St. Roman 1810 W. Bolivar Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53221

We remember….. Michael Literski Robert Mallow Jesus Vasquez Geraldine Grau Sally Kubash Gloria Kamin Jerome Horzewski Josephine Purpora Mary Moore Mary Jaskie Mary Ann Hamm Rose Klapczynski Jeannine Becker Nancy Jagodzinski Sally Zanoni Blaise Matuszak Marie Zambriski Ralph Ross Robert Belter Phyllis Milanowski Gilbert Mahn Jackie Zimny Evangelina Leon Julius Magyari Henry Randow Marcella Karshen Jose de la Luz Herrera Mary Tatera Lenore Stempski Carol Temmer Ruben Lezama Samano Beverly Rosciszewski Donald Hirt Eric Lesniewski Rose Mary Revers Thomas Gramza Carl Salzer Leonard Sura

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 2/3,2019

Processional…………….…………God of Lord, Whose Mercies Daily The Introductory Rite

Sign of the Cross and the Greeting

Penitential Act

I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do. Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God

Opening Prayer Profession of Faith Liturgy of the Word The Nicene Creed

First Reading …………………..………….….….Wisdom 11: 22-12:2 I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Response maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God, from true God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and our salvation he came down from heaven,

At the words that follow, up to and including became man, all bow

and by the power of the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary Second Reading……………..…………….2 Thessalonians 1: 11-2:2 and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, Gospel Acclamation He suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day A Reading from the Gospel……….…………..……...Luke 19: 1-10 in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven Homily and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son, Liturgy of Remembrance (10:30 AM) Who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, “Pie Jesu” Andrew Lloyd Webber Who has spoken through the prophets. Introduction I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins Reading of the Names and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Universal Prayers Closing Song Liturgy of the Eucharist

Presentation of the Gifts

The Eucharistic Prayer

Preface Acclamation

Memorial Acclamation “Nothing can make up for the absence of someone we love. And it would be wrong to try to find a substitute--we must simply hold out and see it through. That may sound very hard at first, but at the same time, it is a great consolation--for the gap--as long as it remains unfilled--preserves the bond between us. It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap--God does not fill it--but on the contrary, keeps it empty and so helps us to keep alive our former communion with each other--even at the cost of pain.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906 - 1945)

Closing Song

Conluding Acclamation

The Communion Rite

The Lord’s Prayer

Sign of Peace

Breaking of the Bread

Communion Music

The Concluding Rite



All Music Reprinted under A-703628

~ Info ~ 5 Anima Christi Catholic Youth Formation Program News Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Programa de Formación Juvenil Católico Noticias Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me; Middle School Grades Middle School O good Jesus hear me; 6-8 (Grados 6-8)-St. Within your wounds hide me; Monday, November 4 @ Charles Borromeo separated from you, let me never be; 5:45-7:00pm Lunes, Noviembre 4 @ From the evil one protect me; Monday, November 18 @ 5:45-7:00pm At the hour of my death, call me; 5:45-7:00pm Lunes, Noviembre 18 @ And close to you bid me; That with your saints, 5:45-7:00pm I may be praising you forever and ever. High School Grades Amen. 9 & 10 High School Monday, November 4 @ (Grados 9 & 10) - St. Alma de Cristo 7:00-8:15pm Charles Borromeo Alma de Cristo, santifícame. Monday, November 18 @ Lunes, Noviembre 4 @ Cuerpo de Cristo, sálvame. 7:00-8:15pm 7:00-8:15pm Sangre de Cristo, embriágame. Lunes, Noviembre 18 @ Agua del costado de Cristo, lávame. Confirmation 7:00-8:15pm Pasión de Cristo, confórtame. Preparation Session ¡Oh, buen Jesús!, óyeme. Monday, November 11 @ Sesiones de Dentro de tus llagas, escóndeme. 7:00-8:15pm Preparación a No permitas que me aparte de Ti. Monday, November 25 @ Confirmación Del maligno enemigo, defiéndeme. 7:00-8:15pm Lunes, Noviembre 11 En la hora de mi muerte, llámame. @ 7:00-8:15pm Y mándame ir a Ti. Lunes, Noviembre 25 Para que con tus santos te alabe. @ 7:00-8:15pm Por los siglos de los siglos.



There are copies of “Exploring the Sunday Readings” available in the kiosk.

Catholic Youth Formation Program News Programa de Formación Juvenil Católico Noticias

Upcoming Classes Próximas Clases

Session Number Five Sesión Número Cinco

When? Sunday, November 3, ¿Cuando? Domingo 3 de All single people are always welcome, bring a friend. If you 2019 • 8:45 - 10:15 am noviembre de 2019 • recently lost a spouse, either thru death or divorce. We all have Where? Saint Roman 8:45 - 10:15 am lost someone and we realize how lonely it is. We found that just ¿Dónde? San Roman going out with a group and talking with others makes you feel Session Number Six better. You don’t have to be alone! Give us a try. Just call the person in charge so we can include you in the reservation. When? Sunday, November Sesión número Seis 17, 2019 • 8:45 – 10:15 am ¿Cuando? Domingo, 17 de Monday, October 28 @ 12:30 pm, Castillos 5656 S. Packard Ave. Where? Saint Roman noviembre de 2019 • Rita (414) 570-3042 8:45 - 10:15 am Saturday, November 16th ¿Dónde? San Roman Wednesday, November 6 @ 12:30, Genesis, 3740 S. 108th Street Carol (414) 395-3007 {9am - Noon} First Reconciliation Retreat at Sábado, 16 de noviembre {9am Friday, November 15 @ 4:30 Carl’s , 5110 W. Loomis Road St. Roman-Adamski Hall - mediodía} Retiro de primera Bev (414) 400-8948 (Students only) reconciliación en San Roman Adamski Hall Thursday, November 21 @ 12:30 Melrose, 6840 S. 27th Street Chris (414) 281-8838 (solo estudiantes) Tuesday, December 3 @ 12:30 Brass Monkey, 700 E. Layton Ave Maryann (414) 281-7164

Thursday, December 12 @ 12:30 Filippo’s, 6915 W. Lincoln Ave. Rita (414) 570-3042

~ Info ~ 6

Parish Stewardship… A Way of Life SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one 4:00 pm (SCB) Fr. Brian Holbus another as good stewards of God’s varied graces. 4:30 pm (STR) Fr. Carlos Zapata

(1 Peter 4:10)

October 27 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Envelopes ...... $6,459.60 Basket ...... $640.34 8:30 am (SCB) Fr. Carlos Zapata Children ...... $4.00 8:30 am (STR) Fr. Brian Holbus Building Fund ...... $60.00 10:30 am (SCB) Fr. Brian Holbus Other ...... $290.00 10:30 am (STR) Fr. Karl Acker Total ...... $7,453.94 12:15 pm (STR) Fr. Carlos Zapata

Year-To-Date ...... $143,103.97 Budget-To-Date ...... $156,689.00

Readings for the Week of November 3

Sunday Wis 11:22—12:2/Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14 [cf. 1] 2 Thes 1:11—2:2/Lk 19:1-10

Monday Our annual craft fair is back and better than ever. Rom 11:29-36/Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36 [14c]/Lk 14:12-14 When: Saturday, December 7th Tuesday Time: 9am-5pm Rom 12:5-16b/Ps 131:1bcde, 2, 3/Lk 14:15-24 Where: Adamski Hall & Betz Center Wednesday We are currently accepting vendors. Registration forms are in Rom 13:8-10/Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9 [5a]/Lk 14:25-33 the office. Stop by and pick one up! Thursday

Rom 14:7-12/Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14 [13]/Lk 15:1-10 Have no interest in being a vendor? No worries, Friday as we are in dire need of volunteers. Please call Rom 15:14-21/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/Lk 16:1-8 the parish office for more information.

Saturday We hope to see you there! Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8, 9 [5]/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Next Sunday On behalf of St. Roman Parish, I 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14/Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15 [15b] would like to personally thank you, 2 Thes 2:16—3:5/Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38 our parishioners for your recent contributions towards Fr. Carlos welcome party. This event could not have been a success without all of your generous contributions and the help of the many other volunteers who donated their time.

Fr. Carlos had an amazing time and he expressed his sincere gratitude.

Students have been working hard in Once again, thank you all for your efforts and 3rd grade. We recently practiced using generous contributions of time research to complete questions about the Louisiana culture. We are starting and talent. Welcome Fr. Carlos to our new unit in ELA (Reading) which is St. Roman Parish! centered around Cajun Folktales. The research was to help students better God Bless, understand the origin of the stories we will be reading Patricia DeLeon Director of Administrative Services

~ Faith Formation ~ 7 Welcome to the Adult Enrichment Corner Baptism Class at St. Roman Parish THIS IS WHERE YOU WOULD LOOK FOR ONGOING OR UPCOMING CLASSES AND/OR EVENTS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE JOINT EFFORTS Tuesday, November 5 OF ST.ROMAN AND ST.CHARLES EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE. 6:30 pm en Español WE HAVE OUR ONGOING BIBLE STUDY ON THURSDAY NIGHTS IN ADAMSKI HALL FROM 6-8P.M. WE ARE STUDYING THE BOOK OF Favor de hablar a la oficina parroquial para JAMES. WE WILL BE MEETING ON THE FOLLOWING THURSDAYS: matricularse (414) 282-9063 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/12 & 12/19. La noche de la plática, favor de entrar por la IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US PLEASE CONTACT: puerta que está ubicada en la parte de atrás de BETTY SALAZAR AT THE ST. ROMAN PARISH OFFICE: 414-282-9063 la oficina parroquial. EXTENSION 14. ———————–————————— TH JOIN US ON WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 IN ADAMSKI HALL.WE WILL 7:00 pm in English START PROMTLY AT 6 P.M. WITH A LIGHT DINNER OF YOUR CHOICE Call the Parish Office (414) 282-9063 to register. OF DELICIOUS HOMEMADE SOUP, SOME BREAD AND FRESH MADE DESSERTS. Enter on the side of the Parish Office Building through the covered porch entrance on the *** WE ARE ACTUALLY IN NEED OF A FEW BAKERS FOR THIS evening of the class. EVENT*** IF YOU ARE ABLE TO HELP US OUT PLEASE CONTACT: ANNA SIMMERT 414-217-4920. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A MESSAGE. Congratulations and God Bless THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. FOR COMPLETE DETAILS PLEASE SEE THE Felicidades y Que Dios BIG NOTICE BELOW. LASTLY, FOR NOW WE WILL BE HAVING OUR Bendiga a

NEXT MEETING ON NOVEMBER 20TH @ 1P.M. @ ST.CHARLES IN THE Let us remember her and her family in our GATHERING SPACE. WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW FACES AND prayers. May they live as God’s beloved children FRESH IDEAS. PLEASE COME AND SEE WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT. and learn to imitate Jesus in their lives.


MANNER AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. ~ Mantengamos a ellla y a su familia en nuestras oraciones para que vivan una vida muy cerca de WITH BLESSINGS, THE JOINT EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE Dios y aprendan a imitar a Jesús en su vida.

“Soup~er Saint”

You are invited to join the St. Charles/St. Romans Evangelization Committee as they explore:

Saints Louis and Zelie Martin Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin were married at a candle-light ceremony three months after they first met. Each came to the marriage with a successful business and they continued as a two-income family, at least, initially. Despite the couple’s af- fection and constant protectiveness, the children were sometimes subject to alcoholism, abuse, and neglect from servants and outside influences. The middle daughter was a “problem child” and they seemed to be without a solution. Four of their children died in childhood and the youngest—Therese of Lisieux—was almost at the point of death as well. Therese, as the youngest, emerged from this remarkable family of spiritual pearls and she is better understood within the context of her family. We will examine the letters describing the family issues and how faith was able to bring them through.

Wednesday, November 13th 6:00-8:00pm in St. Romans Adamski Hall Presenter: Sister Mary Carroll, SSSF Sister Mary has been at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology as a professor in spirituality for over twenty-five years and involved in formation work at the seminary for over a dozen years. As a member of the International School Sis- ters of St. Francis, Sr. Mary served as a novice minister and as a vice-president for the congregation. She completed M.A. degrees at Fordham University in religious studies and at St. Louis University in history. Sr. Mary’s project for the Doctor of Ministry degree from the U. of St. Mary of the Lake was entitled Doorway to the Divine. Currently she is emerita at the seminary and continues to do presentations and .

A simple soup and bread supper will be served. Please call or email the parish office to reserve your spot. (414) 282-9063 or [email protected]

***Please bring a can of soup to be donated to our St. Vincent DePaul Society.***

~Calendar~ ~Mass Intentions~ 8

Saturday, November 2nd– All Souls Day 4:30 pm– Fr. Brian Holbus † Melony Traska, Int. Roger & Darlene Baranowski † Janet Uttke, Int. Family MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 † Jack Ulmen, Int. Isabel

8:00 am Mass (CH) Sunday, November 3rd 3:00 pm Book Fair (IMC) 8:30 am-Fr. Carlos Zapata 3:00 pm After School Care (AH/IMC) † Phyllis Krajna 5:30 pm 6th grade boys basketball practice (BC) † Mary Jaskie, Int. The Ralph Schilz Family † Mike Michaels, Int. Sue

† Al & Paul Krzykowski, Int. The Krzykowski Family TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 † Ray & Arlene Kazinski, Int. Judi W

10:30 am– Fr. Brian Holbus 8:00 am Mass (CH) † For the living & deceased members of St. Roman Parish 3:00 pm After School Care (AH/IMC) 3:00 pm Book Fair (IMC) 12:15 pm– Fr. Carlos Zapata 5:00 pm Food Pantry Distribution † Prisciliano Ruvalcaba Valerio, Int. Familia 5:30 pm 7th grade boys basketball practice (BC) † Lucila Ibarra Lopez, Int. Familia 6:30 pm Baptism Class (POMR) † Nicolas Lezama, Int. Familia 7:00 pm Lector Meeting- Hispanic Ministry (CH) Monday, November 4th– Fr. Brian Holbus

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Tuesday, November 5th– Fr. Carlos Zapata † Elly Kitzinger, Int. Sheila

8:00 am Mass (CH) Wednesday, November 6th– Fr. Carlos Zapata 3:00 pm Book Fair (IMC) † Janiszewski Family, Int. Sharon Pianka 3:00 pm After School Care (AH/IMC) † John (Jack) Stevens, The Patti Family 3:00 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal (CR) 3:15 pm Dance Club (BC) Thursday, November 7th– Fr. Carlos Zapata 5:30 pm SVdP Meeting (POLMR) (SCB) 5:30 pm 6th grade boys basketball practice (BC) 7:00 pm SCB Basketball practice (BC) Friday, November 8th– Fr. Carlos Zapata (SCB)

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Saturday, November 9th 4:30 pm– Fr. Carlos Zapata † Judy Gardner, Int. Cathi & Ray Willoughby, Jr. 3:00 pm After School Care (AH/IMC) † Ted Karnowski, Int. Family 3:00 pm Book Fair (IMC) † Don Hirt, Int. Andy & Kathy Burzynski 5:30 pm 7th grade boys basketball practice (BC) † Camille Borkowski, Int. Bob 6:00 pm Bible Study (AH) 7:00 pm SCB basketball practice (BC) Sunday, November 10th 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) 8:30 am– Fr. Brian Holbus

† Carl Salzer, Int. Donna Sutyak

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 † Dennis Riley, Int. Joyce † Ernie & Dolly Dex, Int. Family † Ray & Jane Hoffmeier, Int. Family 1:30 pm Southside Meal Program Food Prep ♥ Wedding Anniversary of Al & Marianne Krzykowski (AHK) 3:00 pm After School Care (AH/IMC) 10:30 am– Fr. Karl Acker 3:00 pm Book Fair (IMC) † In memory of Dennis Hendricks, Int. Family 6:00 pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal † Jerome Horzewski, Int. Family † Ronald Dombrowski, Int. Roger & Darlene Baranowski † Daniel Staskiewicz, Int. Family & Friends SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 12:15 pm– Fr. Carlos Zapata 10:00 am Food Pantry Distribution † Modesto Bucio, Int. The Bucio Family 2:00 pm Financial Workshop (AH) † Pedro & Luz Ruiz, Int. The Bucio’s 4:00 pm Rosary (CH) 4:30 pm Mass (CH)

We express our sympathy and the assurance of our SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 prayers to the family and friends of:

8:30 am Mass (CH) † Georgianna Frances Collova 10:30 am Mass (CH) 12:15 pm Misa en español (CH) Let us pray as a community of faith that she receives the fullness of the resurrection and rests in the peace of the Lord. Amen.

31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME All Souls' Day is the annual commemoration of all those souls who departed this life in the grace and favor of God but who are still detained in purgatory. Purgatory is that third place in the other world in which the souls of the departed suffer the temporal punishment of those sins for which in life they have not sufficiently atoned, and in which they are purified until they are worthy to appear in the presence of God. Is there a purgatory? Yes; it is a doctrine of our faith. 1. Even under the Old Law the Jews held to this belief, and accordingly Judas Machabeus sent twelve thousand silver drachmas to Jerusalem to procure the offering of sacrifices for the dead. 2. Under the New Law Jesus Christ seems to point to such a place (Matt. v. 26, xii, 32). The apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians: "The fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is. If any man's work abide, which he hath built thereupon [upon Christ], he shall receive a reward; if any man's work burn, he shall suffer loss [by the fire of purgatory], but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire." (I. Cor. iii. 13-15). A fire from which a man may be saved cannot be the fire of hell; for from hell there is no redemption. The words of Saint Paul, therefore, can only be understood of purgatory. What souls are they that go to purgatory? The souls of all those who, though dying in the grace of God, have yet something to atone for. Those persons dying in the grace of God are still , and certainly God does not cast those who are His friends into hell. It is, therefore, as suitable to the idea of God's mercy as it is consonant to reason that such souls should be first purified in purgatory. How can we assist the souls suffering in purgatory? 1. By our prayers. The Holy Scripture says: "It is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." (II. Mach. xii. 46). The has therefore always taught that the prayer of the faithful for the departed is holy and wholesome. 2. By the holy sacrifice of the Mass, the fruits of which are most beneficial to the souls in purgatory. For this reason holy Church has always, from the time of the apostles, remembered the dead in the holy Mass. 3. By gaining indulgences, and other good works, by which we supplicate God to show mercy to the souls of the suffering, to accept what is performed by us in satisfaction for the punishment to be endured by them, and to bring them into the kingdom of everlasting peace & light. (Ecclus. vii. 37). When and how was this yearly commemoration of the departed introduced? The time of the introduction of this commemoration cannot be determined; for as early as the time of Tertullian he mentions that the Christians of his day held a yearly commemoration of the dead. Towards the end of the tenth century Saint Odo, abbot of the Benedictines, at Cluny, directed this feast to be celebrated yearly, on the 2d of November, in all the convents of his Order, which usage was afterwards enjoined upon the whole Christian world by Pope John XVI. The feast of this day was probably established in order that, after having one day before rejoiced over the glory of the saints in heaven, we should this day remember in love those who are sighing in purgatory for deliverance. Prayer. O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that, by our pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired. Who livest and reignest, now and forever, Amen. Fuente: *** May the Blessed Virgin Mary enlighten us to continue walking towards Jesus Christ, who is our Salvation. Happy All Souls Day. Fr. Carlos Zapata ======DOMINGO 31 DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO

El Día de Todas las Almas del , es la conmemoración anual de todas aquellas almas que partieron de esta vida en la gracia y el favor de Dios pero que aún están detenidas en el purgatorio. El purgatorio es ese tercer lugar en el otro mundo en el que las almas de los difuntos sufren el castigo temporal de aquellos pecados por los cuales en la vida no han expiado lo suficiente, y en los que están purificados hasta que sean dignos de aparecer en presencia de Dios. ¿Hay un purgatorio? Sí; Es una doctrina de nuestra fe. 1. Incluso bajo la Antigua Ley, los judíos mantenían esta creencia, y en consecuencia Judas Machabeus envió doce mil dracmas de plata a Jerusalén para procurar la ofrenda de sacrificios por los muertos. 2. Bajo la Nueva Ley, Jesucristo parece señalar ese lugar (Mt. v. 26, 12, 32). El apóstol Pablo escribe a los corintios: "El fuego probará la obra de cada hombre, de qué tipo es. Si la obra de algún hombre permanece, que él ha construido sobre ella [sobre Cristo], recibirá una recompensa; si la obra de cualquier hombre arde, sufrirá pérdida [por el fuego del purgatorio], pero él mismo será salvo, pero como por el fuego". (I. Cor. 3. 13-15). Un fuego del cual un hombre puede salvarse no puede ser el fuego del infierno; porque del infierno no hay redención. Las palabras de San Pablo, por lo tanto, solo pueden entenderse del purgatorio. ¿Qué almas son las que van al purgatorio? Las almas de todos aquellos que, aunque mueren en la gracia de Dios, todavía tienen algo que expiar. Las personas que mueren en la gracia de Dios siguen siendo amigos de Dios, y ciertamente Dios no arroja al infierno a quienes son sus amigos. Es, por lo tanto, tan adecuado para la idea de la misericordia de Dios como coherente para razonar que tales almas deben purificarse primero en el purgatorio. ¿Cómo podemos ayudar a las almas que sufren en el purgatorio? 1. Por nuestras oraciones. La Sagrada Escritura dice: "Es un pensamiento santo y saludable orar por los muertos, para que puedan ser liberados de los pecados". (II. Macabeos. 12. 46). Por lo tanto, la Iglesia Católica siempre ha enseñado que la oración de los fieles por los difuntos es santa y saludable. 2. Por el sacrificio sagrado de la Misa, cuyos frutos son más beneficiosos para las almas del purgatorio. Por esta razón, la Iglesia santa siempre, desde la época de los apóstoles, ha recordado a los muertos en la Santa Misa. 3. Obteniendo indulgencias y otras buenas obras, por las cuales suplicamos a Dios que muestre misericordia a las almas de los que sufren, aceptar lo que realizamos con satisfacción por el castigo que deben soportar, y llevarlas al reino de la paz y la luz eternas. (Ecclus. 7. 37). ¿Cuándo y cómo se presentó esta conmemoración anual de los difuntos? El momento de la introducción de esta conmemoración no se puede determinar; ya en la época de Tertuliano, menciona que los cristianos de su época celebraban una conmemoración anual de los muertos. Hacia el final del siglo X, San Odo, abad de los benedictinos, en Cluny, dirigió esta fiesta que se celebraría anualmente, el 2 de noviembre, en todos los conventos de su Orden, cuyo uso se impuso luego a todo el mundo cristiano, por el papa Juan XVI. La fiesta de este día probablemente se estableció para que, después de un día antes de regocijarnos por la gloria de los santos en el cielo, este día deberíamos recordar con amor a aquellos que suspiran en el purgatorio por la liberación. Oración. Oh Dios, el Creador y Redentor de todos los fieles, concede a las almas de Tus siervos la remisión de todos sus pecados para que, mediante nuestras piadosas súplicas, puedan obtener el perdón que siempre han deseado. Quien vive y reina, ahora y para siempre, Amén. Fuente: *** Que Nuestra madre La virgen Maria nos ayude a orar, sintiendo la presencia real de Jesucristo, su Hijo, sobre todo en la eucaristía. Feliz día de nuestros fieles difuntos y de todos los Santos.

Fr. Carlos Zapata

~ Events~ 10 Ladies ~ Join us at St. Roman Parish on Monday, November 18, 2019 as we continue our 2019-2020 Dinner and Movie Series. Come and enjoy our buffet dinner and stay to watch “A Walk In The Woods”. The movie is 1 hour and 44 minutes long. This event takes place in Adamski Hall, 1810 W Bolivar Avenue. Entry is from the Parking Lot. The Cost is $10 per person. Payment may be made in cash or by check payable to St. Roman Parish. The reservation deadline is Friday, November 8. Doors Open at 5:30 pm. Dinner is served beginning at 6:00 pm.

 Once you enter Adamski Hall, enjoy complimentary coffee, ice water, and an assortment of snack mixes. The bar will be open for those who wish to purchase beer, wine or soda. You may take your name card and redeem it for your dessert.  Visit our raffle table before dinner to purchase your chances to win wonderful prizes.  Prayer is scheduled for 6:00 pm and we will begin serving immediately after giving thanks to God and asking for His blessings. The movie is expected to begin between 6:45 & 7:00 pm; as soon as everyone is finished with dinner and we draw the winning numbers for the prizes.

Our dinner menu includes your choice of Grilled Chicken, Hamburger or Hot Dog. Sides include Foil Potatoes or Macaroni and Cheese, Ramen Noodle Salad or Cauliflower/Broccoli Salad and assorted desserts. Please have each guest indicate their entree preference on the form below. About the Movie: “A Walk in the Woods” is about a celebrated travel writer who decides, after attending a funeral with his wife, that he is going to hike the two thousand mile Appalachian Trail. His wife agrees to let him go only if he has a hiking partner. The Adventures begin! Stars: Robert Redford, Nick Nolte, Kristen Schaal, Nick Offerman, Mary Steenburgen, and Emma Thompson.

Please remember that all persons wishing to sit at the same table must submit their form and payment in the same envelope. A list of people and payment for all guests may also be attached to one form. The maximum at each table is 8 people. If you have more than eight in your party, please split them into two groups and request they be seated at tables next to each other. In this case, two forms should be filled out with the names and returned together in the same envelope. Reservations are due to St. Roman Parish Office, 1710 W Bolivar Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53221 on or before November 8, 2019. ======

November 18, 2019 Movie Night Dinner Reservation

Name and Phone Number of person making the reservation:______

Name of Guest (include person making the reservation below) Entree Preference

______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog ______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog ______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog ______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog ______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog ______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog ______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog ______Grilled Chicken _____Hamburger _____Hot Dog

Amount of Cash Enclosed ______Amount of Checks Enclosed ______Total Enclosed ______

~ Who’s Who and What I need to know ~ 11

PARISH OFFICE—1710 West Bolivar Ave. ST. ROMAN PARISH INFORMATION Phone: (414) 282-9063 Fax: (414) 282-6464 MASSES: Saturday: 4:30 pm (Mass of Anticipation) Website: Sunday: 8:30 and 10:30 am in English; 12:15 pm in Spanish Shared Pastor Holy Days: Schedule to be announced prior to each celebration Rev. Brian T. Holbus ...... ext. 16 Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00 am

Home: (414) 747-8635 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Shared Associate Pastor Saturday: 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm or by appointment

Rev. Carlos Zapata ...... ext. 15 Deacon PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Jorge Zúñiga ...... (414) 852-8466 Friday: 8:00 am-3:00 pm

Office closed holidays as announced in the bulletin. Director of Administrative Services Patricia DeLeon ...... ext. 21 BULLETIN DEADLINE: Fridays (in writing) by 3:00 pm Holidays may alter the deadline date. Watch the bulletin for changes. Director of Liturgy & Music Tim Dyksinski………………………….ext. 23 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents need to be registered Director of Christian Formation and Safe Environment members of the parish prior to the baptism date and attend baptismal preparation classes that are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Betty Salazar……………….ext. 14 A $10 fee will be collected along with a completed form. Call the Parish [email protected] Office to sign up for the class. Baptisms can be scheduled at any Mass or on the 3rd Saturday of every month. No Baptisms are celebrated Shared Youth & Young Adult Minister during the season of Lent.

Amelia Avila ...... Ext. 26 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: One of the parties must be St. Charles Borromeo - (414) 281-8115 a registered member of the Parish and a practicing Catholic. Marriage preparation requires that the parish priest be notified Parish Secretary at least 6 months before the anticipated wedding date.

Vanessa Camarillo………………....ext. 10 SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING: The Sacrament of Anointing is SCHOOL, ADAMSKI HALL & BETZ CENTER celebrated upon request following any weekend Mass by speaking

1810 West Bolivar Avenue to the Presider. An appointment may be made for other times School Office Phone .. (414) 282-7970 by request. Anyone unable to attend Mass or receive the sacraments in church due to physical or emotional illness or age should call the School Fax ...... (414) 282-5140 Parish Office to make arrangements.

Principal Susan Shawver ...... ext. 37 VISITING THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: The priests and pastoral care visitors see the hospitalized and homebound Dean of Instruction parishioners regularly. You are welcome to call the Parish Office to Amanda Sauer ...... ext. 37 inform us of parishioners who are hospitalized.

Dean of Operations/Office Manager CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): This is for Carol Beecher...... ext. 39 unbaptized adults, those baptized in other Christian traditions, and those baptized in the Catholic Church, but not raised in the faith, who School Administrative Assistant now wish to be received into the Catholic Church or complete their Erika Alvarez ...... ext. 30 initiation. The reception of sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are celebrated annually at the Easter Vigil. Preparation takes place throughout the year, beginning in fall. If you are interested, or Maintenance & Facility Manager know of anyone interested in learning about the Catholic Faith and the Steve Bridich……………..…..……….ext. 32 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), please contact the Parish Office.

Council Members SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Trustee: Sr. Kathryn Ann Kobelinski, SSND (Secretary) Teens celebrate Confirmation during the junior or senior year Trustee: Raymond Willoughby, Jr. (Treasurer) of high school. All teens, whether they attend a Catholic high school or public high school, are expected to participate in a three-year formational

process. Finance Council Adults seeking Confirmation (who have already been Baptized, Dan Goodmann Michael Glisch Sharon Tocco Carey Rehm received first Eucharist, and raised in the Catholic faith) are invited to participate in this process. Classes begin in September. The Raymond Willoughby, Jr. Ron Rebernick sacrament is conferred in May. Call the Parish Office for more Jeff Richlen Tom Schwanebeck information.

PARISH MEMBERSHIP/SUPPORT: All employed persons over age 18 attending St. Roman should register as members by calling the Parish Office. Regular participation in Mass and the sacraments, Mass Schedule for St. Charles Borromeo Parish sharing time/talent with Parish programs, and financial support Daily Masses: 8:00 am Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. are important parts of Parish life.

Confessions: Sat. 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm or by appointment Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: We have food for the needy of our Parish area. Please call the Parish Office for information. Sunday Masses: 8:30 am and 10:30 am

ST. ROMAN FOOD PANTRY: Tuesdays 5-7 pm / Saturdays 10 am- NOON

As we walk together at St. Roman School, we are Committed to God, Challenged to Grow, and Called to Serve.

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