CPS 140 - Mathematical Foundations of CS

Dr. S. Ro dger

Section: Recursively Enumerable Languages handout

De nition: A language L is recursively enumerable if there exists a TM M such that L=LM.

if w 2 L? if w 62 L?

recursively enumerable languages

context-free languages



De nition: A language L is recursive if there exists a TM M such that L=LM and M halts on every


w2  .

Enumeration pro cedure for recursive languages


Toenumerate all w2  in a L:

 Let M b e a TM that recognizes L, L = LM.

 Construct 2-tap e TM M'


Tap e 1 will enumerate the strings in 

Tap e 2 will enumerate the strings in L.


{ On tap e 1 generate the next string v in 

{ simulate M on v

if M accepts v, then write v on tap e 2.

Enumeration pro cedure for recursively enumerable languages


Toenumerate all w2  in a recursively enumerable language L:

Rep eat forever

 Generate next string Supp ose k strings have b een generated: w ;w ; :::; w 

1 2 k

 Run M for one step on w


Run M for two steps on w .

k 1


Run M for k steps on w .


If any of the strings are accepted then write them to tap e 2.

Theorem For any nonempty , there exist languages that are not recursively enumerable.

Pro of: 1

 A language is a of  .

The of all languages over  is

Theorem There exists a recursively enumerable language L such that L is not recursively enumerable.

Pro of:

 Let  = fag

Enumerate all TM's over :

a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa ...

LM  0 1 1 0 1 ...


LM  1 0 1 0 1 ...


LM  0 0 1 1 0 ...


LM  1 1 0 1 1 ...


LM  0 0 0 1 0 ...



The next two theorems in conjunction with the previous theorem will show that there are some languages

that are recursively enumerable, but not recursive.

Theorem If languages L and L are b oth RE, then L is recursive.

Pro of:

 There exists an M such that M can enumerate all elements in L.

1 1

There exists an M such that M can enumerate all elements in L.

2 2

To determine if a string w is in L or not in L p erform the following : 2

Theorem: If L is recursive, then L is recursive.

Pro of:

 L is recursive, then there exists a TM M such that M can determine if w is in L or w is not in L. M

outputs a 1 if a string w is in L, and outputs a 0 if a string w is not in L.

Construct TM M' that do es the following. M' rst simulates TM M. If TM M halts with a 1, then M'

erases the 1 and writes a 0. If TM M halts with a 0, then M' erases the 0 and writes a 1.

Hierarchy of Languages:

all languages

recursively enumerable languages recursive languages

context-free languages



De nition A grammar G=V,T,R,S is unrestricted if all pro ductions are of the form

u ! v


where u 2V[T and v 2V[T


Let G=fS,A,Xg,fa,bg,R,S, R=

S ! bAaaX

bAa ! abA

AX ! 

n n n

Example Find an G s.t. LG=fa b c jn>0g


V=fS,A,B,D,E,Xg 3



1 S ! AX 7 Db ! bD

2 A ! aAb c 8 DX ! EXc

3 A ! aBb c 9 BX ! 

4 Bb ! bB 10 cE ! Ec

5 Bc ! D 11 bE ! Eb

6 Dc ! cD 12 aE ! aB

There are some rules missing in the grammar.

To derive string aaabbb ccc, use pro ductions 1,2 and 3 to generate a string that has the correct number of

a's b's and c's. The a's will all b e together, but the b's and c's will b e intertwined.

S  AX  aAb cX  aaAb cb cX  aaaBb cb cb cX

Theorem If G is an unrestricted grammar, then LG is recursively enumerable.

Pro of:

 List all strings that can b e derived in one step.

List all strings that can b e derived in two steps.

Theorem If L is recursively enumerable, then there exists an unrestricted grammar G such that L=LG.

Pro of:

 L is recursively enumerable.

 there exists a TM M such that LM=L.

M= K; ; ;;q ;B;F


` x q x for some q 2F, x ;x 2 q w

1 f 2 f 1 2 0 4

Construct an unrestricted grammar G s.t. LG=LM.

S  w

Three steps

1. S  B :::Bxq yB:::B


with x,y2 for every p ossible combination

2. B :::Bxq yB:::B  B :::Bq wB:::B

f 0

3. B :::Bq wB:::B  w


De nition A grammar G is context-sensitive if all pro ductions are of the form

x ! y


where x; y 2 V [ T  and jxj < jy j

De nition L is context-sensitive CSL if there exists a context-sensitive grammar G such that L=LG or

L=LG [fg.

Theorem For every CSL L not including , 9 an LBA M s.t. L=LM.

Theorem If L is accepted by an LBA M, then 9 CSG G s.t. LM=LG.

Theorem Every context-sensitive language L is recursive.

Theorem There exists a recursive language that is not CSL. 5