
Casanova Cowboy

32 count - 4 walls Improver Choreographer Rob Fowler Music Cowboy by

Walk, Walk, Triple Step, Two Half Turns, Coaster step

1,2!Walk right, Walk left 3&4!Step right behind left, put weight forward onto left, step slightly back onto right 5,6!Make a half turn to left stepping forward onto left, make a half turn to left stepping !back onto right 7&8!Step back onto left, step right together, step forward onto left

Forward travelling hip bumps, rock step, 3/4 shuffle

1&2!Step forward diagonally to right, bumping right hip forward, bump left hip back, !bump right hip forward 3&4!Step diagonally forward left, bumping left hip forward, bump right hip back, bump !left hip forward 5,6!Rock forward onto right, recover back onto left 7&8!Make 3/4 turn to rigth doing right shuffle

Side rock, Cross & Heel, & sweep, syncopated box step

1,2!Rock left to left side, recover weight to right side 3&4!Cross left over right, step right to right side, touch left heel diagonally to the left &5,6!Step left foot next to right, cross right over left, sweep left in front of right 7&8!Cross left over right, step back onto right, step left to left side

Cross touch, cross touch, right sailor step, left sailor half turn

1,2!Cross right over left, touch left to left side 3,4!Cross left over right, touch right to right side 5&6!Right sailor step 7&8!Left sailor step with a half turn to left