Interview Judging will be held in July at West Holmes High School. All horse exhibitors are required to attend interview judging in order to exhibit their animal at the Holmes County Fair. If a member cannot attend the judging, they need to speak with their advisor about attending one of the two prejudging dates. Members are not eligible for the Outstanding Award if they do not attend interview judging at WHHS.

Please dress appropriately for the interview. The dress code can be found in your 4-H newsletter and on the Holmes County OSU Extension website.

Please be aware that the judges will be looking for answers that are discussed in the Beginning Book . All of the answers to these questions are in the book.

Year 1 starts with page 16 and ends on page 56.

Members are required to bring a completed record book or complete pages 162 through 171 in the back of the book. A member will lose points for not having a complete record book.

1. What must you do to use your mind to control your horse? 2. Why do you want to watch the horse’s ears? 3. How should you approach your horse to catch him? 4. Why should you not tie your horse with the reins? 5. Why should you punish a horse immediately? 6. How is the seat length measured on a Western and English ? 7. What are the basic seats of styles of riding? 8. What are the 4 basic aids to riding? 9. What are the artificial aids? 10. What are the hands used for? 11. What is the seat or weight used for? 12. What are the legs used for? 13. When should you use the cue “whoa” and why? 14. How can you tell if you have the proper position in a western/English saddle? 15. One of the key skills necessary to be a good horseman is to have what kind of hands? 16. When loping a circle what leg should the horse lead with? 17. Showmanship classes are judged on what 3 things? 18. Showmanship patterns are judged on what? 19. What are the 4 major factors to produce a well groomed and conditioned horse? 20. In relation to grooming, what is the bridle path?

SKILLATHON Be able to tie a bowline knot Be able to tie a quick release knot Be able to identify the parts of a saddle (E/W whichever you choose) Be able to identify the parts of a bridle (E/W whichever you choose) Be able to identify 10 parts of the horse—this is on page 81 of the book