Frmh Debater* Mart Maroon Basketeers to Georgetown Orator* Engage With Violet Friday Nifht TM1 Saturday Night

Vol. fl. New York, N. Y., February 17, 1928 No. 18 Mtrooi Riflemen in Debaters Bow to C.U. Mitch with Dayton U. Donations to Sociology School Announced Begin New Victories tnd Kenper on Wire By Dean Fortier at Annual Conversazione With W. and M. Defeat New Standard TargeU Used Washington Orators Land —Winners of Unusual Gun "Public acknowledgment of a gift of problems. In our day the study of meiitlng in a Unlit and later In a more t«,100 by a dear non-Catholic friend Sociology and Social Science occupies serious vein upon the benefactors of Decision of Judges in Tilt Not Announced. to complete the first S10.000 towards an Increasingly Important place in theFordham, expressing particular appre- Debate on Intervention. the Endowment Fund of the School of curricula of our secular universities;" ciation of the magnanimous support of Sociology and Social Service of Ford- This week the Fordham rifle team As a consequence, His Eminence has Father Fortler's undisclosed friend. ham University Is here made," an- promised 810,000 towards the Endow Father Rector's talk led naturally and The debaters of Catholic University ba* engaged lu two telegraphic nounced Rev. Matthew h. Fortier, S. J., ment Fund for this year. Kraelously to the introduction of Rt.succeeded last Friday evening in matches with Kemper MlllUrr Acad- Ph. D., Dean of the School, at the an- At the Conversasione, the first amiRev. John J. Collins, former Bishop of breaking the string of eight consecu- emy of Boonrllle, Mtasourl, and Day- nual Conversation held at Bretton only social function of the academic Jamaica, rightly termed the Father of ttve victories, which had been estali- Hall Hotel on Monday evening, Febru- ton University of Ohio. The meet will year, the Reverend Dean Introduced the University. ) llahed by various representatives of ary 13th, under the auspices of thethe student body and the alumni to Bishop Collins, In his modest man the Council of Debate during: the past not be completed until Saturday, on Alumni Association. P 1 e nt> F 8the U ne Wh0 two and a halt years. Messrs. Rich- which date the total icorea will be T f. . .J . !: ® " ' »«>•• sketched the growth of Fordham The generous contribution of Father made a brief address of welcome, com from the great holiday, declared upon ard E. Carey '29, John J. Meng '28, and telegraphed to the opponents. Fortler's personal friend, added to the enrolment of the 200th pupil, to Edmund J. Fitzgerald '28, composed The men representing Fordham in the proceeds of the Intercity Bridge, Its present large register. He paid the team which drew the lucky lot the match were Baker, Cronln, Edge, recently held at the Plata, and the re- Poom by Monthly Editor well deserved praise to His Eminence from the judges over the Fordham trio turns from the Conversaslone swelled' Alola, Ralph and Samuel Bacon, Kern 5—n in "Coming Towmr" Cardinal Hayes, whose vision, gener- of Robert E. Keegan '28, Edward J. the amount to the goodly sum of $10,- osity and energy have placed Catholic McNally '29. and John V. Higgins, '28. (captain), Maher, Ogorsaly, Porcelll Mr. Qeorgs Grainger ef Senior 000. At present, Father Fortier's up- Charities on an enviable plane. The debate was held In the public hall Ryan, Dillon. Farrell, Boyd, and permost interest Is the raising of a hurst Into public print last week Announcement was made to the 300 on the grounds of the Washington in- fSOO.000 Endowment Fluid within the when a poem of his entitled "Cur- Phelan. Practically all these men have or more present ot a third benefit, a stitution, before an audience of some next five years, in order that the j lylocki" appeared in the "Con- competed before In Intercollegiate and card party fostered by ladies of thefour hundred people. The Judges of School of Sociology and Social Service ning Tower," a column devoted to Bronx, to be held In Mid-Lent. the debate were Congressman Strong Inter-R. O. T. C. contests. Consequent- may have the means to carry out its literary efforts In the Morning To Mrs. Harry P. Somerville, hostess, of Kansas, Judge Bailey of the Fed- ly they possess the necessary experi- apostolate In the field of Social Work. World. The column Is run by and her husband, manager of Bretton | , ,' „ i . Neal. ence to assure a favorable If not a Franklin P. Adams. Mr. Oralnger Cou A char e8 B "The principles which guide our can look to this as an achievement Hall, tfiid to the Committee of the triumphant showing. work tor the poor are eternal and un- LL.B.. all of whom are prominent in inasmuch as the "Conning Tower" Alum/l Association, including Misses Capitol political circles. The match was fired on the newchanging," said His Eminence In a Is considered one of the finest col- Adel/lde L. McNamara, chairman; debaters upheld the af- recent letter addressed to Rev. William The c v dslclal N. R. A. targata. These tar- umns of Its type in New York. Mr. G. A. McElroy, Margaret Calla- tlve skle ot the question which J. Duane, S. J., Ph. 1),, President of arma gets have a bull'B-eye of .15 inch dia- Orainger Is now editor of the Ford- ha* Katherlne M. Guggenheim, and advocated the abolition o[ armed In- the University, "but every age de- ham "Monthly." nes Fitzgerald the success of the meter, whereas the old N. R. A. tar- mands the methods best suited to Its tervention on the part of one nation to air was largely due. protect its rights within the territory gets had • bull's-eye of .15 loch. The •" j of another. They revealed the prac- black area on the-Individual target* ticability of arbitration and cited the has been proportionately reduced. UM1HAT10N TRIAL IN wisdom and effectiveness of diploma- This, of course, readers more aiflcult tic pressure, stressing tho adequate- ORATORY CONTEST HELD ness of the two policies to cope with the obtaining of a perfect score. How- DEFERRED TO MARCH 9 any foreign situation. Intervention ever, despite this newly Introduced dlt- Casts and Directors Begin Eight and Two Alternates was termed a seed that later blossoms Scslty, the practice scores of the R. into disgraceful and unbridled com-' O. T. C. team have not been noticeably Remote Preparations on Chotfen as Finalists for merclallzation of foreign resources. afected as a resume of the article ap- Lastly, they assailed armed tnterven- Seron Selections. I Imported French Wi March Event lion as internationally unconstitutlon- swarlag In tke February 3 issue of the alM a The One-Act Play Contest has been! ^a'" ^ "• FirSt _...... , . i *' ' trespass on the sovereignly RAM win attest. It seems, on the con- The tryouts for the annual oratori- j f ,he , a ,„ occupstlon. The es. trary, that, instead of electing a de- postponed from March 2 to March 9. j Kind in Country. cnl contest were held In the Audltorinm | f thc argument ot lhe Wash. preciation In the scores, the Instilla- This -was caused by a couflct with a j — Ion Wednesday, February 8 at 8: SO | |ngtolllan8 was f01111)| ,„ tllelr KCneml n ot thc nccos8ity ot in tion of the new target as • permanent previously arranged athletic contest. | In 1848, when the Jesuits first came £*«»«£"." t°ho 2Z7i™J«° tt, •"*** " The casts for most of the plays are to and undertook the Freshman to Senior, giving speeches •stare In future matches has accom- Fordham, urging a continuation ot management and administration of St. which luBted on an average of ten plished a very salutary improvement now complete. our policy of • armed Intervention, John's College, the grey, ivy-covered minutes, anil which covered various Cornelius F. Splllano 'ii, who has pointed to past experiences as Irrefu- thNMgh the determination of the team walk of St. John's Church Htood si- and subjects. All the written an amusing comedy "The table testimony of the possible use- to overcome the dMskulty. lent and stately In their early youth. speeches were well delivered and com- Rules of War," has selected Philip lessness of arbitration and diplomatic But in those distant days the struc- petition between tho contestants ran Meanwhile, a number of new matches Hollenbach, '30, for the leading role. preHHiire, and therefore, of tho fre- ture was called "Our Lady of Mercy," hitth throughout tho uflernoon. Tho have been arranged by Manager He will be assisted by Daniel J. Mur- quent necessity of armed Intervention. and was the parish church of the few judges of tho contest were: Fv. Taaffe, George Baker. The Coast Artillery Re- phy, '30, the brother ot Charles Mur- Arguing from precedent to future, like- serve oncers Rile Team, which de- phy who was a prominent actor while Catholics residing In Fordham village. S. J., Mr. Glenn Walsh, S. J. and Mr. Wlnslow, Professor of KIIKIIMII. lihood, the Maroon speakers declared feated the R. O. T. C. team In Its Irst at Fordham; Joseph Murphy, '29, Thug the church of Our Lady of Mer- After thc conclusion of lhe contest, themselves against any move to des- engagement last year, will fire » re- Charles Goode, '28, Richard McMahon, j cy on Marlon Avenue is a direct de< the three Judges compared their re- i t«V tlle weapon which has so sue- turn match between April 1 and April '28, and Harry Kloppenburg, '28. I scendant ot the College Church. spectlvc choices and on thc next day, i cessfully maintained American inlor- 16. Before that time the Second Corps "Klop," it ka reported, ta going to play The spire that had originally sur- Thursday, announced that the follow- J eats. Imperialism was denied, and tlio Are* competition Bring must be com- the greater part of an army In the pro- mounted the bell-tower of the church ing men were selected lo compete In I legal and moral justification of armed pleted, and preparations made for the duction. was removed, some say by tho fore- tho final contest which will be held I Intervention proved by International Intercollegiate Tourasment held under In "A Man's Heart" by Donald J. J. j Ible Intervention ot tho elements, March 211: James HtirneH '-*, James! law. the auspices of the Natlontl Rifle As- Ryan, '29, Harold J. McAuley, '29, whllo other historians aver It wan by Seery '28, Harold McAiilc}' '2P, Jiuncfl After a heated rebuttal, llio jmlifds sociation. George Oralnger, mid Andrew the authorities who, as the stone had McCarthy '29, Kdward McNully "29.' declared themselves hi fiivur of Hie Teams representing the R. O. T. G.Quinn, '30, are playing tho various j begun to crumble, were tearful lest Casey "'.O, Francis Diihn ':H>. i affirmative aide. Last year C. II. was units attached to the universities of roles. The play Is being directed by It conio tumbling down some sunny William White "10, and an alternates, I defeated at Kordliam and the victory Georgetown, Cornell and Rhode Island Harold J. McAuley. day on Home strolling member of tho Howard Scltz '30 and Andrew (Jiilnn Friday makes (lie home utut homo -will be met In the tinea successive John K. Carroll, '29, Is taking the i faculty. At nil events, the steeple Is '30. ; scries even. weeks following this week's engage- leading part In "Reloatfo," which was no more. The followiiiK rules aro to bo fol- i On the following ovi'iiliig, Forilhani ment. During that time, tlio llourst written by himself. Collins Itooiuiy, Tho stone for the, church was nimi- lowed by tlio moll who were cliuson: ) eomnieiH'eil a new winning atveak Trophy Competition will also occupy jilod from a rocky cliff that roso in I ho team's attention. (Continued on paie I) ! tlio center of tho first Illvlsion Hold. Continued on page 7 (Conlliiucil on puge 3) | On close examination, HIM rock will bo Keen to vary In color and composi- ScMklm Lecture Cempmif to 'lion from Ihoso iiviml in tho past few S*ciefof> Pnftutr'i Paper OR Democratic 'years III Ilio IOIICKU biilldliiKS. Tlio eill- Prmciplet Witt Appear in Jtmit Quarterly Chkt m kttrt$U •fMilittry Ptepweimeu flee, wiiH oiiKliiiilly Iritcnileil to rent on llm Kiniiuil in HIM form of a ITOHH, but I On Monday, Fiibrimry «, Colonel n of ibis orxniilxiitlon In wore not completed, lly tliu proHinil j prll,i0IK,0 Htu| BI,clolnKy III tho hinv jfai'ts from lilmory mid llternliire built 1'i'liimli.lliiK, Ilio rhlii'i'h will aiipi'oncli , , , ,, ,,.,,,,,., 1 ii|. I'eiT Htruttisly liy lil« soiniil scliolnr- " ', , „ . ;. . I 1024, ii resolution comlnmnliiK war- ,, in ,i .., i , V i .HC hiiiil mid the Hcliiinl uf Hoc a Her- HIM Kpni'llli'iilloiiH of the OIIKIIIIII PIIIIIH. .iitItiK H In Hi" imunhern for I'lilnrll l» iiiiiliiilinil In n "lll«loi,v of I ell u impel' on HIM OIIKIII of llrlliu hy Kr. Mllliir fin1 iho el^hih miniinl HIM iti«uliir tiiMi.lInu of III" (InVKi'll-1 HIKII'eniliirmin.eiil, Thin wotiM IIIIIIUMI fi'orilhiiin ColleKe" f.y 'IMiouiits (lufflioy I'ltitlit inlnelplMH for the MiU'rh INHIIM n Him nt lhe Am.M loin Ciilliulle mmil. l III..h . .1

ImM ll.ii'll HI I In. In nl'IMIilllll IlllMli'nl 111 M,Hn!ulhlll WIIH hi.VMI' lllll'illllli'Mil mill I'MIIIMU IIIIIIIIMMIIIMIV fi'MHeneil nml' ciitnul of Illlhl. day. Hi'iri'lnry of HIM Anniii'lnlliiti, 1 mllltwry |ifi'|t»ft'ilii«'ii« ll.r• IMInii|iloM In Mllliir, whom. iii'i'oi'iti'M w mi l'ei|ith'Mi| 1 , . , , , fl'IIHM \V||tt pl|tt«eil wllll hill OHM llleou.llt mill HIIIIIIII I'MIMI' nml I'niil." CIIIIIIIIII THHIHloll." mi alili'li (iiiliioil In HIM i-fi.c fin- II Imiini IIIIU'IIIIH ft Ih" ItWllii «( IIIMHI IH« of Mnlitfjr t'Utlm lllnl . Wh.'h HIM ohl Hiilnl I'IIIIIIII'M Cn Kf, Mllliir hi n wliMv II'IMKIII/MII mi ellllinn of '111,Hit'.til Itni vutM HiMilrul on Mullx'iiy Mlroel WIIH III t In nil s- Ii iiliinlin Hi., niiiiiiiou vlou, Al DIM vYlialllllKloll «M,-i:ilii|H, I ll« H* O11.R1) wi.|-e nliMttily III HM , U to IHMVIM"1 HIM ar«nl ttniN» of JIMO HIM nui!ii|iilt HiKim nf f'dfiMirui'ilitii, HiiH Inw In IIIIMM.I MII will, whirl. l>. KMIH'I'llI mll.|lM'l lllnl'll'UMil >»ll»l HIM II.HM'.•V'llll.llll.'il hlluel) III I'HlIn runt wllll 111* pra<u|ii, ll» lill'IIPii tuilil", HIM llllllif'HIiiMit, tiiHl Hit. I'mlltM, >^" Ml |> I Ml • .<1 li.n.,1 < lltnfi', Chili.II'M IIIHIII.IM linvnnlt .HIIIIM ..( I tin Ihi.ll Illllliu. Hull, nu HIM lllnl r.Hll..11., MIIMII.III I.I.I IIOIMUM Inw l.u«|i'ii|. )• i lli< 11>'11 Illlxilliilliiliill piolileinn ..f ., , , ,, ,,, IIWII "Bhilr mill lo III" IIIIIIM. Hull nl I'lllhi'illiil In Am..11,.i. II .ill.nil.l Im IV "HIVIVMB II IIIIVIIIHIM HIM HIMKIX, Ith' |tl.".Mlll ihiV, I'llMtll "rllolllt'M, J In bn flht'lltfilly «i«hul MiiHldim Illlll i))(M(|. |Mimi,». •Mj|l lllpH HlM I nullity l'll||aii||l|. 11 v l|i>'( Hi.|i'inm AIIIMIII ,HI ar», tvlilell, II.^IIMM of III" lipilll ' |l. |hi|li'iq tvlllrll Ilipm. will Hif>»k III Md|tlB*iMi't, Nf* Jwioov, llB l'|..|..«llHH IllllMl, IB uaOMlllhlllt Of Hill lie Ih.i.l'i 0|i lulu II VlilllllIM uf mi- tliB Hfi»Mli»ll«n he iifwts la iKititer(I »i « J'tllK mfaltnti nt ihn ii A M itti.l i|loi Illlll"' III I'dllinllf |lln|n(ll|.. *«« Kn *»M*O.| Pui'lKuMn M^i tlmt, itt» 8. A, It, till im«M 3) ICiHhnlti' liNtllfliill Tlin milliof aii|i ; THE FORDHAM RAM T1L "In youth our »'«!»« ore light, ani Vol. • Ntw York. N. V., Fabruary 17. No. II our iHlnrf« are ductile, and knowledge B°dit«r-in-Ctil*f I* easily laid u»: but I/ we nealect our Charles I!. McUrodcly,1 Jr.. iprltig, our tummert will lie utelen mid voutempttUe, our harveit will be Ntwt Cditor Sport* Miter Daniel M. Ualey, Jr., '21 vhaff, and the winter of our old age Hubert .1. Mi:Carrun, '29 miresiieited and detolate," Humor (dilor —Scott's Letters to Hla Son. Edward A. Conn. '29 Builnm M»nogtr Circulation Manaatr To live constantly In the future Is a sure way of Kdward P. Whalen, '!» Earl J. Evans, '39 wasting the present; and to waste the present-Is to Aitociat* Edltort Frank i'. Van Allen. '28 Frank S. Carrol, ':IO James D. Ivcrn. '30 BOW the future with failures. "Be not therefore solici- A $Or« FABLK K. I'uul Kmanuel. '28 l'hilli) II. Holluibach. '30 tous for tomorrow," counselled Eternal Wisdom, "for One day a sop became very thirsty. But, alas! he had Sports SKIr the morrow will be solicitous for Itself. Sufficient for only one bottle of Scotch with which to dampen his W. CUHWCII Adams, '29 William F. Lynch, "30 the day Is the evil thereof." Robert J. Heln, 'S8 Hubert J. Kcelan, '2s whistle, whereas his thirst could not possibly be quenched Arthur B. Croilcr, '29 John 8. Field, '31 Solicitude Is obviously of two kinds. One Is eedu- by anything less than two bottles. The poor sop was •mints* Staff lous and pertinent to the present only. It l« that almost frantic. He paced up and down with the lone Martin J. Lerlilcuni, '2» Charles J. Mlmack, '30 diligence which right reason elicits for the duty of Howard A. Sclts. '30 bottle under his arm, roving terribly and frothing at the the moment. Us motto In "^l»e quod agU." Starting mouth, because, you remember, he needed two bottles at Haruiil ,1. McAuley, '!» Joseph A. Howard, '10 with a right Intention, It attends to the budnem of least before the awful cravings of nature could be satis- Andrew !•'. Qulmi, ':io Kichard V. Calnan, '30 the time being with full presence of mind and such an fied. Suddenly be happened to glance at his reflection In Kdward J. Ilellly, ':io William O. McCuc, '30 Harold X. Connelly. '30 application of faculties as is never unmanned by the the water in the kitchen sink, and what was his surprlso Daniel J. Kern, '30 difficulties encountered. Thus it capitalises fully the to see the Image of another bottle ot Scotch In the water. Kdward O. Reardon, '30 present and banks prosperously for the future. This John Itogalln, '31 Joyously he reached into the sink and grabbed It. And, kind of solicitude never borrows trouble of the future like a true sop, proceeded to guisle the contents ot both Publlihjii WMkly from Oetobtr to May bytlw S«ud»nH of Fjntlum Unl. and never owes It any arrears from the past. Employ- v.riity. • Fordhum Univsnlty, fordham Road and Third Avt.. Ntw York, bottles. N. V. Inttrtd at teeond elan matttr Oettbtr 1, IMS. at thyJ»ost Oftiet at ing itself fully on today, It nnds nothing to squander Nsw Vtrk, N. V., undtr IH* set of March 3, 1S7». MORAL: Even the best whiskey Is watered. on tomorrow; yet by making the present all that it • • • ought to be It makes as sure as possible that the future OH HONIVI will be the very best it can be. What's that on your vest, honey? "SILENCE IS GOLDEN" The other solicitude is something In very truth born What did you say, honey suckle? out of time. Being Immoderately apprehensive of the No, honey! future, It endeavors vainly to foresee that time and • • • fHERE IS a comic strip that has run for man}' years in which one of the forearm against Its purely visionary adversities. Thus Children should be sweet and not hard, characters has a line which Is ever pertinent. "Use discretion" Is an it employs the present habitually to project plans for • * * admonition which many people need and which correspondingly few heed. some far-off day which may never actually dawn for They were hanging Prom posters In the RAM office. This is especially true In the collegiate world. Discretion in conversation, in It and makes ready for contingencies which it cannot But the committee on hanging was at a loss to know fact, in all communication of thought, Is a virtue that has Its own reward. in the slightest divine. In consequence It deprives the what posters should go on the retr wall. Both paused There are many events which occur, many statements made, of which It is silently to consider the difficulty. present ot that full measure ot thought which it de- best that the outside world remain in ignorance. This Is due to the fact that "Ah," exclaimed one, "I have an Idea." serves, while at the same time It plants the future many of these events, announcements and statements are caused by things "Ha," exclaimed the other, "Beginner's luck." lavishly with disappointments. Such a life is consum- • * * utterly outside the comprehension of the outside world. ing itself at both ends at once. THE MINORITY We do not wish to imply that we have any skeletons in our collegiate Youth Is very prone to this latter solicitude. Not closets, nor that there are dark and deep secrets buried in university cellars, indeed that youth is apprehensive of the future; for Hazleton rather liked Hasel, and he was detouiined to but we wish to make clear the fact that it is extremely imprudent to broad- usually It is rather oversangulne than overcautlons. marry her, even though she did weigh a ton. For the tou cast Information which Is at all likely to he misinterpreted or misunderstood. But youth has Its ear to the ground of time, as It were, Hasel did not exactly hate Haselton; and so It looked as and thrills to overhear the excitement of the days It a happy ceremony was not far In the offing. Thus it That there is such information is known to all, and many will understand the before It. A traveller along a dusky highway who Is came to pass that Haselton went to Hasel's pappy, and necessity for being restrained In the publication of it. preoccupied with thoughts ot the city whose lights earnestly begged the hand of his daughter, which favor In every family there are little differences, there are times when It be- flare glamorously before him In the sky Is scarcely was kindly bestowed upon him by the aforementioned comes necessary for one In authority to take steps which may be unpleasant attentive to the road he Is actually traversing. Just pappy. His next step was to ask Haiel's mammy about to one or many of the members. Those outside that particular group have so with youth. It finds the future, whose heralds are It. Haiel's brothers, Tom, Dick, Harry, and Tom, were the light of dreams, very prepossessing; and In con- also asked about It. Another thoughtful thing that Hasel- no right to such information, and It is to the benefit of all concerned that sequence it is easily coiened from attending duly to ton did ot course was to ask Haiel's aunts and uncles such facts be not the subject of public comment. Therefore, it is only com- the present. about it. Finally everything was In perfect readiness mon sense to take no steps which may lead to the broadcasting of any such For instance, It may come to regard Its school time for a lovely June wedding. But, alas! It never came off, occurrences. as something not entirely real: a dress-rehearsal only because our hero forgot to ask Haiel about it. for the big show which will begin after school has been • • * The RAM has constantly followed sucli a policy, and the policy has been passed. Such a view impairs the results of schooling. markedly successful In that useless and harmful disputes havo been avoided. The spring time of its life is summed up Inslgnlflcantly, WHIN It A TRUE »TORV NOT A TRUI »TORV? The current craze for publicity and for dragging every conceivable subject with the after result that Its summer Is lean and ot When a man has money enough to buy It out ot tho Into print is an evil which those who have any power to prevent should strive small yield. The difficulty In this case is, thst such newspapers. a youth Is doing too little ot the duties that actually to correct by a Judicious attitude towards the making public of any informa- When It's in a true confession magazine. are and too much of what it thinks is about to be. tion which is at all susceptible of being misunderstood, or from which any When the fish weighs more than twenty pounds. which more often than not never conies to be at all. They say Mussolini's new baby looks like the Ducc. unwarranted conclusions can be drawn. Sometimes this forwardness of youth Is even abetted • • « We ure not advocating blindness to our faults and mistakes, but we wish by misguided teachers. A circular of a literary weekly, which ruriilshes a digest of the world's news, and which There's many a camel born to Impress all with the necessity of loyalty to one's companions and to one's To blush unseen Alma Mater. This loyalty demands that anything untoward bo not made Is bent on wedging Itself Into the classroom, was re- ceived recently, In which a bulletin ot the University Ami waste his fragrance public property, for the privilege by which one becomes a member of such a of Chicago was quoted to the effect that "many teach- On the desert air. group connotes the duty of guarding the honor of It. It is an excessive youth- ers real lie the hopelessness of the task of preparing fulness that desires that all may know just what issues are agitating it. Ho- boys and girls for participation In the affairs ot the A COMMA tlcence regarding certain extremely intimate prohibitions and commands, and modern world by means ot the textbook alone," Page: A man awaits without his shirt is of a rare "Large educational attention to current political prob- pattern ho nays and he desires to show It to you. the absence of comment upon them will do far more to improve conditions lems" and other such Impertinences of young life were than Jeremiads from the housetops. King: Show him In who is without his shirt it must recommended by certain of these dons as the specific be a queer sight. remedy. The pages of the marketed weekly, It was • • • pointed out, take the pupils "into the council-chamber;* THE FEBRUARY CLASS of the world so that I hey may watch the ebb and now Marlon llusto lu repenting at lleno. of battle In theue great political amphitheatres." As * • • 1JOROHAM lias much to offer her sons which in nut ot obligation. In many a consequence of such tendencies we nee In our day NICKEL PLATED JOKE such effronteries as sessions of callow collegians, an- universities tlier« Is offered an orientation course, the purpose ot which How did you hieak your wrist? Hcmhleil from every quarter of the nation, and even Is to make the new students familiar with nil of the activities which are at times from every point of the conipnsn, to decldo I chaiisoel my mind In tho Automat. curried on under the auspices of tile uuiverHlticH, KO that each student may questions that perplex the experienced minds of empire- » » t chouse wmie extra-curricula activity which IH to lil» taste, mid develop uoine builders, and to dictate the policy that simply must Have you ever noticed how pollto trcos, are—they lalenl which In mil formally considered In I lie curriculum. At Korclham we govern the new firmament of the future, about which always botiirli before, leaving, youth IIIIK diiHlilnnly stalcvd off Its exclusive and Kiitu- have no Mich course, fur II IH, to a Krcat extent, HiipertltinUH. All our activities plan claims. Meanwhile HIII'II youth, as only loo often lire imicle known to the Htmli'iils hy means of the ItAM and the bulletin boards. happens, liy thus eliti'ilnn Into tho future HII constantly, Tho eml of Ihu tlumblo, Th" Kicshniiin Kornin, the (II«« Club, the French club, the Mendel Club, never enters Into itself, whereby alone II might m« tho HIIIIUIIIII.'H, I hi! lliirri'sliM' ('lull, the Frutthniiiii Workshop, the Dramatic Hull perhaps It Is not only In n fur country but also E, A, 0. that It In waslliiK 1IH MuhHtniicn. Hoclely, Ihi' Monthly mid Urn HAM urn the ninln acllvllleii aside from athletics. Ill HIM h II VIII'IOIIH uiunli el nrmilllziilluiiH Iliere mum lie ill II'IIHI en" which II BUS Hie omi»T»r MniniN Aiinillii* who llmnkcd np|iMil- In you, ami you hlnnilil »T Hint you hike nilviiiiliiKii of II. The value the KIIIIH Mint ho hail never had a xoplilxt fur Ills teacher, Anil tunny ii ymilh of today inlKht well prny FOUNDED IN IMI Ufa riilli'Ke eihu iilluii |H ImmciiHiinilil.v eiiliiiiiiiMl liv HIIIII Mel IvillxH, MeHhleH tn Im ilcllvereii I'PUII ilili very mlHfniliine, Mnny wmild file III nnil viilim mill i \|»Tkiiri< Hull' IH mi mlileil IMIVIIIIIIIKI1 which muni mil Unix lie unveil I'm in lh» 1'ihil mipliMry, Mint Mm hi'ul he (llHrcpunlml, lite itilviiiitiiM.n <>l' niiiltliiu H'II'IHIH of rniiM'iilnl UtHltiH. wny In ii|ienil Ihe IHUMI'III In tu mimhlo nr illcn II itwuy mi I he inikiiiiwiihle MirnWK u[ the fuliirii, HuftVlinit In tiller jeiun, |h'IM,.I.,I,(II,II of rrli'iulu My lieeninliii'. uellve lii inline enlleuliile llHcIf ivllh Ihe cm-en Mini iirnlili'iiiN of Hit' mni'i'iiw of IMth Street an. Tktr. AVMMM 1 IM'kllllll'llMlill >l"l Will meel Hun (lliuiui linden me HI 111 t III r In Vlilll IIIVII, mill ynl life, II ivrliittrt Ilii own wllhi'i'H ilt'titrurlhnly nllil hrliiK« (AIIJIIIMIIIU Iti'imx Pack) different lu the lll'lile" Illlll Kill elmlilii i ml I,, |,(, t(. lr,ur ml«llllli'M I'dlTeelml mi wnlille > II I• r Ihe rilliue, by Th, JttMit Nenlie ll>il iilili lii )mn>ii'lr, hill ul«u In ynlll \\\,\n Mnler | HIHII nci'vlcn In llnriici' iiilvluiil 1,1'inHIP... uuulimt Mm fullllly mill l'nll««n, I,MW, mn ur Hi. iiiilltiilliiiui tthlili toii ii'imiine iilieii VHII min I MHHIIIIII I lie liuiili'l.v nl IMVIIIK lulu Mm rului'i', HI, I'IIIII |irft»elitii! Tlieierme, |im.. im llm,, In ni.|,,rt|IIK B »lni I llliliiiln Hi'Hvlly mill In Ihe Muiiliilln "mil In he Imue tttnK I linn II linlimnlll , Hi'fcWOl (if KoHitl ««r»lt'», heilllllllll! HI llm 111 II The i||ti.|»IH- lit ilillHlle.i |i. m, ei,.||t l|n,| |l ll))H".l III DlBIH. All IP«*ill, Hlll'HWIMlllnil M, mnl Miimmm H«»>lnn, littxa III 111-. ,\||IMI Mtllol Illllhe II II IIIMlIlM Hi lllllj fn| hllll III IllUp HllltH! |t«ft III in1 tii|nel will (outuln nine Bub Fallon's orchestra, broadcasting through station WEAK every Monday Columbia, S. D. altat'M, HM well as KHWlNtleH, corre- Sept. f, 1KM HpondlliK with those itbove, Thin will iifturiioou from S to « l>, M., usually Una* Bra. Co. Hive mnnlti fnellllleH for I he HIIJIIIK of lilii.vM the Poi'dham Ham its one of his Richmond, Va. MIIHH by it iiumliei' of Ilio Kutliers ill Heli'otlollH. 0«ntl«Mn: I am a yttaran M the Edgcworth une llnie. army, still In activfitrvic*. Tim front townr will Im lei'inlimled I makt this claim, challnnfing all with a Htoliu belfry, deslmieil III littr- comtn, to have smoked Ednworth mnny with tlm rent t IIIIH It was poatibl* to get It) lot a loniwr Howdy! ptrlod than any othw person within flillllll'tl of tile llllllllllIK 75 fen!, iha scope of your territory. It him Ineu I lie Him (if I lie iMihlleel, I Leon Sayi— I havn smoked Rilnwortli for Mmllti (I. IVITIII, in Hei'iirii a niilllnd twMty-oM years anil will noon start xffi'cl III HIM ciini|ileleil IHIIIIIIIIK, with Whal't Ilia MM af •••Ing •n In* tw#nly-s#fonil, !h« IIIIIIOMIIIK liinlerii ilomlmitliiK HIM dl|nllt4 with IhsM you 111 admit to having trM other I'ljIlipiixlHiiji, know—ami r«m all knam m, brands, including «>-t»rm«l hlgh-daa*, MTOWM, hwatr, and bwwi. hlfh-prlml >ileml« and mhtutm, ! *noufh to *|>|ir*<( th« auiwrlnrlfv n( Kilgnwurth, Illllllllllll (' j 111 < 1 >' I'lll'lllll'llllllll, III II I'lH'Mill In sit thm* yvarn I IIUVM n«vrr hail llililri'Hi II| 1'lilrns.u, lililliiiiiii'inl Hull | Mie i'«i »l tiiltvvorfh that vitrlml In navo lfrwlwltrl . Illtl IIViU'HK" Illllllllll I Ml I > Mil' III' II IHKII I Yourivery truly, flTIIMDl Ul'ililllilh' In ft,SOU, WIlel'i'llH Hull i .OMEONUP! llgMIi J. .1. H Of it riilli'MC Hl'fliliifiln \A f'Uiun, In thin Diagram* - Program* tm luff/'? I LEON.ARTHUR Edgeworth Tll« BHln I'nenljiU fm1 enlli'Be fniil.; Iwll Bitlllni fliiflliu Hm Jinnl nwiaiitl !" . (»«« I4>h St.) Extra Hi/fh Gnuh Hi I Clio I Ifill,llllll(IHHI, ni'l'lll'llllll! Ill I Ntw Yttfk City HM|||IIIIM| HI (Ilinilln, Illilii, I Smoking To I men, THE FORDHAM RAM VARSITY DOWNS HOLY CROSS QUINTET, 24-18

Maroon, Off Form, Again Conquers McCauliffRaidnd Tanth in National Junior Court Lut Looking Them Over Worcester Team in Slow Contest Iu the national Junior rankings Holy Crow Hai Never with made known last Sunday by the Defeated Vanity Team proceeded to the tank of ad- U. S. L. T. A. the name of Ford- DAN DALEY Sweetman, Woods, Reardon jI ministering the Crusaders their Bee- ham's' tennis captain for the last Coached by Kelleher Star a* Rest Of Team I ond defeat of the year and with no ! three years, Gene McCaullft was pi-_, Ponrlv ; sr*»t dlfllculty drew away until the end I listed In tenth place. McCaullff has been steadily Improving his stand- " »*"•"' ;0f the flret period saw them in pos- Ing each year, and during the past The Varsity's victory over Holy Cross last Saturday was Fordham's . session of a 12-4 advantage. Curious- season, his last In Junior competi- eighth consecutive triumph over the Purple in the last six years. Since Fordham's team regls-! ly, three of the four field goals tallied tion, he achieved a position among tered lis twelfth triumph in thirteen >»' Fordham up to this point were the coveted first ten. Ed Kelleher took over the coaching reins, the Crusaders have been success- _ . , ,,..,., t, from the hands of a standing guard, In the doubles ranking, paired fully repulsed in every clash with the Maroon. Holy Cross's last defeat of starts on Saturday night. February 11. JUmbM Wo0(,g colmng up tmJM ^ with Julius Seligson, of Lehlgh, sec- the Varsity was on December 20, 1922, when the home team won at Wor- against Holy Cross, although the Pur- ai.op the baI[ through the net. ond in the singles list, McCaullff Is cester, 2 7-21. Kelleher assumed charge of the Maroon'i court destinies in eighth position. pie offered surprising opposition In! However, though the Varsity bad with the beginning of the new year, and, in a return encounter in the holding its conquerors to a six point succeeded In drawing away to a com- Captain McCaullff Is the only member of the Varsity tennis team margin of victory, 24-18. Great de- '°"»"e lead, its work in the Initial | Bronx, honed Fordham enough to reverse the decision by a 37-26 score. fenave play on the part of the visitors, ! period was far from interesting and who played last year In the Junior ,, , , j The following year found the Purple without a basketball team; but co\ipled with a performance from the 8eemed deyol(| of a Ife The pag8 |lg division, and consequently the only of tne team was not functioning in Its one to be ranked. Besides many in 1925, Kelleher's first championship season at Fordham, his five won its Maroon that rarely rose to the heights usual polished manner and they were lesser Junior championships which of which it is capable and which was j Hiiding difficulty In penetrating their ninth straight victory by defeating Holy Cross, 23-16. During the 1925-26 he won during the season, Mc- campaign Fordham won from the Crusaders by 24-15, at Worcester, and often HsUesa and ragged, was respon-, £ a, ^ £ Caullff was men's singles champion of New Hampshire. Gene is entered then defeated them 42-23, in the season's wind-up at home. eible for the closeness of the final | brlef moment8 at its opening, when in the National Indoor Champion- Last year, Kelleher's second championship quintet took the Purple into tally. However, the score cannot be' the inspiring spark that has enabled ships which are to begin In this taken as an Indication that the victors j them to defeat the best In the East city shortly. camp twice. The first game, played at Worcester, saw the Maroon tri- were hard pressed to win, for at no! »eemed to animate them. A basket umphant by 33-29. In Fordham's half of the series, the Varsity doubled time were they ,„ duress and It was ^TT^ Z'J the visitor's score to win, 36-18. The seventh time Holy Cross bowed to only in the closing minutes that the j tlie Maroou tar in front an(J the stand,, i.. . _ the Maroon on the court was at Worcester two weeks ago when Bo Adams' Worcester shooters were able to eat I began shouting in anticipation of one j YAFfllY 16MB ; nine field goals aided Fordham to win by 42-33. Into a large lead by what proved a; of the Varsity's brilliant flourishes. At tits stage the Purple tlghteued belated rally. ! its defense and Adams paid the price N.Y.U. Saturday. Last Game One of Poorest The second team again ushered In io f havlng wreake(1 havoc wlth the the evening's action and upon retlr- Cross two weeks ago by finding two Violet Has Beat Five in The eighth and last victory in the series was one of the poorest of Ing presented the regulars with a lead | men guarding him for the major por- j the lot. Saturday night found the Varsity far from its usual form, and of 4-2. Dan Reardon's spectacular j uon of the half. Succeeding in cut- Yean-C. U. Next Holy Cross held the Maroon quintet to its lowest score of the season. How- basket after he had cut in fast in a ting short Fordham's offense, they ever, as poor as the Varsity played, the home boys were still several jumps manner very reminiscent of Tom initiated a scoring bee of their own Coach Ed Kelleher's men are due Leary's work last year was the feu- and Morris, Connors and Reilly alter- ahead of the Purple, so that they gave the impression that, were it needed, to tace on Sat- ture during the tenure of the sec-' nated in scoring to bring the Purple they could have unthrottlcd their steam at any moment and left the visitors omlary forces. Upon their appearance j up (0 a respectable position. Inter- urday in the first of the final three at this juncture Imme- j mlttent scoring, however, on the part games on the schedule. The Violet far in the rear. of the home talent preserved the lead, quintet will be followed by the strong ! It was mainly through the work of three men that Kelleher's string with "Pop" Sweetman netting two Catholic University live on Wednes- j of victories over the Crusaders was kept intact. Pop Sweetman, Maurice Freshmen Down Regis timely shots from the field. The am- day. Both contests will be played at bitious tactics of the visitors seemed | Woods, and Dan Reardon collaborated to keep Fordham in the winning effectually squelched at the cloning home and are certain to bring out the | column. With the rest of the first team palpabjy off form, Sweetman, For Eifkth Victory whistle. best basketball seen on the home I Woods, and Reardon caged the ball time and again to keep the Varsity court this season. , in the lead. With its passing and shooting sadly below par, Captain Frank N. Y. U. started off its schedule in Rohan'. Five No Match for j formidable opponent Saturday night Dougherty and his teammates concentrated on the defense, with the result miner but has Cuba—Score Is 23-12. I for the form displayed would hardly that Holy Cross netted but six field goals during the game, and scored only I have carried them to victory over a great brand of ball I three such teams as they are about to since the beginning of the new year. on four fouls during the entire first half. Dan Reardon's field goal that gave Fordham the start on the Purple The Freshmen Quintet turned hack j tace Mallhattall| N. y. UM and Cath- Although Howard Cann'x players have another of the lending contenders for j ollc University might all he Justly not been running up a large string during the first few minutes of play was one of the most spectacular ever the championship of the Catholic- High 1 ranked among the live best quintets in the gym. Dan "cut" from the center of the floor, took a beautiful In flip Ti'aat nml Fnrilhmt, mnallnir i Ot Wins, his men have ShOWll tllUt ln uie ast an pass from Sam Scanlon under the basket, twisted around and dropped the School League, when they defeated the ! *' " *ormiam meeting • Kegls High team In the Fordham Gym 1 in rather easy fashion, last Saturday them in successive game* has it« woi-k !th thee yViole aret thinstitutioe best ntea inm man to y represenseasons.t ball into the net in one and the same motion. He almost duplicated the night. The score was 2312. The boys cut out for It. But a return to mid- A fast court game is the feature feat toward the end of the game, but in crashing into the backstop he from Vorkvilie were trying all the time season form should mean a victory of the N. Y. U. style of play, coupled knocked the ball out of the basket. but the size and strength of the Frosh oveFOHIIHAr all threeM (21.1 I 1IOI.V ('BOSS (HI U. F. 1'. t OFT with an ability to shoot from the floor Before he left the game because of four personal fouls, the last of were too much for them. Itegls was ilanikl. If.,.. ,1 .1 II! Morrli. If II.} l,lier!i 1 1 » ' Ciniiiiir*, rf 2 :i 7 and'the foul line. The game this sea- able to make only two field goals, both ' ' Sulhvmi, c 0 II fi which was a clear case of charging on the part of the Cross player, Maurice ! Oaty I) 0 0 son will not be the type that Fordham coming in the second half when the HeillV, IK •> 2 fi Woods turned in another fine performance. His two field goals helped crimson and white outfit started to, it (I 0 0 has been in the habit of playing with I II keep the Purple at bay and his defensive work was partly responsible for cut loose with Ions shots. Johnny 'i n the Height's men. the visitors' low score. Hayes, star forward of the visitors, The team to represent Catholic made one of the goals, besides account- University Is made up of the same Pop Sweetman tossed in three field goals and was Fordham's high ing for four foul goals and playing an scorer for the night. The important thing about Sweetman's scoring was all-around game. Ohrluger dropped In ' players that have appeared at Ford- the other basket for Kegls. ham for the past three years. Every that it came whenever the Purple seemed on the verge of drawing close. The game started with Ilegls scoring member of the first five Is a member Pop has played many a fine game since he graduated into Jimmy Zaks- first on Murphy's foul shot. Sullivan, One Mile ReUyTet. of the class of 1928 and they have ' xiewski's shoes, and Saturday's battle proved that he has not found them who played a line game, dropped in a been playing together on the Varsity at all too big for htm. field goal soon afterward and Clurwltz Loses to Col»bMK.G since their Sophomore year. Last followed with a basket from the pen- • j season the Washington five was the alty Hue. Costello and Mullins ac- tea m to Breaker* Ahead! counted tor two more foul goals but The Varsity one mile relay quartet I , snap Fordham's winning rec Pete WIsnlewNkl gave the Maroon u three point lend when he put In a foul season last Saturday night In the j be the hardest the Varsity has had to face all year. Saturday's opponent, TI,|H win|cr the cnpitol city ia(|H and a field goal In surceHHlon. Hefore 1 Knights of St. Anthony games when ran up a long string of victories only New York University, again proved that on any given day it may be ex- the speedy C'olumlnw Council, K. of C, tremely dangerous. While the Varsity was repulsing the Crusaders, N. Y. U. ishpd the period on tlu. short end of four finished live yards ln the van of point. Hlnt-P (hat H«t-I>a>'k, Iho Cardi- was handing the Army its worst defeat of the season. The Violet utterly a IJ-G count. Iho Maroon In tho fast tlmo of nals have faken (hue out for exami- routed the West Pointers, who nnly the week before had extended the Kordhum opened Hie next half wllll 3:2»&-G. nations hul httVH ugaln sturled their u fli'hl xoul lij Stephens. Zlleskl then highly touted Pittsburgh Panthers. The race, one of I lid features of the huski'thall activity. Konllmin will Hcnreil |or the IIIMI lime when he threw Catholic University, who has been invited to play the gams which prriKrum, wiw tin* MDIIHIKIIOT O'llarfl have a pretty bull!*, on Its hunds 111 two ciinHi'i'liI Ivc baskets from tile will follow the Interclass Basketball League championship contest, on Mi'Ui.iiliil on., mile ri'luy for Catholic when tin- ('. ('. IfMim ugtilu comes floor. The Ki'ionil on.' wan a lit'iiutlfitl iltiliH anil I'ONI'KI.H. (ItMirgn HIllimiH, Nmlh. The fail thai no Hoiilheili trip Washington's llirlhd.iy, disappointed by losing to C. C. N. Y. for its sec- Hhnt, iiiiuli' al,"til thirty feel frmn Hi, with bin Jin.,1's iilm»Ht hcjili'd nt HM* was schi-dulftd this season |irt, ilht mil slow UII ti hit. Klvc llclfl KI.IIIH uliirtwl nit for Koidhilin, .lohniiy whlh' Ihi' IIIHII HIIIIIOI IHIVH iinilil iii'l O'HIi.'ii look Urn hiilnii from HIIUIIIIK Tin- Viti'Hlly has been working ev- only nftf iii.lnt put t\it* MIO'HIN uwtiv Mini |ntHMi'if It on to .luf'k Jlroiitiiui, ery nfl"i'iioon In |ire|uit'iitlou for IIM-HO 1 Baseball Schedule Almost Perfect ulii-inl, a:!-'), .liulilii llvitu was now Ci'pliiln Aril,, ll'Cniiiiiii-, i it ii n I n K (in IIIIIII'MIH Ki'lli'hui' has In ,'li li'ylliK to phtyltiK >i liixl t- it Mi", hut In1 Jiixl IIIIHH.'II i Inn, nut i.r IIr«l plui'ii for Ihi. III I UK Ollt 1111,11' HlI'MliKlll 11 >• nhlnlllM I After mudi l.ihor by C.iiulii.ile Manager Jack Cnlfey and Student Ullll K.'llltl.lll III III' tl I'M I IIVO Hllll K,Hill hy linden K.'lllni. Into It).' "'ni'ltiM . "I Ililnl linn, In Ihi,'i ii'Mi'i Manager (ii-nrge Diujgan, llie Varnity haw-hall nelu'dtili' for the nation of until itKvi'inl lliniM, UPKI*. tnit'li. n I UK II.'I'll Ni'llllll III MX II Ulillll fill' Illl 1 'Ih,, Coluinliun four wit* I'liiiipiinoil I'^H ^ aimimni'ei! tmlay exeliiKivt-ly in The RAM, Twcnlym'x gamcn, p.tiini i M 11 v In iniNvvt')' In Ihi' i In..,II. or HI'COIMIH. Wllli lli'iinloii'M HIIVIIIIIII 1 ,,r .l.iliu ln.wnliiK, I<1111.>'• liiillnii, Joint I hull nl whit Ii will In playeil at home, are on the moM reprvnentalive list IIm bin ftilloH'liiK whh-li nun.' I,. >.ni. HM nI lii III., IIIK IIIIIHIH WOIIIIH ™I Ink,MI II 'il-iv, ninl. iilHi'Mii'li II Hindi. >'!' Mill'i mill Hi., i,r,,ii:|ii,iii|iiii,>il Vln ,HII Thin |iliiu limy mil ho IIHIMI in .vet ilt.iwn up fur a I'otdliam niiii', "ill l.nllr 'I'lit' Minn .if Ihi. int.. wn» nil tftilJIiK I lit. ..t'lin.iii hul II gki'M>' i-vi'iy lii«t Ja»« timtttiitioti In tin* Kinl ha* ii^reej to clitih with pollili In, tin III.' iiiili'.llliil.'n nl iMi'|.H,IIHlll> f,M*l fu| I III' p|ilW IIIIUIII'V Ni'llnu i,ml lli'ititliin mi iiiihiii'lmillv I'uili Ki'lli'li.r |u,'-i'iii'.l. Ih'-i (lolli'v'i I'-ill tn«ci«, .nn 1 ilie Kein lliuvetniiy tfum, nf Japan, »dd» mi inter tut'I. in «,,il, niih ih., in.'ti Hint lli.'V will .Mint! int. llavut. A very plraaintj fealute of tlu1 nchrdtllti I* ^ WHI'l. I'm fill l.illlll.l 1 I ,,,,in. , mi .1 tut, ., In HM, In,II liiiihnhli In. innl,',I with Hul H'Mi Hluin ..I Aimy In the M.uotiii cilliu-* ||»|, will) llif t'Vi?r 'lop-ili'l1 "We»t ii.liinl , l-'.ii Uhlli, limit nniinnl \\ ,,,,,!„ »||| im II,.,,mill n,i., v.'iii ninl Illl,, HIM .' 1'i.ini I up ,i3 ,m IIIII.IIIIIU! iiiiKe^iient f In II,, ,1110 till.I l,,u,,ll, „,, ,|,,.,li, ,,,,,1 Ixtrtll ll.'lll.llltl >••, , Ilin Hln Illlial I'IIIIMIIIII' Wiili ..lily iwn tiii'ii linl Initii l.i.t yeai'n fr(jnl,if nine, and several ttto-Y Hill Tut.', H"|.i| tlvnl, ».-,„,„• hip „„, 'tl ;; i IIHIII fin bin |,|,i. ., Htniiiliin n.iu III II»U*| }, ;|i-||.it |>|ityi*tn rtmii llif \>H'l lie»hm,m oiilnl, I'ordhaiii nurd not have »,'•» ninl Hit),| J.I,I, >< in i*,, »„„!,„ |(t. |,|ft(, fill (lid l--«f|f lUiyU lit |ll«l !|ot> Sflll liMB 'liihife inn, It tiiis.i'tiiints the fast iipiii-niuhiiiK pnwiii, (Jnfffy'ti fdUf'ilitr hurl' ::J! 1MB |i| III,, !,:,,,,|l, „,, «|ii|||| ,|| If, yH|:,|a in.I iHiiUjr inanlKBtl III" tin. lioonir II ; iny ati!!, Hullri JIH* HurriiiijinM, %>\\ ('•otiut'y, Johnny Murphy, »ml Rogrf 8t It | nff ill" t"ii fiinl liiiil K WIIIIM, tl ffiisll elll'llljlll III I'lrti I. Iuol ijUMI" fill Uli- ... i it nil ft ' Mall, I" H fii||||e|' lo-tllllHHln .If Wllflfct- lltll Hint.. Wnoila will ,ni,|,,iilit.,,l!v l,u I kill intin llif t»»i guurt«t tif twirlcra in m\k#e tiall, and the Uifftfit • lllll.l < M { 1 1 Illfr. « 9 Ii llm (|piit|ti-|iiwH I'lilVPfpilr :ll»ll Wllll lllB fll'al lB(|t!l fnf Illo litt>» .if iwFitiy »lit fiaine" i« mil ?»(it?tit?il to prove ton fnucli it htifdert for i' A !•! 1 t.,1.1 ienlltpp IMimlnliir mi Hm », |,r,|,||n


the next event, the light heavyweight bout. Ralph started out well, hitting Visitors Win Last Five Bouts to his man with both hands and landing Frosh Class Team Takes League Lead some very telling blows. But then the Fates seemed to conspire against Wipe Out Early Fordham Advantage Hutch and he had a bad accident. Yearlings' Surprise Victory Breaks Junior Win- Coming out of a clinch Ralph, side- Uunu and Murphy Win a bitter struggle for supremacy be- stepping Brown, slipped and this count- ning Streak—Score Is 8-5 tween Andy Plaiia and Battling Ben- ed as a knockdown for Brown. The for Vanity—Both McGraO son of Temple. The men were so next round reminded one of the The constantly improving Preshman descended nicely and swished through ' Unt on Sidelines. evenly matched that the judges were trained seals at the Bronx Zoo at Interclass League quintet boosted it- the netting without touching the rim. forced to call for another round be- feeding time. Both boy* could have self Into first place in the League by The Juniors then began to throw fore awarding the decision to Benson. easily qualified in a eatch*t-catch- a sensational and unexpected victory the ball from all corners of the court In their drat home engagement of With the sound of the opening bell can tournament. Hutch was far su-over the Junior team last Wednesday but their efforts went for naught. the season, the Varsity boxing team Plaisa was at his man landing several perior to the wily Brown In thla phase afternoon. The score was 8-5 and Whenever the Freshmen got posses- played the part of 'the genial hosts and telling blows before the bewildered of the game easily outclassing the visi- broke the Juniors six game winning sion of the leather, they guarded it Benson could cover up. The latter, lost to the Night Owls of Temple Uni- tor. The close of the next round found streak. Despite the necessary short- closely. Maynard, who scored five however wae far from being a novice both boys somewhat groggy, Hutch ening of the time and the low scoring;, I points, scored a foul but his greatest versity by live bouts to two. The twoand gave almost as much as he re- appearing stronger, and though not the second period was filled with more contribution came towards the end Fordham leather pushers to triumph ceived. However, In the opinion of landing as often as Brown, his blows thrills and spectacular shooting than of the game. Fighting for the ball, were Joe Laiarus In the 115 1b. class the newspapermen around the ring- were wearing the Temple man down an ordinary full-time contest. As a with his back to the goal, he suddenly and Joe Murphy In the featherweight. side, Piaiia should have received at considerably. The decision which the result of this triumph the Frosh are rose from the scrimmage and with These bouts were won with ease, de- the very worst, a draw. judges gave to Brown, did not seem now practically certain of being one one arm tossed the ball backward, The welterweight class In which to meet with the approval of all. of the two teams which will play pre- barely looking. It went in cleanly bonair Joe tying his man up Into liminary to the Varsity-Catholic U. and drew long applause from the Chuck Conway appeared against Pete The shortest bout on the card was knota and making him miss by several game on February 22. spectators. Horwatt of Temple provided only a the heavyweight event, Swede Hanson city blocks. The other Joe proved The Freshmen were lighting from short session of milling. Chuck was winning by the knockout route over JUNIORS (S) himself to be a mighty stiff puncher Bud Conley. Hanson whose name the beginning and the Juniors,, with rating O. VI T. away ahead of his man when out of a China, If " " Callahan. If.... 0 0 0 with a terrlnc kick In either hand. clear sky Horwatt produced a pile- bears the trace of his ancestry, was their scoring aces, Walsh and Calla- Munar.l. if... Wallti. If 0 0 0 han, followed step for step by Polak rolay, c Murnhy, I! 1 0 3 A» • result of these easy victories driving right which sent Conway to like a Berserker gone wild in his de- llolmbtii .... Cobh, If 0 0 0 and Slano, were unable to get the ball the Maroon supporters had visions of the canvas. Here Chuck made a most sire for victory. He rushed from his Slaru. It Jlofjan. n.... I 1 3 near the basket or even attempt long Polak, ri an overwhelming conquest. But thegallant attempt to rise to his feet and corner and wrestled Bud all over the shots with any safety. It was long Tolala 3 11 Tolala 1 I remaining tussles were decided in resume battle but the shock was tooring. With a powerful sweeping left Rtftrre—Jerry Do)I., 'It. Tlmp of halvt favor of the visitors, two of them by crashing on Bud's chin, followed by a shots by Captain Holmberg and May- Ten minutes. great. The K. O. occurred as the bell nard which won the game for the knockouts, The team on the whole vicious right, the bout was over and sounded the end of the round. Freshmen. looked like a sturdy lighting aggrega- Probably the best bout of the night the evening's entertainment brought tion, everyone of Coach Murphy's to a close. Holmberg substituted for Foley In was between the respective 160 pound- the second halt and soon made his proteges stepping right in and never ers, Johnny Dorsey for the Maroon 115-Pouml Clans—Jo Laxarua, Fordham, backing up for a minute. The Owls defeated Ed Cuden, three rounds, Judaea' great Held goal which put his team and David Beloff representing Temple. ahead. With the score, 4-3 in favor appeared to have the edge on the decision. This bout was a slisler from start to 125-Faund Clan*—Joe Murphy, Ford- of the Juniors, he came running down alaii Id-tool llmai of All r-ubu.hera both near and Maroon by virtue of their superior ex- uae trial order. tween Joe Laiarus of Fordham and judges' decision. Mention Ihli Paper. and his superior strength enabled him a great King. It looked too high but •ADDIS 4 Milt. IM., n f ink *».. N. v. cu> Edward Cuden of Temple was a thing 145-Pound Oawi—Peter Horwatt, Tem- to push Oorsey around the ring In the ple, knocked out Charles Conway In the of beauty. While it was not very In- clinches. Despite these handicaps ttint round. teresting from the average spectator's Johnny kept right after his man and 160-Pound Claim—wave Beloff, Temple, standpoint, it was a source of keen de- defeated Jack Dawson. three rounds, forced the fighting all the time. Judgea' decision. light to the real boxing analylst. La- Beloff's work In the clinches seemed 175-Pound Claim—Joe Brown. Temple, RUSSIAN •arus, whose nonchalant style of mill- defeated Ralph Hutchlnn, three rounds, to tire both himself and his opponent judge**' decision. |1 Music — Balalalks Jan Orchfatra — Danclnf — EnUrialnmant ing has won him many admirers, was and the last bell greeted two very Heavyweight Class—Swede Hanson, neve* cooler nor more scientific. He tired boxers. Temple, knocked out Bud Conley In the BPtOADCAtTINO ARTISTS —WO*. was a vertlble wlll-o'-the-wisp, a being firnt round. N« Cavtr Chara* at Any Time. Op«n 12 A. M. to t A. M. K. 0. Ralph Hutching* had his un- Referee—Eddie Forbes. Judges-—Dr. as intangible as the nrst thesis In .Turned J. Walsh and John Kirk. Timer— lit tacarva) Avanua at 13th Strait. Stuyvaaant 0177 Ontology. Cuden, however, never broken string of victories snapped in William Fehlhaber. •topped trying and cooled the atmo- sphere noticeably with some ol his well Intended swings. In the last round Joe really got to work on him and had poor Eddie hanging on for dear life. The next contest brought forth Joe Murphy, wearing the colors of Ford- ham and Louis Bottler, displaying the flamboyant red of Temple. They start- ed out very slowly. Solder had a very unorthodox manner and bis southpaw style had Joe puuled. Both men missed quite often during this round, Murphy landing the cleaner blows. During the intermission De bonalr Lasarus whispered sweet words of advice in Murphy's ear and from them on It was nothing more or less IN #5 M OIMTHS • • • than a slaughter. Blondy Joe would cross Louis' right lead with a terrlnc right hand punch w,hlch jarred Louis from bead to toe. Though this succession of right and NEARLY A MILLION Hi EM HAVE left hand Jolts was anything but a picnic, Bollfer kept boring In for more, aid Murphy proceeded to hand out alt hook* and jabs varied with a sweeping CHANCED TO CHESTERFIELD ! upnercut, How Solffer ever stood up at the la*t bell will remain a mystery. The lightweight division witnessed

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THE SCHEDULE Froth Mermen Defeat Freshman Pentathlon Twenty-Six Games Are on Schedule APRIL Sit., 7—Vlllanova Collegt it hontt. All Hallows Natators Set for February 28 Announced by Manager George Duggan Mon., t—Vermont Colltgt at horn*. The newly Inaugurated Freshman Wtd., 11—Gtorgttown Unlvtrtity Pentathlon will be held on the after- at Washington, O. C. Ray Ruddy Double Victor lege .will be the next opponent and on noon of February twenty-eighth ;,i Holy Crow to Be Met Twice, Thuri., 12—Catholic Unlvtrtity at for Visitor.. three o'clock instead of during tlio the following Saturday the Army will Washington, D. C. Keio U. and Army Appear; be met on the diamond at West Point. week of February the twelfth m Sat., 14—U. S. Naval Academy It previously announced. This is the flrst time in three years Annipollt, Maryland. The All Hallows Institute swimming Manhattan Off List. that the Army will be encountered, Tuoi., 17—St. John's CollofO at team, which include* among Hi mem- Plans are progressing very rapidly and the West Point trip will once and everything is In readiness for the homo. again be a source of much pleasure to j bers Bay Ruddy, youthful aquatic mar- meet. The officials have already been The Fordham University baseball Thurs., 1«—loston Collsgo it Bos- the Maroon followers. vel, wan forced to bow to the Fresh- selected. Honorable John J. Sullivan team will play twenty-six games this ton, Mass. A six game home stand will take will be the referee; Mr. Raymond Frl., 20— Provldtnct Colltgt at men natators under the one-sided spring, thirteen of which will be con- place after the Army game, with Col- O'Oonnell, clerk ol the cturse; Mr. KH. Provldtnco, R. I. score of 41.21. in the Fordham pool, tested on other diamonds while the gate, ever a hard one for Fordham to ward Walsh, the noted movie actor Sat., 21—Yalt Unlvtrtity at Ntw swallow, Dartmouth, which hung up last Wednesday afternoon, February 8. and former Fordham track star, offi- others will be played at Fordham Havtn, Conn. a triumph at the expense ot the home Fordham captured only one more first cial timer; Mr. Coffey, judge; while Field. Manager George Duggan has Frl., 27—Catholic Unlvtrslty it team last season, B. C, N. Y. U., Keio Jake Weber, Fordham's great track released the schedule and it is one of homo. place than the schoolboys but her University and Georgetown visiting coach and trainer, will be starter. the most difficult ever attempted by Fordham In that order. The season Sat., 2S—Now York Unlvsrslty at clean-up of the second and third po- The entries are taat pouring into will come to a close on June 6 when Ohio Field. sitions clinched the meet. any of Coach Coffey's squads. The the Athletic Office and Tom O'Mul- season for the Maroon will open on the Maroon will be Columbia's Com- MAY Fordham finished one-two In the mencement Game opponent. The Blue Wtd., 2—Rutgort Unlvtraity at ley, manager of the track team, who Saturday, April 7, and close on June 6. flrst event, the 50 yard race, free and White team put up a great strug- Ntw •runswiek, N. J. la taking charge of the entries, prom- The schedule Includes only two new- gle last year losing 2-1 in fourteen Sat., 5—Holy Croat Collogt at Wor- style, but the All Hallows rooters, who lues some varied and Interesting races. comers while the other dates are filled innings. cttttr, Matt. were quite numerous, got their chance The following men have sent in their entries: "Peck" Pieculewlci, Ray Hur- with colleges familiar as Fordham op- Wtd., 9—Prlnctton Univtrtlty at •to cheer in the events which followed. ley, McMahon, Ferdinand and McCux- ponents. Prlnctton, N. J. Ray Ruddy won the 220 yard race In Thurt., 10—Lafayttte Colltgt at easy fashion, defeating Dolan and ker, all of whom hare been turning After a lapse of two years we find Rutgers Mermen Face In some fine performances this sea- homo. Waldle of Fordham, who finished sec- Army on the list and the West Point Sat., 12—N. Y. A. C. at horns. son; also Wright, Foley and Cillbertl. trip will be the great event of the year Vanity Friday Night ond and third, respectively. The fancy Manager O'Malley requests that all Wtd., 1t—C. C. N. Y. at Lowlsohn dive was the only event In which All as In days of yore. An international Stadium. Freshmen who have any intention of tinge Is lent to the handiwork of Man- Thurs., 17—Holy Cress Collogo at Hallows took both first and second. taking part In the meet Hie their en- tries as soon as possible, In order to ager Duggan by the presence on theFarley Lead* Maroon to homo. The judges decided easily on Mehren list of the diamond squad of the Keio New Brunswick for Test Sat, I*—U. S. Military Aeidtmy as the winner. They had a mon facilitate the handling ot the en- University of Toklo, Japan. The Japa- at Wttt Point, N. Y. difficult time, however, In awarding trants and the arrangement of the heats. nese are making a tour of the United Mon., 21—Colgate Unlvtrtity at the second place honors. D. Ruddy, States and will be seen at Fordham Coach McDonongh's natators will homo. on the last day of May. The absence Ray's chubby little brother, was Anally Mr. Coffey has been giving assist- swing into action on Friday night Frl., 2S —Dartmouth Colltgt at given second place, just beating out ance to the leas eiperlenced men dur- of a game with Manhattan is also a against the famed Rutgers outfit at homo. feature of the new schedule and cuts Ted Morris of the Frosh. All Hal-ing the past week at the Gym classes, New Brunswick. The Maroon swim- Sat., 2t— •otton Colltgt at homo. while many of the present track stars out a leading metropolitan rival. Wtd, 30— N. Y. U. at htmt. lows accounted for Its only other vic- Vlllanova Optnt Schtdule mers are fast rounding Into mid-sea- who are training dally In the (iyni are Thurt., 31 —Ktlo Unlvtrtity at tory when Joyce came In flrst In theteaching them some of the fine points. son form and it is expected that they 100-yard race, free style, In the good Bach .contestant will compete in On April 7 the Vlllanova College will continue to the end of the season JUNE time ot 0:58 1-10. Dolan finished sec five events. In the track events the team, which registered an S-l triumph without defeat. The forthcoming tilt Sit., 2—Otorgttown Univtrtlty at ond for Fnrdham. contestant may choose between the over the Maroon last year, will visit should be provocathe of a great deal homt. Although the Maroon won the relay 50 and the 100 yard dash; the 220 anil Fordham. The Phlladelphlans always Wtd., (—Columbia Unlvtrtity at the 440; the 880 and the mile., in present a strong front and the gen-of excitement. The boys from the without being seriously threatened, Banks of the old Harltan have a very •aktr Fitld. Hay Ruddy, swimming anchor for histhe Held events the choice is between eral opinion is that the home team the running broad jump and the stand- will tackle a tartar in the first battle efficient tank combination and they team, made a gallant attempt to over- take Dick Winters. Winters had a ing broad jump; the running liich nf the new season. Two days luter are confident that they can beat Ford- lead of the entire length of the pool, Jump and the shot-put. the Vermont squad will make an at-ham. However, it will take quite a Michigan's five, which already has tack on the Fordham diamond but if mowed down three conference teams when Ruddy plunged Into the water. little licking to sink our team and they are no better than last Benson In succession, looms as one of the He swam like a streak and cut Dick's they should be easily defeated by the with the form tlutt they are now dis- formidable contenders for the Big advantage about five yards at the fin- home aggregation. On the 11th theplaying it will be no surprise if the Ten basketball championship. ish. Fordham team will make Its unuual Rutgers boys go home in search of iiO-Vurd Free Style—Won by Stetaon, southern trip playing Georgetown, bigger and faster fliiK. Victor I.lndstrom, Ilhode Island I'Vii-tlhum; KlimlKun, Fordham, second; Catholic University and the Navul .Inuff, All IIIIIIOWH, third. Time—0.2« S-G. The first event being the fifty yard State College football slur, died at the 2!0-Ynrd Free Style—Won by Jt. Bud- Academy in four days. All three college last week. Young I.lndstrom, dy, All Hullnwx; DalHll, Ftildlmm, wc- teams were downed in 1927, although dush our entries are Johnny Lyttle ond; Waldle, Pordhnm, third. Time— and Neal Weed. The 100 yard affair, whose home was In West Warwick, 2.4.",. the flrst games of the Georgetown and K. I., was injured in a practice scrim- Fancy Dives—Won by Mehren, All which Captain Farley is fond of win- Hallow*; 11. ltuddy, All Hallows, second; Catholic U. series were washed out mage at the State college at Kingston Mori-ID, FovdhHm, third. by rain. Both teams have excellent ning consecutively and definitely, should be a hummer, for Rutgers last October. He was operated upon 100-Yard Back Stroke—Won by 8hleld«, twirlers and they are expected to be Fordham : Harmg, Forclham, second ; Mc- has a boy who has a dandy reputa- and taken to his home. Early in Carthy, All Hallow* third. Time—1.17. in line fettle when they meet the visit- November septic poisoning developed. Hill-Yard Free Style—Won by Joyce, tion. Weed Is the other Maroon en- All Hallows; Dolan, Foidhum, Kecond; ing Maroon. The Naval Academy put try In this class. up a great battle last year, but though Winters, Fordhani, third. Time—0.58 1-10. In the 440 yard grind Farley and Abandonment ot Washington and r.ll-YRrd Briant Stroke—Won by Hurma, outhit, two to one, the Fordham team Jefferson'" track program for the year Fortlliain; lliinll. Fordhmn, xecond; gained the victory, 61. Klein are hoping to annex a few llramy, All Hallows, third. Time— points for tile Maroon and the pros- was forecast by the announcement 0.3< 3-1 0. On returning from the South Coffey's llo-Ym-d Reluy—Won by Fordham pects are good. The fancy dive, usual- that the presidents may cancel the (Shield*, Melville, Stetson, Winters). charges will meet the St. John's team ly performed in six feet of water but meet with the University of West Vir- Time—1.CO. on the Fordham diamond. The Ford- which British boxers have special per- ginia. Reconstruction of the gym- ham team will wind up the week on mission to perform in the ring, will naaium has stopped all Indoor track The report that Raymond Ruddy, Htf'i th« foreign fields, opposing HoRton College, activity, and Coach Kerr believes that m find Lachnicht and Weller doing their scholastic swimmer, would enter the tMSSMI Writtf Ml IO rV Providence and Yale on suecesulve stuff for Fordham. McKernau, Stearns it will be Impossible to develop a Naval Academy In June was confirm- days on a New England journey. All tsar Fraaauntaw Touch f and McOrath are engaging in a merry team during the outdoor period alone. ed by that youth and by his father, A AIM ink channal ground three teams are Htrong and the trav- tussle for the right to swim In the 200 Joseph A. Ruddy, jr., both members eling Maroon mny expect trouble In iMtwMn tha pronga of yard breast stroke. Alleeu Rlggin, Olympic diving cham- of the New York Athletic Club. Jos- (ha point bring* capillary the New England area. Boston heat The back stroke event will lie taken pion, has consented to act as hostess eph A. Ruddy, jr., a member of the the 'Varsity lust season HH did Yale attraction to tha aid of care of by two HAM men, Art Croiler for Knute Rockne's Olympic tour next Naval Academy team, Is now In thn gravity faad, oauainf MI while Providence was nosed out in ten and Can Adams. Crozler Inis been summer. third class at the academy. thrilling innlngu. The I). ('. team does tmmadUaano'ataad)' ink scoring points for Fordham all sea- flaw at touch of point to not loom up an the formidable rival of son in this race, and he Is expected | aapar. No praaaura from it year ago due to the loss of Dliiny to help swell Ihe Maroon total at! tha Angara. Tha light McNamaru, the Fordham football as- Itutgi-rs. Adams, a regular on the wasthl of tha pan U—lf Hltttuiit couch, mid Jiick Hluttery, who team last year, has been unable to iaauftVttrri. was mentor at Huston College for compete this Benson bcciinse of 111-1 yoaiH. Slutteiy will lake up thn reins ness. However, the slim Junior has I Hara, too, it Parker of management for the HIUVCH and lieen training faithfully or late and! ParaMnlta Material- will have McN'mnui'u under Ills cluu'Ke. may be uhle to assist Crozlcr on! We are now offering • 9#% lUhfrr than the The lllun team itt New llnven Is al- Friday. I ntkkar fcrmarly usad, « JOOMaweaa strong. wiiyn HlroiiK us \V I IKIS II knack nf Lastly, Ihe relay team, whose losing \ tiirnliiK nut nipnhlc hull pliiyciH. huhlts are shortly I we hope) In mend Farkar Precision In Flrtt N. V. U. G«m« at Ohio Fl«ld their ways, will engiiK't' th« Hutftera 15% Discount manufacture atlll further A lelurii Kiimi' with I'. I', anil II lml iiniirlel. Ciiplnlii Kailev him lold all Inauraa accuracy. tie with N'IW York I1, nl Ohio Field In expecl Kii'iil IhltiKs In the UutliRI'S l(Uahlngco»ori,3iii«s will hrhiK Hie inoMlh lo a close. The | pool mi Friday ulfdil, on all our of pan harrata, 6 graduated Violet 11 ii ill HCIII ilown In dcfi'iil last pointt, Itava nothing to HciiHou anil the victory WIIH oin< Mc|> ha deaireri in u I'uuntaiu on Ihe way tu l''iinllniiii HI'MNK the SUITS, OVERCOATS and Metropolitan i row it In the NIHI wi'eli 1 So pay $$ or $/ only to ol Muy r'oiilluini will in'< i lluli'.i'iH, TUXEDOS llnly I'IOHH mill Pilii'ii'ih nil nwny fat a fmrm*n»nlly Mils- Motory pan, hum 1', • 1111111111 In M The IIIIIISI'IH CAMPUS Black. Excluded tcjllll WIIH Ililllrli )|| I \ I I II IntllllKH IlINt Pencils to match l*-iw, iTiumn whll' i||<, in.ihi' mill Him h *| tijnml luiii'il Hie "mil" lili It on lloli CAFETERIA ON DHM.AY BVIJUV WliDNIISDAY •a careful to gtt (lit ('OOIH'V. link IV-HH «,m lll'lllniil III AT THK OID OYM tfanwfoa. You'll know It 1IILIV Illll lilt' I'lllmult In IliiW II I'd ill Puvorito of by (ha Imprint, "Ota. S, iiinminl of hint vim II I i ..hi I. Parkar-DUOPOLD," illll on hitnil iiml • iin If t HIIHII tl nn Fordhum Mon THI PAikti PIN In I'll" I'oiillnini it li.ti.l liuiil. T|I.. )ANt«Vlll», Wit I Illll nl 1,'IW'III Illtn,' llt'l ll.llltn I:- IllWilln M Illlllll'l iiinl Mil: viitl hnuM First CI«M Menus JIHIVti M" '•*' t-fttltill In Illi. I lit" l.ilhl ynlli, l'n||i,|>it «lil mini llu h.ill li-iiln III Kntllliritll in Ilir- >"• I «' ' Ii ot Ilin Dirwtly Opposite titolilll 'flu. hi,* % ..(I. Alhli.ll, Huh liner ttlhn will Ml Moil Ilii' ii|>|itiolllnli Ml HttthtmU* Kntrnnee CLOTHEH S CnltllijiH! nh Hi" I-Mi 'lh>. ritilHii.iii «||| Ii« ,.i|l fnt it.»>.ne.. l"ii llml ili.t*«il J12 wmi \lStu stum, am Ml I"-'] Iti Ilix |.. = , ii.itn|i!"H = cllll Spcd.1 to Student* in ).4i|||||lB(tl thlMlt" I'fit l'i|| THE FORDHAM RAM

a tiny umbrella and a large grouch, until the next station," he grunted. Spectators Greeted ELIMINATION TRIAL IN IRISH ART LECTURES suddenly, jumped from- his eeat, "Wot do you want for a nickel, any- ORATORYCONTESTHELD "Hey," he shouted, "I want to get how? Music?" By New Boxing Ring Mr. Ernest Boyd, Editor, in off. Hey! Pull that bell. Pull it, I • • • tell you." "I see this medicine is good for (Continued from page one) Opening Lecture, Farors At First Hone Meet The guard, a nice looking boy with man or beast." Irish Realists. two cauliflower ears and a chopped "Yes," said the druggist. flrst, the speeches are to be original off nose, looked at the excited speaker "Gimme a bottle. I believe that is Atlilatic Association Buys and their delivery must not occupy Kineut Boyd, editor, critic, and au-with the utmost disdain. the right combination for my hus- more than ten minutes. Secondly, thor ot "Ireland's Literary Renais- "Dere will be no more bell rlngin' band." Ring and Light* for subjects ot the speeches are to be ap- sance," was the Arst lecturer In the Tempi. Match. proved of by Fr. Taaffe, and in case course of lectures recently arranged of two contestants selecting the same by the School ot Gaelic Studies of subject, the one first submitted will Fordham University. A Fordham boxing ring greeted the receive the preference. The finished Mr. Boyd addressed an assembly ot speeches must be handed in not later spectator" at the Temple boxing about seventy-live on Sunday eve- Amusements than March 9. Those who fall to com- tournament on Friday evening. The ning, February 5, In the 8enlor lecture ply with these rules will be debarred Tt. W. 4M II. THIATM Athletic Association purchased the hall of the Biology building on the COSMOPOLITAN from the contest. (M. IJC. mm. Col. Circle ring from the Rlveralde Athletic Club campus. His topic was "Some Irish VANDERBILT Wat. 4 Ml. Idt Matt. Tutt, Thurt. and Sat. for the sum ot two hundred and sev- Realists." He considered In particular Mutlcal Camttly Clanicl Chambirlaln Brown Artists In enty-five dollars. Joyce and Casey, two modern writers Mr: Dan*'i Dtftn— of decided realistic and carping pro- GEORGETOWN TO MEET •vonlnat Me to St. Last season, the (list In which Ford- clivities and maintained the thesis, JUipM ly FIELOS, MINERS & HART Tuts, and Thurt. Mat*. Me. and *l ham participated In the boxing Held, FROSH FORUM FRIDAY that, as these men are particularly Saturday Matt., 50c tt I1.M It waa necessary to obtain the loan of gifted to do the work they are doing, A W SHOW FOR It ..LOjgWSSTATE§| _ a ring when the home team met the In their Initial attempt, the Fresh- literature would suffer a severe loss It MTMNil THKATRf. 41st St. man Forum debating team will engage they did not exercise their predomi- RAMON NOVAflRO HA IIUIML w,,t Of Broaaway New York University battlers. With •vtt. 1:30; Mat. Wtd. and Sat. the men of Georgetown University on nant talents. It was a difficult view- the purchase of the new arena there point to vindicate. NORMA SHEARER Friday evening, February 17, at Col- will be no such necessity in the future. The next lecture Is scheduled for Ike Trill of Miry Digan" The squared circle, now residing In lln's Auditorium. The proposition for "THE STUDENT NIINCE" February 2«. All told, there will be By Bayard Vtllltr the gym, Is twenty-two feet square, so debate reads, Resolved: That a third five lectures. Tickets for the entire that Fordham will have no difficulty term for president should be prohibit- course are five dollars, and one dollar With ANN HARDING In holding bouts In accordance with ed by the legislature. Georgetown haa for a single lecture. and REX CHERRYMAN the Amateur regulations. chosen the negative while the Forum WINTHROPAHESsttsiab The Athletic Association acquired will attempt to convince the audience also a special shade and high-power of Its case by showing the evils re- Ramifications light that will hang over the center ARLISS sulting from long tenure ot ofuce. "INTERFERENCE" of the ring and flood It with bright- (Old lady, In drug Btore.) "Now I 'ifeMsrchtBtsiVttk*" In spite of the fact that the team of ness. This will aid both the boxers want some humane moth balls; some- Ist UCEtM THUHIE RKTJ '£1. «!& Georgetown Is composed of two sopho- BROADHURST ..„ MM., engaged and the spectators who have thing that won't really harm the dlSjcnlty with uneven lighting elects. mores and one freshman, while that moths, but will just make them lose (mlw. tM. Another noteworthy feature la the of the Forum Is restricted to freshmen • an* line of style was the formal attire of exclusively, the Moderator Is confident their appetites." John Qaliworlhy'i EARL CARROLL f& ZffiJUS * • • • Daily HMlMt. tMIn KhMy, M>. the ushers at the bouts. Instead of that the men of the Forum will give Mila Ftotr, II.N. the Impression that Fordbam was con- a good account ot themselves on the It happened the other morning dur- "EaSCAPE" ducting a mere athletic contest, the night of the debate. ing the rush hour In the subway, tuxedos struck the note at once of After an elimination conteBt, Messrs. which Is nothing like the Jams that with LESLIE HOWARD SIMBA collegiate class. Many spectators com- Burke, Lane, and O'Donnell were mother used to make. A local going BOOTH w. MM st Ir. Ht »". Mrtli i •>•••• IIKMIM PMnra. mented on the Improvements which selected to represent Fordham by thesouth was Just pulling out of Times Ionian »M (VININM »T I— so plainly showed that the A. A. Is Moderator, Mr. Phillip Walsh, S. J. Bquare station. A little man, carrying NatlMit WKniim Hitotarttri, I at observing In all Its moves the very highest standard. FRESHMANTEAMPICKED TO DEBATE RUTGENTES B, BR1GCS Opponent* to 8a Mat March So, This is Leap Year) 7th in Homo Auditorium Vou'va B«BM -AMD *>uv« Ntwa* B«>M «MLG - AND THSU owe MISHT ALL OF YtWR Bv/EH<3H KHSRv/SI 7b OF The Freshman Debating Team OP KVR P^V FOfi TURBC POP TMcT BlQ which Is to engage the Rutgers Freshmen on the evening of March JbB, Vfao KNcXU t 7th at Fordham, was nicked last Wed- A TWWlfLE UfT nesday. Tryouts were held on that OP VOL/ day and the following men picked to represent the Forum In the debate: Messrs. O'Oonnell, Lane, Burke, Hur- ley, Prior, and Clolko, with Messrs. Nelllgan and Alola as alternates. The question Is to be the same one which the Varsity team so success- fully debated with Buffalo, whether or not the United States has any right to exercise aimed Intervention In the Central American countries. The debate Is to be a dual contest, one team remaining hero and the oth- er traveling to Rutgers. Mr. Walsh, 8. J., moderator of the society, has not as yet decided which team is to defend the negative and affirmative side and no It Is not yet known who gg LEAP YeA« Bl'T IT of the eight are to go to Rutgers. NOTHING Of these debaters Messrs. O'Don- IN *\y SHATTERED nell, Lane and Burke are to speak In the contest with the Georgetown Freshmen on Friday night, February 17th. This debate will l>« the Hrst public iipnearanco ot the Forum, and It Is to lie on the namo question that tx to bo argued with tliu Rutgers teams.

When Austin Chantberlln was In- stalled as Lord Hector of Ulasgow University, 2,000 of the student* wore monocles In nl« honor. Following this precedent, ImaKlnu tho s'ad plight of tho HliulenU If "OnuKyn" Connolly should over Viutli" tho Job!

l-iit there bo no morn wlsn rraitks about tliu mingy Hcolilinmn. Just btiiid IIM ir Hi.illlkh Illli. MIIHIIIIN liuvo Jilxl I'Hdnwi'il 11,000,11110 In WMNhtitKlon Diilvurnliy for D IlKlmii'iit (if « tKiiooi of (Ji

OLLEGE OLD GOLD CAMPUS STORE I The Smoother and better Cigarette Bettor than «ver-~8AND- WKJIIKH, CJAKB, CUPFBE, .... not a cough in a carloaO II*d. t, UiilUrt Oh, BM, IW WK CHKAM Under Manaf•mcnl of th« A, A, |l THE FORDHAMRAM PHARMACY NEWS Pharmacist's Spring Son$ Success New Cosmetic Bill Junior Smoker Needed Legislation Spring is In the offing, Von want to own „ , Under the provisions of a bill Intro-.; B Within a short time the American On Wednesday evening, February 1, Milder blows the breeie. own.ndyetyouk.cko,,™,, / »' Medical Association will introduce 1928. the Junior class of the College [ duced in the Senate, at Albany, Jnn- 1 c Put an end to coughing, mlnuteB overtime. Doyo uk n of Pharmacy enjoyed Its first social; nary 10, by A. J. Kennedy, sections; Into Congress a bill regulating the Squelch the noisy sneeze; successful merchant who ™T, 1353-1356 of the Education Law lire A sale and manufacture ot cosmetics. affair. This was in the form of a Earth Its snows Is doffing, work optima more ' " amended by Increasing to 16 yearn the • This bill, if passed, will not only place smoker held at the Knights ot Colum- Flowers will deck the bough, thought ot doing? a burden on the manufacturer of COBbus Building, Fifty-first street and minimum age of apprentice* to drug- j Spring Is In the offing. " ?he ro*n wh0 '» •!««•. itnid „, metlcs and the Importer, but will also Eighth avenue. gists. The bill was accordingly re-1 Buy your quinine now. tax an important source ot Income to There were about one hundred and ferred to the Education Committee, j doing more than ho is ,>al4 lo „ seldom does as much us hc l8 ° Winter Is retreating. m the modern pharmacist. It should be fifty members of the class present as Surely, legislation affecting thej to do. • • , carefully considered. well as a large number ot alumni. status of the apprentice Is vital to the j Not without chagrin, : U your boss is the right kl, ' Briefly the essence of the bill Is asAmong those on the platform were Dr. welfare of the drug profession. To. Now's the time for eating ld yo can make up your mind that l, ' ^° follows. A cosmetic is defined as "a.Diner, Professor Canls, and Professor increase the minimum age limit Is aj Cough drops, aspirin; e c 0 Little lambs are bleating, pretty near to knowing which 0( hi, Conroy. step In the right direction. A great | substance or a mixture of substances Birds are here to stay, The smoker was preceded by a meet- many of the failures In Pharmacy Col-| clerk, are worth the most money to Intended (or direct application to the Winter is retreating, Ing of the Alumni Association of theleges and in the Held Itself are due, in j him, and he Is not going lo ralse {k skin, mucous membranes, hair, teeth, College of Pharmacy. After the busi- part, to an undeveloped apprentice-j Get your pills today. pay of the poorest help. or nails with a view to altering the ness of the evening had been dis- «hlp. ! . Do you know what Bort of clerk! appearance thereof or concealing patched, the festivities commenced. Mere porter work for a period ofj Springtime Is returning. Let the ailing masses the merchants are looking for? Thcy blemishes or defects therein." This Corn-cob pipes were distributed to yeara in a drug store fulfills in many those present. Soon the room assumed cases the apprenticeship requirement Cultivate a yearning want men who take an Interest I,, n,,, definition is modified in the subse- For sulphur ind molasses; What Is the result? Men unable to •tore and try to make a success 0|™ a decidedly hazy tinge and many who Garth again is learning quent paragraphs to include all sub-were smoking corn-cobs for the first cope with the trend of modern Phar-j Sprightly vernal stunti, stances or mixture of substances in- time began to feel rather Indifferent. macy set forth to reflect unpleasantly; Don't feel above your work i>eo Springtime Is returning,— tended for'external use with a view Salvation came in the form f cigar- upon the Pharmacists as a group. . pie who feel above others arc' mti Hire a nurse at once. of prevention, curing, or relieving ettes, which were more palatable, and The endeavor of establishing a apt to be lonesome, and there Is „„ money In being lonesome. diseases or defects ot the above men- cider. It seemed that those present thorough apprenticeship Is well worth; had gone thirsty for months. There the trial. Educators in this country According to a Chicago astronomer, The man who feels above hi tioned parts. s mi just wasn't enough to go round. - recogniie full well the merits of thethe sun Is liable to explode any min- tlon la In a position too high f01. |l(m Then two exceptions are made. 1. iThree boxing bouts were staged. The European system. While one group ute. New Yorkers don't seem to be If you are not enthusiastic about Prescriptions written by physicians; first was officiated by Professor Con-of men devote time to the question of worried a bit, because they go out at youur worworkk , how ccaanyou expect to for the above when compounded by I roy. The next two were under.the con- price maintenance and the like in night anyhow. succeed In It? registered pharmacists for the benefit trol of Mr. Geruso, also of the Chem- their endeavor to make Pharmacy | istry department. The second was a worth the while, suppose another group; ot patients under the care ot the comedy bout In which the referee did studies the evils of the apprentice sys- THI physician. 2. Substances or mixtures most of the running. The third was tem a« it exists today. Such an In- bearing names recognized by the U.a "humdinger." vestigation would undoubtedly reveal FORDHAM STETSON, S. P. or N. P. when sold without any As the group diminished, songs be- many unfavorable conditions and at claim for cosmetic value came the order of the evening. The the same time provide incentive for HAT SHOP smoker broke up at about 12:30, duesubsequent legislation respecting the MALLORY A cosmetic is declared "adulterat- to the few conscientious students who «• last r*r+ ed," which means that It may no long- relation between apprentice and em- er be manufactured, used in commer- felt that their presence- was required, pioyer and their obligation In turn to in school the next day. | the State. ad KNOX HATS cial service, held or offered tor sale, Featured by Jaek •chirfman etc., if It contains any of the follow- Thanks must be extended to Mr. ing:— Irving Brodkin, of the Ph. C. class, 1. Arsenic, lead ot mercury or any for his excellent work at the piano. salt compound or derivative thereof. Thanks are due to our president, Mr. Thomas Cohen, and the members of 2. Phenol over 3 per cent in liquid the committee, for their work In mak- form or 10 per cent in ointment form. ing the smoker successful. 3. Hydrofluoric acid or any salt thereof. 4. Hydroxides of barium, calcium, lithium, potassium, sodium, strontium or ammonia in •xcus of 1 per cent, wood alcohol or paraphenylene dia- mine or any chemical homologue thereof. Then the 1)111 requires that any, cosmetic containing any ot the sub- Broadway at 39* ft** stances (in whatsoever small amounts) NWWMIUIIMUM In the list given must so state that Broadway M 28* tawt fact on its label and be labeled "For •Utfc Ararat JlMftrwt external use only." This formidable Huh A«», at MAfctM list includes such substances as phenol, the hydroxides mentioned above, calcium oxide, formaldehyde, salicylic acid, orris root, aluminum salts, calamlne, resorcin, belladonna, VALUE jnydrlatic alkaloids and many other similar substances. beyond Compttrtmmt Limitation!! of space prevent a de- tailed exposition and critical examina- tion of this hill at this time. However demons 1928 Model even a superficial examination will solve to show that restrictive legis- STUDENTS lation of this sort is not only un-| necessary but harmful. To apply some Mercurochrome (organic mercury TUXEDO salt) to a slight cut, you would need a prescription. The highly decorative face powder box, or lip stick caso, ill fact almost every cosmetic, would IJO marred by the, "External Use" label, which would In turn cheapen this hihet which now carries a mean- ing. Another dangerous feature of this 1)111 Is, that the Secretary of Agri- culture, or IOIDO one appointed by him, Is authorized to make rules and regulations us ho sees lit. This clause in Itself tlo» «i) tho Industry la the liands of the authorities. Thus wo do not lmvo to go fur to neo that such legislation Is without | lioconHlly or justification. Physicians hlivo not ynt produced proof of sufficient damimu donu by eotmuitlcn to Justify Mich ri'StrlctloiiH, Theru Is no (louli! In our inlml thai IIH HUIIII IIH tile fuels In tint CIIHO urn Kiiiini'Hlly | known IIIK! uppi'dHiitnd, HIIH hill will; Ilml llw JHOHI />|)«HIMIMI j by niiiiiiij'iictiirnrH, illHlrlhutorH, rti- tiilliX'N mill liml hut nol Ii'imt, I IIH Him- ni'iil public, Some call it mellowness .. •

C.HMv] i. |lh> tii«ll(,H,.»t (!g». (|,ut ,|t,j. ,,„„ |,,,y( „„«] „ lilviulllIK ill"'

r.'tti. «rr MHHI,', SUIIIC ||,H, J,\, ,,,||,| ((||), ^^ ^^ |j||w ||(||1 „,„,„„., Kuril

Miiiiulli. ll", r«Hll) nil tt,,.H| ||||I(K. |M ,„„,_ <;m|)),, ,,)„„,.„„,, |, an f(,|| of vl,|,l0 „,, ilm 50 Mini Ihul U »vlis h j, .. „,„•,,„„. II|HH| Wltrhi lit Illlldrcil ('Mil (!H <'. I1'"1""'1*' "f lli'lM fll\. *22- VlMI I itil III' Mill1 Itf ill pli'it"llrl' AM Silk Umi •I>ICMI« mtt\ full, in tiii'ix (|««lily riutu'i'M'"' (mil. To th<.fiiii||hly fttipiftlatc till* Value «.P v»l,*t tit)t«f ^Miiikf till of ilit'tn you wmil; ll"'y Miiiply more* at* Hit>n $40 furl wl, it ni'\rr iirt< Ilif io=l.', Hut fm IMIut VIHI Qti M«r#/> tin-

1 M (• A M i