
Soups Won ton soup | pork dumpling 4 Sui kau soup | dumpling 4,5 Sharkfin soup 4,5 Chinese tomato or corn soup | with chicken 4,5 Pekingsoup | hot and sour soup 4,5 soup 5,5 soup 6

Appetizer Chicken saté 4,5 Saté shrimp or beef 5,5 Seafood salad 5,5 Steamed | black bean sauce, min. order two pieces 2,95 each Steamed | garlic, min. order two pieces 4 each Chinese hors d’oeuvres | shrimp toast | spring roll | tempura 7,5 Steamed dimsum (for 2 person) 11

Main course Noodle soup (rice noodle or Chinese noodle) with: Won ton | pork dumpling 9,5 Sui kau | shrimp dumpling 11 Moksi | roasted meat, chicken and pork 12,5 Spicy beef 12,5

Fried rice or Noodle with: Chicken saté 9,95 Chicken 11 Shrimp or beef 12,5 Rice noodle Singapore | shrimp with chicken or pork 12,5 Yeung Chow fried rice | with shrimp and pork 12,5 Dinner

Meat* Chicken with sweet and sour or curry sauce 12,5 Egg with chicken | omelet (foe yong hai) 12,5 Asian chicken filet | chili sauce 16,5 Peking Duck | roasted - served in three ways 19,5

Beef with black pepper or chili sauce 13,5 Lamb with honey or black pepper sauce 13,5 Moksi | roasted duck, crispy pork belly, chicken, lean pork 12,5 Baked pork with king do sauce | sweet and sour sauce 17,5 Sliced beef tenderloin with spicy sauce (ossenhaaspuntjes) 19,5 Tenderloin chung sik style | sweet and sour sauce (ossenhaas) 21 Tenderloin black pepper (ossenhaas) 21 Lamb chop with honey or black pepper 22,5

Vegetarian* Fried rice or noodle 9,95 Mixed vegetables (tjap choi) 11,5 Egg omelet (foe yong hai) 11,5 Lo hontsai | Mixed Chinese vegetables 12,5 Chiu yim tofu | salt and pepper 12,5 Chili tofu 12,5

*Served with white rice | fried rice | Chinese noodle Rice noodle + € 1,5

All prices are in Euro Do you have an allergy, please let us know or visit our website www.eastharbour.nl

Mild Spicy Longer preparation time


Seafood* Rice noodle with seafood 12,5 Fish or with sweet and sour sauce or chiu yim 13,5 Egg with shrimps |omelet (foe yong hai) 13,5 Baked salmon with sweet or hot sauce 17,5 Cod fillet with sweet or hot sauce (kabeljauwhaas) 17,5 Mixed seafood on crispy noodles 19,5 Sole |served in two ways (sliptong) 21 with sweet and sour or black bean sauce 22,5 (6 pcs) 25 (8 pcs)

Lobster 500 - 600 gram with ginger and garlic sauce 36,5 North sea sole (Noordzeetong) 35 Filled |with shrimp (gevulde forel) 22,5 Steamed sea bass (gestoomde zeebaars) 22,5

Kids +€ 1,5 for one scoop of ice cream

(served with fries, fried rice or noodle) Chicken sweet and sour sauce or chicken saté 6,5 Fish with sweet and sour sauce 7,5

*Served with white rice | fried rice | Chinese noodle Rice noodle + € 1,5

All prices are in Euro Do you have an allergy, please let us know or visit our website www.eastharbour.nl

Mild Spicy Longer preparation time