The Magazine Williamsburg Chapter Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution By signing the Declaration of Independence, the fifty-six Americans pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Nine died of wounds during the Revolutionary War, Five were captured or imprisoned. Wives and children were jailed, mistreated, or left penniless. Twelve signers’ houses were burned to the ground. No signer defected. Their honor, like their nation remained intact. Vol. XXVI

I hope you and your families have continued to stay safe. With the progress on vaccinations, we should be able to hold in person events later in the spring or early summer.

Our March speaker was Ms. Christy Coleman, the Executive Director of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, who provided an excellent talk on our shared past to the 25 members that attended. She also discussed upcoming changes to the J-Y Foundation to ensure that it continues to accurately tell the story of our early nation. We have one of our own, member Gary Dunaway, as our April meeting speaker who will be discussing the Nelson Family. His bio can be found later in this newsletter.

Our Brochure Contest resulted in 75 entries from the 6th and 7th grades of the Walsingham Lower School. Dick Snyder, Jim Morford, Jeff Wooldridge, Jim Hess, Paul Huchko, Steve McGuffin and I are helping to judge the brochures and select our winners. Ron Adolphi, Paul Huchko, Gerald Sailors and I assisted as judges for the Virginia History Day. I would like to thank these members for assisting and supporting our SAR youth education efforts.

Your chapter has been represented at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse Commemoration on March 13, the VASSAR virtual James Madison’s Birthday Celebration on March 16, and the VASSAR Commemoration of Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me Death” speech on March 20. All had very qualified speaker’s who provided excellent discussions of the historical significance of the events.

Your Board is actively looking into resuming our monthly in-person meetings and we hope to start that transition soon. We are discussing options for our Memorial Day commemoration and I have made reservations with JCC Parks and Rec to hold our Battle of Spencer’s Ordinary commemoration outdoors. We also are planning to hold our Battle of Green Spring commemoration outdoors at the Church on the Main on July 6. So, have your blazer cleaned, locate your tie and stay tuned for the upcoming announcements.

Roger W Cross, III Page 1 Chapter News

Monday April 5, 2021 10:00 BOM meeting by ZOOM Saturday April 10, 2021 11:45 AM Chapter meeting by ZOOM Sunday April 11, 2021 Thomas Jefferson birthday 1-4 pm Historic Tuckahoe House Sign-up Flyer in newsletter VASSAR President Jeff Thomas and Williamsburg SAR Monday April 19, 2021 Chapter Past President Harley Stewart participated in a ceremony honoring Charles City County African Patriot’s Day American patriots who fought for our independence. The Old Elam Baptist Church with members and Saturday April 28, 1758 descendants provided the venue for the ceremony. James Monroe birthday Monday May 3, 2021 10:00 BOM meeting by ZOOM Saturday May 8, 2021 11:45 AM Chapter meeting by ZOOM Page 2 CHAPTER EVENTS

Roger Cross presenting the Williamsburg Chapter wreath during the 270th Anniversary Ceremony of James Madison’s Birthday om March 16.

“Patrick Henry” giving his “Liberty or Death” speech at St. John’s Church in Richmond in a VASSAR Initiative Ceremony on March 20.

Patrick Henry (1736 - 1799)

Patrick Henry was a prominent Virginia statesman who was best known as a fiery orator. Henry was a force in Virginia politics during the events leading up to the American Revolution and in PHOTOS BY HARLEY Virginia’s first decades as a commonwealth. He was born in Hanover County to John and Sarah Syme Henry. Henry belonged to the Anglican Church and his uncle was an Anglican minister. Members of his mother’s family, however, were religious dissenters. Following failed attempts at running a store, Henry decided to study law and within a few months obtained his law license in Williamsburg. Henry began his career in the House of Burgesses nine days before the Stamp Act crisis. He became one of the great orators in the colony during the events leading to the American Revolution. His most famous speech occurred in the church during the Second Virginia Convention. For over thirty years, Henry was one of Virginia’s foremost leaders, becoming one of the most influential defenders of the colonials’ rights as Englishmen. Henry was elected the first governor of Virginia and served four additional one-year terms. Henry died on June 6, 1799, and is buried at Red Hill his last home, located in Charlotte County, Virginia. Page 3 As a National Park Service volunteer, Gary Dunaway has served at the Battlefield Visitor Center and as a docent at the Nelson House. He has also volunteered at the American Revolution Museum Yorktown as concierge and gallery docent. Gary served 22 years in the US Air Force, retiring as a Chief Master Sergeant. His second career was as an Information Systems Analyst and Database Administrator at QVC in Suffolk, VA. He is now retired and lives with his bride of 48 years, Kathy, in Yorktown. Kathy is a member of the Comte de Grasse DAR chapter in Yorktown. Gary has a BS in Business Management from The University of Maryland European Division, and an MBA from The College of William and Mary. He joined the Williamsburg SAR chapter in March 2020. His Revolutionary War ancestor, Joel Simmons, enlisted in James Madison’s Company of Virginia Militia. Compatriot Gary Dunaway

Gary will discuss the history of the Nelson family and the famous house.

Thomas Nelson, Jr. is Yorktown’s most famous resident. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, governor of Virginia, and the general in command of the Virginia Militia during the siege of Yorktown. The Nelson House is the centerpiece of Yorktown’s Historic Main Street. Page 4 Registrar's Corner

Congratulations to Jim Hess and Steve Riddle for recently approved supplemental applications. This is Steve's 10th supplemental and his patriot ancestor was Frederick Wise. Jacob Prickett, Sr. was Jim's patriot ancestor for his 7th supplemental. We currently have new member applications from Tom Rees, John Stuckey and Paul Pyle in Louisville awaiting approval.

Hunt Berryman - Registrar Email: [email protected]

New Compatriots that have joined our chapter since Jan 1, 2021 are: Harry Morford Bill Dorn Robert Murden Dillon Hess

Welcome aboard as we look forward to a formal induction ceremony hopefully in the near future! Seeking your assistance and hopefully possible input for our monthly meetings. "Speakers Wanted" If you have heard or know of a speaker who you think the membership (and guests) would be interested in hearing at one of our luncheons next year, please contact VPres. Steve Mcguffin at [email protected] Your serious interest and potential response to this matter will be greatly appreciated! Page 5 POSTER CONTEST Compatriots: Are your elementary aged children or grandchildren suffering from the Remote Learning Blues? We have a program to break those blues and have fun doing it. The Americanism Committee of NSSAR is emphasizing Youth Program Contests in the coming year. Those youth programs consist of contests that pertain to some facet of the American Revolution for grades 3 thru 12. This year, your chapter is focusing on a contest for students in grades 3, 4, and 5. It is the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL POSTER CONTEST. The contest is open to public schools, parochial, home schooled, scouting, or CAR member students in that same grade range. In most cases, the contest is coordinated with elementary school teachers in our district. However, not all schools elect to participate in the contests and thus not all students have an opportunity to enjoy this fun and educational activity. You may have a child, a grandchild, or know someone whose child would enjoy participating in this fun and educational activity. It is a great way to spend a cold, snowy or rainy-day or weekend, having fun, and learning about the American Revolution. So, what do we do? How do we enter the contest? The theme for the poster is Revolutionary War Person or Persons. The student creates a two-dimensional poster on poster board, 22 inches x 28 inches, or foamed back poster board, 20 inches x 30 inches. Computer aided graphics designed material may be used on the posters. However, this material must be of original design and is limited to fifty percent of the poster. No clip art or copyrighted material can be used. Deadline for entry submission to the local chapter is April 24, 2021. If you know of an elementary school aged student who is interested, please contact our Williamsburg Youth Program Manager at [email protected]

NATIONAL LEVEL WINNERS Page 6 Dear Compatriots,

Question – are you a Veteran? The National Society of Sons of the American Revolution, your Virginia Society and the Williamsburg Chapter would like to honor your service. I am the coordinator for the Chapter and would like to help you apply for this honor. The National Society will issue you a certificate in the SAR Veterans Corps, and our local Chapter will award you the appropriate medal (War Service Medal or Military Service Medal) corresponding to your certificate after the request has been approved.

Please find below a more detail explanation of the Program from SAR National:

Recognizing and Honoring our SAR Veterans For Service in the Armed Forces

The SAR has two medals that may be given in conjunction with military service: The War Service Medal and the Military Service Medal. In order to obtain one of these medals and an accompanying certificate, you must go through a Chapter.

What is the difference between the two medals? The certificate accompanying the War Service Medal states that the member has been awarded the War Service Medal in grateful recognition for service in the Armed Forces during an armed conflict. The certificate accompanying the Military Service Medal states that the member has been awarded the Military Service Medal in grateful recognition for service in the United States Armed Forces. The medals and criteria for award are stated in the SAR Handbook, Volume V. Both medals are listed as #4 in precedence. They are rated the same precedence because as a veteran, one most likely had no choice as to where he would be assigned. Many could potentially have been placed in harm’s way but were not. Those who were probably received a campaign medal. Depending on your documentation and the campaign medal received, that might make the SAR member eligible for the SAR War Service Medal.

How does an SAR member who is a Veteran get one of the Medals through their Chapter? To obtain a medal, “Proof of Service,” is shown in military documentation or in the form of a redacted copy of the member's discharge. Typically a Form DD-214 must be presented to the Chapter before one of the two medals can be purchased. Such proof must show that the Compatriot served, or is serving, honorably in: (1) the armed forces of the United States, (2) the military forces of a country allied with the United States, or (3) a United Nations Peace Keeping Force. Page 7 There are six different SAR Veterans Corps: World War II; Korean Service; Vietnam War; Southwest Asia; Special Operations; and the Military Service. Within all but the World War II Veterans Corps there are a varying number of Certificates of Patriotism depending on the Operation or Expedition in which the Veteran participated. The listing of the number of Certificates is expanded if there is also a Purple Heart or the second certificate issued, in which case an Oakleaf Cluster designation is used. The Certificates are signed by the current President General and show the Veterans Corps and the Certificate Number within that Corps. The VRC also attempts to include a picture of the Military Award that proved the eligibility of the Certificate and the Veterans Corps.

The VRC tailors the Certificates of Patriotism to the SAR Veteran being recognized and the wording on each Certificate is designed around the SAR Veterans Corps of which the Veteran will be a member. As an example; an SAR member who will be part of the Southwest Asia Veterans Corps might have a Certificate that states – “and is honored with this Certificate of Patriotism for standing ready to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic. As a Veteran, he is authorized by the SAR to wear the War Service Medal with Iraq Bar in grateful recognition for his service to country during Operation Iraqi Freedom.” On the Certificate is a picture of his Iraq Campaign Medal and the SAR War Service Medal. Another example is that of an SAR member who will be part of the Vietnam War Veterans Corps. The Certificate may state – “and is honored with this Certificate of Patriotism for standing ready to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic. As a Veteran, he is authorized by the SAR to wear the War Service Medal with Vietnam Bar in grateful recognition for his service to country during the Vietnam War.” On the Certificate are pictures of the Vietnam Service Medal and the SAR War Service Medal.

Requirements from the Williamsburg Chapter I find it easier to fill out the application and forward to SAR National with our Chapter’s President signature. It is also easier to track as I have found out this year. The important items I will need from you are: A copy of your DD-214, black out your SS# if you wish. Send it to me as an attachment to my email. If you prefer to mail, my address is 281 E. Queens Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23185. SAR National number. Mailing address with Zip + 4. Phone number Email address I will forward your application to National, and if there are questions, I’ll be in touch. Please contact me if you have any question. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Bob Davis Veterans Coordinator Williamsburg Chapter 757-229-5653 [email protected] Page 8 [email protected] Page 9 The History Channel PARIOTS DAY

Patriots Day was first proclaimed in in 1894 by Gov. Greenhalge, replacing Fast Day as a public holiday. The idea was introduced to the Governor by the statesman from Lowell, Isaac Henry Paige. It was established on April 19, commemorating the date of the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the larger Battle of Menotomy in 1775, and consolidating the longstanding municipal observances of Lexington Day and Concord Day. It also marked the first bloodshed of the American Civil War in the Baltimore riot of 1861, during which four members of the Massachusetts militia were slain and 36 injured. In Menotomy, now In 1894 the Lexington Historical Society Arlington, 25 militia men died and 40 British petitioned the Massachusetts State Legislature to soldiers were killed. The dual commemoration, proclaim April 19 as "Lexington Day". Concord Greenhalge explained, celebrated "the countered with "Concord Day". anniversary of the birth of liberty and union". Governor Frederic T. Greenhalge opted for a It is likely that the battles that took place in compromise: Patriots' Day. However the biggest Menotomy are not as well known as the battle fought on this day was in the town of smaller battles in Lexington and Concord Menotomy, now Arlington, Massachusetts because the town has had several names since Menotomy was on the Concord Road between that day in 1775. In 1938, with the generation Lexington and Concord and . While the that had fought in the Civil War largely off the fighting was going on in Lexington and Concord, voter rolls, the Massachusetts legislature 5,100 militia men arrived in Menotomy passed a bill establishing the holiday "in from Middlesex and Essex Counties. These men commemoration of the opening events of the took up positions along the road the British War of the Revolution". troops would take on their retreat to Boston.[4] They placed themselves in and around houses, stone walls, fields and barns. The For those Compatriots that could not bloodiest fighting of the first day of the attend the James Madison Birthday American Revolution took place inside a single ceremony. Here is the link to the house, the Jason Russell House, in Menotomy. YouTube Video. A nice video… Eleven militia men died in this house fighting British troops trained in bayonet fighting.[ Page 10 Flag Recognition CAPT. JOHN HULBERT AND HIS FLAG A continuing review of our flags OF 1775 from the Revolution to the present. Mprton Pennypacker The first American flag with stars in a blue field, was designed in 1775 by Captain John Hulbert's company of the Third New York Regiment, commanded by Colonel James Clinton. It was probably made while they were at Fort Ticonderoga, preparing to escort to Philadelphia the first prisoners of war to be exhibited before the Continental Congress. Weighty matters before the Congress had given little time for the discussion of a design The Hulbert Flag begins in July, 1775 when John for a flag, although in letters the need of one Hulbert, a cordwainer and magistrate, became had been urged. But when Captain Hulbert captain of a company of Long Island arrived and. reported the successes to minutemen. Two months later Hulbert's company northward it is more than probable that the moved to Ticonderoga to assist in the campaign to members of Congress were so well pleased liberate the Champlain Valley. In November, the with the design of the flag of his company that Long Islanders escorted a group of British someone asked Francis Hopkinson, who was prisoners to Trenton and Hulbert reported to the an expert with his pencil, to make a sketch. of Continental Congress in Philadelphia. After a it. In fact at a later date Hopkinson included short term of duty at Fort Constitution (Lee) on among the items on his bill to the Congress the Hudson, the company returned to their homes one for sketching the flag of the United States for discharge on January 18, 1776. of America.

The Williamsburg chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, presented a Flag Recognition certificate to Patricia and Joseph Segar on 8 November 2020. The flag displayed was on board a combat aircraft during Iraqi Freedom. Joseph is a US Navy retired Chief Petty Officer. Pictured are left to right George Corbett, chapter Flag Recognition committee chairman, Patricia and Joseph Segar. Photo Credit: Karen Corbett Page 11 From the Chaplain Jim Morford “There is no glory in star or blossom till looked upon by a loving eye; There is no fragrance in April breezes till breathed with joy as they wander by.” – William Cullen Bryant April is considered by some the most important month of the year. It is the month when Spring truly arrives with little chance of measurable snow or deep freezes. Here in Virginia it is the time when daffodils are in full bloom, forsythia flourishes, and azaleas burst their buds in glorious colors. For patriots and others who cherish our nations’ history, April is the month during which we remember the Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775. The first battles of the American Revolution immortalized by Ralph Waldo Emerson when he wrote: By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood And fired the shot heard round the world. As years pass and the distinct report of that shot fades in the distance of time, we have come to take for granted the cause for which those “embattled farmers” stood defiantly at Concord’s Bridge. Since 1970, April 22nd has marked Earth Day, dedicated to honoring our planet and emphasizing the need to protect our environment.

Prayer: All mighty God, creator of universes known and unknown, we thank you for allowing us to benefit from the beauty of all that you create. Thank you for our seas, forests, and skies. Thank you for all the beautiful and fragrant plants, and for the power and wonder of every animal. Thank you for the seasons and the rains that keep our earth producing. We are blessed to be the recipients of all the beauty that surrounds us and testifies to your awesome power. We give thanks to you for the beauty of all that you have fashioned. It is our obligation to care for the creatures of the earth; the plants of the fields and forests; the bounty of the lakes, rivers, and seas. Teach us to respect all that your hand has made. May we be worthy caretakers of this tiny fragment of Old North Bridge, Concord, Massachusetts all you create. AMEN Page 12 Williamsburg 2021 Chapter Officers

President Roger Cross [email protected] Registrar Hunt Berryman [email protected] Newsletter&WEB David Westenberger [email protected] Vice-President Stephen McGuffin Secretary Milt Holt Asst Secretary Duncan McIver Jr. Treasurer Jeff Wooldridge Public Relations Harley Stewart Historian Steve Perger Jr. Chaplain James Morford Sergeant-at-Arms Stephen Holm Past President William Greaf At-Large James Swords At-Large Gerald Sailors Color Guard John Lynch

April 10th Chapter meeting by ZOOM An email will be sent in early April to all members, Respond to it for your RSVP by April 7. A link will be sent to the RSVP requests.

NOTICE Compatriots, I will be sending our latest updated SAR Roster out after the 1ST of April. 4 amendments have been done following your Jan-Mar input. Please take a look at it and if any corrections are needed let me know at [email protected] I will send the corrections on to Secretary Milton Holt and start preparing the next update. Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep our Chapter’s roster up to date. David Westenberger Editor / WEB Page 13 SAR apparel is available at (502) 589-1779 or on the National SAR WEB site at:

Personal Name Badge link is: ed%20name%20badge%20(name%20tag%20)