
Monday March 18, 2019

9:00 ― 9:30 Welcome Address and Introduction Prof. Dr. Sarah Jones, Head of Business Area Research and Development at DWD Daniel Rieger, on behalf of the organization team

Introduction: D. Rieger

9:30 ― 10:00 Solicited Talk: Ulrich Schättler COSMO-Model 6.0 - The Last Unification

Model Infrastructure and Data Processing

Chairperson: F. Prill

10:00 ― 10:20 R. Dietlicher (2), X. Lapillonne (1), V. Clement (2), C. Osuna (1), O. Fuhrer (1), M. Philippe (2), K. Osterried (2), W. Sawyer (3) (1) MeteoSwiss, (2) C2SM ETHZ, (3) CSCS Adapting the ICON model to heterogeneous architecture 10:20 ― 10:40 M.-E. Demory (1), S. Sørland (1), N. Ban (1), C. Charpilloz (1), O. Fuhrer (3), L. Hentgen (1), M. Kraushaar (4), X. Lapillonne (3), D. Leutwyler (1*), S. Omlin (4), K. Osterried (2), D. Regenass (1), L. Schlemmer (1), C. Schär (1), C. Steger (1), J. Vergara-Temprado (1), C. Zeman (1) (1) Institute for Atmospheric and Science, ETH ; (2) Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM); (3) Federal Office of and Climatology MeteoSwiss; (4) Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS); *now at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, COSMO-crCLIM: a joint effort in developing a GPU/CPU version of the COSMO-CLM

10:40 ― 11:10 COFFEE BREAK

Dynamics and Numeric

Chairperson: B. Rosa

11:10 ― 11:30 G. Bölöni (1), Y-H. Kim (1), S. Borchert (2), U. Achatz (1) (1) Goethe Universität am Main, (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst Towards the implementation of a transient gravity wave drag parametrization in ICON 11:30 ― 11:50 Y.-H. Kim (1), G. Bölöni (1), S. Borchert (2), U. Achatz (1) (1) Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst Introducing convective sources to a transient gravity-wave drag parametrization in ICON 11:50 ― 12:10 M. Langguth, V. Küll, A. Bott Institute of Geoscience and Meteorology, University of HYMACS in ICON - First idealized tests and adaptions of the dynamical core to subgrid-scale mass fluxes 12:10 ― 12:30 J. Stoll (1), B. Heinold (1), O. Knoth (1), R. Wolke (1), B. Heinrich (1), S. Reutgen (1), J. Schacht (1), W. Schröder (1), T. Stöter (2) (1) Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), (2) High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf The aerosol and chemistry modelling system ICON-MUSCAT

12:30 ― 13:30 LUNCH BREAK

Page 1 of 10 Introduction: J.-P. Schulz

13:30 ― 14:30 Invited Talk: Gianpaolo Balsamo European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading Coupled processes at the surface-atmosphere interface and their relevance for medium-range prediction: the ECMWF experience

Soil, Vegetation and Ocean

Chairperson: S. Vanden Broucke

14:30 ― 14:50 D. Regenass (1), L. Schlemmer (1), O. Fuhrer (2), J.M. Bettems (2), C. Schär (1) (1) Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zürich, (2) Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss A framework for the validation of kilometer-scale land-surface schemes 14:50 ― 15:10 J.-P. Schulz (1) and G. Vogel (2) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany, (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Lindenberg, Germany An improved representation of the land surface temperature including the effects of vegetation in the COSMO model

15:10 ― 16:10 Poster session 1 Sessions: Dynamics and Numeric; Model Infrastructure and Data Processing; Soil, Vegetation and Ocean; Verification (NWP) and Evaluation (Climate)

16:10 ― 16:40 COFFEE BREAK

Clouds, Chemistry, Aerosol and Radiation

Chairperson: C. Braun

16:40 ― 17:00 C. Siewert, A. Seifert Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany The particle-based microphysical model McSnow coupled to ICON-LEM 17:00 ― 17:20 T. Lüttmer (1), P. Spichtinger (1) (1) Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre Ice formation pathways in Warm Conveyor Belts 17:20 ― 17:40 G. Eirund (1), U. Lohmann (1), A. Possner (2) (1) Institute for Atmosphere and Climate, ETH , (2) Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Impacts of Ice Formation on Cloud Field Organisation – a Case Study of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds 17:40 ― 18:00 S. Gruber (1), U. Blahak (2), F. Haenel (1), C. Kottmeier (1), T. Leisner (1), H. Muskatel (3), T. Storelvmo (4), B. Vogel (1) (1) Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany, (3) Israel Meteorological Service, Bet-Dagan, Israel, (4) University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, Oslo, Norway A process study on thinning of Arctic winter cirrus clouds with highresolved ICON-ART simulations

Page 2 of 10 Tuesday March 19, 2019

Introduction: D. Rieger

9:00 ― 9:30 Solicited Talk: Bernhard Vogel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Status and applications of the modelling system ICON-ART

Clouds, Chemistry, Aerosol and Radiation (cont.)

Chairperson: M. Shatunova

9:30 ― 9:50 S. Werchner (1), C. Hoose (1), A. Pauling (2), H. Vogel (1), B. Vogel (1) (1) Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, (2) Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss Impact of subpollen particles on ice nucleation in clouds 9:50 ― 10:10 H. Muskatel (1), U. Blahak (2), P. Khain (3), A. Khain (4) (1) IMS, (2) DWD, (3) IMS, (4) HUJI Towards Prognostic Aerosols in COSMO Microphysics Scheme 10:10 ― 10:30 V. Bachmann (1), A. Steiner (1), J. Förstner (1), T. Hanisch (1), F. Filipitsch (2), A. Hoshyaripour (3), F. Wagner (3), H. Vogel (3), B. Vogel (3), A. Seifert (1), D. Majewski (1) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany, (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Tauche, Germany, (3) Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology PerduS: Daily Mineral dust forecasts using ICON-ART 10:30 ― 10:50 N. Chubarova (1,2), M. Shatunova (1), A. Poliukhov (1,2), J. Khlestova (1,2), G. Rivin (1,2), U. Görsdorf (3), R. Becker (3), H. Muskatel (4), U. Blahak (5), D. Rieger (5), A. Makshtas (6) (1) Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia, Moscow, (2) Moscow State University, Russia, (3) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Lindenberg, Germany, (4) Israel Meteorological Service (5), Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany, (6) Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia Cloud and aerosol effects on radiative fluxes and meteorological characteristics at ground according to measurements and modelling

10:50 ― 11:20 COFFEE BREAK

Clouds, Chemistry, Aerosol and Radiation (cont.)

Chairperson: M. Shatunova

11:20 ― 11:40 A. de Lozar (1), R. Posada (1), U. Blahak (1), A. Seifert (1) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst Radar reflectivity in convective-scale simulations with COSMO/ICON and in observations during a highly convective period. 11:40 ― 12:00 Z. Sokol (1), J. Minarova (1) (1) Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS Simulations of Cloud Electrification and Lightning Model implemented in COSMO 12:00 ― 12:20 A. Rohde, B. Vogel Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Impact of aerosol deposition on snow albedo: improvement of snow optical properties with respect to grain size

Planetary Boundary Layer

Chairperson: R. Bhattacharya

12:20 ― 12:40 D. Panosetti, L. Schlemmer and C. Schär Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich Influence of subgrid-scale turbulence parameterization on the mean flow properties and characteristics of individual convective cells

12:40 ― 13:40 LUNCH BREAK

Page 3 of 10 Introduction: C. Steger

13:40 ― 14:10 Solicited Talk: Günther Zängl Deutscher Wetterdienst ICON: recent and ongoing developments for global and regional NWP at DWD

Predictability and Ensemble Systems

Chairperson: C. Marsigli

14:10 ― 14:30 M. Sprengel (1), T. Heppelmann (1), C. Gebhardt (1) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst Characterization of the model error in COSMO-D2-EPS using a flowdependent partial SDE 14:30 ― 14:50 G. Pincini (1), A. Montani (1), T. Paccagnella (1), M.S. Tesini (1), C. Marsigli(2) (1) Arpae-SIMC, (2) DWD Performance of COSMO-based ensemble systems for cases of highimpact weather over Italy 14:50 ― 15:10 G. de Morsier, M. Arpagaus, J.-M. Bettems, O. Fuhrer, D. Leuenberger, C. Merker, P. Steiner, A. Walser MeteoSwiss Challenges for a new seamless ensemble prediction system for the next 5 days

15:10 ― 16:10 Poster session 2 Sessions: Clouds, Chemistry, Aerosol and Radiation; Planetary Boundary Layer; Predictability and Ensemble Systems

16:10 ― 16:40 COFFEE BREAK

Verification (NWP) and Evaluation (Climate)

Chairperson: S. Brienen

16:40 ― 17:00 V. Bessenbacher (1), E. Davin (1) J.-M. Bettems (2), Yiftach Ziv (3), S. Seneviratne (1) (1) ETH Zürich, (2) MeteoSwiss, (3) Israel Meteorological Service Evaluation of land surface model performance in COSMO-TERRA and COSMO-CLM for summer heat extremes over Europe 17:00 ― 17:20 I. Anders (1), N. Awan (1) (1) ZAMG Effect of spectral nudging on the simulation of convective events 17:20 ― 17:40 P. Khain, H. Muskatel, A. Shtivelman and Y. Levi Israel Meteorological Service Tuning COSMO shallow convection scheme over the Eastern Mediterranean 17:40 ― 18:00 M. Varentsov (1,2,3), I. Rozinkina (1.2), G. Rivin (1,2), D. Blinov (2), V. Yushkov (1), P. Konstantinov (1), T. Samsonov (1) (1) Lomonosov Moscow State University, (2) Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russian Federation, (3) A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Moscow megacity as a test-bed for high-resolution modelling systems: an overview and application for evaluation of the two versions of COSMO model

18:00 ― 20:00 RECEPTION

Page 4 of 10 Wednesday March 20, 2019

Introduction: C. Steger

9:00 ― 9:30 Solicited Talk: Marco Giorgetta Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg Storm and gravity wave resolving ICON simulations for climate research

9:30 ― 10:30 Poster session 3 Sessions: Climate Model Applications; Data Assimilation; NWP Model Applications and Case Studies

10:30 ― 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

Introduction: M. Baldauf

11:00 ― 12:00 Invited Talk: Heini Wernli Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science - ETH Zürich Numerical models as a laboratory to investigate the dynamics of extratropical weather systems

NWP Model Applications and Case Studies

Chairperson: M. Hacker

12:00 ― 12:20 M. Jähn (1), J.-M. Haussaire (1), K. Osterried (2) and D. Brunner (1) (1) Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology (Empa), Dübendorf, Switzerland, (2) ETH Zürich, Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM), Switzerland Simulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Transport with COSMO-GHG at Kilometer-scale 12:20 ― 12:40 S. Schäfer(1,2), M. Hirt(2), G. Craig(2), J. Savre(2) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, (2) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München How likely are cold pools to trigger new convection?

12:40 ― 13:40 LUNCH BREAK

Climate Model Applications

Chairperson: M. Haller

13:40 ― 14:00 F. Kaspar (1), M. Borsche (2), A. K. Kaiser-Weiss (1), J. D. Keller (1,2,3), M. Lockhoff (3), D. Niermann (1), R. Potthast (1), T. Rösch (1,2), S. Wahl (2,3) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, (2) Hans-Ertel-Center for Weather Research, Climate Moniroring, (3) University of Bonn Development and applications of regional reanalyses for Europe and Germany based on DWD’s NWP models: Status and outlook. 14:00 ― 14:20 I.Cerenzia, A.Montani, T.Paccagnella ARPAE-Emilia Romagna SPHERA(High Resolution REAnalysis over Italy): configuration and performance evaluation 14:20 ― 14:40 T. V. Pham (1), C. Steger (1), B. Rockel (2). K. Keuler (3) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, (2) Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, (3) Brandenburg Univ. of Technology ICON-CLM - a new regional climate model for CLM-Community 14:40 ― 15:00 J. Van de Walle (1), O. Brousse (1), M. Demuzere (2), H. Wouters (2), W. Thiery (3,4), N.P.M. van Lipzig (1) (1) KULeuven, (2) UGent, (3) VUB, (4) ETHZ The impact of Lake Victoria on regional climate extremes

15:00 ― 15:30 COFFEE BREAK

Page 5 of 10 Data Assimilation

Chairperson: Y. Zeng

15:30 ― 15:50 C. A. Welzbacher (1), E. Bauernschubert (1), U. Blahak (1), R. Feger (1), A. de Lozar (1), R. Potthast (1,2), C. Schraff (1), K. Stephan (1), M. Werner (1) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, (2) University of Reading, Department of Mathematics Assimilation of 3D radar data and derived objects on the convective scale with an ensemble-based data assimilation system 15:50 ― 16:10 H. Reich, C. Welzbacher, L. Bach, K. Stephan, C. Schraff, H. Anlauf, R. Potthast Deutscher Wetterdienst Towards a LETKF setup for ICON-LAM 16:10 ― 16:30 T. Gastaldo (1,2), V. Poli (2), C. Marsigli (3), P. P. Alberoni (2), T. Paccagnella (2) (1) University of Bologna, (2) Arpae Emilia-Romagna, (3) Deutscher Wetterdienst Assimilation of radar reflectivity volumes employing different observation error covariance matrices 16:30 ― 16:50 L. Scheck (1,2), L. Bach (2), B. Mayer (3), M. Weissmann (1,2) (1) Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research, Ludwig Maximilian University, , Germany (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany (3) Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany Assimilating visible satellite images with COSMO/KENDA 16:50 ― 17:10 R. Potthast (1), J. Otkin (2), B. Odunuga (3) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, (2) University of Wisconsin, (3) University of Reading Modelling and Data Assimilation - Interaction and Dependencies

Page 6 of 10 Posters

Climate Model Application

P01w N. Akhtar, B. Rockel Institut für Küstenforschung Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Mesoscale resolving high-resolution simulation of wind farms in COSMO-CLM 5 P03w M. Haller, S. Krähenmann, S. Brienen, B. Früh Deutscher Wetterdienst Statistical downscaling for generation of a high-resolution climate ensemble for Germany P05w A. Obermann-Hellhund, C. Primo Ramos, P. K. Pothapakula, B. Ahrens Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt COSMO-CLM and NEMO: high-resolution simulations P07w M. Dröse Deutscher Wetterdienst Evaluation of a ERA-Interim steered hindcast simulation with a coupled model in the project ‘ProWaS’ P09w V. Maurer, C. Steger, B. Früh, J. Brauch Deutscher Wetterdienst Climate projections with ICON and local grid refinement P11w M. Borsche, F. Kaspar Deutscher Wetterdienst Development of a new regional reanalysis building on the successful COSMO-REA6

Clouds, Chemistry, Aerosol and Radiation

P02 F. Senf (1), A. Voigt (2), N. Clerbaux (3), H. Deneke (1) (1) Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, , (2) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, (3) Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Brussels Radiative Effects of Cloud Systems over the North Atlantic P04 C. Scharun (1) , R. Ruhnke (1), H. Guggenberger (1), J. Schroeter (1), M. Weimer (2), P. Braesicke (1) (1) Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), (2) Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) Modeling of the influence of Methane emissions in the North Sea region with ICON-ART P06 C. Braun (1), A. Voigt (1, 2), B. Vogel (1), H. Vogel (1), G. Hoshyaripour (1) (1) Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Department Troposphere Research - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, (2) Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University - New York - USA Shortwave radiative effects of sea salt aerosol in idealized extratropical cyclones P08 A. Nickl (1), M. Mertens (1) , A. Roiger (1), A. Fix (1) , A. Amediek (1) , A. Fiehn (1), C. Gerbig (2), M. Galkowski (2) , A. Kerkweg (3) , P. Jöckel (1) (1) Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, (2) Max Planck Institut für Biogeochemie, Jena, Germany, (3) Institut für Geowissenschaften und Meteorologie, Universität Bonn, Germany Modelling of regional CH4 emissions from coal mines in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin using the on-line nested global regional model MECO(n). P10 S. Matthes (1), M. Mertens (1), H. Ziereis (1), P. Jöckel (1), A. Zahn (2), A. Kerkweg (3) (1) DLR-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Oberpfaffenhofen, 82334 Wessling, Germany, (2) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany (3) Institut für Geowissenschaften und Meteorologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 53121 Bonn, Germany Reactive species in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: aircraft measurement and MECO(n) modelling P12 S. Schäfer (1, 2), R. Hogan (3, 4), C. Klinger (2), M. Fielding (3), N. Villefranque (5, 6), H. Barker (7) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, (2) Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, (3) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, (4) University of Reading, (5) CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS, (6) LAPLACE, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, (7) Environment and Climate Change Canada Global impact of 3D cloud-radiation interactions and importance of cloud geometry P14 P. Khain (1), H. Muskatel (1) and U. Blahak (2) (1) Israel Meteorological Service (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst Priority Project T2RC2 : preliminary tests of several cloud-radiation coupling parameters in ICON-DE P16 M. Mertens (1), M. Pühl (1), A. Fiehn (1), T. Klausner (1), A. Roiger (1), A. Kerkweg (2) and P. Jöckel (1) (1) Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, (2) Institut für Geowissenschaften und Meteorologie - Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Effects of road traffic emissions in Germany – A case study combining high resolution modelling and aircraft measurements

Page 7 of 10 P18 L. Muser (1), H. Vogel (1), G. Hoshyaripour (1), S. Gruber (1), S. Werchner (1), M. Weimer (2), B. Vogel (1) (1) Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Department Troposphere Research - KIT, (2) Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing - KIT Simulation of volcanic ash particle transport and aging after the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in April 2010 with ICON-ART P20 M. Shatunova (1), A. Bundel (1), D. Blinov (1), G. Rivin (1,2) (1) Hydrometeorological Research Centre of Russian Federation, (2) Moscow State University COSMO for ICE-POP2018: status, verification results and future plans P22 U. Kostrova (1, 2), A. Kirsanov (1), G. Rivin (1,2) (1) Hydrometcentre of Russia, (2) Lomonosov Moscow State University An experience of reducing the number of reactions in COSMO-ART model

Data Assimilation

P13w M. Weissmann (1, 2), J. Schröttle (2), L. Scheck (1,2), A. Hutt (1) (1) DWD, (1) LMU Munich Assimilation of cloud-affected satellite observations in idealized experiments of summer-time convection P15w V. Poli (1), T. Gastaldo (1,2), P. P. Alberoni (1) and T. Paccagnella (1) (1) Arpae-SIMC, (2) University of Bologna Statistical analysis of radar reflectivities observed and simulated by EMVORADO P17w L. Füzér (1), A. Walser (2), C. Merker (2), D. Leuenberger (2) (1) ETH Zürich, Switzerland (2) MeteoSwiss, Switzerland Characteristics of analysis increments from the operational ensemble data assimilation system KENDA at MeteoSwiss P19w S. Geiss (1), L. Scheck (2), M. Weissmann (2) (1) LMU Munich, (2) DWD Assimilation of solar satellite channels in ICON for forecasting photovoltaic power production P21w Y. Zeng (1,2), T. Janjic (1,2), A. de Lozar (DWD), S. Rasp (1), M. Sommer (1,2), U. Blahak (2), A. Seifert (2), H. Reich (2), C. Keil (1) and G. Craig (1) (1)LMU, (2) DWD Representation of multiscale model error in convective - scale data assimilation P23w C. Sgoff (1,3), A. Schomburg (2), J. Schmidli (1,3), R. Potthast (2), C. Schraff (2) (1) Goethe University Frankfurt, (2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, (3) Hans-Ertel Zentrum Assimilating satellite-derived land surface temperature: Evaluation of impact on the coupled land atmosphere system

Dynamics and Numeric

P01m J. Steppeler GERICS Hexagonal Sparse grids P03m D. K. Wójcik, B. Rosa, and M. Z. Ziemianski Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute Analysis of the COSMO-EULAG Model Performance within PT CCE P05m S. Borchert (1), G. Zängl (1), M. Baldauf (1), G. Zhou (2), C. Stephan (3), H. Schmidt (3), E. Manzini (3), A. Dörnbrack (4), B. Kaifler (4), G. Baumgarten (5), I. Strelnikova (5), K. Baumgarten (5) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), (2) Hohai University Nanjing China, (3) Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M), (4) Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), (5) Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik e.V. (IAP) The upper-atmosphere configuration of ICON: comparison with measurements

Model Infrastructure and Data Processing

P07m A. Kerkweg(1), P. Jöckel(2), M. Mertens(2), B. Kern(2), O. Stein(3) and C. Hofmann(1) (1) Institut für Geowissenschaften und Meteorologie, University of Bonn (2) Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen(3) Institute for Advanced Simulation, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Jülich Namelist driven, tailor-made on-line diagnostic and output control in COSMO-CLM/MESSy and ICON/MESSy P09m F. Wachsmann, M. Schupfner, S. Legutke Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Generating project compliant climate model output with cdo cmor

Page 8 of 10 P11m A. Schmitt (1), F. Ament (1,2) (1) Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, (2) Max-Planck-Institute of Meteorology Towards a single column version of ICON/JSBACH – evaluating model performance with tall tower measurements P13m G. Rivin (1, 2), D. Blinov (1), A. Kirsanov (1), M. Shatunova (1) (1) Hydrometcenter of Russia, (2) Lomonosov Moscow State University Adaptation and modification of the system COSMO-Ru using the supercomputer Cray- XC40, configurations of COSMO and ICON-LAM models

NWP Model Applications and Case Studies

P25w B. Kern (1), P. Jöckel (1), D. Sakurai (2) (1) Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) e.V., (2) Visual Data Analysis, Zuse Institut (ZIB) Lagrangian trajectories in high-resolution simulations of convective systems P27w I. Bastak Duran, A. Eichhorn, J. Schmidli Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main ICON Single Column Model P29w M. Hacker, A. Bott Institute of Geoscience and Meteorology, University of Bonn Modeling the life cycle of fog in the Namib desert with COSMO-PAFOG P31w S. Westerhuis (1,2), J. Cermak (3), W. Eugster (2), A. Bott (4), O. Fuhrer (4) (1) MeteoSwiss, (2) ETH Zürich, (3) KIT, (4) University of Bonn Towards improved fog and low stratus forecasts with COSMO-1: Why is it so difficult? P33w L. Eisenstein, F. Pantillon, P. Knippertz, J. G. Pinto KIT IMK-TRO Analysis of an unprecedented sting jet storm over central Europe based on high-resolution ICON-LAM simulations P35w E. Panteleeva (1,2), I. Rozinkina (1), E. Gorbarenko (2) (1) Hydrometcenter of Russia, (2) Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Natural lighting forecasting for the Moscow region based on the COSMO-Ru results P37w E. Churiulin (1,2), I. Krylenko (1,3), N. Frolova (1), B. Belyaev (1), V. Kopeykin (2) (1) Hydrometcenter of Russia, Moscow, (2) Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, (3) Saint-Petersburg institute of informatics and automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Modelling of flood characteristics by the runoff formation model ECOMAG applying COSMO- Ru and snow model SnoWE P39w V. Kopeykin (1), E. Churiulin (1,2), I. Rozinkina (1,2) (1) Hydrometcenter of Russia, (2) Lomonosov Moscow State University Pre-operational runs of atmospheric model COSMO-Ru with initial snow data from 1D multilayer snow model SnoWE P41w J. Schmidli (1), F. Schmid (1), A. Haefele (2), D. Ruffieux (2) (1) Goethe University Frankfurt, (2) MeteoSwiss Characterization of the valley wind system in a deep Alpine valley

Planetary Boundary Layer

P24 R. Bhattacharya, J. Schmidli GU Frankfurt Towards an improved representation of stable boundary layers and fog in COSMO

Predictability and Ensemble Systems

P26 T. Necker (1), M. Weissmann (1), S. Geiss (1), T. Miyoshi (2), J. Ruiz (3) (1) Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univerisität, Munich, Germany, (2) RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Kobe, Japan, (3) Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera, CIMA/CONICET-UBA, , Argentinia Ensemble sensitivity analysis and sampling error correction evaluated using a convective-scale 1000 member ensemble P28 K. Bachmann (1), C. Keil (2), M. Weissmann (3), C. Welzbacher (3), G. Craig (2) (1) HERZ München, (2) LMU München, (3) DWD Sources of precipitation predictability P32 A. Mazur, G. Duniec Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute Convective forecasts using EPS-based computation of Universal Tornadic Index

Page 9 of 10 P34 M. Denhard and J. Winkler Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany Singular Vector based perturbations in the global ICON-EPS P36 G. Duniec, A. Mazur Institute of Meteorology and Water Management-National Research Institute Artificial Neural Network post-processing of EPS

Soil, Vegetation and Ocean

P15m S. Vanden Broucke, S. Helsen, S. Sotiriadis, A. Gossart, N. Souverijns, N. Van Lipzig KU Leuven Influence of small-scale atmospheric processes on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere- ocean-ice sheet system in the polar regions. P19m E. Tatarinovich (1, 2), M. Nikitin (1), I. Rozinkina (1), A. Olchev (2) (1) Hydrometcenter of Russia; (2) Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University Effects of deforestation and afforestation on regional weather conditions P21m C. Stegert (1), M. Dröse (1), J. Abalichin (2), B.-M. Ehlers (2), J. Brauch (1), F. Janssen (2) (1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Zentrales Klimabüro (2) Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, Vorhersagedienste Comparison of coupled and uncoupled regional ocean-atmospheric model simulations in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

Verification (NWP) and Evaluation (Climate)

P23m E. Bucchignani (1)(2), P. Mercogliano (1) (2) (1) CIRA Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali, (2) CMCC Foundation A comparison between ICON-LAM and COSMO-LM at 1 km resolution over South Italy P25m M. Raffa (1), M. Adinolfi (1), E. Bucchignani (1,2), P. Mercogliano (1,2) (1) CMCC Foundation, (2) CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre A detailed model evaluation of very high resolution ERA-Interim driven COSMO-CLM simulation in the frame of CORDEX FPS on convection P27m S. Brienen, M. Haller, B. Früh Deutscher Wetterdienst Analysis of convection-resolving CCLM simulations for Germany P29m A. Yubin Li (1), B. Afiesimama Ernest (2) (1) Nanjing university of Information science and technology , (2) World Meteorological organisation Early Seasonal Rainfall Transition (Spatial Analyses) P31m D. Niermann, M. Borsche, F. Kaspar Deutscher Wetterdienst Using the regional reanalysis COSMO-REA6 for renewable energy applications within the BMVI Network of Experts P33m P. Zacharov, V. Bliznak, M. Muller, M. Kaspar Institute of Atmopheric Physics CAS A comparison of predictability of historical heavy precipitation events P35m A. Chibuzo, O. Adedamola, B. A. Abdullahi Nigerian Meteorological Agency Evaluation of Cosmo model Precipitation forecast for heavy rainfall events over Nigeria P37m R. Köhler, R. Jaiser, D. Handorf, K. Dethloff, M. Rex Alfred-Wegener-Institut ICON-NWP: Analysis of stratospheric processes in NH winter P39m I. Anders, N. Awan ZAMG, Vienna, Austria Effect of spectral nudging on the simulation of convective events P41m P. K. Pothapakula, C. Primo, B. Ahrens Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main Quantification of information exchange in idealized and climate system applications P43m A. Gochakov, F. Kolker, F. Kretov, V. Krupchatnikov, V. Maev, S. Makhnorylova, V. Tokarev, M. Tolstykh, M. Zdereva Siberian research hydrometeorological institute of Russia, Novosibirsk Verification of COSMO and SL-AV forecasts over Siberia. History and perspectives of Numerical Weather Prediction at Sibirian Center of Numerical Weather Prediction

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