Contributing to the Political Conversation

An Interview with

EDITORS’ NOTE Dana Perino is doing.” That gave me the push I needed There is a part of that happening on a regular Co-Host on the popular to start my own business. cable news but it’s also happening during weekday talk show and Being a business owner came a major technological shift that has changed an on-air contributor for . with other stresses: I had employees, I the way people consume news. They now She is a frequent public speaker needed offi ce space, and I was travel- don’t have to be home at 5 o’clock to see through Leading Authorities, a ing a lot and didn’t see my employees what is on The Five; they can watch it later or communications consultant, and for weeks at a time. As other small read about it on Twitter or Facebook. head of Minute Mentoring, a pro- business owners know, it can be diffi - Opinion – at certain times of the day, gram for young women starting cult to solicit business and take care of like in the evening – is interesting to view- their careers. In November 2009, current clients, not to mention to put ers, and I believe that that’s one of the rea- she was nominated by President in the hours you want to for various sons Fox continues to be number one. We to serve on the charitable endeavors. had the top 13 cable news shows in the first Broadcasting Board of Governors. Dana Perino In June 2011, I went on a trip to quarter of 2013. Fox also had the highest Perino served as the White House Africa on behalf of Voice of America, ratings during the Boston Marathon terror- Press Secretary for President George W. and on my flight on the way home from ism attack. We have experienced, talented Bush from September 2007 to January 2009. Nigeria, I put together a new plan for how I journalists and an energetic set of pundits. Altogether, she worked for over seven years for could better spend the hours of my day to get It’s a good mix. the Bush Administration. Prior to that Perino everything done and still enjoy time with my It has been an interesting change for worked on Capitol Hill, for public relations family. me. When I was Press Secretary, no one agencies and in journalism. She attended When I returned to Dulles Airport, I was wanted my opinion. It took me awhile to graduate school at the University of Illinois- waiting at baggage claim and got a call from get comfortable with saying what I thought. Springfield, where she obtained her master’s Fox asking if I would consider coming in for a With that comes a rash of criticism, but Fox in public affairs reporting, and Colorado State temporary period to work on a show they were has given me the confidence to express who University in Pueblo, Colorado. She was born in planning called The Five. I really am. Wyoming, raised in Colorado, and now lives in My fi rst thought was, I don’t live in New Are there more opportunities available Manhattan with her husband, Peter McMahon. York and that is not on my plan. But I was in- for women today? trigued enough by the opportunity that I said In this transition period for the U.S. econ- Your recent focus has been on the TV show I would do it. When I called my husband, his omy, both women and men are facing chal- The Five and your philanthropic endeavors. initial reaction was much different – he said, lenges and a lot of them still want to have a How have those projects evolved? “Congratulations!” Now that was another way family. We’re not going to fi nd immediate an- When I left the White House, my husband of thinking about it. swers to the biological need for women to be and I volunteered at an HIV/AIDS PEPFAR I never expected to be living in New York. home with their kids at a certain point in their Center in South Africa. This was certainly the I thought I would have a small but effective lives. best thing I did that not only changed my heart PR fi rm with solid clients, live in D.C., travel Some companies are changing and giv- but also gave me perspective going forward. when I needed to, continue on the speaking ing employees more flexible work hours. Americans have so many blessings and it’s easy circuit, and do some occasional hits on Fox. Technology is helping a lot in allowing one to to get bogged down in life’s troubles. But what Then, The Five took off. work from almost anywhere. I saw in Africa made me realize that we don’t What has made the show work well As a mentor, I also find myself encour- have much to complain about. and how has the dynamic been so effective? aging women to give themselves a break. When I came back, I felt a bit pressured The 5 o’clock hour has always been Women talk negatively to themselves all day and somewhat frantic to get settled into a busi- difficult for television ratings. Roger Ailes long. Every woman I’ve met is better than she ness and a routine. I joined a PR fi rm, Burson- (President, Fox News Channel) has a sense thinks she is. If women put less pressure on Marsteller, in a part-time capacity. I also had a for talent and chemistry. He sensed that view- themselves, they would all perform better and speaking contract and started working for Fox ers were looking for more of a dinner table enjoy life more. as a contributor. I realized that being a part of conversation at 5 o’clock, one where you can Is elected office in your future? a PR fi rm was not the best for me at the time have a heated debate about a topic but end I never had a desire to craft legislation, because I needed more independence and up laughing with one another going into the preferring instead to think about the strategy fl exibility. commercial break. It’s amazing, but we do and communications that can help reach legisla- Around that time, I saw President Bush at that every day. We have become, in a way, tive and policy goals. Some people think that I a function and talked it through with him. part of other people’s families – and I love should run for offi ce because I can put a sen- President Bush is an excellent listener and ca- that. tence together, but that is a poor way to choose reer guidance counselor. TV has become very partisan and opin- leaders and politicians. I’m in a better place I remember that he told me, “You work ionated. Should more be done to achieve a now to be a constructive contributor to po- too hard not to be very happy with what you’re balanced approach? litical discussions.• 52 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2013 LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. VOLUME 36, NUMBER 3