
~-- -~------: On Sale at Omaha's Greatest All News Stands and Best Five Cents IATOR Weekly Newspaper VOL. XVI. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 9, 1920. NO.7.

--t­ ~ -S<" \? ./. \ 'tL~~ ". (> .;,;< \~~,. '...... -.c:. THINGS _THAT NEVER HA~I!EN C.p7ricit. SERGEi: +~ RUSHES TO I BANKING INTERESTS SCENE ITO RESCUE HIM, H LD DEFENSE EEl !

Prodigy Recruited Three Months Ago 'ft\lS ,"Em wt\o Decide to Hire Their Own Police \$ .!US"t At5oo-T, "To ST~\KE f'Cf'. Force During The Day. Picked Up in Ames Ave. Alley. ,.. ~A'S 1:, DOESN't ~OAft AT "'~E! ,&osS· $'foR'l ~oss "Tf,\.lS NEWSPAP'ERS I ,.. 'FO!'lN'C RINGER'S FAILURES BRINGS ACTION ATTEMPT TO AVOID STOR-V "" I One Banker Tells Why Big Financial Institutions Decide on Their Emergency Car Called by NeighbOl' 'Vnen Uniformed C-opper Seen i - Own Methods for Self-Protection-Reds Fail to Make Wallowing in Gutter-Station Orders Him Taken to I - I Their Advertised Appeamnce. His Home and Not Locked Up. !

J 1 be a half-witted fellow who formerly "Send him home and don't let the loffieer was found intoxicated he was i A quiet meeting, full of meaning, was connected with a detective newspaper men find out about it," lat once arrested, just like any other! .THE • \ was recently held by representatives agency, that fact did not prevent big was the instruction a pollee sergeant drunk, and sent to jail. He usually of Omaha banking interests, at which I ( concerns from preparing themselves received when he fOund a policeman was given an opportunity to resign; ! I"80SS it was decided to take steps against for any emergency. soused in the vicinity of Twenty- otherwise he was forced to face the I fourth and Ames avenue a week ago. charge at an open hearing. I outlaws who make it a business of The meeting held by bank repre­ This young policeman was -one of This particular case is said to have! robbing big financial institutions. Al- sentatives to discuss the local police condition was behind closed doors. It Mr. Ring~r's prodigies. recruited from Ibeen a very aggravating affair, but it i though local papers say machine the ranks of street car employes. He was permitted to slip by with the! guns and other artillery has not been was stated by one of those present was put on the force on recommenda- hope that it would not become public. ! placed in Omah:!. banks, it is a mat- that it was not desirable that Omaha I should get any more publicity than tion of a well known street car con- The offfending officer, whose name is I' tel' of fact that several of the banks necessary over the affair, At the ductor. He mixed with some of the withheld for the nresent, has been on have taken long steps toward equip- J' meeting it was decided, however, to bootleggers in the north end one day the force onl,.. three months. being I £. r . ¥ ~,~ ping their institutions with riot guns prob~tion. K~erstein ~,,-" ~ ~~ take every precaution possible. The last week and lost his physical bal- still on Chief fi .. =:Z:=__'o:::.":''''::''';':'_ and other weapons which can be used ance. He became so drunk that he has not thus far made explanation of . ------i for self-protection against robbers demoralized condition of the Omaha police force was discussed freely and finally got into the gutter near the why he sent him home in the emer- I and other wild persons. D .. it was decided that the different corner from which he usually reports. gency car instel!d of being taken to All the banks now ha,e at least lOind,S In Omaha Fifty Years AdO banks would at once employ special ""hen this officer became so weak the station and locked np. ::J :::J two special police officers on their i police officers to protect their places that he could not budge an inch some- Speah;ng of this matter, a leading I pay roll. Some of them are in uni- during business hours. Improved (bodYtelephonedthestation.Sergeant!Omahaimsinessman,manager01 Qne l Charlie Schneckenberger, we11- • Several of on::- bad check artist2 form and all are well armed. They :alarm systems were also uEdGt;(l' S.amuelso.n and two or three officers lof the larges,t J.·obbing inSti,tu,tions. in jknown nromot'er, mo~ed hI'S offices to mingle continually' with the crowds ... ' were again getting into the limelight, upon and are being installed in some Jumped mto the emergenc'\.' car and IOmaha. had thIS to say: It is Just I'hi's "tID.'proved" headquarters on SI'X- during banking hours and are ready _ following Yisits from country con- of the banks at this time. Other sta-:ted for the Ec:ne of ~he.wrec~e:t ~his sort of business ~hat is dis~st- teenth street. stituents, for an~' emergency. One well known ! i banks already had taken such action. polIceman. They round hIm III a PItI-j' mg the Omaha publIc. Mr. Rmger I banker explained the matter recently Insurance companies have raised able condition at the point indicated does not speak to me any more. I! Ray Abbott.. ;...-ell known Omaha at- and said that Omaha banks simply "Boob" :Milder kicked his head all • I. premIums it is stated and in the by the telephone message, thought he might get away with that! torne}", was refreshing his memor-., Ie t It necessary to do something for I when asked to pa:r room rent in his If t t' country towns in this vicinity many The sergeant called up the station job when he was elected and told respecting certain letters he was "aid se -pro ec IOn. iI - down town office. He certainly could "0 I' risks have actually been turned down and explained what he had discov- him so. But he took on such fellows "to haye written to Lincoln. . ur po ICe department has been squawk. b dl h t h by these concerns. ered and asked for instructions. The Ijas Elmer Thomas and F. D. Wead and! so a y soup t at we simply had Bank clerks are being instructed in ord,er to send him home was the re-l~ollowed. their advice._ All of thiS! Frank \V. JUdson, an Omaha glass to do something," said this banker, the use of the weapons that are be­ suIt. 1\1:.Ch c,are was. taken to ~~~p j,t~oUble IS the result. 1 am ~ repu?-!I salesman, prepared to take a trip George Yeager and Bert Meuth "We have put two officers on duty in ing installEd for self-protection. C\lany the affan OUI of prmt. The al.laIr 11lcan and always have been, out WIll j east. He also announced he was not threatened to eject everybody who did our bank. They are sworn in by the Omaha banks have ex-senice \men was at once reported to Chief Eber- \' venture to say that the work of this Iin the second-hand glass business. not pay their 50 cents dues within the city but are on our pay roll. They stein but the officer was permitted to city commission is making Jim Dahl- 1 coming week. all wear regulation police badges, who are proficient in the use of all small arms and riot guns. It is said re.t • t-o work without even being m~n a bigger man than ever, and he ,Dr. F. A., Edwards, our genial vil- We have also tal;:en steps to haye urn 1 I that several machine guns have also hud ofr. will be the next mayor of Omaha by i !age physician, showed his friends Hugh Murphy, jr" 'Well known pay- plenty of artiiIery and ammunition been made available for such institu­ Under the old regime when a police an overwhelming vote." Iand clients his new suite in the Se- ing contractor, was confined two at hand for any emergency that may ______1curities building. He was pODular weeks at the court house, but he did occur." tions as may desire them. In the wholesale district extra pre­ ,!With' many of our fine youn,g me,'n. not get on many juries. He had just Last Monday was set as the day ItIiG 5P'O,R15 IEIITHUSIASTICI n got through buTing cigars on the ar- for big doings. according to warnings cautions have also been taken. Many of the large institutions have put on WRESTLI i Larrey Dwyer bought another tOll of rival of a new 9-pound girl at his sent out to merchants and bankers by ' home. means of anonymous letters. Al- extra watchmen and taken other , " _..j~~;~~ ~o::~ :~:s ~:~~gd~~~~ some- though the author of some of these steps to protect their places against COMING STECHER PESEK MATCH i missives was run down and found to robbery. OVER I Willie RicheIieu, well known North . ~. ' ., _ . I Charlie Tyrrell. well known mer- End mule dealer, was considering, Hundreds AlreadJ Have Sent Checks for LaIge Blocks of Ticketsicnandise broker, jumped into business ~er~"ev ral new bu'ld'ng~illi: ~'as'n ~nlCh' gre:~h '~LAST CHANCE FOR THIRST -Promoter Holmes Busy Preparing for Big Bout Next i head over heels, following his holi- his stock. 1 i Y GONE Friday Night-Melady Not Interested. Io_·a_y_v_ac_a_ti_·o_n_. d_e_m_a_n_d_in_hi_·s_Y_1·C_in_i_ty_. _ iTOM FLn~ IS AGAIX United States attorney, in which ca- WITH SUPREME COURT 2.75 DECISION I NAMED FOR :M:ABSHAL pacity he served one term. His con- Loyers of the wrestling sport will i letters, each containing checks for I nection with the board which is at have an opportunity next Friday e'\'e- [from $10 to $170. Since then another Popular Democrat Yominated by present making inquiry into the pro- Says Congress Has Power to Define What Percentage of Alcohol ning to see the premier wrestling i ~heck for a whole section .Of Sh~lton- ! President for Second Tenn as fessional conduct of Attorney Devoe, Is Not Intoxicating Liquor-Uncle Sam Prepares match of the Veal' at the Auditorium. lItes has come from Martm Slattery,! High OfficiaL in connection with the release of to Start Booze Hounds. It will bt; a fi~ish affair between Joe \manager f~r. ,John Pesek. , ! Tom Flynn's nomination by Presi- Beryl Kirk from the penitentiary, Stecher, t'Odge countv's big wrestler, I The prOVISIons of the contract that !dent Wilson to succeed himself as will put some funny angles on his ap­ and John \>esek of Shelton. Both of Ihas been signed by Stecher and Pesek 1United States marshal for this fed- pointment if he receives it, but that enoug~ ~ W'hen the supreme court decided great many persons who usually take these men '. are contenders for the Iare strong insure one of Ieral district will please about everr- faet is not eXllected to prevent favor­ against 2.75 per cent beer last 3.Ion- ad,antage of tb.eir foresight had gone world's champiollship and both are those regula.r exhibItiOns that m~ke ibody. His present term expires next able action in his behalf by the gov­ I day that tribunal set at rest the worry so far as to look up locations where out for blood. Both being Nebras- I everybody S1t up and take notIce. '\ August but his appointment being ernor. they might dispense the 2.75 fluid in of a lot of Yery good citizens who had kans naturally gives prestige to the IEaeh of the contestants has already I made thus early is indicative of how the event of a favorable decision. affair from the standpoint of the av-! posted $1,000 and Manager Holmes 1he stands not only with Omaha peo- POLICE HEADQIT.lRTERS hoped for one wet spot in the desert 1nformation from the east iniic~tes erage Omaha and Nebraska sports- I has deposited $1,500 to carry out .his pIe but with his political associates. i RE:llOVED TO 3l:Th-:\"'ESOT.l that has been created during the last that no further effort will be made at man.• !part of the contract. Making good as an officeholder i --- t,,;o years by the prohibition promot- present to change matters as ihey Ernie Holmes, one of Omaha's Dre: I.Pesek has .never been thr~wn and was ~n easy thing for FIY!l:~ to ac- i l\Iarshall Eberstein, our chief of po­ ers. now stand. It is stated on reliable mier business men and an all arouna! hIS backers declare he WIll show compllsh but he has at no nme lost' lice, and a galaxy of great and near According to the decision handed authority that no more monev is to good fellow, has successfUlI! pro-l eYery~ody something when he meets Iany of that..high personal~ty which Igreat detectives have been busy this down it is only within the province of be spent by those who have been in moted this match. w,hieb promISes to ; the bIg Do~ge cou~ty boy. .Of cQnrse: has ma.de mm popular w:th eV,erY-j week up in St. Paul trying to bring congress to define what is inioxicat- the business of manufacturing a1co­ be a hummer. Holmes has had the! Stecher WIll receIve the Iat end 01 Ibody WIth whom he came m contact. back from that city two men whom ing liquor. !'iIaybe. some time, but holic beverages to get concessions of advice Of such fellows as: Jack Lewis I ~he purse if he wins, but the same is IFlynn has been a. persistent admirer \theY charge with being connected what is the use. Those high legal any kind until sentiment aU over the and others who are thoroughly fa-! true of Pesek. They are to wrestle i and promoter for lOrmer Mayor Dahl-!with the robberv of the bank at Ben- lights who heard the decision say that. country changes. It is not believed miliar with the wrestling, game. He Io~ the 75.and 25 per cent b:siS, ::he In:-an and. wen~ thrOng~ many political Ison. ' in the event of congress ever chang- this will occur for some time. has gone at the business in a man-, wmner bemg due to carrv oif a fme Ifights WIth him. BOLh are now fed-I Th b' d t 11 ' 1 k , ,I .. - ., I e 1'0 very occurre a 0 c oc ing its mind, that body might pass a Under the laws as the, now stand ner that promises something worth bundle. It IS now beheved that every Ieral office holders because of changes I' d St. P 1 rt th d law declaring 2.75 per cent beer nOll- only alcohol of high p;oof may be . ~...... 4 di~ . b I· th ·t d"· t· an au repo S say e accuse while for lovers of this particular I,seat m t.lie DIg..AU corium will e ',in ....e C1 Y a mlnIstra IOn. I men were eUJoymg•• a ..NY'ew ear seve intoxicating within the meaning of manufactured, 3.nd that for medicinal sport. : sold and that 1t will be necessary to I InCIdentally, It will surprIse 110- d' 't' f' d '1' ill the amended federal constitution. purposes only. The reSUlt, it is ex­ .uild dd" 1 . 4 b d . . d·th 1 . . ' mner WI tl nen seal Y' III e eve- Holmes, has known both Pesek and 0, a 1tIona . sections or seats lOY acquamte WI •. loea~. pohilcs to.mng. The SUppOSItIOn....IS ~.rnat they That is apparently about the only peeted, will be watched verv closel..... ! ~t Stecher for a long time. He has a1- I..Iunder the balcomes. II.t'see bothlb'of them nghLmg' loc..1.1 po- aerou.ane1 d t0;:;. Pau,'1 but . the num- thing that is left to be done. The individual states will have littie Ways. believed these two men could I'I WIth. the first .announcement of the Ilca attles III another .Veal'. Ib'et' or0 teD'h Iane could'not be secured. The case has been considered an to do with the er;.forcing of national be '"rrotten together under_ proper ar- I.Slgnmg of the. agreement "Ithere was I -'tiiO•- ther re])Ort sa~'s t'he:r motOre'd important one. Even the supreme, prohibition. That job will be UD to l'angements and. went after the match I"i a rush for tickets. and .the orders GOSS' SELECTION FOR Ithrough the """-lti.Lunesota snow drn.Ots. court gave it precedence Over other! Uncle Sam who already is prepa;'ing in earnest on that basis. The class; have been commg to the Holmes DISTRICT ,BENCH O. K. making fortv miles an hour on the cases pending before that body, in to meet the emergency, His forces of it all is indicated by the price that' headquarters at Si::I.i:eenth and Far- tri . order that it might be adjudicated at .are being organized as fast as DOS­ the seats are selling at..Thev range Ijnam streets ever since. The selection of Charle"~ G'~~sV" to TPh···IS IS conS1Clere. • d'Important In- as early a moment as possible. .A. sible. In Omaha fifteen men took from two to ten dollars and there has i' The ~atter of securing a referee is succeed ,Judge Day on the district formation. We have some desper­ few of those persons who havefelt civil senice examinatiins for places been a flood of reservations. While lone of the matters settled in the con- -court bench will be satisfactory to ately good men working on this job there was still some hidden paint in on this body. The pay will be about ;~e writer was sitting in Holmes' of-I tract. Unl.ess both wrestlers can IOmahans Who haye known him for Iand it is said they are goIng to "get" law which might relieve the $1800 per year with per diem ex- ~lce he was shown a package of 129 Continued on Page Two. Iany length of time. He was formerly somebody. "drouth"have been disappointed. _-\' (Continued on Page Three.) 1 2 THE MEDIATOR, OMAHA, NEBRASIL.\

" to cast aside. Despite the conviction of the negro who was charged II \,'ith the slaying of his wife, there have been open charges that The MEDIATOR he was not guilty and that Nethaway himself knew more about I the matter than he has toid. I PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY These facts have been cited dmwg the h'ial and hints by Neth- SPECIAL The Mediator .Publishing Co. a'way's attorneys that a fair trial for him was impossible have I Ibeen heard. The result of the trial ",,>ill have an important bear-I 512 Brown Block. Phone Douglas 8070 ing on other cases to be tried for similar offenses, I AN INDEPENDENT PAPER The lynching was of an unprecedented sort and even those! BAR AINS IN 5H ES EDWIN L. HUNTLEY, Editor and Proprietor li who were not palticularly interested in the fate of Negro Bl'01Vll, I I have felt that d1..astic action ,vas necessary to prevent similar out­ Per Year -$2.00 Single Copy 5 Cents breaks in the future. Much speculation has been heard as to the ! I Visitors coming to this city will find some special bargains Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Omaha, outcome of the Nethaway trial and the jmy's verdict will dOUbt-I Nebraska, under the act of March 9,1879. less have effect of showing the result of public opinion in generaI.1 in all kinds of shoes. Weare located just across the street I from Jefferson square. , PERSHING'S SWORD i I By Henry Polk Lo\venstein. ' MEDIATOR NEWS STANDS Joe Radicia.. . 16th and Farnam Brave Pel'sbing sailed away across the sea, Meyer Coren.. 1411 Farnam I I "VE ARE IN NO TRUST AND OUR PRICES WILL McLaughlin 208 South 14th I To show the world the light; i SURPRISE Holtz 103 North 16th His soldiers bravely fought for liberty, ii' Rhyn 716 North 16th j And bravely died for right. Mrs. King 1022 North 16th j ! Simmons . .__1322 Dodge St. Frank Douglas 24th and Lake I He drew his mighty sword on crimson field, Gus Stevens 2403 N Street ! To battle with the Hun, Joe Benrrose 1306 North 24th And swore a royal oath to never yield, Weimer Shoe Brokerage Co. Kulp . 2514 North 24th I Until the field was \Von. Neltner 2717 Leavenworth 412 North 16th Street. Tony Nicolero N. W. Cor. 15th and Faxnam He broke the long red line of Hindenbmg Federal News Co. . 205 South 16th G. W. Shanahan.. 913 North 24th And routed out the Prince, ~t\nd shmved the stupid Kaiser how absurd And vain was bis defense.

Agreeing on Omaha Budget The vanquished Hlm no longer plies his rod, You Should Have a And ta:me's the Prussian Guard; The Omaha city council has appropliated $2,068,838 for the The famished world has learned to tI'ust in God, coming year, \\':ith an admitted income of only $2,023,000 from And Peace is its reward. all sources. Of course the people of Omaha are able to pay theilll bills, but the proposition of appropriating $45,000 more than is \' But still there's one more battle yet to fight, 6rafonola expected from receipts from all sources certainly indicates very And that without a loss; poor business judgment. The action is deliberately taken, with! It is the battle of Eternal Right, In Your Home the full knowledge that there ",'ill not be enough money come into The gold without the dross. the city treasury to pay the obligation,s contracted for. When Buying a Phonograph! Why The statement. is given out that "maybe". the street railway., It must be braveIy f ought WI·th Ki'ng Abaddon, company ,\:Vlll pay an overdue occupatIon tax of $80,000. TIllS W'th J' t· I . 'd' 't . t'll' th .4- d· b f 1 esus s ron ess swor , Not Buy the BEST? 1 ·em IS S 1 In e COUI'~S an 'm,ay never ecome a source 0 rev- It' th b ttl t f A ~ dd 't' . t b d· d' IS e a e grea 0 .l'UTIlage on, enue. One-f OUl'th- 0 f th. e CI y S gross revenue IS 0 e expen e 'Th b ttl f th Lo d Especially so when it costs no more than the rest. For remember! by Superintendent Ringer on the police department, and Ringer 1 ' e a e 0 e r. You can buy a Genuine Columbia Grafonola for as little as $32.50. EN~ SO~N T~ And any Graionola-big or little-brings you all the best of all the is kicking on the an10unt. WRESTLING SPORTS j BOOZE A.GENTS music played as only great orchestras and famous military bands can There should be no complaint about paying for a good sizedITHUSIASTIC OVER COMING I FLOCK l1ITO NEBRASKA. play it, The Grafonola is infintely superior to them aU':""'and we can police department. The Lord knows we need it. Ringer's budget I STECHER~PESEK lVL.\.TCH II -- easily prove this if you will but give us the chance. . h . b h ·t·ll l' In a short time Nebraska will have IS the largest of any department of t e CIty, ut e s I comp ams. I -- . . h h . . (C ti d F PO) a flock of government booze agents If what has been O"omD" on the past eID" teen mont S IS any Cl'1ter-1 on nue rom age ne. I . Columbia Grafonolas-Standard Models, up to $300. Period Designs t 1- 11 fo t'ha't" Irunnino- down the moonsniners. From ..Ion RmO'er would'"not'"be a success as'"poI'Ice superrn. end ent'fI he !agree on some e ow r, JOD, I '" up to $2,100, Convenient terms of payment if desired. . '" ., ~ .' 'IHolmes is authorized to decide who i aU appearances these fellows are get- had an appropl'latIon ~I ~ nullion ?ollars. . .. he shall be. It is believed, however, Iting a good start at their business, "Then the present. CIty councIl was supported by certam m- that the contestant will be able to! and are going along nicely. Some of terests the people were told that it would be a business-like bodyIsettle the matter amicably. Ithe brands now coming into the city Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. that would know ho\v to operate the city on a regular business: I Incidentally, the Stecher - Pesek!are said to be pretty gOOd imitations Phone Douglas 1623. 1311·1313 Farnam Street. . h d . tin I t h . t d . It· b' = Iof the real stuff. Thev are retailina' basIS. Now we have the spectacle of t at bo y appropl'la go Ima c IS expec e to resu m rm",,: . _, . '. '" EVERYTHING IN MUSIC. .. ' • '. •• ,inO" the game ba-ck to its own in :around $0 the pmt and the demand $45,000 more than It expects to take m durmg the next year. ItI0 "'ah d N b sk H 'f ;is said to be good : .. ,. '11 I f -t . t th m a an j, era" ·a. erew are i '. IS easy to lll1agme the condition that WI be e t nex year 0 e there has been much criticism Of va- i These booze agents 'WIll no longer new city council when it is elected to relieve this bunch of failures Idous matches and the result of this ib: under th: internal revenu~ ~ffi­ that are running the city, Bond buyers will soon begin to look up! one is expected to show that both i ClaIs, but ,,:111 operate as a dlstmct y our financial condition if this sort of business is kept up. i men are out to do their best. I b?d . In I&ct they can no lon~e~ I Gene Melady, who has been an ae- :nolate the internal revenue laws, OUt Are Yau Reading _ Itive wrestling promoter, will not i~he~e Iaws do not cover il:egal m~nu- PERSHING COl\-IES TO TOWN Jhave an active interest in the stecher- j LaCture and sale Of hquor, smce !Pesek match. It is said that he is !"there hain't no such animal." It is The Mediator General Pershing has been in Omaha t",'ice the last week and' not at all pleased because he did not i;xpe:ted, th:t f!fty men will be on the our people have had an opportunity to look him over. Pershing Iha.ve a hand in ~h~ p::omoting, but iJob In Neb_aska. '~ b' k . d t btl .N b' ~k 't' . N Ifrom the standpomt 01 the general' ~----- Ii::> not a Ne las a pIO uc, u 1e IS a J: e Ia:; a CI lZen noVi. k e-', rUn -1' 't' b 'd th t Atrocious, Inde~". ,. _~ _. , spa g pUO Ie 1 may e sal 'a '"" ? braska IS hIS home and II there \vas ever a Nebraska CItizen of I the match will be pulled off accord- One of the most famous-as well as >,vhom our people might be proud it is General John J. Persh- ling to all the ethics of real sport and ~ne of the worst-puns of history was • in!!_ He is bein!! touted for. president by a lot of people, but he'll that the winner will prove beyond perpetrated by King ;Tames I of Eng- ~ - ~and, when Sir Walter Raleigh, whom refuses to talk politics himself. That is just what might be eX-I his superiority a.t the game. for political reasons he disliked, was It you are not call up Douglas 8070 and a r2pre­ pected of a regular soldier, 'I presented to him. Said the king, fu:- sentat:'ve ,yill call for your subscription, or you . h' ff" I '4. In the Morning. 'ing Raleigh With his cold-enough eye, GeneraIP er~hi. ng carne t,0 0rna ha In IS 0 ICla capaclvj'1 A happy hour in the morning S';\'" : "Rawly 1 Rawly! True enolJgll. for I :!lIay mail your check to us at 512 Brown Block, Th:rrsday and :Islted the two goverr:-n:ent fOl:ts and the U. S'I "lS the wbolp rlny.-Louisa Olcott. i thtnk of rhee ypry Rawly, illO; r;' Omal1a, Neb. mall hangar WhICh has become the offICIal termmal for the trans-!------continental air mail route and was entertained by some our our! red-blooded Nebraska people. I You Cannot Afford to The lVlediator believes Pershing would make an a'\vfully fine I president. He has never practiced on the job, but he has made I Miss an Issue good on every other job. he has attempted. Nebraska would give! him its fun support, '\vithout respect to politics, He is doubtless 8 .# I !!. i . , it proud of the reception in Omaha. It was in keeping 'with whatI Omaha does for any Nebraskan of whom we are proud. ! T·~~~~·l~~~;· S~pplie~"'''' \Vhen General Pershing appearel before a public audienceI WANTED TO BUY i······ i here very few of our people knew anything about him, despite the I 3" Pool Tables, ! Trunks, Valises, Handbags and Everything Neeesary to the Traye.i- fact that he was connected with the state university for some I BalIs, Cues and I era Comfort. tin1e before he was detailed for the army work 'which he so suc- j t Look Us Over. 303 North 16th St. cessfully accomplished. He made an impression when he did ap-! 1 ••••••••••• 111 ••••••• 1. 11i'.TiIII" IIlffa: Ii .... t •• 1.1l Wall Cases, Cash pear that will be a lasting one. ! PAXTON &. GALLAGHER £0. Call Doug'las 8070. General Pershing has not been "puffed up" over his successI AUTOMOBILE' SUPPLIES as an army officer. On the·other hand, he has all the traits or an I 701-11 South Tenth StreeT ordinary American. k~d in this connection. it may be said thatI heis quite in contrast with General Leonard \Vood, admittedly a I presidential candidate, who was in Omaha a month or more ago. \ VVhatever shM be the fate of these two ranking American I al'my general!:;, it is fair to say that Pershing ranks so far aboveI Wood in either civil or army life that comparison is not possible. \ \ THE NETHAWAY TRL<\.L I~~;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;~,;:;;;;;;~;;;;;;;W;;;;~:-

The trial of Claude L. Nethaway, which has been going on! ~q.~r;Hrolllll!!1{J.~~C"~c.'..>.iU~~..~.\11 all week, has been one of the most intensely interesting of any of! L 6l"lJl'D ...-.eM'r"" ff ~~, , ~,\, l the riot cases tried thus far. At this wTitin2', the Nethaway J·m..,.l ..."" 6'£~j Il:../I..J ... f J. ~\' ;',;~.% 4 was still out, indicating that there was not~a unanimity of opi,;'-I (UApKE-uSPEDEDYIR.NELlEE-~~···,:' ~:;P'i ~ ion in the case. H. ,. ~ jg~ \r;~'.,~ WE fAVOR: WE 9EPRECHE', \Vllatever may be th,e jUl'Y'S verdict, however, the evidence GOODFOR GQIPPE AND BACKACHES. TOO/.GQod: In ;,\ r;em ArblfrallOll. TIle labor Agitation. given has been both sensational and extraordinary. Nethaway IiO DOPE -tiO AC.E.TANILIDE, Bo1tf\?s, , "' ,I, admitted inciting the members of the mob to the act of lynching ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALa.boring Man's CIllb. I The Preying Stock Gambler. l¥t'~"'l;'·'Ol.II'-'lli\:~ l Settlement of Dlsputn by The Eyil of Strikes. the negro, Brown, excusing himself with the assertion that a negro UAllln Mea, lnG Ref by WalkIng I Thil Misunderstanding of laior had ben found guilty of killing Mrs. Nethaway. ,- Delegates. I by capital. Nethaway's theatli.cal and spectacular actions the last two ~...eio!", tonic tor dogs til.t a", dl ,,"t DC ..,,'5 i'1lIl do""Cunth-ifh..., !W'Ulg coat.. materated /~!es .~d hi&h _.colored ~nrine. The·Ie is ~othln;' tf ~g:J~~~m ~a deb,litating~, d;~e' ! ABetter Uftdersfanding Between! The Wrong View of Capital Hlld years have been a matter·in w:hJch newspapers interested them- .. ire....da=ller Yon mU notioe the ElIlployer Illd Employee. I lIy labor. selves verv much. To a certain extent there has been a popular: _~~t~~hY THE DE~.MEDICL?Q'E CO" :;'\\{~tg}d ... I A pmctial tIuti&! on dogs And thea tl"a1nLl1g {GO P&4es fully ilP..:,.}. maned ;Cor !n ;;.;;;;;;.,;=~;;::..;,;~ prejudice against him. which the general public has not been able L-;::._IIII'l::;;. ---- i _ I,I,IIII ••• II•II ••••••••• I ., . Tl'IE MEDIATOR, OMAHA, NEBRASKA

... IU1JJ~"";'~_j;,;;k:':.:~• ~ "''''l' ~ ,- ", • ~ B KEN KUNG'

LAST CHANCE FOR THIRSTY IPresident W .. B. T. Belt to Hfellow [.:..:-:-:.-:-:-:-:-:-:-:..:..:-:-:-:-:..:-~-:-:-:..:..:..:..:• .-:":":-:-:"':-:-:":-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:•. . r an arker to Depots 0" .1:41 = '.' .'. to western Iowa. It is stated that 16th and Center for 33rd and Parker..l:14 'i' '.< of· S.AN'D1VICHES SER'uED .:. l t I • ••••••• .-0-0-'" ••••• -. · Park and North 24th Streets. ':' ~~ J'l V .'. they are expected t0 wor k- b etter In 16th and Farnam, East Side.••.....1:03 •• GI d':'• ••••'.. .f. D~-\ strange communities where they are 16th and Farnam, West Side 1:23 ':. ean:;:. ,;- i\LL Y. .:. , •••••••.•••P ••••••••• _____ OLD IRISH rae. +.+ ..'", .. .. 16th and Farnam for Florence 12:24 ·i+ t JE LARSON unknown. '16th and 'Farnam for 30th and Fort..1:12 ::.: ·.i·• •:. :=: f • • i I At d' 16th and Farnam for Kansas Ave...1:31 ••:. 623 North 16th St. .:. f ~ 4 • present drug stores are omg 16th and Farnam for 24th and .Ames.2:03 :.i: 63d and Center Sts. ',;', .;. ,'. , 109 So. hth St. 1 VINTAGE considerable.. retailingdof alcohol;.,it is 14thSouthand FarnamOmaha andfor West42nd andQ ••••••••Grand:1:21 .:.• .:,• I ·:":":":":":":-:-:-:":":-:":":-:-:":":":":":G-:ra":"y:"I:· f:t:, Denby Smoke House IT saId, that IS not dole out on pnysl- 14th and Farnam for 42nd and Grand.l:28 ':' ':'. ! •••••••••• ••• ! I Perfect Luncheons for the Busy cian's prescriptions One Sherman 14.than d Farnam for 24th and .Ames..2:28 ••.=. For You and Your Fliends .'.=.fRego Le Bron J.•E I Man. •. Dodge Street Line. •••=, ::: . Phone Douglas 2019 avenue concern is reported to be do- .13th and Dodge (West) 1:20 I •••••••••••••••••••••••• I 13th • d ff" b' Th fi 1 and Dodge (East) 2:01 :=: 'i' Le Bron &Gra Electrical Works I Select Stock of Excellent lug a Ian 0 Ice us~ess. e pro t 130thL':~e~e:o~~~n;n~OlDDefP()ltStituie·1:45 .:. Resort:::~ Y. IE' I is about $24 per gallon, which makes - • ea ns '. AW-.nter Expert Electnca ngmeers I'·················· ,1~th and Farnam (North) 11:50 ..·i· .:.• \~ G t PI t' EI t RIES HALL PRINTING CO it worth their while to take a chance, I15th and Farnam (South) 12:15 .:. ::: lotors, enera o.rs, = ec nc e- - • I - I Benson and Albright. .:. ftd S T .f. !'vators, RepaIrs, Armature Job Printer SOFT DRINKS some or them say. 13th and Farnam for Benson ... 0 ••••1:20 • 8 emmer, 00' ,,,. d'In~. E. W" s .13th ~ddF~:: F f~~f tthl~ndlb . ht 12 1 '=' II .:. n In lectnc Inng t 4 Numerous private distilleries are in hsth N'::: .d6 ::: :i: I JIi South 13th St. Omaha, Neb., f Phone Douglas 1102 I Perfect Noon Lunch, 2lic operation aU ove!' the country and'!13th and Farnam for 13th and Vinton.2:26 .:. ••••• '•• ••••••••• ---••••••• I f 1620 C 't IA I' l 0 I All Served ily Ted's Caterers at '11 f' d l' t . Fort Crook LIne. .'. •. 1 apl venue .. the booze h ounds WI III pen y to .24th and N Sts.• South Omaha .., .12:00 ":.' ::.:: , do w.hen thev get into the harness. i Fort Crook " 12:'g{l ••• .+. io , .., _ 0 • . /14th and Howard for Pearl & B-w!lY.2:00 .:. .=. i __ •••••••••••••••••••• ! I Some of this liquid is considered very I Cars. ,) .i' I t NE YOUR F~~ Ken!ley's Place good for "green stuff" and it goes like· 16th and I<'arnam-south to 24th and. :i: ':' i It PHO,,', DeIivery:"AI\'TS. II wildfire when it is offered for sale. 1116~~~ ·Fa.~i>'a:n{,,:,:south·to"iith'anbI~· .r.-.d Council Btuffs and Omaha. .t. Expert Service. ·i· ~ , •••••• I •••• I•S •••• Ii I•II • compares f avor~ y '\lth any t-,,- e IPearl and Broadway fc>!" Omaha ....1:1;· .:. '.' magazine nov.~ in circulation. The ll-C:th and Howard for R. I. Depot .•1:1:0 ..!. :~: • I Adv!rtls~ .~~:;~:;.;: :;;:~;~;;~:; e J~!:~ D~N first issue contains a greeting from I 10 Tnf MfDIATOR ..:..;:..:.. 0 M A H A C' 4418 NO' 24th Sb 1III II d T I=~lII11nll~llllnlllllllllllllnllllnllnll""n"lII"lIIn"llIl1l11l11" n1II1l111111I1lm!!'_~ fl~:r:N: noF8:0:::' III~::'. i~I~-= II :-- P I-t All ..- ARTICLES. Isl------, ,I 0 I e A eR..IOn - Phone Colfax 2865. !i! i DR. ZORO I. CLARI 1= Selected Jewelry - o· __•__·~---_.._··_··..·_···..~~:l\ DENTIST an~r~~itlUta. iI' i NO PLACE LIKE HOLMES' I Ilmac Mlrnay IpftI Room ',t"!3A D_"",,9'8 Ai...... An extraordinary display of High Grade Jewelry, BILLIARD PARLORS ...-IV -. so Tables-Also Full Line Clgara I' i including a fine assortment of Diamonds. and Soft Drinks j= Open 7 ao m. to Midnight. Ad ri" • ,- I Basement SecuritIes Building. a ve tse m The Mediator \= VISIT WITH US _ , III .:. r= ,I 1510 Farnam Street IROTElffONTENELIEl ~ I, 5fIIIIlUIIIlIlflllllllllllmmllllllllllllllllllUllllllllmunmnmmrlillmlllllllllllllrrE :~:.:. FIREPROOF-EUROPEAN f dll ,. _ ". ._+_+ • ...... ) Corner Douglas and Eighteenth Streets i -.:~ J :f:i ++ - -.- - -.-.-.- -.-.- r 30x3% ....__ . . .. .____ 11.50 ;{- ::: anik~~~~~:rs~~~~ot~~r:~~~~r~d~~~ 32x3~12 ------..-__.. 12.50 !::: If you are having trouble collecting on your out-of-to'\\tl1 :i: i\i'~~;S~~ ~j~;;~sii~,,~~~e..;r,;:~ ..l~~';'~~ 33x4 _.._.._. ._ _ __ 13.00 ~:::::===:.....-----=-::.=::.::.:.-::....:'=--: :!: accounts, call us and 'we will show you the ,yay. :~ sENDC::~on for ~ 32x4 ------.---..------..------12.75 ~~:_:...:..:..:...:-:..~:-:..:-:..~:..:..:-:..X ..:-:..:+(:H:-:.. ~i· ...;. P f Getou"'freebookl"T ~ 34x4 -._------15.00 it. ' ••• .. • roo Tells Yo'; all abo':;C ~: I'll See You at the I ~.. thadead}y e.'feels of tobac~" Guaranteed 3,500 ~ruea. 6 ~+, ". i:'I'~. andhov:-easyitisDowtoquit.. J.. i;' IV .=, We will aLoosend :;em cop:.. Best on the Market. .+.l. NBBew ase' a'II '·'1+.f.•:. .=,.=. use'"of lette'"teliinz{rae>howconfirmedthis .;. rt ... ,1· ..:. ~!'Je. ~in~~=~~t t~\ o!. Hsad.qua ers .:.,~ .'. from the hBbit. Just <<0. 2-10... 1 VulcaniziDU Co• l• ·i. ..;. .:.. ~H coopan-orapost.aJ ~~~f.'-::'" ~d.::.-__ ~~.~ Douglas 1241. 1516 Davenport St. t -..'41 }: ...... __ f" 411 South 15th St. .:. =" THE MEDI AT0 R .:. NEWELL PHARMACAL co. r. Ci d T b ~: i>-: ' ' :~ D"pt. 648 St. Louit. Mo. 1 Jo gars an 0 aeco .'. i .:. Send. with

~: ~-: ~~ •I ful jugglers. Their performance is Imerous social functions have been ar-J ..::..:.. ..•..•••• •..• • + • •..• •..·u •..• • •..•..•..·+, II •• • ••• ••• m given a Bohenuan atJnosphere, sup- ranged for them. 'i' •••••••••••••••••••• :;. y wit~ ~ff~ctive plemented~nd some ~s ~n music Claudia Coleman is l'ecognized as I::: D· k :i: t Ht I' " d clever ,:;-ctmg. It an offer- lone of the cleverest impersonators. 'i' rln .:. t4 0 e owar mg called Loves Follies' that they IShe presents humorous impressions of ':' .? I•T:· a~e. t~ appea.r in. The settingsh,0ws an I~Yell known types, such as ti;e woman I::: "WH ISTLE U ::: EUROPEAN alhst s studio on a gala occaSIOn. III the hotel lohb~· and the gnl behind I'i' 'i' Franker Wood and Bunee Wyde, the music counte!'. ':' ·t . w~o ar: to present a sath:e of Green- LaZar and Dale, original and lively::: ): ! Corner 10th and Howard Streets wIch VIllage,

WftIE BEHM.-L" SHOW" ,tional Comedy Hit II COMES TO GAYETY I MELBA Harry Lander. a <::omedian ,,11Q is I i different from a11 the rest. will come; FRI·EN 0LY I to the Dl.>:!mlar Gayety theater week I I WHAT YOU SURELY NEED ;,~:~~; J:~f:~e:.:t~:~:na~a:~~~·, \ is a healthy, active, indlDttious liver. Small doses of these pill8 ENE MIES I taken regularly insure that. You may also need a purgative :C~:~ho::r r::~~l~~b~:t'::~~1.an~~ sometimes. Then take one larger dose. Keep that in mind; i" . I It will pay you rich dividends in Health and Happiness. is Lander's first attempt at burlesque I One year in :New York, Six I Genuine ~ StMll Pill bea.. SaaU Dose and he has set them all talking along i · signature • ~ Small Price the wheel. In "Putting it Over," a! months in Chicago I!" burletta built about the moving pic- I SuPERIOll CAST ROSY CHEEKS 0' HEALTHY COLOR indicates Iron In the Blood. Pale or ture game. Lander is gi'n~n a part I CO~LETE PRODUCTION {",ces U&ua!iY&h~wltsabse~~:oAl;;;' CARTER'S IRON PILLS that fits him in every way. I P:ric-es 50c t~ $2-00, l clition ....ll1ch WtU be tnuch helped by Originality is Lander's strong forte, \ l .He has given the stage the laughing' .:.••••••••••••••1IIIiii