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~-- -~-------: On Sale at Omaha's Greatest All News Stands and Best Five Cents IATOR Weekly Newspaper VOL. XVI. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 9, 1920. NO.7. --t ~ -S<" \? ./. \ 'tL~~ ". (> .;,;< \~~,. '.......... -.c:. THINGS _THAT NEVER HA~I!EN C.p7ricit. SERGEi: +~ RUSHES TO I BANKING INTERESTS SCENE ITO RESCUE HIM, H LD DEFENSE EEl ! Prodigy Recruited Three Months Ago 'ft\lS ,"Em wt\o Decide to Hire Their Own Police \$ .!US"t At5oo-T, "To ST~\KE f'Cf'. Force During The Day. Picked Up in Ames Ave. Alley. ,.. ~A'S 1:, DOESN't ~OAft AT "'~E! ,&osS· $'foR'l ~oss "Tf,\.lS NEWSPAP'ERS I ,.. 'FO!'lN'C RINGER'S FAILURES BRINGS ACTION ATTEMPT TO AVOID STOR-V "" I One Banker Tells Why Big Financial Institutions Decide on Their Emergency Car Called by NeighbOl' 'Vnen Uniformed C-opper Seen i - Own Methods for Self-Protection-Reds Fail to Make Wallowing in Gutter-Station Orders Him Taken to I - I Their Advertised Appeamnce. His Home and Not Locked Up. ! J 1 be a half-witted fellow who formerly "Send him home and don't let the loffieer was found intoxicated he was i A quiet meeting, full of meaning, was connected with a detective newspaper men find out about it," lat once arrested, just like any other! .THE • \ was recently held by representatives agency, that fact did not prevent big was the instruction a pollee sergeant drunk, and sent to jail. He usually of Omaha banking interests, at which I ( concerns from preparing themselves received when he fOund a policeman was given an opportunity to resign; ! I"80SS it was decided to take steps against for any emergency. soused in the vicinity of Twenty- otherwise he was forced to face the I fourth and Ames avenue a week ago. charge at an open hearing. I outlaws who make it a business of The meeting held by bank repre This young policeman was -one of This particular case is said to have! robbing big financial institutions. Al- sentatives to discuss the local police condition was behind closed doors. It Mr. Ring~r's prodigies. recruited from Ibeen a very aggravating affair, but it i though local papers say machine the ranks of street car employes. He was permitted to slip by with the! guns and other artillery has not been was stated by one of those present was put on the force on recommenda- hope that it would not become public. ! placed in Omah:!. banks, it is a mat- that it was not desirable that Omaha I should get any more publicity than tion of a well known street car con- The offfending officer, whose name is I' tel' of fact that several of the banks necessary over the affair, At the ductor. He mixed with some of the withheld for the nresent, has been on have taken long steps toward equip- J' meeting it was decided, however, to bootleggers in the north end one day the force onl,.. three months. being I £. r . ¥ ~,~ ping their institutions with riot guns prob~tion. K~erstein ~,,-" ~ ~~ take every precaution possible. The last week and lost his physical bal- still on Chief fi .. =:Z:=__'o:::.":''''::''';':'_ and other weapons which can be used ance. He became so drunk that he has not thus far made explanation of . --------i for self-protection against robbers demoralized condition of the Omaha police force was discussed freely and finally got into the gutter near the why he sent him home in the emer- I and other wild persons. D .. it was decided that the different corner from which he usually reports. gency car instel!d of being taken to All the banks now ha,e at least lOind,S In Omaha Fifty Years AdO banks would at once employ special ""hen this officer became so weak the station and locked np. ::J :::J two special police officers on their i police officers to protect their places that he could not budge an inch some- Speah;ng of this matter, a leading I pay roll. Some of them are in uni- during business hours. Improved (bodYtelephonedthestation.Sergeant!Omahaimsinessman,manager01 Qne l Charlie Schneckenberger, we11- • Several of on::- bad check artist2 form and all are well armed. They :alarm systems were also uEdGt;(l' S.amuelso.n and two or three officers lof the larges,t J.·obbing inSti,tu,tions. in jknown nromot'er, mo~ed hI'S offices to mingle continually' with the crowds ... ' were again getting into the limelight, upon and are being installed in some Jumped mto the emergenc'\.' car and IOmaha. had thIS to say: It is Just I'hi's "tID.'proved" headquarters on SI'X- during banking hours and are ready _ following Yisits from country con- of the banks at this time. Other sta-:ted for the Ec:ne of ~he.wrec~e:t ~his sort of business ~hat is dis~st- teenth street. stituents, for an~' emergency. One well known ! i banks already had taken such action. polIceman. They round hIm III a PItI-j' mg the Omaha publIc. Mr. Rmger I banker explained the matter recently Insurance companies have raised able condition at the point indicated does not speak to me any more. I! Ray Abbott.. ;...-ell known Omaha at- and said that Omaha banks simply "Boob" :Milder kicked his head all • I. premIums it is stated and in the by the telephone message, thought he might get away with that! torne}", was refreshing his memor-., Ie t It necessary to do something for I when asked to pa:r room rent in his If t t' country towns in this vicinity many The sergeant called up the station job when he was elected and told respecting certain letters he was "aid se -pro ec IOn. iI - down town office. He certainly could "0 I' risks have actually been turned down and explained what he had discov- him so. But he took on such fellows "to haye written to Lincoln. ur po ICe department has been squawk. b dl h t h by these concerns. ered and asked for instructions. The Ijas Elmer Thomas and F. D. Wead and! so a y soup t at we simply had Bank clerks are being instructed in ord,er to send him home was the re-l~ollowed. their advice._ All of thiS! Frank \V. JUdson, an Omaha glass to do something," said this banker, the use of the weapons that are be suIt. 1\1:.Ch c,are was. taken to ~~~p j,t~oUble IS the result. 1 am ~ repu?-!I salesman, prepared to take a trip George Yeager and Bert Meuth "We have put two officers on duty in ing installEd for self-protection. C\lany the affan OUI of prmt. The al.laIr 11lcan and always have been, out WIll j east. He also announced he was not threatened to eject everybody who did our bank. They are sworn in by the Omaha banks have ex-senice \men was at once reported to Chief Eber- \' venture to say that the work of this Iin the second-hand glass business. not pay their 50 cents dues within the city but are on our pay roll. They stein but the officer was permitted to city commission is making Jim Dahl- 1 coming week. all wear regulation police badges, who are proficient in the use of all small arms and riot guns. It is said re.t • t-o work without even being m~n a bigger man than ever, and he ,Dr. F. A., Edwards, our genial vil- We have also tal;:en steps to haye urn 1 I that several machine guns have also hud ofr. will be the next mayor of Omaha by i !age physician, showed his friends Hugh Murphy, jr" 'Well known pay- plenty of artiiIery and ammunition been made available for such institu Under the old regime when a police an overwhelming vote." Iand clients his new suite in the Se- ing contractor, was confined two at hand for any emergency that may ___________________________________ 1curities building. He was pODular weeks at the court house, but he did occur." tions as may desire them. In the wholesale district extra pre ,!With' many of our fine youn,g me,'n. not get on many juries. He had just Last Monday was set as the day ItIiG 5P'O,R15 IEIITHUSIASTICI n got through buTing cigars on the ar- for big doings. according to warnings cautions have also been taken. Many of the large institutions have put on WRESTLI i Larrey Dwyer bought another tOll of rival of a new 9-pound girl at his sent out to merchants and bankers by ' home. means of anonymous letters. Al- extra watchmen and taken other , " _..j~~;~~ ~o::~ :~:s ~:~~gd~~~~ some- though the author of some of these steps to protect their places against COMING STECHER PESEK MATCH i missives was run down and found to robbery. OVER I Willie RicheIieu, well known North . ~. ' ., _ . I Charlie Tyrrell. well known mer- End mule dealer, was considering, Hundreds AlreadJ Have Sent Checks for LaIge Blocks of Ticketsicnandise broker, jumped into business ~er~"ev ral new bu'ld'ng~illi: ~'as'n ~nlCh' gre:~h '~LAST CHANCE FOR THIRST -Promoter Holmes Busy Preparing for Big Bout Next i head over heels, following his holi- his stock. 1 i Y GONE Friday Night-Melady Not Interested. Io_·a_y_v_ac_a_ti_·o_n_. d_e_m_a_n_d_in_hi_·s_Y_1·C_in_i_ty_. _ iTOM FLn~ IS AGAIX United States attorney, in which ca- WITH SUPREME COURT 2.75 DECISION I NAMED FOR :M:ABSHAL pacity he served one term.