BEKI BULLETIN Monthly Newsletter of Congregation BethEl - Keser Israel, a Full-Service Synagogue for Greater New Haven Jewry March 1995 JNI'G.n rnJ-JN n'J P"P il")'GJn J 11N-\JJ'll


Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jews homes to share the holiday with others. This is a of Persia from the danger of annihilation. It is both wonderful opportunity to let them know that they are a sad time and an occasion to celebrate. We observe remembered by the BEKI community. the serious side of the holiday by fasting on Ta'anit Purim is a time of active celebration. We are all Esther, giving tzedaka, and encouraged to go to shu! wearing costumes and come carefuJJy listening to the read­ up with creative methods of noisily blotting out the ing of the MegiJJah in the name of the wicked one. The students of the United evening and morning (March Hebrew School will conduct their annual Purim 15 at 6:00PM and March 16 Carnival on March 19th at the at 7:00AM). We observe the Westville Synagogue in con­ joyousness of deliverance by junction with the members dressing in costumes, send­ of BEKI Kadima, BEKI ing gifts of food, and eating a USY, and NCSY. Purim feast, including We try to erase the hamataschen. actions of our enemies with Once again, BEKI is loud noises, but the surest sponsoring a Purim Mishloah way to eradicate their influ­ Manot project. You have ence is by giving tzedaka already received your expla­ and doing good deeds. Share nation form, so please be sure to send it in. We the holiday with friends who are unaffiliated, and particularly want to remember those members of invite them and their families to join us in shul. BEKI-and others-who are unable to leave their Enjoy a happy and peaceful Purim! -R.S.

Questions About Purim I. Who were: Mordechai,Esther,Ahasuerus, Vashti, 7. How long did Esther fast and why? Haman, Zeresh, and Vaizatha? 8. What is Shushan? 2. Who were Bigthana and Teresh? 9. What is Shushan Purim? 3. What was Ahasuerus's cure for insomnia? 4. Who did the king delight to honor and why? The answers to these questions and many more 5. How was this person honored? interesting facts will be revealed in shu! on March 6. Why is the holiday called Purim? 15th at 6:00 PM. Office Hours Office hours for the synagogue are: Monday -Thursday 9 AM-3 PM Friday 9 AM-noon Deadlines for Submitting Material for Publication For the BEKI Bulletin, submit your material by the I st of the month for the following month. ' ~ For mid-month flyer mailings, submit your material to the office by the 15th of the month. How to Contact the BEKI Bulletin Please submit your material ON TIME. Responses to "A Message from Rabbi Tilsen," questions for "Dear Rabbi" and Letters to the Editor Food Deliveries can be sent to: Editor, BEKI Bulletin, 85 Harrison If food is being brought into the synagogue for the weekend (Friday night or Saturday morning), it must be Street, New Haven, CT 06515 or by email to delivered by II :00 AM on Friday. jj tilsen@ New Security System Donations tor Rabbi's Tzedaqa Fund The new security system of the BEKI Synagogue is now If you are making a donation to the Rabbi's Tzedaqa in force. To gain admittance to the building, on Harrison Fund, please be sure to make the check out to "Rabbi's St. during office hours, ring the door bell at the front door, Tzedaqa Fund" and send it to the attention of the Rabbi. next to the dri veway.

Beth EI-Keser Israel Board of Directors BEKI Bulletin The newsletter is published monthly by Milton Smirnoff President Congregation Beth EI- Keser Israel Janet Brown Vice-President for the benefit of its members. Gloria Cohen Vice-President Congregation Beth EI- Keser Israel is affiliated with the Steven Fraade Vice President/Ritual Committee United Synagogue of . Rob Emert Secretary Steve Wizner Treasurer/Liason To contribute articles or for inquiries regarding Bernard Volain Financial Secretary Adele Tyson Sisterhood President membership, donations, or special activities, Saul Bell Men's Club President call the Synagogue office (203) 389-2108, or write to Inge and Lenny Fish Singles and Doubles 85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515. Natan Weinstein Education Committee For information about advertising, George Posener House and Maintenance Committee call the synagogue office. Alan Gelbert Cemetery Committee Deadline for submission of ads or articles Jaye Seta Hesed Committee is the 1st of the month preceding publication. Roger Hess Hesed Committee Annual Subscription is $36.00. Darryl Kuperstock Youth Commission Rebecca Emert Membership Committee BEKI Bulletin Kenneth Braffman Jay Brown Herbert Etkind © 1995 Congregation Beth EI- Keser Israel. Diane Dumigan Tina Rose Louis Goodwin A Message from Rabbi Ti lsen & Dear Rabbi Gail Korman Harold Saslow Paul Goodwin Marilyn Gluck Mimi Kahn David Sagerman ©Jon-Jay Tilsen. All rights reserved. Elma Guttenberg Rob Leikind Nadav Seta Paulette Lehrer Mikki Ratner Adele Tyson Editor Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen Harriet Barstein Amy Margolis Andrew Weinstein President Milton Smirnoff Jay Brotman Donna Wardle Production Editor Rita Sela Laura Yakerson Advertisement Editor Linda Schultz Myra Myers Office Manager Printer Goodcopy Linda Caplan Secretary

2 BEKI Bulletin March 1995 The Problem of Purim

With only a few more shopping days before Purim elicits two strongly conflicting yet sin­ Purim, I'm facing the difficult decision of what to cerely heartfelt emotions. We are horrified at the wear to the Megilla reading. I can't wear a fake attempted destruction of our people, but we are beard, because I already have a real beard. If I wear ovetjoyed that the attempt failed. a giant nose, nobody will notice the difference. And At the same time, we must reflect on the other since I've put on a few pounds, I can't fit into my problem with Purim- the violent rampage of re­ gorilla suit. venge our ancestors wreaked against their neighbors Purim is surely one of the most delightful holi­ (atleast according to theMegilla). It was this account days on the calendar. Purim is celebrated by making that tipped the mental imbalance of the Jewish man noise, playing games, feasting, reading the Megilla who committed the massacre in Hebron last year at and using a mind-altering substance. Purim is a Purim. Even if Purim is supposed to be a farce, it is happy holiday. now harder than ever to find it amusing. But there is. also a very serious side of Purim: For this reason, the mirthful celebration of Purim Oh! Once there was a wicked, wicked man, by itself would be almost offensive. That is why we And Haman. was his name, sir. observe the Fast of Esther, Taanit Esther, the day He would have murdered all the Jews before Purim. From the morning until afternoon or Though they were not to blame, sir. evening, we observe a half-day fast, just as Esther Oh, today we'll merry merry be. observed a fast when the fate of her people hung in Purim is an observance of attempted genocide. the balance. When we observe the Fast of Esther For a generation growing up in the ashes ofAuschwitz, beginning Wednesday morning 15 February, we there is nothing amusing about attempted genocide. solemnly commit ourselves to making a world where How then can we celebrate Purim with mirth? genocide is unknown, where all people enjoy their The obvious answer is that we are celebrating the God-given human rights. failure of the genocide attempt. If our happiness is in I believe that it is psychologically and spiritually proportion to the stakes involved, then Purim rightly crucial for us to observe both sides of Purim. We is one of our most joyous celebrations. need-and perhaps deserve-the joyous celebration Correct as this answer may be, it doesn't fully ofPurim. But we also need the serious side of Purim. take into account the depths of feeling associated And that is the Fast of Esther, a day of somber with the somber side of our brush with national reflection and action against war and genocide. destruction. Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen

Kashrut Advisory For Expectant Parents American Choice Vegetarian Beans bear an The next meeting of "LaMaazel-the Jewish unauthorized OU and are not kosher. Spiritual Way of Childbirth" will be held on Sunday 19 March at 4:00PM at the Benson-Tilsen residence Kellogg's Low Fat Granola is Dairy. in Westville. Betty Crocker Super Moist Cake Mixes have been LaMaazel is a program for expectant parents and reformulated and are now Dairy. others to share their concerns and explore the Jewish approach to pregnancy and birth. If you would like All foods (including salads) prepared in-store at the to attend or know of someone who might like an Westville Kosher Meat Market are to be invitation, please contact Rabbi Tilsen at 389-2108. considered Meat. They should not be served with dairy foods.

March 1995 BEKI Bulletin 3 Dear Rabbi, was worse. They never envisioned that people would I know that the Conservative movement said it is think that it was permitted to drive altogether, or that okay to drive on Shabbat, but I for one don't want to. people would reasonably conclude that if they could Yet, the synagogue is a bit too far to walk. Can I ride drive to shu!, they could drive to perform other a bike and still keep the rules of the Sabbath? significant mitzvas. Their permission turned out to Signed, At the Limit be a very slippery slope indeed. Notwithstanding the deficiencies in the Rabbis' Dear Limit, approach (from both traditional and liberal view­ The outlook you describe represents that of many points), let us consider your solution of riding a bike. of our neighbors. They don't want to drive to shu! It appears that a bike has several advantages over a AND they don't want to walk. That is exactly what car. Unlike driving a car, a bike does not involves the they do. kindling of fire, which is a biblical prohibition. It was never stated by the Conservative move­ Driving often entails handling "muqtza," items ment that it is permitted to drive on Shabbat. What which may not be touched or carried on shabbat, such was stated in 1950 was that many Jews live in places as a purse or wallet, money, and credit cards. One where the only way to get to shul- not the shopping may have to buy gas, which is also prohibited on mall, not the laundry, not the movies- was to drive, Shabbat. Driving tempts us to stop at the laundry, and since their spiritual health and identity as Jews grocery, or do other shopping. These are much less may have depended on their coming to shu!, we likely to happen with a bike. should not object if they drive directly to and from. On the other hand, bicycles are apt to require shut, on condition that they make no stops on the repairs, which may entail Shabbat violations. Bikes, way. like cars, may lead us to travel outside of the eruv or In places where Jews (of all affiliations) were to carry outside of the eruv. already driving to shu!, it seemed hypocritical to rope In short, bikes do infringe on Shabbat prohibi­ off the parking lot and have them park a block away. tions, but clearly not to the same degree as cars. The choice facing the Rabbis seemed to be: they Consider moving closer to the shu!. As someone come by car or they don't come, and the Rabbis who has moved three times in the last four years, I do wanted them to come. It seemed preferable to violate not make this suggestion lightly. But if you care the prohibitions of driving than to have much of the enough about fully experiencing Shabbat and about religious fabric of life fall apart. halakha to ask your question, then you ought to At the time they stated, "the program that we consider the value of living in the community's propose is not to be regarded as the full and complete neighborhood. Several BEKI families consciously regimen ofSabbath observance, valid for all Jews for relocated specifically so that they would be in easy all times and for all places. On the contrary, it is walking distance of the SI1Ul. aimed to meet the particular situation that confronts As for your own decision, you must consider us." They further emphasized, "It should be under­ your health, the state of repair of your bicycle, and stood that in their wisdom and in light of the condi­ your religious outlook. Whether you come by tions prevailing in their respective communities, Schwinn or Chevy, we are always happy to see you · individual rabbis may find the easements here pro­ in shu!. posed unnecessary for the achievement of the larger goal herein envisaged." This permission was misunderstood. The rabbis All Letters to Dear Rabbi should be addressed to who articulated this stance in the 1950s only meant Rabbi 1-1 van Tilsen; care ofthis newsletter. Due to that they would not object to driving to shu!, because the volume of mail received, Dear Rabbi cannot they believed the alternative of not going to shu! at all answer all inquiries.

4 BEKI Bulletin March 1995 BEKI Building Fund Beth El-Keser Israel is seeking contributions construction, architecture, insurance, and engineer­ toward a $1.2 million building fund to insure the ing. continuing maintenance and operation of the BEKI Your gift to the BEKI Building Fund will allow facility. Situated in the historic Westville area of BEKI to continue serving the spiritual needs of the New Haven, Beth El-Keser Israel is a landmark Greater New Haven Jewish Community for the next building with the scenic West Rock as a backdrop. generations. Our immediate goal of $110,000 must The Building Fund will assure that the physical be met by this summer to pay for the Restoration beauty of the building matches the sublime spiritual work that by necessity has already begun. community within. We are pleased to add the following BEKI mem­ Recalling the days when our ancestors gave bers to our growing list of people who are donating generously to support the Temple in Jerusalem, the to the Building Fund. Can we include your name next mitzvah ofBedek HaBayit, caring for the building, is month? one that today means that the Synagogue's mission Paul & Carole Bass can be carried out in a dignified, beautiful and well­ Saul & Hope Bell maintained structure in which we can take pride. Ken & Linda Buckman BEKI has undertaken a $110,000 Restoration Steve & Gail Korman Project to replace all five roof segments and to repair Rabbi Murray & Malke Levine and restore the brickwork. Under the guidance of Gerald & Judith Oppenheim George Posener and the Building Committee, this Dan & Sharon Prober work is the necessary first step toward a significant Belle Reese Renovation of the facility currently being planned. Howard & Pearl Weinick Beth El-Keser Israel's funds and endowments Wilbur Witten are managed by a team of conservative, talented and Ronald Zlotoff committed professionals from the financial and legal communities. In addition, some investments and Please give generously. funds are managed by the Jewish Foundation of New Haven and by the New Haven Foundation. The building care and maintenance is overseen by a group Matching Grants of committed community members with expertise in Many Connecticut employers will match charitable contributions by employees. If your Refua Shelema employer might match your contributions to BEKI, 11~~~ 11N1!:t, please let us know and we will be happy to assist you in the process.

Edward Mattler Sol Reichenthal Rivercliff Fuel, Inc. l 08 River cliff Drive Kosher Club Coupon Books Milford, CT Kosher Club coupon books are now available at 877-9101 50% off their original price. Originally $20, they are now only $10, and expiration has been extended to All your fuel needs August 1, 1995. They contain coupons forresaurants, for home and business wines, deli products and, general household goods. Reserve your book by calling 389-2108 today.

March 1995 BEKJ Bulletin 5 Speakers & Darshanim in March Haftara Class

Paul Bass Learn the musical system of the Haftara. BEKI Paul Bass is a journalist and columnist for the member Amy Pincus will conduct a class at BEKI on New Haven Advocate. He is a BEK.I member and a Monday 6 March at 7:30 pm. Bring your tape frequent participant in the Children's Shabbat Havura. recorder. He Jjves in Westville. Paul will be the Guest Speaker Recommended contribution is $4 for those who on Friday Night 3 March at 8:00PM. when he will register in advance, $5 for those who contribute at the speak on "The Model City Revisited." door. Call 389-2108 to register. Elaine Braffman Elaine Braffman works at lnfoLine and serves on Beyond Alef-Bet the New Haven Board of Alderman. She is a BEKl Hebrew Language Class member and lives in the Beaver Hill neighborhood. Go beyond alef-bet with a basic Hebrew class Elaine will be the Guest Speaker on Friday 10 March taught by BEK.I member Ellen Jawitz. This eight­ at the 8:00PM service when she will speak on "New week introductory course will cover the elements of Haven's Urban Challenges." basic Hebrew common to the modern, prayerbook, Susan Wall and Biblical language. Classes begin Wednesday 8 Susan Wall is a Jewish Educator serving as March at 7:30pm. Registration fee is $10 for BEKI Education Director at B'nai Jacob in Woodbridge. members and $20 for non-members plus texts. Call Susan is a BEKI member who lives in Jerusalem, 389-2108 to register. visiting in Westville this year. She will lead the Torah Discussion on Shabbat Morning 11 March. Israeli Dancing

Rabbi Alan Lovins We are looking for people who are interested in Rabbi Alan Lovins, a Connecticut native, has participating in-or perhaps leading-Israeli Danc­ served in pulpits in Connecticut and as a chaplain in ing classes here at BEKI. The group would meet in Germany. A BEKI member, Alan is a Docent for the the evening. Yale Department of Psychology and works as a If you are interested, please call the synagogue at clinical psychologist in private practice. He will lead 389-2108. When you call, please let us know which the Torah Discussion on Shabbat Morning 18 March. evening would be best for you. Richard Schottenfeld Richard Schottenfeld is Associate Professor of Rabbi Murray Levine Psychiatry at the Yale School ofMedicine and Direc­ Rabbi Murray Levine is Rabbi Emeritus of tor of the Substance Abuse Center. In addition, he is Temple Beth Sholom in Framingham, Massachu­ the Chief Executive Officer of the APT Foundation. setts and serves as the Jewish Chaplain at the Hospi­ Richard is a BEKI member who lives in Hamden. tal of St. Raphael. He was ordained at Jhe Jewish Richard will be the Guest Speaker on Friday 24 Theological Seminary of America. He is a BEKI March at the 8:00PM service. He will speak on "The member and lives in Westville. War on Drugs and the Urban Crisis." Dr. Levine is our Scholar in Residence for the IIana Biton Shabbat of 31 March - I Apri I. He will be the Guest Ilana Biton is a Jewish Educator visiting from Speaker at the Men's Club Shabbat on Friday Night Jerusalem for this year. She is teaching at Ezra 31 March at8:00 PM when he will present "Moses & Academy and is the BEKI USY Advisor. She will His Mishpaha- a Sociodrama." On Shabbat Morn­ lead the Torah Discussion on Shabbat Morning 25 ing 1 April he will lead a shiur on "The Seder: From March. its Beginnings Until Today."

6 BEKI Bulletin March 1995 March April 3 Friday 6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat Service 1 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service 8:00 PM Late Evening Service Darshan: Rabbi Murray Levine Speaker: Paul Bass 10:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura 4 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service 10:45 AM Learners Minyan 1 0:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura 5:45 PM Minha 10:45 AM Learners' Minyan 3 Monday 7:30 AM Rashi Study Group 5:30 PM Minha TBA Sisterhood Dinner 6:15 PM Maariv & Havdala 5 Wed 7:30 PM Beyond Alef-Bet: Ellen Jawitz 6 Monday 7:45AM Rashi Study Group 7 Friday 6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM Haftara Workshop with Amy 8:00 PM Late Evening Service Pincus 8 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service 8 Wed 7:30 PM Beyond Alef-Bet: Hebrew with 10:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura Ellen Jawitz 10:45 AM Junior Minyan 10 Friday 6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat 5:45 PM Minha 8:00 PM Late Evening Service 10 Monday 7:45 AM Rashi Study Group Speaker: Elaine Braffman 12 Wed 7:30 PM Beyond Alef-Bet: Ellen Jawitz 11 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service 14 Friday 7:00 AM Siyyum Bekhorot Darshanit: Susan Wall 6:45 PM Minha & Maariv AT RABBI'S 10:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura HOUSE 10:45 AM Junior Minyan 15 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service 5:30 PM Minha Darshan: Steve Fraade 6:22 PM Maariv & Havdala 10:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura 12 Sunday 9:30AM Mitqarvim: Drawing Closer to 10:45 AM Learners Minyan Torah 5:45 PM Minha 13 Monday 7:45AM Rashi Study Group 16 Sunday 9:00AM Festival Morning Service 15 Wed Taanit Esther 17 Monday 7:45 AM Rashi Study Group 5:45 PM Minha Service 19 Wed 7:30 PM Beyond Alef-Bet: Ellen Jawitz 6:00 PM Megilla Reading 20 Thurs 5:45 PM Minha 16 Thu 7:00 AM Megilla Reading 6:00 PM Festival Maariv 17 Friday 6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat Service 21 Friday 6:00PM Minha & Festival Maariv 8:00 PM Late Evening Service 22 Shabbat 9:45 AM Morning Service 18 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service Yizkor Memorial Service Darshan: Rabbi Alan Lovins Sacred Scroll Cover Dedication 1 0:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura 10:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura 1 0:45 AM Learners' Minyan 10:45 AM Junior Minyan 5:45 PM Minha 23 Sunday 2:00 PM Holocaust Memorial Service 6:30 PM Maariv & Havdala 24 Monday 7:45AM Rashi Study Group 19 Sunday 4:00 PM LaMaazel at Benson-Tilsen's 26 Wed 7:30 PM Beyond Alef-Bet: Ellen Jawitz 20 Monday 7:45AM Rashi Study Group 25 Tuesday 2:00 PM Registration due for Shabbat 22 Wed 7:30 PM Beyond Alef-Bet: Ellen Jawitz Dinner 24 Friday 6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat Service 28 Friday 6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat 8:00 PM Late Evening Service 6:40 PM Dinner by Reservation Speaker: Richard Schottenfeld 29 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service 25 Shabbat 9:15AM Morning Service Darshan: Neil Cogan Darshanit: Ilana Biton 10:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura 10:45 AM Children's Shabbat Havura 10:45 AM Learners Minyan 10:45 AM Junior Minyan 5:45 PM Minha Shabbat 6:38 PM Maariv & Havdala begins at candle lighting: ends: 26 Sunday 9:30AM Men's Club Breakfast 3 March 5:26 6:15 27 Monday 7:45AM Rashi Study Group 29 Wed 7:30 PM Beyond Alef-Bet: Ellen Jawitz 10March 5:34 6:22 31 Friday 6:00 PM Qabbalat Shabbat Service 17 March 5:42 6:30 8:00 PM Late Evening Service 24 March 5:49 6:38 Men's Club Shabbat 31 March 5:49 6:38 Speaker: Rabbi Murray Levine

March 1995 BEKJ Bulletin 7 Beth El-Keser Israel * * * March 1995 Adar 1-Adar II 5755 ,-----·------·---~~------~~==·======:====~======:~=:======~======~~======~ Sur.d :~y Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thur·s,jay Friday Saturday ,.------29 Adar I 30 Adar I 1 P..dar II :£· Adar II $ervice Times;. Use gift certificates P.osh-<:heod·~sh. Ro~h-C h•lde!;h. PekudE!i Sunday 9:00 am_ everytime you shop. Services 6 . 8 pm . 5ervi ces 9: 15 am . 6ood at Stop & Shop. Gue-st Speaker·: P:3ul Children's Havura & Mon-Fri 7:00 am_ Shop- RHe. West­ Ba5s Learne-rs· Minyan Sun-Thur 5:45pm. ville Kosher Meat. 10:£15 am. & Waldbaum·s. l"lincha 5:30 pm. 1 2 pm. 3 1'1aariv 6: 15 pm . 4 ~·------~·--·-y------115:26 3 Adar II Ll .A. d :~r II 5 Adar II 6 Adar II 7 Adar II 8 Adar II 9 Adar ll Va-Yikra Zachor· SE!rvice-s 9: 15 7:£15 am.·· l------~:------~------~------~------~~~----~----~~~----~----~ 10 Adar II 11 Adar II 12 P.. d:~r II I~. Adar II 14 Adar II 15 A.dar II 16 Ad:~r II Tz. 8 prn . Parah ~.e1'vi ces 9 : 15 4:00 prn. Lar1aazel at 7:45 am . - l. 8 pm . Take Tlme out 9:3•) arn . - t · len· ~; Club 7 :45 am ... Rashi 7 ::3(> pm. - Beyond r1en's Clut• Shat.bat for God and Bro::a~ fa st Study Gr o•Jp AleH~el: Hebrew Gue-st. Spe

The Men's Club sponsored congregation break­ Mark this date on your calendar, our sale is fast on January 15 had a surprise guest speaker. We scheduled for Sunday and Monday, May 7th & 8th. had planned to have as rabbi-in-residence, Rabbi Only clean and wearable spring and summer Benjamin J. Segal, president of the Seminary of clothing, please-no winter clothing!! There's always Judaic Studies in Jerusalem, but he was unable to a demand for costume jewelry, housewares, pictures, make the flight here because of a severe back prob­ toys, small furniture, lamps, small appliances in lem. We were extremely fortunate and privileged to working condition, dishes, etc. have in his place Professor Steven Martin Cohen of You can start bringi ng in your merchandise now. the MeJton Center for Jewish Education at the He­ Remember our rummage sales :ue big fund raisers brew University, who had just arrived from Israel. for Sisterhood. Steve was for many years a member of our congregation until he made Aliyah in 1992, and now is again a member while teaching at Queen's College Food Gift Certificate Program during his sabbatical year here. He specializes in the We Need You!! You Count!! study of contemporary , focusing on such issues as intermarriage, Jewish identity, educa­ What is it? tion, and relations with Israel. It's an ongoing fund raising program for An audience of about 40 congregants listened BEKI which costs you absolutely nothing! with great interest to Steve's description of the changes Why should you participate? that are occurring in the attitude of Israelis toward Because BEKI needs your financial support. American Jews. He said Israelis believe that lan­ guage and the land make them Jews and unfortu­ Everyone eats, right? nate ly American Jews cannot have that same kind of We have food gift certificates for leading identity, nor really know the complexity of Jewish supermarkets that are used like cash. When you I i fe in Israel. There is strong confidence that they can redeem your certificates, you will purchase their make it on their own and some resentment of gratu­ value in groceries, prescriptions, stamps, dry itous advice and uninformed opinions on what to do. cleaning, shoe repair, or whatever the store sells. An extended and wide ranging discussion followed Your manufacturers coupons will be honored, in which Steve answered questions frankly and infor­ and BEKI gets a percentage of what you spend. matively. Remembe,.- We had to write this before the Joint Breakfast While you are shopping and with little effort with Sisterhood on February 19, so we could not on your part, you are helping BEKI financially review Dr. Alan Gelbert's slide program "England and painlessly. The participating stores are: Swings-London and the Countryside." This will be Stop & Shop, Shop-Rite, Waldbaum 's and in the April Bulletin. The next congregation break­ Westville Kosher Market. The certificates fast sponsored by the Men's Club will be on March come in denominations of: $ 10, $20, and $50. 29. The speaker will be announced in our flier. We will celebrate Men's Club Shabbat this year How can you buy gift certificates? at the 8:00PM service, Friday night, March 31. Our Call Mimi Kahn (387-8 I 05) or Mikki Ratner guest speaker will be Rabbi Murray Levine. (387-7882) or the synagogue (389-2108). We Shalom, even deliver. Can' L we add your name to the Saul Bell growing list of congregants and friends who Men's Clu b President regularly purchase and use food gift certificates?

March 1995 BEKI Bulletin 9 Some Notes from the BEKI Board Violet Ludwig will be honored as the Sisterhood Woman ofV a lor at the annual Book of Life 1u ncheon Bad news and good news. The bad news is that in May. Please contact Adele Tyson, Sisterhood someone broke into the building through the window President, for more information. in Rabbi Tilsen's study. This bypassed the alarm Paulette Lehrer is in the process of developing system until the perpetrator went through the double a list of possible candidates for the general and doors aiming to get at the Gift Shop. The good news executive boards ofBEKI for the coming year. Ifyou is that the alarm at that point frightened the person would like to recommend someone, please call her. away, and nothing of value was taken. Of course, The Rosh HaShana committee has already made damage was done and was i·epaired. The security excellent progress in organizing details for welcom­ system is being reviewed. If you would like to ing the new year 5756. contribute to the costs of enhancing our security, Darryl Kupet·stock, Youth Commission Chair, please contact the synagogue office. reported that the USY Deli-Box fundraiser was a Lori Yakerson is chairing a simple and, we success and thanks all who supported the efforts of hope, profitable fundraiser for BEKI-a raffle for a the USYers. Kadima held a very well-attended Tu year's free membership! Raffle tickets will be sent B'Shevat seder at Discovery Zone in January which out in a separate mailing. welcomed many prospective new members. - R.E. Kevin Mack, Musical Director, has purchased an electronic keyboard for use during Friday evening services. If you would like to underwrite this ex­ United Synagogue Convention pense, please call the synagogue office. New tax laws require receipts for individual The United Synagogue is holding a convention donati~ns in excess of $250. Myra Myers, Office November2-6 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, Manager, has prepared and mailed these receipts for DC. For information, call212-533-7800, ext. 2611. 1994. STAR TIRE & AUTO REPAIR, Inc. Guaranteed Lowest Prices on All Brands of Tires RoBERT E. SHuRE, INc. Mag and Custom Wheels Funeral Home Fast, Courteous Service Huge Inventory Dedicated to the Dignity Full-Service Auto Repair and Respect of Tradition ASE Certified Mechanics Always on Duty Free Estimates 543 George Street • New Haven 562-8244 934-7964 40 Orange Avenue Robert E. Shure James M. Shure West Haven, CT Hours: . • Money ~MC ~ M, T,W, F 8.00-5.30 Express ~ ~ Thurs. 8:00- 8:00 ~ Sat. 8:00-3:00 Firestone ~ I Disc I 90 days same as cash

10 BEKI Bulletin March 1995 BEKI Scholar-In-Residence Shabbat Wall to Speak on Jewish Education

Save the date! On Friday 3 1 March and Shabbat On the evening of March 30 at B'nai Jacob 1 April, Rabbi Murray Levine wilJ be our Scholar­ Synagogue, Susan Wall , B'nai Jacob's Educational In-Residence. Director, will discuss the issue of Jewish education. On Friday Night, Rabbi Levine will be the speaker Her topic will be "Jewish Education-For What?" at the Men's Club Shabbat Service at 8:00PM when he Dr. Wall, whoisamemberofBEKI, wiJJexaminethe will present "Moses &HisMishpaha-a Sociodrama." different perspectives of leading educators and apply On Shabbat Morning he wilJ be the darshan and he them to the practicalities of our congregational will lead a shiur on "The Seder: From its Beginnings schools. Until Today." Following the morning service, the entire community is invited to a qiddush-luncheon marking this occasion. ORT Party Planning Showcase The SULAM Challenge Women's American ORT wiJJ be holding its The SULAM Challenge (March 23-26 in Saddle Thjrd Party Planning Showcase on Sunday, March Brook, NJ), is an excellent Leadership Training 12, at the Trumbull Marriott Hotel, exit 52 off the program for synagogue Vice-Presidents. The Merritt Parkway. The event will run from 11 AM to Connecticut Valley Region of United Synagogue is 4 PM and the admission is free. offering a $50 subsidy for those who attend. If you Learn how to plan the perfect party, wedding, are interested, please call Cindy in the Regional Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or other special occasion. Bring office (203/563-5531) as soon as possible to begin the whole family. Talk to photographers, florists, the application process. Your participation will caterers, etc. For more information, call 389-6407. strengthen our congregation.

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March 1995 BEKI Bulletin II Yahrzeit Fund Synagogue Fund Donated By: In Memory of: In Memory of Donald Yazgoor by Anna Goldberg. Morton Adams Louis Adams In Memory of Donald Yazgoor by Steve & Gail Romer Hyman Haves Max Haves Korman. Lois Brownstein David X. Brown In Memory of Freda Arotsky by Louis & Harriet Pearlin. Claire Arrick Sam Arrick In Memory of Freda Arotsky by Mrs. Thelma Kugel!. Judith Weingarden Norman Kamerman In Honor of Louis Hodes by Abe & Norma Hodes. Lewis Kaufman Diane Lee Kaufman In Memory of Mrs. Rocklen by Milton & Bea Smirnoff. Myrna Katz Esther Reinstein In Memory of Mrs. Rock len by Mildred Lidsky. Marty Haves Max Haves In Memory of Arthur Spiegel by Bud & Claire Volain. Helen & Maurice Miller Sophie Olenik In Memory of Norma Rader by Bud & Claire Volain. Michael & Anita Malina Morris Oppenheim Wishing a Speedy Recovery to Norman Sands by Milton & Rose & George Feen Pauline Glass Bea Smirnoff. Nathan Dobin Paul Dobin In Memory of Morris Buckman by Mi lton & Bea Smirnoff. Diane Hoberman Benjamin Levine In Memory of Morris "Poppy" auckman by Ivan & Rita Ruth Abeshouse Jordan Abeshouse Sachs & family. Grace Geisinger Louis Goldberg In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Hyla Greenberg, Abe & Grace Geisinger Jacob Cohen Marion Goldstein. Joyce Bohnen Morris Oppenheim In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Claire & Bud Volain. James Weinstein Edward Weinstein In Memory of Sidney Cushen by David & Doris Sagerman. Susan & Philip Voigt Edith & Harry Boehm In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Milton & Bea Smirnoff. Lillian Weinberg Sarah Miller In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Grace Geisinger. Mr. & Mrs. David Nabatoff Irving Nabatoff In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Jack & Laura Yakerson. Shirl ey Halprin Benjamin & Rebecca Yankeloff In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Rose & George Feen. Gerald & Judith Oppenheim Morris Oppenheim In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Martin & Regina Faymann. Ivy Diamond & Sara Rosenthal David Diamond In Memory of Frank Koenigsberg by Mil ton & Bea Ruth Malt in Annie Cohen Smirnoff. Bette Merriam Rose Vernoff In Memory of Frank Koenigsberg by Norma & Sam Rifkin. Marlene Avi don Esther & Edward Brown Thelma Kugel! Harry Levine Murray E. Kahn Memorial Fund Rose Witten Wilbur Witten In Memory of Sol Lubov by Mikki Ratner. Betty Rogers Joseph Lubin In Memory of Morris Buckman by Mimi Kahn. Ada Fish William Miller In Memory of Sol Lubov by Linda & Ken Buckman. Ada Fish Rachel Miller In Memory of Sol Lubov by Milton & Bea Smirnoff. Bessie Brownstein Leon Rosoff In Memory of Sol Lubov by Helen & Richard Ross. Sherman & Norma Granoff Joseph Samowitz In Memory of Sol Lubov by Claire & Bud Volain. Sophie Hennes Saul Hennes In Memory of Sol Lubov by David & Doris Sagerman. Sheila Clugman Jeanette Clugman In Memory of Sol Lubov by Mimi, Richard & Michael Kahn. Tillie & Edward Horwitz Endowment Fund In Memory of Sol Lubov by Arlene Saybal l. In Memory of Sol Lubov by Tillie Horwitz & Rose Dworski. In Memory of Sol Lubov by Rhonda & Bryce Rooney. Tn Memory of Sidney Cushen by Tillie Horwitz & Rose In Memory of Sol Lubov by Martin & Regina Faymann. Dworski. In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Mimi Kahn. In Memory of Edith Zaientz by Mrs. Edward Horwitz & In Memory of Estelle Pri nce by Mimi Kahn. family. In Memory of Rose Lebowsky by Shirley & Leonard Prayer Book Fund Granoff. In Honor of Lou Hodes on his milestone birthday by Adele Tyson. tl'N!lit tl'!»,,!l Harold Ratner Memorial Fund BEKI Welcomes In Memory of Morris Buckman by Mikki Ratner. New Members and Their Families In Memory of Sidney Cushen by Mikki Ratner. Shoshana Zax Rabbi Andrew Klein Scholarship Fund & John Weiser & Samuel & Ariel From Shifra Zamkov.

12 BEKI Bulletin March 1995 -, · ·' · · Thank You For Your Generous Donations:·,,_,··· .';· ;\ :~·;~:::,~: :j:",.' ·l·~·, :.\.J;::,'."~···.~ __.·,':_:/:

Posener Family Memorial Fund Torah Fund Wishing a Speedy Recovery to Edward Mauler by George Rose Feen, chairman (387-8743) G. Posener. 111195 thru 1131195 Wishing a Speedy Recovery to George Feen by George G. The Seminary produces our Rabbis, Cantors, & Educators. Posener. In Blessed Memory of Freda Arotsky by George G. Posener. Cards for own use Condolences to Mimi Kahn on the loss of her brother Sol Norma Hodes Lubov by George G. Posener. Condolences to Barbara Cushen on the loss of her husband Maznl Tov Sidney Cushen by George G. Posener. To Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Rubin by Adele Tyson. To Rose Feen by Regina & Martin Faymann. Rabbi's Tzedaqa Fund To Eunice & Louis Rogoff by Violet & Charlie Ludwig. Hope & Saul Bell in appreciation for Congregation's & To Ruth Pollowitz by Adele Tyson. Rabbi's prayers Evelyn Benson marking the milestone birthdays of Morton Rejoicing With You Benson & Bob Tilsen To Sharon Rubin by Hyla Greenberg. Mimi Kahn in appreciation To Sy Segel by Adele Tyson. Simon Konoff marking the Yahrzeit of his father Charles Konoff Especially For You David, Pamela, Andrew & Sarah Teitelman in appreciation To Mrs. Jack Konowitz by Grace Geisinger. Laurence Tiven in appreciation for aliya To Mr. & Mrs. Austin Healy by the Goldsteins. Shifra Zamkov in support of Talmud Torah To Sidney Cushen by Rose & George Feen. Sylvia Zeid in memory of her sister Goldie Frances Zeid Louis Friedman Scholarship Fund Thank You In Memory of Louis Friedman by Rabbi Steven & Judy To Myra & Linda by Rose Feen. Kane. Get Well I. J. Frankie Fund To Rose Pergament by Rose & George Feen. In Memory of Harry Schu ltz and Rebecca Miller by Sylvia To Sidney Cushen by Mae & Herb Etkind. Botwinick. To Edward Mattler by Rose & George Feen.

Sympathy To Arotsky Family by Inge, Lenny & Gary Fish, Mimi HAMAQOM YINAHEM Kahn. To Mrs. Shirley Weichbrodt by Marion & Abe Goldstein & tl~U1N tlnl' tllp~11 Hyla Greenberg. We note with sorrow the passing of: To Ruth Swiers by Shirley & Ed Maltier. To Mrs. Arthur Spiegel & Family by Shirley & Ed Maltier. Morris Buckman To Mrs. Norma LeVine by Ruth & Morris Olmer, Harriet & grandfather of Ken Buckman Noel Burstein. To Rader Family by Ruth & Sam Raflowitz. Sol Lubov To Roklen Family bt Mimi Kahn. brother of Mimi Kahn To Robert Rosenberg by Harriet & Noel Barstein. To William Newman by Mollie & Ted Satin & family. Sidney Cushen To Mimi Kahn by Grace Geisinger, Rose & George Feen, husband of Barbara Cushen Adele Tyson, Janet & Jay Brown, Violet & Charlie Ludwig, Marion & Abe Goldberstein & Hyla Greenberg, Irving Mollye Rosenberg Tessel Weinstei n, Eunice & Louis Rogoff. sister of Esther Spector To Barbara Cushen by Janet & Jay Brown, Lillian Levine, Irving Weinstein, Eunice & Louis Rogoff. Mayer Fenig To Li nda Jacobs & Gena Heisner by Lynne & Jeff Heisner, father of Lillian Topf Elsie , Lou & Alan Hodes. To Sidney Berkowitz by Lynne & Jeff Heisner. To Rubin Namiad by Lynne & Jeff Heisner.

March 1995 BEKI Bulletin 13 Talmud Torah Meyuhad Junior Congregation

Generous contributions have been made by A special gift has been made by Shifra Zamkov Mannette Dodge & Neil Cogan and by Stanley and to sponsor the BEKI Junior Congregation for Spring­ Donna Dalnekoff to the Talmud Torah Meyuhad. Aviv 5755. Shifra's leadership and support has TTM is the only supplemental Hebrew School established and continued BEKI' s excellence in youth program for children with special educational needs services. in the Greater New Haven area. Because of their generosity and that of others, this project is proving Opportunities for Ma,asei Hesed to be successful in providing quality education to Jewish Family Service is looking for personal children who would otherwise miss this important care assistants to help individuals in the community component of their spiritual and intellectual growth. with a variety of tasks. These include grocery shop­ Mannette, a BEKI member, is the chairperson of ping, driving to appointments, housekeeping, etc. the Talmud Torah Meyuhad Advisory Counsel. If you are interested please call 389-5599 and Stanley, President of the Westville Synagogue, also speak to Maxine Olderman. serves on the TIM Advisory Counsel. Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers are looking for Needed: Baby volunteers who would be willing to drive people to Changing Tables & High Chairs their doctors' appointments or perhaps spend an hour or two a week visiting shut-ins in their homes. Please BEKI would welcome the donation of changing call Edie at 230-8994 to volunteer. tables and high chairs in good condition.

Congregation Beth EI-Keser Israel Non-Profit Organization 85 Harrison Street U.S. Postage New Haven, CT 06515 PAID Permit #131 New Haven, CT DATED MATERIAL