Bibliography – LITTLE RAVEN (Kleine Neuhollandkrähe) – mellori, Mathews

Baker-Gabb, D.J. (1984): The feeding ecology and behaviour of seven species of raptor overwintering in coastal Victoria. Australian Wildlife Research 11 (3): 517-532. Abstract Berry, L. (2002): Identifying nest-predator species in a southern Victorian woodland using remotely triggered cameras at artificial nests. Corella 26 (1): 24-26. Abstract Blakers, M., Davies, S.J.J.F. & Reilley, P.N. (1984): The Atlas of Australian . Melbourne. Bloom, H., Taylor, W., Bloom, W.R. & Ayling, G.M. (1979): Organochlorine pesticide residues in of Tasmania, -1975-77. Pesticides monitoring journal 13 (3): 99-108. Abstract Boehm, E.F. (1977): Results from banding little ravens. Corella 1 (2): 29-32. Abstract Bolton, H.C. (1984): Observations on little ravens nesting in a Melbourne suburb. Australian Birdwatcher 10 (7): 229-230. Brown, R. (1984): The house crow has come. RAOU Newsletter No. 62: 2. Butcher, A.R. & Grove, D.I. (2005): Second intermediate host land snails and definitive host animals of Brachylaima cribbi in Southern Australia. Parasite 12 (1): 31-37. Abstract Chapman, G. (1978): Caching of food by the Australian crow. Emu 78 (2): 98. Kompletter Artikel als pdf.

Coates, P. (1993): Poetic justice. Observer 727: 4. Connor, M. (2002): An opportunistic Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris. Australian Bird Watcher 19: 247-248. Debus, S.J.S. (1984): A re-appraisal of the dimensions of male forest ravens. Corella 8 (1): 19-20. Debus, S.J.S. (1984): On the diagnostic characters of some Australian corvids. Australian Birdwatcher 10 (7): 232-233. Debus, S.J.S. (1985): The Little Raven in north-east New South Wales. Australian Birds 20: 11-14. Debus, S.J.S. (1986): Town adapted corvids. RAOU Newsletter No. 67: 4. Disher, P. (1997): Biscuit brown raven. Bird Observer: 3. Du Guesclin, P. (1998): Red fox takes little raven. Victorian Naturalist 115 (3): 83. Fairbairn, S. (1994): Raven caching food. Aust. Birds 27: 92. Faithfull, I. (1990): Some vertebrate predators of the green Monday cicada Cyclochila australasiae (Donovan) in Melbourne. Victorian Entomologist 20 (5): 97-98. Hobbs, J.N. (1962): Ground-nesting of the Raven. Aust. Bird Watcher 7: 202-203. Hobbs, J.N. (1986): Black Kites and other raptors feeding on cicadas. Australian Birds 20: 87-89. Hulzebosch, M. (1994): Little ravens attack owls. Bird Observer 740: 13. Hubregtse, V. (2005): Little ravens Corvus mellori eating feijoa Acca sellowiana flowers. Australian Field Ornithology 22 (3): 146. Janetzki, M. (1993): Nesting . Bird Observer 728: 8. Jurisevic, M.A. (1999): Structural change of begging vocalisations and vocal repertoires in two hand-raised Australian , the Little Raven Corvus mellori and White-winged Corcorax melanorhamphos. Emu 99 (1): 1-8. Abstract Jurisevic, M.A., Sanderson, K.J. & Baudinette, R.V. (1999): Metabolic rates associated with distress and begging calls in birds. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 72 (1): 38-43. Abstract Klapste, J. (1983): Little raven Corvus mellori with abnormal bill. Australian Bird Watcher 10 (1): 25-27. Klapste, J. & Klapste, P. (1978): A blind little raven nestling. Australian Bird Watcher 7 (5): 164-165. Klapste, J. & Klapste, P. (1982): Little raven Corvus mellori incubating eggs of the Pacific black duck Anas superciliosa. Australian Bird Watcher 9 (7): 238-240. Kloot, T. (2001): The biography behind the bird. Little raven Corvus mellori Mathews 1912. (Corvus, crow L.) (No. 19 in the series). South Australian Naturalist 75 (3-4): 12-14. Laiolo, P. (2003): Comparative analysis of the rattle calls in Corvus and Nucifraga: The effect of body size, bill size, and phylogeny. Condor 105 (1): 139-144. Abstract Lewis, C.F. (1978): Little raven caching food. Australian Bird Watcher 7 (8): 272. McAllan, I.A.W. (1995): Young channel-billed cuckoo being fed by little ravens. Australian Bird Watcher 16 (2): 79-81. McCulloch, E.M. (1980): Little raven Corvus mellori eating fruit of prickly pear Opuntia sp. Australian Bird Watcher 8 (8): 248. McMillan, M. (1992): How to feed muppets - soak the bones! Bird Observer 726: 12. Pizzey, G. & Knight, F. (1997) Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Angus and Robertson, Sydney. Prytherch, J. (1995): Paradise lost. Bird Observer 757: 4. Rowley, I. (1967): A fourth species of Australian corvid. Emu 66: 191-210. Rowley, I. (1967): Sympatry in Australian Ravens. Proc. Ecol. Soc. Aust. 2: 107-115. Rowley, I. (1970) : The genus Corvus in Australia. C.S.I.R.O. Eildlife Research 15: 27-71. Sakai, H.F., Ralph, C.J. & Jenkins, C.D. (1986): Foraging ecology of the Hawaiian Crow, an endangered generalist. Condor 88 (2): 211-219. Abstract Kompletter Artikel als pdf. Schodde, R. & Tideman, S.C. (Hrsg.) (1990): Reader's Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds (2nd Edition). Reader's Digest (Australia) Pty Ltd, Sydney. Slee, J. (1997): Black beauties. More about little ravens. Bird Observer 780: 10-11. Strahan, R. (Hrsg.) (1996): Finches, Bowerbirds and Other Passerines of Australia. Angus and Robertson and the National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife, Sydney. Swinburne, N. & Jessop, R. (2005): Behaviour of the little raven Corvus mellori on Phillip Island, Victoria. Australian Field Ornithology 22 (3): 137-145. Talmage, M.E. (1992): Little raven and study programme. Annual report 1991/1992. VORG Notes 27 (2): 54-55. Abstract Talmage, M.E. (1993): Cooperative feeding by red wattlebirds and white-plumed honeyeaters February 1993. VORG Notes 28 (1-2): 19-24. Talmage, M.E. (1995): Little raven and forest raven study programmes annual report 1993/94. VORG Notes 29 (2): 57-59. Abstract Wells, J.D. (1993): Locusts and little ravens. Bird Observer 727: 14.