Gonzaga Bulletin Friday, December 8, 1972

• */.•/«<' Clayton relaxing after a hard game. Joe has been one of* ray shies over the spires of St. tl's. The weather has been ','^the major reasons for this season's Zag winning streak. ^

cold yet it is expected to get worse *,...• *..-.-<». •.» . *• Page 2 GONZAGA BULLETIN Fri., Dec. 8. 1972 Ad Office . GMW Unhwviry. Spofc**, WMK. * Sufaatnptien '•'• IS 00 par war. tf0jggtt to mmi at Second Out Po»t»e» • News In Review seeks Students Spokane, WMnington, 99303. AH* MUM Mtor President Nixon has started to pick out his second term Gonzaga s Admissions Office ug


GIVE A HOOT. DON'T POLLUTE The rock and comedy duo. Cheech and Chong. They will be DEC. 7 & 8 appearing at Kennedy Pavilion at 8 p.m. Friday. GONZAGA BULLETIN Page 3 ort To WM th'damn thing, I'm afraid UEVrTharel6 « M what aj»«?rw only Douglas oneguy.-but , This ridiculous do you ^e h»d an iron-willad •AaCArthur 1 dunno if hed •turn Just goes suggest? individual, than owe him is dead. bemtarastedF on and on...f TOTAL MIUTMtV POKIEB, 6oIgue«c BUT ra RWD let w looaa.and that's it. OUT.' wipe«»ouT.

QwwJgtfl^^ I Today's Youth Relates To Cheech and Chong B> Terrj Gaftfte) Cheech and ("hong have found When 1 listened to it 1 was sur­ something new thai young people prised Ihal all of those songs. can relate to For oldtime comics W hich I have heard on the radio all like Jackie Gleason, booze is the year, are on one album A lot of the prime subject Por today's young say Logs on the album are taken for audience the common granted now Who hasn't heard of denominator is weed, reds, ripple, Kighl On Washington. "Take the panhandling, "(he pigs" and rock. reds man", and "Let's make a dope deal"" Fourth floor DeSmei has Cheech and Chong had sellout decided to change its fruit crowds across England (Ins The concert is at 8 p.m tonight from Cherries to Peaches. spring "Rig Bambu", the group's Go to it if you have the chance It latest album is really something should IK* worth your time

Anne Miles Editor ot the Bulletin and Paul Contois, Managing Editor announced their engagement on Thanksgiving The engagement was announced al the home of Paul's aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Lucas Folk in (.shorn, Idaho

The couple plan to be married in New York City Corpus Christ i church on Dec -*«. 1973

In keeping with the future's bride commitment to Women's Liberation they both exchanged engagement rings

Aladdin Cleaners ASt .1 is sponsoring a Alfred Hitchcock film festival. These films will be shown in Hughes. "Strangers on a Train", and "The HU 7-237* Wrong Man", will be shown at 8 p.m. Friday. "I Confess", will be shown at s p.m. and after the game on Saturday. "Strange A TOUCH Of MAOtC" Fright" will be shown Sunday at 8 p.m. If this puppy isn't a coat next year, blame us. prohibiting the slaughter of dogs for financial gain. Hopefully, this promise wilt scon become a reality. But we must not rely on the South African government alone. Our own government, by putting a ban on the importation of all cat and dog skins, can prevent this insidious scheme from getting off the ground. So write your Congressmen now. Because.in the final analysis, they are the only ones who can guarantee that companion animals will never be worn. This however is but one step'in our JJA battle against the inhumane treatment of animals everywhere. There's much more work to be done. And the Com­ Recently the Committee for Humane mittee for Humane Legislation cannot Legislation prevented an enterprising do it without your generous contribu­ South African businessman from earn­ tions and moral support. Please. ing an honest dollar. All he wanted was to kill Dalmatian dogs for their pelts. I Ms Alice Herri tig ton. Chairman And sihcenolawspeclfiedit couldn't be 1 Committee; for Humane Legislation, I done there was nothing to stop him. I Suite :tlU.W)5 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Except, of course, the organized indig­ j Washington. D.C. 20006 I've enclosed ached , nation of tin* Committee for Humane I forS (payable to CHI.). Legislation. We sent letters, issued JMyna press releases and pulled every string worth pulling. Finally the South African government promised to pass a law Committee for Humane Legislation Ffi 8 1972 Page 4 GONZAGA BULLETIN - gg - Christmas Gift Amazes Senior

Gonzagans do more than study and drink. In time of need Gon­ zagans can be depended on to help out.

A few weeks ago Anne Bader, a senior biology major with a boyfriend stationed near Frank­ furt, Germany, discovered the resources of students, alumni, and Saga directors. A group of almost fifty friends and acquaintances chipped in to surprise Anne with a round-trip ticket to Germany. Contributors included alumni from , Colorado, and Illinois, and COG manager John Farrell. Members of the Campus Ministry team lent their fundraising know- how.

Not only did Anne receive a ticket for her trip, almost everyone involved offered to ac­ Original Peter Max dot, copyright 1972, company her on the Christmas excursion. inspired by hia book, Meditations (McGraw- Hill). Famed Poet Reads Works This was sent to the Bulletin of solitude and relaxation. By William Stafford, nationally with this comment: "He viewing this dot, Peter feels, This is an example of this year's Gonzaga Christmas card. It is the reader is able to ex­ known poet and professor of il'eter Max! would also like to English at Lewis and Clark done in light blue and has a verse inside. They are being sold, invite you to print the en­ perience meditation—an College, Portland. Oregon, with or without verse in the Information Services Office in Ad closed, original PETER MAX experience crucial for the presented an hour of his own 111. The price is 3 for 25 cents or ten cents each. Last year's DOT offering your readers a reader." poetry Tuesday night in Russell Christmas cards are being sold for 5 cents. few quiet, peaceful moments Theater. The program was sponsored by the Gonzaga Town and Gown Forum. try our fantastic Famed Scholar, Author Dr. Franz Schneider of the JOEY'S DOUBLE WHAMMY Gonzaga English department N. 1226 Hamilton DAIRY FREEZE Notes Age of Confusion introduced the poet. Stafford (STROM'S) read a variety of poems, linking WHERE FRIENDS MEET" N. 1229 Hamilton •HONE IN OHDEES: HU 7-9531 Speaking Tuesday night before a His most notable writings in­ them by way of snort explanation KINO SIZE SANDWICHES moderate-sized audience was Dr. clude dates of Hell, banned by the and personal experience. Erik Hitter von Kuehnelt-Ledilihn. Nazis and sold "under the coun­ His topic, "The Church in an Age ter" in American Catholic Stafford has received numerous of Confusion." ranged through bookstores; Moscow 1*71, Black honors for his poetic history, science, theology, and Banners, The Menace of the Herd: achievements, including the political science. Liberty and Equality, and Night National Book Award, the W "Three generations serving Spokane ano Over the East. Guggenheim Award, the Shelley Dr. Kuehnelt-Leddihn, scholar, Memorial Award, and the ^ the Inland Empire ..." author, and traveler, received his University of Oregon Citizen Ph. D. from the University of Award. His poems have appeared in almost every major literary Budapest. He has taught history at magazine as well. A native of home several colleges, including Kansas, he has taught at the s Hennessey funeral Georgetown University and St. University of Kansas, the Peters College, where he headed University of Iowa, Manchester Ik7 NortftJuaa.h 2207?n3* nlviiinDivision SnokantSpokane! , Washingto\ n the Department of History and PROGRAMS - POSTERS College, San Jose State College, Sociology. He also taught DANCE TICKETS and Lewis and Clark College. Japanese at Fordham University. Dr. KuehneltLeddihn is fluent in CAMPAIGN PRINTING eight langu ages, with reading "If you need il faster, we'll ability in nine others. He has do it while you wait." visited or lived in nearly every modem country. N. 210 Stevens It I 7-5811


Acr%ftft *r#>m (Un (Da _ MWHiDIVI5rOII tOfW V:M to • •O-dOSK) SUNBAf mm ovr wiAt* Fri., Dec. 8, 1972 GONZAGA BULLETIN Page 5 Explanation Given For R eferendum On Dec. 14 and 15 ASGU ts the RA's will call a meeting of ail The final form of the referendum holding a referendum There will the students on their floor or in was approved at the ninth session be two questions on the ballot. The their wing and distribute the of the ASGU executive council, on first is: ballots, collect them, and keep Nov, 23. At that meeting it was also We the students of ASGU think them until Dave picks them up decided to hold the hockey thai a (5.40 increase should be again referendum in the spring along added to the student fees for the On Dec. 14 and 15 off-campus with elections for the ASGU of­ sole purpose of supporting ASGU students will vote in the Informal ficers. activities and events. This fee is to Lounge of the COG Ti i times be collected once a semester for a have not yet been determi. ed. The period of one year registrar will supply ASGL with a There are two mam reasons for list of off-campus students to the activity fee referendum One ts The second is prevent on campus students from because ASGU needs the money in ! M Do you believe that Sanla Claus voting twice. order to offer the student services exists*' For the referendum to pass, 30 that they would like to be able lo per cent of the students must vote offer. Another reason is because Dave Carey. ASGU 1st VP and al least 50 per cent f 1 must next year ASGU would like to explained the new voting approve the fee increase. Dave renegotiate the fund control policy procedures to the Bulletin. On Dec feels that with this new method before the Trustees. Dave feels 13 he will distribute the ballots to there will be no problem getting that if this referendum passes it the KA's in the dorms. On Dec. 14 the required 30 per cenl. will show the Trustees that the students are in favor of giving Magic underliner in hand, senior Hugh O'Keefe studies in more money to ASGU Crosby Library. Studious Hugh didn't even look up to smile at our photographer. Library Holds FALL SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Get-Together December, 1972

Monday. December 18:

8:00 to 10:00 a.m. MWP 8:00 a.m. classes 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. HOT 3:10 p.m. classes 2:00 to U: 00 p.m. MOT 10:00 a.m. classes

Tuesday, December 19:

8:00 to 10:00 a.m. NOT 9:00 a.m. classes 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. T 8- 9:50/TH 8-8:50 classes 2: 00 to U:00 p.m. T 1C -10: "jO/TH 9-10 50 class

Wednesday. December 20: Ms. Sharon Prendergast, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. KV F 11:00 a.m. classes Library staff member, takes 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. T 3: 10-VTH 2: 10-4 classes time to enjoy a cup of coffee at 2:00 to "4:00 p.m. MWf 1:10 p.m. classes the Library's Thanksgiving get-together. Gonzaga Rings Thursday, December 21: ATTENTION 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. 10-3/TH 1:10-2 classes On Sale in COG By PAUL CONTOIS T 1 Faculty, staff and students 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. MOT 2: 10 p.m. classes A Josten's representative will be Did you know that the mingled from 9-12 a.m. Nov. 21 at 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. fflfV h: io p.m. classes an informal coffee. The library's selling Gonzaga rings on Dec. 13 G.U. Bulletin alto runt from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the annual Thanksgiving get-together was held in the Crosbyana room '5 office by noon, December lower COG. He will answer Classified Ads too? Grades are due In Registrar questions concerning the rings and and featured various kinds of 27th. will also give a free bonus to all FOR SALE - APTS FOR HINT cookies which were prepared by customers! WANTED - RIOES the staff members. PERSONALS - JOBS ANYTHING Bach year the Library staff When you dial Long Distance direct, gives FT. Clifford Carroll. S.J a you get there quicker 5c par word coffee cup and saucer for his birth • Contact Mike W.M, FA 7-1032 day and Christmas. Fr. Carroll GLOBAL Attar 7 p.m. lurns them over to the Library for use on social occasions like the TRAVEL Thanksgiving get-together. SERVICE . ^ G ajptf*"^!

PLANNING Right on Clothing for Together People Spokane', mast up to data men's faihiot. Botique A TRIP? Featuring Man's Apparrel by "Wye International

Let Global of Floronca, Haly Arrange Your FOR THAT MAN ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST Transportation Knit ft Leather Outfit* easier. Really. For Reservation, { Leather Coats For area codes and dialing instructions, Call g Baggie Pant* Right On Shirrs check the Call Guide in the front of your directory. DAVSNPODI HOTEL TE 8 3160 . 411V4 First Spokane, Wash. PAULSEN OFFICE @ Pacific Northwest Bell TE 8 8325 haM E K 4-1893 99204 Page 6 GONZAGA BULLETIN Fri., Dec. 8, 1972 Music Plans Projected

included in the program will be By CHICAGO BLOL'GH Expansion Possible selections performed by the Gonzaga Prep Choir, vocal Dr. David Brenner, D.M.A., BULLETIN: Is the fact that selections by Fr. Leedale. and duo is a new member of Gonzaga Gonzaga has hired a Doctor of piano works by myself and Miss University's faculty. He Music an indication that there is Paulette Miller At points expansion planned for the Music throughout the concert there will received his B.A. degree in Department? music, majoring in piano, be guitar, trap set. and brass choir Dr. Brenner: The outlook is accompaniment. There are from San Francisco State somewhat favorable. Ultimately. I definitely some surprises in store College. He earned his Master would hope that student interest in for those expecting a standard of Music degree, and the restoring the music major would concert degree of Doctor of Musical substantially further this goal. Arts while studying at the BULLETIN: What kind of University of Washington. The BULLETIN: If this expansion is realized, what will your part be in feedback have you received on main emphasis of his it? your work so far** graduate work was in opera Dr Brenner 1 plan to continue Dr Brenner: The impression staging and vocal choral my present academic duties while I've received from monthly areas. He spent a post­ expanding my administrative role meetings with the choir council I also plan on doing community (the electorate administrative doctoral year of research in body of the choir i is favorable speech science and pathology. service, and research projects in music composition The following is a short in­ Spring Plans terview with Dr Brenner, continue Concert Choir BULLETIN; What's planned for BULLETIN: You mentioned spring semester in choir'' that your duties here included Dr Brenner: In the spring 1 those of concert choir director want to present a very exciting BULLETIN: What brought you What practical experience have work, a Puccini Mass a rich. in Gonzaga? you had in this area? romantic composition If things Dr Brenner 1 was looking for Dr Brenner: During my studies work out as planned, we will go on the best opportunity to put my of advanced conducting at U. W., I tour this spring, including an varied academic and professional was director of a community appearance at the Osoyoos Folk background to challenging use. college choir in the Seattle area. I Festival in British Columbia Much of what I've learned, I am was also heavily involved in using at Cionzaga. In this sense, directing church music programs BULLETIN: Do you have any Gonzaga was the most desirable I am a member of the American information lor us on the spring job offer choral Directors Assn., the Music musical'' Teachers National Assn.. and the Dr. Brenner: The music and BULLETIN: What courses do National Assn of Teachers of drama departments have selected you teach? Singing. "Apple Tree." It's a lively, Dr. Brenner I teach "Music and charisma! set of three one-act the Humanities." which is a music BULLETIN:Gonzaga's choir is comedies. I know it will please and history survey course. 1 also teach entertain: it will invoke the gamut relatively small this year. Do you Dr. Daniel Brenner, assistant professor of music directing for voice and piano, and I direct think that this will hinder its ef­ uf audience emotional response concert choir. fectiveness? the winter concert. from the virtuous as well as the vindictive Dr. Brenner: Not at all. There is BULLETIN: Is this less than in Winter Concert Preview super-potential here. past years? BULLETIN: How long will Instructors Differ BULLETIN: Can you give us a BULLETIN: How do you plan to Gonzaga be your home? Dr. Brenner: Actually, because verbal preview of the winter Dr Brenner: I hope this is the BULLETIN: Are these courses cope with the small size? of the amount of material we've concert'' taught differently than they have Dr. Brenner: I plan to make covered and the scope of the beginning of a long friendship with Dr. Brenner: The choral the University as a whole. been in past years? what we have as arbstically ef­ winter program, 1 believe it is selections will vary from meat- Dr. Brenner: No two instructors fective as the opportunities will equal to. if not somewhat heavier and-potatoes traditional choral are alike. To the extent that I am allow. than the schedules in previous BULLETIN. Thank you for your work to novelty pieces, rounds, time, Dr. Brenner. different from those who taught years rock, to contemporary music. Also these courses before, my handling BULLETIN: How heavy a Dr. Brenner: My pleasure. of these courses is different. concert schedule has been planned BULLETIN: What are your for the fall semester? Spokane Concert Ballet responsibilities outside of Dr. Brenner: A mini-concert Law Senior teaching? was held here in late November. Wins Prize Dr. Brenner: I am currently and it went rather well. The Saved by Harris Randal Assistant Chairman of the Music traditional winter concert is A Gonzaga University Law Department, and a member of the planned for 8 p.m. Dec. 13, in By JOSEPHINE PATTILLO Highlighting the second half of School Senior, Stephen R Blake, Town and Gown committee. Russell Theatre. the show was the dancing of has been awarded a $500 On the evening of Nov. 28, 29 and Randal Harris, a guest artist scholarship. According to Dean 30 many persons braved the cold to appearing through the Robert Lewis R. Or land, Blake is one of 40 view the Spokane Concert Ballet at Joffrey Ballet Company. Mr. law students in the nation to "The Apple Tree' Cast Russell Theatre. The theme of the Harris was a former student of receive the Phi Alpha Delta Law ballet was "Classics to Con­ Miss Jane Larkin. the Concert Fraternity International temporary." Ballet's instructor. His per­ Scholarship. formance amply compensated Announced by Director The first half of the program The awards are made on the Cast members for "The Apple the Fairy Godmother, and Rich cooped the c^p^SL. ".£ £2l*~= of the "elements." Then followed a Fine performances were also basis of scholarship, service to the Tree," Gonzaga's spring musical, Ulring as Flip given by Kevin Countryman and were announced Tuesday by respectable musical group in­ student's law school, and service cluding pianists Mary Virginia Gary Caven. Naomi Peterson as to the Phi Alpha Delta fraternity Dorothy Darby Smith, director of Several minor parts will be "Flame" in the "Elements" gave the play. filled by chorus members. Miller, Flo Edmondson Davis, and Bill Reid; with percussionist Dan an excellent showing, as did Lori A 1970 graduate of the Univer­ Adams. The classical theme "Les Hornfelt in her dance with Randal sity of Washington, Black is the "The Diary of Adam and Eve" Male chorus members include Harris. third consecutive Gonzaga law includes Rich Ulring as Adam, Richard Ayala, Timothy Doyle, Patineurs" rounded out the per­ formance. The cast lacked polish, but in­ student to win this award! Other Claudia Mentzer as Eve, and Tom Michael Dunn, Jeffrey Green, dividual performances lent enough recipients include David R. Syre, a Tiberio as the snake. Michael A. Mentzer, and George The choreography in the first sparkle to hold the large 1972 graduate, and Brian Leahy of Waldref. Female choristers are part of the ballet showed little audiences. 1971. In "The Lady or the Tiger" are Colleen Conroy. Patricia Daly, variety. The dancing could have Dave Clark, the Balladeer; Jane Bonnie Darling, Marie Dieter, projected more meaning in order Huether, Barbara; Jim Solan, Lynn Donohue, Jackie Forddred, to develop the story and theme. ('apt. Sanger; William Anderson, Kathy Lalonde, Sunny Powel and The musical entre was well King Ank; Carol Brannon, Kay Zappone. polished but long. Nadjira; and King Cole, the prisoner. OLSEN BROS. CLOTHING "Passionella" has cast mem­ N tiSfOflrWOk - SfOKAM WASHING1VN bers Chris Dougherty as the Narrator, Sharon Fischer as Ella and Passionella, King Cole playing Mr. Fallible, Tony Obrachovich as

Pipe Gatk Fri., Dec. 8, 1972 GONZAGA BULLETIN Page 7 'Tommy' Almost Makes It

By Pat Owens backed up by the London Sym­ record, but really comes alive Harris Blows It better photography. I found myself With the rise of "Jesus Christ phony Orchestra, they sound awk­ backing up Daltry on the last cut. wondering if I had ever played the Superstar", people started saying ward and clumsy. It is as if they "Were Not Going To Take It." Richard Harris has a very nice Pinbail machine pictured. If you that "Tommy" was not truly the are using 'Tommy" as a sounding This is the only song that is better voice whether he sings or talks. find that you have nothing else to first rock opera. At that point I was board to help their reputations. on this record than it is on the But when he does both in one song, do but study some day, you might wishing that someone would rent a original version the whole thing seems to fall apart. take a break and play a game Only a few really get into the called "Let's find the steel ball on band, a cast of characters, and a characters they protray. He charges into "Go To The The worst cuts on the album Mirror" as though he were page 24." recording studio and do "Tommy" belong to Rod Stewart and Richard the justice it deserved. reciting Shakespeare and then The Exceptional Cuts Hams. sings (quite softly) the last line of I would not recommend buying each verse. The result was very this album, especially not for the At last, a gracious attempt has The song "Pinbail Wizard" has absurd price of nine or ten dollars. been made. A man named Lou The exceptional cuts on the disappointing to me a I have album are done by Pete Town- always been one of the most ex­ always admired the man and was One should listen to it if he can find Reizner put together perhaps the citing songs on the original someone sucker enough to pay that best band in the world (the London shend, Merry Clayton, Ringo looking forward to his so ig. Starr, and of course, Roger Daltry However, when Rod Stewart sings amount for it. It does have its good Symphony Orchestra) and an it. it sounds about as exciting as parts, but listening to it again. I impressive cast and recorded someone singing in the shower. He Pete Townshend, who was the One other interesting feature in found myself wishing that "Tommy". Unfortunately, Mr. doesn't do the song or himself the album is the booklet of words someone would rent a band, a cast, Reizner's cast defeats his purpose. composer of most of the opera, justice: he sings it as though it serves as the narrator. His best and pictures. There is some fan­ and a recording studio and do were just another song. tastic artwork and some even "Tommy" the justice it deserves. The story, for those who aren't song is "Sally Simpson." He sings familiar with it, is about a boy it in a way that no one else can. •at— <*V= (Tommy) who becomes blind, deaf, and dumb as a result of Merry Clayton does a fantastic seeing his father kill his mother's job as the gypsy. Her forcefulness lover. Now alone in his own world, and enthusiasm, together with one Tommy spends his time doing of the most evil laughs I've ever Weekcocl ^ppetUticjs what he likes best; playing pintail heard, makes "The Acid Queen" and gazing at a mirror. After far and away the best cut on the trying every possible cure, the album. State Theatre: W903 Sprague. John Brown's Body at 7:30 p.m. parents finally break Tommy's MA 4-2165 "The Lady Sings The in EWSC College Theatre. movies Blues" at 6:00 and 10:15. "The Movies at Hughes: "I Confess" mirror which amazingly seems to cure him. Freed from his private Dirty Old Ringo Cinema Theatre: W520 Main. List Of The Red Hot Lovers" at at 8 p.m. and after the game. world, Tommy becomes the new MA 4-6335 "Show Bunnies" at 5:30, 8:30. Basketball: JV's vs. Wenatchee Messiah. Surprisingly, another good cut is 8:13. and 9:36. "Blackjack" at C. C at 5:15 p.m. Varsity vs. done by Ringo Starr, cast as 6:53 United Artist's Cinema I.E4209 Sacramento State College at 7:30 "wicked Uncle Ernie." Ringo Pacific, KE 5-7668 "'Ryan's [i in both at Kennedy Pavilion. always has impressed me as being Dishman Theatre: E8722 Daughter" at 7:55. Boxing: Gonzaga vs. Eagles at 3 New Technique! the dirty-old-man type. So, with his Sprague, WA 6-2320 "Everything p.m. voice, he is very believable when You Always Wanted To Know United Artist's Cinema II: (same "The Remarkable Mr. Pen- Perhaps the best cuts on the he sings "Down with the bed­ About Sex But Were Afraid To address as above) "Elvira nypacker" at 7 p.m. in Spokane album are the instrumentals. The clothes Up with the night­ Ask" at 7:20 and 9:30. Madigan" at 6:30 and 10:00. "The Civic Theatre. first thing 1 noticed was the lack of shirt! Fiddle about." Virgin And The Gypsy" at 8:30. Bernard Lonergan, S. J. at 8 electric work, but then I realized Fox Theatre: W 1005 Sprague, pni. in the Spokane Room of COG. that the orchestra was doing Tommy is played by Roger MA 4-oiOS "The Messiah", things people have never thought Daltry, lead singer with "The presented by the EWSC Music Dec. 10: Spring Semester of doing on guitar. Instead of Who", who also sang the part of Department, at 8:15. Bulletin staff open house. Bring taking away from the over-all. it Tommy on the original. He sings vour ideas. 7 p.m. in Formal added to it. The arrangment of the with almost as much enthusiasm Garland Theatre: W 924 Lounge, COG. "Underture," for example, as Miss Clayton. His singing is Garland. FA 7-1408 Movie at Hughes: "Stage sounds as if it's from a completely subdued on the first few cuts, as it "Slaughterhouse Five" at 7:30 and Fright'' at 8 p.m. different piece of music. The or­ should be. But. when he is finally 9:45 Bernard Lonergan, S. J. at 8 chestra does a tremendous job cured, he explodes with "I'm p.m. in Spokane Room, COG. throughout the record. Free." Daltry then really takes off Lincoln Heights I: 535-6226 New Sunday Library Hours when he's singing "I'm A Sen­ "Thoroughly Modern Millie" at begin; 10 a.m.-11:30 p.m. The problem arises when the sation." 8:15. "Railway Children" at 6:15 "The Remarkable Mr. Pen- singing is added. The mistake Mr. and 10:45. nypacker" at 7 p.m. in Spokane Reizner made was in getting the Civic Theatre. singers he did. With the exception Chorus Comes Alive Lincoln Heights II. 535-6226 of one or two, all are rock singers misc. "The Mechanic" at 6:30 and 9:45. Dec. 11: Spokane Symphony unused to singing with full or­ The chorus also deserves a good "Who Killed Mary What's Her Dec. 8: Financial Aid Com­ Orchestra; Holiday Gala Ballet at chestras. Thus, when they are word. It is good throughout the Name?" at 8:15. mittee: Student applications due 8 p.m. in Ad 221. Recruit for Admissions: See Joy Brady (she toured with John Ham Miller (Ad 232) or Vince Denver) at 10:30p.m. at Spokane lierberholt and visit your high Falls Community College Lodge. school over Christmas. A reference librarian will work Final day for 1973-74 Florence evenings in the library this week. ZALES DIAMONDS. applicants. Movies at Hughes: "Strangers Dec. 12: Creative Arts Forum: 7 MADE FOR A on a Train" and "The Wrong Man" p.m. in the University Chapel. 8 p.m. University Senate Meeting at 11 Peace Corps and Vista am. in Crosbyana Room of representatives are in the Lower Library COG. Fireside Chat with Myles An­ Cheech and Chong at 8 p.m. in derson: Formal lounge. Kennedy Pavilion. Bernard Lonergan, S. J. at 8 Dec. 13: Music Department p.m. in Spokane Room of COG. Winter Concert: 8 p.m. at Husseli \ / i&Sk Robert Gilmore Exhibit in the Theatre. Ad Gallery through Dec. 22. Advent Penance Liturgy: 7:30 Chemistry Seminar: Professor p.m. at St. Aloysius Church. John A. Weyh at 2:10 p.m. in 105 Gonzaga Rings on sale in Lower Hughes COG 9 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. J& WY b. "John Brown's Body'' at 7:30 p.m. in EWSC College Theatre. Dec. 14: Basketball: C.W.S.C. i "The Remarkable Mr. Pen- JV game at 5:15 p.m., Varsity £. i . gjjS% nypacker" at 8:30 p.m. in the game at 7:30 p.m. Kennedy m? w Spokane Civic Theatre. Pavillion, ASGU Referendum Election. a. Diamond solitaire pendant Gonzaga in Tokyo applicants of 14 Karat gold $100 Dec. 9: Senior Night after the game, Lower COG. sign up for interview in Ad 319 b. Diamond solitaire earrings ASGU Board of Directors of 14 Karat gold $100 pair a. Cluster pendant, $ 1 "") C ftm' ii m 5 diamonds in 14 Karat gold LZ.D Meeting: 7 p.m. in Formal Lounge, COG. Open to the public b. Cluster earrings, ^"195 BACK DOOR Elegant Christmas Wrap 10 diamonds in 14 Karat gold at No Extra Charge PA1R TAVERN Dec. 15: Spring schedules available. Last day of classes—Tomorrow HUGE SANDWICHES Chaigf a Lay away is the Junior Class Tolo. $1.00 "Reefer Madness" and "Marian Space Party" are at Ham, Turfc.y 4. toast B**f Hughes. ASGU Referendum Election N. 1227 Division Choir Aspirants: Leave name at AD ill or see Dr. D. Brenner by today. Page 8 GONZAGA BULLETIN Frl., Dec. 8, 1972 Twohy's Two-Bits Closing Surge By Kevin Twohy In the Nov. 27 edition of Sports On the court, the Zags are Illustrated, their writers made quarterbacked by Willie Daigle, a basketball predictions for the clever shot and ball handler from upcoming season. This is what San Francisco City College. His Edges W.S.U. they said about Gonzaga, "Idaho main objective is to get the ball to State and Weber State plan to all Big Sky Joe Clayton, 6'5". who fouled by Mike Dolven, so with 8 has started the season averaging Gonzaga waited until the final Clayton Leads Charge seconds left in the contest he volley for the Big Sky crown " eight minutes Tuesday night, but 21 points and twelve rebounds a The Bulldogs worked the bail calmly stood at the foul line and game. His leaping is backed up on did manage a remarkable come­ sank his free throw to make it 54- Because Gonzaga was so un­ back under the guidance of for­ around a bit. got it inside for justly ignored, I have sent the the front line by Stu Morrill, 6-8" 52 and 220 lbs, a transfer from Ricks ward Joe Clayton to defeat Stewart Morrill's lay-in, and the W.S.U. Shot Fails following letter to Hedley Washington State 54-62. Cougars led by only one, 52-61. Donovan. editor-in-chief of Sports Junior College in Idaho. Greg Sten. But.the game wasn't over yet. 67". and Morrill each had 28 Washington State quickly got the Illustrated. Clayton, getting 18 of his 22 The ball returned to WSU after Mr. Donovan: points in games this year. an exchange of turnovers, and the ball downcourt and called time-out points in the second half, poured in with 4 seconds on the clock. 16 of GU's last 20 points in the Wash. State delay game began. There may have been a time Nothing personal, but I hope the tension-packed ball game. They ran the clock down to 23 when your basketball writers next time you make a prediction seconds left, at which point the When the clock started clicking about the Big Sky Conference, you Down by 8 at Half again, the 4 seconds was just long could scan the rosters of teams Washington State, under the Zags picked Pat Rogers to foul, before the season starts and either hire new scouts or new giving him a one-and-one try at the enough to get a pass inside to reporters. Look for Gonzaga to win guidance of Morris Griffin who led Dolven. who jumped, shot, and predict the winner in a conference the losers with 17. maintained a 4-6 charity stripe. The first shot Please inform your scouts and the Big Sky and play UCLA, in bounced off the rim, and Jumpin grimaced as his buzzer shot the regionals of the NCAA tour­ point lead for most of the first half, bounced off the rim and down onto staff that they made a glaring opening it up slightly to go up by 8 Joe Clayton scooped the rebound error by not picking Gonzaga nament up the court. The next 4 seconds saw points at halftime, 40-32. the court rapidly fill with University as the winner or even a In case it escaped notice, I was exuberant Zag fans. contender in the Big Sky Con­ correct in all three of my The teams exchanged baskets at ference. predictions of last week, and the beginning of the second half, Cionzaga took the ball clown pretty close on the point spreads. with the Zags slowly gaining court, worked it around for a few The win brings the Gonzaga Their leader is a short fiery little ground, spurred on by the seconds then sneaked it inside to record to 3 wins and no defeats man, who never keeps his seat, FEARLESS FORECASTS: majority of the 5,000 strong crowd Clayton. He jumped, turned, and under new coach Adrian Buon- and is sometimes seen as the sixth Gonzaga 83- Sacramento State that was packed into Kennedy- gently tossed the sphere through cristiani. This one will, without player on the court, at least it College 67. It looks like the Zags Pavilion for the contest. With 2:38 the rim to finally put the Zags doubt, rank as one of the most seems that way. This sparky new have a pretty easy schedule until to go in the game, it was 52-49 ahead, 53-52. In the process of exciting wins of this year's head coach is Adrian Buon- they play the University of Washington State. taking the shot Clayton had been schedule. christiani (ABC), who has Washington in Seattle on engineered three straight wins December 23. over Eastern Washington, North Dakota, and Washington State Gonzaga 92-Central Washington University. On the average, they 76. The home court advantage is have outscored their opponents 76- just too much for any team to Morrill and Clayton 64. conquer at Kennedy Pavilion. Zags Named 'Team of the Week' Key Second Win GONZAGA UNIVERSITY For their impressive victories row.GU poured in an unbelievaDle last weekend, the Gonzaga five On Saturday night, Dec. 2, The dynamic duo also teamed was named the Team of the Week Stewart Morrill and Joe Clayton, up with Greg Aten, who tallied 13. 58 per cent. hitting 40 of 67 from the scoring 28 points apiece led the field and 11 of 12 from the charity- by the Inland Empire Sport- lo dominate the defensive boards. swrilers and Broadcasters. Zags to a win over the outclassed Sten led rebounders with 15 snags, line. North Dakota fighting Siouxs. and Gonzaga led the DakoUins in The honor was coupled with the boards 38-20. In Junior Varsity action Saturday night. Spokane Com­ naming of Zag basketball stars Clayton, hitting 14 of 22 field Greg Sten. Stewart Morrill, and attempts, got most of his scores Adrian BuoncTistiani's crew was munity College outlasted the Zags and won 62-53 Jim Tobin and John Joe Clayton as Athletes of the late in the game, as the Bulldogs fully in command of the game with Week. broke open North Dakota's full- the exception of one small portion Welker each got 13 points, and court press to leave the lanky near the end of the first half, when Duane Jones snagged 11 rebounds forward open for many lay-ins and for the losers. These three were instrumental the Sioux moved lo within 4 points in the wins over Eastern short jumpers of the Zags. A quick recovery, Sacramento State College comes Washington and North Dakota, however, pulled Gonzaga ahead by accounting for 124 points and Morrill, meanwhile, converted ten at halftime. to town next Saturday night, Dec. ». to face the Bulldogs Game time many rebounds in the two con­ an impressive 12 of 16 from the tests. field, most of them the result of Overall field goal percentage is 5:30 for JV. 7:35 Varsity. faking and moving inside. was high for the second night in a BULLDOGS Box scores No, Dakota and Wash State 52 Gonzaga 54 Rogers 0 Daigle 10 Miehl 6 Molitor 4 Dolven 5 Morrill 7 Steele 9 Sten 9 22 Jeffries 2 Clayton 2 Johnson 3 Walt 0 Jackson 6 MacKay 0 Bergstrom 0 Price Griffin 17 Krause 4 No. Dakota 73 Gonzaga 8 Daigle Fischer 8 Molitor Martin 3 Morrill Hawk 10 Clayton power, FOR 10 Sten Dickerson 4 Wallace Thorpe 26 Price THe PResses Lukens 4 Walt Montgomry 0 MacKay Rogers You cover the beat, write the story, it's cast in type, Newman locked on the press; but, nothing happens until some­ one throws a switch that rolls the press. That's the way it Is in journalism, business, industry and on farms. People flicking switches that make something happen. Our assignment is to provide that electric energy, to plan and build now to meet present and future needs.

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