MACC News Idea for course grows to full religious program "Judaism for the Instructor Ms. Anne Flynn, and distributed to member 649-2093, o r J im Mmuimtn lt> JIM MOHKI.KW 1(7. Irom a common interest in Completion in Religious salvation. Classes meet Rent panel churches, or call Nancy Morelewicz, 649-1292. .serving the Manchester Education. The latter Tuesdays, Sept. 9 through Layperson." Basic tenets director of religious educa- In April 1979, the Chris­ tion, Center Carr at the MACC office. tian Educatinn Division of Community. The need for structure would be of par­ Oct. 7, 7:20 - 9:30 pm. and observances of Jewish life and overview of Jewish Congregational Church, M A C C , m et w ith non-sectarian Bible and ticular benefit to religious Instructor: Sister Julia educators, youth group ad- Lyden, C.N.D., director of religion. Meets and pastoral care worker. WATCH FOR O'JR AD EVERY MONDAY Manohester Community spiritual enrichment visors. and pastoral religious education. St. Wednesdays, Nov. 5 Meadows Convalescent IN THE MANCHESTER HERALD ('('Hope's Kim Millinp to courses as well as bri'ad reaching religious studies counselors. Bartholomew Church. through Dee, 17, 7 -9 :1 0 Home. debated liisouss the pt'ssibility o( pm. Instructor: Rabbi Registration for these onductinp rolipioiis or has been recognized and is Four courses will be "Book of Acts," Richard Plavin, Rabbi. courses can be done by '’loral base theme, non- met through this program. ('ffered in the MCC Development of the early ORO/ ^ The program has been Religious Education Christian Church, its Temple Beth Shalom. telephone, 646-2137, until redit courses, at MCC two weeks before the start ZO”/o SWEATERS •Since that date, a mere designed so that in­ Program during the fall spread, and the apostle "Healing and Vol. XCIX, No. 279 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, August 26, 1980 • Since 1881 • 20g Wholeness." The inter­ of class or in person at I'ncept bus prown into a dividuals interested in semester. The following is Paul. Classes meet by tenants relatedness of mind, body, MCC, Community Services lormal propram Kecently. selective areas ran take an abbreviated description Tuesdays, Oct. 21 through ('f each course, dates apd Dec. 9, 7:20 - 9:30 pm. emotions and spirit, Office up to three days MACC and .MCC announced one or more courses in­ Coventry Shoppe instructor: Instructor: Rev. Dr, emphasizing experimental before the start of class. meeting at Emanuel Lutheran the lormation I'l the MCC dependently It was also 44 DEPOT RD. COVENTRY, CONN. By MARY KITZMANN "Insights into Matthew." education. Meets For further information Church, will deal with tenants' com­ Heiipious Education deveh'ped as part of a James MacLauchlin, T U E S.-SA T . 9:30 — 5:00 Hrrnld l{(■|l(lrl<■r Convicts Thursdays, Nov. 6 through see the blue flyer produced plaints, and decide unjust rent in­ I’ ro p ram . I'flc re d in planned pri'gram of study, Themes include .Jesus, dis- Pastor, Second W tD . T IL 9:00 P.M. 742-7494 M W LIIF S I'FII — The trials and leading to a Certificate of cipleship. kingdom and Congregational Church. Dec. 18, 7:20 to 9:30 pm. by MCC for the program creases. ('operalK'n with M.ACC tribulations of establishing a fair Fair rent commission can also I nji'ubtedly. this achieve- rent commission was explained to solve tenant and landlord dis­ take 12 nent represents one ol members of the Manchester Tepanls agreements before it goes to court, MACC s mi'ie sipnilicant Association last night, giving some and provide help in housing code ci'nlnbiitions to the people disheartenedmembers a hope for the violations • hostages 1' serves future. She explained the"* differences The rel.itionship between The meeting's speaker attorney between a fair rent commission and 'lACC and MCC evi'lved Susan Lee.Wi|rnon. stressed in­ MONTREAI, il'PIi - A band of rent control. Controlled rent is when (■('nvicted murderers, foiled in an es­ stituting a fair reht commission was landloads can rise prices to a limit. not easy. "Tenants have to unite. " cape bid in which one prisoner died in But under a fair rent commission is a a hail ol bullets. tcKik 12 prison Veteran she said. “We have to make trouble shooting body, which will employees hostage and spent the ourselves visible to public officials. decide whether increases are un­ night huddled in the open courtyard When we fail to get a commission one benefits reasonable. she explained. et a maximum security jail sur­ year, go back the next with more A fair rent commission looks at petitions and supporters. It's not rounded by police sharpshooters number of items in determining a The prisoners, armed with available easy." "reasonable” increase, according to M \N( III "I I H— Less revolvers and knives, refused lo "The bottom line is that we don't Ms. Lee. Several are the number of than .‘lO percent ol the elipi- release three sick hostages in have a lot of options except constant rooms, and comparable prices, the ble veterans in the State (>l exchange lor fc'od and water and a lobbying." taxes, and the income of the tenants. Connecticut are currently prison negotiating team .said it was But while the fight for a fair rent But a commission must also have usinp the educational up to the inmates to end the standoff commission is long and hard, Ms. the power to enforce its decision. benelils that are available at the Laval Penitentiary in Mon­ Lee, of the Connecticut Legal Service "Otherwise the entire process is to them, accordinp to the treal Inc. dangled the positive aspects of pointless," she said. Under the state Director ol Veterans Af- "Were expecting it to be long the commission before the tenants as statute which empowers communities lairs at Manchester Com­ because the inmates told us this mor­ incentive for the day-to-day to establish commission, landlords munity Collepe. .John C struggles. . ning they had plenty of time Most of may be fined not less than $25 and not them are serving life term s." Post Any veteran who A fair rent commission, Ms. Lee more than $1(X) for each offense. Federal Penitentiaries spokesman served a minimum ol 181 told about 35 persons attending the days 01 active duty But the problem is the "political ramp and into the Connecticut River early Guy Verreault said ol the nine realities " of trying to persuade Glastonburyjiolice officers watch as divers between .Ian .81. 198.-1 and this morning. The man was believed to be prisoners governing bodies to establish a com­ prepare to search for two submerged John Connearney, 44, of South Dec 31. 1976 and was dis- alone and was taken to Hartford Hospital. charped under conditions mission. Although several Connec­ vehicles off the South Glastonbury side of the (Juincy, Mass . serving lite tor killing ticut communities, such as Stam­ other than dishonorable is Candidate Rocky Hill-to-Glastonbury ferry. An uniden­ (Herald photo by Foley) a policeman during a 1973 bank ford, Waterbury. West Hartford, elipiblc lor educational tified man allegedly ran the vehicles off the robbery in Villc LaSalle. Quebec, benelits have commissions, the proposal has was shot and killed by a guard during Thi'se who served tor at turns down been rejected in others. the escape attempt. least 18 months on active While telling the tenants' group to Ccnnearncy was one of four in­ duty are entitled to 48 job offer unite and fight for a commission, Ms. mates who escaped from Rhode months ol benefits Lee said she wasn't coming to them Island's Adult Correctional In- with a success story. For the past Man drowns vehicles Anything under 18 months silutions in 1972 Re had been i (JI.ASTOMIl RV - A ctin g year she worked in Vernon to form a earns 1 ‘ i months lor every problem prisoner in Massachusetts man. The olliccr said "he's alive and ('wner put Hie cars Ihere on pur- month ol active duty Superintendent Henry Schoebel told lair rent commission. When the (; L \ ST() MU in - Two veil ides. when he was transferred, from well." and was taken to Hartford pi'se, " an i.'llicer said Forty-live mt'nths is 8 lull­ the Board of Education Monday night proposaf came before the town coun­ one on them a pickup truck, were ap­ Walpole to the ACl in January 1972 a "top-notch" candidate was being Hospilal. The officer went ('n io say the ferry time years i>l school and cil, it was unanimously rejected. parently driven oft the South On Sept 20, 1973. he and three considered for the position of special Glastonbury police and lire dcparl- slip was closed at 7:40 a m . im­ worth up to $14,000 with ad- "But we won't stop working," she Glastonbury ferry slip and into Hie other prisoners slid down a drainpipe education director, but he declined iiient divers were on scene at i0.30 mediately after the incidenl diiional allowance lor said. "We will be back. " Connecticut River this morning, ac­ and (iisappeared One of the es­ the position because of salary con­ a m. prc|iarlng to lie lines to the two The watch ci'iiimander at Glaston­ dependents Eligibility for Some of the difficulties she en­ cording to police at the scene capees. John Gary Rebichaud. was vehicles, which were coiiiplelcly sub­ bury police headquarters was unable educational benelits siderations. countered in Vernon could be found shot to death in Somerville. merged A siiiall oil slick was all that to pri'vide any details The Rocky expires 10 years from the "We felt we had a top-notch can­ expected in Manchester, some of the One man was allegedly invc'lved in Mass., j lew days after the escape the 7:30 a m incident and an otficcr was visible ('ll the water's calm sur­ Hill to S('uth Glasti'nbury terry will last day ol active duty or didate but he declined for financial tenants said. Ms. Lee said she would Verreault said prison officials had investigating said he believed the remain cli'sed until the vehicles are D e ce m b e r 31. 1989. reasons." Schoebel said. pack a meeting with tenants, only to face refused the inmates a truck and un­ vehicles belonged to the unidentified ■ Ttu ie's an indication that the t('wcd from the water whichever comes firts The system has been without a have board members say they were specified drugs shortly ait jr the inci­ director since March when Enrico Veterans interested in all from the same landlord, and a dent began Prison negotiators then DeMatto left to take a position in additional information commission was not needed for one tried anil failed to secure the release Waterford. about academic benefits to bad example. ('f three hostages. In late May, the board met with be used at .Manchester Ms. Lee said she would receive Polish leaders reeognize "It's a standoff Verreault said Community College or Jacqueline Jurrius, the director of numerous telephone tenants' com­ "They refused to release the three elsewhere should contact elementary curriculum and special plaints. only to have the officials say sick men so it s now up to them to the Otlice of Veteran Al- services, to discuss a reorganization no one had called them. reopen negotiations We vc given lairs at MCC at 646-4900. of the Special Education Depart­ The answer to these problems, in workers’ right to strike nothing and will refuse any drastic extension '218 ment. working to form a commission, is te­ requests like drugs and a truck After several meetings and a nant unity, Ms. Lee stressed. "If they want something they have GDANSK, Poland (L'PIl - workers along the Baltic Coast. "We are fully prepared for the workshop session, the board still This was her answer to many of the t(' give us back something ' Government negotiators told strike .lagielski and his team arrived at talks." Wisniewski said Head Start voted to stay with the director for­ tenants' questions about difficulties mat leaders at the Lenin Shipyard today about II a m i5 a m. EI)T). one hour Fare-to-face negotiations between The inmates, however, allowed with their landlords, during their later than scheduled They entered Mrs. Jurrius' propo.sal would cost struggle for a commission, and after that the regime recognizes their the strikers and Poland s new prime their sick hostages to take pills signups right to strike — one of the workers' the shipyard through a side entrance prescribed by a doctor, whi' spent the the system $10,000 more than the pre­ establishment. ninister. Josel I’iniatowski, were sent structure, but she said it would key demands in the 13-day walkout and went immediately to the con­ night with jail ('flicials overU'oking scheduled "We have to take strong tenant ac­ ference hall where members of the sculllcd only an hour before they be better equipped to handle the tion, " she said. "But it's very dif­ along the Baltic Coast the Ik'odlit courtyard outside the MV\(MK"TII< - Workers cheered the comment by strikers 19-memher presidium were were due to start Monday Strike workload and the new state ficult." mam prison compc'und, where the Registration for the waiting. delegates voted unanimously against BACK-TO-SCHOOL SAVINGS! West Bend 2 to 6 Cup requirements. But while a fair rent commission First Deputy Premier .Mieezyslaw hostages were being held at gun-and .Manchester Head Start Jagielski at the two sides' first Talks were resumed only after ot- Instant Hot Pot The proposal called for hiring a could solve the tenants' future talking with Hie government until knife-point Program will be conducted CALDOR O 1 negotiating session since the ficials yielded to the strikers' de­ r i 3M Scotch Magic Tap# director of pupil personnel, a super­ problems, they are more concerned phone links between Gdansk and the "There s m'thing seriously wrong Tu‘"d a y at the South shipyard talks resumed following the mand for the re.storation of full rest of the nation were restored. School. 247 Main St ^ 1/2" X 450" or S/4" x 300" BRAND A FOR ± 9.70 visor of special education and a with tomorrow. Many of the with thorn thi'ugh they've no Rag. 73c past weekend's Communist Party ti'lephone service between Gdansk, Heats coflee, tea, soups, morel secondary coordinator. meeting's attendants spoke of The inter-city dialing s' stem blankets, nothing.” Verreault said. The program is lor three purge in Warsaw. which is the center of the workers' Great lor otiica or dorm. 932S5 landlord problems in raising rents, suddenly resumed connecting callers "We ll continue to negc'tiate as long and tour-year-old children n Paparmata ‘98’ Pan Mrs. Jurrius has been running the Jagielski promised the government revolt, and the rest of the country. VITAINIIN SALE! and inhabitable apartments. A poll as the line is open " and eligibility ' Rag.B7c Special Education Department since would issue a new law on labor un­ The mi'cling to try In resolve the to Gdansk Monday night, alter taken by a person attending the The escape attempt began early requirements include fami­ DeMatto's departure. ions guaranteeing their right to 12-day w’orker unrest that has led In having been out a week meeting showed that about 22 of the Monday when the prisoners over­ ly residence in Manchester P I Mamo Booka n e tt Mrs. Jurrius will continue to strike when other means to resolve mass stoppages throughout the north ' (3x5" or 4x6") Rag. 37c Wearever Hot Air 35 persons were residents of Poland's lirst deputy prime and lederal income BUY GET 1 FREE! devote most of her time as the coor­ disputes have tailed. and other parts of the country comes powered guards in the welding Popcorn Pumper apartments owned by J.D. Real minister, Mieezyslaw .lagielski. guidelines dinator of special education, He apparently was referring to a less than 48 hours after Communist workslu'n ^ P Looaa.Laal Papar . Estate. rather than I’inkowski, was expected The program is con­ Our Rag. SALE Schoebel said. law governing operations of the of­ I'arty leader Edward Gierek an­ The inmates used a blew torch lo 5-Hola, 200 ct. Rag. 1.09 f O * 19.88 The only answer Ms. Lee could to head the government team at ducted Mi'nday through • Animal Picture Vitamin ficial labor unions, not the free trade nounced sweeping changes in the ('pen the workshop s doers and then, Uses no olll Pops with hot air Mrs. Jurrius said 32 candidates give the tenants on their problems today's meeting Friday during the regular I I Spiral Thama Notabook , Taba, 100’a ...... 2 . 1 9 . . .2 .lor 2.19 • Thara-IOO't . unions the workers have demanded. country's political leader.ship. brandishing revolvers and knives, for crisp taste, fewer calodesl applied and nine were interviewed. was to become "detective " using school year ^ 80.shaat,Rag.B9c 5 7 ’ But the strikers felt his statement I'he call for trade unions free from Pinkowski replaced hard-liner attempted to hijack a garbage truck • Vitamin C 250 mg, 2S0'a . 3 . 6 9 . . .2 .lor 3.69 • Vitamin C 500 mg Built-In butter meltar. 972000 public records to document the Persons interested in ad­ T.H.,100'i ...... Schoebel said he would advertise represented a victory anyway. government control still tops the list Edward Babiuch as prime minister belorc being beaten back by a hail cf • Vitamin C 500 mg, 100'a . 2 . 4 9 . . .210.2.49 . problems, and make the public ditional information about P Spiral Notabook (8x10 112") the position again, but board member of the workers' demands, said in Gierek's purge, in which seven builds Iri'in heavily armed guards 120-ahaat, O aubjacl) g g . • Calstraaa 600 with The team at government officials registration should call • Vitamin E 200 IU,100'a . 3 . 2 9 . . .210.3.29 . aware. She added the tenants should other leaders, including party Rag. 1.59 O O Iron.OO't ...... Douglas Webster said the total led by Jagielski arrived at the Lenin Florian Wisniewski, one of the strike use the media to make their stories ideologist Jerzy l-ukasicwicz lost I’enitenitiaiv oHicials were in­ 647-.3802 alter Aug 28 • Dally Multipla VHamlna THERMOS program should again be considered. Shipyard today for the meeting with leaders. But he i.said the workers • Ctltlratt 600 with known. would be ready lo compromise on their jobs in Hie biggest shake-up in a vestigating Ik'w the inmates secured P Spiral Notabook (8x10 1/2") with Iron, 100'a ...... 1 .8 9 .. .2 lor 1.89 Zlnc,80’t ...... 4.29. Lunch Kit with "It would be unfair to the ad­ leaders of the joint strike committee 200-ahaat, 5-aub|acl) a a e The Manchester Tenants' Associa­ some other poiiiks decade lour revolvers inside the workshop ' High Polancy ministration to come up with a new representing more than 200,000 Doctor Rag. 2.38 1 .4 0 • Calatraai 600,6 0 't...... 3.99. ‘Flip ‘n Sip’ Bottle tion is circulating petitions to force a Vitamin B with C ...... 3 .6 9 .. . .210.3.69 layout after we hire a director," Board of Director's vote on es­ P Elmar'a Glua AII (8 Ol.) n o t • Thara-M, 100'a . 3.99.. .2 tor 3.99 • Vitamin E 400 lU.IOO’t .4.99. 3.59 Webster said. tablishing a fair rent commission. appointed Rag. 1.38 O O * Sanitary and splll proot! Drink Board members then directed About 1.500 signatures are needed, IIU(II(»HD- Dr from cup or sip through straw. Windy City cops stop parachutists about 4 percent of the electorate. The Barbara A Morns ol East Schoebel to delay advertising until it • Standard Bottla Lunch KH has examined the alternatives for the association apparently has about 50 "slight marks on the side of the Hartford has been ap­ Our Rag. X99 2.90 CHICAGq lU P Ii - James program. signatures. building," l.t Bruce 1. Thompson pointed Hartford SAMSONITE PROFILE McLaughlin, a skydiver. wanted to Hospital s director of climb to the top of the world's tallest said Mcl.aughlin began his climb on the pediatric inpalienl ser­ building and jump, breaking his 110- vices and director ol the Clamp-On Lalnp with story fall with a parachute he wesl side of Hie llO-story structure pediatric intensive care un­ Adjustable Arm carried. and soon attracted a crowd of about 40% Off E 2(X) rush-hour spectators. One lane of it Tough, lightweight molded hardside But police and Sears Roebuck & Dr Morns received her cases with recessed locks, comfortable Co. olficials would have nothing ot it, busy Wacker Drive was closed while Ptnaionlc AM/FM Electronic 14.87 bachelor ol science degree handles, some with wheels. Choice ol blocking McLaughlin's trek up the he climbed Digital Clock Radio has Silent two great colors: Burgundy or Tan. Spring balanced to adjust and The Eire Department sent three in 1972 Irom Hosarv Hill stay In place at a touchl In red, side of the Sears Tower Monday after fluorescent, easy to-read display with 29.76 pieces of equipment to the building College. Buffalo, N Y dimmer plus power-failure irvdicator Rag 35.99 while, brown or black Jenkins arrested on drug charges 18 stories of climbing. and lowered a window-washing plat­ where she graduated sum- Shoulder Strap Tote The weather ... Page 9, McLaughlin, '26, Woodbury, Conn., form to about the 21st floor to talk to ma cum laude She 07 o n Mh-sUsttAT Hh-e Partly cloudy tonight and Fan goes berserk and kills two' is a member of the Connecticut received her M D in 1976 a 9 w OurRea.36e4 McLaughlin. After he agreed lo come 3 FEATURES IN II Wednesdiay. Detailed forecaat on spectators at Florida State Parachutes Inc., a skydiving club, inside, firetighters removed a sealed Irom State I'niversity of • Beauty C a a e ...... A&M .41.96 baseball game ... Page 10. APF SOIgIt LCD Page 2. and has been planning the Sears stunt 18th-floor window and he stepped in­ .New York I 'pstate Medical • 21"StM(1HopCatTyOn...... 49.97 . .41.86 since graduating in May from the (.'enter. Syracuse. .N Y Calculator, Alarm side. • 24" Weekend F U g h l...... 64.96 . .56.80 Connecticut Inside today University of Connecticut. Thompson said McLaughlin — "a She did her pediatric in­ Clock, Stopwatch • 26" Croee Country with Wheel! . .83.94 . .68.90 As police hustled him off he told scholarly looking guy, obviously in ternship and residency The federal Epqrgy Oej^tment Classified...... 13-14 . .96.96 . .77.90 them he “ just wanted to get to the good shape but not very talkative" — Irom 1976-79 at I'pstate • 29" 0v9te9M with W httit ...... sayt Texaco can, bike gaaollne Comics...... 15 16.90 top" of the building and jump using insisted he attempted the climb only Medical Center. Depart­ • 50" Drat9 Carrier...... 63.24.. 41.96 Has standard functions plus prlcea tp offset Connectlcnt's tax Editorial ...... 4 on oil company profitk. Page 2. the parachute he carried in a as "a personal challenge" ment of P e d ia trics in Sanyo Cube-Type Table Top Refrigerator • 24” M e n 'f C om p an io n *...... 64.90 . .56.80 lloating decimal. Shows time, IMertatiunent ...... 12 backpack. day, date, AM/PM , laps nrn. "He didn't pul up any struggle. " Syracuse. She was a Haa door storage tor bottles plus • 3«ulM rw lthW hoole* ...... $120 . .85.24 . .71.94 Two former Near Britain Family ...... 7 ' Includes case 6 battery. said 1st Battalion Eire Chief William Fellow in the Division ol Ireersr with door Includes Ice cube tlrefljditeni are sentenced tethe Obituaries...... Sears spokesman Ernest Arms $97 • 40" Suit C arrlor* ...... $70 . .53.24 . .41.96 9MS100 ....8 called the morning rush-hour climb Critical Care Medicine at trays. Popular walnuUcoppsr.look. Rag. 114J7 city's municipal corruiition scan*'- Feopietalk ...... __ 2 Cunningham. “ He told us his name -In nsa, deep Oienoo 9ro«n. SU oua UUME tllECTION OF EAUtONITE XHACHE CAaEl. was Jim. I asked him why he did it Children s Hospital ol daf. Paged. * ' Sports ...... , 9-n "an interesting novelty and we really A climber identified as James McLaughlin. 26, of Woodbury. don't need it." The companv filed a and he said. '1 just wanted lo get to Pittsburgh, in Penn­ Television ...... 12 Conn., is hustled off by police after he used a clamp and lock In spjftHe complaint against thexinemployed Hie top sylvania BRING US YOUR COLOR FILM TownTalk...... __ 8 device to climb the llO-story Sears Tower in Chicago Monday. Dr .Morris has authored FOR DEVELOPING A PRINTING Yankees and Orioies bo^4ose Update ...... 2 electrical engineering and computer .McLaughlin was charged with MANCHESTER VERNON and Red Sox win Ferguson Wit&ther...... science graduate, charging damage to property and released on He reached the 18th floor of the world’s tallest building before five scientific papers for Tri-CIty Shopping Center ....2 various publications Partect Results or your money 1145 Tolland Turnpike McLaughlin's climbing gear left $1,000 bond, police said. he was coaxed inside, (Copyright Chicago Sun Times via U P l) throughout the country. tMCk on any color printi STORE HOURS: DAILY 16 AM to 9:30 PM • SATURDAY 9 AM to 9:30 PM • SUN ii AM In 5 PM • PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY I 2 - EVENING HERALD, Tues., August 26, 1880 tyF.NlNG IlCItALt)^Tucs . August Z6. 198(1 ,'I Panel restores part of hospital budget cut recommended by the commission, I k ^ t e . the proposed budget, which had been Hospital officials made the objec­ By MARY KITZMAW The panel restored, and the working capital account ' tions to have it recorded in case the the hospital proposals for 1980-81 will cut by the full commission. not pass the overall reasonability reallocated $345,000 in the non­ The hospital’s budget lor last year Herulil Itcporli'r budget for 1980-81 landed in court. The panel’s deliberations were test for increases. operating revenue account. The would show an excess of $470,(KXI. of / M ANCHESTER - The cut in the requested by the hospital after the In its deliberations the panel used money, which was cut from the ac­ Department and other federal agencies adequately radio Monday that if a raid is attempted, all'involved which $4,52.000 would be added to Probers prepare questions proposed 1980-81 budget of the assumption that its If the hospital’s proposal for 1979- DC-9 jetliners reviewed the fund’s investments during separate govern­ “will be dispatched to hell on the spot." full commission left the hospital was 80 stands, the new budget would be a count by the full commission, will be working capital Manchester Memorial Hospital was an operating budget of $22,527,000. recommended budget of 1979-80 was restored in the capital accounts to be WASHINGTON (UPI) — Crews of two pilots — not ment investigations during the last five yejrs, and to con­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Members of the Senate panel reasonable increase, according to In restoring $169,000 of the full softened yesterday from $2.6 million The hospital officials contend the the budget the hospital used. Actual­ used toward the hospital’s planned three — will be authorized to operate the first of a new sider if adequate protection exists for pension fund investigating Billy Carter’s dealings with Libya plan to hospital officials. commission's cut, Janice Hills, state to $1.05 million. formulas used to make the cuts are ly, the hospital operated on its renovation and addition. generation of jetliners, the McDonnell Douglas Corp. DC- beneficiaries. Court martial under way devote the week to. building a series of questions for An area of contention in both last health department emplovee, Justice Department officials on the basis of a long in­ inapplicable to Manchester proposed budget. A court order The two accounts which caused the cautioned the panel, as the working 9-80 CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (UPI) - Col. R.C. Hyatt, a After deliberations of a panel of the Memorial, In making the cuts, the allowed the action, which caused a $4 year’s and this year’s budget is the telligence briefing. allowance for inflation. TTie three- most discussion yesterday were the capital figures lor the hospital of­ Federal Aviation Administrator Langhorne Bond an­ potential juror in the court martial of the only accused Connecticut Commission on Health commission used the formulas it difference in charges to patients. The compliance adjustment, and the Militants move hostages member panel, composed of E, ficials' "said expenses ' nounced Monday the type certificate for the "Super 80" turncoat of the Vietnam War, believes a prisoner of war The special Senate Judiciary subcommittee is seeking Care ended early Monday afternoon, applied in determining the 1979-80 difference between the two budgets, working capital accounts. Cortwright Phillips. Clarence Moon, However, the panel decided the will be awarded today, and that it will authorize use of Iranian militants holding 52 American hostages said ordered to sign a statement or die has no choice in the all the facts about the department’s handling of Carter’s the hospital was left with a budget. These are the same formulas $57,000, lies in an escrow account, The compliance adjustment is the two-person cockpit crews like all previous DC-9 models. matter. and Jan-Gee McCoIlam, readjusted courts had jurisdiction over the they are on "full alert ’’ and are moving their captives to refusal for months to register as a Libyan agent despite recommended budget of about $24,- which the hospital appealed in court waiting for the court decision. amount under dispute in the courts "All the tests have been completed and everything "The man should give his name, rank, service number this figure to 11.2 percent. The matier I’ancI Chairman K. unspecified new locations to thwart any fresh U.S. rescue his dealings with that country’s radical regime. 136,000. The hospital requests a on the 1979-80 budget. The appeals of Using the commission adopted on which budget should be used by seems to be in order." Bond told a briefing. and that's it,” Hyatt told attorneys for Marine Pfc. readjustment restored $413 of a full Cortwright Phillips, said he will attempt. budget of $25,187,000. This request the hospital officials, who say the budget the room chaMe under last the hospital for 1979-80. The full com­ The reaction to Bond's decision was immediate. The The militants threatened to kill the hostages and any Robert R. Garwood Monday. commission cut of $478,000. direct the minutes of the One key. question was whether the president’s brother was trimmed in July by the full hospital cannot operate at the lesser year’s budget w a s illf per day; the mission recommended cutting this Air Line Pilots Association, which lobbied hard for a rescue squads "on the spot" if the United States attempts The jury selection process continues today with at­ The commission also adjusted the deliberations, to the Attorney got favored treatment in being allowed to register health care commission by $2,660,- amount budgeted, a loss of $800,000, hospital budget u ^ a ojiarge of $116 account by $827,000 from the three-person crew in the new twinjets, filed suit in federal any such mission. torneys questioning officers on their feelings about the belatedly July 14 under a negotiated civil court order inflation factor for the 1980-81 budget General's Office f(>r their informa­ 0 0 0 . arc still under dispute. oer dav. hospital’s proposal. The panel will tion court m Washington challenging not just the Super 80 Tehran radio announced that 10 “plotters,” allegedly responsibilities of a captured Marine. without being punished for the delav. The three-member panel What budgeted amount to use, the from the full commission’s usage ol the 8.9 percent to 10,1 percent. recommend restoring $470,000 of this decision, but the entire process by which the FAA cer­ involved in a conspiracy against the Iranian regime, were The 34-year-old Marine is accused of breaking under recommended reductions in several commission’s recommended budget After yesterday’s deliberations the leaving the account reduced bv $357,- tifies aircraft as airworthy. the pressure of captivity in Vietnam and joining forces Another was whether the White House tipped Billy that Hospital officials, Edward Kenney, The panel s restoration gives the executed at dawn today on order of a Islamic proposed budget now goes before the 000. accounts that are about half of the for 1979-80 or the hospital’s proposal, and George Roy, has maintained an hospital a working capital account ol revolutionary court in the western city of Isfahan. with the communists. He is charged with desertion and the department might prosecute him if he did not register poses a problem in setting the budget full commission for a second time. cuts recommended by the full com­ inflation allowance of between 10 and The working capital account had about $2,169.(8)0 The militants said in a statement carried bv 'I’chran collaboration with the enemy. but was unlikely to take action if he^id. for 1980-81, as the old budget figures Although Edward Kenney, hospital mission, and also eliminated cuts in 12 percent should be used. been slashed by $490. as the commis­ Two other decision ol the panel Teamsters fund questioned are used to calculate the new. director, termed the hearings “lair' several areas. The panel conceded The increase in the inflation sion used the formulas and budget ^also depend on the court s decision WASHINGTON i UPI i — A Senate panel wants to know the percentage used to calculate in­ The panel decided yesterday, over the hospital seeks to restore the en­ figures from its recommended The panel restores a $218,000 cut in what role former Teamsters pension fund trustee Roy flation in the budget was too low for the objections of hospital officials, to tire amount cut. But, again the out­ percentage for 1980-81 restored the full $186,000 in the account which was budget last year. Using these figures, the malpractice payment account, Williams and 15 other trustees played in the sometimes last year, and upped this year’s. The apply last year’s formula in deter­ come depends on the court action. If the hospital showed a deiicit of $59,- Peopletalk. cut by the commission. and $48.(K8) m the private .sector questionable irivestmenl decisions of the union's retire­ panel’s actions restored $1,609,000 to mining the 1980-81 budget. the court upholds the 1979-80 budget 000, and no funds were tunneled into review account. ment fund ^ Williams was expected to be asked for the answer Ducks^ oops today One ol those questionable investments, revealed during The deadline for applicants was Aug. 18, but that Magnesium fire stubborn Senate Government Aflairs Subcommittee hearings Mon­ didn't stop a couple of U.S. senators from applying a day. was a low yielding $17 5 million investment in early little pressure for their late entries. MANCHESTER — A stubborn fixtures was sustained by the intense the hot ashes outside using pails." 1978 in the National Bank of Georgia, the bank of soon-to- New Mexico Sens. Pete Domenici and Harrison magnesium fire at Aerex Manuc- heal of the flames. McKay said bur­ Special fire extinguishers were be-appointed Budget flirector Bert Lance. Schmitt twisted an arm or two and got spots for turing Inc,, 30 Grandview S t, kept ning magnesium generates tremen­ used to combat the blaze were The panel todav also sought to discover if the Labor their ducks in the Great American Duck Race, held town firefighters busy lor about two dous heat, and at one point, the borrowed from the Eighth Utilities every year at the Deming, N.M., Court House Park, hours Monday afternoon when chips flames, which were contained In the District. McKay said the structure The senators, both Republicans, found their ducks from a piece of metal being worked machine’s chip tray, reached the suffered no damage, but that the dry entered in the same trial heat, and both waddlers on a lathe apparently burst into buildings 12-foot deling. powder residue "gets into were beaten. flame. "It was touch and go for awhile.” everything, and is particularly bad Steve Marlowe, the race organizer, gloated, “And According to deputy Chief James McKay remarked, "But we were on metal." Clean up efforts were un­ a duck named Jimmy Carter won." McKay, "considerable damage ” to able to put out the flames with dry derway and no injuries were But sorry, Jimmy, you may have won the heat, the lathe and surrounding electrical powder extinguishers and then get reported. but the final race and the $600 purse went to Duck Andra, trained by a local resident. Tommy Brdecko. Grant eligibility explained to determine how communities of CDBG funds. Lost — one grizzly MANCHESTER — In response to the Aug. 1 editorial which appeared receive the funds. "Cities of less than 50.000 can and It's not as if an 8-foot, 560-pound grizzly bear in The Herald entitled, "The HUD The letter states in part: "Cities do receive CDBG funds but they have could get lost, but then the Sea of the Hebrides off British bikers Referendum,” the area manager of over 50.000 have entitlements for to compete with other small cities northwestern Scotland is pretty big. A group of 35 weary British teenagers pedal cyclists, all between 14 and 16 are students of the Department of Housing and Ur­ CDBG funds. This means they for funds. This year 33 small Connec­ It seems the bear, Hercules, on the island of into Newton, Mass., Monday, with a police Islington Green Secondary School in London. ban Development in Hartford has receive a fixed amount, without com­ ticut cities sought such grants and 19 Benbecula to shoot a toilet tissue commercial, got escort, left, the final stop of a 4,000 mile The group stayed with families in various explained the intricacies of the Com­ petition, providing they submit a were selected for funding. If the final UPlWfATHEH FOTOCAtT • free last Tuesday and swam off. legal application for eligible census figures show Manchester “Discover America” bicycle journey that communities across the country. (UPI munity Development Block Grant His owner, wrestler Andy Robin, has offered a program. projects of their choice and carry out below 50,000 in population, it would For period ending 7 a m EST 8 27 80 During Tuesday $3,600 reward and enlisted the help of police, 40 began 40 days ago in Seattle, Wash. The photo). In a letter. John W McLean, area their program according to law. Of still be eligible to apply for funds night, thunderstorm activity will be indicated in the up­ soldiers, six dogs, an army helicopter, five fishing- manager, explains the criteria used the 21 entitlted cities in Connecticut, should it wish to. " per Mississippi valley, while the rest ol the nation can boats and untold Scotsmen. After all, Hercules all but Manchester are active users enjoy mostly fair weather. earns Robin $45,000 a year. If you find Hercules you can snare him with some Texaco to boost prices scampi or perhaps steak, part of his daily fare. Weather forecast Robin notes Hercules "is very gentle," but warns Two face added charges he is used to getting his three squares a day and MANCHESTER - Two men were each charged with first-degree there to buy a load of lumber and Mostly sunny today Highs in the mid 80s. around 30 C. there's no telling how he'll react when he's hurfgry. to offset oil profit levy linked to a construction fraud ring, larceny and conspiracy to commit other goods, which was then sold to Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday. Lows tonight in the HARTFORD (UPI) - Several of­ tax barring oil companies from oline which are not located in which operated in the area for first-degree larceny. According to unwitting buyers at bargain prices. mid 60s Highs Wednesday 85 to 90. Probability of ficials have given Texaco Inc. per­ passing it on to consumers, but a U.S. Connecticut would suffer a gross in­ several years and which has been the Southington police, who obtained the One of the buyers, according to precipitation 10 percent today 20 percent tonight and Good shape? mission to raise its gasoline prices in district Court judge struft the provi­ equity if they were required through subject of an extensive investigation arrest warrants, the charges stem police, aided the police investigation. Wednesday Light and variable winds today and tonight Jim Onan isn't entirely convinced, but he's Connecticut to cover the cost of the sion down as unconstitutional. the operation of the refiner price rule by police, were charged by police from the July 19 purchase of $2,400 in Limberger and Nielson were •Westerly 10 to 15 mph Wednesday willing to invest a lot of time, work and money to state’s first-in-the nation state tax on An appeal of that decision has been to bear a portion of the Connecticut again last week. building supplies. A third arrest is released on $2,000 cash bonds and are oil company profits. filed by the state and is pending. tax,” Golstein wrote. Fredrick Limberger, 25. of 8 Sadds expected. scheduled to appear in Bristol Long Island Sound find out if the pyramid really is more than just Art and photo winners another shape. The action Monday by the U.S. Meanwhile, Republican legislators “ We note that the relief granted in Mills Road. Ellington and Edward th e two allegedly used a pair of Superior Court Sept, 2. Ulund Sound lo W ulcli Hill. K.l. uiid Monluuk Department of Energy marked the have sought to call a special session this order would ca«ise the price of Nielson, 28. of 9 River St., Vernon. bad checks at Wickes Lumber Supplv Each man has already been Point. N.^.; Large high pressure over the area. Winds So Onan is building practically by himself a six- Winners in the 1980 Art and Photo Competi­ Hartford, second place photography: Jean story. goldleafed pyramid in the Chicago suburb of first time an oil company was of the Legislature to repeal the levy gasoline sold by Texaco in Connec­ charged with first degree larceny in southerly 10 to 15 knots during the afternoon and evening Gurnee, III. He says his interest began 12 years ago allowed to hike prices of a regutated - the first of its kind in the nation — ticut to increase by an amount which connection with the theft of a $15,000 tion for the MCC New England Relays were Dalton, Manchester, first place art: David hours and variable less than 10 knots at other times when he made smaller pyramids, painted gold, in product to recover the controversial because of the court ruling. reflects the cost to Texaco of the Adult school to resume bulldozer from a Manchester con­ awarded Monday night at the Stairwell Kuysiak. Manchester, first place through Wednesday. Fair today through Wednesday. 2 percent levy, oil industry officials The interim DOE order — subject gross receipts tax which has been im­ which perishable food did not rot but dehydrated MANCHESTER - The aduR struction site last April. Limberger Gallery at the Hartford Road Campus of photography: Ronalee Johannsen, Fawcatuk. Visibility over 5 miles except 1 to 3 miles in haze and said. to further appeal — said Texaco posed by the state of Connecticut,” also be offered for the first time. and dull razor blades got sharp again. evening program at Howell Cheney Registration will be at the school was charged with the June 2 theft and Manchester Community College. From left, second place art and Gary Lavarack, locally less than 1 mile in patchy log early Wednesday Onan, 42. also says his construction work within Other oil companies already have would be allowed to raise its the ruling said. selling of another bulldozer which morning Average wave heights 1 to 3 feet during the Technical School will resume this Sept. 8 and 9 from 7 lo 9 p.m. Frank L. Jaworski, East Hartford, third Manchester, third place art. i Herald photo by the pyramid has miraculously helped his aching announced plans to increase prices maximum allowable price for motor turned up in a small Wisconsin afternoon and evening hours and 1 l(»t or less at other The tax was projected to raise $60 fall. Classes will meet one night a week place photography; John Livernois. East Burbank) back. "I had the problem for 30 years ..., " he says, charged in Connecticut for non- fuels in Connecticut to collect the village last Month. Nielson faces a times through Wednesday. regulated products, such as home "total dollar value of the tax" it ac­ million for state coffers during the Basic and advanced courses will be from 6;30 to 9:30 p.m. "but I’ve just had a physical and I'm fine.” current fiscal year and was a cor­ offered in automotive, carpentry, A tuition of $52 Is charged for each host of bad check charge as do the Sounds like he's getting convinced, but maybe all heating oil. It was unclear whether tually paid on those sales. three other members of the loosely Kxlended outlook they would now seek to hike gasoline "Any harm which might result nerstone of Gov. Ella Grasso’s electrical and blueprint reading. A course. that hard work building the pyramid had something budget package. basic course in diesel engines will oreanized rine. Extended outlook tor .New England Thursday through to do with it. prices also. from this potential price increase Saturday The four-page order issued by the must be weighed against the inequity The governor, however, had op­ ^lah!•ul'llUM‘tt-. Itliodc Kl.ind and (ionniM'tictil: Fair DOE’S Office of Hearings and of forcing non-Connecticut posed its adoption without the provi­ ARTHUR NEW weather Thursday and Friday. Chance of showers Satur­ Quote of the day Appeals said it would be unfair for purchasers of Texaco gasoline to sion barring it from being passed on day. High temperatures mostly in the 70s. Overnight lows Texaco to hike prices in other states bear a portion of a tax imposed by to consumers which the court struck Record— DRUG Pert in the 50s and low 60s Texas House Speaker Billy Clayton, on being told to cover the cost of the state tax the state of Connecticut,” said the down. The 2 percent levy is collected Manchester fire calls \rrnim ii: Cooler. Fair Thursday and Friday. Partly Brilab charges against him would not be dropped: which took effect July 1. order, written by Melvin Goldstein, on the bottom line of the firms' gross STORE sunny Saturday Highs in the upper 60s to mid 70s. Lows "I had concern the judge might dismiss the indict­ The Connecticut Legislature had director of the DOE hearing office. receipts and covers all products Monday. 2:12 p.m. —Metal fire at 30 Grandview St. Shampoo 7 m . in the upper 40s to mid 50s ment and this frightened me because I want to go to originally written a provision into the "Those purchasers of Texaco gas­ marketed by them in the state (Town) Maine and New llainp^liire; Fair Thursday and trial and I want to be acquitted and that (dismissal) Monday, 2:45 p.m. —Car fire at 55 Grove St. (District) Friday Chance of showers Saturday Highs mostly in the wouldn't have cleared the matter up." Monday. 3:14 p.m. —Grass fire at 240 Spencer St. 70s Lows near 50 (Town) Glimpses Firm must halt pollution Monday, 10:04 p.m. —Report of smoke in Fulton Road The Almanac HARTFORD (UPI) - A corrective action wuhin 30 days. by as much as four times for some area. (Town) Among the luminaries who showed up for Satur­ Torrington manufacturer has been Adams said the violations came in metals. day's celebrity match for the Child Abuse Ac­ ordered to halt its hefty emissions of discharges of "heavy metals, total Emissions of cyanide were from By United Press International tion Fund in Huntington, N.Y., were Richard Kiley, various metals and cyanide into the suspended solids and cyanide” from two to three times the allowed Today is Tuesday. Aug. 26, the 239th day of 1980 with 127 Ron DuGuay of the New York Rangers, Harry Naugatuck River watershed, the U.S. the company into the Gulf Stream, amounts, he said, adding that the iGWAY to follow. Chapin and Scott Stevenson of the new TV show Environmental Protection Agency part of the Naugatuck River effect on the river would depend “on ITS TIME TO The moon is full. "Texas " Roy Scheider is on his way to London to says. watershed. how the river assimilates it.” The morning stars are Mercury and Venus. promote "All "That Jazz," in which he starred and EPA officials, who recently fined The evening stars are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. EPA officials said Monday the GRUB PROOF which Bob Fosse produced .... Larry Brill, an engineer in the the firm $300 for effluent violations, Those born on this date are under the sign of Virgo. Turner and Seymour Manufacturing EPA’s water compliance section in said they would take further enforce­ Scottish statesman and novelist John Buchan was born Co. was cited for violating the Boston, said the firm had violated ment action if the state DEP failed to YOUR LA W N I federal Clean Water Act when "on Aug 26, 1875 standards for metal discharges seven resolve the matter within 30 days of On this day in history: numenous occasions" it exceeded times from July 1979 to April 1980 the citation which was issued Aug. In 1883. the volcano of Krakatoa, in the Dutch East In­ federal discharge standards rom its and every month for cyanide dis­ 11. “If the state didn’t follow up, we dies began erupting Before it subsided the following day, wastewater treatment plant charges. Lawn Insect two-thirds of the island had been devastated and 36.000 would take whatever action would be AgwaiyLawn CEPACOL Lottery numbers necessary," he said. “We would Control people were killed. Regional Administrator William He said the amounts discharged Insect Control LOZENGERS In 1920, American women were given the right to vote Numbers drawn Monday: R. Adams Jr. said the EPA had in­ varied from month to month but had probably need to determine what with Diazinon® needs to be done and if they were as the 19th Amendment to the U S. Constitution went into Connecticut 751 structed the Connecticut Department exceeded the amounts allowed under willing to do it." • k)lls and controls effect. Maine 618 of Environmental Protection to seek the firm’s, federal discharge permit Japanese beetles and Soothing In 1964. President Lyndon .lohnson and Sen. Hubert N.H. Sunday 5402 European chafer grubs, Humphrey were select^ to head the Democratic ticket. N.H, Monday 4878 sod webworms and Relief They won' in November. Rhode Island 6700 chinch bugs • broad In handy foil In 1978. Cardinal Albino Luciani was elected the 263rd Massachusetts 2225 range control ol Insects Panel ey^s state car use on lawns, shrubs, roses, Now, new Cortald strips. pope and he chose the name John Paul I. He died Sept. 28 flowers, ornamental and offers unusually after a reign of only 33 days. HARTFORD (UPI) — 'ine opera­ the panel’s intent was to determine announced the state would reduce tion of Connecticut’s fleet of 8,600 whether the state was getting its full gasoline consumption in state fruit trees (85-0350.51) effective treatment motor vehicles will come under the money’s worth in today’s vehicles by 20 percent. Granular for minor skin 25 lb covers 12,000 sq. ft. Mijnche.sUT To Advertlta scrutiny of a legislative subcom­ conservation-minded times. Mrs. Fahey said state vehicles To Report New* for most Insects, 10,000 irritations. Itching Kast Marlinrd (ilasloiihuiy For a classihed advertisement, call mittee with an eye for cutting costs. She said it was possible that many were now handled through several To report a news item or story idea: divisions and the subcommittee sq. f1. lor white grubs. and rashes due to: 643-2711 and ask lor ('lassified Office Manchester__ Alex Oirelli. 64J-2711 Sen. Marcella Fahey, D-East Hart­ allegations of abuse were based on a Evening Herald would like to see some sort of single eczema, dermatitis, 1 'SI’S :i'27-r.(xi hour.s are 8 30 a m lo 5 p m, Monday East Hartford__ Pat Reilly. MS-2711 ford, and Rep. Joseph Walkovich, D- lack of knowledge by the public. through Friday When the ollice is Danbury, co-chairmen of the sub- office monitor the use and expenses insect bites, poison I'uhhshf'd daiK I'xcfpt Sunday and in - Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 "If there are abuses, we intend to closed, classihed ads may be placed bv Andover...... Donna Holland, 646-0375 comnnittee on regulation and protec­ find them,”, she said. “If there are for all state vehicles. 1(85-0382) LIquW qu>n Trqatl (85-03801 Liquid pint T r u lt 2000 ivy, poison oak, lain hfjlidavs bv lh<' Manchcslcr callinjj 643-2718 1 4000 «q n. Onl]f 110.41 iq . lt . O llly lS . il I ’ublishin^i ( i' Herald Sfjuare. IM ) Bol.on...... Donna Holland, 646-0378 tion, said a study will begin next ways to improve present procedures The Department of Administrative poison sumac, For information about display adver- liox 591. Mandiesler ronn IK>041) Coventry ...... Doug Bevins, 643-2711 month to look into any abuse and and practices, we intend to find them Services controls some 3,000 vehicles Diazinon*. a liademark o( CIBA-GEIGY______tisinjj. Call Tom Hooper, advertising sbaps, detergents, Hebron . .Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 determine ways to reduce waste and as well," in the state motor pool and another Have a Complaint? director, at 643-2711 cosmetics and South Windsor Dave Lavallee,643-2711 improve efficiency. Mrs. Fahey said the state annually 4,100 in the state Department of To Subscribe Vernon . .Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 jewelry. Newt — It you have a (|ueslion or They said Monday the committee spends about $4 million to repair, Transportation. buckland complaint about news coverage call To subscribe, call Customer Service plann^ hearings across the state to maintain and replace each of the 8,- Krank Burbank, inana^inji editor. <»r at 647-9946 Office hours are 8:30 a m to To report special news: hear complaints and suggestions 661 motor vehicles owned by the Steve Harry, executive editor. ft4:i-2711 5:30 p.m Monday through Friday and 7 Business Alex Girelli. 643-2711 from citizens, agency heads and Circulation ~ If vou have a firoblem to 10 a m Saturday. state, which range from a lawn- Marquee tells it all Opinion Frank Burbank. 643-2711 state employees regarding state mower to giant plows and dump AOWAY re^ardinK service or delivery, call Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 WELCH, W.Va. (UPI) - Amid the 540 NEW STATC RD. ARTHUR DRUG STORE Family ...... Betty Ryder, 643-2711 vehicle use. trucks. rubble of a weekend fire, a movie Customer Service. 647-9946 iJelivery weekly. $5 12 for one month. $15 35 for Sports Earl Yost, 643-'2711 MANCHESTER should be made by 5:00 p.m. Monday three months. $30 70 for six months, and Mrs. Fahey said a public hearing The figure does not include gas­ marquee told it all. 942 Main Street ihroujdh Kriday and by 7 30 a rn Salur- $61 40 for one year Mail rates are Office hours are 8 30 a m to 5 p m by the subcommittee was scheduled oline costs and the subcommittee On one side Monday, it advertised 643-5123 flav available on request Monday through Friday tentatively for Sept. 16 in the Capitol. said it did not know how much the "The Towering Inferno, ” while the BltiTffl T iT M TWVP* TIL 1:00 OAT t-B "We have no preconceived state was paying for gasoline. other read "Up In Smoke” Manchester • 643-1505 notions." said Mrs. Fahey, who said Earlier in the year, Gov. Ella Grasso 4 - EVENING HERALD, Tues.. August 26. 1980 ^VEflING_H^Ay)_^TuM,. Auius^tje^ 1^^_5_ ^Editorial O ld house iHaurliriitn* turuim j Hnali'i Violent protests follow Jobs looking for people Manchester — A City o( Village Charm dem olished Despite rising unemploy­ An east coast personnel price” to qualify themselves Founded Oct. 1, 1881 shooting of black teen consultant says when com­ hy m istake ment due to recessionary in some of the technical Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square. pressures, tens of thousands puter programmers “ walk in skills. “ They tend to shun Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - Bands police said was shot by accident. Hahnemann Hospital with head in­ of skilled jobs are going the door, we lay out the red math and similar difficult Mcrrber. Audit Bureau of Circulation Member. United PreM International CHICAGO (UPI) - The Rinker of youths waged hit-and-mn attacks After a protest meeting at the juries suffered when he was hit by a house wasn't much to look at — un- todajHJifTTSt-geared police patrolling Church of the Advocate, police said brick Six other officers and a carpet." subjects.” begging in the nation, the Steven Harry. Executive Editor livable because of two fires — and a predominantly black area where some 500 protesters left the church fireman were treated for minor in­ Standard Oil Co. of Califor­ A Utah Technical College Customer Service — 647-9946 Frank A. Burbank. Managing Editor Wall Street Journal reported Raymond F. Robinson. Editor-Publisher Harold E. Turkington. Editor Emeritus demolition workers say they didn’t approximately 500 people, some and headed for the police station a juries and released, police said the other day. nia, to cope with a shortage official noted that the trained know it was a historic landmark. throwing rocks and bottles, sur­ few blocks away. Police Commissioner Morton The building, built in 1851 and The paradox points up the of stenographers, is diesel mechanics just out of rounded a police station to protest They began to pelt the building Solomon said the shooting incident “ general education.” believed the second oldest structure the shooting of a black teen-ager. with bricks and M tles, smashing "is under a full and complete in­ redesigning jobs to reduce school can start at $10 to $11 than they had. “ Putting all need for young people to in the city, was razed Monday by a Seven policemen and one fireman windows and damaging several vestigation that will be conducted the emphasis on academic One report suggests that analyze future job potentials the need for stenographic an hour, and that good jobs suburban wrecker — Cirro Wrecking were injured during at least four police cars and a fire engine. At ieast expeditiously " the recession actually is in choosing educational goals skills and put more reliance also await persons trained in training isn't always the Co. of Skokie — with a demolition hours of violence Monday night. one unmarked police car was over­ Zeigler, 36. was chasing Green in a making it tougher to fill jobs permit for a nonexistent building at Seven people were arrested. turned. its windows smashed. suspected stoien car Sunday after­ to pursue — and for schools on dictating equipment. such skills as electronic and wisest course.” “ because fewer people are 6384 N. Milwaukee Ave. The Rinker The incident began about 7:30 p.m. Police in North Philadelphia said noon. when Green's car crashed into to include an adequate ■ Just try to name an area auto mechanic skills. Women are figuring more applying.” Which prompts house was at 6366 N. Milwaukee Ave. in North Philadelphia as bands of youths this morning a tree. Green jumped out and tried to curriculum attuned to the job where we don’t need people," The same official cited this and more in the job market. demonstrators stormed police dis­ sporadically pelted patrolling police flee, police said, and Zeigler tried to this advice to jobless per­ It was located in the ward of Aider- market. says a spokesman for Prime interesting situation: “ We One estimate says nearly 90 trict headquarters to protest the in riot gear, then ran. subdue him by hitting him on the sons: man Roman Pucinski, who said he shooting death of William Green. 17. Police said six adults and a 16- head with the butt of his service Job recruiters, says the Computer Inc., Wellesley have a hard time channeling percent seek employment at would meet today with State's At­ a stolen car suspect. Sunday during a year-old youth were arrested and revolver. one time or another in a Don’t let the recession mis­ journal, are having a difficult Hills, Mass., stressing its children of some middle- torney Bernard Carey to discuss a struggle with white policeman John charged with aggravated assault, The revolver discharged acciden­ lead you into thinking there time filling openings for need for trained help. class parents to technical lifetime. Many women are. possible grand jury investigation. Zeigler. simple assault, riot and wreckless tally. police said, and shot Green in are no openings. You never endangerment. the stomach and arm He died later engineers, secretaries, com­ An intermountain job ser­ schools to learn skills of the finding they increase their "I had a signed contract with the Leaders of the demonstrators said know until you try — and if a march would be staged today to Plainclothes Civil Affairs Officer Sunday at Temple I'niversitv puter science positions, vice supervisor said too hands. Parents in many employment potential by ad­ owner to tear it down," A1 Cirro. an you have a skill, the odds protest the death of Green, wh'' James Hagan. 36. was admitted to Hospital auditors, nurses, and energy- many potential workers situations want their children ding training in electronics, owner of the wrecking firm, said. "We started the work and then we "aren't willing to pay the drafting, design, etc. to their may be better than you think. related skilled assignments. ^to^et^^^bettei^ducatio^ found the sign on the side of the building saying it was a historical Atlanta more affordable landmark. £TTa fobtwo«th$ N.e.A'! 80 The Herald in Washington "By that time it was 50 percent h u c m E tom down so we just finished the job." for a retirement baven Does no regulation The building was owned by WASHINGTON (UPI) - Strike excluding personal income taxes, of budget contains a larger proportion Anthony Roppolo, a builder-developer Washington. Anchorage. Boston and the lower level budget for an urban of automobile owners and was, planning to turn the five-acre site Honolulu as retirement havens. Con­ retired couple was $6,023, " the therefore, affected most by the large into a shopping m all and con­ sider the attractions of Atlanta — it's department said "The intermediate increases m gasoline prices, which cost the same dominium complex. more affordable. level budget costs $8,562 and the are reflected in private transpor­ He had tried repeatedly to get per­ GOP giant Wherever its home, a retired cou­ higher level budget, $12,669 The tation, " the department said mission to tear the building down, ple in the United States is probably budget costs are about 9 percent The automobile industry had its Frank Cioffi, a campaign aide for Democratic gubernatorial as regulation? but the city refused and finally living on a budget about 9 percent higher than in the autumn of 1978 own problems with mid-August sales hopeful M. Jerome Diamond, in Vermont, takes a ride on a "These are the largest increases at a seasonally adjusted annual rate I.ISV SIII PVKI) munities Irom sudden abandonment declared the structure a historic higher than a year ago. the largest in­ landmark on Aug. 10, 1979. He then Republican elephant at the opening day of the 59th Champlain crease since 1974. the Labor Depart­ since 1974. " the bureau said. of 6 9 million, still severely- W.ASHINC.TON — One might by major aircarriers It set up a new agreed to restore the house and move Valley Fair Monday. The fair is expected to attract about 300.- ment said Monday. , The lowest costs for food, housing, depressed but better than the annual assume that when the gevernment division in the CAB lor this which has it to another site. Also with financial problems, ac­ transportation, clothing, personal rates ol 5 2 million in May. 5 5 a 10-year life until 1988. That function 000 visitors duruing during its one week stav. (UPI nhoto) stops regulating an industry there "I want them fined $500 a day until cording to other economic reports, care, and m edical care in 24 million m June and 6 4 million in Ju- would be a reduotion in the personnel will be handled by the Transportation Thoughts the dunderheads go out of business." are the U.S. auto industry, with mid- metropolitan areas, four non­ and money used by the regulating Department once the CAB closes its said Pucinski. who claimed fraud August sales down 36.5 percent from metropolitan regions and Anchorage, The Treasury Department agency .Not so in the case of airlines doors Love does not rejoice at wrong, but was involved in the demolition. a year ago. and the Treasury Depart­ Aiaska, were in Atlanta, Ga reported the tederal deficit grew to In 1978. Congress treed the airlines It will also cost the CAB con­ rejoices in the right. Herman Moses, director of licen­ Ships run blockade ment, with the government spending In Atlanta, the survey showed, $58.7 billion in July as the govern­ Irom the stronghold of the Clul siderably more in subsidy funds to Love strives for perfection. It sing. registration and permits for the $15.1 billion more in July than it took retired couples could live on $5,466 at ment spent $15 1 billion more than it took In .Aeronautics Board which had been ensure that the 800 small com­ pushes us to be the best that we can Department of Inspectional Services, in the low level. $7,912 at the in­ The department has projected the dictating prices airlines could charge munities around the country receive be! As persons, as families, as a na­ said the demolition "certainly fisherman surprised And Patricia Harris, secretary of termediate level and $11,694 at the tion. as a community — it challenges violated the Landmarks Act" and the Health and Human Services, said high level government will have a SM 9 billion and where they could and couldnT a minimum ol air service PARIS (UPI) — Six ships ran the Two negotiating sessions .Monday us to grow in those ways that lift the permit "never would have been Americans spent $212.2 billion on Alaska’s overall budgets — the deficit when the liscal year ends ily Lander is in charge of putting fishermen's blockade of the major issued if they had used the proper ad­ — one with industrial fishing firms their health last year, an average of highest — were $8,681. $11,602 and Sept 30 A minimum ol control is still held together the CAB s plan to "sunset " dignity, the worth, the value, the northern port of Le Havre before dress. " who want to reduce crew- sizes on big $943 per person and an increase of $16,502. by the 40-year-old CAB. but it's potential of each and every person. dawn today, but defiant strikers — or go out ol business. W'e have a But Lela Cirrincione, another of trawlers and the other with owner- 12.5 percent over the previous year. It was followed by Honolulu beginning to phase itsell out ol Anything that undermines that kind tightened their grip on several har­ operated boats angry over high fuel real opportunity to plan the sunset. " the wrecking firm's owners, said the The HHS figures show by far the ($7,040). Boston ($6,603), Washington Third rru> li \ ictiin of growth is not of love. bors afterward, defying authorities. costs — broke up without making existence slowly — pushing .'0 ol its l.anders said in an interview. "W'e city knew exactly which was biggest health cost is hospitals — ($6,567) and Cleveland ($6,263) in the Three car ferries and three smali progress WESTERLY. HI IT’L - An 850 employees out the door each don't have to worry about placing What can you do today to help being tom down. $85.3 billion last year. lower level: Boston ($10,119), cargo ships slipped in a single convoy- Most of the nation's harbors were Aug 13 head-on crash between two- vear The CAB is scheduled to close people in 30 days We can work with someone lor even yourself) realize She said Roppolo approached her The Labor Department's Bureau of Honolulu ($9,972). Washington ($9.- out of Le Havre, third biggest port of open Monday- with the exception of cars that injured 12 people claimed a up shop on Dec 31. 1984 with some them for three or tour years before his or her full potential as a human last month about the demolition and Labor Statistics issued updated 263) and Cleveland ($8,924) in the in­ central Europe, apparently taking by- Le Havre and four other smaller third victim Monday tunctions being transferred to other placing them ■■ being'’ gave 6366 N. Milwaukee as the hypotheticai budgets for a retired termediate level: and Boston surprise several fishing trawlers that ports But the unsuccessful government agencies Lander is kicking off the agency's To work at that answer is "of house's address. couple consisting of a husband over ($15.7601. Honolulu ($14,508), Rita 0 Di'nnell 7. ol West The Wagman File were on hand to prevent escape negotiating efforts were expected to love.' "When 1 went to the city building the age of 65 and his wife in low. in­ Washington ($13,662) and Detroit Warwick died at Lawrence and I m not so sure that deregulation job placement program this fall attempts during the night department, they told me there was lead to further closure moves by the termediate and higher income levels. ($13,377) in the higher level Memorial Hi'spital in New London. will be that much less in terms ol when the budget increases from $25,- At dawn, the fishermen responded nation's 25.0(X) fishermen The Rev. Dale H. Gustafson no such address." she said. "We The couple is presumed to be in The biggest jump in all three Conn taxpayer dollars ' said Cressworth 000 lor job training courses and by bringing in reinforcements to Railroad officials, in apparent an­ Emanuel Lutheran Church went over the legal description of the good health, capable of taking care of budget levels was for transportation Lander, the managing director ol the block the channel leading from the seminars to $150,000. ticipation ol further disruption of itself, and owning its home with no costs, which, rose 16.7 percent for the Her mi'ther Rita. 29 was the property and I took a photograph of main port. Others gathered at the en­ CAB What is important is ■ These funds are for those The real New York- at last ferry service from English Channel payments for mortgage principal and lower budget. 17 percent lor the in­ driver ol one ol the cars that collided the building and attached it to my trance to the nearby oil tanker ter­ deregulation lets the free enterprise employees who arc not going to be ports to Britain interest. termediate level and 17.6 percent in on the Westerly Bypass She was in application. minal at Antifer. marketplace system determine some statutorily transferred." explained "In the autumn of 1979. the es­ the higher budget satislactory condition .ii Westerly- "They told me the address should At the Mediterranean oil port of ‘(ioiiimon Table' fundamental things about aviation 1-ander "Each bureau is getting ad­ By BOB WAGMAN citizens in the street. The whole city happy with the president and they’re timated U.S average annual cost. "Transportation in the higher Hospital the convention meant working long be 6382 or 6384 N. Milwaukee, so we Fos-Sur-Mer, 16 fishing trawlers HARTFORD - Friday. Sept. 5. at 6 The CAB s operating budget will ditional training funds for its was mobilized to show the visiting not at all shy to tell us about it." NEW YO RKiN EA) - The cab hours of overtime in the summer changed it. milled about outside the entrance to p m , members of both Prince Hall not be cut each year, even as it politicians a good time. "I figured it was in such bad shape employees to upgrade their skills and driver was upset. Police lines and heat. Then, too. New York suffered by the deserted facility. Fos-sur-.Mer is Affiliates, F. & A .M. iblack) and the Support unit it should be demolished." she sai(l. phases out agency functions For make them more translerrable ' closed streets had made a mess of This time, as far as New York was But now New York has been bailed comparison to Detroit, which hosted the nation's largest facility- for un­ Connecticut Grand Lodge. A.F & Pucinski said, however, there is no sets meeting fiscal year 1979. the agency had a Lander predicts that secretaries traffic around Madison Square. concerned, it was no more Mister out. While the city's financial the Republicans last month. Much loading oil imports and Antifer the A .M I white) w ill meet at the 3 DAYS ONLY - THIS THURS/FRI/ SAT! record of any permit being issued. $27 6 million budget for 1980. $29 8 and data processors will have no Garden. , Nice Guy. problems are still severe—one result like New York four years ago, second largest, but no tankers were Holiday- Hotei, Hartford, to join in a MANCHESTER - The Neighborhood residents were upset million, for 1981 $28 8 million and it problem finding other jobs and "Sorry about the traffic, " he Mayor Ed Koch and other city of­ of which is fewer sanitation workers Detroit saw the Republican Conven­ at piers in either port Tuesday- mor­ dinner meeting, called 'Common Greater .Manchester by the demolition. IS projecting a $29 1 million budget expects they will fit into the category remarked with a sad shake of his ficials did their best to get New York and filthier streets — they are no tion as a way to start improving its ning. Table " Arthritis Support Gfoup for 1982 01 employees leaving through attri­ head. "There's some kind of damn ready to again welcome the longer desperate. There was little desperate finances and rebuilding its will meet Wednesday, FRUIT OF THE LOOM Lander says the budget increases tion reason for the city to remobilize. Sept 3. at 7:30 p m. at the convention in town." Democrats with an effort called tattered community pride. Manchester Memorial are due to inflation and automatic "We have a budget line item for a "Polish the Apple. " But it really So. New York treated this year's The entire city was cleaned up and It was almost as if New York City Young thugs shoot four Hospital. 71 Haynes St. in federal salary increases for agency number ol stall people that is ab­ decided to host the 1980 Democratic didn't work. visiting Democrats much like any fixed up. Virtually every Detroit personnel, despite a planned reduc­ solutely real. " says Lander. "My other group of conventioneers. The resident seemed concerned that the conference room. Convention in an attempt to restore The average New Yorker could LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Two sisters out for an The gunmen then walked about a block and approached tion in staff Paula Haney, a UNDERWEAR budget lor 1981 says I will have 691 city was glad enough to host the those attending the convention have its image. hardly have cared less that the con­ evening stroll slumped to the sidewalk with gunshot an 18-year-old French tourist who had saved money for a registered physical The schedule lor a workit'rce people At the end ol the year if we Remember all those television and vention was here. As another cabby politicians but was not going out of the best possible time and leave with wounds to the face, moments later a teen-ager was shot year for his trip to Southern California. The boy was therapist, will be the guest for MEN and ROYS reduction calls lor a drop from 8.70 to have 735 then I'm going to have to get newspaper stories coming out of the remarked when asked his reaction to its way as it did four years ago. the best possible opinion of the city. in the stomach, then an old man shrieked and fell dead as walking a few steps ahead of two friends and a brother speaker. Her topic will be and sister. 799 in 1979. to 743 in 1980. to 690 in 1981 rid ol 44 people Democratic Convention of four years the return of the Democrats: "Big In addition, there was New York's A reporter could not walk down the a bullet pierced his belly. "Evening of Exercise.” and 655 in 1982 Projections beyond When the suspect shot the teen-ager, "they thought it How do you do that'’ By laying ago? They talked about the depth of deal! " attitude toward Jimmy Carter. street, eat a meal or make a long­ While horrified witnesses looked on. two young thugs This will be an educational that are now being worked out was a joke. " a member of the family said them oil or by attrition’’ Part ol the civic pride, the safety and So why the change? New Yorkers feel Carter has let distance call without being told how methodically walked through a West Los Angeles sharing night mixed with a Three functions the agency handles "Then they saw the trail of blood and knew it was not. " attritii'n method is to improve their cleanliness of the streets, the Four years ago. New York was on them down, that he has reneged on happy Detroit was that he or she had neighborhood Sunday evening and shot four people at little activity. will continue beyond its demise, skills and place them in other agen­ his promises of four years ago. It did come. point-blank range in a 20-minute crime spree. he said. A il interested persons friendliness and helpfulness of New the brink of bankruptcy. Jimmy The gunmen then turned on the French brother and automatically transferring about 300 cies ' Witnesses said after each shooting the assailants are invited to attend. For Yorkers. Carter and tne Democrats promised not sit well with many of them that The Democrats returned to New sister, one of them shoving a gun against the girl's tem­ workers to other government agen­ In the final analysis. Lander is un­ the main business of the convention York partly out of the memory of the casually walked away. further information, con­ This time it was back to the real a sympathetic new administration The City Council was shocked, and Monday posted a ple. They took some jewelrv and a few dollars and walked tact the Connecticut cies The CAB'S anti-trust division, able t(' state that no regulation costs was to renominate the president. excellent time they had enjoyed four New York. This time the city was as that would come to the city’s rescue. $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the off. Arthritis Foundation, 929 lor example, will be moved over to the taxpayers less than deregulation Carter campaign workers told dirty, chaotic and arrogant as the So, it became a matter of intense years ago and partly out of the Police Monday described a door-to-door search for the Silas Deane Highway. the .lustice Department and the and instead focuses on the benefits many stories about abuses suffered gunmen. New York of legend. civic concern that New York put on political reality that Carter badly “ What we have is four extremely brutal, extremely suspects as a "slow, tedious and painful operation " W e th e rsfie ld , 06109. Bureau ol Internati(>nal Aviation to to consumers. wh(> are now clearly The city,streets were as filthy as its best face for the visitors. at the hands of New Yorkers — not needs to win New York if he is to be cold-blooded murders," said police Lt. Glenn Ackerman. Detectives said they were scouring the neighborhood for Telephone: 563-1177. the Transportation Department enjoying the lower prices resulting ever The/hookers were as bold as The situation was so clear and the city officials or hotel executives, but re-elected in November. But this The suspects first confronted two sisters walking down two black males. 17 to 20 years old When Congress wrote the deregula­ Irom rate wars between airlines ever Th» policemen, while helpful, need so urgent that the welcoming telephone installers and carpenters time New York did not feel it needed the street. One of the robbers poked a small-caliber pistol tion law lor airlines it included living lo major cities were as .surly as ever, many annoyed spirit worked its way down from city and room-service waiters. As one Carter, so the democrats were in the face of Tai Hua Chen, 62, who tried to push him language protecting small i om- that the tight security required by officials to cops and the beat to Carter worker put it, "They're not greeted by the real New York. away. The gunman fired and she fell dead. The gunman then turned on her screaming sister, Mai % Ying Yu, 60, and shot her in the face. She died shortly I DELTA MAINTENANCE! Washington Merry-Go~Round after arrival at Los Angeles New Hospital. SIGN UP! & CARPET CLEANING u.s. April raid on Iran is reviewed and found wanting Specializing in carpet & upholstry cleaning B> JACK VNDKKSON the Soviets, their surveillance FOR A FALL LEAGUE little planning for unexpected con­ for making decisions. The man who Site One. \ home cleaning WASHINGTON - There was a mo­ capabilities unmatched, must have obstacles now are e lormously more Buy one package at regular price, tingencies," the report to Tower was, was in the White House, There was similar lack of coor­ AT OUR FREE windows ment of high danger last April as detected the signals. But thanks to difficult. ^ i i i i states. "What do you do if you hit bad thousands of miles from the scene of dination in the matter of radio American commandos, huddled in the Iraelis. the Soviets may not have Spoiling ilir upoilit; Win or lose in JR. ROWLING CLINIC! floors stripped & waxed weather? What do you do if there is the action.” silence and radar avoidance. The helicopters, rattled toward Iran interpreted the sounds correctly. November, Jimmy Carter appears get 2nd package for just *1.00! an emergency involving fire? What The weather over the Iranian Marine copter pilots were "very FREE ESTIMATES office maintenance Hundreds ol miles away. Israeli in­ The Pentagon planners also determined to leave his mark on the FREE FREE do you do if Iranians intervene? What desert — the unusual "suspended worried about going too high to get upper echelons of Washington 24 HOUR SERVICE fire & water damaged telligence specialists were routinelv seemed not to anticipate that out of the weather, out of fear of .Imlt 4 packages per customer. do you do if you get down to five air­ dust" phenomenon — and the reac­ bureaucracy — and leave few rtial m l Miatrial Kcnnts monitoring radio communications anything would go wrong during the being 'painted' by Iranian radar and materials cleaned craft at Desert Site One? What do tions to it illustrate the weaknesses political spoils for a victorious WEDNESDAY, AUG. 27TH IRiCOIKd They picked up some suspicious rescue attempt, though it was a mis­ thus compromising the mission," the call for igtcial rates insurance claim work you do if some Iranians who observe in the rescue mission command Ronald Reagan. transmissions and easily detected sion of mind-numbing complexity report notes. But the "A ir Force was the mission escape?" setup. A flood of presidential ap­ AT P.M. the hostage .and split-second timing. So when the much more relaxed, and flew all the m SOFA A CHAIR All of these accidents — and more The lead C-130 transport was the i CARPET STEAM rescue operation ^ unexpected, as another top-secret pointments to vacancies on various (any sized) 297 East Center St. — happened. Yet no coordinated first aircraft to hit the suspended way at a higher altitude. " Acting quickly, t v report to Sen. John Tower, R-Texas, regulatory and advisory commission i CLEANED responses had been planned. Adding dust fog, but though the planes were Likewise, the Marines maintained FOR FUN, EXCITEMENT CLEANED they began sen- f ^ makes clear, the commanders of the has issued from the White House in to the potential for confusion, the strict radio silence, even in the, MANCHESTER, CT. ding out contusing engulfed in it for 45 minutes, the recent months. If the Senate OKs COMPTETIONt operation had no preplanned extreme danger of the dust fog. But n9 .9 5 signals to disguise Senate report contends, was the fact commander "elected not to report" them all, the agencies will be loaded avg. size room responses ready. when the first C-130 landed, the im­ 0ftNThi]f.LFri.'til9PH! the telltale L'.S. that each unit commander , — in the unusual condition. When the with Carter people for years to come. ^39.95 I W(>rse yet, there was such poor charge of helicopters, transport Marine helicopters hit the dust, the pact broke its non-interceptible LEAGUES WILL RE FORMING Soil Retardant (to preserve your carpet) transmissions In­ overall coordination that unit com- Some figures: In May of 1980 Carter planes and ground troops — "felt flight leader landed briefly and radio. The Air Force pilot then "went credibly. the manders made individual, submitted 217 nominations, com­ FOR ALL AGES! s i n w responsible for his part of the action reported to the Pentagon. ahead to report his arrival on an open Springdale Mall Americans had overlooked this sometimes contradictory, decisions. pared to just 42 in May of 1979; in per room ■ w and operated in isolation except He was “ not provided any net(work). thus possibly com­ elementary precaution. But for- And when the officers on the scene June and J u ly , he sent 379 when the force was married up for guidance,” the report notes. "The promising the mission, even though call now SPRINGFIELD, MA. tunately, the Israelis covered lor sought guidance from the Pentagon nominations, compared to 220 in that 643-1501 I Delta Maintenance rehearsals." (Pentagon) asked, 'What are you another secure radio was available at td ^ t It dona right them, or the ill-fated mission might on handling the unexpected period last year. The report explains: "Historically, going to do?’ Since the other aircraft the site," the report states. OPEN EvetyNite 1119)30! have been worse. developments, the top brass in The president is also 487 No. Main S I it has been unwise to so fragment had not turned back, the flight leader Although President Carter denies "piggybacking" many longterm IMimiMICK PMMADE LANI I 643-5056 This has been reported by a Pen­ Washington passed the. buck right (below Cap 'n Cork Liquors) command. In this case, no one at decided to go on. " It was a hairy it, our investigations have found that nominations on short-term ap­ MANCHEtTEII PMIKAOE FULLY INSUBID AND DONOtO tagon evaluation team in their secret back to them Desert Site lOne) was resnonsible experience, flying blind, but six he has ordered preparations for MMCHESTEII, CONN. findings The report speculates that pointments to fill unexpired terms. ' lit IS) clear that there was verv Marine choppers made it to Desert another rescue attempt, though the K\ K M M ; IIKHALl), Tucs , August 26. 1980 EVENING HERALD, Tues., August 26, 1860 - 7 One ex'lieutenant betty'5 V^ddinQs sentenced to jail Tindall-Colhert Haddad testified last week that he HARTFORD (UPI) - A Superior By Susan Mary Colbert of Manchester and John S. Tindall Court judge has sent a former New had his son, Frederick P. Haddad Jr., of Andover were married Aug. 23 at St. Bartholomew Britain fire lieutenant to jail but let made the recording after Sahadi Church in Manchester. his cancer-stricken colleague off threatened to implicate Haddad's BETTY RYDER The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David easier on charges they lied to a state wife, Tina, in the scandal. Colbert of 268 Scott Drive, Manchester. The bridegroom Judge William C. Bieluch ordered probe of the city's municipal corrup­ is the son of Richard Tindall of Canastota, N.Y., and Mrs. an edited copy of the tape to be tion scandal. Priscilla Tindall of Oneida, N.Y. played Tuesday before the six- ' Have just about recovered from presentation was difficult as they all also sponsored by Coelho, owner of Judge Brian O’Neill Monday The Rev. Martin Scholsky of St. Bartholomew Church member jury after working out with my whirlwind round trip to West had their own individual style and Personal Tee in Manchester, in sentenced former fire Lt. Robert performed the double-ring ceremony. \ lawyers last week which sections of Berlin last week — but it took a few appearance. Portugese-American tournaments on Blanchette to one year in jail The bride was given in marriage by her father. days. More than 160 clowns participated the East Coast. suspended after 30 days and former the tape wouldn't be played as Sharon Scolsky of East Hartford, the bride’s cousin, in this phase of the weekend conven­ fire Capt. Ettor Fallo to a year's "irrelevant to this case." It was well worth it and even a was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Linda Colbert and tion and it featured the tramps and suspended sentence. The deletions include two acciden­ quick glance of the many beautiful Good ideas Joanie Colbert, both of Manchester and sisters of the tal erasures, a conversation between statues and palaces was enough for hobos, the auguste makeup, and Fallo, whose doctors have given Save that soap. If the thought of bride; Lon Scolsky of East Hartford, the bride’s cousin; Sahadi, Haddad and his son about a me to want to return some day. white-face clowns. We rode back to the cancer patient 36 months to live, throwing away leftover cosmetic and Lee Croote of New York, the bridegroom’s sister, street fight, and a conversation Now that that Friendship Force the Holiday Inn in East Hartford with was also ordered to donate 13 hours soap remnants rubs you the wrong Paul Filipowich of Wallingford served as best man. between the father and son. people-to-people exchange is over, the clowns and they certainly are a of volunteer work weekly for the next way, use this money-saving tip from Ushers were Chuck Farmer of Vernon; Jeff Tindall of The edited tape will include a one we are already planning a return merry group. 18 months at Bristol Hospital. the "Reader's Idea Exchange” in the New York, the bridegroom’s brother; Steven Colbert of The two men were the latest of 11 minute and SO second musical in­ flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, on Oct. 14. Met one gentleman "tramp,” who lives just around the corner from us current issue of Family Circle Manchester, the bride’s brother; and Save Purdom of defendants to be sentenced after terruption which the younger Haddad Ambassadors and host families are Wallingford. on Kensington Street in Manchester. magazine. pleading guilty or no content to admitted he had accidentally needed, so anyone interested can A reception was held at Willie’s Steak House in His clown name is “ Harlee" but he’s Simply tie them in a piece of nylon charges stemming from the alleged recorded over the conversation. contact Paul Cullen in West Hartford Manchester, after which the couple left for Daytona and The jury, which was excused at 561-2908. really Floyd Totten. Hope to get net and abracadabra, you have a sen­ sale of promotions in New Britain. suous and inexpensive "Loofah" Orlando. Fla. They will reside in Andover. during arguments on the admisibility We participated in the first together with him and find out more Blanchette and Fallo had pleaded body sponge. Mrs. Tindall is employed as a secretary at Pratt & of the tape; will be given a transcript Connecticut exchange trip to Israel about how he became a clown. no contest to lying to a one-man Another tip — instead of throwing Whitney Aircraft Group of United Technologies Corp. in m of the edited version to follow while in January 1978 and it was wonderful. Still later on Sunday, we stopped at grand jury that probed corruption in away those plastic berry baskets you East Hartford. Mr. Tindall is employed as an accoun­ New Britain. listening to the tape, Bieluch ruled. Charter Oak Park where A1 Coelho was hosting his women’s and men’s get in supermarkets, use them as tant for the First Hartford Corporation in Manchester They entered the pleas after their Mrs. John S. Tindall (McKinney photo) CloHuing around softball team at a cookout. Also pre­ colanders. Family Circle reports requests were denied for accelerated Dog disease We never saw so many clowns at they’re ideal for rinsing mushrooms, rehabilitation, a state program sent were many members of the one time in our life until we attended grapes, radishes, berries and the which allows for dismissal of a Sports Hartford Benfica, some of Stunts yes can he fatal the Sixth Annual New England Clown whom we had met previously at the like. And, when you’re not using charge if a defendant has no new them for rinsing, stack a few near charges brought against him for a Convention competition on Sunday at Andover Sportsman’s Club. They won the Hartford Civic Center. the sink to hold soap and sponges. year. HARTFORD (UPI) - State some fantastic trophies for their Serving as a judge for the clown Sounds good. Reagan on Taiwan A total of 24 persons, most past or veterinarians, concerned about the shooting around the country. SHB is present New Britain officials, have increase of an often fatal disease But never take a risk Hatchet is buried Ronald Reagan said in Los Angeles Monday that he would been arrested on charges in the I ' l i - which has struck thousands of dogs NEW YORK (NEA)- Sen Kdward Kennedy, who has apparently buried the strengthen relations with the Taiwan government, stressing year state investigation into the across the nation, have called for stair fall which, she says, Association ! told them recently playing "a The first 4ime she was political hatchet with his formal rival. President Carter, that his proposals are all allowed by the Taiwan Relations Act mone vaccinations in Connecticut. is a series of gymnastic about my background and deranged thief" in the alleged promotions selling scheme. E nqoQ cd completely on fire, "It was An outbreak of the disease, called moves, “ Lssk the director, they voted me in” filming of "The Fan” ”I arrives at the White House Monday to discuss campaign as passed by Congress. At left is his running mate, George Two other suspects, fire Lt. James anticlimactic," says New parvovirus, was first reported in how do you wnat my body Then, for two and a half had to grab a pen from strategy with the president. (UPI photo i Bush. (UPI photo) Karam and Frederick P. Haddad Sr,, York stuntwoman Victoria a former chairman of the city's Civil Connecticut in July and early August Donadio-Quinn to go down, front somer­ years, “ I went on every Lauren Bacall, run across Vanderkloot, 25. "I was sault. straight body tuck, Service Commission, had their cases and vets said dogs which were to be stunt he did and he had to the street and dodge cars The engagement of Miss Nancy expecting the roar,of the postponed until Sept. 8 for senten­ put in kennels or shown in competi­ etc.? Then I roll down the a cco m p a n y me on There’s a near-miss with a Donadio of Manchester to Hugh flames behind me and it cing. tion shouid be vaccinated. stairs very slowly to show everything I did” And, car and I’m thrown down James Quinn also of Manchester, has was nothing” Carter, Reagan plan debates Haddad appeared in court Monday Harry Shook, executive secretary him exactly how it will now that New York, which by the killer," she says been announced by her parents. Mr. She just burned for 45 as a witness for the prosecution in of the Connecticut Veterinary look and I know where my she adores and wouldn’t laughing. "The director and Mrs. Vincent Donadio of 57 Lyn- seconds on the soap opera. r>\ l iiiliil InlcriiiilioiKil considered Some newspapers, such quarters at the White House. the tact that, m his first foray into Medical Association, said Monday body is turning all the leave for California, is a just let me go with it and the 11th day of the trial of another dale St., Manchester. "Search for Tomorrow," Kiiissaries (rum I're'^ident Carter as the St Petersburg Times, have Kennedy said he considers the foreign policy, Reagan has tim e.” moviemaking city again, made it up as we went defendant. — suspended Detective the warning had been extended and Mr. Quinn is the son of Mr. and for $1,300. Few people and Knnald Reagan have a date at olfered to sponsor a debate, as has president's new economic proposals repudiated the policies of the last all dogs that spend time outdoors Of course, falling down "I make a good living along. It was so great. And Sgt. George F. Sahadi. Mrs. Edwin L. Quinn of 21 Wyllis St., would have done that to the League ot Women Voters the Ladies Home Journal magazine a forward step, although they do not three American presidents — two He was on the stand as attorneys should have the vaccine. stairs or off buildings, get­ doing stunts here," she Lauren Bacall put her hand Manchester. begin with, and fewer still, ting hit with chairs, driving headquarters to discuss the Chief of staff Jack Watson said in a go far enough in the area of creating from his own party ” for the state and Sahadi determined Shook and state veterinarian says. on my shoulder and said. Miss Donadio graduated from the way she did. cars at 45 miles an hour lorthcoming presidential debates, televised interview Sunday Carter is new jobs He said, however, he is en­ the chain of custody of a tape George C. Sturgess said cases of the But that won’t last You better take this pen Manchester High School in 1978 and Laughing mischievously, I'nited Press International has insisting on a one-on-one debate with couraged and will campaign hard for -Independent candidate John recorded conversation between disease, beleived to be a mutated into "reverse 180 degree forever. Despite two hours and run. kid. because I’m from Creative School of Hairdressing she says, " I’d only done six learned Reagan to kick off the series, and the president and other Democratic .Anderson named former W'isconsin Sahadi and Haddad at Haddad's form of cat distfemper, have in­ turns and wide spins, you at the gym four times a going to grab you by the in Manchester in 1979. She is partial burns before, so I Carter press secretary .Jody would like to have it earlier than candidates Gov. Patrick Lucey, a disgruntled home in June 1979. creased in recent weeks. always go away with little week with “ a terrific gym­ scruff of the neck.’ She was employed at Headmasters in Vernon. called Mickey Caruso in Powell and campaign adviser (ierald Sept. 18. the date set by the league -Bush again denied Chinese Kennedy Democrat, to be his vice The recording was of a talk "We are concerned about it. We're bruises and cuts, ” she nastic coach,’’ despite real nice” Mr. Quinn graduated from Loomis- California, who’s the best Katshoon were to represent Carter, for the first debate in Baltimore. claims his trip to Peking was a presidential running mate. Lucey. between Sahadi and Haddad, who going to keep an eye on it. We do see says, but in her case, jogging and swimming "to There was one thing Chaffee School in Windsor in 1978 and fire stuntman in the but Reagan s deputies tor today’s In political developments Monday fa ilu re , and said . In any who resigned as ambassador to a slight increase in the incidence of nothing more after 40 keep’ loose ” and the protein though. Stubbing out a testified last week he and had is currently attending the University business, and he told me talks were not known by late Mon­ -Reagan defended his China policy relationship as new and as com­ Mexico in November and joined arranged for Sahadi tb buy his possible cases. It's not widespread at stunts in three and a half milkshakes with seven cigarette she says, "They of Connecticut School of how to do the whole thing day and accused Carter of humiliating plicated as this one there’s going to Kennedy s campaign early this year, promotion to detective sergeant. this point," Shook said. years. different powders, yogurt had me holding a cigarette The president is known to be un­ America's friends on Taiwan In a be dillerences. so I don’t think you .said it is Carter, not he. who has Engineering. over the phone” For one thing, she’s built and banana which she all day and I hadn’t smoked The couple is planning a June 6, y m Which made it perfectly happy with the league s decision to news conference in Los Angeles with liave to know anything about the turned his back on the Democratic for the job. Lean — 5-feet- drinks hours before a stunt, in two and a half years 1981 wedding at St. James Church in Nunrv Donadio Mary Beth X^illiunia include independent candidate John running-mate George Bush, the China equation to suggest some ol Party safe in her mind, since, she 7. 115 pounds, — sinewy, a time will pass and her skill Anderson il the Illinois congressman Republican nominee outlined Manchester, (Village photo) says. ” I had three hazel-eyed brunette who these things would cause heartburn Gejdensen hails Barrington (R.I.) .High School and will slacken. She could Sign language Mrs. Chandler Moisen of Barrington, has at least a 15 percent standing in changes he would make in U S.China in Peking. ’ Lucey also said he is "not a cham­ stuntmen all trained in fire says people no longer say become a stunt coordinator Williams'Moisen R,1 from Babson College in Wellesley. put me out with fire The United Nations has sup­ the polls at the time relations if he were president. -Vice President Walter .Mondale pion ol lost causes or hopeless she resembles Ali then. "I am sure one now The engagement of Miss Mary Miss Williams graduated from Mass., with a bachelor’s degree in extinguishers." ported adoption of interna­ Some White House aides have in­ -Carter and Sen. Edward Kennedy- characterized Reagan s China policy crusades,” and he believes the in­ McGraw, she’s been and I will be in the future Beth Williams of Vail, Colo., to C. East Catholic High School and from accounting. He is employed as divi­ Still, fire is treacherous tional traffic signs that use dicated they may turn to different held an hour-long, apparently as contused ,ind misinformed, and dependent ticket "has a real chance Moffett hacking training since she was a but," she says, ”My real standard shapes, drawings Stuart Moisen. also of Vail, has been Regis College in Weston, Mass., with sion controller at Vail Associates and people can burn. "As sponsors unless Carter's wishes are successful meeting in the familv said. -.No claiiMcalion will obscure to win this election ” child in Chappaqua. N.Y.: love is in doing the stunts, and symbols to overcome lan­ announced by her parents, Mr. and a bachelor’s degree in English. She is Inc. at Vail. soon as you feel hot during downhill skiing, gym­ guage barriers, so motorists NORWICH (UPI) - The indirect highlight the differences between my The couple is planning a Sept. 27 so I really want to become Mrs. Donald L. Williams of 98 employed as an advertising account the course of events, nastics, swimming, the an action actor now” can recognize road hazards entry of Rep. Toby Moffett. D-Conn., opponent and me" and was useful wedding at St. Bartholomew Church and regulations wherever Ludlow Road. Manchester. executive at Advantage Vail at Vail. you’ve already got second- trampoline, motorcycles, She got her first chance into the Democratic 2nd District con­ "for people who may have not had in Manchester. (McKinnev photo) they drive Mr. Moisen is the son of Mr. and Mr. Moisen graduated from degree burns," she says. mini-bikes and horses. gressional race has drawn mixed the time to see how we stand on the Anderson mate not big name ’You should never feel "Speed has always in­ response from the two candidates issues” anything” trigued me," she says. vying for the party’s nomination. Toscano predicted Dempsey would I'O.N I’PD — Indepen­ Why you shouldn’t is And cars, which she Moffett, a three-term congressman win the primary and discounted the Durette earns promotion BEAT THE RUSH! dent presidential candidate John because, first you’re mastered in high school from the 6th District, threw his sup­ Anderson s choice ol former Wiscon­ effect the endorsement would have in wearing a non-flammable when her commercial pilot port Monday behind former stale James R. Durette, son of Mr. and A 1964 graduate of South Windsor A 1978 graduate of Stafford High EARLY SEASON sin G. . ''atrick .1 Lucey as a run­ shifting support to Gejdenson. ■'fire suit" — long un­ father moved the family to Rep Samuel Gejdenson over the par­ Mrs. Raymond Durette of 53 Sunset High School, he joined the Navy in School, Stafford Springs, he joined ning 't'le gives him a Democratic ’’We’ve got the numbers out there, derwear. socks, hood, Noname Island seven ty endorsed candidate and former we’ve got the grass roots support," Terrace, South Windsor, has been December 1968. the Navy in January. libcr,ii. .1 '• not quite the big name he sometimes gloves. "Then miles off Miami, and Democratic State Chairman John N. Toscano said. “ The people are not in specially identified for early promo­ desired everyone does it different­ thousands from civilzation. SALE Dempsey Jr. tune with Toby. People are tion to senior airman in the U.S. Air Spec. 4 James J. Beatrice of Ver­ Anderson Monday picked Lucey — ly, but I wrap myself in tin ■’There was nothing to do Gejdenson hailed the endorsement, sophisticated enough to know an en­ Force. non and other members of the 377th Navy Engineman Fireman Recruit a lisgrunileii Kennedy Democrat — foil to reflect the heat. but drive for three hours and as expected, Dempsey campaign dorsement is nice political public Airman Durette was awarded the Field Artillery in Herzogenaurach. James T. Harrison, son of Thomas The ORIGINAL to be his vice presidential running new rating by a "below-the-zone” Germany, recently took part in an Then 1 paint myself with and I drove that car to workers downplayed the effect the relations” Harrison of 7 Laurwood Drive, rubber cement in the areas mate, the 'National I'nity promotion board which considered annual service practice at the NATO death.” Boekemp move will have on the race. Bolton, and Denise Harrison of 76 I want to burn, mostly on Campaign' two Midwestern The Democratic primary winner job performance, m ilitary Missile Firine Installation (NAMFD Even so, she didn’t just progressives, although the two men "Toby does not do anything unless Wellswood Road, Hebron, has com­ the back, and 1 put on the Quartz Energy it benefits him politically,” Dempsey will face a Republican nominee also knowledge, bear and self- walk into stuntwork, differ somewhat on fiscal issues on the Island of Crete near Greece, pleted the Basic Engineman Course wardrobe and wig which news secretary Mike Toscano said, to be decided in a primary for the improvement efforts. Beatrice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fin- at the Naval Training Center, Great although she was already Alter 3U years in elective politics. are soaked in a fire- Saver @ indicating Moffett was thinking of his seat being vacated by Rep. The airman is a medical technician ton J, Beatrice, 5 Tracy Drive, Ver­ Lakes. III. in the industry. "I always I am not a i nampion I't lost causes I'r retardant solution. own political future on a statewide Christopher Dodd, D-Conn, at Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C. non, is a survey computer specialist. He joined the Navy in February wanted to get into films NOW hopeles.s crusades.” Lucey said ■'Finally, I smear level. "This is not a surprise to us." Gejdenson began campaigning for and I was a production John Anderson's campaign has 1980. Vaseline on my face. I "I'm very happy," Gejdenson said the 2nd District seat in May 1979 — Navy Lt. Cmdr. Richard J. Moriar- assistant, but things made tremendous strides in the past Navy Machinist's Mate Fireman don’t need more protection 95 "It's exciting because he’s the only before Dodd announced his decision ty, son of Mr. and Mrs. James P, weren’t moving fast lour mi'nths and I believe he has a Apprentice Pete L. Litvinchyk, son of there ’ because the flames member of the congressional delega­ to go after the U.S. Senate seat being Moriarty of 455 Oakland Road, South enough for me that route real chance to win this election " Virile Litvinchyk of 57 Village St., Donald G. Beckman, son of Mr. are usually behind you. tion to support anyone in this race” vacated by Democrat Abraham Windsor, has reported for duty with and it seemed stuntwork Lucey's selection may attract Rockville, has completed the Basic and Mrs. John R. Beckman of 63 Either I’m running or if Moffett said Gejdenson had "an Ribicoff. the Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 41, would work for me. So I ap­ while they last some liberal Democrats unhappy Machinist's Mate Course at the McKee St., Manchester, has been I’m standing still, I have excellent record" and announced he Dempsey, son of popular former North Island, Naval Air Station, San prenticed with Harry with Carter hut he is not the big Naval Training Center. Great Lakes, sworn in as a Coast Guard Academy huge fans set up high, poin­ will make two campaign Democratic Gov. John Dempsey, Dieeo. Calif. Madsen, the best stuntman political name .\nderson had hoped cadet. ting down in front of me." appearances with the Bozrah resi­ didn’t enter the race until earlier this on the East Coast, but I had would bring immediate legitimacy to C urrently, he is undergoing In short, she says, "I dent this week in Middletown and year but soon became the front to chase him first for a his ( ampaign training, and will participate in a don’t take risks because I Mansfield. runner in the sprawling eastern year and a half. I kept sen­ Ander.son said Lucev was the only one-week cruise aboard the training wouldn’t hurt myself for Gejdenson will face Dempsey, who Connecticut district by virtue of his ding him pictures telling per-cn ottered the job. but a number New virus threatens barque Eagle. anybody. And stunts are won the party’s convention nomina­ wellknown name. him I wanted to learn "1 more prominent names — in- Beckman is a 1980 graduate of never a last-minute thing. MANCHESTER HARDWARE tion, in a Sept. 9 primary where the Toscano said other endorsements stuntwork, and finally he ( biding New York Gov Hugh ( arey. Manchester High School. They take time to set up. ” party nominee will be selected. for either candidate could be brought me to a meeting of 877 Main St. Phona 643-442B Sem llenr\ .lackson of Wa.shingti'n. man^s best friend For instance, before a Independents running mate Gejdenson said he believed he and forthcoming because of the interest the East Coast Stuntmen’s f r M Parking P—r of Our Storo and lormer Reji Barbara .Iordan ol ^ among highranking Democrats to see WASHINGTON (UPI) - A new sources should be isolated at least a Te\.is had been on his shopping ■ Jndependent presidential candidate John Democratic National Convention two weeks Molfett shared "some of the same type of viral enteritis, parvovirus, concerns ” and the willingness "for their party hold on to the seat which week. Runs, cages, food bowls and iisi Mo-: ol them have endorsed Anderson names former Wisconsin Gov ago when his candidate, Edward Kennedy, threatens dogs in the United States, fighting for the things we believe in” had been occupied by a Republican other equipment should be ( arlor Patrick Lucey as his running mate Mondav in lost the nomination to President Carter. (UPI prior to Dodd's election. says a U.S. Department of thoroughly disinfected with a diluted He said the endorsement "helos Agriculture official, who warns dog Lucev i|uickl> took alti-r ('arter Washington. Lucey, 62, walked out of the photo I chlorine solution. Chaloux brokers, dealers and participants in recommends four ounces of chlorine with an attack that sounded like one shows and field trials to take special by Sen Kdward Kennedy during his ly He has said from the beginning ol The two men are social liberals, Party "to which I have devoted my bleach per gallon of water. Cleanup precautions to prevent its spread. unsiKiosslul campaign lor the his independent candidacy he wanted but Anderson’s record is si'inewhat pi'litical life. ” but said on reflection Bozzuto claims foe and sanitation are crucially impor­ The disease was unknown before Iiomocralic nomination Lucey who a Democratic running mate more conservative on liscal matters. he decided it was Carter, not he, who tant, he says, as the disease appears 1978, and some people may not be was dcfiulv director ol Kennedy s The liberal Lucey, a longtime Lucey back.s Kennedy’s comprehen­ was turning his back. to spread mainly through contact Bask ceramics aware of its importance, says Pierre campaign, said Carter had ' aban- Kennedy family ally, was twice sive national health insurance It is Jimmy Carter who has aban­ may have conflicts with contaminated feces. A. Chaloux, deputy administrator of dr'ned” the Democratic Party elected governor of Wisconsin and program and presumably also sup­ doned the Democratic Party. He has Puppies are protected during the resigned in 1977 to accept Carter’s ported the senator’s call lor wage abandoned the Democratic Party's HARTFORD (UPI) - Richard in Congress that might have been of USDA's Animal and Plant Health first few days of life by antibodies Anderson is a Republican who appointment as ambassador to and price ci'ntrols. Anderson opposes historic commitment to full employ­ Bozzuto, Republican U.S. Senate can­ potential benefit to the Buckley Inspection Service. passed through their mother's milk. Chaloux says dogs from different came to Congress from Illinois 20 .Mexico He resigned as ambassador both ment. and he has deliberately thrown didate, has charged his primary op­ family’s holdings. Chaloux says. to thennodynainics. >ears ago as a model conservative in November, and joined Kennedy s Lucey conceded he had some mis­ millions ol Americans out of their ponent James Buckley with “ poten­ "How can he expect to be unbiased Unlucky Discovery and then moved leltward ideoh.'gicaL campaign early this year givings about leaving the Democratic jobs." Lucey said. tial conflicts of interests" because of and submit effective legislation to his family’s oil lease holdings. help solve our urgent energy needs Ammonia gas was first REAL ESTATE PRINaPLES & PRACTICES Nearly 800 courses in eight fine schools. the required course (or the Real Estate Salesman's Bozzuto said Buckley owns a 10 with these conflicts." Bozzuto said. noticed scientifically in 1315 by Majorcan philosopher Ray­ License Colleges of Engint»ering, Arts & Hartford has the class you want. percent share in the family owned Bozzuto repeated his demands that mond Lully (1232-1315). who Sciences, Basic Studies, Education. Register now: Monday-Thursday Reagan tries to end controversy Catawba Corp., which has controlling his opponent in the Sept. 9 primary was stoned to death by the ROCKVHIE • Wednesday evenings from interest in six international com­ debate him on the issues and that townsfolk of I’arma for his Tt'chnical College. Schools of Art, Music, 8;30-8:30, Friday 8:30-5:30, Saturday 9-12. LOS ANGKLKS ” ’Pli - 6:30-9:30 p.m. for 12 weeks home in the hunt country of Virginia advocating a change m U.S. policy inappropriate and demeaning to our panies that own oil and natural gas Buckley disclose his personal discovery. Business. Undergraduate, graduate, Auerbach Hall, Rixjm 228. Or call 243-4371 Republican pri-sidcntial candidate later in the week. because his proposals are already Chinese friends on Taiwan," he said. leases and drilling rights. finances, income and holdings. beginning September 17, credit, non-credit. Convenient times at Masler Charge and VISA accepled. Ronald Reagan, hoping he has At a news conference Monday with authorized under the Taiwan “ I challenge my Republican oppo­ a convenient place. University of Classes begin Septemix'r 3. quelled the liiror over his China running mate George Bush. Reagan Relations Act passed by Congress — jnrssMMPOOiK 1980 Bush, who returned Sunday from nent to eliminate the potential con­ statements, turned his attention stood by his stand that if elected he but were not implemented by Presi­ Air quality report his controversial nine-day visit to the flicts of interests," Bozzuto said, "by D ivision tit A dult hducational Services today to winning the support ol one of would strengthen the U.S. dent Carter HARTFORD (UPI) - The sUte Far East, conceded the Reagan dismissing himself from his substan­ the nation’s most powerful labor un­ relationship with Taiwan, including Reagan assailed Carter for Department of Environmental CA Iimm i or s, SOFAS *95 For Master Charge/Visa phone proposals would give Peking officials tial holdings in the Catawba Corp., if ions establishment of a liaison office in ’humiliating" Taiwan by dealing Protection reported moderate air registration call 486-3234 “ heartburn” elected, to allow him to vote in good UMVERSITYv quality across Connecticut Monday. Reagan was scheduled to fly to Taipei with its officials through a private conscience on energy issues.” THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Ohio today, arriving at about 8;30 This would be an "official’ office, loundalion staffed by U.S diplomats Bozzuto said it is “ imperative that Extended A ConUnuInfl Education, U-56D, p m EDT. for meetings with the top although not a diplomatic mission Reagan charged that Carter has The D EP forecast unhealtful air OFHARTPORD on leave, who are forced to meet those who represent us in our Storre, C T OOSSS leadership ol the International such as those sent to nations the their Taiwanese counterparts in bars contradicted the legislative intent of quality Tuesday in Bridgeport. nation’s capitol be completely free of Greenwich, New Haven and Stam­ wp do rtiUngR For Information call 486-3234 You don't have to go far to go far. Brotherhood ol Teamsters, including United States formally recognizes, and restaurants the Taiwan Relations Act and doors, Stott, floors any potential conflicts of interest.” ford and moderate air quality for the 1 n m llm i 111 il lilt L iii\« rsilv ol I l.irihiid in n^H-n In s U k U i i K r« ^ r d l i s'>>l i .h u tx ln r tr u tt l m x iI^ u t lhm< >>r ikilii'iul i

Eliason said. "Queenie", who was on a leash. Hockanum School, turned over to TouinTolk EAST HARTFORD - The East Seen among Monday's police log: was gone. the town by the school board, are Glastonbury Board of Education ■'In some communities they use Hartford Public Library branches an Oak Street woman heard a bark standing in the way of expanding Jackson lauds Community Development funds to member Elizabeth Eliason com­ at Penney High School, Hockanum finance a fair rent commission,” and then the sound of a car racing East Hartford Board of Educa­ mented on the inability of the and Wickham libraries will be playground space at the school. The school system to find a coach for attorney Susan Lee, told the away from in front of her home tion members and town officials town is having trouble selling the varsity ice hockey "This may even Manchester Tenants Association. closed Saturday and Monday in recently. When she walked out have yet to get rid of what has a be a conscious effort to see that the “But that’s another whole story in observance of Labor Day. All front to investigate, her two- become an eyesore in town. Ten classrooms because of their libraries will re-open on Sept. 2. hockey program dies. " Mrs. Manchester, ” she joked. month-old German shepard named portable vacant classrooms at deteriorated condition. Norris efforts Orioles in the East. OAKLAND, Calif. tUPlI - Mike It also was their first victory since Armas drove in his two runs with a Norris' candidacy for the Cy Young Charles 0. Finley announced Satur­ lirsl-inning triple that appeared to be Officials say fears unfounded Award won a powerful ally Monday day he was selling the team to a trio Obituaries night in the form of Reggie Jackson. caught by center tieldcr Ruppert of Levi Strauss Co executives for (J “Norris deserves the Cy Young Jones. Jones crashed into the fence on the play and the ball rolled away, $12.7 mlllic'n 'lr><. I'lorencc II. riioniloti and two grandsons. Award. " the Yankees' slugger said "A big eri'wd always helps, " said allowing Rickey Henderson and MWt MI>rKI{ Mrs Florence The funeral is Wednesday at 11 Monday night allcr the Oakland manager Billy Martin "I saw the Dwayne Murhpy to .score, If Thornton, of 26 Wellington Road, a m in the chapel ol Weinstein Mor­ Parents criticize educators hurlcr fired a seven-hitter in the A s crowds at Fenway Park win a pen­ died Sunday night at her home. tuary, 640 Farmington Ave., Hart­ 9-1 rout of New York. .tones remained motionless on the nant tor Bc'ston one year, and it has replace them,” to the cheers of those warning track for 10 minutes betorc She was the widow of ,I Menry ford Burial will be in Cedar Hill and imagine being on a beach. Then on some of the specific charges. "Just look at his strikeouts 1138 in always helped the Yankee players to Cemetery in Hartford. The family Hy LAIIRKN DAVIS SHEA “The (schools have) a positive assembled. 223 innings! and ERA (2.23). and how being carried (.'II the field and taken Thornton Herald Reporter the students were to visualize a box out play belore the big erc'wds they get in will receive friends prior to the ser­ responsibility to help all children Marcia Kenefick, principal of x \ . effective he's been. " Jackson added. t(> Merrill Hospital with a shoulder She boon a lile-long resident of MANGHE.STER - About 80 con­ at sea. and bring the box to shore. New York. vice In lieu ol flowers, memorial learn. One way is through methods Washington Elementary School said The beaming right-hander, 18-7, injury and a con­ Manchester cerned parents converged on the "If my .son didn’t tell me this, I gifts may be made to Masonic Home and practices in group processes,” to the boos of the crowd, “ I’m called .lackson's comment "the cussion. She was a past malnm. past Board of Education Monday night to wouldn’t have believed it. What I’d Two outs alter and Hospital. Wallingford or to a Kennedy said. He added this in some hearing administrators and teachers higgpsi compliment I've had all .secrotary and aO year member ol express a variety of fears about what like from schools is history, and charity ol the donor's choice cases involves the use of “religiously don't have any integrity. I see you year. " Ihe triple by Ar­ Temple Chapter. Order (>l Eastern is taking place in the town's public writing, learning. I will not allow him .Star and a TiO-vear member ol the neutral” techniques such as “class shaking your heads - if you read in Ni'rris, 18-7, walked four and mas, ,lim Essian VdellxTl ,|. (>a^iion classrooms — fears which of­ to participate in this activity,” singledoll Jehn. 17- Order of Amaranth Duplin said. meetings, magic circles, role playing the paper, you'll see how some of the struck out .seven to record his I9lh STAFFORD SPRINGS - Adelbert ficialdom said are unfounded. J r 7. to give Ihe A s a She was a momhet^ol the Joan Allen, another parent, and values clarification.” things you said come out.” complete game. His seven strikeouts ,1 Gagni'n, 79. ol Enfield, died Aug. The parents' concerns were 3-0 lead In Ihe .se­ Manchester M om orud^ Hc'spital reiterated a position held by many of Kennedy said these techniques boosted his league-leading total lo 2fj at .Johnson Memorial Hospital lie touched off by the July request of the Said Betty Sadlowski, mother of 11 cond, Iho A s added a pair (>l runs on Auxiliary and St Marc^Episeopal was born in Fall River, Mass . and those who spoke. Saying she had had were “adopted after extensive public children and president of the 1.38 and the complete game gives Teachers Center for Humanistic Oakland 73 for the season, an an HBl single by llondorson. who had Church Guild very pleasant dealings with teachers exposure, several years ago." He Manchester Property Owners 20-year veteran handling Braves' baseball had been a resident ol Enfield two Education to renew its lease of a American league record. The old lour hits, and a basos-l('adod walk to She was a graduate of Manchester in the Manchester schools, that she said many of the techniques are used Association, “Twenty years ago, the years Prior to that, he had lived in room within the Board of Education Enjoying his 20th season as a television record was set by the Calll(>rnia Dave Ho'.onng High School and the termer Hun- respected the difficulty of their jobs, to help children express themselves, book Why Can't Johnny Read came Milwaukee Braves and Baltimore Orioles. East Hartford and Manchester. office building. Angels in 1972. The .A s added a run in the Icurlh singer Business College. Hartford Some parents denounced the center and that the incidents reported could “feel better about themselves, learn out. We still have remedial teaching. play-by-play announcer with the Atlanta .Johnson is the No. 1 man with the Braves' She leaves a daughter. Mrs He was tl.e father of Adrian II was the kind ol night Norris said when .lei I Cox reaehi'd on an error by for indoctrinating teachers with be isolated, she said “ I’ve seen they can contribute, that what they Why are you making the kids relax Braves is Ernie .Johnson, one-time pro telecasting crew with 20 stations carrying the George M ■ Virginia i .Johnson ol Gagnon ol East Hartford. Norman ho had been expecting ever since he Bueky Don! and ovontually scored on humanism, a secular religion, which teachers and liked them, but these say is valued, that they'll have a say when you can't even teach them to basketball player with Manchester teams. Manchester two grandsons and Gagnon of Manchester, Mariette games plus 61 radio stations. (I^hoto by Dave a groiindout hy Murphy In the Kennedy ol South Windsor and the parents said the teachers then techniques should only be used by in group decisions '" read?” woke up a few hours earlier. several nieces and nephews. Frank Lupian, expressed his dis­ The 56-year-old native of Brattleboro, Vt., is I^oback. Beaufort, S.C., Gazette) scvontli, Mari(> Guerren> dr(>ve in a Lorraine Hanson ol Manchester. use in their classroom. people licensed to use them.” Others ".As soon as I got out of bed this a former pitcher with the Boston and altornoon. I was pumped up — my run witli a sacrilieo Hy and McKay Funeral services will be. Other survivors are four sons, Education officials have con- said the techniques should be used pleasure with courses he read from Kennedy said more responses to liands were shaking, but not Ironi picked up his two RBI with a single lo Wednesday afternoon at"l:30 in St three daughters, two brothers. 36 sistantly said the contact with the only when people are adults. the Manchester High School course these concerns would be made, that outline booklet. nervousness. I knew I was going center Mary s Episcopal,Church grandchildren and 18 great­ center has been minimal and that Other parents said children are interest was always welcome “not Burial will be in East Cemetery “ Adult Fantasy - teaches the against Tommy John and I d he The Yankees ruined .Norris' grandchildren secular humanism, which takes as its being taught “magic circles" which just on only a single issue.” There will be no calling hours Tolkein trilogv. parable, allegorv and pitching against the New York shutoul bid when Bob Watson The funeral is Wedne.sday at 10 springboard the Humanist they said involves one child being the He said some of the events may Memorial donatnms may be made to Freud," Lupian read, adding “and Mariners Yankees. crashed his 11 Hi homer, his fourth in a m., at St. Joseph's Chapel, 1366 En­ Manifesto, is not taught in the center of a circle of children who have been taken out of context, and Herolcl the St Mary's Episcopal Church his Iasi '25 at-bals it was the first schools. evaluate him. you know the type of person he was.” "Everything was going well. organ tund field St . Enfield Burial will be in St. they should be resolved face to face round-tripper oil Norris in 74 innings The center announced last week it Mrs. Sandy Miscuraca questioned In another course. Lupian read from Every time I go out to pitch, we seem huneral arrangements are in the James Cemetery. Manchester with the teacher. The win eouldn t have happened at Friends may call tonight from 7 to 9 was withdrawing its request to renew the “ Morals Education” which she the pamphlet how students will have end Bird to have a losing streak going, and it's charge ol the Watkins Funeral "The public school system belongs my job to stop it. " a heller time lor Oakland, coming at St Joseph's residence. 1366 En­ its lease due to a severe cutback in said has been at Illing Junior High the opportunity to “read the diary of By Home. 142 E Center St. to the people of Manchester — it World If that's the, the 25-year-(>ld helorc a crowd (>l 49.300 - their field St Memorial contributions may federal funds. School She ohiected to courses in living witch,“to the apparent outrage must be responsive to all parents,” did the job. snapping a tour-game biggest ever lor a regular season be made to the Little Sisters of the Parents verbally attacked the use which students are asked of many present. Earl Yost win skein (ieorfje I.ecK losing streak. T(>ny Armas and Dave date and the most A s Ians at the of relaxation techniques in the “everything from euthanasia to Asked John Tucci, “who gave per­ Kennedy said. I’oor. 1365 Enfield St.. Enfield, 06082. record Sports Editor McKay drove in two runs apiece. Coliseum since Ihe 1975 American |{()( KMI.I.E — George Lees, 77, classrooms of Manchester schools, whether you should report a friend mission for this to be in the schools? Despite the loss. New York l.cauue niavolls ol 1060 Mam St , South Windsor, died with several citing specific examples who is stealing" It is the responsibility of the board to Open tryouts slated SEATTLE lU PI) - The only >--ii(.(.ame lead over the Aug 23 in Rockville General of nontraditional teaching taking Two petitions she had circulated investigate how this got in the school revealed HEBRON — The Podium Players pleasure left late in the season for a Hospital Man charged place during school hours - hours against the center and humanistic system. They get all these great He was born in Lawrence. Mass., will conduct open tryouts for their team with the worst record in many parents insisted should be education were not presented to the ideas and they slip it through." and lived in Si'uth Windsor lor many next production,“If a Man Answers,” World record three string duckpin Guide, now available at retail out­ baseball is to beat a pennant con­ in disturbance devoted to the three R's in a dis­ board however, because she said, “I B.D. Pearl, said “1 suggest you years on Sept. 2 and 3 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at achievement of 14-year-old Mary lets, claims former Los Angeles tender. ciplined environment. don’t want to make this into a should examine our entire group of Wrobleski rolled at the Brunswick quarterback Bob Waterlield set a Rice clams up Belore retirement he was Rham High School auditorium. The Seattle Mariners, whose 44-79 Bud Duplin, father of a 10-year-old battle.” teachers, principals and employed by the .Arlington Mills in MANCHESTER - A 29-year-old Holiday Lanes in Manchester is record for throwing a football 20 record going into Monday night s attending Bowers Elementary Superintendent of Schools James superintendents. If they have any of “If a Man Answers, " a three-act Lawrence Mass He was a member man was charged with assaulting a noted in the current issue of the yards at 68 miles per hour. The guide gamne against Baltimore was unsur­ School, said his son told him the Kennedy, who did not touch on the the inclinations we've heard tonight, comedy, will be directed by Ruth ol St Mary s Church in East Hart- police officer and resisting arrest Duckpin World, house organ of the is full of interesting facts and figures passed for futility in the major teacher played a tape advising concerns about meditation, levita­ they should be discharged. There cer­ Munson. lord and was a member of the Rev J early this morning after police National Duckpin Bowling Congress. on the game. ..East Hartford Men’s leagues this season, earned that with writers students to relax close their eyes. tion, or mental telepathy, remarked tainly are plenty of teachers that can To learn more, call 295-0039. C Martin Council no 3901 Knights of arrived at the man's home to in­ The East Catholic High sophomore Golf Club will sponsor a George pleasure with a 10-5 victory that ANAHEIM, Calif. (UPlI - There his 1979 season totals ol 39 doubles. 39 Columbus in East Hartford vestigate a domestic disturbance. started off with a 125 single, then hit Stumpf Memorial Tournament Labor snapped the Orioles’ eight-game win­ are certain things you to do with rice, home runs 1.30 RBls and a 3'25 bat­ 211 in game No.2 and leveled off to Day weekend open to all junior and The funeral will be in Lawrence. Charles J. Zanauskas of 24 ning streak such us throwing it at weddiuj^. ting average. 156 in the third for a world Junior senior golfers. Eighteen holes will be Mass . and the burial in the Im­ Prospect St., apt 32. was arrested In thq clubhouse afterward, the But when the Rice is n an i^ Jim , Forced to miss two months of the played each of the three days. Star­ maculate Conception Cemetary shortly before 3 a m. when officers Hayes withdraws school offer Division record 492 total. Mariners were ecstatic and confident there are a couple of things you season with a broken right hand. John Breen Funeral Home in The youngster carries a 105 ting times are available at the pro tor the first time since the All Star should never do. like throw a Rice now has has 14 doubles. 15 attempted to calm him during a prised town officials, and relieved Lawrence is in charge of heated argument. Zanauskas alleged­ MANCHESTER - Charging un­ ticut to purchase the property known Hayes developed, prompting average and her high single and tri­ shop. break. baseball at tmn when he has a bat in homers and 49 RBI. several residents who circulated ple scores were both house records. arrangements ly threatened the officers and then fair and unwarranted attacks, as Buckland School, Mr. Hayes is Woodhouse's appearance before the 'W ere going to cause some his hand and the game is on the line Rick Burleson led oil the lOlh with Brett lauds petitions opposing the sale. She is also a fine softball player Jewelry ruled out Callahan Funeral Home. 1602 Mam began moving furniture around. developer Richard Hayes has still being subjected to unfair and un­ board last week. havoc," pitcher Byron (>r try to engage him in a prolonged a walk and was sacriliced to second warranted attacks. Hayes said he would pay $232,(XI0 Yes, I am relieved,” Ruth Glode, and helped her team win cham­ New 1980-81 rules in the National by Dave Stapleton Fred Lynn was in­ St . East ffartlord is m charge of Police said he then assumed a dropped his offer to purchase Basketball Association forbid the McLaughlin promised, looking ahead conversation. “As stated in the Aug. 5 presenta­ only if guaranteed the zone change, of Tolland Turnpike said. “It didn't pionship honors this summer in local tentionally walked by Clear, 9-11, and Royal mates local arrangements "karate stance" and pushed one of Buckland School. wearing of any type of hand. arm. to the .Mariners' remaining games Calilornia's Mark Clear made the In a letter to the Board of Direc­ tion, the problem appears to be with needed for offices, would be granted. seem right anyway, with the competition. against the Orioles and the New York first mistake Monday night and some one out later. Rice doubled to (^orriiie Welk the patrolmen back over a couch purchaser decided before the public face, nose, ear, head or neck jewelry tors dated Aug. 22, Hayes' attorney, town administration" Without the guarantee he wished to Yankees. writers made the seeonil alter Rice’s leftcenter t(> score Burleson and Zanauskas then became violent even knew." Uniform change This will no doubt bring protests MILWAUKEE lUPIi - George WALLI.NGFORD - Corrine Welk, when police tried to handcuff him, Richard Woodhouse, notified the Since Hayes proposed the purchase purchase the land at a lower price, "The Orioles are going to be a little two-run double in the 11th inning Lynn and make a winner of Bob 80. of the Masonic Home and last December, the sale has been its value estimated at residential Mrs. Glode. questioned why when After 36 years in uniform, first from sone of the players who wore Brett IS no blushing rose but the Kan­ but was finally subdued although the board the offer to purchase the with the Manchester Police Depart­ more wary of us tomorrow night, " gave B('ston a 4-2 victory over the Stanley. 9-6 Hospital formerly ol Hartford, died swirling with controversy and use. the sale was so close, Hayes dropped various form of jewelry last sas City Royals third baseman, who arresting officers said he continued school was withdrawn, ment and later with the State of said Danny Meyer. Angels. Stanley, who recorded the final six questions. Although Hayes main­ The board was to decide on the sale the offer. “A good question is what season...Individual game tickets for is challenging the 400 mark this Aug. 24 at the home to fight them Woodhouse, who appeared before Connecticut security, Sam Maltempo Meyer's hot hitting ignited the The win. combined with by ('uts, increased his streak ol She w as the widow of Joseph Welk tained through the numerous terms , at its meeting tonight. he intends to do now" appearances of the Boston Celtics in Mariners' attack against the Orioles. scoreless innings to 22 2-3 season, is almost embarrassed at the the board Aug. 5, said the response is now on the staff at the new Hartford this season in NBA play go both Baltimore and New York, letl and sister of G Willa McKay of He was held overnight at police hearings and decisions on the school, Woodhouse had stressed Hayes There appears to be several op­ He doubled in a run as the Mariners B('ston starter Dennis Eiekersley attention he is drawing "made it painfullv clear despite a Superior Court in Manchester. He's on sale September 8. Package six- the Red Sox seven games behind the He rapped a pair of singles Monday- Manchester headquarters on a $500 non-surtey that, he wished to build offices, he wished to buy the land with or tions open to Hayes, if he still plans scored six in the first, chasing was cruising alc'ng into the eighth complete and accurate public recita­ also the slate’s top-ranking pro game plans, which includes one first-place Yankees in the lest night in a 9-3 victory over the Other survivors are a step­ bond and was presented this morning apparently told town administrators without the zone change but would the shopping mall, and even wishes Baltimore starter and loser Dennis with a two-hit shutout when the tion of the facts surrounding the offer boxing referee. . .Blaz Stimac, former exhibition, are now on sale at column ol the American l,eague daughter, two brothers, two sisters in Manchester Superior Court. a 100-acre shopping mall was planned not comment on what the land would to purchase the school. Martinez, 3-3, who had beaten Seattle Angels lied it 2-2 I.arry Harlow Milwaukee Brewers and despite the by The Hayes Corporation of Connec- pro soccer star, will coach the East tact his hits played only a small part for the area behind the school. be used for without the change. ticketron outlets...Merrill Whislon, seven times without a loss. ("pened with a double and tc'ok third Although Hayes dropped nis offer, Bennet varsity and junior high soccer Asked it the game-winning double The sale brought a number of Weiss and Charles McCarthy who heads the successful Multi­ Meyer also hit an Inside-thepark (>n Bert Carnpancris' bunt single in the game, he was the center of several board members, including teams this fall. Stimac first at­ was a thrill. Rice replied. "I don't attention political questions as well as zoning responded to the chargesjhat town circuits business in Manchester, home .run in the second inning, his With one out, Rick Miller's groun- Barbara Weinberg, a i^ Arnold tracted attention when he set in­ look at things like that I just try to Brett — who raised his averaged to commission approval and conserva­ administrators caused difficulty in rates a bow for his part in making the dout scored Harlow and moved Cam- Kleinschmidt, still want the school to dividual scoring records while at third round-tripper in two games. hit the ball" 398 alter a lew "bad games in Old question, next twist tion commission'opposition. the sale. McCarthy, who handled the Richard Tarca Memorial Golf Tour­ “ When 1 saw the ball come off the paneris to third. Third baseman be sold. Both apparently lean toward Manchester High before a fine Asked il he's which he slipped under the magic After the sale reached the Board of appraisal process, said he contacted nament at the Manchester Country wall (in deep right centerl. I knew 1 Glenn HoHman then bc'i'ted Carney a public auction or competitive bid­ college career at East Stroudsburg. always hit well off .400 -nanc - even got a rousing hand Directors, an Ethics Commission Hayes' law firm about the discrepan­ Club a success. A friend of the had a chance," Meyer said Lanslord's grounder, allowing the ding, which Mrs, Weinberg main­ Pa., and then into the pros...National deceased, Whiston told tourney Clear, the slugging from the partisan Brewer crowd the ruling was requested and received on cy in price between using the land for Third base coach Bill Mazeroski. lying run lo score tained should have been done initial­ Football League openers one week outlielder lirst lime he came to bat. only to whether directors who were real es­ offices, and its residential value. organizers. Len Horvath and Charlie who waved Meyer home even though in CD program debates ly. Hayes could purchase the building responded "I don't The Red Sox sec'red their first run ground into a double play to end the tate brokers could vote on the “ I suggest^ the town could apply from Sunday will include Cleveland Boggini. he would match the amount there were no outs, said afterward throu^ the public sale process. at New England, New York Giants at know. Go look at in the lourtli olf Frank Tanana on lirst inning. But William Sleith staled the committee shouldn’t shy matter. When the vote was moved for a zone change before going ahead raised. When told it was $2,750. that while he was waving, he was Rico's RRI single In the lillh. B> MAKV KITZMANN The dropping of the offer on St:’Louis and Baltimore at the New the stats. That's "I guess ! do leel bad about it in a away from an "emotional” issue, and Frank Strano only five directors voted: the four with the appraisals,” McCarthy said Whiston wrote out a check for the saying to himself over and over. Dwight Evans put Boston on lop 2-0 Hi-ruld Ri‘|iorlcr Buckland School “won't stop the York Jets...Schlitz Pro Football what managers do way." he said ' rhey do deserve called the tabling a form of "coping out.” disqualified themselves. in a memo to Weiss. “Mr, Rubinow same total. “You're not supposed to be doing I just try to hit the ball " with his 12th liomer ol the year M\N( Hl> I KR It was the old question of the Com- The board decided to sell the school was opposed stating he did not wish shopping maU” if Hayes want it, Boston m anger Don Zimmer credit too. This has been a team, it's "This program is a benefit for housing development," this" Asked if the pitch from Clear was been everyone, the whole team it’s munitv Development Block Grant prpgram with a new to Hayes for the average of two in­ to waste the time necessary to do Kleinschmidt said. acknowledged he was both a ■Sleith said "If this community isn't interested in housing Arrested on drug charges The loss was Baltimore's first high or low, inside or outside. Rice been so meone diflerent every night " twist dependent appraisals and didn't this." Hayes owns or has options to buy scoreboard watcher and a liltimc I don't know what we come for. If we are afraid to take a after six victories on their West answered. "I don't know I don't have Against the Brewers Larry Gura Rather than the program's merits, the debate centered require competitive bidding as it in­ “The only dispute that I recall the land, along Buckland Road, Coast roadtrip. Among Western Divi­ stand because it might be controversial, I am ashamed. time to look at the plate. 1 m just member of the Tanana Ian club pitched seven strong innings of three- on whether the Downtown Coordinating Committee cluded the stipulation Hayes must having with attorney Rubinow was providing an access to the shopping sion teams,,only the Mariners, now 5- We don't need to get involved with emotion." trying to hit the bail " "I know II would bo tough lor us run ball to raise his record to 18-5 He should even di.scuss the program But while the members who wanted to discuss the replace the two acres of open space with the cost of the appraisals" mall. The problem would be, as in 3 against Baltimore, have a winning against Tanana. " Zimmer said "It After several minutes of discussion at its 8 a m While Rice certainly wen t got rcllet help the linal two innings referendum maintained the committee was involved within 1.5 miles of the school. The ap­ Hayes paid for the two independent using the Buckland School for of­ Jenkins draws mank against the Orioles. ehallengc fellow Bay Staler Ted always is 1 d('n t care it he has a sore from Dan (Juisenberrv. who gave up meeting today the committee voted four to three, with praisals were based on an office use. appraisals that established the price. fices, in obtaining the needed zone because of its lost funding, Howland questioned what the Baltimore scored in the first on Kennedy for orator of the year arm. a broken arm or whatever, he's just one hit and recorded his 30th one absention not to take apposition on the referendum funding had been used for But a snag between the town and Haye's dropping of the offer sur­ change. Rich Dauer’s HBl single. But Seatlle awards, he also won’t be thallenging lough lor us to score on planned lor November The referendum asks whether save ol the season "When we had the HUD funds what did we do for the took a 6-1 lead in its half of the inning Clint Hurdle hit a two-run homer, Manchester should rejoin the Housing and Urban downtown’’" he asked. "We didn't do a damn thing with some support as Meyer, Tom Paciorek, Juan Development program Father John Powell, S.J. double and single, Amos Otis the money, " NEW YORK (UPl) — Ferguson recognizance pending an appearance Beniquez and Larry Milbourne drove knocked in two runs, lour other The tabling ol the matter was opposed by committee in single runs and Jimmy Anderson However, Strano maintained his position that the com- Jenkins has at least one man in his in court Wednesday when a date for players drove In single runs and the (hairman. Phillip Harrison, who put it on the agenda mitee could not "ignore" the issue as it “vitally corner. singled in two more. Meyer's home Harrison put the referendum on the agenda as the down­ Tuesday, August 26-8-9 p.m. trial will be set. team played tine delense affected" the downtown. Channel 30 “ Ferguson Jenkins is quite a Eddie Chiles, the Rangers’ chair­ run-in the second made it 7-1. "It's contagious.' Brett said of the town renovation, the prime purpose of the committee, Harrison noted since the loss of the money, the down­ man,” said Texas manager Pat The Orioles got two in the fourth on was affected by the town's withdrawal from the federal man of the board, said in Fort Worth, team's.line play fo see Clint hit town committee developed its expanded taxing district Corrales, after Jenkins, arrested on Texas, he was “shocked and sur­ Eddie Murray's tworun home run. like he hit, to see ishortstopi C L program 18 months ago concept He reported the progress of the idea, which Wednesday, August 27-8-9 p.m. drug charges in Toronto Monday his 22nd homer of the season, into the The downtown renovation lost about $320,(KX) according prised" and vowed that he would ( Washington i make the plays he had, would funnel funds into building renovations, was slow. Channel 30 afternoon, said he would pitch launch an investigation to determine third deck in right field. Bruce to Harrison, and he suggested the committee might want il makes you leel you can make 'em Harrison speaks to groups, explaining the proposal. He Tuesday, whether there is widespread drug use Bochte’s triple in the seventh to take a position on rejoining. produced Seattle's eighth run and too " said he spoke to several groups, and hoped to present the Thursday, August 28-8-9 p.m. “1 have never known him to run on the team. The win upped the Royals mark to But Warren Howland, commission member, disagreed Baltimore made it 8-5 in the eighth on proposal to others. from anything," Corrales continued. “Maybe we were naive,” Chiles 81-44. the best in baseball Some peo­ the mailer should even be on the agenda, and moved to In other business Alan Lamson, town planner, reported Channel 30 “This (the arrest) is hard to swallow, Ken Singleton’s 17th home run of the table any discussion said, “but we haven’t thought about ple think Iheir commanding lead in the plans for the reconstruction of Main Street, are being but he is taking it like a man. having a drug problem on this team. season, a two-run shot to left. the A:nerjcan League West Division He was joined by A1 Reale. and James Farr, commis­ forwarded to the federal Highway Administration and the JESUS - A S ! KNOW HIM Ferguson Jenkins will pitch The Mariners closed out the sion members "Our position should be taken after the I’m just as sick as 1 can be about it. - more than 17 games - may hurt Department of Transportation for inspection. Scripts tor Fr John Powell's three programs available: tomorrow tTuesday). He told me I'm sad and I'm disappointed and I’m scoring in their half of the eighth them, but Brewer Manager George reterendum.' Reale said very, very surprised. when Reggie Walton hit a two-run The engineering firm presented four alternatives in OFFICE OF RADIO & TELEVISION that he still wanted to pitch and that Bamberger disagrees The men cited several reasons for opposing the discus­ % A 16-year veteran, Jenkins has a pinch hit home run, his first as a early summer for the reconstruction. The plan to be was what he still planned to do. sion including the emotionalism involved, “Unfortunate­ 785 Asylum Ave.. Hartford. Connecticut 06105 "No. thaCs good lor them. They ve reviewed by the agencies incorporates parts from Fergie has never shirked his duties lifetime record of 258 wins against major leaguer. r Telephone (203) 246 7295 won more games than any other ly this issue IS so emotional,' James Farr said. "I see np 192 losses, including an 11-10 record Baltimore manager Earl Weaver, several of them and he has never failed to do team in the American League It has real purpose in this board getting involved." Howland Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen — Channel 20 — 7:00 p.m. anything I asked of him." this season. He won the National noting that the Orioles had produced noted the "radical extremes" on both sides of rejoining Monday, Sept. 8 Monday. Sept. 22 to help them If that doesn't give Jenkins, 36, a native of Chatham. League’s Cy Young Award in 1971 five runs, said, “These are games \ them confidence, nothing will. " the program which promotes housing for the poor and Monday, Sept. 15 Monday, Sept. 29 Ontario, one the most accomplished while with the Chicago Cubs and was we’re not supposed to lose." low-income families Ba-iiberger said. SUMMARIES AVAILABLE right-handers in baseball history, voted the American League’s It's too poliiual to get involved in. " Howland said. was arrested by officers of the Royal Comeback Player of the Year in 1974 W hy should we wave a red flag when we need all the YOUnCK with the Rangers when he complied a support we can gel " OTHER PROGRAMS Canadian Mounted Police at Exhibi­ at the tion Stadium before Monday's game, 25-12 mark. CELEBRA TION OF THE EUCHARIST liidiuDH 4, TMinx 3 IF YOU'RE AGE 46 lo 87 - WE CANT SAY 'NO' in which the Rangers beat the Blue Major League look Titl<‘ defense LIFE INSURANCE TO HELP PAY Daily Mass — Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays -Channel 20 - 9:30 a.m. Jays 5-1. Rookie Joe Charboneau belted a He is charged with possession of three-run homer, his 18th homer of PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) - Six LOS ANGELES lUPl) - World CORN CRIB four grams of cocaine, two ounces of the year, and reliever Sid Monge members of the Portland Beavers CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Boxing Council bantamweight cham­ m arijuana and two ounces of picked up his 12th save to spark PUL club, including three pitchers, pion Lupe Pintor of Mexieo City will Sundays — Channel 8 — 8:00 a.m./Channel 30 — 10:00 a.m. hashish. Under the Canadian Nar­ ' Cleveland and spoil the debut of John will report to Pittsburg Sept. 1 for delend his title in a 15-round bout MsnEnvnTta cotics Control Act, Goryl as Minnesota manager. the final month of the major-league against Johnny Owens of Wales at the maximum MurinerH 10, Oriolea 5 season, a Beaver spokesman said Olympic Auditorium Sept 19. A NEW DAY — program for children — Sundays — Channel 8 9:15 a.m. sentence on a sum­ Dan Meyer had three hits, in­ Monday. Outfielder lost to Yankees Owens is the European and British BUCKLAND RD. mary conviction cluding an inside-the-park homer, Called up to the parent Pirates Ruppert Jones of the New York Yankees is carried off the f bantamweight titleholder and has a 'OTHCR AMOUNTS MMLAOli DLPLNOWG ON AGE AMOSOt for a first offender and drove in two runs to spark Seat­ were pitchers Mickey Mahler, SOUTH WINDSOR THE RISK OF MARRIAGE - 30 record of 26-1 with 13 knockouts He LIFE OF AMERICA INSURANCE CORP. of BOSTON is six months in tle to a victory that snapped Pascual Perez and Mark Lee. on stretcher by teammates and stadium police after he crashed is rated No. 4 in the yvorld by the 40 Broad S t . Boeloo.-Mass 02109. Dept OPEN DAILY Saturday after late movie and Sunday at 12:30 a.m. jail, or a $1,000 Baltimore’s eight-game winning, catcher Tony Pena, infielder Vance into centerfield wall in Oakland last night. Jones suffered con- or CALL TOLL FREE: IOO-225-I7M Host: Rev, Edmund Nadolny WBC. Pintor has a 41-7 record with 33 10 A.M TO 8 P.M. fine, or both. He streak. Glenn Abbott, 9-9, picked up Law, and utility man Bob Beal. cussion and shoulder injuries and was hospitalized. (UPI photo) knockouts. was released' on his own the win. 10 KVKMNCi HKHAI.L), Tues , Aug^ust 26. 1980 Turner bows out Upsets loom in tennis NEW YORK (U P I) - A mood of Thus, when the two-week grind young Argentine Guillermo Aubone. first evening match on the stadium nervous uncertainty, brought on by begins Tuesday morning, the oppor­ Vitas Gerulaitis. the losing finalist court against Anne Smith, starting at injury and a string of upsets, has tunity will be present for some of the to McEnroe last year and fifth seed 7:30 p m., followed by eighth seed created a somber setting for the top other highly regarded players to this time, opens play on the stadium Eddie Dibbs against Bob Lutz. The of cup campaign steal away with the top prize, which court of the National Tennis Center seeds on the eve of the U.S, Open evening program on the grandstand Tennis Championships and a feeling this year amounts to $46,000 of the against Vince Van Patten at 11 a m. court will send .No. 13 seed Pam of expectancy among their leading record total purse of $^ ,082. EOT. This match will be followed by Shriver against Alycia Moulton and NEWPORT, R.I. (D P I)-T ed Turner, eliminated from Crewmen said Turner’s concentration was strained rivals, Even Jimmy Connors, a three-time Evert against Kim Sands and No 15 seed Yannick .Noah of France America Cup contention Monday by the New York Yacht during the June trials by worries over his brand-new Bjorn Borg and Tracy Austin, Open champion who felt he was in McEnroe against Christophe Roger- against South African David Club's Selection Committee, says he has made his last television network. favored to win the men’s and peak condition, found himself an up­ Vasselin of France. Schneider, Cup campaign. But Turner, owner of the Atlanta Braves baseball team women’s crowns, certainly can’t be set victim on Saturday when he lost On the grandstand court, it will be “ U ’s too much like working in a science laboratory and Atlanta Hawks basketball team and head of a broad­ happy. Borg, still hoping for a Grand to unseeded Francisco Gonzalez of Raul Ramirez-Brian Teacher, Stan than sailing," he said, taking a parting shot at Freedom casting empire, insisted when he’s at the helm of Slam year, had to default from the Puerto Rico in straight sets in the Smith-Mel Purcell and No. 12 seed skipper Dennis Conner, who Turner has repeatedly Courageous, "Nothing else is on my mind.” final of the last week semifinals of the ATP Cham­ Virginia Wade-Dana Gilbert. criticized for his elaborate two-year program of practice But asked if Turner approached the competition with Home burf(lari3 ed because of an injury to his right knee, pionships. Austin will begin her defense in the and sailtesting. the same enthusiasm he had three years ago, Tom and two days ago Austin was upset by About the only one of the top seeds ALOHA, Ore il'P li - The Aloha Turner's campaign — a ^650,000 effort — "has sagged Blackhaller, tactician aboard the Cup contender Clipper 15-year-old Andrea Jaeger in the in either division who has good home .ol .San Diego Padres pitcher almost from the start. and a Turner confidant, said, "No, He’s got a lot of other quarterfinals of a New Jersey tour­ reason for optimism is No. 3 Chris Ex-stars cited Kick Wise was burglarized and “They (Conner) got exact copies of all our sails,” said things on his mind.” Evert Lloyd, whose run of four con­ among the items stolen was a nament. NEW YORK (UPI) - Wilma Turner, adding that when he tried to order a new inven­ Equipment breakdowns — a cracked boom, jammed secutive U.S. Open crowns was baseball he used to pitch a no-hitter It couldn’t have helped Austin’s Rudolph, who dominated women's tory for Courageous, he was turned down flat by two halyard, and snapped mast — plagued the 6-year-old two- snapped in 1979 by Austin. Evert, nine years ago confidence any knowing that Jaeger track in the 1960's and Buddy Young, major sailmakers. tim e Cup defender Courageous through July elimination also the losing finalist at Wimbledon The burglary took place sometime went into the match saying there was a lorm er track star and prolessional trials. this year, won her last two tour­ between .luly 15 and Aug 18 while no way she could beat her older and lootball player, have been selected "It wasn't really an even competition. R would have At one point. Turner referred to his campaign as a naments. including the Canadian Wise’s wife. Susan, was with her hus­ more experienced rival. by the New York Urban League as taken a Herculean effort to do it.” he said. yachtracing "demolition derby.” Open, before taking off last week to band in t ’alitornia. police said I’liere "There are so many top girls, I the recipients of the 1980 Whitney M “ But I'll predict one thing," said Turner, "The Cup is Then, the Selection Committee dismissed him from the rest. were 12 baseballs stolen, which the know I ’m going to have to play w ell,” Young Jr. Memorial Award. safe." final two days of the July trials for bringing an Australian Borg, already the French and Wise’s valued at more than $1,500, said Austin, who last year became The annual award, named in honor Despite a paltry sail inventory. Turner entered the crewman aboard Courageous for advice on sails. British champion, can claim the and about $335 worth ol kitchen items the youngest U.S. Open champion at ot the late president ol the National summerriong elimination series with characteristic Only days before the start of final trials. Turner had to third leg of the Grand Slam by win­ reported missing 16, "This is going to be a different Urban League, is presented to in­ swagger — the reigning Cup champion back with the recut sails and rearrange rigging to fit a borrowed mast. ning the U.S. crown, a tournament he The stolen baseballs included one situation for me, too, because last dividuals who symbolically identity same 10 crewmen Courageous had when it defended the Ju m p er stickers, with COURAGEOUS emblazoned in never has won. If he is successful, he Wise used in a no-hitter ,)une 21,1971, year I didn't expect to win and no one with the struggles that made Whitnev world's oldest sporting trophy against the Australians in green letters over a bandage, began circulating around then would need only the Australian when he pitched tor Philadelphia really expected me to.” M Young a respected administrator 1977. Newport. to become the third man, after Don against Cincinnati ihe other Rather than rejoice at this situa­ and leader Buddy Young and Budge and Rod Laver, to complete baseballs were signed by W illie tion, the respective second seeds in Rudolph will be honored on Sept 13. the Slam. Mays, Hank Aaron. Mickey .Mantle. each division have their own 1980 before the 10th annual Golden Mile winner in London The 24-year-old Swede will begin Joe DiMaggio, Stan Musial. Jim Run­ Co fin e r lofficiaj drink problems to iron out. Both John Grambling-Morgan State football Two-year ning. Robin Roberts and Whitey his bid for the U.S, Open in the Steve Ovett (2i ol England , Olympic 800- London. New Zealand's John Walker (9) was McEnroe and game at Yankee Stadium. also had to pull out of the Canadian obscurity of Court 16 Tuesday against Fold neter ehampion. edges USA runner Steve third. Ovette's time was 3:52.9. (UPl photo) ^ LOSLOS ANGELES ANGELES (UPI) (UPI) - -The The 1984 1984 1 J 1 OlvmoicOlympic Committee has learned the Open, M cEnroe with a sprained Scott '1 0 1 to w in Golden Mile vesterdav in state Department of Alcoholic ankle and Navratilova with muscle plan successjul Beverage Control has amended its A- spasms in her back. rule that no alcoholic beverage be In addition. McEnroe, the defen­ - - t designated the official drink of a ding U.S. champion, suffered the ig- “ deeply unhappy task, ” motored NEW PORT, R .I. I U P I I - Dennis sporting event, clearing the way for a nonimy of an opening round loss to Conner has spent two years plotting across Newport Harbor to inform Tracy’s brother. John Austin, in a Mistake by McGraw Turner he was eliminated. lucrative contract with Anheuser- to outdo Ted Turner's America’s Cup tournament at Atlanta last week, and Busch. Top-flight local player campaign. But with the feat ac­ Turner had earlier lost another Navratilova was upset by Hana race to Conner on Rhode Island Department director Baxter Rice Looking forward to a tough fall tennis schedule with the Penn complished. Conner remained un­ Monday said the longstanding rule Mandlikova at New Jersey. Sound. flappable. was changed because “ I saw no State women’s squad is Manchester’s Gherie Dow. Last spring Also among the ailing are Evonne “ I suspected that they'd be here,” satisfies Ferguson Asked to comment on Turner's necessary public evil to be avoided” as a freshman she played a big part in the team’s success. This Goolagong Cawley, the reigning said Turner. elimination from Cup contention in refusing the Anheuser-Busch peti­ summer the lefthanded blonde has been busy on the tournament Wimbledon champion and No. 4 seed Turner smiled broadly from the here, with recurring back problems. NKW YORK H ’|i There are and slapped the next "ball" lor a Montreal to its fourth straight vic­ Monday, Conner said stonily. “ I'm tion to amend the rule. deck of Courageous as Chairman circuit. Dow is one of New England’s top women players. men who aspire Ic unattainable single to right tory and within one game of not on the selection committee. " It was reported last October that Then as an afterthought, he added. Robert McCullough stepped off the dreams and live their lives in a futile Tug hadn't been out there for six Pittsburgh in the East Anheuser-Busch agreed to pay the "We like to race. Ted’s a good com­ Selection Committee’s power yacht (juest to realize them .loc Kergusen. days, but his pitch to Ferguson was a Brii\<'» 8. I’irairs (i private Los Angeles Olympic Com­ petitor. We liked racing against onto a floating pier alongside a simple man with simple dreams, bad mistake. " said Phillies manager Dale Murphy drove in four runs mittee more than $10 million to make him." Courageous. 6coreboQrd_____ Dallas Green "That's a good reason one of its brands of beer the official saw one come true last night with a three-run double and a home "Thank you very much," BOSTON i AUFORMA l.OSANt;KLKS PHILADELPHIA Sent to the plate as a pinch hitter in not to just hold up Conner has spent two years plan­ beer of the summer games. SI’OK rs ON T \ NKW VOHK O^Kl.iNM) ab r h bi ab r h bi ab r h bi ab r h bi run and Chris Chambliss added a McCullough said, shaking Turner’s jh r h hi >ib r h bi Burlesn ss 4 2 3 0 Miller i t 3 0 0 1 la'nei$2b 4 120 Smith rl the ninth inning. Ferguson, who lour lingers and two-run homer give Atlanta its 14th ning and practicing — an un­ It was immediately pointed out TUESDAY .liTips(I I (I<1 U liundrsn It 4 14 1 Mapletn2b 40OOUnsfrd3b roiO Ji'nnsin rl 4 0 (iross rt hand. AUQ. 26,1660 nn>w-n< t 3 ') I) I) M ufphvi l 3 101 l.aiw’ et 1110 Rt>so2b waited better than a decade lor his give the guy a base. victory in the last 18 games. precedented campaign in 129 years of that the deal violated state law. Linnet 4 110 Carewrdh : 000 “ We gave it our best shot and we Murnrrf 4 0 I > 0 Cup history — to make absolutely At the time. Manuel Espinoza, the EVENING \Vdtst*nlt) 4 12 1 H fvrn jiilh 4 111 Dwier lb 1 00 0 Thmpsnlb 4 0 0 0 (iarvei lb 4 100 Luzmski It certain he would not lose the enjoyed every minute of it,” Turner .l.iiksndh 2'M u Npvunnlb r 1 10 : 0 2 3 (Inch2b 4 0 0 0 4 01 3b 4 111 Tnllo2b right field Two-run singles, things can happen Tom Seaver and Mario Soto com­ department’s head of business prac­ 1'inu‘ltd It 4 0 0 0 KsMJRt 3 111 Riee II said. 6:00 Kiskt r 0 0 0 Harlow rt 4 110 Mondai <1 4 2 2 0 Maddox cl however, are not what Ferguson s defender s role to Turner’s two-time (3D AutlraHtn Rugby CerpniM 30O 0 (luprrprss 3 0 0 1 4 120 Kergsn ph 10 12 Rowa ss on that play " bined on a two-hitter and Cesar tices. said the guiding philosophy of Dcni <4 4 (I 2 II M ('Kjv3b 4 12 2 Kians rl 4 111 Cinpnrsss Meanwhile, today is the deadline 1000 Thomas ss 0000 BiH'ne e Cup defender Courageous. 7:00 KfHlriH7 3h 3 0 l0 ( u x 2 b 42 10 lloltmnJb 4 0 0 0 lx>nohur t dreams arc made ol The cir­ McGraw. upset Geronimo slammed a home run to the law was that sporting events 1000 Russi'll ss 3 12 1 Kspim>sa p 10 0 0 for completing semifinal trials for (B) Sportt Around Tha World 4 0 0 0 Allensn dh 30 10 Thonph cumstances surrounding the sol! about Ferguson's Now, it appears to be his for the should not be used as means to en­ 7:30 S'strrin |»h 10 0 0 SShitmert toon Thmssn rl 0 000 .Morind ph 10 0 0 lift Cincinnati and drop Chicago to its (our foreign yachts competing to Tt'ldls C’ I 7 I TiOals M 9 12 9 r o i l Noles p 1000 asking N. u York uiwnmolo I Totals .0 4 9 4 Totals - 37 2 4 1 Yeajior c base hit were sneaky hit. then moved Bill Russell seventh straight loss. The Cubs have courage a lack of temperance. (ID 8|>ortaContor Boston lDOllOOUOlB-4 Reussp 3112 Hrusstarp OOOO challenge for the America’s Cup. ® BaMball: Raco For Tha iiakland 320 100 30^ 9 Ferguson s two-run single came away Irom the plate twice before hit- Turners elimination leaves (alilorma •Bn0uno»(W- 2 Castillt'p 00 0 0 McGraw p 0 0 0 0 scored only three runs in the last 49 Pannani Kz-l)ent HodriKUor 1)1* • New Vork2 (•>--Hol!man 1)1’ -Calitornia 2 LOB- Malchr ph 10 0 0 I'nser ph 10 0 0 Tri-County Fast Pitch Softball Queer while Philadelphia reliever Tug ling him with a pitch on the arm and innings and the victory snapped Cin­ Conner, a 37-year-old San Diego 6:00 iLiklandl New Vurk 9. Oakland 8 Bt'ston.'. Cahterma: 2B- Rii’e. Harlow Stanhous p 10 0 0 McGraw was trying to walk bun in­ draperies nianufacturer, and Russell (3D Profaaalonal Football From 2(4-MrK.iv U*ni2 Jackson 3B- ,\rmas HR -Kians -12) SB-Allensi*n. Rice. Totals 40 8 i: 8 Totals 34 4 9 4 Bolton’s entry copped the Tri-County Girls’ Charlene Fenton, Geraldine Grimaldi, the Dodger shortstop charged the cinnati's three-game losing streak. HR SVaist'n O l' SB- Henderst'n S - ( ainpanens S-Stapleton. IVnohup U's Aneelcs (100000014-8 Long, 24, of New York in contention Canada Htslripuez Murph\ SK-Ouerrert* Philadelphia 000 013 000-4 tentionally Most men rest the bat on mound Both benches emptied but no C urdiniiL 3. A>*lroi I 10:30 II* H R FR BBSO Fast Pitch Softball League with a 14-1 won- Suzanne Fenton. Coach Annie Gagnon. Mary lor the defender's role. Fan goes beserk II* H R HR BBSO Itt'slt'n E—Bowa. Bix’ne DP -Los Angeles 2 their shoulders while watching lour punches were thrown and nobody was Don Hood fired a four-hitter and 9 Saaaball New Yerk Kckerslci 9 4 2 1 1 2 LOB-la.'S Angeles 10 Philadelphia: 2B lost record and added the playoffs. Squad Maneggia. Front row. Doreen Gagnon, Pam The two will compete today. 11:30 J o h n '1 ,1771 4 H 0 : 3 0 -Maddox .Monday. Hose Baker, Cev 3H pitches sail harmlessly wide ol the injured Russell and Dodger Mike Phillips stroked a run-scoring [*errv 4 4 3 3 2 0 Slanlei I VS !M>i 2 0 0 0 1 2 But Conner has a superior record QD U.S.OpanTannIaUpdala ( alil(>rnia Baker. Monday. Tnllo HR-Heuss il • members, top row (1. to r.) Coach Charlie Edberg, Wendy Plosky. Kathy Clm. plate This base hit highlighted a wild manager Tom Lasorda were ejected single to trigger a two-run second, ® SportaCantar Oakland Tanana 982206 SB-Russell S-Russel! — 38 wins out of 40 races in the Norris \MB-71 9 7 1 1 4 7 IP H H EH BBSO Bossidy, Ellen Robinson, Doris Radion, Samantha Moske. Missing was Lisa Fiano tour-run ninth inning and perhaps I was mad because Russell was at park, kills two 12:00 T 2 4H A - 49 301 near'L 9-111 2 1 2 ‘ helping St Louis snap a 10-game win­ r 6:3 U*8 Angeles out ol the game and the other guy summer-long series of elimination ® Surfabout T - 2 A triggered a bench-clearing brawl in a ning streak for Houston, whose 12:15 Reuss r 2-3 8 4 4 0 1 gets a warning and a $80 fine. " said trials. It seems only a m atter of time MIAMI (UPI) — Two men were “It happened right below me .MIN\h:SOTA (LEVELAND Castillo 11-3 0 0 0 0 3 game the Los Angeles UiKlgers won. first place lead in the West dropped to ® Baaaball: Raca For Tha ab r h bi ab r h bi Stanhouse'W’ 2-2> 2 1 0 0 2 1 before the New York Yacht Club’s killed and another was wounded Mon­ Pannant Powell rt .' 0 3 0 Dilone II 4 0 10 I'hiladelphia 8-4. over the Phillies .Monday night Lasorda Rule 8 2 doesn't say you two games. behind home plate," said Roy fK.WS TORONTO For 13 years I ve been waiting lor Selection Committee taps Conner's day night by gunfire from a man who 12:30 (astino3b : 1 3 0 Orta rf 30 I I Kspini'sa r 6 3 3 0 4 A have to give a warning; you can Slanhoff, Miami’s scorekeeper. (H) Profaaalonal Football From lb r h bi ab r h bi Smalley s> 4 110 Har^rv lb 4 0 2 0 Noles arcia2b 3 100 rnt Winegar c 4 0 0 0 Charbndh 4 113 •343)7 LEADERS ( kw) 11 20 ( 20 7 10 paign. in which he lost 27 out of 34 plate at Miami Stadium. Zisk dh 1 0 0 0 Mt'sebv rl 3 0 10 StOield cl S Mma 11.20 i.M 9 00 a walk oil reliever Dickie Noles. 1-4. devil is a feo line’’ He can pay it out him to see what he was going to do.” 4 0 12 Bannilr2b 4 0 0 0 4 lb n *i 4 20 JIO CTNCI.NNATI lU P I) - More light i’utnam lb 3 0 0 0 Ault lb 2 00 0 Willi>nK 2b 2 0 10 Mannngcl 3 110 ] My Obrrrtl 7.20 4 to and Rudy Law beat out a sacniice ol his kid's piggy bank Tlie fine races, the elimination seemed Police captured the gunman, who Estelle Wild, wife of OrioleS” ATLANTA PITTSBCRGH 1 320 has been shed on the “ non-catching" Kills lb 2 0 0 0 Mvbrrv ph 10 0 0 Macknn2b 2 ‘J 0 0 Vervzer ss 3 0 0 0 jb r h bi Butting I fiiM i Zatti 340 ku Grubb r( QuneU 4-( 137 20 19th HOLE bunt Lopes reached third when should be more like $1,000," almost a deliverance for Turner. was identified as Jose Tomas, a executive director Bob Wild, said she 3 2 3 1 lerKlh 10 11 Rivera II 4 0 10 Ri'vster II ,’ io n Moreno cl : 0 1 1 'basi'd ('n 3£ at batsi OMMeU 3 -1 14500 role of the future for Cincinnati Sundbr(! c 3 110 .Vinf’ecl 4 0 00 Totals 38 3 12 3 Totals 31 4 7 4 itam irz ss : I I 0 Foil ss 40 10 Naiii'nal 1.eague PerlKli (4 1147 90 catcher Bob Boone s throw hit Law In other .National League games, it "Hey, it's not fun to lose," he said. neighborhood resident in his 30s, at noticed the man entering the stadium Kria> ss 4 111 Whitt e 2 0 0 0 1-3 111120 Reds' veteran Johnny Bench. Minnesota 000 003000-3 Mutthws rl : 2 3 I Parker rt 4 111 g ab r h JH I TrrfecU (4-1 1377 10 Totals 30 I 4 I TntKtJ S-3-1 13M.M "But it's not that big a deal, either. 3T : 11 4 Totals Cleveland flOl 300 UOx- 4 3 2 2 0 T rillf Phil m :k :o M INNK II VI (. and caromed down the right-lield line was Montreal 3. San Francisco 1. an apartment about a block from the after the first game when admission Texas oiifluoftt)- Horner 3b 4 ] 1 I BRbnsn lb l£ Uemt (iCtith Bench said earlier this year he D l’ Cleveland I U)B-Minnes(.‘id 9. 1000 Hen.lri(k St L 120 463 61 l.'O and Dusty Baker greeted reliever “This is a sailboat race, ” said stadium. He was charged with two Tor-nto 'Doouoaoi- I ( htnhis H) 32 12 Madliktlb :U4 1 laruM OUrrtU 1.20 3 00 4 00 3 Omy Hindri 1120 7 00 510 I.ailii'- IK Mul.'.- Atlanta 8. Pittsburgh B. Cincinnati 2. was free. BASEBALL Ueveland 7 2B--Orta Solield Rivera Murphv cl 4 12 4 Berra 3b 2 0 0 0 remplein St I. 110 449 73 IV m wanted to do less catching, but Mon­ h -G n llm , Mosebv DP-Texas I 4 Ptdk iMTt 3 40 3U 2 (jMlo Mww 7(0 (20 Turner, an Atlanta millionaire who HR - Charboneau'IHi SR - Manning, llubordib 3 0 1 U iaucy II 3 13 2 ileinand/ St 1. 119 i'-t 84 141. \t21 Member-MpmtM'r Uri'hs. Warren Brusstar with an RBI double ChicagoU. and St. Louis3. Houston 1 counts of homicide and one of “ He was ranting and raving," she T* ronlo2 LOB Texas 10. Ti‘rontc'7 2B 7 Irtane Zoqw 21(0 day it was disclosed for the first time Ditene Gria Nahrdnvc 3 0 U 0 Garnerib 4 0 0 0 Buckner Chi 1(1) il2 :i i:i9 .U l iUtnlkittiUt 4 40 Grubb Wills HH-Grubb <3i SB-- ScjaToussanl 81. Lawton - to right Ron Coy lollowed with an I \|M>' :|. <>iaiit> I was dubbed the “ Mouth of the South" aggravated battery early today. said. “ I said ne’s either drinking or IP H RKRBHSO Benixlict c 10 Nicosia e 2 0 00 Cru/ Hi'u 121 4T7 61 144 ji: I^ m U 2-4 130 40 OMfueU 2 3 135 10 just what he precisely wants for next Wills 10 (or his flamboyant Cup campaign AMERICAN LEA(U K Minnesota M l Wllm p 10 0 0 Ott ph 1000 M( Bride Phil KU 418 :2 131 .113 H rtK U 2-4 1II2.U M k U 3 2 177 40 Hamer 85, Net. Viclette - RBI double and Ferguson, alter Warren C'romartie doubled in two The names of the victims were not drugged. I asked my husband 'Should IP H HER BBSO year East Arro\o'L44ii .' 6 4 4 2 0 Hanna p 3 00 0 Bibbvp 2 111 t.jrve v I.A 124 .'07 tu i:8 312 Tnftctj 24-3 177120 InfK ta 3-2 7 1422 10 watching Metiraw's first pitch sail runs in the lourth inning and Steve three years ago. immediately available. we run?’’’ Texas Williams 3 1 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 St'lomon p 00 0 0 Siinmi'ns St 1. 113 .193 73 m 310 F aquin 83. Hhedes - “Johnny wants to play regularly W L l»ct Bradlord p Tlv# “ It ’s the biggest one there is, but New York 7T 49 bur navt\V2-0> 6 2 0 0 4 3 ( leveland Milner ph 0000 ( i'Jen<’ Hou 99 :k i 48 110 ( iMqun ln(i 20 20 9 20 17 10 Morrene 84 .Vrwell- two leet wide ot home, reached out Rogers pitched an nine-hitter to lead About 542 fans had just finished She said the man walked out the .lohnson'S2' 3 2 1113 Snillnr iWl2-y* ’ 2-3 8 3 3 2 2 6i M j OlarTtU 21J0 4W 4M next year, but he doesn't want to Baltimerc 74 49 till! 1 Homo p 0000 American l.eague 4 Inal Gemy 10(0 3 80 it's still a sailboat race. " Toronto Monito 313 4 0 0 0 2 g ab r h |k I 1 (My ZiTTi (40 3.20 Jazwinski 84 watching the Miami Orioles take the back gate of the stadium, then ap­ Boston ff ’♦) :j7 Easier ph I I I I 3 HAt trcaraia I 1.20 catch more than two games a week. ' Ttsld-I.ll' 2’2-3 4 2 Arrovo pitched l(> I baiter in6th Totals 37 8 10 8 Totals 32 6 10 6 Brett Kl 9U :X9 lit IJ9 398 $ l i r ^ Ctya 940 Milwaukee 67 till Ownela 4 ( 15140 I.adit*'. •) llttlf-- .-Vilen .’3- The New York Yacht Club's Selec- opening game of their minor-league parently came in another gate. Garun 4 3 0 Wl* Arr.-io T -2 40 A 14 211 Atlanta 3000X100-8 CooiHT Mil 119 4^ 68 171) ;rb QwwU 1-2 144 20 said Bench's attorney, Reuven Katz. Detroit 64 :z 10 Stbrom 1-3 2 3 tion Committee, dressed in doubleheader with Fort Lauderdale "He came in and started Cleveland 64 :2ii lo'z Pittsburgh OH 200 002 -6 Dilone ( lev % :«) 63 i;i) 342 fa rtK ti 2-1 114520 ferterta (-4 1132 30 54-49-158, (irant 51-.54-a2 • "John can play five positions — Willis I I 0 ( arew ( al 113 4£1 1J9 .CS) Tnteetj (-4-3 171910 Terente : i 72 4i: 23'Z 0 (I y y lim STON ST L o n s (■>-Laty D P -A tla n ta l LOB-Atlanla TrrtectJ 2-1-5 1429 00 157. Hethwell rj8-57-5l-184 traditional black blazers, red Yankees 4-3 when the shooting began screaming in the stands and started Mcl^utihlin I I Wilson, K c 124 rjb int) i r ;sa. catcher, first, third, right and left West Clui pitched Ic l halter inTth Schrimi ab r h bi ab r h bi 4. Pittsburgh 4 2B-Kamirez. Murphy. Irntii Grown up Austin trousers and straw hats for their about 9:30 p.m. shooting.’’ said Wild, who said the W L P( t MtTiMn’2b 4 000 ()berkfll2b 4 0 11 Matthews. B Robinson. I^cy, Easier Hi.ors Tex : z ff 171 :t». 5 facX 19U 700 I.U 6 Crmy 12 20 7(0 510 Club championship plav pill bed li'3 batters inHth field." Kansas C iti HI 44 ( abelUb 4 U I I lorgri 4 0 10 HR—0)311161158 il3 i. Murphy •23). Bibby Bell Tex Ilf 420 68 l:l7 it t man was armed with a pistol. T -2 31 zV r :i7 1 Rm u 10.20 5.20 4 Orbcj ■ tIO (00 I I I INC.ION HUM,I Oakland M lU 17'z t ruz It 4 0 10 Hrnndz Ib 3 0 0 0 11. Parker (14) SB-Ma'thews2 l.acy Oliver Tex I2h UV, 74 t'9 314 2 kiw (10 Texas bl 63 ( edeniM't 4 0 0 0 Simmons c 3 110 SK-Lac>’ Bumbrv. Ball 12* 479 W i:o 313 } Ivqw 3.40 I adit'- IK llitlt - A One of the victims died on the 492 19'z Owmeia 4 ( 157 20 Chicago -2 60 «l 27 Howe lb 3(100 Hendrckcf 4 000 H> H R ER BB SO Watson NY HI) 373 .‘4) It,’ W Qm m Ii 5-1 1S7.M Mary MrCarthv 48*8-38, sidewalk outside Gate 7, another — Minnesota :a 72 429 27'z l*uhl rl 3 0*2 0 Kennedy It 3 12 1 Atlanta Home Huns PtdKta 5-1 1244.10 Perteetj (-4 112240 ( alilernid 49 74 3W 31 I’ujoisc 3 <1 0 0 BeitzJb 3 110 McWilliams National U'ague .Sihmidt, 1'hil.T T fftK ti 5-1-3 1299.30 TnlKtj 1-4 2 1309 30 ,ludy Tarl.iplia 51*‘)-4’3. B - title who was shot in the . chest near the Horner \if.7 Baker LA 24 Mtirphv to defend Seattle V 79 Hanna la3 niKht Bibby )L l.'-4i : 2-3 8 7 7 I : Vmerii an U'dgue .lat ksrm NY:H ( Jm« lartwea 7 40 400 Brett 3b 402 1 Ci««‘|)erlb 4 0 10 Smith p 0000 I FarntD ftrc«»e I 340 St'liHnon 1 1-3 I 1 0 b I Gglivu' Mil:S2 M ii;il \rmav 2 GtVHM Kh* (00 Celeste Slieldcn 47-12-3.5 U become a grown-up, and now she is veteraiK Austin said last week with third man, who was shot in the neck Kansas(.'iti9. MilwaukiT3 nipht \ikens It) 4 0 1 I rhoinasd 4 122 Totals £114 1 Toials .31 3 8 3 Oumla 1-3 133 40 Boston4.Calilerma2 11 innings ni^hl llou.ston 000001(100-1 Rome 2 I 0 0 I 3 itak £i Murrav Ball and Parrish l)e: Qm m Ij (-1 U7 20 a-liffle snap in her voice "Billie Jean as he stood behind home plate, went lorres pr II 1 )l 0 Oghvielt 4 0 0 0 22 PertKli 31 1(9 90 ■ Klcanor Dielunson 51ir- ihejjnejwlfo isTfltrTarget'ol all thos'r Oakland 9. New York 1 nikiht 4 0 10 St D'Uis (UUUUOOIx - 3 McWilliams pitchi'd lo4 bailers m4th M r c t i I I 1173.40 l.a( ’«> .53.14-39 ( areer She's a veteran " • All Times KDT' Hurdle rt 1 .12 Mariini'/c J i l l Kennodi S iieilz CHIl AGO t IN( INNATI K(H'tl).lll 7 iw < M 17.20 7 00 500 5 lM«)iin Itoorl 9 20 3 80 280 Texas i.lcnkins lllO i at Tit p iHp WliiU'21) 4 II <1 1 M .vre. 1 0 0 0 IP H B ER BBSO ab r h bi ab r h In t h i i dgi' Cut lineba* kiTs Maik 7 0r6e< ■ (ru riio 9 40 ( 20 Helen Hiee .5.5.18-31. D • Nr'i -o long ago ,.\uslin was the Ol .laeger. who is seeded eighth in detective, said police were unsure of 'Jellersi'n4 ll • 1pm 3 fw$t« ($r$ I ( 20 3 (0 Wshngl S' 4 " 1ii Houston lk*.)c.su55S 40 10 Gerenmcl 3 111 M t-m ll and Greg K it/painck delen'ivt 4 (u$«tM Hai 3(0 Minnesela 'W illiams2-I at Buhio •L7-:t< 7 6 2 2 3 2 Kigueroel 40lOOestcr2b < 0 end .lerrv Meveis tfin e rb a ik Mike 4 m l$#l 310 Connie Ki-lh 5t. 19-37. new - wooM.kcd kid li'oking to upset the U S Open, making her the the motive (or the slayings. ' r.'lals ,r: 912 H T-ta|s th 3 9 3 QuhmU 5 7 135 40 Wait.s I'l- ll' T 3.' [I m Kansas ( iiv •itiMU) 014 9 Smith 12)112 Buckner It 3 0 U 0 Cenepi n ss 4 0 1 0 , ,iuarterl>ai k Turk Si h H »i}> 2B Da.i> MdLie lluidle Ilillor0 3b 2110 0 Kmithl3b 30 11 Wihi'n iiiiA IIH Hurdle ‘9) M.tiliiie wide receiver .latkie Klewers. ris'kie Boslcii 'Tuder 4 2' .it ( a lilD inij Vailph 1 0 0 0 Mejias rl 3 0 00 t(> watch how she handles certain public know this is a safe facility." •2' Th.'i.i.i !s '.«h SB Otis linebacker Garv Padjen .ind Iree ageni .ling champion in the I'.S Open, she ' Knapp 2-y' l'i3U [*tii ASilsi-n Kellehr 3b 0 0 0 0 .Seaver p 2 0 0 0 W.iNhingit'ii SF Willie satetv Heland Selemi>n situations The players left the field and New Yerk 'Ouidri 12 9' a Tvsen2b SDOOSclep 1000 knows that the rest ol the held will 'lie < laki.ind IP II H KH 1ItBSO Kansas!’llV Cut detensiveend Dali' ' l^nitlerd 13-10> |ii:tfpM i Who Am I? aiming ti‘ knoek her ell Austin insists the burden ol being returned to the dugouts during the,is ( ’llIV MelJlIhnp 2 000 Markham running baik Ikm (cwins Jai Alai Entries Ballimore 'M dircKer ai S Gura W IH-: 1 7 K 3 3 1 4 Tldri'W p 0 0 0 0 ii'rnerbaik llcrace l*eikins tight end There are si' many lop girls. 1 lop seed and delending champion gunfire, but after the shooting the se­ ' Bannister f>-|01. |o :tr p m (JuiseniM riv • s;ii • 2 1 0 0 0 0 Martin ph 10 0 0 14*cil A i’ungbliH H 10 6 h 4 4 Tclals 27 0 2 0 Totals 28 2 6 2 Arneld Mergade and linebai ker Cliarli"' Fht: Hetinoi JunuM- Hij:h 1 Fat$(a 2 kbkr "1 really can t think ol the pressure on. Minne.sota atCleieland. niKht I astri* 0 0 1 1 t) 0 Chicage (U)(X)OnOO-0 .lacksen en the injured resei’ve list said Austin who begins her delense Detri'ii at I hu apD. nifiht Cincinnati oioOOlOOx--2 LINzziMiMbItl 4 bwi stHcer praclu'O si.iris Augustine 1 2 2 2 1 0 Miami Cut saletv Neal Cel/ie 3 Munia that much, " she said. "When I was 14 “ We didn’t want to send them (the Kansas ( ’III at Milwaukee, iiicht 3.Z^»««rr«U 4. Cwrieia-lirtiEie tonight against Anne Smith I'n the Gura (Hit hod to 1 lijtte r in8th. Dl*—('hicagi' 2. Cim innati 1 U )B - linetiai ker Ri»n Hill guard Chuck Stpnc 5 Hondra ( Itaquin \Vt'dm\sda\ nicininp at 10 Haas Chicage 4, ('^incinnali : 2B-Driessen, S.Padi-lMMt (. GsM-Zarra I started playing the circuit. Two fans) home in this mess, ” said Wild, I’lK tied lo t baltei tackle Mark G.‘4slstK'i‘d. delensive end 7 lra$a 8 banny stadium court starling at 7 :)() p m .NATION AL LEAIU K inWth (asir(>pitched Knight. Concepcion HR- Gerenimo i21 7. (My-IUsM ihruMi-Cayii o'clock al Ml NcIk' undor !■• 1 batter in 9Hi hiddie .)a< ks<>n running ba<’k ( hurk Stb$ Mtca years after that whenever I played "W e decided it was much safer for East IP H HER BBSO SMs lm -($t$ I KDT This IS going to be a dillerent im p bv Casi r.‘ .McRae) WP-- (■|‘mier, and wide ro<’eiver Ray Hardee iu*w coach. Ulii/ Sliniac V\ 1. 1’l l GH . ^ .. Chi4'age juniors I was No. I and people were the crowd to resume the second Augustine I } A i: 912 Mmnesr'Ia Heleas4*d kicker Hade bCtrtfc situation lor me, too last Pillslmrgh 7«) :di McGllhn .1.9-9 : 1-3 6 2 2 3 Uemt Savirhandpunlet>hns4>n 1 Mke-llan*' 2. Damy-Landa vear I didn t expect li' win and ni'one always gunning tor me. I got used to game.. We didn’t know what was Mi'ntreal 69 1 Tidrew 12-3 0 0 U 0 New Yt>rk Giants Waived quarter I. Ceirin Otorrtto 2. Muu l-Zam 6T. .’7 0 0 3 Orteal 4 bt$dM-h{ia really expected me to the pressure happening outside.” Philadelphia 3', Caudill 1 0 0 back Dave Rader tackle Gus (’(‘ppens 3.(My-IM«al (.CMiiladbal New York .'8 66 468 \ V i BAI.TIMOBE SEATTLE Cincinnati tight end Dean itarnett. wide receiver 5. Zifw-lirtni Ihnpw-lwM 5. Irttt-Z a ^ ( bw-ZuiaMl St D'Uis :a W 4Ct 14'z ab r h bi Seaver iW:.-7i 61-3 I 0 0 3 4 . FaMtt nc« 8 4rtaM-lN(iel The $H.s4,il82 chanqiionsliip. run­ "When I'm on the court I don’t ab r h bi renv Hall and r enter Steve Alvers 7. I k 7 4 ( hicagi' 49 74 ;fiN 20 Bumbrv ct : 1 3 0 Cruz2b 3 10 0 S c te iS li 2 2-3 I 0 0 1 3 New Y’lTk Jets - Waived rtvkie Sabs Imedo (u$ I 1 S«b$ PscMUtu ning lor two weeks was scheduled to think ol pressure or what people have A'esi Dauer3h 3111 Simpsrmll 4 0 0 0 T -2 23 A -20 .330 running back Bobbv Ballt'n. Iree agent W 1 *cl GH M tk. get under way al II a rii KDT with said about me I'm only thinking of 1. 1 Singleln rt 2 2 2 Meyer dh 4 3 3 2 tackle .lim l.usnnskt. Irw agent wide Thrt: Hall of Fame Hi‘usir 8' ttuulCeyi iPacMvtvM ticket outlets KeIKdh 3 U I 0 Milbern3b 3 101 Iiernd<>nrl 4 00 0 Scott‘ib 3 0 10 Dave Jar obs and saletv Tim 5 7. k t$a Caraaw M t hotbit-tbnia meeting Vince Van Patten on the .seeking his first U.S Open cham­ Atlanta 6) 63 m 9 KMMilUui Avaladh I 00 0 Roberts ph 0 100 I coach^ teams to titles Whittild 11 4 13 0 OHiee rt 4 110 Meresco. plan'd tree agent rx'rnerback 7,»i labs (rtawManifa pionship, was assigned to Court 16 for Tickets for the first annual San Dii'gi' n 74 4ili 19'. t.rabamc 30 10TC(‘x3h 00 00 ^ j 2 j Sal.idin Marlin on injured reserve TO BUY stadium court and Raul Ramirez M"nda\ s Besults KvansSb 4 0 0 0 Dawsc'nel iK'mpsevi’ 1 II I 0 Narnmc 3 000 in 1948 and 1949. That put 4110 •‘iBsburgh...... Cul delensive end Frr'd Tattb. his lirst-round match today against Manchester Sports Hall of Fame Mi'ntreal 3. San (- rancisce I nighi May e 3 0 0 1 Carter e FMrtc playing Brian Teacher on the grands­ Sakata2h 4 0 0 0 Walton ph 1112 me into the Hall of Fame. Ivielb 40 10 Cromrllb Andersi'n, wide riveivers lairrv Ik'uglas. Ij's Angclr-K. Philadelphu4 night Garcia ss 4 0 0 0 Uoxc 00 0 0 3 02 2 L M ttM LOrbeal Guillermo Aubone of Argentina, dinner and induction ceremonies Forget 1950, though. I got Slenncttib 4 020 Parrish3b Nate .lohnsT'n and Jim Ferranti, tight l.hivM L (M y tand court AtlantaB. PiltshurghO night Andersnss 4 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 end Rav Svdnr‘r. rdicnsive lineman Tunr h lk\m 4. trcarazi I locMastr ss 3 0 0 0 Speicr ss 3.2sca 4.Ndii Friday night, September 19 are now I in(’innali2 (Imagf'O.night Mendoz ss 0 0 0 0 into a locker-room brawl 20 10 llkm and running back B ill Ring ( bMbu In beating ( tins Kverl Lloyd in last Following Gerulaitis and Van WohUrdph lOOO Rogersp (M ic a 5 Cany CLEAN 1000 S.fiM .SI Ia>uis3 ll(•usll‘n 1. mglit Totals 37: 12: Totals 34 10 11 10 with the club owner over San Frani'isii. Waivi*d delensive 7. C araM ti th|i Patten on the stadium court were on sale at the following outlets: Wal­ Tuesdav s (iames Hrgshmr p 2 0 10 7.X n 1. Ctya vear s linal. ending Kverl s string ol Baltimore 100200(U>-: unfair player salaries. The ta< kle .loe Pellegiini. delensive ends Don SMi b ait • All Times KDT) Venabl ph 10 0 0 llopwood and Brad Streelman, wide Evert against Kim Sands and ly Fortin at the Senior Citizens’ Seattle 610(00 12x-10 players yanked me off him. Minton p 0 0 0 0 SMi lartuM lour consecutive Open cham­ San Diege ‘ Wise 4-') al New Yerk E -MillK'urne DP Balliinerel.SeattU rw eiver Terry Andersi'n and linebiicker USED CARS Center, Nate Agostinelli at the • Bi>ml>aek9-: < 2 if p m Yes, I got fired. Totals 341 9 I Totals 28 3 8 3 David Hodge, plact'd defensive back nnk pionships. Austin, then IB. became McEnroe against (,’tirislophe Hoger- 1 LOH- BaltimiTe 7. Seattle 3 2 B - San Franr'iK'o QUO 10) OOO- | 1 t batiebta x Golfers aid Cancer Tund Atlanta iNiekm ll-I4< at Piltshurgh Mever. Paeierek, Bumbrv, Murrav 3H- Herb Williams and center Don Sutton i»n I. CM-Zarri ttUMhwi Va,sselin ol France Manchester State Bank. Nassiff I Blylevcn7-9i 7 3f p m Mi'ntreal 000 300 00x-3 1 Iw f-lrcaraza I 4 b»^*f«y > the youngest U S Open winner. A Ih ih to HR Mover )»i. Murray i22i. injuri'd resi'rve 4.)ast-QUrtta la>s Angeles 'Sulelille 3-8) al Phila­ h/-Si‘otl DP -San Krancisi-o I. Mont­ 3. UrNM-teiil MaaqwMramen* F)ddie Dibbs. the No 8 .seed, meets Arms sporting goods store, Carl Singleton il7 i. W a lfn

  • al Cincinnati H K KH BHSD lO S IM I) SMi MM Ib n a it, headed by Len Horvath, realized $5,500 SB-lx*Elorc2. Scott S-Hogcrs2 S F - to Miami lor delensive back Ni'rris SMi (M ^C»n over by Bill Stevenson, left, to Horvath, Department. Earl Yost at The ■ tanbrandt I04ti. 8 if p m Ballimi're U 1I 1 3 U N « n riM'inas and running back Gary Davis, Wimbledon stadium court tonight, and the two Mav. TMlttb. Hou.slen i.Niekre 12-11 > at St N'Uis D Marlnz'U3) 1-3 4 I 0 )o qaeoa ptaq aqi MUtaaq oqik yttS waivi'd punier Dave Gri'cn. delensive Satk from the Richard Tarca Memorial Golf Tour­ center. The latter and Charlie Boggini, right, Herald’s sports department and in- IP H R HR BBSO .Now Austin almost seems I'ld night matches on the grandstand ' Korsi h 9-7i 8 I . p m Kord 6 2-3 : •a)sj)i iiiqiooj ataiioa utiapA e biick Gone Ci'leman. delensive linc'iiian I.FanttAHMt Ibw-Zapi Wi>dne.sdav i. Games San Francisco I,6w *m 2 FiMMaM court pair No. 13 seed nament staged earlier this month at .the suranceman Tom Conran. T Martinez 1 2 ■a|t»N aa«S N v Ji*e Mi'reino, wide riseivers Handv 3. (rtawliMtfta 4 lawMramm* ci'inpared to some of the other girls served as tourney co-chairmen. Stevenson is San h'ram isci>at Mentreal. night Sr-allle Margeshmr iL4%Ai 6 6 3 3 2 r. 3.WM Uwrt 4 bw-Mtt l 1229 Miln SI., ManchMtar Simmrin and ( Jerald Carter and t ighl end 5 JtaqMt-brcarazi I (. bubiaAaiWa against Alycia Moulton and No. 15 Manchester Country Club, The event raised Roast beef dinner w ill be served at IxK Angeles at Philadelphia night Abbott and placisl running (.M»»UMa on the circuit, and last Friday she controller at Multi. (Herald photo by Bur­ AHantaat PiBshurgh night Montreal 7 Oibca l-ZataKal I. bauetaniy TEL. 646-»464 the Army Navy Club at 7 o’clock Riiwlev

    Help Wanted 13 HOUSEKEEPER - FULL­ TV tonight Record TIME. General cleaning duties. Pleasant working con­ 6:00 that It doesn t always pay to adver­ House' 1979 Stars: Olivia Cole, 29 ThpTonIghtShowHost: Johnny M an chegter za to Alfred and Jeanette Town of M anchester ditions, liberal insurance I)i22a0 N»wt tise when he takes lotheairtomake Louis Gossett, Jr. White House Carson. Guests. Sally Field. Jim Lesperance, lot 49, Farm against Eugene V. benefits. Apply Meadows Con­ $ Brady Bunch CunninghamHardware a household maids Maggie Rogers and her Stafford. Sydney Goldsmith (90 public recorda Johar'tWitd Road, $20,000. valescent Home, 333 Bidwell name (Repeat) daughter move from gloom togaiely mins.) McClure. Street, Manchester. She Heralh 1V AuaUallan Rugby Teams lobe Warranty deeds 9 Sonny And Char: Their Rock to war as Herbert Hoover is defeat­ ^ ABC News Nightllna 3-S Construction Inc. to .Ado|iliaii I l f Irufl)' nunii- announced CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING And Roll Years Guests Neil Seda- ed by (he vibrant Franklin D. Roo­ 11:35 Joseph and Irene Abby L. and Mark A. Robert J, Damaschi Jr. Room 222 « ka, Wolfman Jack. Paul Anka and sevelt (Pt III ofafour-partseries;2 CD M.A.S.H. ADVERTISING PAINTERS. Must have some 24 2 f Zoom Putrycz to Theresa M. knowledge of residential the Coasters hrs.) (Closed-Captioned) 11:50 Foballe, lot 25, Twin Oaks dba Manchester Electrical RATES 24 Hogan's Haroaa 11' Professional Football From 24lZr) Flambards Sing No Sad ^ Tuesday Movie Of The Week Ebenhoe, property at 24 Manor, $25,300. Contractors, 16 Horton work. Neat appearance and 49 Jim Rockford: Private Canada Montreal vs Toronto Songs' Christina. Dorothy and Wil­ Hit' 1978 Stars: Billy Dee Williams. Edmund St., $60,000. 1 DAY...... 14*inaniMt transporation a must. Call Invaallgalor David C. and Susan C. Road. 14j Movie •(Comady)***‘‘i "Foul liam mourn the death of their friend, Richard Pryor. A federal narcotics Romar Associates to 3 DAYS ...13'«nmpai» days - 9:00 to 4:30 246-7101. PHONE 643-2711 6:30 Play" 1978 Chevy Chase. Goldte Sandy (Closed Captioned) (60 agent is stunned when his daughter Wichman to Peter D, and P eter H. Smith dba 6 DAYS ...12*mMK)NT $ I Love Lucy Hawn PlotloassassinatethePope m ins) dies from an overdose of heroin and William J. and Eilleen B. Judith L. Siena, property Microage Computer Ser­ RN/LPN's. Laurel Manor, 91 FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD 2' Tic Tac Dough IS maslerfully interwoven with the 9:30 he vows to catch the people Shea, unit 126B Highland 26 DAYS ...Il'M iraiNT 29Z220 NBCNawa at 40 Lexington Drive. $88,- vice, 94 Carpenter Road. Chestnut Street, Manchester. romance of a detective and a girl on t9)(49 T a il Led by Elaine, the cab­ responsible. St., $53,900. 15 WORD, $2.10 IMM 242f OvarEaayGuesI BellyGar- the run (Rated PG) (2 hrs ) bies go on strike for safer working 12:00 000. Noel M. Siegel dba S&S Help Wanted 13 HAPPY ADS'2.50 m NURSES AIDES. First shift retl Host Hugh Downs (Closed 2922 Tha MisadvanturasOf Sher­ conditions (Repeat) CD Sanford And Son Tasos L. and Theopisti Leon J. and Irene C. Zac- Tackle Co.. 137 Brookfield Captioned) iff Lobo Sheriff Lobo is suspected 10:00 (li) Surfabout Valanos to Rodolfo C. and and second shift. Laurel advertising i f Bob Nawhart Show caro to Paul J. Cedar and St. Manor, 91 Chestnut Street, AUDIT DEPARTMENT PLEASE READ of stealing the Baroda Diamond (iJ News (11) Dr. Gene Scott On Habrewa Margret M. Valencia, Responsible position available 6:56 from a seductive temptress during (91 (49 Hart To Hart Jonathan and 12:05 Belinda G. Ponder, proper­ Craig F. and Andrea S. 5 h e K e r a U i Manchester, d e a d l in e Nawa p ro p e r ty a t 13-15 for individual accustomed to YOUR AD the historical final ride ol the Orly Jennifer become entangled in a CD Six Million Dollar Man ty at 71 Adams St., $1. White dba Loveland Hill CLAtllFIlO AOVfRTItINO 7:00 Express (Aef)e^r'60'mins ) bixarre scheme to take control of 12:15 Wadsworth St., $65,000. PIZZA AND GRINDERS. , detailed figure work and cost 12:00 noon the day Hereld it reaponaible ) CBSNawa 24Nova'SweetSolutions'^Thispro- thefamilylorluneusinghisbrother's 3$ Baaaball: Race For The Yankee Homes Inc. to Associates, P.O. Box 1070, analysis. 'Tarrif work, rating, J All In Tha Family Harold M. and Christine Experienced person for year before publicallon. tor only one incorrect gram looks at sugar More than a wife as the unknowing instrument of Pennant The Acme Music Company barbershop College campus. From left: Paul Stake, Leon J. and Irene C. Zac- Manchester. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• round position. Apply in per­ paper work clearance and in­ .1 ABC Nawa food. It IS considered an edible destruction (Repeat. 60 mins ) 12:30 M. Parks to Marjorie Help Wanted 13 voicing involved. Accurate inaerlion and then only v i 29 Faca Tha Music symbol ol the good things inlife. and quartet joins Manchester’s Silk City Chorus Storrs, tenor; John Mansfield, Glastonbury, caro, property at 25 Bobby \lurriugi' lircnncH son only: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 Deadline lor Saturday ( i ) Latin New York CD CBS Late Movie-CANNON K ra v itz , u n it 128H p.m. La Strada West, 471 typing with reasonable sp e ^ to the size of the Sports Around Tha World at the same time is blamed for an (fC Movie-(Wastern)*** "True Murder By Proxy' Anne Francis lead; John North, Rockville, bass; and Curt Lane. $91,830. Thomas J. Bartek of Ausiralian Surt Lifesaving' Five Tuesday evening in an outdoor performance Highland St.. $58,900. SHEET METAL WORKER - Hartford Road. Manchester. necessary. Train for basic and Monday ia 12:00 original Insertion. increasing number of health prob­ Grit" 1969 John Wayne, Glenn guest slarsasaHollywoodpublicist Leavitt Construction eo., East Hartford and Leslie J. We need a Shop Foreman, a computer keyboard Thousand athletes test their lems (Closed Captioned) (60 Campbell An over-the hill marshal charged with the murder of her of old songs in four-part harmony at the Roberts, Tolland, baritone. Noon Friday. Errors which do not strength, endurance and training Inc. to Robert J Terry Jr. person with a good working techniques. Pleasant office in mins ) helps a fourteen-year-old track former boyfriend and client. Fredrick G. and Eldith C. Quesnel of Manchester. GIRL FRIDAY - Diversified lessen the value of the during three days ol rowing, sprint 2 f U.S.Chronicle God'sCountry. down her father's killer (2 hrs , IS (Repeat) BARNABY JONES: Copy bandshell on the Manchester Community and Robert J. Terry Sr., Russell D. Burton of knowledge of layout work, office duties. Monday through East Hartford. Paid insurance mg. swimming, kayahmgand surfing Bissell to Kenneth R. and Claaaified ads are advertisement will not mins ) Cat Killing' Stars Buddy Ebsen, familiar with the heating and and pension benefits. Apply contests to prove how they could, it USA' Elizabeth P. Thornly, unit property at 92 Overlook Avon and Stephanie A. Friday. 9:00 a m. to 1:00 p.m. 29 Fr. JohnPowall l24 Connecticut Prime Time Trish Stewart. alp- conditioning industry. personnel manager, Hartford taken over the phone be corrected by an ad­ necessary, save a lite Drive, $72,500. Rehnberg of Coventry. Send resume to: Girl Friday, 2fMovia-(Drama)*** 'Lifaboal" 27) Free T o Choose Anatomy of a CD Hogan's Heroes 88A Northlield Green Con­ Able to take charge and P.O, Box 222, Manchester. D esp atch , 225 P ro sp e c t aa a convenience. The ditional insertion. l l Festival Of Faith 1944 Tallulah Bankhead. John Crisis' (i1) Professional Football From dominiums, $57,900. Eugene V. McClure to Marlon L. Fultz of East organize deliveries and field Street. East Hartford, or send 29 Under Wasiarn Skies Barhershoppers sing tonight Hodiak Penetrating revelations ( 9 Independent News Canada Montreal vs Toronto M&S Realty, 385 Main St., Hartford and Deborah J. crews Good starting wages, resume. Please do not phone 22 News about shipwreck survivors adrift in 10:30 12:45 Ansaldi Heights Inc. to 8 2 r Dick Cavalt Show ding communities. $70,000. Nichols of Stafford companv paid fringe Denefils. EOE. lonely lifeboat during W W II (2 (.9J Nine On New Jersey d4) M ovie -(C om e d y) M WCIIES'l'Elt - The Silk City Vincent Zito of Manchester leads Harold L. and Barbara J. Call 872-4053, SERVICE STATION 2 f M.A.S.H. h rs ) 24 For The Record 'Certain Prac­ "Crimabuatara" TerenceHill.Bud The Acme Music Company Dennis W. and Pamela Springs. 7:20 Chorus of the Manchester Chapter of the Silk City Chorus which combines Ross, lot 33, Timber Trail. AHENDANT AUTO MECHANIC. 8:30 tices'The powerful story of a doctor Spencer. Two policemen, whose barbershop quartet will join the Silk F. Kessler to Lita J. Millet, Joseph E, Locke and 29 Dally Number .9) Marv Griffin who challenges the practices of a hearts really aren't in their jobs, the Society For The Preservation and lively choreography with many of its $112,000. SALES MANAGER for store Expereinced. Must have own 7:30 9 49 Lavarna And Shirley When top hospital surgeon because he spend more time rough-housing, Encouragement of Barbershop numbers. City Chorus in tonight’s program. Katherine J. Ferrari to lot 87, Canterbury Street, Debra A. Reinhorn, both of selling used merchandise, Some mechanclal tools. Paid sick days and 2 P.M. Magaxina LevemeandShirleydreamolahilar- fears for the lives ol his palienis racing cars and chasing women $53,000. Manchester. ladies and mens clothing, fur­ vacation 633-3669 2 2 9 Sha Na Ns Guest Barbara Quartet Singing in America The barhershoppers are involved in The quartet's members reside in four Thomas R. and Joann M. experience with lous hereafter, the tablesare turned 29 Baseball Boston Red Sox vs (Rated P G )(2 hrs ) Samuel D. and Jean P. Ronald Tupper of South niture. housewares, el cetra Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Mandrell as they end up being al the mercy ol California Angels 1:00 iSPEBSQSA) will sing tonight at7:30 a national service project which sup­ area towns and represent three cen­ Brown, property at 27 A good opportunity for right LADY to work in small office X . Dating Gama small tools. Will Lenny and Squiggy (Repeat) 11:00 CD Adam 12 at the Manchester Bicentennial Band ports the Institute of Logopedics, a tral Connecticut barbershop har­ Highwood Drive, $125,000. Dudley to Ja m e s D. Windsor and Debra E. person. Please apply Tuesday in East Hartford. Must be it SportsCantar 27) Human Face Of China (23(1)2229(49 News 29 0 29 Tomorrow Host; Tom train. WE HAVE AN IMMEDIATE STUDY HJUi 14 Baseball: Race For Tha mony groups. Edward J. and Alta Freihaut and Joana C. San- Bruce of Chicago. August 5th. for appointment good at figures, typing, and 9:00 ($3 M.A.S.H. Snyder Guest Duke Snider (60 Shell located on the Manchester research and treatment center for OPENING for a Latheman, Pennant Timothy H. Becker of between 9 and 12. at Goodwill telephone Call 528^197. SUPERVISORS 2' Tuesday Night Movie The Ci) After Benny m m s) Community College campus off children with voice diseases. Bring chairs or blankets. Admis­ Lightbody to Manchester tamaria, property at 101 Apply in Person: . who would be responsible for 22 Happy Days Again Store, 1085 Main Street, Seduction O l Miss Leona' 1980 29 Honeymooners 1:05 sion is free. Glenwood St., $57,000. Manchester and Carole A. Tlw MtncDMttr loan] ol Uuca- 24 2 f MacNsll-Lahrar Report Bldwell Street. Rain date is Members of the Silk City Chorus Memorial Hospital. 11 Manchester, corner of PA R T T IM E laying out and setting up jobs Stars Lynn Redgrave. Brian Den- 27 ABC Captioned News CD News Thomas G. and Carol L. Kogut of Glastonbury. 252 Spencer Street in our Lathe Department Top Uon 6Mks appUciitti for 6lvtfy 29 A9 Tic Tac Dough nehy In the romantic drama, an un­ 11:30 1:15 Thursday, Aug. 28. come from Manchester and surroun­ Alton St., $61,500. Eldridge Street MAINTENANCE MAN - 91 hall augorvlaors t1 Wawclm tor 2 f Odd Couple M cN ally to Sally K. Jospeh Szotak of Windsor Chestnut Street. Apply: Mon­ pay for right man! Excellent married nnd reclusive college C23 U.S. Open Tennis Update 24 Ironside Maureen L. Coniam to Manchester Fringe Benefits and liberal High Sctvool. AppUcamt mutl bo 8:00 teacher falls in love with a married Highlights of the day's action of the 1:30 LaMarre, property at 76 and Dorothy M. Janik of A MANCHESTER EAgT day through h’riday, 11 a m. to Mgh school grodutlot, bo maturo 2 Funny Business Walter Matth Jamshid A. Marvasti, overtime! Call 647-9935, bew- maintenance man who has been U.S Open Tennis Championship. (D Rat Patrol HARTFORD AREA - 120 Bed 3 p.m Mlvkhials who got aionf wWi 6 6 au IS host of the retrospective, Cambridge St.. $61,500. Ellington. repairing her house (2 h rs) (13 Kojak CD LlfaOfRIlay property at 139 E. Center teen 8 a m and 5 p.m olhorf orNl tnjof wortlog wHh which features more than tOO Goodspeed prepares musical Health Care Facility seeking 9 49 Thraa's Company Jack (13Movle-(Drama)***'v "TheFal- Cerlifirale of allurlinirnl STUDENTS Si HOUSEWIVES yoiing pooplo. 13.12 hourlf. Thirty glimpsesofmoviefavorilesfromlhe 2:00 St., $1. second Cook for fill-in posi­ APPLICATIONS NOW feels he just can't compete with his ten Idol" 1949 Ralph Richardson. CD Gong Show - Part time positions available PART & FULL TIME for Golf hours por woob during school beginning ol sound m molion pic EAST HADDAM - Rehearsals Emiliano Zapata. records of his hit "Nadia's Theme,” Mary and Joseph Internal Revenue Ser­ tion. 24-32 hours. Experience , BEING TAKEN for Fall very handsome and accomplished Michele Morgan A young boy CD Joe Franklin Show days and evenings, year Course Maintenance and yoar. Ixcatlsnl rsfsrsnesi turesuptoihe i960 s Among the vice against Gerald M. Site Herald and knowledge of Therapeutic Employment, working one of older brother, who is in town to pick idolixes a household servant, su­ 0 Star Trek A Taste of have begun for the new musical Bert Convy is a versatile star of later the theme for CBS-TV's “The Michaud to Patricia A. rsqutrsd. many stars appearing in histone round Short shifts, flexible our Outdoor Flower locations Snack Bar Tallwood Countrv up an award as 'Man Ol The Y e a r' spected ol murdering his wife (2 Armageddon' Monahan. 12 Horace St.. INDEX Diets preferred, but will train Rs^y In writing to: films are W C Fields. Mae West. "Zapata. ’ which begins perfor- . Broadway musicals and hosted TV's Young and the Restless." Composer- Hampson, property at 58 hours to suit your needs. Club, Rt 85, Hebron 646-1151 (Repeat) (Closed-Captioned) hrs ) 2:23 right person.-Submit resume Friday. Saturday or Sund^. Mr. Conrad Sblatelmalar Laurel and Hardy, and the Marx mances at the Goodspeed Opera game show, "Tattletales" for four arranger for ABC-TV’s Mork and Margaret Road, $M,000. $570,71. Males 18 or older particularly Car needed SDR. i. Partuadars iiD SportsCantar (49 USAFRallglouaFilm NOTICES and salary requirement to: Manchaatar High School Brothers (2hrs ) and a half years on CBS. Mindy. " he recently scored "When Dorothy M. Chapman to judgment lien needed for evenings. Clean, Enterprises-Andover. Conn.. 29 22 <29f Tuasday Night Al Tha 2 9< 8 The Tonight Show Best 01 2:30 House Sept. 17. - Lost and Found Box CC. c 0 Manchester TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR - 134 East Middle Tumpika S P.M. Magaxina M ovlas Backstairs At The While Carson' (Repeal. 90 mins ) CBT against James and pleasant surroundings. 742-9965. '9 49 Happy DaysHoward learns CD Movie -(Waetarn-Orama) ** 4 Director Bert Convy, book writer Harry Nilsson's record sales have She Was Bad." a TV movie. Terence A. and Joyce G. - Personals Herald 2 to 3 years working "B ig Tra aa " 1952 Kirk Douglas. Uniforms provided. Food dis­ Manchaatar, Ct. 06040 Allan Katz, composer-lyricists Harry hit IS million, including "Without Allan Katz, who based the MeSweeney, property at Kathleen Nixon, property - Announcements counts. and other fringe experience. Must have Patrice Wymore Ruthless land - Enteriammeni PLUMBER or PLUMBERS DIRECTOR of Nursing. RN Equal Opportunity You " and the "Midnight Cowboy" "Zapata " book on a play by Raphael 718 Center St., $57,350, at 66-68-70 Laurel St.. $1,- benefits. Apply: Dairy Queen. Technical Degree, such as baron seeks possession, by any Nilsson and Perry Botkin Jr. have - Auctions HELPER - Experienced required. Lord Marlbourough Chemistry, and or Industrial Employor means, of the timberlands belong­ theme "Everybody's Talkin’." His Burnuel, is best known for writing 449.48. 242 Broad Street, (near joined with the Goodspeed artistic FINANCIAL necessary Call 646-4876. Manor. Connecticut. A 120 bed Technology. Will be super­ ing to peaceful homesteaders in Robert R. and Barbara Releaue of attarliment Manchester Parkade). ICF. Twenty minutes from California's Redwood section (2 staff, (musical director Lynn TV special "The Point" was also and producing for television’s - BondS'StocKS'Mortgages vising 4 to 5 technicians in our S. Willis to Dan B. and Town of M anchester RN - 3 p m to 11 p.m . and 11 Manchester. Looking for Qualty Control Department hrs . 13mins ) Crigler. choreographer Dan Siretta, done on stage in London's West End. "MASH," "Rhoda," “Cher." "May - Personal Loans RESPONSIBLE ADULT to HOUSEKEEPER WA.NTED • 2:40 He wrote the songs for Robert Alt­ Tyler Moore” and MGM's "The Marilyn J. Frye, property against Linda C. knight. - insurance pm to7a m Full time or part experienced RN Salary Send resume with salary scenic designer John Jensen, lighting time. Enjoy working with an supervise children. Ap­ negoitable. Call Mr. Mularski. requirement AMF Cuno Divi­ .No experience necesary Full T u e sd a y CD News at 240 Briarwood Drive. George F. and Gwen H. EMPLOYMENT proximately one hour Sunday 2:45 designer Peter M. Ehrhardl and man's new film, "Popeye." Goodbye Girl." excellent supporting staff, 295-9531. time, part time Call 646-23(X) - Help Wanted at Vernon United Methodist sion. 47 Main Street, Talcott- CD Moment Of Meditation costume designer David Toserl to Perr Botkin Jr. scored the Stanley Shawn Elliott will play the role of $76,200.> .Brooks against Charles J.: caring for our elderly ---- 1------ville. Conn.. 06066. An Equal Essex Motor Inn. 100 East 3:00 - Business Opportunities Church. 872-0147. Center Street Lynn Redgrave (pictured) co- collaborate on the prem ise of Kramer film "Bless the Beasts and Emiliano Zapata. He originated the Robert B. and Miriam and Maureen Coniam. - Situation Wanted patients. Good wages and ELECTRICAL Opportunity Employer CDM o v I#-(C omedy)*** "Dantlal Charter Oak Bank and benefits, including new Dental JOURNEYMEN wanted } stars with Anthony Zerbe. Con- o n th a Jo b " 1961 Twograduatesof "Zapata." It is a racy, musical com­ the Children" and his title song was title role of "Jacques Brel Is Alive Anderson to Robert R. and EDUCATION FULL TIME CASHIER - chata Ferrell and Brian Den- Plan Please call: Doris Blain Holidays. vacation, adental college unwittingly become Barbara S. Willis, property Trust against Charles J. - Private Instructions Health Si Beauty Aid Store. BLISH HARDWARE seeking nehy in THE SEDUCTION OF edy based on the escapades of the nominated for an Academy Award. and Well. " on Broadway and has had hospitalization and rate. Only involved in a commercial venture to R.N. Director of Nurses, 646- mature sales clerk Mornings. MISS LEONA a new motion He sold one and a half million a versatile career in theater, televi­ at 42 Lamplighter Drive, Coniam. - Schools-Ciasses Flexible hours. Must be able MEDICAL promote the sale of aninferior tooth­ colorful Mexican revolutionary. 0129. Manchester Manor Nur­ serious applicants need apply. Thursday nights Saturdays piclure-forteievision to be - Instructions Wanted to work some nights and paste. with hilarious results (2 sion and clubs. $90,000. Kenneth A. Colby against sing Home. 385 West Center Call 646-5420. broadcast on The CBS Tuesday REAL ESTATE weekends. Work to assist RECEPTIONIST .Apply in person. 793 .Main h rs ) Frank and Gena Plagen- Charles J. Coniam. Street. .Manchester Night Movies August 26 manager in store operations. Street. .Manchester 0 Six Million Dollar Man - Homes for Sale NURSES COME and nurses In the romantic drama. Miss Supermarket or retail 3:30 Conservatory offers aid - Lots-Lano for Sale go but those that WORK we'd Redgrave stars as Leona DeVos - Investment Property KN LP.N s New graduates dD SportaCantar experience helpful, but not Full or part-Umo. To take an unmarried and reclusive MON-TUES - Business Property NCRSES AIDES - Part time like to know. Call 649-2358, Silver Laiie Pavillion is a 4:00 HARTFORD - The his vocation. A $100 necessary, ^ply in person 9 college teacher who falls m love For application informa­ - Ftesort Property and full time all shifts. Enjoy charge of modem Podlarty 0 News 99c to 5 dailv. Brooks Health Si progressive skilled nursing with Bliss Dawson (Dennehy). a Hartford Conservatory will scholarship, donated by Le Oil tax to fund - Real Estate Wanted INDEPENDENT otflca. 3 '2 day weak. tion. contact the Conser­ working in a very pleasant facility Benefits include married maintenance man who 4:30 hold auditions for two in­ Beauty Aids Store. 277 West INSURANCE CENTER, INC. 0 22 Alive Cercle des Dames Fran- vatory office at 834 Asylum MISC. SERVICES and homelike atmosphere, Middle Turnpike. Manchester. complete orientation, in- A A has been repairing her house seeks additional full-time Per­ strumental scholarships on helping our elderly patients She s happy with the arran­ 4:55 caises de Hartford Inc, for Ave.. Hartford, or call the - Services Ottered 646-9196. service education, paid con­ 0 PTL Club-Talk And Varalty Satur(|^y. Sept. 20. Good wages and benefits, in­ sonal Lines Customer Service tinuing education units, in­ gement in spite of an effort by the study of harpsichord, school at 246-2588. - Painting Building Supplies weekends Apply in person: ROUTE 30 excellent opportunity. F'or ap­ Applegate Lane Fiast Hart- ‘‘ZOMBIE” k - Pets-Birds-Dogs mediate opening in our Staf­ pkn ticut’s 3 mitUon chickens into a less-offensive smelling Mondav thru Friday, between pointment. call 646-6040 after ford Springs facility .Must lord. of( 1-84. near Showcase Tri-Town Players to meet - :^usical Instruments 9 and 4 Garden Grove EL CAMNO PLAZA 4:00 . Bob Lappne “Hill* Haw Eyt" II fertilizer. - Boats & Accessories have experience in equipment Cinemas /Houicfl/cancmii/ Caterers. Keeney Street, VERNON,CT. TV tomorrow. INTBJMTATt M BXIT SB BfLVCR LAN! The "biomass energy project ” would be financed with - Sporting Goods design and plant layout and \|;R M ) \ — Tri-Town Players is starting its ninth 1 NEED 50 OVERWEIGHT IA 8T NARTPONO BBA-BtV - Garden Products ."Vlanchester All inquiries held in the must have working knowledge NLKSES AIDES BARGAIN MATINU OAILV part of the $400 million made available under the windfall PEOPLE who honestly want MORNING season and will be having its first meeting of the year - Antiques of Eiectricals. HydraUlics Experienced with certifica­ ft Various Programming 2 9 0 8 PaaewordPlus (A) (49 Qanaral Hospital PNItT BMOWONLV Bl.BO to lose weight. Guaranteed 8 Buga Bunny-Porky Pig Sept 9 at 8 p.m. at 32 Park Place. Anyone interested is profits tax on oil companies for alternate energy - Wanted to Buy PART TIME - Need both desk strictest confidence. and Pneumatics Apply or tion or apply tor our training 5:15 (D Bonanza Program The proof is in the X Ed Allan Show 9:00 projects. RENTALS and custodial workers. Call send resume to AMF Cuno class Positions available .______AFTERNOON______(9) Various Programming welcomed and encouraged to come. PSYCHIC 1 losing. Part Time Income Op­ 5:45 X Dinah 8 0 8 Texas This year's production will include "Ten Little-In­ Former Rep. Sam Gejdenson. one of the supporters of - Rooms tor Rent Center Court, 875-2133, after Division. Route 32. River 7 (111 a m (0 12 30 p m or 7 00 X New Zoo Review D Andy Griffith Show 12:00 ASTROLOGER 10:00 a m portunity available $250 per am [0 3 00 p m W eekends CD(DX Newt 8 Bavarlykilbllliaa dians" and "Never Too Late. " the plan, said Monday it would meet guidelines set down - Apartments tor Rent PRINTING DEPARTMENT - week in commissions possi­ Hoad. Stafford Springs, Conn G G 5:54 'f t j 0 Phil Donahue Show 27) Over Easy - Homes for Rent and pardime 3 'X) p m to ^9) U v li^ Faith 06076 Equal Opportunity 29 Morning Prayer ft) Joe Franklin Show by the federal Department of Energy for funding under Typing required Run off Set ble. Call 528-2514: or Sally 289- 8 0 8 Card Sharks 3:30 BE YOUR GUIDE. - Business for Rent DENTAL ASSISTANT ■ fcimploycr 11 00 p in Pull Ol pari lime 5:55 29 Ghost And Mrs. Muir Press, and varied duties. App­ 1831 anvtime 8 Chico And Tha Man (D Spidarman G A T E S OPEN 7:30 FEATURE 1st AT DUSK If troubled jnd confused ^ the windfall program. - RtfSOrt Properly for Rent Typing, knowledge of business 4 30 pm 10 9 00 p m Part 29 Today'a Woman 29 Joker, Joker, Joker 8 I Dream Of Jaannia - Wanted to Rent procedure and organizational ly at: Gaer Brother Inc., 140 lime 11 00 p m to 7 00 Part 6:00 8 Tom Larson Show (I9«^amily Feud luke n»*»rr fitilinN Help 4 Advite* "Their regulations say, 'Don't come with fancy folders. SUPERVISOR - Thermoset 12:25 27 Villa Alegre - (vtisc lor Rent skills. 649-9287 for appoint­ Rye Street, South Windsor, Plastics Maufacturing Plant time Apply at person at D X Various Programming <49 Fflnlatonea 3:58 » HALIOMMk ON I O V t MARRlAGt What we want is a project that is economically viable and Conn. CD New Jersey Report <■» Pm O K ’IMN-V BCSINtSS. HC ^ AUTOMOTIVE ment Responsibilities include Silver Lane Pavillion. 51 29 New Zoo Ravua 9:25 (D (49 FYI presented from people who are cost conscious,’ " he said. FEMALE 29 Health Field (49 Harltega Corner • 12:30 Free Horo»(ope Ctun - Autos tor Sale Direct supervisor ol workers, Applegate East Hartford, oil (D Search For Tomorrow 4:00 tIERBIE G0E5 PART TIME CASHIER - 5 to 8 9 Ed Allan Show (Exc. Wad.) 9:30 Gejdenson, who discussed the proposal at Bozrah Town - Trucks tor Sale KENNEL PEHSON • HELP WANTED 1-84 near Cinemas CroaaWIta (D John Davidaort Show mAl)IS(,S HY HOHUSlOPt making work and over time 6:15 ftj Partridge Family (D BANANAS - Heavy Equipment tor Sale veterinarian s assistant Over p.m . Monday thru Thursday. ( 1 ) 8 Ryan's Hope (D Flintatonaa HA\imRIUS(, A.NAf >S/S ! Hall with other officials, said it presented "a tremendous assignmnents. performing a X Nawa i t Surfabout (Wad.) - Motorcycles-Bicycies 18. mornings. Reply Box FF. See Mr. Willis. Carter HOOKKEEPEH Full charge, (D PlayTh#Parcentagea ( D 0 Marv Griffin i'sv( m e m 'Mk r o u x ; y . c a r d s energy potential” because of the availability of manure - Campers-Traiiers-Modiie Chevrolet 1229 Main Street. wide range of in process 6:30 8 Varloua Programming (|3 Movie HERALD Apply in person only, material checks Must be journals ledger, tax reports X Abbott And Coatallo 8 Joker's Wild 2 9 0 8 Doctors a t h e H ] and places where the processed methane could be used. Homes Manchester. 646-6464. (9) Oomata 8 Andy Griffith Show - Automotive Service Monday through Frida/, willing to work all shifts 2 to 3 Fiast Harllord concern 289- tj MyThraaSont 49 Laasla 8 PTL Club-Talk And Variety 12:57 Joining Gejdenson, a Democratic 2nd District con­ - Autos tor Rent-Lease MECHANIC. Experienced in years related industrial 0095 0 Bullwinkla 9:50 2 4 0 SaaamaStreet G A TE S OPEN 7:30 FEATURE 1st AT DUSK LATHhTFASHim.. GIRL STUDENT FOR PART 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 29 Various Programming 8 Nawa 8 NBC Nawa Update gressional candidate, for the meeting were represen­ all phases of truck and auto experience required 1 to 2 12:58 8 Movie repair; gas and diesel TIME WORK as Sales Clerk PLAY ROOM AITENDENT 8 Romper Room 10:00 8 Bewitched tatives of the state Energy Division, the University of years college a plus Apply in (D (49 FYi ...In MURI'tR. Minimum five years Afternoons and Saturdays No NF;f;DF;D ■ Monday thru 6:50 ''D Jaffaraona 1:00 8 Big Valley Connecticut Cooperative Extension Service and several evenings or Sundays. Apply: wrson between 1 and 4 p m . iy Prayer '(D 4 9 I Love Lucy 4:30 experience Must have own MR. DONUTS Rogers Corporation, .Mill 4i F'ridavs. 9 a in to 12 noon 6:55 ftj Mika Douglas (iJ Young And Tha Raatlaas area towns. \ tools Start at $7 (X) hour and Medical Pharmacy. 344 Main Apply to .Manager. CD My Three Sons (D Little Raacelt □ NOTICES Street. Manchester 255 W. Middle Tpke. Oakland Street. .Manchester 0 American Trail ft / Romper Room (9) Christ Tha Living Word D r e s s e d Gejdenson estimated there were 3 million or more all fringe benfits. For appoint­ Conn Equal Opportunily Brusnwick Parkade Lanes. 49 Newt It ^ortsCantar CD (49 All My Children ( D 8 Movie 5:00 . VLs chickens housed in eastern Connecticut, each producing ment. Call 688-75% Manchester, CT Employer .MF 346': West .Middle Turnpike. 7:00 '8 '8 Oavid Latlarman Show ( X Brady Bunch « f-otf and Found 1 WANTED - Mature responsi­ Manchester No phone call 2. Morning 0 22 Alive 8 0 8 Daye Of Our Lives TO KILL an average of .35 pounds of manure daily. ble person to care lor infant 1:30 (14) Movie (Tue.) CRESTFIELD LIQUOR STORE please 9 Buga Bunny 8 Ironside (1l) Oavay And Goliath He said the methane could be used to heat homes, and young child in our home. CD Bawilchad LOST BLACK CAT with white CONVALESCENT HOME is MANCHF:STEH a r e a accep- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• L-49 Good Morning America 10:24 0 Star Trek Irom 8 00 a m. to 4:30 p m. MUNSON’S CANDY 1 News 49 Weather View (fft) Jake Haas Gospel Time farms or factories or at a nearby municipal utility which flea collar Vicinity of Grove. now accepting applications ling applications for perma­ Business Opportunities f4 1:5B 2 4 0 MlatarRogara Summit, Pine Hill or Harlan for R.’'l LPN s on our 3:(K) Call 649-5417 after 5:00 p m KITCHEN is accepting It SportaCanlar 10:30 8 Em ergency Orw has one of the few generators which burn gas to generate applications for full time days nent part time help Retail 2 9 0 3d Today 3 Alice .ft) AB CNaw tbriaf Street. Child's pet. REWAHO p m to 11:00 p m shift. LOCAL 7 F;1.K\ E.N STOKE (49 Jo k e r's Wild power. RN lor generalized public and part time evenings and experience preferred .Musi be 8 Three Stooges 5 40 My Three Sons 2:00 Call 647-1373. .Nurses' aides full and part- neat, honest, dependable with .W AH.AHl.F lor Iranchise 3' Aa Tha World Turns A 5:15 BONANZA’S An added incentive, he said, was the fact that the health nursing program in­ weekends Call lor appoint­ 7:25 2Z Hollywood Squares time needed on 3 00 p m to Conlacl Hov Pelletier al 203- (ft; AddamaFamlly ^ 1ft) Harmano Pablo cluding schools Competitive ment 649-4332 no police record Send lull 3 Newt 10:58 5:30 methane process left the fertilizing value of the LOST IN THE VICINITY of 11:00 p m. and 7:00 a m to details to Hox H. c o '289-8261 Southland Corpora- 7:30 3 Newtbraak ^0 8 One Life T o Live salary and benefits. Contact 8 Accent On Living (Mon.) 13) All In Tha Family BONELESS BREAST OF remaining manure intact but removed most of the odor Hawthorne Street - Female 3:00 pm shills Working hours .Manchester Herald Iion 5 Flintslonat 11:00 Community Health of Colum­ FjLDEHLY active widow 8 0 8 Another World (ft) Gilligan's Island involved. cat. Black, white neck, llexiblc to accomodate your aaaaaaaaaaaaa************* 9 PTL Club-Talk And Variety 3 Maude (ft) M.A.S.H. schedule Experienced bia. Hebron. Andover. wishes to contact square 8:00 $ Midday 2:30 Gejdenson said federal assistance was needed because stomach, paws. Some white in ELECTHO-.MFX’HA.MCAl, ft) Gllllgan’t leland 14) Movie (Exc. TuSj^Wad.) CHICKEN DINNER face. 649-6480, after 10:00a m. nilrses aides preferred, but Marlborough 228-9428 dance partner able to drive EDUCATION 3 Captain Kangaroo 9 40/Love Boat technician with hands-on 1ft) Oomata (9) Dr. Gena Scott E MYSfLT THIS I5 OUR LAST 6AM E ACROSS 6 City in Answer to Previous Pu«le eo LET'S All trv as U5 OF NOTTR'r'INfe?! Montana roD A Y ... Pbby HARP AS WE CAN... 1 Light tan 7 Lighted 6 Sophisticated 6 Hera $ son By ADigaii van Buren 11 Yells 9 And J filVE ME SohnE 13 Paper 10 To be (Lat) measures 12 Arab country near Beer. XL F L? 14 Vigor 13 Rope circle 15 Speaks 18 Gross D E A R ABBY: Jual a word to SLEEPY-TIM E G AL, and 16 Compass National all the others who complain about neighbors who mow their point Product (abbr 1 ' lawns in the early hours of the morning: 17 Jargon LHv ¥ iw o u a tsd fssiu's 6r"d»ri I I mow mine from 6 a m. to 8 a m. — before the sun comes 19 Look at 20 Scat 20 More saline out. With the temperature 100 degrees during the day, I have 21 Roy no apologies for mowing my lawn during the coolest hours. 22 Cheat Services Ottered 31 Services Ottered 31 Peinting-Pepering 32 Building Contracting 33 Priscilla’s Pop — Ed Sullivan 25 Apropos 22 Normandy If SLEEPY-TIME GAL wants to mow my lawn for me 26 Vegetable invasion day 35 City in Utah 44 MkJsical'group Apartments For Rent 53 Aperlmenia For Rent 53 Resort Property Autos For Sate 6f when she gets up and the sun is scorching. I'll be happy to ^ THIS IS A BALLAD 30 Narcotic 23 Animal waste 36 Lever 46 Slighting C4.M THKK S K in iCK Kri'O HHICK. BLOCK. STONK - IN’TEHIOH I’ Al.NTINi; A.M) WES ROBBINS Car'p^lrv VOU Y THINK W E L L .IV E > REALLV. PLEA6E For Rent work out a deal. r S IN G ABOUT THE 3.1 Cogwheel chemical 37 Rental sign (2 remark cslmi.ili'.'!. discount senior Ki replaces Concrete WALl.l’Al’EHLNC remodeling specialist Ad­ 56 1975 CORDOBA - Black, all THINK \ r CAN'T WRITTEN 1 STUART? ALL 118 MAIN STREF:T - "The FEMALE ROOM MATE HOT IN BIRMINGHAM 32 Air (prefix) 24 Happy cat w ds) 47 Inca country cili/cns Company (Wiimney Hepairs ".No Job Ouality professional work af ditions. rec rooms, dormers, power. Sacrifice $1800. 1969 I'M A CO ANVTHING A SONG .' ' HOW IT FOR RIGHT.' GOOPRICH BLIAAP.' Gables ' 3 Room Apartment. wanted. Non-smoking. MANCHESTER - Retail, 33 On grand 46 Egyptian sun ,M a n c h c s to r - 0 w n e d and Too Small ' Call 644-8356 for reasonable prices Fully in­ b u 111 - i n s . b a th ro o m s , VW Pop Top. New. Rebuilt. LOSER-y RIGHT SO THERE ' / EXCITING' ME sound 40 Dozen less Third floor. Heat and hot Manchester town house. storage and/or manufacturing DEAR HOT: If you can't work out a deal with your scale disk operated Call 64H-1.'I27 estimates sured Free estimates O L. kitchens. 649-3446 $1650. 429-1174. 34 Tall tale 27 Military cap three (pi) water. $320 monthly. Security Includes heat and hot water. space, 2,000 square feet to 50,- 50 Doctrine •McHuiih 643-9321 neighbor, read on for a suggestion from an Arlington, 35 Select 28 Incursion 4 1 More crafty and Tenant Insurance $150, monthly. September 1. 000 square feet. Very 52 Compass lU-.M T H K K S K H V IC K MATl HK BABVSITTKH FAHHAND HK.MODELING - 1977 VOLKSWAGEN Va., reader: 38 Gets shed of 29 Circle part 42 Actor Sharif «heri' THKK-.MK.MIOCS ser- Cabinets. Hoofing. Gutters. required Available 649-1312. reasonable. Brokers 39 Absorb point available immediately Bent- I’AINTINO BY CHAK; protected. Call Heyman RABBIT Four door sedan T * 0 ^ 1 ^ (pi I . 43 Aroid vice IS guaranteed, now ly. Bowers, Hoberl.soh school 00DEN Interior and Hoorn Additions. Decks. All September 1st Call 646-2426. 9 DEAR ABBY; P(»r SLEEPY-TIME GAL. She has our 42 Baseball to 5 weekdays. TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX - Properties, 1-226-1206. Automatic transmission. V ^ J | I 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 9 10 ollennp KHKK STCMI' area Call 643-8567 Exterior Specialist' Fully In­ types ol Remodeling and Power steering^ radio, air sympathy. We had the same problem a few years ago. player Mel ’ liHINDlNt; with tree Repairs Free estimates Ful­ Available Immediately. 2 car However, it was solved when you mentioned it in a column sured Free Estimates Call parking. Carpeting, conditioning, regular gas. n ■■7 13 removal Free estimates Ful­ W IL L DO ly insured Phone 643-6017 ATTRACTIVE THREE titled, "Ten Nays for Neighbors." We clipped it and showed 45 Epic anytime. 649-8749 appliances. No pets. $3$0 Excellent condition. $41350. £ < 46 Resort ly insured Helerenees Senior tIOCSKCLKAM.N’C Mature ROOM APARTM ENT. Heat. tVanlad to Rent 57 it to our neighbors, and I must say it did a lot for our good- 14 15 Flleciricity Hot water. monthly. 646-5377. Telephone 647-9037. 49 Of the sea Citi/ens Discount M.'l-7285 person with references Call DAN SHEA PAINTINO & LEON CIEZSYNSKI RESPONSIBLE MARRIED neighbor relations. 51 Hole 16 17 >6 19 643-7464 DECOKATINO Interior and BITI.DFIH New homes, ad­ Appliances. References. No We had to get it photostated because so many of our pefs $285 646-3167 . 228-3540. TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX. COUPLE - No children or 1971 PONTIAC LE MANS - 4 53 Out of bed ■ ■ HKIV KA VI.Mi lit H\ Exterior Also- Wallpapering. ditions. remodeling, rec door. 6 cylinder, automatic. friends wanted copies, including a guard at the White House g26 zo 2' MOCKS Zippers, umbrellas rooms, garages, kitchens Stove. $260. monthly. Securi­ pets, needs 3-4 room apart­ 54 Term in office WATKHl’HOOFLNO Quality Craftsmanship' Call .Some rust. $325, or best offer. in Washington. D.C.! repaired Window shades. hatch wavs, foundation remodeled, ceilings, bath tile, MANCHF7STER - Attractive ty. 646-2531. ment. September 1st. Willing 55 Chambers 22 23 24 7^ 28 29 646-5424 or 646-1305 649-2155. I’m enclosing a copy with the request that you kindly 56 TV repeat Venetian blinds Kevs TV dormers, roofing. Residential lour room first floor apart­ to paint and fix up. Under Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawranca 1 1 cracks I'lle lines, sump- show 30 FOH HKNT .Marlows, 867 pumps. Slone walls, steps, or commercial 649-4291 ment. Stove References No VERNON - Extra large, $300. Call 64.3-4063. print It again. ARLINGTON READER •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 TRIUM PH TR6. 34,000 1 1 1 1 1 .Mam Street 649-5221 patios, walks Chim nev pels. $275 646-3167 ; 228-3540. carpeted two bedroom. 32 Modern kitchen. Kids ok. miles. Excellent condition. WHAT YOU’LL FINP A COMFY eo- CAMLING, WE'VE ^ SO ALL WE NEEP 00 IS KEEP DOWN repairs 871-8399. 643-4953 DESK.N KITCHEN'S - PAIR OF MV DE9I0N6R ' OKAY. START FJOTHING TO SENPINO MAYPAY TILL HE 1 1 1 1 1 MANCHFISTEK - 2 bedrooms. Won't last at $200. Locators, □ AUTOMOTIVE Asking $5,000. 646-6684. DEAR READER: Consider it done. SMALL 34 ¥ 36 3. PAINTING LNTEHIOH AND Cahinels. Vanities. F'ormica favor I JEANS IN YOUR B A Sl PUT TALKIN'1 ANP WORRY a b o u t ; GETS A FIX ON OUR RAPIO 2 baths, carpeted, appliances, 236-5646. 1 1 HKLIABLK MOTHKH WILL E.XTEK10H Low rates Fully- Counter Tops. Display. BANK REPOSSESSIONS - THEM OW- PRETTY PLEA9E? m a k e it MY BUSINESS AIPE ‘ SISNAL ANP-PRESTO! 39 .0 41 insured .Nine years Storage A- Bookcases. Kitchen air conditioned $450. Call 643- TEN NAYS FOR GOOD NEIGHBORS ^THEN WE'LL TALK 1 GOOP anticipatep that BABYSIT FOH VOUHCHIU) Autos For Sate 61 1977 Chevrolet Monte Carlo LAWNS CCT Kxperl service experience Free estimates Cabinet Fronts Custom 1100 ALL BILLS PAID' Comfor­ 1) Thou Shalt love thy neighbor, but not his wife, WE M IS H T-E R . 42 43 44 46 48 Lowest rates around Call lor in my home, in Bolton $2300. 1977 Plymouth Sport HAVE A SPOT 1 646-1085 Woodworking 649-9658 table one bedroom, in quiet WE PAY TOP PRICES for nor Shalt thou covet thy neighbor's house, or his car, NOW I ■ tree estim a te 649-7773 •Manchester line i Call 643- .MA.NCHESTFIH. September neighborhood. Special low F u ry $2300. 1976 Dodge KklOW IM OF TROUBLE- 49 50 5’ SI UI31 wrecked and junk cars. A & B Charger Special’Edition $2500. or any other thing he owneth. evenincs EXTEKIOH PAINTING 1 Large three room-one rent. $155. Locators. 236-5646. 60IWOUTA 54 Auto Salvage, used auto parts. 1973 GMC "Jimmy " Utility 2) Thou shalt keep thy dog, and thy stereo, and thy MV MINDJ . 53 experienced college student bedroom apartment Very Call Tony 646-6223. lawnmower quiet while thy neighbor sleepeth. CKHAMIC FIHl.N't; Discount K.NFEHIK.N'CKD HOl'SK private A pet considered. HEAT PAID! Kids and pets Truck $2300, 1969 AMC Am­ 55 56 CLKAN'EH - Ambitious and Quality work. Very Heating-Plumbing .75 3) Thou shalt borrow from thy neighbor rarely, and rates Ouick service Call 643- reasonable prices Call Mike. Lease. Security $.300 monthly. ok Carpeting Dishwaslter. bassador $500. The above may eJi friendly Helerenees be seen at the Savings Bank of when thou doest, refbrneth undamaged and without 2543 569-.345B or 569-4945 NO .lOB ■roo S.MAl.l. - I'mb'l F7venings. 647-9565. ’ Much more! Just $290 available Hourly rates Call Locators, 236-5646 Manchester. 923 Main Street. delay that which thou host borrowed. 649-8551 Weekly, or bi-weekly- repairs, plugged dram . 4) Thou shalt not alloweth thy pets nor thy children LAWNMOWFMS L E E PAINTING Interior i- kitchen laucels replaced, ANSALDI VILLAGER. Two WANTED JUNK AND LATE preferred 1976 PLYMOUTH ARROW - to run amok, despoiling thy neighbor’s lawn, flower HKIVAIHKD 15 Sr Citizen Exterior ' Check my rate repaired, rec rooms, bedroom townhouse. MOVE TODAY! Furnished MODEL WRECKS - Cash Automatic. About 25 mpg. Discount’ Free pick up and before you decorate ” Depen­ bathroom remodeling, heat Fireplace, patio, immediate three rooms, all modem con­ Paid. Call Parker Street Used beds and fence. $2500 or best offer. Call 646- 6) Thou shalt keepeth thy lawn green, thy fence deloerv Kxpert service dable Fully insured 646-1653 modernization etc Free occupancy. $450 monthly. Two veniences. Close to shopping Auto Parts. Inc. 649-3391. Palnllrig-Peperlng 32 4162 after 5:00 p.m. painted and thy driveway uncluttered even as ye KCONOMA' L.AWN.MOWKH Estimate gladly given .M A- ,M months security. Lcsperance and transportation. Kids ok. Alley Oop — Dave oraue Driclqe 647-3660 GENEKAL PAINTING - Agency 646-0505, Now $245. Locators. 236-5646. CORVETTE, 1975 coupe, shall also keep thy vehicles in thy garage where they PHOFESSIONAL PAINTING Plumbing A Heating 649-2871 I n t e r io r & E x t e r io r automatic, options, $6375. 1972 DODGE POLARA. Four belong. . . . J DID YOU HEAR \ THERE'S , • Interior and exterior Specializing In FJxlerior Trim PORTER STREET AREA - NEWLY DECORATED - Corvette, 1963. original coupe. door. Registered and running. 6) Thou shalt wotcheth always for criminals and WHAT SHE SAID? I ONLY ONE | Commercial and residential Oswald Jacoby aniJ Alan Sontag Free Estimates Fuliv In­ UGLY Three room apartment Heat, Oversized two bedrooms, with $7800. Call 649-1149 Needs work. Best offer. Call fires in thy neighborhood and guard thy neighbor’s NOW WHAT'LL / THING Free estimates Fully in­ WE DO? rar^THAT I CAN sured Call 646-6709. or 742- BATHTUBS utilities, parxing. .No pets. basement. Dishwasher plus 647-7149 after 5:00 p.m. home and his property even as thy own. B-B I PHOLSTEHY Cu.stom sured 646-4879 Work Free Estimates Will 5087 BI^LAZIDd Security. 649-9092. or 643-1827 more! $300. Locators. 236- 1969 CONTINENTAL 7) Thou shalt not useth thy home for any unsightly Solid grand slam bidding Horre (.iudfanu»e • * 5646 CLASSIC. Low mileage. Call Trucks for Sale 82 pick up and deliver Please PAINTING - LNTEHIOH AND C'"D or illegal activity. COLLEGE STUDENT, between 8:30 a m. and 5:00 8) Thou shalt always stand ready to help thy call 646-2161 after 4 00 p m E.XTFIHIOH. Paperhanging p 0 r C f ' .1 1977 FORD PICKUP F 150. ball rolling f ■pprgi.i'k-, MAI.F; 19 - laxiking to share FA M ILY SIZE 5 rooms. Heat p.m. 646-4004 neighbor in his hour of true need, even as he does for The three-diamond bid was Experienced, references Ser­ apartment in .Manchester paid. Modern appliances. Power steering, power WILL DELIA EH small loads v in g W i 111 m a n 11 c . ApplidrCf. &| brakes. Automatic transmis­ thee. . NORTH 8-26-BO a game force and possible It ii estimated that 1.6 mil­ C -d t' M'tS Spidy a' area. 1-589-5274. between 4 00. Good schools. Only $310 1974 SUBARU - Good condi­ ul sand gravel or loam Call- Manchester. Bolton. Coven­ sion. Regular gas. Call 646- 9) Thou shalt not parketh thy camper, nor thy RV, ♦ K J 4 slam suggestion lion Americans compete in 8 h -Gh l AND ST E h p m - 7 00 p.m, Locators. 236-5646. tion Front wheel drive. $1800 VA96 644-1775 Can call 7 00 a m to try. Columbia^ Tolland areas 7914 nor thy van in the street where it blocketh thy This caused Mrs Jacoby to road races of all lengths. GNU TUB OF NEW ENGLAND negotiable Telephone 643- neighbor'i view and createth a safety hazard to all. ♦ KJlOZ see that her rather minimum 10 00 a m W J ______;203i 528-8200 MANCHESTER - One 6785, or 659-1723 10) Thou shalt not hold wild parties or orgies that ♦ A 104 notrump might just be what bedroom luxury apartment. Homes lor Rent 54 1969 CH EVRO LET model C 60 Dump Truck. Six yard body. lasteth until wee hours unless thou shalt inviteth thy W E S T E A S T the doctor ordered She bid $350. .No utilities, .No children 1968 DART. 1969 CH ARG ER three hearts to show the ace TWO BEDROOM HOUSE. Good condition throughout. neighbor too. ♦953 487 or pets Call Carol. 646-1316, 318, Three speed. Posi rear of hearts and carry on with .Near hospital References. $3200. 648-6544. D EAR ABBY: Recently a local physician collapsed and VQ J8 3 V 10 7 5 2 end. Needs some work. Best ♦8764 65 the slam idea Oswald merely Security Lease required. $400 died while jogging. He had no identification on his person, Homes For Sale 23 Household Goods 40 Aiilclaa tor Safa 41 Garden Products 47 FOLK ROOM APARTMENT, offer over $400 871-7385 ♦ J2 ♦KQ9 8 6 3 went to three spades He convenient - location, heat, per month. Group 1 Philbrick 1977 DATSUN PICK-UP with which caused much anguish to his famiiy. The Flintstones — Hanna Barbara Productiona wanted to give his wife the SOUTH parking, references, securily. Agency. 646^200. cap. Excellent condition. Low Your concern for people prompted me to ask you to please option of Slopping at three H.A.NCH - .Nine rooms. Formal GE ELECTHIC STOVE - 30 l i k e ; n e w Babv s Dressing OHGANK ALLY GHOW.N ♦ AQ1062 lease $325 monthly 649-3340 mileage. $3700. 649-7137, after tell your readers who run and jog to carry identification nolrump At tnis point she dining room. Her room wifh Excellent condtion' White Table Was $80.'asking $45 VKGT.ABI.e s No poisionous V K 4 before 7; 00pm MANCHESTER 6 ROOM 6:00 p.m. made tne key bid of four dia­ wet bar Separate master Call 649-8779. keep trying Babv's walker $9 Carseat $6 dust or sprays Huy Irom the with them. Thank you. nr,r-o,r.c-»ii- ♦ A(}93 BUNGALOW - 3 bedrooms. 1969 RAMBLER AMERICAN monds to show that her dia­ bedroonT suite with cathedral 646-2096 farm at less than market ROSEMARY SMALL, PRESIDENT, ♦ 7 5 prices Only ten minutes from MANCHESTER - Two F'ull basement. Good location. two-door. Six cylinder, Motorcfclea-Bleyclea 84 COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY AUX., SPOKANE, WASH. mond support was super ceiling Large Hag-stone Nice yard $490 monthly, plus automatic, good running con­ patiii Pool Wood-burning Arllctes tor Sate 41 downtown Manchester Call bedroom. 2 balhs Duplex Vulnerable North-South With only 15 H C P and no HEIEH1.ING SKI BOOTS utilities Contact; Strano Heat dition. great on gas $300 or 1975 HONDA 200 CBT. 7,500 singleton he decided to carry stove $89,500 Group I. 742-5081 Carpeted Appliances DEAR ROSEMARY: Your request is reasonabie Dealer North Size 6 Perfect condition' Fireplace Garage. With Estate, 646-2000. best offer over T^ephone 647- miles. Excellent condition. on with the slam idea without Philbrick Agency 646-42IK) Asking $60. price negotiable and could benefit many. Consider it done. Weil North Elast South Antiques 48 water. $350 plus security. 1749 after 6:00 p m. $550. Call 742-9693. after 6:00 going past game and showed Call 643-0063 anytime ITS F’OH YOU! All modern pm. Do you have questions about sex. love, drugs and 1 N T P a ss 2 V second-round heart control by Lease Helerenees required. P a ss 2 ♦ P a ss 3 9 E.NCELLFNT HOME for ALCMI.NC.M Sheets used as appliances in this king size 4 1976 MAVERICK - 3 swe bidding four hearts HKD GOOSE FAHM An­ 649-8073. 623-6407 after 5 p.m. the pain of growing up? Get Abby’s new booklet: P a s s 3 ♦ P a ss 3 4 young family Older Colonial printing plates. .007 thick SECTIO.N.AL L shaped steel room home. Call for details. manual transmission Good 1978 M O PED FOR SALE - 235 Mary was now ready for tiques. Goose Lane. Coventry “What Every Teen-ager Ought To Know.” Send 82 P a ss 4 ♦ P a ss 4 V with three bedrooms, large 23x28 . 25 cents each or 5 desk. $150 Matching Only $250 Locators. 236-5646. condition. $1600. Call 643-9508, real action She bid five clubs '2 742-9137 Open 10 to 5 Saturday mile on it. Excellent condi­ and a long, stamped (28 cents), self-addressed en­ P a ss 5 ♦ P a ss 7 9 living room formal dining lor$l Phone 643-2711 Must be secretarial chair. $50 Call or 649-5635. tion. $300. Call 6460709. to show that ace and go past room den. kitchen and sun and Sunday FIRST FLOOR - 2 family 5 velope to: Abby, Teen Booklet, 132 Lasky Drive, Pass Pass Pass picked up before If am 646-2349 rooms 2 car parking. Stove DREAM NO MORE! Lovely 2 Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. the possible four-spade slop porch Two car garage and ONLY bedroom home on large At this point Oswald k"ew. tool shed on large landscaped THF; P.Af K h a t will open by and refrigerator Working AM-FM PHONO stereo con­ couple No pets $310. 649-9305, wooded lot. Kids ok. Modern Opening lead V Q or thought he knew, iusi '»^hai lot $66,000 Peterman Healtv sole Excellent condition chance, or request during the TOWN OF BOLTON his wife held He closed the SEAHS STEHEO - Am-fm. 8 summer Call 643-6880 alter 6 DO p.m appliances. Just $200. - 649-9404 646-1171. 649-4844 ' track with recorder, turntable $120 Call 643-5766 weekends Locators, 236-5646 bidding at seven diamond.s' and two speakers Excellent or after 5 00 p in By Oswald Jacoby He won the heart lead with PLYMOCTH LANE Colonial A.NTIQl ES & PstroQfOph and Alan Sontag his king, played two rounds of condition $200 Call after 6 CDLLECTI Bl.ES - Will EAST HARTFORD - Working BOLTON - Peaceful seculsion LEGAL NOTICE Six generous size rooms. 24 p m , 647-1400 OIL F'lHFID water healer trumps, led a heart to purchase outright, or sell on with 1. 2, 3 bedroom houses, in this modern one bedroom loot livingroom Fireplace F2xcellent condition $65 nr Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Bolton Zoning Today's hand was played dummv s ace. ruffed a heart, commission llouselol or and apartments .Many accep­ home, with basement. Many Bernice Bede Osol Dining room Three POOL- 24 X 4 . 7 ft deep best offer 643-2698, until 7 (XI extras' $290. Locators. 236- Board of Appeals held on Tuesday, August 19, 1980 the applica­ some 20 years ago by the played’ the rest of the trumps bedrooms 1-n baths Garage single piece lelephiine 644- ting children and pets. Call for Perflex filter. 8 x 12 decK p m defalls. Localors. 236-5646. 5646. tion of M r Leonard Giglio of 50 South Road to use a house Oswald Jacobys and shows whi'le discarding his losing $69,900 Group 1. Philbrick 8962 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) club and claimed for a top $500 00 or best oiler 568-7317 trailer for a place of residence while his house is being con­ Strive to be encouraging, rather JTB at Its best Mary's open­ Agency. 646-42'JO ing notrump was so standard score W.-\N3'KD • -\ntique F u r­ GLA.STO.NBUHY - Uvely 4 A R A R E FIND! Air. base­ structed was approved, for a period of up to six months. Said than critical, of those who . * TAG SALES that it was bid at every table Diamonds was the only SCHF2ENF2D l.OA.M - Gravel. I niture. Glass Pewter. Oil room wifh 2 balhs, modern ment. carpet, dishwasher, trailer is be either moved in order that the long access of the cfour express their ideas or plans to CAPE Immaculate six Oswald's two hearts and grand slam that could make Processed Gravel. Sand. Paintings, or Anliiiue Hems kilchen, willi dishwasher, lus more, in this modern trailer is parallel with the existing garage and to within five you today. Sour grapes wilt only rooms Three or lour Stone, and Fill For deliveries b i r t h d a y create resentment. Mary's two spades started the iNF.WSPaPKR KNTFHI’KISK ASSN H Harrison I'eleplione 643- pool, plus more' Only $345 Rome Now -only $270 feet of the garage, or moved behind the existing set back bedrooms .Modern kitcen call George Griffing. 742-7886 Locators. 236-5646 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) It $ Wall III wall in three rooms TAG SALF2 - August 30th. and 8709 Locators. 236-5646 31sl. 10 00-3 00. Desk, books, requirement of the property. important to live within your Enclosed porch garage $62.- means at this time, so buy only FOH s a l t ; - Couch, end roller skates, 5 gallon SOUTH WIND.SOH • Working Otilcea-Storea tor Rent 55 John Roberts August 27.1980 501) Group 1 Healtors tables, chair. T V antenna, Chairman that which is necessary. Think Philbrick Agency 646-4200 aquarium, kitchen items, and with I .2, and 3 bedroom An alliance you form this coming carefully before taking on long Our Boarding Housa rotor $95 72 West Street more' 47 lloflman Hoad RENTALS houses and apartments Many Bolton Zoning Board of Appeals year may not appear to be too term obligations. Saturday. 9 00 am to 11 00 .Manchester •••••••••••••••••••••••••• accepting children and pets, 073-08 promising or productive at first. PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) MANLIIESTEH ■ Cnique a m Yet taler, as part of a team, you English Cotswold throe story Rooms tor Rent 52 ''all lor details, Localors, 236- Patience and perseverance are 5646 310 SQUARE FOOT OFF'ICE will benefit in material ways. required today because you may Winthrop — Dick Cavalli Colonial on Comstock Hoad, DAHK LOAM DELIVEHED - for rent. Central location. VIRGO (Aug. 23-8tpt. 22) be stymied in things affecting near Country Club .Must be T.AG SALF^ - .All week until THU.MI’.SON H O rSK - U*n- Before accusing another of foot- 5 yards. $50 plus lax Also FURNISHED THRFIE ROOM Newly redecorated, with am­ your self-interests. Seek alterna­ seen to be appreciated $125.- sand, gravel and stone 643- Sunday G irls clothes. Brow­ trully locali'd Kitchen ple parking. Telephone 649- dragging. make sure you're tives to circumvent roadblocks. APARTM EN T Second floor. NOTICE behaving as cooperatively as 000 l.esperani-e Agenev. 646- 9504 nie uniform, cetera privilejjcs Call H49-2358 2891. ARIES (March 21-April 19) 0505 10 High .Meadow Hoad. Heal Private entrances. PUBLIC HEARING possible. It takes two to tango. Resign yourself to the fact that it Bolton M A'ITHK .MAl.K H()()M $15. Adults No pets Security. Romance, travel. luck, IS going to take effort and STEHEO COMPONENT PROFESSIONAL-BUSINESS resources, possible pitfalls and MANf HES-TEH Kcmale mature $20 Non- Helerenees. 643-4860 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS patience to accomplish what you SYSTFLM Heceiver. cassette, OF’FIC B space available 400 career for the coming months are working on today and you'll IM M .A C C L A T E 7 HOO.M smoker.s Live-in Helerenees BOARD OF DIRECTORS -player recordi. speaker SINGLE SPECIAL' Fur­ to 1200 square feet. Air con- are all discussed in your Astro- fare better. CAPK tor sale by owner 3 One must have license, plus Graph, which begins with your pair, turntable, stack rack MOVING. EVEHYTHI.NG nished one bedroom Air ditoning, neat, parking. Close TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT TAURUS (April 20-May 20) bedrooms dininp roonj. living $390 or best offer F'our piece MI ST GDI 3 F'amily Tag lew errands and meals 649- to center, hospital and court. birthday. Mail $1 for each to When out with your pals today, loom with tireplace Finished 5459 Carpeting Onlv $100 Loctors, Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of Astro-Graph. Box 489, Radio make sure everybody is willing to bedroom set, modern style, •Sale Double keyboard organ.- 236-5646 Call 871-0401, or 568-7658. basement .Aluminum siding solid oak. best offer Call 643- single bedroom' set (French Manchester. Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the City Station. N Y. 10019. Be sure shoulder the load in a group to specify birth dale .Alidched garage Private 4350 alter 5 00 p m .Monday Provincial i 2 console stereo (iKNTLKM AN ONLY Senior Citizen Center. 549 East Middle Turnpike, Manchester, endeavor, or you could wind up LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) From carrying the entire burden ^ard and mor« ' Call 646-4922 through Friday Ask lor Lee baby Hems. tovs. mis­ Kitchen privileges Kree or 677-H700 ask tor Mane .No Conn. Tuesday. September 2. 1980 at 8:00 P.M. to consider and time to time we all have to do GEMINI (May 21-;tuna 20) There cellaneous 643-4385 packa^je Security and chores of which we re not overly agents please relerences reijuired fi43-2h93 ADVKKTISKMENT FOR BID act on the-following: are no free rides being offered MOVING M l ST SE L L ' Oval fond This could be your lot in life today. Only persistence will wood gram formica table with l(»r appointment Town id Manchester. Connecticut (Owner) Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget today, so accomplish your duty achieve goals worth obtaining. M.AN( HKSTKH - Kedwood one leal plus 4 chairs $50 5.000 Separate sealed bids for the Railroad Siding at Hartford 1980-81, T R A N SFER to Capital Improvement Reserve fund with a smile, not a frown CANCER (Jurta 21-July 22) Indi­ Karniv 7 Room Cape with full SO.MKONK INTKHKSTKOiN BTC room air conditoner $30 Musical Insirumants 44 Dislnhutor.', will be received by the Town of Manchester...... $53,000.00 SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) viduals with unyielding disposi­ 'if.rrner Large tamil^room. 2 Frigidaire clothes dryer $50 2 COOKl.Nti in exchange tor Steer clear of situations today tions may get you down t^ay. Connecticut at the office of the Director ol General Services un­ to be financed from General F'und. Fund Balance (Surplus). involving friends who have prob­ car garage 2 fireplaces room size green shag rugs $35 PLAYEH PIANO - Beaulilul room and board Hetired per­ Rather than hassling with them, Kn< losed porch and patio son prelerred Helenm cc' til II DO A M FLD S T., September 9, 1980 and then will be lems with one another Their walk away They'll stop when each rug runner $15 Twin relinish with stained-glass publicly opened and read aloud Proposed additional appropriation to Bond and Grant Fund 9 for disputes could place you in the they have no one to harass Private ’ i acre lot Principals and tnixspnng $25 IronI In tune .Moving, must reriuireri H45-0902 nillv S8f) 646-:i794 design of modifications and additions to the Wastewater Treat­ middle LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Money Walnut cotlee table $45 sell 649-2981 I'be Inlormalion lor Bidders, F'orm of Bid. F'orm of Contract, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) HUOM FOH HKNT IN ment Faciiity matters may be your trouble Wooden drop leaf kitchen Plans. Specilications and Forms of Bid Bond. Performance and Family disagreements should not today when an old forgotten obli­ table $20 Tricycle $10 Girls TWFLNl'Y TWO rebuilt, M A .N (' II K S T I*] H ho rn e ...... $947,803.00 be aired in pub^c today Instead •••••••••••••••••••••••• Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be gation becomes due. If you don't Kitchen priveleges Near to be financed by Grant payments from the United States En- of getting sympathy or support, take care ol it. things could gel 16 bicycle $15 .Mans A.MF 10 refinished pianos in a house ''' examined at the following Household Goods 40 speed $40 Cpholstered chair Yes' The new home ol .Meyers busline, .school and shoppinp vironmentai Protection Agency ($789.8361 and the State of you could end up looking bad to worse. Mature lemale one who likes others. iNEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN i $20 Call 647-9706 Piano and (iuitar for grands, Ollice ol the Director ol General Services Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection HF.I-HIGEHATOHS children Interested’’ Call 64:i- players, uprights Call 871- Municipal Building ($157,967). Side Qlancet — Gll Fox WaOi.-rv Hanges. used HECDNDITIONED KIHBYS 214.3 H5H7 guaranteed and clean .New Ninety day warranty $70 and 41 Center Street Proposed Ordinance — To repeal Section 8-160 of the shipment damaged G E 4; up k irb v 616 Burnside THl MPETFOH SALE - Good CHAHTKH OAK STHKKT • Manchester, Connecticut 06040 Manchester Code of Ordinances on Condominium Conversion. F HIGID.AIHF. l.ow prices Avenue Flasi Harllord 289- condition Best offer Please Hoorn with private entrance, Copy of the Proposed Ordinance may be seen in the Town H D Pearl & Son 649 .Main suitable lor working Copies may be (>btained at the office of the Director of General 1584 call 643-9868, ask for Chris Clerk's Office during business hours. Street 643-2171 gentleman. $30 00 weekly. Services located at Manchester, Connecticut upon payment of SOLID MAPLE DHOP LEAF Garden Products 47 $35.00 Security No c(M)kin’j? $2.5 (X) lor each set. Proposed additional appropriation to Educational Special M O D E L H O M E T.ABLFI - Opens to 42 x 64' . Call H49-1740. ' FI H.n i t CHF; I'nused •••••••••••••••••#•••••••• Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning each set promptiy and Grants, Fund 41, Youth Services GiskI condition Asking $100 PICK YOL'H OWN tomatos...... $19,164.00 Butcher block kitchen table Call 643-8249 Apartments For Rent 53 in goc>d condition, wiil be refunded his payment. and lour chairs value $7(XI. peppers and eggplants. Bol- to be financed by Grant from the State of Connecticut, Youth asking $3.50 Chrome and glass ticello Farms, 209 Hillstown The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to Services Bureau. k i n g AIK TIGHT WOOD MANLIIESTEH MAIN dinmg table with four chairs Road. Manchester reject any or aii bids. STOVE Three vears old. $150. STHFIE T - 2-3 Rooms Heated beige velvet cushions and Proposed additional ajlpropriation to Educational Special Call 646-8450. after 7:00 p m . CHRYSANTHEMUMS - Many Hot water Appliances .No chrome, value $2fXXl asking pets Parking liecuritv 52,3- Each Bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount, Grants Fund 41, Title VI — Multi-Cultural Education S1350 .Sand tweed sectional 1. new vanities. 29 Mountain lorm and subject to the conditions provided in the Information ...... $54,492.00 Road, Glastonbury (Near 7047 shaped couch, with two of: to Bidders. to be financed by Federal funding for Multi-Cultural Education. Minneachaug Golf Counsel tomans value $3(KX), asking EAST HARTFORD - 4'i N(> Bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual James R. McCavanagh, Secretary $1730 Oval chrome and glass P H E L P S ft SONS CO A L Room Apartment Thirdlloor, cocktail table, value $350, NATIVE PEACHFIS AND date ol the opening thereof. Board of Directors CO.MP.A.NY Hard anthracite PEARS Bolti's Fruit Farm near busline No pets. asking $'2.50 Call 64.3-9508. or Robert B. Weiss. General Manager Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 22nd day of August. 1980 coal Pea and chestnut 646- 260 Bush H ill Hoad, (reari. Available immediatelv. Call 649-56.35 074-08 07iq)8 2005 or 872-2126 Manchester after 6 00 p m.. 528-5431

    '■$35 for a prescription! I can remember when you ♦ Call 643-2711 “ ^ ° ^ Call 643-2711 could get a baby delivered for that kind of moneyl"