Part A-Town & Village Director:y

Part B-Primary Census Abstract

Compiled by


PriDted in India by the Manager, Government Press and Book Depot, Nagpur, and Published by the Director, Govemment Printing and Stationery. Maharashtra State~ Bombay-4 1972 3

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Central Government Publications

Census Report, Series 1) -Maharashtra, is published in the following Parts

I-A and B .. General Report I-C ·. Subsidiary Tables II-A · . General Population Tables II-B General Economic Tables

II-C Social and Cultural Tables . III Establishments-Report and Tables IV · . Housing-Repc rt and Tables V · . Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra~ Tables VI-A · . Town Directory VI-B · . Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns VI-C · . Survey Reports on Selected Villages VII · • Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel

VIII-A " Administration Report-Enumeration (For official use only)

VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation (For official use only)

IX .. Census Atlas of Maharashtra

State Government Publications

25 Volumes of District Census Handbooks in English

25 Volumes of District Census Handbooks in Marathi

Alphabetical List cf Villages in IVlaharashtra (in Marathi)


This is the third ~ition of district census handbooks brought out largely on the basis of the material collected during each decennial census o~ our population. Earlier editions had appeared after the 195' and the 1961 censuses. The present volu~e generally follo ws the pattern of its predecessors in presenting the 1911 census tables for the district and basic demographic., economic aDd general fnf(lrmltion for each village therein. Particulars of the distribution of population down to the smallest administrative unit like village and town and their broad characteristics are requi~ed for purposes such as delimitation of electoral constituencies, adjuRtment of administrative boundaries, educational and man­ power pla~ing. The ·data provided for small areas serve as statistical frames for various surveys that may he taken up. , Part A of this handbook gives information relating to each village and town in the district. Revenue and municipal officials all over the district helped us in collecting the data for this section. Part B carries the 1971 primary census abst.racts which present the population for each vIllage and urban bLack. The iterns covered are area, population and its sex break-up, househc Ids, cccupied houses, litel acy, scheduled castes and scheduled ~ribes, w,'-'rkers and non­ workers with a break-up cf wC'rkers into broad industrial categories. The population figures given here have the su~risc cf 1 April 1971 as the referen;::e dlte. Part, C, which will be published separately this tilne, will have a general n'Jte on the physical features cf the district, its administrative set-up, its demographic and s:Jcio-econ')mic characteristics. It will include further census tables, d~tailed official statistics on clim'lte, rainfall, agriculture, irulustty, education, health and the like.

In 1941, the popuLItion figures for villages and towns were exhibited according to com­ munities, in the village handbooks published by the Government of Bombay_ In 1951, the basis of census classification changed froni a social to an economic one; census data for villages and towns Were presented according to eight livelihood classes in the primary census abstracts published, in the district census handbooks. This was the first occasion when district .census handbooks were brought out. The handbook contained information about different amenities available in respect of each village and town.

During the 1961 census, the scope of the handbook was enlarged. In addition to the census data in respect of each village and town, other official statistics for each district were made available, with an introductory note explaining the salient features of the districts. The village directory published as a part of the 1961 handbook carried basic census data included in the primary census abstracts; it indicated the amenities available in each village and town by means of abbreviations. These included postal, medical and educational facilities, sources of water-supply and hazar day. It was fGund that the primary census abstract, which needed a large number of columns to present different data, allowed very little space for information on amenities. As a result, the district census handbook has been divided into three parts in 1971 as mentioned above. The town and village directory of 1971 (Part A) gives information on amenities and faci­ lities available in each town and village in the districts of Maharashtra. The particulars are presented tahsil wise under each district. The villages and towns are arranged according to their census location code numbers. The particulars in the village directory were collected through the revenue agency of the ':'listrict on a prescribed form. For the town directory, six statements were compiled. State­ ment I contains the 1971 census popUlation data compiled by the census office. The non­ census data in the other statements were supplied by the municipal councils fot' their areas and by the revenue agency for non-municipal towns. For purposes of the census, districts are divided into urban and rural areas. The urban area (towns) is defined in detail; those areas which do not satisfy this definition are treated as rural areas (villages). The following places have been treated as urban areas (towns): (1) every place having a municipality Dr a cantonment board jrrespect.ive of its population; (2) every other place which had (i) a populatic.n of at least 5,000 and (ii) at least three-fourths of its male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; (3) any oth~r place not falling under the above two categories but which possesses certain distinct characte istics to qualify for its being treated' as urban such as its being a project area or a developing township. iv INTRODUCTION

A place is called a village if it does not satisfy any of the criteria prescribed abDve for its. being treated as urban. .

A 'village' for census p~ses in Mah~!ashtra has always been the 'I: revenue village· which.is the ultimat~ unit of ~ea in which the State is subdivided for land revenue administra.. tion. A few past: censuses concerned themselves only with revenue vil~ages which had some population and did not take into account deserted or uninhabited revenue villages. As in 1961, a village at the-1971 ce,flSus is a revenue village having well-defined bJundaries, a map and a separate set of land records irrespective of whether that defined area has any pJpulati()n or not and, if it has some p()pulation whether that p::>pulation resides in one locality (ga')than) or is spread over one or more identifiable clusters of population known as wadis, padas or mazaras (hamlets). Each revenue village has a specified area marked as its own and its boun­ daries with other adjoining villages have always enjoyed a traditional sanctity. Hamlets do not have such defined boundaries or areas distinctly marked or allotted to them; nor do they have any locally recognised status. Revenue villages which do not have any residential p;)pulation are also included in the 1971 census definition of villages. They figure in the census list but are described as unin­ habited to distinguish them from the remaining inhabited villages. The census definition of an uninhabited village differs slightly from the revenue 'definition of village in that the latter defines an uninhabited village as one having a pJpulation of less than 25. Wherever a revenue village situated on the outikirts of a town is wholly or partly merged in that urban area, it has been treated as a separate village. The popUlation residing in that area which is statutorily merged in the town limits has been treated as urban population of that town; the residual population, if any, residing in the area outside the limits of the town is alone treated as the population of that village. Thus, a few partly merged villages have returned some populations. The population for all fully merged villages has 'been treated as urban popu1at~on. ' While the 1971 census village is thus completely identified with the revenite village, forest villages make an exception. They are popUlation centres situated within reserved forest- areas. Their population consists mainly of forest labaurers and their families. Most of them are permanent or semi-permanent localities and may have attached cultivated areas leased out by the forest department under certain conditions. The land rec0rds of such villages are not maintained by the revenue department. The census list of villages also includes all inhabited forest villages. I The district and tahsil maps show by name the district and tahsil headquarters, other towns and bigger villages. Smaller villages are indicated by location code numbers. An alphabetical list of villages and towns faces each map. Hilly negions and uplands are tinted. Rivers and communications are also shown. ' Shri D. V. Rangnekar, deputy director of census operations (Hq.), laid the groundwork for the entire operation. His experience and guidance have been of great value at every stage. Shri G. A. Walawalkar and Shri M. D. Baride, deputy directors of census operations, and Smt. V. Y. Joshi and Shri D. S. Pilpile, tabulation officers, were mainly responsible for the collection and processing of data for Part A. Kumari V. T. Nimbalkar, tabulation officer, prepared Part B based on primary census abstracts. Shri S. Y. Pradhan, draughtsman, drew the maps included in this volume. Shri C. M. Kane prepared the manuscript for the press. Shri R. B. Alva, Manager, Government Press and Book Depot, Nagpur, was of great help in getting the book printed during a period of streSS and strain.

I am grateful to all of them.


PAGE Town directory , Explanatory note · . · . 3 Statement I-Status, growth history and functional category .. 4 Statement II-Physical aspects and location. ... 5 Statement III-Municipal finance ...... · . 6 Statement IV-Civic and other amenities · . 7 Statement V ~MedicaI, educational, recreational and cultural 8 facilities. Statement VI~ Trade, commerce, industry and banking etc. 9

Village directory Explanatory note • • · . 10 1 tahsil · . . . · . . . 12 2 Tasg aon tah sil .. .. · . .. . 14 3 tahsil · . 16 4 tahsil · . · . .. . 18 5 Jath tahsil . . · . 19 6 Kavathe Mahankal tahsil · . 21 7 Wa}\ya tahsil . . .. . · . 22 8 tahsil · . · . 24 TOWN DIRECTORY Explanatory Note The town directory is presented in six statements calculated and according to the percentage V4ge covering different aspects of urbln life. The data the functional character of towns is determin~ contained in these statements fall into three broad If workers under one of the occupations form "tu· groups, viz., population dlta; municipal finance; per cent of the total workers or above, then the physical aspects, lccation and amenities. The town has been considered as. a mono-functional census data are included in st:lt~ment 1. D:::tails town, e.g., primary activity town or industrial tOWn. regarding municipal finance are given in statement If the pe_rcentage figure of one occupation is less than III. PhY3icn-municipal towns. In the town directory, town is termed as a multi-functional town,. e.g., towns in the district are arranged tahsilwise and service~cum-primary activity-cum~industrial town or according to the census ll'cation codes which are transport-cum-commercial-cum-service town. serialised f r the entire district. On an average Statement II shows the physical aspects and there are IOta 12 towns in a di~tl ict; in each tahsil lo61tion of each town. The former cover altitude, there are cnly one or tw,) towns. S )me of the annual rainfall, minimum and maximum tempera­ tahsils d) n')t have any town at all. tures, the data in respect of which have been obtained The data collected in these statements have largely from the meteorological department .. The location been furnished by the municipal bodies. For nan­ of-a town is fixed by the distances respectively from municipal towns, the tahsildars have supplied the the nearest city, state, district, sub-division and tahsil material. Wherever dlta were either not available headquarters. Communication facilities are shown or were deficient, government departments and by mentioning bus route, navigable river or canal offices concerned were helpful in rectifying the gaps. and seaport. The last two items are shown only These included the state statistical bureau, revenue, incases where the distances between the town and the authorities, the Maharashtra state electricity board, river or canal on the one hand or the seaport are the irrigation and power department, etc. less than J0 and 50 km respectively. " Statement I shows the status, growth history and Statement III' deals with municipal finance. functional characteristics of each town. The status The receipts and expenditure under broad classifi. of a town as in 1970 is shown as whether the town is cations for the year 1968-69 are shown. For",non­ a municipal corporation, a municipal council, a municipal towns data have been supplied by the gram contonment or civil lines. If it does n-)t fall in any panchayats. of these categ"ries but has been treated as a town because it satisfies certain criteria prescribed for Statements IV and V show amenities like medical, treating a place as a town, an entry 'NM' is made in educational, recreationll and cultural facilitiea. that this column. The p0pulation of each town from are available in the town. The road length within 190 I to J971 has been sho wn. Whenever a town has the town is split into pacca and kacha roads. The been declassified, this is indicated. The functional system of sewerage, if available, is shown with a category of each town is shown in c,"llumn 14; this break-up 'giving open gutters, underground ~ains relates to the pred')minant sector or sectors of etc. as alsa the types of latrines. Data about el~ctric economic activity. This is determined according to connections are broken up into domestic, industrial, the foltowing formula. commercial, street lights and others. According to the J971 census classification, workers Statement VI relates to the trade and business are classified under nine broad categories of economic activity of each town. The items covered are imports activity. These are described in the explanatory and exports of impJrtant commodities, manufacture­ note on "village directoryJ'. These nine categories of important items, existence of banks and agricultural have been regrouped into five broad categories and n.Jn-agricultural credit societies. representing five main functions of towns such as (i) primary activity (industrial categories I, II, III and Statement VII showing the distribution lof the IV, (ii) industry (industrial categories V and VI); 1971 population by religion (originally intended for (iii) trade and commerce (industrial category VII); inclusion here) will be incorporated in the state (i'V) transport (industrial category VIII) and (v) town directory. This state directory embracing services (industrial category IX). For each town all towns in Maharashtra (arranged alphabetically) the percentage of workers under each of these five will carry a note :lnd an analysis of the various data classes of economic activity to total workers has been included therein. TOWN DIRECTORY

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The village directcry furnishes infr rmati( n fc r the year. This may be rice, jowar, ragi and other each village in 18 columns. The infcrmati( n falls millets. If it is difficult to name clearly a particular into two bro~d grcups-amfnities available within grain as the staple feed a comQination of grains the vill~ge (3 to 9) and land utilisation pattern mainly USEd as staple foe d, i.e., rice a.nd jowar, (J 1 to 15). wheat and maize, etc., is shown. Column 1 gives the lccaticn cede of each vi113ge. Details abcut land uti1isaticn shown in columns I' All villrges in a tahsil are serially arranged according to J 5 are classified in three broad groups, viz., forest to the cc de numbers assigned to them for the 1971 (11), cultivable land ( 12) to (14) and land not available census. The series starts frem the north-west fer cultivition (15). corner (f a t~hsil and prcceeds frem left to right in a Cclumn ) 1 shows all forested area in the village zigzag manner. An alphabetical list of villages classed Or 2dministered as forest under any legal faces each tahsil map in part B. This will enable enactment dealing with forests, whether state­ the reader te, find the lccation cc de number. owned or private. If any portion of such land is net actually wocded but put to some agricultural ColuIT_n 2 gives the names (f villages as maintaintd use, that portion is included under the appropriate in the vi1l2 ge rec0rds. As far as pc ssible standard heading c f cultivated cr uncultivated land. spdlings which have been confirmed by the tahsil offices are used. Wherever villoges are entirely Co 1umns 12 and 13 cover all agricultul al land merged in an urban area the entry 'included in urban inclu ding the net area sown with crops and or­ area' is m2de 2gainst them 8nd all ether cclunlns chards and, also current and other fallows. The are blank. latter implies all lands which were taken up f(lr cul­ The area c f vilk ges she wn in cclumn 3 represents tivati(;n but are tempcrarily out of cultivation for a the tetal gee graphical area according to the revenue peried Gf not more than five years. In column 12, rece rds. There are differences between the figures the extent of irrigated land under different types of irrigation, e.g., wells, rivers, canals and others (which of tota~ area arrived at by the Surveyor general and by the village reccrcls. The fermer is calculated includes tube wells and ether types) is shown. by planimetry frem maps with the help cf areas of Cclumn 14 shows the extent of cultivable land in qurdrilaterals cf 15 minutes' latitude and longitude the villrge which includes land fit for cultivation alre2dy wcrked out. The latter are calculated by whether or not taken up fc r cultivation or onc~ taken tc taIling the vilh;ge retutns. up for cultivation but not cultivated for move than Amenities available in each village are shewn by five years in succession. Such lands may be either abbreviatic ns in cc Iurrms 4 to 9. A list c f abbre­ fallow or covered with shrubs and jungles which viaticns used in columns 4 to 10 and 17 is given on are nc t put to any use. They may be assessed or page 11. unassessed and may lie in isolated blocks or within cultivated hr lpings. Lands under thatching grass, Column 4 shows cduc~ticnal facilities like primary, bamboo and ether groves ff r fuel, etc., which are rr... iddle and secondary scheels and colhges existing nc t included undel orchards or forest are included in in the village. If there ale mere th[.n cne institution this category. All grazing land, whether permanent pastures af meadows cr not, village common, and of any type1 its number is given within brackets against the abbreviation, viz., P( 4), 8(2)1 1\1(3). grazing land,:; within forest areas are included in In co Iumn 5 medical facilities such as hospitals, dis­ this colum.n. pensaries, maternity and child welfare centres, health C -lumn 15 shows land n(,t available for cultivation ctntres and family planning centres are sho\vn. In such as barren unculturable land and land put to . cc lumn the entry El she wn 2gainst a village nleGnS t 6, n r n-agricultural use. Barren and unculturablc lands that it 1S electrified. Cc lumn 7 she ws the s( urces include recky or hilly land or land which cannot be of drinking water supply within the village. The easily brought under cultivation except at a high scurCtS include tap water, well water, tank water, cost. Land put to n(',n-agricultural use includes tube well water, river water, etc. land cccupied by buildings, roads and railways or undei water, e.g., rivers ~nd canals and land put to If a village is served by a railway or one or more uses other than agricultural. roads within a distance of one mile from it, parti­ 'culars such as pacca re-ad, kacha road, railway stativn, The added up area under columns 11 to )5 lJlay navigable river or canal are shown in column 8. not occasionally 2gree with the figure of total area given in column 3. This is because. of do~b]e.' Pestal facilities like a post office, a pc 8t and tele­ cropping in parts of the cultivable land In the vll1ar e graph office and telephones are shown in column 9. concerned. Column 10 gives the staple foe d of the major Columns 16 to 18 are filled in on the basis of lccal population of the village during the major part of enquiry. 11 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

Column No. Abbrevia- Column No. Abhrevia- in Item tion in Item tion Statement used Statement used (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

Column 8 Pacca road .. Pr Column 4 Primary school P ·. Kacha road Kr Middle school M ·. Navigable river Nr Secondary school •• S Navigable canal Nc College · . C Railway station Rs Bus stop B Column; Hospital H Column 9 Post office Po Maternity and child welfare Me centre Telegraph office To Post and telegraph office .. PT Health centre He Telephone connection Ph Dispensary •• · D . Column 10 Rice Rc Family planning centre Fp ·. Ragi Rg Column 6 .. Electrified village ·. El Wheat Wh Jowar Column 7 Tap water .• Tp J Vati ·. V Well water .. .. W . Bajra B Tank water Tk Column 17 Sunday · Su River water .. R . ·. Monday ·, Mo Tube well water Tw Tuesday ·. Tu Water from springs Sp Wedne-sday Wd ·. Thursday Th Canal water .. C Friday .. Fr Nallah N Saturday .. St 12 VJLLAGB DIl\ECTOR¥ i ...--co.. I

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PAGE Explanatory note .. 29 District primary census abstraet .. 31 1 Miraj tahsil · . 33 2 Tasgaon tahsil , . • • 49 3 Khana pur tah sil .. ·. 55 4 Atpadi tahsil · . • • · . 63 5 lath tahsil · . .. .. 67 6 Kavathe Mahankal tahiil . . · . .. 73 7 Walwa tahsil .. . . · . 77 8 Shirala tahsil · . 85 EXPLANATORY NOTE

The Primary Census Abstracts incl~ded in this In column (3) of the tables, the area of e~c~ part give village and. ur~an bl?ck-wlse summ~ry village is shown in acres while that of town (mun~cl­ information about basIc Items h~e area, occupIed pal and non-municipal) is given in square ktlo­ residential houses, number of households, gen~ral metres. The area figures for villages are collected population and its sex break-up, the populatlOn from the revenue records and for municipal towns belonging to the scheduled castes and scheduled from the municipal authorities. tribes literates and educated persons, workers Column (4) shows the total number of occupied classified into broad industrial categories and non­ residential houses, i.e., houses; structures or parts workers in 1911. The tables present for each of structures used as residences or put to residence­ tahsil in 38 columns the figures for total,. r~ral cum-other uses. An occupied residential house may and urban areas separately and also for each vIll~ge, have more than one household staying therein, town and urban block. The figures are compded but it has been counted only once. from the 1971 census individual slip which included questions on essential demographic data like r~la­ Column (5) shows the number of households tionship to head of the household, se~, age, .marI~al in each village and urban block. The connotation status, birth-place, last place of resId.ente, SOCIal of a household differs slightly from that of a family. and cultural data like religion, literacy and ~t~e~­ It is a group of persons who commonly live together tongues; and economic data-covering the Ind~vl­ In the same house and take their meals from a dual's main activity and secondary work~ ~ccu.patlon common kitchen unless the exigencies of work and industry also of worker and actlvity If not prevent anyone of them from doing so. A domes­ working. The figures are coll:cted with reference tic servant resiwng and eating at his employer's to the time of sunrise on 1 Apnl 1971. house is considered as a member of the household. Similarly, a friend or a guest (related or unrelated) The info rmation presented in the abstracts c~n residing and eating with the household during the be diVIded into two broad groups-demograph~c census period is treated as a member of the house­ and social data (columns 4 to 14) and econoffilC hold, On the other hand, a son, a daughter or a data (columns 15 to 38). At the beginning th.e relation residing outside the hOl1sehold in a hostel, figures for total, rural and ur~an are~s of a tahsIl etc., is not treated as a member of the household. are presented followed by vlllage-~Ise presenta­ tion; at the end information is furmshed for each Columns (6), (7) and (8) give the total population urban blc ck. including institutipnal and houseless population and its sex break-up. Houseless population includes The villages are arranged according to the ] 97] persons who do not have any fixed place of resi-' census location code system evolve~ for co.nve­ dence but go on moving from place to place, camp nience and identification of every unit of terr~to~y at night or just live on the streets, in gardens or covered. Each district has a fixed number; wIthm in open places without erecting a hut or a similat each district every tahsil or urban area (town) structure. They may include domestic servants bears a distinct number; within each tahstl every and other workers who do not reside in any house. village is allotted a number, Similarly each urban All such houseless persons wete separately area within a district is given a number. The co de enumerated on the night of 3 J March 1971. numbers fer tahsils have been given in such a way Institutional population includes persons enume­ that the tahsil having the district headquarters rated in the penal, charitable or mental located therein invariably received the first code institutions, hostels, hotels, hospitals, qoarding number. The code number for other tahsils are and lodgipg houses. assigned in such a manner that the tahsil t? t~e notth or n"rth-east of the tahsil having the dIstrict Columns (9), (10), (II) and (J 2) sho w the popula­ headquarters received the n(xt code number .in tion of the s€heduled castes and scheduled tribes the series which then continued in a clock-WIse with sex break-up. The figures presented relate to the fashion fer other tahsils. The lists of villages totals of all scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and within a tJahsil have been arranged according to not their break-up by individual scheduled caste or the geu graphical cont,iguity ~f the'. villages as far as scheduled tribe. The groups of scheduled castes and po ssible so that neIghbounng :ll~ages . can be scheduled tribes do nJt include backward or other grouped ft r supervision. or ad.ml111str~tlve opera­ backward castes or tribes for which certain privileges tion if necessary. The VIllages In the lIst generally and concessions are allowed by the State government. follow each other in area of proximity starting They include only those scheduled castes and sche­ from the nurth-west and continuing to the south­ duled tribes which are included in the Presidenes east. These lists also include urban areas (towns) order. In cases where a caste or a tribe is declared as by the names by which they are kno wn in the reve­ a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe for a specified nue administration, If any village is partly merged area, that caste or tribe has been counted only in a municipal area, it is shown in the list without for .that specified area and n0t for any other area any location code for the village and only t~e por­ of the district or elsewhere. tion remaining outside is given the code ~umbe'r. Columns (13) and (14) show the number of literates Uninhabited revenue villages are also 1ncluded and educated pe .. sons. A literate is a person who can in the list and given a serial number. read and write a simple letter in any language. A-J J72-5-A. 30 . Columns (15) to (36) show the distribution of the for a household industry is the participation of one working population into nine broad industrial or more members (,f a household in rural areas. In categories. Category V (manufacturing, processing, the urban areas, household industry is confined to the servicing and repairs) is sub-divided into household residential house .. industry and other than household industry. A household industry is related to production" The main economic activity returned by a person processing, servicing, repairing, or making and was the basis on which he was classified either as a selling of goods. It does nJt include professions worker or non-worker. A worker is defined as such as pleader, doctc r, barber, waterman Of astro­ person whose main activity is participation in any loger. Persons working in another pel'son's house­ economically productive work through his physical hold industry as paid employees are also treated as or mental activity. Work involves not only actual wcrkers in household industry. work but effective supervision and direction of work. Workers in manufacturing industry other than Where the main activity of a person qualifies him household industry include those engaged in all types to be treated as a worker he has been classified of production, processing, servicing or repairing of according to the type of work. This categorisation goods. is shown in the following nine broad economic cate­ Category VI gones :- , This category includes workers engaged in can.. I cultivators, struction and maintenance of buildings, roads, rail­ II agricultural labourers, ways, bridges, telegraph, telephones, water-ways,. III live stock, forestry, fishing, hunting and planta­ tions, orchards and allied activities, reservoirs, etc. IV mining and quarrying, (a) household industry, Category VII V { (b) manufacturing other than household industry, This category includes workers engaged in any VI construction, capacity in Wholesale or retail trading activity and VII trade and commerce, commercial transaction relating to imports and ex­ VIII transport, storage and communication, ports, real estate and property, stocks and shares, IX other services. insurarlce, money-lending, banking, etc. Cate~ory I Category VIII This category includes both owner cultivators and This category includes workers engaged in trans­ tenant cultivatols. Along with workers personally port activity by air, rail, road 01 water and in serv~ces working on land are also included persons who are incidental to transport such as packing, carting, engaged in supervision or direction of cultivation. loading, unloading, etc. Workers engaged in sto­ All persons working in culthation of land wherein rage, wareho using and communication services such they have either ownership' or tenancy rights are as posts, telegraph, telephones, wireless signalling, included in this category. Cultivatio,n involves information and broadcasting are also included in ploughing, sowing and harvesting and production of this category. cereals, pulses, fibre crops and other crops like sugarcane, ground-nuts, but excludes fruit and vege­ Category IX table growing, working of plantation crops. This category includes (i) public utility serVIces Cateaory II like electricity or gas or water-supply, sanitary I services; (ii) central, state or municipal employees; Persons working on another's land for wages in (iii) professional services; (iv) trade or labour asso­ cash or kind without holding any right l.lpon the ciations, recreational services, etc. land are classified as agricultural labourers and included in this category. Cate~ory X-Non-workers Non-workers are those who are not mainly Cate~ory III engaged in any economically productive work. Workers in live stock, forestry, fishing, hunting, They comprise seven broad groups: (i) those plantations, orchards and allied activities. basically engaged in unpaid household duties and doing no other work, (ii) all full-time students and Category IV children attending school, (iii) retired persons not Workers in mining and quarrying. employed again in some full-time work and rentiers (iv) all dependents such as infants and children not Category V attending school, persons permanently disabled from work owing to illness, old age, etc., (v) beggars, A ' household industry' is defined as an industry vagrants, independent women without indication of conducted by the head of the household himself Source of income, those of unspecified SOurces of and/or mainly members of the household at home/or subsistence, (vi) inmates of penal, mental or charit.. within the village in rural areas and only at home able institutions, convicts in jails, and (vii) all Don ... in urban areas. .A household industry is fiJi run on workers who may not come under any of the above six; the scale of a regIstered factory. The main criterion categories but are seeking work. . A-I 172-S-B. 31 District Primary Census Abstract

Total Rural Urban

p 1\1 F P M F P M F (I) (2). (3) ( 4) (5) (6) (7) , (8) (9) (10)

Total population .. 1,53,9'820 790,165 749,655 1,252,922 638,610 614,312 286,898 151,555 135,343 Scheduled castes 150,687 77,231 73,456 124,829 63,752 61,077 25,858 13,479 12,379 Scheduled trIbes 2,425 1,262 1,163 2,046 1,064 982 379 198 181 Literate and educated persons .. 577,060 402,859 174;201 424,720 304,758 119,962 152,340 98,101 54,239 Total workers (I-IX) •. 478,698 398,366 80,332 399,082 327,917 71,165 79,616 70,449 9,167 I-Cultivators .. 247,710 212,831 34,879 235,723 201,764 33,959 11,987 11,067 920 > II-Agricultural labourers 100,872 66,972 33,900 92,167 60,959 3l,208 8,705 6,0.13 2,692 III-Live-stock, forestry, fishing, 8,5)2 7,657 895 7,939 7,072 867 613 585 28 hunting, plantations, orchards and allied activi~ ties. IV-Mining and quarrying 631 566 65 ' 511 453 58 120 113 7 V- Manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs-:-

(a) Household industry 16,107 12,911 3,196 J2,802 10,721 2,081 3,305 2,190 1,115

I (b) Other than household 29,092 27,961 1,131 13,570 13,319 251 15,522 14,642 880 industry, . VI-Construction 5,425 5,062 363 2,871 2,691 180 2,554 2,371 183 VII-Trade and commerce 23,885 22,513 1,372 9,463 8,787 676 14,422 13,726 696 • VIII-Transport, storage and ]0,546 10,282 264 3,314 3,290 24 7,232 6,992 240 • communications. IX-Other services 35,818 31,611 4,267 20,122 18,861 1,861 15,156 12,750 2,406 X-Non-workers .. 1,061,122 391,799 669,323 853,840 310,693 543,147 207,282 81,106 126,116

Total Rural Urban

Area in km~ .. 8,563'0 8,283-5 279'5 Density 180 151 103 Occupied residential houses 251,220 199,741 51,479

Sex ratio '.' 949 962 893 o

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(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

Kasabe Digraj 7 5,938 7,936 Nilaji •• 137 447 Aukali " ·. Arag ,. 46 9,585 11,308 Kavalapur 21 6,89,I 9,338 Padmale •• • • 1 0 800 Bamni t' 26 274 33 Kavathe Piran 6 6,8 ::: 8,039 Patgaoo 50 995

Be~g 42 8,095 10,120 Khande Rajuri 40 3,~54 4,495 Rasulwadi 23 353 Belunki 54 5,285 6,284- Kharkatwadi •• 25 922 1,133 Salgare 55 4,39 1 5,082 Bhose .. , . 52 4,288 5,489 Khatav 48 2,423 3.339 Sambarwadi •• 332 373 Bisur .. 16 2,630 3,436 Kupwad 20 6,798 9,351 Samdoli Bolwad ,. 37 1,125 Lingnoor 47 2,610 Sangli-Rural.. IS 1,5 10 647 Budhgaon 17 IvIADHAVNAGAR-Urban 5,811 8,853 SA...~GLI-Urban Area I 73,838 lIS,I38 " Area III Dbamni •• 19 2,541 3,255 ·. Malgaon 36 II,S40 14,173 Sangliwadi 10 477 336· 33 1,471 1,86, ·. ·. Mallewadi 39 2,180 2,670 SavaH •. Dudbgaon I 6,559 Manmodi 29 445 552 Savalwadi . Erandoli , . • • 43 4.649 Mhaisal (Sangli) 41 6,039 8,595 Sherikawathe •• 5 • • Gundewadi ., • • 38 1,776 Miraj-Rural 32 Shipur 45 2.287 2,667 Haripur 1,976 ·. MIRAJ-Urbaa area II 53,345 77,606 Soni. •• 49 3.576 4,196 Kakadwadi , • • • 22 570 793 , Takali •• 3S i 1,320 1,690 Kalambi · 51 1,530 Mole Kumbhoj •• 4 . ·. . Tanang 31 1.753 2,163 Kanadwadi •• 28 Mouje Digraj 9 1,930 2,617 ·. Tung •• .. 3 2,119 ;l,no Kamal ... 3,3 09 Nandre .. 13 6.1 19 8,868 Vaddi •. 34 1;218 K arou (Miraj) • • 53 2,166 Narwad 44 2,82,0 3,512

• Uninhabited 34


6 Kavathe Plram 5,162, 1,~~() 1,324 8,039 4,134 3,90 5 3 19 3~8 2,4-1-6 1,032 2,212 ~88 1,423 10)' 7 Kasabe-Digraj 6,2,69 1,193 1,257 7,Q36 4,~18 3,7I~ 309 '2.97 4 4 2,508 I,O~2 2,22l'l 55 1 1,024 1~2 6 1 8 Samdoli 3,375 871 9 0 5,722 2,94 2,78 I 322 335 32 34 1,954 899 1,602 45 876 4- 9 Dlgraj Mouje 2,712 317 394 2,61 7 r,393 1,224 2I1 ~l9 4 789 281 7 1 3 68 4~5 ~3 10 Sanghwadl 3,313 44 44 366 143 193 3~ 85 99 70 8 47

II Padmale 1,065 198 ~3S 1,58~ 8~5 757 S£ 88 451 198 455 38 198 1 0 IZ Karnale 2,I~I 395 511 3,3 9 1,75~ 1,557 80 78 1,112 481 9r~ 166 45~ 107 13 Nandre 7,757 1,372- I,5~6 8,808 4,533 4,335 494 486 9 6 2,839 1,360 ~,4IO 329 1,180 31 14 Hanpur 1,386 329 505 1,,949 1,591 1,358 20'2. 168 ~9 ~z 893 374 85~ II~ ~96 52 15 Sangh-Rural 7,045 134 134 647 343 304 74 71 232 140 195 14 9 SA.:-.IGLl URBA~ AREA I 16 Bisur ~,185 538 552 1,70;6 1,680 I,lg5 519 8;.;:7 55 40 4 l:! 17 Budhgaon .. 2,648 1,443 1,568 4,536 4,165 ~.996 1,436 ~,I35 lI8 434 16 17-A MADHAVNAGAR URBA.."l" AREA III 18 Ankali I,1l3 399 588 3,475 1,773 1,149 4 0 9 1,019 473 253 ~o 19 Dhamani 1,277 484 525 3,:1;55 1,712 II 10 1,035 48~ 9'2.0 1I0 40 7 7 20 Kupwad 6,~61 1,445 1,550 9,351 5.238 2 2 3,374 1,236 ~.343 297 7~~ 36

21 Kavalapur 7,154 1,313 1,498 9.388 4,870 4,518 498 497 2,805 1.154 ~,447 295 1,%44 83 ~2 Kakadwadi 436 100 125 793 4 17 37(J 3 1 ~~9 96 ~~5 19 1I6 23 Rasulwadi 531 51 58 353 186 167 98 IS 10 3 II 80 8 ~4 Sambarwadi 460 46 53 373 189 l84 14 4 Ill) 45 105 7 7~ 3 ~5 Kharkatwadi 845 ISO 189 1,133 585 548 37 45 332 84 ~96 3 z4~

26 Bamani 1,013 45 45 331 196 135 49 35 106 ~9 9 1 60 ~7 Savali 1,448 163 184 1,245 684 561 196 16~ 285 > 7~ 366 20 174- 3 ~8 Kanadwadi 1,297 137 139 904 469 435 113 97 275 IZ4 ~55 16 138 ~9 Manmodi 7~6 93 93 552 '1.7'1. 280 160 54 147 - 8 110 . 5 30 NilaJI 1,339 86 86 447 241 206 90 72 85 17 132 86 5'1. 32 31 Tanang 2,213 310 337 ~.163 1,144 1,019 130 106 578 603 22 404 6 32 Miraj-Rural 10,544 379 379 ~,3~r 1,~1° 1,091 120 115 690 593 52 144 2 MIRAJ URBAN AREA II 33 Dhavah 1,605 ~66 289 963 904 121 II4 16 7 545 205 550 27 40 4- II 34 Vaddi 3,18~ 263 265 90~ 8 0 4 253 233 28 25 381 81 477 128 160 .. 35 Takali 1,757 lSI 230 877 813 150 122 441 159 485 IS z76 :1 36 Malgaon 13,875 2,102 ~,358 14,173 7,464 6,709 633 570 3 2 3,384 1,163 4,152 511 2,120 98 37 Bo}wad 1,2.89 195 212 1.370 693 677 197 191 339 1I6 3g9 62 ZOI 20 38 Gundewadi 2,581 354 380 2,~85 1,181 1, 104 3~8 318 468 107 648 16~ 321 42 39 Mallewadi 3,456 389 397 ~,(J70 1,40 3 1,267 160 IS3 718 298 754 56 531 40 Khande Rajuri 10,569 6S~ 732 4.495 2,30 4 2,191 193 192 1,341 556 1,189 117 757 31

41 Mhaisal 8,844 1,350 1,484 8,595 4,482 4,II3 845 765 6 2 ~,193 917 2,359 586 1,038 157\ 42 Bedag II,711 1,538 I,S8S IO,rzO 5,278 4,842 576 510 2,343 78z 2,814 371 1,703 145 43 Erandoli 6.364 957 965 5.609 2,942 ~,667 314 328 1,710 60 4 1,593 320 1,135 145 44 Narwad 4,598 475 536 3.51'1. 1,8020 1.710 376 327 770 2~8 994 ~II 544 56 45 Shipur 4,375 470 477 ~.667 1,357 1,310 253 240 6zo 207 700 123 479 59

46 Arag 15,54° 1,759 1,894 II.30S 5,848 5,460 2 0 5 2,568 937 3,~43 ~56 2,018 45 47 Lingnoor 5.2.92 40 8 410 2,610' 1,368 1,242 202 461) 120 730 271 572 175 48 Khatav 5,666 3~7 408 3.339 1,753 1,586 160 550 78 955 107 759 38 49 S

51 Kalambi 1,875 328 344 2,°45 t,OlZ 1,013 115 105 630 305 5~9 4~ 281 6 52 Bhose 6,848 91 5 1}62 5.489 2,867 2,622 360 341 1,719 730 1,566 191 949 25 53 KaroH 2,599 32 3 336 ~,166 I,IO~ 1,004 142 143 576 261 551 5 403 S4 Belunki II,599 988 1,014 6.:.z84 3,~95 ~.989 23~ 189 1,501 533 1,809 ~47 1,141 43 S5 Salgare 7,934 754 836 5.08z 2,649 2,433 341 326 1,161 322 1,375 176 949 88

URBAN AREAS km2 I Sanl1li Municipal 20.9 21,790 21,988115,138 &1,485 53,653 5,233 4,654 24 20 40,368 la,ail 28,601 1,719 91 . Council. I Ward No.1 N.A. 765 '168 4,331 2,254 2.077 348 310 1,288 585 1,10. 353 5 (I) 136 139 806 413 393 ~69 115 190 log (2) " 145 145 760 399 361 4 6 25 1 I16 r89 24 27 (3) " 153 153 760 396 364 ~5 25 157 5~ ZI9 19 45 (4) " 98 98 616 3~5 ~91 2 I ~Oit 97 163 81 (13 1) " 58 58 339 174 165 II7 1I0 83 12 53 :1 (13~) " 81 81 450 229 ~~1 ~ I 144- 70 114 6 33 (133) " 94 94 600 3 18 ~8~ 315 277 149 25 146 2 5 ~ Ward No.2 .. -458 "58 2,519 1,306 1,213 119 106 377 649 88 200 12 (5) 173 173 Q42 471 471 119 106 IlS 2~I 43 49 3 (6) " 00 169 ~19 100 " 138 138 852 45~ 4 14 9 (7) " 147 147 7'2.5 383 34~ 93 ~09 31 51 35


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport. Other sen-ices Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry housf'.hold mdustry

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1Vl F M F 1\1 ..... -r------~-----.------~ - ~ - ~ - 19 20 21 Z:

TAHSIL 16,321 5,861 809 32 19 6 3,095 1,180 15,776 628 2,514 219 656 6,462 :l12 14,019 2,410 107,9.14 180,446 12,807 13,022 4,820 484 15 18 5 1,532 277 3,796 67 491 37 86 653 3 4,319 423 51,121 91,181 1,837 3,299 1,041 325 17 1 1 1,563 903 11,980 561 2,023 182 570 5,809 209 9,700 1,987 56,803 f,9,264 10,970 RUR""L AREAS

361 :ilZ 5 92 64 17 66 3 9 162 30 3,3Z6 I 120 () 24 10 6 II 1 24 5 1,019 2 105 Z 14- 1 45 10 10 15 3 83 3 1,431 3 4 5 398 160 50 3 6 56 5 11 192 18 1.922 3,617 6 09l:S 391 54 6 7 12 7Z 5 Z4 206 20 1,990 3,107 7 334 21 134 I 9 70 3 117 19 1,339 2,7:)1J 8 119 35 7 1 I 16 3 ... 74 6 O~O 1,150 9 10 7 2 2 1 73 11>5 10

92 3S 1 I uS 4- 6 22 1 370 719 II 151 55 4- 158 IS 8 93 4 l!40 1,391 lz, 606 270 14- 3 166 3 13 6 42 185 10 2,123 4-,006 13 130 42 13 2 22.9 6 Z I I 29 92 8 739 1,246 14 27 j) 1 2.2 3 :oil uS o 14~ 290 IS . 80 38 2 6 160 68 22 1 5 80 8 1,625 16 lbo 37 IS 49 4 950 IS 30 119 4 67 31I 39 4,047 17 17A 554 430 2 7 53 27 18 44 45 3 754 1,229 18 101-71 92 19 I , Db 14 1 16 4 17 5 792 1.433 19 ~l:S2 137 24 1 II7 6 338 7 60 14 172 6 43 91 ;;<1,095 3,hl0 20

425 189 17 3 367 2 23 10 19 210 8 2,423 4,223 21 53 19 21 2 I 17 192 357 22 b 3 13 3 b3 ISO 23 j) 4- 2 14- 2 7 ~4 177 24- 27 1 I 13 2 9 1 281) 545 25.

26 I 2 2 105 135 2«i 150 Ib 2. 5 2.0 I 4 1 9 1 31b 541 21 72 11 10 14 10 5 1 214 419 U 11 2 1 "" 9 I 5 I 2 8 125 272 21). 62 54 1 9 1 6 1 109 120 30

124 (I I 6 14 2 21 3 4 5 27 541 997 31 Il9 30 18 :iI 520 2 :il6 10 23 199 037 1.°39 32 67 13 24 1 5 IZ 6 3 Z9 4 1 3 877 33 255 124 I I 15 2 8 26 9 42.5 070 34 100 13 9 :iI II .2 1 3 22 1 392 795 35 1,431 376 30 ... 112 22. 104 I 10 169 I 20 156 11 3,312 6,198 36 115 41 I 5 IS 13 4 14 18 I 30 4 015 37 253 98 1 32 19 7 I 2 13 1 19 I 533 94Z 3~ 1l:S3 55 9 4 3 II I l:iI I °49 1,21 I 39 235 73 4 1 34 12 40 4 25 :iI 87 1 I,IIS 2,074 40

751 392, 69 I 6 .2 59 7 60 I 20 133 6 69 154 20 2,123 3,527 41 707 209 8 1:15 S 62 I 5 61 4 II 112 7 2,4(>4 4.47.1 42 214- 130 31 52 32 ZI 4 36 I 97 6 1,3.. 9 2,347 43 310 140 4 32 10 31 1 5 29 I i 31 3 l!o~ 1,499 44 127 56 14 2j) 7 12 2 10 3 27 1 657 I,IS7 45

64-1 14-8 10 I 86 33 So z8 137 10 48 194 16 2,605 5, 2 °4 46 112 93 2 17 1 4 "" 5 2 3 15 °3S 971 47 102 58 4 40 9 3 9 18 2 20 790 1,479 48 182 127 10 :il3 2 15 3 26 I 8 83 4 1,147 1,764 49 54- .3 2 3 4 2 1 I 13 2 200 405 50

139 24 5 5 3 II 6 25 1 14 II 37 3 503 971 51 415 142 7 21 7 28 8 49 2 4 85 13 1,301 2,43 1 SZ. 63 4 2 4 I 12 2. 7 4 I 53 551 1,059 53 429 163 30 67 29 16 1 5 26 1 17 78 10 I,4~0 2,74Z 54 204 65 56 12 29 ....s 3 17 72 • 8 1,274 2,257 55


1,676 487 201 13 11,007 677 6~6.l8 156 6,948 3.l6 .l,545 93 6 tUS 1,169 32,884 50,249 129 79 1 28 359 52 7 28 101 " 1,150 2,014- I 24 3 7 25 I 9 I 11 223 393 I 10 a8 49 19 43 S 26 3 210 337 105 17 3 IS 18 I 4 9 3 17 J 177 345 32 a 12 u a ~z •• Ib2 291 (I 8 1 8 2 7 1 2 4 91 IS3 3S 6 14 3 Il 11 lIS :illS J08 :z. 3 9 3 i 10 172 280 ua 66 2 17 1 100 13 61 3 19 94- 6 657 1,125 2. 59 35 1 .. 2 1 33 6 13 2 18 40 2. 250 428 IS 3 14 29 4 22 3.... I 233 386 59 ~8 I I 38 3 26 10 ao 3 174 31I 36


WORKERS Total I I Tdtal population Scheduled Sweduled Literate and workers Cultivatols Village/Town I .. (mcluding castes tribes edqcated (I-IX) Ward/BlOck .5 institutional and persons .S houseless population) ------! p M F M F M F M F M F M F ------~------I 1. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I( !3 14 IS 16 17 13 ______w ____~.------URBAN AREAS Ian' 3 Ward No.3 M.A. 456 460 2.497 1,301 1,196 841 4.70 598 29 5 (8) .. 99 101 534 2,63 271 173 95 128 8 04- (9) .. 12,9 131 682 368 314 222, u8 153 104- 1 (134) ,. 107 107 531 1.76 1.55 175 97 125 :2; (135) •• 121 121 750 394 356 271 160 192 5 .. Ward No.4 " 379 389 2.415 1.243 1.172 1,011 683 598 4 1 (10) .. 88 89 557 282 275 1.03 136 133 (II) 94- 94- 553 272 281 229 177 119 (u) .. .. 56 50 30 7 171 136 143 90 77 3 I (136) .. 64 73 530 282 2,48 239 138 148 1 (137) 77 77 468 236 232 197 142 121

5 Ward No.5 •• to 360 360 2,139 1,141 998 913 684 515 51 12 1 (13) .J 142 142 812 425 387 323 229 198 26 1 (14) 119 Il9 701 386 3 1 5 323 236 171 II 4 I (15) •• 99 99 626 33 0 29 Iii 267 219 146 14 7 6 Ward No.6 " 406 406 2,585 1,334 1,251 5 2 977 658 636 83 30 1 (16) " 65 65 4 1 (> 217 199 189 156 104 4 7 (17) 96 96 68S 375 310 275 176 179 19 12 (18) .." 85 85 481 2,43 2,38 176 101 1I5 30 3 (19) " 94 94 62,8 308 320 5 197 140 ISO 7 6 (138) .. 66 66 375 191 184 140 85 1:18 23 2

7 Ward No.7 to 562 562 3,068 1,585 1,483 19 16 868 453 771 57 15 1 (:~o) .. 153 153 840 43:: 4°8 2,04 64 20:0:5 22 3 (21) .. 92 92 591 324 267 22,1) 12,3 151 6 3 I (2,2) 22 22 144 87 57 62 41 45 1 I (139) 148 148 770 378 392 15 14 114- 42 ::13 2,6 4 (14°) " 147 147 723 364 359 4 z 260 183 143 2 4 8 Ward No.8 331 336 1,728 951 777 19 18 769 542 477 48 15 "., 18 18 104 58 46 2 1 50 39 2,8 4 .. 6 6 33 18 IS II 12 6 I 1 to 121 121 572 30 3 2,69 2,66 2 0 5 13 2 15 3 0 221 " 90 90 5 7 280 16 16 244 171 154 18 5 96 101 512 286 226 I 1 198 115 157 10 6 9 Ward No.9 568 568 2,785 1,412 1,373 35 39 1,069 804 672 66 98 1 (27) 1<17 12,7 586 2,94 292 8 It 200 122 140 10 28 I (2,8) 129 IZ9 584 30 8 276 22 21 239 186 144 36 9 (2,9) 90 90 399 2 0 4 195 171 142 88 6 13 (142,) Il4 lI4 591 279 312 5 7 175 138 142 4 24 (143) .." 108 108 62,5 327 298 284 216 IS8 10 24 10 Ward No. 10 494 494 2,377 1,169 1,208 17 837 594 582 83 71 11 (30) Jt 151 151 772, 375 397 I 299 260 177 13 IS (3 1 ) .. 184 184 875 4 1 '1 458 2,9 5 282 195 215 49 35 11 (32) n 159 159 730 377 353 IS II 256 139 190 21 21 Jl Ward No. 11 .. 406 407 1.929 1,007 922 878 739 456 62 19 (33) .. 133 134 654 342 312 300 258 149 26 3 (34) 137 137 050 338 312 301 25 6 . 159 16 3 (35) 136 136 625 327 298 277 225 148 20 13 n Ward No. 12 .. 482 488 2,506 1.353 1,153 26 14 1014 601 657 14:2 38 23 (36) .. 158 158 807 432 375 3 346 239 231 68 30 23 (37) .. 91 91 548 309 239 16 t 2,19 1 0 4 13 6 22 S (144) .. 146 146 695 376 3IQ 1 301 182 169 7 2 (145) n 87 93 456 236 220 6 2 148 76 UI 45 I 13 Ward No. 13 .. .. 767 767 3,113 1,{)79 1434 17 8 1,389 1,049 756 89 54 1 (38) .. 130 130 599 308 291 I 2SS 210 ISO 16 13 (39) .. 107 107 713 371:! 335 16 8 302 231 197 2,7 S I (40 ) " IlS 115 SI8 275 2,43 235 184 12.3 8 8 (146) " 244 244 476 279 197 22)01 132. 12.7 IS 14 (147) " 171 171 807 439 368 361) 292, 159 23 14 14 Ward No. 14 to 449 465 2,697 1.422 1,275 595 542 920 405 610 105 38 1 (41 ) 147 147 804 448 356 3 4 333 12,3 188 16 14 (42) " 105 107 744 378 366 214 191 260 127 146 71 5 (148) " 71 71 355 182, 173 II 8 113 61 90 7 6 (149) ".. 11.6 140 794 414 380 367 339 214 94 186 II 13 IS Ward No. 15 .. 646 646 3,376 1,?50 1.626 267 253 1.175 657 837 136 58 3 (43) 164 164 846 436 410 56 49 30 6 164 216 2,3 30 I (44) " 97 97 512 263 249 201 131 120 4 7 (45) " 163 163 850 432 4 III 21I 204 190 73 ::>.10 S2 2, (ISO) U7 127 696 367 329 2,68 149 180 38 12 (151) .. 95 95 472 252 2,20 210 140 III 19 7 ,. 548 557 3,001 1,590 1,411 8 10 1,104 655 747 129 29 2 100 109 75 0 4 02 348 266 154 188 32 3 1 .. 93 93 442, 2,46 196 196 135 102 10 S I .. 138 138 737 372 365 2 2 286 179 170 IS 13 100 100 488 256 232 169 84 131 35 1 II7 II7 584 3 1 4 270 6 8 187 103 156 37 7 17 Ward No. 17 •. .. 724 724 4,024 2,079 1,945 245 245 1,138 761 908 122 21 3 (48) .. 190 196 956 525 43 1 376 194 247 57 3 2 (49) 139 139 716 380 336 17 23 2,4 1 145 109 9 3 (ISS) 148 148 875 455 420 159 IS3 223 82, 184 26 I (156) " 141 141 862 415 447 39 45 2,80 172 187 20 9 (157) " 100 100 615 304 3Il 30 24 lIS 168 121 10 S 37


WORKERS ---~~------~-~- II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Ivlmmg, Manufacturing etc. ConstructIon Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. qu,lrrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications mdustry household industry M F M F 11 F F 1\'1 F 1\1 F IV! F 1'vI F M F

19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 27 29 ;;0 3 1 32 33 34 35 37 ------...... ~----.~------~------~------~------__...... ,..._------~----- URBAN AREAS 12 26 13 41 154 9 8 225 24 59 2 98 17 703 1,072 3 I 9 32 I 4 49 8 5 29 4- 135 1.45 2 tJ 39 2 I 00 20 16 21 8 2 15 295 4- 7 10 4 27 3 2 36 12 19 2 25 I 151 226 5 4 3 37 56 3 I 80 2; 19 23 .. 2;02 30 6 2 3 1 44 4 146 3 11 250 10 22 1 118 27 645 1,123 3 zz 3 51 36 5 5 19 5 149 259 39 5 46 4- I 25 b 153 272 I I 3 IQ 18 I 31 5 94 130 I 5 26 I 89 3 8 17 2 134 .2.p 14 II 5 61 2 4 26 9 lIS 2,2,0 4 1 2 53 1 91 1 5 195 10 28 125 37 947 5 1 3 I 42 ;;: 63 8 17 68 17 3(H 1 4+ 22; I 57 I 6 35 8 304- 2 6 27 I 2 75 5 22 12 282. 11 2 1 4B 20 127 13 5 286 19 33 93 18 698 1 168 6 7 18 ;;: 43 2 5 21 2 113 195 2 26 9 27 87 4 5 21 3 196 291 3 4 6 30 9 45 7 5 27 5 1;:8 208 3 1 1 5 20 1 88 I 10 12 :;: 158 313 3 6 5 32 4 .2 23 5 8 12 6 103 lOl 14 111 19 125 3 5 1 228 5 140 1 97 13 808 1.426 7 12 60 7 2.2 41 I 23 28 :2 207 ]86 7 31 I 66 I 20 23 4 173 2.01 :2 4 I 27 2 8 I 42 so 8 2 3() 1::\ 38 :2 J 24 "­ 87 II 6 165 360 3 30 I 70 I 8 27 :2;21 357 3 17 1 75 2 5 2 194 5 21 2 147 36 474 729 8 4- 10 13 3 42 1 :2; 2 I 12 14· 2; 13 13 I 41 .2 55 13 171 254 I J 19 2 1 82 20 7 I 35 13 132 20 3 3 8 :2; I 57 :2; 12 42 6 129 .n6 30 9 2 38 4 113 1 6 159 7 30 1 196 43 740 1,307 I) 4 4- 1 6 I 27 36 3 7 3[ I 154 282 4- 4 I 3 25 I I 40 2 5 58 26 164 240 :2 10 I 18 4 40 5 116 r89 18 13 26 3 S I 25 3 137 J08 4- 1 16 25 I 40 I 6 42 8 169 :2;88 31 22 1 23 133 1 12 5 169 13 36 2 106 29 587 1,12510 56 53 I 9 44- 12 198 384 19 16 21 34 5 DO 9 I 30 II 202 409 l:.l. 6 I 2 43 7 5 56 3 I 3z 6 187 332 1 4 17 85 3 4 119 1 17 2 190 56 5,51 8(,0 II 14 2f. 33 5 I 72 24 193 286 42 I 42 4 1 64 14 179 296 3 2;: I 44 8 54 IS 179 ;"78 2 4 2 29 61 149 3 14 176 19 55 1 192 31 696 1,011 12 1 2 3 14 48 1 3 H IS 13 I 58 13 201 307 10 12 ::19 1 4 21 :2; 7 50 b 173 2.17 7 28 I 2 64 19 45 6 207 312 :2 9 35 34 5 17 2 16 39 6 IIS 175 IS 7 1 21 4 133 7 20 1 189 10 44 4 276 55 923 1,345 13 I I 27 6 38 2 6 2 59 II 158 275 10 4 I II 3 44 3 4 42 ,4 15 65 12 181 308 :2 4 :28 3 I I 6 43 6 l52; 235 5 2; 5 16 1 ;;: 38 2 7 40 9 152 182 I 18 2 7 1 40 I 10 :2 69 17 280 3+5 '\ 56 19 2 95 2 83 1 10 89 4 52 185 78 812 1,170 14 3 2 29 :2; 27 6 29 :2; .26 43 9 260 3,10 31 13 13 I II ( 79 57 232. 2095 5 19 2 .20 I 10 26 6 92 16(, S 3 24 1 I 29 I 10 37 b 228 Jot)

66 2 1 8 13 177 8 11 1 152 10 72 1 246 33 913 1,490 15 13 26 3 :n 10 76 9 220 387 23 I 19 5 64 3 143 245 54 33 I 6 58 I 19 5 23 32 ~ Z22 366 16 18 4 2 47 8 4 39 3 14 43 :; 187 291 3 :2 I 5 23 2 24 .2 20 31 8 141 201

30 19 6 2 42 216 8 27 1 196 13 84 2 157 42 843 1,282 16 'I I 26 9.5 5 24 I 23 31 2 2 14 316 I J 9 I 56 J 3 27 6 144 186 3 5 48 5 44 3 J7 40 7 20;: 350 I 4 I 9 33 6 7 43 4 21 24 10 lZ5 107 19 13 5 31 1 9 29 4- 20 I 35 17 IS8 233

16 4 7 64 61 210 4 61 1 187 12 77 2 265 35 1,171 1,823 17 3 3 43 35 26 3 I 42 6 9 Jl7 J J 2,78 374 ;1; 2. 55 II 45 3 19 31 5 211 327 13 22 tJ4 20 2S, 21 .28 3 2,71 39+ 8 3 6 4 4 8 12 30 18 1 56 10 228 42,7 4 :2 17 8 42 3 10 1 33 6 183 301 ,------A-I 172-6-A. 38


WORKERS ~ Total I ~ Total population Scheduled Schedued LIterate and workers Culttvatofll VIllage ITown til (mcludmg ca!>tes tnbe~ educated (I-IX) I ::l Ward/Block o InstitutIonal and persons ..c: houl>eles\3 population) '+.o o Z p M F M F 1\1 F M F M F F

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 IS 17 18 URBAN AREAS km2 18 Ward No. IS N.A. 636 636 3,115 1,680 1,535 194 170 1,037 514 758 112 16 5

(50) .J 13 0 130 680 349 331 22 27 212 IIO 155 41 7 3 (51) t' 113 1I3 596 30 4 292 2 3 227 138 134 8 4 (52.) II4 II4 570 30 5 265 149 125 127 53 14Q 26 (15~) " 722 330 275 123 161 23 3 I " 153 153 392 (159) .. IZ6 126 047 33 0 3 1 7 21 IS 196 90 1$9 14 z J 19 Ward No. 19 770 770 4,083 2,104 1. 979 536 501 1,151 793 920 157 29 " (53) II7 117 800 418 38., 377 347 1:-'4 69 157 27 " (54) 181 lSI 792 4 17 375 13 12 246 272 195 24 10 (55) " 159 159 857 432. 425 1I 12 185 84 212 41 13 (56) " 131 131 673 351 322 236 I4S 152 17 4 (160) " 83 83 451 233 218 135 13 0 151 132 88 11 l(161) " 99 99 510 253 2.57 149 88 lI6 37 ~o Ward No. 20 .. 665 667 3,073 1,608 1,465 1,137 662 735 91 32 (57) 198 198 6~7 361 286 ::37-7 248 149 15 4 (58) " 88 88 50S 266 242 190 103 122 20 J (59) "to .151 153 805 4 06 399 214 84 ZOI 19 IZ (I(2) 88 88 435 22.8 2.07 leI 72 102 17 I (163) " 0 311 245 155 161 20 14 " 14 140 678 347 21 Ward No. 21 565 644 3,410 1.772 1.638 3 I 1,003 757 775 193 24 1 (60) 189 189 990 517 47) 3 .. 8 210 :.n6 65 4 (61) " 139 139 761 382 379 243 15 0 169 37 5 (62) 56 135 779 414 365 81 1\)6 1'77 4 6 7 ]. (164) .> 181 181 874 459 415 2 I 33 1 201 213 45 8 634 650 3,210 1,751 1,459 1,304 b3t 775 97 19 1 22 Ward No. 22 " (63) 99 102 520 275 245 93 125 42 8 I (64) " 183 183 908 501 407 212 219 6 3 (65) 135 147 690 374 316 II7 165 4 (lOS) 116 116 585 311 274 108_ 142 17 I " (166) ., 101 102 507 290 ZI7 XOI 124- 32 3 23 Ward No. 23 286 286 1,283 687 596 447 183 324 8 10 " (66) 186 6 " 152 152 7z3 379 344 234 95 4 16 308 213 88 138 I •• ( 7) " 134 134 560 252 4 4 :1.4 Ward No. 24 ., 954 954 5,390 2,831 2,559 2 1,907 1,004 1,344 165 44 2 (67) .' 130 130 720 4 11 30 9 282 J60 219 34 3 (68) 'J IIZ II2 635 332 30 3 200 114 159 36 10 (69) 127 127 723 371 352 217 89 169 51 3 (70) 106 106 661 336 325 1 216 101 144 3 I (71) " 127 127 707 362 345 265 148 175 5 3 (72) " 98 . 98 477 262 2 15 193 110 146 25 3 161 (73) " I:Z5 125 7 1 5 366 349 242 133 7 9 (74) 129 752 391 3@J , ~ 292 149 171 12. " 129 4 25 Ward No. 25 ., 305 309 1,906 1,033 873 8 4 717 451 497 93 6 (75) 93 93 625 350 275 ZI8 192 165 IS 2 (76) 95 99 595 322 273 233 109 172 33 3 (168) " 117 117 686 301 8 266 ISO 160 I " 325 4 45 26 Ward No. 26 475 475 2,823 1,608 1,215 146 7 3 1,1l9 556 711 59 61

(77) >, 178 1,]8 1044 548 496 6 324- 131 279 6 .2 (78) 94 94 427 215 212, 170 130 104 14 3 (79] 58 58 633 458 175 2 3 1 5 113 158 25 55 " 1 310 182 170 14 I (80) " 145 145 7 9 387 332 5 3 373 373 2,316 1,238 1,078 (t 9 887 808 523 33 31 ~7 Ward No. 27 " (81) ., 103 103 580 361 219 6 6 122 147 II8 8 II 189 II 8 (82) " 108 108 729 394 335 353 249 (83) 85 85 569 230 333 3 209 2~5 IOD (} 8 (169) 0' 77 77 430 247 191 203 127 1I0 8 4 28 Ward NQ. 28 '. 300 300 1,949 1,060 889 36 22 7 7 713 436 582 68 21 2 (84) 26 26 240 164 76 14 7 45 94 2 207 136 II (85) " 66 66 494 249 245 8 3 3 (&6) .. 126 126 779 420 359 159 225 25 5 (87 ) 82 209 14 12 25 127 38 5 " 82 436 227 7 577 577 3,006 1,577 1,429 23 31 1,140 769 760 43 32 2 29 Ward No. 29 " (88) 343 179 1 64 7 7 120 80 101 8 " 73 73 (89) 105 105 596 326 270 250 162 144 16 2 (90) " 160 160 819 427 392 II 18 309 188 195 3 12 (170) " 80 80 492 257 2,35 199 ISS 131 3 14 (171) " 159 159 756 388 368 5 6 262 184 189 13 4 30 Ward No. 30 .. 992 994 5,542 3,212 2,330 330 316 2,137 839 1,394 108 122 3 (91) .. 16S 165 945 541 404 20 18 48;3 3 16 208 18 13 (92) " 88 88 422 236 186 4 z 177 93 119 13 3 (93) " 120 120 762 417 345 64 57 z60 1 0 4 203 13 6 (94) " 53 53 3 1 6 173 143 11 10 117 79 '72 10 4 1 (95) " 260 262 1,348 715 633 104 104 2 84 95 3'79 36 57 2 (96) " 143 143 969 710 259 54 50 592 73 210 9 10 (172) " 163 163 780 4ZO 360 73 75 224 79 203 9 29 A-I 172-6-B. 39


WORKERS - ---~------~-~------~------II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. C"nslruction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards. etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household llldustry

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------~--~------~~------__..------~------IQ 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 1 ------~------~-~------_...------...... --~------URBAN AREAS 27 18 13 28 25 189 7 34 149 26 77 2 225 29 922 1,423 18 1<:1- 10 4 8 39 I 5 29 21 9 49 6 194 290 2 I 8 I 35 I 5 22 13 I 4S 4 170 284 5 3 5 7 25 14 19 3 18 63 12 IS6 239 3 3 2 10 12 4~ I 5 32 20 38 5 231 307 3 2 2, 5 51 4 5 47 17 30 Z 171 303 17 14 15 20 31 177 8 83 4: 212 13 94 7 273 80 1,184 1,822 19 6 10 3 51 17 14 II 1 55 14 261 355 I 5 26 4 66 5 3 83 IS 222 351 8 3 12 1 ~ 17 33 26 55 8 23 27 II 220 384 39 2 24 25 23 37 13 199 305 2 Ill) 6 14 13 42 8 145 207 1 3 8 If) 3 6 38 3 19 3 29 19 137 220 15 5 21 2 75 16 87 22 :31 178 15 114 176 31 873 1.374 20 2 30 3 59 5 3 48 9 212 Z71 I 13 II 14 9 3fs 16 3 0 9 144 222 7 19 6 42, 15 14 35 2 46 20 2 205 330 5 34 2 I I 4 17 I 20 25 8 126 lQO 7 2 22 3 5 7 29 7 29 53 3 lR6 311 5 4 6 20 128 260 17 35 1 154 3 56 215 39 997 1 445 21 I 1 40 84 6 51 23 47 9 301 4'4 2, 5 3 28 60 5 32. 2 5 5 213 342 34 70 2 9 27 12 ~g 8 237 319 26 4() IS 44 I 16 66 17 246 370

6 1 7 12 78 235 7 21 184 1 82 1 209 8 976 1,362 22 2 I 52 2 3 18 II 30 2 150 2 0 3 I 52 I 4 54 29 1 74 4 282 401 I 5 Sf> 2 38 23 34 209 316 12 45 3 9 40 7 32 I 169 257 30 30 I 3 34 12 39 166 18S 5 5 2 69 32 67 1 72 64 5 363 588 23 3 3 36 21 42 48 27 3 193 340 2 2 2 33 II 25 24 37 2 170 248 30 4: 8 2 1 17 385 93 106 361 9 140 7 269 31 1,487 2,394 24- 3 41 19 14 91 2 27 40 12 192 275 8 3 46 2.1 16 35 2 21 4 22 4 173 267 2 73 46 2,7 30 14 I 20 2 202 301 2, 2 47 3 53 8 29 I 192 322 '» I 5S 10 38 2 14 42 3 187 340 1 I 12 21 17 57 18 28 S 116 190 5 51 5 II 22 17 4 6 I 205 342 4 2 48 8 35 21 2 42 220 357

2 11 1 12 67 118 3 21 2 172 8 49 1 108 9 536 780 25 1 8 35 5 7S 5 II 36 185 260 10 8 25 3~ 3 5 2 53 2 23 32 ISO 240 4 34 45 II 44 I IS I 4 0 7 201 280

4 5 9 6 140 1 14 116 5 1 318 46 897 1,156 26 3 I 8 3 lI8 9 63 Z 3 1 44 269 4QO 1 3 9 3 30 2 I 56 9 III 198 3 8 21 I 3 67 24 300 150 I 5 2 I 8 lSI 13 217 318

3 1 3 2 66 5 6 87 25 715 1,045 27 :3 21 2 32 6 243 21I 2 26 1 10 28 8 205 324 10 3 I 18 3 130 327 I 2 9 6 9 8 137 183

7 6 2 53 5 88 5 3 276 8 82 48 39 478 821 28 I 3 66 4 20 2 70 74 20 r 84- 8 12 3 1I3 242 3 I 20 I 49 3 2, 107 5 24 15 IS 195 334- 4 5 I 33 4 10 2 2 3 19 3 46 I 19 100 171

17 12 2 25 7 141 3 13 334 5 79 1 107. 20 817 1,386 29 I 1 6 1 I7 I 35 2 20 19 "I- 78 156 2 10 4 8 3 3 81 2 16 22 7 182 254 Q I 58 3 76 I IS 21 2 232 389 .l 3 6 14 3 66 8 16 2 126 232 5 2 6 2 2, 4+ 3 76 20 1 29 5 199 355

99 24 10 9 526 24 32 4 303 8 91 6 202 39 1,818 2,222 30 3 60 2 2 81 I 4 45 15 333 386 I I 33 6 3 40 2 7 3 1 4 II7 173 3 4 84 5 9 52 24 25 2 214 332 7 4 3 10 3 33 3 12 2 101 133 46 12; 2; 133 4 9 2 72 3 42 4 18 9 336 SQ7 25 101 2 2 6 7 I S9 6 500 250 17 4 I 9 105 2 7 19 4 12 I 217 351 40



Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate nnd Total I Yillage/Town/ (including castes trIbes educaled workers Cultivators Ward/Block institutional and persons (I-IX) hout:.eless populallon)

p M F ::\1 F M F M F M F M F

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 IS 16 17 URBAN AREAS 3I Ward No. 31 N.A. 2,044 2,057 10,449 5,670 4,779 1,321 1,190 1 2,725 1,198 2,982 311 82 3

«;17) 149 149 73 0 332 80 72 25 1 I25 z (98) " II8 119 758 31S 65 72 257 98 6 (99) " 294 301 1,251 529 42 20 35 1 188 37 39 (100) " 108 108 51 3 179 46 25 I 204 37 4 1Z '(101) " 55 56 339 167 61 62 62 21 II (10 2) .. 106 107 519 225 66 42 ISZ 61 24 9 3 (10 3) " 146 146 689 346 25 36 lIS 19 51 1 (1°4) III III 587 283 274- 206 129 3~ 22 (1 0 5) " 134 134 836 40 4 400 374 100 23 37 (106) 169 )69 783 357 12 12 275 151 14 4 (107) 97 100 432 220 h 4 7 0 199 I2 (108) 88 88 55 6 273 3 7 11;4 3!i 7 (173) " III III 587 282 145 136 125 33 8 (174) " lIS lIS 618 264 64 31 268 lIS 21 5 (175) " 101 101 50 7 239 26 18 86 25 9 (176) " 142 142 744 301 6 7 153 32 57 1 32 Ward No. 32 ., 1,208 1,218 6,175 3,555 2,620 442 305 2,173 843 1,506 114 29

(1 09) 58 58 257 135 122 74 69 46 IS 8:: S (110) " 120 120 629 354 275 69 53 272 129 14f " (lI r) 66 66 308 178 lJo 58 43 138 53 7") 3 (lI2) " lIS 118 628 388 24-0 II9 28 2,65 80 12l-1 4 I (II3) " 77 77 289 161 128 14 14 12,6 57 83 2 (n4) " 84 84 435 248 187 34 20 203 8r 143 2 (U5) " 108 108 581 301 2g0 5 227 182 135 4 16 (JI6) " 19 19 9S 61 34 I 1 I 25 32 2 " 4 (117) " 98 98 456 Z39 217 3 34- 63 9 120 I 4 (u8) )' 37 37 479 3l)4 85 II 337 49 82 I (Jl9) , 153 1&3 7 15 349 366 25 26 67 32 150 30 1 (177) ,. 137 137 535 3 17 ZZI 12 10 234 I17 133 '7 6 (175) ,. 133 133 765 430 335 17 149 14 19Q 53 46 18 33 Ward No. 33 " 401 409 2 ,133 1,168 965 42 38 916 502 476 (120) 53 53 418 461 157 4 4 246 13 0 69 8 5 (12 r) " 184 IS7 772 414- 35>; 2 3 320 1A3 210 8 11 (122) " 32 33 228 132 96 2 3 101 62 39 10 (179) " 132 136 715 361 354 34 28 24-9 IfY7 ISS 20 2

34 Ward No. 34 II 1,804 1,804 8,085 4,355 3,730 397 395 9 10 2,759 2,668 1,960 209 59 1

(123) 2 0 3 203 933 521 .p2 459 336 217 28 12 (124) " 225 235 1,049 51 7 532 139 lSI 295 212 248 23 19 (125) J45 I4S 739 375 364 7 II 265 r64 174 12 2 (126) " 256 256 l,z34 668 566 75 69 373 173 358 63 3 (127) 244 244 1,102 604 498 18 14 412 23:; 2t14 9 7 (128) 177 177 819 4J5 4 0 4 35 32 4 6 224 113 2 1 3 12 7 (129) " 1').7 127 484 zoo 194 16 14 5 4 234 99 100 II 2 (130) 125 12S 352 235 117 197 75 43 II (I80) " 177 177 835 441 394 91 86 124 156 193 30 2 r (181) 125 125 538 289 24q 16 18 176 IDS 141 10 5 II Miraj Municipal 42.4 13,552 13,807 77,606 40,266 37,340 3,972 3,930 23 15 25,624 14,890 18,592 2,216 2.324 182 Council. Ward No.1 N.A. 607 609 2,968 1,443 1,525 148 139 1 977 790 670 264 40 3

( 1) 82 ' 81; 381 2Q5 176 7 5 70 82 25 6 (2) " 143 143 766 393 373 20 19 212 160 45 13 (3) " 61 63 2II 1~5 86 60 66 , 37 z (7 1) " 80 80 466 143 313 29 26 1 219 90 76 3 " 10 (72) " 113 II3 531 267 264 42 45 128 128 29 (73) " 128 128 613 310 30 J 50 44- 101 144 S2 6 3 2 Ward No.2 431 2,171 1,153 1,018 152 157 77 23 6 " 427 847 545 489 135 135 658 357 30 1 27 3Z 251 ISS 157 10 7 " 96 96 557 273 284 79 8.J. 2 0 3 II6 II7 37 3 1 " IzZ 126 600 319 zSr 17 17 234 157 134- 24 II 5 74- 74 356 1;04 152 29 24 159 II7 81 6 5 3 Ward No.3 382 388 2,279 1,175 1,104 21 23 753 374 541 63 37

(ti) 66 66 225 4 7 124 37 lZ3 10 7 (7) 81 83 277 5 8 r84 127 120 15. II (76) lI6 lIb 32Z 8 5 257 138 153. IS 3 (77) " 119 123 zt;o 4- 3 188 72 145 23 16 4 Ward No.4 439 439 2,500 1,300 1,200 260 249 571 329 583 118 36 " (8) 76 76 , 414 zl6 198 1; 2, 130 65 105 2S IT 2 (9) " 128 128 ,671 355 3 1 6 82 74 122 75 r60 ;31 f; I (78) " 147 1+7 7+2 394 348 16 12 121 100 197 25 q (79) 88 88 673 335 338 160 161 198 89 121 37 3 .5 Ward No.5 395 395 1,452 620 106 103 497 204 240 29 39 1 " (10) 161 161 458 2z8 36 41 47 35 4 (} (80 ) " 104 104 6z8 21;0 62. 39 60 92 7 5 (81) IS 28 1 " 130 130 366 172. 8 2,3 97 113 6 Ward No.6 475 484 2,504 1,305 1,199 65 64 171 675 61 195 16 " (r I) 127 136 621 317 304 40 4 0 193 9+ 184 26 33 8 ( 12) 131 13 t 678 348 330 2 I 225 I85 174 6 46 (82) 123 123 711 382 329 2 5 251 101 192 5 80 2, 6 (83) " 94 94 494 258 236 21 18 173 91 125 24 3 5 41



1I In IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agncultural LIvestock, Mming, .:\Ianufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport. Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than Commerce communicatIOns industry household mdustry


19 21 22 23 24 25 28 2Q 30 31 33 34 35 37 I ------____.,,-~-~~----~------~------~----~----~------VRBAK AREAS 393 69 10 2 1 29 3 1225 88 348 47 301 29 336 30 258 39 2.688 4.468 3 I

52 I I r32 5 I 13 r 194 330 I 186 I 23 5 16 4- 208 3 1 2 180 7 234- 2 23 7 15 I 214 492 7 109 :2 I 16 4 19 167 175 48 20 2 2 83 107 II 7 I 42 32 5 63 .5 "15 I I I I It "101 2 1 44 .J 27 5 26 rz 60 18 IS 8 164 295 5 2b l 22 4 II 51 4 13 3 176 261 12 o I 1; S8 q 60 II 7 '" 25 45 10 2.16 367 13 + 4 b4 iJ 4 37 18 28 4 2.54 34J 23 3 57 5 II .4 I 6 I 93 201:) I I 3h 1 03 4 12 16 4- 148 266 60 6 S 51 13 II 3 0 :2 8 124 27+ 2 + 2. 69 13 (; "I 19 I 29 2. 221 243 I 5 53 o 16 10 20 I 31 I 132 .J30 3 7 I 7 0 32 39 10 25 I 51 3 10 3 183 30 4 11 3 41 7 218 19 119 31 284 12 171 12 610 30 2,049 2,500 3 Z

14 3 0 1 2 ::9 4 6 53 117 4 4- 8 3 19 14 9 1 210 275 1 I 2 7J 3 103 12,7 20 IS I 9 ;;:6 51.! 2. 200 236 2 :2 4 75 78 126 7 2 1 I 131 r 105 ]65 22 2 36 6 53 ..j. 160 276 3 I 23 3 1; 2 29 32 32 32 I 34 1.j. II9 210 2 I 60 18 312 1:\4 r 4 33 39 13 17 5 5 2 22 5 ]99 33° 18 6 40 5 3 58 3 ]84 "114 2. 1 3 53 IS 48 16 42 ;; 42 2 I:; 7 23 1 28;;: 7 8 2 3 1 133 18 10 124 :2 31 142 23 692 919 31

I 3 25 I 34 7 192 149 J 53 8 53 I 2"1 5'\' 2 0 4 350 '01. z 3 '7 ;;: 23 10 93 UJ ;) 1 74 15 39 7 30 '+ 2 0 3 334 151 11 21 34 8 315 8 197 476 9 176 4 531 116 2,395 3,521 34

3 24 13 69 2. 8 88 26 384 29 4 33 49 48 19 45 SOl) 13 I 28 16 44 17 54 II 352 Il 6 3 8 74 3 55 37 103 3 49 2 52 12 50 3 2. 35 I 15 84 3 2 89 S 48'1 :;: 8 4 4 1 23 II 30 5 392 3 2, II "I 13 5 I 62 8 ]83 I 2 :3 2 5 I 4 25 10 106 :;: 3 44 36 IS 51 I 16 42 5 364- 16 2 22 7 36 I 15 38 8 239 1,54,8 539 l20 4- 1 528 217 3,692 124 656 24 3,548 224 3,142 115 3,033 787 21,674 35,124

41 5 1 6 111 6 45 6 126 25 68 13 228 204 773 1,261 I

9 1 II 6 1 34 13 12 7 123 151 6 :3 22 I 4 7 60 40 z33 328 5 I 2 I 48 36 59 49 19 I 7 21 I 2 35 75 53 247 3 4 28 9 :;: 17 38 26 139 235 4 1 4 4 Z 22 8 33 ZO 166 251 3 4. 12 9 85 2l 5 126 2 59 156 55 664 941

I 3 7 26 8 35 14 ,56 9 200 291 3 8 17 4 4 32 2,0 38 24 156 247 2. I 23' .; I 35 r6 42 17 185 257 2 17 4 24- 9 20 5 123 146 16 12 3 11 2 115 1 78 150 16 43 88 32 634 1,041 3

4 7 24 61 16 2 4 7 I 121 215 4 2, 23 I 2 47 3 15 16 9 141 262 II 2, 32 3 69 4 9 26 9 "108 307 8 3 36 12 18 7 IS 39 13 164 257 4,1 21 4. 1 5 14, 159 8 20 109 11 69 3 14,0 57 717 1,082 4-

13 8 r "16 8 J 28 7 111 173 16 4- I 8 7 8 22 1 20 39 8 195 285 10 9 3 3 2 55 2 28 25 9 197 323 2. 2 4 ~ 6 20 48 33 214 301 32 8 2 1 30 12 2 42 4 24 4 58 10 592 591 5 7 4 t 12- 9 195 Z24 21 2 IS 7 IZ 2 24- 3 3 1 6 Z I 3 4 2 It S 2 18 22 4- 25 7 81 T54 72 23 3 16 no 1 12 1 129 9 66 72 11 630 1,138 6 34- 6 I 24 6 39 8 18 28 3 133 Z78 8 IS 37 3 I 38 12 14 3 174 324 16 3 31 2 31 IS 16 190 .324- 14 l4 18 I ZI 21 14 5 133 2IZ 42


WORKERS en OJ Total I 1 Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivators Village/Town I " (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block ..:.:a institutional and persons .5 housde3s population)

~ ____~-1. ~ -< p 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F ------___.------~--~--~~~----~~-~-~------~ ------.- 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 km 2 URB.\N AHEAS 7 Ward No.7 N.A. 472 472 2,736 1,428 1,308 507 505 826 311 709 87 91 6

( 13) 147 1+7 913 475 438 237 229 2 84 84 26 20 ( 14-) 93 93 52g 267 261 5+ 65 145 55 51 13 6 (84) 125 125 702 36+ 338 213 205 19 1 82, 7 20 (85) 107 107 593 322 271 3 6 206 90 3 38 8 Ward No.8 380 380 2,135 1,148 987 10 7 808 441 555 39 65 2

(Is) 128 306 10 7 150 194 2 23 (16) 83 255 115 126 10 10 I (86) 93 :225 94 132 19 24- I (87) " 76 201 82 103 S 8 9 Ward No.9 385 385 2,506 1,273 1,233 101 101 785 373 617 50 50 1

(17) III 11 I C) 7 247 140 165 15 12 (18) 128 128 29 35 260 91 219 :2.0 9 (88) 68 68 14 132 60 116 2 14 (89) 78 78 51 45 146 82 II7 13 IS 10 Ward No. 10 371 372 2,449 1,242 1,207 10 6 718 354 576 60 67 4 " (Ig) 106 106 686 348 338 200 94 167 10 43 J (20) 87 88 597 308 289 3 2 159 64 134 42 II 3 (9°) 121 121 795 398 397 7 4 255 141 193 5 8 (gl) 1 188 183 104 " 57 57 37 55 82 3 5 1 I Ward No. 11 395 412 2,741 1,377 1,364 4 804 417 636 75 21 3

(.21) II3 130 399 243 132 178 19 5 ;2, (22) 50 So ISS 4 4 86 39 89 21 6 (92) " 124 124 +58 277 154 209 12 4 r (91) ,. 108 108 335 198 92, 160 23 6

12 Ward No. 12 331 381 2,354 1,238 1,116 1 778 358 560 20 49

(.n) 64 U4 52,6 27f} 247 152 33 126 3 (24) 99 102 oS, 347 134 22,5 137 162 8 II (94) 74 76 458 254 2 0 4 145 72 134 3 4 (95) 94 139 689 358 :nl 1 256 ll6 138 6 34 3 13 Ward No. 13 349 349 2,361 1,204 1,157 7 9 821 .48 535 50 67 , 8

32.0 300 214 10 16 " 94 94 5 9 7 7 s 97 97 319 30 8 222 59 22 29 9 0 9 0 335 310 2 226 184 8 22 ;2, ., 68 68 230 239 160 98 4 9 I 14 Ward No. 14 421 427 2,561 1,280 1,281 7 6 806 441 559 53 39 2

(27) 56 3:.7 121 56 68 2 2 (.~8) " 125 812 248 117 193 13 9 (29) 146 803 7 6 256 165 167 8 24 " 619 181 103 131 (98) " 94 30 4 429 431 2,509 1,327 1,182 8 4 870 443 623 92 134 29 IS Ward No. 15 .. " (30) 82 235 246 8 4 176 100 104 17 II 10 (3 I) 130 438 360 24:2. 105 219 :2.1 83 8 (99) " 98 302 2,78 205 123 132 31 2:2. 9 (roo) 12 I 2,98 lIS 168 23 18 2 " 352 247 16 Wl!.rd No. 16 246 284 1,632 864 768 281 337 506 278 424 41 15 3

(32) 123 131 838 422 416 268 322 230 2 0 3 19 IZ 3 (33) " 123 153 794 442 :152 13 IS 276 221 22, 3 17 Ward No. 17 .. 797 873 4,244 2,261 1,983 459 485 1,276 928 1,098 96 27 1 (34) 184 184 9 13 494 419 79 52 40 2 :2.96 205 17 IS I (35) 96 109 530 287 243 16 :2.5 19B 13 1 127 16 (36) " 110 110 553 2.66 287 208 227 74 4 133 '34 (37) 134 162 673 396 277 67 56 :..53 102 199 rS (101) 159 16 I 807 43+ 373 10 10 281 127 241 10 12 (102) " II4 147 768 38+ 384 79 115 68 :2.68 193 833 865 4,319 2,293 2,026 862 795 16 6 1,389 713 1,109 148 20 5 18 Ward No. 18 " (38) 80 9 0 332 177 ISS 21 14 13 1 99 102 3 (39) 139 139 700 378 322 173 133 7 2 249 95 IS6 5 (4°) 87 IDS 455 252 2 0 3 :55 50 130 69 128 22 (41) 108 III 614 304 310 19:.:: 203 174 83 144 12 10 I (1°3) " 158 158 873 466 +07 63 74 347 229 195 (1°4) " 133 133 731 383 348 202, 177 9 4 221 101 166 25 (105) 128 129 61 4 333 281 156 144 137 37 188 81 10 4 418 2,594 1,328 44 138 19 Ward No. 19 " 418 1,266 203 196 875 442 642 8 (42) 148 148 819 428 391 202 196 288 120 210 19 23 3 (43) 93 93 647 327 320 221 13 1 165 7 44 (106) 81 81 521 27 1 250 193 96 132 8 59 5 (107) 96 96 607 302 305 173 95 135 10 12 20 Ward No. 20 .. 465 465 2,774 1,454 1,320 20 25 928 372 724 41 177 6 (44) 159 159 89+ 474 420 301 107 241 18 89 4 (45) " 132 132 791 428 363 5 6 278 120 214 12 55 (46) 110 110 739 184 355 15 19 249 106 IS8 3 29 2 ( 108) 64 64 350 168 182 100 39 81 8 4 43


WORKERS ------.. - -- _.._ -.-....,_------.... II III IV V VI VII VIn IX X Agricultural LIvestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying ----~----- and storage and Household Other than commerce communicatiOllls industry household industry

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------~ ...... ___..-~------~----~---~-- . 19 20 2,1 22 23 24 25 26 '2.7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ------_._~~------~------URBAN AREAS 119 II 3 1 133 32 118 8 28 1 74 7 67 1 76 10 719 1,221 7

16 3 3 95 16 35 2 2 19 2 28 30 Z 4U 9 13 22 16 45 6 ZI 16 4 II .. II 4 210 80 4 8 25 19 I 14 7 2 331 14 I 8 13 5 20 14 :'2.8 2 268 7 1 7 28 11 146 6 19 172 3 44 3 67 13 593 948 8

I 3 2 I 7! 13 52 9 20 I 190 30 4 I II 2 35 I I 47 7 14 5 121 245 3 3 13 7 22 4 31 I 14 3 ZI 3 161 200 3 I 2 18 4 42 I 14 12 4 121 193 21 11 7 155 21 89 1 131 4 91 65 5 656 1,183 9

2 5 I .. , 9 7 56 9 33 3 24 19 191 351 4 I I 57 IS 52 50 3 1 IS 2 210 387 2 17 I 27 201- zo 12 I IZ4 225 13 5 3 25 5 24 16 19 Z 13 I Z20 60 27 9 1 6 13 130 4 14 179 6 40 71 5 666 1,147 10.

23 6 37 5 42 Z 3 14 181 328 24 19 8 1 4 12 10 2 _ 2 37 3 II 21 2 174 z47 59 '2. 4 72 19 31 3 .:>,05 392 13 2 2 18 3 28 1 7 5 106 180 16 1 12 17 180 19 10 272 23 46 2 78 7 741 l,lB9 11

I 4 I 6 51 5 75 8 12 I 22 4 '2.21 6 17 28 1 Z3 3 5 I 19 96 I 66 4 105 10 13 1'6 249 13 35 19 69 2 16 21 2 175 .5 1 57 1 116 3 12 152 2 97 72 10 678 1,096 12

I 45 16 3 34 '2. 8 19 1 153 244 3 5 I 41 5 52 33 12 4 ,185 326 I 7 20 3 49 30 20 3 IZO 201 39 I I 17 26 21 2 220 3Z5 9 1 3 10 31 158 21 123 3 78 66 7 669 1,107 13

2 I 5 8 37 8 42 6 38 2 175 :284 3 18 51 5 2,9 2 17 13 2 171 286 3 3 I 3 39 5 2,6 30 II 3 195 302 I 3 2 31 3 z6 I 25 4 Iz8 235 12 '1 30 146 4 14 188 6 75 1 75 10 721 1,228 14

6 I 2 I 10 17 12 12 1 107 5 I I 3 57 4 3 63 4 34 20 2 Z23 I I 2 35 6 57 18 25 5 ZZO 4 24 3ii 5 51 II I 18 2 171 33 26 3 14 10 122 14 84 14 137 1 82 12 704 1,090 IS

2 1 1 6 I '2.9 I 14 4 27 1 I3l 229 19 4 3 24 3 22 3 19 5 219 339 3 9 Z I 3 4:2 4 19 6 Z5 4 170 247 9 1:2 4 6 27 6 29 II 2 184 275 7 7 2 14 1 103 .; 4 137 13 65 12 440 727 16

7 7 7 78 5 4 40 2 3S 20 2 2 1 9 397 :2 7 1 25 97 II 4r 45 10 2Z1 330 252 41 9 4 1 129 2 10 177 10 351 15 139 26 1,163 1,887 17 3 3 6z 2 4 :05 I 36 1 57 12 289 40Z IS 10 :5 3 16 37 3 26 27 3 160 2,27 46 26 :2 1 II 2 19 3 47 3 5 I 133 2,53 I 6 2 178 10 14 6 197 259 32 4 1 34 4 88 41 I 29 4 193 363 156 1 5 '2. z3 7 191 383 86 65 2 1 32 10 20 1 906 57 33 19 1,184 1,878 18 102 1 :2 7S 152 I 5 I 173 3 7 I 192 317 2 125 16 I 6 124 I8r 9 8 5 II I 9z 8 9 2 160 298 2 '2. 191 271 407 2 2 :2 148 19 12 6 217 323 75 2 I 13 3 6 75 10 4 2 145 200 32 1 53 5 103 '1 19 102 11 110 2 84 1 686 1,222 19 12 2 49 4 30 Z 4 37 5 31 :2 Z4 z18 372 7 :2 I 29 3 7 33 2 30 14 16z 313 6 I 18 '2. I'" 17 18 13 139 24Z 7 S I 3 26 7 IS 4 31 33 167 295 71 25 '1 11 1 152 4 23 78 1 121 B4 4 730 1 !279 20 2.7 12 3 40 5 23 3 1 23 2 233 4 0 2 25 10 10 50 I 19 24 30 2 :zI4 351 12 3 I I 4 0 16 20 42 25 196 35Z 7 3 1 22 4 I 16 24 6 87 174 ------44



Total populatUon Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total I Village/Town/ (includm~ castes tribes educated workers Cultivators WardfBlock institutlOnal and persons (I--IX) .§ houseless population)

..() o ,..l p F M F M F M F M F M F ------~_..._-----~ ...... -- ...... ------,._--~--- -- ~-- - ~ ~~ --- -- ~ ------I 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 It) II 12 11 1_'5 16 17 18 --_.. _-----_...... __...... ------URBA.:-.J' AREAS

21 Ward No. 21 .. 395 402 2,380 1,222 1,158 200 177 556 351 588 73 58 9

(47) 126 126 580 310 270 9 4 6z 161 34 26 4 (.~8) " 132 132 876 430 .4-411 62 2]3 24 3 (109) 66 b6 385 206 179 5S 97 10 29 5 (llO) 78 539 276 263 191 173 172 II7 5 " 71 22 Ward No. 22 .. 341 341 2,191 1,140 1,051 196 196 623 235 519 68 102 7 (49) 125 125 835 439 396 81 81 210 13 54 2; (so) " 122 IZ2 70S 368 337 229 21 44 3 (Ill) " 1 115 184 34 4 :z " 94 94 65 333 318 IIS 305 305 1 975 1,031 944 161 148 6 9 582 294 459 57 24 2 22 Ward No. 23 •. " 1 ( 51) III III 779 415 364 7 10 286 185 177 4 16 (52) " 95 95 586 30 4 282 II9 1I3 lIS 44 145 51 2 2, (1I2) " 99 610 312 298 35 25 6 9 181 65 137 2 6 " 99 589 591 3,107 1,609 1,498 70 59 1,114 705 699 105 83 6 24 Ward No. 24 .. " (53) 64 64 4 1 3 203 210 25 27 119 57 IS IS (54) " 149 149 730 382 348 4 6 296 221 96 19 17 (113 ISO IS I 8Z4 446 378 13 4 281 lIS 157 38 16 (1l4) " II4 114 543 278 205 28 22 169 39 200 23 3 (lIS) " lIZ 113 597 300 297 249 220 III 10 29 135 340 343 2,075 1,077 998 5 3 943 638 486 47 26 4 Z5 Ward No. 25 .. " (55) , 43 46 264 146 118 I 130 66 66 2 (56) " 84 84 564 28.4 282 243 IS° 139 I 7 (57) 95 95 495 252 243 22,0 176 107 12 9 (116) " 53 53 360 193 167 4 3 170 II6 84 20 5 4 65 392 204 ISS 180 13 0 90 12 5 (117) " 65 468 468 2,402 1,216 1,186 959 7'71 549 65 46 2 26 Ward No. 26 •. " (58) 109 109 281 246 Z29 120. 14 9 (59) ",. 119 119 3 1 5 242 173 139 20 II (lI8) 121 121 290 240 232 132 20 8 " 119 231 137 158 II IS . (II9) " 119 330 509 2,612 1,322 1 ,'290 10 11 965 798 599 92 70 13 27 Ward No. 27 •. " 509 (60) 126 126 691 341 35 0 3 I 142 176 2S 26 3 (61) 138 138 707 369 338 257 151 17 9 2 (UO) " lIS lIS 588 28S 3:)0 7 10 206 138 29 21 6 " 130 626 193 134 21 14 2, (121) " 130 3.24 302 z8 Ward No. 28 .. .. 413 413 2,220 1,116 1,104 25 77' 428 63 38 6 (62) II4 IJ4 605 30 6 299 243 III IS 20 I (63) " II8 Il8 b90 349 341 25 300 129 1+ 7 I (122) " 70 70 363 194 169 149 78 10 8 3 " III II I 562 267 295 212 110 21 3 I (123) " 29 Ward No 29 •. .. 438 438 2,408 1,289 1,119 6 3 987 669 547 34 65 1 16 (64) 135 135 645 343 30 2 203 148 7 " 113 634 136 146 6 Z2 I (65) " II3 357 :1.77 (124) 90 90 489 247 242 6 3 161 100 16 9 " 100 640 169 153 5 18 (125) " 100 342 z98 473 473 2,559 1,327 1,232 16 15 &67 470 650 58 138 7 20 Ward No. 30 .. " (66) 136 136 650 3.24 326 226 145 151 22 17 3 (67) " 14S 145 751 40 0 35 1 10 13 272 147 190 9 52 (68) 75 75 549 288 261 193 98 141 19 37 a " II7 117 609 294 6 176 80 168 8 32 2 (126) " 315 46 344 15 31 Ward No. 31 .' .. 264 264 1,888 992 896 77 77 446 150 503 (69) 131 131 971 521 45(') 56 52 241 70 253 4 195 (70) " 78 78 543 2 8 5 258 115 29 145 38 72 186 I8S 21 25 90 51 1 0 5 4 77 (I27) " 55 55 374 III MadhavnaQar 1,788 1,821 8,853 4,836 4,017 483 455 1 :2 3,126 1,641 2,591 126 71 1 18 27 2 I Ward No.1 356 357 1,607 869 738 13 12 2 668 425 454 97 97 439 191 9 II 166 7[ 137 2 " 133 133 542 :z61 229 166 Ibs 6 23 " 66 67 3~6 I6Q 142 IIO 83 8 4 " 60 60 270 2 131 78 69 2, " II7 316 1 587 632 397 420 27 17 2 Ward No.2 .. 316 1 852 735 39 33 ( 5) 76 76 369 189 180 12 II IZ9 108 89 12 :; (6) " 97 97 470 250 ~20 12 9 184 109 123 6 6 (7) 103 03 546 290 25. II II z15 130 141 Q 6 (8) " 40 40 202 123 7Q 4 2 1 0 4 So 67 2, 561 568 2,602 1,412 1,190 222 200 784 321 756 41 12 3 Ward No.3 " (9) .. 65 70 379 221 ISS I 2 163 80 138 6 6 (10) 109 109 489 z5S 231 14 12 151 83 14:: 6 4 (IT) " IrO 110 517 298 2rQ JOO 74 I2I 32 146 7 (12) .." 100 102 4::l3 240 243 61 70 !In 36 129 t+ (13 ) 9 1 91 411 234 197 19 16 146 n'1 92 4 2 " 87 aD 106 (14) " 86 86 303 161 142 27 26 4 45


WORKERS ,----,---~------'.------II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Minmg, M~ufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce cornmumcations industry household industry -+------M F M F M F M F M F -----M F M F M F M F 1\1 F

19 20 21 22 25 26 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 3li 1 URBAN AREAS ------~---~~-~-~----~---~-~--

210 27 2 9 6 107 6 37 3 97 62 25 634 1,085 21

101- :10 I 9 5 49 2 4 20 2 30 8 149 120 2 18 2 3 35 3 1 21 217 5 .1 23 11 IS 14 109 7 1 17 3 17 .. 9 3 159 78 35 1 1 122 1 16 68 8 59 72 17 621 983 zz

46 \ ::\ 1 33 7 5 3 24- 13 19 11 48 7 24 4 22 20 2 13 16 41 2 39 1 13 39 IS 53 27 5 10 9 102 3 16 99 5 62 88 11 572

6 29 8 53 25 4 0 4 238 300 39 26 5 10 9 20 3 5 18 4 23 23 7 IS9 231 8 53 3 28 14- 25 175 296 .56 45 5 .. 6 3 146 7 19 4 104 7 100 2 180 31 910 1,393 24 4 3 5 3 28 1 7 I IS 3 2 17 2 107 195 IS 13 5 I 24 1 24 I 32 38 3 225 329 30 22 45 3 5 31 2 42 3 1 II 246 34 0 5 6 19 3 6 3 19 19 40 9 167 2;42 1 30 IS 5 54 6 105 .;:87 2 2 6 28 1 113 3 16 134 2 42 2 119 33 591 951 25

14 12 1 ;u 4 14 2 80 II6 I 8 52 I ,2 .32 9 28 143 281 I 18 ::1. 4: 30 II 34 10 145 231 3 3 II 3 34 13 1 12 II 109 147 I 2 3 20 6 17 5 1 31 10 II4 170 15 11 3 I) 4 13 1 102 8 44 2 174 35 667 1,121 26

I I 3 2 25 I 3 19 2 13 45 9 161 '266 4- 6 34 3 I 33 3 13 41 10 17b 372. I 4 6 Z • 36 I 2 30 10 39 10 158 2.76 9 48 2 5 20 3 8 49 6 172 307 21 28 7 8 " 139 50 3 94 5 62 14:8 39 723 1.198 2,7

8 6 5 I 46 25 z 23 II 3 1 14 165 325 3 I I 2 18 4 37 :2 27 So II 2IS 321 9- 15 I 2 40 IS 14 2. 10 28 4 150 271 1 6 I 4- 1 35 6 20 1 14 39 10 190 281 3 6 5 10 1 81 1 10 80 6 32 169 38 688 1,041 28

1 4- 2 4 I 21 3 q. I 5 I 10 195 ::81 2 6 :25 I 2,4 I 6 - 2. 10 220 32,7 I 18 4 19 I 8 6 lIb 159 :2 17 I 2. 23 3 13 2 50 12 157 274 34 8 1 6 1 121 1 9 129 4 41 1 133 24 742 1,085 29

14 3 I :II 2. 35 7 49 7 195 295 II 1 4 •• 41 4 24 13 27 3 ZIr 271 9 6 I 18 2. 21 3 13 1 31 10 147 226 9 I 41 I 49 I 8 26 4 189 293

52 18 6 25 4 186 2 26 112 5 29 1 76 21 677 1,174 30

4- 5 9 3 37 I 7 3 1 4 12 I 29 8 173 304 10 60 I 4- 32 7 24 8 2,10 342 27 IS II z7 I 26 3 9 2 147 242 II I 5 6z 14 23 I 7 14 3 147 286 89 28 2 32 18 5 13 3 489 850 31 35 2 6 3 4 8 2 268 446 43 27 12 14 4 140 22,0 II I 14· I I I I 81 184 7S 15 (. 28 I) 1,660 46 18 2 474- 20 122 1 139 31 2,245 3,891 1 329 3 6 1 2 8 54 2 .. 31 7 415 720 I 119 2 z 8 1 7 III 189 I 2 1 109 3 IS I 13 3 1I6 :153 50 2 I 16 2 3 9 3 104 I6r 51 I IS 1 2 1 84 115 5 1 246 9 2 104 5 20 .. 26 8 432 708 2 44 !Ii 34 4 2 6 I roo 168 3 1 76 I I 21 8 8 4 127 214 I 2 78 3 1 41 6 8 3 149 247 I 48 8 4 4 56 7') 51 8 1 19 7 502 14 '1 93 5 38 1 33 6 656J 1.149 3 8 I 7 65 3 t 36 I 5 10 83 15~ 6 I 87 4 I 30 7 9 2 113 225 ZI 5 I II4 2 3 6 I 152; 2\2 2 8 6 90 3 1 8 16 4- 2 III 229 7 2. S9 I I 16 I 4 I 14·2 IY3 7 1 1 87 I 3 3 5 55 138 A .. , 172-7-A. 46


WORKERS Total population Seheduled Scheduled Literat41 and ToW I Village/Townl (including castes tribes educated workers Cultiva"'ra Ward/Block institutional and persons (I~IX) houseless popl.llation)

p M F M F M F M F M F M F ------.....-_------_------I 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 13 IS 16 17 18 URBAN AREAS !un:! 4 Ward No.4- N.A. 250 255 1,301 736 566 5& 57 1 .. 389 151 413 9 '1 (IS) 76 77 506 27I 235 42 44 96 26 J37 I 4 " 8 (16) " 1I6 116 469 2 3 186 10 12 161 59 183 :3 I (17) .. 58 62 327 182 145 4 I I 126 66 93 5 2. 967 788 153 5 Ward No.5 " 305 :J25 1,755 153 653 347 54S 31 8 1 (18) 100 100 555 311 244 221 II8 179 I 2 (19) .. 75 91 4S6 238 218 28 26 I8S 124- 140 12 3 1 (20) 47 47 251 153 98 19 22 94 51 91 g 2. (:zz) .. 83 87 493 265 228 106 105 153 54- 138 10 I

A-]] 72-7-B. 47


WORKERS U III IV V ------~-~-----~~-~------VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers -8 labourers oIchards, etc. Quarryinr -----~____,...... ------and storage and 0 Household Other than commerce communicati~ns ~ ~ indu~try household .2 industry t;j ...... _-_-_------0 ------0 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ~

19 zo 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 I


12 1 4: 2 233 2 4: 113 3 16 23 323 557 4

9 2. 37 79, 2 4 134 234 3 I I 139 4- 13 2 10 II 100 183 1 1 57 2 21 I 4 8 I 89 140 7 2 :J 350 13 2: 2 110 i 42 26 8 419 757 5 z 109 I I 45 10 9 132 243 86 3 3S 3 6 10 5 98 206 50 2 2 28 I S 6 3 62 go 6 2 I 105 7 I z I 21 I 12.7 z18 0 ~ 0- Ii.. 0-"" .... C 0- ~ :I, ..: """IIf' a. .... Cl ..r:. 0 ...... 0 ....0 OJ 111 @ '" , ~ 0, C\I ~ ...'" I • :It ~ § I T p I .....I" ~ ~ I D I I , I • • I I I I I • I i I I 0 0 U II ... II -.. ~ III 1.1 .. II:: g g I I:: I , M I ... o III ; I ' .!It it: 0 J 0 't':j • .:0 I g. IIC c ~ I Q .c 1 'I I >.. 0 ..!! C II :l L C. .; a.. .. CtII th III A- ,... III -,: III I ... L " C .c &. 'T" -; iI~ c ,~ "E ... ~ .0·Cl :0 .... 1.1 '" 'g'" c : III g. 0 J 0 .. .c rI "ii .c D c ,!.' 0 U ::3'" •..,.. ~ .. '" 0 Il i .c .. .,,; I'll ""!III M .c Dl:I .I: " III ...... -... c I; III l Q • J:.'" ... .c • 3 .. WI ._ ~ 'E ..~ ..r:. • - j ...... !!: '"0 III !II: '" ...... • > > :::l ill 0 a: a.. II: a:

-1- l) l



'Ill e "" •

v,-r'" V'I J..J a:: I- LIJ LO L: "'t. w 0 ...J I= :.: a ID

1-,.' ...I 111- :t C I- Z o -< C) 111

\.. 49 2 TASGAON TAHSIL ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES AND TOWNS' [Entries in Capital letters are for Towns and Urban areas]

~------~----~~------~~~~------POJ)ulation Population Population ~ame of village Code ~---~-#-<-- Name of villaae Code N arne of v!lJaie Code ------~ ~o. 1961 IfJ7I N'l. No. 19!1I 197!

(2) (3) (4) (I) (I}

Alate Gavan 70 4,200 2,31I Nimbalak 22 1,087 1,207

Amanapur ro 3,795 4,070 Ghogaon 3 1,199 1.420 Padah IS, I,71I 2,063 Andhali Hatnoli .I. Palu'! II 10,629 15,140 Anjani Hatnoor 31 3,586 Ped 32 6,IZi Ankalhop 13 5,573 7,1)46 1,21g Jarandi 61 r,80o Punadi T. Tasgaon 41 Aravade 53 2,123 2,534 Kaulage 62 729 Punadi T. Walwa 7 2.747

Balgavade 54 Kavnthe Ekand 47 5,559 RaJapur Z4

Bambavade .. 3'i 3,214 3,751 Khal~a Dhamani 2.7 Savalaj 67 7,212 8,891

Bastavade 1,857 2,]28 Khatav 10 800 1,241 Savarde 6S

Bendri 43 Khmgaon 58 1,063 I, r8t) Shere Dudhondi Bhilawadi 12,184 16,4Z1 Kumathe 51 3.573 Shirgaon Kavathe 1,129 Borgaon 2,649 3,039 Kundal 6 Shirgaon Visapur 29 1,370 1,688 Bnmhnal 1,632 1,()44 Limb 23 751 TASGAO~~Urban Area IV. BurIi 9 5,568 7,:'57 Lode 587 Tupan 1,245

Chikhalgothan H) 975 1,163 Manerajuri 8,019 Turchi 2,910

Chinrhani 45 5,181 6.146 Manjarde Upalavi 50 2,086

Dahivadi Matkunki 773 Vajarchaunde .. 66 568

Dahyari 2, 6.ao 775 Morale (Ped) .. 793 79-1- Visapur 10 6,61 3 Dhavali 37 Morale (Rajapur) 21 796 Wadgaon 71 I,992

Dhulgaon Nagaon Kavathe 49 2,000 Wa2hapur

Dongarsoni :;:,397 :1;,9 0 3 Nagaon Nimani 42 .,134 1,475

Dodi 57 459 557 Nagrale 8 1,8 1 3 2,179 Wasagade 15 Dudhondi S 3.496 4,217 Nagthane 12 4,178 Wasambe 1,187

GaurgaoD 55 Nimani 39 2,396 Yelavi 5.735

• Uninhabited. 50


WORKERS Total I Totall'opulation Scheduled Scheduled I.,.it!'late and workers CultlV..1tOrs YllldgG/T0wn! (tncludmg castes [ribes t!ducated (l~IX) W drd,' lllock instltutlcnal and persons houseless populatlon) ------p M F M .F M F M F M F M F

2 3 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 1°.:> 16 Ij ---~--~------~-~ --~ --~ ~-- - - - __,_ ~ -- ~ - ~ ------~ -- ~ -- ~ ------... ------~ --- - 2 TASGAON km2 Total 1,122.5 39,956 41,875259,679 128,849 11,303 115 104 70,038 30,545 63,579 13,288 35,962 5,(109 (acres 277.370) 121,830 10,764 Rural .. 1,079.1 36,459 37,986229,0<)6 117,361 10,640 115 104 62,370 26,877 58,472 12,401 34,27' 5,427 (acres 266,646) 111,735 10,172

Urban 43'4 3,497 38,89:31,583 1t ,488 10095 663 592 7,668 3,668 5,107 i87 1,683 182


Tup:rri :::n ;1;26 362. 160 373 77 10 2 Dahy~n II4 II4 199 9= 205 16 I 3 r;hogocn .ZI9 2.:H ~17 200 32.5 30 19 4 Slu.le-dudhGlidz 300 l. -nmhablted 5 Dudhondl 1,700 (J~9 657 306 1,204 501 1,052 Il4

~ EUlldal 6,842 1,79';' I,S79 10,7~2 :i,'jHl 5,001, 404 3 :l.468 I,71/) ;;:,795 lIS 7 Punadl T \YalwJ 1,758 ,+oJ 4i1 2,747 l,+J I 1,3Ib 51 <;ILl. 384 765 S !\agrale 1,60+ 310 32,1 2.17Q 1,13 I I.°4::l 142 ;15 33+ 544 37 r;. Burl! 3,3~2 1,20b 1,2I(; j,557 .~.02 I 3,530 295 2.,570 1.250 1,949 5 10 Am,ln):,ur 3,38; 74~ -I.U90 :::,40 <: 2.28::: 2Ib 1441 034 1)21 3 7J

II P "l~9 9,069 1-,3~{) .2,:; 14- t3,Q·v '7,():}S 7,2C.~ 398 & "I +,I)O() 2417 3,916 539 1,335 194 1 ~ l\ agthane 2,970 D92 7jO ~'!73 :::,147 ., 0 .... [ 260 9 1,312 630 1,094 153 709 50 I; 1 2,l7!) 68 1,013 Z4 Ankalkhcp 5. 87 I,:<.8.' 1,32 5 ,,046 ._~ I 107 3:8311 392 2,2Z2 1,090 4 2,106 14 BbL"'i:ldl II,ZO.::! 2,45~ 2,578 160421 ~,J40 8,08/. 801 4 3 4,533 2,107 4,284 964 88 r 5 \\ u"agade 4,997 80S ·P)f'-o .: 520 2,440 128 ·,524 721 1,356 2 6 679 19

16 J.;:h,l:.V J ,588 !76 I,::' --1- r 62~ 82. 89 245 97 353 168 17 Ij B: .Irnhr, ,;1 g30 300 1,'1++ 950 l04 107 541 ::10 539 25 4 129 I;, Aruha!; 3,5~3 339 2,OtJ'i ],OZ~ 1,:JJS 3 1 10 622 230 496 i45 T9 ('jolk}'~ig,>than £ 9 0 :; 177 1,1(J~ 57" 591 95 t:S 205 ;0 278 J2 9 I ~a At-.tE..' ~I5 103 64 6\jy 075 79 7 .. 393 • 173 335 14

105 21 I\10,ah'-Raiul Vi 1.5=7 B79 +4(, 4~3 23 25 221 95 ZI9 us ,~ J'\ 1I";'l bala~ Y,;to4- 1.207 IWl ~()7 50 37 325 125 "297 185 l34 z Lmlb 1,64-0 S~13 +3 I 402 41 50 188 84 217 49 19 ::.f hJJ;tpur 2.7 14 2,189 !,I29 I.ob:) 26 22 534 2.25 580 230 129 25 Burgaon 5.906 ],059 1,500 1,499 192 203 129 3IZ 805 138 84

2b H~.tnoh 3,506 2~O 1,299 63 1 boS 13 10 ::6S 95 3II 4 234 . 3 27 Khalsa-Dkmunt 1,431 150 [5') 860 440 +20 198 50 173 153 ::l'i Padah 1,841 1(1) Illy 856 397 459 26 24 IyZ 80 188 54 152 21 29 Shrgaon~\ I~apur 1,654 24-5 :;'{'1. 1,688 867 821 1:<:4 117 6 8 432. 157 400 293 277 230 30 Vl:oapur I 1,107 1,003 I,03! 6, 61 3 3,31)8 3.215 450 416 I,7Ll- 882 1,652 745 1,081 46

31 Hatnoor 7,25fi 6r 1 6;:'7 ].586 1,775 1,8Il 324 347 867 403 907 180 576 41 32 Pcd 13,08 3 r,163 1.1G7 6,516 3,252 3,2.64 3:::5 33 6 1,297 343 1,670 879 1,232 57 15 33 ;\-lorale-Ped 2,0+9 1110 ISO 7Q4 397 397 I 2 0 7 63 189 24 149 8 6 34 ;\lanjarde 3,980 7~2 77, 'h6'i7 ~,.J55 ;:,292 <1.72 272 6e 65 I,Il8 433 1,221 137 7 4 23 35 nambavad~ 3,:081 600 629 3,751 1,869 1,882 [97 193 1,071, 50 8 864 139 582 93

36 Turchi 3,122 -I,)J 491 2,1)10 1,54:- 1,365 151 737 216 755 57 4- 37 Dl1avah 3,979 4 60 497 3,oc,~ 1,559 1,445 II~ 700 279 743 68 32 38 Yc]im 7,084 1,085 I,ll I 6,831 3,433 3,398 164 14 2,027 1,013 1,70 4 246 108 39 Klmam 2.73 I 403 415 2,396 1,218 - 1,17lS HJ I 625 258 625 IIS 17 40 TASGAON LJ RBA!\" AREA IV

41 Punad! T. Tasgaon Z,992 252 25Z 1,559 781 778 13 1 121 348 139 372 IS9 266 80 42 N agaon Nimar.1 1,266 248 261 1,475 7 60 7 1 5 126 lIS 380 181 376 b7 233 (J 43 BendT! 9+4 132 146 93 6 48 3 453 II3 96 242 85 232 4 163 2 <14 \\' a£::imbe 1,80 4 211 22.7 1,471) 767 70Y 105 95 388 134 365 IS 257 'I- 5 C:i\incha:1i 7,2::7 1,025 1,056 6,346 2.25 I 3,095 426 414 1,598 500 1,58g 293 916

46 Sll1rg;:lOn Kavathc .. 1,275 153 167 1,1:<:9 597 S32. 60 52 322 143 345 III 136 47 Kavathe Ebnd 6,602; 1,033 1, 104 6,436 3,3 1 2. 3,124 73 69 2,074 99 1 1,695 393 1,006 lZ4 48 -:Vlatkunkl 1,961 147 ISO 938 47+ 40.'j II2 II9 2 13 56 221 13 ~03 10 +9 N agaon Kayathe 2,341 283 296 2,000 1,06+ 936 Ii 17 662 288 50 7 49 3SZ 4- 50 Upalavl 2,281 333 358 2,086 LOS] 1,033 69 70 SZ9 197 514 9 40 4 S

51 Kumathe 2,822 688 7:'.5 4,530 :'..355 2,175 107 90 1,309 633 1,171 211 765 lIZ 52 Dhuigaon 1,923 .234 270 1,7So 882 86!S 109 126 57:) 250 460 71 271 3~ 53 A.ravadte 3,520 394 421 2,534 1,275 1,250 101 84 648 243 60 4 12 514 54 R:llagllvade 2,035 ::99 310 I,03!; l)S9 979 169 201 450 t60 508 45& 373 344 S5 Gourgaon 2,840 258 263 1,465 718 747 135 142 340 128 359 1:1;0 242 II

56 Waifale 6,795 722 • 74 1 4,286 2.152 2,13+ 306 31 2 797 248 922 676 652 540 57 Dorh I,07r 94 94 557 293 264 19 13 136 58 r60 4 137 I 58 Khusga(111 1,484 216 216 I,18Q 61 3 576 21 25 2S2 109 324 :::121 270 186 59 Bastayade 3,836 352 366 2,328 r,192. 1.136 187 186 484 173 595 72 406 10 60 Dahivadi 3,30 9 260 260 1,565 787 778 37 38 ;;:93 90 385 :1;0 3u 16 61 Jarandi 4,448 356 356 1,946 1,004 942 100 87 +47 196 452 44 2.98 I 62 Kaulage 648 114 114 84 0 443 397 54 51 Z I 7 71 222 Soir 155 63 63 Waghapur 1,017 124 124 715 376 33(,) 6 II 188 39 192 83 134 70 64 Lode 532 125 126 778 J86 392 5 5 2It 81 197 80 132 65 Savarde 4,828 537 55 1 3,271 1,697 1,574 157 146 887 363 846 181 449 31 I 66 YaJarchunde 831 108 108 S68 290 278 13 10 131 28 163 103 127 67 Savalaj 16,123 1,445 1.469 8,891 4,475 4,416 263 270 2.097 749 2;Z20 1,517 319 68 Ahjani 3,603 408 461 2.684 T.353 1,33 I 171 152 688 269 6:1;8 446 b9 69 Maneraj1cltl 13,350 1,514 1,52.5 9,334 4·752 4,582 167 104 9 6 2,318 864 2,436 1,76& 54 7~ Gavan 2,439 398 40

71 \Vadgaon 4,298 358 1,103 1,080 137 146 573 187 5S8 210 330 91 72 Donl{arsQnj 6,656 484 1,-1- 66 1,437 64 65 637 287 727 162 506 80 51



II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining. MaTlufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport. Other services Non-worke-s labourer!; orchards, etc. quarrying and ~torage and Household Other than commErce COmmunlc<\tlOnS industry household mdl1stry M F M F M F M F M F ------M F M F M F 19 21 25 :1.7 20 30 31 33 34 3S 37 ------~------.. ------_.._ ------TAHSiL

11 ,898 6,358 670 33 162 11 1,924 531 4,943 63 584 20 2.28f) 185 951 6 4,196 472 65,:nO 108,542

11 ,053 5,821 611 32 lIS 11 1,834 507 4,541 58 506 20 1,507 156 675 3 3.348 366 58.889 99,334 r

845 537 59 1 90 24: 402 5 78 781 29 276 3 848 106 6,381 9,208


96 58 I2 5 4 24 6 19 3 13 613 I 50 IS 12 ;;:5 2 3 I 7 373 2 49 IO 9 68 19 10 6 13 659 3 4 192 58 6 6 ~06 28 3 10 9 1,127 1,924 5

305 215 I 8 829 6 24 'i8 1 2 1 03 6 26 145 15 '"~::> 4 2,921 4,5 I2,9 9 2 93 1 9 3 57 I 666 1,30 4 99 '10 6 96 11 1 2 52 2 587 953 ~, 251 64 5 4 685 8 22 88 7 lI8 157 28 2,071. 3,420 9 ISO 54 9 4 190 5 18 5 65 12 1,195 2,140 10

5S8 46 4 47 1,264 8 63 4 172 38 63 23 1 "39 4,022 6,663 II 312 27 I 2 18 I 22 4 4 60 9 1,053 1,878 12; 840 15 I 32 2 7 I 60 I I} 167 13 1,931 3037 1 13 1,281 79 9 130 5 29 108 8 8, 311 41 4,056 7,1I7 14 417 6 3 30 I II 27 5 SO 93 7 I,I(.J4 2,194 1,5 154- ISO 4 I 7 1 5 I 6 264 456 16 140 18 4 :> 6 5 • 4 53 455 92.5 17 21 IS I 14 1 64 I 8 2 23 529 893 18 22 22 7 2 5 6 7 1 ;;:94 55» 19 34 6 3 8 4 9 3 Il 17 3 354 ObI ;00

30 18 3 1 6 5 I 7 '1.27 308 21 58 46 2 II 4 12 7 3 IS I 343 38,! 22 3a '1,8 3 7 5 2 Z 214 4 13 23 29 106 2 10 lQ 5 16 I 3 13 54Q 8;/.4 24- 93 34 4- 14 34 18 2; 2 58 4 755 1,361 25

44 I 3 6 3 6 9 320 664 26 I2 1 2 •. I 3 267 420 27 7 24 4 2 3 ::; 3. I2 2; 209 405 28 74- 61 4 ~ 3 10 6 20 2 467 .52~ 2.9 273 222 3 78 39 16 1 14 52 6 6 l'l,S 12 1,746 2,470 30

lIe) 15 31 Ie ZS 3 19 I 3 9 868 1,63 1 31 267 2 31! 29 20 6 16 9 10 3 1,,582 2,385 31. IS :z I I 3 7 208 373 33 101 6 :z8 2 6 10 39 4 9 1,134 2,!55 34- 30 5 1 5 I 39 10 67 3 20 13 4 1,005 1,743 35

26 4 55 23 16 8 2S 4 790 1,308 36 32 10 I 23 5 10 6 36 3 816 1,377 37 lIS 23 34- 4- 65 9 39 69 85 Io:l 1,729 3,152 38 8S 6 3 5 4 14 9 9 14 3 1 593 1,060 39 40

61 70 II 17 8 3 5 9 409 619 41 103 57 4 9 II 3 2; 2 II 384- 648 4-2 52 :z. I Z 2 2 10 251 449 43 70 IS 9 8 4 3 I 12 402 694 44 368 177 23 13 42 I 79 I 21 4S 4 8 74 12 1,662 2,802 45

J41 96 15 3 5 2. S 2 13 252 421 46 343 242 zo II 84- I 23 80 6 18 101 9 1,617 2,731 47 6 3 3 S 4 253 451 48 90 39 I 20 2. I 17 3 23 4 557 887 49 55 4 4 5 14 r 14 17 539 1'024 SO

202 Sq 10 17 68 37 4 5 55 6 1,184 1,964 51 152 34 8 3 3 10 I 16 422 797 52 36 3 1 6 1 IC) 3 10 I I 23 1 67 1 1,247 53 88 95 18 16 3 I 2 Z ;2.0 I 45 I 521 54 79 '34 24 22 7 1 6 2 359 62,7 55

96 lI8 9 4 13 4- 31 6 20 24 z5 48 6 1,230 1,458 56 17 3 I 1 I 3 133 260 57 28 35 1 3 5 1 4 I II z8Q 155 58 82 40 16 14 2 28 3 2; 13 14 18 I I IS 597 1,064 59 46 2. 10 2 S I II 402 758 60

69 36 10 19 I 8 10 8 I 28 5 552 898 61 40 19 :z 4 4 3 6 I 7 2, 221 313 62 41 II 2, 4 2 3 I 7 184 256 63 61 80 I I 2 189 312 64 223 II3 3 55 7' 10 16 6 77 851 1,393 65

42 40 8 3 2; 3 2 3 12.7 108 66 275 177 49 88 .5 21 31 I 58 8 173 20 Z,255 3,888 67 74 38 3 3 S1 J8 3 7 15 3 23 I 725 1,185 68 358 104 8 82 6 24 I 2.4 47 7 9 1I6 10 2.316 4,400 69 7'1, 10 4 3 25 10 8 2.7 641 1,084 70

lIS 101 14 4 7 2>;;:. 12 5 7 55 2 545 J(ll 66 16 I 25 IS (l 8 5 57 739 52


WORKERS Total I III Total population Scheduled _ Scheduled Literate and "0 workers Cultivators 8 ViliagefTown/ (indudtnj( castes trib~ educatecl (I-IX) c WardfBlock institutIonal and persons o houseless population) .~ o ...J p M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M 1<' --~---~------~--~---~----~------~-~-~~--- I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 IS 16 J7 18 -----~-~------~------.------_....._- --- URBAN AREAS le.m.1l IV Tasiaon Municipal Coundl 43.4 3,4')7 3,889 21,583 1l,488 10,095 '663 592 '1,668 3,668 5,107 887 1,683 182 I Ward No.1 N.A. 537 585 3,145 1,670 1,475 33 ;:0 1,086 540 763 113 173 16

J, 10Z II7 648 344 304 IS J,I 236 147 153 7 4:t II) II3 629 323 306 22.j. 133 131 22 33 10 "It 72 79 394' 225 169 5 3 175 64 100 13 13 1 126 126 672 355 317 :<:33 I14 149 6 4Z 2 " 62 88 444 236 208 5 2 99 27 I3l) 57 It " 171 8 Ill) " 62 62 358 187 4 55 91 8 33 2 2 Ward No.2 o. 1,014 1,181 5,694 3,263 2,431 153 121 1.588 1,283 1,232 152 213 22 (6) 64- 151 566 281 285 5 S 223 160 134 35 IE! 6 (7) " 106 106 200 179 66 100 " 455 255 3 30 (8) " 85 85 521 278 243 45 aIr 93 1 Lj. 5 3Z (9) 157 157 700 290 5 324 167 140 22 20 (10) " 85 S5 502 225 I 218 139 120 9 2'; (11) " ISO 163 815 332 4 0 9 ISS 177 ~6 20 2 (28) " 124- 124 592 .203 11 3z0 153 1.-1-3 10 15 (209) 82 85 458 187 56 193 69 86 4 11) 1 (3°) ,." 89 97 486 z09 19 2:1,3 86 73 4 z~ (3I ) 33 33 174 57 19 103 45 43 6 3 " zoo 18S 1:;:0 101. :;:8 (32) " 39 9S 425 14 9 , Ward No.3 781 828 4,;957 2,578 41',379 13 .... 1,794 884 1,200 121 354 U " - (12) .. 107 138 825 423 402 108 206 1 3~ (13) ,. 69 74' 510 256 254 III lIo 5 31 (14) 138 149 955 504 4SI 8 4 184 246 27 64 ? (15) " 144- l44 83i} 456 383 2 5 163 ]95 17 70 3 (16) " 143 143 825 433 392 98 202 27 84 2 (17) .," 120 120 616 321 295 85 152 42 4I 81) (33) " 60 60 387 185 202 2 4 135 2 26 541 604 3,542 1,817 1,725 71 6" 426 889 174 495 82 4 Ward No.4 " (IS) 151 151 817 400 417 17 21 23S 100 182 4 84 (19) " 14·3 143 821 41 I 410 278 138 209 58 121 (20) " 121 122 ~59 336 3:'.3 200 89 162 5 72 (ZI) " 56 I II 645 340 305 3Z 30 1:l;2 28 172 103 92 " 1 77 600 330 270 2.2 13 160 71 16 1.26 (34) " 7 4 4- 623 691 4,245 2.160 2,085 394 374 1,41'02 535 1,023 327 448 50 S Ward NO • .5 " 127 127 710 367 343 260 136 161 35 88 19 143 IH 849 4 1 9 430 249 II9 203 65 89 13 ,." JI9 Ill) 774- 39 1 383 ~29 233 191 70 IS, 8S 6r 7 56 67 396 207 189 14 II 124 47 1t3 I 78 124 151 1,016 516 Sao 141 UI 23lJ 97 209 as 37 7 " 83 500 260 240 to 9 13'.1 66 150 13 " 54 95 4 53


WORKERS ~..._---~~----~------~--~-~ -...,...------II III IV v VI nI VIII IX X Agricultural Li,'estock, ]\Jmmg. IVranufacturing etc, Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrY1l1g and storage and HousehQld Other than commerce communications Jlldustry household industry

M F :V[ F F M F F M F M F M F M F ~I F ------...... ------....._.___~-~-~------~~~------~--~------~~-- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 3S 37 I -~------~-----~~-~------~-~~------~~~-----~-~------~~----- URBAN AREAS

845 531 59 1 44 90 24 402 5 78 782 29 276 3 848 106 6,381 9,208 64 69 13 2 26 3 99 8 185 14 46 147 10 907 1,362

24 1 2; 4 16 34- 3 8 23 2 191 1.97 I 8 I 12 33 IO 39 4 19z ztl+ 1 4- 18 3 4 38 5 10 14 125 156 13 3 10 2 4 0 6 29 4 206 311 12 50 49 .5 31 4 27 97 15 1 13 6 5 8 9 S IS 96 103 92 28 2t. 36 9 100 1 36 261 11 101 3 18 2,031 2,279 2

4 10 4 9 6 3 1 8 I6 250 17 I -l 8 9 4 2 197 l6 2 :3 12 13 8 8 238

7 7 s 2 10 17 9 70 13 270 268 6 2 16 32 7 31 9 157 216 3 4 ! 9 8 20 1 S9 6 Z2 43 5 306 30 6 I 4 4- 5 3 S1 2 19 41 8 246 193 23 9 :2 10 23 3 185 183 II 4 I 3 ? 7 18 4- 204 205 9 14 4- 13 b 74 51 4 5 2 7 5 31 3 2 36 11 123 172 151 89 (, 18 2 126 2 25 273 4 60 14-5 12 1,378 2,258 :3

14 5 24 12 63 7 II 217 401 I 2 1 12 29 Il 19 3 146 249 23 13 I 8 37 2 4 S4 16 39 3 258 424- 5 2 1 24- 4 50 8 36 6 261 366 58 25 13 3 20 8 16 231 365 51 42 4 14 2 z6 3 9 169 253 4- 2 4 2 31 7 IS 96 zoo :199 83 1 7 6 38 1 6 34 35 2 928 1,551 4

47 3 13 14 10 13 218 413 24 5 I 7 r 5 I..f- 33 202 352 27 1 17 5 II 9 20 174 318 72 I 3 3 168 202 29 2 I 5 166 266 339 268 13 1 3 39 3 29 115 " 1,137 1,758 5

10 12 3 8 13 14- 24- 206 30 8 6z_ 51 I 6 1 6 8 30 216 365 99 7~ Z 2 3 4- 3 1 15 204- 298 z7 I 1 1 I 5 94 IS8 95 121 6 18 4 10 38 307 372 46 9 2 3 3 IIO 227

.'\-1 172-8-A o ;0 c .. II) ..r::. @ ... o .N '" I '"

:...... ci. -.:It c &. o:I ..Q

110 co

•~ ~ ,~

III ~ " • 'ii ~ '"' CI• ~

III r:. • " • o"jr

I:: I;) 0 ~ l r- q) ,.. .~ • • Ol 10 ~ 10 • ."" ". ;p N

r- IO

~ '" go. • 't :J • • III • '" " ! ~ C\I ~

~ ~ • ~ II) I\j " III • III .... N • • ..

." J.

A-1172-8-B 55

3 KHANAPUR TAHSIL ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES AND TOWNS [Entries in capital letters are for Towns and Urban areas]

Population Population Population Name of vJllage] J.~"'J';Code Name of village Code N arne of village Code No, 1961 1971 No. No. 1961 1971

(I) (I) (2) (I) (2)

Alsund 54 2,245 Hivaie 94 1,61 I Renavi 78 1,901 2,190 Amarapur Jondhalkhfndi .• 74 657 Rewangaon 80

Ambak. 5,152 Saholi 10 1,195 Apshi nge - 23 Kadepur Salshinge 69 1,535 1,839

Asad 35 Kalambi 51 792 919 Sangola 539 610 Balvaw-BhalvaUl 55 Karnalapur 52 566 609 Saspade II 645 690 Balvadi-Khanapur 88 Kanharwadi 19 631 78+ Shalgaon 2 3.z67 3.507 Bamani 85 Karanie Shelakbhav 93 ::!,OOS 2,200 " 47 iJ49 1,137 Banur 97 Rarve 81 Shirasgaon ... ~& Belavade 7 Khambale Aundh 20 820 Shirgaon 3!) Benapur 90 1,162 1,281 Khambale Bhalvani Shivani . 53 " 44 1,894 Bhakuchiwadi. • 60 910 Khanap'lr 744 89 Sonkire 31 1,657 Bhalvani 48 3.447 Kheradevita IS J,174 1,266 Sonsal 2.7 1,088 llhambarde 73 582 Kheradewafl~i 120 .2,657 2,873 Sultangade 92 733 Bhendvade 65 1,212 1,275 Kotavade 25 626 763 Tadasar 2.9 3,088 3,651 Bhlkavadi Bk•.. 62 Koti) 43 475 542 Tandulwadi 56 5II 658 Bhlkavadi Kh. 42 l,lS9 1,279 Kumbhargaon 535 702 Tondoli 9 Z, IlZ 1,293 Kurli 79 Upale Mayani 8 Chikhalhol 1,371 Kusbavade 96 95 I5? Upale Wangi " 6 74-3 91 8 Chikhalt 1,100 Lengare 75 4,155 4,762 Vajegaon 66 Chinchan Wangi 32 Mahuli S9 1,848 2.343 Chinrhan T. Tasgaou 82 Mangarul 3 1,954 84 931 1,059 Devikhindi 71 1,499 Mohi VITA-Urban area V 50 59& 761 Devrashtra 38 3,[81 Nagewadi Wadgaon 37 Dhawaleshwar 49 1,133 1,190 Nerli J.299 1,537 Wadiyeraibag 45 Gardi 68 1,255 Nevari 4,086 4,805 Wadkhal 61 Ghanavad 67 I,I44 1,:<:58 Nhavi 21 Waluj Ghoti Bk. 70 l,oS8 1,053 87 958 1, r09 Nlmsod 22 1,057 r,OSI Wangi -Ghoti Rh. 86 1,002 _ 1,156 Padali .. 33 3,927 4,397 34 745 Hanmantvadiye J8 Palashi Was\lmbe 77 924 1,068 95 1,301 r,275 Hingangade 63 Pare \Vazar 978 1,733 83 57 800 869 Hmgangaon Bk. 5 20,161 2,323 RaigllOn Yede ifingan,gaon Kh. 4 754 771 30 1,724 J,920 Ramapur 41 Yetgaon 56


WORKERS Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and "0'" workers Cultivators o VlllageJTown/ (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) o Ward/Block I'; institutional and persons .~ houseless population) -:;; u ------~~----- j P M F M F M F M F M F F ----~-----~~--~-~~~---- 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 '------~------~----


Total .• 1,301.2 32,518 32,933 186,332 92,752 93,580 7,635 ',449 26 26 47,924 20,391 44.,766 21,4.69 29,018 14.91' (acres 321,527)

Rural .. 1,245.9 29.145 29,543167,606 82,785 84,821 6,6586,604 25 41,448 17,398 40,065 20,564 27,945 14,760 (acres 307,862)

Urban 55.3 3,373 3,390 18,726 9,967 8,759 977 845 4 1 6,476 2,993 4,701 905 1,073 157

RURAL AREAS acres 1 Raig.lOrt 1,525 160 907 +23 484 89 4 8 75 243 135 204 2 Shalgaon 7,9J8 607 3,507 1,720 1,781 8r 370 718 603 575 3 Vihapur 3,:2.21 357 2,033 998 1,035 49 167 119 39l 96 4 Yede 1,727 ]54 771 384 387 78 57 103 144 34- 5 Rmgangaon Bk. :l,u8 496 2,323 1,15Z 1,171 81 228 435 428 339 6 Upalewangi 2,484 918 398 520 12 21 185 91 185 15 6 IS7 7 Belavade 1,:2.96 809 381 428 3 7 202, 68 153 III 141 6 8 Upale Mayani 3,834 1,7+0 869 871 4 45 +54 204 45 3 0 4 34 9 Tondoli 4,006 2,283 1,145 1,138 55 51 553 262 427 351 320 10 Sahoh 2,25 1 1,+00 6(1) 704 48 60 299 115 249 249 155

II Saspade 554 100 122 690 348 342 37 24 163 142 100 77 12 Kheradewangi 5,719 495 520 2.873 1.420 1,453 94 81 622 654 155 30 13 Kadepur 5,179 50 3 506 3,412 1,760 1,652 213 208 950 91I 22.0 I;I,I 14 Chikhah 1,554 173 203 1,100 ~62 538 53 47 298 3 1 9 24 15 Kheradevita t,894 210 210 1,266 609 657 $9 3 1 342 293 32 30

16 Yetgaon 5,066 501 5 13 2,742 1,268 1,474 43 48 627 314 586 73 473 62, 17 Amarapur 3,109 334 334 1,845 913 932 28 23 442 133 430 65 345 19 18 Hanmantvadiye 2,376 237 237 1,481 773 708 66 49 424 185 386 30 9 30 3 275 19 Kanharwadi 1,605 142 145 784 386 398 18 13 170 68 173 I 134 ~o Khambale Aundh A,134 190 190 970 441) 5Z4 S 9 241 100 243 79 153

21 Nhavi 2,775 236 243 1,439 698 741 ~6 18 282, 97 356 452 286 22 Nlmsod 950 '20 0 7 207 1,051 499 552 ;>.2 19 280 139 228 286 194 23 Apshmge 1,374 I57 160 <)81 503 478 59 45 Z8I III 214 84 139 24 Kadegaon 4,702 90 5 933 5,152 2,601 2,551 148 13 I 3 1,579 885 1,317 339 664 ' 25 Kota\-ade 1,474 126 125 763 363 400 46 33 160 74 175 37 144

26 Nerh 2,837 286 1,537 754 783 59 45 343 112 395 376 3f7 239 27 Sonsal 1,887 184 1,088 545 543 27 16 315 141) 271 23 r88 17 28 Shirasgaon 1,991 218 1,230 618 612 86 78 370 l37 267 228 IS7 199 29 Tadasar 6,256 633 3,651 1.832 1,819 152 145 1,002 530 927 400 625 267 30 Hingangaon Rh. 2,592 308 1,920' 943 977 121 124- 4 0 0 171 4 67 21 367 IJ

31 Sonkire 2,870 276 290 1,657 841 816 132 109 498 2 0 4 384 2,7 9 3:2. Chinchaniwangi 5,244 520 560 3,004 1,528 1.476 3 1 42 828 4 1 7 774 2')0 157 33 Wangi 8,908 701 729 4.397 2,190 2,20 7 327 349 I 1 1,134 459 1,094 474 290 34 Pada.li 1,948 135 I..J.5 764 381 383 9 9 196 101 173 131) IrS 35 Asad 1,532 127 13 1 1,336 651 685 63 72 3zl) 143 324 126 8

36 Ambak 2,45 1 310 2,30 5 1,120 I,ISS 29 30 559 219 573 107 449 95 37 Wadgaon 2,568 351 1,981 97S 1,006 56 65 493 206 495 459 347 357 38 Devrashtre 4,1)95 631 4,054 2,llO 1,938 257 208 990 352 1,038 577 5Q6 409 39 Shlfgaon 1,109 IIO 622 308 3I.~ 8 12 180 85 151 107 136 103 40 Kumbhargaon 1,742 116 70 2 388 :\14 84 71 168 42 188 137 132 f)7

41 Ramapur 1,,)69 2 85 313 1,741 892 ~49 82 ()O 454 453 128 332 go 42 Bhlkavadi Kh. 2,445 218 226 1,279 580 699 33 39 5 293 236 35 127 43 Kotij 1,215 98 <)8 542 272 270 3 I 138 121 89 44 Shivani 2,782 412 .p2 1,894 CJ35 QS9 92. 92 487 478 52 345 9 45 Wadtyeraibag 4,843 4 0 4 399 2,212 1,127 1,085 63 62 7 6 557 578 400 4 18 368

46 Nevan 8,325 840 872 4,805 2,380 2,425 184 182 1,094- 1,084- 299 ISO 47 She1akbhav 1,774 181 181 1,137 555 582 4- 6 30 7 260 ·F 24 48 Bhah'am 6,33 1 70 2 716 4,234- 2.144 2,OQo lIS 129 1,259 1,038 788 670 49 Dhawaleshwar 3,134 192 200 1,190 006 584 136 126 344 308 390 353 , 50 \'ITA URBAN AREA V

51 Kalambi 1,817 156 156 <)19 437 482 248 113 ZIg 194 171 154 52 Kamalapur • ::- 1,912 89 90 609 :nI 298 53 39 roo 54 153 135 Iz8 124 53 Khambaie-Bhalvani 3,397 212 22I 1,118 534 584 30 29 283 ~ 120 272 252 ISO 169 54 Alsund 6,500 .. 25 433 2,622 1,32 4 r .2(j8 204- 180 61I 227 627 208 391 77 55 Balvadl-Bhalvani 3,767 333 333 2,°4 1 1,034 r,007 41 39 5S8 Zl3 500 H 345 z7 56 Tandulwadi 793 653 310 34-Z 2. 156 73 IS3 59 116 35 57 Wazar 1,3 10 86Q 422 447 68 91 203 100 209 IS5 58 Chlkhalhol 2,800 1,371 tJ/3 69~ 13 II 318 127 310 III 234 83 59 Mahuli 4,716 2,343 r,2 0 3 1,140 II6 120 6()6 268 520 100 30 1 70 60 BIHlkuchiwadi 2,OII 910 .-tJJ 4?1 23 3.:1 600 t)!} 196 -"53 157 201 61 Wadkhal 1,299 lIZ 620 269 351 13 12 121 67 159 Or lI8 62 Bhlkavadl Bk. 4,484 239 1,499 710 789 64 77 277 69 123 342 II3 63 Hingangade' 1,777 312 ].733 802 CJ,31 58 62 2 5 333 153 204- zQ7 IS5 64 Nagcwadi 3,181 2S1 1,440 flSo 760 24 3" z63 95 226 1~7 65 Bhendvade 147 3,191 236 1,275 6H 631 127 lIS 25 0 72 282 184 21I

66 Vejega(>n 4,261 470 364 2,036 67 Ghanavl:Id 973 1,063 74- 97 398 183 297 2 15 110 2'466 261 260 1.258 635 623 101 Q5 366 133 6z ISZ 26 68 Gardl 3,422 22.6 257 1,53fi 755 781 0C) 88 357 198 23 241 10 69 Salshinge 3,803 310 314 1,839 806 943 5(, 63 442 162 261 261 70 Waluj 2,125 201 201 365 1,053 507 546 31 37 213 103 261 193 238 57


WORKERS II m: IV ------v VI VII VIII IX X ] Agricultural U~ock, Minin!! and Manufacturing, etc. Constnuction Trade Transport. Other servIces Non-workers labourers Ol'chards, etc. quarrying and storage and ...a Household Other than commerce communications !U industry household

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 37 I


5,641 5,121 522 l4 1,4n 472 2,355 317 4!9'1 78 1,603 161 768 27 2,853 313 47,986 72,lU

5,365 4,898 478 41 .2Al 1,28' 395 1.056 69 8ltO 119 402 7 2,223 218 42,710 64,257

276 223 44 II 158 77 1,299 284 91 1 743 42 366 20 630 95 5,266 7,854


19 33 :3 5 17 6 I I 8 241 1 97 121 1 30 12 ~5 I 20 5 55 8 1,'003 z 34- 17 o 9 3 8 I 12 916 3 44 09 I 2 2 284 4- 30 52 9 ..p 33 9 II 3 36 1 .z6 4 736 5

3 1 28 7 4 2 10 335 6 12 8 6 2 10 3 6 2 I 7 275 7 41 9 14 14 4 13 8 4- 16 Z 826 8· 68 88 13 1 29 9 8 8 2. 2. 25 I 7II 9' 61 88 4 II 5 5 6 9 II 455 10'

13 20 5 3 2 I 2 2 8 242 II 94 lI6 17 ') S 27 2. 2 IS I 2. :}O 1 1,298 12 1:;:6 81 10 25 6 15 I 5 28 6 10 56 5 1,432 ll' lIS I 7 2 I 5 514 14 I:i1. I ( . 1 5 3 14 625 IS.

27 1.6 r 2 11 2 22 5 1,401 16 44 I 14 3 2; 6 1 17 f 2 867 17 29 10 5 IS 2 3 5 8 2. II 3-99 IS 26 '3 I 2; 7 397 19 5 7 39 4 [9 22 445 20

4 1 59 10 I2 S 3 8 I 342 289 21 6 6 5 I 1 6 14- 271 266 22 22 II 5 17 1 10 20 289 394 23 130 152 7 2. 79 45 4 12 163 14 3 195 1,284 2,212 24- 19 23 2 I 2 3 5 188 363 25

24 JI8 .. 6 IS 13 1 3 4' 7 2 359 407 26 28 3 I 5 5 I J I 22 20 2 274- 520 27 16 25 4 13 II 1 5 II 3 17 I 35 1 384 28 l61 121 3 4 12 7 5 12 13 85 II 905 1,419 29 28 3 ..p 3 2; 3 6 3 17 2 476 956 30

72 9 2 13 5 8 2; 7 3 6 24 1 457 789 31 120 II4 4 27 12 14 3 22 3 ') 74 4 754- 1,186 32 g 145 170 9 I 29 3 39 IS 24- 2 64- 7 l,og6 1,733 33 23 18 Z 9 208 247 34 60 99 10 10 10 2 3 6 I 14 1 327 559 35

4S 4 2 2. 16 • 6 14 \5 22 2 547 1,078 36 83 11 6 II 5 14 3 3 21 1 480 547 37 175 77 27 42 3 16 5 II 77 8 1,078 1,361 3S 3 4 7 157 207 39 18 2 2. 35 200 177 40

77 7 2+ 4 9 439 721 41 45 9 9 7 6 3 25 344 664 42 23 1 4 3 151 270 43 83 o 4' 1 3 2 9 I 25 3 457 90 7 44 97 I IS 8 6 2; 9 oj. 26 3 54-9 019 4S

138 131 4 ::: 27 5 45 9 20 7 51 9 1,296 2,126 46 45 16 3 3 3 3 I 9 I 295 541 47 68 88 32 4- 58 12 33 3 6 31 4 5 70 7 1,100 1,302 48 26 ~o 9 7 5 8 293 194 49


13 1. 8 4 s 13 218 288 51 14 3 2 2 4 10;8 163 52 61 7 3 3 26 3 7 I I3 I 202 332 53 151 113 3 34 6 5 7 14 6 21 5 097 1,090 54 102 21 6 .3 10 8 5 2; 22 534 953 55 g 16 24 6 I 3 163 283 56 25 1 10 I 6 2 9 2 1 3 447 57 39 19 6 9 2 I 2 7 2 10 2 • 363 587 58 59 19 8 14 II 7 20 3 7 03 7 683 1,040 59 34 57 2 3 237 219 60 31 5 192 61 13 2. 3 2 2 J 2 II 606 62 40 7 I 3 2 3 + 7 2 727 63 64 6 10 8 9 oj. 534 64 57 3 4- <) 4" 8 7 2 S I 349 6S

174 162 1 25 20 6 I 5 4 17 5 766 66 53 31 5 14- 3 27 6 4 26 2 50I 67 85 12 3 I 12 5 I 9 20 I 758 68 88 92 3 27 2 19 3 7 8 3 4 21 3 578 69 25 23 2 4 2; 5 285 70 58


WORKERS \ Total populatIOn Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total I

RURAL AREAS acres 71 De'l'ikhir:di 6.078 284 :::80 1,762 853 909 I..j.I 130 306 137 430 363 29l :'::43 72 Sangola 1.549 113 113 610 296 314 23 22 109 3 1 142 8 139 8 73 Bhambarde 1,773 III 115 023 309 314 55 55 124 48 157 107 127 77 74 Jondhalkhmdl 1,938 133 !33 657 30 0 35 1 22 17 147 53 136 150 90 131 75 Lengare 10,203 833 856 4,7()2 2.282 2,480 165 187 1,072 476 1.079 950 682 767 76 Bhood 3,447 250 250 1.293 011 682 73 65 07 302 327 220 273 77 Wasumbe 2,152 19.:l 194 1.068 513 555 27 20 133 255 202 167 128 78 Rena"l 4. 176 4:28 388 Z,190 1'056 1,134 74 81 312 494 413 33 1 308 79 Kuth 3.°52, 228 z28 1,2.57 648 609 44 42 lOS 3 1 0 14 232 7 80 Rawang.wn 3. 0 3+ 208 ::.0:-' 1.293 bzs 608 46 .p I II 270 :>.87 qo 183

81 Karve 4,082 260 1.+86 7+3 743 lIS 137 397 4+ 280 28 82 ChichaI1l T. T,l;ilon 1,722 ~t,o 1·425 700 7.::5 117 3.J.8 35 282 29 83 Pare 4,186 +21) 2.::;2,0 1.286 1,234 139 ' •. 258 641 357 282 149 84 Mangrul I.42tJ 177 I.O~9 540 513 44 110 Z03 57 192 5 85 Barnam 2.900 281 I,4(n 7rz 749 95 73 339 215 210 110

86 Ghatl Kh. 1.630 190 190 1,156 568 588 01 278 99 256 29] 196 259 87 Ghat! Bk. 2,780 17+ 176 1, 109 544 565 17 280 92 209 30r 207 236 88 Balvadl Khanapur 7,876 437 434 2,366 1,157 1,209 95 529 157 574 285 468 217 89 Khanapur 15,575 98:.:: :.::.070 10,101 4,938 5, 103 349 2,75 0 1,184 2,33 1 1,211 1,633 920 90 Btnapur 2,428 203 225 1,281 632 649 .J-l 288 108 296 23+ 212 211

91 Mohl 1,967 124 III 761 350 4 II 8 5 176 SO 155 17 10 5 5 92 Sultangadc 291 124 126 733 3()7 366 22 19 215 123 1()4 103 II3 83 93 Karanje 4,47 1 • 393 393 2~200 1, 104 1,096 80 80 398 100 541 II2 396 75 94 Hivare 3,810 280 287 1,61 I 803 808 51, 66 45 1 165 4 0 5 378 246 300 95 Palashi 4,108 222 I,nS 634 64 1 34 36 326 166 308 86 191 I 96 Kusbavade 22 157 76 81 39 3+ 30 <;7 Banur 218 lOS 1,119 son 553 S() 237 312 22 293 20

URBAN AREAS krn.~ V Vita . Municipal 55 3 3,373 3,390 18,726 9,967 8,759 977 845 4 1 6,476 2,993 4,701 905 li073 157 Council. I Ward No.1 N.A. 672 680 3,513 1,933 1.590 130 109 1,321 567 907 115 71 8

124 124 5Go 282 207 93 125 13 2,1 " 80 81 405 2,17 164 58 12,8 13 19 148 148 742 325 309 130 201 32 45 52 348 ISS 21 98 29 97 13 2 1 " 9 1 91 443 195 II 158 68 II7 30 15 4 99 99 513 234 IS 198 90 144 II 7 2 " 85 85 422 182 b 187 99 95 3 5

2 Wat'd No.2 180 180 1,024 509 515 228 82 250 41 157 21

(5) 8-t- 445 230 215 92 25 106 32 72 IS 96 0 9 85 (6) " 579 279 30 13° 57 144 3 275 275 1,563 892 671 177 153 611 274 434 61 81 3 Watd No.3 " " (7) II) II] 731 4 1 7 31 4 24 8 ,2,82 112 ",2.06 II 69 4 (8) " 162 162 832 475 357 153 145 329 162 228 SO 12 188 188 1,203 613 590 13 9 298 80 297 119 160 4 4 Wat'd No.4 " (0) 87 87 656 337 319 174 53 162 5 70 (10) 101 101 547 276 271 IJ 9 124 27 135 II+ 84 4 5 Ward No.5 (II) 157 157 789 400 389 61 64 282 140 204 60 41 3 194 202 973 516 457 4 4 387 194 254 55 23 13 6 Ward No.6 " (12) IJ7 105 516 282 234 1 221 109 133 29 II 7 (30) 97 (}7 457 234 223 3 4 166 85 121 26 12 6 179 179 994 540 454 253 258 3 1 351 171 256 19 10 1 7 Wat'd No.7 " (13) III III 653 347 306 244 252 204 93 159 q 7 I (14) " 68 68 341 193 q8 9 6 3 147 79 97 5 3 '8 Wat'd No.8 (15) 119 120 735 395 340 306 195 178 15 14 9 Wat'd No.9 196 196 1,352 746 606 88 21 1 477 154 302 95 119

(16) 105 105 684 373 3Il 32 IO 97 157 81 48 (17) 91 Ql 668 373 295 56 II 57 145 14 71

10 Ward No. 10 (IS) 125 125 783 407 376 304 179 213 56 27 4 " II Ward No. 11 154 154 872 459 413 1 361 232 214 30 16

( 19) 64 64 326 176 ISO 135 86 89 29 6 (31) 90 90 546 283 263 I 226 q.6 125 IoJ

IZ Ward No. 12 (zo) .. 172 177 802 420 382 326 210 192 57 10 " 5 4 13 Wat'd No. 13 178 178 885 458 427 322 200 223 30 27 1

" 57 57 III 106 57 II 121 121 2II 94 160 16 I 59


WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing, etc. Construction - Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etC. .quarrymg and storage and .g Household Other than commerce commumcations v mdustry hp1l!lehold § mdustry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F -M---F -:"J ---r~ - ] ------....------~---~--+------19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 I -~--~--~------~- RURAL AREAS

lIO II7 20 ". I 5 I 423 546 7' I 1 I 154 306 72- 13 30 4 9 I 3 152 207 73 28 17 3 2 7 2 6 170 201 74 78 139 51 72 20 22; 2+ 34 9 29 87 1,20 3 1,530 75. 31 40 23 12 13 2 2 II 309 355 76 () S7 70 2 9 5 1 4 7 I Z5l) J53 77 86 98 5 5 2 Iii 12 J6 5 18 5 56z 7201 78 29 3 8 I 22 2 I I I 16 I 33!) 595 79 47 49 10 7 25 23 21 22. 6 4 5 I2 .2 355 381 80 49 10 10 10 4 3 Z II IS 20 346 699 81 5 2 .. - 23 14 J 7 1 14 3 352 690 82 186 145 17 4 10 12 1 53 47 14 2 5 62 9 045 877 83 48 52 7 3 Z I z 8 2!S3 450 84- 68 87 5 10 3 10 7 6 3 21 373 534 85. u 29 4 13 3 1 2 1 7 18 2 J12 295 86 35 64 13 3 2- 1 9 275 2064 87 62 56 16 8 8 4 4 3 Z 11 583 924 88. 226 244- 13 97 22 56 3 19 6a 9 51 176 13 2,607 3,952 89' 5& 2.3 17 1 :z () 330 415 90·

:iII 12 I 7 3 7 4 2 5 195 394 9L 21 17 10 z 5 4 2 2 7 1 203 2063 92- 47 24- 22 4 19 6 6 10 It 1 6 21 2 563 984 93 67 60 7 . 14 IS 5 4 (J z. S4 3 398 0 l:I 43 94- 72, 77 S I 2 2 1:2. 5 3 1 1Z z 326 555 9S

2 2 42 8I 96 10 I 1 1 7 I 254 531 97


223 44 6 21 158 17 1.299 284- 91 1 743 42 366 20 630 95 5,266 7,854 7 5 21 9 420 62 14 170 7 48 132 22 1,026 1.475

IS 3 25 8 1 18 1 14 28 4 183 269 4- 2 1 78 ·9 I II I 7 7 120 204 1. 3 6 140 2.5 3 2.0 Z 9 18 4 :u6 293 4- 2 7 14 I 44 3 23 9 96 142 2 I I 3 2. 61 19 2 19 3 4 10 I 131 IllS I I 6 86 5 29 5 II 2 135 223 1 I 16 2 29 6 35 2 145 17c} 10 27 5 1 H 4 9 1 259 474

_I1 8 17 5 I 5 1 124 34 2 10 I1 4- 4 135 10 26 8 3 58 10 11 1 78 4, 110 5 73 458 610

.s 4- 30 1 7 22; I 26 2 211 30 3 2. 5 4 3 28 9 4 56 4 4 47 6 247 30 7 50 7 8 115 6 :n 11 316 471 4 IS 5 6 21 18 4 7 4 II 175 314 14- no 32 3 I 1 141 157 17 2 48 4 1 2 '15 28 :u 6 196 329 5 6 5 1 18 1 65 20 2 61 9 51 5 262 402 6

2 10 42' IS 2 30 .2 23 5 149 2 0 5 _6 3 I 8 23 :; 31 7 28 Il3 197 11 9 3 2 1 25 85 67 8 39 5 284 435 7

9 '1 5 10 8 25 6S & 29 4 188 292 I 6 15 I 60 3 2. 10 1 96 143 1 2 1 62 6 1 77 3 II 10 2 217 325 g 84 30 7 3 16 :2 6 5 6 22 20 1 22 8 444 511 9 2. 4 5 4 59 22 1 16 3 II 20 ::1,16 230 14 2 2 25 8 6 6 II 6 228 281 2 1 112 48 12 2 1 3" 15 1 194 320 10 1 53 25 61 1 1 47 1 30 3 .245 383 II 36 I . 16 14 20 87 1 25 I 31 5 16 I 158

2 34 68 6 3 6 53 14 228 325 12

73 15 4 2 it 2 61 10 235 397 13

I 16 1 26 3 81 139 3 I 73 15 4 26 2 I 35 7 15t zS8 60


.....,:: WORKERS ....'" ... u..c 6 ------.,...... ~------~ ------_.._-~- 0-1 o::t: 0 Z P M F M F M F M F M F M F --_._..._~ ------....-- ... ------.------~..___~~----~------_.._---_,------~---.------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


14 Ward No. 14 N.A. 246 246 1,191 643 548 5 6 407 16.1 318 78 91 21 (22) 17--1- 174 796 437 359 30 5 131 218 59 44 19 (23) " 72 72, 395 2,06 189 5 6 102, 31) 100 19 47 3 15 Ward No.I5 ,. 178 178 1065 541 524 39 28 234 59 228 17 195 16

(24) 87 37 551 283 268 27 23 130 2.3 115 12, 103 IZ (25) 9r 91 514 258 256 12 5 104- 36 II3 5 92 '* 16 Ward No. 16 160 160 972 49~ 477 202 188 2M 94 231 57 31. .1;2-

(26) ,. 65 65 354 177 177 16 20 100 37 93 5 18 (33) 95 95 618 318 300 186 r68 16r 57 138 5~ 13 IZ 61 3 KHANAPUR TAHSIL

WORKERS ---~------II III IV V VI VII VIII------IX X Agricultural J Livestock .. Mini':lg, Manufacturing, etc. Construction Trade Transport. Other services Non-workers OJ labourers orchards. etc. quarrytnJ! ------and storage and 0 Household Other than commerce communications "u ~ industry household .9... industry 4--______..... 01 ...... ~ u .....-----~- ...... _--- --~- __.... __ ----..---~- ._----..------_ ------0 M F M F l\I F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ~ ------~~------~-~--~----~~~-~-~---~----~~-~---~------~------19 20 :1;1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 J


7 9 3 12 91 ' 32 15 35 6 • 12 52 9 325 470 14

1 5 3 8 6.} 24 <;) 31 2 I} 49 9 219 300 6 4 4 27 8 6 4 4 3 3 106 170 5 1 17 4 3 1 3 313 507 15

3 4 1 3 168 256 5 1 14 2 J45 251

108 41 7 4 2 11 1 12 3 16 45 1 264- 420 If)

32 3 4 I 8 I 2 7 21 I 84 17z 76 38 3 3 2 3 10 3 3 24 180 248 Tahsil hqi ______@.

TUsiI boundary ______ATPADI TAHSIL Villaa_ with pop. SOOO _ - - - __ DIGH.ANCHI 2. o 2 4 6 MILES 1000 ______Nim~v.dtI Villales of pop. ______• • :s o 10 XllOMETA.!5 Less 250 sao• 1000• 5000• than to [0 to & 250 499 999 4999 Above o U "inhabited villages ______0 s Location CMe no. ______25

Roads ______• ======

Rivers, canals, tanks etc. _ ~

Post • telearaph office ______PT



27 • • MAYANI

3 30

• ~

4 7 • • • 5

NAZARE S"nptJr; /'

17 ~MJ' Iu _j~




Population Population Populatiot) Name of village Code Name of village Code ------Name of village Code --~ No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

Atpadi 30 10,968 13.955 Jambhulani 4 444 917 PimpriKh. 29 1,280 1,518 Awalai 25 954 1,251 Kamat 7 537 792 Rajewadi 18 1,lg8 1,376 Banpuri 12 2,050 2,143 Kargani IS 7,144 8,075 Sh«rewadi 27 144 2U B!lmbewadi 31 639 669 Kautholi 28 1,101 1,303 Shetphale 17 3,780 3,985

Chinc:hale 9 688 988 Kharsundi 10 2,165 2,959 Tadvale 13 l,oS5 1,280 Oilhanchi 22 5,081- 6,198 Lingivare 19 848 1,120 Umbargaon 20 695 766 Galvewadi 24 804 943 Madgule 32 1,862 1,910 Vibhutwadi I 1,0:2.5 972 Ghanand 6 1,067 1,233 Nelkaranji II 3,486 4,194 Vitbalpur 26 1.222 1,422 Gbarniki 5 1,433 1,567 Nimbavade 34 2,80 9 3,640 Walvan Gomewadi 14 2,135 2,224 Paiaskhel 21 667 6go 8 1,197 1,445

Hivathad 16 1,427 1,293 Pimpri Bk. 3 9S I 1,428 Zare 2 2,041 2,Il3 64


WORKERS Total I Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workera Cultivat01'll Village/Town/ (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block institutional and persons houseless population)

p M F M F M F M F M F M F

I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 IS 16 17 18

4 ATPADI km~ Total •• 872.8 12.403 12.688 74.580 37,675 36,905 3,206 3,023 18 16 14,860 4.796 18,764. 2,832 11,375 65. (acres 215,669) Rural 872.8 12,403 12,688 74,580 37,675 36,905 3,206 3,023 18 16 14.860 4.796 18,764 2,~32 11,375 654 (acres 215,669) Urban RURAL AREAS acres t Vibhutwadi 4,515 182 198 972 474 498 16 24 47 217 28 2 Zare 10,019 422 429 2,113 1,054 1,059 48 43 II3 520 22Z 3 Pimpri Bk. 4,983 2,!):a 252 1,428 708 720 51 45 61 350 120 4 Jarnbhulani 4,379 125 IS2 9 17 422 495 24 31 4Z 225 118 5 Gharnikl 5,708 294 294 1,567 773 794 44 44 61 390 25

6 Ghanand 3,870 226 227 1,233 606 627 36 30 75 2;91 9 195 7 Karnat 4,399 146 161 792 406 386 36 3z 3 1 232; 32 J4~ 8 Walvan 3,431 192 192 1,445 702 743 49 32 79 336 4 233 4 9 C'hinchale 4,590 156 175 988 481 507 18 22 53 249 122 12~ 33 10 Kharsundi 4,528 403 449 2,959 1,496 1,463 135 139 332 778 77 303 4 I I Nelkaranji 11,658 691 711 4,194 2,091 2,103 77 71 849 1,030 128 780 43 12. Banpuri 9,195 379 395 2.,143 1,066 1,077 87 9 1 33 0 569 70 32S It 13 Tadvale 3,108 227 229 1,2.80 641 639 I02 92 275 30 8 25 Z09 II 14 Gomewadi 4,966 394 394 2,224 1,1 I I I,II3 :2.36 224 385 533 65 347 25 IS Kargam 17,730 1,216 1,240 8,075 4,135 3,940 'J.77 258 1,423 2,067 ZII 1,410 4 16 Hivathad 5,505 338 1,293 634 659 15 17 239 319 8 235 17 Shetphale 9.530 674 J,985 2,008 1,977 97 77 866 964 74 728 16 18 Rajewadi 4,848 247 1,376 695 681 66 80 307 374 91 201 17 19 Lingivare 4,:z~8 188 1,120 563 557 59 55 155 30 7 85 182 41) 20 Umbargaon 2,549 135 766 389 377 IS 13 107 zoo 2. 152

2 I Palaskhel 3.698 13 1 131 690 333 357 58 53 129 24 158 31 II3 22. Dighanchi Il,238 1,036 1,036 6,198 3,149 3,049 310 291 1,469 482 1,578 2,72 733 32 23 Nimbavade 10,453 598 602 3,640 1,835 1,805 72 93 606 157 910 r69 584 39 24 Galvewadi 1,610 141 141 943 483 460 49 56 173 19 25 1 143 137 II 25 Awalai 4,862 179 lSI 1,251 6:1.7 6z4 129 125 240 87 32Z 76 187 21

26 Vitbalpur 3,128 23 1 231 1,422 738 684 80 8 II 281 59 17 273 27 Sherewadi 664 27 27 ZII 100 III 3 3S 14 61 28 Kautholi 2,93Z 222 222 1,303 633 670 63 2 Z 259 85 10 208 ',' 29 Pimpri Kh:' 5,695 2$2 252 1,518 7S4 734 120 5 I 290 62 :2.4 250 I 30 Atpadi 34,345 2,360 2,370 13,955 7,197 60758 536 3 2 3,068 1,226 444 1,815 170

31 Bombewadi 3,921 lIO no 669 358 3II 73 48 31 195 ZO ":1:32 8 32 Madgule 7,393 305 30 5 1,9 11') 983 927 225 196 170 50 7 IIO 327 IS 65


WORKERS ------~------~-- -.------~ ~ - -- II 1II IV V VI VlI VIII IX X Agricutural Livestock, Mining, Ma~ufacturing etc. Construc- Trade Tramlport. Other sen iccs Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying -~~~~~----- tlOn and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household industry

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------~--- ...... ------~~-----~- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 z6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 ,_..------~------__._---_. ------~ TAHSIL 3,707 1,763 448 192 12 874 155 399 11 314 12 534 47 140 2 961 86 18,911 34,073 3,707 1,763 448 102 12 874 155 399 11 314 12 534 47 140 2 961 86 18,911 34 073


28 IS 10 14 3 2 3 6 257 470 I 103 15 1 8 63 20 14 28 27 534 837 2 S5 9 I 3 13 17 5 I II 358 600 3 Il3 r09 5 10 z I 1 I 2 !) 197 377 4- 66 12 II 10 5 3 2 IS 383 7bg 5

7 12 25 9 5 16 3 15 618 6 14 12 10 16 7 3 9 4- 174 354 7 3 10 10 z . 1 13 366 739 8 43 31 14 7 3 1 1 S 232 385 I) 49 7 25 2.4 41 I 41 II 8 7 1 12 718 1,386 10

102 69 36 tJ 47 2 12 5 12 2 7 29 G 1,061 1,975 1 I 57 14 29 3 6 19 13 90 II 8 3 20 2 IS 4 497 1,007 12 57 10 6 5 7 1 3 3 I 3 15 2 333 614 13 Il2 36 2 18 4 15 15 2 18 4 578 1,04& 14 30 9 192 19 138 I 30 3 4 58 3 29 70 8 2,068 3,7~9 15

52 6 I II 3 3 1 2 12. I ]15 651 16 120 51 6 I 25 b 7 23 2, 5 44 4 1,044 1,903 17 13° 72 I IS 4 I 23 321 590 18 81 39 16 9 5 z 12 256 472 19 +5 2 I z 189 375 20

32 31 4 I I z I 4 175 3z6 ZI 4tJ4 ZOI 20 13 5 109 57 4 29 75 8 + 8z 14 1,571 2,777 22 168 IlS 45 z3 12 z7 II 20 I 4- 28 2 925 1,636 23 63 130 28 7 1 7 r S 232 3I7 24 75 47 7 19 8 z 4 4 I 23 ]05 548 25 59 IS 7 2 7 14 376 667 26 1 37 III 2.7 52 10 22 6 5 I 12 325 660 28 Il3 13 5 22 10 2 4 8 380 710 29 610 199 3 Zll 37 113 2 65 191 10 343 23 3.750 6,]14 30

56 12 I I 5 163 291 31 U7 87 24 6 2 7 4 13 476 817 32 ~ ~ c . -i: '"g; -" " 1 '"" <{ , , II;: 'b '"... '" ... ~ -<: " '" '" c _, -5'" '" . 8 '~ ~ @ .., -'l 8 8 .. 0 " E; ~ 0 t , 0 8 " ~i' § ;ij :c .... 8 8 0 II '" ~ -' N '" '" ..-, • • • )1 } I, " , • • .' , '" '"L 0 S '", 0 - ..'" -" "I: .!! .. ~ c" ; t .., "CI ~ .. .. '" C S .r;:; ~ .. 'i Q- 0 J '0 .~ '" .LI :; ~ .c .LI" ~ .. e ! ,_ 01 .,'" "0 :.c; ..'" 0 1 .c ~ .c .. ·r " , ... ~ ... .. '" ...... J .:! :: !: ~ 1: ..0: ::'l .. ~ "".. ~ ~ 0 !l .Ie'" ,:!: 0 ., 'is ~'" I'- >- > :J .... ill '0 0:: II. 0:: II:: c.n :r- ,_

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---~------Population PopuJadon Population Name. of village Code ------N rune of village Code ------N arne of village Code ------No- 1961 1971 No. Ig61 1:}7I No. 1961 1971

(I) (2) (3) (4) ( [) (r)

Acbakanhalli 32 886 1,153 Gulagunjanal •. 97 244 387 Nigadi Kh. ~3 1,334 1,628

Akalawadi 89 379 525 Gulvanchi 3 839 867 Pandozari 72 593 690 Ankalagi 80 1,920 2,579 Halli 81 1,289 1,501 Pratapur 5 450 515 Ankale II 1,542 1,716 Hivare 10 1,761 1,948 18 1,143 I,253 Antral 19 783 1,002 Jalihal Bk. 92 712 975 Saleklri 45 938 1,1.25 Asangi Jath 67 1,461 1,579 lalihal Kb. 68 255 376 Sanamadi Asangi Karajagi 71 :l,zS9 2,442 Jath Avandhi 8 1,538 1,922 Jirgya: Sankh

Bagewadi 16 842 953 Kaganari 73 533 686 Shedyal

I2 2,414 2,883 Baj Kanthi 22 951 1,203 Shegaon Banali 28 1,727 2,1l 5 Karajagi 83 1,473 1,874- Slddhana,th Basargi 42 I,Ug 1,337 Karajanagi 53 755 981 Sindl1r Belgaan 86 1,6:.u 1,660 Khairao 52 I,195 1,498 Belondagi 85 1,088 1,386 Khalati 26 1,006 1,338 Singanap'.lr Belunkhi IS 1,372 1,770 Rbandanal 69 573 633 Singanhalali 4 1,186 I,349

Bevanur 1 1,514 1,444 Kille Rampur 31 905 J,261 Sonalagi 82 793 916

Bhivargi Kolae-iri 55 764 1,080 Sonyal 60 2,,365 3,020

Billur 40 5,298 6,79 1 Konabagi 95 217 236 Sordi 61 1,425 r,77~ Birnal 17 724 957 Rosari 7 1,580 1,123 Sus lad 87 1,321 1,491

Boblad Jadra .. 76 2,889 3,4'78 Kudnur 20 999 1,252- Tilmndi 74 1,424 1,8:.12

Boblad Kontyava 96 2,233 2,677 - Kurnbhari 13 1,,68 2,1 II Tillyal 66 31S 457

Borgi Bk. 84 653 872 Kunikonur 57 822 1,028 Tippehalali :l3 516 581

BorgiKh. 88 736 872 Lal-anga 94 258 302 Umadi 79 4,746 6,24Q

Dafalapur ZI· 3,427 4,279 Lohagaon 6 1,139 1,297 Umarani 49 4,177 4,895

Dari badachi 65 2,550 3,190 Madagyal S9 '2,120 2,818 Utagi 7) 2,478 2,939

Darikonur 63 796 974 Maithal 56 166 :u8 Vhaspeth 58 1,130 I,SIl

Devana! 44 534 597 Maltal 38 204 280 Waifal 29 1,159 1,320

Dotli Manikanal 91 273 430 Wajrawad 31) 965 1,280 Ekundi 35 965 1,193 Mendhegiri 43 1.386 1,612 Walasang 4i 1.518 1,677 Gholeshwar 51 602 767 Mirawad 25 481 638 Walekhindi

Girgaon 93 1,180 1,608 Morabagi Qq 707 1,022 Washan 27 460 474

Guddapur 62 429 591 Mu("handi 50. ,",,787 3,327 Yelavi 34 1,51.0 1,8S7 Gugwad Nigadi B\. 78 624 804 Yeldari 37 72Z 877 68


WORKERS Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total I (lncludmg castes tribes educated workers Culthators Village/Town I instItutional and persons (I-IX) Ward/Block ...... houseless population) o 6 Z p 1\1 F M F M F M F Iv! F M .F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 IS r6 17 18 __ --__ ------___.,._ 5 JATH

Total 2.262-9 26.776 28,978 171,729 88,311 83,41811,507 10;J50 700 650 26,728 7.912 49.093 11.829 26,961 3,787 (acres 559,163) Rural 2,262'9 26,776 28.978171.729 88,311 83,41811,50710,950 700 650 26,728 7.912 49.093 1l,8l9 26,961 3.787 (acres 559,163) Urban RURAL AHEAS acres I Bevanur 7,522 268 268 1,444 743 701 73 73 189 39 40 7 32.1 2z9 2 Waleklundi II,176 497 521 3,215 1,591) 1,617 218 214 5SZ 189 791 Stx> 11 3 Guhanchi 3,729 159 159 867 431 436 84 79 97 4 2 43 199 II9 4 Singanahalali 3,575 192 ;:04 1,349 685 664 121 139 126 12 341 262 z5 5 Pratapur 2,498 82 108 515 278 237 7 I 39 I4.b 141 I

6 Lohagaon 3,938 209 221 1,297 647 650 107 115 147 38 333 105 246 31 7 Kosari 9,395 318 356 1,7<:3 908 815 II3 109 4 4 196 30 514 134 395 02 8 Avandhi 5,647 312 314 1,922 903 959 179 173 2;08 29 538 17 4 02 12 9 Dorli 3,5:n 2 1 9 240 1,311 653 658 87 70 2 4 123 24 367 321 320 2.93 10 Hivare 6,233 302 303 1,948 1,023 925 128 90 394 85 509 40 308 3

II Ankale 5,295 282 282 1,716 8320 884 85 97 181 38 408 30 6 ... 38 lZ Baj 6,502 +49 459 2,883 1,501 1,382 73 64 5 5 2;50 44 790 037 13 Kumbhari 6,035 353 301 2,IlI 1,087 1,024 125 124 :,zo :;:0 369 107 580 37IJ It,11 14 Shegaon 11,519 71I 770 4,384 2,258 2,126 J51 381 3 822 232 1,155 754 so IS Belunkhi 4,371 214 255 1.770 886 884 85 87 216 49 493 294 b 16 Ragewadi 3,198 167 167 953 488 46 43 19 91 161 16 17 Rimal 2,286 139 150 957 481 41 37 II 225 18 Rav;lnal 3,858 J76 183 1,253 645 58 54 IS 33 185 S 19 Antral 3,203 166 176 1,002 505 bo S9 21 10 185 20 Kudnur 2,,50 3 161 190 1,2.52 604 35 32 19 30 259 5

:;;1 Dafalapur II,Z;il5 670 698 4,279 2;,22.3 2,056 369 389 1,021 388 1,077 138 596 :;;2 Kanthi '*-,329 194 194 1,203 616 587 59 48 119 16 294 80 186 :;;3 Tippehalali 2,189 81 88 581 300 281 49 57 130 45 14 0 I 83 24 Smganapur 2,26z 205 207 1,089 546 543 57 65 100 16 306 28 213 13 2,5 lVhrawad 2,,890 II2 IIO 638 338 300 69 66 87 9 196 2,6 IIO 11 2,6 Khalati 5,235 194 20 3 1,338 681 657 45 57 115 13 380 156 194 I 27 Washan 1,924 74 76 474 253 221 53 3 123 I 102 28 Banali 5,569 378 378 2,II5 1,083 1,032 71 07 398 96 654 321 35j 20Z 29 Waifal 4,197 223 230 1,320 068 652 36 45 206 22 384 253 27tl 21;;\ 30 Jlragyal 3,069 340 352 2,02.4 1,029 995 149 157 6 8 ISS 3 1 581 4 375 I

31 Rampur 5,376 184 191 1,261 669 592 91 70 100 200 34 383 6 239 ;2 32 Achakanaha1li. 6,331 171 172 1,153 601 552 58 63 87 224 52 30Z IZ 229 S 33 Nigadi Kh. 4'346 255 267 1,628 808 820 156 100 224 54 424 49 244 I 34 Yelavi 5,5 0 3 30 7 322 1,837 948 889 1 39 103 376 lI6 523 123 2il9 3 35 Ekundi 3,987 171 175 1,193 (352 541 7 1 56 19 187 46 377 274

36 Jath 18,379 2,273 2,695 14,877 7,813 7,064 860 765 75 4,39.04- 2,136 3,582 7II 998 37 Yeldari 3,750 136 1 36 877 446 43 1 36 27 82 25 258 27 IilS 38 Mallal 1,74.2; 40 40 280 1 38 142 32 2 5 26 3 62 57 3H 39 \VaJarawad , :;:,054 184 188 1,280 666 614 189 179 8 ;/; 122 25 428 3 Z 0 4 40 Billur 17,068 943 1,065 6,791 3,5I 3 3,278 255 227 25 2.5 945 323 2,142 434 986 116

41 Gugwad 5,IIQ 271 306 2,050 1,043 1,007 183 183 42 615 149 216 209 4~ Basargi 3,5II 193 240 1,337 694 643 255 ~92 ~6 359 29 ZZ7 43 Mendhegin· 5,913 247 266 1,612; 84 1 77 1 140 4 5 282 68 444 152 286 +6 44 Devanal 2,173 79 88 597 292 30 5 III 79 20 155 102 94 33 45 Saleklri 3,008 188 193 1,125 565 560 64 201 49 304 207 214 119

46 Walasang 7,746 30 3 1,677 844 833 72 319 58 421 81 280 47 Shedyal 5,056 153 794 40 3 391 32 6 105 19 2 40 43 131 ";9 48 Sindur 5,37! 50 4 2,435 1,212 1,223 1 52 2,76 65 701 II 218 I 40 Umarani 19,010 852 4,895 ;Z,487 2.408 275 r •• 751 260 1,505 131 853 31 50 Muchandi 16,50 3 618 3.327 1,681 1,646 162 636 161 1,003 362 608 2.31

51 Goleshwar 3,468 132 767 28 3 1 79 10 191 1 35 52 Khalrao 0,871 266 1,498 35 43 5 7 160 38 393 120 319 :u 53 Karajanagi 5,217 173 98r 63 03 138 20 288 2,02 187 82 54 Sanamadi 4,140 2 1 9 1.5 I;/; 100 103 170 20 461 143 Z49 55 Kolagiri 4,I50 z62 1,080 87 81 23 0 27 291 5 1 97 56 Maithal 1,684 39 218 II3 105 27 26 IS 68 13 47 57 Kunikonur 3,993 178 1,028 529 499 85 69 124 29 327 182 235 142 58 Vhaspeth 10,542 200 1,5II .763 748 147 149 134 14 4 1b 4 271 2 59 Madagyal 5,577 429 2,818 1,500 1,318 108 9z 470 100 833 100 620 20 60 Sonyal II,601 494 3,020 1,50/4 1,446 247 223 462 1 39 986 167 372 47

61 Sordi 4.400 322 322 1,770 Q08 862 14 1 144 2.4Z 67 536 184 283 70 62 Guddapur 2.307 80 87 591 310 2BI 70 09 96 50 181 3 70 I 63 Darikonur 4,534 ISO ISO 974 495 479 35 22 85 18 277 93 156 38 64 Siddhanath 3,9z6 103 188 I,oog 513 496 36 26 IZ2 8 300 98 58 65 Daribadachi 9,773 4 1 3 429 3,190 1,651 1,539 170 158 453 67 951 310 508 66 TIUyal I,461 68 74 457 233 224 13 12 .. 42 30 158 10 123 7 67 Asangi-Jath 3,816 287 294 1,579 790 789 173 172 26 28 175 40 433 41 296 68 J ali hal Kh. z,205 56 62 376 185 191 29 29 30 8 l1.5 56 53 I 69 Khandanal 2,9°8 104 10 4 633 319 3 14 34 37 7 9 ,p ;2; ISS IS 127 2 70 Sankh 14,102 804 8Il 4,935 2,591 2,,344 288 298 5 4 835 246 1,550 254 755 II

71 Asangi Karajagi IO,::N4 368 403 2.442 1,259 1,183 131 97 Z47 74 757 ~71 456 ()3 72 Pandozari 3,579 9 0 92 690 366 32,4 22 18 45 16 211L 92 182 76 \ 73 Kaganari 5,000 103 106 686 359 327 57 63 64 12 244 lI6 64 12 \ 74 Tlkundi 7,965 271 287 1,822 931 891 86 78 200 65 566 250 261 75 75 Bhlvargi 6,579 2II 211 1,400 727 673 59 58 205 46 456 53 26z 69


WORKER ~------II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturing etc. • Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and Household Other than commerce communications industry household industry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------M F M F M F 19 zo 21 22 23 25 2,6 27 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 I TAHSIL

11,910 6,825 3.733 568 1,663 303 655 27 307 3 1,249 118 .. :l,118 194: 39.218 71,589 ,11,910 6,825 3,733 568 1,663 303 655 27 307- 3 1,249 118 .. 2,118 194- 39.218 '11,.589


28 1Z IS I II) 4- z 9 1I +55 I 93 2,0 3 3 46 10 ... 1 S 24- I 29 1,572 :-= I) S 14 I 14- I 6 311 3 50 13 Z.2 1 3 3 bzb 4- 3 [ I 236 S • 52 74- 10 5 2 4- 314 545 b 57 50 19 I) 17 7 5 Q 2 10 39+ ()gl 7 94 3 7 "[ I II 4 S 7 7 1. 4ZS 942 g ~b 27 Z 7 I I I I 3 6 z86 337 9 l:IlSS 10 70 3 63 f'o 4 16 1 1 14 S ~2 5J+

62 12; 16 10 5 2 7 4:<:"" 83 .. Il .xoo 1I 1 ZI' I 10 I I Ig ,711. 1,3~ 1::1 .lZZ IQ7 2& 20 13 4- 5 16 4- u. I 507 705 13 ..z14- 103 41 5 49 18 9 3 23 5 57 6 1,103 1,94+ 14 uS 1I 41 2 II 2 I 2. 5 1 13 393 !S03 IS

62 74 16 1. 2- 2.44 374- 16 10 [ 9 5 7 ~ 201~ 470 17 6r 6 71 II) 19 I g 2.97 575 lIS 32 S 16 4- II 2 I I I 4- 2.51 4-1S? 19 :a6 zo .g .... 6 1 J- 2,b6 big 20 -.213 88 16 43 5 16 7 6 18 98 8 1,146 1,918 21 85 32: 3 IS I 4- 32.2. 507 ~~ zl I I) 3 1 2. IO 100 2.bo Zl 51 14- 8 I 17 4 3 5 I 4 2,40 SIS :01.+ 4& 14 29 1 2. :2 S 142 2]4. :ZS ,126 lSZ 29 1 13 13 301 501 26 20 I 1 130 220 27 9+ 71) 78 14 15 1 4 20 6 I 64 6 4209 711 21:) 20 30 60 10 ., 6 I I Z~4 399 2~ "{56 9 1 1 2 5 5 44)) 991 30

.lZI 4- 7 I 7 286 586 31 47 b 3 1 3 ]3 299 540 J~ .14-9 39 I 2. 6 5 4 Z I 16 3li+ 771 33 .144- II9 9 1 z 21 5 ]S 1-25 7b6 34 61 10 8 I S 10 275 541 35 ~88 36.. 121 ... II 226 67 232 12 85 433 19 290 I 598 4,231 6,353 36 66 14- 2 I I 3 l!:l8 4°4 :n 23 57 1 7() 85 31:i 195 I 18 1 2 I 9 238 fill JIJ -69b 216 216 7I 57 17 24 46 10 9 76 9 1,371 2,l;4f 1-0 .JaS 114- 27 6 23 z 7 3 "9 428 8S8 -41 91 zg 13 8 I I 13 335 014 .. ~ 99 102 28 2 9 I 6 2 2 13 )97 1)19 43 .,..1 62 10 7 1 I 8 137 203 ...1- b4 84 1 1 2 9 4 I Z 10 201 353 45

80 81 Q 10 6 2 9 2 23 77 12 10 10 2 z I 1 I 7 ..... 53 10 2, 9 3 4 12 ..Ju 68 113 4- 76 II 29 1 11 SO 5 3 1 58 10 ,157 106 I'll S 52 19 37 5 2S 1 ' 2 S6

29 .S I 1 Z 2 3s.. 51 58 97 3 1 I 2 g 595 S2 go 5 l:ao 3 2 6 273 53 "'37 1143 37 II 2 6 4 3 I2 (ali S4 36 5 42, 3 4 1 3 5 51? 5S

13 9 45 92 56 3<1 8 10 I S 9 202 317 57 2 3 1 7 8 347 7# SH 72 S 17 I 12 3 56 6 007 I,2tH 59 65 US 47 7 2 14 21 4 5 2,1 z SSS 1,279 (1o loa 101 101; 21 I 2 S 19 372 678 61 43 4:i 6 2. 2 :3 7 5 12.9 ~7S h 47 59 13 I 3 4- :t 3 218 J~6 63 olD3 4S u 10 2. 5 I 10 213 .187 398 Ii4 166 49 33 9 I 2 2,1 I 24 700 1,229 6S ~8 1 .z 3 75 21+ 6(j 75 32, 1 u 1 1 .... 357 7 ..8 tn 37 34 S I 00 135 68 10 32 7 I I 8 1).4- 296, 69 396 177 IS 53 8 10 1 {) 47 J 6 97 l,O.. p 2.~ 70 117 132 I].S }2, 22 3 6 S 1 u 912 71 8 16 ~I 1 :2J2. 7:<1 toO S 95 71 3 I 1 4- 211 73 I.'", ISS 1::;8 IS IS :z to I IS 041 74 95 52 77 II 6 5 620 1S A- t t 72-IO-A 70,


"; WORKERS '"f ~~ .. :i '1:1 Total I OJ ~ :'2 '1j :8 Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cnltivators 0 Village/Town! '"~ '" 00 (includmg castes tribes educated (I-IX) 0 ...'" '"'::s Ward/BlOCk .ii '1:1", 0 institutional and persons !:: C;'" ..c:; houseless population) .~ .5 ....o.::l '" 0< '0 <.J 0:1 ='0 0 ~ ?j..c:; 0 ----- ~------F H ""= 0 Z P M F M F M F M F 1\-1 F M -~------~------~~--~-~-~~-~---~ r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12· 13 14 15 16 17 18 -~------~~~~~---~---~~--~---- ...._ - -...--- RURAL AREAS acres 76 Boblad Jadra 9,287 473 473 3,478 J,304- 1,674- 504- 477 556 2 1 3 1,055 61 537 7 77 Utagi 15.7lJZ 542 824 2,93Q 1,50 5 1>434 129 124 120 US 310 75 942 30 298 I 78 Nigadi Bk. 4,362 112 116 804- 0423 381 14 IS 86 6 241 137 186 57 79 Umadi 1r.,ag6 928 1,00g 6.249 3,244 3,005 475 444- I,ll2 352 J,6S4 452 '&84 46 80 Ankalagi 13,2;<:7 393 409 2,579 1,321 1'258 165 157 4 3 3IZ 81 777 505 334 183 81 Halli 4-.431 246 24-6 1,501 7St 750 162 165 219 77 455 214 205 5 82 Sonaiagi 3,245 ISO 153 916 481 435 - 85 66 124- 27 257 59 147 83 Karajagi 7,495 279 309 1,874 974 900 ;uo 191 188 50 573 235 317 23, 84 Borgi Bk. 2,100 113 135 872 446 426 95 100 13 1 43 264 174 105 z 85 Belondagi 5,722 2J3 260 1,386 727 659 156 ISS 253 64 414- 16r 158

86 Balgaon 4.452 286 366 1,660 836 824 174 162 255 54 502 194- 2II g, 87 Suslad 3,838 238 250 1,491 772 719 124 112 69 60 234- 81 4fil J84 2Z0 36 88 BOfR! Kh. 1,S6J; 16z 176 872 431 44-1 72 88 14-5 -1-8 201 122 100 11} 89 Akalawadi 3,163 87 94 525 282 243 46 35 65 10 109 49 54 90 Morabagi 4,7z7 16S 168 1,022; 522 500 70 74- 158 01-8 3201- 308 128 13()

91 Manikanal 1,831 65 65 430 218 212 77 53 86 43 128 1I~ 36 II) 92 Jalihal Bk. 2,885 155 174- 975 517 458 66 46 17S 26 319 221 125 ,8 93 Girgaon :;,606 249 :2:54- 1,608 818 '790 83 76 131 23 512, 96 :ztJ6 I 94 Lavanga 2,443 51 51 302 152 ISO 37 3S 31 10 100 54 41 3 95 Konabagi 1,207 34 34 23b 125 III 2 I ... 28 3 82 51 44 5 96 Boblad Kontya,·a 10,384 435 435 2,677 1,409 1,268 164 J35 289 101 865 S5 394 1& 97 Gulagunjanal 1,190 62- 62 387 187 200 15 13 6 {} 56 29 12.2. 14- 48

A·l172-JO-B. 7J


WORKERS --~----~,...... _~-----~------~~--- II III IV Y VI VII YIn IX X Agricutur.JI Lh·c~t.)Ck. Mming, Manufa.cturing, etc. Construction Trade Transport. Other services Non-workers I) labourers orch~rd", etc. quarrytng and storage and '"I:J Household Other than commerce communications 8 mdustry household c industry .9 'Oi ---~~ ...... ---~ --~----~------~ uo ---- 0 Iv! F l\f F 1\1 F M F M F ::\1 F 1\1 F 1\1 F M F 1\1 F ...:! -----~---~--~------~------__._~------~ - _.. 19 20 2r 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 jI 32 33 34- 35 36 37 38 I -~-~~------~--~~--_....----~~------~--....._.... RURAL AREAS

244 4 2 81 4 60 4 38 13 27 I 54 3 749 1,61 3 76 387 5 19Z 2~ 26 1 I 20 I :1 14 I 563 1,40 4- 77 50 79 2 1 1 '2. 182 244 78 527 38b L? 47 4 :1 1 54 12 3 123 4- 1,590 2,553 79 2.50 293 122 20 22 3 10 2 5 3 18 1 15 5-1-4 753 80

200 zoO 5 Q 10 4: 7 4 '2. 12 4 296 536 81 98 59 6 6 224- 376 82 177 :2,03 40 5 19 ;;: 7 I 6 I 1 5 1 401 665 83 l-? 79 :l- 48 II 6 5 4 <) 8 z 6 I 182 252 84 183 155 33 6 9 3 9 6 2 11 313 498 85

185 179 73 18 2 2 2 4 II 334 630 86 219 14t) 10 3 Q 3Il 535 87 87 97 31 4 5 8 4 6 1 2 19 170 3 1 9 88 63 4° 41 7 4 2 S Il3 194- 89 116 15 1 61 21 6 I I 5 :2 6 4 Ig8 192 go

Sl 98 Q :2 I 90 93 91 68 9 1 81 46 16 5 I 4 8 16 I 198 237 g~ ~., (I 130 88 I~ 7 6 I) 1I 1 II 306 694 93 :z8 40 26 4 1 I 1 3 9:2 96 94 9 46 23 2 3 1 43 60 9S

300 48 III 13 15 2 6 3 10 I 26 3 S44- 1,183 96 1 3 10 2c) 4 I :\ 7 ~ 65 IS6 97 H



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cu 0 0"- > ~ a- 0 a.. a.. 0"- ...0 J. t::: c::: a- 0- ..,.. ~ () ra ..,.. 0- « . ~ .s= 0 IllS ...... 0 ...0 ... o III 1: ~ ~ VI 0 I (\I N "- VI 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 § I I 1(:'" Itl ..J ~ U'1 U'1 I I • • • • • I I I I 0 0 QI . 1 Q 0 u o o 0 0 "'c I ..., NI ... e 0 1,1"" .!I: C 0 "Z j tIG ftI a.. III 0 .s:. >. 0 C ... 0. .... 1 L. .. a.. a.. " III I III 0 > GI >- ,£ L. ..c: ." .c 0- "tI n! j,8 DO .... "1iI III c::: ~. 0 ): C QI :::I ""' u "'C QI ): ): 0 .... .s:. I'll II:! III 0 " c::: v :::I VI ~ VI ... .a .!II 0 .. >0.. GI IU ftI 0 .c::: L. .; " 0 It DO .s:. olS .s:. "Wi IliI .... QI L. L. ): III It (II e- nS ,.., QI w .... .c: .I:. u III III III "2 I'll .t::. "> 0 (II ... .-- - _,0 .w .... II t- ~ > > :J en 0 a: a. ~ a: 73 6 KAVATHE MAHANKAL TAHSIL ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES AND TOWNS

Population Population Name of villalfe Code Population Name of village Code Name of vilJage Code No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 (1) (2) (3) (4~ (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (~) (3) (4)

Aplpon 15 3,077 3,522 HaroH .. 28 I,QOS 1,270 Langanpeth J6 1,298 1,231 Alkund (M) .. 27 715 815 Hingangaon .• 33 3,783 4,6r6 Malangaon 18 2,283 2,602 Alkund (8) 30 1,244 1,50 7 Irali .. 21 1,375 1,572 Mhaisal 461 635 Arewadi 37 II 1,441 1,583 laigavan 19 1,096 1,130 Moghanwadi •• Borpon 22 25 363 509 1,726 2,047 Jakhapur 14- 1,023 - 1,270

Ch()rochi Nanaole 24 1,12, t 8 1,559 1,580 Karoli (Tasgaon) 26 1,632 3,2()9 I 447' Chudekhindi •• 13 704 753 Kavathe Mahankal 29 8,561. 1l,649 Nimaj •• 7 50~ <40 3' Deahing 32 4,221 .4,964- Kerewadi 10 559 SZl Ranjani 34- 4,598 5,261 Dbalewadi 17 872 1,171 Kharsing 31 1,760 2,049 Rayewadi 3 50S 8511 Dhalpon 12 3,II2 3,657 Kognoli 40 2,294 2,639 Sarati .• z9'1 Dhulgaon 39 459' 38 2,333 2,861 Kohle .. 35 3.292 3,783 Dudhebhavi Shirdhon 23 I,4n 1,794- 6 1,285 1,595 Kuchi .• 20 2,668 3,385 Ghatandre I 1,603 2,198 Kukatoli 36 2,009 2,441 Tisangi 2 1,325 1.SOO GhGrpadi S J,246 1,3°4 Kundlapur 9 872 Wagholi 790 ." 4 54S 485 74


WORKERS Total I Tutal population Schedulrd Scheduled Litaate and workers Cultivators Vlllage/Town/ (mc1ud111 g casres tribc:s educ

p F F .\1 F M F M F M F

I I 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 IZ 13 15 16 18



Total . . 707'1 13,936 14,424 87,190 44,501 41,688 4,669 4.5:11 1 1 19,472 7,055 22,492 4.546 15,280 2,243 (acres 174,724) ",ural . . 707'1 13,936 14,,4:24 67,190 4-4:,502 42,t88 4:,669 4-,521 1 lacres 171,724)

Urban RURf\L AREAS aCres I Ghalnandre S,I~3 297 331 ::.198 I,I4Z 1,056 If3 lr8 575 22.6 506 I z Tisangi 4.IJ(J 253 2S0 1,520 740 780 71 7fJ 38b 2;:1 39b 35 3 Rayewadl z,.p~ 141 142 8S[ 425 42.6 8 -1- 155 30 239 lea 4 Waghoh 737 R2 82 485 235 25 0 17 ·H lIZ 61 101) .5 Ghorplldl =,3 11; 227 202 1,304 050 ()S4 24 23 120 JS 393 39 I 6 Dudhebhavi J,943 260 26+ 1,595 852 743 42 48 223 28 474 149 293 7 Nimaj 2,t:H S 67 72. 403 198 2C1j 7 5 51 10 125 105 ~ 8 Churochi j,SIO 269 21)8 1,580 810 770 IrO 90 2It SI 404 I04 268 9 Kundb.pur 3,383 135 135 872, 435 437 16 10 205 101 194 7 137 10 Kere",~d! 1,528 104 I04 521 z55 266 z8 24- 84- 25 139 44 77

'1.1 Arewadt 2,66S 263 263 1,583 79! 792 64 67 207 69 12 Dhalgao:l 7.356 616 633 3,657 1,926 1,73 1 105 41) 844- ~3 Chudekhudl 3,425 136 140 753 384- 361) 46 47 .' 100 ~ >14 Jakhapur 2·441i 20 5 205 1,270 bb! 609 92 81 354 8 ilS Agalgaon 8,83 0 549 554 3,522 1,78$ 1,737 ;1.2.6 22.2 7!1t 146

Ifl Langarpeth 2.85 1 217 223 1,231 59& 633 64 60 215 319 2.34- 7 17 Dbalewadi 1,998 198 199 1,171 577 594 88 109 258 293 207 b 18 Malangaon 3,585 446 464 2,60 2 ;,322 J,280 108 94- 7XI 640 409 30 19 }aiga\l"n 1.9S9 t80 lSI 1,130 545 585 LJ· 16 27 1 2b7 224 zoo 20 Kuchi 5.4°4- SH 554 3·385 1,681 1,70 4- 136 rZQ 791} 838 611 IS7 .21 IraH 5,21,)9 :1.'35 239 1.572 787 7&5 177 l?O 31U 4-oS 279 163 22 llorgilon 4,371 J27 365 2,0..j.7 J,052 995 129 128 534- 534- 401 49 23 Shirdhon 2.016 290 316 1,794 907 887 II] IL<: 473 483 287 24 Nangole 3,883 1.'2.7 237 1,471 727 744 65 59 273 357 274- . 25 Moghamwadi 784 67 67 50 9 272 237 6 3 96 133 lOS 6

26 Karoli T 4·557 481 485 3,20 9 [,685 1,524 32.& 302 725 904- 6QI :1.7 Alkud (1.\'1) 2·535 134 134 815 ..pS 387 59 42 232 238' 175 .28 Haroli 2,tq.6 190 11)1 I,z70 623 647 121 1~3 371 319 190 .29 Ka~athe Mahankaf 5,770 J,807 1,81)2 lI,64!) 6,104- 5,545 482 509 2,894 3,031 1,55 1 30 Alkud (:;) 4,712 233 237 1,507 75 1 756 88 100 ,. 376 357 294

,3 I Kharsing 3,695 338 346 2,049 J,043 1,006 106 86 5Z:l 152 551 389 68 jZ Deshing 8,801 790 802 4,964 2.606 2,358 272 243 1,194 409 1,373 1,003 66 :33 HingangaQn 5.639 739 763 4,616 2,333 2,283 222 205 1,192 499 1,200 757 14 34 Ranjani 10,712 869 897 5,267 2,6J2 2,655 584 629 I,I4(J 529 1,20r 833 76 35 Kokalc 8,878 (lIO 61z ),783 r,95 6 1,827 206 2II 6&5 189 1,068 793 58

36 Ku1(atoii 3.528 395 2,44 1 1,238 1,201 Sf) 97 75 129 75 37 Mhat::':ll (M) 1.5 [5 75 635 .335 300 41) 44 4S 24 38 Dhulgaotl 5,178 436 z,861 1,.1-22 I,439 41 36 300 29 39 Saratl 1.;:63 67 459 23 8 221 3 3 47 40 KOo,:,TlO-li 4.533 437 2.539 J,37 1 1,268 120 111 137 31 s 75


WORKERS II III IV V \'l VII nn IX X .., Agricultural Livebtock, Mirnng, Manufacturing etc. ConstructIOn Trade Trapsport, Other SfHKes Non.workers '0 -- --+------__.______._ - -+--- o labourer orchards, etc qUdrrjing and stotUl!e and (,J Household Otht'f than commerce communications industry househ.-.,!d Co ndustry '': 11 o M F M F M F M F i\1 F .M F M F :t\I F \1 F M F ..l ------'"------_,.__._,_-----_._------_-.- ...... - _____ ------.-~~------~ 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 30 3! - 32 33 34 35 37 I


3,406 1,907 462 67 4 846 14:9 126 5 171 21 724 38 256 1,117 116 22,010 38,141

3,406 1,907 462 67 4 846 149 126 5 171 21 724 38 256 1,117 116 2.l,OlO 38,142


H IS LJ. t 1 "31) 1,010 I,: 99 24 14 2 I .2 344 03 0 J 05 2 1 8 3 3 1/)0 200 3 I 2 I 10 121] ;;!50 4 o IS 23 21 2. 10 z57 bl5 S.

37 28 04- 4 3I 23 13 594 6 7 10 30 3 4 b JOO 7 34 45 34 27 10 5 2 10 3 21 (Joo S 20 5 I 3 3 I 2 19 43 0 9 30 29 13 4 3 7 4 ~z~ 10

18 33 58 16 I 5 8 2, :I. II 3 4 11 37g (,b4 I I 54 23 30 78 ):; 5 7 99 3 32 72 15 1,03 1 1,(173 12 17 l'j 9 1. 2 I 3 3 2. ISO 350 13 36 1 19 2 3 4 4 3 32 4 3'1' 593 14 76 49 9 29 5 (J 10 14 35 3 895 1,532 IS

31 5 o 14 6 5 6 16 279 620 I{I 37 lZ II 3 :­ 4 7 284 573 17 !)S 170 4- 9 ..J. 9 ~3 3 I K2 1,159 IS 15 30 5 1 2. 7 1 4 S .2i!) 347 19 III 102 o 1 35 7 1 6 J4 3 48 b 843 1,43 1 .20'

71 60 l:l zS 10 4- 3 3 z 13 379 552 21 84- 31 I 8 1 I 19 I 3 18 5IS 912 22 97 2,2 I 18 6 6 I 9 25 I} :;0 3 4Z4 854 23 35 6 () 19 2 8 3 f) 370 738 24 6 14 2 1 2 1 139 2'::9 2.5

~02 29 41 10 II 14 3 31 3 781 1,428 2t 41 :q 1 3 I 3 4 3 1 6 190 34-8 27 99 55 8 5 I I I '8 3°,+ 567 28 554- 320 05 4 140 23 70 I 28 303 52 25{J 31 3,c73 4,669 29 17 38 2 10 2 4 3 24 2 394 716 30

1'26 1;:1 9 2 6 I II 1 7 4!}2 Sq. 31 174 1.)3 36 6 .22 10 32 J 7 57 Hl It233 2,180 32- 303 148 2. 57 3 5 I 16 6 2, 1':3 S J,r.;:7 2,1 04 33 169 51 12 75 10 4 16 .2 17 i5 !l 1,41 I 2,5 0 5 3+ 190 113 1 35 I 3 17 3 27 3 h88 1,649 35

64 49 12 3 19 4 4 u 2 585 1,074 36 16 Z4 2 1(,2 " 3 276 37 75 21 20 5 8 4 9 33 3 7g(J 1,410 38 19 1 I 4- 117 221 39 86 21 13 22 6 6 13 2 z8 3 ()8z 1,237 4(1 0 ...., 0.. (;. N Q c: c- o.. ~ , '"..,. 0-'" 'II" Q Il .r:;'" 0 I ~ ... 0 0 11"1 :t • ':1.1 ...... 0 ::t t- :t @ .e. .... N Z ." (L III 0 II: .. IV ...., 0( III "" § ~ ....I M ~ ~ .:c • • I • • • J I I I Q 0 .; I ..GJ g 8 U '"C , ,.... " 0 .JC'" !E I '" '"&, , "... Q. >- c 0 .s:. oW >.. I 0 C w Q. .:.; '"~ c.. "' .. ~ g- "' It '" I .s:. >- I. .s:. ~ .t. Q. "Q tI "'C , W -a .~ '"I'll 0.0 .<:: "0 III ::J <0- u J:: ~ "C C GI ~ g- o 'i 0 :~ .t. "ii" III .s:. ..a" c 0.0 0 v w :l ..a 0 it 0 )0"'" WI ~ ~ c :E ..."' wi"' C 1:10 ..c 0 ~ .s.: -"u; ill ~ "C ...... ~ ~ .... III oW " ._ u ..III III 1 -; 0 C " ~" .t::. > - 0 .. oW " 0 III '; l-" I- I- => > :::) ...J z ~ 0 ji2 I:L at: a::: co I,/'f ~ .c • II) 0 '" «

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I' ..J~ 0 ~ i l 77 7 WALWA TAHSIL ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES AND TOWNS [Entries in capital letters are for Towns and Urban areas.]

Population Population Population Name of village Code Name of village Code _----- Name of iUage Code 1 No. 1961 197 1 No. 1961 1971 Nc. I96x 197 (1) (2) (1) (2) (I) .. Ahltwadl 71 Kalamwadi 38 2,615 Rethare Dharan 6 4,257 Aitavade Bk. 14 Kameri 7 7,867 Rathare Hama' 34 3,74°

Aitavade Kh..• Z2 Kanegaon 65 Sakharade 46 2,214

Aahta-Rural . • 58 3,429 4,8 IZ Kapuskhed 4S 2,925 3,4-01 Satapewadi 42 ASHTA-Urban Area VII 14,310 17,832 Karanjvade 16 1,5[2 1,767 Shene .• 3 708 825

Karve .• 9 1,367 1,61 I Shigaon llg 3,558 4,533 Bagani 67 6,623 7,899 Kasegaon I 6,168 8,007 Shirate 33 1,5 1 7 1,865 Bahadurwadi •. 63 3,136 3,646 Kedarwadi Shirgaon S4 1,134 1,313 Bahe .• 35 3,546 2,256 37 * 69J Kharatwad 72 .. 1,012 Shivapuri 8 Banewadi 41 10 553 Khed •• 51 2,833 1,600 Suru} •• 1,581 ' 1,619 Bavchi 57 4,353 4,775 Kille Machindragad •• 2 Bhadkimbe 62 1,310 1,555 23 2,341 4,9 4 Takari 2,II9 2,740 Kole .. 25 430 532 Bhatwadi 39 • 1,659 Tambave 29 Koregaon 68 2,249 3,014- Bichud 2,303 Tandulwadi 61 1,717 2,306 Kundalwadi 18 1,756 1,956 Borgaon 6,555 Thanapude 20 1,011 1,220 Kurlap 17 3,225 3,717 Tujarpur 50 1,004 1,137 Chikurde Kh.•• ,21 0 5,861 4,79 Ladegaon II 1,169 1,293 URAN Included in Devarde It) 758 Malewadi Urban area VI. Dhavali 66 1,308 Masuchjwadi •• - 49 20,817 :n,16a Nagaon Urban Area VI. Dhotrewadi 30 • 505 Narsingpur 32 Vashi •• 13 1,810 Dudhari 1,253 Navkhed 52 • 1,810 Walvra •• 53 8,885 Famewadi 43 • 509 Nerle •• Wategaon :2 , 36 9,90 3 6,934 Gatadwadi 56 Ozarde 5 1,605 1,883 Yede-Machindra 24 Gotkhindi 55 4,954 4,712 Padalwadi • Yede Nipani 10 Hubalwadi - 73 .. 1,393 Peth •• Yelur •• Itakare 1,992 2,286 Pokhami ... 60 Yeolawadi 31 •

• Uninhabited.

A-II 72-Jl. 78


WORKERS II Total I ! Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and workers Cultivato rs Village/Town/ .. (including castes tribes educated (I-IX) Ward/Block .5 institutional and persons ...c: houseless population) • 1.'3 ci ------~ ------Z' P M F M F M F M F M F M F 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II U 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------7WALWA km~ Total .• 778'0 4:0,077 42,161254,326131,444 122,881 12,343 160 156 73,361 33,496 66,680 8,216 311,575 2,174 (acres 192,244) 13,009

Rural 661·0 32,598 34,599209,334107,931101,403 10,440 14- 13 58,52l 25,780 55,823 6,587 35,378 1,868 (acres 163,333) 10,858

Urban 117'0 7,479 8,162 ",~92 23,513 21 479 2~151 1,903 146 143 14,839 '1,716 10,857 1,629 4.197 .J06 RURAL AREAS acres 1 Kasegaon 4,756 1,151 1,:253 8,007 4,153 3.854 404 314 2,513 1,083 1,976 160 1,104 18 2 Wategaon 4,46~ 838 883 5,366 ;;t,738 2,628 209 186 1,470 648 1,330 79 SS3 117 u8 825 3 Shene 849 435 390 93 83 23 1 75 236 " .. 147 4 Surul 2,906 260 263 1.619 827 792 54 62. 344 133 461 8 389 4 5 Ozarde 1.995 331 348 .1,883 941 942 10 12 449 169 506 13 392 6

6 Rethare Dhllran 6,I22 7S4 SoS 4,849 2,4&7 2,362 !:.69 1,240 494 1,399 41 1,060 25 '] Kameri 7,08S 1,267 1.300 7,867 4'013 3,854 471 2,421 1,348 1,942 209 1,190 27 8 Shivapuri 1,443' II4- II4 617 323 294 207 69 165 142 9 Karve 2,-445 280 ::160 l,fiIl 794 817 - 2Ifi 441 142 409 110 346 77 10 Yede Nipani 4,107 70S 709 4,226 2,211 2,015 169 958 37.2 1,128 40 698 9

II Ladegaon 812 145 145 1,29:>, 662 631 135 129 375 168 343 9 284 .2 12 Itakare 2,278 454 459 2,286 1,143 1,143 134 154 585 190 559 95 378 21 13 \'ashi ' 2,189 370 375 2,188 1,142 1,046 83 83 522 827 605 78 43 1 9 14 Attavade Bk. 5,529 955 9 3 5,496 2,795 2,70 1 339 30 5 1,530 680 1,475 138 946 15 IS Yelur 3,319 684 '735 4,591 2,378 Z,213 277 266 1,470 636 1,147 87 743 3

16 Karan;vade 1,182 285 309 1,767 926 841 146 119 602 5 1 S 3 41I 17 Kurlap 2,813 616 64-9 3,717 1,938 1,779 243 253 955 1,028 83 b88 IS Kundalwadi 1,233 315 335 1,956 997 959 103 . 103 512 490 4 332. 19 Devarde 471) II7 Its 758 394 364 81 78 217 191 II 136 zo Thanapude 1,029 lIS 193 1,220 644 576 46 37 345 310 2 257 :u Chikurde 4,316 939 l,oS8 5,861 3,045 2,816 369 332 1,523 , 1,624 132 1,017 30 22 Aitavade Kh. 2;&22 lZS 128 4,340 2,233 2,107 142 122 I,II3 1,166 103 864 30 23 Kllle Machindragad 4,894 599 925 4,924 2,622 2,302 218 171 933 1,579 28 562 24 Yede Machindra 1,695 53 0 S5 0 3,319 1,708 1,611 114 lIz 979 931 38 528 7 25 Kole 588 91 106 532 277 255 44 37 123 141 10 72 .,

26 Bichud 1,616 695 3,598 1,885 1,713 175 184 996 554 10 "".1.7 Dudhari 1,229 191 1,253 649 604 27 2,0 318 .177 30 28 TakaTl 1,295 430 2,740 1,449 1,291 225 '227 752 210 10 29 Tambave 3,$88 558 3,766 1,935 1,831 268 284 1,059 573 2 30 Dhotrewadi 442 82 505 260 245 3 4 139 103

3 I Yeolewadi 1,250 101 631 308 323 I I 170 166 19 I~6 7 32 Narsingpur 1,6u 326 2,036 1,062 974 120 107 529 531 26 290 8 33 Shirate 1,618 284 1,865 955 910 1I2 95 509 534 123 341 17 34 Rethare Hamax 4,142 820 4,685 2,416 2,269 379 375 ]: 1 1,181 1,276 263 788 47 35 Bahe 4,662 391 2,256 1,173 1,083 146 125 623 685 30 539 7 .)6 Nerle 9,004 1,121 1,134 6,934 3,547 3,387 256 250 2,016 9520 1,764 58 982 16 37 Kedarwadi 278 1I2 1I4 693 355 338 190 53 177 19 132 II 38 Kalamawadi 1,975 470 470 2615 1,338 1,277 98 100 675 264 674 54 462 .. 39 Bhatwadi 1,485 260 260 1,659 845 814- 74 81 417 127 432 9 2.46 1 40 Borgaon 6,553 1,077 1,082 6,555 3,344 3,21I 320 317 1,918 1,068 1,681, 348 952 IIO

41 Banewadi 264 76 84 553 2.77 2.70 201 21 19o 1202 143 26 95 II 42 Satapewadi 628 145 155 1,019 512 507 28 28 32.5 166 255 66 151 22 3 Farnewadi 280 71 78 509 265 244 172 84 131 26 98 18 :4 Masuchiwadi 1,380 272 275 1,664 856 808 77 73 518 195 455 28 315 15 45 Kapuskhed 1486 533 551 3,401 1,706 1,695 2033 280 95 8 464 839 33 588 6

46 Sakharale 3,033 822 829 4,182 2,254 1,928 122 114 4 3 956 346 1.256 448 35 1 15 47 Peth 7,034 1,'/50 [,816 10,465 5,378 5,087 469 490 3,165 £,333 2,610 269 1,618 65 48 URAN .• INCLUDED IN URBAN AREA VI 49 URAN ISLAMPUR URBAN AREA VI 50 TUlarpur 1,293 183 210 1,137 565 572 78 89 309 313 9 250 2

51 Khed 1,3;05 250 275 1,600 8Il 789 472 218 435 IZ 287 52 Navekhed 1,210 308 315 J,810 93 1 879 568 205 467 71 355 42 53 Walwa 10,469 1345 1,529 9,164- 4,732 4,432 9 5 2,864 1,273 2,41I 273 1,~50 72 54 Shirgaon 809 201 201 1,3 1 3 70 3 610 427 180 350 18 210 55 Gotkhindi 6,031 802 823 4,812 2,456 2,356 1,274 508 1,240 172 774 33 56 Gatadwadi 1,231 169 169 542 505 II 86 277 98 236 86 57 Bavachi 4,350 738 787 2,496 2,Z79 230 621 1,309 122 1,033 63 0 58 Ashta-Rural 20,644 731 80S 2,525 2,287 14 602 1,388 630 826 3.j.3 ASHTA URBAN AREA VII' 59 Malewadi 1,310 189 241 739 732 139 334 1I6 393 24 327 6 -'60 Pokhawi 645 175 175 540 497 122 298 104 285 I 181

61 Tandulwadi 1,272 356 2,306 1,124 1,182 182 191 622 272 57-1- 60 14 62 Bhadkimbe' 1,847 255 1,555 827 728 105 86 437 log 43 1 281 130 63 Bahadurwadi 1,965 634 3,646 J,864- 1,782 216 208 952 330 1,001 330 136 64 Nagaon 1,206 257 1,501 761 740 109 1I3 482. 226 395 70 18 ()S Kancgaon 1,077 237 1,418 742. 676 123 121 462 217 361 20 4 66 Dhavali 74-5 271 272 1,461 733 728 9 1 87 477 206 378 96 248 16 67 Bagani 5,493 1,165 1,283 7,899 4,105 3,794 473 443 2,535 1,119 2,101 136 1,354 6:: 68 Koregaon 1,658 499 SIS 3,014 1,57 1 1,-1-43 205 <.07 70 4 238 79 1 85 646 61 69 Shigaon 2,806 7°2. 720 4,532 2,335 2,197 280 256 1,321 598 1,216 139 814 34 N.A. 206 216 0 70 Padwalwadi 1,4 3 72 3 680 24 15 439 232 348 13 27 1 I

,I Ahirwadi N.A. 69 69 514 2 64 250 10 4 4 13 1 56 134 110 ., 2 Kharatwadi N.A. 156 167 1,012 SIS 494 62 47 276 133 259 3 174 • 73 Hubalwadi 8.A. 152 179 1,393 729 664 II 8 2S0 31 9 436 50 271 10 79



II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricutural Livestock, Mining Manufaeturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards etc. quarryini and storage and Household Other than commerce communications mdustry household industry ...------M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

IQ 20 ::u 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 37 38 I TAHSIL ll,116 4,85' 849 43 111 21 1,843 331 3,110 71 511 16 2,574 127 1,056 13 4,875 560 U,,764 114,666

692 39 124 15 1,464 226 2,149 41 332 16 1,343 72 515 5 3,303 342 52,108 94,816

1,593 891 157 4 47 6 379 111 961 30 179 •. 1,231 55 541 218 12,656 19,850 RURAL AREAS

89 23 18 I 73 19 55 107 13 24- 198 19 2,177 3,6(H I 29 25 78 26 29 30 5 8 96 19 1,4°8 2,549 2. 7 I 6 199 390 3 3 12 II 19 I I 6 366 784 4 4 I 24 I 7 2 2 IS 435 929 5 0 1,088 173 9 65 17 9 20 5 IS 4 2,321 6 8 12 18 .399 151 16 8 3 40 40 2 41 152 2,°71 3,645 7 1 S 158 7· 4 3 2.94 !S 13 13 I 21 19 3 10 I I 14 385 707 9 88 10 I 80 I .226 20 16 1 12 6 1,083 1,975 /0

30 4 2 2 • J I S I IS 3 319 62;?' II 70 70 6 34 2 12 6 19 3 31 I 584 1,0+8 IZ 109 61 S 20 8 14 z 3 21 537 9DS 13 308 97 5 52. 10 20 1 4- 26 3 10 98 U 1,320 2,563 14 II 1,231 2,I2() IS .257 73 4 3:2 9 'I 24 9 67 II IS 41I 838 16 57 14 5 2 169 21 I 25 2. 20 6 61 10 910 1,696 17 2 5 I 5 10 18 507 955 18 tI7 8 203 34 2 5 5 I '353 19 21 2 5 IS 3 2 4 33+ 574 20 89 14 24 3 38 12 42 6 107 8 1,421 2,684 2,1 364 1,01)7 131 (>z 8 39 6 _ 19 2 27 ;) 23 3 2.004 22 18 I 30 2 19 08 1 1,043 2,~74 23 541 7 44 7 5 13 19 84 8 43 8 22 20 2 89 1 22 20 7 13 90 5 777 1,573 24 I I I l36 4S 10 2 3 14 2 245 25 178 5 14 4 6 27 50 1 29 93 19 889 1,635 26 69 7 z,5 6 I II 18 33 I 538 27 81 120 ;to 4 79 4 120 8 50 5 13 ()97 1,[53 z8 I 870 I,Oq 29 .3 10 23 55 20 4 37 5 •• 20 11 4 121 19D 30

'18 12 I 4 3 4 142 304 31 I19 II 40 2 35 II 10 17 S 53! 948 32 133 95 ~ 10 16 18 5 Z II I 421 787 33 269 195 21 33 II 50 18 14 7 76 8 1,140 ;;::,001) 34- 89 19 6 12 I 6 2 30 4 488 1,053 35 348 18 44 I IS 8 65 38 4 75 I 21 172 1,783 3t329 .6 17 S 2 2 5 I 3 4 II 178 319 37 81 24 21 Z 46 25 19 3 14 I 25 5 664 I,2.:lJ 38 147 7 2 I 16 3 9 8 I 4 1 3 805 39 430 207 12 46 4 44 4- 14 48 8 128 ;;::3 1,6();;:: 2,863 40 '13 14 7 I 10 8 134 250 41 68 44 I 10 10 7 8 257 4+1 42 17 8 I S I 3 1 2 134 218 43 57 13 13 15 3 1 5 5 14 4 01 780 44 138 23 IZ 5 21 3 10 z 50 '1:>67 1,662 45 594 7 9 36 6 39 I 998 1,480 46 '191 58 41 44 s 55 217· 16 2,768 4,818 47 48 49 47 7 4 .. 3 8 252 563 50 " 65 II 2 IS I 30 S 25 376 777 51 56 25 I IS 3 II) 10 I 14 404 80S 52 383 ISO 33 88 12 88 7° 4 II 174 33 2,32 1 53 62 IS 2, 3 50 9 14 3 353 272 135 9 2 27 1 23 4 28 7, 94 3 1,210 ~t 20 12 12 4 S 265 4 0 7 56 III 44 12 IS z 21 3 20 87 13 1,187 Z,157 57 401 '184 II 18 3 30 4 10 62 1,137 1,057 58 14 15 12 I 6 IS I 3 3 II 3 708 S9 64 I IS 7 1 8 8 496 60

67 38 13 IS 3 22 10 IS 2 IS 29 3 550 1,122 61 lI6 ISO I 6 5 1 2 o 9 396 447 62 257 170 16 26 18 14 1 II II 29 6 863 1,452 63 55 47 12 I 10 2 7 I 3 9 1 27 366 (>70 64 88 14 6 15 4 4 23 2. 3SI 656 65

96 79 I I II 1 2 2 3 17 355 6]Z 66 440 51 6 43 1 44 2 36 2 8 168 20 2,004 3,658 67 33 17 27 20 II 6 48 6 780 1,358 68 IS3 55 31 16 27 IS 40 6 6 25 5 'Ils 13 I,IIQ 2,058 D9 33 8 13 I 4 I 9 10 8 2 375 667 70

I 4 130 250 71 2 9 6 I 4 2. 2 15 I 259 491 72 1 5 2 I 2 4 293 614 73 80


'" WORKERS i Total population Schedule Schedule Literate and Total I .. (including castes tribes educated workers Cultivato1'8 Village/Town/ j institutional and persons (I-IX) Ward/Block .S houseless population) ! < p ·M F M F M F M F M F M F ------_.,._------_...._------_.._ ------_._ __ ------. ------I 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------~------~------~--- URBAN AREAS km2 VI Uran Islantpur 33.3 4,566 4,903 27,160 14,274 12,886 1,137 1,011 3 659 1,785 67 Municipal Council

1 Ward No. 1 N.A. 300 300 1,719 892 827 99 93 550 2'9 401 9 191

(I) Il6 116 640 354 286 35 29 119 lSI 4 8z (2) " 9 0 90 516 25 0 2,66 60 61 121 123 3 34 (3) " 62 62 391 193 .98 I 4S , 83 I 60 (43) .." 32 32 172 9S 77 3 3 14 44 I IS 2 Ward NO.2 .. 165 166 1,018 526 492 1 1 182 229 20 142 8 " 79 80 421 2Il 210 140 74 90 13 49 5 " 8(1 86 597 315 28z I I 206 108 139 7 93 3 3 Ward No.3 " 263 292 1,692 906 786 88 76 543 233 407 13 263 4. (6) " 74 74 478 251 227 152 68 II7 2 77 I (7) " 99 120 591 3 1 6 275 88 76 17 0 59 140 9 76 3- (44) " 7S 76 445 244 2 0 1 .. 16l 67 105 77 (45) " IS 22 178 95 83 60 39 45 2 33 4 Ward No.4 218 1,431 " 218 718 713 458 429 370 176 285 110 46 (8) 83 83 509 241 268 47 51 lSI 91 88 22 22 (9) ".. 93 93 650 338 312 296 270 174 '75 139 72 15 (10) " 42 42 272 139 133 ll5 108 45 10 58 16 9 5 Ward NO.5 " 210 219 1,34'1 692 655 2 3 354 151 350 43 191 10· 90 90 567 28s 282 1 14S 76' 152 18 91 9 9S 9S 50 4 263 241 I 3 141 SI 126 2S 57 1 .." 25 34 276 144 132 68 24 72 43 6 Ward No.6 228 1,322 18 145 " 194 685 637 437 226 325 6S 97 506 261 245 141 52 138 I 54 .." 100 100 601 316 285 217 lZ3 130 IS 57 " 29 31 :HS 108 1 0 7 79 51 57 2 34 ..

7 Ward NO.7 It 215 235 1.303 666 637 7 28 458 252 298 24 104 3

108 108 281 257 193 99 IlZ 17 43 3 ".. 80 99 293 291 7 28 203 lZ3 126 4 51 " 27 28 92 89 62 30 40 3 10

8 Ward No.8 IJ 219 284 1,251 659 592 82 60 3 24:8 289 60 18 1

(I7) 60 60 331 176 155 35 104 62 74 19 9 (18) " 0 101 12 I " 81 14 487 249 238 7 173 103 6 (49) " 78 84 433 234 199 18 3 4- 172 83 114 29 3 287 1,583 15 73 9 Ward No.9 " 278 835 748 19 544 304 352 (19) " 86 9S 514 271 243 23 18 138 64 79 6 II (20) " 105 105 580 313 2,67 14-9 154 8 39 (so) " 87 87 489 2SI 238 I :6: 9 1 119 I 23 10 Ward No. 10 .. 239 28'1 1,5l0 776 734 12 12 593 355 322 29 52 1 (21) 102 III 710 368 342 4 6 16S 139 17 18 (22) II" 30 30 19 1 95 96 3 3 4S 38 2 8 (23) " 107 146 609 313 296 5 3 14S 14S 10 26 1 II 269 247 29 30 1 Ward No. 11 " 182 182 1,065 543 522 83 82 " 93 93 536 277 259 227 157 123 14 19 I " 89 89 529 266 263 83 82 167 1I2 124' IS II IZ 48b 334 21 40 Ward No. 12 " 181 216 1,249 638 611 9 10 312 3 (25) .. 51 80 554 267 287 213 197 131 8 8 (26) " 130 136 695 371 324 9 10 273 137 181 13 32 3 525 166 418 47 121 6 13 Ward No. 13 " 326 327 1,867 1,012 855 99 61 (27) " 128 128 427 321 84 45 213 ISO 13 13 (28) " 90 97 319 288 II 13 170 ~i 142 28 54 5 (52) " 102 102 266 246 4 3 142 41 126 6 54 1 89 104 '14 Ward No. 14 - " 278 283 805 662 1 3 597 190 357 9 • (29)' 108 III 605 325 280 21I 89 13 44 (30) " 105 lOS 496 262 234 I 149 5z 69 31 t (53) " 29 29 141 74 67 1 ,28 13 6 Z " 1 (54) " 36 38 225 144 81 II9 36 27 278 1,372 571 418 15 32 IS Ward No. 15 " 272 714 658 (3 1) 100 100 495 27z 223 227 153 III 10 4 (32) " 147 ISO 686 353 333 27 1 197 149 4 24 (55) " 25 28 191 89 102 73 68 39 I 4 18 16 Ward No. 16 " 197 197 1,079 576 503 29 4. ..• 481 291 239 17 " 128 656 352 304 S 4 295 168 145 17 " 69 423 224 199 24 186 123 94 I 81


WORKER,S ------~-~~----~- II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x OJ Agricultural Livestock, Mining, ]\rlanufacruring etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers e orchards, etc. quarrymg and storage and c labourers o Household Other than commerce communications .~ industry household industry g ------....l M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F


593 265 72 2 29 6 259 95 768 27 147 990 42 458 7 1,139 148 8,(!34o 12,227

59 1 5 26 33 8 15 .5 59 8 491 818 I 282 10 3 2 ·7 7 Z 28 4 203 19 2 2.3 u 2 7 I 24- 3 127 263 I 2 6 1 4 1 1I0 197 9 6 :u 3 1 I 3 51 7 16 s J .5 15 2 4 2 42 4 297 472 ~ 6 5 I 2 )0 3 2 17 3 197 10 3 3 5 2 I 25 275 35 7 2 13 1 29 1 20 7 1 37 499 773 3

3 I 1 I 15 8 12 134 2.25 24 1 8 9 I 4 10 170 260 5 7 2.01 4 5 4 2. 6 139 7 '. ~I I 1 1 I 1 9 50 150 103 8 2 1 .5 "1 3 5 1 59 1 433

35 4 3 I 2 I 153 78 7 I 3 2 199 lil 37 I 2 I I 44 28 16 1 17 4 6 12 21 1 342 612 S

II 6 IZ 8 2 I 2 10 17 133 21 2z 4 9 2 5 10 7 13 137 12 4 12 72 34 10 4: 13 1 10 29 24 35 7 360 619 6

1, 7 9 15 11 1 12.3 13 9 4 7 18 5 ISb 4 I 6 1 2 6 51 33 9 3 20 5 34 1 4: 42 3 18 40 3 368 613 7

II S 20 5 8 I 19 3 7 22 I 149 24 0 17 I 19 I 3 12 lJ lZ Z 107 2,87 5 3 I 7 II 6 52. 86 12 6 1 13 6 36 25 32 13 11 43 3 13 110 6 370 532 8

12 6 I II 6 8 5 6 3 z 22 2 102 136 2 18 5 9 3 40 3 7 16 3 148 .zz6 10 IS 17 13 8 4 72 I 120 17 0 18 1 2 16 56 16 62 31 76 12 483 733 9

I <:1 8 9 7 22 6 19Z 237 1 12 19 1 2.9 14 40 5 159 259 17 z 2 4 16 7 24 10 14- 132 2.37 8 9 3 6 I 46 1 90 6 36 1 80 11 454 705 10

8 7 z 28 43 2. II 27 S 229 325 6 8 2 7 9 57 94 2, 1 5 12 39 2; 18 I 44 3 108 286 4: 6 7 56 3 2 85 1 26 37 17 296 493 II

3 5 3 II 1 55 1 13 IS 7 154 245 I 4 '\5 3 1 30 I 13 19 10 142 24)) 3 4 4 7 I '76 1 2 97 3 36 1 47 8 326 590 12

3 1 ;:6 2 12 :.1,1 5 136 279 3 4 4 4 So I 2 I 24 2.6 3 190 3 11 90 24 4 11 15 3 57 1 23 5 13 3 53 5 594 808 13

47 2, 2 6 3 40 3 14 3 4 3 18 5 2.77 308 21 18 I 5 12 3 8 I 10 II I 5 IS 177 ;1.60 22 4 I 9 10 6 I 4 2.0 140 2.40 27 17 4 52 51 30 11 76 2 21 32 10 448 573 14

I I I 8 16 4 48 13 16 7 174 -;.67 25 15 3 35 ..,. 7 I7 4 9 2 124 165 8 I 8 I 2 52 61 I I 6 3 3 5 98 80 1 6 54 12 87 17 91 14 415 643 15

z 6 ;Z5 2, 39 4 3T 9 r6r 2 1 3 ~7 10 24 13 5t 4 2 0 4 329 2 24 9 50 101 5 6 I 3 36 1 2 97 3 53 6 337 485 16

I 6 I 3 17 I 2, 54 3 IS 37 5 207 4 19 43 10 16 13 0

A-II72---'12~A. 82

PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT WORKERS Total Total population Literate and workers I Village/Town/ (including Scheduled Scheduled educated (I-IX) Cultivators WardfBlock institutional and castes tribes persons houseless populatIOn) 0------Z P M F M F M F M F M F M F -,------~~------~------~--~---~--- I Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II iZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------...... ,..__------...~~-----~------~------URBAN AREAS kIn 2 17 Ward No. 17 N.A. 239 243 1,440 758 682 87 84 431 208 344 18 83 2

~35) .. 1I7 118 599 324 Z75 1 59 167 7 43 I (30) 85 88 (l33 334 299 3Z 2,17 134 S IS 1 .. ZZ (So) " 37 37 2011 100 lOS 52 55 43 3 18 Ward No. 18 .. 152 215 1,099 599 500 2 479 312 262 22 42 7 ., 76 76 383 204 179 ISS 104 95 7 13 " 76 1 39 710 395 321 2 2 324 208 107 IS 29 7 24 39 1 19 Ward No. 19 " 252 252 1,371 708 663 5 6 490 276 300 125 lZS 363 324 Z55 1:0:9 153 9 8 " IS 3 1 " 127 127 345 339 5 6 Z3S 147 147 204 35 s 20 Ward No. 20 " 192 194 566 409 49 38 449 245 .. 90 92 317 ZIO 47 3S 91 HZ z3 3 1 5 ZI " 102 102 249 199 2 3 154 9Z U VII Ashta Municipal 83.7 2,913 3,259 17,832 9,239 8,593 1,014 892 143 139 5,382 2,581 4.617 970 2,412 239 Council. 17 11 i Ward No.1 .. 144 153 839 425 414 168 156 196 96 213 152 (I) 79 88 287 234 lSI 145 93 40 127 95 4 I " 86 13 10 (2) " 6S 65 188 180 17 II 103 56 57 4 Z Ward No.2 181 18t) 1,018 509 509 58 40 293 131 229 74 104

117 120 6Z7 322 30 5 58 68 130 69 IS 3 " S9 " 64 69 391 187 2 0 4 .. , 63 99 5 4 3 Ward No. a ., 181 184- 468 484 134 128 294 161 268 14 198 - Ilt (5) 82 85 250 154 90 133 5 " 1 1 9 84 (6) " 99 99 z34 134 128 1 40 7 35 92 4 Ward No. " (7) ., 84 90 259 256 182 121 133 2 95 316 144 88 7 5 Ward No.5 " 206 220 1,313 690 613 498 459 355 (8) 57 6r 335 179 1st> 1I8 57 100 7 76 2 (9) " 74 83 509 268 241 268 241 12.4 14 lIS 97 7 5 " 101 0 5 (10) " 75 70 469 2 43 226 230 218 113 24 4 77 275 86 143 56 6 Ward No.6 " 144 181 1,025 533 492 6 6 194 (1I) 80 92 521 279 Z42 60 8 47 83 29 " 39 60 27 (12) " 64 89 504 2 54 250 6 6 1 34 69 201 201 1,033 546 288 92 272 46 160 15 7 Ward No.7 " 487 23 19 IZ (13) 95 95 422 226 1 96 It9 32 116 35 65 " 106 {ll I 60 ISO II 95 3 (14) " 106 320 291 23 19 169 52 8 Ward No.8 .. 240 241 1,438 790 648 57 52 454 159 351 128 220 10 0 0 163 61 185 III 4 47 (IS) .. 128 129 655 35 3 5 45 42 IlO (I6) lIZ 112 783 440 343 12 10 291 98 160 17 5 ], 190 204 1,283 687 596 16 8 337 188 342 10 221 9 Wprd No.9 " 13Z 2 (17) 123 406 357 16 8 Z10 III ZOI 5 (18) .. 67 281 239 127 77 141 5 89 4, 191 10 Ward No. 10 154 187 1,039 535 504 265 86 267 lIS (19) 103 lID 668 353 3 1 5 160 35 lSI 4 (zo) " r 182 105 51 86 76 " 51 7 371 189 96 98 22 11 Ward No. Il 184 212 1,044 528 516 113 99 300 143 251 56 4 (21) 125 153 i3Z 359 373 36 34 Z3 1 117 154 4Z 18 (22) " 59 59 3IZ 1 69 143 77 65 69 26 97 " 16 227 280 1,486 759 727 41 43 9 11 500 245 427 188 IZ Ward No. 12 " 10 (Z3) 43 175 87 136 23 36 97 97 8 0 (24) 47 73 110 51 94 3 4 .. 12Z 2 (zs) ., 83 1I0 9 II ZI5 107 197 28 208 3 13 Ward No. 13 (26) .. 133 141 879 430 449 328 193 253 9 372 222 244 43 142 24 14 Ward No. 14 " 136 163 931 485 446 2 4 106 44 (27) II 63 63 412 215 197 2 4 I7..J. 1I9 4 103 138 39 98 (28) " 73 100 519 270 249 198 1 IS 200 1,001 527 30 6 370 215 255 47 53 Ward No. 15 " 157 474 100 0 :u 1 (Z9) .1 86 118 58z 30 8 2. 3 199 103 4 27-1- 1 (30 ) ,I 71 82 419 219 200 ::8 3 1 7 1 112 95 7 3 12 16 Ward No. 16 .. 212 269 1,278 615 2 418 234 320 41 135

105 6 277 163 19:0: 14 76 " IS-l- 7-1-3 35 .. IOi lIS 535 Z59 2 141 71 128 27 59 236 Il3 201 15 154 10 17 Ward No. 17 " 139 144 758 353 8 79 0 213 IQr 145 92 107 IZ 74 74 4 -1- 80 Z " 65 65 354 192 162 91 31 94 J

A-I 172-12-B. 83


WORKERS ------~------~--~-~~--- ___ ~~_~ ___ r~ ______II III IV V VI VII YIII IX X Agricultural Livestock, Mimng, Manufacturing etc. Construction Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers labourers orchards, etc. quarrying and storage and ] Household Other than commerce communications a industry household .S! industry ,,~----__. R M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F ..::i ------~------...-~~----~------~------~,_ IQ 20 21 23 24 2$ 26 27 28 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 37 ~------_ - -- .... - - - -- .... - - - - ..... - - - URBAN AREAS 21 5 1 40 10 83 7 60 46 4 414 664 17

7 4 17 I 42 1 27 30 1 157 z68 3 I 22 8 39 4 31 12 20 zoo 291 II 1 2. Z 2 4 1 57 105 .5 2 5 9 1 52 3 ·47 3 27 1 72 8 337 478 18

:.:: 2 1 30 24 2 22 4 109 172 3 4 9 1 2Z 2 23 zS SO 4 228 306 16 10 5 2 7 49 2 15 42 4 64 61 7 408 639 19

4 3 I 3 1 8 30 3 31 37 5 210 3 1 5 IZ 10 2 I 7 18 7 12 33 24 2. 198 32.4 13 8 4 11 5 18 5 23 1 11 67 16 362 374 20

13 8 2 11 5 6 3 II 4 3 1 4 205 187 2 12 2 12 7 36 12 157 187 1,000 626 85 18 120 16 193 3 32 241 13 83 1 433 70 4,622 7,623

160 139 9 .5 2 3 3 14 2 212 262 I

II5 93 4 Z Z I 110 139 45 46 9 1 2 I 12. I 101, 11,3 85 63 2 6 6 4 3 4 21 1 280 435 z.

84 62 5 3 3 3 3 17 I 192 236 I 2 1 3 4 88 199 39 .5 9 12 1 9 5 200 470 J

7 5 4 3 5 105 .1.45 32 5 4- 8 I 6 95 225 9 1 3 6 21 1 126 254 4 194 134 10 1 2 4 16 2 374 479 5

16 1 4 1 79 q9 96 3 9 153 1 ..14 82. 6 2 2 3 I 142 It;6 25 52 22 1 10 1 3 19 258 406 6

13 17 47 I I I 3 131 195 12 12 5 22 9 2. 16 127 2IT 49 26 3 6 1 17 4 20 4 274 441 7

38 21 2 .1. I 8 .1. 110 161 II 5 3 6 I II 15 3' lZ Z 164 280 58 72 7 8 9 1 6 43 1 439 520 8

45 61 7 2 5 8 I 4 II 165 194 13 II 2 I :2 3Z 274 326 49 3 14 1 5 6 6 11 29 5 345 586 9 29 2 14 1 4 9 .'. IZ I Z0 5 352. 20 1 4 6 2. Z 17 4 140 234

44 4 1 4 5 4 4 4 10 268 500 10

4 1 4 5 4 2 3 5 I7Z 3 11 .1. I 5 96 189

68 61 5 16 8 z 18 3 9 2 11 15 9 277 420 II

17 23 5 16 8 17 3 9 2 10 13 9 205 333 51 38 2. 72- 8,

70 35 47 24 1 5 36 2 11 46 5 332 668 12

3 9 47 II II 2 4 z4 I 128 249 27 I 5 5 17 6 4 3 71 ISS 40 25 8 8 18 1 133 264 16 3 9 1 11 9 2 177 440 13 6 7 1 2 23 1 34 8 2 12 241 403 14

2 16 25 3 13 4 109 193 4 7 7 210 9 . '/ 5 14 8 132 82 30 20 1 17 3 26 6 5 1 49 8 427 IS

0 57 3 17 10 3 19 6 5 I 207 1 234 25 3 7 7 22 , 7 193 28 10 1 ,. 12 6 16 2 46 1 12 68 II 34;3 574 16

14 I 12 1 8 12 2 14 4 24 34 9 8 6 4 22 4 232 18 4 4 2 4 2 17 1 338 17

II 3 2 2 Z I 106 7 3 13 179 2 I 4 98 159 10 A W v D. E .. L I- ~ IIJ· on ::t: \. uJ 0 ..J ~... ~= i ~ \I) .01 . co " ..... GO ~ ...... bJ • ID . ~ ~ .:{ . o ....

('oj • g \II. • ~ . o o *~ .~ ~ • ~ ti-It .~ e • , ..en :;:, t ~ III If!'" 0 Ill. ....III ttl • ~ • • e t


III r0- N C\I

•ft'I N • •


u i; «.D @ ~ o o . :l .."'" g I . , LI') I • •••• I I

I I Q ...I,J g Q 41 LI'I ~ ci. o g c.. .c we41 ~ o 'i OJ I . ij oC ';; !I:I ... Uo ...J a..a


Population Population Population Name of village --Code ------Name ofvillage Code Name of village Code No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 No. 1961 1971 (I) (2) (3) (1)

Aloli 10 I3l 18z Kalundre 27 899 1,134 Padali 61 1,643 ~,036 Ambole 7 129 q6 Kanadur 60 1,988 2,318 Panumbare T. Shirala 51 1,391 l,675

Antri Bk. 75 ~,272 2,848 Panumbare T. W3IWl 28 2,953 3,332 1,010 Kapari Antri Rh. 50 79 755 Pavalewadi " 54 ~S6 Arale 22 2,336 2,640 Karamale Petlond Ia 582 697 Aundhi 62 542 637 Karanguli 24 1,020 1,143 Phupere 47 875 1,154

Bambavade 59 90 8 1,065 Kharale 25 698 734 Punavat 53 1,076 1,230 Beldarwadi 74 285 33 0 Khed 73 489 585 Red 77 971 1,13 1 Bhatshirgaon •• 71 Khiravade 35 650 Rile .. 49 I,B66 2,1l7 Bhatwadi 66 309 436 Khujgaon 34 1,253 1,632 Rundhiv 2 1I2 97

Bhogiv Khundalapur •. 18 480 594 Sagaon 68 2,971 3,906

Bilashi 39 3.577 3,8z6 Kokarud 38 3,26:: 3,72 0 Shirala ,6 6,41 I 7,600

Biur 67 1,267 1,433 Konholi 16 204 22S Shirala Kh. 48 745 900

Chandoli Dk. ., 19 518 553 Lotiv 8 99 119 Shirasi 46 1,617 1,959

Chandoli Kh. 85 Madalwadi 43 77 III Shiwani

Charan Manadur 20 1,435 I.7II Sidheshwar 6 198 413

Chikhali 70 955 1,407 Mangale 80 5,977 7,tOI Sonavade 2I l;068 1,330

Chincholi 37 946 1,086 Mangarul 44 1,71,7 2,152 Tadavale S5 l,476 1,615

Devare IS 153 186 Meni 30 1,567 1,843 Takale 13 451 303

Dhamavade 40 1,067 I,IOZ Mohare 31 436 594- Taka,,!) 58 1,053 1,303

Fakirwadi 78 151 185 Nandali 17 520 643 Upavale 6S 589 705

Gave 3 77 77 Nathavade 32 1,058 1,180 Veti 9 155 140 Girajvade Natoli 42 665 889 69 1,284 1,635 Wadibhagai 64 61 4 743 I Gudhe 23 676 672 Nigadi 57 I,I7S 1,181 Wakurde Bk. 41 1,948 2.338 Hategaon 36 514 671) Ni\'aJe 5 92 133 Wakurde Kh. 45 1,388 1,537 Ingrul 81 2,263 2,771 Pachagani 26 587 68J Yelapur 33 1,968 2,446 Javali 4 112 125 Pachurnbri Zolambi 14 305 338

• Uninhabited. 86


WORKERS Total population Scheduled Scheduled Literate and Total I (including castes. tribes educated workers Cultivators Village/Townl institutional and persons \I-IX) Ward/Block houseless population)

p M F M F M F M F M F M F

I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II IZ 13 IS 16 17 :8 ------8 SHIRALA km2 Total .. 637·:1 17,160 19,014106,180 51,902 54,:1783,315 3,159 45 54 :12,314 6,681 26,186: 4,5:14 19,676 3,071 (acres 157,440) Rural .. 637'2 17,160 19,014106,180 51,902 54,2783.3253,259 45 54 22,314 6,681 26,186 4,524. 19,676 3,071 (acres 157,440) Urban ... RURAL AREAS acres I Chan doli kh. ~,868 21 ZI 83 41 3 :2. 25 II 25 II 2 Rundhiv 4,478 14- 23 97 47 I 31 20 26 17 3 Gave 1.356 18 IS 77 37 I 19 12 19 12 4 Javali 1.504- 20 30 125 68 8 37 30 37 3° 5 Nlvale 2.335 34 35 133 70 8 12 2 37 6 37 6 6 Siddhe,hwar 4,718 S2 52 105 5 78 82 78 820 7 Ambole 1,527 33 35 83 :2.7 4 1 :2.7 35 27 8· Lotiv 1,5g8 30 3 1 64 2 I 5 31 7 3 1 7 9 Vetl 2,17 1 34- 35 81 II 10 17 4 1 8 41 8 10 Atoli 801 35 35 92 10 1 50 1.9 37 26

Il Bhogiv 1,921 33 33 1I3 51 62 1 38 .jo8 38 12 Pet-Lond ;;:,341 159 161 697 350 347 9 6 97 43 173 II4 145 13 Takale 2,221 73 77 303 ql 162 3 95 103 87 14- Zolambi 4.449 79 80 338 157 181 27 87 80 IS Devare 685 4 0 4 0 186 89 97 10 5 16 54 5 54 5

16 Konholi 692 46 47 225 94 13 I 17 19 26 5 49 45 17 Kandoli ;;:,440 150 ISO 643 30 9 334- 2 2 65 5 191 16 III 4 18 KhundalapUI 1,69 1 77 79 594 294 300 23 182 II 172. 3 19 Chandoli Bk. 948 u6 lI6 553 209 :2.84 43 I 51 107 14 173 3 157 3 zo Manadur 3,273 361 389 1,7II 7:3 6 975 17 17 285 30 375 81 326 36 21 80navade 1,679 58 65 1,330 612 718 59 55 54 327 28 :2.82 22 Arale 3,506 460 505 2,640 1,205 1,375 56 41 128 607 90 422 23 Gudhe 1,8:2.4 143 149 672 284 388 I 10 145 20b 107 '::4 Karanguli 1,490 205 214 1,143 5ll 632 2 4 31 247 147 22,7 25 Kharale 1,22.5 14.0 141 734 3:t.4 410 16 20 7 154 83 126

26 Pachagani 1,501 129 130 681 302 379 5 3 145 I 127 2,7 Kalundre 83 1 188 20 3 1,134 5 15 619 3 234 II2 197 106 :/,S Panumbare T. \Varun 4,253 637 3,332 1,590 1,742, 111 98 78r 2 0 5 684 I 197 555 . 17 29 Charan 2,165 398 406 2,291 1,099 1,192 67 6z 553 26 372 30 l\leni 2,857 64 73 1,843 8).0 1,023 23 24 385 14 331 II 31 Mohare 401 94 97 594 285 309 III 15 rz7 9 96 2 32 Nathayade 1,153 204 206 1,180 549 631 7 23 z54 65 262 16 2 13 II 33 Yelapur 3. 1 97 459 460 ;1.,446 1,092 1,354 58 67 z 6 350 68 492 29 439 22 34 KhuJ{l'aon 1,146 270 286 1,632 805 827 88 88 337 72 368 6 273 35 Khlravade 925 144 145 81 4 37 0 444 139 17 Ib:2. 10 126 7 36 Hategaon 1,°79 1I4 I IS 670 334 336 134 24 177 I 162 37 Chmcholi 782 77 92 1,086 50 9 577 45 42 233 55 253 2 186 1 38 I' 485 617 39 H 161 31 1. 05 24 187 z4

41 Wakurde Bk. 3,025 440 2,838 1,102 1,236 42 , 4S 342 57 556 96 447 67 42 GlraJVade 1,538 102 889 4II 478 { I 109 17 2 0 5 10 156 -1-3 Madalwadi 100 21 III 53 58 25 2 25 2 25 44 Mangarul 2,35° 503 2,152 1,0;.8 1,124- 53 492 151 49 1 19 372 4- 45 \Vakurde Rh. 1,689 28 3 1,537 722 815 124 272 74- 402 6r 390 24 46 Shirasi 3,034 357 1,959 9 0 1,048 30 3II 99 452 371 339 -1-7 Phupere 552 209 1,154 563 59 1 19 211, 74 295 45 181 4~ Shirala Kh. 695 149 900 449 45 1 63 153 54 230 III 191 49 Rile 3,207 397 2,II7 9Q3 1,124 18 480 120 469 52 262 50 Antn Kh. 1,470 173 1,010 474 536 57 169 39 229 201 199

5 I Panumbare T. Shirala Z,6S2 308 1,675 75 0 925 29 33 266 63 322 3 255 52 Pachumbri 2,474 293 1,485 6S8 797 24- 23 315 1I4 30 2 191 :2.21 135 53 Punavat 994 244 1,230 608 622 31 29 26S 82 30 6 :2.5 :2.30 54 Pavalewadi 1,009 9 0 486 2:35 25 1 79 21 120 147 110 147 55 'l'adaville 2,51,8 291 1,61 5 808 807 49 26 308 77 420 21 373 17 56 Antri Bk. 1,768 285 1,567 765 802 47 3Q 378 III 357 16 249 3 57 Nlgadi 1,935 228 1,181 548 633 J7 18 214 53 234 129 208 112 58 Takave 2,186 ;>;23 1,302 600 6-1-2 18 12 316 89 296 80 216 51 59 Bambavade 1,91,3 177 1,065 555 510 3 4 290 1I2 272 12 233 10 60 Kilnadur 1,279 413 2,318 1,176 1,'142 41 33 504 173 6rz 4 526 1

61 Padali 3.°70 354 402 2,°36 997 1,039 32 32 406 II4 45 40 02 Aundhi 1.385 IlO lIO 637 302 335 37 33 121 29 10 9 63 Karamale 2,22.9 178 180 1,071 5:1.9 542 70 60 171 46 I 1 64 Wadibhagai 1,686 120 129 74-3 353 390 5 8 166 33 68 59 65 Upavale 956 80 85 705 344 361 83 74 Il7 23 70 I 66 Bhatwadi 7{0 88 88 436 222 214 74 9 4 102 4 67 BlUr ;2,205 249 253 1,433 718 7 1 5 23 3 1 273 76 2 350 tiS Sagaon 2,109 492- 589 3,906 1,997 1.909 199 21 I 25 29 1,000 435 139 681 17 lt9 Natoli 1,338 21:1 209 1,635 8.41 794 158 ISS 383 163 27 283 12 70 Chtkhali 1,383 22Z 276 1,40 7 722 685 30 25 370 120 30 251 6

71 DhatshirgaoJ1 1,684- 164 184- 545 215 37 83 257 68 72. Slmvani 726 (,Tmnllabited 73 Khd 1,095 76 92 279 39 32 34 5 95 4 74- Beldarwadi 508 66 66 164 II 5 66 2 75 Kaude 1,970 420 474 1,3.'1Z 124 124 212 66 541 18

76 Shirala (E) 2,40 3 1,219 1,402 7,600 3,951 3,649 272 262 2,390 1,204 1,931 16r 775 23 77 Red 484- 201 206 1,131 593 538 III 104 278 75 341 4 261 7S Fakirwadi 479 31 32 185 102 83 60 14 50 48 79 Kapari 2,134- 148 157 8QL 448 443 63 78 251 87 240 183 80 Mangale 6.441 1,029 1,256 7,101 3,6{)0 3,441 297 30 9 1,900 592 1,983 230 1,501 78 81 In~rul 3,314 448 513 2,771 1,414 1,357 192 201 616 .14 1 76z 60 593 10 87


WORKERS VI ... II III IV V' VIl VIII IX X "0 Construction • 0 Agricultural Livestock, Mining, Manufacturl'pg etc. Trade Transport, Other services Non-workers u labourers orchards, etc. quarrymg and storage and .. Household Other than commerce commumcatlons ..§ industry household u industry o'" ...:l ------~------F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F __ ___--_- M__ - ______.______0- ______~ M ~ F ~ ~_~------~ ~ 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 ------~------;------~------TAHSIL 1.973 1,211 164 3 97 3 1,224 69 497 9 164 2 733 40 186 1,472 116 25,716 49,754 1,973 1,111 164 3 97 3 1,224 69 497 9 164 2 733 40 186 1,472 116 25,716 49,754


17 30 1 3 19 27 2 4 21 025 3 20 33 4 2(1 (14 5

30 23 6 2 2 22 50 7 24 57 3 IS 73 9 8 I 4 0 tl3 10 3 3 13 q II I 2 z 10 177 233 12 7 2 3 4 I 7 1 4° 59 13 0 131 14. 6 1 7 35 92 15

1 131 16 1 2 I I 318 17 76 II 3 S 1 289 13 4 8 281 19 {) 3 6 1 2 894 20 10 45 13 4 II} 2 690 21 3 1 \I 9 3 61 3 27 7 22 3 54 3 1,285 22 69 ISZ 23 10 17 24 3 2 Z 2 1 1 1Z I 3 3 4 485 24 19 1 6 2 4 327 25

2 .378 26 1 507 2.7 5 12 7 4 14 3 3 0 6 1 13 8 23 I 1,537 2.8 13 7 1,166 29 78 2 26 II I 27 5 31 2 7 6 1,009 30 3 3 10 4 4 5 22 300 31 3 Z I 4 3 10 4 6 4 20 615 3:'?' 3 1 I 3 9 13 3 I 1,325 33 14 4 3 6 7 4 19 1 10 1 321 34 22 4 23 21 3 3 12 1 II J z 4 6 7 4 4 43+ 35

2 1 3 2 2 6 157 335 36 13 3 27 6 2 5 3 8 256 575 37 z I,5511 38 59 09 17 10 88 I 25 42 2 88 5 10 105 13 947 29 19 I I 3 IS 22 1 9 93 6 933 1,863 39 24 S5 :;: 0 4 I 5 6 1 2.30 593 4

I 1,140 41 26 so 2 10 4 7 546 6 I 4 1 2 2 7 1 10 206 403 42 28 5b 43 17 4 37 1 I 2 6 5Z 2 537 1,105 44 3 9 1 320 754 45 I 6 IS 5 21 1 4 6 24 16 22 3 459 677 4 80 I 7 10 2 2 10 208 540 47 6 14 3 3 I 2 11 219 340 411 147 4 14 I II 7 7 J7 b 524 1,072 49 8 S I 3 3 10 245 335 50

17 I 24 4 9 13 428 922 51 32 51 I 2 19 5 I 6 3 17 38b 60b S2 29 21 4 23 4 5 3 5 7 302 597 53 o I 2 I Il5 104 54 3 4 6 24 I 3 10 383 780 55

41 13 \I 3 6 8 20 5 16 4 08 786 56 6 17 4 3 2 2. 9 314 504 57 II 25 4 1 10 31 8 2 14 2 36+ 502 58 8 2 2 2 9 3 5 10 283 498 59 3 I 34 7 I 14 :: 23 2 564 1,138 bo

3 4 2 12 7 8 6 516 994 61 4 II 4- I 3 3 3 100 325 62 3 1 2 2 2.50 541 63 7 9 7 4 I 6 2. 4- 181 322 04- II 69 2 I 5 181 291 bS

8 I I 2 108 210 66 47 z .. ' 3 1; 3 313 7 1 3 67 95 88 9 54 22 25 b 20 :: 1 96 10 1,010 1,770 68 68 7 2 41 3 3 I 5 1 23 1; 415 767 69 20 21 7 12 67 5 lO 2 14 335 655 70 IS 6 6 4- 7 462 71 72 17 I 6 14 1 4- 1 10 274 73 3 3 10 2 2 159 74 107 44 6 4 66 2 II 12 4 50 1.28tJ 75

202 83 29 5 197 8 76 4 27 221 9 47 352 34 2,020 3,488 76 44 4 4 1 1 5 1 5 19 252 534 77 2 52 83 78 34 4 I 8 2 8 203 443 79 174 127 12 II9 10 36 2 26 5 108 15 1,677 3,2II 80 109 47 3 6 15 7 z 3 26 1 (152 1,297 81