SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 REFLECT AND RESPOND 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

FIRST READING (IS 35:4-7A) The prophet spoke of the importance of being strong of heart when it comes to the ways of God. Why do you think this is such an important virtue?  ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH  Gretna, Nebraska SECOND READING (JAS 2:1-5) James encouraged believers to view the rich and poor from God’s perspecve. Why do you think people struggle with this divine point of view?  Welcome GOSPEL (MK 7:31-37) We invite you to become involved In today’s reading, we hear how Jesus healed the deaf man with a speech impediment at in our parish community! the request of the people close to this man. Who do you know in your life who needs There are many opportunies for healing from Jesus?  experiencing the peace and joy of our loving  God in liturgy, educaon, prayer and service. GOSPEL MEDITATION  If you would like to join our parish From the me we are born into this world unl we family, please visit our website or die, our human radar picks up signals about how to the Parish Office for a registraon form. respond to life. What we picked up on when we

PARISH OFFICE were very young carries an even greater power. The Office Hours……………..….MRF 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM messages we receive and process tell us what we Phone………………………….…..…….…….402R332R4444 are “supposed” to do with our feelings, how to Fax…………………………….……..….……...402R332R5107 understand and cope with disappointment, anxiety, Website…………...………..… failure, death, illness, and what to expect out of life. Facebook……………………..…………..@stpatgretnane As life unfolds for us, these radar messages kick in ERmail……………[email protected] and resonate in us at very deep levels. Somemes what we have learned is helpful and Flocknote………....text STPATGRETNA to 84576 somemes it is not. The stories we have been told, especially when we are young, about  how life is best lived and how to negoate its pain carry a heavy weight. MASS AND HOLY EUCHARIST  Saturday……….………………………………….…..5:00 PM Life can be challenging and frightening. Somemes, it really hurts to be a human being. It Sunday……………..…...8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, & Noon also can be quite unpredictable and, at mes, unfair. We face our vulnerability and Monday…………...No Mass or Communion Service brokenness of all kinds: physical, emoonal, and spiritual. It doesn’t take much for life to Tuesday…………………...…….……….…….…....6:00 PM quickly fall apart. What we knew to be familiar and true is gone and something we relied Wednesday, Thursday and Friday...... ….7:30 AM upon, physically, emoonally, or spiritually, can be taken away. It is hard to confront our Holy Days…………………….….....7:30 AM & 6:00 PM limitaons and sit with our incompleteness. O en, life hurts us so much that we find Holidays (on weekdays) ..……..………...…..9:00 AM ourselves sing in a pool of sadness, not sure what we are supposed to do. It is parcularly  SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION hard when the signals we have inherited tell us that we need to be successful in what we Saturday…………………….……..….4:00 PM R 4:40 PM do, and we have to avoid life’s unfairness. We can feel like a failure, wondering what Or call the parish office for an appointment.  precisely we did to deserve this fate, or ruminate about what we did not do correctly. But  it’s really not about us. We are part of a bigger picture and a much more fascinang story! SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE  Parishioners registered for a minimum of one If we cease doing bale with life’s incompleteness and see ourselves, as God does, on a year are eligible to marry here. Six months of journey toward wholeness and completeness we can beer accept our disappointments marriage preparaon prior to your wedding is and stand firm. The prophets told us, and Jesus reassured us: Be strong! Fear not! required by the Archdiocese. Contact the Parish Somemes we have to update our stories and replace them with newer, more accurate Office to schedule a wedding date and marriage ones. When we make God’s story our own and tune our radar into His voice, what we hear preparaon instrucon.  is all about restoraon, healing, and rejuvenaon! This is true even when we think we have  SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM hit rock boom and can go no further. There is always hope. Remember the words of Julian Bapsms take place on the first and third Sundays of Norwich: God made us, God loves us, and God keeps us. Now, listen to God when He of each month a er the Noon Mass. A bapsmal says, “Be opened!” Be healed and allow your stories to change. date will not be set unl you become a registered parishioner and both the parents and Godparents CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED aend the bapsmal class for their first child. Classes are held at 7:00 PM on the second QUESTION: Monday of each month in the Fr. Hitch Room. As we celebrate Labor Day, can you tell me about Catholic Please call the Parish Office if you will be teaching regarding labor? aending a specific class.    ANSWER: MINISTRY TO THE SICK If you, a relave or friend are hospitalized or shut One of the most important principles of Catholic social in, short or long term, and would like a visit from teaching is the dignity of work and the rights of workers. Four the Pastor, Deacon or Pastoral Minister, please encyclicals address this foundaonal social teaching: Rerum call the Parish Office. For emergencies or if facing Novarum (1891) by Leo XIII, Quadragesimo Anno (1931) by danger or death, call 402R332R4428. Pius XI, Laborem Exercens (1981), and Centesimus Annus  (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and EUCHARISTIC ADORATION dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the iniave in creang the world, calling forth The second Thursday of each month, exposion human beings to be faithful stewards of creaon. We are thus formed to share in God’s begins a er the 7:30 AM Mass and concludes connuing creave acvity by partnering with God in finishing the world and helping bring before the start of the 7:30 AM Mass on Friday it to compleon and fulfillment. From this perspecve, work can be spiritually understood (reposion at 7:15 AM). For more informaon, in terms of sharing in God’s ongoing acvity to build, create, contact Jean Hlavacek at 402R504R4222.  Connued on next pageV>

2 | September 5, 2021 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED Continued from Page 2 and transform the world. Human beings are coRcreators with God. This vocaon demands selfRdiscipline.   Besides an exercise in selfRdiscipline, work is also the means by which we develop and fulfill ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH ourselves. In work, we shape the world and our environment. Through work, we also shape Gretna, Nebraska ourselves. John Paul II summarized this point in Laborem Exercens #6, “the value of work is not primarily the kind of work being done, but the fact that the one who is doing it READINGS THIS WEEK is a person.”   MONDAY: Col 1:24V2:3/Ps 62:6R7, 9 [8]/Lk 6:6R11 Labor Day offers an excellent opportunity to reflect on how we view work in light of our TUESDAY: Col 2:6R15/Ps 145:1bR2, 8R9, 10R11 [9]/ Catholic social teaching. Lk 6:12R19 PETER CLAVER WEDNESDAY: Mi 5:1R4a or Rom 8:28R30/Ps Priest 13:6ab, 6c [Is 61:10]/Mt 1:1R16, 18R23 or 1:18R23 THURSDAY: Col 3:12R17/Ps 150:1bR2, 3R4, 5R6 [6]/ A nave of Spain, young Jesuit Peter Claver le his Lk 6:27R38 homeland forever in 1610 to be a in the FRIDAY: 1 Tm 1:1R2, 12R14/Ps 16:1bR2a and 5, 7R8, colonies of the New World. He sailed into Cartagena, a 11 [cf. 5]/Lk 6:39R42 rich port city washed by the Caribbean. He was SATURDAY: 1 Tm 1:15R17/Ps 113:1bR2, 3R4, 5a and ordained there in 1615. 6R7 [2]/Lk 6:43R49  NEXT SUNDAY: Is 50:5R9a/Ps 116:1R2, 3R4, 5R6, 8R9 By this me the slave trade had been established in the [9]/Jas 2:14R18/Mk 8:27R35 Americas for nearly 100 years, and Cartagena was a chief center for it. Ten thousand slaves poured into the port each year a er crossing the Atlanc from West Africa under condions so foul and inhumane that an esmated oneRthird of the passengers died in transit. Although the pracce of slaveRtrading was condemned by Pope Paul III and later labeled “supreme villainy” by Pope Pius IX, it connued to flourish.  Peter Claver’s predecessor, Jesuit Father Alfonso de Sandoval, had devoted himself to the service of the slaves for 40 years before Claver arrived to connue his work, declaring himself “the slave of the Negroes forever.”  As soon as a slave ship entered the port, Peter Claver moved into its infested hold to minister to the illRtreated and exhausted passengers. A er the slaves were herded out of the ship like chained animals and shut up in nearby yards to be gazed at by the crowds, Claver plunged in among them with medicines, food, bread, brandy, lemons, and tobacco. With the help of interpreters he gave basic instrucons and assured his brothers and sisters of their human dignity and God’s love. During the 40 years of his ministry, Claver instructed and bapzed an esmated 300,000 slaves. OBSERVANCES THIS WEEK  Fr. Claver's apostolate extended beyond his care for slaves. He became a moral force, MONDAY: Labor Day indeed, the apostle of Cartagena. He preached in the city square, gave missions to sailors and traders as well as country missions, during which he avoided, when possible, the WEDNESDAY: The Navity of the Blessed hospitality of the planters and owners and lodged in the slave quarters instead. Mary  THURSDAY: St. Peter Claver, Priest  A er four years of sickness, which forced the saint to remain inacve and largely SATURDAY: Blessed Virgin Mary; Patriot Day neglected, Claver died on September 8, 1654. The city magistrates, who had previously NEXT SUNDAY: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, frowned at his solicitude for the black outcasts, ordered that he should be buried at public Grandparents’ Day expense and with great pomp.  Peter Claver was canonized in 1888, and Pope Leo XIII declared him the worldwide patron of missionary work among black slaves.  The Holy Spirit’s might and power are manifested in the striking decisions and bold acons of Peter Claver. A decision to leave one’s homeland never to return reveals a giganc act of will difficult for us to imagine. Peter’s determinaon to serve forever the most abused, rejected, and lowly of all people is stunningly heroic. When we measure our lives against such a man’s, we become aware of our own barely used potenal and of our need to open ourselves more to the jolng power of Jesus’ Spirit. 

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 | 3 ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH Gretna, Nebraska Since our last update on August 22, two infants have been baptized into the Body of Christ. We congratulate the parents and family CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH members, and we welcome your little ones into the Family of Faith! We are praying our Lord Jesus will bless, guide and inspire each of A Weekend of Fellowship you in His love as you travel along your faith journey. Congratulations! Who’s ready for a weekend of faith, fun, food and fellowship? Parcipaon in Christ Renews His Parish Name…………………………...………..Date (CRHP) is a great way to meet people in our parish community all while enjoying great food and Sawyer Lynn Farwell....……..………..……………….…….…8/27/2021 company and growing in your faith.   Beau Steven Kunz…....……..………..……………….…….…8/29/2021 “I had never really considered joining CRHP, in fact I felt strongly that it wasn’t for me. The Holy Spirit PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DECEASED had other plans and I found myself drawn to join Team 11. I came into the weekend with an open Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the mind and I le with a full heart. I found something souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. that I didn’t even know I was looking for. I now have a deeper connecon to God and have filled a We, the community of St. void in my spiritual life. I was also able to meet an Patrick, continue to pray for amazing group of women an the bond we have all our parishioners and their formed through this process is priceless.” Leslie deceased family members Clark, Christ Renews His Parish parcipant. and loved ones.  WOMEN’S WEEKEND: Name……….…Date of Death….….Place of Burial September 11R12

MEN’S WEEKEND: Wuerfele……...... 8/30/2021…..…..Omaha National Cemetery October 9R10  Are you ready to meet new friends of faith? Now is SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR HAITI the me to get signed up for the weekend. Please go to the parish website, hps:// This Weekend, September 4-5 RrenewsRhisRparish/ to register or contact Barb Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has sent teams to provide clean water, Applegate at 402R980R0216 with any quesons. sanitaon, shelter and emergency supplies in response to a major earthquake that recently struck southern Hai. The area was slowly VOCATIONS PRAYER CORNER recovering from the devastaon caused by Hurricane Mahew in 2016 but drought and two recent tropical storms have largely destroyed the lile livelihoods people had been able to restore. Area hospitals have been overwhelmed by the disaster, pushing them to capacity and forcing them to turn away people in need.   The recent earthquake came on the heels of backRtoRback crises, including an ongoing bale with COVIDR19, polical and economic instability, increasing hunger, gang violence and tropical Storm Grace.   To respond as a unified Church, the USCCB is asking dioceses to take up a voluntary special collecon for the humanitarian recovery, and significant Church needs arising from these calamies. The date for the Archdiocese of Omaha special collecon is September 4R5. The Generous God, You show us the way that leads to funds collected will be used to support CRS and Catholic Charies, the official relief everlasng life. Through bapsm, You have called agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church. Please remit checks to the Archdiocese of Omaha us to proclaim the Good News. Bless and Finance Office. Please indicate your check is for Emergency Disaster FundRHai. Please pray strengthen those who have made a commitment of for our brothers and sisters in Hai.  service in the Church. Guide and give wisdom to those discerning their vocaon. Enrich our Church “THE CHOSEN” TV SERIES COMING TO ST. PATRICK with dedicated married and single people, with Beginning Wednesday, September 8 deacons, priests, and with people in consecrated life. Filled with your Holy Spirit we ask this blessing For those who would like to watch the series “The Chosen”, a that we, your people, may follow Jesus, our Good must see TV series about Jesus, beginning with Season One, Shepherd, now and always. Amen. please join us in the Parish Center, Room C, on Wednesday  a ernoons at 1 PM. We will watch one episode per week.  If you are considering a vocaon as a priest, deacon  or in the consecrated life, let the grace of prayer Wednesday, September 8, we will view the first episode. All encourage you. Call Father Andrew Roza at 402R558 are welcome! Please contact Corliss Lovstad at 402R968R5877 or [email protected] with R3100, or email voca[email protected]. your interest or for more informaon. 

4 | September 5, 2021 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time SUPPORT THE KNIGHTS’ ANNUAL PAPER DRIVE August 28—September 19

The Knights of Columbus Annual Villa Marie Paper Drive will be held from Saturday, August 28 through Sunday, September 19 at St. Patrick. Villa Marie, located near Waverly, NE, is a Catholic school serving students ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH challenged with down syndrome, ausm, developmental delays and other health impaired struggles. Paper products of all kinds are needed by the Gretna, Nebraska schoolVcopy paper, construcon paper, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, etc. Leave your donaon in the Narthex any me during these THE  dates. The Knights will collect the donated items each day and deliver them to Villa Marie on September 22. Your support is much appreciated! KNIGHT’S CORNER LOOKING FOR RCIA TEAM MEMBERS Offering Sponsor Opportunities and Supportive Relationships SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS  Happy Birthday to Brother Knights of Columbus The Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults (RCIA) is a process Council #10047 members celebrang a birthday in through which unbapzed or nonRconfirmed adults and children September! over the age of 7 are formed in the teachings and pracces of  the church. This process is not possible without the help and support of our parishioners. As a RCIA Team Member, you are called to acvely parcipate in discussion about the faith and are given an opportunity to sponsor an incoming Catholic through a supporve relaonship. If you are interested in volunteering as an RCIA Team Member please contact the Parish Office for more September 1VGerald Broz, Douglas Coufal, and informaon, 402R332R4444 or [email protected]. Larry Schmitz September 2VMichael Fischer LAY LITURGICAL MINISTERS—SCHEDULING APP September 4VJim Demeulmeester and Beryl Thomas How to Download Ministry Scheduler Pro App on Your Phone September 6VMichael Laughlin and Gary McCollum To download the Ministry Scheduler Pro app on your phone, open either September 7VCraig Ingrisano, Gregory Paskevic, the Google Play app (for Android phone) or the App Store app (for Apple Robert Schweikert, and Mike Wuerfele phone). Search for “Ministry Scheduler Pro”, the icon you are looking for September 8VJose Santos is a green square with a big white “M” (see picture to right). Your phone September 10VGregory Lisiecki and Mike Tasler will likely ask for a password in order to download. Once the app is September 11VJusn Staab downloaded, open the app. Type in Gretna, NE where prompted to do so. September 13VKevin Campbell and Jim Iverson It will then ask for your username and password. This will be the same September 14VLarry Koke informaon if you’ve already logged in via a web browser. If you’ve never September 15VGeorge Sims logged in, please check your email for an invite from Ginny Giebelhaus to register for the September 17VCaleb Kenner program, Ministry Scheduler Pro. You will be assigned a username and a oneRme September 18VJeff Harpenau and Francis Miller password which you can change as soon as you login. You will then have access to your September 19VRandy Rosenthal schedule at any me, can request a sub if needed and can take open substuons when September 20VDuane Benes, Joseph Giebler, needed. If you have any quesons contact Megan Seamann at 402R332R4444. Nathaniel Spath, Wear and Ronald Weis September 22VDaniel Mruz September 23VTom Nienaber September 24VJoe Jackson and Jeff Mackovicka September 25VMa Shurtliff September 26VDonald Towey and Travis Vanek September 27VTodd Crnkovich September 28VJacob McMahon September 30VNicholas Suing  UPCOMING BLOOD DRIVE  The Knights of Columbus Council #10047 and St. Patrick Church will host a Gretna Community Blood Drive Monday September 13, fromNoon unl 6 PM in the Parish Center. Make your appointment by vising Search for sponsor code GretnaNE or call Marty Stednitz at 402R332R3840.  Knights of Columbus Grand Knight, Joe Krajicek…….………..…402R616R9612 Deputy Grand Knight, John Schaffert ..402R672R7903 Financial Secretary, Marty Stednitz…..402R332R3840 Chancellor & Membership Director, Randy Meerian ...……………………..…………..…….………..…..402R943R7885

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 | 5 THE WEEK AHEAD SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH—23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM RosaryVSanctuary 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, Noon Mass VSanctuary 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM BapsmsVSanctuary ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Men’s CRHPVFather Hitch Room  Gretna, Nebraska MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH—OFFICE CLOSED—NO PRESCHOOL  MASS INTENTIONS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH—NO PRESCHOOL An individual may ask a Priest to offer a Mass for 5:30 PM to 5:50 PM Rosary (before Mass begins at 6:00 PM)VSanctuary several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Holy Hour of PrayerVSanctuary the intenons of another person (such as on a 6:30 PM to 6:40 PM Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devoon (a er Mass)VSanctuary birthday or if they are ill), or, as is most common, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Knights of Columbus Council MeengVParish Center AB, Kitchen for the repose of the soul of one who has died (†).  To request a Mass intenon, stop by the Parish WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH—FIRST DAY OF RELIGIOUS ED Office to schedule. A minimum of $10 per Mass is 7:00 AM to 7:20 AM Rosary (before Mass begins at 7:30 AM)VSanctuary requested. 8:00 AM to 8:15 AM Liturgy of the HoursVBy the Tabernacle  1:00 PM to 3:00 PM The Chosen SeriesVParish Center C MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Religious Educaon ClassesVReligious Ed Classrooms No Communion Service or Mass 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM St. Guild MeengVFather Hitch Room  7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Jesus Bible StudyVParish Center AB and Kitchen TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH 6:00 PM † Brynn Rose Babbel THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH  7:00 AM to 7:20 AM Rosary (before Mass begins at 7:30 AM)VSanctuary WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH 7:30 AM to 11:59 PM Eucharisc AdoraonVSanctuary 7:30 AM † Hinderks   THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH 7:30 AM † Eleanor Pra 12:00 AM to 7:15 AM Eucharisc AdoraonVSanctuary  6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Men’s Faith SharingVFather Hitch Room FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH 7:00 AM to 7:20 AM Rosary (before Mass begins at 7:30 AM)VSanctuary 7:30 AM † Leonard Beckman 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Women’s Faith SharingVFather Hitch Room  SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH  SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH 5:00 PM † Mary Garrison  8:00 AM to 11:59 PM CRHP Women’s WeekendVParish Center SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH 4:00 PM to 4:40 PM ConfessionVConfessional 8:00 AM † Gertrude Wilde  4:30 PM to 5:00 PM Rosary (before Mass begins at 5:00 PM) VSanctuary  10:00 AM Parishioners and Benefactors 12:00 PM Sarah Weber SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH—24TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 12:00 AM to 4:00 PM CRHP Women’s WeekendVParish Center LITURGICAL VESTMENT COLORS 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM RosaryVSanctuary  8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, Noon Mass VSanctuary WhiteVJOYVChristmas, Easter, Mary,  8:55 AM to 9:55 AM Religious Educaon ClassesVReligious Ed Classrooms RedVLOVEVThe Passion, Holy Spirit, Martyrs 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Men’s CRHPVFather Hitch Room GreenVHOPEVOrdinary Time PurpleVHUMILITYVAdvent, Lent EUCHARISTIC ADORATION RoseVJOYVGaudete, Laetare Sundays Let us pray for Please consider spending just one hour each month all those adoring Jesus Christ during our Exposion ofthe affected by Blessed Sacrament. Jesus asks Peter the queson, COVIDR19. Pray “Could you not spend one hour with me?”Exposion for the soul of begins on the second Thursday of the month, Mike Wuerfele. September 9, a er the 7:30 AM Mass and concludes Pray for Mike (son of Cleo Nienaber), Leo Sonderman (father of Friday morning before the start of Mass (reposion at Stephanie Adams, our Preschool Director), Kathy 7:15 AM).This is your opportunity to spend personal Fitzpatrick, Norm Hanson, Pete and Judy Bartman, me with Jesus. He is here and lovingly waing for you Dan and Loree Schloesser (nephew of Tim Gilligan), to come. The blessings are eternal. For more Susan Hoovy (sisterRinRlaw of Jim and Tam informaon, contact Jean Hlavacek at 402R504R4222. Hoovy), and Donna Kopf. Pray for Chris Curs (daughter of Peggy Curs), Julie Pohar (sister of Jodi PARISH OFFICE CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY Rupiper), Nolan Schultz, Mike Petersen, Cecil Wortman, DeDra Robb and Reece Biner, The Parish Office will be closed in observance of Labor (grandson of Bruce Jefferies). Pray also for all our Day on Monday, September 6. We will return to regular parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized, business hours the next day Tuesday, September 7.  and in nursing homes, and for all our parishioners  and loved ones who have recently passed away.  May everyone have a safe and relaxing Labor Day  weekend, and hopefully enjoy some me with family! To add a loved one to the prayer line, please call  Corliss Lovstad at 402R968R5877 or email her at “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart. As [email protected]. working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

6 | September 5, 2021 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time LAY MINISTER’S SCHEDULE 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

SEPTEMBER 11TH SEPTEMBER 12TH SEPTEMBER 12TH SEPTEMBER 12TH 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM NOON     Sacristan Sacristan Sacristan Sacristan ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH Gabe Ronk Lori Frederick Randy Rosenthal Linda Schriner Gretna, Nebraska     Lector  Lector  Lector  Lector  PARISH STAFF (Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings) (Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings) (Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings) (Read Both 1st and 2nd Readings) Jim Sawyer Duane Benes Sandra Tiefenthaler Rebecca Campbell PASTOR     Standby: (if a sub is needed) Standby: (if a sub is needed) Standby: (if a sub is needed) Standby: (if a sub is needed) Fr. Gregory P. Baxter……….…………...... 402R332R4444 Lori Wewel Sandy Scheef Tony Tiefenthaler Eric Hiner [email protected]     Residence………………………………….…….402R332R4428 EMHCs EMHCs EMHCs EMHCs Emergencies (if facing danger or death), call: Kevin Riley Nancy Arp Jim Hoovy Doris Williams 402R332R4428 (North and South Transepts) (North and South Transepts) (North and South Transepts) (North and South Transepts) Mikaela Vobejda Rob Polak Cleo Nienaber Nancy Arp DEACONS (South Nave) (South Nave) (South Nave) (South Nave) Deacon Ken Broz…………………………....402R676R1025     Deacon Steve Grandine……….……...402R896R4693  Standby: (if a sub is needed) Standby: (if a sub is needed) Standby: (if a sub is needed) Standby: (if a sub is needed) Therese Nisbet Nancy Kruse Bob Huber Linda Schriner Deacon Larry Heck………..….…………....402R572R1319  Pat Gilmore Tim Kruse Judy Huber Stephanie Adams PARISH OFFICE      Jolene Jefferies, Parish Mgr…...402R332R4444, x203 Ushers  Ushers  Ushers  Ushers   jmjeff[email protected] Pat Calvert Kevin Kaup Clint Bollock Linda Schriner Megan Seamann, Communicaons Associate Don Garrison Tom Nienaber Bruce Jefferies Marty White [email protected], x202  Chris Lingbloom Larry Scheef Norm Svoboda Doris Williams Chad Soupir Marty Stednitz Tony Vanek Mary Zeigler Judy Weier, Secretary……..….….402R332R4444, x201     [email protected]  Rosary Reciter Rosary Reciter Rosary Reciter Rosary Reciter DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Kathy Dauner Bob Sis Jolene Jefferies Jusn Hanna  Shane Fagan………………………...…………402R332R3454      [email protected] Altar Servers Altar Servers Altar Servers Altar Servers  Shailynn Gatewood Kaylee Frederick Need Sub Need Sub DIRECTOR OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION Aiden Ronk Luke Westra Need Sub Need Sub  Stephanie Adams…….…….….…….……..402R332R3050 Kenley Ronk Colton Westra Need Sub Need Sub  [email protected]      Greeters Greeters Greeters Greeters PASTORAL MINISTRY (LITURGY, YOUTH GROUP & RCIA) Therese Nisbet Sally Stednitz Andrew Urban Mary Zeigler  Currently Vacant…….……….……..………402R332R4444 Need Sub Cindee Nikodym Need Sub Marty White  [email protected]   PASTORAL MINISTRY (ELDERLY, HOMEBOUND & FUNERALS) Vocaons Crucifix  Francesca Dammermann….…...402R332R4444, x204 If you are unable to serve at your assigned Ron VanOeveren [email protected]  time, please kindly find a substitute. The MUSIC MINISTRY  Tracy Hoye…………………….…..……….….402R618R8606 Parish Office greatly appreciates your help, [email protected]  support and patience as we work together PARISH CENTER COORDINATOR in providing Mass to our parish family!  Lezlie Thomas………………….……..…..….402R525R3098  [email protected]  FACILITY MANAGER If you are scheduled as a standby please Judy Knight……………..……….…...402R332R4444, x206 [email protected] check in when you arrive at Mass in the  PASTORAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT Sacristy. Leisa Sheldon…..……..……….………...….402R250R1427   FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Kevin Kaup.…………..……………….……….402R525R1469  HOLY SEPULCHRE CEMETERY  Jerry Thoendel………….……..………….....402R332R3475  KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Joe Krajicek ..………….…...….…….……....402R616R9612 [email protected]  AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS TROOP #NE-0508  Pam Golka……………[email protected]  TRAIL LIFE USA TROOP #NE-0508  Brian Stransky……….…[email protected]

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 | 7 OPENING—PASTORAL MINISTER Liturgy, Youth Group, and RCIA


St. Patrick in Gretna is seeking a new Pastoral Minister ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH of Liturgy, Youth Group, and RCIA. This posion combines three partRme job funcons into one fullR Gretna, Nebraska me posion. The incumbent is responsible for coordinang the lay liturgical ministries, leading the IN NEED OF ALTAR SERVERS high school youth group, and leading RCIA. These dues Would You Like to Start Serving? require collaboraon and coordinaon with the pastor, music director, religious educaon director, and parish If you haven’t been trained or staff. Each of these three funcons has a very strong volunteer structure and excellent retrained and are a current support from our parishioners. We have a parcularly strong interest in inspiring our 6th grader or older and would parishioners and youth to learn, understand, appreciate, and revere the Real Presence of like to begin Altar Serving, Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. please contact the Parish  Office at 402R332R4444 or We offer a very compeve salary, healthcare coverage, LTD, AD&D, life insurance, and [email protected] 403(b) rerement plan.  with parent name, child KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES name, and phone number.   • Interest and aptude for furthering the mission and evangelizaon goals of St. Patrick Catholic Church. CHOIR REHEARSALS BEGIN • Knowledge of the teaching and pracces of the Catholic faith. Get on the Roster • Ability to work as a team player with the pastor, staff, parishioners, vendors, visitors and  volunteers, and present a posive image of the parish. We are joyfully preparing • Discreon and ability to keep knowledge gained from work in strict confidence and  to bring back our choirs, maintain professionalism at all mes. praise God! The Adult • Ability to manage mulple responsibilies and projects effecvely, be flexible and Choir rehearsals begin adaptable to new and changing situaons, and meet several daily deadlines. Monday, September 13. • Proficient use of Microso Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). The Mezzos (6th R 8th  grade) rehearsals begin EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE  Sunday, September 12. The Children’s Choir • A degree or a cerficate in liturgy, ministry or theology is preferred, but equivalent work rehearsals will begin Monday, October 4. Please experience is acceptable. contact Tracy Hoye at 402R618R8606 or • 3R5 years of experience in liturgical ministry is preferred. [email protected] to get on the roster. • Experience and an interest in mentoring and working with youth (safe environment  training and cerficaon is required and provided by the Archdiocese of Omaha). HAVE A BROKEN ROSARY?  APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS American Heritage Girls Can Help If you are interested in this opportunity, please email Jolene Jefferies, Parish Manager, at The American Heritage jmjeff[email protected] or call 402R332R4444, ext. 203. Girls would like to fix any broken rosaries that you may have. There is a YOUTH GROUP REGISTRATION collecon box in the parish 2021-2022 School Year office where you can drop off your rosaries and the Sign up for Youth Group today! If you are interested in registering girls will contact you when your teen to parcipate in our parish Youth Group, we ask that you your rosary has been fixed. The drop off deadline is register online through our parish website at hps:// September 18. For more informaon, contact Leisa There is Sheldon 402R250R1427. a $50 fee associated. The Youth Group will begin meeng on Wednesday, September 15. We look forward to seeing you in the PARISH COOKBOOKS FOR SALE newly renovated youth group room, “The Peak”. Quesons contact Purchase in the Parish Office the Parish Office at 402R332R4444 or by emailing [email protected].

The new parish cookbooks WEDNESDAY EVENING ADULT BIBLE STUDY are here! You can stop in the Jesus: the Way, the Truth, and the Life parish office during regular office hours to purchase St Patrick will be hosng Jesus: the Way, the your copy for $25 a piece Truth, and the Life study in the Parish Center (cash or check, make checks beginning Wednesday, September 8 from 7 PM to payable to St. Patrick 8:30 PM and connuing every Wednesday unl Church). These cookbooks November 10. To register for the study, visit our would make a great birthday parish website, hps:// or Christmas present. All mesmerize/educaon/faithRformaon/bibleRstudy/. For more informaon about the study, proceeds benefit St. Patrick contact Jean Hlavacek at [email protected] or 402R504R4222 or Ginny Giebelhaus at Preschool. Don’t hesitate to [email protected] or 402R319R5806. A er registering, you will need to order your study purchase your copy soon! Trust me, you won’t want set from Ascension, hps:// to miss the 700+ family favorite recipes!  RlifeRstudyRset.

8 | September 5, 2021 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time YOUTH GROUP PARENT AND VOLUNTEER MEETINGS If Not You, Who? If Not Now, When?

Many mes, we sit in Mass and feel the gentle tug of the Holy Spirit.Maybe it is how the homily resonates with something that you are experiencing in your life or perhaps the hymn speaksdirectly to ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH your soul.You know at those moments that you are Gretna, Nebraska being called by our Lord to a purpose, one that is something greater than yourself.That is the power MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit helps guide us each on our path, but we need to be open to the gentle whispers. O en God seems to be asking LAY LITURGICAL MINISTRY things of us and we do not feel qualified. We think this request cannot be meant for me.I  Parish Office.……….………………….………402R332R4444 am NOT the right person for this job.   [email protected]   It was just over five years ago that we had these thoughts about being part of the Youth PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Group at St. Patrick. My husband, Tim, and I knew our parish and our youth needed  Sue Orosco……………………………………..402R332R3692 leaders to provide some muchRneeded support. Our inial thoughtwas that we would help get our oldest son through the responsibilies of Confirmaon and that would be enough.  LEAST OF MY BRETHREN   Sign Up Genius link to volunteer……………….hps:// Lile did we realize the Holy Spirit was already working within us. Since we have become leaders in the Youth Group, we have had more blessings than we can tally up in one small go/30E0A4EA8AB2AA6FD0Rlomb10 arcle for the church bullen. Not only have our own sons been blessed by knowing their  Catholic faith community and likeRminded peers, but Tim and I have had the pleasure of CHURCH CLEANING seeing the world and the tenants of our faith through the eyes of our youth.Taking me  Sign Up Genius link to volunteer……………….hps:// weekly to be in prayer and talk about our Catholic faith with the teens is such a powerful faithRfilled experience.  tabs/13576de05a0c8eccfa81Rchurch   Megan Seamann……[email protected] We ask that you prayerfully consider being a part of the Youth Group. The youth of our  community need you and you have so much to give and contribute. “Where two or three ADVERTISE FOR YOUR MINISTRY GROUP are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Mahew 18:20.   Does your parish ministry group have Please plan on joining Tim and I a er both the 8 AM and 10 AM Masses onSunday, opportunies for others to get involved? Contact September 19, to learn more about Youth Group and how you can help. On September 22, Megan Seamann, [email protected], interested parents can join us at 7 PM in Parish Center C for Small Group Leader Training about geng your parish ministry group led by Jodi Phillips, Coordinator of Youth Evangelizaon for the Archdiocese of Omaha. opportunies adversed. This training session will provide leaders and parents with an opportunity to be equipped with resources that enable effecve small group sessions with teens. Aend the training to RCIA BEGINS SEPTEMBER 16 discern if the Holy Spirit is calling you to serve as a small group leader for Youth Group. Sign up at hps:// Feel free to Learn More About the Catholic Faith contact me anyme at 937R474R0248 or [email protected].  The Rite of In gratude, Tammi and Tim Hall Chrisan Iniaon of Adults or RCIA is REGISTER FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TODAY a process through which unbapzed 2021-2022 School Year adults and children over the age of 7 Religious Educaon (KindergartenV9th grade) classes begin on are formed in the September 8th/12th. Don’t forget to register your child for classes teachings and soon! We have a variety of class mes: Sunday mornings, and three pracces of mes Wednesday a ernoons and evenings. We also hope to Catholicism and are iniated into the Catholic connue offering smaller class sizes for a beer learning Church. This process also includes adults or children environment. Some classes may be filled, so be sure to indicate a who have been bapzed outside the Catholic first and second choice when registering. Online forms are available Church but wish to prepare to receive the on the Religious Ed page at or email Shane sacraments of Confirmaon and Eucharist. Fagan at [email protected]. Aending classes is inno way a commitment to join the Catholic Church but simply an opportunity to VOLUNTEER FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION learn more about the faith and discern if you feel During the 2021-2022 School Year called to join.   We are currently looking for volunteers for our Religious Classes are open to all who are interested in Educaon program this fall. This is a great way to give back learning about the faith, Catholics are invited to to St. Patrick parish and help our young people grow in faith. aend as well! Classes begin on September 16 but There are many ways to help with different levels of registraon for the new class of candidates has involvement: catechists or coRcatechists, office helpers, already begun. If you are interested in aending monitors, substute catechists and babysiers. please register online though our parish website,  hps:// All volunteers must complete Safe Environment Training with faithRformaon/rcia/. Or feel free to contact the the Archdiocese of Omaha. If you have any quesons about volunteering, please contact Parish Office at [email protected] or Shane Fagan at [email protected] or 402R332R3454. You can sign up online at 402R332R4444. hps://

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 5, 2021 | 9 AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE


The Mary Our Queen Fall Fesval (3405 S 119th St, Omaha) is set for Saturday, September 11 this year. We are extremely excited for 3 ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CHURCH different cover bands that are ready to rock the stage. The TAS Band, Gretna, Nebraska Tim Sanwick and Friends, along with Poolside Hustle will hit you with everything from Frank Sinatra, to Stone Temple Pilots, to Stroke 9. HELPFUL RESOURCES The best part about it… all the music is FREE!!! We will also have games and brandRnew inflatables for the kids, not to menon raffles AL-ANON (ALCOHOLIC FAMILY SUPPORT—OMAHA) Phone……………………..……….…..…….…402R553R5033 and games of chance for the adults. Come for the entertainment and Website……………….……………………..….… sck around for the food. We offer opons for even the pickiest of palates. Taste of Asia, homemade tacos, hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage just to name a BOYS TOWN NATIONAL HOTLINE few. We will also be serving the sweetest desserts and the coldest refreshments. We will Phone……………………..…….…..…….…1R800R448R3000 kick it all off with an outdoor Mass starng at 4 PM. For more informaon contact Angie Website……………….…………….… Mills at 402R670R5764 or moqfes[email protected]. CATHOLIC ANSWERS  Phone…………………….…….……...…….1R888R318R7884 JOY AND PRAYER WORKSHOP—ST. , SEPTEMBER 17 Website…………………………………… All women are invited to the Joy and Prayer Workshop on CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Grief & Healing Counselor………...…..402R391R3711 Friday, September 17, 9 AM to 12:30 PM with MagnificatR Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Gretna....402R332R3475 Omaha speaker Kendra Von Esh, author of Am I Catholic and Karen Dwyer author of Wrap Yourself in Scripture. Lunch is CATHOLIC CHARITIES—OMAHA included. Join us as we explore how to find true joy, how to Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402R554R0520 Website……………………………………… choose joy during challenging mes, how to awaken joy and how to create a joyRfilled prayer life. To reserve your spot, CATHOLIC VOICE ONLINE go to Sponsored by Heart of Jesus Prayer Group, St. Website……………………..… Robert Bellarmine Church (11802 Pacific St, Omaha). COURAGE (PASTORAL SUPPORT—SAME-SEX ATTRACTION)  Phone…………………….…….…...……….…402R557R5692 MAGNIFICAT-OMAHA FALL BRUNCH—ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE, SEPTEMBER 18 Website……………………….....……………  All women are invited to the MagnificatROmaha Fall Brunch on EWTN (GLOBAL CATHOLIC TELEVISION NETWORK) Saturday, September 18, at 9:30 AM, at St. Robert Bellarmine Phone…………………….…….…...…….…1R800R447R3986 Catholic Church (11802 Pacific St, Omaha). Kendra Von Esh, radio Website………………………..……………  host, inspiraonal speaker and author of Am I Catholic will be the HOLY FAMILY guest speaker. For reservaons and to find more informaon about Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402R332R4565 the event and the speaker, go to Website………………………….… MagnificatROmaha is an archdiocesanRwide Catholic women’s LEAST OF MY BRETHREN organizaon focused on evangelizaon.  Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402R681R5424  Facebook Group……..…………@LeastOfMyBrethren BISHOPS’ PRO-LIFE BANQUET AND CONFERENCE—LINCOLN, SEPTEMBER 17-18 MARRIAGE RESOURCES The Nebraska Catholic Conference is excited to For Your Marriage……… Retrouvaille………………………….…...1R800R470R2230 invite you to the 2021 Bishops' ProRLife Banquet Retrouvaille……………… and Conference on September 17R18. This annual gathering joyfully brings together Nebraska's MASS TIMES NATIONWIDE Bishops, clergy and religious, and proRlifers from Phone…………………….…….…..……..…1R858R207R6277 Website…………………..………… across the state to celebrate the Gospel of Life.This year's theme is "A People of Life and For NEBRASKA HOMESCHOOL NETWORK Life: The Next 25 Years of Evangelium Vitae". Visit Website…………..………… or more info and to register! POPE PAUL VI INSTITUTE (FERTILITY HELP)  Phone…………………….…….…..………..…402R390R6600 ARCHBISHOP’S DINNER FOR EDUCATION—CHI HEALTH CENTER, SEPTEMBER 23 Website………………..………… In its 44th year, the Archbishop's Dinner for RACHEL’S VINEYARD (ABORTION HEALING) Educaon is an opportunity to publicly Phone…………………….…….…..……..…1R866R482R5433 Website……….……………… recognize educators' dedicaon, honor administrators and educators who go above SPIRIT CATHOLIC RADIO—FM 102.7 and beyond for students, and raise Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402R571R0200 scholarship funds making Catholic educaon Website………………… accessible to more families across the ST. BENEDICT CENTER (RETREATS IN SCHUYLER) state.Archbishop's Dinner for Educaon is Phone…………………….…….…..………..…402R352R2177 onSeptember 23 at the CHI Health Center (455 N 10th St, Omaha). Visit hps:// Website……… for more informaon and to register or donate. ST. JOHN PAUL II NEWMAN CENTER  Phone…………………….…….…..…….…….402R557R5575 FREE ORGAN CONCERT— ST WENCESLAUS, SEPTEMBER 26 Website………………………….…………… St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church (15353 Pacific St, Omaha) invites music STRIVE (BREAK FREE FROM PORNOGRAPHY) lovers of all ages to our free organ concert, featuring GrammyR Phone………….………….…….…..…….…1R800R588R1422 nominated Jan Kraybill on our new Casavant Organ. This concert will Website………………………………….……… take place Sunday, September 26 at 7 PM. “It was the most variety I've WOMEN’S CENTER FOR ADVANCEMENT ever heard from our precious organ, and Jan's programming and (DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, ETC.) explanaons added so much to our enjoyment. ” V Audience Member, 24/7 Hotline….………….….…..…….…….402R345R7273 Website…………………………………… Fairfield, IA 

10 | September 5, 2021 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Gretna Chapel 11710 Standing Stone Drive (402) 332-4770 - Tax Preparation -Insurance Come visit our friendly pharmacy staff! Mark Hintz, Owner -Estate Planning -Investments Hours: Mon-Fri 9-7 • Sat 9-5 • Sun 11-3 Gretna, NE 68028 COMPLETE

108 E. GLENMORE DR. AUTO & LIGHT TRUCK 402-334-6708 11422 Miracle Hills Dr. Call: 402-332-3531-Gretna 611 N Highway 6 Gretna 402.332.5990 332-0090 GRETNA, NE 68028 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Ambassador Real Estate Mark Allgood Realtor® HUBBLE REICHERT DDS Parishioner 402-905-2880 402-490-7326 Cell [email protected] 11812 Standing Stone Blvd. • Gretna Make the A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC right NUCCA Chiropractic NonSurgical Spinal Decompression Dr. Drew Drummond ROOFINGc a| SIDINGl l| GUTTERS! Parishioner 402.932.3400 402.289.4316 144th & Stony Brook Blvd

Kristin McGregor, M.D. St. Patrick’s Parishioner Katie Vollmuth, M.D. Children’s Physicians, Gretn a 11856 Standing Stone Drive 402-955-6630 ET LA CARP ND 4301 Industrial Ave. “27th & Superior” Lincoln’s Premier Floor Covering Outlet (402) 467-6363

Ambassador | Real Estate Jacki Ehmke | Realtor Parishioner 402-616-7212 | [email protected] LOCALLY NATIONALLY GLOBALLY KNOWN RECOGNIZED RESPECTED


HydroSeeding • Sodding UNITY PATRIOTISM Lawn Sprinkler Installation & Service Commercial & Residential Knights of Columbus “From Lots to Acres – We Cover It All” 100% Full Satisfaction Guarantee Gretna Council #10047 Serving Our Parish Community GRAND KNIGHT - Jim Hain John Roll 402-981-8831 • [email protected] (402) 332-4506 • Mobile: 690-8726 Mission Village Animal Clinic

Dave Hubert KATHERINE KNAKE, DVM Parishioner BETH SOULLIERE, DVM (402) 660-8780 894-5550 • 16843 “Q” St. For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Patrick, Gretna, NE B 4C 02-0793 Hartnett CPA Services, P.C. HAWKINS ROOFING CFO-to-Go, Accounting Ambassador Real Estate & Tax Services - Christina Reinig Commercial • Residential • Industrial • Churches Business & Personal ® Andrew Consbruck, PT, DPT, PRC - Parishioner Realtor “All Work Guaranteed” Joe Hartnett Parishioner Nate Dickes, PT, DPT - Parishioner 402-558-8198 36 Years Experience • Omaha Based 402-690-4347 Standing Stone Plaza (402) 677-7099 [email protected] 402.905.9089 Serving Omaha Area For [email protected] 731-6322 New Clients Welcome! Over 50 Years Chris Batliner Parishioner KIRK W ROHMAN, AGENT Phone: 402.812.1499 620 N HWY 6, STE C 11922 I St, Omaha GRETNA, NE 68028 Religious Greeting Cards Office: 402-332-4727 NE 68137 Fax: 402-332-3861 For All Occasions E-mail: [email protected] No Cost Consultation- I Can Help You Website: Access Anytime: 1-800-MYAMFAM (800-692-6326) Better Understand Your Medicare Options 402-332-5166 TRADE WELL PALLET, INC.

Shops of Legacy 168th & Center Ph: 402-332-3500

896-1246 22801 Fairview Road P.O. Box 310 Grenta, NE 68028 EVERY DAY IS GAMEDAY LYNDEL SPURGEON REALTOR/PARISHIONER

• NOW OPEN! • [email protected] 402.960.7271 Custom Designed Labels Dr. Jay Kocian - Parishioner Commercial • Industrial - Remodel 20024 Glenmore Dr #105 • Gretna Nienaber BERKSHIRE 402-331-1180 4427 S 139th St. • Omaha, NE 68137 HATHAWAY HomeServices 402.916.9300 • 402-933-3322 Check out our... Storm Proof Roof!

James O’Brien, dds Ken Beckman % ® 2 to St. Patrick’s Church! REALTOR - Parishioner 208 W Gruenther Road (402) 934-8999 402-957-5491 402-330-0911 [email protected] 5040 S. 153rd St Omaha, NE Jamie Pflug Safe, Comfortable, & Carole Carraher-Pflug Predictably Successful

All Types of Roofing, Siding & Gutters • Implant Rehabilitation of Your Smile The Area’s Most Experienced 826 Village Square • Dental Extractions Stone-Coated Metal Roof Company! • Complex Bone Grafting/Augmentations 7805 W. Center Road 332-4808 Wind, Fire & Hail Resistant “Next Time You Need a Roof, Make it the LASTIME” [email protected]

8802 South 121st Street La Vista, NE 68128 Office: (402) 339-2666 Fax: (402) 339-5824 Website:

Gretna Family Counseling Contact Kjirsten Finnegan Specializing in: Anxiety, Depression, Divorce Care, Grief, Stress, Family Conflicts, to place an ad today! Relationship Conflicts, Parent- ing, House Calls. [email protected] or Making Life Better... Joanie Hansen, MA, LIMHP 620 North Hwy 6, Suite D, Gretna (800) 950-9952 x2659 (402) 215-3038 [email protected]

Specialized Care for Infants, Children & Young Adults Mark Hauptman Bryan Hohenstein, D.D.S. Matthew Schieber, D.D.S. Parishioner Parish Rick Carstens, D.D.S. Bryce Cushing, D.D.S. 402-916-9500 Discounts Amanda Snyder, D.D.S.

402.330.5535 180th & Harrison Lawn Care & Fertilization • Landscape Design 402-203-6193 168th & Maple Installation and Maintenance Jon and Traci Miller For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Patrick, Gretna, NE A 4C 02-0793