Pope Benedict XVI a legacy of Truth in love D1 He Fed Us With His Words Bearing Christ, ike so many others, I almost felt unfaithful. L The writings of Pope John Engaging the World Paul II had not only enamored us, they enthralled us. But then, when we began to read Pope Benedict XVI, Benedict Brought Christ-Centered Faith to a Man-Centered Culture was this possible? A prose even more accessible in BY JOAN FRAWLEY DESMOND accessible and appealing to a new generation of its clarity, so moving, so easy to read, would-be disciples. so mystically deep and illuminating? hen Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger How could this be from one of the came to New York City to Continuity and Reform world’s most erudite professors, a deliver the 1988 Erasmus Lec- The last pope to personally experience the Sec- titanic scholar? The clue comes at ture, the occasion drew top ond Vatican Council, Benedict has been no stranger the conclusion of his first homily as scholars, Church leaders and to controversy. pope: “The Church … must set out to demonstratorsW who repeatedly interrupted his During his long service as the prefect of the Con- lead people out of the desert, towards address. gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, during the the place of life, towards friendship Gregory Vall was only a graduate student when pontificate of Blessed John Paul II, he became the with the Son of God.” he attended the annual lecture, delivered by Cardinal target of dissident theologians and political activists Pope Benedict XVI would repeat Ratzinger, then the prefect of a congregation of the who demanded that the Church retire its teaching on those exact words in the apostolic Church. And while the spectacle of vociferous pro- contraception and women’s ordination, among other letter announcing the Year of Faith. testers has faded from Vall’s memory, he has not for- issues. What no one knew was that these gotten that first encounter with the revered Church But the Pope’s admirers have judged his legacy would be among Benedict’s last leader. very differently, and they welcomed his dynamic words as pope. And After the cardinal delivered his address, “Biblical engagement with modernity, a stance that doesn’t so these two “book- Interpretation in Crisis,” Vall was among a group of view contemporary values as “normative,” but, ends” provide the scholars who met with him for an in-depth discus- rather, as symptoms of an anxious world in need of interpretive key for sion about engaging sacred Scripture. hope. appreciating the “He told us, ‘You can refer to the traditional “One of the most important things he did was at father peter john cameron, op approach to Scripture that we find in the Church the beginning of his papacy, when he met with the Fathers and great medieval exegetes as ‘Method A,’ Curia just before Christmas and presented his under- whole of Benedict’s papal corpus of and you can refer to the approach of modern biblical standing of how the should writings. scholarship as ‘Method B.’ What I am calling for is a be read,” said Boston auxiliary Bishop Arthur Ken- Of course, this keynote convic- ‘Method C’ — a real synthesis,’” remembered Vall, nedy. tion preceded Pope Benedict’s ascent now an assistant professor of theology at Ave Maria “His understanding was that the Council should of the throne of St. Peter. As early as University. be read within the hermeneutic of continuity and 1968, in his classic Introduction to “He didn’t want us to ignore modern questions, reform, and it should not be read through a herme- Christianity, Father Joseph Ratzinger but he wanted us to critique our modern sensibility neutic of discontinuity, as a revolution against the defined hell as “a loneliness which from within,” said Vall, who noted that the Pope, in Tradition.” the word ‘love’ can no longer pene- his bestselling trilogy of Nazareth, modeled an trate.” approach to scriptural investigation that could help Life in Christ He went on to state in his book priests become more deeply formed by the word of For the Pope, the “first task of a theologian is to The Principles of Catholic Theology, God and thus better homilists. recover what has been taught on the Trinity or “The root of the human being’s Asked to identify the highlights of Pope Bene- Christology,” added Bishop Kennedy, a former pro- wretchedness is loneliness, is the dict’s pontificate, U.S. theologians took note of his fessor of theology at the University of St. Thomas in St. absence of love — is the fact that my encyclicals on love, hope and truth, his exhortations Paul, Minn., who now serves as the Archdiocese of existence is not embraced by a love on the Eucharist and the word of God, the Wednes- Boston’s episcopal vicar for the New Evangelization. that makes it necessary. … What man day catecheses on the Psalms, and the Sunday Ange- Theological speculation is permitted, but it can- needs is a communion that goes lus commentaries on the day’s Mass readings. not “replace the , which says what is beyond [everything and] reaches But while many extolled the breadth of his theo- true regarding the mystery as it’s been developed deep into the heart of man.” logical vision and the distinctive clarity of his limpid with Tradition,” the bishop said. It was as if Pope Benedict always prose, Vall’s remarks pointed to Benedict’s signature Bishop Kennedy recalled that Benedict’s very wrote from this wound. contribution. He inspired many 21st-century theolo- first homily as pope featured a reflection on the fish- No wonder that Pope Benedict gians to bridge two opposing visions of reality — a erman’s ring of the vicar of Christ and what the sym- XVI’s inaugural encyclical would be Christ-centered faith and a man-centered modern bol signified for the early Church. God Is Love. But this theme carries culture — and thus make the riches of the faith continues on page D3 through in his ensuing two encycli- cals. Saved in Hope reaches a cre- scendo with the words, “Only the great certitude of hope that my own life … despite all failures [is] held REUTERS/Alessia Pierdomenico firm by the indestructible power of Love … gives [life] its meaning and importance.” Charity in Truth arrests Calming the Storm of Vatican II us with the remark, “One of the deep- est forms of poverty a person can n his 2005 Christmas address there was also the council of the Benedict identified two contrary deny her request; so she goes to past. On the one hand, there are experience is isolation.” to the Roman Curia, Pope media … and the world perceived hermeneutics, or interpretations, the parent who doesn’t have all those — such as the advocates of And who can contest a conclu- I Benedict strikingly refer- the Council through … the media.” that have shaped the understand- the information, knowing that the ordination of women — who sion of : “Man lives enced St. Basil’s assessment of the For a while, the Pope noted, the ings of the Council. One is the she’ll probably get what she wants. advanced a so-called “spirit” of on truth and on being loved: on being post-Nicene Council period that media’s virtual council was stron- hermeneutic of discontinuity and Alternatively, there is the her- Vatican II to allow everything and loved by the truth. He needs God, the described the Church as being in ger than the real Council. But rupture that, he stated, “has fre- meneutic of reform and renewal in nothing at the same time. As Bene- God who draws close to him, inter- a naval battle in the darkness of a now, 50 years after the start of the quently availed itself of the sym- the continuity of the Church, dict explains, “[A] vast margin prets for him the meaning of life, and storm, where chaos made it Council, the real one is prevailing. pathies of the mass media.” which Benedict affirmed in his was left open for the question on thus points him toward the path of impossible to discern the truth. These two sig- An example of this would be 2005 address by citing the words how this spirit should subse- life”? Benedict was quick to say that nificant papal the argument for women priests. of Pope John XXIII at the opening quently be defined, and room was Pope Benedict XVI wrote to the things post-Vatican II were not speeches highlight In a secular context, where women of the Second Vatican Council in consequently made for every world as a friend. quite so stormy, but he acknowl- that his task and are seen doing all the things men 1962: “‘The substance of the whim.” The Holy Father’s first words in edged there have been serious that of his post-Vat- can do, it makes no sense to not ancient doctrine of the deposit of And then there are some tradi- his first encyclical resound in every- problems. pia de solenni have women priests; so propo- faith is one thing, and the way in tionalist Catholics who hold that thing he subsequently wrote: “Being Shortly before resigning, in his nents leave the context of Catholic which it is presented is another ...’ almost everything post-conciliar Christian is not the result of an ethi- remarks to the clergy of the Dio- ican II predecessors (particularly teachings and turn instead to the retaining the same meaning and has been deficient and lacking in cal choice or a lofty idea, but the cese of Rome, Benedict made Blessed John Paul II) has been to sympathetic secular media that message.” orthodoxy. Councils have always encounter with an event, a Person, another pointed statement. There set the ship right so as to quiet the has no understanding of the Interestingly, people with very been an answer to a crisis, but to which gives life a new horizon and a were, he declared, two councils: proverbial storm within which the Church’s rich Tradition. It’s not different views of the Church fall these traditionalists, apparently, decisive direction.” “There was the Council of the Church has found herself. unlike a child who knows that the into the category of those who see some sort of a golden age existed continues on page D3 Fathers — the true Council — but When he addressed the Curia, parent with all the facts is going to the Council as a rupture with the continues on page D3 His Papacy, 2005-2013 April August October December p p p p 2005

April 21: Benedict announces Dec. 25: his email address: Benedict [email protected]. @ releases his first encyclical, April 24: Pope Deus Caritas April 19, 2005: Benedict XVI Oct. 3-23: Est (God Is Cardinal Joseph celebrates The Synod Love). Ratzinger is his papal Aug. 16-21: The Pope takes his of Bishops elected the 265th inauguration first papal trip: World Youth Day on the pope and takes Mass in St. in Cologne, Germany; he also Eucharist is the name Benedict Peter’s Square. traveled to Poland, Spain and XVI. Turkey this year. held.

continues on page D2

Photo sources left to right: Mario Tama/Getty Images; Franco Origlia/Getty Images; Wikipedia; shutterstock National Catholic Register, march 10, 2013 D2 T ruth in Love: The Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI Benedict’s Men: U.S. Vocations Rise

BY PETER JESSERER SMITH from more than 43,000 to about 58,500. Father McKnight said his committee has Yet, over the same time period in the U.S., witnessed a steady increase in new ordina- WASHINGTON — Pope Benedict XVI’s the annual number of priestly ordinations tions and seminarians since 2006. According papacy may have lasted eight years, but the had dropped from 533 to 454, and new semi- to CARA, new U.S. ordinations rose to 480 in retiring Holy Father and his reforms have left narians had declined from 4,000 to 3,300. 2012, and the number of seminarians had their mark on the American priesthood and increased to more than 3,700. sparked a new uptick in vocations. Halting the Decline Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, bishop emeri- Father Michael Roche, 34, remembers Father McKnight said that Blessed John tus of the Diocese of Lincoln, Neb., said the when he left his desk at a Pittsburgh account- Paul II did much to staunch the hemorrhag- Church needed to screen out candidates with ing firm to watch the news of Cardinal ing of U.S. vocations, but Benedict was able same-sex attraction, which he said has fueled Joseph Ratzinger’s election to the papacy in to take additional action that helped change “a great deal of sexual scandal and miscon- 2005. the priesthood’s image of corruption and duct” that has roiled the Church. “I was just thrilled and filled with tre- embolden “good, healthy candidates to come “The priesthood is a precious and won- mendous joy,” Father Roche recalled. He had forward.” derful gift that God gave to his Church,” walked away from his cubicle at the Gross- “Benedict has helped ensure that Catho- Bishop Bruskewitz said. “There are certain man, Yanak and Ford building upon hearing lics know there is a very good program and people who are just not suitable to the the news of “white smoke” to watch the tele- norms for the formation of our priests in priest’s function of standing in the person of vision in the company cafeteria. He was a place at seminaries,” Father McKnight said. Christ.” layman asking questions about his vocation Under the authority of Pope Benedict, the Bishop Bruskewitz oversaw a surge of at the time and felt a surge of excitement to Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Educa- vocations in the Diocese of Lincoln under learn that Cardinal Ratzinger, whom he tion put in place new strict directives for both John Paul II and Benedict XVI. He said viewed as “a figure of strength in the Church,” PERSONAL INTEREST IN VOCATIONS. Pope Benedict XVI meets with seminarians Feb. 8 seminaries in 2005, calling for screening that both Popes were “in sync” with each had accepted the call to take the Chair of at the Romano Maggiore seminary in Rome. Reuters/Tony Gentile requirements that barred candidates with other and inspired seminarians to adopt the Peter. “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” or “authentic interpretation” of the Second Vat- Father Roche recounted the words of already established seminaries such as “It’s solely during his papacy that I’ve psychological immaturity from entering the ican Council and its spiritual reforms. But he Pope Benedict to young people at his inaugu- Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, Md. been conscious of God and my faith life,” he priesthood. said Pope Benedict brought to the papacy a ration Mass that inspired his priestly voca- “We’re experiencing the largest numbers said, adding that he continued to deepen his The same congregation also launched an much stronger emphasis on liturgical prayer tion: “Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes that we have had in years,” said Msgr. Stuart faith by reading the Pope’s works. “As I apostolic visitation of U.S. seminaries, send- and the learning of Latin. nothing away, and he gives you everything. ... Swetland, who teaches pre-theology to semi- started to learn more about my faith, Bene- ing teams of three and four to inspect more Bishop Bruskewitz cited the Holy Father’s Open wide the doors to Christ — and you narians at the Mount. dict was there for me.” than 200 U.S. seminaries and formation 2007 motu proprio , will find true life.” Msgr. Swetland said that most of the men Worldwide, the Catholic Church has seen houses between 2005-2006. The final report which authorized wider celebration of the “That was pivotal in my life,” Father he teaches are between the ages of 21-25 and an increase of more than 6,000 priests dur- recommended that seminary rectors keep old form of the Roman rite, and said Bene- Roche told the Register. “I can’t say I had were teenagers when Blessed John Paul II ing Benedict’s papacy, most of them to the “barriers to ordination high,” encouraged dict’s own example in celebrating the liturgy been afraid of Christ, but I was not con- died. diocesan priesthood, according to data col- bimonthly confession for seminarians, had increased “attention to liturgical tradi- vinced that a vocation to the diocesan priest- “They are more affected by Benedict,” he lected by Georgetown University’s Center advocated a return to traditional acts of tion [among priests and seminarians] more hood could be lived in this day and age.” said. “I think the young are responding to the for Applied Research in the Apostolate piety and a shoring up of seminarians’ intel- than in years before.” But Benedict’s words filled the young fact that he takes them seriously enough to (CARA). The number of diocesan priests in lectual formation and training in moral the- Catholic with a new confidence to discern do something beyond themselves.” the world exceeded 277,000 in 2010, levels ology. Lesson of Humility his vocation. Less than a year later, he joined higher than those recorded in 1970, the year Benedict’s encouragement of the U.S. bish- Benedict XVI’s last act in the papacy has the seminary to become a priest for the Dio- A Seminarian’s Perspective Paul VI introduced the new form of the ops to look for “quality not quantity” in poten- left the priests and seminarians whose voca- cese of Pittsburgh. Pope Benedict’s challenge to young peo- Roman liturgy. tial new priests also relieved bishops of the tions he inspired with a profound lesson of As Pope Benedict leaves the papacy to ple to embrace the faith and the New Evange- Father Sean McKnight, executive direc- pressure to try to remedy the priest shortage humility. make way for a new successor, U.S. vocations lization captured the imagination of Andrew tor for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bish- by accepting unsuitable candidates, Father “It’s a reminder that the priestly ministry directors say they’ve seen a surge in new Buonopane, 24, now a second-year seminar- ops’ Committee of Clergy, Religious and McKnight said. And U.S. seminaries greatly is never about me,” Buonopane remarked. applicants to their seminaries in recent years. ian for the Washington Archdiocese. Consecrated Life and Vocations, said that the benefited from the influx of highly qualified “It’s not based off what a great person I am, Father Carter Griffin, vice rector at “The Year of Faith and the call to the New United States experienced the depths of its and credentialed formators the bishops com- my particular gifts, charisma or anything Blessed John Paul II Seminary in Washing- Evangelization are right up my alley, person- decline in the numbers of new priests and missioned in response to the Vatican’s report, that I might provide for myself. It’s only ton, said the Archdiocese of Washington’s ally,” Buonopane said. “It addresses the con- seminarians during the 1980s and 1990s. according to Father McKnight. founded on the instrumentality God entrusts new seminary opened its doors in 2011 and is cerns of skeptics and non-believers in ways The U.S. defied a global turnaround in “The seminary-formation programs me with.” already near capacity. that make sense to them.” the Church’s vocation decline that require a critical number of priests that are Buonopane said Benedict’s influence will “Benedict was able to open up new vistas Buonopane knows this from personal occurred under Blessed John Paul II. properly credentialed in the various philo- forever leave its mark on his vocation. to people,” Father Griffin said. “For them, to experience. Encountering the Pope during Worldwide, the annual number of new sophical and theological fields,” he said. “In “The Church is certainly worth my life,” see this man of profound faith, love and hope his historic April 2008 visit to Washington diocesan priestly ordinations had general, the more we improve the quality of he said. “Benedict gave me confidence in the on the world stage has been an enormous played a key part of Buonopane’s return to increased by nearly 2,500 between 1985 formation in our seminaries, the more voca- Church that I was dedicating myself to.” benefit on the world and on vocations.” the Catholic faith during his college days at and 2005, when 6,614 men were ordained. tions we retain, and the more ordinations we Peter Jesserer Smith writes from It’s a scenario that is also playing out at George Washington University. Graduate-level seminarians increased have.” Rochester, New York.

recollections of Ratzinger’s role ring to a work that remains a key tion I would like to extend with little change in the man who all his work.” Professor as a teacher and offered an appre- textbook for graduate theological the present encyclical,” wrote resigned from the Petrine office on The resulting spiritual serenity ciation of his gifts as an author. studies. Pope Benedict XVI in Deus Cari- Feb. 28. sustained him amid the tumultu- But Father Ratzinger’s intel- When the Catechism of the tas Est, his first encyclical. “He was always a theologian of ous decades following the Second Pope lectual gifts were even more strik- Catholic Church was completed “He is like a painter using his the Church,” he said. “I saw the Vatican Council, when the German ing during the graduate seminars, in 1992, during the pontificate of palette to produce a portrait,” said same man doing the same thing in cardinal sparked animosity by BY JOAN FRAWLEY DESMOND “where there would be five or six Blessed John Paul II, Father Fessio Father Fessio, noting that the different settings. He is a faithful insisting that the Council did not of us. In each session, one person reviewed the text and immedi- Pope also managed to work his servant, and Blessed John Paul II constitute a break with the conti- SAN FRANCISCO — Father would make a presentation, and ately noticed that it bore signs of magic in collaborative synodal relied on him a good deal. nuity of Catholic Tradition. Joseph Fessio, the Jesuit priest others would respond,” Father Joseph Ratzinger’s distinctive documents as well as his encycli- “But look how the liturgy Father Fessio recalled a remark who founded Ignatius Press, has Fessio remembered. “Father Ratz- ability to synthesize challenging cals. changed as soon as Benedict was the Pope made during a meeting known Pope Benedict XVI since inger would listen, and then, in material. At the time, then-Cardi- “He uses simple images — made pope. Chant was introduced. some time after his election. 1972, when the American priest the discussion, he would make nal Ratzinger was the president of light and dark. You notice the It means that he was not in favor of Another Catholic publisher began doctoral studies at the Uni- sure that others also spoke. My the Catechism’s Preparatory same thing when you open up The the kind of liturgies that Pope John asked the Holy Father why only versity of Regensburg, where German was not good, and I Commission, which worked for Lord of the Rings and begin read- Paul II celebrated, but he accepted Ignatius Press was publishing his then-Father Joseph Ratzinger had couldn’t say very much.” six years to complete the project. ing a paragraph: The majority of it. And when he was pope, he acted works. Father Fessio recalled that a strong following among gradu- During the seminars, Father “When I first received the Cat- words are one syllable, and they differently.” the Pope calmly responded, ate students. Ratzinger “would sit back, and echism, I spent a whole retreat convey profound thoughts and Indeed, while media commen- “Because when no one else cared, Father Ratzinger was just 45 then, at the end of the seminar, in meditating on the Table of Con- emotions.” tators still dredge up Cardinal they published my works.’” years old when the young Ameri- two or three sentences, he would tents — it was so beautiful. The Thus, when Pope Benedict Ratzinger’s nickname of “God’s When Father Fessio learned can Jesuit from San Francisco summarize all that was said. He Catechism wasn’t just a summary was enthroned in 2005, “he talked Rottweiler” from his days as pre- that the Pope would resign during arrived at the university, but the pulled the discussion together or a book of lists, it presented the about the pallium, and, when he fect of the Congregation for the Lent, he quickly grasped the signif- German-born academic had into an organic whole in a way faith as an organic whole,” said spoke to the cardinals, he noted Doctrine of the Faith, Father Fessio icance of his timing. already earned a reputation for that was always illuminating.” Father Fessio. that red is for martyrdom.” has “never heard him raise his “He was born during Holy explaining difficult theological After his mentor was elected voice. He was always a listener, Week,” he said. “And I am confi- concepts in clear, incisive lan- A Way With Words pope, Catholics across the globe Same Man, Different Settings even at the CDF.” dent he chose the time for his res- guage. Father Fessio soon learned that had their first taste of Benedict’s Over the course of more than “I wouldn’t call him shy; I ignation because he wanted the “He was different, and people the same luminous clarity enliv- literary gifts. 40 years, Father Fessio has stayed would call him reserved. He is not next pope as an ‘Easter’ pope, with came to listen to him. He offered a ened Father Ratzinger’s published “Love is possible, and we are in touch with his former professor, someone who would enjoy a cock- time for reflection.” very personal, meditative reflec- works. able to practice it because we are meeting with other students from tail party,” said Father Fessio. Added Father Fessio, “His life tion. As people now recognize, he “Back in 1968, when he pub- created in the image of God. To Regensburg for annual gatherings “Yes, he is firm. He has tre- begins and ends with the Paschal was articulate, organized and lished the Introduction to Christi- experience love and in this way to and collaborating on a variety of mendous confidence because he mystery.” coherent,” recalled Father Fessio, anity, the prose was already cause the light of God to enter projects. During that time, the has confidence in Christ. Friend- Joan Frawley Desmond is the during an interview that shared there,” said Father Fessio, refer- into the world — this is the invita- priest said, he has witnessed very ship in Christ: It is the bass note in Register’s senior editor.

July 8-9: The Pope Nov. 28-Dec. 1: The Pope March 13: May 9-13: Benedict Feb. 4: The July 13-21: travels to the Fifth travels to Turkey. Benedict visits Brazil to Pope modi- Benedict World Meeting of releases address CELAM, fies the celebrates Families in Spain. post-synodal the Latin American prayer for World Youth apostolic Bishops’ Council. the Jewish Day in Sydney. exhortation on people the Eucharist, prayed in Sacramentum Sept. 7-9: The the Good Oct. 8: Opening Mass for the Caritatis (The Friday March 24: The Holy Father Holy Father Synod on the Word of God. Sacrament of liturgy. names 15 new cardinals. Charity). visits Austria. March July November March May September February July October p p p p p p p p p 2006 2007 Celebrates Year of St. Paul. 2008 q q q q q q q May September April July November April September

May Sept. 9-14: Benedict April: The Holy Father July 7, 2007: The Pope releases Nov. 30: April: Benedict Sept. 15: Bene- 25-28: travels to Germany; gives publishes Vol. 1 of Jesus Summorum Pontificum on the Benedict visits the U.S., dict visits the Benedict address at the University of Nazareth. use of the Roman liturgy ac- releases traveling to Shrine of Our travels to of Regensburg, where cording to the Missal of 1962, Washington and Lady of Lourdes, Poland. he quotes a Byzantine specifying that Masses cel- (Saved New York; he France, to cel- scholar who linked Islam ebrated in Latin according to this in Hope) meets with vic- ebrate its 150th with violence. Many “extraordinary form” are part of encyclical. tims of clerical anniversary. Muslim leaders are the recognized liturgical practice abuse and visits offended and outraged. of the Church. Ground Zero. continues on page D5

top, left to right: Franco Origlia-Getty Images; Vatican Pool/Getty Images; Wikipedia/Agência Brasil; Franco Origlia/Getty Images, Bottom, left to right: Wikipedia/www.prezydent.pl; WHITE HOUSE National Catholic Register, march 10, 2013 T ruth in Love: The Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI D3

changed dramatically. But it siders the central problem of the the publication of the collected edi- It’s a papal document as love let- Council would be decades before the dust faith today: an epidemic abdication tion of all Pope Benedict XVI’s ter. began to settle. In the meantime, Writings of reason by which society forfeits homilies. Pope Benedict states twice in continuing page D1 story there would be plenty of casual- continuing page D1 story values and in the process loses its In their richness and spiritual his pontificate: “We must learn to just before Vatican II, and John XXIII ties to conform with St. Basil’s Here lies the secret to this great own identity, degenerating “into radiance, they rival those of Pope penetrate the secret of language, called together the bishops for a image of a battle. Many of us were genius’ ability to present complex open or insidious totalitarianism” St. Leo the Great (who died in 461) to understand it in its structure Council not to discuss challenges, born post-Vatican II, but we all teachings in the most limpid way. (“Address to Principality of — which is to say nothing of Pope and its mode of expression” (Ver- but to applaud each other for the continue to live the Vatican II Benedict’s on Andorra,” Dec. 1, 2005). Benedict’s general audience cate- bum Domini, 12, and “Address to successes of the Church around challenge in one way or another. the Eucharist, Sacrament of Char- His image of “the zone of dis- cheses on the Psalms, the apostles, the Representatives of the World the world. In no way is the work of the Coun- ity, articulates his hermeneutic: similarity” evokes the experience the Fathers of the Church, prayer, of Culture,” Collège des Bernar- In 2005 and recently, Benedict cil complete, and much of the “Today there is a need to redis- of “godforsakenness … a remote- faith, etc. dins, Paris, Sept. 12, 2008). made clear that the Council was work up to now has been simply cover that Jesus Christ is not just a ness from God, in which [man] no Ultimately, what makes the Benedict has mastered this convened to face difficult prob- clarifying which Council is our private conviction or an abstract longer reflects him, and so has writings of Pope Benedict XVI so secret himself, and, by it, he led us lems the Church needed to source — the Council of the idea, but a real Person whose become dissimilar not only to God, exceptional and compelling is out of the desert. address. Broadly speaking, there Fathers or the council of the becoming part of human history is but to himself, to what being their confessional quality. Bene- “We have been given hope, was the question of how it should media. capable of renewing the life of human truly is” (“Meeting With dict writes as a bona fide witness. trustworthy hope, by virtue of engage in the modern world. Ironically, the council of the every man and woman.” Representatives From the World of And through a witness, by his which we can face our present: Benedict notes the Church at the media tends to portray John Paul Pope Benedict wrote “person- Culture,” Collège des Bernardins, “actions, words and way of being, The present, even if it is arduous, time was not “robust,” and “it II and Benedict as reactionary tra- ally” in every sense of that word. Paris, Sept. 12, 2008). Another makes himself present” can be lived and accepted if it seemed like a reality of the past ditionalists. In fact, they have Accordingly, in his apostolic exhor- And the notion “nostalgia for (, 85). leads toward a goal, if we can be and not the bearer of the future.” been the modernizing popes, con- tation The Word of the Lord — the Infinite” symbolizes how faith Benedict’s writing fulfills a sure of this goal and if this goal is There was also a clear tension in stantly engaging the world in where the word “encounter” still stands a chance in the world principle he enunciated in his great enough to justify the effort the pre-conciliar liturgy. He what Benedict calls “true reform,” appears 44 times (and passim in because “in man there is an inex- youth: “The conversation between of the journey,” Benedict writes in describes it as almost two parallel a “combination of continuity and the rest of his writings) — His tinguishable nostalgic aspiration people only comes into its own Spe Salvi. liturgies: the priest with the Mis- discontinuity at different levels.” Holiness asserts: “There is no toward the Infinite. None of the when they are no longer trying to We can put our trust in this sal and the altar servers and the While his 2005 address was greater priority than this: to enable answers sought is sufficient; only express something, but to express hope at this particularly challeng- laypeople with their prayer books. eminently clear, it did not get a lot the people of our time once more to the God who has made himself themselves” (Introduction to ing moment in the Church’s his- The Council led with liturgical of attention by Catholics or the encounter God, the God who finite … is able to meet the ques- Christianity). Which explains why tory precisely because the writ- reforms, enhancing the mutual secular media. The fact that Bene- speaks to us and shares his love so tions of our being” (Truth and Tol- Pope Benedict can write such a ings of His Holiness Benedict XVI participation at Mass of the cele- dict chose to tackle this same that we might have life in abun- erance, pp. 142-143). captivating line in Verbum Domini have enabled us to do so. brant and the congregation, and topic in one of his final addresses, dance.” Pope Benedict’s writings Whenever I bring up one of as this: “In the word of God pro- Dominican Father Peter John then delved into specific temporal when we are all paying attention, effect that encounter. these expressions in my preaching, claimed and heard, and in the sac- Cameron is the editor in chief questions facing the Church. It indicates the great importance of Benedict’s literary use of sym- it never fails to pique the congrega- raments, Jesus says today, here of Magnificat and the editor of subsequently delivered several this issue. bols is both intriguing and provoc- tion’s interest. and now, to each person: ‘I am the book Benedictus: Day by foundational documents required Pia de Solenni is a moral ative. For example, his famous As for assessing the lasting yours; I give myself to you’ — so Day With Pope Benedict XVI to enable the Church to engage theologian and cultural analyst. phrase “the dictatorship of relativ- impact of the Pontiff’s writings, we that we can receive and respond, (Magnificat/Ignatius Press, effectively with a world that had She resides in Seattle. ism” communicates what he con- may not gain an able gauge until saying in return: ‘I am yours’” (51). 2006).

some Protestant denominations and recover a more organic and incarna- groups. tional understanding of the Church, Theologian with his emphasis on the Church as continuing page D1 story Liturgical Renewal a communion of persons, not so “He opened the windows for peo- Philosopher and author Michael much an institutional structure.” ple who weren’t theologians, giving Novak, who teaches at Ave Maria Indeed, as Benedict commences them access to the Divine action tak- University, praised Benedict’s steady a secluded life of prayer and study at ing place in all the sacraments and efforts to foster substantial dialogue the convent within the Vatican, sacramentals of the Church.” across denominational boundaries. theologians who admire his work In this way, Pope Benedict has “There are an untold number of expressed the hope that his pene- placed his theological work at the Anglicans in America and worldwide trating response to the crisis of faith service of the New Evangelization, who no longer trust a weathervane on and of reason would help transform inviting poorly catechized Catholics the steeple but want a steadfast cross. the faith of ordinary Catholics and and the spiritually indifferent to Benedict has bent over backwards to fire the work of the New Evangeliza- experience a joyful “friendship with help them approach by degrees and tion. the Son of God.” by bringing the superior elements of “We are in tension,” Bishop Ken- “Being Christian is not the result their own tradition with them,” said nedy said. “That is why the New of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, Novak, referencing the new Angli- Evangelization, however difficult, but the encounter with an event, a can-use ordinariate, which has made became so crucial for Benedict and Person, which gives life a new hori- it possible for Anglicans to come into Blessed John Paul II.” zon and a decisive direction,” he full communion with the Church. Added Bishop Kennedy, “It means wrote in his first encyclical, Deus The decision to allow members reawakening the soul to the mystery Caritas Est (God Is Love). of the new ordinariate to retain their of God, to the love that comes to us In a world that often pushes reli- liturgical traditions and prayers through Christ, and to the mystery gious experience and witness to the marks Pope Benedict’s lifelong that the Church brings through the sidelines, the Pope offered an inte- appreciation for beautiful liturgies presence of the Spirit. It also means grated vision of a life in Christ, and scriptural translations, culmi- that once we understand the truth anchored in the belief that faith and nating in the introduction of the new and love that comes with Christ, that reason belong together and provide Roman Missal in 2011. knowledge will begin to transform the foundation for a true community The Pope “has displayed extraor- what we mean by human knowing.” of persons. dinary sensitivity to liturgical prac- Joan Frawley Desmond is the tice,” said Cardinal Levada, “weav- Register’s senior editor. Faith and Reason ing the Scriptures and rites of liturgy Thus, in a 2005 address preced- into a message of hope and love, ing his election as pope, he warned always reminding us that each of us of a “dictatorship of relativism, which in our own way is directed toward does not recognize anything as for the theological virtues of faith, hope certain and which has as its highest and love.” goal one’s own ego and one’s own Msgr. Kevin Irwin, former dean Catholic Showcase desires.” This ethos of self-assertion of the School of Theology at The dismisses inconvenient moral truths Catholic University of America and as an impediment to human free- holder of the Walter J. Schmitz Chair dom, and the Pope warned that this in Liturgical Studies, drew attention Love GOD Do you want to place cultural current had precipitated a to the Pope’s 2010 post-synodal GOD First in your life? crisis of reason and faith, paving the exhortation Verbum Domini (The way for a direct challenge to inalien- Word of the Lord) as a document Read and be instructed and guided by the always wise, sometimes witty homilies able human rights, including reli- echoing “many of the salient points given by Reverend Monsignor Edward gious liberty. But he was also aware of Pope Benedict’s pontificate.” Peter Browne, a holy and humble priest that many Catholics viewed their In Verbum Domini, Pope Benedict who placed God above all else. cradle faith as an enemy of reason. writes that the “sacramentality of the Cardinal William Levada, who word can thus be understood by Sermons of the Time is a collection served under Pope Benedict as pre- analogy with the real presence of of beautiful and inspiring lessons in fect of the Congregation for the Doc- Christ under the appearances of the faith that open the mind and heart to a stronger love of God. These timeless trine of the Faith until he stepped consecrated bread and wine.” messages of God’s promise of salvation down last year, told the Register that Continues the papal document, will surely encourage the reader to the Pope has sought to frame “the “By approaching the altar and par- an excellent gift for seminarians follow the path of Christ and believe, whole discussion of faith and reason. taking in the Eucharistic banquet, we and theology students as Monsignor Browne believed, He has keen insights on that subject truly share in the body and blood of GOD FIRST! and how it plays out in secular cul- Christ. The proclamation of God’s ture. Reason is the common human word at the celebration entails an gift that allows us to speak to one acknowledgment that Christ himself Call: The Paschal Lamb another.” is present, that he speaks to us and 703-273-5956 Mary Shivanandan, a professor of that he wishes to be heard.” theology at the Pontifical John Paul Msgr. Irwin expressed the wish II Institute for Studies on Marriage that bishops and theologians build and Family in Washington, noted on the Pope’s work, which he said that Benedict, like his predecessor, has implications for the future of the for honoring our patron’s name… “was a champion of reason and the Church’s liturgy and also for the role of faith … and boldly linked New Evangelization. for serving the Church… Humanae Vitae to true human devel- Said Msgr. Irwin, “Unquestion- opment.” ably, this apostolic exhortation both for sharing Christ with the world… Shivanandan singled out the deepens what has been said about the Pope’s third encyclical, Caritas in proclamation of the word and about Veritate (Charity in Truth). the presence of Christ in the word We offer our heartfelt thanks and prayers for The encyclical laid out a vision of since the constitution on the sacred “integrated human development” liturgy from Vatican II (Sacrosanc- Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI that embraced charity in truth in tum Concilium), which itself was a May the Lord raise up a new generation both intimate personal relationships watershed text, given the preceding of priests and religious who follow his example and in economic relationships and four centuries of post-Tridentine thus upended the false dichotomy Church life and magisterial apologet- between Catholic moral doctrine ics.” the monks of dealing with human sexuality and Don Briel, director of the Center social teachings that call for eco- for Catholic Studies at the Univer- St. Benedict’s Abbey nomic justice and solidarity. sity of St. Thomas, noted that the lit- Atchison, Kansas His belief that only God’s love urgy brings the human person into a and truth can secure dignity posed a new relationship with the Divine, direct challenge to the modern but he added that the Pope’s reform creeds of secularism and individual- reflected an awareness that main- ism, even as it helped to lay the foun- stream culture also hungered for Ora et Labora dation for a more intense ecumenical contemplation and beauty. kansasmonks.org dialogue between Catholics and Said Briel, “He has helped to National Catholic Register, march 10, 2013 D4 T ruth in Love: The Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI

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I T ’ S E V E R Y W H E R E • T E L E V I S I O N • R A D I O • I N T E R N E T • P U B L I S H I N G • N E W S National Catholic Register, march 10, 2013 T ruth in Love: The Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI D5 Theological Renewal Through the Mass

Scripture translation that were later bears witness to the love with which incorporated into the 2001 instruc- God loves humanity, to the fact that Rich Course in Priestly Formation Benedict, tion on translation, Liturgiam human life has a meaning and that it Authenticam, which in turn gov- is through their vocation that men heart of the readings. In my homily Mass without having it profoundly Profound erned the translation of the new edi- and women are called to share in FALL RIVER, Mass. — As much preparation, I would always consult influence for the better how he cele- tion of the Missal. the glorious life of the Trinity.” as we know that Jesus is the Supreme what Benedict had said three or six brates every Mass. Though the new Missal transla- “Humanity needs this witness,” Pastor of the Church and will never years earlier in these Angelus medi- More than anything, however, Liturgist tion is the most dramatic, it is only he continued. “People need to per- leave us orphans, we all feel a little tations. Minimally, it would influ- Benedict’s greatest lesson to his one example of Pope Benedict’s ceive, through the liturgical cele- liturgically orphaned and awkward ence my preparation; occasionally, it brother priests will be his last: the ope Benedict XVI, one of the actions to assure that the truth and brations, that the Church is aware of today. was so powerful I would just quote example of the fundamental priority greatest theologians ever to beauty of God are united in our the lordship of God and of the dig- The full reality of Benedict XVI’s him directly. of prayer in priestly life. Pserve as pope, is also one of liturgical worship — and that this nity of the human being. She has the resignation is hitting us when, dur- Benedict provided us not only Throughout his pontificate, the most profound liturgists. union may take several forms. right to be able to discern, over and ing the Eucharistic Prayer, the ideas and words, but also tone and Benedict stressed that prayer is the In the vast work of Pope Bene- This is reflected in what can be above the limitations that will rubrics command us to skip over the emphasis. He taught us by example most important thing any of us dict, throughout his lifetime, we can termed his ecumenical outreach — always mark her rites and ceremo- part in which, for the last 2,873 days, to preach about God and his glory does. see that theology and liturgy are to Eastern Orthodox Christians as nies, that Christ is present in the we have prayed “for Benedict, our and not just about moral duties, to He told priests in Brindisi in intrinsically related — inseparable, well as to others. Two striking sacrifice of Mass and in the person pope” and to express our commu- proclaim the beautiful “Yes” of faith 2008 that time spent in prayer “is really. This is because the “Eucha- examples are the apostolic letter of the minister,” he said. nion immediately with our bishop, and not curse the darkness with a the most important time in a priest’s rist is the source and summit of the Summorum Pontificum “on the use It is crucial, therefore, to “culti- the clergy and the faithful. long list of prohibitions, and to life, in which Divine grace acts with Christian life,” as the Second Vati- of the Roman liturgy prior to the vate the art of celebrating” and to For me as a priest — and for announce the Good News of great greater effectiveness, making his can Council succinctly stated (Sac- reform of 1970” (July 7, 2007) and “work ceaselessly for the liturgical many of my priest- joy based on God’s love for us rather ministry fruitful. The first service rosanctum Concilium, 47), and “the the unprecedented apostolic consti- formation of seminarians and of the brothers — praying than scare, literally, the hell out of to render to the community is other sacraments, and indeed all tution Anglicanorum Coetibus (Pro- faithful. Respect for the established for Benedict was people. prayer. And, therefore, time for ecclesiastical ministries and works viding for Personal Ordinariates for norms expresses love and fidelity never just a ritual This was not what many were prayer must be given a true priority of the apostolate, are bound up with Anglicans Entering Into Full Com- for the faith of the Church, for the duty or an act of expecting from “God’s Rottweiler” in our life.” the Eucharist and are oriented munion With the Catholic Church) treasure of grace that she preserves father roger landry when he assumed the papacy, which To priests in Warsaw in 2006, he toward it. For in the blessed Eucha- (Nov. 4, 2009). and transmits; the beauty of cele- is perhaps why his example was declared, “The faithful expect only rist is contained the whole spiritual It is probably no coincidence that brations, far more than innovations ordinary filial piety. It was some- even more influential. one thing from priests: that they be good of the Church, namely Christ Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became and subjective adjustments, makes thing we did full of gratitude and Benedict also formed us liturgi- specialists in promoting the encoun- himself, our Pasch” (Lumen Gen- Pope Benedict XVI in April 2005, evangelization a lasting and effec- fervor, because of the many ways cally. He had written and spoken so ter between man and God. The tium, 11). during the Year of the Eucharist, tive work.” Benedict enhanced our priestly much about the liturgy prior to priest is not asked to be an expert in This is revealed convened by his predecessor, Pope In his final address to the Roman prayer, life and apostolate. becoming pope that many believed economics, construction or politics. in his many works John Paul II. A Synod of Bishops on clergy on Feb. 14, in which he briefly St. Peter had received the com- liturgical directives and instruction He is expected to be an expert in the long before he the Eucharist (“The Eucharist: explained the Second Vatican Coun- mission from the Lord to “strengthen would be among the major empha- spiritual life,” someone who makes became pope, espe- Source and Summit of the Life and cil (and misinterpretations of it), he your brothers in the faith,” and Bene- ses of his pontificate. He did do God his true priority, beginning cially during his Mission of the Church”) took place said he regarded it as an “act of dict, his 264th successor, fortified us some of this: for example, giving us with the way he spends his time. helen hull hitchcock in October of his first year as pope. Providence that at the beginning of in faith and made us better priests. in 2011 a new and improved English By resigning the papacy in order Pope Benedict’s first apostolic the Council was the liturgy; God; Benedict’s papacy can be translation of the Mass. to continue to serve the Church long tenure as prefect of the Con- exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis adoration.” summed up as an incredibly rich For the most part, however, he through a life dedicated to prayer, gregation for the Doctrine of the (Sacrament of Love) followed the In his Jan. 30 general audience, course of continuing priestly forma- led not by mandate but by example. Benedict showed that he believes Faith (e.g., Called to Communion, Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist he assured us that “faith gives us tion. To help us and our people that prayer is basically even more 1991; The Spirit of the Liturgy, 1999; on March 13, 2007. this certainty, which becomes a He did this first by his teaching, remember that God, rather that the important than the work of the and A New Song for the Lord, 1995). The next Synod of Bishops was secure rock in constructing our in which he allowed us to enter into community, must be at the center of papacy. Most English-speaking Catho- on the Word of God, held in October lives: We can face all the moments his head and heart and understand our liturgical worship, he had a And if that’s the case, then Bene- lics today probably think that the 2008. His apostolic exhortation on of difficulty and danger, the experi- so much more about what we are prominent crucifix placed at the dict is reminding all priests that, new English translation of the that synod, Verbum Domini (The ence of the darkness of crisis and of called to believe, live and preach. front center of the altar so that both even in the midst of a frenetic pasto- Roman Missal is the most signifi- Word of the Lord), devoted a section times of pain, supported by our faith His three-volume examination of priest and people could focus on ral schedule, prayer is the most cant sign of Pope Benedict’s con- to the “The Liturgy, Privileged Set- that God does not leave us alone the life of Jesus of Nazareth, his Christ in the Mass. important thing we can do for God cern with the Church’s liturgy. Cer- ting for the Word of God” and and is always near.” encyclicals on love, hope and truth, Many priests and I soon adopted and others. tainly, this far more accurate and closed with a call to a “new hearing” Truly, Pope Benedict has been his exhortations on the Eucharist the “Benedictine format” on our The greatest papal teacher and sacred-sounding translation, in use of the Word of God as essential to an example to us all of true father- and the word of God, his question- altars, with a large crucifix flanked liturgist since Gregory the Great is now since Advent 2011 in the Eng- the New Evangelization. hood — giving us guidance and and-answer and lectio divina ses- by six candles. making his last word the silent one lish-speaking world, signals the In clear continuity with this is encouragement, knowledge and sions with priests, his addresses to To revive a genuine piety with of prayer. And he’s doubtless pray- Holy Father’s effort to recover, the most recent Synod on the New strength to live our Catholic faith clergy on foreign trips, his cateche- regard to receiving Jesus in holy ing that this lesson will have even restore and intensify the sacredness Evangelization, which concluded with integrity and fidelity. ses on the Psalms, saints, prayer and Communion, he began to distribute more of an impact on the life of of Roman Catholic worship. last October. Our gratitude to the Holy Father faith, his Angelus addresses and his holy Communion only on the tongue priests and the faithful than the doc- What far fewer people know is The fundamental importance of is profound. homilies constitute a corpus that to those kneeling, something that trinal and liturgical treasure he has that his concern with accurate liturgy to the Catholic faith has Helen Hull Hitchcock is the will nourish priests for centuries. gave us priests an opportunity to bequeathed to us, his priestly broth- translation dates from his years at been a consistent focus of the teach- co-founder of Adoremus, We were able to profit from them make that piety and posture conta- ers, and to the whole Church. the Congregation for the Doctrine ing of Pope Benedict. The Society for Renewal of the in real time. gious among our people. Father Roger Landry is a priest of the Faith and from his personal “The liturgy is indeed the cele- Sacred Liturgy, which produces Of particular usefulness were his To help priests pray the Mass in the Diocese of Fall River, involvement in producing the Cate- bration of the central event of both the The Adoremus Bulletin commentaries on the Sunday Mass better — as well as to try to heal the Massachusetts. He is national chism of the Catholic Church and human history, the redemptive sac- and The Adoremus Hymnal — readings that he would give at the only schism after Vatican II — he chaplain of Catholic Voices USA. his responsibility for overseeing rifice of Christ,” the Holy Father Second Edition. She is also the Sunday Angelus. dramatically expanded access to the He will be providing commentary Scripture translation. said in an ad limina address to founding director of Women for In three paragraphs, with depth traditional Latin Mass. No priest can for EWTN during the upcoming The CDF developed norms for French bishops last Nov. 17. “Thus it Faith & Family. and clarity, he would get right to the pray the extraordinary form of the papal conclave.

BY JAMES KELLY United States and Canada. In an example of diversity in unity, Msgr. LONDON — Pope Benedict XVI Anglican Ordinariates: Ecumenism in Action Steenson commended all ordinariate pushed ecumenism far beyond mere ern Cross was established in Austra- of the Faith, “the reconciliation of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Wals- bers are in full communion. I think it communities in North America to dialogue in his efforts towards Chris- lia last June. Anglicans to the Catholic Church has ingham, told the Register that the is a small experiment in receptive sing a solemn Te Deum of Thanksgiv- tian unity. Having made the accommodation been one of his principal tasks.” Pope had played a vital personal role ecumenism.” ing on Feb. 22, the solemnity of the According to many observers, of former Anglicans with their patri- Despite expressing sadness at the in the foundation of the communities. Referencing Summorum Pontifi- Chair of St. Peter, despite the prayer that is the inescapable conclusion that mony his personal project by enact- Pope’s abdication, Msgr. Steenson He said that he knew “some of the cum, Pope Benedict’s 2007 motu pro- not usually being heard during Lent. is generated when examining the ing his 2009 apostolic constitution said there is also “a deeper joy, know- decisions concerning Anglicanorum prio that authorized the Church-wide Blessed John Henry Newman, the Pope’s personal investment in the Anglicanorum Coetibus, Pope Bene- ing that we are the fruit of his vision Coetibus he took himself,” and he celebration of the Mass in its “extraor- famous 19th-century convert from foundation of the ordinariates that dict’s actions in creating these foun- for Catholic unity.” added that “the fact that I had a pri- dinary form” according to the 1962 the Anglican Church, has a special are accommodating former Angli- dations could prove to be a major last- Underlining the Pope’s personal vate audience with him soon after I Roman Missal, Msgr. Newton added, place in the hearts of those involved cans who come into the Catholic ing legacy of his pontificate. role in the ordinariates, Msgr. Steen- was appointed was indicative of his “I think Summorum Pontificum and with the ordinariates. Church. This is a fact particularly recog- son noted that, as a short-term conse- interest.” Anglicanorum Coetibus are part of Pope Benedict took an unusual In 2011, the Ordinariate of Our nized by the ordinary of the U.S. quence of his resignation, there could Msgr. Newton described the one vision of the Church.” step in personally celebrating the Lady of Walsingham was founded in ordinariate, Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson. be a delay in ordinations to the groups Pope’s actions as “an ecumenical ges- In September 2011, the then-pre- beatification Mass of the 19th-cen- England and Wales for the reception In a Feb. 11 statement, he commented (as the pope must personally approve ture.” fect of the Congregation for the Doc- tury convert and cardinal during his of Anglicans into full communion that “members of the ordinariate are these). But, he noted, “while the ordi- He continued, “Often, ecumenical trine of the Faith, U.S. Cardinal Wil- 2010 U.K. visit. That decision under- with the Catholic Church, while in a particular way the spiritual chil- nariate has been a special intention of dialogue is just that; there is much liam Levada, described the ordinari- lined his investment in the founda- maintaining their distinctive Angli- dren of His Holiness Pope Benedict Pope Benedict, it is now firmly estab- talk, but with little concrete to show. ate as “the Pope’s project.” tion of the ordinariates and the can patrimony. A year ago, the Ordi- XVI.” lished in the Catholic Church and will In the ordinariate, the Pope is show- The results are bearing fruit. The search for Christian unity that they nariate of the Chair of St. Peter was Msgr. Steenson noted that ever continue to serve as an instrument for ing, if in a small way, that the Church Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter represent. established in the U.S., while the since Pope Benedict’s time as prefect Christian unity.” of Christ can be diverse, providing includes 36 communities, 30 priests James Kelly writes Ordinariate of Our Lady of the South- of the Congregation for the Doctrine Msgr. Keith Newton, ordinary of there is a common faith and all mem- and more than 1,600 people in the from London.

May 8-15: Holy Nov. 4: The Pope issues Sept. 16-19: State visit to Great Britain; he Jan. 24: Bene- Father goes on the apostolic constitution publishes Verbum Domini, a post-synodal Nov. 6-7: Visit dict lifts the pilgrimage to the Anglicanorum Coetibus apostolic exhortation on the “Word of God to Spain; one excommunica- Holy Land. authorizing the creation in the Life and Mission of the Church.” highlight: making tion of four of ordinariates, which are a pilgrimage Society of St. similar to dioceses, for June 29: Benedict presides at first to Santiago de Pius X bishops former Anglicans. It allows April 17-18: The Compostela ordained against vespers in the Basilica of St. Paul Sept. 26- groups of Anglicans to come Pope travels Outside the Walls for the Solemni- to venerate papal orders in 28: Pope into the Catholic Church to Malta; he the remains of Jan. 23: The Pope ty of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles, 1988 by French visits the while retaining elements of celebrates his St. James the launches the Vatican’s officially marking the close of Archbishop Mar- Czech the Anglican heritage and fifth anniversary Greater. YouTube channel. cel Lefebvre. the Year of St. Paul. He travels to Republic. liturgical tradition. as pope. Cyprus. January May September November April June September November p p p p p p p p 2009 2010 Celebrates Year of Priests. q q q q q q q q March June October December January May July October

June 29: March 16: Oct. May 11-14: The July 15: The Pope revises The Synod of Benedict Benedict Holy Father goes the Church’s abuse norms; Bishops on the releases 4-25: announces a Synod of to Portugal; he the revised rules, signed by Middle East is Year for Priests; his Caritas establishes the the Holy Father May 21 and held; Oct. 12: The in Veritate Bishops 17-23: apostolic on Africa. Courtyard of the published in July, send a Pope creates the trip to Cameroon (Charity December: Holy Gentiles to reach clear signal that the Church Pontifical Council and Angola. in Truth) See establishes full out to agnostics is “very, very serious” about for Promoting the Jan. 17: Benedict visits a encyclical. diplomatic relations and atheists. protecting children and New Evangelization. Roman synagogue. with Russia. punishing abusive priests. continues on page D6 Top row, left to right: Reuters/Tony Gentile. Bottom row, left to right: Franco Origlia/Getty Images; Mimmo Chianura/Vatican Pool/Getty Images; L’Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool via Getty Images; Reuters/Alessia Pierdomenico National Catholic Register, march 10, 2013 D6 T ruth in Love: The Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI

bishops have been trying to do since 2002 to remedy the situation and Pope Benedict’s ‘Years’ make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Gentle Shepherd “The incidence of sex abuse of minors by Catholic priests has gone n June 10, 2004, Pope John way, way down in recent years,” Paul II announced a special Shaw said. “While that’s due to a O Year of the Eucharist, number of factors, it is certainly the which would begin in October of Inspires the Nation result of the policies and programs that year and last until October of child protection put in place in 2005. Benedict Encouraged America to Live for ‘Christ, Our Hope’ Catholic schools and churches for It was not the first special year quite a few years now.” that John Paul II proclaimed. BY PETER JESSERER SMITH In fact, it followed close on the Interfaith Dialogue heels of the Year of the Rosary WASHINGTON — Five years The Pope also stressed the (2002-2003), which itself followed after his pastoral visit to the United Church’s solidarity with other peo- the multi-year cycle leading up to States, Benedict’s presence contin- ple of faith during his visit. He spoke the Great Jubilee Year 2000. of life. How can I not pay tribute to ues to leave a mark on a Church that with 200 representatives of reli- Periodically, popes proclaim their apostolic labors, their tireless faces a rising tide of hostile secular- gions, including Judaism, Islam, special, yearlong celebrations to and hidden service, their universal ism in American society. Buddhism and Hinduism, at Catho- mark important events in the life of charity? And how can I not praise For six days, between April lic University’s Pope John Paul II the Church and to focus attention the courageous fidelity of so many 15-20, 2008, Benedict took up the Cultural Center on April 18 before on particular aspects of the faith. priests who, even amid difficulties “Pilgrim Pope” mantle of his prede- making a historic visit the next day While the Year of the Eucharist and incomprehension, remain faith- cessor Blessed John Paul II. Scores to the Park East Synagogue in New was not John Paul II’s first such ful to their vocation as ‘friends of of thousands of Catholics — bish- York. year, it would be his last. He passed Christ,’ whom he has called by ops, priests, laity and religious rep- “Getting together on American away in the midst of the celebration. name, chosen and sent?” resenting 195 dioceses — turned out soil, in the land of freedom and At the time, some thought it sig- Although strengthening priestly to see the Holy Father as he made democracy, where all religious com- nificant that he passed away during life is an urgent priority in today’s his stops in Washington and New munities can live together in peace a year devoted to a theme so close to Church, it is not the only one. York and to hear his inspirational and harmony was a real affirmation his heart. Another, even greater priority is vision of how the Church must of Pope Benedict to Nostra Aetate When the new pope, Benedict addressing the present crisis of engage American society with the and the Second Vatican Council,” XVI, was elected, he faith. Gospel message. Rabbi Arthur Schneier said. continued the cele- This is clearly a subject that is “The whole theme of the visit Pope Benedict also addressed bration of the Year close to Pope Benedict’s heart, and was ‘Christ, Our Hope,’” Bishop PAX TECUM. President George W. Bush shakes hands with Pope Bene- the U.N. General Assembly that day, of the Eucharist, he has taken steps to address it, Kevin Rhoades of the Diocese of dict XVI during an arrival ceremony on the South Lawn of the White urging them to reject efforts to rein- including events such as creating the Pontifical

Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind., House, April 16, 2008. Mark Wilson/Getty Images terpret the Universal Declaration of Jimmy Akin Council for Promoting New Evan- recalled. “He was calling us to live Human Rights in ways that would gelization in 2010. our faith in the public square and administration’s Health and Human a vision where what Catholic educa- exclude God and the natural law. planned for it, such as a World It was no surprise then, when he put into practice our beliefs in the Services’ mandate, which requires tion ought to be (was central),” “It should never be necessary to Youth Day and a special Synod of proclaimed a Year of Faith, which world.” that organizations, including Catho- Reilly said. deny God in order to enjoy one’s Bishops on the Eucharist. began in October 2012 and which Bishop Rhoades, then the bishop lic ones, provide for abortion-induc- Reilly said Benedict’s positive rights,” Benedict said. So while he had not proclaimed will conclude Nov. 24. of Harrisburg, Pa., recounted that ing drugs, contraception and steril- appeal to Catholic educators moved Archbishop Chaput said the this year, Benedict XVI completed It coincides with the 20th anni- Benedict’s “warmth, gentleness and ization to employees in their health- the discussion beyond meeting only Pope’s affirmation of the “religious it. versary of the Catechism of the amazing teaching” banished Ameri- insurance plans. the most minimal requirements of dimension of human rights” was a In time, he called his own spe- Catholic Church and the 50th anni- can misperceptions of him as a “I never thought in 2008 that Ex Corde Ecclesiae, Pope John Paul reminder that individuals aren’t “lit- cially-themed years. The first of versary of Vatican II. hard-nosed “Panzer Pope.” religious liberty would be under II’s apostolic constitution for Catho- tle godlings,” but, instead, have these was the Pauline Year, devoted In January 2012, Pope Benedict Instead, he said, Benedict pre- attack the way it is today,” Bishop lic higher education, and reminded “binding duties to God, each other to St. Paul. This year ran from June told the Congregation for the Doc- sented to the Church “the whole Rhoades said. the educators that their mission and society.” 2008 to June 2009. It was timed to trine of the Faith: “In vast areas of theme of the New Evangelization” These subsequent events make “revolves around bringing young coincide with the 2,000th anniver- the earth, faith risks being extin- and renewed the courage of the U.S. the Pope’s call in 2008 for Ameri- people to Christ.” Inspirational Farewell sary of St. Paul’s birth, which is gen- guished, like a flame that is no lon- bishops in the face of increasing cans to uphold their nation’s founda- Reilly noted positive improve- On April 19, Pope Benedict erally placed between A.D. 7 and 10. ger fed. We are facing a profound attacks on life, marriage and reli- tional commitment to religious lib- ments since the pastoral visit, such arrived at St. Joseph’s Seminary in The year was intended to call crisis of faith, a loss of the religious gious belief in the public square. erty and to moral values even more as the National Catholic School Yonkers, N.Y., to lead a youth rally attention to the life and teachings of sense that constitutes the greatest President George W. Bush per- relevant now, according to U.S. Standards developed by Loyola Uni- of 20,000, where he encouraged the St. Paul, who is obviously a very challenge to the Church today. The sonally greeted the Holy Father as Catholic leaders. versity in Chicago to promote Cath- young people and seminarians pres- important figure for the Church. renewal of faith must therefore take he stepped off the plane April 15 at “If people no longer believe in olic identity in elementary and sec- ent to have confidence to follow Pope Benedict also had a sur- priority in the commitment of the Andrews Air Force Base in Wash- God, and if the social sciences have ondary schools. Christ’s call. prise up his sleeve. At the close of entire Church in our time. I hope ington, where cheering crowds weakened the idea that humans “I saw his gaze of love on each of the Pauline Year, he announced that that the Year of Faith will contrib- greeted him. The next day at the have any inherent or permanent Healing After Sex Abuse us. It was very real,” recalled Father scientific tests had been conducted ute, with the cordial cooperation of White House, the Pope praised the ‘nature,’” Philadelphia Archbishop Also on April 17, approximately Michael Roche, 34, a parochial vicar that provided evidence that the tra- all the members of the people of U.S. founding documents’ recogni- Charles Chaput said Feb. 27, “then 46,000 people joined U.S. cardinals, at St. Paul’s Cathedral in downtown ditional tomb of St. Paul — at the God, to making God present in this tion of “a moral order based on the words like ‘freedom,’ ‘rights’ and bishops and 1,300 priests for Bene- Pittsburgh. Basilica of St. Paul Outside the world once again.” dominion of God the Creator” and ‘truth’ don’t really mean anything. dict’s opening Mass at Washington’s The future priest and a group of Walls — does indeed contain the Like 2005, the Year of Faith is a recalled George Washington’s They’re just campaign slogans.” Nationals Stadium, where he called fellow seminarians met with Bene- mortal remains of the Apostle to the year in which the pope is scheduled reminder to the nation in his 1794 for Catholics to “foster healing and dict personally that day. “I’ve told Gentiles. to attend World Youth Day, and, farewell address that religion and Campus Fidelity reconciliation” in the wake of the people ever since: This guy loves It thus seems that we not only again, it will close with a Synod of morality are “indispensable sup- Benedict’s historic address to sex-abuse scandal. The Pope would you more than anyone you’ll ever have the relics of St. Peter, but of St. Bishops devoted to the year’s theme ports” of its continued freedom. 400 Catholic university presidents repeat this theme again at his Mass know, even though he’s never met Paul as well. (the promotion of the faith). and school superintendents on April at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New you and will never know your Pope Benedict next proclaimed But Pope Benedict will not be The Challenge of Secularism 17 at Catholic University of America York on April 19. name,” Father Roche said. “But he a Year for Priests, which ran from the one to complete it. That task “The preservation of freedom also set a new tone for Catholic edu- Benedict also had a private has just a truly real appreciation for June 2009 to June 2010. It was timed will fall to a new pope. calls for the cultivation of virtue, cation in America. meeting with survivors of priestly your destiny.” to coincide with the 150th anniver- And thus there is an odd sense self-discipline, sacrifice for the “This is the chief idea of Pope sex abuse, accompanied by Cardinal The next day, the Pope bid fare- sary of the death of St. John Vian- of history repeating itself. Pope common good and a sense of respon- Benedict about higher education: It Sean O’Malley of Boston, and apolo- well to the United States after visit- ney, the patron saint of priests. Benedict was elected during a spe- sibility towards the less fortunate,” isn’t our job just to provide informa- gized for the Church’s failures. ing, praying at and blessing Ground This year was intended to cially-themed year proclaimed by Benedict said. “It also demands the tion about God, but that the Catholic “I told him then that he had a Zero, the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, strengthen the life and ministry of his predecessor on a subject very courage to engage in civic life and to university should be a place where cancer in his flock that he needed to terrorist attack on the World Trade priests in the face of increasing close to John Paul II’s heart. bring one’s deepest beliefs and val- God is in our midst,” John Garvey, do something about,” said Bernie Center twin towers. pressures, including the awful sex- Now a new pope will find him- ues to reasoned public debate.” president of The Catholic Univer- McDaid, 57, who had been sexually At his closing Mass before flying abuse scandals. self presiding over a specially- The Pope later that day sity of America, told Catholic News abused by a now-deceased Boston back to Rome, Pope Benedict urged In a letter he wrote to priests, themed year proclaimed by Pope addressed the Church’s bishops at Agency. priest at 12 years old. the 60,000 Catholics packed into Pope Benedict explained that this Benedict on a subject very close to the Basilica of the National Shrine Garvey said the Pope’s address The most heart-rending episode Yankee Stadium to live daily the year was “meant to deepen the his own heart. of the Immaculate Conception and had “real, noticeable effects,” with of Benedict’s meeting with sex- words “thy Kingdom come” in the commitment of all priests to inte- It will be the new pope who goes spoke about confronting the pasto- universities showing a “greater will- abuse survivors came when a Lord’s Prayer as a witness to hope. rior renewal for the sake of a stron- to World Youth Day and who pre- ral challenges of secularism, the ingness” to embrace their Catholic woman who was raped as a little girl “This prayer needs to shape the ger and more incisive witness to the sides over a Synod of Bishops “quiet apostasy” of Catholics leav- identity and academics less suspi- by a priest rose to tell her story, mind and heart of every Christian Gospel in today’s world.” devoted to this year’s theme. ing the faith and the decline in voca- cious toward the bishops. McDaid said. But when she tried to in this nation,” the Pope said. “It He also took the occasion to One cannot help imagining how, tions. Patrick Reilly, president of the speak, she burst forth in a wailing needs to bear fruit in the way you reflect “with heartfelt gratitude on as he contemplated his resignation, Since that visit, however, Cardinal Newman Society, which torrent of tears. lead your lives and in the way you the immense gift which priests rep- Pope Benedict saw these parallels Church-state relations in the United ranks Catholic colleges and univer- Catholic commentator and build up your families and your resent, not only for the Church, but to his own experience upon assum- States have deteriorated sharply. sities based on their fidelity to author Russell Shaw, a former communities. It needs to create new also for humanity itself. I think of ing the papacy. In the most significant current Church teaching, said Benedict spokesman for the U.S. bishops’ ‘settings of hope’ where God’s King- all those priests who quietly present In these parallels, he must have dispute, the U.S. Conference of would have been justified to call conference, said the American dom becomes present in all its sav- Christ’s words and actions each day seen the Hand of Providence. Catholic Bishops has joined with a Catholic educators to account over Church has made “significant prog- ing power.” to the faithful and to the whole Jimmy Akin is a Register variety of Catholic and other Chris- “the current crisis in Catholic edu- ress” against sexual abuse under Peter Jesserer Smith writes from world, striving to be one with the columnist and blogger and senior tian organizations and businesses in cation.” Benedict. He said the pastoral visit Rochester, New York. Lord in their thoughts and their apologist at Catholic Answers. a legal battle against the Obama “He chose instead to re-establish “lent support to what the American CNA contributed to this report. will, their sentiments and their style His blog is JimmyAkin.com.

March 10: The Nov. 18-20: Benedict travels to Af- Oct. 7: The Pope declares two new doctors of Pope publishes rica; he releases post-synodal apos- the Church: Sts. Hildegard of Bingen and John Vol. 2 of Jesus tolic exhortation on of Avila. of Nazareth. the “Church in Africa in Service to Oct. 11: The Year of Faith begins; also marks Reconciliation, Justice and Peace.” the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Nov. 27: The 50th anniversary of the start of Vatican II. new Mass Oct. 21: Benedict canonizes American Sts. Dec. 12: Feb. 18: Benedict appoints 22 new Kateri Tekakwitha and Marianne Cope. Benedict debuts Sept. 22-25: The translation goes cardinals at fourth ordinary public Pope goes to into effect in the Oct. 28 The Synod of Bishops on the New on Twitter June: 4-5: The Holy Father travels consistory of his pontificate in St. Evangelization is held. @pontifex. to Croatia. Germany. U.S. Peter’s Basilica. March June September November February October December p p p p p p p 2011 2012 2013 q q q q q q q May August October January March November February

May 1: Benedict beatifies John Aug. 18-21: Benedict Oct. 16: Bene- Jan. 1: The March 23-29: The Holy Nov. 24: A con- Paul II, saying, “Blessed are celebrates World dict starts using Personal Father travels to Mexico sistory creates you, John Paul, because you Youth Day in Madrid. a wheeled plat- Ordinariate and Cuba, where he Milwaukee native believed.” form at events. of the Chair meets with Fidel Castro. Archbishop James May 16: The of St. Peter Harvey a cardinal Feb. 11: The Holy Vatican releases is officially and five other Father announces a letter on deal- Oct. 27: The Holy Father hosts a third World Day of Prayer for Peace in erected in the Nov. 20: The Holy Father non-European his resignation. ing with sexual Assisi, Italy, marking the 25th anniversary since John Paul II held the U.S. for former releases the third volume of cardinals. Feb. 28: Benedict abuse. first gathering there. Anglicans. Jesus of Nazareth. resigns.

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