HORTSCIENCE 40(5):1469–1473. 2005. increased number of and genotypes for study that will grow and mature more rapidly than propagules from seed. When hemlock Vegetative Propagation of Mature host resistance is understood, the availability of rooted cutting technology will accelerate Eastern and Carolina Hemlocks by the breeding and deployment of resistant trees to areas devastated by HWA. While grafting Rooted Softwood Cuttings would offer similar opportunities and benefi ts for the vegetative propagation of hemlocks, Robert M. Jetton,1 John Frampton,2 and Fred P. Hain3 rooted cuttings are a more cost effective and State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 less time consuming technique. Currently, there is a body of information Additional index words NAA, cutting length, canadensis, Tsuga caroliniana concerning the propagation of semi-dormant Abstract. This study tested the effects of cutting length and auxin (NAA) concentration and dormant hardwood stem cuttings from east- on adventitious root formation in softwood stem cuttings from mature eastern hemlock, ern, western, and carolina hemlocks (Doran, (L.) Carr., and carolina hemlock, T. caroliniana Engelm. Overall rooting 1952; Flint and Jesinger, 1971; Fordham, 1971; percentage (41%) and percent mortality (22%) were higher for eastern hemlock compared Mitsch, 1975; Packee, 1991; Swartley, 1984; with carolina hemlock (10% rooting and 13% mortality). Rooting percentage of each del Tredici, 1985; Waxman, 1985; Wigmore and Woods, 2000). However, there is relatively species responded differently to varying auxin concentrations (0, 1, 2, 4, 8 mM NAA). little known about the cultural techniques, Maximum rooting (56%) for eastern hemlock occurred at 0 mM NAA; then decreased with increasing auxin concentration. Carolina hemlock rooting percentage increased specifi cally auxin concentrations, necessary for the successful rooting of softwood cuttings from the control to a maximum (16%) at 1 mM NAA; then decreased with increasing auxin concentration. For both species, the lowest mortality occurred at the same auxin from these species. While indole-3butyric concentration as maximum rooting. The highest rates of mortality coincided with the acid (IBA) or IBA plus 1-naphthalenacetic same concentrations as the lowest rooting percentages. At all auxin concentrations, eastern acid (NAA) are more commonly used to root hemlock had a higher number of roots and greater total root length relative to carolina stem cuttings, NAA alone is effective hemlock. Mortality among 6-cm stem cuttings was twice that observed for 3-cm cuttings in promoting adventitious root formation in a of both species. However, 6-cm cuttings of eastern hemlock that did form adventitious number of species, including eastern hemlock, roots had more roots and longer total root length compared with 3-cm cuttings. Chemical loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), eastern white name used: 1-naphthalenacetic acid. pine (Pinus strobus L.), and fraser fi r (Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir) (Diaz-Sala et al., 1996; Doran, 1952; Goldfarb et al., 1998a, 1998b; Recent interest in the vegetative propaga- The development of techniques for the Rosier, 2003). Therefore, the objective of this tion of hemlock (Tsuga spp.) by rooted cuttings vegetative propagation of eastern and carolina study was to test the effects of cutting length arises primarily from the threat posed by the hemlock, as well as other Tsuga spp., will be and NAA concentration on adventitious root (HWA), Adelges of great utility to current and future effort in formation in softwood stem cuttings of eastern tsugae Annand (Homoptera: Adelgidae), HWA control and research. Current biological and carolina hemlock. on two species: eastern hemlock, Tsuga ca- control programs depend on fi eld collection of nadensis (L.) Carr, and carolina hemlock, T. HWA infested hemlock branches, often from Materials and Methods caroliniana Engelm. The adelgid is an exotic remote sites, for the mass rearing of adelgid pest with the potential to cause the extinction predators and this has been recognized as a material. Eastern hemlock stem of both species. First reported and described by major limitation to production (Cheah et al., cuttings were collected from trees growing Annand (1924) in the Pacifi c Northwest from 2004; Palmer and Sheppard, 2002). The ability along 15 miles (mile posts 261 to 275) of the specimens collected on western hemlock, T. to root cuttings from these species will allow Blue Ridge Parkway in Ashe County, N.C. heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., this pest is believed for relatively small fi eld collections that can Carolina hemlock stem cuttings were collected to have originated in Asia (McClure 1987; be vegetatively multiplied and infested with from trees growing beside the South Toe River Takahashi 1937). Introduced into the eastern HWA to provide an ample, easily assessable, at the Carolina Hemlocks Recreation Area () on imported nursery and local source of host material for predator (Pisgah National Forest) in Yancey County, stock in the early 1950s, HWA had spread rearing. Given the low seed viability for both N.C. Softwood cuttings were harvested from into natural stands by the 1980s. The adelgid species (<25%), vegetative propagation via primary branch tips in the lower crown on 24 has since caused widespread mortality of both rooted cuttings could also be used in addition and 25 June 2002. Six cuttings were taken from eastern and carolina hemlock throughout 13 to seed collection for current gene conserva- each of about 120 trees per species. Follow- eastern states, killing trees in as little as 4 years tion efforts for eastern and carolina hemlock ing collection, each cutting was immediately (McClure et al., 2001). (Godman and Lancaster, 1991; Romero et al., wrapped in a moistened paper towel and placed 2000; Staniforth, 2001). This technology will on ice. Cuttings were transported to Raleigh, Received for publication 10 Jan. 2005. Accepted for also benefi t those who propagate, breed, and N.C., on 26 June 2002 and stored at 4 °C until publication 24 Feb. 2005. The authors would like to sell the 80-plus eastern and carolina hemlock used in the rooting trial. thank the following individuals for their assistance ornamental cultivars (Ouden and Boom 1982; with this project. We thank Anthony Lebude and Rooting trial treatments and experimental Christopher Rosier for their advice on experimental Swartley 1984). design. The rooting trial tested the effects of design and greenhouse management; Barry Goldfarb, Future efforts to understand hemlock host the two cutting lengths (3 and 6 cm) and fi ve Steve McKeand, and Eric Hinesley for reviews of resistance against HWA will benefi t from concentrations of NAA (0, 1, 2, 4, 8 mM). earlier versions of this manuscript; Kenneth Dobyns, this technology as well. Although HWA can Beginning with a stock solution of 8 mM NAA, Jody Andrews, and Jennifer Emerson for technical kill hemlocks in as little as 4 years, there are each auxin concentration was prepared by serial assistance. This work was funded, in part, through a some trees that have survived infestation for dilution into a 50% isopropyl alcohol-deionized cooperative agreement with the USDA Forest Service nearly 20 years. At this time it is unclear if water solution. The control (0 mM NAA) con- Forest Health Protection–Region 8. 1 this is a result of site conditions or moder- sisted of the 50% isopropyl alcohol-deionized Graduate research assistant, Department of En- ate levels of host resistance (McClure et al., tomology, Campus Box 7626, Grinnells Lab. To water solution. The prepared auxin solutions whom reprint requests should be addressed; e-mail 2001; Souto et al., 1996). The ability to root were placed into opaque bottles and stored at 4 [email protected]. stem cuttings from these surviving hemlocks °C until used the same day. On 28 June 2002, 2Associate professor, Department of Forestry. will be an important tool for determining the the stem cuttings were recut from the base to 3Professor, Department of Entomology. basis of this prolonged survival, providing an either 3 or 6 cm, and auxin was applied by a 3


AAugustBook.indbugustBook.indb 11469469 66/14/05/14/05 112:24:272:24:27 PPMM Table 1. Analysis of variance for traits assessed in a rooting trial of eastern and carolina hemlock softwood mortality, number of primary roots, and total stem cuttings collected from mature trees. F values with indicated level of signifi cance are given for length of primary roots were all signifi cantly each trait. affected by the main effect of species (Table Primary Total length of 1). Overall, eastern hemlock softwood stem Source of Rooting Mortality roots primary roots cuttings rooted at a higher rate (41%) than variation dfz (%) (%) (no.) (cm) those of carolina hemlock (10%). While this Block 7 0.99NS 2.26* 2.45* 1.54NS result might indicate some inherent difference Species 1 161.01*** 9.33** 16.59*** 20.90*** in rooting capacity between these two species, ACy 4 12.33*** 8.36*** 6.07*** 2.05NS *** NS NS NS our study was not designed to investigate this Species × AC 4 5.73 0.48 1.68 1.06 possibility. Additional explanations for dif- CLx 1 1.14NS 21.11*** 21.53*** 32.28*** Species × CL 1 2.21NS 0.83NS 4.81* 23.50*** ferential rooting between eastern and carolina AC × CL 4 0.6NS 1.81NS 2.09NS 1.35NS hemlock include variation in stock plant age Species × AC × CL 4 1.17NS 0.96NS 0.03NS 1.34NS and site type. Both species occur on nutrient zDegrees of freedom. poor soils, but eastern hemlock sites are typifi ed yAuxin concentration. by very moist, well-drained soils and carolina xCutting length. hemlock sites by very dry, rocky soils (Godman NS,*,**,***Nonsignifi cant or signifi cant at P ≤ 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively. and Lancaster 1990, Rentch et al. 2000). This difference in soil moisture availability could Table 2. Analysis of variance for traits assessed individually for species in a rooting trial of eastern and have affected the water status of stem cuttings at carolina hemlock softwood stem cuttings collected from mature trees. F values with indicated level of the time of collection and may at least partially signifi cance are given for each trait. account for the observed differences in stem Primary Total length of cutting rooting rates. Source of Rooting Mortality roots primary roots Overall mortality among softwood stem variation dfz (%) (%) (no.) (cm) cuttings was 22% for eastern hemlock and Eastern hemlock 13% for carolina hemlock. In total, 37% of Block 7 0.81NS 1.49NS 2.08NS 1.21NS y *** * * ** eastern hemlock stem cuttings and 77% of AC 4 10.40 3.58 3.28 4.09 carolina hemlock stem cuttings that did not CLx 1 2.06NS 13.09*** 41.91*** 95.24*** AC × CL 4 0.60NS 0.94NS 1.78NS 3.35* root were alive at the end of the 6-month trial. Carolina hemlock This indicates that carolina hemlock softwood Block 7 1.19NS 3.07** 1.16NS 0.50NS stem cuttings might require more time or altered AC 4 3.66** 6.22*** 6.12** 0.60NS cultural conditions to root at rates equivalent CL 1 0.20NS 8.98** 1.66NS 0.63NS to eastern hemlock. AC × CL 4 1.88NS 2.23NS 0.77NS 0.11NS The number of primary roots and total zDegrees of freedom. primary root length among eastern hemlock yAuxin concentration. stem cuttings were 2.6 roots per cutting and xCutting length. 8.6 cm, respectively, while these variables were NS,*,**,*** Nonsignifi cant or signifi cant at P ≤ 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively. nonestimable for carolina hemlock. The nonesti- mable means in the analysis were a result of the s dip of the basal 1 cm. Cuttings were allowed to the relative humidity within the greenhouse extremely low overall rooting percentage among to air dry for 15 min before being inserted to using a Grower Junior (McConkey Co., Mt. carolina hemlock stem cuttings, particularly in a depth of 2 cm into a rooting medium con- Puyallup, Wash.) overhead boom irrigation the 8 mM NAA treatments (3%). sisting of 3 horticultural perlite : 2 peat (v/v). system. Mist delivery rate was held constant Effect of cutting length on adventitious Cuttings were rooted individually in 164-mL at 61 mL·m–2 from 28 June 2002 through 31 root formation. Percent mortality, number of Ray Leach SC-10 Super Cells (Stuewe & Sons, Aug. 2002 and 53 mL·m–2 from 1 Sept. 2002 primary roots, and total length of primary roots Inc., Corvallis, Ore.). through 28 Dec. 2002. were all signifi cantly affected by the main effect The experiment was a randomized complete Statistical analysis. Analysis of variance of cutting length (Table 1). Signifi cant interac- block design with eight blocks, each containing was performed using the General Linear Model tions between species and cutting length were 20 treatment combinations with eight cuttings procedure (PROC GLM) of SAS version 8.1 detected for number of primary roots and total per treatment for a total 1280 cuttings. The (SAS Institute, 1999). The main effects of length of primary roots (Table 1). There was no entire study was surrounded by a row of border block, species, auxin concentration, cutting effect of cutting length on rooting percentage cuttings. The rooting trial lasted 24 weeks (28 length, and all two- and three-way interac- for either species (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 1a). June 2002 to 28 Dec. 2002) after which root- tions other than those including block were Mortality among larger cuttings of both eastern ing percentage and percent mortality among tested for all rooting traits assessed (Table 1). and carolina hemlock was twice that observed all cuttings as well as the number of primary Also tested were the main effects of block, among smaller cuttings, with overall mortality roots and total length of primary roots (cm) auxin concentration, cutting length, and the of 24% among 6-cm cuttings compared with among rooted cuttings were recorded. The interaction between auxin concentration and 11% among 3-cm cuttings (Fig. 1b). Increased experiment was not repeated in time. cutting length on rooting traits assessed for mortality among 6-cm cuttings may be attribut- Rooting environment. The rooting trial was each species individually (Table 2). The vari- able to a greater exposed length (4 cm) above conducted in a clear polyethylene-covered ables rooting percentage and percent mortal- the soil compared with 3-cm cuttings (1 cm). greenhouse located at the N.C. State University ity were transformed using the arcsine of the Cuttings with greater exposed length have more Horticultural Field Laboratory, Raleigh. Cut- square root to increase homogeneity among above-soil area that may be subjected to tings were rooted under natural photoperiod treatment variances. Differences between the higher rates of transpirational stress. Such stress and irradiance, except for the summer period transformed and nontransformed data were may have caused mortality directly through (28 June 2002 through August 2002) when negligible; therefore, all results presented are desiccation or indirectly through the inhibition irradiance was reduced 60% by placing shade based on nontransformed data. All means are of adventitious root formation. cloth on the greenhouse. Heating and cooling reported as least squares means. Signifi cant interactions between species systems maintained the daily air temperature and cutting length for the mean number of between 23 and 26 °C and the night temperature Results and Discussion primary roots and mean length of primary roots between 20 and 23 °C for the duration of the were detected. Due to the extremely low root- rooting trial. Cuttings were maintained under Effect of hemlock species on adventitious ing percentage for 3-cm carolina hemlock stem intermittent mist at a frequency varied inversely root formation. Rooting percentage, percent cuttings the means were nonestimable (Fig. 1c


AAugustBook.indbugustBook.indb 11470470 66/14/05/14/05 112:24:312:24:31 PPMM Fig. 1. Effect cutting length on (A) rooting percentage, (B) percent mortality, (C) number of primary roots, and (D) total length of primary roots of eastern and carolina hemlock softwood stem cuttings. The number of primary roots and total root length of 3 cm carolina hemlock cuttings were nonestimable. Cutting length: 3 cm (■), 6 cm (❑).

and d). Therefore, the following discussion of tious root formation. Rooting percentage, Overall, mortality decreased from 13% at cutting length and its effects on root number percent mortality, and number of primary 0 mM NAA to 11% at 2 mM NAA and then and length will focus on results for eastern roots were all signifi cantly affected by the increased with increasing auxin concentration hemlock only. main effect of auxin concentration with a sig- to a high of 32% at 8 mM NAA. The number The number of primary roots and total nifi cant interaction between species and auxin of roots per cutting increased with increasing length of primary roots among eastern hemlock concentration detected for rooting percentage auxin concentration from 1.5 at 0 mM NAA softwood stem cuttings were signifi cantly af- (Table 1). The application of exogenous auxin to 2.5 at 4 mM NAA. The number of primary fected by cutting length (Table 2), with fewer is often an effective and, sometimes, necessary roots at 8 mM NAA was nonestimable for both (2.0) and shorter (5.1 cm) roots formed on 3-cm treatment for promoting adventitious root the overall analysis and carolina hemlock. The cuttings compared with 6-cm cuttings (3.5 and formation in conifer stem cuttings (Hinesley mortality and root number responses of the 12.3 cm) (Fig. 1c and d). Similar responses and Blazich, 1981). This benefi cial effect of individual species to auxin concentration are have been reported for stem cuttings of both auxin treatment was detected for softwood shown in Fig. 2b and c. sweetgum, Liquidambar styracifl ua L., and stem cuttings of carolina hemlock. Rooting The total primary root length for eastern fraser fi r where longer cuttings or cuttings of was signifi cantly affected by auxin concen- hemlock softwood stem cuttings was signifi - greater diameter produced more roots than tration (Table 2) increasing from 8% for the cantly affected by auxin concentration (Table shorter or thinner cuttings (Miller et al., 1982; control to a maximum of 16% at 1 mM NAA 2). The longest average root length of 10.8 Rieckermann et al., 1999). While greater above then subsequently decreasing with increasing cm occurred at 2 mM NAA decreasing with ground leaf surface area may lead to greater auxin concentration to 4% at 8 mM NAA (Fig. decreasing and increasing auxin concentration transpirational stress and subsequent mortality, 2a). It appears, however, that exogenous auxin to 7.2 cm and 7.0 cm at 0 mM NAA and 8 mM it may also benefi t cuttings that successfully treatments lack any benefi t for rooting in eastern NAA, respectively (Fig. 2d). The effect of root providing a larger pool of photosynthetic hemlock softwood stem cuttings. Rooting was NAA concentration on root length of carolina resources for root formation. Cuttings of larger signifi cantly affected by auxin concentration hemlock softwood stem cuttings (Fig. 2d) size and greater length may also have greater (Table 2) with a maximum of 56% occurring was not signifi cant (P = 0.66, Table 2). The levels of stored carbohydrates for root growth at 0 mM NAA followed by a decrease with number of primary roots at 8 mM NAA was (Rieckermann et al., 1999). increasing auxin concentration to a low of nonestimable among carolina hemlock owing Effect of auxin concentration on adventi- 19% at 8 mM NAA (Fig. 2a). to the overall low rooting percentage.


AAugustBook.indbugustBook.indb 11471471 66/14/05/14/05 112:24:332:24:33 PPMM Fig. 2. Effect of NAA concentration on (A) rooting percentage, (B) percent mortality, (C) number of primary roots, and (D) total length of primary roots of eastern (____) and carolina (----) hemlock softwood stem cuttings. The number of primary roots and total root length of carolina hemlock cuttings at 8 mM NAA were nonestimable.

and their propagation. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Conclusion very little auxin is required to root softwood Soc. 21:470-475. cuttings from this species. The high survival Godman, R.M. and K. Lancaster. 1991. Tsuga ca- To date, there has been no direct experi- rate among carolina hemlock cuttings that did nadensis (L.) Carr. eastern hemlock. In: R.M. mental test of the effect of cutting type (soft- not root suggests that additional time in the B. and B.H. Honkala. (eds). Silvics of North wood versus hardwood) on rooting in eastern rooting environment or slightly altered cultural America. vol. 1. . U.S. Dept. Agr. For. and carolina hemlock stem cuttings. Overall, conditions may improve rooting rates. Serv. Agr. Hdbk. 654. softwood stem cuttings of eastern and caro- Goldfarb, B., W.P. Hackett, G.R. Furnier, C.A. lina hemlock rooted at rates much lower than Literature Cited Mohn, and A. Plietzsch. 1998a. Adventitious those reported for dormant and semi-dormant root initiation in hypocotyl and epicotyl cuttings hardwood cuttings from these species. Doran Annand, P.N. 1924. A new species of Adelges of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) seedlings. (1952) reported mean rooting rates of 65% (Hemiptera, Phyloxeridae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. Physiol. Plant. 102:513–522. 1:79–82. Goldfarb, B., S.E. Surles, M. Thetford, and F.A. and 71% for hardwood stem cuttings, treated Cheah, C., M.E. Montgomery, S.Salom, B.L. Parker, Blazich. 1998b. Effects of root morphology on with comparable concentrations of auxin (0.5 S. Costa, and M. Skinner. 2004. Biological con- nursery and fi rst-year fi eld growth of rooted to 1.0 mM IBA alone or NAA alone), of eastern trol of the hemlock woolly adelgid. U.S. Dept. cuttings of loblolly pine. South. J. Appl. For. and carolina hemlock, respectively. However, Agr. For. Serv., For. Health Technol. Enterprise 22:231–234. direct comparisons between the current study Team, Morgantown, W.Va. FHTET-2004-04. Hinesley, L.E. and F.A. Blazich. 1981. Infl uence of and Doran’s are tenuous. del Tredici, P. 1985. Propagation of Tsuga canadensis postseverance treatments on the rooting capac- The results of this trial are encouraging cultivars: hardwood versus softwood cuttings. ity of Fraser fi r stem cuttings. Can. J. For. Res. and indicate that softwood stem cuttings from Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 35:565–569. 11:316–323. eastern hemlock can be rooted at reasonably Diaz-Sala, C., K.W. Hutchison, B. Goldfarb, and McClure, M.S. 1987. Biology and control of M.S. Greenwood. 1996. Maturation-related loss hemlock woolly adelgid. Bul. Conn. Agr. Expt. high rates without exogenous auxin treatments. in rooting competence of loblolly pine stem cut- Sta. 851. Additionally, it is clear that cutting size is an tings: the role of auxin transport, metabolism, and McClure, M.S., S.M. Salom, and K.S. Shields 2001. important mediating factor for successful tissue sensitivity. Physiol. Plant. 97:481–490. Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. U.S. Dept. Agr. For. rooting in this species, with larger cuttings Doran, W.L. 1952. The vegetative propagation of Serv., For. Health Technol. Enterprise Team, producing more and larger roots. Rooting rates hemlock. J. For. 50:126–129. Morgantown, W.Va. FHTET-2001-03. for carolina hemlock were signifi cantly lower Flint, H.L. and R. Jesinger. 1971. Rooting cuttings Miller, N.F., L.E. Hinesley, and F.A. Blazich. 1982. than those of eastern hemlock, but maximum of canada hemlock. Plant Prop. 17:5–9. Propagation of Fraser fi r by stem cuttings: ef- fects of type of cutting, length of cutting, and rooting occurred at 1 mM NAA, indicating that Fordham, A.J. 1971. Canadian hemlock variants


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AAugustBook.indbugustBook.indb 11473473 66/14/05/14/05 112:24:372:24:37 PPMM