
Public Disclosure Authorized Coastal Economic Sustainable Development Project(LCESDP)

Public Disclosure Authorized Environment Management Plan (Draft)

Public Disclosure Authorized

Liaoning Foreign Fund Utilization Management Office

Oct. 2012 Public Disclosure Authorized






2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES AND REGULATIONS ...... 5 2.1.1 The relevant laws and regulations ...... 5 2.1.2 Local regulations ...... 6 2.1.3 Technical Guidelines...... 7 2.1.4 World Bank Safeguard policies and environmental health and safety guidelines ...... 7 2.1.5 Project relevant documents ...... 8 2.1.6 Relevant planning and environmental function zoning documents ...... 9 2.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA ...... 10 2.2.1 Environmental Quality Standards ...... 10 2.2.2 Pollutant emission standards ...... 12 2.2.3 Ecological environment ...... 14 2.2.4 Other criteria ...... 15


3.1 PROJECT GOALS ...... 16

3.2 PROJECT CONTENT ...... 18 3.3 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ...... 22 3.3.1 Environmental tools to identify ...... 22 3.3.2 Environmental impact assessment factor screening ...... 22 3.3.3 Environmental Impact factor identification ...... 23


4.1 SCHEME SELECTION CRITERION ...... 26 4.1.1 Basis of primary site selection ...... 26 4.1.2 Basis of Alternative screening ...... 27

4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS ...... 27 4.2.1 Social environmental impact analysis during the construction phase ...... 28 4.2.2 The major environmental impact analysis of road works ...... 29 4.2.3 City World-bank loaned urban public transport development project environmental impact analysis ...... 30

4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PREDICTION ...... 32 4.3.1 The survey of acoustic environment sensitive points ...... 32 4.3.2 A acoustic environmental impact prediction during construction phase ...... 39

i 4.3.3 the acoustic environmental impact analysis during the operation phrase ...... 41


SUIZHONG ...... 65


DRAINAGE IN ...... 67 4.5.1 Acoustic Environmental Impact during the operation phase ...... 67 4.5.2 Due diligence review off the Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant ...... 68 4.5.3 The Lingyuan City Industrial Park recycled water use ...... 72 4.5.4 Alternate water source protection analysis ...... 72 4.5.5 The wastewater discharge of Linyuan Industrial park ...... 73



5.2 SPECIAL ECOPS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE ...... 88 5.2.1 Management Measures of Infrastructure Renovation Project ...... 91 5.2.2 Environmental management regulations of Panjin urban public transport development project financed by the World bank ...... 95



6.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCIES ...... 97 6.1.1 The establishment of environmental management agencies ...... 97 6.1.2 Organization responsibility and personnel allocation ...... 99 6.2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ...... 101 6.2.1 Monitoring purposes ...... 101 6.2.2 The monitoring plan ...... 102

6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL SUPERVISION ...... 126 6.3.1 Purpose of Environmental Supervision ...... 126 6.3.2 Supervision Duties ...... 126 6.3.3 Supervision Requirements ...... 127 6.3.4 Range of Environmental Supervision ...... 127 6.3.5 Environmental Supervision Content ...... 127 6.3.6 The Environmental supervision accident treatment ...... 129 6.3.7 Environmental supervision procedures during the implementation of environmental management plan ...... 131 6.4 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS ...... 131 6.4.1 Training purposes...... 131 6.4.2Targeted participants ...... 131 6.4.3 Training ...... 132 6.4.4 Training program ...... 132


ii 6.5.1 Public complaint mechanisms ...... 134 6.5.2 Public feedback ...... 135 6.6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN REPORT MECHANISM ...... 136 6.6.1 the reorganization and saving of Monitoring data ...... 136 6.6.2 Information exchange...... 136 6.6.3 Recording ...... 137 6.6.4 Report ...... 137



7.1 PURPOSE ...... 140 7.2 BASIS AND METHOD ...... 141 7.2.1 Basis ...... 141 7.2.2 Method ...... 141

7.3 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE FOR THE EMP ...... 142 7.4 PUBLIC CONSULTATION MINUTES, PUBLIC OPINION AND REPLY ...... 147 7.4.1 Road Network Construction in Donggang ...... 147 7.4.2 Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project ...... 148 7.4.3 Urban Infrastructure Construction in Kuandian...... 151 7.4.4 Traffic Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project in Longcheng of Chaoyang ...... 152 7.4.5 Wastewater treatment and reclamation and drainage in Lingyuan ...... 154 7.4.6 Urban Public Transport Development in Panjin ...... 155 7.4.7 Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong ...... 158

iii 1 Introduction

1.1 Project background

The development of Liaoning coastal economic zone is an important strategy for the country to revitalize the northeast old industrial base and the scope of development includes three levels: the six coastal cities municipal areas, 33 coastal counties, key coastal developed areas. The framework takes City as a leader, , Panjin, as main body, Chaoyang, City, City as left-wing and Dandong City as the right-wing. With major towns and cities as the fulcrum of an integrated transport system, the three major economic blocks of Liaoning blend for the common development, which is closely related to the smooth take-off of the entire Liaoning coastal economic zone. And this is also an important part of the three vertical and three horizontal architecture of towns in the northeast economic Zone, which is directly related to the Liaoning prospects for the development of coastal economic zone.

The development of Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone will be an important starting point and supporting point for the revitalization of the whole Bohai Coastal Region, which holds the key to the prosperity of a harmonious coastal Liaoning and an new integrated pattern of opening up between coastal and inland cities through the ‘five-point-in-a-line’ large-scale development.

LCESDP involves Dandong city (DongGang City, Kuandian County), PanJin City, chaoyang City, LingYuan City, Huludao City SuiZhong County, 5 cities and 2 counties (cities, districts) in total, namely, (1) Donggang City, (2) Kuandian County of Dandong City,(3) Xinglong Tai and Shuangtaizi Districts of Panjin City, (4) of Chaoyang City, (5) Lingyuan City (6) SuiZhong County of Huludao city. Consisting of 7 sub-projects, the main purpose of the "Liaoning coastal economic zone development project" is to improve urban road system, water supply, drainage system, urban sprawl and ensure the convenience of travelling for city residents, improve the traffic situation of the old town, water penetration rate of urban residents and the drainage network. Consisting of 7 sub-projects, the The world bank loaned liaoning coastal economic zone development project is supposed to improve the collection rate and treatment rate of urban sewage and urban drainage

1 capacity in the process of urbanization.

Owing to the vigorous efforts of the Liaoning Provincial Development and Reform Commission(henthforce LDRC) and the Provincial Department of Finance, in March 2011, the two departments jointly issued LDRC Foreign Investment [2011] No. 169, named " On submitting alternative projects to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank”, which clearly short-listed the Small Town Development Project of our province for the 2010-2012 alternative projects of the World Bank loan and agree to our province using world bank loan of $150 million to implement liaoning coastal economic belt urban infrastructure construction project. Liaoning province project office (hereinafter referred to as "provincial project office") was assigned to actively carry out preliminary work of the project.

In May 2012, according to the relevant laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the world bank loan project, the provincial PMO commissioned the Liaoning Provincial Academy of Environmental Sciences responsible for the environmental impact assessment work (EIA) of the LCESDP , which carried out EIA of the project immediately.

According to the World Bank Safeguard Policies on Environmental Assessment (OP4.01) of the environmental screening and classification requirements, the project is determined as a class B projects through environmental screening in terms of project type, location, sensitivity,scale, and potential environmental impact. As required by the World Bank, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was compiled. This report is called coastal economic belt development projects in Liaoning Province, consisting of all seven comprehensive environmental management plans of sub-projects and the names are shown in Table 1-1.

After Liaoning Provincial Academy of Environmental Sciences commissioned training, the technical staff of the proposed project carried out detailed site reconnaissance and two rounds of public consultation and information release in accordance with domestic and World Bank requirements. With the assistance of the provincial PMO, municipalities (counties) PMO in various aspects, a detailed investigation and careful analysis was carried out in accordance with domestic laws and regulations, policies and the World Bank Operational Manual - environmental assessment requirements. All seven sub-projects’EIA report (form) were completed, which formed the basis of the current comprehensive environmental management

2 plan.

Table 1-1 The Sub-project List of LCESDP environmental management plan

Location No. Location(cities) (county-level Sub-project’s name cities) The Dandong 1 Donggang Road Network Construction in Donggang City The Dandong Kuandian 2 Urban Infrastructure Construction in Kuandian City County 3 The Panjin City Panjin Urban Public Transport Development in Panjin

The Chaoyang Traffic Infrastructure Development Demonstration 4 urban City Project in Longcheng District of Chaoyang

5 urban Urban Infrastructure Construction in Lingyuan The Lingyuan Wastewater treatment and reclamation and drainage in 6 City urban Lingyuan The 7 HulongDao Suizhong Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong City

1.2 The purpose of the environmental management plan

The purpose of the current environmental management plan strives to develop practical prevention, abatement, alleviating or compensating for the adverse environmental impacts and enhancing a favorable environmental impact measures to improve project selection, siting, planning, design and implementation activities, namely, it aims to take measures, mitigating and managing adverse environmental impact throughout the implementation phase of the project, implementing environmental monitoring program to assess the actual effect of the mitigation measures proposed.

The environmental management plan of LCESDP financed by the World Bank includes design, construction and operation phases, of which the last phase aims to implement the mitigation, monitoring, and institution-building measures to mitigate or compensate for the adverse effects of the project on the environment and society, or reduce to environmentally acceptable levels, and to meet environmental standards of our country, Liaoning Province and the World Bank.

1.3 The preparation of the environmental management plan

According to the World Bank environmental experts, provincial PMO and EIA scene

3 investigation reconnaissance by LIAONING ACADEMY of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (LAES), the project is located in the urban built-up areas without ecologically sensitive and fragile areas or areas in need of special protection in the community such as cultural relics, cemeteries, etc. The scale and impact of the pollution sources of generation is limited in scope. Additionally, strict prevention and mitigation measures for the possible impact of the pollution are to be taken in the whole process of the projects. Furthermore, sewage treatment facilities and solid waste disposal facilitiesas related to the projects can serve as the base of further treatment. Thus, the potential adverse environmental impacts of Liaoning coastal economic zone development projects are at a controllable level. As suggested by the World Bank Office of Liaoning province and environmental experts from the World Bank security identification group, the project's environmental screening classification should be as a category B project of the World Bank loan, which has been confirmed by the World Bank.

This report is an environmental management plan based on the several subkey domestic environmental impact assessment reports.


2 Legal and regulatory framework and baselines

2.1 Environmental policies and regulations

2.1.1 The relevant laws and regulations

The Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of (September 1, 2003);

Water Law of the People's Republic of China "(October 1, 2002);

"Water Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China" (June 1, 2008);

"Water Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China Regulations" (the People's Republic of China State Council Order No. 284, March 20, 2000);

"Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act of the People's Republic of China (September 1, 2000);

Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control of Environmental Law of the People's Republic of China (April 1, 2005);

Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China "(March 1, 1997);

Highway Law of the People's Republic of China "(August 28, 2004);

Soil Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China "(March 1, 2011);

People's Republic of China Flood "(January 1, 1998);

"River Management Regulations of the People's Republic of China" (June 10, 1988);

Flood Control and Regulations of the People's Republic of China "(July 15, 2005 Amendment);

"Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China" (August 28, 2004);

"Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" (as amended on February 29, 2012);

"Basic Farmland Protection Ordinance (Decree No. 257 of the State Council (1998));

"Notice on Strengthening Land Control" the State Council (Guo Fa [2006] No. 31);

River Management Regulations of the People's Republic of China "(State Council


Order No. 3, June 1988);

"The State Council decision on certain issues of environmental protection" (Guo Fa [96] No. 31, August 3, 1996);

"Construction Project Environmental Protection Management Regulations" (State Council Order No. 253, November 29, 1998);

"Construction Project Environmental Impact Assessment Classification Catalogue" (Environmental Protection Department Order No. 2, October 1, 2008);

"The construction project environmental impact assessment document classification approval provisions" No. 5 was appointed;

"The environmental impact assessment of public participation in the Interim Measures" (UNCED [2006] No. 28, February 14, 2006);

State Environmental Protection Administration on the strengthening of the international financial organization loans construction project environmental impact assessment management, EM [1993] No. 324, 1993;

Notice on the environmental impact assessment of highway planning and construction "(UNCED [2007] 184);

"Notice on the environmental impact evaluation of environmental noise issues related to road, rail (including light rail) construction project " (UNCED [2003] No. 94)

"Industrial Restructuring Guidance Catalogue (2011)," 2011 Decree, the State Development and Reform Commission;

2.1.2 Local regulations

The notice on the issuance of the atmospheric environment comprehensive improvement program in Liaoning Province, Liaoning Provincial People's Government, Liaoning Zheng Fa [1999] No. 29, 1999.9.17;

"The Administration Measures of Liaoning Province for the total amount of major pollutants of the construction projects indicators (Trial)", the Environmental Protection Bureau of Liaoning Province, Liaoning Environment and Development [2011] 21;

The notice on the issuance of the environmental supervision pilot management approach of construction projects in Liaoning Province, > Liaoning Provincial


Environmental Protection Department, Liaoning Environment and Development [2011] 6;

The notice on modifying (GB3095-1996) "(SEPA UNCED [2000] 1);

2.1.3 Technical Guidelines

"Environmental Impact Assessment technology general guideline" (HJ2.1-2011); "Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines for atmospheric environment" (HJ2.2-2008);

"Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Guidelines for Surface Water Environment" (HJ/T2.3-1993); "Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for groundwater environment" (HJ610-2011); Environmental Impact Assessment technical guidelines for sound environment (HJ2.4-2009); "Environmental Impact Assessment technical guidelines for ecological impact" (HJ19-2011); Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment on Projects (HJ/T169-2004) Environmental monitoring technical specifications "(SEPA, 1986). "Highway construction project environmental impact assessment norms" (Trial) (JTJ / T 005-96) "Highway environmental protection design specification" (JTJ / T 006-98);

2.1.4 World Bank Safeguard policies and environmental health and safety guidelines

The World Bank requirements include 10 safety and security policies and procedures. The sub-project applicable bank policies and procedures are shown in Table 2-1, In addition, in EIA documentation compilation process, relevant guidelines of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is also referred to, which are shown in Table 2-2.


Table 2-1 Applicable World Bank policies and procedures for sub-projects

Not No. Applicable World Bank policies and procedures Applicable applicable

1 Environmental Assessment(OP 4.01) √ 2 Forests(OP 4.36) × 3 Natural habitats(OP 4.04) × 4 Safety of Dams(OP 4.37) × 5 Pest Management(OP 4.09) × 6 Involuntary Resettlement(OP 4.12) √ 7 Indigenous People(OP4.10) × 8 Physical Cultural Resources(OP 4.11) × 9 International Waterways(OP 7.50) × 10 Disputed Areas(OP 7.60) × 11 Information disclosure(BP 7.15) √

Table 2-2 IFC Guideline Not No. IFC Guideline Applicable applicable 1 General guideline for environment, health and safety √ Wastewater and ambient water quality, health and 2 √ safety guideline Waste management facilities, environment, health 3 √ and safety guide

2.1.5 Project relevant documents

Development and Reform of foreign capital issued in the [2010] 2617 Notice on alternative projects using World Bank loan in fiscal year 2011-2013 in our country issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance Liaoning Development and Reform Foreign Captial [2011] No. 169

Notice on Submitting alternative projects notification to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank Project feasibility study reports and feasibility study report of sub-projects The subprojects’ domestic environmental assessment report and its administrative examination and approval documents Resettlement Action Plan for each project Each subproject soil conservation programs 8

2.1.6 Relevant planning and environmental function zoning documents

Donggang City Overall Planning (2009-2030)"; The Regulatory Detailed Planning of Donggang high-speed cable industry (2011-2020) Donggang Economic and Social Development Twelfth Five-Year Plan" in 2011; Notice of issuance the Donggou County surface water environmental function zoning scheme, Donggang Government Issued [1992] No. 62; Notice of the issuance of the the Donggang environment noise control regional planning, Donggang Government Issued [1997] No. 25; Notice of zoning regulations on the issuance of the ambient air quality in Dandong City Ribbon, Dandong Government Issued [2001] No. 67; Donggang environmental quality communications (2010) Environmental Protection Monitoring Station Donggang. Chaoyang City Overall Planning (2010-2030) Dragon City District, Chaoyang City Overall Planning (2010-2030) Chaoyang City, the national economy and social development in the 12th Five-Year Plan Lingyuan City Overall Planning (2009-2030); Panjin City Overall Planning ( Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute) Panjin City Comprehensive Transportation System Plan 2011-2030 "( Institute of Technology); Panjin City Public transport development plan 2011-2030 "(Harbin Institute of Technology); The notification function zoning of the ambient air quality in Panjin City Issued by Panjin Government Office [2001] No. 99 The Panjin City regional environmental noise standards Panjin Government issued [2001] No. 97 Suizhong county Overall Planning (2009-2030), 2009.8


2.2 Evaluation criteria

2.2.1 Environmental Quality Standards Ambient air quality standards

Environmental quality standards for the implementation of the ambient air quality standards (GB3095-1996), as shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Ambient air pollutants concentration limits Unit:( mg/m3)

Pollutant concentration Limits Implementation No. Pollutant Average per hour Average per day Standard

1 TSP - 0.30 GB3095-1996 2 PM10 - 0.15 Secondary 3 SO 0.50 0.15 2 Standard

4 NO2 0.12 0.08 Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard Environmental quality of Surface water is to implement Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GB3838-2002), as shown in Table 2-4

Table 2.4: Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard for basic items standard limit Unit:mg/l, pH excepted

No. Pollutant Class II Class Ⅲ Class IV Class V

1 pH 6~9 2 COD ≤ 15 20 30 40

3 BOD5 ≤ 3 4 6 10 4 DO ≤ 6 5 3 2 5 petroleum ≤ 0.05 0.05 0.5 1.0 6 Ammonia ≤ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 7 total phosphorus ≤ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 8 permanganate index ≤ 4 6.0 10 15 9 Fecal coliform (a / L) ≤ 2000 10000 20000 40000 Acoustic environmental quality standards

Acoustic environment implements sound environmental quality standards (GB3096-2008) and the standard limits are shown in Table 2-5. 10

Table 2.5 The standard value table (GB3096-2008)of Noise environment along roads Unit: dB (A) Classification Applicable region Day Night residential, health care, culture and education, research design, Class I 55 45 administrative office Class II Residentially and commercially mixed district 60 50 Class III Industrial Park 65 55 Urban Regional Environmental Noise suitable areas for Class IV a technical specifications Technical specifications to determinate 70 55 the suitable areas for environmental noise of urban area Division of the region on both sides of the road traffic arteries (GB/T15190-94) If the buildings along the street are mostly below three-storey construction (including open ground), a certain distance outside the red line area of the roads is zoned for Class IV category standard applicable area. Distance determination method is as follows: Technical Adjacent areas for Class 1 standard applicable area, a distance of specifications to 45m ± 5m; determinate the Adjacent area for Class 2 standard applicable area, a distance of suitable areas 30m ± 5m; for Adjacent areas of the three categories of standard applicable environmental regional distance of 20m ± 5m. noise of urban Based on the features of buildings as well as noise zoning type area of adjeacent regions along the waterways, a certain distance (GB/T15190-94) outer the embankment fence or slope angle beyond the dam are classified as Class IV standard applicable area. The principles and mehods According to the river on both sides of the building in the form of noise zoning type of adjacent regions, within a certain distance of the outer the embankments the fence or slope angle beyond the dam zoning standards applicable regional, principles and methods are as above. Soil Environmental Quality Standards

Suizhong County urban infrastructure renovation project. Sub-project Dredging of river sediment for flood control is to use secondary standard according to soil environmental quality standard (GB15618-1995), shown in Table 2-6.

Table 2-6 Sediment Dredging implementation standards

Composition Class II standard values(mg/kg) pH <6.5 6.5~7.5 >7.5 Cadmium≤ 0.30 0.30 0.60 Mercury≤ 0.30 0.50 1.0 Arsenic (dryland)≤ 40 30 25 Copper (farmland)≤ 50 100 100 Lead≤ 250 300 350 Chromium (ashore)≤ 150 200 250 Zn≤ 200 250 300

11 environmental quality standards in specific district involved The Environmental Quality Standards Specified in individual district of each sub-project of the Development of Liaoning Coastal economic zone Project(DLCEZP) are listed in Table 2-7

Table 2-7 Summary table of environmental quality standards in specific district involved. Surface Water soil Ambient Air Const Environmenta sound environmen Quality ructio l Quality environmental tal quality Standard No. n Name of Sub-project Standard standards standard locati (GB3095-2 (GB3096-200 (GB3838- (GB1561 on 012) 8) 2002) 8-1995) Da Donggu Road Network 1 Dong Class II River Class Class I / Construction in Donggang gang IV Kuan Dongbin dian River and Count Urban Infrastructure 2 Class II , Class II y of Construction in Kuandian Xibin River Dand Class Ⅲ ong Urban Public Transport Daliaohe, 3 Panjin Class II Class II / Development in Panjin class Ⅲ

Traffic Infrastructure Chao Development Haojia Class II and 4 Class II yang Demonstration Project in RiverClassⅢ IV a Longcheng District of Chaoyang Branch of Urban Infrastructure Class II and 5 Class II Daling River / Construction in Lingyuan IV a class Ⅲ Lingy uan Wastewater treatment and Branch of Class II, III 6 reclamation and drainage Class II Daling River / and IV a in Lingyuan class Ⅲ

Suizh Class II ong Urban Infrastructure Liuguhe Class II and 7 Class II (Soil pH count Rehabilitation in Suizhong Class III IV a ) y <6.5

2.2.2 Pollutant emission standards

For the specific level of the Pollutant emission standards of sub-projects during the construction and operation see Table 2-8.


Table 2-8 The summary table of emission standard of each sub-project Liaoning constructio Atmospher Province Integrated n site ic pollutant Integrated Wastewater environme Constru N Name of emission Wastewater Discharge ntal noise ction other o. sub-project standards Discharge Standard emission location (GB16297- Standard" (GB8978-19 standard 1996) (DB21/162 96) (GB12523- 7-2008) 2011)

Road Dongga Network Table 4 level Impleme 1 Class II Table 2 ng Construction 1 nt in Donggang

Noise emission standards Urban Public for Panjin Transport Table 4 level Impleme industrial 2 Class II Table 2 City Development 1 nt enterprises in Panjin (GB12348 -2008) Class II standard

Kuandi Urban an Infrastructur Table 4 level Impleme 3 County e Class II / 1 nt Dandon Construction g in Kuandian

Traffic Infrastructur e Longch Development Table 4 level 4 eng Demonstrati Class II Table 2 1 District on Project in Longcheng District of Chaoyang Urban Infrastructur Lingyu Table 4 level 5 e Class II Table 2 Implement / an City 1 Construction in Lingyuan

Wastewater LingYu treatment an and Table 4 level 6 Develo Class II Table 2 Implement reclamation 1 pment and drainage Zone in Lingyuan


Sludge Urban from Infrastructur agricultura Suizho e Table 4 level l pollutant 7 ng Class II / Implement Rehabilitatio 1 control County n in standards Suizhong "(GB4284- 84) For the limits of Pollutant emission standards of each project, see Table 2-9

Table 2-9 The Summary Table of Pollutant Emission Standards Limit

Item Standard Class Pollutant Emission Standard Unit the Construction concentration TSP NOx Atmospheric Integrated emission and limits of pollutants standard of air pollutants. mg/m3 operation monitoring (GB16297-1996) periods unorganized 1.0 0.12 emissions Construction site daytime 70 Construction environmental noise dB(A) period emission standards (GB12523-2011) nighttime 55 Functional daytime Night time area type Noise 1 category 55 45 Acoustic environmental Operation quality standards 2 category 60 50 dB(A) Period (GB3096-2008) 3 category 65 55

4a category 70 55 Integrated wastewater Operation CODCr BOD5 SS Petroleum Class I mg/L Period discharge standard.(GB8978-1996) 150 30 150 Construction LiaoningIntegrated Table 2 50 10 20 and wastewater discharge Waste Water Operation Periods standard.DB21/1627-2008 Table 2 300 250 300 mg/L Discharge standard of Operation pollutants for municipal 1a 50 10 10 period wastewater treatment plant.(GB18918-2002) Standard for pollution control on the storage and disposal site for general Operation Solid Waste industrial solid wastes.(GB18599-2001); Period Agricultural sludge pollution control standards(GB4284-84)。

2.2.3 Ecological environment

The development and construction of the project erosion control standards (GB/T50434-2008);


2.2.4 Other criteria

Environmental graphic signs - storage of solid waste (disposal) field (GB15562.2-1995);

Soil erosion classification and grading standards(SL 190-2007);

The design specifications of the wastewater reclamation and reuse of reclaimed water for industrial cooling water "(GB18920-2002) standard

Table 2-10 Industrial cooling water standards Unit:mg/l, pH excepted Added water circulating cooling No. Pollutant DC cooling water system 1 pH 6.0~9.0 6.5~9.0 2 SS 30 - 3 BOD5 30 10 4 CODcr - 60 5 Ammonia - 10

6 Fecal coliform (a / L) 2000 2000


3 Project content

3.1 Project goals

The implementation of the project is supposed to improve the urban road system, water supply and drainage system leading to city transformation as well as ensuring convenient access to various destinations for local residents; improving the status quo of the old town traffic, improve water penetration rate of urban residents, the improvement of the drainage network can improve the rate of urban sewage collection and urban drainage capacity, to improve the living conditions of residents, the project area residents to provide more public services, in order to effectively promote the integration of urban and rural construction process, stimulating the sustainable development of the town and the surrounding areas of social, economic, environmental. 7 project location is shown in Figure 3-1.

【1】Dandong City Donggang: Road Network Construction in Donggang will further improve the urban road network, the connection to the train station, long-distance bus terminal and other regions of the Donggang solve evacuation Donggang West Station (train station)long-distance bus terminal passenger traffic evacuation of the central city and its surrounding areas. In accordance with the direction of the urban planning of the extension of the North, the completion of the project will play a role in connecting transport hub with the old town, improve infrastructure, perfect regional economic development. Successful completion of the project will attract large numbers of people and businesses into the East Port because of the improved investment environment of the city. The construction and development efforts to increase urban area will speed up economic construction of Donggang City and the surrounding areas, thereby increase Donggang economic development. The location of Road Network Construction in Donggang is shown in Figure 3-2.

【2】Of Panjin City: Urban Public Transport Development in Panjin is aimed at improving the urban transport framework, implementing the bus priority policies, easing traffic congestion and providing a fast and convenient traffic conditions of life for local residents along the construction site. Overcrowdedness and road-conflicts have been lasting for such a long time. The construction of the project can improve the coverage of bus service, ensuring punctuality rate of the bus lane and urban areas. The


construction of two bus parking will not problem of the shortage of car parking and and maintainance areas, but also greatly improve the external image of the city, so as to fundamentally eliminate the negative impact on the regional economic development by the bus circulation. Figure 3-3 illustrates the location of Urban Public Transport Development in Panjin.

【3】Kuandian County, Dandong City: Urban Infrastructure Construction in Kuandian will renovate worn-out roadbed, subsidence, lighting and aging equipment, drainage facilities and solve serious road-related problems especially in rain seasons within the county area. The completion of the project can protect the safety and ensure the reliability of the urban infrastructure so as to meet the requirements of urban traffic, drainage, which is supposed to bring great convenience to the residents daily life and travel as well as improve the traffic environment and urban living quality. The location map of Urban Infrastructure Construction in Kuandian is shown in Figure 3-4.

【4】Huludao City suizhong County: Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong will remediate East and West drains and river dredging, improve the drainage capacity and revetment structure security; greening and beautifying "Peking pit", to improvePeking pit coastal landscape; interception in pipeline laying for the Suizhong county sewage collection and centralized processing system to provide closure pipeline conditions. East West drains the two sides and "Peking pit" around Suizhong County, the heart of project development and construction will be a radical improvement in the East, West, drains and Peking pit "ecological environment, landscape, recreation, ecological functions, further perfect urban drainage, the protection of the urban environment, and enhance the city's comprehensive competitiveness. The Suizhong County urban infrastructure renovation project location Figure 3-5.

【5】Lingyuan City, Urban Infrastructure Construction in Lingyuan is to improve the existing road network, urban stormwater and sewage pipe network,travelling so as to ensure normal traffic order and traffic safety, the perfect "five horizontal and four vertical"structure of urban roads, the convergence of the central city and riverfront new city park and logistics industry life corridors role. Additionally, as a triage center city Lingyuan City North Exit out into the market to some traffic flow to ease the 101 line and North Bridgethe traffic pressure on the completion of the project will improve the urban drainage system services, Hedong District sewerage, to guarantee municipal wastewater treatment plant sewage collection rate and normal operation to reduce sewage discharged into Styland of West Branch, to improve the Hedong residents living and working environmentand improve market competitiveness. The location of Lingyuan City infrastructure construction project is shown in Figure 3-6.

【6】Lingyuan City, Chaoyang City: Wastewater treatment and reclamation and drainage in Lingyuan intends to improve the construction engineering construction the urban


sewage interceptor dry tube, increasing urban drainage network coverage, improve sewage collection and treatment rates, both to improve the living and working environment,sewage treatment plant "factory anhydrous" status has been changed; through the construction of of Lingyuan City industrial Park, the drainage network and water reuse pipe network, make full use of renewable water resources, optimize the Lingyuan water resources for needsbalance, improve the Lingyuan City water stress situation, ease the inadequate water supply constraints Lingyuan City social and economic development through the construction of urban drainage and recycled water reuse facilities, effective protection of groundwater resources, increase the value in use of water resources, improve investment environment and promote the harmonious development of the economic, social and environmental Lingyuan City, to ease the pressure of water shortage, and improve the quality of life of the people. The Lingyuan urban drainage and recycled water back to the location of the construction project Figure 3-7.

【7】Longcheng District Chaoyang: Traffic Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project in Longcheng District of Chaoyang is to improve urban trunk road network and solve the problem in eastern and western regions of Longcheng: a single transport connection and traffic by poor communication, to ease severe traffic congestion, road load seriously overweight the status quo, the construction of the project will be to get through the traffic bottlenecks, and improve the road network structure of the urban development zone, improve road grade, and to accelerate the economic and social development, improve the city seven horizontal and 16 vertical transport framework to promote the construction of the city supporting the project to improve the level of urban management and the life quality of people. Chaoyang Longcheng District transportation infrastructure demonstration project location Figure 3-8.

3.2 Project content

Coastal economic belt in Liaoning Province, the development of each sub-project construction are shown in Table 3-1

Table 3-1 The list of each sub-project Content Name of Project No. Subject content Investment sub-project Type Project new roads 6 the Station Avenue, High Speed Rail Main Street, the cross Road Road Network three roads in accordance with the 356 1 Construction Newly-built construction of urban trunk road grade, millionYuan in Donggang Customs North Road, cross three-way in accordance with the construction of urban secondary road construction, cross all the


way to the branch level. Six road length 7009m. Station Road length 1767 m, roadbed width of 45 m; 981 m length of the high-speed rail Avenue roadbed width of 40 m; cross Road length 1197 m, roadbed width of 40 m; Customs North Road length of 1767 m, roadbed width of 30 m; horizontal three-way length 517 m, roadbed width of 30 m; cross all the way to the length of 1081 m, roadbed width of 18 m; while supporting the construction of rainwater pipeline total length of 9277m, the total length of the sewer lines 8945m integrated trench total length of 6827m.Other

27 transformation of urban roads, all road length 20.75 km, including five sub-distributors, the total length of 7.64km: North Camp Road East, 1.26 km road width 18m and 24m two; Xinhua Street, 0.90 km road width 12m and 18m twospecies; Xuefu 1.04 km road width of 12m; Dan wide Road, 2.19 km road width of 12m; iron long way to 2.25 km, the road width 12m. Slip five, with a total length of 3.46 km: estuaries Road, 1.04 km road width 18m and 24m; never sleeps a Street 0.3 km, 路宽 12m; Anfu Urban Gate Street 0.83 km road width 14m; left 195 Infrastructure child yuan Street 0.95 km road width of 2 Renovated Construction 12m; Qingshan Road, 0.34 km, road width millionYuan in Kuandian 12m. Lane Road 17. Bridge engineering: the use of the old bridge site rehabilitate the bridge a bridge a total length of 80m. Water supply project: pipeline length of 20.19km. Drainage project: the construction of the confluence of drainage channels length 7.31km, rainwater pipes length of 11.57km. Construction of sewage pipeline length of 5.01km. Heating project: pipeline total length of 7.1 km. No land acquisition and relocation.

Urban Public 238 Updates and additions to the bus vehicle 3 Transport Newly-built millionYuan Development purchase the LNG buses 150, 10.5m buses


in Panjin 105 the 12.0m buses in 45 units, opened three new bus lines and the purchase of vehicles and buses supporting facilities, the construction of Shuangtaizi District Six Mile River parkingthe field and at home, street parking, including the vehicles a maintenance workshop. Parking lot maintenance level for a tightening and lubrication-based maintenance job: The main public transport vehicles, including checks, fastening automotive exposed parts of the bolts, nuts; lubrication provisions lubricating parts; Check the assembly within lubricants plane, replace add the oil; cleaning the filter.

1, road works: seven new urban roads and six branch cultural road road length of 3269 m, road width of 30 meters; ZTE streets of 2932 meters in length, 30 meters width of the road; saddle Ling Street road length of 1435 meters, the width of the road 30meters; Liu Nan Road, the road length of 1730 meters, the road width of 19 meters; Liu Fang Road road length of 1675 m, road width of 19 meters; Liu Gang West Road, the road length of 1430 m, road width of 19 meters; willow Road road length of 1268 Traffic meters, the roadwidth of 19 meters. Road Infrastructure Development length of 17.2 kilometers, the road total area 392 Demonstration of 182,000 square meters, a total area of 4 Newly-built Project in 86,800 square meters for motor vehicle millionYuan Longcheng lanes, sidewalks total area of 100,800 square District of Chaoyang meters. Supporting traffic safety and management facilities: supporting the construction of the road signs, performance, isolation facilities, traffic lights ATC, video surveillance systems, electronic police traffic post 12. 2, Bridge Engineering: four new bridges of the project, are 2 × 13m Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab. Water supply project: new water supply pipeline length of 17.25 km. 4, rain Engineering: New stormwater pipe length of 11.95 km, New overpass


stormwater pumping station two. Sewage works: the new sewage pipeline length of 14.77 km. Road lighting engineering: Kin Road Lightbox change 8, the ordinary street 686, 175 solar street lights. Road maintenance and conservation: the purchase of the road Sweeper 3 units, garbage trucks, road sprinkler and ancillary facilities. 8, land acquisition and resettlement: supply and demand of land acquisition and 562.26 acres, 200 relocated residents.

Three new roads with a total length of 6.98km, the rating of the city's main, secondary road, the design speed of 40-50km / h, roadbed width of 26-30m, carriageway Urban 334 Infrastructure width 3.25-3.5m asphalt pavement; New 5 Newly-built Construction Bridge 2, the totallength of 356m, deck net millionYuan in Lingyuan width of 35.5-36.5m, culverts 2; New rainwater pipes 8091m sewers 4970m; the Xinjian Road Lightbox becomes 3, street lamps 581 sets, cable laying 22.82km.

1, the urban sewage intercepting pipe engineering: the pipeline full length 13342m diameter d600-1500mm. 2, Lingyuan City Industrial Park drainage network engineering: the rain, the sewage diversion drainage system, divided into two for construction. Sewers 36764m, a new Wastewater treatment and Park diameter d400-1200mm, rainwater 263 6 reclamation Newly-built pipes 37147m diameter d600-2400mm; two millionYuan and drainage new Park sewers 24398m, diameter in Lingyuan d400-1000mm, rainwater pipes 21395m, diameter d600-1500mm. Reclaimed water reuse project: new recycled water aqueduct 24000m, diameters DN800 x 2mm, a new level pressure pumping stations and storage tanks, a new two pressurized pumping stations and storage tanks.

Urban Sewage pipe network construction 45606m; 286 Infrastructure 7 Newly-built Rehabilitation storm sewer construction 50912m; drains millionYuan in Suizhong transformation 4935m; the Peking pit


transformation, expanding the water 2936m2 expansion 11100m3 protective wall and hydrophilic stepped masonry 340m, and supporting the construction of a green belt, lamps, lawn and pedestrian trails; new sewage drainage structures engineering inspection wells 742, 533 stormwater inspection wells, rainwater port 952, the outlet 18.

3.3 Project identification

3.3.1 Environmental tools to identify

Coastal economic belt in Liaoning Province, the World Bank loan project construction content is divided into six categories of engineering of the dredging project for roads, bridges, drainage drainage, water supply network, drainage network and parking.

3.3.2 Environmental impact assessment factor screening

Environmental impact factor affects an identification of environmental factors, combined with the local state of the environment and engineering properties, the list of environmental factors selected is shown in Table 3-2

Table 3-2 Project Environmental Impact factor screening table

Environmental impact Projec Environmental Environmental impact of the of the operation period t type element construction period factor factor Ecological Soil erosion environment Surface water Construction sewage enquality 、 Road Social Resettlement, land use, transportation,

Bridge environment and cultural heritage Engin eering Acoustic Construction machinery noise, Traffic noise environment construction noise transport vehicles

Ambient air Construction dust

Solid waste Engineering spoil, spoil Water Ecological Soil erosion supply environment


Environmental impact Projec Environmental Environmental impact of the of the operation period t type element construction period factor factor netwo Social Resettlement, land use, transportation,

rk 、 environment and cultural heritage Water Surface water and Construction sewage draina environmenty ge Acoustic Construction machinery noise,

engine environment construction noise transport ering 、 Ambient air Construction dust dredgi Engineering spoil, spoil, dredging ng and Solid waste dredging sediment draina sediment ge Acoustic Construction machinery noise and Pumping station noise netwo environment transport noise rk Water Surface water engine Construction sewage New sewage supply quality netwoering rk Ambient air Construction dust

Solid waste Engineering spoil, spoil Sludge

Acoustic Construction machinery noise and Noise environment transport noise mainte Surface water nance Construction sewage New sewage quality parkin g Ambient air Construction dust Garbage, hazardous Solid waste Engineering spoil, spoil waste

3.3.3 Environmental Impact factor identification

Identification of environmental impact factors According to the engineering properties and construction period of the project, the sources of pollution and the impact of the run-time source, combined with the state of the environment of the project area, the use of a list of law, identification to draw engineering influence the degree of environmental factors to identify the table, the environmental impact of the construction project elements, see table 3-3


Table 3-3 Project Environmental Impact factor identification

Enginee Construction phase Operation phase ring Factor dredg dredgi Road ing Road ng Water maint Water and Water and Water maint Bridg and enanc Bridg and draina suppl draina suppl enanc e draina e e draina ge y ge y e reno Engin ge parki reno Engin ge netwo netwo netwo netwo parkin new vate eering engin ng new vate eering engin rk rk rk rk g Environment d eering d eering al element engin engin eering eering Surface -1 -2 - water Air -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 quality Acousti 自 c -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 Nat environ ural ment Ground -1 water Hydrol ogical -1 -1 +2 regime Soil -2 -1 -1 -1 erosion 生Vegetat -2 -1 -1 Ecol ion ogic Soil al Land -1 -1 -1 use Resettle -2 -1 -2 ment Traffic -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 +3 +3 +3 +3 Industri al +3 +3 +3 +2 +3 develop 社ment Soci Agricul tural al -1 -1 -1 -1 +3 +3 +3 +3 Develo pment Water -1 +3 +3 supply Socio-e conomi -1 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 c Living 生standar Life d qual Landsc ity ape -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 Touris


Enginee Construction phase Operation phase ring Factor dredg dredgi Road ing Road ng Water maint Water and Water and Water maint Bridg and enanc Bridg and draina suppl draina suppl enanc e draina e e draina ge y ge y e reno Engin ge parki reno Engin ge netwo netwo netwo netwo parkin new vate eering engin ng new vate eering engin rk rk rk rk g Environment d eering d eering al element engin engin eering eering m Culture and +3 entertai nment Living environ -1 -1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 ment Note:in the table -3—worst,-2—worse,-1—bad +3—best,+2—better,+1—good。


4 Project environment analysis

The chapter is mainly to analyze the prominent environmental problems of the Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone Development Project’(LCEZDP)

4.1 Scheme selection Criterion

4.1.1 Basis of primary site selection

For all kinds of engineering (roads, bridges, drainage network, etc.),.the design and siting of new projects should meet the following requirements:

(1 ) New Project site need to comply with the overall urban planning and transportation planning and requirements of water supply and drainage planning harmonized along urban planning, environmental planning;

(2)Considering the protection of the ecological environment along the site to minimize disturbance of vegetation and prevent soil erosion

(3)Fully integrate with the terrain, terrain conditions, considering the flat, vertical, horizontal relationships among

(4)Roads, bridges considering the surrounding environment, landscape coordination, protection of the natural environment

(5)Improve the basic road network and provide convenient access to various destinations by bicycle or on foot.

(6)Less demolition, occupy less land, bypassing lot of bad geological, reducing the production life of the local residents, in order to reduce the project costs by avoiding rerouted measures as much as possible;

(7)Must consider the water supply pipe line selection, security, construction safety, labor saving

(8)Choose the shortest line road alignment along the planning or the status quo as far as possible, in order to facilitate the construction and maintenance

(9)Occupy less farmland as possible to reduce the cross rail, road and river

(10)Roads, pipelines should avoid crossing the landslide, rocks, swamps, areas with high level of underground water and the river flooded and erosion areas, in order to reduce the cost and ease of management;

(11)Environmental protection and engineering design synchronization 26

4.1.2 Basis of Alternative screening

Line selection, siting principles and traffic assignment results from the social, environmental, technical and cost alternatives comprehensive comparison of weights assigned Fufen finalize the project's construction program.

表 4.1-1 The alternative weights assigned scoring comparison table

scheme Score Item Relocation number naught +3 <100 +2 100

4.2 Environmental Impact Analysis

The project consists of two categories of engineering: traffic and water supply and drainage project. The former is related to roads and public transport facilities while the latter involves municipal water and drain lines as well as industrial recycling water works. Due to the water and drain lines are under the newly-constructed or rebuilt roads, which are supposed to be constructed at the same time with the road works, the


mitigation measures of its environmental impact are included in the road works. This section will focus on environmental impact of these two engineering categories of the project respectively.

4.2.1 Social environmental impact analysis during the construction phase

The infrastructure construction projects include new road construction and road widening, water and drainage line construction will lead to urban road occupation and city traffic disruption, which will bring residents inevitable inconvenience. Analysis of the impact on urban transport

 barrier impact For environmental and safety considerations, during road and pipe network construction process, the closure of the construction section play a role in blocking adjecent stores visually and the customers need to detour through the construction site to the streets , which temporily impact the shops’ day-to-day business on both sides of the road.  safety impact Construction in sensitive locations such as schools and hospitals, will hinder the entry of patients, ambulance or fire truck, there is a temporary security risks, and impact on students in the peak of the run in the implementation of the project on the impact the running of the hospital, in the vicinity of schoolsaffect the safety of (the students playing at the site walk through and stockyard). Local construction of schools, hospitals, kindergartens near must be out of place in the students, patients take temporary temporary bridge scaffolding outside the dense mesh envelope to ensure the safety of pedestrians.  traffic impact The construction slows down traffic owing to diversion and bypass, reducing the capacity of the existing roads; The current traffic volume in the implementation section is not large, segmented construction method is to be taken for the purpose of rapid construction progress of the entire road as well as reduce the construction processemerging security risks. During the construction, construction machinery and transport vehicles will increase the traffic volume of the areas along and thus interfere urban traffic. the impact on the life of the residents

As can be seen by the analysis of the impact of urban transport during the construction


phrase, urban traffic may be disturbed, resulting in traffic jams, the whole city's population will be affected with the site residents the most affected Meanwhile, road traffic congestion on the one hand reduce the advantage of the mobility of the motor vehicles themselves and on the other hand cause an increase in the loss of time. Additionally, prolonged congestion prone to arouse residents’ negative emotions of irritability,which affect their physical and mental health and the normal order of life. Through diversion, detour, adjusting the signal indication and other temporary measures may solve the clogging and congestion status of the road, easing the mood of nearby residents.The construction will enevitably affect municipal Engineering pipelines on the ground and underground will inevitably affect, even though the use of various pipelines won’t be interrupted. In short, the impact of construction is temporary and won’t affect the normal life of the people for a long time.

4.2.2 The major environmental impact analysis of road works

The environmental impact of road traffic engineering during the construction period is directly related to acoustic environment of environmentally sensitive points, and have a greater impact on the residential areas, schools and other acoustic environment sensitive points along the road.  Construction Phrase Construction machines and transportation vehicles will create emissions near theconstruction site. During the construction period, the transportation vehicles will cause airborne dust. The entry and exit of earth loading trucks is a particular strong source as trucks at these places bring dirt along with their tires. The emissions during the construction period is mostly from transport vehicles in the construction process, house demolition and other sources, of which major pollutants are dust and vehicle exhaust. Sewage wastewater by construction workers during the construction period Spoil, debris and garbage during the construction period The noise is mainly from transport vehicles and construction machinery noise Acoustic environmental impact during the construction period will focus on mechanical noise and vehicle traffic noise analysis of different engineering work.  the Operation phrase. vehicle exhaust Vehicle noise


4.2.3 Panjin City World-bank loaned urban public transport development project environmental impact analysis Bus parking, maintenance factory planning principles

(1)The site should be away from residential areas, avoid buses noise, exhaust pollution direct impact on residents

(2)The site should have at least two or more branches, ensuring the capacity of emergency evacuation as well as entry and exit of public transport vehicles in road congestion or other unexpected events.

(3)The subsequent development of the site will be taken into consideration without forming the obstacles to the future development of the Annex neighborhood Environmental impact analysis of the operation phrase

(1)Wastewater environmental impact analysis

The main sources of sewage water of the parking are as follows: car wash wastewater maintenance wastewater office and daily sewage Construction units of the design documents, Parking labor quota of 315 people, per capita domestic water 60L/d, displacement by 85%; vehicle wash water 150L / vehicle. D, displacement of 90%; calculate the total displacement of 70m3/d. Parking overhaul workshop waste lubricating oil is a unified collection of hazardous waste, send qualified units to deal with. The parking vehicle washing wastewater and canteen sewage grease trap treatment, life after treatment of sewage through septic tanks reached Liaoning Province Integrated wastewater discharge standards "(DB21/1627-2008) Table 2, along the discharge of municipal pipe network into Panjin City sewage treatment plant. Parking workshop waste lubricating oil is a unified collection of hazardous waste, temporary storage of hazardous waste temporary, temporary floor, dado need for anti-seepage treatment and storage to a certain number to send qualified units processing. The project wastewater pollutants in Table 4.2-1

Table 4.2-1 List of wastewater discharge

Sewage site Emission Pollutant(mg/L) Discharge


3 (m /d) Petrole location pH* COD SS NH -N Cr 3 um

Flotation grease Vehicle cleaning 54.0 6~9 300 280 15 35 traps, settling sewage ponds

Life sewage 16.0 6~9 230 120 45 Septic tanks

the municipal Total 70.0 6~9 286 244 21.8 35 pipe network

DB21/1627-2008Table 2 6~9 300 300 30 -

Note:(1 ) * refers to Level three standard in table 4 of Integrated wastewater discharge standard.(GB8978-1996)(GB8978-1996)。 Waste water is not discharged directly into surface water bodies, and therefore does not impact surface water bodies

(2)The noise environment impact analysis

The noise from the the equipment warranty workshop machine running noise. The noise level generated by various noise sources: machine tools 70 ~ 80dB (A), bus 79 to 82dB (A). Prediction mode

①Noise attenuation using the following formula r Lr  L0  20Log ro

In the formula: Lr—Prediction point sound pressure level,dB(A);

L0—r0 Distance SPL,dB(A);

r—the distance between predicative point and sound source(m);

r0—Distance from the sound source,m;while calculated,r0=1m。

②Evaluation point noise superimposed value prediction mode is as follows

n 0.1L L 10Log(10 本  100.1Li ) i1

In the formula:L—Noise predictive value of the evaluation points,dB(A);

L 本—The noise floor of the evaluation point value,dB(A);

Li—i Affect the value of the sound source evaluation,dB(A)。


To take maintenance workshop noise source machine tools 80 dB (A), to predict various noise sources take on the plant boundary noise impact value, plant sound reduction of 30 dB (A). The forecast results are shown in Table 4.2-2, Table 4.2-3.

Table 4.2-2 The impact of Noise source on Yujia Street Car Park area

Prediction point East South West North project boundary boundary boundary boundary

Distance m 1 80 200 155 Noise intensity impactdB(A) 50 50 50 50 Superimposed Contribution,dB(A) 50 41.9 3.9 6.2 Status quo daytimedB(A) 55.2 58.6 53.9 56.9 value nighttimedB(A) 40.6 44.2 43.3 44.3 Predictive daytimedB(A) 56.3 58.6 53.9 56.9 value nighttimedB(A) 50.7 46.2 43.3 44.3

Table 4.2-3 The impact of Noise source on Liulihe Car Park area

Prediction point East South West North item boundary boundary boundary boundary Noise Distance m 1 250 3 0 intensity impactdB(A) 50 50 50 50 Superimposed Contribution 2.0 40.5 50 ,dB(A) daytimedB( Status 58.7 56.8 57.5 54.3 A) quo value nighttimedB(A) 42.2 42.6 44.4 44.0 daytimedB( Predictiv 59.2 56.8 57.5 55.6 A) e value nighttimedB(A) 50.0 42.6 45.8 50.9

According to Table 4.2-2 and Table 4.2-3, after the implementation of the project the superimposed noise current situation with the plant boundary value, day and night noise prediction results meet the industrial enterprises in the plant boundary environmental noise emission standard (GB12348-2008)2 class standards.

4.3 Environmental impact prediction

4.3.1 The survey of acoustic environment sensitive points

According to the field survey of the project, each project acoustic environment sensitive points in Table 4.3-1



Table 4.3-1 Acoustic Environmental Receptors of the Project

Acoustic Distance Current Road Relation Differentia Name of environmental from the sound impact number of acoustic No. width Location (road name) with the l elevation Components protection red line barrier orientation people environmental (m) road (m) targets (m) zoning Zhanqian Road starting Liujiapao 45 14.5 None Cross 0.3~1.4 side 270 Class I point-AK0+764 Village Zhanqian Road Xingoubei 45 16.0 None West 0.6~1.5 side 190 Class I AK1+300-end point Village Gaotie Street None Liujiapao 40 CK0+225-CK0+445 8.5 Cross 0.2~1.0 facing 260 Class I Village CK0+705-end point Henger Road Liujiapao None 40 3.0 north 0.3~1.2 facing 150 Class I EK0+200-EK0+670 Village Road Network Henger Road Community in None Construction in 40 110 North 0.2 side 430 Class I 1 EK1+003-EK1+091 Liujiapao Donggang(road Haiguanbei Road Xingoubei None 30 6.0 Cross -0.1~1.2 side 660 Class I width 18-45m) BK0+738-end point Village Haiguanbei Road Xiugoubei None 30 52.5 East 0 side 233 Class I BK1+276-BK1+405 Primary School Hengsasn Road Xingoubei None 30 105 South 0.1~0.9 facing 120 Class I FK0+215-end point Village Hengyi Road None Liujiapao 18 DK0+235-DK0+465 5.0 Cross 0.5~1.1 facing 240 Class I Village DK0+970-end point Hengyi Road Liujiapao None 18 139 South 0.4 facing 275 Class I DK0+730-DK0+875 Primary School Binhedong Road Wuliu None 26 59 East 0 Side 300 Class II K0+040-k0+170 Community Urban Wuliu Road Xinyuan None East Side 30 62 0 216 Class II Infrastructure K0+160-K0+280 Community 2 Construction in Binhedong Road Xinyuan None East Side 26 19 0 468 Class II Lingyuan(road K0+800-K1+060 Community width 26-30m) Binhedong Road Shuangqiao None East Side 26 16 0 212 Class II K1+080-K1+180 Community


Acoustic Distance Current Road Relation Differentia Name of environmental from the sound impact number of acoustic No. width Location (road name) with the l elevation Components protection red line barrier orientation people environmental (m) road (m) targets (m) zoning Hongjian None East Side Binhedong Road 26 Huayuan 16 0 180 Class II K1+260-K1+350 Community Binhedong Road Xintai None East Side 26 14 0 220 Class II K1+360-K1+500 Community Binhedong Road Tianyuan None Side 26 190 West 0 66 Class II K0+300-K0+920 Community Binhedong Road Nanmenwai None Side 26 190 West 0 42 Class II K2+420-K2+640 Community Binhedong Road None Side 26 Gaozhangzi 17 East 3 283 Class II K0+240-K0+480 Wuliu Road None Side 30 Gaozhangzi 20 Cross 0 174 Class II K0+200-K1+060 Binhedong Road None Side 26 Xinzhangzi 16 East 0 287 Class II K1+520-K4+060 Wenyi Road None Side 30 Dahenan 37 Cross 1 46 Class II K0+000-K0+600 Wenyi Road Fangshen None Side 30 169 South 1 4 Class II K1+640-K1+700 Village Planned None two Wenhua Road 30 commercial 10 sides/paralle 0 facing Class II 3268m Traffic residences l Infrastructure ZHongxing Street None 30 Beishan Village 14 North 0 facing Class II Development K0+662-K1+253 Demonstration Zhongxing Street None Project in 30 Xidayingzi 16 South 0 facing Class II 3 K1+470-K1+936 Longcheng Zhongxing Street Xidayingzi, None District of 30 16 Cross 0 facing Class II K2+596- K2+932 Henan Village Chaoyang(road Anling Street None Cross Side width 19-30m) 30 Beishan Village 15 0 Class II K0+515-K0+794

Anling Street None Cross Side 30 Beishan Village 20 0 Class II K0+890-K1+173


Acoustic Distance Current Road Relation Differentia Name of environmental from the sound impact number of acoustic No. width Location (road name) with the l elevation Components protection red line barrier orientation people environmental (m) road (m) targets (m) zoning Anling Street None Cross Side 30 Xidayingzi 16 0 Class II K1+173- K1+435 Liunan Road None Cross Side 19 Xidayingzi 10 0 Class II Strating point-K0+556 Liunan Road None Cross Side 19 Xidayingzi 10 0 Class II K0+556- K1+750 Liufang Road Xidayingzi, None Cross Side 19 14 0 Class II Starting point-K0+616 Henan Village Liugangxi road None Cross Side 19 Henan Village 14 0 Class II Starting point-K0+874 Yangliu Road None Cross Side 19 Xidayingzi 14 0 Class II K0+830- K1+268 Lanes None 7 None -- Class II 3500m Xihuan Brick and Community, North of 0 concrete facing 600 Class II Xingfuwan road/parallel structure Community Yinshua/Jiaot facing Xinhua Street Brick and 18 ong North of 930m 0 concrete 0 400 Class 4a Resdidential road/parallel structure Urban Building Infrastructure Zhongyingsha Brick and facing South of Construction in ngcheng 0 concrete 0 480 Class 4a 4 road/parallel Kuandian(road Community structure Brick and facing width 12m-24m) Sanjiang North of 16 timber 0 80 Class 4a Community\ road/parallel structure Brick and facing Beiyingdong road Meilicheng 12-18 5 concrete parallel 0 360 Class 4a 1282m Community structure Changde Brick and South of facing 5 0 360 Class 4a Community concrete road/parallel


Acoustic Distance Current Road Relation Differentia Name of environmental from the sound impact number of acoustic No. width Location (road name) with the l elevation Components protection red line barrier orientation people environmental (m) road (m) targets (m) zoning structure

Chengjian facing Brick and and Budui North of 11 concrete 0 240 Class 4a Residential road/parallel structure buildings Brick and facing Dongdi North of 6 concrete 0 80 Class II Kindergarton road/parallel structure Liuju Brick and facing Two Residential 6 concrete 0 1100 Class 4a sides/parallel Building structure Brick and facing Yangmu two 6 timber 0 240 Class 4a Village sides/parallel structure Brick and facing Dankuan Road Yangguang North of 12 6 concrete 0 60 Class II 2190 Kindergarton road/parallel structure Chengnan Brick and facing South of Primary 6 concrete 0 200 Class II road/parallel School structure Brick and Tienan west of 0 timber 0 side 72 Class 4a Community road/vertical structure Brick and Tiechang Road Tiechang East of 12 85 timber 0 side 100 Class 4a 2250m Community road/verticcal structure Brick and Hongda east of 8 concrete 0 side 240 Class II Community road/vertical structure No. 1 Middle Brick and facing Xuefu Road South of 12 School of 31 concrete 0 300 Class II 1037m road/parallel Kuandian structure


Acoustic Distance Current Road Relation Differentia Name of environmental from the sound impact number of acoustic No. width Location (road name) with the l elevation Components protection red line barrier orientation people environmental (m) road (m) targets (m) zoning Technical and Brick and facing North of Vocational 10 concrete 0 200 Class II road/parallel High School structure Brick and facing Huanxiling two 0 timber 0 60 Class 4a Village sides/parallel structure Shihugou Brick and facing west of Middle 50 concrete 0 180 Class II road/parallel School structure Brick and Hekou Road Changde west of 24 10 concrete 0 side 360 Class 4a 322m Community road/vertical structure Brick and facing Fuqian South of 1 concrete 0 240 Class 4a Community road/parallel structure Brick and facing No. 2 North of 1 concrete 0 60 Class II Kindergarten road/parallel Zuoziyuan Street structure 18 948m Brick and facing Maoyuan North of 1 concrete 0 320 Class 4a Community road/parallel structure Brick and facing Ruihuayuan North of 1 concrete 0 240 Class 4a Community road/parallel structure Brick and facing Kuantai South of 3 concrete 0 360 Class 4a Pedestrian Street in Community road/parallel structure 18 Anfumen Xinyongshe Brick and facing 833m North of Residential 3 concrete 0 80 Class 4a road/parallel Building structure Brick and Qingshangou Zhanqian east of 12 1 timber 0 vertical 40 Class 4a Road335m Community road/vertical structure


4.3.2 A acoustic environmental impact prediction during construction phase noise source during Construction phase

Road construction process to use a wide range of machinery and equipment, general: excavators, bulldozers, graders, concrete mixers, rollers, loaders, drilling machines, pavers, etc, which are the source of major construction noise source in the table below 4.3-2.

Table 4.3-2 The intensity of the noise source of all kinds of construction machinery and equipment Unit: dB(A)

No. Machinary type Distance (metre) Lmax 1 wheel loaders 5 90 2 grader 5 90 3 vibrating rollers 5 86 two-wheeled dual 4 5 81 vibration road roller 5 combi roller 5 81 6 tire roller 5 76 7 bulldozer 5 86 8 wheeled excavators 5 84 9 paver 5 87 10 generator 5 98 11 drilling rig 5 87 12 Piling machine 5 112 13 truck 5 92 14 concrete 5 91 15 concrete pump 5 85 16 mobile cranes 5 96 17 vibrator 5 84 Sound environmental impact prediction analysis

(1) prediction mode The noise generated by the project's construction machinery can be treated as a point source approximately. According to the decay mode of the point source with distance, noise value at different distances from the noise source can be estimated during the construction phrase and the predictive mode is as follows:

r2 L2  L1  20lg  L r1


In the Formula

L2 —— the predictive noise value at a distance of r2 from the noise source,dB;

r2——at a distance of 20 miles

L1 ——Noise value at R1 (metre) distance from noise source,dB;

r2 ——distance from noise sources,m;

r1 ——distance between reference point and noise sources:5 m;

L ——The amount of sound attenuation due to various factors(including Sound Barrier, Air absorption and so on),dB;

(2)Predictive result

The model can help predict attenuation changes of the main noise source with distance during the construction phase and the specific results are shown in Table

Table 4.3-3 Major construction noise source emission noise attenuation with distance


Distance from the noise source No. Machinary type 5m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m 70m 80m 90m 100m 400m 1 Wheel loaders 90 83.98 77.96 74.44 71.94 70.00 68.42 67.08 65.92 64.89 63.98 47.96 2 Grader 90 83.98 77.96 74.44 71.94 70.00 68.42 67.08 65.92 64.89 63.98 47.96 3 Vibrating rollers 86 79.98 73.96 70.44 67.94 66.00 64.42 63.08 61.92 60.89 59.98 43.96 Two-wheeld 4 dual vibration 81 74.98 68.96 65.44 62.94 61.00 59.42 58.08 56.92 55.89 54.98 38.96 road roller 5 Combi roller 81 74.98 68.96 65.44 62.94 61.00 59.42 58.08 56.92 55.89 54.98 38.96 6 Tire Roller 76 69.98 63.96 60.44 57.94 56.00 54.42 53.08 51.92 50.89 49.98 33.96 7 Bulldozer 86 79.98 73.96 70.44 67.94 66.00 64.42 63.08 61.92 60.89 59.98 43.96 wheeld 8 84 77.98 71.96 68.44 65.94 64.00 62.42 61.08 59.92 58.89 57.98 41.96 excavator 9 paver 87 80.98 74.96 71.44 68.94 67.00 65.42 64.08 62.92 61.89 60.98 44.96 10 generator 98 91.98 85.96 82.44 79.94 78.00 76.42 75.08 73.92 72.89 71.98 55.96 11 Drilling machine 87 80.98 74.96 71.44 68.94 67.00 65.42 64.08 62.92 61.89 60.98 44.96 12 Piling machines 112 105.98 99.96 96.44 93.94 92.00 90.42 89.08 87.92 86.89 85.98 59.96 13 truck 92 85.98 79.96 76.44 73.94 72.00 70.42 69.08 67.92 66.89 65.98 49.96 14 Concrete mixer 91 84.98 78.96 75.44 72.94 71.00 69.42 68.08 66.92 65.89 64.98 48.96 15 Concrete pump 85 78.98 72.96 69.44 66.94 65.00 63.42 62.08 60.92 59.89 58.98 42.96 16 Mobile cranes 96 89.98 83.96 80.44 77.94 76.00 74.42 73.08 71.92 70.89 69.98 53.96


17 vibrator 84 77.98 71.96 68.44 65.94 64.00 62.42 61.08 59.92 58.89 57.98 51.96 The above table control acoustic environmental quality evaluation criteria can be seen, in the case of only considering the construction noise source emission noise attenuation with distance, regardless of other attenuation effects (such as trees, houses and other structures, sound insulation, etc.), because of the construction noisestream of strong and high, 100 meters away from the sound source, some of the sound source (wheel loaders, motor graders, pavers, generators, impact drilling machines, impact piling machines, trucks, concrete mixers, hammers and rock drillspneumatic wrench) the sound level value is still more than 60dB, the impact piling machine generated noise in the value of the sound level of 100 meters away from the sound source close 86dB. Therefore, if the road construction noise, adopted a series of effective measures to prevent and treat the construction of high noise sources that emit noise will affect the sound quality of the environment of the project environmentally sensitive point.

4.3.3 the acoustic environmental impact analysis during the operation phrase Noise sources during the operation phrase

 Traffic volume prediction The road works’ traffic volume predictation of Liaoning coastal economic zone development project (LCEZDP)


Table 4.3-4 The predictative daytime and nighttime Traffic Volume List during the construction phase

Daytime traffic volume in rush Nighttime average traffic No. Project Road name Level Year hours (vehicle/hour) volume (vehicle/hour) Small Medium Large Total Small Medium Large Total 2016(recent) 424 108 66 598 30 8 5 43 Zhanqian road Major road 2022(medium-term) 572 145 89 806 40 10 6 56 2030(long-term) 802 203 124 1129 56 14 9 79 2016(recent) 234 59 36 329 17 4 3 24 Gaotie Street Major road 2022(medium-term) 353 90 55 498 25 6 4 35 2030(long-term) 549 139 85 773 39 10 6 55 2016 (recent) 95 24 15 134 7 2 1 10 Hener Raod Major road 2022(medium-term) 144 36 22 202 10 3 2 15 Road Network 2030(Long-term) 212 54 33 299 15 4 2 21 1 Construction in Donggang 2016(recent) 154 39 24 217 11 3 2 16 Haiguan North sub-arterial 2022(medium-term) 225 57 35 317 16 4 3 23 Road road 2030(Long-term) 331 84 51 466 23 6 4 33 2016(recent) 90 24 15 129 6 2 1 9 sub-arterial Hengsan Road 2022(medium-term) 115 29 18 165 8 2 1 11 road 2030(long-term) 135 34 21 190 9 2 1 12 2016(recent) 22 6 3 31 2 0 0 2 Hengyi Raod By-pass 2022(medium-term) 34 9 5 48 2 1 0 3 2030(long-term) 52 13 8 63 4 1 1 6

Urban 2015(recent) 190 111 85 386 21 12 9 42 Infrastructure sub-arterial 2 Xinhua Street 2021(medium-term) 292 171 131 594 32 19 15 66 Construction in road Kuandian 2029(long-term) 365 213 164 742 41 24 18 83


2015 (recent) 190 111 85 386 21 12 9 42 Beiying East sub-arterial 2021(medium-term) 292 171 131 594 32 19 15 66 Road road 2029(long-term) 365 213 164 742 41 24 18 83

2015(recent) 317 186 123 626 35 21 14 70 sub-arterial Xuefu Road 2021(medium-term) 496 291 193 980 55 32 21 108 road 2029(long-term) 609 358 237 1204 68 40 20 128

2015(recent) 222 129 100 451 25 14 11 50 sub-arterial Dankuan Road 2021(medium-term) 338 196 152 686 38 22 17 77 road 2029(long-term) 427 248 191 866 4 28 21 53

2015(recent) 222 129 100 451 25 14 11 50 sub-arterial Tiechang Road 2021(medium-term) 338 196 152 686 38 22 17 77 road 2029(long-term) 427 248 191 866 4 28 21 53

2015(recent) 7 3 2 12 1 0 0 1

Hekou Road By-pass 2021(medium-term) 11 5 3 19 1 1 0 2

2029(Long-term) 14 6 4 24 2 1 1 4

AnfumenStreet 2015(recent) 98 45 7 150 10 2 1 13 Zuoziyuan street By-pass 2021(medium-term) 120 58 10 188 16 4 1 21 Qingshangou Road 2029(long-term) 160 78 15 253 24 8 1 33 Traffic sub-arterial 1 3 4 3 10 3 Wenhua road 2016(recent) 87 64 25 Infrastructure road 49 00 4 1 0


Development 1 11 3 5 4 12 2020(medium-term) 77 25 Demonstration 89 3 79 7 4 6 Project in 4 17 20 7 1 8 26 2030(long-term) 52 Longcheng 09 3 4 86 26 4 2 District of 1 13 3 4 2 10 2016(recent) 26 38 Chaoyang 63 1 20 8 1 7 Zhongxing 2 16 4 6 2 14 Major road 2020(medium-term) 33 48 Road 18 8 19 4 8 0 4 33 8 1 4 27 2030(long-term) 49 95 31 3 13 27 9 1 7 1 2 1 2016(recent) 66 13 19 53 9 58 4 0 1 1 2 1 Anling Street Major road 2020(medium-term) 76 13 22 64 01 90 9 3 2 15 3 6 2 12 2030(long-term) 23 45 04 7 84 0 3 8 4 8 1 2016(recent) 37 5 11 6 30 6 8 3 sub-arterial 6 1 1 Liunan Road 2020(medium-term) 45 6 13 7 37 road 2 13 7 9 1 2 1 2030(long-term) 61 10 19 54 3 64 5 0 6 1 1 15. 9 2016(recent) 56 8 44 9 33 9 4 .24 sub-arterial 9 1 2 1 Liufang Road 2020(medium-term) 72 11 21 60 road 8 81 7 2 1 11 3 4 2 10 2030(long-term) 19 37 81 7 17 9 0 6 2 5 2016(recent) 24 3 8 7 4 19 9 6 Liugang West sub-arterial 4 7 1 2020(medium-term) 30 4 9 5 26 Raod road 2 6 2 6 1 1 2030(long-term) 44 7 13 8 38 4 15 7 sub-arterial 7 1 2 1 Yangliu Road 2016(recent) 59 10 16 47 road 1 40 1 0


9 1 2 1 2020(medium-term) 69 11 20 59 6 76 7 2 1 10 2 4 1 2030(Long-term) 17 34 96 62 9 88 3 9 1 3 2016(recent) 10 1 6 3 1 10 9 0 Daolu 2 3 By-pass 2020(medium-term) 12 1 7 4 1 12 Xiangdao 2 5 3 5 1 2030(long-term) 16 2 5 2 17 3 1 0 2015(recent) 78 68 14 160 17 15 3 35 Binhe East Main road ( ) 135 101 21 257 30 23 5 58 Road 2027 medium 2044(long-term) 209 129 31 369 47 29 7 83 2015(recent) 63 28 64 155 21 16 29 66 Urban Infrastructure 2027(medium) 95 48 95 238 38 26 35 99 4 Wenyi Road Main road Construction in Lingyuan 2044(long-term) 146 85 121 352 53 35 56 144 2015(recent) 125 112 66 303 28 25 15 68 sub-arterial Wuliu Road 2027(medium-term) 248 153 109 510 55 34 24 113 road 2044(long-term) 692 385 215 1292 154 86 48 288


 The intensity of noise source in the operation phase During the operation phrase, after the completion of the road works, noise is mainly produced by a variety of vehicles (including motor vehicle engine noise, exhaust noise, noise and vibration of the vehicle body, transmission and brake noise, etc.), of which the engine noise is the main pollution source and the sound pressure is related to the engine speed as well as vehicle speed. Traffic noise is closely related to the vehicle speed and type, traffic volume, road structures, road surface coverings, buildings on both sides, terrain and other factors. According to the road traffic noise emission source test results and the highway construction project environmental impact assessment norms (JTG03-2006), the average sound radiation level of all kinds of car was classified as follows:

Table 4.3-5 The relationship between speed of different types of vehicles and equivalent A sound level

Vehicle Equivalent A Sound Level(dB)

Small Car(3.5t、7seats or below) Ls=12.6+34.73lgVs+△L 路面

Medium Car(3.5t-12t、40 seats or Lm=8.8+40.48lgVm+△L 纵坡 below) Large vehicle(12t or above、40seats or Lh=22.0+36.32lgVl+△L 纵坡 above)

In the formula:L、M、S——Large(L)、Medium(M)、Small(S); V——average speed of various types of vehicles km/h Reference formula for calculating vehicle speed:

In the formula: Vi - the predicative speed of vehicle type I (km/h): when the speed is lower than 120 km/h, the predictive speed lowers in proportion.

ui-Vehicle type ratio ηi-Vehicle type ratio vol-traffic volume of single lane veh/h Mi - Weighting coefficients of other two types of vehicles


k1、k2、k3、k4 are Coefficient, which is shown in Table 4.3-6: Table 4.3-6 Coefficent of vehicle speed formula

Type k1 k2 k3 k4 mi

Small vehicle -0.061748 149.65 -0.000023696 -0.02099 1.2102 Medium -0.057537 149.38 -0.000016390 -0.01245 0.8044 vehicle Large vehicle -0.051900 149.39 -0.000014202 -0.01254 0.70957

The vehicle speed of all vehicle types in the sub-projects of road works of "Liaoning coastal economic zone development project are shown in Table 4.3-7。 Table 4.3-7 List of average vehicle speed of various types km/h Daytime Nighttime No. Project Street name Year Small Medium Large Small medium large 2016 33.7 23.3 23.3 34.0 23.0 23.2 Zhanqian road 2022 33.5 23.3 23.4 34.0 23.0 23.2 2030 33.3 23.4 23.4 34.0 23.1 23.2 2016 33.9 23.1 23.3 34.0 23.0 23.2 Gaotie Street 2022 33.8 23.2 23.3 34.0 23.0 23.2 2030 33.6 23.3 23.3 34.0 23.0 23.2 2016 33.9 23.1 23.3 34.0 23.0 23.2 Hener Raod 2022 33.9 23.1 23.3 34.0 23.0 23.2 Road Network 2030 33.8 23.2 23.3 34.0 23.0 23.2 1 Construction 2016 25.4 17.4 17.5 25.5 17.3 17.4 in Donggang Haiguan North 2022 25.3 17.4 17.5 25.5 17.3 17.4 Road 2030 25.2 17.5 17.5 25.5 17.3 17.4 2016 25.4 17.3 17.4 25.5 17.3 17.4 Hengsan Road 2022 25.4 17.3 17.4 25.5 17.3 17.4 2030 25.4 17.3 17.4 25.5 17.3 17.4 2016 17.0 11.5 11.6 17.0 / / Hengyi Raod 2022 17.0 11.5 11.6 17.0 11.5 / 2030 17.0 11.6 11.6 17.0 11.5 11.6 2015 33.5 17.8 17.7 34 17.3 17.4 Xinhua Street 2021 33.1 18 17.8 33.9 17.4 17.5 2029 32.8 18.1 17.9 33.9 17.4 17.5 Beiying East 2015 33.5 17.8 17.7 34 17.3 17.4 2021 33.1 18 17.8 33.9 17.4 17.5 Road 2029 32.8 18.1 17.9 33.9 17.4 17.5 2015 33 18 17.8 33.9 17.4 17.5 Urban Xuefu Road 2021 2.1 18.3 18 33.9 17.4 17.5 Infrastructure 2029 31.5 24.6 24.1 33.9 23.3 23.3 2 Construction 2015 33.4 23.8 23.7 34 23.1 23.3 in Kuandian Dankuan Road 2021 32.9 24.1 23.9 33.9 23.2 23.3 2029 32.5 24.3 24 33.9 23.2 23.3 2015 33.4 23.8 23.7 34.0 23.1 23.3 Tiechang Road 2021 32.9 24.1 23.9 33.9 23.2 23.3 2029 32.5 24.3 24 33.9 23.2 23.3 2015 25.4 17.5 17.4 25.5 17.3 17.4 Hekou Road 2021 25.3 17.5 17.4 25.5 17.3 17.4 2029 25.2 17.6 17.5 25.5 17.3 17.4


AnfumenStreet 2016 42.0 39.0 36.0 50.0 41.0 37.0 Zuoziyuan 2020 41.0 39.0 35.0 45.0 39.0 35.5 street Qingshangou 2030 40.0 38.5 35.0 42.0 39.0 35.0 Road 2016 41.0 39.5 35.0 42.5 40.5 35.0 Wenhua road 2020 40.5 39.5 34.0 42.0 39.0 35.0 2030 39.0 39.0 34.0 40.0 39.0 35.0 2016 39.5 38.0 32.0 40.0 40.0 34.0 Zhongxing 2020 39.5 37.0 32.0 40.0 39.0 34.0 Traffic Road Infrastructure 2030 39.0 36.0 32.0 39.5 39.0 33.5 Development 2016 41.0 39.5 35.0 42.5 40.5 35.0 Demonstration 3 Project in Anling Street 2020 40.5 39.5 34.0 42.0 39.0 35.0 Longcheng 2030 39.0 39.0 34.0 40.0 39.0 35.0 District of Chaoyang 2016 39.0 37.5 31.0 40.0 40.0 34.0 Liunan Road 2020 39.0 37.0 31.0 40.0 39.0 34.0 2030 39.0 36.0 30.0 39.5 39.0 33.5 2016 39.5 38.0 32.0 40.0 40.0 34.0 Liufang Road 2020 39.5 37.0 32.0 40.0 39.0 34.0 2030 39.0 36.0 32.0 39.5 39.0 33.5 2016 39.0 37.5 31.0 40.0 40.0 34.0 Liugang West 2020 39.0 37.0 31.0 40.0 39.0 34.0 Raod 2030 39.0 36.0 30.0 39.5 39.0 33.5 2016 25.4 17.5 17.4 25.5 17.3 17.4 Yangliu Road 2022 25.4 17.6 17.5 25.5 17.3 17.4 2030 25.3 17.7 17.5 25.5 17.4 17.4 Urban 2016 42.4 28.9 29.3 42.5 28.8 29.1 Infrastructure Daolu 4 2022 42.4 29.0 29.3 42.5 28.9 29.1 Construction Xiangdao in Lingyuan 2030 42.3 29.2 29.4 42.5 28.9 29.2 2016 33.9 23.4 23.4 34.0 23.1 25.3 Binhe East 2022 33.7 23.5 23.5 34.0 23.1 23.3 Road 2030 2.9 24.1 23.7 33.9 23.3 23.3

The subkey different noise source intensity of different types of vehicles in the sub-projects at the reference distance (7.5m at) is shown in Table 4.3-8 Table 4.3-8 The List of noise L0i value for different types of vehicles with different speed Unit:dB(A) Daytime Nighttime No. Project Street name Year Small medium large Small medium large Road Network 2016 65.7 64.1 71.7 65.8 64.0 71.6 1 Zhanqian road Construction 2022 65.6 64.2 71.7 65.8 64.0 71.6


in Donggang 2030 65.5 64.3 71.7 65.8 64.0 71.6 2016 65.7 64.0 71.6 65.8 63.9 71.6 Gaotie Street 2022 65.7 64.1 71.7 65.8 63.9 71.6 2030 65.6 64.2 71.7 65.8 64.0 71.6 2016 65.8 64.0 71.6 65.8 63.9 71.6 Hener Raod 2022 65.7 64.0 71.6 65.8 63.9 71.6 2030 65.7 64.1 71.7 65.8 63.9 71.6 2016 61.4 59.0 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 Haiguan North 2022 61.3 59.0 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 Road 2030 61.3 59.1 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 2016 61.4 58.9 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 Hengsan Road 2022 61.4 59.0 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 2030 61.4 59.0 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 2016 55.3 51.8 60.7 55.3 / / Hengyi Raod 2022 55.3 51.8 60.7 55.3 51.8 / 2030 55.3 51.8 60.7 55.3 51.8 60.7 2015 65.6 59.4 67.4 65.8 59.0 67.1 Xinhua Street 2021 65.4 59.6 67.4 65.8 59.0 67.1 2029 65.2 59.7 67.5 65.8 59.0 67.1 2015 65.6 59.4 67.4 65.8 59.0 67.1 Beiying East 2021 65.4 59.6 67.4 65.8 59.0 67.1 Road 2029 65.2 59.7 67.5 65.8 59.0 67.1 2015 65.3 59.6 67.4 65.8 59.0 67.1 Urban Xuefu Road 2021 64.9 59.9 67.6 65.7 59.0 67.1 Infrastructure 2029 64.6 65.1 72.2 65.7 64.1 71.7 2 Construction 2015 65.5 64.5 71.9 65.8 64.0 71.6 in Kuandian Dankuan Road 2021 65.3 64.7 72.0 65.8 64.0 71.7 2029 65.1 64.9 72.1 65.7 64.1 71.7 2015 65.5 64.5 71.9 65.8 64.0 71.6 Tiechang Road 2021 65.3 64.7 72.0 65.8 64.0 71.7 2029 65.1 64.9 72.1 65.7 64.1 71.7 2015 61.4 59.1 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 Hekou Road 2021 65.7 59.2 67.1 65.8 58.9 67.1 2029 61.3 59.3 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 AnfumenStreet 2016 61.4 58.8 66.8 60.5 58.4 65.2 Zuoziyuan street 2020 61.4 58.9 66.8 60.6 58.6 65.4 Qingshangou 2030 62.1 59.1 66.8 60.8 58.9 65.5 Road Traffic 2016 61.4 58.8 66.9 60.6 58.6 65.4 Infrastructure 2020 61.4 58.7 66.9 60.9 58.7 65.8 Development Wenhua road 61. 3 Demonstration 2030 59.2 66.9 61.2 58.9 66.1 Project in 5 Longcheng 2016 55.3 51.2 60.1 55.1 51.2 60.1 Zhongxing District of 2020 55.6 51.8 60.3 55.3 51.4 60.5 Chaoyang Road 2030 55.8 52.0 60.6 55.4 51.8 60.7 61. 2016 58.8 66.8 60.5 58.4 65.2 Anling Street 4 2020 61.4 58.9 66.8 60.6 58.6 65.4


2030 62.1 59.1 66.8 60.8 58.9 65.5 2016 55.3 51.2 60.1 55.1 51.2 60.1 55. Liunan Road 2020 51.8 60.4 55.3 51.3 60.3 6 2030 55.8 52.0 60.6 55.4 51.8 60.7 2016 55.3 51.2 60.1 55.1 51.2 60.1 Liufang Road 2020 55.6 51.8 60.5 55.3 51.4 60.5 2030 55.8 52.0 60.6 55.4 51.8 60.7 2016 55.1 51.1 60.0 55.1 51.1 60.2 Liugang West 2020 55.3 51.8 60.3 55.3 51.4 60.4 Raod 2030 55.8 52.0 60.6 55.4 51.8 60.7 2016 61.4 59.1 67.1 61.4 58.9 67.1 Yangliu Road 2022 61.4 59.2 67.1 61.4 59.0 67.1 2030 61.3 59.3 67.1 61.4 59.0 67.1 Urban 2016 69.1 67.9 75.3 69.1 61.9 75.2 Infrastructure Daolu 4 2022 69.1 68.0 75.3 69.1 67.9 75.2 Construction Xiangdao in Lingyuan 2030 69.1 68.1 75.4 69.1 67.9 75.2 2016 65.7 64.2 71.7 65.8 64.0 71.6 Binhe East 2022 65.7 64.3 71.8 65.8 64.0 71.6 Road 2030 65.3 64.7 71.9 65.7 64.2 71.7

三、Notice prediction mode in operation phase

The noise prediction mode for the project is the recommended CGM2009:Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Guidelines acoustic environment(HJ2.4-2009) (1)Basic prediction mode A、i-car equivalent sound level prediction mode  N  7.5    i     1 2  Leq(h)i  (LoE)i 10lg  10lg  10lg   L 16 ViT   r     In the formula: L (h) eq i -- i-car equivalent sound level per hour,dB(A); (L ) oE i -- Vi(km/h) i-car speed is Vi(km/h) ; Average energy sound level A with 7.5 m horizontal distance dB(A); Ni--Daytime and nighttime average hourly traffic flow type I vehicles while passing a certain prediction point ,veh/h; r--r>7.5m;the distance between road center line and prediction point,m;


Vi--the average speed of Vehicle I ,km/h; T--Time for calculating equivalent sound level,1h; ψ1、ψ2--Forecast points to a finite-length at both ends of the section angle, radians The angle and radians from predition point to both ends of section of finite-length

Figure 4-1 Correction function of the finite-length section A—B= road section P= prediction point L -- Correction amount caused by other factors can be calculated by the following formula. = 1- L 2+ L 3

1= gradient + road surface 2=Aatm+Agr+Abar+Amisc In the formula: 1--correction amount cased by line factors,dB(A);

gradient--Correction amount caused by road longitudinal slop,dB(A);

road surface--The amount of correction caused by the road surface materials, dB(A);

2--The amount of attenuation caused by the acoustic propagation pathway, dB(A);

3—the correction amount due to reflection ,dB(A)。the amount of correction caused by reflection B、Total traffic equivalent sound level

0.1Leq(h)大 0.1Leq(h)中 0.1Leq(h)小 Leq(T) 10lg(10 10 10 )

If a prediction point is affected by multiple lines, (such as the viaduct surrounding prediction point by the impact of the bridge and bridge many lanes,


roadside rise buildings prediction point by ground lanes) the traffic noise should be calculated separately for the sound level of separate lane to the prediction point and then added up for contribution value. C、The sensitive point ambient noise prediction mode

L 10lg100.1Lep交 100.1Lep背 eq环   In the formula: L eq环 — The prediction point environmental noise value,dB L eq交 —Road traffic noise value of the prediction point,dB; L eq背 —The background noise value of the prediction point ,dB。 (2)Calculation the amount of correction and attenuation A、Longitudinal slope correction amount(ΔLslope) Longitudinal slope correction amount was calculated according to formula A17 in Appendix A, that is: L =98 Large vehicle: 纵坡 (dB) L =73 Medium vehicle: 纵坡 (dB) L =50 Small vehicle: 纵坡 (dB) In the formula:  —Road gradient,%。 B、Road surface correction amount (ΔL road surface) The noise correction amount of different roads were based on valules in Table A.2. in Appendix A Table 4.3-9 The noise correction amount of different roads Unit:dB(A)

Amount correction at different speeds km/h Road surface type 30 40 ≥50 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 0 0 0 Cement Concrete Pavement 1.0 1.5 2.0 (L ) Note: in the table, the correction amount is oE i based on the measured results of asphalt concrete pavement C、The amount of attenuation caused by the acoustic wave propagation process (ΔL2) a、the calculation of attenuation amount of sound barriers The infinite sound barrier can be calculated as follows:


  3 (1t2 ) 40 f 10lg ,t  1 (1t ) 3c Abar  4arc tg dB(A.18) (1t ) 3 (t2  1) 40 f 10lg ,t  1 2 2ln(tt   1)  3c In the formula: f— sound frequency,Hz; δ—sound path difference,m; c—sound speed,m/s。 500Hz frequency sound waves can be used for claculating barrier attenuation amount as the approximate A sound level attenuation in the evaluation of highway construction projects. Finite-length sound barrier calculation A bar was still calculated according to formula A18 and then corrected based on Firgure 4-2.After correction, was determined by the mask angle β / θ. In 4-2(a), the dotted lines means: the attenuation of the infinite sound barrier was 8.5dB. If the percentage of corresponding mask angle is 92%, the attenuation of the finite sound barrier is 6.6dB.

(a) (b)

Figure 4-2 Finite-length sound barrier and road noise source


The sound barrier transmission, reflection correction can be calculated with reference to HJ/T90 b、Sound attenuation calculation of high embankment or low-cut on both sides in the affected areas Sound attenuation Abar on both sides of high embankment or low-cut in the noise affected areas is the extra attenuation caused by the prediction point on both sides of the high embankment or low-cut in the noise affected areas. When the prediction point is in the noise-affected area, Abar =0; When the prediction point is in the noise-affected area, Abar is determined by the difference of sound paths. Figure 4-3 helps to work out δ,while 6.4-4 finds out Abar.

Figure 4-3 Calculation schematic diagram of Sound path differenceδ

Figure 4-4 the Relationship Curve of noise attenuation Abar and sound path difference c、The estimated value of rural housing additional attenuation Rural housing attenuation can be calculated referring to GB/T17247.2 (See Appendix A). The approximate calculation of the first rown of houses along the road can be made according to the values in Figure 4-5 and Table 4-9.


Figure 4-5 The diagram of estimating noise reduction of rural housing

Table 4.3-10 The estimated additional attenuation amount of rural housing

S/S0 Abar 40%~60% 3dB(A) 40%~60% 5dB(A) For every additional row of houses 1.5dB(A) The maximum attenuation≤10dB(A)

The predictive parameters selected for sound environmental sensitive points of each sub-project of the road works are shown in Table 4.2-11

Table 4.3-11 The list of predictive parameters selected Parameter value Traffic volume See table 4-4  value for calculating longitudinal 1.928% gradient correction amount Correction amount of road surface 0 Additional noise attenuation of rural 1.5 housing

55 Noise prediction analysis in operation phase The noise impact results on sound and environmentally sensitive points of each road works project during the operation phase are shown in Table 4.3-12; high-rise building The noise impact predicative results on acoustic environmentally sensitive points of high-rise buildings are shown in Table 4.2-13, Table 4.2-14. Table 4.3-12 The sound noise prediction of environmentally sensitive points during the operation phase of the road works

Distance Sound Predictive noise The noise Excessive Name of environmentally from the environmental Background superposition noise value No Project Road name time value(dB) sensitive points red function value value (dB) line(m) zoning 2016 2022 2030 2016 2022 2030 2016 2022 2030 D 36.5 57.1 58.3 59.8 57.3 58.5 59.9 14.5 4a N 36.5 45.7 46.7 48.3 46.6 47.5 48.8 Liujiapao Village D 35.1 54.3 55.6 57.0 54.8 56.0 57.4 1.0 2.4 47.5 1 Zhanqiandadao N 36.7 42.9 44.0 45.6 44.6 45.3 46.6 0.3 1.6 D 46.8 56.9 58.2 59.6 57.1 58.3 59.7 16.0 4a N 40.1 45.5 46.6 48.2 46.5 47.3 48.7 Xingoubei Village D 46.8 53.9 55.2 56.6 54.3 55.5 56.8 0.5 1.8 54.5 1 N 40.1 42.5 43.6 45.1 44.2 44.9 46.2 1.2 D 35.7 55.6 57.4 59.3 55.9 57.6 59.4 Gaotiedajia Liujiapao Village 8.5 4a Road Network N 36.1 44.4 45.9 47.8 45.6 46.8 48.4 Construction D 36.5 52.7 54.4 56.1 53.2 54.8 56.4 1 Liujiapao Village 3.0 4a in Donggang N 36.5 41.2 43.4 44.4 43.4 44.8 45.6 Heerlu Liujiapao Residential D 45.0 45.2 46.9 48.6 47.7 48.7 49.1 110 1 building N 38.7 33.7 35.9 36.9 40.4 40.9 41.3 D 47.2 51.9 53.5 55.2 52.5 54.0 55.5 Xingoubei Village 6.0 4a N 41.0 40.7 42.4 43.8 43.1 44.1 45.1 Haiguanbeilu D 41.9 46.8 48.4 50.1 48.7 49.8 51.1 Xingoubei Village 52.5 2 N 37.1 35.7 37.3 38.8 40.9 41.4 42.1 D 45.6 42.1 43.0 43.7 46.2 46.6 46.9 Hengsan Road Xingoubei Village 105 1 N 40.1 30.5 31.1 31.4 39.8 39.9 40.0 D 36.5 41.6 42.4 44.3 46.0 46.4 47.2 Hengyi Road Liujiapao Village 5.0 4a N 36.5 27.3 28.6 34.2 39.6 39.7 40.5


Xincheng Liujiapao D 48.5 31.3 32.2 34.1 44.3 44.4 44.5 139 2 Pirmary School N 40.8 17.2 18.4 23.9 39.3 39.3 39.4 Xihuan xinfuwan D 63.2 62.2 64.5 65.2 62.3 64.5 65.2 0 4a community N 51.1 52.4 54.6 55.4 52.5 54.6 55.4 0.4 Publishing/printing/traffic D 63.2 61.4 64.5 65.2 61.5 64.5 65.2 Xinhua street 0 4a residential building N 51.1 52.4 54.6 55.4 52.5 54.6 55.4 0.4 Zhongyangshangcheng D 63.2 62.2 64.5 65.2 62.3 64.5 65.2 0 4a community N 51.1 52.4 54.6 55.4 52.5 54.6 55.4 0.4 D 63.2 58.2 60.3 61.2 58.3 60.3 61.2 Sanjiang Community 16.0 4a N 51.1 48.6 50.6 51.5 48.7 50.6 51.5 D 64.3 60.7 62.7 63.9 60.8 62.7 63.9 Meili community 5.0 4a N 53.7 50.9 53.0 53.9 51.0 53.0 53.9 D 63.5 60.7 62.7 63.9 60.8 62.7 63.9 Changde community 5.0 4a Beiyingdong N 51.2 50.9 53 53.9 51.0 53.0 53.9 Road D 63.7 60.8 62.7 63.9 60.9 62.7 63.9 Dongdi Kindergarten 6.0 4a N 43.2 51.0 53 55.5 53.6 55.3 55.5 0.3 0.5 D 67.5 60.8 62.7 63.9 60.9 62.7 63.9 Urban Liuju residential building 6.0 4a N 51.7 51.0 53.0 53.9 51.1 53.0 53.9 Infrastructure 2 Urban construction and D 64.3 61.0 62.9 64.1 61.1 62.9 64.1 Construction 11.0 4a army building N 53.7 51.2 53.2 54.1 51.3 53.2 54.1 in Kuandian D 63.0 63.0 65.0 66.0 63.1 65.0 66.0 Yangmu Village 6.0 4a N 53.5 53.5 55.3 55.5 53.6 55.3 55.5 0.3 0.5 D 57.6 62.3 63.3 65.7 62.4 63.3 65.7 Dankuan Road Yangguang Kindergarten 6.0 4a N 45.2 52.6 53.6 54.8 52.7 53.6 54.8 Chengnan Primary D 57.6 62.3 63.3 65.7 62.4 63.3 65.7 6.0 4a School N 45.2 52.6 53.6 54.8 52.7 53.6 54.8 D 62.1 63.0 65.0 66.0 63.1 65.0 66.0 Tienan Community 0 4a N 48.6 54 55.3 55.5 54.1 55.3 55.5 0.3 0.5 D 53.3 53.4 55.3 56.3 53.5 55.3 56.3 Tiechang Road Tiechang Community 85.0 2 N 45.6 43.7 45.6 45.8 43.8 45.6 45.8 D 65.5 61.3 63.7 64.3 61.4 63.7 64.3 Hongda Community 8.0 4a N 55.6 51.7 53.6 53.7 51.8 53.6 53.7 Kuandian No. 1 Middle D 46.5 58.5 60.2 61.2 58.6 60.2 61.2 0.2 1.2 31.0 2 Xuefu Road School N 40.5 48.9 50.3 50.9 49.0 50.3 50.9 0.3 0.9 Vocational High School 10.0 4a D 53.2 62.6 64.6 65.5 62.7 64.6 65.5


N 41.3 53 54.8 55.2 53.1 54.8 55.2 0.2 D 55.3 64.2 66.2 67.2 64.3 66.2 67.2 Huanxiling Village 0 4a N 43.5 54.6 56.5 56.8 54.7 56.5 56.8 1.5 1.8 D 51.5 56.5 58.7 59.4 56.6 58.7 59.4 Shihugou Midddle school 50.0 2 N 42.6 46.8 49.0 49.0 46.9 49.0 49.0 D 61.3 52.0 53.2 54.5 52.1 53.2 54.5 Hekou Road Changde community 10.0 4a N 54.2 42.4 52.5 45.7 42.5 52.5 45.7 D 42.0 53.5 54.7 56.0 62.3 54.7 56.0 Fuqian community 1.0 4a N 35.0 44.9 46.3 47.2 52.5 46.3 47.2 D 42.0 53.5 54.7 56.0 61.5 54.7 56.0 No. 2 Kindergarten 1.0 4a N 35.0 44.9 46.3 47.2 52.5 46.3 47.2 Zuoziyuan Street D 42.0 53.5 54.7 56.0 62.3 54.7 56.0 Maoyuan Community 1.0 4a N 35.0 44.9 46.3 47.2 52.5 46.3 47.2 D 42.0 53.5 54.7 56.0 58.3 54.7 56.0 Ruihuayuan community 1.0 4a N 35.0 44.9 46.3 47.2 48.7 46.3 47.2 D 42.0 53.3 54.6 56.0 60.8 54.6 56.0 Kuantai community 3.0 4a N 35.0 44.8 46.2 47.1 51.0 46.2 47.1 Anfumen Street D 42.0 53.3 54.6 56.0 60.8 54.6 56.0 Xinyongse community 3.0 4a N 35.0 44.8 46.2 47.1 51.0 46.2 47.1 Qingshangou D 42.0 53.5 54.7 56.0 60.9 54.7 56.0 Zhanqian Community 1.0 4a Road N 35.0 44.9 46.3 47.2 53.6 46.3 47.2 planning industrial, D 60.6 62.7 63.9 64.8 62.7 63.9 64.7 commercial/residential Wenhua Road 5.0 4a area on both sides N 50.8 53.0 53.9 54.2 53.2 53.9 54.5 Traffic Infrastructure D 43.3 51.8 53.3 55.1 52.4 53.7 55.4 Beishan Village 14.0 4a Development N 39.2 40.5 42.1 43.5 42.9 43.9 44.9 Demonstration Zhongxing D 43.3 51.9 53.5 55.2 52.4 53.7 55.4 Project in Xidayingzi 16.0 4a 3 Street N 39.2 40.7 42.4 43.8 44.1 44.1 45.1 Longcheng D 42.6 51.9 53.5 55.2 52.4 53.8 55.4 District of Henan Village 16.0 4a N 40.8 40.7 42.4 43.8 43.8 44.7 45.6 Chaoyang D 43.3 51.9 53.5 55.2 52.5 53.9 55.5 Beishan Village 15.0 4a Anlinggang N 39.2 40.7 42.4 43.8 43.0 44.1 45.1 Street D 43.3 51.7 53.3 55.1 52.4 53.8 55.4 Xidayingzi 16.0 4a N 39.2 40.6 42.2 43.7 42.9 44.0 45.0 Liunan Road Xidayingzi 10.0 4a D 43.3 42.1 42.8 44.7 45.8 46.1 47.1


N 39.2 27.6 28.8 34.5 39.5 39.6 40.5 D 43.3 41.6 42.4 44.3 45.8 46.1 47.1 Yangliu Road Xidayingzi 14.0 4a N 39.2 27.3 28.6 34.2 39.5 39.6 40.5 D 42.6 41.4 42.7 44.5 45.1 45.7 46.7 Liugangxi Road Henan village 14.0 4a N 40.8 27.2 28.7 34.3 41.0 41.1 41.7 D 43.3 41.6 42.4 44.3 45.6 45.9 46.8 Xidayingzi 14.0 4a N 39.2 27.3 28.6 34.2 39.5 39.6 40.4 Liufang Road D 42.6 41.6 42.4 44.3 45.6 45.9 46.8 Henan Village 14.0 4a N 40.8 27.3 28.6 34.2 39.5 39.6 40.4 D 63.7 56.7 58.4 59.8 64.5 64.8 65.2 - - Dahenan 1# 37 4a N 52.4 53.2 54.3 56.2 55.8 56.5 57.7 0.8 1.5 2.7 Wenyi Road D 49.7 54.6 56.4 57.7 55.8 57.2 58.3 - - - Dahenan 2# 60 2 K0+000-K0+600 N 41.4 51.0 52.2 54.1 51.5 52.5 54.3 - - - D 50.4 52.4 54.2 55.5 54.5 55.7 56.7 - - - Dahenan 3# 100 2 N 42.9 48.8 50.0 51.9 49.8 50.8 52.4 - 0.8 2.4 Urban Wenyi Road D 58.5 59.1 59.3 59.6 50.0 51.8 53.2 - - - Infrastructure Fangshen4# 169 2 K1+640-K1+700 N 47.2 49.9 50.5 51.6 46.5 47.7 49.6 - 0.5- 1.6- 4 Construction D 45.8 51.6 53.6 55.2 52.6 54.2 55.7 - - - in Lingyuan Xinzhangzi 5# 16 4a Binhedong Road N 40.5 44.9 47.1 48.7 46.2 48.0 49.3 - - - K1+520-K4+060 D 49.2 44.7 46.1 47.8 50.5 50.9 51.6 - - - Xinzangzi 6# 74 2 N 42.8 37.5 39.7 41.3 43.9 44.5 45.1 - - - Binhedong Road D 51.3 51.6 53.6 55.2 54.4 55.6 56.7 - - - Gaozhangzi12# 17 4a K0+240-K0+480 N 42.1 44.9 47.1 48.7 46.7 48.3 49.5 - - - Wuliu Road D 50.9 50.0 52.2 55.8 53.5 54.6 57.0 - - Gaozhangzi13# 130 2 K0+200-K1+060 N 42.2 43.4 45.6 49.2 45.9 47.2 50.0 - - Note: D= Daytime N=Nighttime Table 4.2-13 Lingyuan noise impact predicative results on acoustic environmentally sensitive points of high-rise buildings Unit:dB(A)

rd th Distance !st F 3 F 5 F Not Project Name Sensitive points Year Stamdard (m) D N D N D Y e Urban 2016 50.7 42.1 50.7 42.1 50.6 42.0 Up Daytime:60, Infrastructure Wuliu Binhe East Road 59 2022 50.0 42.9 50.0 42.9 49.9 42.8 to Construction Community Nighttime:50 in Lingyuan 2030 49.6 43.3 49.6 43.3 49.5 43.2 standard


rd th Distance !st F 3 F 5 F Not Project Name Sensitive points Year Stamdard (m) D N D N D Y e 2016 47.1 40.8 47.1 40.7 47.0 40.6 Xinyuan 19 2022 48.4 43.0 48.3 42.9 48.3 42.8 Community 2030 49.5 43.3 49.5 43.2 49.4 43.2 2016 52.1 45.5 52.0 45.4 51.9 45.3 Shuangqiao 16 2022 53.9 47.8 53.8 47.7 53.7 47.6 community Up 2030 55.3 48.9 55.2 48.8 55.1 48.7 Daytime:70, to 2016 52.1 45.5 52.0 45.4 51.9 45.3 Nighttime:55 Hongjian standard huayuan 16 2022 53.9 47.8 53.8 47.7 53.7 47.6 Community 2030 55.3 48.9 55.2 48.8 55.1 48.7 2016 52.5 46.3 52.4 46.2 52.3 46.1 Xintai 14 2022 54.5 48.0 54.4 47.9 54.3 47.8 Community 2030 55.9 49.6 55.8 49.5 55.7 49.4 2016 46.4 39.6 46.4 39.6 46.3 39.5 Nanmenwai 190 2022 48.3 39.8 48.3 39.8 48.2 39.7 community Up 2030 48.9 40.8 48.9 40.8 48.8 40.7 Day 60, to 2016 46.4 39.6 46.4 39.6 46.3 39.5 Night 50 Tianyuan standard 190 2022 48.3 39.8 48.3 39.8 48.2 39.7 community 2030 48.9 40.8 48.9 40.8 48.8 40.7 Note: D= Daytime N=Nighttime

Table 4.2-14 Kuandian sensitive point traffic noise impact predictive results Unit:dB(A)

Name of sensitive Distance First Floor Third Floor Fifth Floor Project street Year standard note point (m) daytime nighttime daytime nighttime daytime nighttime


Name of sensitive Distance First Floor Third Floor Fifth Floor Project street Year standard note point (m) daytime nighttime daytime nighttime daytime nighttime Up to 2015 62.2 52.4 61.4 51.6 60.7 50.6 standard Xihuan and xingfu 0 wan residential 2021 64.5 54.6 63.7 53.8 63.0 52.8 2029 65.2 55.4 64.4 54.6 63.7 53.6 2015 61.4 51.6 61.4 51.6 60.7 50.6 Xinhua Faxing, yishua and Street jiaotong 0 2021 64.5 54.6 63.7 53.8 63.0 52.8 residential 2029 65.2 55.4 64.4 54.6 63.7 53.6 2015 62.2 52.4 61.4 51.6 60.7 50.6 Zhongyang shangcheng 0 2021 64.5 54.6 63.7 53.8 63.0 52.8 residential 2029 65.2 55.4 64.4 54.6 63.7 53.6 Urban 2015 60.7 50.9 60.9 51.1 60.2 50.1 Meili City Infrastructure 5 2021 62.7 53.0 62.3 52.7 61.6 51.7 residential daytime70, Construction 2029 63.9 53.9 63.1 53.1 62.4 52.1 nighttime55 in Kuandian 2015 60.7 50.9 60.9 51.1 60.2 50.1 Changde 5 2021 62.7 53 62.3 52.7 61.6 51.7 residential 2029 63.9 53.9 63.1 53.1 62.4 52.1

Beiying East 2015 60.8 51 61.0 51.2 60.3 50.2 Dongdi Road 6 2021 62.7 53 62.4 52.8 61.7 51.8 Kindergarten 2029 63.9 53.9 59.6 49.9 58.9 48.9 2015 60.8 51 61.0 51.2 60.3 50.2 Liuju residental 6 2021 62.7 53 62.4 52.8 61.7 51.8 2029 63.9 53.9 59.6 49.9 58.9 48.9

Chengjian and 2015 61 51.2 60.8 51.0 60.1 50.0 11 Budui residential 2021 62.9 53.2 62.2 52.8 61.5 51.8


Name of sensitive Distance First Floor Third Floor Fifth Floor Project street Year standard note point (m) daytime nighttime daytime nighttime daytime nighttime 2029 64.1 54.1 59.4 49.7 58.7 48.7 2015 61.3 51.7 60.5 50.9 59.8 49.9 Tiechang Hongda 8 2021 63.7 53.6 62.9 52.8 62.2 51.8 road community 2029 64.3 53.7 63.5 52.9 62.8 51.9

2015 58.5 48.9 58.7 57.5 58.0 56.5 Kuandian No. 1 Daytime 60, 31 2021 60.2 50.3 59.4 49.5 58.7 48.5 Middle School nighttime50 2029 61.2 50.9 60.4 50.0 59.7 49.0 Xuefu road 2015 62.6 53 60.6 51.0 59.9 50.0 Vacational High 10 2021 64.6 54.8 63.8 52.7 63.1 51.7 School 2029 65.5 55.2 63.5 52.9 62.8 51.9

2015 52.4 42.4 51.2 41.6 50.5 40.6 Changde Hekou street 10 2021 53.2 52.5 52.4 51.7 51.7 50.7 Community 2029 54.5 45.7 53.7 44.9 53.0 43.9 Daytime 70, 2015 53.5 44.9 52.7 44.1 52.0 43.1 Nighttime 55 Fuqian community 1.0 2021 54.7 46.3 53.9 45.5 53.2 44.5 2029 56.0 47.2 55.2 46.4 54.5 45.4

Zuoziyuanjie 2015 53.5 44.9 52.7 44.1 52.0 43.1 County No. 1.0 Kindergarten 2021 54.7 46.3 53.9 45.5 53.2 44.5 2029 56.0 47.2 55.2 46.4 54.5 45.4 Maoyuan 1.0 2015 53.5 44.9 52.7 44.1 52.0 43.1


Name of sensitive Distance First Floor Third Floor Fifth Floor Project street Year standard note point (m) daytime nighttime daytime nighttime daytime nighttime Community 2021 54.7 46.3 53.9 45.5 53.2 44.5

2029 56.0 47.2 55.2 46.4 54.5 45.4 2015 53.5 44.9 52.7 44.1 52.0 43.1 Ruihuayuan 1.0 2021 54.7 46.3 53.9 45.5 53.2 44.5 community 2029 56.0 47.2 55.2 46.4 54.5 45.4 2015 53.3 44.8 52.5 44.0 51.8 43.0 Kuantai 3.0 2021 54.6 46.2 53.8 45.4 53.1 44.4 community The 2029 56.0 47.1 55.2 46.3 54.5 45.3 Anfumen street 2015 53.3 44.8 52.5 44.0 51.8 43.0 Xinyongshe 3.0 2021 54.6 46.2 53.8 45.4 53.1 44.4 community 2029 56.0 47.1 55.2 46.3 54.5 45.3


As is shown above, in the evaluation period, the road sub-projects involving excessive noise prediction are listed in (1)The Donggang building bus terminal region road network project: Liujia bubble Village and new ditch Kitamura, operations, long-term noise value exceeded, remaining sensitive point noise value in each forecast year day and night are standard. (2)Kuandian County branch road noise value compared with the status quo value decrease, mainly because of the road conditions changed for the better, the road conditions improve due to a decrease in car whistle; acoustic environment sensitive points of the various sub-distributors forecastincreased value compared to the status quo, and schools and other sensitive points higher sound environmental requirements acoustic environmental quality exceeds the relevant standard, mainly due to the traffic flow increases caused. ——North Camp Road East, Xuefu, Dan, wide road frontage of the school, the kindergarten day and night noise values are exceeded, exceeded the value of 0.2-4.8 dB. After investigation, the sensitive conservation goals are day students and boarders, the main consideration daytime noise impact. In order to meet the requirements of sound environmental quality standards, above local roads to take measures speed limit of 30km / h speed limit, most of the forecast exceeded the sensitive point standard phase standard. ——Excessive iron iron long way south community street the first row of residential 0.3-0.5 dB, the on-site survey, the street are the walls and store room, taking into account the walls can noise reduction of 1.5 dB, and the courtyard of the residence to meet the relevant standards. For the further good protection goals sound quality of the environment, take the following sound environmental protection measures: ——North Camp Road East, Xuefu, Dan, wide road to implement local road speed limit, the maximum speed of 30km / h ——Kuandian a frontage of buildings to install sound insulation window of 50 environmental investment of 50,000 yuan (1000 yuan fan). (3)The Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction projects: big Henan 1 # the old wide line and the project is a new literary path superimposed impact, medium-term and long-term night exceeded 0.8-2.7 dB, room Shen Village due to the high-speed cable and the projectsuperposition effects of the new literary road, mid-term and long-term night exceeded 0.5-16 dB, remaining sensitive point in the forecast years day and night are standard. (4)Chaoyang Long urban transportation infrastructure demonstration project: three trunk roads, four the branched trunk sensitive point in the forecast years day, night standards.


4.4 Environmental Impact Analysis of Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong

The main construction of the the Suizhong County urban infrastructure renovation project content interception in the pipe network and the East, the Ximing drainage renovation project on the environment is divided into construction on the environmentally sensitive points acoustic environment, the impact of the water environment of the construction period, and construction of solid wastenoise impact of the impact of the construction period, the environmental impact of construction period water comes mainly from sewage wastewater, construction workers in construction; construction of solid waste from the demolition of old buildings construction waste, surface drainage of surface excavation spoil, East, Westand Peking pit dredging silt, construction residual waste and other materials; construction period noise from construction machinery and construction vehicles. During the construction of the East, West, drains and Beidakeng dredging construction process, about 8000 m3 of silt may be dug up, laying interception mains caused by the generation of surface excavation spoil (including demolition of old buildings muck) and the construction of the remaining waste materials. According to the Beidakeng sediment monitoring results by the Suizhong County Environmental Protection Monitoring Center from June 16 to 17 in 2012, the statistics are shown in Table 4.4-1. Table 4.4-1 Sediment monitoring results unit:mg/kg Item pH Cr6+ Cu Hg As Zn Pb Cd Ni 2012-6-16 7.21 70.6 53.3 0.0629 4.17 106 27.2 0.0794 13.3 2012-6-17 7.19 70.2 51.6 0.0618 4.08 105 26.8 0.0790 13.5 classII 6.5~7.5 300 100 0.5 25 250 300 0.3 50

According to the test results in Table 4.4-1, the average pH is 7.2, the soil is neutral (6.5 to 7.5), the river sediment Cr6+、Cu、Hg、As、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni content can bemeet the standard limit of soil environmental quality standards "(GB15618-1995). For detailed information about East and West surface drainage as well as Beidakeng dredging construction process and relevant pollutants see Figure 4.4-1.


slag、 noise stench、noise、garbage dust、noise

Demolition river diversion Clear silt Construction process

silt cofferdam Construction channel hardening, green Sludge drying


Figure 4.4-1 Dredging construction and pollutant produce node The production of pollutants: (1) east, west open channel drainage and Beidakeng silt is rich in organic matter. Worse still, the long-term anaerobic state results in odor gas emission when exposed. (2) The moisture content of silt is higher and waste water may discharge during the dumps process. (3) The rain erosion can cause silt erosion,which brings secondary pollution. (4) The improper disposal of abandoned soil and silt, garbage in the storage and transportation process, would block the traffic, pollute the environment. (5) The trucks carrying the excavation spoil on the urban roads will not only will increase the traffic flow of the regions along but also pollute urban streets and highways by earth leakage along the route. (6) in case of heavy rain The unorganized piling up of the excavation spoil may cause soil erosion. In urban construction site, stormwater runoff is easy to enter the municipal drainage network in the form of muddy water which may block the drainage system after clogging in the drainage system. (7) On the construction site, muddy water flows into the water body with cement, oil and other pollutants into the water, resulting in water pollution. (8) The cover soil recovery after the sludge landfill in an untimely manner may cause dust pollution.


4.5 Environmental impact analysis of Wastewater treatment and reclamation and drainage in Lingyuan

4.5.1 Acoustic Environmental Impact during the operation phase

The horizontal centrifugal booster pump station noise devices are half-buried and with hollow wall, which plays an important role inreducing noise and the reducing amount is 25dB (A); doors and windows are double-glazed steel doors and windows and the noise reduction amount is 20dB (A). The detailed noise source intensity is shown in Table 4.5-1 while the distance between noise device and factory sector is shown in Table 4.5-2.

Table 4.5-1 Noise source intensity Unit:dB(A) Distance Single noise Superimposed from Noise source Device Name Quantity level sound level workshop 1m Horizontal Pumps Centrifugal 4 90 96 51 Pump

Table 4.5-2 Noise impact value on factory sectors and adjacent residentials Plant Plant Plant Plant Prediction point boundary boundary boundary boundary Project East South Western North A pressure pump Distance (m) 37.4 7.1 14.6 18.6

Two pressure pump Distance (m) 24.5 37.8 28.1 19.8 (3)Predictive results Results of Level 1 pressure pump station and level 2 pressure pump station Noice contribution value of noise with the factory boundary are shown in 4.5-3 and 4.5-4 respectively

Table 4.5-3 Noise contribution value of Level 1 pressure pump station Unit dB(A) Contribution to Daytime At night Compliance Monitoring sites the value of the status plant boundary Standard values Standard values Plant boundary 19.5 60 50 Standards East Plant boundary 34.0 60 50 Standards South Plant boundary 27.7 60 50 Standards Western Plant boundary 25.6 60 50 Standards North As can be seen from Table 4.5-3, after the construction of the pressurized pumping station, plant boundary (East, South, West, North) noise contribution to the value of


the daytime and nighttime is in line with industrial enterprises ambient noise emission standard (GB12348-2008)class 2 standard, daytime ≤ 60dB (A) and the nighttime ≤ 50dB (A).

Table 4.5-4 Noise contribution value of Level 2 pressure pump station Unit dB(A) Contribution to Daytime At night Compliance Monitoring sites the value of the status plant boundary Standard values Standard values Plant boundary 23.2 60 50 Standards East Plant boundary 19.6 60 50 Standards South Plant boundary 22.0 60 50 Standards Western Plant boundary 25.1 60 50 Standards North

As can be seen from Table 4.5-3, after the construction of the pressurized pumping station, plant boundary (East, South, West, North) noise contribution to the value of the daytime and nighttime is in line with industrial enterprises ambient noise emission standard (GB12348-2008)class 2 standard, daytime ≤ 60dB (A) and the nighttime ≤ 50dB (A).

4.5.2 Due diligence review off the Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant Water supply survey By the end of 2010 Lingyuan City, five of the main city municipal water sources are groundwater and five waterworks are Ling River waterworks, Guta waterworks, Daling No. 1 water plant, Daling No. 2 water plant and Shiwulibao waterplant. The total water supply capacity is 30300 m3/d, of which2000 m3/d is domestic water supply for Lingyuan Iron and Steel Group and 2000 m3/d domestic water supply for Lingyuan City Industrial Park. Lingyuan Iron and Steel Group owned water (industrial water) water supply capacity of 27,300 m3/d, Lingyuan City Industrial Park owned water supply capacity of 16,000 m3/d. Based on the above data, Total Lingyuan City, the main city of the status quo in Water supply capacity of 73,600 m3/d. Lingyuan City water supply situation, the main city of the status quo (end of 2010) are shown in Table 4.5-5.

Table 4.5-5 The list of the water supply situation of the urban area of Lingyuan City (by the end of 2010)


Water capacity Actual water supply Type Water Name Water intake way (10,000 m3/d) (10,000 m3/d) Linghe Water shallow 1.45 1.38 Plant groundwater shallow Guta Water plant 1.42 1.38 groundwater Linghe water shallow 0.16 0.15 Municipal plant1 groundwater water Linghe water shallow 0.08 0.07 plant2 groundwater Shiwulibao water shallow 0.05 0.03 plant groundwater Subtotal 3.16 3.03 Linggang water shallow 2.73 2.73 source groundwater Industrial park shallow 0.80 0.80 Owned No.1water source groundwater water Industrial park shallow 0.80 0.80 No.2water source groundwater subtotal 4.33 4.33 total 7.49 7.36 Drainage survey The present situation of the drainage pipe network in LingYuanShi Hexi old town is relatively perfect, which serves as the drainage pipeline of rain and sewage. Besides, sewage entrapment pipeline will sent sewage to LingYuanShi sewage treatment plant and the average discharge capacity is 18000 m3/d. The drainage pipe network in urban areas outside the Old town, namely, the Hedong New district, Industrial park, Bajianfang, Dahenan, LingGang area and so on,is also a sewage system combining both rain and drainage pipes. Currently, there is no sewage entrapment pipeline connected with LingYuanShi sewage treatment plant (LingGang sewage in the factory has its own sewage treatment system without pouring into the urban drainage system),so, the sewage of above-mentioned areas is directly discharged straight into Daling River (except LingGang). the present situation of sewage discharge in the main urban areas of LingYuan city is presented in Table 4.5-6.

Table 4.5-6 The list of sewage discharge of main districts in Linyuan City (2010) The Status quo The Current Water volume Sewage Water supply treatment and Planning Area name population supply of water water quality emission discharge (104people) (104m3/d) sewage quality whereabouts destination (104m3/d) Discharge Discharge Drinking Domestic Hexi Old into Daling into Daling water sewage+ Town 17.0 2.24 1.99 or reuse after or reuse after standards Industrial treatment by treatment by wastewat Lingyuan Lingyuan


sewage sewage treatment treatment plant plant Discharge Directly into Daling discharged or reuse after Drinking Hedong into Daling treatment by 2.0 0.19 water 0.33 Sewage New town without Lingyuan standard treatment sewage treatment plant Discharge Metallurgical Directly into Daling industry Domestic discharged or reuse after Industrial water sewage+ into Daling treatment by 0.6 1.6+0.2 0.48 park standard+ Industrial without Lingyuan Drinking wastewater treatment sewage water treatment standards plant Discharge Directly into Daling Drinking Domestic discharged or reuse after water sewage+ into Daling treatment by Bajianfang 1.4 0.14 0.16 standards Industrial without Lingyuan wastewater treatment sewage treatment plant Discharge Directly into Daling Drinking discharged or reuse after Domestic water into Daling treatment by Dahenan 0.6 0.06 0.10 Sewage standards without Lingyuan

treatment sewage treatment plant Sub-total amount of 21.6 4.43 3.06 municipal sewage The metallurgical industrial Discharge Discharge water Industrial into Dalin into Dalin Lingang 1.0 2.73+0.2 1.92 standard + wastewater after after drinking self-treatment self-treatment water standards Total 22.6 7.36 4.98 Sewage treatment plant survey The Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant is located in the south of the city, on the east bank of Daling River and north bank of the water source of Ling Iron and Steel Plant, with a four-kilometer distance from the intersection of the East River and West


River and 8 kilometres straight-line distance from the Lingyuan City Industrial Park. The long-term scale of sewage discharge capacity of Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant is 100 000m3/d, which is designed to meet the wastewater discharge requirement in 2030 and the recent scale is 50,000 m3/d. The Lingyuan city sewage treatment plant (a) Environmental Impact Report Form was examined and approved on November 25, 2007 by the Liaoning Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. Sewage treatment plant had been completed by the end of 2008, and put into production. By September, 2011, the actual amount of sewage treatment capacity had reached 18000 m3 / d. it is estimated that by 2015,the capacity of daily production of regenerative water will have reached as high as 30000m3/d; By 2030, the daily production regenerative capacity will reach 60000 m3/d. LingYuan City sewage plant adopts A2/O + V type of filtering process. The sewage water is sent to pump room after removing larger suspended matters with the help of wells and coarse screens. And then the fine screen further remove smaller suspended matters while passing the ascension pump room. Then the vortex-type grit chamber helps to do Inorganic desilting. After that, water flows into the A2/O biochemical pool, where carbonization, nitrification, denitrification and dephosphorization reaction takes place to remove organic matter, ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus. The water from biochemical pool flows into the second pond for spate separation and then sent to the water purification workshop for in-depth processing, after which the purified water is disinfected in the contact pool and then discharges into Daling River. The water quality after such treatment can meet the A-standard according to Urban Sewage Treatment Plant Pllutants Emission Standard "(GB18918-2002) The terminal water quality of such treatment was monitored by Lingyuan City Environmental Monitoring Station in June 2012 and the results are shown in Table 4.5-7. Table 4.5-7 Monitoring results of the terminal water quality Unit:mg/L (pH non-dimentional) Monitoring sites Terminal water quality of sewage treatment plant Monitoring time June 6th June 7th GB18918-2002 Monitoring item - - Class Ia standard COD 41.8 38.2 50 BOD5 9.7 10 10 SS 10 9 10 Animal and vegetable 0.1 0.1 1 oil Petroleum 0.1 0.1 1

Anionic surfactant 0.135 0.129 0.5 TN 15 14 15 NH3-N 4.9 4.5 5(8) TP 0.49 0.47 0.5 Chroma (dilution 2 2 30 factor) pH 7.62 7.58 6-9


Fecal coliform counts 975 989 1000 / L Note: The monitoring data of the sewage treatment plant in June 2012. As can be seen by the monitoring results, the terminal water quality of above-mentioned water treatment process of Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant, namely, the conents of COD, animal and vegetable oils, petroleum, an anionic surfactant, chroma (dilution factor), the pH, BOD5, SS, TN, NH3-N, TP, fecal coliform has met the 1A standard according to the urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard "(GB18918-2002). The sewage outfall was installed with equipment for online monitoring, resulting in 100% online monitoring rate. The COD data of three continuous months is 42.5 mg / L on average..

4.5.3 The Lingyuan City Industrial Park recycled water use

Park, after several years of development, is now 32 enterprises, 21 enterprises above designated size, assigned to the project have been completed to 1.5 billion yuan in fixed assets investment, formed steel Shenjiagongye, automotive assembly and parts processing industry is dominated industry The District, 2010 Park realized an industrial output value of 1.95 billion yuan.

4.5.4 Alternate water source protection analysis

Alternative sources of water following places: (1)an existing groundwater source in the park, where water scale smaller can not meet the park the growing water demand. Taken from the groundwater and the water source, the Water Resources Department of Liaoning Province, the province confined groundwater water project overall program documents forwarded according to the Liaoning Provincial People's Government, 2013 ended groundwater water sources can not be used as industrial water. Therefore, where water is not suitable as the park's long-term water sources. (2)Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant reclaimed water. The Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant with A2/O + V-filter process, the effluent quality can reach an A standard for industrial water to meet the reclaimed water reuse in urban recycling industrial water quality "GB/T19923-2005 requirements. Related technical information provided according to the the Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant, sewage treatment plant capable of producing recycled water to 30,000 tons / day, the long-term production of renewable water, 60,000 tons / day, basically meet the requirements of the industrial park reclaimed water water. And the use of recycled water is also in line with the call of the country, has a very important role in saving valuable water resources. The Lingyuan City Industrial Park, the water as an industrial area industrial and poured the water sources of roads and green spaces.


(3)In 2015, the Lingyuan City will use Baishi Reservoir as water source (2013 replaced by Liaoning Northwest water supply project). The industrial park can be used to the water, but the water transfer project can supply the engineering of water and the introduction of time is difficult to determine, and whether Whitehead Reservoir Water Supply Project, or long distance water conveyance Liaoning Northwest water supply project, the cost is relatively its water resources hard to come by, to be used for the production of water some waste can be used as the water of life or as a supplemental source of water as the industrial park. (4)Lingyuan City is currently building a water supply project, the the Lingyuan City Emergency Water Supply Project Design daily water supply capacity of 50,000 tons / day. Will be completed in the near future, but the project can not be used as the main water supply for emergency water supply. Following consultations, the water as an industrial park industrial water reserve water. In summary, the sewage treatment plant reclaimed water suitable as this Lingyuan City Industrial Park industrial, roads and green water. Lingyuan City emergency water supply project can be used as an alternate source of water for the project..

4.5.5 The wastewater discharge of Linyuan Industrial park

Industrial Park admission through environmental impact evaluation, production waste water discharged into the sewage treatment plant does not meet the requirements by the self-built sewage treatment system to achieve "Liaoning Province Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (DB21/1627-2008) Table 2, the park new drainage network, discharged into the the Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant. Enterprises discharge wastewater directly through the drainage network to meet the sewage treatment plant influent water quality requirements, and discharged into the the Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant to focus. The recent industrial parks drainage 9200 t/d, forward of 30,400 t/d. The Lingyuan City displacement (excluding Ling steel) to the recent 46,300t/d, to forward the 91,000 t/d. Lingyuan City sewage treatment plant no more than deal with the scale of the recent 50 000 t/d, long-term 100 000 t/d


5 Environmental Codes of Practice

The Environmental Codes of Practice (ECOPs)cover the design, construction and operational phases. The ECOPs include generic environmental management in the construction phrase; special environmental management during construction phase (related to the sensitive points) and the specific environment management measures during the operational phase (related to the sensitive points).

5.1 Generic ECOPs in the construction phase

"The development of coastal economic belt in Liaoning Province Road, bridge engineering, pipeline engineering common environmental impact mitigation measures are shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Generic Environmental Impact Mitigation Measures

Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit Design Phase (1)The road alignment should be carefully designed to avoid sensitive receptors, and to be consistent with the traffic planning and drainage planning; (2)Attention should be paid to protect the ecological environment along PPMO, the road, so as to minimize the disturbance to the vegetative cover and PMO, Design Siting Criteria soil erosion; EPBs and institute (3)Where the local conditions do not allow for avoiding receptors, the Traffic noise mitigation measures should be considered in the design with cost Bureau estimate for these measures; (4)Environmental measures should be designed together with the engineering design. Construction Phase


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit (1)the scope for permanent and temporary land occupation should be Contractor PPMO, Qualified determined and complete the procedure for the land occupation before the PMO, institute works; EPBs and should be ( 2the pipeline survey should be conducted for the roads to be Traffic contracted Mitigation measures for site rehabilitated so as to avoid damage to the pipelines; Bureau by the Owners. preparation (3)the sites for construction, camps, access roads, borrow pits and deposit should be far away from surface waters; (4)the Owner should coordinate the proper water source for the contractors with the municipal drinking water supply to be used, new wells are prohibited; (1)Water spray should be conducted to reduce the generation of air-borne Ground dust; surface clearing (2)the spoil should be transported out of the site in timely manner. The transport vehicles for the spoil and solid waste should be covered; (1)the scope of roadbed and new pipeline should be restricted so as to avoid damage to the surrounding vegetative covers. Trees should be protected beside the construction sites; Road base (2)the spoil should be transported out of the site in timely manner. The Construction transport vehicles for the spoil and solid waste should be covered; site Main sites (3)Water spray should be conducted to reduce the generation of air-borne management dust; Asphalt mixing station should be in the production site which should be Road surface prohibited from the main construction sites; Low flow season should be selected to construct the bridges and tunnels. Bridge and The sechedule should be carefluuy designed to minimize the construction tunnel period so as to reduce the disturbance to the surface waters; the equipment should be carefully maintained and reparied to reduce the leakage of feul; Ecological (1)the ecological restoration should be carried out before the completion restoration of the works to the level at least same with that before the works;


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit (2)topsoil should be removed and stockpiled in a flat area with temporary retaining wall surrounded with ditches and sedimentation tank. The stockpile should be covered. The topsoil will be used for ecological restoration of the works. ( 1 ) construction time should be carefully scheduled. Where the construction sites are within 150 m from residential buildings, operation of the equipment with high noise level should be prohibited from night (22:00-6:00). Where the construction procedure require the operation of the equipment in night, the contractors should complete the procedure for allowing construction in night. At the meantime, public bulletin should be Noise established on site for soliciting the public understanding. (2)temporary or mobile noise barriers should be adopted in the sections near sensitive receptors(within 50m). (3)construction site should be arranged so as to be far from schools and hospitals. Where the equipment with high noise is necessary, the contractor should consult with the school so that the operation of the equipment can avoid the examination period of the school. Other (1)burning of wastes in construction sites is prohibited. (1)Water spray should be conducted to reduce the generation of air-borne Ground dust; surface clearing (2)the spoil should be transported out of the site in timely manner. The transport vehicles for the spoil and solid waste should be covered; (1)asphalt should be procured from the municipal asphalt mixing plants. Asphalt mixing (2)the mixing equipment should be enclosed with dust removal device. Production The semi-enclosed equipment should be prohibited. sites (1)commercial concrete should be preferred; Concrete mixing (2)wet method should be adopted, during the mixing the equipment should be enclosed. Loading and (1)During the transportation,, stockpiling and loading of cement and transportation earth, measures against strong wind or dust reduction should be adopted.


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit of powder (2)the sites for material stockpiling should be compacted and hardened. materials (3)the stockpile site should be covered and surrounded with retaining wall, so as to reduce the washing of rainfall. (1)in the entrance and exit of the construction site, washing device should be established to clean the transportation vehicles. The road Transportation between the vehicle washing device and the entrance/exit should be paved vehicle with concrete, asphalt and crashed marbles. (2)The transport vehicles for the spoil and solid waste should be covered; (1)the wastewater from the mixing station should be collected into the Pre-cast site settling tank and reused for water spraying in site. After the construction is completed, the settling tank should be filled with topsoil for vegetative establishment. (1)where the equipment with strong vibration should be provided with cushion device. (2)the fixed noise source with strong noise( such as power generators) Noise should be installed into noise insulation cover or indoor. ( 3 ) construction time should be carefully scheduled. Where the construction sites are within 150 m from residential buildings, operation of the equipment with high noise level should be prohibited from night (22:00-6:00). (1)the ecological restoration should be carried out before the completion of the works to the level at least same with that before the works; (2)topsoil should be removed and stockpiled in a flat area with temporary Other retaining wall surrounded with ditches and sedimentation tank. The stockpile should be covered. The topsoil will be used for ecological restoration of the works. (3)burning of wastes in construction sites is prohibited. (1)advanced equipment is preferred to reduce the leakage of fuel and Equipment need for maintenance. Leakage control management (2)where the leakage occurs, the solid fuel absorption materials should be used to remove the leakage.


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit (3)the maintenance of the equipment should be conducted in designated location where wastewater and waste oil collection and treatment device is installed. (4)in the maintenance site, settling tank should be established to collect and treat the oil-containing wastewater. After the construction is completed, the settling tank should be filled with soil for vegetative establishment. (5)the maintenance site should be hardened to avoid the earth from pollution by leaked oil. (6)record for equipment maintenance and repair should be kept so as to provide periodical maintenance to particular equipment. (1)the equipment complying with noise requirements should be selected and used so as to minimize the noise impact. ( 2 ) where the equipment with strong vibration should be provided with cushion device. The fixed noise source with strong Noise control noise( such as power generators) should be installed into noise insulation cover or indoor. (3)maintenance of equipment should be regularly carried out to reduce the noise and vibration source intensity. (1)equipment and vehicles with emission in compliance with national Emission control standard should be selected and used. (1)qualified institute should be engaged to collect and dispose of the hazardous waste in small quantity (such as polluted gloves by grease). (2)where the earth is polluted by oil, the topsoil should be scraped and stored in water-tight container, and transported and disposed of by Solid waste qualified entity. (3)where the equipment and vehicles can not be maintained in designated sites, containers or solid adsorption materials should be used to remove the leaked oil which should be stored in water-tight containers and disposed of by qualified entity. Works’ Site leveling (1)the spoil should be transported out of the site in timely manner. The


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit camp transport vehicles for the spoil and solid waste should be covered; (2)Water spray should be conducted to reduce the generation of air-borne dust; (1)oil-water separation tank should be established in dining room which should be cleaned periodically by qualified entity with permit and business license. (2)lavatories with septic tank should be established at the construction camps, and the septic tank should be lined. (3)drainage ditch and settling tank should be established at construction Domestic wastewater camps. Screening should be installed at the inlets of the sewers in the dining room, bathroom. The wastewater should be treated in the settling tank before discharging into the municipal sewers. (4)drainage system in the construction camp should be well maintained to ensure the timely drainage of rainfall and domestic wastewater. (5)direct discharge of domestic wastewater into the sewers is prohibited. Solid waste should not be stockpiled near the construction camps. (1)clean energy, such as electricity and LNG, should be adopted in the Waste gas kitchens. (1)the recyclables (waste papers) need to be collected and recycled by qualified entity. (2)enclosed solid waste station should be established in the construction camp to store the domestic solid waste, and the waste should be cleaned Solid waste and transported in timely manner. (3)water-tight container should be provided near the dining room to store the waste food and need to be cleaned in timely manner. (4)the septic tank should be cleaned in timely manner. (1)within 1 month after the construction is completed, all temporary structures should be demolished and the site should be restored to that Ecological impact before the works. (2)topsoil should be removed and stockpiled in a flat area with temporary retaining wall surrounded with ditches and


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit sedimentation tank. The stockpile should be covered. The topsoil will be used for ecological restoration of the works. (1)clay brick should not be used in the construction of the temporary structures and consider the relevant requirements for fire and safety. Other (2)land to be used for camp and construction should be clearly defined and separation facilities should be established. (3)burning of wastes in construction sites is prohibited. (1)deep excavation should be avoided. Balance between excavation and filling should be reached. In case that borrow is needed, commercial soil General should be procured or spoil from other works be used under the requirements coordination of urban construction bureau. Borrow pits should be avoided. (2)whereas necessary, earth should be borrow from the same pit to reduce the number of borrow pits. ( 1 ) water should be sprayed during the borrowing to reduce the Dust Borrow generation of air-borne dust. pits (1)topsoil should be removed and stockpiled in a flat area with temporary retaining wall surrounded with ditches and sedimentation tank. The stockpile should be covered. The topsoil Construction Ecology material will be used for ecological restoration of the works. stockpile (2)vegetative restoration should be conducted immediately after the construction is completed. ( 1 ) mitigation measures in Sub-EAs should be considered and Landscape implemented. (1)where spoil is generated, reuse in the same project or other sites should be considered, or use in ecological restoration should be considered, General so as to eliminate the need for deposit sites. Deposit requirements (2)Where the spoil can not be reused, it should be transported to the sites site designated by local authority. (1)the spoil should be compacted into layers to reduce the generation of Dust air-borne dust.


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit (2)water spray should be conducted. (1)topsoil should be removed and stockpiled in a flat area with temporary retaining wall surrounded with ditches and sedimentation tank. The stockpile should be covered. The topsoil Ecology will be used for ecological restoration of the works. (2)vegetative restoration should be conducted immediately after the construction is completed. (1)site for topsoil stockpile should be selected to avoid the catchment of surface run-off, or the sensitive areas near river or roads; to avoid the area that would affect the construction activity or road traffic; the stockpile should be placed in the area within the temporary land occupation. The site should be fenced with grass bags. (2)sideslope should be protected. As the roads are within urban area, considering the land development along the roads, ecological methods Main construction sites should be used to protect the sideslope. In the road section requiring filling, grass grid should be established, and other sections use retaining wall. (3)The temporary stockpile site should be fenced to protect from rainfall flushing. Soil erosion (4)settling tank should be established at the outlet of the drainage ditch along the roadbed. (1)Soil erosion impact is the top priority for pollution control in the production area. As the need for facilitating the movement of vehicles and stockpiling materials, the site should be hardened. ( ) Construction production 2 During rainy season, drainage ditch should be established around the area low area to protect from rainfall flushing. (3)the topsoil and spoil stockpile should be covered and fenced. (4)construction should be carefully scheduled to minimize the time for temporary land occupation. The land to be temporarily occupied should be restored or reclaimed immediately after the construction is completed.


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit ( 1 ) for the new access roads, sideslope protection and drainage engineering should be provided. Access road (2)construction should be carefully scheduled to minimize the time for temporary land occupation. The land to be temporarily occupied should be restored or reclaimed immediately after the construction is completed. (1)the area outside the camp or places that need to be hardened should be vegetated. (2)drainage ditch should be constructed to drain the rainfall from the site. Construction camp (3)the camps should be removed and the hardened area should be broken immediately after the construction is completed. The vegetative cover should be established. (1)drainage ditch should be constructed prior to the establishment of borrow pits. At the outlet of the drainage ditch, resettling tank should be established to settle the sediments before discharge the rainwater into the surface waters. The sideslope of the borrow pit should be provided with drainage ditch which connects with trunk drainage ditch. Borrow pits. (2)the site should be filled and vegetation established once after its use is completed. The large area exposed to rainfall should be avoided. (3)As the vegetation on the sideslope can not be restored in short period, during strong rainfall it should be covered to prevent from flushing. (4)vegetation should be established once after the construction is completed. (1)where deposit sites are necessary, low land should be selected. (2)retaining wall should be established along the lower side of the deposit sit. The retaining wall should be set up under the consideration of the actual topography of the site. Deposit site (3)interception ditch should be established on the upper side of the deposit site with settling tanks to be constructed at the both sides of the ditch. Energy adsorption device should be provided where the gradient is deep. (4)the spoil should be compacted before the establishment of the


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit drainage ditch. (5)ecological restoration should be conducted immediately after the construction completed. (1)the topsoil removed from the site clearing should be used for ecological restoration, so as to eliminate the need for borrow. (2)the combination of hardwood, brush and grass should be designed and Ecological Restoration adopted in the greening works. All of the space should be planted to prevent from the invasion of alien species. (3)native species should be used for greening works. (1)if physical cultural relics are found during construction, (including ancient sites and ancient tombs), construction should be suspended immediately. The construction site should be closed and protected under the supervision of the engineering supervisor and report to local cultural departments. Cultural resources ( 2 ) The contractor should develop the construction plan for the construction in the section where relics are found, and submit to the local cultural department for approval before the construction is resumed. (3)if any mobile relics are found, the contractor should not kept hem and should submit them to the local cultural departments. (1)construction should be carefully scheduled so as to minimize the period of temporary land occupation. (2)during the transportation of powder materials and solid waste, the vehicle should be covered. (3)where the access road is within 50 m from community, transportation Traffic management of materials should be banned from night. (4)transportation vehicles should avoid rush hour . (5)transportation vehicle should move along the designated lane. driving on different without permission is banned to avoid damage to farmland and woodland. Traffic safety (1)Underscore safety regulations for the driver;


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit (2)Improve driving technique and use licensed driver; (3 )Limit driving time, rotate drivers; Avoid dangerous road and time, minimize the chance of traffic accident; (4)Install speed control system on the truck and supervise the driver; (5)Maintenance in a timely manner using parts from the dealer, prevent accident happening due to out of order for the parts. (6)Minimize situations that pedestrian and construction vehicle use the road at the same time; (7)Improve the visibility of the signal to enhance overall traffic safety. (8)Education on traffic safety and pedestrian safety should be provided at communities near school. (9)Cooperate with the emergency responding staff to provide proper first aid when accident happens; purchase local materials as much as possible to minimize transportation; use large vans around construction site to reduce the traffic volume; adoption of traffic safety control measure, use traffic signal and staff to remind the pedestrian and vehicle of dangerous situation Temporary access roads should be established in the sections near sensitive receptors, such as schools, hospitals, communities. (10)Using locally sourced materials, whenever possible, to minimize transport distance. Locating associated facilities such as worker bus transport to minimizing external traffic. (11)The transportation vehicle should be covered and not loaded too much to prevent leakage from the vehicle; make specific plan of the route and schedule for the transportation vehicle, prevent the vehicle running at central area, large traffic area and resident area; for road section that needs strict standard, transportation should be done at night according to the actual condition. The leakage of soil from the transportation should be cleaned up as soon as possible to reduce dust. (12)warning signs should be set up at the sections being excavated and alarming light should be set up in night at these sections. Hazardous waste and inflammables (1)immediately after the gasoline or diesel is transported into the


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit construction site, the inspection staff should check the integrity of the package and whether it is leaky. For any leaky containers, the inspection staff should reject it. (2)storeroom exclusively for fuel or chemical solvent with warning sign being set up. The ground of the storeroom should be lined and absorption materials should be prepared. (3)emergency response plan should be developed and the training sessions should be provided to the workers before they enter the construction site for the first time. (1)at the entrance of the construction site, a bulletin should be set up indicating the project information and content, schedule, and the contact people and hotline. (2)environmental professionals will be designated to respond to the public concerns on environmental impacts. (3)where construction at night is necessary, the relevant procedure should be followed and public announcement should be made to the adjacent Public consultation residents which indicates the timing of the construction and the permit issued by local EPB. (4)where suspension of public infrastructure service is unavoidable, a public notice on the timing of the suspension of service should be pasted in the construction site 5 days before the suspension is made. (5)the public concerns or questions raised by local people should be recorded and responded immediately. All the information of the question and response should be kept file and subject to the review of the supervision institution. (1) A RAP has been developed for the people to be affected by the land acquisition and resettlement by the project. (2)the compensation standard should be carefully developed in line with Social impact relevant national and provincial regulations for the people to be affected by land occupation and resettlement. Agreement should be signed with these affected people and pay the compensation in timely manner. (3)Transportation vehicles should avoid the rush hour on local roads.


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit (4)the local roads that has been temporarily occupied or damaged by the project should be restored and compensation should be paid to local governments. (1)to ensure the compatibility with the surrounding landscape, the sideslope of the place to be filled or excavated should be smoothly connected with the natural ground. Arc sideslope can be adopted to improve the visual impact. The hardness of the slope should be maintained to a proper degree to establish protective or vegetative cover. Brushes and hardwood should be planted to cover the presence of retaining wall. (2)As the access roads are often established along the existing roads, an Visual impact education program should be provided to the construction management staff and workers on environmental protection. The behavior of discarding wastes at discretion should be banned. (3)the spoil field and the stockpile yard should be located within the designated area. (4)the spoil field, stockpile yard, access roads and construction camps should be cleaned to remove the waste oil and wastes. The ground should be leveled and the original landscape should be restored. (1)warning signs or notice should be set up on the locations that are likely to cause occupational disease in the construction sites. (2)health training and check should be periodically provided to the staff working in hazardous or toxic environment on the use of protective equipment and gear. (3)helmet, safety belt and safety shoes and clothes should be provide to Construction safety the workers. (4)low noise equipment should be selected. The ear plus should be provided to the workers operating the equipment. (5)where the basement lining or water proof works that can not ensure sufficient air exchange, the ventilation equipment should be used. Protective mask should be provided to the workers operating in the toxic or hazardous environment.


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit (6)the workers operating in dusty environment should be provided with mask and water spray should be applied to reduce the dust. During the welding operation, the workers should be provided with mask, glass and gloves. (7)during the high temperature, cooling equipment or materials should be provided in site and the rest schedule should be carefully arranged. (1)the drinking water, food and living area should be established in line with relevant sanitary standard. (2)dormitories, dining room, bathroom and latrines should be equipped with ventilation devices and lighting facilities. The daily maintenance should be provided by designated staff. (3)windows should be established in the dormitories and at most two berth bed arrangement is adopted. A wide bed for many people is prohibited. (4)the dining room should be checked and issued sanitation permit. The staff working in the dining room and kitchen should have health certificate. (5)dining room should be located far from latrines, solid waste station and places containing toxic or hazardous materials. Sanitation and medical care (6)separate operating room, storage room should be established in the dining room. Mouse barrier should be set under the door with a height more than 0.2 m. (7)the places such as latrines, sanitation facilities, drainage ditch and shadow or wet places should be disinfected periodically. (8)water-tight containers should be set in the living area and the waste should be cleaned and transported in timely manner. (9)the medic room with first-aid should be established in construction site. (10)when accidents. i.e. contagious disease, food poisoning or acute occupational poisoning, occurs, the local heath department should be reported and the relevant procedure should be followed to deal with the accidents.


Implemented Supervised Monitoring Items Mitigation Measures by by unit Operation phase Owners PPMO, ( ) 1 emergency response plan for dangerous materials transportation PMO, accidents should be developed. EPBs and (2)traffic management should be enhanced. At the starting point and the Traffic Environmental risk ending point of the construction section, speed limit and no honking sign Bureau should be set up. (3)zebra lines should be paved on the section near schools, hospitals or large communities. Traffic light should be set up on the section near the sensitive receptors.

5.2 Special ECOPs during the construction phase

Liaoning coastal economic zone development project" road, bridge engineering, the construction of the pipeline project specific environmental impact mitigation measures are shown in Table 5-2;

Table 5-2 The list of specific environmental impact mitigation measures during the construction phase Total Unit cost price Enforcement Supervisory Monitoring Monitoring Item Objective Environmental impact mitigation measures Quantity (Yuan) (10,000 organization organization organization item yuan) Zhanqian Road the starting The provincial Qualified Equivalent Road Network point-AK0+764、AK1+300-End Set up PMO, PMO of Liujiapao Village 100 927 9.27 agencies sound Construction temporary colour steel fence, 1.8m in Contractor Donggang, the entrusted by level A in Donggang height,927m in length owners, the owners Liujiapao Village Gaotie street CK0+225-CK0+445、 100 1282 12.82 Environmental


Total Unit cost price Enforcement Supervisory Monitoring Monitoring Item Objective Environmental impact mitigation measures Quantity (Yuan) (10,000 organization organization organization item yuan) CK0+705-end Set up temporary colour steel Protection fence,1.8m in height,1282m in length Agency and Henger Road EK0+200-EK0+670 the Liujiapao Set up temporary colour steel fence 1.8m in 100 470 4.7 Department of Residential area height and 470m in length Transportation Hanguanbei Road BK0+738-End BK1+276-BK1+405 Xingoubei village Set up temporary colour steel fence 1.8m in 100 1158 11.58 height,1158m in length Hensan Road FK0+215-End Xingoubei Set up temporary colour steel fence 1.8m in 100 302 3.02 Village height and 302m in length

Hengyi Road DK0+235-DK0+465、 DK0+970-End DK0+730-DK0+875 Liujiapao Village 100 490 4.9 Set up temporary colour steel fence 1.8m in height,490m in length

Wenyi Road K0+000-K0+050 Set up Dahenan Village temporary colour steel fence,1.8m in 100 50 41 Contractor height,50m in length The provincial PMO, PMO of Wuliu Road K0+200-K1+060 Set up Lingyuan, the Wastewater , Gaozhangzi temporary colour steel fence 1.8m in 100 1200 1.2 Contractor owners, the Qualified treatment and height,1200m in length Environmental agencies Equivalent reclamation Wuliu Protection entrusted by sound and drainage Community Agency and owners level A in Lingyuan Xinyuan Binhedonglu K0+040- K2+640 Set up the Community temporary colour steel fence,1.8m in height 100 3920 3.92 Contractor Department of Shuangqiao and 3920m in length. Transportation Community Hongjian


Total Unit cost price Enforcement Supervisory Monitoring Monitoring Item Objective Environmental impact mitigation measures Quantity (Yuan) (10,000 organization organization organization item yuan) huayuan community Xintai Community Tianyuan Community Nanmenwai Community Gaozhangzi Zhongxingdajie 、 Beishanchun K0+662-K1+253,K1+470-K1+936,K2+596- Xidayingzi,Henan K2+932 Set up temporary colour steel 100 5910 5.91 The provincial Village , PMO, PMO of Traffic fence Longcheng, Infrastructure Beishan Anlingdajie K0+515-K1+435 Set up the owners, Development village, 100 920 0.92 Qualified Equivalent temporary colour steel fence, the Demonstration Xidayingzi agencies sound Contractor Environmental Project in entrusted by level A Starting point of Liunan road-K0+556 Set Protection Longcheng Xidayingzi 100 5560 5.56 owners up temporary colour steel fence, Agency and District of Starting point of Liufang road -K0+616 Set the Chaoyang Henan Village 100 6160 6.16 up temporary colour steel fence, Department of Transportation Yangliu Road K0+830-1268 Set up Xidayingzi 100 438 0.44 temporary colour steel fence,


5.2.1 Management Measures of Suizhong County Infrastructure Renovation Project Spoil and Silt Disposal Measures

1.The construction unit must get specified approval of spoil disposal before it disposes soil at specific location. It is recommended that part of the spoil produced can be used for other projects for the purpose of comprehensive utilization of resources. 2. While transporting granular material and waste, transport vehicles must be loaded in the right amount, covered with cloth and cleaned before leaving the construction site to avoid dust and soil leakage.Furthermore, transport must be restricted within the specified time period, according to the specified roads requirements. 3. Reusable waste materials, such as wood, steel, etc., should be recycled to save resources. 4. As to brick construction waste, the processing stockpile can be used but be sure to eventually transported to designated construction waste dumping ground. 5. As to dust waste, enclosures stacked method is highly recommended. 6.During the full closure construction phase, efforts has to be made to mitigate the environment pollution and impact on the construction site so as to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment. 7. Material transport by construction vehicles should avoid the traffic peak time of sensitive points and appropriate mitigation measures to alleviate traffic pressure of material transportation and leakage should be taken to avoid secondary dust pollution. 8. In the Northeast, both autumn and winter climate characteristics should be taken full advantage of : in autumn(dry season) when the water level is low,construction workers can remove the surface garbage of East and West surface drainage and Bedakeng with the help of machinery and equipment available. 9. In cold winter, the East and West drainage as well as Beidakeng subtantially dries up because of no precipitation. Additionally, the frozen ground and mud creates further favorable conditions for sludge removal, the expansion and renovation, suitable by large-scale machinery and equipment in terms of preventing the malodorous gases polluting the environment, shortening the construction time and reducing the disturbance of the water. 10. During surface garbage removal, construction workers should take protective measures, such as wearing respirators and masks. Deodorant should be sprayed in the construction process to reduce the dust and stench of gas emission.


11. Collected garbage and sludge should not be stockpiled on the bank but removed and transported directly to the Suizhong County town waste sanitary landfill in a timely manner, using confined tankers and closed transport vehicles. Pollution prevention measures in the operation phase

(1) banned drainage nullah and "Peking pit" around the garbage dump sites in the East, West, prohibited 50m range site small waste transfer station. (2) suppression of the East, the surface drainage sewage outfall in the west. (3) establish the signs, non-eastwards, western drainage nullah and Peking pit waterscape dumping waste oil, waste chemical solvents and other dangerous substances. (4) in the east, west drainage The nullah each two coarse grid block carried by the wind into the garbage and items. (5) The inspections are carried out in the spring and summer on the East and West on the surface drainage and landscape water of the North pit ", and to salvage the surface Garbage Removal of foreign body to ensure the functional requirements of the water body environment waters. Sluge management scheme

According to the sludge nature of development of sludge disposal programs, the dredging sludge generated in the project to meet the "sludges from agricultural pollutants control standards" (GB4284-84) in neutral soil standards, in line with the municipal solid waste sanitary landfill technical specifications"CJJ 17-2001 requirements for landfill disposal or as overburden utilization. East West Floodway and Peking pit dredging silt 1750m3 all sent to the Suizhong County urban solid waste sanitary landfill processing. The landfill is located 530m Department of the Suizhong County Chengjiao Xiangfang village north side, about 5 km from Suizhong county run was put into operation in 2004, the design running time of 20 years, the design closure time in 2024, the daily processing capacity of 200t / d. The mud transport routes grounds the urban county road 306 line and north of the city outer ring sent to the landfill. Landfill field that foundation first gravel deflector layer the guide row groundwater in the bottom of the reservoir area field the groundwater conductivity row layer impermeable. Laid on 300mm of compacted clay the bottom impermeable layer of field, laid on 2.0mmHDPE geomembrane, geomembrane for 600g/m2 nonwoven geotextile the nonwoven geotextile set the gravel layer conductivity


row leachate, then the above add a layer of geotextile as reverse osmosis layers, conducive to the discharge of leachate. Suizhong County urban infrastructure renovation project in the coastal economic belt in Liaoning Province Item adverse environmental impact mitigation measures are shown in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3 Adverse environmental impact mitigation measures of the Suizhong County urban infrastructure renovation project Estimated Environmental Enforcement Supervisory Monitoring Monitoring Environmental impact mitigation measures costs problem organization organization organization item (Yuan) (1)Select (autumn, winter) dry season for construction, shorten the construction time, reduce the disturbance of the water. (2)In low water season in autumn(dry season), remove the surface garbage of the east and west surface drainage and Beidakeng by construction workers and machinery. in winter, sludge removal of the East andWest surface drainage and Beidakeng can be implemented together with drainage Provincial Project expansion and renovation so as to reduce sludge moisture Management Office, content, to prevent malodorous gases generated for the sake of PMO (counties and Equivalent environmental protection. cities), Qualified sound level A; Dredging, (3)Strengthen equipment maintenance of equipment to owners,environmental agencies decontamination reduce leaking. 200,000 contractor protection bureau pH, suspended entrusted by the construction of the fence around the construction site, (county and solids, COD, owners Weiping height of not less than 1.8m. municipal), ammonia, petroleum;TSP (4)Build a fence around the construction site, with a height environmental experts of no less than 1.8 metres. and supervisors (5) Protective measures should be taken by construction workers such as wearing protective masks (6)Clear spray deodorant garbage in the process of removing garbage, deodorant can be used to reduce the dust and stench of gas emission. ( 7 )Garbage and sludge should be timely removed to reasonable locations for disposal using closed transport vehicles.


Estimated Environmental Enforcement Supervisory Monitoring Monitoring Environmental impact mitigation measures costs problem organization organization organization item (Yuan) (1)Dredging sediment can be dug up by excavators and transported to the landfill with the dump truck..The landfill is located at the northern suburb of Suizhong County , that is, 530m away from Xiangfang village to the north. Meanwhile, Disposal of the dredged sediment can be used for woodland and green sediment and space. abandoned ( ) earthworks 2 In accordance with the requirements of earth excavation and transportation, the earthwork generated by the expansion of Beidakeng can be dug by earthwork construction units and used as landfill cover soil(a total earthwork volume of 79,000 m3). (1)All of the garbage dump sites along the East, West drainages as well as Beidakeng are banned.Within a radius of 50 meters of Beidakeng, small waste transfer stations are prohibited. (2)All the sewage outfall along the East and West drainages were banned. (3)By establishing signs to prohibit dumping waste oil, Environment chemical solvents and other dangerous substances into the management East and West drainage as well as Beidakeng to protect its waterscape. (4)Two coarse grid can block garbage and items carried by the wind into the east and west drainages. (5)In spring and summer, inspections are carried out on the East and West drainages as well as the landscape water of the Beidakeng so as to salvage the surface garbage to ensure the functional requirements of the water body environment.


5.2.2 Environmental management regulations of Panjin urban public transport development project financed by the World bank

(1) Make sure that the car park road surface is flat and clean, clear marked, imports, exports, placing traffic indication signal, guarantee and out of vehicles and pedestrians prevails, travel safety and smooth. (2) strengthen road traffic management, parking more out of the vehicle, vehicle scheduling department reasonable arrangements vehicle time and headway, keep the vehicle within the region and orderly, smooth running, to prevent because of traffic jams caused car time interval is too long, the public bus overcrowded. ⑶ parking around 200m should not be laid residential, cultural, educational, medical and other sensitive sites of the acoustic environment type. ⑷ perfect existing bus stops stop sign, bus stop shelters facilities, new bus demonstration Link bus stops, shelters facilities, construction and improve the traffic lights, signs line monitoring of traffic safety facilities, bus priority measures.

5.3 Site Specific ECOPs in the operation phase

Specific environmental impact mitigation measures of sub-projects in the operation phase are shown in Table 5-4

Table 5-4 List of specific adverse envoromental impact mitigation measures Total Environmental Environmental impact Enforcement Supervisory Monitoring Monitoring Item Price/unit Quantity (10,000 problems mitigation measures organization organization organization item yuan) 40 Ventilation and sound PMO Qualified Road Network Equivalent insulation windows will Donggang, the agencies Construction in Traffic noise 500 100m2 5.0 owner sound level be installed in Zhanqian owners, the entrusted by Donggang A road Liujiapao Village. Environmental owners


Total Environmental Environmental impact Enforcement Supervisory Monitoring Monitoring Item Price/unit Quantity (10,000 problems mitigation measures organization organization organization item yuan) 5 Ventilation and sound Protection insulation windows will Agency and the 500 10m2 0.5 be installed in Zhanqian Department of road Xinbeigou Village. Transportation

Total 110 m2 5.5

The provincial PMO, Kundian, Urban and rural Urban Department, Qualified Install sound insulation Equivalent Infrastructure Kuandian agencies Traffic noise windows for the 1000 150 15 owner sound level Construction in County entrusted by vocational high school A Kuandian Environmental owners protection b bureau

The provincial PMO, Lingyuan Urban Lingyuan Qualified PMO, owner as Equivalent Infrastructure Department of agencies Traffic noise Speed-limit board 100 2 0.2 well as Linyuan sound level Construction in Transportation entrusted by Envionmental A Lingyuan owners protection bureau.


6 Environmental Management Plan In accordance with the relevant provisions and the actual needs of the project, in order to better achieve the project demonstrates the effectiveness of the project in addition to carry out its regulatory functions by the environmental protection department intends to designate a person responsible for environmental management at all levels of the project management office, the establishment including the oversight bodiesimplementing agencies and advisory services in the environmental management system.

6.1 Environmental management agencies

6.1.1 The establishment of environmental management agencies

The detailed description of the environmental management agency establishment can be seen in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 The components of the environment management system Organization organization Organization task property name Assign specialized environments administrator, responsible for project environmental protection work in the planning, design and implementation phases, to determine project procedures to Provincial meet the requirements of our country and the World Bank on the PMO Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management;to coordinate for the implementation of the supervision and environmental management plan, see "6.2 environmentagencies responsibilities of the management system and personnel Assign specialized environmental professionals for the Administrative day-to-day environment supervision and management; organization responsible for project construction and operation of, responsible for the completion acceptance of environmental protection and day-to-day monitoring to lower the adverse City (County) impact of the project on the environment to a minimum or Project Office acceptable degree while ensuring the environmental benefits of the project to the highest degree; for the allocation of the project funds for environmental protection, and is responsible for the collation of relevant documents and archives, see "6.2 environmental Management System responsibilities of agencies and staffing"


City (County) Responsible for day-to-day environmental supervision and Department of management of the road works during the construction and Transportation, operation phrases; responsible for the completion acceptance of the County of urban and the project. See "6.2 Environmental Management System rural Bureau responsibilities of agencies and personnel. Responsible for the supervision of Soil and Water Conservation during the project construction phase; responsible for City (County) day-to-day environmental supervision and management of the water sector flood control project; responsible for the completion acceptance of the project, see "6.2 Environmental Management System responsibilities of agencies and personnel configuration". To assign environmental specialist, responsible for good Sub-project environmental management during the operational phase of the owners project, see "6.2 Environmental Management System agencies responsibilities and personnel. Allocate environmental technology experts, supervisiing and World Bank checking the implementation of the Environmental Practice, see inspection 6.2 Environmental Management System responsibilities of team agencies and personnel for further information. Ensure government administrative supervision and management Supervising Administrative mechanism, supervision, inspection procedures on the project to organization department in charge of meet the requirements of the environmental management, and environmental thus meet the pollution prevention and control needs of China's protection at environmental protection in the implementation process to. See all levels 6.2 Environmental Management System responsibilities of

agencies and personnel allocate site environmental engineer; implement environmental protection, and water and soil conservation, content stipulated in the terms of the contract and bidding documents;meet the Implementary Civil works environmental protection requirements of the the World Bank as organization contractors well as the qualified local environmental protection administrative department; prepare and submit the Monthly Bulletin of the construction phase. See 6.2 environmental Management System agencies responsibilities and staffing. Entrusted to compile environmental impact assessment report of EIA advisory the project, see "6.2 Environmental Management System organization responsibilities of agencies and personnel for further information Entrusted to compile feasibility study report and construction design, and measures to ensure the implementation of the Advisory Design environmental management plan, see "6.2 Environmental organization consulting organization Management System responsibilities of agencies and personnel for further information. Environmental supervise and manage daily production activities of the supervision construction unit, see "6.2 Environmental Management System organization responsibilities of agencies and personnel"


Qualified environmental monitoring agency are responsible for Environmental environmental monitoring work during the construction and monitoring operation phases. For detailed information, see 6.2 agency Environmental Management System responsibilities of agencies Monitoring and personnel. organization Qualified soil and water conservation monitoring agency are Water responsible for Water Conservation Monitoring work in the conservation construction and operation phrases, for further information, see monitoring 6.2 Environmental Management System responsibilities of agency agencies and personnel。

6.1.2 Organization responsibility and personnel allocation

Together, these agencies to complete the project environmental management system in the coastal economic belt of Liaoning Province, the World Bank loan project environmental management system, including project management institutions, oversight bodies, implementing agencies, advisory services, monitoring bodies, but each take on different workcontent, with a range of different responsibilities. The project carried out under the Provincial PMO and the organization and leadership of the government organization in each of the participating cities (counties), ensure that the construction of the project to meet the requirements of China and the World Bank, the relevant provisions of the work program, the implementation of pollution prevention measures. Responsibilities and staffing of the agencies of this project is shown in the following table 6.1-2. Table 6-2 Responsibility and personnel of each organization in the Environmental management system Personnel Organization Type Responsibility (person) The world bank sends inspection Tours annually, which is responsible special inspection related to the actual project supervisory World Bank 1 implementation organization Check the implementation of the project loan agreement as well as the environmental management plan In accordance with the relevant regulations and laws, it is in The charge of environment monitoring,supervision and management environmental supervisory including: the project environmental impact assessment report protection 1 organization approval (including subproject environment evaluation work), departments at engineering construction and operation of phase of the all levels environmental monitoring ,supervision and management. 1. Supervise and implement the environmental management plan; ensure that the corresponding environmental management procedures were included in engineering bidding documents and supervisory Provincial PMO 1 construction contract; organize and coordinate related training. organization 2. Supervise,coordinate and implement domestic and world bank environmental management requirements. 3. Submit environmental management plan execution report to


the World Bank every six months. 4. Check the municipal (county) environmental management work. 5. Coordinate and solve the major environmental problems with other relevant departments. 6. Entrust external environment expert group to the project for inspection Supervise and implement subproject environmental management rules and regulations; Incorporate the environmental management of the plan and the environmental protection measures into engineering construction contract; Hire, supervise, coordinate project supervision (qualification, responsibilities, management); Implement environmental management training programs; Organizating research and relevant investigation; Municipal supervisory 1 6. Be responsible for complaint record and collate during the (county) PMO organization engineering construction and operation process; release processing results to the public; address public complaints; 7. Review of Environmental Supervision and environmental consulting report. 8. Submit a report to the Provincial Project Management Office to quarterly. 9. Sign for site check tables by construction units and supervision units, verify the environment sensitive problems, and archive 10.Accept environment inspection (including the world bank project check) 1.Responsible for traffic engineering cost management; Implement traffic construction of key projects; Responsible for Municipal traffic engineering quality and safety production supervision. (county) supervisory 1 2.Responsible for daily environmental supervision and Department of organization management of road engineering during the construction and Transportatation operation phases 3.Responsible for the project acceptance after its completement. 1. Responsible for engineering preparation, organization and County urban implementation of construction projects; responsible for project and rural supervisory quality and safety production supervision 1 Administration organization 2. Responsible for the construction and operation period of the Bureau day-to-day environment supervision and management; 3. Responsible for the project acceptance after its completement. 1. Be responsible for the supervision and management of soil and water conservation work; Municipal 2. Be responsible for daily environmental supervision and (County) water supervisory 1 management during the water supply project construction and sector organization operation phases

3. Responsible for the project acceptance(soil and water conservation) after the completion. 1. Supervise subproject environmental management rules and regulations; 2. Supervise and coordinate project supervision (qualification, responsibilities, management); Sub-project supervisory 3. Organizating research or relevant investigation; 1 owners organization 4. Be responsible for complaints recording, coentent arrangement in the engineering construction and operation process,releasing processing results and solving public appeals; 5. Review environmental supervision and environmental consulting report; 100

6. Submitreports to the provincial project department, municipal (county) project department quarterly; 7. Sign site check tables by construction units and supervision units, verify the environment sensitive problems, and archive them. 8. Accept environment inspection (including the world bank project inspection).

Be responsible for field investigation and environment evaluation of each project. EIA units EIA agencies several Be responsible for writing the environmental management plan and providing related consulting services. 1. Project engineering consultants are to be entrusted by the province project department or city (county) project department; 2. Be responsible for the supervision and inspection of sewage treatment, production wastewater treatment, water and soil loss Engineering protection measures, exhaust gas, dust, noise control measures, supervision production, life garbage, sanitation and epidemic prevention, Consulting division etc.in the construction area; service 1-2 (undertake 3. Fill in "environmental supervision report" check list regularly; unit environmental 4. Put forward correction solutions to relevant environmental supervision) problems and ensure the follow-up implementation to construction units,including notice rectification, correcting check list and filing. 5. Submit project implementation to the municipal (county) project department weekly. Establish the environmental protection measures for construction; Accept the environmental protection supervision and inspection by project engineering consultants, the world bank and the environmental protection departments at various levels in; Enforcement Eastablish a feedback mechanism: ensuring improvement after Construction several organization receiving the notice of rectification within 3 working days (For unit people any in need coordination within 10 working days); Together with engineering supervisors, complete the construction site check list and report to the municipal (county) project office before construction; 5. Report to engineering consultants the engineering implementation weekly. Carry out environmental moitoring in the project construction Environmental Monitoring operation phases to the project for environmental monitoring in monitoring 1-2 organization accordance with the environmental monitoring plan, records and agency reports to the municipal (county) project department. Water According to the monitoring plan, carry out water conservation of conservation Monitoring soil and water conservation monitoring to the project in the 1-2 monitoring organization project construction phase,report to municipal (county) project agency department and archive. 6.2 Environmental monitoring plan

6.2.1 Monitoring purposes For the sake of environmental protection in the project engineering areas, verifying the results of the evaluation of the environmental impact prediction and preventing sudden accidents harmful to the environment, developing a detailed implementation


plan for environmental protection measures, it is necessary to carry out the the environmental monitoring work during the construction and operation phases of the project. Implementing environmental monitoring plan and provide scientific basis for pollution control, engineering and environmental management duing the construction and operation phases.

6.2.2 The monitoring plan Donggang World Bank loan to build a bus terminal regional road network project

The Donggang building bus terminal area road network project environmental monitoring program are shown in Table 6.2-1.


Table 6.2-1 Donggang building bus terminal area road network engineering environment monitoring plan Annual Moniorin Price/unit Costs Organizati Supervising Monitorin Environme Monitoring sites Monitori Monioring costs g Executive standard ( yuan/phas ( yuan/phas on in organizatio g phase ntal factors (quantity) ng item frequency (yuan/year organizati and norm e) e) charge n ) on Ambient air quality 4 monitoring standard.(GB3095- ; sites:xin GouBei 3 1996) Integrated emission standard village 、 liujiapao period/year of air pollutants. Ambient air village 、 TSP , 3 days 8000 24000 48000 (GB16297-1996); liujiapaoPrimary /period , 4 The Technical school xin GouBe times/day Specification for Primary school Environemtal monitoring Environmental quality standards for surface Constructi Dandong city water.(GB3838-2 on period Qualified environmen 002) Ⅳ;Integrated ( 9 institutio Owner tal wastewater months, 3 ns protection discharge nearly a 3 monitoring sites: pH、SS、period/year bureau standard.(GB897 year) Water tufanggou, COD 、 , 9000 27000 54000 8-1996) ; quality hongqigou;dadong NH -N、 1day/period 3 Technical gou , 2 oil Specifications times/day Requirements for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water.(HJ/T91-20 02) 4 monitoring 3 periods Acoustic sites:Xin GouBei LeqdB /year , 2 environmental noise 6000 18000 36000 village, liujiapao (A) days/period quality standards village, liujiapao , 2 (GB3096-2008)2


primary school, times/day, category, xin GouBe (one in the Construction site primary school day and one environmental at night) noise emission standards (GB12523-2011) Sub-total(Yuan) 138000 2 periods 4 monitoring /year , 2 sites:xin GouBei Acoustic days/period village 、 liujiapao environmental Operation LeqdB , 2 noise village 、 liujiapao 6000 12000 240000 quality standards period(3 (A) times/day, primary school; (GB3096-2008) years) (one in the xin GouBe 4a category day and one primary school at night) Sub-total(Yuan) 240000 Total(10,000 yuan) 37.8

Soil and water conservation monitoring plan of Road Network Construction in Donggang is shown in Table 6.2-2. Table 6.2-2 Soil and water conservation monitoring plan of Road Network Construction in Donggang Monitoring time and frequency Price/un Total Mornitorin Supervisi Monitoring Monitoring Monitorin Monitori it costs g Organizatio ng Relevant standards content scope g method Pre-constructi Constructi Prelimina ng sites ( yuan ( 10,000 organizati n in charge organizati and norms on on ry stage ) ) on on Site Curren Construction tufanggo The development investigati Once 2100 t stage area u and construction of on Dandong the project erosion Soil Soil Site Entrust Construction dadongg Municipa control standards erosion erosion investigati ③ ③ ③ 4000 qualified area ou 6.57 Owner unit l Water (GB/T50434-2008 monitori factors on organizati Authority ); ng Quantit Road Cell on Technical code of y of Road excav observatio hongqigo ① ② 12000 practice on water water works ation, n method, u and soil and emba drill rod


soil nkme method, conservation erosion n t erosion monitoring(SL277-2 slope ditch 002) quadrats

Drill rod method, the erosion Construc gully hongqigo tion Slope ① ① ② 18000 quadrats u works settling basin method Construction Sand basin dadongg ① ① ② 18000 site method ou Water loss Construction Field and tufanggo areas and survey and ② ② 6000 soil u affected areas inspection erosion hazard destroy water conser Construction Field hongqigo Once 2100 vation area survey u facilitie Facility s monitori Newly- ng built water Construction Field hongqigo conser ③ ③ 1500 area survey u vation facilitie s Note:Monitoring period and frequency ① 10-day monitoring and recording, combined with the continuous observation of project supervision; 1 (2) monthly monitoring; monitoring 3 months/time. In case of heavy rain, high winds, timely additional surveying is necessary.

105 Kuandian old town infrastructure construction project Kuandian old city infrastructure construction engineering environment monitoring plan is shown in Table 6.2-3 Table 6.2-3 The construction engineering environmental monitoring plan of Kuandian Old Town infrastructure construction project Monio Supervi Organizati Monitoring Environmental Monitoring sites Monitoring Monioring Price/unit Annual costs Costs ring sing Executive standard on in phase factors (quantity) item frequency (yuan/phase) (yuan/year) (yuan/phase) organi organiza and norm charge zation tion 5 monitoring sitesonths to a year: Ambient air quality Changdejiayuan standard.(GB3095-19 north, 96) ; Integrated Huanxiling 2 emission standard of periods/year,3 air pollutants. Ambient air village north TSP 1200 2400 2400 Vocational high days/period , (GB16297-1996);; school , 4times /day The Technical Yangmuchun Specification for north, Dandon Environemtal g Construction Tiechangs Qualifi monitoring Environ period community ed Owner mental (8 months west organi proctect 《地表水环境质量 to a year) 1 monitoring zation ion 标准》(GB3838-2002) site : bureau Ⅲ类标准; wastewater pH、SS、 2 period/year, Liaoning Water quality sedimentation COD 、 1day/period, 300 600 600 Province Integrated Wastewater Discharge pond on the NH3-N、oi 1time/day Construction Standard" site (DB21/1627-2008) Table 2 5 monitoring 2 Acoustic sites:Changde periods/year, environmental quality noise LeqdB(A) 840 1680 1680 jiayuan north, 1day/period, standards Huanxiling 2times/day , ( GB3096-2008 ) 2


village north, one in daytime category, Yangmuchun nad one in Construction site north, Tiechang nighttime environmental noise community emission standards west (GB12523-2011) Total(Yuan) 4680 5 monitoring Acoustic : sites environmental Changdejiayuan 2 quality standards north, periods/year, Huanxiling 1day/period, (GB3096-2008)2 Operation village north, noise LeqdB(A) 2times/day , 560 1120 3360 period Vocational category 、 4a (3year) High School, one in daytime nad one in Yangmu village category north, Tiechang nighttime community west Subtotal(Yuan) 3360 Total(10,000 yuan) 0.804 Water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Kuandian old town infrastructure construction project is shown in Table 6.2-4。 Table 6.2-4 Water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Kuandian old town infrastructure construction project Monitoring time and Organ frequency Total Mornitorin Supervi Total izatio Monitoring Monitoring Price/uni costs g sing Relevant standards and Monitoring scope Monitori Price/u costs n in content method ng time t(yuan) (10,0 organizatio organiz norms Monitori nit (10,0 charg and 00) n ation ng sites (yua 00) e frequenc S ) y n Wat Huanx Dando The development and Current Entrusted er Construction area Field investigation once iling 2100 ng construction of the stage qualified Owne and village 6.57 Munici project erosion control organizatio r soil Soil Yang pal standards Construction area Field investigation ③ ③ ③ 4000 n d erosion mu Water (GB/T50434-2008);


con factors village Bureau Technical code of serv Road Cell observation practice on water and Yang atio Road excavation, method, drill rod soil conservation ① ② mu 12000 n works embankme method, erosion monitoring(SL277-2002 village mo nt slope ditch quadrats ) nito Quantity Steel method, ring of water Constr Yang erosion gully and soil uction Slope ① ① ② mu 18000 quadrat, sand basin erosion works village method Huanx Sand basin method Constructio area ① ① ② iling 18000

villag Water loss and field investigation Yang Construction area soil and tour ② ② mu 6000 and affected area erosion inspection village hazard destroy water Huanx conservat Construction area field investigation Once iling 2100 Fac ion villag ility facilities mo nito Newly-b ring uilt water Yang conservat Construction area Field investigation ③ ③ mu 1500 ion village facilities 注:Note:Monitoring period and frequency ① 10-day monitoring and recording, combined with the continuous observation of project supervision; 1 (2) monthly monitoring; monitoring 3 months/time. In case of heavy rain, high winds, timely additional surveying is necessary.。 Urban infrastructure rehabilitation project in Suizhong The environmental monitoring plan of Urban infrastructure rehabilitation project in Suizhong is shown in Table 6.2-5.


Table 6.2-5 The environmental monitoring plan of Urban infrastructure rehabilitation project in Suizhong Monior Supervisin Organiz Executive Monitoring Environmental Monitoring sites Monitoring Monioring Price/unit Annual costs Costs ing g ation in standard and phase factors (quantity) item frequency (yuan/phase) (yuan/year) (yuan/phase) organiz organizati charge norm ation on Ambient air quality standard.(G B3095-1996 : 7 monitoring sites );Integrated Neidongchunweihui, emission gaosusuizhongjiangwushi, standard of 2 periods/year, Suizhong No.1 Senior air Ambient air TSP , 4200 8400 16800 High, Yajialing Village 3days/period 4 pollutants. residential, Suizhong times/day (GB16297-1 Hospital, Zijin 996);;The communtiy, Suizhong County Government Technical SuiZhong Specification Construction Qualifie County for period d environm Environemta ( 18 monitor owner ental l monitoring months , ing protectio Environment about 2 organiz n bureau al quality ) ation years standards for surface water.(GB38 38-2002) Ⅲ; 1 monitoring sites : ppH、SS、2 periods/year, Integrated wastewater collection Water quality COD 、 1day/period , 300 600 1200 wastewater pool on the construction NH3-N、oi once/day discharge site standard.(G B8978-1996 );Technical Specification s Requirement


s for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water.(HJ/T 91-2002) ; Liaoning Province Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (DB21/1627 -2008) Table 2 Acoustic environment 8 monitoring sites : al quality Xiangfang residential, standards Jindalai apartment, (GB3096-2 2 periods/year, Suizhong County 008 ) 1day/period , Government, Zijin 2category, community, Teaching , noise LeqdB(A) Twice/day 1120 2240 4480 Construction building of Suizhong No. One in daytime site 1 Senior High, Suizhong and one in environment Hostpital, Teacing nighttime al noise building of Experimental emission primary school, standards Yanjialing residential (GB12523- 2011)) Sub-total(Yuan) 22480 2 periods/year, Environment Operation 3 monitoring stations : pH、SS、 SuiZhong East Floodway cross 1day/period , County al quality period ( 3 Water quality COD 、 1680 3360 10080 Owner railway bridge, West twice/day,One environme standards for 年) NH -N、oi Floodway Beidakeng 3 in daytime and ntal surface


upstream,West Floodway one in protection water.(GB38 cross railway bridge nighttime bureau 38-2002) Ⅲ; Technical Specification s Requirement s for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water.(HJ/T 91-2002) Sub-total(Yuan) 10080 Total(Yuan) 3.26 The engineering water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong is shown in Table6.2-6. Table 6.2-6 The engineering water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong Monitoring phase and frequency Mo Org Total nito Super ani costs rin vising zati Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Price (10,0 g organ Relevant standards Monitoring item on scope method Monitoring Monitoring sites (Yuan) 00 org izatio and norms Pre-construction in scope method yuan ani n cha ) zati rge on Entrusted Water Current Construciton On-site Ent The development and 29.07 qualified owner rust stage area inspection Suizh and construction of soild organizaiton ed ongm the project erosion conse Soil erosion Construction On-site Yanjialing qua ③ ③ ③ count control standards rvatio 4000 29.0 lifi ow factors area inspection village y (GB/T50434-200 n Road Cell 7 ed ner Quantity of water 8); monit excav observation org water and Pipe Yanjialing burea Technical code of oring network ation, method, drill ① ② 12000 ani soil erosion village u practice on water Facilit project emban rod method, zait and soil y kment erosion ditch on


monit slope quadrats conservation oring monitoring(SL277- 2002) Cell Neidong Slope observation ① ② 12000 village Spoil yard method, Slag drill rod Neidong ① ② 12000 top method village drill rod Road method, under erosion ditch Yanjialing slope ① ① ② 18000 constructi quadrats, village on sand basin method Construction Sand basin Yanjialing ① ① ② 18000 site method village Newly-buil Construction On-site and t water Yanjialing and affected tour ② ② 6000 conservatio village areas inspection n facilities Water Current Construction On-site Yanjialing once 2100 and stage area inspection village soild conse rvatio Soil erosion Construction On-site Yanjialing ③ ③ 1500 n factors area inspection village monit oring Note:Monitoring period and frequency ① 10-day monitoring and recording, combined with the continuous observation of project supervision; 1 (2) monthly monitoring; monitoring 3 months/time. In case of heavy rain, high winds, timely additional surveying is necessary.。 Panjin urban public transportation development project financed by the World Bank The environmental monitoring plan of the project is shown in Table 6.2-7 Table 6.2-7 The environmental monitoring plan of Panjin urban public transportation development project financed by the World Bank


Monior Organiz Executive Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Monitoring Monioring Price/unit Annual costs Costs ing Supervising ation in standard and phase factors sites(quantity) item frequency (yuan/phase) (yuan/year) (yuan/phase) organiz organization charge norm ation Ambient air quality standard.(GB 3095-1996); Integrated emission 2 minitoring standard of sites:factory 3 periods/year, air pollutants. 1200 3600 3600 Ambient air site, TSP 3days/periods, (GB16297-19 Shangshaozi 4times/day 96) ; The village Technical Qualif Specificatio ied n for Construction PanJinShi Environemt Monit period environmen al orin Owner tal (12 g monitoring protection months) Liaoning organi bureau Province zati Integrated 2 monitoring on Wastewater : sites Discharge Wastewater pH 、 Standard" collection SS 、 2 periods/year, (DB21/1627- pools of Water 、 1day/period , 300 1200 1200 2008) Table parking lots at COD quality once/day 2; Technical Yujiajie and NH3-N、 Specifications Liulihe oil Requirements construction for sites Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste


Water.(HJ/T9 1-2002)

Acoustic 2 minitoring environmenta sites:factory l quality site: standards Shuangtaizi (GB3096-20 (PanJinShi 4 periods/year, 08 ) 2 , wetland LeqdB 1day/period category, , 420 1680 1680 noise science (A) twice/day one Construction research in daytime and site one in nighttime environmenta institute and l noise Shangshaozi emission Village)and standards Xinlongtai (GB12523-2 011) Sub-total(Yuan) 6480 2 monitoring sites : Acoustic PanJinShi 2 periods/year, environmental wetland , LeqdB 1day/period quality noise science , 420 420 420 (A) twice/day One standards research in daytime and PanJinShi ( GB3096-20 Operation environme institute and one in nighttime 08)2 category Phase Shangshaozi Owner ntal ( ) 1year Village protection bureau 2 monitoring pH、 Liaoning : Province sites SS、 4 periods/year, Water Wastewater Integrated COD、 1day/period , 300 1200 1200 quality collection Wastewater once/day pools of NH3-N、 Discharge parking lots oil Standard"


at Yujiajie (DB21/1627-2 and Liulihe 008) Table 2 construction sites Set 2 Ambient air monitoring quality stations : standard.(GB3 2 periods/year, PanJinShi 095-1996) ; 1~2day/period wetland Integrated Ambient air CO、NO ( 24h 2000 4000 4000 science X emission continuous research standard of air monitoring) institute and pollutants. Shangshaozi (GB16297-199 6); Village Sub-total(Yuan) 5620 Total(Yuan) 12100 Chaoyang Longcheng District transportation infrastructure demonstration project Envionmental monitoring plan of Chaoyang Longcheng District transportation infrastructure demonstration project is shown in Table 6.2-8. Table 6.2-8 Envionmental monitoring plan of Chaoyang Longcheng District transportation infrastructure demonstration project Supervi Monitoring Monioring Executive Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Monioring Price/unit Annual costs Costs Organization sing sites organizatio standard and phase factors item frequency (yuan/phase) (yuan/year) (yuan/phase) in charge organiza (quantity) n norm tion Ambient air Chaoya Constructio 2 quality n period monitoring ng standard.(G 3 periods/year, Qualified Environ ( nine sites : B3095-1996 Ambient air TSP , 1200 3600 3600 organizatio owner mental months , Xidayingzi, 3days/period );Integrated n protecti Beishan 4times/day about a on emission Village year) Bureau standard of air


pollutants. (GB16297-1 996); Environmen tal quality standards for surface water.(GB38 38-2002) Ⅲ; Integrated 2 monitoring wastewater sites:waste pH、 discharge standard.(G water SS、 3 periods/year, collection B8978-1996 Water quality COD、 1day/period , 300 900 900 pool on the );Technical 、 once/day construction NH3-N Specificatio site and oil ns Haojiahe Requirement s for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water.(HJ/T 91-2002) Acoustic 3periods/year, 2 monitoring environment 1day/period , sites : al quality LeqdB , noise Xidayingzi, twice/day one 560 1680 1680 standards (A) Beishan in daytime and (GB3096-2 Village one in 008 ) 2 nighttime category Sub-total(Yuan) 6180 2 monitoring Acoustic Operation LeqdB 2 periods/year, noise sites : 280 560 1680 environment period ( 3 (A) 1day/period , Xidayingzi, al quality


years) Beishan twice/day,one standards Village in daytime and (GB3096-2 one in 008 ) 4a nighttime category Sub-total(Yuan) 1680 Total(10,000 yuan) 0.78

Water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Chaoyang Longcheng District transportation infrastructure demonstration project is shown in 6.2-9。 Table 6.2-9 Water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Chaoyang Longcheng District transportation infrastructure demonstration project Monitoring phase and Total Orga Superv frequency Monit costs Monitoring nizati Monitoring Montoring Price ising Monitoring scope roing (10, organizatio on in Standard and norm item method (Yuan) organiz Pre-cons construc prelim site 000 n charg truction tion inary ation yuan) e Current On-site Xidayi Construction area Once 2100 stage inspection ngzi Soil Beisha Wat On-site erosion Construction area ③ ③ ③ n 4000 er inspection The development and factors village and construction of the Road soil Cell observation project erosion control Road excavatio Beisha Caoya d method, drill rod Entructed standards work n, ① ② n 12000 ng con method, erosion qualified owne (GB/T50434-2008); s embankm village 6.57 water serv Quantity ditch quadrats organizatio r Technical code of ent slope supply atio of water n practice on water and Const buearu n and soil drill rod method, soil conservation ructio Beisha mo erosion erosion ditch monitoring(SL277-2002 n Slope ① ① ② n 18000 nito quadrats, sand ) work village ring basin method s Sand basin Beisha Construction site ① ① ② 18000 method n



Water loss and Beisha Construction and On-site and tour soil ② ② n 6000 affected areas inspection erosion village hazard destroy water On-site Xidayi conserva Construction area once 2100 inspection ngzi Fac tion ility facilities mo Newly-b nito uilt Beisha ring water On-site Construction area ③ ③ n 1500 conserva inspection village tion facilities Note:Monitoring period and frequency ① 10-day monitoring and recording, combined with the continuous observation of project supervision; 1 (2) monthly monitoring; monitoring 3 months/time. In case of heavy rain, high winds, timely additional surveying is necessary. Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project The environmental monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project is shown in Table 6.2-10. Table 6.2-10 The environmental monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project Phase coasts Supervisin Monitoring Monitoring Organiz Monitoring Environmen Monitoring Monitoring Price Annual costs (yuan/year) g site location organizatio ation in Standard and norm phase t factors item frequency (Yuan/period) (yuan/year) organizati (quality) n charge on Ambient air 4 monitoring Lingyuan quality sites: Constructio 3 periods/year, Qualified Environm standard.(GB3095 Gaozhangzi, n period Ambient air TSP , 1200 3600 10800 organizatio owner ental -1996);Integrated Xinzhangzi, 3days/period (3year) n protection emission standard Xintaidichang, 4times/day Bureau of air pollutants. Dahena (GB16297-1996);


Environmental quality standards for surface water.(GB3838-2 002) Ⅲ;Integrated 1 monitoring wastewater site: stewater pH、SS、 discharge 3periods/year, Water collection poo COD、 standard.(GB8978 1day/period, 3000 9000 27000 quality l on the NH -N、 -1996);Technical 3 1time/day construction oil Specifications site Requirements for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water.(HJ/T91-20 02) Acoustic environmental quality standards 3periods/year, 4 monitoring (GB3096-2008) , sites: 1day/period 2category, Gaozhangzi, LeqdB noise twice/day,one 560 1680 5040 Construction site ( ) Xinzhangzi, A in daytime and environmental Xintaidichang, one in noise emission Dahena nighttime standards (GB12523-2011 ) Subtotal(Yuan) 42840 4 monitoring 3 periods/year, Acoustic sites: 1day/period, environmental Operation Gaozhangzi, LeqdB quality standards noise twice/day,one 560 1680 5040 period Xinzhangzi, (A) in daytime and (GB3096-2008) (3year) Xintaidichang, one in 2 category、4a Dahenan nighttime category, Sub-total(yuan) 5040


Total(10,000 yuan) 4.8

The water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project is shown in Table 6.2-11. Table 6.2-11 Water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project Monitoring phase and Total Monitoring Supervising Monitoring Monitoring frequency Monitroing Price costs Organizatio Standard Monitoring scope organizatio organizatio items method site (Yuan) (10,00 n in charge and norm Pre-const Construct Prelimi n n ruction ion nary 0 yuan) Field Current Construction area investigatio once Gaozhangzi 2100 The stage n developm Soil Field ent and erosion Construction area investigatio ③ ③ ③ Xinzhangzi 4000 constructi factors n on of the project Wat Cell erosion er Road observation control and excavati method, standards soil Road on, drill rod Gaozhangzi, Linyuan ① ② 12000 Entrusted (GB/T5 d works embank method, Xinzhangzi Municipal qualified 0434-200 cons ment erosion 6.57 Owner water organizatio 8); erva slope ditch supply Quantity n tion quadrats bureau Technical of water code of mon and soil drill rod itori practice erosion method, on water ng Construct erosion Gaozhangzi, and soil ion Slope ditch ① ① ② 18000 Xinzhangzi conservati works quadrats, on sand basin monitorin method g(SL277- Sand basin Gaozhangzi, 2002) Construction area ① ① ② 18000 method Xinzhangzi


destroy water Field and Construction and Gaozhangzi, conservat tour ② ② 6000 affected areas Xinzhangzi ion inspection facilities Newly-b uilt water Field conservat Construction area once Dahenan 2100 inspection Faci ion lity facilities mon itori Newly-b uilt water ng Field Gaozhangzi, conservat Construction area ③ ③ 1500 inspection Xinzhangzi ion facilities Note:Monitoring period and frequency ① 10-day monitoring and recording, combined with the continuous observation of project supervision; 1 (2) monthly monitoring; monitoring 3 months/time. In case of heavy rain, high winds, timely additional surveying is necessary. Lingyuan urban drainage and water regeneration recycling construction project The environmental monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban drainage and water regeneration recycling construction project is shown in Table 6.2-12. Table 6.2-12 The environmental monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban drainage and water regeneration recycling construction project Monitori Supervisi Monitoring Annual Costs per Organizat Monitoring Environment Monitoring Monitoring Price ng ng site location costs phase ion in Standard and norm phase factors item frequency (yuan/Phase) organiza organizati (quantity) (Yuan) (Yuan) charge tion on 5 monitoring Ambient air quality sites::Moxi, LingYuan 2 Qualifie standard.(GB3095-19 Erlonggou, environm periods/year, d 96) ; Integrated Construction Ambient air Yinzhangzi, TSP 10000 20000 60000 ental 3days/period, monitori emission standard of Phase Xibajianfang, Owner protectio 4times/day ng air pollutants. (3 years) Industrial n bureau agency (GB16297-1996); park

Water 1 monitoring pH、SS、 2 Environmental quality 4000 8000 24000 quality site: Waste COD、 periods/year, standards for surface


water NH3-N、oil 1day/period,1 water.(GB3838-2002) collection time/day Ⅲ ; Integrated pool on the wastewater discharge construction standard.(GB8978-19 site 96) ; Technical Specifications Requirements for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water.(HJ/T91-2002) 8 monitoring Acoustic sites: 2 environmental quality Xinzhangzi, periods/year, standards Moxi, 1day/period,2 ( GB3096-2008 ) 2 noise Erlonggou, LeqdB(A) times/day,one 5760 11520 34560 category, Construction Yinzhangzi, in the daytime site environmental Xibajianfang, and one in the noise emission Industrial nighttime standards park (GB12523-2011) Subtotal(Yuan) 118560 2 Acoustic 2 Monitoring periods/year, LingYuan environmental quality sites:Level 1 1day/period, environm standards pump station, , ental ( GB3096-2008 ) 2 noise Level 2 LeqdB(A) 2times/day 1440 2880 8640 owner protectio category、4a category pump station one in the n bureau factory daytime and

Operation boundary one in the phase ( 3 nighttime years) 1 monitoring site: Lingyuan pH、SS、 Water sewage Online COD、 100 109500 328500 quality treatment monitoring 、 plant NH3-N oil wastewater discharge


outlet Subtotal(Yuan) 337140 Total(10,000) 45.57 The water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban drainage and water regeneration recycling construction project is shown in Table6.2-13。

Table 6.2-13 The water and soil conservation monitoring plan of Lingyuan urban drainage and water regeneration recycling construction project Monitoring phase and Total Monito Supervi Monitor frequency Organizati Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Price costs ring sing Standard ing Pre-con Preli on in item scope Constructio site (yuan) (10,000 organiz organiza and norm method structio minar charge n yuan) ation tion n y Curre On-site Construction The nt inspecti once Moxi 2100 area developm stage on ent and Soil constructi erosio On-site on of the Construction n inspecti ③ ③ ③ Yinzhangzi 4000 project area factor on erosion Water s control and Cell Entrust Lingyua standards soil observa ed n (GB/T5 Road conse tion qualifie Municip 0434-200 excav 6.57 owner rvatio Quant method, d al Water 8); ation, n ity of Road drill rod Moxi, organzi Bureau Technical emba ① ② 12000 monit water works method, Yinzhangzi ation code of nkme oring and erosion practice nt soil ditch on water slope erosio quadrat and soil n s conservat ion Const drill rod ructio method, Moxi, monitorin Slope ① ① ② 18000 n erosion Yinzhangzi g(SL277- works ditch 2002)


quadrat s, sand basin method Sand Construction Moxi, basin ① ① ② 18000 area Yinzhangzi method Water loss and On-site soil Construction and tour Moxi, ② ② 6000 erosio affected areas inspecti Yinzhangzi n on hazar d destr oy wate r On-site Construction cons inspecti Once Erlonggou 2100 area Facili ervat on ty monit ion oring facili ties

Newl y-buil On-site Construction Moxi, t inspecti ③ ③ 1500 area Yinzhangzi water on conse


rvatio n facilit ies Note:Monitoring period and frequency ① 10-day monitoring and recording, combined with the continuous observation of project supervision; 1 (2) monthly monitoring; monitoring 3 months/time. In case of heavy rain, high winds, timely additional surveying is necessary.


6.3 Environmental Supervision

6.3.1 Purpose of Environmental Supervision

According to the Environmental design requirements,during construction phase, environmental supervision should be carried out to supervise the overall onstruction units to ensure the implementation of environmental protection measures and environmental protective effects in a timely manner as well as to deal with any temporary environmental pollution event. Special report on the results of the Commissioner of the construction period will be used as a must for the acceptance of the work and acceptance report of a development project.

6.3.2 Supervision Duties

Obey the environmental protection principles, policies, decrees, regulations of China, local government and the World Bank; supervise contractors to implement the project contracts related to environmental protection clauses. The main duties are listed as follows: (1) prepare the Environmental Supervision Plan, develop environmental supervision projects and content. (2) is responsible for reviewing the terms of environmental protection in the construction bidding documents (3) Supervise contractors; prevent and mitigate the environmental pollution caused by the construction work and damage to the ecology behavior; prevent fires. (4) Based on monitoring data, is responsible for the overall supervision and inspection of environmental protection measures in the process of implementation and the practical effect of all construction units; handle and resolve the temporary environmental pollution events. (5) is responsible for a comprehensive inspection of the residue,field construction slash processing and slash recovery by the construction units, mainly including slope stability, slash recovery and green as well as the green rate. (6) is responsible for the implementation of environmental monitoring, to examine the environmental statements, according to the monitoring results of water quality, ambient air, noise, channel construction management requirements, to minimize the adverse environmental impact of the construction. (7) supervise, record the day-to-day work, compiling Supervision reports and get involved in the completion and acceptance of the construction.


6.3.3 Supervision Requirements

(1) The environmental supervision units are responsible for the construction units and the environmental protection administration departments. (2) Environmental Supervisors are responsible for writing Environmental Supervision documents in conjunction with the construction units include: logs, monthly reports, interim reports, annual reports, which are used as the "three simultaneous"technical documents for project acceptance; (3) Necessary technical means of environmental monitoring are supposed to be taken by environmental supervision units at various phases of construction. (4) Within the scope of supervision on the environmental protection aspects of the project (project supervision, the Commissioner of Soil and Water Conservation) , put forward comprehensive environmental protection recommendations.

6.3.4 Range of Environmental Supervision

(1) the construction of the project's main project, aided engineering, environmental engineering; Implementation of environmental protection measures in the construction phase; (2) the implementation of the environmental protection facilities; (3) Inspect the environment-protection-based performances of construction projects; (4) change the original applicability of environmental facilities, raise questions and set the corresponding requirements accordingly; (5) Supervising environmental protection within the context of other aspects of the project engineering (engineering supervision, the Commissioner of Soil and Water Conservation)

6.3.5 Environmental Supervision Content

Environmental Supervision, including environmental protection compliance supervision of the construction period, the environmental protection facilities Supervision: the Environmental compliance Supervision various pollution factors to the requirements of environmental protection standards in the supervision and inspection of project construction process; environmental protection facilities, supervision is the supervision and inspection of project construction . Depending on the specific content of the construction period, the environmental supervision can be divided into three stages of construction preparation phase, the construction phase, the Labor Exchange, as well as defects liability period. (1) the construction preparation phase


Commissioner of this stage the main task is the preparation of environmental supervision rules, audit the environmental provisions in the construction contract, the environmental the contractor construction environmental management plan and construction organization design measures to verify that the project covers an area of and preparation, audit construction materials stacked compliance with environmental requirements. Such as construction projects have started construction, will have to supplement the environmental supervision assessment, specific content: project progress, environmental protection measures taken WORM; implement check environmental protection facilities; environmental engineering meets the design requirements of the EIA; legacy environmental issues raised solutions and plan. (2) the construction phase Environmental supervision of the construction process of its content urge the construction unit to implement the environmental protection measures proposed in the environmental impact report, and to regulate the construction process. The construction phase of the project environmental supervision points are shown in the following table, environmental supervision staff supervision, according to the key points to promptly correct the non-standard operation. (3) Labor Exchange and the defects responsible for the stage of This phase of the work is a summary of project completion acceptance of environmental protection, environmental engineering construction stage and the defect liability period for the supervision of the construction site cleanup. WORM; checking environmental measures whether the implementation of projects under construction, should be required to supplement the supervision assessment report, the costs borne by the party or the owners of illegal and started construction, specific additional project progress and take measures; environmental engineering meets environmental design requirements; whether legacy issues, and propose solutions to measure and plan.

Table 6.3-1 Envioment al Supervision during the Operation Phase Impleme Supervisi Organizati ntation ng Impact Key points on in organizat organizat charge ion ion


1. Sewage on the construction site is to be collected for unified treatment 2. Sedimentation tanks, grease traps and other temporary sewage treatment facilities should be built on the construction site to treat large construction machinery rinse water; as to other construction wastewater high in suspended solids it can be sent to sewage treatment Waste plant after pretreatment; mortar,stone mortar and other liquid waste is water to be dried and treated with other solid waste. 3. Cement, sand, lime and other building materials should be stacked together. Additionally, certain measures are to be taken to prevent rain and to clean the scattered building materials while transporting construction materials.

1 During the construction period, the plant should fencing facilities to reduce dust pollution. Waster 2 Transporting vehicles are to be capped with tarpaulin, detour roads Construc air are in need of regular watering tion 3 Construction machinery with large amount of smoke emission supervisi should be installed with de-smoke device. ConstrucConstructio on and 1.Control the construction time, to prohibit nighttime construction and tion unit n unit the City non-construction noise nuisance. (County) 2 If heavy machinery is used in the construction phase, it should be EPA noise delcared to the local environmental protection authorities in advance

so as to avoid the impact on the environment. 3 Strengthen the construction machinery maintenance in order not to reduce equipment performace or increase the mechanical noise. 1.Domestic garbage should be collected for transportation and disposal. Solid 2. Construction waste should be processed at the specific location waste according to municipal planning.

1. As to the land temorarily used during the construction phases, by the end of construction, it should promptly cleaned and replanted. 2. It is strictly prohibited to randomly earth use, abandon slag, both of Ecolog which should be pressed in a unified manner following municipal ical regulations. impact 3. Should be implemented Vegetation restoration and compensation, soil and water conservation; afforestation projects should be carried out.

6.3.6 The Environmental supervision accident treatment

Environmental Supervision found the following problems in the current construction projects, the construction unit and the environmental protection administration departments should promptly report: (1) During the project construction process,any environmental violations of the pollutant discharge exceeding the national or local environmental standards; (2) during the project construction process, any pollution nuisance, (3) During the project construction process, any ecological destruction or any behavior of no implementation of ecological restoration accoring to the environmental


impact assessment and approval requirements; (4) during the project construction process, no effective environmental protective measures taken to proect or even threaten nature reserves, scenic spots, water source protection areas of damage; (5) The environmental pollution control and risk prevention facilities are not in accordance with the environmental impact assessment and approval without implementation of ecological restoration; (6) The main construction does not comply with the environmental protection requirements of the "three simultaneous", namely, the environmental pollution control facilities, the construction progress and the environmental risk prevention facilities do not go simultaneously as required; (7) In the project construction process, other environmental violations. In case of major pollution accidents in the construction process, the following procedures should be: After receiving the environmental supervision engineers’ report, the environmental director shall inform the representatives of operators immediately. Meanwhile the contractor should be notified writing to suspend the project construction and take effective environmental protection measures. In addition to the oral report, environmental supervision engineers should provide the written report - fill in the form Engineering Pollution Accident Report with the preliminary investigation report attached, which is supposed to cover the basic information about the project name, location, pollution,the cause of the accident, and environmental protection measures in case of emmergency. The report signed by the environmental supervision engineers then is forwared to operators with the approval of the Environmental supervision Director; Environmental supervision engineers and contractors continue in-depth investigation of pollution incidents and then after discussion with the parties concerned, the initial incident handling program is reported and the trial table (with engineering pollution incidents detailed reporting and processing program) filled. Afterwards, it is forwarded to operators with the approval of Environmental Director. On the basis of on-site review of pollution incidents, environmental director in conjunction with the operators organize relevant personnel to monitor, laboratory- test and process scheme proposed by the contractor for the purpose of reviewing, amending, and approving to form the decision. The plan shall be finalized by the contractor and fill in the "return to work reported trial table "to apply to the environmental supervision engineers for return to work. Environmental directing organization determines the responsibility for pollution incidents and the judegment will be on the basis of a comprehensive review of the construction records.


6.3.7 Environmental supervision procedures during the implementation of environmental management plan

The environmental supervision is an indispensible but relatively independent part in the environmental management and thus independent environmental supervision institutions should therefore be established. In accordance with the terms of the contract and the national environmental protection laws, regulations, policies, requirements, based on the environmental monitoring data and inspection results, The entrusted qualified units are supposed to review and evaluate the implementation of various environmental protection measures of the construction unit; timely detect, and remedy any breach of contract environmental terms and requirements of the State Environmental Protection construction behavior. Environmental Supervisor shall check the construction site at least once a week, fill in the checklist and archive of environmental inspections during the construction phase, provide rectification plan and monitoring the follow-up implementation construction activities on environmental issues of the construction unit, ; every six months it shall submit reports to environmentally responsible experts for the World Bank of the PMO. Environmental supervision procedures are shown in Figure 6-1. 6.4 Environmental management training programs

6.4.1 Training purposes

Environmental management training to relevant personnel are aimed at making personnel involved familiar with the content and procedures of environmental management in order to ensure that the environmental management work running smoothly, effectively, and improve the environmental management capacity of the environmental management staff so as to ensure the effective implementation of environmental protection measures.The main object of environmental capacity-building environmental managers and environmental supervision, their training is one of the components of the technical support of the project. Training courses in the project implementation process, training building square and workers. Prior to the start of construction of the project, all construction units and operating units, and construction supervision officer asked to participate in a mandatory environment, health and safety training.

6.4.2Targeted participants

Target Audience: provincial, municipal and county levels of all the staff of the Office


of Environmental Management, project owners, all the staff of the environmental supervision and environmental monitoring agency representatives, the main contractor representatives personnel.

6.4.3 Training

(1) the Bank's environmental policy and domestic environmental protection laws and regulations, environmental standards to grasp and use; (2) the environmental management of the World Bank loan project mode and environmental provisions in the loan agreement; (3) the project environmental management plan; (4) environmental management requirements of each project; (5) environmental managers, environmental supervision and environmental monitoring, the contractor's responsibilities and relationship; (6) The preparation of the technical documentation of the report on the work of environmental management, environmental supervision report, environmental monitoring report, the contractor logs, monthly reports, interim reports, annual report as the "three simultaneous" acceptance.

6.4.4 Training program

According to the environmental management plan, the training funds during the construction phase of LCESDP is to be included in the project budget while the training funds during the operational phase is included in the operation and maintainance costs. For capacity building and training plan, see table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Capacity building and training plan Target Training theme Training content Times Day/time Attendents/time Costs(10,000) trainers Operation

phase ① Environmental 0.5 3 Municipal law and (county) regulations Environmental project ② regulations and department 4 5.6 policies , Project Environmental 0.5 3 owners and policies and Construction plans uni ③World Bank environment 0.5 3 mamagement Implementation Project ① 1 0.5 4 19.6


Target Training theme Training content Times Day/time Attendents/time Costs(10,000) trainers of owners and Environmental environmental Construction protection management uni responsibilities plan during the project construction phase

② The main task of environmental protection 1 0.5 4 during the construction phase ③Main content of 3 0.5 4 environmental protect ④All reports ofEnvironmental 2 0.5 4 management plan ⑤Improvement and correction of 1 0.5 4 environmental management plan ⑥Internal monitoring methods, data 1 0.5 4 collection and processing Project Crisis Crisis owners and management 1 0.5 2 0.7 management Construction measures unit Subtotal during construction 25.9 phase Operation

phase Environmental protection facilities, ecological Environmental restoration, soil monitoring Project and water 2 1.0 2 5.6 inspection owners conservation report inspection, environmental quality monitoring,


Target Training theme Training content Times Day/time Attendents/time Costs(10,000) trainers preparation of reports

① Environmental Envionmental safety 2 0.5 1 proection regulations and Project facilities and procedures 3.5 owners mitigation measures ②Contingency plans 2 0.5 2

Subtotal in 9.1 operation phase Total 35

6.5 Public Complaints and feedback mechanism

6.5.1 Public complaint mechanisms

To get timely and effective solution to the problems in project preparation and implementation phases, to ensure smooth construction and operation of the works, in addition to the existing local government petition complaint channels at different levels established for this project, a transparent and effective public complaint channels are to be established as follows: Phase 1 For any violation of the public’s rights in the construction affected areas during the preliminary preparison and implementation phases, it can be reflected to the local administration. Street Committees or immigrants can negotiate directly with the district (county) relocation of office or city (county) for solution. After receiving complaints, Letters and Visits Office are supposed to record and strive to resolve together with the members of Street Committees in two weeks’ time. Phase 2, such as complainers Phase 1 decision not satisfied, complain after the receipt of the decision can appeal to the LCESDP, which should deal with complaints in 2 weeks. Stage 3 If the public are still not satisfied with the decision, on receiving the decision, they can appeal to the Leading Group of LCESDP after the receipt of the decision. According to the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, they are elligible to appeal to jurisdiction administrative organs at a higher level.to be arbitrated. Stage 4 If the public still dissatisfied with the arbitration decision, after the receipt of the arbitration decision, according to the Civil Procedure Law, they can appeal to a civil court to prosecute.


The public can sue for any aspect of the environmental management plan, including compensation standards. The above-mentioned means of redress will be inform the public of through meetings or other means to make the public fully aware of their right to appeal. Hopefully, the use of media tools can help to enhance media coverage. All public comments and suggestions should be summarized, organized into provision, studied and dealt with in a timely manner by the relevant agencies at all levels. The admissibility of the complaints of the public institutions do not charge any fees and the costs incurred due to complaint are to be covered by the budget of unforeseen costs of the Project Office.

6.5.2 Public feedback

A feedback mechanism should be established. On receiving environmental complaints or the administrative departments rectification notice, EIA units, construction units, or building organizations should arrange inspection or survey in conjunction with the design with other related departments. Corrective actions based on the actual situation are to be taken and publicized to solve environmental disputes. On receiving a rectification notice, the rectification is expected to be completed within three working days (If more administrative agencies involve, the completion of rectification should be completed within 10 working days); The feedback mechanism is divided into two stages. Phase 1: Project Environmental Impact Assessment during the disclosure of the relevant information, the construction unit and the EIA unit by holding seminars and issuing questionnaires to gather the views of residents, public feedback through seminars, or fill out the questionnaires, evaluation units issued comments can take the initiative to obtain a copy of the questionnaire; letter to the construction unit or the environmental impact assessment agency commissioned a call, fax, e-mail comments; may also be responsible for approving or re-examination of the environmental impact report, the Environmental Protection administrative departments, to submit written comments. Construction unit or commissioned by the environmental impact assessment agencies, environmental protection administrative department in charge of the raw data of the feedback recovered shall be archived for future reference. Phase 2: in the project construction period or the operation period, the public to the construction unit or a letter from a construction unit, call, fax, e-mail comments; through various projects City (County) EPA Petition Office feedback. Based on public feedback, according to the inspection report of the environmental monitoring reports and regulatory agencies, environmental management plan will ease the measures targeted adjustments, to further improve the environmental management activities.


If the inspection found significant deviations in the content of the environmental management plan or project changes cause significant adverse environmental impact or by a significant increase in the number of adverse environmental impacts, the Project Office will immediately consult environmental agencies and the World Bank established environmental assessment team to conduct additional environmental assessment and, if necessary, but also additional public consultation. Revised environmental management plan is also required to inform the implementation of the implementing agencies and contractors in accordance with the modified content. 6.6 Environmental management plan report mechanism

6.6.1 the reorganization and saving of Monitoring data

According to the environmental monitoring technical specifications "and" water and soil conservation monitoring procedures ",the original monitoring data and reorganized results, a total of four copies , were handed in to each subproject environmental management department filed for future reference, and send duplicates to the design unit as design information feedback. Based on the relevant provisions of the environmental monitoring technical specifications and the Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring procedures, the raw monitoring data and reorganization results were cross each subproject environmental management departments archived for future reference, and copied to the design as the design information feedback.

6.6.2 Information exchange

Environmental management requires necessary information exchange between different departments within the organization: municipal(county) PMO, owners, contractors, operators ; and informing the external (stakeholders, the public, etc.) of related information Internal information exchange can be carried out in a variety of ways:meeting, internal briefings, but monthly meeting is required and all the exchange of information should be recorded and archived. External information exchange is surposed to be done every six months or yearly and the information exchange with cooperative units should be summarized in the form of


meeting minutes and then archieved. Every six months or a year, 1 unit of information exchange and collaboration to form the minutes of external information exchange and archiving.

6.6.3 Recording

For the effective operation of the environmental management system, the owners must be organized to establish a sound system of recording to retain the following records: (1) the legal and regulatory requirements; (2) related to the project assessment and approval; (3) environmental factors and the related environmental impact; (4) training; (5) Check, check and maintenance activities; (6) monitoring data; (7) environmental management and environmental protection work; (8) measures the effectiveness of mitigation; (9) project. Also necessary control of these types of records, including: the identification, collection, cataloging, archiving, storage, management, maintenance, query, save deadline disposal sectors.

6.6.4 Report

Provincial, municipal(county) PMO of LCESDP, owners, environmental supervision and monitoring units should record, document and report the EMP situation, environmental quality monitoring results in timely manner to appropriate authorities in the process of project implementation progress of the project, which includes: (1)Project environmental supervision engineers record EMP implementation detail by week, month, weekly- and monthly- reports should be submitted to project owners and the local municipal (county) project office, which should information about environmental protection measures, the implementation as well as environmental monitoring data. (2)Owners or operators should submit detailed records and quarterly reports to the municipal (County) PMO timely on a quarterly basis about the progress of the project and EMP implementation. Meanwhile a copy should be sent to local Environmental Protection bureau quarterly. (3)Monitoring unit is supposed to entrust monitoring tasks timely and submit monitoring reports to the owners (operators) and environmental supervision


engineers. (4)The municipal (county) PMO timely reports the project progress to the Provincial Project Management Office. Meanwhile a copy is sent to the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. The project progress reports (monthly, quarterly, annual report, etc.) of PMO must include the progress of the project implementation, such as the EMP effect, especially environmental monitoring results. (5)In case of illegal events related to environmental protection, environmental supervision engineers and municipal (county) Project Office will communicate with the local environmental protection administration departments and report to a higher level. (6)Annual EMP implementation report of projects must be completed and submitted to the Bank before March 31 the following year. EMP implementation report should include the following main elements: a training program implementation; b, project status; c, project implementation of environmental protection measures, the implementation of environmental monitoring and monitoring results; d, whether complaints from the public, the event of complaints, record the main content of the complaint, solutions and public satisfaction; e next year EMP implementation plan.

6.7 Estimated costs of environmental management

The estimated costs of environmental impact mitigation measures during the construction and operation phases in the Environmental Mangagement Plan of LCESDP are shown in 6.7-1 together with capacity development and training plan. Table 6.7-1: The estimated costs of environmental management (10,000 yuan) Environmental impace mitigation measures costs Environemnt Soil No Sub-project Training Construction Operation Monitoring Conservation phase phase Road Network 1 Construction in 46.29 5.5 37.8 5.0 6.57 Donggang Urban Infrastructure 2 Construction in 82.11 15 0.81 5.0 6.57 Kuandian Urban Public Transport 3 -- 20.5 1.21 5.0 -- Development in Panjin


Traffic Infrastructure Development 4 Demonstration Project 18.99 -- 0.78 5.0 6.57 in Longcheng District of Chaoyang

Urban Infrastructure 5 Construction in 51.7 0.2 4.8 5.0 6.57 Lingyuan

Wastewater treatment 6 and reclamation and -- -- 45.57 5.0 6.57 drainage in Lingyuan

Urban Infrastructure 7 Rehabilitation in 10.5 8.0 3.26 5.0 8.97 Suizhong

Total 209.59 49.2 94.23 35.0 41.82


7 Public Consultation and Information Disclosure

7.1 Purpose

A two-way exchange of the EIA work with the public in the form of public consultation and information disclosure is an important part of the environmental impact assessment of the civil construction projects. All project parties in the vicinity and residence shall enjoy the right to information, the right to avoid living space being unduly affected, the obligation to protect the environment, which is crucial in improving decision-making. The purpose is to release the construction information to those in the affected areas and those who are concerned as so to promote the public’s understanding of the project's main construction and operational features and significant environmental impacts associated with the project issues; help environmental assessment personnel find problems and ensure that all major environmental problems caused by all the engineering are analyzed and evaluated in the environmental assessment report; confirm the feasible environmental protection measures, as well as optimize the implementation of the program of measures and implementation. The public consultation emphasizes the importance of contacts and exchanges between the parties relevant to the project with the public which can directly reflect the views of the public, and thus enable decision-making departments to identify potential problems in a timely manner so as to timely amend and improve the design and solve specific problems of public concern fundamentally. Only in this way, can the project planning, design, environmental monitoring and management be bettered and more reasonable, which should not only improve the effectiveness of the EIA, but also promote the public participation activities,raise public awareness of environmental protection, obtain optimal unified strive to construction of the project in terms of environmental benefits, social and economic benefits.


7.2 Basis and method

7.2.1 Basis

According to the requirements of the "Environmental Impact Assessment Law in the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued by the environmental impact assessment of public participation in the Interim Measures on Environment and Development, 2006 [28] as well as the World Bank operational policies (OP4.01),in the evaluation process, two information publicity and two rounds of public consultation were done by EIA units. The first round is after screening specific environmental problems and the finalization of EIA outline of the project; the second round is on the completion of the first draft of the EIA.

7.2.2 Method

The first round of information disclosure and public consultation: In line with the domestic and World Bank’s requirements, the EIA uses newspaper publicity and online publicity, on-site visits, the completion of the questionnaire as well as the public meeting to collect the public concerns about the project construction. The first-round consultaiton was carried out through May –July 2012. The public consultation participants include project-related government organizations and enterprises in addition to the affected area residents. The participants in the consultation consist of all ages and both genders with different levels of education and different occupations. In the public meeting, the EIA unit presented the information of the project, including the expected environmental impact during the construction phas,making the public aware of the current environmental state of the project construction area and the surrounding environment and the negative impact to be brought about by the project construction. Then the views of the participants and issues of their concern are collected. The second round of information disclosure and public consultation: before the finalization of the draft EIA report is basically completed. The time of the second round consultation was from July 2012 to Sept. 2012. A public notice is pasted on the project area at least 5 days before the public consultation is conducted to inform the


project affected people that the updated content of the sub-project, the major impacts and mitigationmeasures, the availability of the draft sub-EA and the hotline as well as the contact people. During May 2012, advertisement on local newspaper was published to inform the public the availability of the draft EIA with the phone number and the place, the draft EIA has been updated with the modification of the sub-project. Since July 2012, the Draft EIA is placed in the local PMO and the full sub-EA is published in local web-site. The feedback to issues of public concern are taken. For detailed information about all materials related to the project public consultation (including time sheets, meeting minutes, meeting site photos, project twice publicity and twice questionnaire sample form.) see appendix. The newspapers and websites involved in the sub-projects’ newspaper publicity and online publicity of LCESDP are shown in Table 7-1. For the time of each sub-project public consultation, negotiation objects negotiation see Summary Table 7-2

7.3 Information Disclosure for the EMP

The draft of the comprehensive environmental management plan was submitted to the PPMO and the whole documents are published on the Environmental Science Research Institute of Liaoning Province website (www.laes.com.cn / zixun / huanping / huanping.asp) publicly on September 20 as well as in Daily(2012) to inform the public of the project.


Table 7-1 The summary table of online publicity records of sub-EAs Time for Information disclosure

Area Name of sub-project Name of website and newspaper Newspaper publicity Online publicity

The Road Network Donggang Daily Telegraph Dandong Construction in May 14th, 2012 July 2nd, 2012 http://www.donggang.gov.cn/ City Donggang

The Kuandian Daily Urban Infrastructure Dandong July 5th, 2012 Sep 5th, 2012 http://zhengwu.lnkd.gov.cn/. Construction in Kuandian City

Panjin Daily The Panjin Urban Public Transport July 10th ,2012 Aug 24th,2012 http://www.lncom.cn/pjs/ City Development in Panjin

Traffic Infrastructure The Development Chaoyang Daily Chaoyang Demonstration Project in June 19th, 2012 Sep 3rd, 2012 http://www.longcheng.nen.com.cn/ City Longcheng District of Chaoyang Urban Infrastructure May 28th, 2012 Sep 7th, 2012 The Construction in Lingyuan Lingyuan Daily Lingyuan Wastewater treatment and http://lingyuan.nen.com.cn City reclamation and drainage May 28th, 2012 Sep 7th, 2012 in Lingyuan

The Urban Infrastructure http://www.suizhong.gov.cn/ HulongDao Rehabilitation in - Aug 20th, 2012

City Suizhong


Table 7-2 Time, the object and manner of public consultation Public consulta Area Name of Sub-project Consultation mode Consultation object Time Place tion round Conference room the 4th ①Site bulletin The project site May 16th, floor of Donggang First ;②site visit;③public residents(50)and relevant 2012 Municipal Administration The government department Road Network Construction meeting;④survey Department Dandong in Donggang Conference room the 4th City ①site bulletin;②site visit July 10th, floor of Donggang Second The project site residents ③survey 2012 Municipal Administration Department Conference room on the 5 floor of Kuandian Urban ①public meeting;②site Aug, 9th, First The project site residents and Rural Construction visit; 2012 Bureau The Road Network Construction Dandong in Donggang Conference room on the 5 City floor of Kuandian Urban ①public meeting;②site Sep 13th, Second The project site residents and Rural Construction visit; 2012 Bureau

①Site visit:residents of The local residents project location(Liulihe representatives in Yujiajie ① Site visit;②public th and Yujiajie); and Liulihe(50) and July 17 , First meeting; relevant government 2012 ②Forum:Conference ③survey departments, enterprises room on the 2nd floor of Panjin Traffic Department The Panjin Urban Public Transport and units

City Development in Panjin ①site visit:residents ① Site visit;②public The local residents adjacent to project representatives(50) and Aug 30th, location(Liulihe); Second meeting; relevant government 2012 ②Forum:Conference ③survey departments and units room on the 2nd floor of Panjin Traffic Department


Public consulta Area Name of Sub-project Consultation mode Consultation object Time Place tion round ①Site bulletin The local residents Conference room on the representatives(50) and 3rd floor of Chaoyang Traffic Infrastructure First ;②site visit;③public Aug 6th, 2012 relevant government West Dayingzi town The Development meeting;④survey departments and units government Chaoyang Demonstration Project in The local residents Conference room on the City Longcheng District of representatives(50) and 3rd floor of Chaoyang Chaoyang Second ①public meeting;②survey Sep 9th, 2012 relevant government West Dayingzi town departments and units government The local residents representatives on both sides of the road under Conference room on the ①site visit;②public Aug 15th, First construction (50) and the 2nd floor of LingYuan ;③survey 2012 meeting relevant government government departments and units The Urban Infrastructure Lingyuan Construction in Lingyuan The local residents City representatives on both sides of the road under th Conference room on the Sep 14 , Second Public meeting construction (50) and the 2nd floor of LingYuan 2012 relevant government government departments and units

The local residents representatives on both sides of the road under th Conference room on the Aug 15 , First ①site bulletin;②site visit; construction (50) and the 2nd floor of LingYuan 2012 The Wastewater treatment and relevant government government Lingyuan reclamation and drainage in departments and units City Lingyuan The local residents Conference room on the representatives on both Sep 14th, Second Public meeting 2nd floor of LingYuan sides of the road under 2012 government construction (50) and the


Public consulta Area Name of Sub-project Consultation mode Consultation object Time Place tion round relevant government departments and units ①Site visit: villages involved in the project Resident representatives location; on the east and west sides ②forum : The ① Site visit;②public of the drains and July 16th, First meeting; surrounding Conference room of 2012 ③survey Beidakeng(50), together Suizhong County with relevant government The Urban Infrastructure departments and units Residential Construction HulongDao Rehabilitation in Suizhong City Commission Resident representatives on the east and west sides Forum:Conference room of the drains and Aug 27th, on the 5th floor of Second ①public meeting;②survey surrounding 2012 Suizhong County Beidakeng(50), together Residential Construction with relevant government Commission departments and units


7.4 Public consultation minutes, public opinion and reply

7.4.1 Road Network Construction in Donggang . Table 7.4-1 The public participation survey results Of Road Network Construction in Donggang No Item Result Are you satisfied with satisfied Relatively satisfied Unsatisfied the current state of 1 roads in the areas 17 where you live or 34% 8 16% 25 50% work? What do you think of Fairly good good Not good 2 the current environmental 15 30% 27 54% 8 16% quality? How much do you A lot some little 3 know about the project under 29 58% 12 24% 9 18% construction? What do you think of unfavourab favourable both 4 the effectiveness of le the current 48 construction? 96% 0 0% 2 4% What’s the impact of Upgrade degrade No impact 5 the current project on the life of residents 50 100% 0 0% 0 0% around? What’s the impact of increase No impact decrease 6 the road construction works on regional 45 90% 5 10% 0 0% economy? What’s the impact of increase Little impact No impact the road construction 7 works on travel convenience of local 47 94% 3 6% 0 0% residents What might be the Travel Traffic dust noise Muddy water main environmental inconvenience jam 8 problems during the construction phase of 36 the project?(multiple 72% 41 82% 45 90% 24 48% 32 64% choice for the item) What might be the Noise vibration air others main environmental 9 problems during the operation phase of the 39 78% 19 38% 42 84% 23 46% project?(multiple choice for the item)


With What do you think is sound Economic relocation Sound barrier others 10 the best way to deal insulation compensation with road noise during windows the operation phase 19 38% 24 48% 38 76% 46 92% 12 24% In case of land Subject to Reasonable Disagree without others 11 acquisition and arrangment compensation satisfying requirements relocation, what’s 0 your opinion? 0% 44 88% 3 6% 3 6% for against neutral 12 What’s your attitude towards the project? 50 100% 0 0% 0 0% 7.4.2 Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project The public participation survey content and statistical results of Lingyuan Urban Infrastructure are listed as follows: Table 7.4-2 Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project public consultation contents and results 1Are you satisfied with the current b.relatively roads in the a.satisfied 1 1 c.unsatisfied 80 satisfied areas where you live and work? 2Are you satisfied with the drainage b.relatively system in the a.satisfied 1 0 c.unsatisfied 81 satisfied areas where you live and work? 3Are you satisfied with the lightening b.relatively in the area a.satisfied 1 8 c.unsatisfied 73 satisfied where you live and work? 4What do you think of the general b.relatively a.satisfied 2 30 c.unsatisfied 50 environmental satisfied quality in your area? 5 How much do you know about the current a.a 16 b.know a little 61 c.know nothing 5 project? of the current project 6what do you a.favourable 82 b.neutral 0 c.unfavorable 0 think of the 148

impact of the road construction project 7What do you think of the impact of the a.favourable 82 b.neutral 0 c.unfavorable 0 drainage construction project? 8what do you think of the impact of the a.favourable 82 b.neutral 0 c.unfavorable 0 lightening construction project? 9What do you think of the impact of the project on the a.upgraded 82 b degraded 0 c.no influenc 0 life quality of local residence? 10 What do you think of the impact on the road a.increase 82 b.no change 0 c.decrease 0 network project on the regional economy? 11What do you think of the current a.convient 82 b.little help 0 c.no help 0 project on travlling 12What might be the main environmental a.inconvenience d.sewage and Traffic problems 60 b.dust 22 c.noise 26 12 9 while travelling muddy water jam during the construction phase? 13What might be the main environmental a.noise b.vibration c.air prolems 41 22 36 d.others 36 pollution pollution pollution during the operation phase? 14What might be the best c.use mitigation b.build noise d.economic measures to a.relocation 13 sound 17 8 21 e.others 30 insulation compensation reduce road barrier windowns noise during the operation



15 What is c.disagree attitude a. subject to b.reasonable unless towards 6 78 6 d.others 0 arrangement compensation requiremtns potential are met relocation 16What’s your attitude towards the a.for 82 b.against 0 c.don’t care 0 current project? 17 Your suggestions and suggestions on environmental protection


7.4.3 Urban Infrastructure Construction in Kuandian The public participation survey content and statistical results of the Urban Infrastructure Construction in Kuandian are shown in Table 7.4-3.

7.4-3 The main survey content and statistical results of the urban infrastructure construction in Kuandian. Background information Number of people Percentage(%) Percentage(%) male 16 24% 24% female 51 76% 76% Lower than 20 21-60 Above 60 age 0 0% 66 99% 1 1% College Primary Junior senior graduate or Education background above 1 1% 18 27% 48 72% farmer Civil servant worker others job 3 4% 7 10% 3 4% 50 75% Respon Respon Respond content item dent Option dent item ent No. No. No. How much do you know A lot 9 some 53 Little 5 about the current project? Are you for or against the Don’t For 67 against 0 0 project? care What do you think of the Very quality of current 18 good 26 OK 23 good environment? What do you think of the acoustic environment of good 45 OK 7 bad 0 your residence area?t

What do you think of theecological environment good 47 OK 5 Bad 0 of your residence area? What is the prominent Ecolo Air environmental impact of Water gical Noise 56 pollut 6 1 4 the current construction pollution degra ion project? dation Can you accept the current project after series of environmental protection Don’t Yes 64 3 No 0 measures taken to meet care environmental protection standard? If you are influenced by the Mone engineering demolition or tary Land Reho land expropriation, what comp 14 49 redistri 4 others 0 using way of compensation do ensati bution you prefer? on What do you think of the Impetus to regional economic 17 soicalbenefits of the current development


project? Perfect municipal facilities, 38 (multiple choices) improve the living environment Improve traffic conditions for 42 travel convenience

The main contents included: the overview introduction of the project given by Kuandian Administration Bureau of Urban and Rural areas, including project origin, project construction plan, the significance of implementation, etc. Then, the Liaoning Province Environmental Science Research Institute introduced this project’s environmental impact assessment and illustrated the eia procedures, environmental impact assessment methods, main contents as well as the means and significance of public participation of the project. The delegates present considered the project as a good one to improve the traffic environment and hoped that it could be implemented as soon as possible. Besides, they also hoped that Hutong in front the station as well as other lane roads could be incorporated into the project. After consulting the owners and relevant designing institutes, the proposal was adopted in the feasibility study report. In addition, the public hoped that specific environmental protection measures could be taken to reduce environmental impact of the project through the environment impact assessment. The public survey results show that: Of all respondents, more than 90% of the public know about the project and 100% of them support for this project. The public believe that the project's environmental impact is mainly on noise and ambient air. After taking environmental protection measures to achieve environmental standards, 93% of the public believe that the environmental impact of this project is acceptable, others said it they don’t care. In case of demolition or land reoccupation, the public prefer monetary compensation, rehousing compensation while a few are in favor of land redistribution. In addition, the vast majority of the public believe that the construction of this project is supposed to have benefits in terms of improving municipal facilities, living and traffic conditions, enhancing regional economic development. In the questionnaire, the public shared their own views on the project and generally recognized the economic and social benefits of the project. 7.4.4 Traffic Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project in Longcheng District of Chaoyang The public participation survey content and statistical results of the Traffic Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project in Longcheng District of Chaoyang are shown in Table 7.4-4.


Table 7.4-4 Survey content and statistic results of Traffic Infrastructure Development Demonstration Project in Longcheng District of Chaoyang 1 Are you satisfied with the current conditions a.very satisfied 5 b.satisfied 11 of road works where you work and live? c.unsatisfied 34 2 What do you think of the overall quality of a.fairly good 0 b.OK 21 current environmental conditions? c.bad 29 3 Do you have a knowledge of the construction a.a lot 10 b.some 31 c.little9 project? 4 What do you think of the overall impact of a.favorable50 b.both0 the road construction project? c.unfavorable0 5 What is the impact of the road construction a.increase 49 b.reduce 0 c.none project on the quality of local residents? 1 6What is the impact of the project on regional a.increase 49 b.none1 c.reduce0 economic development? 7What’s the significance of the construction a. more convenient 50 b.a little help 0 project on travel convenience? c.no 0 8What are the prominent environmental a.Travel inconvenience 30 b.dust 31 problems of the current project in the c.noise 28 d.muddy water 6 construction phase?(multiple-choice) e.traffic jam 20 9What are the prominent environmental a.Noise 37 b.vibration13 c.air 23 problems brought about in the operation d.Others7 phase?(multiple choice) 10 What do you think are the best ways of a.relocation 21b.sound barrier1 c.sound mitigating road noise impact during the insulation window1 d. economic operation phase? compensation21 e.others6 a.subject to arrangement 4 11 In case of land acquisition and relocation, b.reasonable compensation 45 what is your opinion? c.disagree without satisfying requirement 1 d.others 0 a.for 50 b.against 0 c.don’t 12 What’s your attitude towards the project? care 0 The public expressed their respective views on relevant content in the questionnaire and the final comprehensive survey results show that: 50 respondents are in favor of the project, accounting for 100% of the respondents. According to the results of the questionnaire on the current road conditions, 32% of respondents were satisfied, 68% were dissatisfied; 98% of respondents believe that the construction of this project will have favorable economic impact on residents' life quality and regional economical benefits; while 2% believe that no impact or no change would be brough about; During the construction period, the major environmental issues were considered to be travel inconvenience, dust, noise, sewage, mud and traffic congestion and the ratio was 60%, 62%, 56%, 12%, 40% respectively; the main environmental issues were noise, vibration and air pollution after the completion of the project and the proportion were 74%, 26%, 46%, 8% of the respondents of all respondents; In terms of land acquisition and relocation, 8% expressed the willingness to subject to arrangements, 90% require reasonable compensation and 2% would never agree if their requirements were not met. 100% of the respondents supported the construction of this project.


Obviously, the vast majority of those surveyed understand and support the project and various forms of pollution were considered acceptable during the construction phase and after the completion of the project owing to potential environmental, economic and social benefits to be brought by the project.. 7.4.5 Wastewater treatment and reclamation and drainage in Lingyuan The public participation survey content and statistical results of Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project are shown in 7.4-5. Table 7.4-5 The content and statistical results of Lingyuan urban infrastructure construction project Content Result How are you satisfied satisfied Relatively satisfied unsatisfied with water supply in your residence and 35% 42% 23% working place? How are you satisfied satisfied Relatively satisfied unsatisfied with drainage system in your residence and 5% 49% 46% working place? What do you think of satisfied Relatively satisfied unsatisfied the current environmental 15% 54% 31% quality? Do you have a A lot some little knowledgeof the current project? 54% 43% 3% unfavora What do you think of favorable both the general impact of ble the current project? 94% 6% 0% What is the increase reduce None environmental impact on the living quality 86% 2% 12% of local residents? What are the potential increase none decrease impact of the current project on 92% 6% 2% regional economy? What are the Travel dust noise Muddy water Traffic jam prominent inconvenience environmental problems brought about by the project 52% 34% 11% 1.5% 1.5% in the construction phase?(multiple choice) Do you agree to the for against neutral site selection of the pump station? 94% 0% 6% What are the noise vibration air others


prominent environmental problems brought 34% 31% 18% 17% about by the project in the operation phase? (multiple choice) What do you think are Sound relocatio Sound Economic the best mitigative insulation others n barrier compensation measures to reduce window nosie environmental 12% 20% 17% 32% 19% impact? Subject to Reasonale Disagree without In case of relocation, others what is your arrangement conpensation satisfying requirement suggestion? 48% 51% 0% 1% What’s your attitude for against Don’t care towards the current 97% 0% 3% project? Seen from the table, 52% of the public are worried about the travel inconvenience in the construction period, 34% of the public are worried about the impact of the dust of the construction period while 11% of the public are worried about the impact of the noise in the construction period. The majority of the public indicate that all the impact is short-lived and thus acceptable as long as appropriate environmental mitigitive measures are taken strictly in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection. 7.4.6 Urban Public Transport Development in Panjin The main content and statistical results of public participation survey of Urban Public Transport Development in Panjin are shown in Table 7.4-6. Table 7.4-6 Main content and statistical results of public participation survey of Urban Public Transport Development in Panjin

No. Content Result Do you have a knowledge of Yes No Don’t care 1 the current project? 50 0 0 Fairly good good ok bad air 45 5 0 0 Fairly good ok bad What do you Surface water good think of the 48 2 0 0 2 environmental Fairly Good ok bad quality of the noise good area you live? 49 0 0 0 Fairly good ok bad ecological good 50 0 0 0


Understandable but in need of understandable complain noise mitigation measures 50 0 0 Understandable but in need of understandable complain dust mitigation measures 50 0 0 Understandable What’s your but in need opinion of the Sewage and understandable of complain environmental mud mitigation 3 impact during measures. the 50 0 0 construction Understandable phase but in need Inconvenience understandable of complain of travel mitigation measures. 50 0 0 Understandable but in need understandable of complain Traffic jam mitigation measures. 50 0 0 What’s your Vehicle serious Not serious acceptable opinion of exhaust 2 48 the serious Not serious acceptable environment noise 4 1 49 al impact serious Not serious acceptable during the Waste water operational 3 47 phase? The impact of the current project on helpful Of a little help Not helpful 5 getting around 50 0 0 Increa What social benefit will the Better local se the current project bring to the local Travel convenience transportation publicity of 6 area in your opinion?(multiple system the area choices) 45 50 26 What’s your attitude towards Don’t 7 for against the current project care


50 0 0

Public opinion (1) The project is supposed to promote local economic development, facilitating travel and improving the urban traffic environment. (2) all the representatives presented at the public participation hearings support the construction of this project. (3)During the construction and operation phases, the interests of the masses should be taken into account so that the life of the masses won’t be affected by the construction. (4)The project is supposed to start as soon as possible to facilitate travel without affecting the living environment of residents. (5)Nighttime construction project should avoid dust during the construction phase and appropriate protective measures should be taken. Additionally various ancillary facilities, such as drainage channels, underground cables and other construction should avoid repeated repair, affecting the normal life of the residents so as to ensure the progress of the construction. Solution to the corresponding problems mentioned in the public participation survey As to the above-mentioned problems raised by the respondents, the specific solutions of relevant units in Panjin City Transit Authority are listed as follows: (1)Start the construction as soon as possible enhancing travel convenience (2)During road closures, vehicles of nearby businesses and township can be arranged to detour by the other sections.The traffic management department is responsible for the management and bypass, ensuring the smooth flow of vehicles like the bus and vehicles owned by nearby businesses, without affecting the staff travel and various enterprises operating activities during the construction phase. (3)During the construction phase, as the engineering construction preparation work, reasonable arrangements for the traffic management during the construction should be taken seriously. For those roads which have to be closed, bypass arrangement should be made. It is the responsibility of the traffic management department to manage, and safeguard the normal operation of the social vehicles without affecting people travel and the business activities. (4)Dust, noise and waste water generated by the project construction process


were supposed to take preventive measures. As to sensitive points in the vicinity of schools and hospitals, more strict requirements should be set, taking consideration of placing signs at the construction site, indicating construction content, contacts and complaints hotline. Meanwhile, a detailed environmental management and environmental monitoring plan should be made. For the detailed description of mitigative measures, environmental management and monitoring plans, see pollution prevention measures and environmental management, monitoring component during the construction phase. Statistics based on the public investigation survey shows that 100% of the respondents support of this project. No feedback has been received during the publicity with most respondents believe that the project will be of help in improving the local employment conditions.The EIA adopted these suggestions and required the construction units should do a good job in the construction and operation phases:taking relevant pollution control measures to meet emissions standards as to reduce the impact. As to residents near sensitive points, it is recommended that more advocacy work should be done to obtain the understanding and support of the public in the vicinity of construction site.

7.4.7 Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong The public participation survey content and statistical results of Urban Infrastrcture Rehabilitation in Suizhong are shown as follows. Table 7.4-7 The public participation survey content and statistical results of Uban Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Suizhong Item Responce Adjoining Often pass the others Relationship with the current neighbour drainage project 34% 46% 20% Attitude towards the current for against neutral project 94% 6% Satisfaction with the current Very satisfied satisfied unsatisfied drainage system in residential and working place 22% 10% 68% The impact of existing drainage serious No serious acceptable odor 82% 6% 12% route of the know Know about Don’t know Knowledge of project 16% 32% 52% the current Partially Is the route reasonable Not clear project unreasonable reasonable? 12% 18% 70%


Disagree Subject to Reasonable without others Attitude towards relocation arrangment compensation satisfying requirement 18% 70% 10% 2% Good for The significance of the sewage A little help No help sewage disposal construction 82% 12% 6% Acceptable on condition that all Your attitude acceptable related mitigative Complain towards the measures are environmental taken. impact during noise 52% 44% 4% the dust 54% 44% 2% construction Muddly water 54% 44% 2% phase Travel 52% 44% 6% inconvenience Promote industrial yes no development The economic impact of the 92% 8% project on regional economy Promote yes no populartity of the 96% 4% region

As can be seen from Table 7.4-7, in view of the project's survey, 94% of the public expressed strong support for the construction of the project, and the drains as soon as possible to transform, improve drainage, improve the quality of life of residents. According to the results of the drainage status quo satisfaction survey, only 22% of respondents express satisfaction while as many as 68% are not satisfied; 82% of respondents believe that the existing drainage odor pollution is serious. Respondents require urgent measures to be taken to improve the drainage situation fundamentally so as to improve the conditions of people’s working and living environment. More than 50% of the respondents think the impact of the project construction period is acceptable, 44% of respondents indicated that the impact of the construction period acceptable but there should be mitigation measures, less than 6% of the respondents expressed the impact of the construction period is unacceptable. Relocation attitude survey results show that 18% of respondents are willing to accept relocation arrangements, 70% of respondents prefer reasonable compensation while 10% of respondents will never agree to the plan if their conditions cannot be met. In summary, the public participation survey results show that 94% of the public support the construction of this project, which is believed to improve their living environment and upgrade the quality of life. Public opinions


1. The construction of the project can effectively improve the living conditions of residents, solve the drains and Beidakeng environmental problems of the surrounding residents in poor living conditions. 2.Residents participating in the survey express their general concern about whether the project can start early so as to completely solve the stench and mosquito raging.of drains and Beidakeng. 3.The residents related to the relocation agree to the construction of the project, but their main concern is the housing compensation measures for relocation. 4.Commerical outlets affected by the relocation are concerned about whether the construction will have a negative effect on their personal income as well as the efficiency of enterprises and workers, the production and operating activities after resettlement. 5.Whether the construction of the project affects the normal working life of the residents and the surrounding business units 6.Nighttime construction project should be avoided and during the construction process dust protective measures are to be taken. Meanwhile, for the purpose of not affecting the residents’ normal life, the construction should be done all at once to avoid duplication of repair and the progress of the construction should be ensured. Solutions 1 . In accordance with Urban drainage network planning, in the process of transforming residents’ housing, efforts should be made not to affect the lives of the residents. The monetary compensation for the relocation of residents should follow the national, local, world bank relocation policys. After receiving currency compensation, residents can move to other residence with improved living environment and thereby improve their quality of life. 2.As for the Appropriate regulations for the relocation of commercial outlets resettlement compensation, relocation of commercial outlets should be in the new residential area, to facilitate the residents shopping and not affect the development of a variety of commerce. Meanwhile, the business environment of commercial outlets has been improved. In terms of the commercial outlets’ loss and workers’ wages emerged from business suspension,compensation should be made according to relevant policies and regulations. 3.Traffic management and public security departments are responsible for the 160

management and streaming during the segmented pipe network construction phase by limiting traffic or bypass measures to protect buses and vehicles of nearby businesses, towns and villages from being affected in their normal travel and various enterprises operating activities. 4.Dust, noise and waste water generated in the project construction process should take preventive measures.In the vicinity of schools, hospitals and other sensitive points, more strict requirements should be met to give full consideration of the measures: signs are to placed at the construction sites indicating the construction content, contacts and complaint telephone in addition to developing detailed environmental management and environmental monitoring plans. The detailed information is shown in pollution prevention measures and environmental management, monitoring component during the construction phase.