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THE JOURNAL of the UNITED REFORMED CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY (incorporating the Congregational Historical Society, founded 1899, and the Presbyterian Historical Society of England, founded 1913) EDITORS: Revd. Dr. R. BUICK KNOX, M.A., B.D., and Dr. CLYDE BINFIELD, M.A. VOL. 2. No. 2. OCTOBER 1978 CONTENTS Ed1tor~al 29 Scottish Influence on the English Churches in the Nineteenth Century by David M. Thompson, M.A., Ph.D. 30 Methodism, the New Dissent and American Revivalism by Richard Carwardine, M.A., D.Phil. 46 Our Con'tempomries 54 Review Art:ide: Donald Uavde's Gathered Church by Geoffrey F. Nuttall, M.A., D.D . ... 55 Shorter Reviews 58 Editorial W·e welcome 'to ,tJhe Council of our Society, as Treasurer, Mrs. Jeanne Armour, an active member both of our Society and its Presbyterian predecessor. This issue contains two articles by members of the Society. Richard Carwardine lectures in American history at the University of Sheffield. David Thompson, of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, delivered the Society's Annual Lecture at Southport, on 8th May 1978. His lecture is reprinted here. Both articles are valuable reminders that " English " denominational history is virtually boundless. Two of our reviewers might be singled out, as from beyond our immediate bounds. James Atkinson is Professor of Biblical Studies at Sheffield; Christopher Holdsworth is Professor of History at Exeter, and an editor of the Journal of the Friends' Historical Society. We regret that limitations of space have forced us to hold over many reviews until later issues. 29 SCOTTISH INFLUENCE ON THE ENGLISH CHURCHES IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY On New Year's Day 1840 George Cubitt, the Wesleyan Methodist Assistant Connexional Editor, wrote to Jabez Bunting as follows: A few days ago, I looked over two pamphlets on the Scottish Church Question by Dr.
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