Author Index

Air France Freight and Air brochure, effective October 1937 (rates from UK) (photocopy) Freight and Air Mail brochure, effective 1 May 1938 (rates from UK) (photocopy) Aitink, H E Luchtpost onder invloed van oorlogsomstandigheden, Nederlandse Vereniging van Poststukken- en Poststempelverzamelaars, Arnhem 2010 De Indiëlijn van de KLM herboren 1945-1950, Enschede 2011 Aitink, H E & E Hovenkamp Bridging the Continents in Wartime, SLTW, Enschede 2005 Noord-Atlantische Luchtverbindingen met nadruk op de jaren 1939-1946, Ned. Ver. Van Poststukken en Poststempelverzamelaars, Enschede 2002 Alcock, Sir John & Sir Arthur Whitten Brown Our Transatlantic Flight, William Kimber & Co, London 1969 Allen O E The Airline Builders, Time Life, 1981 [P] Allen P The 91 Before Lindbergh, Airlife, 1984 Allen, R Pictorial History of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Ian Allen Ltd, London 1978 Alonge A Le Crociere Aeree Italiane, Filatelia Italiana, Rome 1966 Amaral S Fezzan Air Stamps, S Amaral, Belo Horizonte 1955 American Air Mail Society American Air Mail Catalogue, 4th ed, vols 1-4 [C] American Air Mail Catalogue, 5th ed, vols 1-2, 5 [C] American Air Mail Catalogue, 6th ed, vol 2 [C] AAMS directories, 1928, 1931, 1942, 1944, 1948, 1951, 1967, 1975, 1979 [P] Catalog of Air Letter Sheets, AAMS, 1953, with 1954 supplement Display at the RPSL, May 2002 The Pillage Transatlantic Trophy Competition, December 2007; winning entries Andrews W C The Royal Air Force Cairo-Baghdad Air Mail Service 1921-1927, British Philatelic Trust, London 2000 Anon A.E.F.: un pli bien affranchi ex Timbres Magazine, November 2004 (photocopy), with trans. French Equatorial Africa: A Well-Franked by Roy Reader is Tracing the Conquest in Space (photocopy) Atlantic Bridge, Ministry of Information HMSO 1945 (2 copies) BOAC First Flight Covers 1950-1974, Transworld Philair listing Canada, information on Air Mail Pilots, 1960s Canadian Crash Covers Chile in Sanabria’s World News vol 22 no 5, March-April 1963 Edwardian Wings - a series of 10 pre-WWI aircraft from a 1909 catalogue repro by Flight International 1974 Fitting and Inspection Instructions for Bristol sleeve-valve engines [L] Fitting and Inspection Instructions for Bristol Pegasus & Mercury engines [L] GB QEII 6d Air Letter in Houses of Parliament design GPA Foynes Flying Boat Museum annual publication 1991 Highways in the Air, BOAC 1971 How to read Chinese dates (2 photocopies) Imperial Airways Pilot’s Handbook and General Instructions 1924, Ducimus London 1974 International Philatelic Exhibition London 1970 Awards List [E] Italy, the Notebook of an Amateur Collector of Early Souvenirs of the Air Post La Ligne Mermoz, Cercle Aerophilatelique Francais, Paris n.d Lenny goes by air, Post Office Education Service, Sittingbourne 1991 L’épopée des hélicoptères ex L’Écho de la Timbrologie no 1804, Feb 2007 L’Histoire d’une Grande Ligne Aérienne ou la Liaison Postale France-Amérique du Sud, no publisher [Compagnie Générale Aéropostale], n.d. [1929] (photocopy) Lufthansa German Airlines: the History, Lufthansa New York 1963 Lympne Motor Glider Meeting 8-13.10.1923 (photocopies of articles ex The Aeroplane, 10-17.10.1923) The Madagascar Mail ex The Aeroplane, 14 August 1935 (photocopy) Note sur la Service Postal aérien de l’A.O.F. ex L’Aviette Postale No. 89, July 1933 (photocopy) Overseas Air , GPO notices Sep 1950 - Sep 1957, GPO London Principal Air Mail Routes of the World, ex Philips' Atlas 1934 PAA FAM Jet First Flights 1958-1974 (photocopy) R101 Disaster, reprint of Daily Mail 6 October 1930 Report on the Progress of Civil Aviation 1939-1945, Appendix C, the British Empire, Ministry of Civil Aviation Singapore: A Handbook of Information, Rotary Club of Singapore, 1930s [L] The Comet-1, Francis J Field Ltd 1955 The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps, vol 1 (1st & 2nd ed), vol 2, vol 3, Robson Lowe Ltd London 1948-52 [C] The story of airmail from and to Przemyšl during the siege of 1914/15 The World’s First Comet Jetliner Services, [?FJ Field] 1952-53 (priced listing; photocopy) Tribute to the Vulcan, Lincolnshire Echo 12 March 1994 Universal Postal Convention Ottawa 1957, HMSO London Universal Postal Convention Lausanne 1974, HMSO London Anstee G R Notes on RPSL display, England-India-Australia , 5.10.72 Antoniu, Dan, George Cicoş, Ioan-Vasile Buiu, Alexandra Bartoc, Robert Şutic Henri Coandă and his technical work during 1906-1918, Editura Anima, Bucharest 2010 Armitage, Douglas B, and Robert I Johnson Iraq: 1920s to 1940s Airlines, Air Routes, Internal and External Postage Rates, Airmail Fees, charges for various other postal services, censorship and postally relevant historical matters, The Stuart Rossiter Trust, Wheathampstead 2009. Arrow, Nicholas South African Airmails, Nicholas Arrow, Musbury 2008 with Supplement, March 2010 South African Airmails, 2nd Ed, N Arrow, Musbury 2013 Aspnes R K Lao First Flight Cover in 1954 ex The Indo-China Philatelist Vol. 34, vol 34 no 5 (whole no. 165) November 2004 “New” Saigon-Singapore Air Vietnam First Flight ex The Indo-China Philatelist vol 35 no 4 (whole no. 169) September 2005 Asquith B L Concorde Collector’s Handbook, B L Asquith 1961 Faster than a Bullet: the Concorde Story Pts 1 & 2, British Bulletin vol 31 nos 23 & 24 Apr & May 2002 On Dragon’s Wings, Air Routes to the Far East, Rossiter Postal History Journal vol 1 2000 On Dragons' Wings, People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House, Beijing 2012 Francis J. Field Archive (article on two previously unpublished letters concerning the Tientsin-Peking flights of 1920, in English and Mandarin) ex Journal of China , Vol.3, 2010 Auckland R G Aerial Propaganda over Great Britain, R G Auckland St Albans 1962 Baldwin N C Airway Letter Stamps and Services, Francis J Field Ltd nd Air France, reprinted from The Aero Field by Francis J Field, Sutton Coldfield, n.d. Air Mails of Bermuda, Francis J Field Ltd, Sutton Coldfield 1967 The Air Mails of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Francis J Field Ltd, reprinted House of Antiquity, Nether Stowey 1995 Arctic Air Mails, Francis J Field Ltd nd Austria: An Air Mail Digest, Francis J Field Ltd nd BOAC’s Silver Jubilee, Francis J Field Ltd 1965 Bridging the Atlantic, Francis J Field Ltd 1947 British Air Mails 1784-1946, Francis J Field Ltd 1947 British Air Mails 1946-1951, Francis J Field Ltd 1952 British Turbo-Prop Aircraft, Francis J Field Ltd 1963 Canada: An Air Mail Digest, Francis J Field Ltd Comet-4, Francis J Field Ltd 1964 Deutsche Lufthansa and the Lufthansa, Francis J Field Ltd 1966 Fifty Years of British Air Mails 1911-1960, Francis J Field Ltd nd Fifty Years of Atlantic Mail Flights, n.p. n.d. First and Second Semi-Official Air Mail Stamp Issues of Great Britain, no pub, n.d. Great Britain: Airway Letter Stamps and Services, Francis J Field Ltd 1966 Heliposts, Francis J Field Ltd 1954 Imperial Airways and Subsidiary Companies, Francis J Field Ltd 1950 Malaya, Francis J Field Ltd nd Pan-American Airways, Francis J Field Ltd nd Post-War Bridging the Atlantic 1945-1950, Francis J Field Ltd nd (original and photocopy) The External Air Mails of Australia, Francis J Field Ltd 1965 The External Air Mails of New Zealand, Francis J Field Ltd nd The Golden Jubilee of the First UK Aerial Post, Francis J Field Ltd nd The History of Helicopter Mails, Francis J Field Ltd nd The Sinclair Aerial Delivery, 1913, Francis J Field Ltd nd Twelve Years of Scottish Air Mails, Francis J Field Ltd nd Baldwin, N C & M F Stern The Airposts of South Africa, reprinted from The Aero Field by House of Antiquity, Nether Stowey, n.d. Balfour, C The Spithead Express, Magna Press 1999 Barker R The RAF at War, Time Life 1981 [P] Bauer M Hindenburg Crash Mail from the Collection of Luftschiffkapitän Heinrich Bauer Baxmann H Was im Sieger Zeppelinpostkatalog Fehlt ex Zeppelinpost Oct 1984 (photocopy) Beith R British South American Airways 1946-1949, Richard Beith Associates Chester 2004 International Air Mails by the first British Airways ex Stamp Collecting, 2.3.83 Scottish Air Mails 1919-1979, R Beith Dunblane 1981 (2 copies) The Carriage of Mails during the 1919 Railway Strike in Great Britain in Crosspost vol 7 no 4 1999 The Italian South Atlantic Air Mail Service, Richard Beith Associates Guilden Sutton 1993 The Italian South Atlantic Air Mail Service 1939-1941, Richard Beith Associates, Chester 1993 The United States involvement in West African Aviation and their contribution to the carriage of mails, 1941-1945 in Cameo, Vol 11 no 1, January 2009 The Aerial Postal History of Scotland (photocopy files): Part A – Internal Air Mail Services; Part B – United Kingdom Air Mail Services Bellis H Amy Johnson (Women of Renown series), Newness Ed. Publ. Co. 1953 Berecz V G (Jr) The Pioneer Period of Hungarian Airmail, AAMS Mineola 1996 Berezowski A Handbuch der Luftpostkunde: Zeppelin-Posten (1909-1930), n.p., 1981 reprint Bergery G Air Afrique: Voie Impériale, Grasset, Paris 1937 Bergier J Relations aeropostales entre l’Europe et l’Amerique du Nord, 1919- 1945, L’Ancre, Nantes 2001 (1st ed. May, 2nd ed. July) Bertrand G Mémorial Philatélique: Ce que disent les Timbres IV L’Italie, Yvert et Cie Amiens 1934 Bigsby G H Guide to Collecting of Paris Siege Balloon Post, G H Bigsby London 1929 Billig F Billig’s Philatelic Handbooks vols 3-7, 9, 11-13, 16-18, 20-24, 26, Fritz Billig New York 1943-57 Birkhead E The Financial Failure of British Air Transport Companies, 1919 – 24, photocopy ex Journal of Transport History, Vol IV no 3, pp 133-145, May 1960 Blau, F F & C Deighton Die Orientfahrt: Die Aegyptenfahrt des LZ 127 - Graf Zeppelin, Germany Philatelic Society and Siegerverlag, Lorch/Wuerttemberg 1991 Bluffield, Robert Imperial Airways: The Birth of the British Airline Industry, 1914-1940, Ian Allen Publishing, Hersham 2009 Bô, Jean-François Catalogue des Emissions Concorde, 9th ed, 1999 Catalogue des cartes postales, des cartes de voeux, des cartes publicitaires, des télécartes et des cinécartes Concorde, 17th ed, 2002 Boesman J De Postvluchten Indie-Nederland, Luchtpostclub Den Haag Bofarull S Pigeon Mail Throughout History, Stuart Rossiter Trust Fund 2001 Bot J Southern Cross & Faith in Australia, Jaarboek Aerofil 2007 Botting D The Giant Airships, Time Life 1981 Bouchard H La Poste par Hélicoptère, Editions Echo Brussels 1962 Bousquet, A V et al Traversées aériennes de la Cordillère des Andes ex CAF Bulletin 2002-03 Bousquet, A V and Brown, J 1st Airmail Flights across the Andes Bowen E Knights of the Air, Time Life 1980 [P] Boyle, Thomas H Airmail Operations during World War II, American Air Mail Society, Mineola 1998 Braunstein, I Premier Courrier Aérien entre Bruxelles et Paris ex ‘Cercle Paul de Smeth’, November 2000 Brogden S History of Australian Aviation, Hawthorn Press Melbourne 1960 Broke-Smith, Brigadier P W L The History of Early British Aeronautics, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, W & J Mackay Ltd, Chatham n.d. Brooks, Peter W A Short History of London's Airports, photocopy ex Journal of Transport History, Vol III no 1, pp 12-22, 1957 Brooks R Sussex Flights and Fliers 1783-1919, typescript photocopy 1992 [L] Brown, Jeffrey Indian Air Mails, The India Study Circle for Philately, 1995 Indian Air Mail Postage Rates until 1956, The India Study Circle for Philately, 2000 Air Mail Labels: The Imperial Airways Booklets 1931-36, Jeffrey C Brown 2011 Air Mail Labels: The Imperial Airways Booklets 1931-36, Great Britain supplement, Jeffrey C Brown 2011 Brown, J Imperial Airways England-Australia Experimental Flights of 1931 (new information on postage rates) ex India Post 166 Brown J A Eagles Strike: South African Forces World War II, Vol IV, Air Force, pp 382-401, Madagascar (photocopy) Brown W E University of Miami Otto G Richter Library Collection No 341, Pan American World Airways, Inc. Records [list of files held], Coral Gables 1993 Bruns, J H Turk Bird: The High-Flying Life and Times of Eddie Gardner, National Postal Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1998 Castle W T E Cyprus: its Postal History and Postage Stamps, Robson Lowe Ltd London 1952 ‘Centurion’ Leaflets as Weapons of War, Francis J Field Ltd nd Chaintrier L A Balloon Post of the Siege of Paris 1870-71, AAMS 1966 Champion T Catalogue Historique et Descriptif des Timbres de la Poste Aérienne, Yvert et Tellier, Amiens 1921 Catalogue Historique et Descriptif des Timbres de la Poste Aérienne, 8th ed, Paris 1937 Chauvin F Billets et timbres signés Dulac ex Timbres Magazine Nov 2004 (scan) with trans. Notes and Stamps Signed Dulac by Roy Reader 1942: de l’A.E.F. à Londres via Sabena et B.O.A.C. ex Timbres Magazine Jan 2005 (scan) with trans. 1942: From French Equatorial Africa to London via Sabena and BOAC by Roy Reader 1944: un avion vers Dzaoudzi ex Timbres Magazine Apr 2006 (scan) with trans. 1944: An Aircraft for Dzaoudzi by Roy Reader Madagascar : une liaison aérienne en sursis ex Timbres Magazine, Sep 2007 (scan) with trans. Madagascar: An Air Link on Reprieve by Roy Reader Les Anglais à Diégo-Suarez ex Timbres Magazine Oct 2007 (scan) with trans. The British at Diégo-Suarez by Roy Reader Des vols "aussi étonnants que scabreux" ex Timbres magazine, Nov 2007, with translation 1943: vol d'étude AOF-AEF ex Timbres magazine, Jan 2009, with translation 1943: une dépêche-avion directe Beyrouth-Douala ex Timbres magazine, Sep 2009 1935: Par avion via Broken Hill ex Timbres magazine, Mar 2013, with translation Christie, Carl A Ocean Bridge: The History of RAF Ferry Command, University of Toronto Press 1995 Clayton, Donald C Handle Page: An Aircraft Album, Ian Allan Ltd, Shepperton 1970 Clements A Handbuch der Militär-Luftpost 1793-1954, A Clements Graz 1955 Clowes, Norman Correspondence with Ian McQueen, including photocopies of written-up covers Cluett D Croydon Airport: the Australian Connection, London Borough of Sutton Leisure Services, Sutton 1988 Cluett D / Nash J / Learmonth B Croydon Airport: The Great Days 1928-1939, Sutton Public Libraries 1977 Cobham A Australia and Back, A & C Black, London 1926 My Flight to the Cape and Back, A & C Black, London 1926 Colley W East African Airmails to 1939, Piers Point Publishing 1994 The Airmails of East Africa (Second Edition) to 1952, East Africa Study Circle 2009 Collot, G & Cornu, A Ligne Noguès: Histoire Aérophilatélique: Air Orient, Air France, 1911-1941, Bertrand Sinais, Paris 1992 Ligne Mermoz, Ed Bertrand Sinais, Paris n.d. French African Airmails 1932 to 1940, (translated by J Parmenter with C Spong and J Hammonds) John Parmenter, London 2013 Constable G et al The Bush Pilots, Time Life 1983 [P] The Luftwaffe, Time Life 1982 [P] Crampon L J Aerophilatelic Flights, Hawaii & Central Pacific 1913-1946, Hawaiian Philatelic Society Honolulu 1980 Crewe D Hong Kong Airmails 1924-1941, Hong Kong Study Circle 2000 Crome E A Qantas Aeriana 1920-1954, Francis J Field Ltd 1955 Curley W The Graf Zeppelin's Flights to South America, Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, Weston 1970 Curtis C J Allied Armies including Allied Armies in Great Britain 1939-1945 (supplement to Catalogue of Forces Covers), C J Curtis 1956 Cusworth, M The Italian South Atlantic Airline (L.A.T.I.), Italy & Colonies Study Circle, Teddington 2013 The Italian South Atlantic Airline (L.A.T.I.), Supplement No. 1, Italy & Colonies Study Circle, Teddington 2016 Dahmann K Katalog der Helicopter-Post, Kurt Dahmann Berlin 1952 Katalog der Helicopter-Post (3rd ed) Kurt Dahmann Berlin 1953 Helicopter-Post, Handbuch und Katalog, Kurt Dahmann Berlin 1962 Dalwick R E R The Gambia: The History of its Posts, Postage Stamps and Cancellations, Robson Lowe Ltd 1953 Dalwick R E R / Harmer C H C Newfoundland Air Mails 1919-1939, H R Harmer Ltd London 1953 Davies R E G Aeroflot: an airline and its aircraft, Airlife Shrewsbury 1992 Lufthansa: an airline and its aircraft, Orion Books New York 1991 Pan Am, An Airline and its Aircraft, Orion Books, New York 1987 Daynes J Wartime Air Mail: An Introduction, Postal History 2000, 1996 1945 Palestine Air Mail Covers ‘Damaged by Fire’ at Malta ex Melita, Spring 2002 de Mars L World Jet Aircraft on Stamps, American Topical Society 1967 Deneumostier, E & M Tarifs Postaux Internationaux 1892-1988 [Belgian rates], EMD n.d. (1907-1952 only, photocopy) ?Deneumostier Ses Surtaxes [Belgian airmail fees] 1920-1951, extract from ?, photocopy Denham T World Directory of Airliner Crashes, Patrick Stephens Ltd Sparkford 1996 Destroyer, Roger A Ailes Imperiales, La Renaissance du Livre, Brussels 1944 Driscoll I H Flightpath South Pacific, Whitcomb & Tombs Christchurch 1972 Duggan J Graf Zeppelin in Austria, ZSG, Ickenham 2003 The 1931 Polar Flight of the Graf Zeppelin, Germany & Cols PS 1994 The Siemens-Schuckert Airship, Zeppelin Study Group 2002 Zeppelinpost: LZ 129 Hindenburg, Zeppelin Study Group 2004 Duggan J / Graue J Commercial Zeppelin Flights to South America, JL Diversified 1995 (2 copies) Duggan J / Woodward G Zeppelinpost LZ 130, Zeppelin Study Group 1995 Dupont H C Premiers Timbres et Premiers Vols de la Poste Aérienne des États-Unis, H C Dupont, Montbrison 1964 Edwards D D Collection of Coronation and Aerial Posts: photocopies of display; auction catalogue 8 Oct 1998 Gold Medal Collection of First United Kingdom Aerial Post, 1911 (bound b&w photocopies) Collection of Pioneer Air Meetings and Flights (bound b&w photocopies), Vol I France, Vol II Argentina - GB, Vol III Italy - USA Ehrlinger W Flugpost mit PAA- und IA-Clippern auf den Nordatlantik-Routen 1939- 1945, Europäischer Aero-Philatelisten-Club Stuttgart 1997 Ellington J / Zwisler P F Ellington-Zwisler Catalog (2 vols), AAMS 1967/1973 Entwistle C R Wartime Airmails: The Horseshoe Route, Chavril Press Perth nd Eurapex ‘93 Bulletin 1; Bulletin 2 (2 copies) Eustis H N Australia’s Greatest Air Race, England-Australia 1919, Rigby Adelaide 1977 R Graham Carey, Pioneer Airman: The Adelaide-Gawler 1917 Experimental Air Mail, H N Eustis Adelaide 1967 The Australian Air Mail Catalogue, Hobby Inv Pty Ltd Adelaide 1984 Australia's First Flights, March 1910, Hobby Investments Pty Ltd, Adelaide 2002 Evans M A Study of GB Etiquettes (photocopy) [L] R100 & R101, photocopies of original articles and documents [L] Ferry V La Premiere Traversee de l’Atlantique Sud (ex Le Monde des Philatelistes 479, Nov 1993) Field D Priced Catalogue of Air Mail Stamps and Airposts of the World, 1932 Priced Catalogue of Air Mail Stamps and Airposts of the World, 2nd Edition, 1934 Field F J Air Mail Labels (Etiquettes) 2nd ed, Francis J Field Ltd 1940 An Air Mail Survey of Egypt, Francis J Field Ltd nd British Empire First and Special Mail Flights, Francis J Field Ltd 1933 British Inland Air Posts 1934, Francis J Field Ltd 1934 with British ‘Inlands’: Some Striking Facts Priced Check List of Rocket Posts in Britain, Francis J Field Ltd nd Priced Check List of Rocket Posts in Britain (revised and updated), Francis J Field Ltd 1956 Publications (catalogue of books and pamphlets), Francis J Field Ltd, Sutton Coldfield n.d. [1955] List of Publications, n.d. [c.1962] List of Publications, 5th edition, n.d. [c. 1970] Rocket & Jet Posts, Francis J Field Ltd, 1963 Uruguay, Francis J Field Ltd, Sutton Coldfield n.d. Field J C W Aerial Propaganda Leaflets, Francis J Field Ltd 1954 All-Up Air Mail, Francis J Field Ltd 1978 Bridging the Pacific, Francis J Field Ltd 1951 Covers of the Royal Air Force, Francis J Field Ltd 1971 Japan: Overseas and International Flights, Francis J Field Ltd nd Nigeria, Francis J Field Ltd nd Palestine and Israel, Francis J Field Ltd nd The Aerophilatelic History of Ceylon 1873-1950, photocopy ex Ceylon Study Circle Bulletin no 1. Fitton K B Early Seychelles Air Mails 1926-1971: A Display to the RPSL 8 Feb 2001 Early Seychelles Air Mails 1926-1971 in Rossiter Postal History Journal Vol 4 2003 Seychelles No 3: Airmail History 1938-1971, Indian Ocean S C 1986 Seychelles No 9: Military Censor Markings 1939-1945 & Related Air Mail Services, Indian Ocean S C 1993 Fraser-Mitchell H Handley Page HP42 (article in Aeroplane Jan 2002) (2 copies and photocopy) Ganz C (Ed) Collecting Airmail, AAMS Mineola 1996 Collecting Airmail, on-line printout 1996 Every Stamp Tells a Story, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC 2014 Garcia R El Correo Aéreo en Cuba, Club Filatelico de Cuba Havana 1937 Gero D Aviation Disasters [1950 onwards], Patrick Stephens Ltd, Sparkford 1996 Gershon Israel 1948-49 resumption of airmail services (typescript) (excerpt from) Israel Airmail Listing, 1948-1977 Gervais, B (Ed) 100 ans d'aviation avec La Poste, L'Écho de la Timbrologie, Hors-Série no 2, 1998 Gibbs-Smith C H The World’s First Aeroplane Flights, HMSO London 1965 The Wright Brothers, HMSO London 1963 Gilbert, J H E The 1919 Pioneer Emergency Air Mail Service in Egypt and Palestine ex Journal RPSL Vol.78 no 916 Gisburn H G D British Solomon Islands Protectorate: Its Postage Stamps and Postal History, J Sanders Southampton 1956 Postage Stamps and Postal History of the Bahamas, Stanley Gibbons Ltd 1950 with Draft Notes on Bahamas Air Mails (typescript) Gisburn H G D / Thompson G S Stamps and Posts of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Stanley Gibbons Ltd 1947 Givaudant, H Cartes Postales Par Avion, Ligne Amérique du Sud - France 1928 - 1939, Cercle Aérophilatelique Français, n.d. Goddard M A The Airposts of Greece 1912-1991, Philathens Ltd Hounslow 1992 Godinas F World’s Air Mail Catalogue of and air post stationery, François Godinas Esneux 1967 Goldup J Naval Mails 1939-49, TPO & Seapost Society 1950 Gomez-Guillamon F Air Services in Nationalist Spain during the Civil War 1936-1939, Ronald G Shelley, Hove 1994 El Correo Aéreo en la Guerra Civil Española: Zona Republicana (1936 - 1939), Bibliateca de Historia Postal Edifil, Madrid 2007 Goodall H / Richards C J The Rhyl - Wallasey Hovercraft Service and its Mails, Hovermail Collectors’ Club 1972 Goodfellow A England-Australia Race Covers, A Phillips Newport 1935 Goodkind H M The First Air Mail Stamps of the United States, Collectors Club New York nd The Hawker Stamp of Newfoundland, Collectors Club New York nd United States RF Overprints on Air Mail Stamps and Stationery 1944- 45, Collectors Club New York 1958 Gould A E Mail Carried by Famous Pilots, Francis J Field Ltd nd GPO Air Mail Rates, November 1934 Graue, J W & John Duggan, J Deutsche Lufthansa South Atlantic Airmail Service 1934-1939, Zeppelin Study Group, Ickenham 2000 Green, Alan Malta’s First Air Mail Service (1931) ex Melita, Summer 2000 Graue, J W & Leder, D German North Atlantic Catapult Flights 1929 - 1935, Jim & Me Ink, Valleyford 2004 Griffiths, J British Aero Philately, Propelled Flight 1910-1945: competition entry (Aripex 1988, Gold) Griffiths K A New Zealand Airgraph Service 1942-1945 Grigore J (Jr) The of the U.S. Army’s First Pan American Good Will Flight, Julius Grigore Jr, Panama 1995 NYRBA's Triple Crash and Outlaw Flight Covers and its Postal Markings, Julius Grigore Jr, Venice (Florida) 1992 Gunn J The Defeat of Distance, Qantas 1919-1939, Univ of Queensland Press, St Lucia 1985 Haberer, E Katalog der Deutschen Luftpost Teil 3: Sonderflüge und Flugveranstaltungen, Messeflüge, Segelflüge, Unfallpost 1919-1945, Weil der Stadt 1991 [C] Katalog der Deutschen Luftpost Teil 4: Erstflüge 1945-1960 - ohne Deutsche Lufthansa (West) -, Weil der Stadt 1992 (2 copies) [C] Katalog űber Katapultpost, Teil 2 Sűdatlantik, Wiegand und Haberer, Renningen 1998 Hacker W So war es wirklich! Authentischer Kommentar zur ersten Zeppelinpost und ihren Fälschungen, Kurt Dahmann Verlag Berlin 1959 Hagedorn R-P Pionier-Luftfahrt 1909 in Deutschland, Hagedorn Verlag Limburg 1989 Halewood N Hong Kong Airmails 1945-1995, Hong Kong Study Circle 2000 Hallion R P Designers and Test Pilots, Time Life 1983 [P] Harris L H World’s First Air Stamp, Italy 1917, European Philatelic Library 1959 Harris L J Ecuador: Check-list of First and Special Airmail Flights, Spanish Main Society 1975 Hayes R A Modern Channel Islands Flight Covers (from 1969), R A Hayes 1974 Hayhurst J D The into Paris 1870-1871, FCPS 1970 Heartwell J C Air Stamp Records, AAMS Albion 1942 Heinmuller J P V Man’s Fight to Fly, Aero Print Co New York 1945 Hennig K Rocket-Post Pricelist, Karl Henning Hamburg 1936 Herdt K Katalog und Handbuch der Deutschen Luftpost 1919-1932, Philatelistenverband der DDR nd [C] Herdt K / Jankiewicz G / Lange A Luftpost-Katalog der DDR 1949-1991, Günter Jankiewicz Berlin 1999 [C] Hewlett M R / Swallow B H Picton’s Priced Postcard Catalogue and Handbook (5th ed), BPH Publications 1978 Higham R Britain’s Imperial Air Routes 1918 to 1939, Foulis London 1960 British Airways Ltd, 1935 – 40, photocopy ex Journal of Transport History, Vol IV no 2, pp 113-123, May 1959 Hildebrandt H Transpolar-Luftpost (Neuzeit) Handbuch und Katalog, Kurt Dahmann Verlag Berlin 1962 with Nachtrag 1963 Hill, Wing Co. R The Baghdad Air Mail, Nonsuch, Stroud 2005 (originally published 1929) Hillard F G Air Letter Sheets, Francis J Field Ltd nd Hodson M Air Mail Stationery Catalogue Part I: British Commonwealth, Edinburgh 1955 Holmes D B Air Mail: An Illustrated History 1793-1981, Clarkson N Potter Inc New York [L] Homolya E Hungarian Air Mail , Magyar PS of GB 1974 Hopkins A E A History of Wreck Covers, Robson Lowe 1948 A Pioneer British Air Mail Bath-London 1912, A E Hopkins Bath 1929 Horka P Katalog Ceskoslovenská Letecká Pošta 1918-1939, Filatelie Trojan Prague 1997 Houlteau, J et al La Ligne France-Madagascar (various articles) ex La Philatelie Francaise March 1968 - March 1990 [L] Hughes, W E British Air Posts 1850-3, Chronicles of Icarus No. 3, Edgware n.d. 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