Draft for Publication

Social Media and the : An Analysis of the Strategic Geopolitical Impact And the Implications for the Future

Philip Canton, Research Associate, Strategic Intelligence Practice, Institute for Global Futures

Abstract This analysis examines the geopolitical impact of social media today and what the future holds for social media tomorrow, based on current events in the Arab Spring uprising. We may be witnessing a new global paradigm emerging never before seen in history, played out over cell phones, computers, the Internet and social applications. Social media is being used as a transformational platform to empower the citizens in the Arab Spring. It is enabling democracy and the quest for liberty and a better quality of life. There maybe other forces as well that may be unleashed yet defined by social media. What does this usage of social media suggest for the future? This analysis suggests a conclusion that social media will continue to play a pivotal role in the global and cross-border organization of people and deeply affect geopolitics, governance and ultimately power. Whether it is a precursor to political uprising, uniting the network, helping spread communication of a cause, or influencing the media or public opinion; social media will play a new and central role in the geopolitics of the future.

Social media represents a strategic challenge both to governments and citizenry as it can be used to ferment dissent as well as propel democratic values for an entire society.

Social media is a new catalyst for social change that poses both threat and opportunity.

Recent events in North Africa and the Middle East, now referred to as the Arab Spring would suggest that there is a New Revolution in social media emerging with immense strategic implications for the future. This analysis reviews current usage of social media tactics and forecasts potential usage in the Arab Spring uprisings. As this uprising is still emerging this is a vibrant real time lens to study the phenomena. It is likely that social media usage will expand around the planet and be used by a diverse set of political interests for organizing and communicating actions within states and between them. This technology can and will be used by various political factions to further interests, be they democratic, religious, fundamentalist or autocratic.

New Technology Drives Change

The first aspect that is relevant to explore is why citizens are turning to social media. The advancements in technology of the 21st century have made this generation of 18-24 year olds, the “digital youth generation”, acutely aware of the ease of utilizing these technologies to communicate and interact. Instead of writing a letter to a friend and waiting a week or more for a reply, this generation has become reliant on electronic messaging, or e-mail to instantly have their message sent to a friend and will expect a reply in the very near future. The speed of communication has increased at an astounding and unparalleled rate. Never in the history of the world has communication increased faster than it has in the past decade. This has enabled the digital youth generation to rely on instantaneous real-time forms of communication, which have since evolved to concise and instant forms of communication. Thus, the medium of was created.

Twitter is a form of social media that allows users to post anything they like, sometimes anonymously if they choose, to a public forum that may be read anywhere by anyone as long as they are able to log onto the Internet. The brilliance of Twitter is that, unlike emails, the messages are not allowed to be long and complex, but instead are limited to

140 characters. This allows users to quickly read and reply to messages without having to deal with long, tedious messages from users they do not wish to communicate with. What makes Twitter so appealing as a form of communication in the context of this analysis is that users are able to read comments posted by anyone, simply by searching a topic. So rather than having to “connect” with someone, as they would on , users are able to interact with those they have never spoken to before by using Twitter.

Therefore, those who are interested in the riots in but were sitting on their couch in

America were able to get instant updates from individuals tweeting from simply by searching keywords such as “Egypt” into Twitter. These social media outlets have created an amazing source of unregulated networking that allows individuals to communicate with one and other ways they have never been able to before: globally and instantly.

The simplicity, speed and freedom are what make social media so attractive to this youthful demographic of digital surfers who are more willing to text, search and email then speak or read print. The immediacy of digital communication, as if to propel time itself is now an expectation. Social media can mirror speed of thought. Social organization moving at this accelerated speed is the architecture of communications that enabled the Arab Spring.

Accounting for the eighth largest amount of users of any country in the world, Egypt has over five million active Facebook users (1). With over half of those users checking into their accounts daily, and nearly a fifth of that population accessing Facebook from their mobile phones, social media has an undeniable impact on the youth population of Egypt

(1). These statistics were brought to the forefront following the recent overthrow of President , a revolution that was the first of its kind; a revolution organized through social media.

Social Media as a Political Tool

The other reason that has driven the use of social media is the social repression of nations that we see played out in the Arab Spring. Political repression where the citizenry have either little freedoms such as rule of law, freedom of the press, free elections and free speech on par with most of the accepted Western democratic, even socialist nations, is what lies at the core of the Arab Spring. Social media has emerged as a political tool that has surprised many who did not realize its power to more then communicate to a community but to empower and organize social action. This is a sea change for social media and for the political use of technology, which I will explore.

This paper will identify the significant relationship between social media and the revolution in Egypt. After establishing this connection I will explain what the impact of social media will be on nations with political unrest in the future. We are facing a new era of digital youth who are social media savvy when most of their adversaries and governments are not. Social media as a tool of power and political action that has yet to fully mature or achieve its potential—global political change.

Sparking a Revolution Asmaa Mahfouz sat down in front of her webcam, attached to her computer, and recorded a video begging the men of Egypt to be citizens of their word and fight for their civil rights (2). Thousands of people make Youtube videos every day demanding for change or dictating their political views for anyone to stumble across, but this was not Asmaa

Mahfouz’s goal. Her goal was simple, “to go down to Tahrir Square on January 25th.”

She challenged the citizens of Egypt, stating, “(If) we still have honor, and want to live in dignity on this land, we have to go down on January 25th”. Her dream was to overthrow

Hosni- Mubarak’s corrupt regime and this dream quickly became a reality as over five hundred thousand people viewed her video submission on YouTube, and many more followed her to Tahrir Square (2).

Social Media Medley

In my research I have that arrived at the conclusion that social media played an extremely significant role in the overthrow of the Egyptian government, and it was a medley of different mediums that eventually led to the well-organized Egyptian Revolution.

YouTube and Asmaa Mahfouz’s submission was a key catalyst to this revolution, then it spread to Facebook, where the revolution was organized, and finally to Twitter, where the word of the revolution was able to spread to a global level. The global outpouring of sympathy for the won the hearts and minds of the ; though every government and intelligence agency was startled and taken off guard by the immense success of the Arab Spring---the use of social media was the potent catalyst of this social change.

Wael Ghonim took his skill set in computer engineering and combined it with his passion for an overthrow of Hosni Mubarak’s regime, and his actions were a chief catalyst for the revolution in Egypt. was a Google executive working in Dubai in mid

January, yet less than one month later he was being detained by the Egyptian

Government in due to his actions being deemed a threat to national security. Wael

Ghonim was the creator and chief administrator of Mohamed ElBaradei’s “fanpage” on

Facebook (3). ElBaradei was Mubarak’s opposition leader in Egypt and when he hinted that he would be interested in running for President in a speech he gave on April 27, 2010 there was immediate support from a majority of Egypt’s population. Wael Ghonim was well connected within the Facebook community and realized the need to rally the youth of Egypt if they ever hoped to achieve their goals of true democracy.

The Digital Epicenter for Protest

While Asmaa Mahfouz’s Youtube video was a strategic attempt to start a the revolution,

Wael advanced his goals by organizing those interested in going to Tahrir Square. He took a page he knew would be popular with those interested in democracy and change in

Egypt and used that page to broadcast plans of a protest against Mubarak to all of the page’s followers. The page of Mohamed ElBaradei became the digital epicenter of

Egyptian protests, as plans of where and when to carry out protests were sent out to over three hundred and eighteen thousand followers (3). While Asmaa Mahfouz sent the idea of an Egyptian revolution to the world, Wael Ghonim organized this revolution over

Facebook, and then once the revolution finally began twitter began to play a pivotal role in this revolution as well. This was a clever and effective use of the community propelled by social media tools.

At 10:12 P.M. on January 28, 2011 the Internet was shutdown in Egypt, and according the Wall Street Journal, “ (the) country no longer existed on the Internet.” (4). With reporters being attacked in the streets, and the country no longer allowing internet to its’ public, the intentions of the Egyptian Government became extremely clear; Egypt did not want the outside world to know what was going on in Cairo. While this goal may have seemed achievable by limiting the access of those inside the country to foreign contacts,

Egypt was unsuccessful in their goal as the utilization of technology proved impossible to stop.

Social Media as Distributed Power

Social media is the distributed power of the Internet. Citizens were able to contact many news outlets such as Al Jazeera and send them pictures, videos or textual updates via

Twitter to inform the world about what was going on inside Egypt’s Liberation Square.

The constant stream of updates from thousands of Egyptians who were “reporting” from the center of the revolution proved to be the best news outlet in times of anarchy. Rather than watching mainstream news, monitoring the stream of “tweets” became the most effective way for the world to learn about what was going on inside Egypt.

This was an important social media innovation--the use of Citizen Generated Media. The news was being reported, processed and acquired not by experts but by people. This is unique to social media--it is a tool where everyone and anyone can publish to the community of interested parties and exchange ideas. Citizen Generated Media, in the form of texts, video, pictures and audio made everyone one who was in Egypt and involved in the Arab Spring a producer of news.

Enabling the Revolution

It is impossible to say that this revolution would not have happened without social media, but it is certain that it never would have happened at the rapid rate that it did. This indicates the power of social media as a tool for political change. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter did not cause this social uprising, but I think the evidence indicates that these sites played pivotal a role in enabling the communities that drove and are continuing to drive the Arab Spring. They are able to ferment and concentrate power to act, power to communicate ideas and power to make political change. Without this social media that so enabled the community there might not have been the immediacy or effectiveness of the community aligning their plans and actions together. Social media was the glue that accelerated the Arab Spring and no one could have predicted the inception of this use.

Social Media Fueled Social Dissent

The digital social commons served as a virtual place to organize and exert political power. Thanks to Wael Ghonim’s creation of a web page where he was able to speak to

Egypt’s politically repressed youth population. Then the citizens of Egypt were able to effectively coordinate their actions, clarify their intent and focus their power on commonly shared objectives of social dissent. After finding a cause to rally, and organizing the rally, the population of Egypt faced the extreme challenge of overthrowing their government, a goal that was faced with strong resistance from the Hosni Mubarak and the Egyptian Army. When the foreign media outlets were having difficulty covering the story, since Mubarak cut off the Internet and the army was forcing reporters away from Liberation Square, Twitter was used to report to the world exactly what was going on in Cairo. Without these forms of media the revolution in Egypt may have happened at a much slower pace, and the rest of the world may have never been able to get the coverage we were able to have access to understanding the truth. Social media played an crucial role in the Egyptian Revolution, and defiantly will play a similar, if not a heightened role in the revolutions of the future.

Libya’s Case

When Libya began to show the warning signs of political upheaval one of the catalysts that sparked protests amongst the youth population was the shutdown of wireless communication networks and Internet access. When the people began to unite and demonstrate their opposition to Colonel the leader evidently took notice of the path taken by the youth of Egypt. Rather than allowing his opposition to organize and unite using social media, Gaddafi terminated both external as well as internal communications, forcing the citizens of Libya into the public forum if they hoped to organize. This gave Gaddafi a distinct advantage since his forces were able to monitor the gatherings, and prevent formal protests from gaining the necessary influence they desired. While the events of late February to early March 2011 have proven that shutting down social media does not entirely prevent political uprising, the actions by the Libyan government clearly demonstrated their awareness of the impact social media can have on organizing a population. Fear of social media by power elites is substantial today and will be a factor in the future when the Internet is everywhere and always on.

Controlling the Message

Another advantage of curtailing the use of the Internet and wireless cellular communication by the government was creating the challenge for outside media to accurately understand what was occurring within the boundaries of the country. Libya created extreme challenges for the foreign press and international governmental bodies to gain access vital information as to how Gaddafi was treating the citizens of his country.

The government tried to control the narrative and influence the media.

Days later the outside world finally learned the atrocities that were occurring to innocent civilians of Libya participating in non-violent protests in hopes of gaining the freedoms of democracy. This violent abuse, often leading to massacres, caused intervention from the international community as Gaddafi was finally recognized as an active threat to the citizens of Libya. The numerous blogs and social media interactions emerging outside the nation were taking the peoples’ liberation story to the world. This contributed to the military actions of NATO and the US and become a valuable source of intelligence about what was going on in country.

However, had the social media been readily available to the victims of violence in Libya early on in the conflict, killings would have been prevented and action deterring Gaddafi would have occurred earlier. This could have saved the lives of innocent protesters. The impact of social media has been significant in the political uprisings in Egypt and Libya, however this is only the beginning of how Twitter, Facebook and YouTube will impact our world in the coming years given the proliferation and usage of the technologies.

Connected Societies

In countries where violence and death are threatened to those who disobey tyrannical regimes social media is an anonymous forum for those who are dissatisfied with their government to voice their condemnation. A Twitter account, YouTube account or

Facebook fanpage can all be created anonymously, so victims of these unjust regimes now have a public stage to voice their opinion and gather support without fear of punishment. People are able to connect with others who believe in their same views, and unite around a cause they truly believe in with unparalleled simplicity and velocity.

Democracy movements will continue to be shaped by social media in the future thanks to outstanding success of the Arab Spring, even if there are failures.

Whether it is through a video on YouTube, a fanpage for a cause on Facebook, or tweets advocating for democracy and change, people are now just a click away from realizing how to change the world they live in. We have already seen protests beginning in Yemen and the Ivory Coast, and it is only practical to assume many more will erupt in surrounding countries soon after. Social media has energized and united youth populations in a way that is rare in human history, and its’ impact is already visible in daily international politics.

While it is impossible to precisely predict what the future holds for social media and its’ impact on our world, recent events lead to the conclusion that social media will continue to play a pivotal role in the coming decades and this is a strategic tool for wielding power and influencing people in fundamentally new ways—person to person and person to community social collaboration.

Whether it is leading to political uprising, uniting once this uprising begins and helping spread communication of how to advance their cause, or contacting the international community and educating them on what is really occurring in a country or region; social media will play a central role in international politics, regardless of what our future has in store.

In the future when connected online devices and social media applications are everywhere and available to everyone the ability of repressive governments to control the traditional media and control the messaging will be significantly reduced.

Social Media as a Black Swan

Even leaders in China, the US and the EU are taking notice, social media’s time has come to manage and organize social change. The potency of social media to actually cause social change is a Black Swan, a unanticipated catalyst of change. Governments should tread carefully here as the entire ideological notion of communications and democratic values maybe in flux as youth in revolt spread their digital wings.

The impact of social media cannot be quantitatively measured yet, but its’ influence is widespread. The governments of countries in upheaval have realized the impact social media can have to energize and mobalize a political state’s power base. I would forecast that this is the beginning—Libya, Yemen and Syria will feel the impact as will Saudi

Arabia and even China. Those that thirst for democracy and recognition, freedom and liberty have now found a tool of dissent that I forecast they will adopt with speed and fluency.

The Transparent Future

Social media is a new tool for wielding political power that needs to be better understood and monitored in the coming decades to truly understand the specific ways social networks emerge and influence populations. This form of communication is a potent form of direct democracy, from citizen to citizen. The use of social media will help to precisely gauge the epicenter of issues and how to effectively analyze social issues perhaps even predict them. Rather than speculating when or where citizens will organize and protest, and about what issues they are displeased over, we now have a new platform, an architecture of social unrest and expression to directly view and perhaps communicate to these community organizers. There is no longer a need to track and attempt to find these leaders, now it is as simple as viewing a Facebook message or Tweet. The future will be transparent and distributed.

Simplifying the communication process between those in the international community and those in the epicenter of conflict can only aid those in need during these chaotic times. The impact of social media will continue to be an important communication, collaboration and coordination tool in the coming decade, as communication is concise and far more effective than it has ever been. We may still learn to apply a type of predictive analysis to social media and better forecast social dissent and unrest as trends via Facebook, Twitter and You Tube portals.

These may be the new portals into the communities of interest that will form in virtual spaces, networks of shared affiliation. Understanding politics beyond polls but understanding the social media profile and social networking graph and the ability to map entire population’s sentiment via the web may be the end game; it is certainly a step into a future transformed by social media.

The impact of social media on these protests has been tremendous, but this is only the beginning. The true impact of networks such as Twitter, Facebook and SMS (or text messaging) has really been their ability to spread knowledge at an astounding rate. People are now being educated about issues and how to resolve their problems with their government almost instantaneously. By simply placing a hash tag (displayed as: #) in front of a word when using Twitter that word instantly becomes searchable to anyone using the public search bar. This allows users to interact with each other instantly from anywhere in the world and communicate with others they never would have been able to communicate with otherwise. According to Trendtastic.com, a site that monitors the number of times a word is posted on Twitter, of the total times “Egypt” has been

“tweeted” over 2.13% occurred on January 29th (5). That is an amazing amount of people who were talking about the same topic on the same day and were all able to communicate with each other instantaneously, by simply utilizing this one website, that can be accessed almost anywhere.

Real Time Bin Laden

We saw a similar occurrence during the late hours of May 1st, 2011 as Twitter broke the news that Osama Bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan. Before President Barack Obama could take the stage in the White House to address the nation, Keith Urbahn, former

Chief of Staff to Donald Rumsfeld sent the word out via Twitter, as he stated: “So I’m told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden” (6). This sent the social media world abuzz as tweets soared to a peak of 5,106 tweets-per-second, the second highest mark ever recorded (6). While Keith Urbahn may have been the first

“mainstream” news source to leak this breaking story, someone across the world had broken the news of Bin Laden being ambushed hours before via Twitter, without even knowing what he was doing.

Twitter user @reallyvirtual was a resident living in Abbottbad, Pakistan who was one of the few people in the suburban town who utilized Twitter. Being a former IT specialist and a self proclaimed “tech guru” @reallyvirtual was proud he was one of the few in his town who knew how to use Twitter, but rarely found a true purpose for utilizing social media. But when helicopters began flying extremely low and circling this normally quaint and quite town this user went to social media to share the word with others.

Without knowing it @reallyvirtual broke the news that Osama Bin Laden was under attack by United States forces hours before the President address the citizens of the

United States. @reallyvirutal began his Twitter coverage with, “Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event)” and within an hour had tweeted “Uh oh, now

I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it” (7).

Social Media is Real Time

This is the beauty of social media; people anywhere in the world can instantly share anything they choose with others. A man in Pakistan can tell the world that his city is being attacked and skeptics across the globe now have proof that the government really did attack and kill Osama Bin Laden on the night of May 1, 2011, thanks to a third-party tweeting about it from his own living room. The freedom of openly sharing information on a global scale with such simplicity and raw political use of networked power is the brilliance of social media in the 21st century, but this avenue of communication certainly has potential risks as well.

What is now being debated between Pakistan and the United States is whether or not

Pakistani officials should have been involved with the attack on Osama Bin Laden’s residence. While there is no perfect answer for this question, one thing is for certain; had Osama had the slightest inclination that U.S. forces knew his whereabouts he would have escaped and this chase to capture him would have continued. While @reallyvirutal may have been unknowingly tweeting about Osama being pursued by U.S. forces, had affiliates of Osama Bin Laden seen those tweets they may have informed him early enough that he could have been able to escape. While it may seem farfetched to think that a terrorist organization would be searching for themselves on Twitter, the actions on May

1, 2011 have certainly shown that if you are in hiding, Twitter is a fantastic tool to learn about what is going on in the areas surrounding your refuge.

Social Media Threats

Another threat posed by this new form of instant communication, social media, is how uncontrollable it is. “Revolution in the Arab World”, a book published by Foreign Policy delves into this topic, stating, “Then there is social media. When the definitive history of this era gets written, Facebook will get its own chapter. Activists used Facebook to organize on the one space that the regime couldn’t control—cyberspace” (8). It is an enormous asset for those fighting for freedom in their country to have access to social media, as they are able to communicate freely amongst each other without the fear of repercussions from their regime, they also pose an enormous threat with this freedom.

Divisions forming within a society can often become extremist and dangerous to the population if not properly regulated, and social media allows these groups to form and communicate with greater freedom than ever before. “Revolution in the Arab World” goes into further detail on this subject, “Not long ago, police firing on protesters or funeral marchers in out-of-the-way

towns like Thala or Kasserine would have remained a bit of local lore, something

to whisper about. Not now. Facebook brought the events in Thala to Tunis and

helped build coalitions that the government could not break” (8).

These fights for democracy are rapidly gaining a following, however, citizens would be a bit more reluctant to support them if protesters were utilizing Facebook to promote events fueled by discrimination or violence, which is a very real possibility. Since these social networks are powered and monitored by the users, rather than by any sort of government or regime, there is really no way to stop users from creating events and networking with others even if their message is dangerous to a majority of the population.

While groups such as those who are fighting for freedom in Yemen are able to organize over Facebook and communicate via Twitter, al-Qa’ida is provided with the exact same tools, obviously a truly terrifying reality. So the true threat that arises from social media is the unregulated freedom of communication between members of a group that would be aiming to hurt others, rather than to help them. Not only is this an absolute threat but the lack of a solution is an equally chilling issue. There is no way to stop these groups from communicating and no way to know if they are utilizing social media at all since it is so loosely regulated. The same aspects that make this technology such an amazing and powerful networking tool also make it an extremely dangerous threat to the future of our domestic and international security. Social media will be used by terrorist and violent fundamentalist groups to ferment change, violence and dissent in the future. There are already cases today where social media has been used in this way.

Towards the Future

Today there are over 5 billion cells phones in use and almost 2 billion people on the

Internet. The fastest growing population using the Internet are 24 years of age and younger. By 2050 there could be between 8 and 9 billion people on the planet with most of these young people in the developing world. The youth of the planet are driving the use of social media and will shape the political future with social media.

These people are mostly the developing world of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. As the proliferation of cheap, smart and connected technology brings people together, a new political realism will take hold. The desire for a better quality of life goes hand in hand with democratic values. The youth of the developing world have now found a tool for social dissent and a history lesson of success that will make for a very interesting future as social media comes into the mainstream of political life as a power tool of immense proportions.


While the future of social media is still emerging, one conclusion is indubitable, social media will continue to have a significant impact on the future of international politics.

Social media’s potential given the Arab Spring is just showing the emerging power that this new communications architecture can bring. It can be a potent tool in the hands of citizens who will use this instrument for social change and liberation movements against power elites and even entrenched states. As a tool for organization, communications, collaboration and political action, social media has been transformed from a web application used by middle class kids to a force for political change, dissent democracy and the transformation of nation states. The profound implications of the social media by all political players--democratic and dictatorship, fundamentalist and modernist, points to a future of greater complexity, social change and risk.


1. Adiguna. Coffee Today. Feb 3, 2011. [Internet]. [cited 2011 May 3]. Available from: http://www.coffetoday.com/facebook-has-seen-its-greatest-number-of-users-in- egypt/9010790/

2. Mahfouz A. Youtube.com. [Internet]. Feb 3, 2011 [cited 2011 May 3]. Available from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgjIgMdsEuk

3. Ghonim W. Facebook.com. [Internet]. No date [cited 2011 May 3]. Available from: http://www.facebook.com/Elbarad3i#!/Elbarad3i?sk=info

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5. Trendistic.com. [Internet]. No date [cited 2011 May 3]. Available from: http://trendistic.com/egypt/_180-days

6. Goldman D. CNN.com. [Internet]. May 2, 2011 [cited 2011 May 3]. Available from: http://money.cnn.com/2011/05/02/technology/osama_bin_laden_internet_traffic/index. htm

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8. Alexander C, The Rise and Fall of Ben Ali. In M Lynch, SB Glasser & B Hounshell editors. Revolution In the Arab World. Washington, DC: Foreign Policy; 2011. p.52

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