St. Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), MPhil Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, TR5 0TL

01872 553801 [email protected]

Planning Committee meeting – 20th August 2018 Minutes of the meeting of St Agnes Parish Council Planning Committee as above, held in the Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Rd, St. Agnes, at 19:15.

Present: Cllrs Barrow (Chair), Ball, Brown, Bunt, Ripper, Slater. Absent: Cllrs Barry, Johns, Palmer. In attendance: L Dunkley, Clerk; 23 members of the public.

PL33/18 Apologies for absence: Cllr Palmer.

PL34/18 Declarations of interest/Request for dispensations RECEIVED declarations of interest: Cllr Brown PA18/04404 & PA18/06449.

PL35/18 Public Participation L Taylor gave context to PA18/00504 Amended Plans. L Davies spoke in objection to PA17/04851 Re-consultation.

*Cllr Brown left the room

L Bailey gave context to PA18/04404.

*Cllr Brown re-entered the room

G Cooper gave context to PA18/06360.

*Cllr Brown left the room

D Wright gave context to PA18/06449.

*Cllr Brown re-entered the room

J Pound gave context to PA18/06309. C Mitchell gave context to PA18/06286. A Major gave context to PA18/06351. L McNeil spoke in objection to PA16/10945 Re-consultation. B Williams spoke in objection to PA16/10945 Re-consultation.

PL36/18 Planning Committee meeting minutes: 16th July 2018 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee as above, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, approved and signed. Cllrs Ripper/Bunt. 5 in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

Signed: Date:

PL37/18 Planning Applications for consideration RECEIVED a request by the planning authority for consultation and responded:

PA18/06422: Proposed first floor extension over garage and private courtyard enclosure. C Bond. Chatmar Pet Hotel, Goonearl, Scorrier, TR16 5BJ

Object: the small reduction in ridge-height does not rectify the issue that the design, scale and massing are detrimental to visual amenity. Cllrs Ripper/Bunt. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/05835: Construction of new dwelling and access to existing drive. M Dennis. Land South East of Castle Rag House, Road, St Agnes TR5 0NX

No objection. Cllrs Bunt/Slater. 3 in favour; 2 against: Cllrs Barrow, Brown; 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/00504 AMENDED PLANS: Extension to existing outbuildings to provide a purpose built cat boarding accommodation. L Taylor. Aggi Croft, Beacon Road, St Agnes TR5 0NE

Object: The AONB Unit have not been consulted despite the site bordering the AONB; the proposals are outside the NDP settlement boundary; the legal stance is not clear on permissions around replacements of mobile homes and the extent to which this constitutes development. Cllrs Bunt/Barrow. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball. Officer to write to CC Planning department for clarification.

PA17/04851 RE-CONSULTATION: Demolition of residential home and construction of four dwellings. Cornwallis Care Services Ltd. Cornwall Care Ltd, Kernow Rest Home, West Cliff, , TR4 8AE

Object: The traffic plan produced is not acceptable to the Council as West Cliff Road is unsafe/unstable for large vehicles and the alternative route is unsuitable. Cllrs Barrow/Slater, 3 voted in favour; 2 against: Cllrs Bunt, Ripper; 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06450: Widen existing entrance from the road with visibility splays, with access road to area of hardstanding for the siting of two 20ft storage containers and two poly tunnels. A Newby Foreshore. Field 6474, , St Agnes

Object: There is no proven need for the steel containers, which do constitute development in the open countryside. The Committee indicated that all other elements of the proposal were acceptable. Cllrs Ripper/Bunt. 4 voted in favour, 2 abstained: Cllrs Ball, Slater.

PA18/06506: Construction of a rear first floor extension with the inclusion of a balcony on the North elevation. M Rush. Trewarren, Downs, St Agnes TR5 0PY

No objection. Cllrs Slater/Ripper. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

*Cllr Brown left the room

PA18/04404: Replacement of 2no. first floor windows at the front of the building, replacement of first floor kitchen window rear of building. Replacement of door to downstairs kitchen/loo at the side of the building and replacement of small window at the top of the stairs. L Bailey (St Agnes Womens’ Institute). 19, Churchtown, St Agnes TR5 0QW

No objection. Cllrs Bunt/Slater. 4 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

*Cllr Brown re-entered the room

Signed: Date:

PA18/06360: Removal of dormer windows & extend existing single storey to two storey with flat roof to rear. Removal of chimney and replace with flue & additional roof lights. G Cooper. Odelay, Quay Rd, St Agnes TR5 0RS

No objection. Cllrs Ripper/Bunt. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06466: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use confirming the lawful status of The Chalet as a residential unit. S Hayes. The Chalet, Land North East of Southview Farm, Jollys Lane, Porthtowan

No objection. Cllrs Barrow/Bunt. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06521: New dwelling on Land adjacent to Bower Cottage – Revisions to existing approval PA17/01525. Mr & Mrs Milne. Land North of 22, Goonown Lane, Goonown, St Agnes

No objection. Cllrs Barrow/Bunt. 4 voted in favour; 1 against: Cllr Brown; 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

*Cllr Brown left the room

PA18/06449: Construction of two replacement dwellings. D Wright & J Hartley. Brentry and Brentry Cottage, Quay Road, St Agnes TR5 0RS

No objection. Cllrs Bunt/Ripper. 4 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

*Cllr Brown re-entered the room

PA18/06309: Replacement dwelling in place of residential caravan. J Pound. The Glen, Wheal Butson, St Agnes TR5 0PU

No objection. Cllrs Slater/Barrow. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06453: Construction of a replacement dwelling. W Pote. Ivy Dene, Porthtowan, Truro TR4 8UB

Object: The pre-application advice indicates that the dwelling should be no more than 1.5 floors; the amenity space is not sufficient; the design is not in-keeping. Cllrs Bunt/Barrow. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/05574: Change of use of land to equestrian for use as private Sand School and erection of stables and storage shed. W Fish. Goonearl Manor, Skinners Bottom, Redruth TR16 5DZ

No objection. Cllrs Ripper/Brown. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06357: One bedroom detached self-contained ancillary annexe. H Hussaini. Downgate, Road from Oakdene to Kenmere, , TR4 8DQ

No objection provided the annexe is legally tied to the house. Cllrs Bunt/Slater. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06286: Proposed side and rear extensions to the property Wheal Music. Proposed rear extension to associated annexe Little Music. Construction of an agricultural building and the siting of a polytunnel. C Mitchell. Wheal Music, Mount Hawke, Truro TR4 8DJ

No objection. Cllrs Slater/Ripper. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

Signed: Date:

PA18/06375: Replacement residential unit for supported living with variation of Condition 3 (use restriction) of decision PA17/11921 dated 16.05.2018 to allow use class to be amended from C2 to C3B. I Schofield; The Regard Group. Land South of Meadow View, , Scorrier, Redruth TR16 5DF

No objection. Cllrs Bunt/Brown. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06351: Carport and domestic workshop. T Major. Parc Bal, 52, Trevaunance Road, St Agnes TR5 0NB

No objection. Cllrs Brown/Slater. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06546: Outline application for two dwellings. R Pearce. Carnbargus House, Perrancoombe, Perranporth TR6 0JF

Object: The flood risk has not been assessed; there is impact on biodiversity which has not been recognised or mitigated; the proposal does not constitute rounding-off or infill as there is no continuous frontage in the area. Cllrs Ripper/Brown. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06886: Simple mono-pitched corrugated steel roof supported on 6 wooden posts to shelter a tractor and other agricultural machinery. M Roberts. Jacarrow Paddocks, Goonbell, St Agnes

No objection. Cllrs Brown/Ripper. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA16/10945 RE-CONSULTATION: Siting of 4 eco-friendly Yurts, each with a small toilet & shower cabin and also a laundry for clothes washing for summer rentals. S Scoble. The Barn, Head Lane, Goonbell, St Agnes TR5 0XB

Object: There are concerns over safety of the structure of the adjacent old cottages from increased vehicle usage of the lane; visibility into and out of the lane is extremely poor, and the passing place cannot be seen from the entrance; general unsuitability of access; no proven need for the development. Cllrs Barrow/Brown. 4 voted in favour; 1 against: Cllr Slater; 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/07147: New bedroom extension and bedrooms in roof space. T Salmon. Briar Farm, Scorrier, Redruth TR16 5BG

No objection. Cllrs Ripper/Slater. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06927: Rear extension. Mr & Mrs Polak. 21, Castle Meadows, St Agnes TR5 0UB

No objection. Cllrs Barrow/Ripper. 4 voted in favour; 1 against: Cllr Brown; 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/07100: Proposal for single storey extension. Mr & Mrs Offord. Thorndene, Wheal Butson Road, St Agnes TR5 0PW

No objection. Cllrs Slater/Brown. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PA18/06504: Application for non-material amendment to application PA25/1912/09/R (conversion of existing store and construction of link sunroom to form granny annexe ) to change design to sun room from bi-fold doors to patio door. Barn, Mingoose, Mount Hawke, Truro TR4 8BU

No objection. Cllrs Brown/Ripper. 5 voted in favour, 1 abstained: Cllr Ball.

PL38/18 Planning Applications Decisions NOTED that the following Planning Applications have been decided as follows:

Signed: Date:

PA17/06887: Erection of a hotel manager's dwelling within the grounds of Rosemundy House Hotel. Land South of Rosemundy House Hotel, Rosemundy, St Agnes TR5 0UF [APPROVED]

PA17/09914: Conversion of workshop/store into a tea rooms business with raised patio to front. 2, Beacon View, Chapel Hill, Porthtowan, Truro TR4 8AS [FINALLY DISPOSED OF (ARTICLE 36, 13)]

PA18/01287: Construction of dwelling. Land at Wheal Rose, Scorrier TR16 5DF [APPROVED]

PA18/02518: Erection of farm/storage building. Land at 170344 046037, Mawla, R/ruth TR16 5DW [APPROVED]

PA18/03683: Demolition of existing barn and erection of a new dwelling. Barn at Green Lawns, Penwinnick Road, St Agnes TR5 0PA [APPROVED]

PA18/04329: Demolition of temporary buildings and extension and reconfiguration of existing Hurly Burly Day Nursery. Hurly Burly Day Nursery, Lavender Lodge, St Agnes TR5 0PG [APPROVED]

PA18/04904: T1 H.OAK - Fell and re-plant with Malus Tommy Knight. T2 BEECH - Fell and re-plant as per T1. Cleaderscroft Hotel, 16, British Road, St Agnes TR5 0TZ [PART APPROVED/PART REFUSED]

PA18/04341: Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: One detached dwelling. Land adjacent to 1, Green Lane, Wheal Rose, Scorrier [WITHDRAWN]

PA18/04795: Proposed single storey & two storey rear extensions & the construction of detached ancillary garage/home office/studio/annexe. Little Quadrilles, Lane to Little Quadrilles, Ivy Chimney, Scorrier [APPROVED]

PA18/05145: Minor extensions and internal alterations to existing dwelling. Chinale, Beacon Rd, St Agnes TR5 0NG [APPROVED]

PA18/05787: Remove 3-4 branches over road of each of 4 x mature beech trees. Lacy Green, Polbreen Lane, St Agnes TR5 0UN [DECIDED NOT TO MAKE A TPO (TCA APPS)]

PA18/05824: Proposed two storey extension and first floor extension. Replacement garage/workshop. The Knoll, Two Burrows, Blackwater, Truro TR4 8HN [APPROVED]

PA18/06220: Application for a non-material amendment (1) following grant of planning permission PA16/08046. Amendment sought - Changes to fenestrations on East elevation. 1, Seaspray Road, Eastcliff, Porthtowan TR4 8AW [NOT ACCEPTABLE AS AMENDMENT]

PA17/08780 & PA17/08781: Conversion of Engine House to dwelling and associated works. Wheal Ellen, Mount Hawke, TR4 8DJ [BOTH REFUSED]

PA18/01860: Application for display of an advertisement sign, namely the siting of a temporary non-illuminated hanging sign and flag. Land adjacent to 2, Penwinnick Close, St Agnes [APPROVED]

PA18/03615: Extensions and alterations. Gooninnis Farm Barn, Water Lane, St Agnes TR5 0RA [APPROVED]

PA18/04310: Loft conversion, demolition of existing conservatory (to be replaced by kitchen extension) and associated landscape works, construction of conservatory and storm porch. Derna, Beach Road, Porthtowan TR4 8AA [APPROVED]

Signed: Date:

PA18/04669: Variation of Condition 2 of decision PA12/00464 (Demolish existing mundic retirement bungalow and garage and replace with two storey cob eco house and outbuilding) to allow substitution of plans. Fourwynds, Chapel Porth, St Agnes TR5 0NR [APPROVED]

PA18/05165: Retrospective change of use of land to domestic curtilage, including boundary enclosure comprising dwarf stone wall, timber fencing and associated planting. Goonvrea Barton, Goonvrea Road, St Agnes TR5 0NX [APPROVED]

PA18/05219: Proposal for a home studio. 27, Goonbell, St Agnes TR5 0PN [APPROVED]

PA18/05532: Material amendment to previous planning approval ref. PA17/09391, to raise the floor level of the extension and increase the height of the flat roof to the extension. Little Orchard Cottage, Rocky Lane, St Agnes [APPROVED]

PA18/05533: Listed Building Consent application for material amendment to previous Consent ref. PA17/09392 to raise the floor level of the extension and increase the height of the flat roof to the extension. Move existing water tank. Little Orchard Cottage, Rocky Lane, St Agnes TR5 0NA [APPROVED]

PA18/04326: Removal of Condition 6 (Management of the seasonal touring campsite) of planning ref: C1/PA25/0814/05/B. Valley View Touring Site, West End, Blackwater [WITHDRAWN]

PA18/05127: Application for the continued use of land to enlarge a domestic curtilage and erection of an extension. Hillside Farm, Wheal Rose, Scorrier, Redruth TR16 5DF [APPROVED]

PA18/05885: Demolition of existing lean-to garage to side of house and replacement with two storey extension, with reconfigured driveway. 9, Brecon Close, St Agnes TR5 0TD [APPROVED]

PA18/03511: Proposed development of B1 (office/light industrial) building in lieu of existing redundant former farm buildings. Land adjacent to Hurly Burly Day Nursery, Lavender Lodge, St Agnes TR5 0PG [APPROVED]

PA18/01165/PREAPP: Pre-application advice for demolition of Polberro House and Cottage and replacement with two 2-storey detached houses with garages, new vehicle accesses and ancillary works. Polberro House, West Polberro, St Agnes TR5 0SS [CLOSED – ADVICE GIVEN]

PA18/01239/PREAPP: Pre-application advice for conversion of stables to residential use. Land At An Ke Bew, Goonbell, St Agnes [CLOSED – ADVICE GIVEN]

PA18/01538/PREAPP: Pre-application advice for a tearoom with adjacent parking. Cameron Farm, Beacon Drive, St Agnes TR5 0NT [CLOSED – ADVICE GIVEN]

PA18/05987: Change to previous approved planning (PA16/03312) to build garage at rear of property with utility/boiler room at the side of the house. Andorra, Gover Hill, Mount Hawke TR4 8BH [APPROVED]

PL39/18 Reports from Council representatives NOTED the following reports: NDP has been submitted to and a referendum is likely in early 2019.

PL40/18 Draft Validation Guide (including the Local List) NOTED the above consultation and no comments were made.

PL41/18 Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. None. The meeting closed at 20:25.

Signed: Date: