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ELECTION WATCH By Janet McMahon With Massive Help From Pro-Israel PACs, Mark Kirk (R-IL) Ekes Out a Senate Win

espite receiving more contributions Dfrom pro-Israel PACs than any other TOP TEN 2010 AND CAREER RECIPIENTS OF candidate in the 2010 congressional elec- tions, Rep. Mark Kirk won the Senate seat PRO-ISRAEL PAC FUNDS once held by President Barack Obama by Compiled by Hugh Galford less than 2 percentage points. As a result of those contributions, however, Kirk was HOUSE: CURRENT SENATE: CURRENT able to join the list of top 10 Senate recip- ients before he even took his new seat. Of Skelton, Ike (D-MO) 51,000 Kirk, Mark S. (R-IL) 115,304 course, it didn’t hurt that in 2008 he re- Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL) 45,000 Reid, Harry (D-NV) 72,700 Deutch, Theodore E. (D-FL) 43,600 Feingold, Russell D. (D-WI) 69,128 ceived $91,200 for his House race. Klein, Ron (D-FL) 42,650 Wyden, Ronald L. (D-OR) 67,400 In an election year characterized by Hoyer, Steny H. (D-MD) 42,000 Inouye, Daniel K. (D-HI) 57,000 anti-incumbent feeling, pro-Israel PACs Cantor, Eric (R-VA) 41,500 Boxer, Barbara (D-CA) 50,250 suffered some significant setbacks. In- Berkley, Shelley (D-NV) 36,000 Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D-NY) 46,200 deed, some of their perennial beneficia- Berman, Howard L. (D-CA) 35,500 Specter, Arlen (D-PA) 46,000 ries—such as Arlen Specter (D-PA) and Engel, Eliot L. (D-NY) 34,000 Bennett, Robert F. (R-UT) 42,000 Robert Bennett (R-UT)—didn’t even Lowey, Nita M. (D-NY) 28,000 Vitter, David (R-LA) 40,500 make it to November’s general election. Thune, John R. (R-SD) 40,500 Among other top Senate recipients of House: Career Senate: Career pro-Israel PAC money, Sen. Russell Fein- gold (D-WI) lost to plastics executive Berkley, Shelley (D-NV) 326,055 Levin, Carl (D-MI) 728,937 Ron Johnson, who received $5,000 in Engel, Eliot L. (D-NY) 269,418 Harkin, Thomas R. (D-IA) 552,950 pro-Israel PAC funds, and Senate Major- Hoyer, Steny H. (D-MD) 235,275 Lautenberg, Frank R. (D-NJ) 503,578 ity Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) managed Cantor, Eric (R-VA) 217,730 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) 485,141 to hold on to his seat in the face of an ag- Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL) 208,740 Reid, Harry (D-NV) 393,001 gressive challenge by his Tea Party Re- Lowey, Nita M. (D-NY) 177,238 Durbin, Richard J. (D-IL) 373,421 publican opponent, Sharon Angle, who Burton, Dan L. (R-IN) 143,336 Lieberman, Joseph I. (Ind.-CT) 368,851 raised nearly $4 million more than Reid. Levin, Sander M. (D-MI) 132,727 Baucus, Max (D-MT) 349,648 The top House recipient in 2010, Rep. Berman, Howard (D-CA) 124,550 Wyden, Ronald L. (D-OR) 344,962 Ike Skelton (D-M), was defeated after 17 Harman, Jane (D-CA) 123,771 Kirk, Mark S. (R-IL) 336,386 terms in office by Republican former state legislator Vicky Hartzler, author of Republican opponent, Marco Rubio. Meek Dold, who won the seat. Running God’s Way: Step by Step to a Suc- could have used a little more help, how- Vying for the Indiana Senate seat va- cessful Political Campaign. Demo- ever: in a losing cause, he raised a total of cated months before the November elec- cratic incumbent Ron Klein, the fourth $8.8 million to Rubio’s $21.7 million. Per- tion by Sen. Evan Bayh were Rep. Brad highest House recipient of 2010 pro-Is- haps the pro-Israel PACs were ambivalent Ellsworth (D) and former Sen. Dan Coats, rael PAC contributions, lost to retired about Meek’s candidacy, since they gave al- appointed to replace Dan Quayle when Army Lt. Col. , whom Klein most the same amount—$10,000—to in- he became vice president under George had defeated by 8.5 percentage points in cumbent Sen. , who wasn’t even H.W. Bush. Both have been on the receiv- 2006, and who received a measly $2,500 up for re-election in 2010. ing end of pro-Israel PAC contributions: in pro-Israel PAC contributions in 2010. Pro-Israel PACs were somewhat less in 2008 Ellsworth had amassed a total of West did, however, raise a total of $6.5 ambivalent in Illinois. In addition to the $80,250, while Coats had received million to Klein’s $3.7 million. Senate race won by Kirk, Democratic in- $44,200 in the course of his decade-long cumbent Rep. Janice Schakowsky re- (1989-1999) Senate career. The Lobby State Races of Interest ceived a paltry $2,145 in contributions, clearly preferred Coats, however, giving Another Florida race that did not turn out while her Republican challenger, Joel him $23,860 to Ellsworth’s $12,600, and the way the Lobby would have liked was Pollak, received $6,500. Nevertheless, Coats is once again a U.S. senator. the race to replace Sen. Mel Martinez. Of Schakow sky was re-elected—let’s hope The state where pro-Israel PACs took the three candidates vying for the seat, she remembers who her friends aren’t. In the biggest hit was Kentucky. Their first pro-Israel PACs gave $11,000 to Democratic the race for the House seat vacated by choice to fill the seat vacated by retiring Rep. and only $5,100 to his Kirk, the Lobby hedged its bets, giving Sen. Jim Bunning was establishment Re- $7,000 to Democrat Daniel Seals, who publican candidate Trey Grayson, to Janet McMahon is managing editor of the twice had challenged Kirk unsuccess- whom they gave $33,500. But they could Washington Report. fully, and $7,500 to Republican Robert J. have lived with his Democratic oppo-

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nent, Jack Conway ($16,250). Instead wife, Jean, was appointed to fill the seat Gaza. Pro-Israel PACs poured $29,500 they got Tea Party Republican Rand Paul won by her late husband for two years. In into the campaign of his Republican op - ($2,000) —who, days after he took office, the 2002 special election, she received a ponent, former Rep. Patrick Toomey, and told former AIPAC staffer Wolf Blitzer on whopping $87,422 —and Mel, who had gave just $7,000 to Sestak (although both CNN that “all” foreign aid should be been dead for two years, an additional have similar career totals). Toomey was cut —including U.S. aid to Israel. $3,000. Nevertheless, she was narrowly de - elected with 51.1 percent of the vote. But apparently not all Tea Partiers are feated by Republican James Talent. Run - alike to the Israel Lobby —as evidenced ning for the open Senate seat in 2010, Hardly a Level Playing Field by the fact that the Minnesota candidate daughter Robin Carnahan, Missouri’s pop - Pro-Israel PACs contributed a total of who received the most in pro-Israel PAC ular secretary of state, received $16,000 in more than $3 million to 2010 congres - contributions ($10,500) was Republican pro-Israel PAC contributions. Republican sional candidates. The handful of Arab- Rep. Michele Bachmann. Go figure. Rep. Roy Blunt already had proven his loy - and Muslim-American PACs contributed In Missouri, home of the Carnahans, alty, however, so pro-Israel PACs rewarded a mere 1 percent of that amount: $36,500. pro-Israel PACs demonstrated their prefer - him with $32,500 for the Senate race, in Since 1972 pro-Israel PACS have invested ence for incumbency over family. Members which he prevailed. Incumbent Democra - more than $51 million in American con - of the Carnahan family have long been fa - tic Rep. Russ Carnahan, Robin’s brother, gressmen and candidates to ensure that vored recipients —the late Democratic Gov. retained his seat with the help of $13,000 Israel’s demands are met. Arab- and Mus - Mel Carnahan, who was killed in a 2000 in pro-Israel PAC contributions. lim-American PACs, on the other hand, plane crash just weeks before the election The defeat of Pennsylvania Sen. have donated less than $700,000 since in which he was challenging Sen. John Arlen Specter in the state’s primary elec - 1972. Not surprisingly —and not by acci - Ashcroft, received $10,693 in pro-Israel tion meant the Lobby faced the possibil - dent —once the recipients of such pro-Is - PAC contributions. Ashcroft surely is one ity that his successor might be Democra - rael largesse take their seats in the House of the few incumbent senators to have tic Rep. Joseph Sestak, who signed a let - and Senate, they are only too willing to been defeated by a dead man. Carnahan’s ter calling for an end to the blockade of take their marching orders from AIPAC. ❑ PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees

Alabama S Shelby, Richard C.* RI 6,000 200,825 A(D, HS) S Miller, Joseph W.* RC 5,000 5,000 H1Bonner, Jo RI 2,500 11,150 A H2Bright, Bobby Neal, Sr. DI 5,000 11,000 AS H3Rogers, Michael RI 2,500 18,325 AS, HS, I H4Aderholt, Robert B. RI 2,500 18,000 A, B H5Parker, Wayne, Jr. RI 2,500 7,500 H6Bachus, Spencer T. RI 5,000 19,500 H7Sewell, Terri A. DO 2,500 2,500 Alaska S Murkowski, Lisa* RI 22,000 75,600 A(HS) H At-L. Young, Donald E. RI 250 2,950 Arizona S Kyl, Jon L. RI 1,000 166,525 S McCain, John S.* RI 30,500 206,000 AS, HS, I H1Kirkpatrick, Ann DI 4,000 7,000 HS H5Mitchell, Harry E. DI 7,000 13,000 H7Grijalva, Raul M. DI 5,000 6,000 H8Giffords, Gabrielle DI 21,600 52,324 AS, FR Arkansas S Lincoln, Blanche L.* DI 14,050 57,577 S Boozman, John*# RC 7,500 8,500 FR H1Causey, Chad DO 1,000 1,000 H3Womack, Steve RO 8,000 8,000 California S Boxer, Barbara* DI 50,250 279,044 C, FR(NE) S Fiorina, Carly* RC 15,000 15,000 H3Lungren, Daniel E. RI 13,500 13,500 HS H3Bera, Amerish B. DC 4,200 4,200 H6Woolsey, Lynn C. DI 1,000 3,500 FR H7Miller, George DI 1,000 9,193 H8Pelosi, Nancy DI 19,500 122,300 House Minority Ldr. H 11 McNerney, Jerry DI 14,100 27,100 C H 12 Speier, Jackie DI 1,000 4,000 H 14 Eshoo, Anna DI 1,000 4,250 C, I H 15 Honda, Mike DI 1,000 10,000 A H 17 Farr, Sam DI 1,000 9,150 A(HS) H 20 Costa, Jim DI 21,000 39,500 FR(NE) H 22 McCarthy, Kevin RI 1,500 1,500 H 23 Capps, Lois G. DI 1,000 17,917 C H 24 Gallegly, Elton RI 2,000 50,250 FR, I H 25 McKeon, Howard P. (Buck) RI 1,000 5,500 AS

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PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees

H 27 Sherman, Brad DI 12,500 72,430 FR(NE) H 28 Berman, Howard L. DI 35,500 124,550 FR H 29 Schiff, Adam DI 8,000 67,417 A(FO), I H 30 Waxman, Henry A. DI 2,000 40,832 C H 31 Becerra, Xavier DI 1,000 3,000 B, W H 32 Cedillo, Gilbert DO 2,000 2,000 H 33 Watson, Diane E. DN 1,000 13,500 FR H 33 Bass, Karen DO 2,500 2,500 H 36 Harman, Jane DI 20,000 123,771 C, HS H 37 Richardson, Laura DI 3,000 5,000 HS H 43 Baca, Joe DI 1,000 2,000 H 45 Bono Mack, Mary RI 6,000 11,000 C H 45 Pougnet, Stephen P. DC 1,000 1,000 H 46 Rohrabacher, Dana RI 1,000 1,250 FR(NE) H 47 Sanchez, Loretta DI 12,250 63,450 AS, HS H 47 Tran, Van RC 1,000 1,000 H 51 Filner, Bob DI 1,000 91,514 H 53 Davis, Susan A. DI 1,000 10,163 AS Colorado S Bennet, Michael F.* DI 12,500 12,500 S Buck, Kenneth R.* RC 6,000 6,000 S Udall, Mark E. DI 1,000 48,250 AS H3Salazar, John T. DI 3,500 30,100 A H4Markey, Elizabeth H. (Betsy) DI 7,000 14,100 H5Lamborn, Douglas RI 1,000 2,500 AS H6Coffman, Michael RI 250 250 H7Perlmutter, Edwin G. DI 2,000 9,224 Connecticut S Dodd, Christopher J.* DN 8,000 242,178 FR(NE) S Blumenthal, Richard* DO 24,000 24,000 S Lieberman, Joseph I. Ind. I 2,500 368,851 AS, HS H4Himes, Jim DI 4,000 4,000 HS H4Debicella, Dan RC 2,500 2,500 H5Murphy, Christopher S. DI 3,000 7,000 C Delaware S Carper, Thomas R. DI 1,000 37,600 HS S Coons, Christopher A.* † DC 18,000 18,000 H At-L. Castle, Michael N. RI 13,600 13,600 H At-L. Carney, John Charles, Jr. DC 4,000 4,000 Florida S Nelson, Bill DI 10,000 137,221 AS, B, C, I S Meek, Kendrick B.*# DO 11,000 32,500 W S Rubio, Marco* RO 5,100 5,100 H2Boyd, F. Allen, Jr. DI 10,500 20,200 A(D), B H5Brown-Waite, Virginia RN 2,500 10,800 W H5Nugent, Richard B. RO 8,000 8,000 H5Piccillo, James J. DO 1,000 1,000 H6Stearns, Clifford B. RI 3,000 13,500 C H8Grayson, Alan M. DI 5,500 7,500 H8Webster, Daniel RC 2,500 2,500 H9Bilirakis, Gus M. RI 5,000 41,316 FR(NE), I H 11 Castor, Kathy DI 3,900 9,900 C H 12 Ross, Dennis A. RO 9,500 9,500 H 14 Mack, Connie RI 3,000 11,200 B, FR H 15 Posey, Bill RI 1,000 1,000 H 17 Moise, Rudolph DO 250 250 H 17 Williams, Andre L. DO 250 250 H 17 Wilson, Frederica S. DO 5,000 5,000 H 18 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana RI 45,000 208,740 FR H 19 Wexler, Robert DN 0 33,250 H 19 Deutch, Theodore E. DO 43,600 43,600 H 20 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie DI 21,500 53,300 H 21 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln RN 500 58,000 H 21 Diaz-Balart, Mario RO 3,500 46,500 B

KEY: The “Career Total” column represents the total amount of pro-Israel PAC money received from Jan. 1, 2009 through Dec. 31, 2010. S=Senate, H=House of Representatives. Party affiliation: D=Democrat, R=Republican, Ref=Reform, DFL=Democratic Farmers Labor, Ind=Independent, Lib=Libertarian. Status: C=Challenger, I=Incumbent, N=Not Running, O=Open Seat (no incumbent). *=Senate election year, #=House member running for Senate seat, †=Special Elec - tion, ‡=Defeated in primary election. Committees: A=Appropriations (D=Defense subcommittee, FO=Foreign Operations subcommittee, HS=Homeland Security, NS=National Security subcommittee), AS=Armed Services, B=Budget, C=Commerce, FR=Foreign Relations (NE=Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs subcom - mittee), HS=Homeland Security, I=Intelligence, IR=International Relations, NS=National Security, W=Ways and Means. “–” indicates money returned by candi - date, “0” that all money received was returned, “[]” = independent expenditures on behalf of candidate (not included in candidate totals).

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PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees

Florida H 22 Klein, Ron DI 42,650 90,174 FR(NE) H 22 West, Allen B. RC 2,500 2,500 H 23 Hastings, Alcee L. DI 24,000 94,850 I H 24 Kosmas, Suzanne DI 4,000 6,000 H 25 Garcia, Jose A. DO 12,000 14,000 H 25 Rivera, David RO 2,500 2,500 Georgia S Isakson, John H. (Johnny)* RI 16,000 41,500 C, FR(NE) H2Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. DI 2,000 2,500 A(D) H4Johnson, Henry C. (Hank), Jr. DI 2,000 32,200 AS H 6 Price, Thomas E. RI 4,500 5,500 H8Marshall, Jim DI 2,000 12,500 AS H 12 Barrow, John J. DI 500 49,074 C Hawaii S Inouye, Daniel K.* DI 57,000 262,425 A(D, FO, HS), C H1Djou, Charles K. RI 7,000 7,000 H1Hanabusa, Colleen Wakako DC 4,000 4,000 Idaho S Crapo, Michael D.* RI 14,500 56,500 B H1Minnick, Walter C. DI 2,500 5,500 Illinois S Durbin, Richard J. DI 1,000 373,421 A(D, FO) S Giannoulias, Alexander* DO 9,000 9,000 S Kirk, Mark S.*# RO 115,304 336,386 A(FO, HS) H2Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. DI 3,100 15,850 A(FO) H3Lipinski, Daniel W. DI -250 5,400 H5Quigley, Mike DI 1,000 1,000 H5Feigenholtz, Sara DC 2,000 2,000 H6Roskam, Peter J. RI 6,500 15,750 W H7Davis, Danny K. DI 1,000 6,250 W H8Bean, Melissa Luburich DI 8,000 59,529 H9Schakowsky, Janice D. DI 2,145 32,145 C, I H9Pollak, Joel B. RC 6,500 6,500 H 10 Dold, Robert J., Jr. RO 7,000 7,000 H 10 Hamos, Julie DO 500 500 H 10 Seals, Daniel J. DO 7,500 11,500 H 11 Halvorson, Deborah DI 8,000 18,500 H 11 Kinzinger, Adam RC 3,000 3,000 H 12 Costello, Jerry F. DI 500 9,000 H 13 Biggert, Judy RI 3,000 13,227 H 14 Foster, G. William (Bill) DI 11,000 16,000 H 14 Hultgren, Randy RC 500 500 H 17 Hare, Philip G. DI 7,500 18,650 H 18 Schock, Aaron J. RI 8,000 14,500 H 19 Shimkus, John M. RI 2,000 14,500 C Indiana S Bayh, Evan* DN 8,250 92,500 AS S Coats, Daniel R.* RO 23,860 68,060 S Ellsworth, Brad*# DO 12,600 92,850 AS H1Visclosky, Peter J. DI 1,000 16,700 A(D) H2Donnelly, Joseph S. DI 3,000 10,000 H4Rokita, Theodore E. RO 1,500 1,500 H5Burton, Dan L. RI 22,836 143,336 FR(NE) H6Pence, Mike RI 24,500 82,250 FR H7Scott, Marvin B. RC 1,500 1,500 H8Bucshon, Larry D. RO 1,000 1,000 H9Hill, Baron Paul DI 11,500 45,465 C H9Young, Todd C. RC 2,500 2,500 Iowa S Grassley, Charles E.* RI 19,000 160,323 B H1Braley, Bruce L. DI 1,000 6,000 C H2Loebsack, David W. DI 3,000 7,000 AS H3Boswell, Leonard L. DI 4,000 38,675 Kansas S Moran, Jerry*# RO 15,700 15,700 S Tiahrt, Todd W.*# RO 20,550 20,550 A(D) H1Wasinger, Robert K. RO 2,000 2,000 H3Moore, Stephene Ann DO 1,000 1,000 H3Yoder, Kevin W. RO 500 500 Kentucky S Bunning, Jim* RN 10,940 100,690 B S Conway, John W. (Jack)* DO 16,250 16,250 S Grayson, C.M. (Trey)* RO 33,500 33,500 S Paul, Rand* RO 2,000 2,000 H3Yarmuth, John A. DI 1,000 10,500 B, W H6Chandler, A. Ben, III DI 5,000 24,500 A(FO)

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PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees

Louisiana S Landrieu, Mary L. DI -1,000 205,389 A(FO, HS), HS S Vitter, David* RI 40,500 82,000 AS, C H1Scalise, Steve RI 9,000 19,000 C H 2 Cao, Anh (Joseph) RI 15,000 15,000 HS H2Richmond, Cedric L. DC 2,500 2,500 H3Landry, Jeffrey M. RO 2,500 2,500 H3Sangisetty, Ravi DO 2,500 2,500 H4Fleming, John C., Jr. RI 5,000 7,500 AS H5Alexander, Rodney M. RI 5,000 16,000 A H6Cassidy, William RI 4,000 4,000 H7Boustany, Charles, Jr. RI 1,000 11,000 W Maine S Collins, Susan M. RI 3,000 111,000 A, AS, HS H1Pingree, Chellie M. DI 1,000 3,676 AS H2Michaud, Michael H. DI 4,000 14,250 Maryland S Cardin, Benjamin L. DI 1,000 93,015 B, FR(NE) S Mikulski, Barbara* DI 35,500 213,099 A(D, FO, HS), I H1Kratovil, Frank M., Jr. DI 6,000 11,000 AS H1Harris, Andrew P. RC 2,500 6,000 H4Edwards, Donna DI 3,500 4,500 H5Hoyer, Steny H. DI 42,000 235,275 House Dem. Whip H7Cummings, Elijah E. DI 2,000 22,500 H8Van Hollen, Chris DI 500 4,500 W Massachusetts S Brown, Scott P.* † RO 4,000 4,000 S Coakley, Martha* † DO 17,000 17,000 H3McGovern, Jim DI 1,000 7,075 B H4Frank, Barney DI 2,000 24,433 H5Tsongas, Nicola S. DI 3,000 7,000 AS, B H6Tierney, John F. DI 2,000 2,000 I H6Hudak, William John, Jr. RC 2,500 2,500 H8Capuano, Michael E. DI 1,000 2,000 H 10 Keating, William R. DO 2,000 2,000 H 10 Perry, Jeffrey D. RO 2,500 2,500 Michigan S Levin, Carl DI 200 728,937 AS, HS, I H1Benishek, Daniel J. RO 2,000 2,000 H1McDowell, Gary J. DO 1,500 1,500 H2Huizenga, William P. RO 500 500 H7Schauer, Mark H. DI 11,000 15,500 H9Peters, Gary DI 21,000 28,000 H 11 McCotter, Thaddeus G. RI 2,000 14,500 H 12 Levin, Sander M. DI 4,000 132,727 W H 13 Kilpatrick, Carolyn DI 1,000 7,500 A(D) H 13 Clarke, Hansen DC 250 250 H 14 Conyers, John, Jr. DI 1,000 2,500 H 15 Dingell, John D., Jr. DI 2,000 12,700 C Minnesota S Franken, Al DI 3,000 5,680 H1Walz, Timothy J. DFL I 5,500 5,500 H2Kline, John P., Jr. RI 3,000 17,500 AS H3Paulsen, Erik RI 3,000 7,500 H4McCollum, Betty DI 1,000 5,750 A(FO), B H5Ellison, Keith M. DFL I 2,000 3,000 FR(NE) H5Torgerson, Lynne Ind. C 500 500 H6Bachmann, Michele RI 10,500 29,500 Mississippi H1Childers, Travis W. DI 1,000 6,000 H3Harper, Gregg RI 2,000 2,500 B H4Palazzo, Steven McC. RC 2,000 2,000 Missouri S Blunt, Roy*# RO 32,500 78,350 C, I S Carnahan, Robin* DO 16,000 16,000 H3Carnahan, Russ DI 13,000 29,100 FR(NE) H4Skelton, Ike DI 51,000 139,450 AS H5Cleaver, Emanuel, II DI 2,500 5,500 HS H8Emerson, Jo Ann RI 500 3,500 A Montana S Baucus, Max DI 1,000 349,648 S Burns, Conrad RN -1,000 210,210 Nevada S Reid, Harry* DI 72,700 393,001 I H1Berkley, Shelley DI 36,000 326,055 FR(NE), W H3Titus, Dina DI 8,000 13,100 HS H3Heck, Joe RC 2,500 2,500

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PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees

New Hampshire S Gregg, Judd A.* RN 1,000 15,000 A(D, FO, HS), B S Ayotte, Kelly A.* RO 14,500 14,500 S Hodes, Paul W.*# DO 22,400 44,037 H 1 Shea-Porter, Carol DI 5,000 7,000 AS H1Guinta, Frank RC 2,500 2,500 H2Bass, Charles F. RO 4,500 16,850 H2Kuster, Ann McLane DO 1,000 1,000 H2Swett, Katrina DO 11,000 76,000 New Jersey S Lautenberg, Frank R. DI 1,000 503,578 A(FO, HS), C H1Andrews, Robert E. (House) DI 22,500 85,525 AS, B H2LoBiondo, Frank A. RI 3,000 25,750 AS H3Adler, John H. DI 17,000 20,000 H4Smith, Christopher H. RI 2,000 58,750 FR H5Garrett, Scott RI 1,000 41,200 B H6Pallone, Frank, Jr. DI 6,000 76,550 C H7Lance, Leonard RI 2,000 7,000 H9Rothman, Steven R. DI 10,000 83,503 A(D, FO, HS) H 10 Payne, Donald M. DI 1,000 28,750 FR H 12 Holt, Rush D. DI 8,000 23,741 I H 12 Sipprelle, Scott RC 3,500 3,500 H 13 Sires, Albio DI 1,000 1,000 FR New Mexico H1Heinrich, Martin DI 6,000 11,000 AS H2Teague, Harry DI 4,000 6,000 New York S Gillibrand, Kirsten E.* † DI 46,200 62,450 FR S Schumer, Charles E.* DI 26,750 84,385 H1Bishop, Timothy DI 7,000 10,000 B H1Altschuler, Randolph RC 7,500 7,500 H2Israel, Steve J. DI 12,500 51,059 A(FO) H3King, Peter T. RI 1,000 26,500 HS, I H5Ackerman, Gary L. DI 4,850 55,350 FR(NE) H7Crowley, Joseph DI 12,000 105,657 FR(NE), W H8Nadler, Jerrold L. DI 3,000 28,000 H8Kone, Susan RC 1,500 1,500 H9Weiner, Anthony D. DI 1,000 36,050 C H 13 McMahon, Michael E. DI 6,000 8,000 FR(NE) H 14 Maloney, Carolyn B. DI 4,970 29,970 H 17 Engel, Eliot L. DI 34,000 269,418 C, FR(NE) H 18 Lowey, Nita M. DI 28,000 177,238 A(HS) H 19 Hall, John J. DI 4,000 14,500 H 19 Hayworth, Nan RC 1,500 1,500 H 20 Murphy, Scott M. † DI 10,000 10,000 AS H 20 Tedisco, James † RC 2,500 2,500 H 22 Hinchey, Maurice D. DI 3,000 7,280 A(D) H 22 Phillips, George K. RC 1,500 1,500 H 23 Owens, William † RI 10,000 10,000 AS, HS H 23 Doheny, Matt † RC 1,500 1,500 H 23 Scozzafava, Dierdre K. † RC 1,500 1,500 H 24 Arcuri, Michael A. DI 6,500 18,500 H 25 Maffei, Daniel B. DI 7,000 16,000 H 29 Massa, Eric J.J. DN 10 11,110 AS, HS North Carolina S Burr, Richard* RI 23,500 34,250 AS, I H1Butterfield, G.K. DI 2,000 7,000 C H4Price, David DI 1,000 55,827 A H7McIntyre, Mike DI 3,000 3,000 AS H8Kissell, Larry W. DI 4,000 8,000 AS H 11 Shuler, Joseph H. (Heath) DI 2,000 9,250 H 13 Miller, Ralph B. (Brad) DI 2,000 11,000 FR North Dakota S Dorgan, Byron L.* DN 21,000 172,350 A(D), C S Hoeven, John* RO 29,500 29,500 H At-L. Pomeroy, Earl R. DI 2,000 29,150 W Ohio S Fisher, Lee I.* DO 28,000 28,000 S Portman, Robert J.* RO 16,500 16,500 H1Chabot, Steve RC 3,000 16,500 H1Driehaus, Steven L. DI 4,000 6,000 H6Wilson, Charles A. DI 3,000 9,000 H8Boehner, John A. RI 27,000 84,000 House Speaker H 10 Corrigan, Peter J. RC 500 500

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PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees Ohio H 11 Fudge, Marcia L. DI 1,000 2,000 H 13 Sutton, Betty S. DI 12,500 19,500 C H 14 LaTourette, Steven C. RI 2,500 27,000 A H 15 Kilroy, Mary Jo DI 6,012 16,012 HS H 15 Stivers, Steve E. RC 2,500 8,500 H 16 Boccieri, John A. DI 8,000 10,000 H 17 Ryan, Timothy J. DI 1,000 7,500 A H 18 Space, Zachary T. DI 17,000 31,000 C Oklahoma S Coburn, Thomas A.* RI 21,000 23,500 HS, I Oregon S Merkley, Jeffrey A. DI 12,500 21,600 B S Wyden, Ronald L.* DI 67,400 344,962 B, I H1Wu, David DI 2,000 33,927 H3Blumenauer, Earl DI 1,000 4,000 B, W H 5 Schrader, Kurt DI 6,000 6,000 B Pennsylvania S Casey, Robert P., Jr. DI 1,000 17,000 FR(NE) S Specter, Arlen* DI 46,000 549,473 A(D, FO, HS) S Sestak, Joseph A., Jr.*# DC 7,000 29,000 AS S Toomey, Patrick J.* RC 29,500 30,250 H1Brady, Robert A. DI 500 9,250 AS H3Dahlkemper, Kathleen DI 6,000 8,000 H3Kelly, George J., Jr. (“Mike”) RC 2,500 2,500 H4Altmire, Jason DI 2,000 11,250 H6Gerlach, Jim RI 500 18,700 H6Cohen, Howard A. RC 1,000 1,000 H6Pike, Douglas A. DC 1,000 1,000 H7Lentz, Bryan R. DO 4,000 4,000 H7Meehan, Patrick L. RO 3,500 3,500 H8Murphy, Patrick J. DI 11,850 30,450 AS, I H8Fitzpatrick, Michael G. RC 2,500 18,500 H 10 Carney, Christopher P. DI 2,500 13,500 HS H 11 Kanjorski, Paul E. DI 2,000 18,600 H 11 Barletta, Lou RC 2,500 2,500 H 12 Critz, Mark DI 6,000 6,000 H 13 Schwartz, Allyson Y. DI 4,500 48,650 B, W H 15 Dent, Charles W. RI 5,000 13,250 HS H 15 Callahan, John Burk DC 2,000 2,000 Rhode Island H1Cicilline, David N. DO 6,000 6,000 South Carolina S DeMint, James W.* RI 3,970 28,470 C, FR H4Inglis, Robert D. RI 1,004 1,004 FR(NE) H5Spratt, John McK., Jr. DI 22,500 56,900 AS, B H5Mulvaney, John M. (Mick) RC 2,500 2,500 H6Clyburn, James E. DI 12,500 20,600 South Dakota S Thune, John R.* RI 40,500 54,730 AS, C H At-L. Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie M. DI 2,000 32,000 H At-L. Noem, Kristi Lynn RC 2,500 2,500 Tennessee H4Davis, Lincoln E. DI 2,000 6,000 A H5Cooper, James H.S. DI 1,000 26,250 AS H7Blackburn, Marsha RI 1,000 2,000 C H9Cohen, Stephen I. DI 4,500 21,500 Texas H7Culberson, John A. RI 10,000 12,500 A(HS) H 12 Granger, Kay RI 15,500 15,500 A(D, FO) H 16 Reyes, Silvestre DI 22,000 23,000 AS, I H 17 Edwards, Chet DI 2,000 71,700 A, B H 20 Gonzalez, Charles A. DI 1,000 1,000 H 23 Rodriguez, Ciro D. DI 5,500 16,500 A(HS) H 28 Cuellar, Henry R. DI 0 4,500 HS Utah S Bennett, Robert F.* RI 42,000 141,250 A(D, FO), HS S Bridgewater, Tim* RC 6,000 6,000 S Lee, Mike* RC 20,500 20,500 H3Chaffetz, Jason RI 5,000 5,000 Vermont S Leahy, Patrick J.* DI 27,711 145,911 A(D, FO, HS) H At-L. Welch, Peter DI 1,000 4,000 C Virginia S Warner, Mark R. DI -1,500 39,000 B, C H2Nye, Glenn C., III DI 10,000 10,000 AS H2Rigell, Edward S. RC 2,500 2,500 H5Perriello, Thomas S.P. DI 7,000 8,000 H7Cantor, Eric RI 41,500 217,730 House Majority Ldr. H9Boucher, Frederick C. DI 4,000 19,650 C H 10 Wolf, Frank R. RI 1,000 73,000 A H 11 Connolly, Gerry E. DI 11,000 14,000 B, FR(NE)

40 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS MAY/JUNE 2011 election_watch_34-41_Pac Charts for May-June 2011 4/12/11 8:13 PM Page 41

PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees Washington S Murray, Patty* DI 32,000 195,293 A(D, HS), B S Rossi, Dino* RC 10,000 10,000 H1Inslee, Jay R. DI 1,000 3,500 C H2Larsen, Richard R. DI 4,000 22,500 AS, B H7McDermott, James DI 1,000 2,000 W H8Reichert, Dave RI 5,000 17,500 W West Virginia S Manchin, Joe, III* † DO 9,000 9,000 S Warner, Andrew McC. (Mac)* † RO 5,000 5,000 H3Maynard, Elliott E. RC 2,500 2,500 Wisconsin S Feingold, Russell D.* DI 69,128 213,438 B, FR(NE), I S Johnson, Ronald H.* RC 5,000 5,000 H2Baldwin, Tammy DI 1,000 5,000 C H 3 Kind, Ron DI 1,000 1,000 W H7Obey, David R. DN 4,000 164,600 A H7Duffy, Sean RO 1,500 1,500 H 8 Kagen, Steven L. DI 10,000 30,500 Wyoming S Barrasso, John RI 10,000 11,000 FR(NE)

2009-2010 Total Contributions: $3,310,490 Total Contributions (1978-2010): $51,160,333 Total No. of Recipients (1978-2010): 2,295 ARAB - AND MUSLIM -A MERICAN PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2010 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2009-10 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees Arizona H7Grijalva, Raul M. DI 1,000 3,000 California H6Woolsey, Lynn C. DI 1,000 3,000 FR H7Miller, George DI 1,000 1,000 H9Lee, Barbara DI 1,000 9,500 A(FO), FR H 13 Stark, Fortney P. (Pete) DI 1,000 5,500 W H 14 Eshoo, Anna DI 1,000 1,000 C, I H 15 Honda, Mike DI 500 1,500 A H 17 Farr, Sam DI 1,000 3,000 A(HS) H 23 Capps, Lois G. DI 1,000 3,000 C H 36 Winograd, Marcy DC 1,000 1,000 H 51 Filner, Bob DI 500 500 Indiana H7Carson, André DI 500 2,800 Maryland H4Edwards, Donna DI 1,000 1,000 Massachusetts H1Olver, John W. DI 1,000 1,000 A H3McGovern, Jim DI 500 500 B H6Tierney, John F. DI 1,000 1,000 I H8Capuano, Michael E. DI 500 4,500 Michigan H 11 Mosher, Natalie DC 1,000 1,000 H 14 Conyers, John, Jr. DI 500 19,900 H 15 Dingell, John D., Jr. DI 2,000 17,450 C Minnesota H4McCollum, Betty DI 1,000 3,000 A(FO), B H5Ellison, Keith M. DFL I 2,500 6,750 FR(NE) New Jersey H 10 Payne, Donald M. DI 500 3,750 FR H 12 Holt, Rush D. DI 500 1,500 I New York H 22 Hinchey, Maurice D. DI 1,000 7,000 A(D) H 24 Hanna, Richard L. RC 1,000 3,000 North Carolina H4Price, David E. DI 500 2,500 A Ohio H9Kaptur, Marcy C. DI 1,000 6,750 A(D), B H 10 Kucinich, Dennis J. DI 1,000 15,100 Oregon H3Blumenauer, Earl DI 500 3,000 B, W H4DeFazio, Peter A. DI 1,000 3,000 HS Virginia H8Moran, James P., Jr. DI 1,000 25,600 A(D) Washington H7McDermott, James DI 1,000 7,000 W West Virginia H3Rahall, Nick Joe, II DI 5,000 37,443 Wisconsin H2Baldwin, Tammy DI 1,000 2,000 C

2009-2010 Total Contributions: $36,500 Total Contributions (1978-2010): $692,420 Total No. of Recipients (1978-2010): 279