daily; boarrl o[ lng of llw lloll sl'im~>l hnar•rJ anrl nir<'ri wlwn tlw 1!l:i•l lax IV:Js life. Muv ~7. Jum,.~; LIIWII'III't' ll.o,:r•r, I .. HHiiiiJl, fnilu 1·1, Dr. Charlc~ Henrl••r:;on is tlw l~11lh1•1' I~. ,Jotlr'!l \'1\. ,luhn H. ,Jniii'H. to mul,t: snf,·l~· ~11111. :r;.J,:III, only eamllrlnle lo file for the trustees, William Kelly, Jr., Glen the lloll l'iliZPII~ l'Ommllll'n CJIJ IPvicrl, 'I'IH• IJOnrrl !'f'I'CJIT1111CIIrierl Muy :!7, Vin.drdu Ht·cmrr Wnlltrrr, Ju,•kHon, t!X· Tow anrl Alton Kinney; stewards, ec!ueatinn 'l'uc'sday nigh!. 'J'Iw t!wl it he renr.wPrl for HIJOIIH•J' ;1 The guiding fol'cc behind theRe inspil"ing developments is Ednu (j, NuJ'\'IJHI'II \Ill, ltuu~dnl'l T. t•c·~xivr• H)wlrl, ftlllun• lu Htop, :tiiU,:HI. vacancy 011 illr 1loll Sl'hool lmarrl. NnrVCIII:fl, Muy :!7. Wllft't•rl L. l't•llly, nl•\\ lit, ·1;, in :l:i Deadline for I ilin~-: for I he past Mrs. William Kelly, Sr., Mrs. ut·chitet·tunl firm rrrJrc•senlnlivP years. Tlw proposal will f)(' volt•d God, as revealed In tho person of .JCl'illS Christ. Civilization Cnr•nl L. I\t•mrrll~t v~t, (;I. 1111 ...\ 1\••lnlrli". •zunt•, $~J.:Io, waH Saturday, .Jay Pari,l'l', whose Glen Tow and Mrs. Leona Kin· reeled off nthrr figtu·os whir·h in· 'IIJnll at llw sl'iwol election I his reaches its finosl heights in those nations whose people live Muv '.!7. Mnn• 1•:. Wir. .dlll)lan, MnHfJIJ, rnllul'l' to by Jtuymnlld M. Lint v~. i\!'jc·ll:l 1:, J.itn, mu(,,. :-;,rrr !y Hlut•. :r:l.au. term expires with tile spnng ciPe· ne,v; Sunday sc·hool boarrl, Mrs. rliealc l'l'nwdccl t'll!Hiit in11s rn 1he str mmc1·. the c1el'llai truths r·evenled in Chl'ist 's life and gospel. ltluy ~7. (jt;l'llhfint• ,J. ('hll/lln/111, l.oUIIHill).{, t!Xf'I'H• lion, will nul lw a ('lllldidale. Dr. Harold BcckiVith, Mrs. Daily oil school system 10 yr!ars. Dr.ep within each of us is yearning for the fine, noblq nuth M. Wi•hlt \'H. HI/H:"fl'll K Wl•l.h. l'li\-'!• ~jll•r•d, fllihllt' ru Hlnp, .)ol•i,.lll, Ira II lm a Mny 27. . ViiJ.til 'l'hnnnuu, l.rtrrsinl{, rnilurc to Henderson is formerly from l\1a· and Mrs. Ruth Kelly; de!Pgates A census nf prr•·st'hool l'hildrt•n Mr. a lid Mrs. llt!lli'Y Fn•dri1·k~. 1hings in lif'e. These desires arc st·rengthonod as we study the Bdly Jlltl't•ll \.-., lfrr~ 1 ,..il 11 ,Ja 111 ·11. Mny h11Y1• l'/11' llllclt·r· Cllllltrtrl. $1 L:tu, son, 111 ''7 .rumr:. A. t'tu~N, S.tline, ;;r, 111 ·l.i ZOIII', to dislrict assembly at Inrllan condut·JprJ this yt•nr couitlr•d ~:11 Terri Anll ' d Martin of I'Vy;rn· Cht·isiian r~ospol and in the spirit of .Jesus Christ apply His .. j,~z·nncc•t; M, Cuultc:l' Vr>, Mu.\ W. Cold~ >i 1 ! ,.'ill, 1\.1 1 ,~ • lake, Mrs. 11'11 Daily and Mrs. llncJnr ~.l V(!,'JI'S ()j HI', e. 13•' ln. ,-Jn,' dr'rtle anrl Mrs. GPorgP lnH.'J nf t I ' ( d 'I I' . Tl r t l'f tt f ' .r r " '' 0 Olll' .~li.:ill. s. S!nllh of Lansing allendcd Beckwith. I 011 pasl gmwlh rec•oJ'cl~. ·1 f.;~vPnfy.four cill!rlrPn w~·re in Him. In the C 1t'isL o God we find n sin-fot·giving, lifo- (J!IIJith ••huH• :1. Ntrrwall. 'l'ltll'l. l.illt!!'l, ('ulumhutt, Clhiu., funeral serviees for Georg-e Show- -- '1'1 "- . rcg/slcrerl Tuesday at var·aJwn chan~ing Gael. Gmt N, Nail Vlio Flulll\ r:. Null •• flllll :r. lt\'f'llu:ttll'd II'Ut•lo:, ~:J:..!.ao. wre arc "r 7 ~~· 11un 1 t' 111 111 /'en ,. . I' ItA YEU AgncH Willinm)oi vH Thl'11dr"'' Willi"rnH. PlnJJ..da~ Tllwlduj.!' t'11., ownK~u. ovvl'· altar Monday at 1\[1. Pleasnnl. 'I'IVII'IIPII, Go1~.1 'J'o !Joys Slut•! Iin . r:rmles l Ill' frllilflll follnwt•J'S, Fnt· ,JpsJis' -.c 111'"· Atll''ll,' Wln•tuud, Jun .. $11/.lln. gens1 srsler·, Miss Alice Ottgon, N l a. """'· o. -,'J A mconcan· L eg· 1on, t 0 a·t ·will double" by.. !!l£i2 ami triple by' ' slons1 ' "•Itn I Je sr· wo· .. 1lVI · c"JHc1 t "•'rr· TIIOUGII'r· · FOR' TilE· ' DAY ------. l!,'~'""cl 1•', ,Miml•·tlu, r:,·"nd Hapid~t, 60, to IIilan1 Sanford, .Tunc ·1, al tend Wolverine Bo · State Gary · · · · c R) " 1 a p.u.Jc c .JJH 10'"· 1 J f 1 · 1 ld No (l,a1o r·tc'· ll'ill o1· c· 11 l· ·t "' "·' "'""· xc 1 ~~~. •1 1 ;..J ... e f ·, rl dS ('hal'lt•,.. I', FPiite, l.Jiflliin~or, l'et·klf'lttl J.t ance ona. 11 Ys . ' ' lfJG7. Sum1ll offerer! FJil()il1"r sPI Pupils will prescnl a pnrnrnm As ll'anc 1es o tIe tt·ue vmo, we s lOU beat' ft·uit •P.rved the Holt htgh school of prediclirlfls lhHI withln IOIFriday night at' the al lhrotl;.;h foith and aelion. '•!lOng unless the people t'DlllpDsing "' h·iu~. '~!1.:111 p/"' 1wnhution, Vacation Billie schnnl at llnlt f1 dnrrrl~ it arc willing to be trained .for 1• B·1ptisL chtll'ch \Vill he June 27- yoarhoo staff and was a mcm· years .fusL the seventh ilnd eighth 7:30 p. 111. Emest S. Marl.;s, Executive Secretat•y (Michigan) ~ , , f:IIJIJdli,;~,.,.;,,,." UVI'Iinaclt•c( '1'""' ll'lll'k,Li"""· $1""'" (1,;!0, r:~'""'' r. ._ • bcr of the golf tenm. , self·governmcnt, ;rnrl wtlltnl-( to , s"""" sp~ofl,., r'"""· :,;; In ·lr. r.nn•·· July 1 with a pHrarlc .lune 25. restrain Llwmselvcs, anrl In work I '~i~"· 11 1 1 . , I Don Brook~ will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes A. Cousins to supput·l I hPmsc!VC!i. lic··:·,~·;:~.t·l~ 1 fl.:::,·~ 1o .anrllllg', no Ujlulalnt• tl lhe school. of Lansing ·announce the engage. I !SIIJI mcnt of thch· daughter, Shirley Jane, to Richard RodockcJ·, son of 11-!r. and Mrs, Paul RodociiCI' of REMODELING .SALE Holt. Anna Mfty .Johnson, 4G44 · !\rental avenue, will receive a bachelor of ~elcnco degree from !he nursing college at lhc Wayne Unive1·sity, Detroit, Thursday, Your Gasoline June lG, SAVE DOLLAR Kiwanis dub met Tuesda)' night for dinner and business meet in>: at Which Dr. Raymond by Shopping at Your Nearby Market Hogg was received as a new member. Fnllowlng the dinner -Fishing Equipment- I he members attended in a group I he citizens meeting held at the hir,h school. l-Ioll Kiwanis will I hnvo a fnmil)' pienie next Tues­ Wo'vo got. tho f,,dJo to help day HI Lhe Orville Hltchen's col· Ellis Grocery lilge, Duck lake, "''' ~o DAD's sc,!Son a funpackod, Rev. and Mrs. Wilson Tcnnanl pdto-winning success. Evory itom's and family were honorer! Wednes­ Dansville. Mich!gan priced RIGHT so come down day C!Vcning at a reception given NOW and ~okc· o catch lor by the momiJcrs of Holt Brother· ,------1 FATHER'S DA'r, hnnd Temple Methocllsl church. The Tcnnants hnve completed 10 Short Ribs .or I GRING THIS COUPON Casting Reels ycnrs of service in ministry at I All-oluminum, wilh olllli·b

Presbyterians Hear Youths· And Dedicate Alt.ar Memorial

~~t:P4~~ SPORT SHIRT~ Styles, Colors and Patterns· _to Sui~ Every Man's Taste

When Pop's the question . , • slippers Whellwr you're buying sport are the answer! And >hid~ lo qivo Dud on his Day we've the rnost POPular Dl' to wcur, yourself, you'll· slippers around! find here your best bets for Choose your 1m art good looks, ou fsfanding Dad's D.ay ~alue, From open-weave to gift here! k n i I f c cl, Long nnd shod lieeve>. , SMOOTH, light c.1lf slip­ per with handsome stitched trim Treat DOd Soft Sole ...... $3.98 Hard Sole ...... $4.98

To a·. Steak Dinner ROMEO slipper in fle~ible So many colors and patterns At·. Lilidy' s ·Drive-In leather • , .• $3.98 and $4.98 ·to chiose from, you're sure to · hit l'ight on lhc target of HANDSOME I slip-en with soft cushioned 5ole and Ditd's t11~te • , • or your own! padded heel •••.• ••.• $3.98 Others $2.89 to $8.00 ·STEAKs-:~ CHOPs:: •. (:HICKfN• :. ~: :llrb~cued .·sPire Ribs -~·.(l!ir~~·l a·roiled •· H·m~urcje_rs ::L•jidy:s Special BeefSandwich .. ~.,.,·..... ' ,' . ' :- . ' THE co.: I DA. , CER ·-we.Give ~old Stomp$ . , , I ,, , Open Friday$ Ti'l 9 . ·~ Go To Church This Sunday . .

This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service bv the A HOME OF This Message Is Brought to You following Finns and~ Individuals THEIR 'OWN as a Public Service by the Following Fimu ancllndividuah

I The Farmeu Bank Mason Thorburn Lumber & Coal Co. Mason • Perkins Uardware Mason Lindy's Drive·lil Mason Ball-Dunn. funeral· Home Mason Mason Cily Bakery 'Jhe Dancer Company of Ma~on Geouje' s Food Maikel Ma1on Van's Service- Sinclair Mason Vogt Funeral Horne Dilnsyille Bf:meilt Feed &Supply Service Ma~on Leslie Coffee Shop

I Le~lie Dick'~ Sunoco Service Mason Consumer's Power Co. Mason The ferris Company Mason · Gambles - ltolt 2419 1'-1. Cedar J. A. Dart Co. Mason Mason Dairy Ma;on Dart National Dank . Mas,;;,· Jr.wett· Funeral !lome Mason

Corner Gift & Bible Shop and . Prom the time they were married Marion and Jim asf>ircd to own their H& MDrive-In Cleaners own home, but Jim was a struggling young postal clerk and ·Mnrion gave up Ellis Grocery Hoh her job when the babies s~arted to arrive. During .the years they clung to THE,•CHURCH FOR ALL Dansville their dream even when it seemed an impossibility. They moved from apart· ~ALL FOR TiiE CHURCH ment to ·duplex to rented house and alwnys the unused house plans moved The Church is lh& r Ware's Drug with them. the building of cha g leal est foetor on earth for . roc er and good . . Mijson . 11 JS a ntorehou•e of sp· . I . CJ 1Jzenship. Eden Elevator • 1 • " lr1 1ua value" ,. h Marion imd Jim were not bitter, for while their material dreams were " rong Church, neilh d "· '"I out q Eden can survive .There er elmo~racy nor civilizatJon. postponed, others were realized. They raised three bouncing girls and · ore our •au d every person should '"!lend" n rGosonn why .Dart Manufacturing Co. one boy to maturity with a serenity not all parents know. Theirs was a - and support the Church TJ ~ervlces regularly church-going family and their youngsters took to the good way of life own sake. (2) For his ch:ld l~Y ore: (l) For his Cutlc!r Oil Co. ,Mo>son · sake of his coznmu nlt I ren s ~oke. (3) For the like ducks take to water. There were the customary childrcns' diseases sake o/ the Church il/llon~.notlon. (4) For the James Inghram, Agent but no• casualties on the spiritual front. and material support.' ~~~nwtolch needs his moral ' larly and read your Bible daily:o to church regu. Wolverine Engineering Co. Now Jim and Marion are established. in that long awr~ited home of Sundo Book Chnpter Francis Platt Mason their own. The children are grown and gone, but they do not feel that Mondiy:' ·' ·'' '' •· · · • Malthcw Versos Tue~d:li .• .' •' .. ' •. "', Luko 6 19·24 Mason fulfillment has come too late. In ·calm assurance of a job well done they · Wednesd. ··.·, .. ·:,' ',. Luke ti 27·38 9 1"hursda/Y ....•..•• •·· .!~omoltJft: ~6·50 talte delight in their reward-a_ happy, contented life of ,acc.:·:: :l.f;lil1ew ·.·;: 15 1·13 1 20·2~ Mirkehon·Baker Lumber Co~:' •· · · ~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~ Mason.. .·J What the- Churches Are Doing North Aurelius · Community, Wllllllmstml . SL 1\llli'Y's CnUt· Rev. John E. Pruden, pa~tor. J\:urt · Koeplln, paRim-. Sunday oil~, Rev. Fr. Francis Martin, pas. m. Pmycr nwcl inr: car:h Wc!lncs· Sunday school, IO:lfi a.m.; morn· school, 10 a. m.; Bible dnss, 10 I, m. Junior nnd senior Whitney, for a (i:30 p.m. planned high school audlto'rium. Christian Women's Guild, for· everyone. He· I-I a vi ng Lu ncli with Jesus; seen nd a. m.; first and fifth Sundays, groups 6:30 p. m. 'l'hlll'sday, Wllli11mston Community 1\fmes : 6:15 p. m.; Sunday evening serv· lstry, Friday, 8 p. m. Charles R. Gross, pastor. 10 a. m., > , \\'lllltllllshm \Vesleyun 1\lethod· 11:00. Sunday school is held dtn·· ship, 10 a. m.; guest mlnlstet•, ft•om local contributions, · · Ice 7:30 p. ni~· Wednesday Bible church sehool, Dum,vllle, G. E. lng the set•vlces fot• J>Uplls up to !sf, Urirk, Rev. Delos 'l'anncr, Manning, superintendent; ll :15 Rev. Am~s Bogm't, dlre~tor of lltudy .and prayer meeting, 7:30 Mason Clnuch of ,11111 Nnzaretw; the age of 20. Wednesday evening Goodwill Industries. In Jackson; p.m. Rov Mumau, . ]>astor. Sunday I pastor. Worshi11 services, 10:00 a. a. m., wor:~hip service with a Stockbridge HarJtlst, Ja;;;es · E:. · m. and. 7:30 p. m.; _clnu·ch school, meeting at S p. m. includes lest!· Sunday school, 11:15 a.m.; Youth· 'Lombard, pastor. 10:30, wqrship. sct.ool, 10 o'c.loclt; preachirJg scrv· mcssnge by the pastor'; 10 a. m., monies of Christian Science heal· 11 :.00 a. m.: pray. open at the church evt!ry Wcdnes'· tlon church school, 9:00·11:00 Evangelistic r)lessage, 'f::iu. Pruy. Glynn, superintcndenti 8 p. m.,' program . '-....-- Oke'moH'.: Cmnlmmlty, Rev. on Soltth. Pennsylvania Avenue. H. E. Moore, pastor.· 10 n~ m., Suri· 'service; Thurs~al' 4:15, Junior I WllllaiR!Iton Wesleyan Method· Sunday school, 9:30a. chui·ch be read at , .Chrlstiun Science . m. . ·/ . David . Evai\S : pnstor. Morning ln·i day school, Genevieve l~t'Cer, SU• choir; 7 :00,. .orciJeStrn practice; 1st, Rowley, Rev. Coffey, 1 set·vlce, l0:3o; a. m.. : , services June ,19. Carl worship, 9:~0"a. · chureh pel·lntenclent; Father's Day pro· 7:30 midweek' serv.lce;, 8 :30· choir pastor. Church scl1ool, 10:00; li. ni.;. Stoclcbt•ldge 1\letiutdlst: · Wor• school, J0:30; Youth Fellowshipl . . grain durh!g Sunday school hom•; practice; Friday,· ·'1 :00, · Happy m.; worship service, 11;30 a~ m;; . 1 . Uolt. . Nnza;;;:RJv. Wllllam 1\lason Btlptlst, ttev. Clarence ship, 10:30 .a. m.;·:church school, . 7 p;m, ;'·. ·; , .. ·.· .. · 11 a. m., preaching. service; 6:4fi Rodd, pasto,r. · Worship service Hustlers· . clliss · party,.\ potluck .. · young people's meeting; ~:30 p. Kelley, pastor. Sul1day school, :10 .. p. ·m., young peoples flervice; 7:30 11:40 a.· m .. 'l'he minister Is nt· supper In the · church m: . ·' ...... ·····I ·,-,-..- a.m.; mo1·ning worship;u ri. m.;' begins with prelude at 9:50 a. m, tending the Detroit conference, WflllamStcJII .1\.lemorltil Luther· p. m., evening service; prayer Mrs .. Hardcastle will ~ ... 'N. \'; :P .. S., G:45 p. nl.; evening Flowers will be. pt•esented to the whici\' .concludes Sunday nlgtit. 1022. UPVCI', }l_ev, meethlg,,\Y~dnesd[IY. evening 7:.30, sl.ldes and also give a reH.llinl! .. ih1 e~angellstlc .· set·vlc£! . at. 7:30 p. ··oldest. father; the you11gest father , The worship,sel'Vlce Sundny' I~· m. at chut•ch; : ·" · ; .· . next 'the-Baptist convention "'·•:··~"''·~·,- ·.. arillflrlinllenrlcrln wetl AHhmom were Mrs llalpll Bille· arrlage PP ICa IOns Delhi Town$hill GJ•ow ami Mt• nnrl l'lfJ·~ Lyle Ml'llvl'llc Stockbridge News r;, ow fliHI M1ulon rllng Ill nowlng Gwen, Ohln, Sun lvn. DenlKr. II lUI Dennla of .rncll· Rlnulny II r •II• I 21, 1:.,, I unalliKJ rl.ty, HOll, Mt• nnrl Mrs. rrnnl< Frlnl, ~I, SIIRhiiiiV Proceedings MJH w1111nm r•'tl'le,,n"'" ''" •·.uulrf· n11hr·• Mrs. Helen Beeman I M II M l M I Jnmc11 Il Uumlull, 10 f llllllhUtl Hluunu {~ Mt· nnrl Mrs, And01 Llnclhcrg liH HI Yll r nne IS, WI· J\, 1 naror, 11, J,nnolnrr "•'"'"" m••lhog nf lito llolhl '""II lr•tl.tlnr.rl the Men y Go nrrtlllfl 1\h IIIII I Mt H HIIV lllOIHl WI!PilX Jnnrl cllllrhr.n spr.nt Jill' wcr.l< r.nrl llitm Lr.r.lrldgr• KIJUPJinn of llw '' hulirhngs,hr.tlerl llwh 21til werlrllnr, ,mnl weclc Pnd In Snglnnw wllil hrt nclpltu lulhn "'~If"'''"' rhllliUIK WIIH '""" ,, " '" thn M! •lllrl MrH. A c. HI'! II d)' lllX DllVIfl ll'lllilll'll homo ufll'l 11PW I ~~.'""'I'"""''"' 1onrd for ll• IIJ>l>rovc•l Motion hy h,l\'1' .mnounc•erJ !he tllllliJtlgl' flf Sjli'IHting 1!11• 1\C{'I\ t•nd WIJh hJH llbwry. Hours nt whir II thr. l'illh In StocJclHirlgr•, Munll h ,mrJ Gt eg VI' I H/1 ry with ,, rllnnPr nnrl Hhow rJ,JtlghiCI, ,Jnnlr C', nnrl otlun rr•ln 11 "' "''' A '""'"1 ~ 1• """"'"u • lin I l'iYtoll llnnrml' l!lllifllllirl IIY 1lllt•u• 1 nccepls nc>w llll'nJhPJ'K nrc 'l'lii'H 01 y WIIR pwsmtcrl ,11 .Jnr J(HOll Rnii/Jdny OVP.Ilin". M llnllrnco ~~ I • ndnu ""'"• lhnl !hi• 1lul In "'"'""' 1111 till' I r!.tughfPI, B,uhlll m. until 'l p m ,lllcl 'l'llrosrlny, nnrl Mr nnrl Mu; l~lrnr•r Leilmnn vls!Jors Snndo~y were Mr nnd nntl M1 ,uul M1s Rnhr.tl Prudon ,1 111 ""'' u l.uln, til '"""'"'f "'"'""" n tho 111"'"' und " rnnll '" "'• • r • Voss of DdllHVIile I htl wc•rldlllg I his slslf 1 M1 K Mytlll' DPWIII of p. m. until 8 !> m New llghls M W 1 Jl D 1 \ J111 ll{u/1 1 11 lnu~tlrrl.f '""Y Chnpmun ""''"""'" hy Mlllnn I toni< p!.H·!' SunrJ,ty Jlftr.Jnoon In I Ill 7 ho~d dlllllf'r Sdlllltlfty oil G.trclnf'IHI !K Pnrln nyu llllrl Hllll of nttronrlcrl llw Drolrnll Bn"illll hull M"'''" luvl, ~~. buol l.nruluu n•l11, lhnt lid• ''"' h• "'''""•"" ,,,. tl c MUIIII llll 1 WI ,,m,Jrrll, Stt!HIJY o~fit'I!Hllltl lwvc• 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 ln the llbtmy h~c·n ln~l.dlerl Sl e.rl< IIIH!Hl', Jnr l\snn, honrwlnr, Lts nml \'"''' ~~ Inn InK wc1e Sund.ty diillll'l guesiK 11 r rl.ri\PI .1111~ fmnlly C'wolyn B.tlwt In the high scllool ollirlllnrlum ,111 rl fvlr ,111 rl Mt" Wllll,tm Fink Du,Jnr. Fn1 rls .tllr.nriPrl ,Jennlr> l\1r. ,1nrl M1 H Clvrlr> !Iow'ell llnnlo I n I' l.natmnn JJ Hunt hlllllll f.tmlly W!'te supper gi!Psts o[ :l.t'lm.t I fnlnws nf Dimondale, dent, R. E L.me, sectci,Jry, ll nf the Crlw.ud DemhrnolIHUJY per Glenn whllr• his p.ueniH are 1er.n, Ohln Sunrlny AchiHIIII Uc/1 .,, l•t•hune Cn pe1 guests of Mr dlld M1 s l•:d S.tlurd 11 rune II, flom !he S ff company IelSt \Vee]..:. IJoriK Bftrley 21. l~nHL l.IUIHJil~ Accuunl -1·1:l~l I I Hll rlt • to crs HolhlloK !';lutlnH, .o. LIIIIHing, PC!-O.I'Y Lnrl LnmoJCILUl< lnhur Ill f'fln G01 slme nunc un,tn !LJilCI d! home Inland Marine ~2 till Crowley ,lflrJ f,nnlly Sunci.ty rur:lil lionoltng Ch11sline Millhouse's Malone! Titus and family spent llnk

Thirteen Mason Students June 16, 1955 Part 3 .Get Period All-A Marks The .Ingham Collnty News 'I'ho ,J!!I'f Wehslot• nf ,Jam1~s Jove, ns the Juwless ICiondllte Jcor· lhn flnnl n·wnnll~ Jlf'rlod al Slun·on SrdiiiUi;;,..,,,,.·:· : ::~: .~ .. ndm 1 Sio\Vttt'l Is n ilnrd mntt, tnLtgh laughs at hl11 efforts to go It MIIHOil hli~h nf'itooi r:r ~llllii'IIJ!; 1'1'· Hlrlcidnnd, Western ·Pictures Take Over at fox enough In shunt n muple of alone, Stcwm'l emer·ges Into a cr:lvcd all-A nwrl1s, l'f'IJIII'Ir•rl 'J'enlh gn11;o, Pal ArlnmH, Slwllu t•irlci'H who lry to mnlw off with man of wnrmth rmd understllmJ· PrIne I pal flidturd l.lr•1nlow Avmy, .Jnnr.~llr: Bow~;r~r. Gm·y lho herd of enttle Ito hnH Jlelwtr.rl 1 Phmly uf excitement will he In lng, nn [!mergence whir,h gtmcr· Wednr.srlay, 'f'lli'PP HI'IJioi'H, ·I .IIIII· Cnlll'idm·, l'enny Clipper, Nancy I !:ilom fm• f•'ux film pntrons In lll'J frlf' lhn fahulnlls Yqlmn hnof nlr:s tmmendnus henrt·appl)ai for lor.~, 2 ~ophomorm; fiiHI •I f1·esh· r C:Jynn, Bill Hall, ,Jaf'i1 Hurl, £1rhlay nnd Saturday 1louhle hill, pl'kPs', fTe is r!olrl !liHllil.(ll In lnltve "Tile Fat' Country," men f.ialnnd lilf~ l'ltllng, Nn fillownrs, HoiHJrta sllll'l off the program. "'l'lgill Spol ," a story of ·an undet'­ Klonrlllw in tr:rms only of gold bam .Tewell, sr;ninrs; Hohrrt Ow filr·n and Dicit \\heeler·. This was 11 hnnrlful of despt!l'· wor·hl <'rime ring and its Jdng-. rnll, .Joui1 Jlall, Hr~lnn SwHilll and ., Nlnlh gmrlr•, ,Jo~eph llPmPnt, 1 wlwn the town urges hilll to ;wt ale people, sut·vlvrH's nf 1111 out· for IIIII' 111111 order. Rollinson porlmys the tough J 1 ,Joyce! Wilson, lnnlors; (;hnrlr•:; ( ar"l llnwmnn, Nancy Urny, pnsl lndlnn rnassaer[J, whn hnd rllstrlel attorney lr·ylng to breuk 11 Schmitter fiiHI · NaiH'Y Stnil h ,lr1sr•ph Bullrm, •Nancy Dungier, nn e~eapc route snvc the rnnn· But 11s IHIIIets r:ost hl111 life­ up 11 ct·ime mob using Gln~:cr HOJlhomon•s; and ftntit ,Judson: J•:lr>flllflr Dnrt, Samlra Edington, i.;IJI!ng torrents nf the never-Ill'· long pnl 11nrl 11 nnwfntrnll lady· nn~.:<~rs' testimony, Llnrln Monis, no1wlrl VunStr·r~· llolwrt l•:i:;~>niohr, lfelen• Elliott, fore mastered Colorado. ThC!t'e I~ ·land nnrl !-1us;1n Wils 1111 , frr•sll· .Jrul\th ffflllllfl, Phyllis ,folutson, Dana Andrews, the rerwgarie men l lrliT,\' L.r•nrlll, Dol'ls McKenzie, awnlling cnurl'·miH'Iiul und rlPntll, · • .roAnn Millellier, .Judy Plaklte, I \Vaal 1'11 out for ho~·s 111111 1;'11'1.~ 1111 hlt.yulell Others llstr•d r>n IIH' lH>Ilol' mil llnriHII'fl Jllr·h, F'avetle 11ich, ,Jnr:lt who alone !mows 1he term in well 1111\1' lhul Jrlorl w

f Lansing Veterans Offer Showboat in-Law-Priced cars Capitol City chapter No. 8 of Disai>led American Vctcrnns arc rebuilding the "Showboat" fol· Hottost-Sclling Buick In Hlste~- lowing its· destruction by vandals No wonder you seo oo many '55 Buioks on lho highweya- PhonC! ORchard 7-7421 on a skating spree last winter. thcy're rolling up biggor sa los than over btloro ift hittt,. Sunday 1ho'ws continuous (rom 3 P. M.. -copping lho popularily thai hal olroady mo'ld Iuick Frld11y.Saturday 2 .aliowa from 6:30 P. 1\1, The boat, completely destroyed into tho lop circle of Amorica'o b&lfltllera. Mon. Tue, Wed. Thur. 2 shows from 7 P. M. l by fire, Is nearing completion and (Air· Conditiomd I' or· Your· Comi'OI't) will be ready for the show which will slart on June 20 and run for 7 nights. An all-star cast will Friday & Saturday, June 17-18 bring ckeus and stage perform· 'l'lwir· only l'scaJ•e ••• l\lile after· mil1: of treacherous ers from the big time. I l'ru·r river The grounds !lave been com· ' · •Ilana Amht~ws - Pip~r l,aurie pletcly landscaped and retain· ing walls built up lo beautify the I area. The circling drive leading to the grounds has 2 large plant· Iings. The sealing space is be· Smoke Signal coming an amphitheater. SECOND lilT I One loul• from a spemlin~ tmin •.. Orw snl'l::.un from n frightmwd gil'l . , . One chance to turn the t.abll's on Mason Baby Dies murder! ·n:ll'bam PaJton - Paul I.angton From Meningitis Paul Allen Beam, 10 months ·Danger Is My Beat old,. son of Mrs, Maxine Beam, 120 South Barnes, died Monday, He was pronounced dead upon Sunday & Monday, June 19-20 arrival at Mason General hos· I pita!. Cause of death was given as mastoiditis and cerebral men· lngltis plus other complications. just about· the price of tl;e wcll·kt1own size-and the added safety and mr•· The child was born July 28, 1954. smaller cars~ even bCifJW some ness of Buick roadability and handlin• •. Besides the mother the bnby models of those very same cars. .case. ,' Is survlverl by 2 sisters, Dianne, Delivered locallY I 5, and Sherry, 3, and t11e grand· Buick' Sales Are Soaring To New Best·Seller Higlls . They want, too, the spectacular. per-• .... :,. ... - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry fonnnnce and better gas mileage of Wlllls, . Tilllt, for sure, is one reason why Variable Pitch Dynaflowt~easily Servtces were co n d u c t c d . Buick sales go higher and higher nnd Wednes(la)' af'ternoon at Ball· HIS is a Buick-a.2·dool", 6-passcn· higher. More and more people arc yours at modest extra cost. Dunn· funeral home with hurlal Tger SPECIAL Sedan. · finqing thnt you can buy a Buick for And they ccl·tainly want the choice I in Maple Grove. Rev. Paul L. .(\rno1d of Mason · Presbyterian It packs a walloping 188·hp V8 etigit~e the Jlrice of tl smnller car, so more and Buick offers of a car in evel'y price ch urell ofilciated. under the,hood-is cah·icd Oil a strap­ more people are gettit)g this bigger range, with e'ach one the buy in it1 buy for· their·money.- · ping 122-inch wheelbase-rides with . . field-:- the low-price SPECIAL, the Doe Slaughter Stops .· ·the luxury cushioning of all·coil They want the bigger package of sheer supremcly·l>owered CENTURY, tlte Legislators stopped the slaugh· springing, the solid steadiness of a full­ ·automobile. fot· the mone}' that they· extra·roomy SUPER, and the custom• ter o fdeer ·Under the so·called built ROADMASTER, . 1 herd management plan of the length torque·tube drive1 the extra get in 13uick~bigger in power· thrill, THE f::AR' '· .•·.·.···.···.· state conservation department. safety and silence ·of tubeless tires. Why don't you come in for a visit i.nd. · '• .. Despite the pressut·e of scot'es of in roomy comfort, in riding steadiness, lobby groitps, legislators stood .It's big and brawny and road-steady in structural solidity. · sec how much l'~al automobile your, . . ·" firm agalnst1 passage , of a bill and rooiny-'each ·seat cushion meas· money can buy het·e? ~· CouNTRY that would have let.the conserva· They want the. added p1·estige and Cartoon Latest News . ures over five feet in width~ · tDynaf/orv Drit•e i; Jl~rJd•rrl on Rolfdmlllllf, olliollli •' tion department open seasons on pleasure of ~wning Buick· styling and exira cost on otherSeriet, '. I , ' does and fawns, as has been done In 'recent years. Legislators. de· · Yet this broad beauty::_'as the price we· \ . Tues., Wed.~ .Thurs., ,lune 21-22-23 clared that under . the herd· con· show here pl'oves...:..delivers locally fm~ · Underworld crime ldng in a trol law, deer have been. prac· tlcally wiped out In some areas Thrill. t;)' thf!! year is lfi~Jck where they were once common. ' . ,, ...... ,.. BEnEit AUTOMOIILES All IUILT IUICIC WILL IIJILO nqM ----...... , Tight Spot Graduate Joins Sun.·Oil ------..;..----~;:.l.'--"'---~------WHEN . . ~ ....--~ • > · Ginger Ro'gers- E1lwar1l G. Robilrson· . .. •. .. ,Neale Musolff of 'Dansville, Cartoon , . . . . · · ' Screen Snapshot.'! . .graduate of Micl1lgan ,State' Un· Jver•sity this month, has .1olned . Cagney~John . Derek In RUN the staff of Sun Oil qo., Beau· ·-Hilton & Richards Buick .:.Vlstavil~lon: ·mont, Texas, as. a\··junlor geolo· . Comer Stlttti ~~~1\ ~laple . · /' ·· . . :.~~~~---:-~5~~~~---,.--~-~~...... ;~1 gist,•. ------~._-~~~f~:~··i~ ..• ~i~;-·~~~~~------~-----~~- ' Ji(lifori(tl Page. .. 'fr,miiy who fnils In iovo :=i times . . ' in mw yont•, nHII'I'i"" 1111~ third · lnoliilln County Ncw5 June 16, 1955 Page 2 Tllltll, 11 Brlll~h mining cngiruml', Down ~Y the unci grm; with him to 1111 l:o~Jlllltml Lay Off the Whip, Governor Mexicmn mlnjpg. vlil:q~e·, l:ihn {: . slwwH reul Hll'l:ngth whun ~lw JVI!chigan. hns I(IUn,cl)ed n grgnn Uc nnd co~Uy highwny munugnH tlw 111ine• 11iorw In hew \ lrnpmycntont. fll'Ogl'llrn., In the lust l'ew days ol' the legis- SYCAMORE hu:;IHIIHI'~' nhHI!nm urul Hlllv••s ul'l' lntive rlCHslon rt new law wns passed t.o mise t.lw gasoline ancl u l'l'h!!lllon unwr1g tlw wurlw1·H. It's Father's Day \ weight. l:ti:"Ws to pl'Dvide new l'evenue. The bill wm; hlll'l'iL!rl- Hnln muy fall on tho .lttsl nnd ncross llw mouth of the Jug plays WIND WIN'I'l~R. ily 1\m't'.Y ly JJUHflcd. It' hns ull·eady ]Jccoml! effcet.ive ns lo tnx in- 1111 tlw unju~t. us Ill!! l3lhle! Hetu a mnurnful tunc 'to scare ul1' W1111il, I~ t'lll£l4 eil adve!nlul'1' In tlr•• l'urth, hut 1111 :1 recent occnJHiom; othcrll, So effective nre )Ill! jljgs, nurt'1 wuor 1s. SIXII!"II·YWtl'·llld !'l'eaHe:;, Tlw higllwny depnt•ltnept i!i Jll'l!]!Hl'ing plnn:;.,.. 'l'I w the weatlteJ' IHIH ;;ecmed to fnvor Hnlcl While, thnl l!lum·y growm·s Cnllon dl!drhJH 111 Hlny In IIH· Ncxi .Sunday i govet'JIDJ' is wielcling the lnsh U]JDll Highway CommisHiOJII't' tlu• Just. At an uutdlmt· have to [HtY t.lme ttnd IJniJ to eountr·y- -n fot'L•st. In AllmJ·tu, I Wt!ddln~: 11 . I Clml'lle Zieglet•, ehnt·girig him with (}elay:-; and ·misnwnngQ- 1iw HilieH dl!lll'l!rl fill' ,luol 1111 hour Induce pielwt·s to wol·k in tltclr CaruH,IIl, tlwt Is- -111111 wrlll' wh"n mrmt. • · ond tlrat hout· wns tho wmlding orl!hnrds. "his lamlly movl's lu lh1• l'lty. It.':-; unfait•, govet•nm·. And Jf Commissionel' Ziegler h11111' of '!'om Wnllu1!u und Patti Annl'd with onl.v el'lliii•Ht "lJlilp· 1 · ,, 1 11· j' t 1 · I' 11 Slnas. At Mas 1111 high :;(')1m1J eom· •ro worl' out. IL hi!IJtl'ul 111111 In· men!, lw Is SJJIJJI plungl'll Into 11 llll'l'teu lll n:; us· us you lll'e now c emam lllg, many Ill • tm'l!slln•·· exlem;lon t!illh Jll'O· "t'lm strll""il' for survlv;d. In tlw I. I' l II f tl 1 ' lc!IJ ll'l'l"cl nwncern•!lll lust. 'l'hurscluy night " " ,.,,.. tons o 1 o Ul'S o . 1e peol? e s money wou e is L • ~rmm, IU1·s. AmJBtl ~. :oll'luwft't•l' l'tld Ihe nninrnls who linvc hroort 1 · ' ' t 11 · ttl •vtetltl I Ire rains eeasc,r.l for t outdoor 4 I· I et'e 111· I·ng 1lUlll COUll .y we ve oecn a ~ 1ng a 1JO e.~ - hl' u11lwd llli!Jtlblli'H lo \~1·ite 11111. lltBi•· his onl.1• ''"111Jllllliun,· fut·nish him I Pxerl'ises, Then 111 Ann Ar·bm· ing• East Main si.I'eet. in Lansing fot• mo1·c than a yem·. 'J' w Suttrnlay uftel'!lrllln there wus Jlrobhlm:; 111111 s1md t111m1 to lll'r. with 11 dut' to wrltln•l' ;;lm·IL•s eounty iH paying for just. one mile. Engineers al'e now IVDl'k- rnln goln[l' 10 tlw stndlttm ttnd l'llin On() wmhun .ll, "niy Jll'ohll!lll tlr111 fell. ing on prellminm·y plans, bul us yet no dght-of-wny hu;; l1een 1,1Hnlng uwny hut foJ' a IHHil's in Is u. vmTy lltyhul huHhluJd." c~?AMPUS MF:LODY, hy Anr11• 7 boUg ht. The fil'st. money to be available for conslnlCI ion between not. 11 di'OJl rr.II. l~nlf'l'.l', ('ontlmws tlw ;;tory ol' won't be set. aside until next ycm·, atlcl constl'uction even if Remomhol' Allee 1\nl,.ht," wlro ·Jc•·111 • I'Ll!'·• '•1'11 1•y In It ·or ltl e·1•e I In There wns a light mist a! Mu· ·taught Latin nnd Englblt at Ma· ruG II NOTJ~. LOW Non•;, !Ills slat•ted· then will pmbably exttmd int.Wn to an und now huve li dilldr·cn, ,John hall rc!llef pltl'lwr, pmr:r1•ss1•:; · 1 11 11111 ·111 1 ·· 1 1 'II' IIIJU!', wl1ldt Is ion!( I!JIOLtgi1, AI David, Hi, nnd then 5 daughter:s from colll'gr! ill Triple A to IIIII· I fJllll! \CI' llg lWay Jltl c mg. ' Anil Arhor the thl'l!(ll of ruin t·e· in a row all ns pretty 11s tliutr jors wlwn• hr mai 11,'1\'l'. o'l llltl somtlWhere t!Die: ability that is built into Dodge. Isn't it time . The best· propaganda the experts in Washington can B_ut the real story,behiiul the rush to Dodge is for DODGEf'lllllllillll Alrelld ·;,. '5.1. · you. discovered this difference yourself? manufacture won't hold a candle to what thest! 130 Mexicans Ink' White, Clinton county's · take.ba~k home-wibh-them.JJ~xt (all; · K ~h~y find· us friendly authority or' bird:~ and. b~es. 8))!.1_ .• 'Your· Dadre dealer brines ~ou the NATIONAL OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT an lelewlslon INBC·TYl Saturday mnlnfl, Juna. t8, consull ~our niwspaptl lor umi. -.. . .and ho~pit~ble, if they discover all "om~ other virtues, they'll tree frujts, ret'Ommends the jug ' . ' tell the1r friends and neighbors. And if they find the opposite treatment for robins, starlings · they~)] also give a cot•rect report. - aml blnckblrds who are wont to · Effective propaganda isn't made inl. Washh1gton. It is prey upon ,cheJ•ries. Jugs, emp,ty everyday by Americans nt home and abroad, Americans a.nd.U!W,aP.p~c),; ar:e ,s~t:\lng. up .one .. Philp Motor, Sales. or more to a tree. The wirid · in · forelgnet'S, What we do counts for twists the jug to vlsunUy friglltcn :~:'.lo,~M.;,,m!IJ:~.YJIU,I,,.WAU.t:· W.~S~··:, : ·.. .tpe bil•ds. Wld. th~. wind. blo~lng. --:-:~-~-::--:-~---:-~~~--~~~~~'":-:".:...-....-.-.;.._ ____-:-_ ...... ______;_.~--.;....------.--..:_ ...... ;.....:::::::. __ .;... ______.... lnglliUil County News June 16, 1955 Gll•lll"lnltlnf.f.ll h1 Flrwl~ty r·eturnlng for :1 WPP.lrs Slimmer I Phi i{npp/1 Phi, rHrllonnl Hl'iJOI· Smolcoy Says: 'tln·o!Jgh New Yor·ic sinte nnrl 4 Hl~lwol · nt Mnorly lllhle Instllutc Lllmlnnsld .nnrl Mrs, Agnes Frye cards and promotion· Ellps. · nsllc honor ~oclo!y, Jnlllatorl lli~ In Chlengo, l'llllllllYiVIHllll, ulso ntlenderl, members nt the nnnunl bnnqtwt Wr.el~ encl guests of Mr. nnd 'rlin~r. having nert~ct lll~enrl·. Mr, and Mrs, Vor·non Proctor A :;Jrort progl'llrn wns giVfrll ll.Y for the yr.nr ,June 1 11t Michigan State Unlvm·· entertalncrl for "Sundny dlnnm• 'Mrs, Herher·t Sehroodm· were nnre wem Calvin slt.v. Inclurlerl In Jhe msto1· of the Chilrlren Wednr.sdny, lnclud· rtosc, Roxie nroolts nnd Jacl1 Mr~. Sul'llh l'nwlnr nf Stnci<· M,l'l'lle Dennis Irorn San l•'rntr· Williamston new mcmlu:m; nrc llarllill'll N, lng rll'flnH•Ilznllnns of stories nnrl Hiushnw, brlrlgr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Lonl Town· l'ioeo, Cullfornla, urul Ml\ llllrl Webster•, r!Uiiglltor or Mr.

Mr. and Mrs. Elml'r· Ligh I foot Paul Gibbs Sells attcnrlccl the Holly liiglt ·'dltlol. Q'l B ' · alumni banquet Jo'rid<~.r ,.,.e11inr:. I UStness Paul Gibhs, proprietor of Gibbs Oil company, has sold his !nisi· Bargains ness, ianl1s, trucl

y,~ter·inurian n~glns l'rrwtlc!l . Dt'. M. G. DeLancy lias an· 1 no1mced the opening of his [Jl'11C· First of Its Happy Owners lice here as a veterinarian al l28 1 High street. He received his doc· tor of veterinary medicine degree The Cadillac you sec in the pictme~has just ] 11 (;tct, n CarJtJiac JUSt about: refuses to gii'C ;Tune 5 at Michigan State Univer­ started out on Mission Number One: to make would look fQI'\varcl to changing models from sity. Dr. DeLancy is from Mil· up, if it is treated fairly and dl'iven with com­ time to time," in onler· to enjoy the benefits ronl and he and Mrs. DeLnncy its fit·st owneJ' and his family membet·s of the nwn sense. Even after the body hns ceased to of styling and cngi necring ad vanccments~ and their young son are now 'happiest motoring fmtemi ty in the world­ exist) the hcnrt ot a Cadillac often beats on. making 'their home here. for as long as they wish. l{u t what carefree and satisfying petoform-' . You can sec those tough old engines and School J~lecllon Amrom11~ed 1· And then it will be ready fot· Mission Number ancc this remarkable quality foretells for the Annual. school election 'and chassis cvct·ywhcre. .Maybe you'll sec one period dul'ing which you would expect to keep or sec us-this Two: to do the same thing for its second owner. supplying the power for a country snwmill ... Outdoor Work. meeting. will be at Williamston And so on, in tul'l1, for its third owner and its the car! It is the world's best guamtttee of the· Center is a wonderful high · school · Monday, July 11. m· pulling a plow . ; .· or sct·ving as a truck, first owner's satisfaction, .aacutrulldlng which'have actually approached a million miles. Better, come in today-and be theflrsl of a. . . . and remlldollne. Tl1e Boy Scout barbecue at minor portion of this abili t>' to se1·ve. You McCormick parlt ·.Saturday was a Cadilhtc's proud and happ)' owners. · ·. ·.. r ' .•,\·~· sc!l·ou t with 1,000 hnlves . of chicken sold. Mr's. Frances Ball, .. THORBURN I . chairman for the affair, appeared ·Lu.mber .& 'CoaL Co. · on. the' Copper Kettle •television program to help publlclze.lt last . · Mllsoil Robinson .Motor ·sales · '. · 'l'hursdn?. nttc~noon. · ·. . ,. . · . ·•. '-..;....·'·~·~---.,.;...... ;.;....;.;....;,;.,.;..;;.;;...;.;..,.;..~-....;:..:...--.-..;...._..:.:-.;...-.,.;...-..,.;...,.;...-,.~ ...... -.-..,.;._._.;...._.-.;..._..;.;...;.,;...;.;..,.;.. __ ....;,;_,;_.______;_ __ ::....,.:...-....;.-.;...;.;.;.,..;...... ;,;.;;..;.;....;....,-.;;..-..;...;;....; 1 i iiiJhilln County l~ews ' Juuc 16; 195~ Page 4 'C.nnhm ciuh ffihul!eR Uflftf>H '')'p· - PI . .J Sn!IR1lf 1in1'1'11 N't\Wfi ' til~ t.:rtlidd,\' nhll)!VCll'snry of i\TJ'S. Reeves District Current ·Events· 'l'lw Mr. nnd Mr~. Ynrrl nnoJJ Wlnltll' Ulll'dl!ll, l•'lorlrln, whom Dny will lw olmerv[!jJ C'.rii>IJ WiiJI,· . ".'I , , • , l•'r·J. And.,rsull 111' Ann Arhor wurl' 1 srver·ul gJII!sls In hollol' uf Mrs. J~ntlwr's 11 r 11 11 1111 11 1 11 1 1 the mlslng nnrl onm of rcmos by ,'unts l uy morn Ing, ,JLine l!l, ut tlw dny v!Hitom ot' Mrs..• AVI'I'Y· Mr. sunday I{UI•sls uf 1\lr. nnd 1\'li'H. I ii'Y 1Hl\'1' fjlf'lll Ill! w l}tPJ', Mrs. Helen Young - Phone MAdison 3·3931 Wny1w J~t·elc!t'muth l~rlclay eVl!· Vm·nnn ,/. Brnwn of Mnson. Free MethmiiHt ~h11rch with 11 filii/ MI'H. Lyln Smilh or WlllinlllH· David l>if'lil. Gt!llrJ.:I' ltohh Is homo from 11111~. 'l'hn theme of eur•t•cnt r~veryonl! lnterrstml' Is woleorne Ut!h!gaiNI Attend Coiafi!J'Ilrtl~! eVl!IIIH wns eanlerl out wllh the prngmm during the filllldll)' loll \VC!rl! Frlilny vlsitllrH or MI'S, Mr. 111111 Ml':'. 1>1111 AIHii'I'SIIII uf 1\IIH'I'Y /I0!1j>llnl, ,Juei\HOII, wlwre tn utlcncl. Sl'ilool llCJUI' 1\·ll'c llrr1 YIJLIIlg Jc I A I t Ill' lllllli!I'\VI'III lllll,jtJI' Hlll'"l'l'" Jnut . Hev. Charles G1·osB, Mt·s. WIJ.' lnvllatlnlts :111d clurlllg lhr. eve· : . . ,' . , "• ' , . ·• Avc•ry. Ml', 1.111d Mrs. L,Yil' S111 I h 1111 Arl111r Wl'l'i' \\'1'1' \' 1•11d gtii'S :; " o " Program Closes· llnm Musnlff anrl Miss bon11a nlng. VariotiH contests nnrl gomr.s .lcltng (lfl clhlh nmn or lht. jllf.l• of WlllilllllHillll Wt'l'l' Stilltlily vis· of 1/w fiJI'IlH'r's lllllllit•J', Mrs. J\lolldlly. Hmlfl lc£1 Weclnesdny to nt tend werl! played wlih. prlz!!s being gmm cnmmlttc!e. ' , ltnr·s of Mrs. Avr!r·y.· ' , Hosu Anil<•rsiJJL l'iolll'l'l' f1t11Hiay s<'IJOol duss the annual cul)fl!renee of lin• given to Ill!! lwnorcd g'\W!il. Iledtutlons will he said hy I --·--.. I ----·------1111!1 l•'rldny t'V<•niiiM with Mr. unci Vacation School Slwron Ifl . 1 evpnhlf.l, .Tune 17, at the Free to falhers will he !rwlwled. Mrs. Mtllvtn Ualllgt• t!nler· f · · · .· ·· AniiHlll}' SolH•L' ha<'lw1l hh will he tnugltt hy Dr. l~. A. Len· wem set·vc!rl by t lw hostess. of lhe F'rC>e Methocllst clnweh Is ' 1 1 · · 1 or 11lP 1 I' C'IJ 11 ilp·r· 111 11u• 11 ppPI' • · -- In IJH!C ~l'\'1!1'11 lrlllllf 1 illll 1 1'1' II· , • · · . '· int11 Ills 2·Y<'Ill'·llltl ~1111, GPor Methodist church. Tolnl emoll· plunned for Satur·.cJny, .rune 2rl, nt s 1 1 11 1 11 dl'lllll, }n the uhsellr:e of Mrs. Oul-of·lown guests were Mrs. 11 1 011111 11 11 mPnt Is Jill. Hctyner pal'i>, Mason, Mrs. Ressle 'l'urnhtill lias hee 11 1.,."V!'" ... "'I ht•J' 11 nw M1 ' 111hy:. """- • r;·d,. ~ llPhPiwlrIts 1\'l'l' I1Higf' '· will IHtl't' I\ll!H' I1<'1 I I11111 .. 1I 11\VII IIIli I Ill'o Iw r1 .t ' Musolfl. l~loy•l Mt•Cnln of l~lushing, Mrs. 11 Mr~;. Flen Vnn Dnmme has Mrs. Emery Jo'reet' Is chairman conflnccl In hrr homt! hy Hid\· ~ling ~~~ .. ~~~~11or or., th". l:l.rtlul:~~· n f;lll;l salt• S:llllrtlny, ·.liiiH' 1~. '"':. 'l'lw l>ui•Y Is In Fo,tc• ilnspltul, Coral Lorl\\vnwl, Mrs. Melvin 1 berm :wtlng ns general ehalrman of the food commillee nnd Mrs. ness the past wec!k, Mrs. Ida o~nnlvu~'! l of IJLt slsltJ, Mls. JYJr. illlrl J\'lr~. llill llauxlturst .lnl'i;son. · J!rmeh un1.l Mr.~. Erlwnrd 'l'homp· for lli!J sdwol UJHl she hns been Rnlph Suplt•un. nnd Mrs. Bessie 'J'urnhull of Mnson Is C'rtl'll1g l'ol' WnynP I nylor. , . :11ul Donna :11id GladvH i•':l}' vis· M1·, and Mrs. llurohl Shepard, 1 11 asslslf'd hy 22 ltmehel'H nnrl help· son of Wllllnmston, Mrs. J. H. her·. Mrs. Snrnh Clemenls Is stny· _DIIw.", g~l~sls ~:·err Mrli. '· .:t.a· lt<'d 1\-lr. illlfl Mrs. n'o11 Sl;l'ft~ldt llav/d nnrl NIIIH'Y l'c•turrwcl ThitrH· Methodist WSCS Kaupp of .Tael\son, unci M1·s. Wll· Turnbull m'l! nsslsllng her. Law· ers from hot h chlll'riw.~. 13t•slcl<~s ton Hedglen, Orville Emer·son, ing nl the home or Mr. nwl Mrs. htllr S~P.IL), Mts ..fohn AhXolll· 111111 lillllS Ill 11-lndbon \ViS<'II11Slll. dny 1'1'0111 II •1-day trip tlu·ouglt Ham Frclr•tTnulh nf · Fllrhhun!,. 1he pmgram Fl'ldny I!Vening Jr· .. nnd ¥t'S. Jim Young nrc Hnlph Suplrun. d<'t', Mr. awl MI'H. C:IPil Slmrlnnd Mr aud Mn; llnux'irnrsl l'illllt' Wlsmnf:in, 1\JinllesoiJl, and not·lh· " C. IIlii !'I'll there will he• nn exhiilil of the Has June Meeting I'Oill· Rev. und Mrs. G. Wright nf ami family, Mr. and 11-lrs. Jtosi'IH' ha<:l, Tlll'silav' lilt' girls n•· Midtignn. worl1lng on tiw l'l!CI'C'IIIion 1111 WorJ( doll!' by I he )lll)liJH. mit ICC!, Newberry Wl!l'f! Werlnescluy nigiJI Arllold, ,1~ WuyncJ 'l'ilj'lol', 11-lnr· maitwd for a ·lil·da\' visit 111111 will U\'1'1' IIlii i)()ys and girls ul· Mrs. Bet•nice Wheeler enter· gLH!Hin of M1·. nml MI'H. Hohel'l rlu nnd ll>tnmy. . wturn hnnw hy. pinJH'. lt'tldt•tl 11 ilal'll par·ty giVrlilcd In huve n Whipple Thursrlu1y evening a/ the were SLinday dinner guests of Mt•. !lJtU•I ;~I tlw Mif'lugan Sta!t' 1'111· ~~~: wer1! TltLII'silay vlsltot·s of lhe unci opened with the dt!Votlnnats Joint plcnle with Dansville F. nncl home .of his parents, 'Mr. anJ''s sister, Mrs. Aclu Rossiter· hy Mi·s. Allie ,'J'hompson. A. M. Nn. JGO In August. Mrs. Ilussell Whipple. Harlan Laingsburg. Gnry ScrlpteJ' re· East Lansing Saturday PVI'Iting. ~ ~\ 4 of Fowlt•t·vlllr>. After the buslnl!ss meeting A speelal meeting will· he held was n ml!mheL' of the gl'llduittlng turned to spend the week with l1is Mr. nml Mrs ..r. B. Dalton. spt•nt 1'THE FRI ENOL. Y DRUG STORE" ""' Mr. unci Ml's. Howrw11 Sims nf Mrs. G. E. Manning prcJsentcd on 'l'uesclay evening, .Tune 21, fnJ' l'la~>s of Mason high school. grandparents. Al'liDiil Scriptr•J· is Sunday Wllh the lnllt•r's latlil't', Vanlnwn, Mrs. Anna 13nwltwell ilw progt~um, the tople of wllleh ti1e purpose. of inlllatlon and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stanbury and • snc•ndlng tlw week wltll MT'. nJvll Frt•d Snr.:e1', of Clil'ls:•a. . , and Mrs. May Smlthwllile of \Vas Unltcrl Nations, Tile next rn·csl!ntation of gold ecrtillcutr.s family of Bloomlleld Hills ~pent Mrs. Benton F'l'lrchey of Colum- M1·. and Mrs. HoiH rt ll:ildll 1n E:nglanrl wr•rP Frlrluy vlsitot·s of ·inr.eting will be nl the home of ancl life ceJ'I ifleates. There will bl! Sunday unrl Monday wilh Mr. ancl hia Clly, Indiana. JV!rs. Etlr~ar of least Lansing Wt,re Su~ulay Mr. and 'Mrs ..lim Hess. Mrs. Gcn1·gp "Mitchell in .!Lrly. a practict! meeting Momlay eve· M1·s. Gary Briggs. Scriplet• spent Tursclay with heL' gL_I!!~Is of Mt·. and Mrs. C. A. The Health of ning, June 20, and 1111 officers M , . J M ... p· ul c· 1 "PC I sister, Mrs. Chul'il!:; Hoyt· of St. DJChl. are rr•quesled to he present. After I. .Jnc. Is. d ·11'1 •· n Louis. Mr. :mel Mrs. Hucly Jlus,·hk'' Mind and Body Ithe speel:il meeting June 21 there Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hnr- Mt· and Mrs Ell>t•icige Wolf· and family of Wehhervill11 wr•n• When will he no mcellng until Septem· old Marshall .and Mrs. MaiH~I gang·a~d Mari( ..MI~ and Mrs Ror Thursday t•vening guests 111' Mr. Tlw lwltt•r lllll't uf t!Vt'I'Y mrm's t•du· bet·. Curd of Casevrlle. Mrs: C:u·d re· Glover and Mr~. oii~e Fosi~r ai- and Mrs . .Tc!dsun J~elton. • •• :11'1' cl1•J'inilt•ly nl'l'r•ded by Ollt' habits of t•ullcm Iii thut whi<'h. ht! glv•~-~ him· lurnccl lo Dnnsvilll! Wlth them. tendl!d the reception for Mr. nnd Mr. nnrl M!·s. Ben Slilllhlll'~· ".f You Think Following lhe busllleRs meel· Jll'cHilll'l iv•• labor. Dt!Jll'l!i'lsiw fWI'sons, pos­ s•·lf. - ,JJmu•s nusst!ll I~OIVI'II ing refn!shmenls were served hy Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cmft and Mrs. Richal'Cl Feasel al the Vevay Bloomfil'ld· Hills, Mr. and 1\~rs: 1•. son of Mason were Sunday din· town hall Satul·rlay evening. C. Anderson, Sr.. a11rl <'lll'lslllw. sildl' putc•ntial suiciilr:h· Hints Are Given for Remodeling en lmhirlrm mollillg, EWI'Villg mcniR urui wn~hlng lll:;lws. Do you niso Onondaga· Girl wunt u p!uef! tu relax, for eating, Old-Fashioned Kitchen Areas for ltturuiry, !rll' stol'llgc'? How much spuce rlo you rwerl Jor eur•h Enters Colleg~ . Jly 1\lrs, AIIJII'!tl! Hl'luwl'l'i~l' duorwnys you hitve In your llitr~h· uctivtty'? F.lizulwtll A1111 Slurmhn of 'lfiH lfuuu• UJ'IIItlltHII'IIIiou i\~PIIt 1~11. A I'L' I IWI'!' H IIY rlrmt'S thaI !!Ill! Long IHIITO\V fI liawir•d out tu nll·-thc "U" shupPcl ldtch£>11. l~nt· the etluc:atlon and Hihl!! depnrt· CUT UP mJ tlw wonJt'IJ IIIIJ•Ju!ing tlu• klti!lwn 'l'linsl' nf us with lni'J:(C old lng nrnas can tiiHo he lnelwlerl nt rncnts. WOI')(f'hllp J;J;;t 'I'IW:;d;l,\'. fnsliioJJl'd l>lli'licns are In renl I he opposite !mil. , Wheutnn r•ollefic, )ocntl'd 2~ The sq unr·p l{llelwn cnn well LPt's i1Pgiu with till' !loot· pian hwk hPr·uu~t·'e;•r·ruinly tlw trnnd miles west uf Chimgo In till! lwvp the unltH Jrwuled on two SUPLR RIGHT, instead or lhillldiJV. of idtl'!wn HIH.'IIlS to ill' hnck to tlw ldtclll'll suiHIJ'!Jun city of Whl'atnn, Is In Corned:. Beef Brisket iwiJII{ tlw famii,l' morn it once nd.loinlng wnlls in nn "L" shaped Its [)Cit it yeur·, eompil'l ing I lw KOSHER STYlE LB. 59C l!ll)li'IJVC'IIWJJI iII ll'l'lllH of a III!W vEAL AND PORK Lo, was. The ;;izl! Is Its only t'e· lll'l'nngernent. regulnr sf'hooi yr!ill' with 11 gTaci· Ohop Suey Meat 49Q pieee of I'IJI!IpnlPIJI and 11 eon! oi' Sliced liacon All GOOD LEAN LAYERS pnlnt. 'l'iu•rr• un· •n IIPI'f' in Sl!lllillaJu•e, howr•vPr. Test you1· own i>ltdwn. A line uutlorJ dass ol' a:11 senlor·s ll'llnl LB. 47C, dmwn fmm the sinl1 to tlw stove, SUPER RIGHT BEEF, Beef Liver YOUNG sTEER lo. 39c· mu· OW II l'lllllll \' who IJavr• savPd Till' rllffl'l'encl! from thai old an eJII'Oi)lllt!lll of 11101'1! thi111 17110 Ohuck R~ast to. the refrlg!~l'll II> I' is called a DLADE CUTS LB. t IJemsi')VPs 111i11 I)' IIIII ii'Pf!SSa I',Y fadlio1wd ldldwn Is that these st utlt!!l !H. Sevem I hundred st l!· 39C THICK sucED · worl> tr·JungiC'. If thnt tr·Jnngle dents have regislr>red fm• the Super Right Bacon 2 p~~. 99c. steps hy r~an•ful !'llorn planning. I'OOillS PIIIJ noW Ill• divided Jntu Fryer Par~ 1.EGS, BReASTS OR THIGHS exrcc!ds twenty.fivc feet, you'rfl, fr•lenrlly atmosplwr·c liy opening Two st~mestcr~ of SIJIIHIII'I' Smoked 1 Pionros SUPeR RIGHT , LB. 43C 1 ' IJ"nffJe )IIlli'S jllillillg fli)JI'I' Jllll'l!l ll'aiJIJg ill'l!il. . nil those rnnm~ Into one nnothrr·. sehwd ure c:ondueted at the ml· White Fish FREsH CAUGHr \ La. 59c of tlw liousr!. Connt. IIHIIJ,Y You yotJJ'sPif nJusl dPdde .fUSI Exhaust fans llllci r·ountcr stor·nge lege westcJ•n r:ampus in. till' BoiJing Reef !om• MEATY PLATE LB. features have nil IJCI)JI!rl in this Biacll Ililis, South Dal>oln. 23C coMPLETELY cLEANEo Lo. trend. WIJeaton eolir.ge also . lins a WhitP Bass · ·35c Ingham County News June 16, 1955 Page 5 Do you have enough room? Cut JH!I'Ihern t•:unpns I;Jwwn as Hon· CALIJL'ORNIA, U, S. NO. 1, LONG WHIT£ out eolot·erJ paper sf'ale1l to the ey Hoell eamp for boy:; and gir•is ------,------~I size of your· )ll'l!sent r!quiprnPnt, near 'l'hr·ce Lalw, Wismnsin, :l:io miles north of Clilengo, which is ' dr!dlmted to . Sllllll111'1' · camplll!i Potatoes JO ita &9c ii~l~~~~!! ~~~lj,;;~~~~j~~}t~;~~1 ~;;::-r_y_G_r~up FRurr, GoLDEN RIPE Banana1 cHolc~ LBS. ;'t-,,, a counter· nut to sepamte areas PI M . 2 29c Green Peppers ! FOo\ s;~[~i~G 1\::. ' Gil'(' lhul Sllllll'lhilll(' hi• will I'I'IIII,V lll't·rl lllld I'll• that flgttre is illl Important one to a ris eetl ng Head Lettuce 3 ·FOR. 25C .iu.v , , , •·hosi!JI 1'1'11111 u witll' nssn•·tuwnt or Jo'Jl· remember. SIZE 48 2 FOR 35c Hot House Tomatoes gil'ls. Wlll:'l'f' do yoLil' food Members of Ingham County RED RIPE LB tlu•t·'~; llay I ~uppll~s Cucumbers EXTRA FANCY 39C come in? Is therC' a space 'avarl· Pioneer and . Hfstoricnl Soeiety 3 FOR 29C Tamatoes 14·0Z. 25 Cabhage fiELD GROWN TUDE 0. Watches - Lighters able for. ~torage at thnt pojnt? w.lll meet.a· t M. ason Ba].>tist l'iltlrdJ fiRM HEADS LB. 80 It'.~ usually m! of Leslie Barrie) of Jael1son, president; 4 '!will he given a·t the Rice llllme at Mabel Bellm of Jackson, vice· the eorner· of Meridian and Ewers president; Donna Betcher of Ma· Tea Bags OlAl\ OWN, SAVE 16c ,• o:~~Q 79c NEw stzE PACKAGE roads Sumlay, :ILUJe 19, frnrn 2 to wn, ser~rclary·treasurer; Kenneth Picnic Plates ·· oF~~ti 89c p. m. Green Broolllyn, recreation; A&P Grape Juice 2 ~6W· 49c G or SllVERTowN . . The reer!ptinn, l1onoring the Wayne BarTiel of .Jad(son, l'e· Peach-Apricot Bars :.i<~: 25c couple's 25th wedding annivcr· freshmen ts. Grapefruit Juice A&P 2 ~~~;· 39c I DROMEDARY JOi

D JUNE IS DAIRY- MONTH! . ·Paper .:Towels NORTHERN 2 ROllS 37 C . ' ' JUST REDUCED Blue Bo11net M1rgarine 2 ~r~s. 53c L~ne,.horn Style ' CH'EES.E Ajax Cleanser 4· ~~~~· 45c LB. Jllfil. lnkc Jl lool~. nt. yom· 45c SPICIAL v,' PRI~E clol.hP.'i uft~!r .Wt! hunulm• tlrem Vel · SALE PJ.CK · 2 lG.E 45 Cre•m .Cha.sa · , PKGS·. C • • · PHILADELPHIA 3p~~: 1,. ·.. -y.ou '•:tt !llll'tl' to. be JlleuKetl! ·.swiss Cheese SLICED, GREEN COUNTY They're H)llll:kllnl:' " w~: -a.,.:. ~:lc1in, lmutt• . L 1 IPIOifNALS . DEAL. PAc;K, .. GT. . Fl U f A·./1.~ ClfAI . ER AT NO, CHARGE. Pt rt fnrrr. Webberville ' MrH. Hnlln Hogr~t·s ol Ann Ar· Mr. anrl Mrs. l~nrl llnwn 111111 •• nnri.Hhnltnt·. F'nrmlnfl' In thr. program. · Mrs, Myrl Grilham ; Phone 66-F-2 hill' I"IIH 11 •rul'srlay nvrmlng gtii'Ht dnuglilnr ul' Lansing W!!rt! Rnnrlny Unll!!cl Stntrs IIFls mnrlo more J'v!Aiw ngrleulturo nn lnHplmtlnn nf Mr. nttd Mrs. l'rlrl Mull!!lt. ' Vbli ot's II I I hr! Willi [II!! hmnn, . ~ongressman Urges Entry prngrr!HH during tim lasl 7fi yrmrs to young people. fuliwr, Jlettr,\' Doli y; :1 lim! Ill' 1''1', Mr, ;1nrl Mrs. c~!ar1! Smith HI'<' limn in nil tho world In 7:J eon· Pnlt~rllllnlng fmm ,fr)IIHt~n Il. E, Wlll'l'NI•:Y, Clare V11n l~lpt•r of Morrlt·n, Carl ft·lr•nrls fllrwier Natinnal !'uri< Is mud1 tlii'(!!H, Lesllri Riper Vnn rtlp1'1' of' Luingshnrr: ntH! Jl(!IH:h, J•'lorldu, litis wenl<. lnt-gr•r than tilt! :;tate .nf Rl!nrlu Wn arc Amcrienn fnrmcrs. W11 Wayne Van Vrmwn Vun n.lper of Wt!hlwt·· ~Jr·. anrl Mr·:;, Gii!JC'rl GloVPI' [slanrl. Of European Immigrants nrc Americans. Wo inherlterl om· 1 villn; •I sisters, JlPt'nlr:o Van lnnrl fl'Clm erniltlon nnrl It I~ liP Communists Want Law clange For some time Immigration IHtH War tlJP.se lmml~runts wnulrl he tl",' f,•tt'rn"I'H tn!tlm It t•ic!Jnt• Killed in Crash lllper, Lnnslng, Mrs. lllhln Smith, 1 Ill 1 111 " ~ 111 '~ ~ 'l'wo ycnrs n~n l listened In Baltlt! Creel<, MrH. llcntrke Mt:· uccn In the hcadlines-·iwlh In nf lrcmenrlous 111 la l'Y v;l t~e, anrl morn fruitful to meet tlw testimony nt Nt!W Ynrl< frnm 11 Wayne fi'rr.rlrld< Van l1iJICt' lvas Ingham Counly News June 16, 1955 Page 6 writing a law anrl In trying In lwlplng us In wm·~:ng11 1Jelllr,11 ~e 'rwer·lncrenslng need!! for people. EriliHh cltl;o:en namerl Cedric horn Murch lR, l!l:ll, at Br~ll Oal< Comb nnrl Mrs. Belly Aldtln of administer lt. 'l'hiH milmlnalerl 1'1!· lines, giving IIH needrrl lnfmm.l· If wro shrnllrl st urly the hlstorv Bclfrage. He flrst: 'en me to thlH uul rllerl .June ll In a tr·aglc artd· Wehhcrvlllf!; nnd otlwr r!!latlvr>s ccntly in the llrlng of lila henri of ~inn, nnrl hel.ng nf even more help of ngrir'11ll11rn from the lanrllng r•nuntry In Apt•lll!l2fi. At the tlmr1 dent on US·tri, a short ri!Htanct! and n lwst nf friends. the program. 111 r:ase of mvalllng those t:oun· of tlw Pll~rimH up to the year of. lite hearing, he was putting from Zimmer rnarl, west nf Wil· ]•'IIIH!rnJ St'rVir'I!H \VI'I'!! r•on· du('terl 'l'l111rsday, .Jurw '!J, nt 2 Many people assume it's rlnn· tries. l!JilH we will oilscrve that. 'prn· out a Communist paper. He had llarnHintl. n'dnei< nt the Gnrsllm~ funentl gerouH to lei immlgl'llnls Into this 'l'lwmforf!, I applnml the rcc~!lll rluetlon anrl r·onsumptlon trnvcled been refused ..dtlzcnshlp here he· on sr~ptemhr. 1 · Hi, J!l~fl. lw was home In Wllllnmston wlt11 Hr>v. country. They scr•rn to feel that dedsillll of thf! ndmlnlstratlon In side by slrlr. with only now nnrl cnusc of his known CnmmuniHI mar·r·ieci In Nnrnen Dif•lir•rt of Charles !1odwuy nffir:lnt In~. people from other· muntries are, rr!lnvigorate the rcfugcr~ prngrarn. tlwn slig-ht 1~lmng-es. Al thnl time hrtcl<:grounrl. He wns Identified by Willinnmtnn. Tn this unlnn 2 Burin! was In Coffee cemetery. llY 'dellnillnn, un·Arnerl1:an. Tiley H should have liecn dntH! a year 7fi',i nf our population lived on nt11er witnesses as n Communist, rlaughtcr::; were horn. Mldll!le, -1, There's No feel It Isn't rig-ht [or a person In ago, farms. hut he refuser! tri answer pr;w 'lllri Melanic, 2. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Pr•t•ldm~ enter the country and enjoy our DON HAYWORTH, Our r:onstilutinn anrl Jaws were li"aily 1111 qttnstlons 1111 tile "l'llllnrl · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " ~ ,., At the time t•f his r mt 1 11! lilY!! )(!en v HI ng I 11' r son, Au· advantages. They may even feel Member o[ Cong-ress based on arrrJr.uiturr as our con· of thn fift.il mcndmetlt. We ltnrl " ~ 11 was rcslrllnr: In WPhhcrville, burn. nnrl his wife In Gr•or·gia fnr that Eot'Ile of thew immigrants gress nnrl leglslnturc were cnrn· cvlrlcncc showlnrr hls nellvc Cnm r 1 11 11 f c ' b 1 ,., Besides the wirlnw . and 2 n ew rays. I! sa H· or .}ermany 111ay e c:ommun HI H. . posed of rural pen pie as n rna· munlst work ovm· a long pcrlnrl ll Draws Oppos"t"Jon 1 It danrrhters he Is survlverl hy ills soon. rl I U 1 n · To tak~ the lust potnl rsl, t 1 IQ , or· Y· . of tlme. F'oliowin" our· hcarln", "' s 1 1 M 1 1 'I' 1'1,.ge· MAGIC " " pa1·ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. £1!11 Van ··A'· nnr rs . .-o wr :· ~hould he pointer! nut thal·no one I t ,. vn. ltl tny jlrJ."",'I.'",·slrJtl "• pntJ. We prnduc:rrl n Henry Ford • W · depor·tatlon procccrllnrrs were · M liJ'V r ·r Mi"s rt .,, vl"IIItl" 'II to building a homo the right way! 11 " "" '' " ~ 01 D 1 "' Riper; his granr 1mot 1ter,' r·s. • 1 1111 ·•· 1111 111 · ~ ... • Is ever admitted IC there's any tlon In abolish the United Na· C. Dumnl, R. E. rls, ow iltH pressed ag-uin~t him. J~lsle Knlt:l,erhol:lwr, anrl grand· tile home or tlwit• faiiH!I", Lewis ~;uspiclon of Ills attitude towarrl lions. Ah·r• * Aluminum l:'oJors and Windows country nne of his relatives. Btl!., Nations. !!1~ llHIY :-;till IH! In 1'1111· l.lucllnn hns r.vcr hcr.n lncr9aslng-. crate org-anizations to work •fnt· pic enter this r•owtlry. throul:li Gr;rh11m mt111~1' on S!Pvens lal,r!, the lmmlgrai.lon lllttlwrilics told t · 1 Hi·· w· s j wer[ul r•notlgh Great dties have heen Inuit ;md the repeal nf the present imml· special JawH, [ am syrnpalhctit: I Mrk l~mma 1l1!rlforrl Is visiting .,. Rll as a r•ilar·jl.J;, ~~four p~ople tn ~rnducc tile with deportation under the iltw Jridge large mvestments one must carry out Communist propaganda. Buf the hi"' camrmign to mall••··~·. Y"'!' 40c '.•ach. Tid• llgt·iculturc ltas exii;tcrt. That was S rRONG fL>nRicodc SLOUGHS OFF tho , increnscs we must. malnse hurled ncrmo. Kills Ibe for~ governments or literature and mnre fruitful. 'tunately, the law ealls for a man's to pour out Communist propa­ It on COilliiClo Get grcnsclcoo, lnstunl· were l( trol, farm . subsidies, etc. arc SPARKLING CLEAR mnn·mncle functions which' gov· V ern only temporarily nnrl then the Ever law of supply and demand. talws Built.•. hot water you want­ over. A reactlnn sets in and what we en lied profits during the ·last at LOW COST -with a 5 years can he wiped out just be· cause the prices for llvestocl< and grain were maintnlned at t.oo high a fig-ure. That steer never· lived that was worth 40c per lb for beef and such prices are dangerous to I any na lion for 1IJC reaction Is too 1\'.·•. ·,~ g-reat. . . ' · I believe in farm subsidies only to he used If 'necessary to I relieve the sting of falling. prices. I If a crop becomes unprofitable lilr. surplus will soon disappear. 0 lMal;e a crop, prnfll'11hlP anrl In a cDuo-Therm RADIAL-JET Burner short time a surplus will iiccumu· laic. So we have proven ·again ( • TtuPLE·TREATED Supcr-sLrong gins~ . 1 anrl again that man·madc func· lining bonded to triple-treated steel tlons can not overthrow natural tank for long, trouble-free service. economic laws

A vlHII In Uw :1.1111, and file llmwn on lwnller~ anrl FORGET AfJOU>T THE HEA>T Legislators Claim Credil frycrs, HJJrl 'l 1e, r'ent fi'Otn what you Mee down they i1epl letting foil

I. evening. expansion. by noon and all the cltoiee cuts son .. ~··..... 111 10 for $10.00, all tliffert~nt, lttiJelled Our gang celebrated the June * * by 10, as l'l'flwds frorn tniles i'lO Yt>lu·s A,L;-o-1!10o) wedding anniversaries at Clyde's While refusing to kill or crip· around swarm through the mar· The Farmers cluh met with Mr. ,._lecquse ••• and Verna's Sunday. We have pie the controversial Michigan ket. anrl Mrs. Alfred Allen and Mrs. JUASS PLANTING COLLECTION --.,. gotten togetllet· for 18 years like. Turnpike Authority, the senate M. lit Murden lws agl'eecl to Delevan Smith at Maple Row Sat· 40 for $10.00, at ltmst 20 \'aril~tit~s, nnlalllllltltl ONLY GAS this but now a new note have dealt It a blow when it ouster! quit operatirm of his Dansville urday. Miss Kittle Bassett, n I been added. Two of the girls William E. Slaughter, Jr., as its telephone system .fuly 1.. 1\lichi· teacher in the Philillpines, was J bb HEATS PLENTY brought theit' boy friends this chairman. _ gan Bell has pmmiserl to extend the speal'·;, That tim has m knell of turnplltill belong in the young bracl1et. "We found the state· couldn't do anything about gasoline prices," he said. The committee went to Wash· lngton, wns politely snubbed and told that refineries, if controlled ~~une is at all, are under the jurisdiction of the federal government. · With the lntest increase, Atty. 1 Dairy Month Gen. Thomas· M. Kava n a g h started his own check in cooper· ation with Gov. Williams. * * * Representatives of major rc­ in 'finerles met with I''"r: ·' .~ . ., ....,.,,,..! .. ''1'1:!'1 ill'a~cl yotll' livl•stock cnteretl at llolc~nr All llullllllor nn~ unstnhlc. There Isn't the .~ume flour. Wrlll, Pl!ono, Drive In or Pit Ia demand year after ycnr lllw thel'f! nHliHI of Increases. All of which ment ond personnel fo1· teurhlng 'l'ht! !Uichlgnn HI Club J•'oumlation receivellany ...• Chlcl{en feath· l'owel' Co. beron• the fnlr, >'Uggested Reed. ererl prlrcs for !he hitl'd red vn· giving money for trip uwurds to HATCHERY porting nations ure C!lmwr to self· e1·s as meal slww p1·omlse of he· Tf they m·e lwalthy, lw will give Pbone .iud.•on ""ouu r·lety. coming pmetical in broiler National 4·H club eongress. The llwm a health e!erlll'iealf! l'P.fJillred •~:o:o E. Uorrr Rd. II llourlolla sufficiency I han ever· heforr!. The R. 1, Rlvoo Jurcltou only· way we Pun dispose of siz· rations. They have to Ire pmperly congress is staged annUEIIIy In ,-but. rccord·lhone ORchnr·d 7·5971 DON FOSTER 1doing its most: damage in late Phone Leslie 9012 April and May. In June the in· sect pupa les am! adult moths emerge about June 20 to July 1, possibly a bit earlier or later de· pending upon the weather. The moth lays eggs near the buds IDENTIFY THIS FARM and ~oon the tiny worms· feed on the young growth before boring into the buds and twigs. Control consists of getting all trees in the infected plantation covered wil h an Insecticide during· th~ The first person. to identify this farm p·eriod of egg laying, June 20 to July 5. correctly will receive 4. FREE THEA­ DDT at 3 lb of 50r/n wettable powder per 100 gullons of water TER TICKETS. has proven adequate on a 2·spray schedule, about June 20 and again in 10 to 14 days. If not possible to spr·ay twice, one spraying at heavier concentration about. June • • • 25 may wort<. Use of Malathion with DDT may Increase the ef· fectiveness of the DDT but: this has not been proven. The best .The family living on the identified application method is frpm · the ground wllh agricultural (oreh· farm will receive a free Sx7' mounted .Now live.oclion clutch males P.T.O, baling .pro eli cal· ard l sprayers. The vahle of aerial spraying is not entirely proven. Applications after July 5 Eire of enlargement' of the farm. .over-running clutch makes doubtful value. PTO baling easy. Cherries Receive • + + Constant Check ·New Holland PTO u66" bales up to Inspection of acreages contain· . ' 7 tons an hour with a 2-plow tractor! ing some 3¥.. million cherry trees f ' ... ~ • • .• for cherry fruit .flY is being un· _Whose· Farm Is This? .,.. ' ' dertaken· as a regular season task . --_____;__;_~~~...._ lllew Holland'il ·.o~er-run~ pact ·baler you ever saw. of the btu;eau of plant industry of L lling clutch solves ;p.t.o.· · •• •• yet it hales up to .7 the Michigan department of agri· LAling'~ biggest problem.. Ions an hour with a 2-plow culture. - . It 111lowa you to shift tr11c- tractor. Easy to run, easy Work begins shortly after the HOW TO SAY ''THANKS": lor ge11~1 at will , •• makeil . lo ~ n1aintain, it cnn l1cat emergence of cherry fruit flies it e1111y 'to handle different• '. much lllOl'C CXJlCilsivc llla• from infected fruit that has been Tbese 4 Ingham cottnty farm merchants have ar- ' placed In emergence cages· at 30 The Ingham County News ei&e wi~drow~ with(}ut jam- . chines .in tons per honr. l'llllged for the publication of' 52 "Mystery" pictures. locations in Mlchignn's fruit belt. It's their tribute to a No. 1 industry in Iogl1am coun­ SEED -FEED~ COAL .tning t'e bller.or.llraining . We've. got an engine- · FERTILIZED - FENOE - Complete Nev,:s Coverage As soon as the cherry fruit flies ty, If you like. the farm pictures tell th~m so. · lraetor: s.~~~e: ...... _ .'. ·. ,,. . pow creel morle I, too, that are found In the' cages, the de· POSTS of Rur.al Ingham Counly partment nnd entomology and ex· '!From drawbar to b11le gives tile same pcrfor·m· We Give Gold Stamps .4lhute . the Ne.,w Holland · ancc under all conditions tension r.tuffs ut Michigan State go to work through press an·d ra· .PTO "66" ia thc,most com~ with a 1-plow trnct~r. Phone Leslie 2154 ;_ OU·7·068!1 COMMERCIAL PRINTI~G Phone OR-7-9011 dio Informing cherry growers of the time 'to spray and the type of materials to use. . . . Watch., for Your Fa.rm Department inspectors continue Williamston to work the entire season. AS' A. new "Mystery" picture Wlll·appear each week. Mason· Elevator soon as fruit begins ·to ripen i'ours may be next. No .one knows whose· fanns ~ ...... ·.,io:oo"TxA.fiE-IN ALLowANcE oN ~L» samples are taken. Where the In·, · Pro.du~ers Co-op ·'> ·· · HEATER· sect Is detected, cherries must be bave been ~hotogra.plled...:..not~ even tlte photog· . Feed - Sood - Fertilizer picked and destroyed to prevent raphe,._lt s up to yo11 to come tllrongh with ttie UIJIWersl . · . ·· · ' . · · · · · -Elevator Co. )...... ' " .t~.~.t9:~;:-;;,l~·p~:~m,~nt ·~o~·· sp~~::t~!~:::: ::e::~ff,·.but.get "Home of Larl'o Fetid~'' ll%.;:.·:;!il~l~i·: 1()Ji~iJ~81tl1 ... · · . ·· . , all ·backwai'ds; So:,d'!. lots:of '\@reeders Tour County Wcdncsday • Ingham 4caH Award Winners Ingham Farmers Get Hog Po1nters Wi!l Have Week at Colle9e 'i'Wf'llly·slx lngl111m boys nnd Sturman, Ononrh1gn; Woslr.y Pill• Uy ~f. Jl, Awry !·hollirl hit VI' IIH' llr>ecll!! tl'etll I l1n tlpltill slclr!, Miller ugJ'er!d glriH will attend Hlrtlo r:l11b wcol1 VCI', Alalllfion LumhoJ•.Indts; Oor· c 1y A,;Tlc•ullu ·nl AgPnl. J l'iippl'rl, shrotild he! c•ust rat Pel awl wllh litis, 111111 1 '111 Midlignn State l'mm ,June 2H nicl llnmllton, Lnhm·tcaiiKi ." that throrc Is mllnly will he l~iainn Frrtlr.rll'll, nnd an oufHIHndlng record, tension office! pnrsculiJI'I. Swltw I'IIIIIPI' niso sllggt•sted llral in re· hlg iHlvanlagl! In wennlng 110 Canna 11; D11nna l!oofl, Vn11town; pnlnled 1111 I VnnSingel. SpeciH!ist Erl MiiiPr, fomwrly of ganl to IH·r•c!rllng, il might Ill' WPII enrly If the sow JH mlllling wroil. ,TI'an i\dc!Py, Happy llltHI!crs; Menls anrl housing for lhc dele. Purdue, InriiHnn, now at Mil'i1igan to hill'!' 2 honrs If 11 farmer has lle snys thnl pigs ll'fl 1111 the sow Dinne l•'ultcuJ, White Dnlq Evel>•n gules will l>c In Shnw hall, E:ve· Stntc colleJ:e, WIIR on llu• Ioiii' to I~() Ill' nHII'I' sr1ws In ll!'eeri nt one If siw Js pt'rHhtdng. 11'1'11 should Jeacl the rilst•usslons. 'i'lu•y 111111' nnrf PilllllJ.(l' boars Pac•h clay, nol hi' r·romnwd hefom •I to .fi Sitnon, RniJy rollfi; .Tulln Olney, nlng pmgrnms In the mtdlloriLtm, Ferris; Glot•in Vnljennno, Com· spP.eial dnsscs, sofllmll and swim· ~~opped first at liw Do11 Wiiii.mts leaving onP IJIHTI' In for· a riny nnd wel'ils. Aho111 a fiwt•c•l\ aVPI'IlgP 1111111!1y; l'aml Howlr,y, When!· ming will be lnciurlcd In lhe 'Jnrm north of Mason WhPI't' Don thPn pulling thr nlhPr' in tlw ser·· mniws il f!Oild lr•nglh of tinw tn 1 fit!ld; 1~1 iwl Pi:runt, Doxtor Trail; program. lR raising Bel'l H11th Ann Kuhr·es, Gunn; Lynette Highlights of the evonlng pro· tho 2·llltPr sysiPITI farrowi11g 11 n•st. Ill! hl'llews this is mom HOW Js lo lit! Jn· •d had< 1• • 1 1 Hll~· Schaad!, Vanlown; Mary .Jane grnrns nre entcrtnlnmenl hy •1·1-1 nrouncl :JI) to 3~ sows 11 .\'Pill'. Don, .rpl to lmlll'P good·slzr•d litters ~:csts llnlers In rPgard to IIH• 1'111'1' 111 Jlllllllry hotiSP whtdl has lll'en fred for IIH• )'IIUllg plgH is r•'osc sel'ie::;. The fut·m is located at 28G N. Clm·k l'oarl, £3 .mil<·s ~._ 11 JOUllg plgH, [[e Sllggt•HIS lit: II ill S!'l lljl With jJI'ns, 'J'IJe SOWS nf ID Will'l'l' I ilC' pigs fll'P, llllSSiiJiy cast of Ma::;on. G • Ad • Auctioneer a few rlitys of nge, evron '" Pa~·t~: larrllwing lirnP an• !Pft In this right l11Hil'l' 1111' IH•al lamp. !If' The 253-acre farm Is used mainly for• wlwat, COI'Il, !Jeans I I Yes vnce us 3 In '' days, 1111' :>'IIUilg p:gs t:rrrowing 1,1at 11nrl drl11k a11d lion, cwn pulling ~onw on thr• IJCionged to Allen's grandfather, .John. Ingham County News g!'l I'X<•r£'1~1' tltt•n put had\ in the tlom· wilen• IIH•y t'illl pld< it 11p Roule 1, !lluson 1 .The Aliens have 2 b~vs, .lack, ~· and .Trn·y, 11. The It's time to dPnn out and tn•at c•rall'. J3PIII't'l'll p J('!J pnlr of III' Sllgj.;c'sls lhitt it is possil1 1' to June 16, 1955 Page 3 1 fanuly attends the Dansville Met hodtst church. ;\lien also ~:t·:tin him; ho[ore storing new r·raiPs liu•n• is 11 he~ suggrsllons l'lwnc Olt-7-!17!1 I lw:rt lamp. Smvs, tlwy sny, near-lll'r sla1C'rl 111111 no~flln~ l':rn hr' , lv alwa\'S liC' with tll!!ir lmck lo done bdrn:o fan·ow;ng 111 l'Pg:trrl from Ray .Jotu•s, Tv1khignn Stnlt' · · to pri'V£•nllng :nwrm:t Ali ml'!rl·· >'mvs Ioo fa 1 a 1 hre<•tllng 1I me htJI college entomologist: Sw<•r•p UJI ------lii'C mt!a>'lll'PS llll!SI liP rlolll' aft­ did sll'C'SS lite importanr•c of lwv­ tcor1cmist§ :md cicnn "'II old grain deposits Scwe a erwtJ­ er tl1e pigs HI'!' fill'!'IJ\\'1'<1. To prP· ln£( tile sows in good liealfil in a ~rl·yartl mrlius of tile hin. I hrifly and gninlng in wc!ghl n' V!!lll nnr•mi11 in youn1~ pi)(S ill' Remove anci dPstroy waste fPcr!~ hn•erling tlrne. Tn IIC'PJl sows frnrn suggests S\l'abbiiJI( Ill' .Sjll'ilyilli~ Fi~u•·e O[j,3f and grain in pou III'.\' li \Vila! and Miller emphasized that -whfroh rates as $20.7:J pC'r yc for1discusslon. Miller bo­ s-uits. The lmnortnnt thing to do · '"'ti•e"' Power Shaft e '"Live" Hi~h-Pressure Powr·Trol • Quick-Chanllc \X' heel Treat! • Efforllcss Steer• lleves t11at cro~s-breeding is very Is to select gilts each· yeat· from iaa • Ultra-Modern Engineering • Grcutcr Convcnicnc~ • Uncxccl!,:d View • Unequalled Two-Cylinde.r worthwhile for gl!tting ·hybrid · Strc~glh and Simplidty, ' the s.ows which prorlUcl! 'I he larg· Sold only by an Authorized Chevrolet Dealer vigor hut that It Is not lmpor·tant est. and thriftiest litters by ear· to gel special breeds from .fancy notching these gilts· before wean· places for this cross-breeding lng time so that the best of thes~ ~A. A. Howlett & Co. progJ'am. He suggf!sts following .a may be se,lected for breeding 2·brecd or· 3-breed cross. For ex· sows. . ample, usl'ng .'the ·present ·brel!d which you have on the farm which posslhly could be Di.troc llten uslng a Berk~,hlre boar first cross and the. next uslng·. ;i Yor!t ·hoil1· ·am.1 •: • t\ ',' >: I ,o t .:·,''• Cnppy Pnlterson, 'fl'rl Sr.yfnrlll, M1·. nnrt M1•s. I·T, 8. Pulvcl' vis· It's ~lroper for Te11· rop Corn· Gtot~e.l's Tell Marvin l'ttiVI!I', MillO nurrie, l'r>IUI' ltL•rl Mr, nne! Mrs. l•'l'Ucl. W~tors Hohlnson, < 'nml Hunt, llt!len Van· 111 .J nd1son ~nlnrrlny ovuniJJg, I' 1\tlrr>n nnd Lynn Dnvlrl. Cows to Belch - ~ec1·et o.f' 200-Bu.shell'ields Get Thirsty JVII'. nnd Mr~. Die]( ,Jndlmun Country & Shnrlt! ll'et•H mny Ill'r!rl ttli tH't'H· LniiT•·•wo lllu·,.wss 1111rl Hllll, und fnrnlly vlsiiPrl M1•, ond Mrn, ~lonul rlrlnl< of Wltlr!)' rlurlng tho l.arr~·. wo111 to l'n•lty lnlw nout• t•;dwnl'rl 1\t'llff In Mu~mn Sttndny, And Hea'lthy, Too hot rh•y purl of Blllllllll!l', Young Hrnntls to ht•lp Mr. 11111! Mi·,;, l•'l't•d lilt'. 111111 Mrs. Gol'lll' luol< p:1rl. S, f'IIIVrH' ~11111111)' nfl~•J'f'.iSf'.'i \l'l'I'P swildu•tl .lu i\lhh•f.it~ fipld. 'l'lw thmugh hlonl. lt!l' slwulrl !11• upp!iPr! slowly lo,------I!IIUI uiJ!,ltt. wiUt its at'lt·r-rain l'n·~hllf'Hl'i :uidf\d lu Ute Hot'!! nl'o· somo blont lips fmm nwlston tlw soil to 1 he r!t•pt h t h11l Ingham County News · , , 1 1 1 · 1 1uw dull·ymert, vt•tot·lnurlmts and nu· lhe ruots I!Xlt!llll. 'l'hls nH•ans June 16, 19 55 Page illllll'f'HHI\'1~ l!f'l'f'lllllll)'. I ht• I'll II 1' · IIJI ,jiiH' 1 " tl'itlrmlsls at Michigan Slut£! col· 4 I letllng llw hosP or· spr•lniAI~ mencPnl!!lll. spt•lllJtnl!c. population on tho · Sunday. '1'1111111 hy - lll'lllllt' cancellation of the I 't'l'sl Jylt!l'inn Sunday :-;l·lwol ptmw sched­ left side in hack of the rlhs lo I 35 to 40 Inches; 4-A'II growers vnrtous ~lcl,ds rnng';d :ro;n 10,000 Mr. nnr!. M1·s. II. L. Vrs pediMrecd hybrids. tal~· I V ' ,. I f Jc;~~-Siul'l' mm ,J A ctm'J' (lr•nrlcll of <1 cupful of kemsene I used !ugh ..analysrs .row 01' "It will pay corn growers ·,cv. 01111 Mrs. · I', •:.Ill lit 0 StniH•r• ~ starter fertilizer varymg from Hull vlsltud Mr. and Mrs. ,1. Uunt COLON IGI, ,Ji\CIHIOUN 'J'all pPopiP a•·•· liltll'l'ed at tlle dull pl'intel''s sit." • •; Ell Camphl'll may he l'tli'Cl'll to ~o wes~ to con­ thllw Iris h:U'hl'l' Imsin••ss. His oJ•charll ol lll':tlljl;e and ~r·atll'fJ·uit h'f'l'S is cr·uwflinp; him out of his 1\Ju­ sou shop. Ed has 2 OJ':mp;e h·pns whnst~ h••:mch1•s any hang )wavy with luscious fruit :uul a grapefruit tJ•ee job with I'JJough fruit l'ur a No. 2 IHIDcir ~lass. It's one ol' Uw lal'~l'st eilrus Ol't~hartls in 1\lichigan. with the most advanced Custom Rates truck features thA Are Set Fon·th J[ fat'tnl'l'S wan! :1 guide on how industry has ever seen! mtreh to pay for c11stom work, they can gt~l an idea from :1 folder ret·t•nlly writlt'll ll,v K M. El\\'nod, Mif'iliJ!,IIIl Stair• •·•dk.c~r> farm l'l'llllllllliSI. '!'ill' foldl'r, "Rules F'ot· C'llslom Work in Michigan. -IH:i·l, l!l:i:i," i~ II Vail· able [rurn llle t·uutrly :•xlen~iu11 office iclltl !Ill' llu!lt'iin offil'l' al Miehignn Slilll' t•ollt•gr. 1 In !tis fo!dr•r, J•:lwoorl I'L'JH!I'It•rll lhal the going rail' for fil'irl hal· lng Is a diml' 11 hall' 11nd fielrl chopping of grass silagr• is $12.:1111 pel' aere. Sug~1r IH 1PI groWPI'S (:an 1 look fotwai'rl In pnying $1:, In !p:~:; 1 per aCI'l' for gt•llin~~ tln•ir IH•t•h; harvesled, Halt'S ror aiii111Sl ,•vc•r.v type of t•usltnn Wlll'k lll'f' illl·lnr!r·rl In tlw fllld(•t-.- About CJill•·fourlh uf lhe annual crop of oranges in Unill'd Sialt•s (abnul •l,[Hlii,Oflll lollS) is sold as r.anncli or frozen juir·t•. Middle ngetl }>l!oplt• l'illl rr•nH'Illhr•l' whr•:t m·angPs werl' a luxut·y, unlward of CXI'C'Jll al Christmas li111e. Oranges an• nalivcs of Asia, anrl Columhus hmught llrr• fit•si sel'tls over in 14!13, on !lis st••·oml 1rip, nncl·.tile new tt·r·u spread In Flor·kla quir·kly ar.d soon n•ver·led to the wild stall'. One• grove of' ...... ·' Only new Chevrolet Trucks bring·· .... · .. ·,, ~vjiq: tn·e~. w.a.~" 4f\ 11~i[a•s io.l!Jg ., , ''FI>~· r.:lV· PliAKi?" -hSmnll W•Jfl.aw ~'riisd~lit&t·t'<-1 fl~r \v'I1Itr- 111f'Jiln ·+ 11oy''ho]1:!ftill~ .'·':[!'lei;~~ o::; Huns you the shortest stroke V8's in ·anrleading. . .of the road! There's more glass area modern · 12-volt electrical system­ 17G;I, Gruhn, muntclpnt · plnnt doc- The new Cameo Carrior. Long all around. A new glass-guard mold- double the voltngc for quicker, and low, with smooth, fleet lines, tor'' of Franldtt!'l, Gcrrnany, ing' completely surrounds the side dingnose;; ailment of the Joel's truck and today's most advanced sixes- . .• surer starting and more cflicient here's tllp Cuslom pickup that may . Malathion is an £!ffectivc in· . · · ·· w,ind()WS, reducing possibility of favorite plunt. ~~~ mony 03 100 spark jlltrg firing. well create a whole new class of sectlcitlc for use on bam wnlls or· breakage, A wide-view rear wimlow pcr·H1~1~; bl'in!l ~ilina vcgetr~tion plus all these truly modern features! tmck owners! as a fly bait, say Miehig:1n Stnle to hi:; n:·brcr~lli~1 cl:lilJ', where . • • • • • • .. • • . is available as an extra-cost option. Tubeless tires standard on %­ college researeh entomologists. 1 the fcfth-gent·;·atiun horlicul­ They're the marks of a modern: truck,. and·· ton models. Pickups, p:tnels, Sub­ tmict l'll!Jducl~ hi': "l'linic.'' e I I I I I I. I - ' Fresh air.in all kinds of weather. urban Carry-alls-all moucls in the With Chevrolet's new High-Level !/;!-ton clnss now come wilh new they out-date any make without them i ventilating system, air is drawn in tubeless tires. Hem's greater pro­ Fe1·tiHz•~d Pasture / through louvers at cowl level. That tection against blowouts. And they're the moneymaking, moneysaving means· air is conslanlly circulated Cuts Feed Bills through the cab, regardless of dis­ Every Power Helper in the book. And the flnal touch. Color! New advantages that ask this question: Can you · agreeable· weather conditions. Power IJmkes arc standard equip­ colors and two-tone combinations EGG-MAKI~dii 1 Ups Hog Pa·ofits ment on 2-ton models, an extra­ aud the final styling !ouch to these YALUE really alford not to make your next new great new trucks. Your selection is . ASTURE con be one of .the cost oplion on all others. The new Pbest farm money • makers - handling case oE Powei Sieerinfl, wider than ever before. Choose OF FARM GRAINS when you have high yielding truck a Chevrolet? Judge for yourself! the color or combinalion that best stands and you rnol\e full .use calls attenlion to your business. of them, repot·ts the Middle That way you'll be taking full ad­ West Sot! lmpt·ovement Com· Beginning ~lth Work-Styling, Ride Custom cab features the extra vantage of the advertising value of mit tee. an entirely 11ew development The committee points out that comfort of a foam rubber cushion your new Task-Force mo.llcl. good pasture is the most eco­ in truck design. For the first time . and harmonizing two-tone inside. nomical sour,ce of feed for live· · in any line of trucks, Chevrolet Outside, bright metal moldings and One final word. When the time stocl<. High quality pasture can brings you two styiing treatments new two-tone color options. Both comes to trade in '55 models, lhe produce up to 100 pounds of total man without a really modern !ruck -one for light· and medium-duty the De Luxe and the Custom cabs digest! ble nutrients for about 7.5 stands to take a good-sized loss. models, another for heavy-duty set whole new standards for. com· cents, furm economists say. Come in and sec us soon. WAYNE Missouri livestoc.k specialists jobs! Styling that's matched to the fort and convenience •. High-Voltage power:.. V8 or 6. repor·t that savings on feed of model and the job. another extra-cost option, cuts $3 per hog can be made when The new lineup of Chevi'O!et truck . turning effort up to 80%. There's POULTRY hogs are fed on high quality engines includes the sllortest stroke Chev~olet new gas-saving Overdrive, as an Year after Year: pustut·e:· VS's . in any lending truck, and extra-cost option on !-2-ton models G. E. Smith, Missouri agt·on­ America's best selling truck I 'MIXER omist, reports that beef produc­ most advanced sixes. A II have a ••• and truck Hydrn-Matic. -with your grain tion has been boosted from less thnn 100 pounds to more than gives tho added 500 P9Uilds per acre by pasture feed power­ You get the. most modern trucks- money can buy in improvement praCtices includ­ ' .•...•...... ' ' . needed for egg ing the use of fertilizer in some profits. It's tho Midwcslcm demonstrations. · :Whether the pnstlirc, stand is smart way to keep good or bad, says :the commit­ feed costs low tee, · depends largely on three The .lateit. hi cab· comfort and • .Chevrolet's~ '. ~· • .; t New• • ' • • • . . and feeding ro­ . factors: !-The soil's fertility safety. l11side 'you :can count on. sults high. Ask for level; 2-Thc use of well-adapt­ the same ultra-modern touch~softer ed legume grass mixtures; 3- Mixing Guido, Good gl':lzing .mnnagoment. sent action that reduces driver fn· "The presence or absence of tigue: and more. dur,nble construe·· plant nutrients is especially lin­ Lion throughout. T~e new Flite· portant,".. says the committee. "When the soil is well ·supplied with· nitrogen, phosphate nnd : po1ash, you no,t only get higher yield~, •,but· mo1·e. protein as,. .:.well."'. · · -· Public Hearing on Ame ens to iedon T nsh1p Zoning Ordman(e

WED SDAY, JllNI~ 29, 11) E1 •ht 11 m

AL IEDON 1'0 N I IL (Co r llf ll t OJtd till Okem11s 1\lttson Ro I) Ju 16, 1955 nge 6

mendments to M at Regulations (/ --9 I Noti es C llptm 1 - Ingh un County Sr1n 1y Corle Arlo ted by II lith Comml1 tee 1y 20, !l15 N