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May 4, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8373 the Television Chair and Co-Chair of the Com- over $700,000 to help people there suffering MATTHEW COPUS IS A WINNER OF munications Committee of the International from disabilities. THE PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT AWARD Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Keith’s work has given so many people the Chair of the National Archery Museum, and a most precious gift possible, hope. He doesn’t HON. HEATHER WILSON member of the Hunting and Conservation do it for the pay, which is zilch, he does it for OF NEW MEXICO Committee, Public Affairs Committee and the smiles and laughter. You are a true hero IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bowhunting Subcommittee of the National in my book, doing good works for others with Rifle Association. Of note for the Congress is no other motive than Christian charity. Tuesday, May 4, 1999 Dick’s service as a member of the board of di- Keith Jones deserves the gratitude of his Mrs. WILSON. Mr. Speaker, I wish to bring rectors of the Congressional Sportsmen’s county, state, and nation and I thank him here to your attention a young man in our commu- Foundation and his sponsorship of the Con- today on the floor of the House of Representa- nity, Matthew Copus, who has been named gressional Sportsmen’s Caucus Task Force on tives. one of New Mexico’s top youth volunteers for Bowhunting. In his personal life, Dick has vol- f 1999 in The Prudential Spirit of Community unteered his time and financial resources to Award. his community through his church and for IN HONOR OF NOBEL PRIZE Matthew’s volunteer efforts truly reflect the causes such as the needs of homeless Ameri- WINNER LINUS PAULING spirit of community. For the past two years he cans. has volunteered at All Faiths Receiving Home, For his lifetime of dedication to archery and HON. DAVID DREIER a home for abused and neglected children. bowhunting, Dick was inducted to the Archery OF CALIFORNIA Matthew has worked hard to earn the trust of Hall of Fame on January 9, 1999. Dick now IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the children. His efforts include art projects, joins the legends of archery and bowhunting Tuesday, May 4, 1999 games and activities to encourage the children as a peer and will forever rightfully share a to communicate and regain social skills that distinguished place in the history of conserva- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, on May 15, the have been damaged by abuse. Beyond his tion and hunting in North America. California Institute of Technology will host an own volunteer time, Matthew has recruited Mr. Speaker, if we want our citizens to be exhibit on the life and works of Linus Pauling, other young people to volunteer and has driven by the needs of the country and to be the only man to have received two unshared raised money to help pay for supplies needed examples of selflessness, commitment and ac- Nobel Prizes, one for science and the other for projects. Matthew is committed to reducing complishment, then we must continue to honor for peace. child abuse and spreads the word through and praise individuals like Dick Lattimer. We The California Institute of Technology, nes- speaking engagements in the community. ask you and all of our colleagues to join us in tled beneath the beautiful San Gabriel Moun- One of the most important factors in a commending Dick Lattimer as an icon of the tains in Pasadena, California, is one of the fin- child’s life is a person who cares. Matthew archery and bowhunting world but also as a est institutions of higher learning in the world. makes a positive difference in the lives of great American sportsman and humanitarian. Its contributions to our understanding of the many children and in our entire community. f universe around us, from space exploration to He is one of America’s top youth volunteers. molecular biology, are unmatched among sci- Join me in thanking Matthew Copus for the REPORT FROM LAPORTE COUNTY, entific institutions throughout the world. For positive impact he has in Albuquerque, New INDIANA years, Linus Pauling served on its faculty, Mexico. earning a reputation that has immortalized his f HON. DAVID M. McINTOSH contributions to science as the Father of Mod- OF INDIANA ern Chemistry. IN HONOR OF THE LATE GORDON MCMILLAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The exhibit is jointly sponsored by Cal Tech, the Pauling family, Oregon State University, Tuesday, May 4, 1999 and the Soka Gokkai International. I would HON. MICHAEL P. FORBES Mr. McINTOSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to note that its President, Daisaku Ikeda, is one OF NEW YORK give my ‘‘Report from Indiana’’ where I honor of the great Ambassadors for peace in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES distinguished Hoosiers who are actively en- world today, and was a close personal friend gaged in their communities helping others. of Professor Pauling. In fact, the exhibit was Tuesday, May 4, 1999 Mr. Speaker, it has always been my strong inspired and launched by Ikeda as a tribute to Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to belief that individuals and communities can do his friend and colleague in a manner befitting honor a true visionary in education and cham- a better job of caring for those who need help Pualing’s life. It was this idea that led Ikeda to pion of children, Gordon McMillan, a veteran in our society than the federal government. propose the exhibit that would inspire and Long Island teacher who passed away re- The wonderfully kind and committed Hoosiers educate young people for leadership in the cently at the age of 64. who I have met traveling around Indiana have 21st century. Ask any parent or student and I’m sure not changed my view. The exhibit is expected to attract young they’ll agree that elementary and secondary Ruthie and I have met hundreds of individ- people from all over southern California. It will education in this country must be reformed. uals who are committed to making our com- graphically demonstrate the intimate relation- But the system needs more than an infusion munities a better place in which to live and ship between the search for knowledge of the of money, it needs an infusion of innovative raise our children—we call them ‘‘Hoosier He- universe and the pursuit of peace. It will also ideas as well. Innovative ideas were Gordon roes’’. provide young people with a role model of a McMillan’s specialty. I recognized this genuine Hoosier Hero in man whose life epitomized courage, wisdom Today, and every school day, computers LaPorte County, Indiana recently in front of and determination, values that will well serve are being purchased, unpacked, and delivered the LaPorte County Republican Party at a Lin- today’s youth as they prepare to become to- to classrooms on Long Island and across the coln Day dinner speech. He is Keith Jones, morrow’s leaders. country in the hope that teachers will do won- who is a very active and successful business It is with great joy that I announce the open- derful things with those computers to assist man here in LaPorte County. By working tire- ing of the exhibit and recognize those who are the educational process. The tireless efforts of lessly on behalf of the less fortunate, Keith responsible for making it available to the pub- technology pioneers like Gordon McMillan epitomizes a Hoosier Hero. lic, especially the young people of my district made this possible. Like many teachers in our Keith has been awarded the ‘‘Outstanding and of southern California. public schools, Gordon started teaching before Citizen Award’’ by the LaPorte Rotary Club as This exhibit will run from May 16 to June 19 the era of personal computers, but unlike well as the LaPorte Jaycees. Last, he also re- on the campus of Cal Tech in the Winnett other teachers, Gordon understood the power ceived the ‘‘Distinguished Award’’ by the Center, and will be open to the public on of change and the potential of computers as LaPorte YMCA. Incredibly, his charitable Wednesdays from 4pm to 9pm, on Saturday’s new educational tools. works even extend beyond his community and from 10am to 6pm. Special group and school Gordon was born in Cambria Heights, country. He is the founder of the Aruba tours can be booked by calling (323) 938– Queens, in 1935 and attended New York Friends of the Handicapped and has raised 8255. The exhibit is free to the public. City’s public school system. After graduating in VerDate Aug 04 2004 11:03 Oct 04, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E04MY9.000 E04MY9 8374 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 4, 1999 1952, he went to Adelphi University, where he in a row and take the match. Afterward, she 21st Anniversary Hall of Fame 10K Run on received a bachelor of science degree in edu- told a local newspaper reporter how she was Saturday, May 1, 1999. cation in 1956. He later got his master’s de- able to do it. ‘‘I just tried to stay focused, stay The Hall of Fame 10K Run was founded in gree from Hofstra University. He started his confident and I was able to pull out the next 1978 by Bronx Community College’s third teaching career at Plainview Elementary three games.’’ That kind of attitude and perse- President, Dr. Roscoe C. Brown. Its mission is School on Long Island, and remained with the verance will undoubtedly take Dawn Buth and to highlight the Hall of Fame for Great Ameri- school district until 1974, reaching the position her teammates far, not only on the tennis cans, a national institution dedicated to those of assistant principal.