1913 in

Wales in 1913

Carousel lesson plan


You need 4 workstations for this carousel task. You can download the iBook/PDF from addysg.llgc.org.uk/ww1 or use the worksheet below.


The students will be history detectives for the day. You will explain that good detectives take notes while investigating to help them remember. What can they discover about life in 1913? There will be 4 tasks in a carousel activity to discover more about the year before the war.

Show photos from the period – addysg.llgc.org.uk/ww1 - discuss

Explain what each group will be doing at each table. Explain that money was also different in 1913, and one table will be investigating this.

10 minutes for each task

Task 1 – If £1 in 1913 = £85 today and there are 20 shillings in £1 in 1913, what is the value of a shilling today? Worksheet provided to exchange the value of goods in 1913 to today’s value.

Task 2 – What kind of work did people in Wales do? The students will interpret facts about 1913 and make notes.

Task 3 – Watch a video from 1913 and make notes

Task 4 – Describe the photograph(s) and make notes.

Compare answers at the end of the lesson. Discuss how was life different in 1913.

The National Library of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

1913 in Wales

Task 1

Money in 1913

The National Library of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

1913 in Wales

Task 2

A changing Wales

Flintshire Caernarfon





Brecknockshire There were many coal mines in by Glamorgan 1911.

The National Library of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

1913 in Wales

Task 4

Describe the coal miners

Answer sheet

The National Library of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

1913 in Wales

Money in 1913

What is the value of the car today? What is the value of the £11 piano today?

The value of a shilling today?

A Changing Wales

How did Wales change between 1801 and 1913?

The National Library of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales

1913 in Wales



Young coal miners

Coal miners

The National Library of Wales and Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales