St. Patrick’s R.C. Church Glenfield Road, Fairfield,

Stockton-on-Tees, TS19 7PJ

Parish Priest : Fr. John Cooper Tel. 01642 674321

Sunday 3rd May 2020 E-mail : [email protected]

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS . . . During this time when our lives are affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic; the dedication and courage of those who are working on the front line is both inspiring and essential. Images of medics and other key workers in our communities; living out their vocation and not counting the cost, are visual reminders to us of the amazing courage and love which makes life worth living. Among their number are priests who are ministering to the sick, celebrating the

sacraments and striving to witness to hope during what can seem a hopeless


This Sunday the Church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday. It is a day for us to pray for good and holy priestly vocations for service in the parishes of our diocesan family. In a letter to the Church for this occasion, Pope Francis stated that: ‘in the ordinary pastoral life of our communities, I ask the Church to continue to promote vocations.’ The Holy Father

especially encouraged our parishes to become places of prayer for vocations to the

Priesthood; where our example and prayerful mission can become a seed bed for priestly vocations. This year I encourage you to pray the Holy Rosary for priestly vocations in our diocese. Our seminarians have prepared meditations to help you to ponder upon the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary; please pray for them and for those who are currently discerning God’s call in their lives. We currently have five men in formation for the Priesthood. Recently, Robert Byrne has accepted a new candidate, David Pinder from Stockton-on-Tees, who begins seminary formation in September. Please keep our seminarians and enquirers in your prayers. I invite you to pray the Holy Rosary daily for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our diocesan family; that he may call many holy and dedicated men to the priesthood for Hexham and Newcastle. The Diocese, with the help of their seminarians, have produced a Scripture Rosary for priestly vocations.

The Rosary reflections can be downloaded from

DAILY PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS ~ Heavenly Father, in Baptism you called us by name and made us members of your family, the Church. Help all your people to know their vocation in life, and to respond by living a life of holiness. For your greater glory and for the service of your people, raise up dedicated and generous men who will serve as priests for the Church of Hexham and Newcastle. Send your Spirit to guide and strengthen our communities, our seminarians and all who are discerning their vocation. Amen.

Today there would have been a second collection for the Little Sisters of the Poor. In 1866 the Little Sisters arrived in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Within two years they moved to Westmorland Road where St. Joseph’s Home stands today. In 1989 major renovation work began, transforming the Home into a modern well equipped Nursing and Residential Home. They are a charity committed to providing safe accommodation and professional care for vulnerable older people, and in these unprecedented times, our staff and volunteers are going above and beyond to make sure that this high quality care continues. They accompany those who they serve with love, compassion and skilled care.

Masses with no Congregation

4th SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 Sunday People of our Parish

4 Monday Dennis McGloin The English Martyrs 5 Tuesday

6 Wednesday 7 Thursday

8 Friday

th 9 Saturday Thanksgiving 80 Birthday (KJ)

5th Sunday of Easter

3 Sunday People of our Parish

Recently Deceased: Fr. Tony Pearson – May he rest in peace. Amen

Anniversaries: Dennis McGloin, Florence Brannen The Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for May Riska Okninski, Monica McShane, Billy McGuinness, Pat Jackson, Margaret Devlin, Pauline Morton, Mike We pray that deacons, faithful Rutland, Margaret Kenning, Christopher Brown, Fr. Pat in their service to the Word McKenna, Rosie Owens, Andrew Brydon, Mary Talbot, and the poor, may be an Veronica Connors, Betty Griffiths, Sadie Todd. Audrey Bentley invigorating symbol for the entire Church.


• First Reading ~ Acts 2:14, 36-41 • Responsorial Psalm ~ Psalm 22 • Second Reading ~ 1 Peter 2:20-25 • Gospel ~ John 10: 1-10

Mass for the Sick and their Families, NHS Front-Line workers and those working in Social Care . . . The Catholic of England and Wales recognise that this time of the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every person in our countries. Those who are sick, and their families, are suffering many hardships of isolation from contact with those they love. Our front-line workers in hospitals and in care homes all over our lands are giving exceptional service to those who are vulnerable at this time. In order to show a spiritual solidarity with all those who are involved in the ways described above, each week on a Thursday, a Catholic Bishop will celebrate Mass in their which will be live- streamed for people to join. This will take place every Thursday at 7.00pm

❖ 7th May Bishop Marcus Stock ❖ 14th May Bishop Robert Byrne CO Newcastle Cathedral ❖ 21st May Bishop Mark Davies ❖ 28th May Bishop Terence Drainey Cathedral

By visiting the Cathedral webpage, or the Bishops’ Conference Webpage ( links for the live-streaming of these Masses can be found. TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? A Seven Session Discernment Programme for Men Considering Priesthood in Hexham & Newcastle Diocese. Could Jesus be calling you to be Catholic Priest? Our online course of reflection and discussion is an opportunity to ask that question. Gathering as an online group, we will discuss what it means to discern a vocation, learn a little about the path to priesthood and enjoy fellowship in the process! The course will take place using ZOOM at 7:15pm on Mondays beginning Monday 11th May. To express interest in joining our sessions, or to find out more, please contact Father Christopher Warren at [email protected]

The Benedictine Monks of Ampleforth Abbey live-stream their daily Masses on Sunday at 10am and Monday to Saturday, 8.45am. Please see

Rosary in front of Our Lady’s Statue: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3pm St. Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough (You tube) (

SIGNED MASS . . . There is a signed interpreted Mass being live-streamed at 6pm every Saturday. This can be found at From the menu chose live Catholic Mass online and then scroll down to the option for the signed Mass. If this can be of any use to anybody you know please pass on this information. Thank you.

ST PATRICK’S RC PRIMARY SCHOOL . . . If you would like to see the school activities or find out more about what our children are doing please visit the school website and use the facebook page.

The Feast of The English Martyrs . . . On May 4th in 1535 three Carthusian monks, (John Houghton, Robert Lawrence and Augustine Webster, a Brigettine (Richard Reynolds) and one secular priest (John Haile) were executed at Tyburn. They were the first of many martyrs, Catholic and Protestant, of the English reformation. Of these martyrs, 42 have been canonised and a further 242 declared blessed, but the number of those who died on the scaffold, perished in prison, or suffered harsh persecution for their faith in the course of a century and a half cannot now be reckoned. They came from every walk of life; there are among them rich and poor, married and single, women and men. They are remembered for the example they gave of constancy in their faith and courage in the face of persecution.

CONGRATULATIONS to Kath Joynes who is celebrating her 80th birthday this week.

THANK YOU to all St. Patrick’s parishioners who are keeping in touch with each other in these uncertain times.

Please could you pass this newsletter round the parish by forwarding to your parish contacts. If you do not wish to receive future newsletters please email [email protected] or [email protected] to be removed from the mailing list. If you know of any parishioner who would like to start receiving the bulletin please ask them to e-mail the above. This bulletin can also be accessed through the Parish Family Stockton website:

If you would like to have any prayers, news, anniversaries or any other item included on the newsletter please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]. Thank you.