Rapid Assessment Report

Municipality of ,

27th December 2017

Brief Overview of the Context and

Area: 340.07 km 2 The was named Piagapo as the word relates closely to Population: 25,440 (PSA 2015) several royal houses of the Pat A Pangampong a Ranao. It is Income: 4th class believed that during the ancient time, Piagapo was a territorial land Number of Barangays: 37 originally ruled by a queen ruler “DayangLabi", a direct descendant of Main activities: Agricultural Sharief Kabungsuan, the first Muslim missionary who landed in Production to spread the religion Islam.

The Municipality of Piagapo was once a component of the Municipality of , Lanao del Sur. On 17, 1957, the president signed Executive Order No. 431 creating Piagapo into a municipal which took effect effectively. Piagapo was then converted into a regular municipality on July 1, 1965, by virtue of Executive Order No. 166 signed on August 27, 1965.

The is also host of thousand families from with the conflict between government of the and ISIS inspired group s. Before the Marawi siege, encounter s between Maute ISIS inspired group and Armed Forces of the Philippines took place in Piagapo.


On the 22 nd of December 2017, the life of several residents of Udalo and Lininding in Piagapo, Lanao del Sur perished as rampagingwas taken by floods waters, and landslides by following the Tropical Storm Vinta (known as Tembin internationally) . These barangays were heavily affected, roads are still on the clearing operationbeing cleared and isn’t are not passable foraccessible to vehicle s.

According to MDRRMO of Piagapo, a total of 400 families (2,000 individuals) from three (3) affected barangays (Udalo Formatted: Justified and Lininding, and Radapan proper) have been affected, 2000 individuals and 43 houses were heavily damaged with by the tropical storm Vinta from three (3) affected barangays namely Udalo and Lininding, and Radapan proper . According to captain of Lininding , there are 10 confirmed dead, one missing person was recovered alive, and the remaining 2 are still missing.

ACTED Capital Office in - 307-308 National Life Insurance Building, 6762 Ayala Avenue, San Lorenzo, Makati City - PHILIPPINES

Shelter ‹ Based on interview with MDRRMO, 43 houses made of light materials were fully damaged made of light materials . ‹ Affected families who have lost their homes are currently temporarily staying into with their relatives temporarily and looking forward to rebuild ing or restore repairing their houses as early as possible ‹ Most of the affected families houses ’ are gone been vanished was due to strong wind s with and ravaging flood waters and boulders. ‹ According to MDRRMO staff, they will deliver tents to barangay Lininding in coming days, as temporary shelters are badly needed by affected families.


‹ The dug wells which one of the water sources of this town have been contaminated by the floods. Potable water is very highly recommended needed to avoid cases of diarrhea. Some residents get their drinking water into directly from rain water. Jerry cans for water storage are also badly needed.

Food Security and Livelihoods

‹ Affected families ’ main livelihood activities temporarily stopped, 5 km of roads have been damaged and cannot passare not accessible by vehicles. Agri-crops production collapsed and transportation s of harvested crops is very complicated, therefore they cannot be sold in at the market. ‹ Families rely their on food from relief aid or donations from relatives. The DSWD and unit initially provided food packs. ‹ An a ssessment o fn crop s damages has not yet determines been finalized but the LGU estimates that around 30 hectares of corn were damaged , as well as and high value crops.

Education ‹ No reported damage was reported on the school buildings and the students were on vacation but there were Formatted: Justified classes were suspendeda suspension classes oin Arabic schools.

Logistics ‹ Regarding Pphone networks , Smart telecommunication is the only functional network at the moment . ‹ Barangay Udalo and Lininding , were totally not inpassable accessible for vehicles ‹ Electricity is available except in Udalo and Lininding ‹ Based on the Provincial Engineering office , 5 km of roads was were damaged.


ACTED Capital Office in Manila - 307-308 National Life Insurance Building, 6762 Ayala Avenue, San Lorenzo, Makati City - PHILIPPINES

‹ Due to this ravagingthe important damages sustained, destruction immediate help is needed, relief aid is much Formatted: Justified importantneeded . Distribution of food packs, kitchen utensils, clothing and potable waters are their immediate needs of the population . Clearing operations on the road s areis needed too as well, to transport the relief aid easily to the affected families in Udalo and Lininding.

ACTED Capital Office in Manila - 307-308 National Life Insurance Building, 6762 Ayala Avenue, San Lorenzo, Makati City - PHILIPPINES