E-Journal of Tourism Vol.3. No.2. (2016): 130-139

Local Community Involvement and Quality of Life in Tourism Destination Development: Case of Coastal Tourism in West ,

Fitri Abdillah

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional, Bali, Indonesia

Corresponding author: [email protected]


Received The community in the tourism destination is one of the key elements to 20 March 2016 ensure the sustainability of the tourism destination itself. The objective of this Accepted study was to determine if the development of tourism contributes to the 30 August 2016 involvement and the level of quality of life of the local community in Available online Pangandaran and . A total of 279 samples were obtained from 15 September 2016 two locations. Data were analyzed by using descriptive methods to determine the phase of the development of destinations, the community involvement, and the level of quality of life The results showed that (1) Pangandaran has a better destination performance than Palabuhanratu, (2) Pangandaran is in the growth phase and Palabuhanratu is in the consolidation phase, (3) Increase in the number of tourist arrivals in destinations within the growth phase is more influential than that in the consolidation phase, and (4) Among the four components of quality of life, the material aspect has the highest value, followed by the spiritual, social and personal aspects. The development of tourism destinations significantly affected the level of community involvement and the level of quality of life.

Keywords: development, involvement, quality of life

Introduction province of tourism have a lower HDI value compared to the average of the national index. The implication of the development of This means that in general, tourism has not tourism destinations is a multiplier impact for been optimally supported the improvement of the community in the tourism destinations. quality of life. However, is it true that tourism Inskeep (1991) stated that the development of does not contribute to improving the quality of tourism destinations will be successful if it is life? able to improve the welfare of the people In addition to the general and macro around the development zone. Community is measurement above, the level of the quality of one of the important components and its life can also be measured by the satisfaction involvements help determine the development on physical needs, social environment, and of a tourism destination. The community’s other necessities of life. Research of Kim involvements have resulted in the changes in (2002) concluded that the development of their lives as a result of interaction with tourism has a positive impact on improving the tourists. In some research, this welfare is often material, social, and emotional well-being. defined as the quality of life (Kim, 2002). The Tourist arrivals results in the increased general and macro measurement often used to material well-being that makes the people measure the quality of life is the Human more prosperous socially and emotionally. Development Index (HDI). The data show that Therefore Benckendorff et al. (2009) stated the provinces in Indonesia known as the that the relationship between the development

http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 130 e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857 E-Journal of Tourism Vol.3. No.2. (2016): 130-139 of tourism destinations and the quality of life of mass exploitation and subsequently is still being debated. Thus, tourism is saturation and decline occur. . assumed to affect the lives of people's b) The level of the local people’s satisfaction. Therefore, this study was involvement in development is defined as designed to analyze the contribution of the community participation in the development of tourism destinations to the development activities, which are divided level of the quality of life of the local people. into: planning, implementation, and monitoring. Community involvement is In the context of the development of measured by using the ranking system of tourism destinations in Indonesia, the West Arnstein (1969) with three levels, namely Java Province occupies a strategic position. non-participation, tokenism, and The tourism performance in has independence. been greatly supported by the abundant c) Quality of life is defined as individual number of tourists from the capital city of satisfaction of all dimensions of life. Jakarta. Nonetheless, West Java has Quality of life of the local communities is contributed only approximately 10% of the measured subjectively and grouped into performance of national tourism, yet this four aspects, including aspects of material region has various attractive tourism life (Kim, 2002), aspects of social life destinations to visit, including the (Norman, Harwell and Allen, 1997), Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu. The objective aspects of personal life (Sirgy, 2001), and of the research was to find out if in micro aspects of spiritual life (Paloutzian and economics, the development of tourism can Ellison, 1982). contribute to the involvement and the quality of life of the local people in Pangandaran and Research Objective: Palabuhanratu. The objective of this study was to As a dynamic system, tourism is the determine if the development of tourism interaction of various components including contributes to the involvement and the level of the local people as a part of it. This interaction quality of life of the local community in has positive and negative consequences. Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu. Diedrich and García-Buades (2009) stated that there is a strong correlation between the public Methodology perception on the impact of tourism development and the stage of development of The study analyzed the interrelation tourism destination itself. In the early stages of between the development of tourism tourism development shown that the local destinations, the involvement of local people tend to have a positive attitude, but communities, and the quality of life. The after massive development, their perceptions development of tourism destinations was will turn into negative. measured by the fluctuation of data on the five attributes of tourism destinations, namely The people’s positive behavior tourists, accommodations, attractions, towards tourism is related to how the local accessibility and amenities. Community people enjoy their lives in the community involvement is measured by the ranking (Jurowski and Brown, 2001). Therefore, this system of participation that includes three study focused on the inter-relationship development stages: planning, between the development of tourism implementation, and monitoring. The quality destinations, the involvement and the quality of life was measured by the individuals’ of life of the local people in it. Some theories subjective perception of the community about underlying these notions are as follows. their satisfaction with the four aspects of a) Stage of development of tourism quality of life i.e. the material, the social, the destinations refers to the model developed personal, and the spiritual aspects. The pattern by Butler (1980); destination will evolve of interrelation of these three development according to a cyclical model starting stages are described as follows. from the absence of tourism activities, until the massive development in the form

http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 131 e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857 E-Journal of Tourism Vol.3. No.2. (2016): 130-139

approaches of Buhalis (2000) and Inskeep (1991) are easier to be implemented in Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu, compared with attributes proposed by other researchers. The approaches stated that tourist destinations

have tourism determinants in the forms of tourists, tourist attractions, accessibility, amenities and accommodations.

The data showed that the number of tourists visiting Palabuhanratu was higher compared to Pangandaran. In both areas, it was gained the same impression about the season of tourists who utilize national holidays Figure 1 Framework of Thinking and weekends to visit. In the days of national holidays, there was a surge in the number of The research method is survey tourists that exceeded the capacity of locations research by combining qualitative and in both regions, so that traffic congestion quantitative approaches. The research was cannot be avoided. It is then taken up by the conducted in the Pananjung Village of people with a variety of simple service Pangandaran and Citepus Village of activities such as foodstalls and rest area, Palabuhanratu. Samples were the local people resulting in a profitable symbiosis. The of the two villages. Samples were taken using development of accommodation in both purposive method with minimum criteria of regions showed a different pattern. Although 100 samples for each village. A total of 279 the data showed that the number of tourists to samples were obtained from both locations. Pangandaran was smaller compared to Data were analyzed by descriptive methods to Palabuhanratu, investments for the determine the rate of development of tourism construction of accommodation are more destinations, the community involvement and taking place in Pangandaran. It can be seen the quality of life. The index rate of from the increasing number of non-star hotels development of tourism destinations was used and homestays. This development is due to its to plot the development of tourism greater distance and the number of attractions destinations based on the model of Butler that must be visited in Pangandaran made (1980). The community involvement was travelers should spend the night in known from the respondents' answers on the Pangandaran. Tourists prefer to stay at non- statement of participation and it was plotted in star hotels and homestays available. Therefore, the Arnstein's participation ladder (1969). The businesses of non-star hotels and homestays quality of life of the local people was found are more desirable in Pangandaran. out by make up the quality of life index which consists of the material aspects, the social The considerable increase of the aspects, the personal aspects, and the spiritual number of tourists in the region did not lead to aspects. Comparative analysis was conducted the improvement of infrastructure. This seems to find differences in the character of the to be related to the local government policies development of destination, the community involvement, and the quality of life in that have not been in favor of tourism, Pangandaran and Palabuhan ratu. although admittedly tourism has an important role in the development. The development of Results and Discussion amenities in Palabuhanratu seems to thrive better than that in Pangandaran. The Tourism Destination Development development of amenities of both economic

and non-economic was assumed to be related The discussion on the development of tourism destinations is a discussion of the to the development of Palabuhanratu as the attributes of tourism destinations. Among the district capital and the economic center in the various researchers, it seems that the southern part of the area of Sukabumi.

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In general, Pangandaran has higher Applications of Butler (1980) showed index of quality than Palabuhanratu. Based on that the study supports the model. The purpose the characteristics of tourism destinations, of applying this model is to estimate the position of the development of tourism Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu can be plotted destinations. This seems to correspond with into Butler (1980) curve and illustrated in the the opinion of da Conceição Gonçalves and Figure 2. Águas (1997) which stated that for the sake of development decision-making, the implementation of the model can be

conducted. With this standard foundation, it can be concluded that a particular phase has characteristics of specific involvement and quality of life as well.

PALABUHAN Stagnation RATU The conclusion from the above Consolidatio discussion is that the tourism destination n which is in the growth phase, the development of the number of tourist has led to more PANGANDARAN multiplier effect of increased business accommodation, tourist attractions and Growth informal community businesses, compared to that of tourism destination which is in the

consolidation phase. Tourist developments in the two phases are not significantly led to the development of infrastructure. The development of the infrastructure development supported by government programs that are meant not only for the purpose of development of tourism destinations alone.

Local Community Involvement

Figure 2 Illustrative Mapping of Pangandaran The results showed that community and Palabuhanratu in Butler Curve (1980) involvement in the planning stages is in non- participation level. Low levels of community involvement in planning is thought to be The figure of illustration above shows caused by the way of the planning approach that Pangandaran is in the growth phase and which does not foster participation. This is in Palabuhanratu is in the consolidation phase. accordance with the opinion of Guzman, (1989 According to Butler (1980) tourism destination cited by Sunarti, 2008) which states that the in the growth phase is marked by the rise of failure of the people involved in the investments mainly accommodation as well as development is caused by (1) less strategies in the emergence of new tourist attractions in fostering community engagement that should accordance with the needs of visitors. Public be part of the development program, (2) the facilities have been changed into business community is considered as people who do not premises. Investments that mainly for business understand about the development plans. Low accommodation are on the increase both by education levels and lack of ability to identify investors and the local community itself. Thus, the problems that became the basis of these the growth phase means that development assumptions, and (3) the existing organizations should always be done to keep improving the or local institutions are often managed by non- quality of destinations in order to remain participatory mechanism, but is used as a sustainable. legalization program that has already been planned.

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In the implementation phase, the Table 1. involvement is ranked independence. This The pattern of community involvement in the happens because the actual implementation two regions by the ranking ladder phase occurs during the interaction between Stage the local people and the tourists. The people Particip seek to benefit from the arrival of tourists, ation Implementatio Planning Monitoring with an initiative to set up profitable ladder n Arnstei Pang Palab Pang Palab Pang Palab businesses. However, these initiatives are n andar uhanr andar uhanr andar uhanr (1969) often not in accordance with the rules and an atu an atu an atu regulations set by the government. This community initiative was realized with the risk Nonpar that if the government making the arrangement ticipati of the locations, then they are ready to be on 74,1 91,2 relocated. This fact is consistent with the % % findings of Cooper (1995) that the development of tourism destinations are Tokeni always characterized by fragmentation and sm 67,5 80,5 domination by retail businesses whose % % existence following the tourist season. The domination of the retail businesses can be seen by the development of the food stalls, Citizen Power especially in Pangandaran with the amount 88,0 85,0 exceeding 20 percent per year. % % Resouces: Primary Data (2014) At the monitoring stage, the community involvement is ranked tokenism. From the table it can be seen that in Communities take the monitoring initiative in the two regions showed the same pattern of the form of daily interaction between community involvement. The involvement of community members as well as interaction non-participation in the planning, independent with the tourists. The government play a role involvement in the implementation, and as a regulator generally relates to the involvement of tokenism in the monitoring. structuring of zoning, licenses/permits and Such a pattern is a common pattern in taxes or levies. However, monitoring by both development planning in Indonesia. According the public and the government seemed as to Rosyida and Nasdian (2011) the concept of oversight hesitation. As if the government technocratic planning still dominates the ignored for the sake of tax considerations in development planning in Indonesia. The order to increase the local revenues (PAD). implications of minimum community Thus, continuous monitoring is not conducted, involvement in planning is the euphoria of the lack of enforcement of clear rules, and involvement in the implementation phase, only performed with the orientation of especially during the high tourist seasons. regional income. This is the reason for the lower public participation in the planning The study's findings also indicated stage, while at the operational stage, the role that the difference in the profession affected of government is very strong and declining at on the community involvement in the monitoring stage. The pattern of Pangandaran and Palabuhanratu. It seems that community involvement in the two regions the attractiveness of the jobs has made the can be described by the ranking ladder of local people interested in getting involved, Arnstein (1969) in Table 1. especially in the implementation of the development. Of the various types of professions, it was mostly entrepreneurs. The types of business are mostly traders either foods or grocery stores. It is the professions that encourage people to get involved instead of education, age and income. It is believed to be related to the perception that jobs will

http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 134 e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857 E-Journal of Tourism Vol.3. No.2. (2016): 130-139 generate revenue, and jobs can be used as a The above table shows that in terms of medium for socializing. A good job can material aspects, Pangandaran has a higher encourage someone to get involved in index than Palabuhanratu. It can be seen from community activities. Usually people with the components that forming the material certain job levels will be able to spend or not aspect. It is known that all components in the even take the slightest time to engage in material aspects of Pangandaran showed a certain activities. higher value than Palabuhanratu. Two things that are assumed to be the causes: the social The conclusion of this discussion is that character of the community and the people’s in the phase of the development of tourism work ethic. The social character of fishermen destinations has not resulted in changes in the has a more open character. Uncertainty factor rating of involvement of the ladder of in which was higher than in agriculture led to the participation, but in the destination with the fishing communities had to work harder to get growth phase, the pattern of community adequate results. This pattern is shaping the involvement in the planning, implementation, community work ethic of Pangandaran to be and monitoring tended to be more moderate. higher than that in Palabuhanratu. In the consolidation phase tended to be more extreme at the planning stage, the public The analysis showed that there was a would probably not get involved, but at the weak and significant correlation between the implementation stage more number of people community involvement and the quality of involved. These patterns describe how life. This value indicates that the involvement decisions are made by the community. of the community turned out to contribute to Involvement also influenced by other people’s the level of quality of life of local activities, particularly the jobs. The desire to communities (rpng=0.219 dan rplb=0.270). The do the same things as others, seems to be more relationship was so significant that it cannot be dominant in the community in tourism ignored. Accordingly, aspects of the destinations during the consolidation phase. development of tourism destinations and community involvement affected the quality of Local Community Quality of Life life of the local communities. The weak correlation value was assumed to be caused by Aggregately, the quality of life index of the level of quality of life which was measured Pangandaran was better than the subjectively using the micro-scale of Palabuhanratu. This finding also confirms the individual communities. opinion of Inskeep (1991) and Jurowski (1994) about the importance of community in The conclusion obtained that the the development of tourism. The good involvements of the local communities in both performance of destination development will locations were determined in tourism be marked with the good level of quality of activities. This finding is consistent with the life as well. The aggregate value of quality of research conducted by (Jurowski, 1994; life index is presented in the following table. Andereck and Vogt, 2000) which states that the level of the local quality of life is Tabel 1 determined by the activity of tourism as a tool Local Community Quality of Life Pangandaran to improve the economic position. Their hope and Palabuhanratu is to obtain a better job, while maintaining the socio-cultural and environmental conditions. Arithmetic Weight Mean Index No Aspect Thus, the development of tourism destinations Pangandaran Palabuhanratu Pangandaran Palabuhanratu can create social justice and provide economic I Material 71 , 77 70 , 46 21 , 53 21 , 14 security through its involvement in the II Social 68 , 73 69 , 56 17 , 18 17 , 39 III Personal 72 , 39 72 , 09 18 , 10 18 , 02 development. IV Spiritual 79 , 06 77 , 88 15 , 81 15 , 58 Quality of Life Index 72,63 72,12 Resouces: Primary Data (2014)

http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 135 e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857 E-Journal of Tourism Vol.3. No.2. (2016): 130-139

Tourism Destination Development, Local Implementa Citizen Citizen A=B Community Involvement and Quality of tion power power Life Monitoring Tokenism Tokenism A=B Local Community Involvement Based on description above, the Material 21,53 21,14 A>B relationship between the development of aspect index tourism destinations and community Community 17,18 17,39 AB generalized by assessing the the relationship of aspect index all three. The data in Table 3 illustrates the Spiritual 15,81 15,58 A>B relationship between the development of aspect index destinations, the community involvement and Total 72,63 72,12 A>B the quality of life. In terms of destination aspect index Correlation between Community Involvement and Quality of development, the performance of Pangandaran Life was better than that of Palabuhanratu. Better Material 0,234** 0,165* A>B development was supported by a rating factor, aspect where tourists have a longer stay so as to Community 0,173* 0,111 A>B spend more money. The factor of length of aspect stay was supported by the facst of selection of Personal 0,078 0,156 A>B objects and tourist attractions in Pangandaran aspect are more varied than the Palabuhanratu. The Spiritual 0,232** 0,304** AB number of local communities is affecting the quality of tourist life in terms of material aspect, and spiritual Growth of 0,225 0,138 A>B number of aspect. The local communities were interested accomodati to be involved in the destination development on Growth of 0,125 0,050 A>B in order to increase the prosperity in the number of economic sense, and spiritual values. object and attraction Growth of 0,125 0,101 A>B The interesting finding of this research number of accesibility was that the increasing number of domestic Growth of 0,075 0,150 AB developmen (Developmen (Consolidatio heterogeneity in Pangandaran. This t) n) t phase heterogeneity level causes a more flexible Local Commnity Involvement attitude towards immigrants and their impacts Planning Nonparticipat Nonparticipat A=B ion ion on quality of life in community are smaller.

http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot 136 e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857 E-Journal of Tourism Vol.3. No.2. (2016): 130-139

Some heterogeneous characters stated by Third, the level of quality of life of the local Britha (1999) namely: similarity, equality, communities in both destinations showed a democracy, solidarity, justice and social high level. Among the four aspects of quality solidarity. These principles seem to be going of life, the material aspect is in the highest well in Pangandaran so that the revenues from position, followed by the spiritual aspect, the domestic tourists do not cause changes in the social aspect and the personal aspect. overall quality of life. Fourth, there was a positive relationship between the community involvements with the However, the findings strengthen the quality of life of society as a whole. Thus, the opinion of Benckendorff et al. (2009) that developments of tourism destinations have an research on the quality of life of the local impact on the level of community involvement people, put more emphasis on how the impact and the quality of life. The value of of tourism development can affect their life influence was weak but could not be ignored. satisfaction. The study's findings also support Such findings indicate that research carried out the notion of Liu and Var (1986) that people by Kim (2002), about the positive impact of realize that tourism can have a positive impact tourism development on improving the on the economy but are reluctant to accept material, social, and emotional well-beings, changes in environmental and social aspects and Jurowski (1994) about the positive impact due to tourism. Thus the developments of of tourism development on the quality of life, tourism destinations in both study areas, were does not seem entirely correspond with the not fully lead to positive changes in all aspects situation in the two areas. of quality of life there. Conclusion Based on the above discussion some points can be synthesized as follows. The development of tourism destinations significantly affected the level of

community involvement and the level of First, Pangandaran has a better performance quality of life, Pangandaran has a better compared to Palabuhanratu. Pangandaran is in destination performance than Palabuhanratu, the growth phase and Palabuhanratu is in the Pangandaran is in the growth phase and consolidation phase when plotted in the model Palabuhanratu is in the consolidation phase, of TALC of Butler (1980). The study's Increase in the number of tourist arrivals in findings do not completely follow that model, destinations within the growth phase is more influential than that in the consolidation phase, because the use of the attributes of the tourism and among the four components of quality of destination corrected the development phase of life, the material aspect has the highest value, destination is not only determined by the followed by the spiritual, social and personal growing number of tourists. aspects.

Second, the pattern of community involvement Recommendation in the two phases of the development of First, the development of tourism tourism destinations show a similar pattern. destinations is defined as an increase in the Tourism destination development phase did number of tourists which increased attributes not cause a change in the ranking of the ladder of other destinations. Therefore, the of participation, but at the destination with the government with tourism stakeholders need to growth phase, the pattern of community make good planning and strategic steps to involvement in the planning, implementation, ensure that the growth of the number of and monitoring tend to be more moderate. tourists result in the positive impact on

improving the quality of attributes of tourism

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