The Arkansas Traveler
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THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER Vol. 60 UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS - FRIDAY OCTOBER 1, 1965 No.10 fall Semester New Staff, Faculty Honored At Reception Blood Campaign New University of Arkansas fac Receiving the guests with Pres hour (7:30 to 8:30 p.m.) and Dean neering; Leon J. Apt, assistant ulty and staff members were hon ident and Mrs. Mullins were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruh coordinat professor of history: Robert S. ored by Dr. and Mrs. David W. and Mrs. John W. White, Mr. and ed the second hour (8: 30 to 9: 30 Bobcock, assistant professor of Opens Oct. 12 Mullins at the annual president's Mrs. Paul Young, Mr. and Mrs. p.m.> chemical engineering; Joseph N. reception Thursday evening (Sept. James Pomfret, and Mr. and Mrs. New faculfy and staff members Beasley, professor of animal scien A group of campus organiza 30) at Hotz Hall, a recently con James W. Green Jr. included: D. Fenton Adams, pro ces. tion presidents made plans structed women's residence hall Dean and Mrs. George Branigan fessor of law at LiUle Rock: Wil James Richard Bennett, assistant Wednesday for the fall semester on the Fayetteville campus. served as coordinators the first liam H. Adkins, instructor in engi- professor of English; John L. Ber Bloodmobile campaign. Red Cross ton, associate professor of general Claud Prewitt, president of Circle business; Robert Andrew Bonnard, K, chairman of the was elected assistant p rofessor of speech and Campus Blood Drive. He appoint dramatic art; George Russell ed the :following as committee Brower, assistant professor of civil for the October 12, 13, chairman engineering. 14, visit. D onald Eugene Bumpass, assist Organized Living Women's ant professor of general educa Yancey, AWS presi Groups: Beth tion; Richard Boyd Bullock, in dent. structor in geography; J. W. Car Men's Residence Halls: Lamar michael, assistant professor of Pettus, MIHC president. chemistry; Glen Virgil Cochran, Fraternities: Chris Brazil. Circle assistant professor of education ad K Bloodmobile Co-chairman. ministration; Ruth Ann Cohoon, Army and Air Force ROTC: instructor in physical education. Gary Moore, Arnold Air Society Mary Evelyn Cotton; assistant Commander. professor of home economics; Lau rence Anthony Dominick, assistant Publicity: Rosemary Raymond, professor of foreign languages; OCW president. Mark J. Doyle, instructor of for Registration: Jacque Wilson, eign languages: William A. Drew Angel Flight Commander; Mike ry, assistant professor of civil engi Fairhead, Circle K vice-president. neering. Loading and Unloading: Ben Donald E. Farmer, assistant pro Reagor, Circle K Bloodmobile Co fessor of general education; John chairman. Formby, assistant professor of A meeting of the campus liv RECEIVING LINE A WAITS honored guests, the new UA faculty, at formal reception in Hotz residence finance; Morton Gitelman, asso ing grou representatives will be hall living room last night. Staff Photo· - Barkley ciate professor of law; Orville held Monday, Sept. 4, at 4 p.m., Jeff Harris Jr., assistant professor in the Student Union, to dis of management; Nancy Jane tribute materials and information. Haynes, assistant professor of The presidents of living groups speech and dramatic art. will be notified of this meeting by J. Roger Howe, associate pro the Division of Student Affairs. fessor of general education; Lee United Press International white jury acquitted a special into Pakistani territory. But it said Eldridge Huddleston, instructor in WASHINGT ON-Congress gave deputy of a civil right slaying about 3,000 remain of the original history; Kenneth D. Hughes, in final approval Thursday to Presi Thursday but Alabama's out force that India claims infiltrated structor in general education; dent Johnson's immigration reform raged attorney general said he into Indian Kashmir Aug. 5, Barbara A. Hulbert, instructor in 18 Named As bill and sent it to the White House. isn't through with the case yet. touching off the undeclared war speech and dramatic art. It abolishes the long-used nation Atty. Gen. Richmond Flowers between India and Pakistan. See MULLINS page 2 al origins system, but puts a limit said the acquittal of 52-year-old Angel finalists on Western Hemisphere immigra Tom Coleman represented the tion. "democratic process going down Yesterday Angel Flight an The House passed the bill, a the drain of irrationality, bigotry Nine Sunday Night Films nounced 18 finalists. compromise between House and and improper enforcement of the Monday night at 7 :30 all final Senate versions, by a vote of 320 law." applicants will be in their re to 69. Hardly more than half an Coleman was charged with fi.rst spective house. Arnold Air Soci hour later the Senate approved the degree manslaughter in the Aug. Slated By Fine Arts Society ety and Angel Flight will then meaure by voice vote. 20 shotgun slaying of Jonathan visit eight of the 18 finalists. The compromise bill had strong Daniels, 26, a white Episcopal "She Done Him Wrong," star he said, "and we are ordering The finalists are: Jane Bell, Pi bipartisan support, but brief House seminary student from Keene, ring Mae West, and "A Child's films from around the world to Phi; Judy Baldridge, Chi O; Norma debate was not free of controversy. N.H. Christmas in Wales," with Dylon give variety." Professor Richard Agnew, Sigma Kappa; Donna Co Rep. J acob Gilbert, D-N.Y., Knowles and Dr. Benjamin Thomas, will be presented Sunday zort, Zeta; Susie Gough, Tri Delta; charged that the House had capit DEFENSE MINISTER Kimple are the faculty members INDIAN night in the fine arts auditorium Valita Goza, Zeta; Rosalind Holt, ulated to the Senate in agreeing REPORTS RETREAT of the committee. by the Film Arts Society. Show Futrall. to a limit on Western Hemisphere The Indian De Season tickets for the films are NEW DELHI - times are 6: 30 and 8: 30. Suzie Irby, Kappa; Kathy Ken immigration. fense Ministry r eported Wednes $2 and door admission is 75¢. dall, Chi Omega; Mike Myers, Fut He depicted this provision as day night that Pakistani infiltra According to Mickey Cottrell, Other films to be presented are: rall; P eggy Lewis, Pi Phi; Kim "poking a finger in the eye" of tors are retreating from Indian chairman of the society, "The nine "Winter Lights" and "The Critic," Robertson, P i Phi; Mary Kay Slav Latin America. held Kashmir, burning bridges and Sunday night films are part of an Oct. 24; "Ashes and Diamonds," en; Chi O; Sally Trammell, Fut houses as they withdraw. attempt to bring better Enter Nov. 21; "Playboy of the Western rall; Karen Waldrip, Carnall; Kay COLEMAN ACQUITTED The ministry said about 1,000 tainment to Fayetteville." World," Dec. 12; "The World of Works, DG; Ellen Ann Ragsdale, BY ALL-WHITE JURY of the Moslem infiltrators had "We want the students to see Apu," Jan. 9; and ''David and Pi P hi; and Jan Harris, Kappa. HAYNEVILLE, Ala. - An all- slipped back across the borders movies as another form of art," Lisa" and "The Squeeze," Jan. 16. Dean Halladay 'Out Of Class Campus Community' Is His Concern By RUSSELL WILLIAMS scope and function of an institu "Business and industry are be Many students have gotten dizzy tion of higher education," said ginning to demand more and more after reading University rules and Halladay. liberal arts graduates for admin regulations, discouraged w i th The D ean of Students' office pro istrative positions," he said. hopeless class schedules or lost in vides an insight to the man that "Employers want an educational the wilderness of college life. occupies it. A cluster of small program that provides the students Dr. D. Whitney Halladay, Dean American flags on the east side of with a broad, generalized back of Students, deals with students the room recalls that he partici ground with specilization at the and their problems every day and pated in World War II and the senior and graduate levels. admits that he actually enjoys it! Korean War, earning a Silver Star, "Secondly, American education onze Star, a Medal of Com depends on a healthy relationship With a ready smile Dean Halla a Br between the student and the ad day attempts to smooth over mis mendation and the Purple Heart. now serves as a Lt. Col. in the ministration. Too often, students understandings between the Uni He Army Reserve. view the administration as labor versity and students and to co The only indication of his active views management. Only through ordinate the various activities of in sports is a small trophy the cooperation of both the student the Division of Student Affairs. interest on his desk and his own trim and the institution can progress be "My main job is to create and to physical condition. Above all, one made in education." foster a proper educational atmos is impressed by the serene, cheer The telephone rang and Dean phere in the out-of-class campus ful and scholarly atmosphere that Halladay moved quickly to answer community," De an Halladay is typical of the room of a compe it. After finishing his conversation, stated. tent educator. he commented with a laugh, 'That He feels that the educational From bis personal experience in thing must ring 700 times a day." atmosphere on the campus changes the California and New York edu "I want to point out one thing," from year to year as student stand cational systems and in visiting Dean Halladay said with concern." ards develop and mature. campuses all over the U.S., Dean Students must remember that the DR. D. WHITNEY HALLADAY, Dean of Students, deals with students "Our concern is the preserva- Halladay has learned some basic pursuit of academic achievement and their problems every day and admits that he actually enjoys it.