Curran Trial Light Shed on Local Politics

Fronk Ph illips squealed to save hi own skin." He, however , still face s Stoff Writer prosecution from the federal government on income tax evasion and fraud charges which , according to the calculations . While UCSD students were doing whatever vacationing of Curran's attorney George McClenahan, cou ld bring him over college students do, Francis Earl Curran, San Diego's mayor , 60 years in pri on and several hundred thousand dollars in was busy defending himself in Court against charges ranging fines . from accepting bribes and violating the California Election Pratt testified that h paid Ma yor Curran a total of 3500 in Code to conspiracy to pervert and obstruct justice Late return for a favorable vote on the cab fare increase request. Wednesday, after two days of deliberation preceded by three Pratt said he felt it was necessary to pay the money because a consultant retained by City Attorney Ed Butler had prepared a NEWS ANALYSI report showing that the increase would result in nearly a 100 per cent increase in profit for the Yellow Cab Company. weeks of hearing testimony, a jury of Curran's peers found him Curran allegedly told Pratt after receiving a $1000 check that innocent on all counts. he (Curran ) "would take care of Stanley Lanham (the city Ignoring the question of whether justice has been well-served attorney's consultant )." When the rate increase request came by the acquittal of Curran , known affectionately among his before, the council at a hearing in October of 1967 Curran political enemies as "Cuddles," the trial must be viewed as ruled Lanham out of order before he could finish one ntence significant and valuable because of its exposure of the of his report. somewhat corrupt workings of local politics. Curran was the Hitcb AI 0 Supported first to go on trial among eight present and former city Pratt revealed that he contributed $4000 to Curran' 1967 officials indicted in October on various charges relating to the oppo~ent in the election for mayor. Allen Hitch . who is al 0 alleged acceptance of bribes from Charles Pratt, former under indictment. The former president of the Yellow Cab president of the Yellow Cab Company, in return for favorable Company testified that it was his policy to contribute to both votes on a application for a 22 per Ct!nt increase in cab fares in sides in local election . He inferred that this is a common 1967. Pratt Still in Hot Water practice among busi nessmen in order to incure favorabl e treatment no matter who wins. For Curran 's defense. attorney It was Pratt's testimony which was most interesting. He wa McClenahan relied heavily on the testimony of the mayor . granted immu~ity from al.1state prosecution in retur~ fO.r hi s Observers agreed that Curran gave very poor testimony. Many damaging testimony agamst Curran and the other m~lct.ed officials. According to John Hewicker, the assistant dlstnct of his answers bordered on the absurd. Curran testified that attorney handling Curran's prosecution, " Pratt is a rat. .. he (continued on page 2)

VOLUMN 12, NUMBER 2 University 01 Colilornio, Son Diego JANt ARY 8, 1971 Third College Formulates Bylaws

John Zoller For example. on the short end of Tu sday' 14-13 vote wa a Stoff Wr iter plan that would have set member hlp on the Board of Director Third College students Tuesday night took another step at five faculty . five student . and the Provost. peclfymg toward formulation of the by- laws that will regulate the furth r that the blacks. chicanos. Asian-Amen an . American operation of their college. By a 14-13 vote . the cauc'u Indian . and white hould ach provide one of the memb r recommended that the Third College Board of Directors Ayda Lucero. an Asian-American. argued that mc the 10 109 consist of the Provo t. three faculty member . and thr e plan repre ented th entiment of such a ubstantial numb r of students. The recommendation pecified that the tudent people, it should al 0 be ent to the General mbly for representatives should be one black and one chicano, with a po sibl adaptation " We 've alway been I ft in the 'oth r . third student to represent the white. A ian- merican and category ," she said. " but only an ethnic can repre ent hi or American Indian element in the college. Each stud nt her own people. Let's let the whole a mbly decide between director would be elected by his respective ethnic group. the two plan ." The proposal will go next week to the Third ollege General "If not fair to the larger numb r of black to have only one As embly. membership in which i open to anyone, including repre enlative on a five-man board ." returned one black . staff .who are formally affiliated with thE! college. There it will " We should not be penalized b cau we have not ye t begun be considered along with an alternate plan propo ed b faculty. to re ruit ," Lucero replied. Of th 150 tudent in Third The faculty plan , while maintaining the same number of ollege. approximat Iy one third are black . whll there are IX student . faculty . and adm ini tration on the Board of Asian-American Directors, provide ' for election of student rep re entative through a process that would not guarantee any pecific ethnic Board Already Un\\ieldy balance. Percy Myer , a black and a member of the ollege' tudent Alternative Formulated pro isional Board of Director . argued that the provi lonal Board pre en ll y con i ted of ven member . and that It wa Consensu of tudent opinion at the la t General em bl y already unwi Idy. To increa e the number to 11 (five tudent . was against this faculty plan , and Tuesda y' meeting wa five [acuity. and th Provo U would . h • Id . make the Board called to formulate a tudent alternative. There is no too large to function ff cl1v Iy. a surance, however. that Tuesday night' propo al will finally Besid e . Myer continued. the meeting h d be n called to Buffalo Bob Smitb as be captivated tbe crowd Wednesday night be accepted. A compromi e, or an entirely new approach. i fo rmulate a ingl alternative to the faculty plan. and if the possible. tud nt caucu were unable to choo e betwe n two plan. " it in the Revelle Cafeteria. See story on page 3. would lend credence to the belief of om faculty that tud nt Financial Losses Result in Cafeteria Cutbacks are nev r abl to get them elve togeth r over anything ..

Molly Se/vin income ha Associate City Editor

Cafeteria ervice are being sharply curtailed thi quarter as a result of 475 additional re id nt tudents exercising th ir option to pay for room only in their resid nce hall contract. B ginning in th fall quarter. tudents have b en given the option of paying lor room onl y or bu yin meal scrip indud d in th ir dorm contract. They may change option if th y wi hat th end of each quart r. At the nd of th fall quarter. th caf teria manag 01 nt di cover d thatlh af t ria ' mcome for lhi qu rt r would not be ufficient to sustain th original hour of operation. DIMEN ION eeks Comm Board Funds Batchelder Cites Change in

DlmeDsioD, after being unanimously denied funds by the UCSD Communications Board , is presently appealing to Interests as Dismissal Reason Chancellor York to overrule that body and provide them with work , and that he had personal reasons for wishing to leave the financial assistance. The basis of the appeal is the unanimous UC STATE COLLEGES FACE BUDGET 'CURBS Rad Lorang , Stafl Wr iter San Diego area, but just what and where his next job will be is awarding of $675 by the same board to Third World in October. • a question he cannot answer yet. One reason he cannot answer Karl Keating DimeosioD managing editor, says that the UC and state colleges will face another budget cut for Muir College Dean Alan Batchelder cited the fact that he had is the tight money and frozen hiring situation in the state's UCSD Given Top Grad School Rating publication will go bankrupt before the end of this Quarter, the 1971-72 year. The Reagan Administration plans to colleges and universities. Vice-Chancellor Murphy . who is unless new funding becomes available. changed during his years at Muir as a major reason for his hold next year's budget at approximately its current dismis~l. He is now spending more time in personal assistingBatcheld er in locating and securing a pOSition , says "I The University of California, San Diego has been rated Peace Corps College Credit Program level, despite rising en roll ments. co~nsehng and less in the administra tive side of his post, he would love to keep him at UCS D, but at the moment our among the top graduate schools in the nation in a survey The UC Board of Regents has requested an operating said. He acknowleged that he and the Muir deanship are not fu nding situation is such that neither he nor I see any real released Sunday in Washington, D.C ., by the American now in the same place and that another man could probab y do prospects." Batchelder mentioned public relations work or a T~e State University of New York , College at Brockport is budget of $374.2 million for 71-72. This is an increase of 4.5 Council on Education. lookmll. for students who want to earn college credit while the administrative work better than he . juni or college position as future possibilities. The survey, titled "A Rating of Graduate Programs," was percent over the current year, reflecting an anticipated preparmg to teach mathematics and science as Peace Corps enrollment increase of 4500. However, the proposed Batchelder denied, however , being disenchanted with The student members of the Muir College Council raised the conducted by the ACE in 1969. It compares 130 colleges and administration per se, and said it was instead a matter of the question of why the news of the decision was not made • volunteers in Latin America. Reagan budget will represent a cut of about 10 percent universiti es in all parts of the United States each having Peace Corps and college officials announced toda y that the "kind of administration." He said that he and Muir Provost available in ovember. They said they were not at this time graduate programs in two or more of 36 se lected academic unique Peace Corps College Degree program at Brockport will from the University's request. State colleges expect a 15 John Stewart had disagreed in the pa st on such things as the commenting on the decisions regarding Ba tchelder, but only on disciplines. be extended with the admission of a fifth group of candidates in percent cut from their request. method by which to conduct the Muir Council elections and the decisions regarding themselves: the decisions not to UCSD was rated among the top graduate schools in 10 of the June, 1971 . Reagan claims that he will not raise taxes to bridge the criteria for accepting student petitions for rule exceptions. He consult them nor even inform them of a decision of major 36 disciplines included in the survey with the added opinion that The program is open to students who are in good standing at $700 million budget deficit forecasted for 71-72. If this is also expressed great respect and admiration for Stewart and importance both to the college they are a part of and to the the doctoral program in each discipline was better now than any accredited college or university and who will have so, then UC and the state colleges will have to consider Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs Dean Murphy. students they represent. five years ago. completed their sop homore or junior year by June 1971. enrollment limitations. A UC official doesn 't feel that the Stewart also described the relations between himand On the subj ect of the council and its role in the case , Those disciplines in which UCSD received a high rating were App lica tions must be made to the Peace Corps/College University will try to limit enrollment at the un­ Batchelder "entirely friendly in all respects . . " Batchelder Batchelder said he feels that the question of his pOSition could English, philosophy, biochemistry, developmental biology. Degree Program ; State University College at Brockport; dergraduate level, but that the graduate level will be used the words" cordial and open . . " Batchelder was notified of have profita bly been brought before the council. Vice· molecular biology , chemistry, geology, mathematics, physics, Brockport, New York 14420 by March 1. his di smi ssal last Nov . 23 (not Dec. 23 as erroneously reported Chancellor Murphy, however, spoke of " the inappropriateness and Spanish. In each of these disciplines some 70 to 75 per cent Graduates receive either an A.B. or B.S. degree, second ary closely controlled. The figures represent only the operating budget. in Tuesday's TRITON TIMES ) .. of consultation beforehand. " All parties have agreed that the of the scholars indicated they thought the quali ty of the UCSD school teacher certifi ca tion and an assignment overseas to a Batchelder said that he did wish to get into a different sort of cou ncil will play a major role in determining the choice of programs was better now than it was five years ago . bi-national educational team as a Peace Corps volunteer. While New monies for construction in both UC and state Batchelder's successor. Several of the categories surveyed , such as art history, they are serving overseas. volunteers may earn up to 12 hours colleges are separately allocated. But a similar situation pharmacology, political science, and zoology, have not yet of graduate credit. prevails in that area as well. Howdy Doody been established as doctoral programs at the San Diego campus. Garbage Reclamation HOOVER HAILS FBI's '70 RECORD Buffalo Bob Captivates Students Students wishing to help with the garbage reclamation FBI Director J . Edgar Hoover feels that 1970 was a Free Journali m Cour e problem are urged by the Muir College Cou ncil to put empty Michael Klayer jokes to ridiculous old songs, the crowd seemea aluminum cans in the receptacles provided outside their very good year. The FBI chief said, "More fugitives were Manag ing Editor to enj oy every minute. There was a sincere "Organization of Information" is a free course offered " fishbowl " office, between Muir Commons and the Muir located, more organized crime figures convicted and Something my stical happened la st night at feeling that must have told Buffa lo Bob he was Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4 to 7 p.m. in USB 3060. It is a dorms. . more finger prints checked than In any previous year in UCSD. A man in a funn y suit stepped into the home with the old kid s again . Two UCS D Alan Batchelder complete writing and communications workshop designed to the agency's history." Revelle cafeteria from the past of the student students were even members of the Howdy -r ...... •...... cu t out and saveo···································l train and tutor persons interested in professional writing of According the FBI figures, they even made a profit. body and captivated the same group of students Dood y Show Peanut Gallery. The feeling that articles, books, theses, term papers, reports, and journalism. "Fines, savings and recoveries in FBI investigations who shouted down AI Capp only a few months was fel t is one you wouldn't dare tell your best ! The course is open to the public and sponsored by orth Cafeteria Changes ••• during the period reached the record figure of over $422 ago. friend , but one that no one would deny himself. • Shores Adult School. It will be held January 5 to March 14. million, a return of $1.60 for every dollar appropriated and it prevailed throughout the whole show. And : Students may register any time by coming to class. A film and The show began with a crowd of nearly 350 (continued from page I) for FBI operations; ' said Hoover in his annual report to at the end many students lined up to get his • speaker from Scientology will appear January 26 and February students reaching and ye lling for the candy that • Attorney General John Mitchell. was being tossed , like to monkeys in a cage. The autograph. Everything from draft cards to the • 5. attributable to the fact that the Ernie Mort, Revelle resident TRITON TIMES were sig ned and one TRITON CAL-JET CHARTERS In the last calendar year, Hoover noted, 468 persons in Muir dorms have the most dean , feels that most Revelle Peanut Gallery ·was soon watching an old organized crime were convicted due to FBI in· Howdy Doody show that dated back -to 1957. TIMES staffer even brought out one of the i kitchenettes of the three students are still happy about glossy photographs used for promotions. • colleges. having the room only option vestigations, and 32 ,000 fugitives wanted for violations of La ughter dominated the jovial group , but federal or state laws were tracked down. Angela Davis, towards the end there was an air of In all. the night was one of magic that saw MaUbews : Sans Kitchenettes d~spite the cutbacks. who declared her innocence in murder and kidnaping apprehension when it was time for Buffalo Bob. college students think of times when grades, EUROPE 1971 Frederick's war and the like were not theirs to worry about, Suggestions Proliferate in among Miss Matthews campus, th e charges California, was them. Before When he appeared Buffalo Bob wa s treated when they would worry and ask, " Mommy, Ski Shop Davis' apprehension, The FBI's most wanted list grew to Don 't be mislead by lower prices, in vestigate first . Fly with our reliable Charter group . present home of Third College, From those students who are with reverence due to a king . From corny when i~ it ioing to be Howd y Doody Time?" has no kitchenettes. Thus the not happy about food service a record total ofl6. Know the facts on your charter carrier before you sign your application . Come in and see all our new Matthewsresidents who depend cutbacks ha ve come some Last year, 199 million sets of finger prints were on Non-Vi olent Revolution most on the food service suggestions for expa nd ed food record. The FBI received more than 6.5 million finger­ Don 't take a chance with an un known charter airline. ski fashions and equipment operation are suffering the service on other campuses. print cards and was processing them at a rate of 26,000 a most because of the cutbacks, However, none of these day. hrs. 10-8 M-F S~ i lifts are operating all over California says Roberta Alexander, Third suggestions seems likely to be However, Hoover did admit a rise in New Left Gas ses Describe Latin American Role 10-6 Sat. College resident dean . implemented. Di scussion ha s violenc~, aircraft hijackings and killings of police by WESTCOAST TO EUROPE (ROUND TRIP) 7730 Fay La Jolla 454-1410 Cli fl Post situation in which revolution is They, were the first to be able Accordingly, bus operation centered on an AS run cafeteria 1 11-5 Sun. black militants. Stofl Writer taking place." to bring together a meeting of 315 ( 86 days) LA· London (RT) Ivs june 13 .. ret sept 6.... 299 between the Matthews or coffee shop . a food co-op or Ru ssian a nd Western co-op grocery store at Muir Hildegard Goss-Mayer and According to them, their role 314 ( 81 days) Oakland · London (RT) lvs june 5-- ret aug 24 ...... ' 279 residence halls and Revelle SURGEONS LEAVE APPARATUS IN PATIENTS in Latin Al!lerica has been to mmlsters. Hildegard Goss­ College has been implemented college , a co-op ca feteria at Jea n Goss, members Df the U.S. & Foreign train leaders and to lay Ma yer ha s also been Secretary 117 (83 days) Oakland·Amsterdam (RT) Ivs june 14·ret sept 4.... 299 Resourcefulne.. during the dinner hour so Third Co llege and the reversion Fellowship for International PJ .\· c h olog~' . becoming paperback Surgeons to getting a absent-minded Reconciliation , related their groundwork for non-violent for t he Fel lowship of 251 (90 days) Oakland - Amsterdam (RT) Ivs june 17 ret sept 14.... 299 Matthews residents can avoid to the old system of a closed seem be bit these .. u.s. philoJoph~' magazine.! experiences in trying to revolution. As an example, International Reconciliation. the cold an-d darkness on the Cafeteria. where no one but days. In Visalia , Calif., a woman was awarded $60,000 in 118 (72 days) Oakland·LO London /Amsterdam·Oakland Ivs june 16 ret aug 26 .... 299 children 'J book. • pO~lerJ damages because her surgeon left a seven-inch surgical promote non-violent revolution they mentioned Don Hilder Her father was a known iiction, poetry rpco rd long walk from their dorms to resident studentS' would be at a meeting Tuesday in the Camara, a notable non-violent pacifist who worked for solving 133 (71 days )'Oakland-London /Amsterdam·Oakland Ivs ,une 16'ret aug 25 .... 289 edu cational, cord the Revelle cafeteria. The bus admitted. But Borsari says clamp in her abdomen. Due to the surgeon! negligence, a second stomach operation was needed to remove the Revelle informal lounge. The bishop of Recife . Brazil. the animosity between 119 ( 68 days) Oakland· LA· Amsterdam (RT) Ivs june 20 ret aug 26 .... 299 jo~ makes two runs. the times of that there is just not enough two were sponsored by the In addition to their Latin Germany and Poland between which have not been finalized . clamp a few months later. 316 ( 93 days) Oakland-London/Amsterdam·Oakland Ivs june 20 ret sept 20 .... 299 bu si ness to support any of these World War 1 and World War II ~ In Toronto another surgeon was missing a towel after Revelle Guest-in Residence American experience, the 317 (87 days) LA·Oa kland ·London /Amsterdam·Oakland·LA Ivs june 22 ret sept 12 ... 299 Addi tionally. the insta lIa tion of proposed operations. Even with Committee. The discussion was Gosses have achieved many until he was arrested in 1938 ... surgery. The towel was discovered in his patient's body four kitchenettes in the the cutbacks enacted this the last item on a trip to notable successes in Europe. under Hitler's regime. 135 ( 29 days ) LA·Oakland·London (RT) lvs luly 14 ret aug 11.. ... 279 Matthewsdorms is planned and quarter, Lapetina predicts a after the patient died. Doctors performing the autopsy 125 (32 days ) Oakland ·LA·Am sterdam (RT) Ivs aug 1 ret sept \" .. 299 Ca lifornia which enabled them :::> should be completed by spring further drop in sales during the lound a green surgical towel measuring 30 by 18 inches in to see Caeser Chavez. -<.> 319 (30 days) Oakland ·LA·Am sterdam (RT ) Ivs aug 4 ret sept 2...... 289 or fall quarter. first few da ys of thi s quarter. the man's stomach. Ju stifying their non -violent EARTH·SONG These towels are used in emergency operations to sta nce as an integral part of BOOK STORE remove large quantities of free blood in the abdomen. their Christian philosophy. ONEWAY TO EUROPE According to Dr. David Sollol, the surgeon who per­ Hildegard Goss-Mayer (Jean 1440 Camino del Mar Del Mar 755-4254 Curran TriaL .. formed this particular operation, " It never occurred to Goss cannot speak English and us that the unknown problem might be a foreign object." was translated for by NEW YORK TO EUROPE (continued from page 1) Hildegard Goss-Mayer ) stated 185 Oakland·LA·Amsterdam Ivs sept 25 .. 129 336 ( 64 days) NY·Amste rdam when a person contributed money to a campaign that person that man is born with certain MANY HUMAN 'D1SEASES BLAMED ON STARCHES 127 Oakland·LA·Amste rd am Ivs sept 7..129 Iv june 29·ret aug 31...210 would not necessarily want the candidate to know who gave the intrinsic rights, and. above all, mone y. 129 Oakland·LA·Amsterdam Ivs june 24 .. 179 a conscience. She said that the 252 ( 89 days) ·NY·Amsterdam (RT) HONDA CARS The testimony of San Diego City Manager Walter Hahn' According to a UCLA anthropologist, man made his two of them did their jobs by 253 Oa kland·LA·Amsterdam Ivs june 18 179 probably saved Curran. Hahn came across as being a humble Iv june 19·ret sept 15 ... 210 lirst fatal mistake when he discovered how to cultivate promoting understanding 936 Oa kland·LA·Am sterdam lvs april 25 .. 139 poorboy who has made good. Hi s answers seemed very sincere grains. R. D. McCracken feels that ancient man was a lot through breaking down I and he wa s abh!'to field difficult questions. In an effort to cast prejudices. 734 Oakland.[A·Amsterdam Ivs feb 4.. .139 doubt on the credibility of Prall's te timony, Hahn related that healthier than modern man. 00 McCracken says, " Man is basically a meat and fruit­ The Gosses have spent a 116 Oakland ·London Ivs march 20,, 139 $1395 he wa made aware of the fact that in 1967 Prall was under major part of the last 8 years in investigation for in co me tax fraud . According to the city eating animal. Carbohydrates and starches are an un­ ~ tin America " studying ways manager. Pratt at one meeting declared to Curran and Hahn natural diet for him. Because of th is, he blames the 10 which non-violent revolution " If 1 go down a lot of people are going with me." ' carbohydrates in the grains and refined sugar for many Could be developed in a Jury Faced With Choi ce of the diseases that alflict him." In the end the choi ce left to the jury wa s whether to believe Among some of the degenerative diseases that star­ harles Pratt. deposed president of the Yellow Cab Company ches are blamed for are diabetes, heart disease, stroke, who came across as a crook , or Francis Earl Curran. mayor of alcoholism, and schizoph renia. CO MMUNITY BLOOD BANK San Diego and pres id ent of th ational League of Cities,whose Sugar is the main source of energy for the body but it is 327 F St. All flights are open to students, employees, staff an d faculty Image as conveyed by defen e attorney McClenahan was that the rate at which it is absorbed into the blood stream that of a pillar of the community. The jury apparently believed determines whether or not it causes metabolic ab­ of the University of California and their immediate families. Curran normalities. The faster the rate , the greater the ab­ The verdict in this case casts doubt on whether any of the PAYS DONORS For Free or .~ ugar is NO MEMBERSHIP FEES other del ndant can now be convicted. The outcome of this normalities. Pure almost pur the worst food Home Demo . of all, for services Ca ll anyt,me at case ma y dampen the enthusia m with which further investigations into corruption in an Diego will be mad . "The brain is a very sensitive biochemical organ in 272 5511 1I0w ver. whatever th outcome or' th other cases, one thing is which fully 25 percent of the adult body's metabolic Mon. thru Sat. certain The words of former ity Attorney Ed Butler will no activity takes place. When the blood sugar gets too low, as it does when large amounts of insulin are secreted to Pacific Honda-l269 Garn l longer ring tru : "I think every ca ndidate who has ever run for any office in an Diego ha received contributions from control rapidly absor bed sugar, the brain begins to 233 - 8328 Charlie Pratt." malfunction, It freaks out", reports McCracken. January 8,1971 Triton Times Page J Page 2 Triton Times January 8, 1971 M.D. R'e ~r~:~:;:::~:;:;:::;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:~:::~:~;;;:;~;:::;:;::~;::::;;:::;;:;:;;;:;:;:~;~:~:~;~:::~ ;~::;: ;:;:;~;~;:; ~;: ;: ;:;:; ~;:; ::~;;;:~; h Y The Girl Who Has Everything triton The Kissing Disease :~: The TRITON TIMES welcomes expressions of all viewpoints ::: University of California, Sin Diego :::from readers. Leiters should be kept brief and tbose over 600 ::: :::words are subject to condensation. It is recommended (but not ::: La Jolla, California 92037 Jim Sills R.... " Allen, M.D. :::necessary) tbat prior notification be given if you wisb to ::: (714) ~53-2000, ext. 1016, Advertising ext. 1017 v. :::submit a column or an article of opinion. ::: ::: Leiters and articles of opinion should be double spaced, sixty::: .Haywood Gammon, Editor-in-Chief Jeff Fried, Business Manager characterized by fever. sore throat. and swollen I've been feeling pretty tired for the last :::space liDe. Articles which exceed four pages are subject to::: You are n o ~' offic iall y warned: The Cause on campus this Incas and Sioux. And he is a woman ' She will electri fy montb. Last year I bad mono (infectious glands. A rash or jaundice may occur. The :::condensation depending on subject mailer. Longer articles can ;:: quarter wi ll be Angela Davis. There will be the usual strident Femalelibs. And some men- apparently including all spleen is enlarged in about three-quarters of The .ditorials expressed below are approved by lhe TRITON TIMES Edilori~1 Board. ~ll olher opinions Mononucleosis) . Do you think I could be getting ;:;be printed if prior notification is given. Letters and articles::: rhetor ic and wild charges. all inte nded to obfuscate the facts. reporters- find her attractive I Sex' ••"esied on Ihis page are those the aulhors whose names appear In lhe bylines, and. do cases. An enlarged spleen can be bruised easily of n~1 it again? ::: should be sent to the Editorial Director, Trition Times, 117 ::; The fa cts are as follows : And what's more . she even touched ba se in Middle America necessarily refled lhe views of lhe TRITON TI MES. Anyone d.siring to submil malerial to be pvbhshed In Not likely. Mono does not recur in the same and can even tear, so we recommend quiet :::Blake Hall. ::: 11) In I\ugust. 1970 a raid was made on the Marin County Court by being ca ught shacked up with a boy friend in a Howard this sed ion should send il to the Edilorial Direclor, TRITON TIMES, 117 Blake Hall, UCSD. patient. Mistakes in diagnosis in the past led living for awhile. Incidentally. the name House to free several black mili ta nts then on trial. In the Johnson 's motel. Amazingl~·. and climactically. she some how some people to be\ive the y' ve had mono more " mononucleosis" refers to the fa ct that ~ t manages to combine the New and the Old Left. Her style i :~;:::: ::::::::::::;:::::: : :::: ::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::: : ::::: : : : ::::: : :: ::: ::::: : :::: ::: : : ::::::: : :::: :: :;: ::;:~~:: .;i ensuing hoot·out a kIdn apped jud ge was killed . A leader in the than once. numerous atypical white blood cells of the attempt was one Jonathon Jackson. a freq uent companion of ew Left. but. ca t in it pre ent form by UCSD ' ow n Marxi t Maybe I've still got tbe original case and I lymphocyte kind are seen in the bloodstream of ::~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. :.:.:.:. : .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : .:.:.:.:.:.:. :. ~:; Angela Dav is. The weapons used in the raid were Marcuse and by her studies at the Marxist Institute of Social have not completely recovered? people with mono. The spleen is filled with these registered- the owner's name was Angela Davis. More than Relations at the Goethe Univer ity in Frankfurt. her mind is ice try. To quote Dr. Robert Hoagland in his cells. enough evide nce. certainly . for the district attorney to order another Ice-c ube out of the old dialectical refrigerator. Though book Infectious Mononucleosis: "Chroni c Isn't mono called the "kissing disease?" her arrest. she normally sport the biggest Afro this side of the Zambesi. Some people think that mono is transmitted Students and the AS Mononucleosis is as credible as chronic (2 ) Mi ss Davi . reaction was flight- not the response of an you will notice th at her )Jew York lawyer was the Party's old mease l . Infec tious monon ucleos i is an acute by ki ssing : others don't. Researchers continue innocent person. She was shortly charged with murder- und er faithful. John Abt. and that Gus Hal l. kingp in of the America n stain) . Second , the vote showed that disea e whi ch end s in a week to a to experiment on thi s. I suspect the controversy California law all plotter in a murder are considered equall y Communist Party is already scurrying aroung organIzing the Have the students of UCSD repudi ­ goes on because the re search is so much fun . ated the AS Council? This is the front­ this year's freshman class, probably month- usually 10-15 days." guilty. Free Angela Movement. ;\ew and Old Left come together. the It's interesting that some people ex pect to be Probably the virus of mono is transmitted in page conclusion that DIMENSION the most politically aware ever to enter (3, The question of whether Miss Davis wa aware of the use generations emb race at las\. ill fo r a long time with mono. When they find out saliva. You might get it passing the bottle (or of the gU,ns will be de term ined in open court. She will receive • elf -hatred' came to last quarter as a result of the the university, would jump at the hookah stem ) as well as by kissing . opportunity to participate in a "politi­ they've got it. they set their mind s to anticipate her fa ir day in co urt- just as Huey .'lewton did when freed . not I remember standi ng at the base of a platform in the UCSD student referendum on , strikes, vio­ a long convalescence . The fa ct is. it's unu sual to So what's making me so tired? cal issue " in their first quarter. It is by protest marches . bu t by a legal mistake no bigger than yo ur gym two yea r ago during the People's Park StrIke. FollOWing lence, and political motions. In their be sick fo r very long with mono. Probably a lot Could be a lot of things. rlltalk about fatigue thumb . the address of her mentor Marcu e. Angela took the podium to first issue of this quarter they again unfortunate that they had no choice of people have even had it without ever kn owing in another column . Right now I'm going to \ie Now. of course. you will hear anything but thaI over the nex t speak to the 3.000 odd there On hardl y followed her took up the cry that students were once they got their ballots. 'It was these it; they just had another so re throat. At the down for awhile. few months. You will be told that Angela Davi is a 'political argument : there was only tha t striking face transfIxed by estranged from their elected repre­ factors and not a student adversron to Student Health Service we advise patients with ••••• ••••• ••••• ••• ,, * ••••• prisoner.' a victim of :\ixon-Agnew-Mitchell . and a targe t of loathing as she houted out her enmity for Reagan. the 'rael t sentatives. The TRITON TIMES feels the AS that produced the high turnout. mono to stay in bed if th ey have feve r or Questions fo r MD rap may be dropped in the that old relia bl e. WhIt:' Raci sm power structure' and the 'faci t institutions of this country.' jaundice , but otherwise. its not essenti al to it necessary to condemn the distortion What did the vote on the specific box at the Student Health Se rvice. .~ Left's Pygmalion' But then. as he pau ed to accept the overwhelmingly White of "facts" which DIMENSION has issues of the referendum prove? re main in bed except in unusua l ci rcu mstances. SHS ote : To se rve you more effi cie ntl y and The usual lies and ui"torl1ons ar~ llIt~l e~l1 l1g . 01 course . bu t audience 's approval. I waneII' emotion eros her features The main thing is to ta ke ca re of your elf. avoid save you li me in 1971 , we've increased our staff I one shou ld ask why. Why Angela Davi s? Contempt. Co ntempt for the foolish children of the middle used to come to this conclusion. They Nothing of importance. The great trenuous ac ti vi ty. and get enough sleep. We claim students voted overwhelmingly ma jority of students are against and started a new sign-in system when you If the master carver had laid out hI S tools and set about class who lu sted after the self-flagellation of WhIte Guilt especiall y suggest that you "be kind to your making the perfect icon for the contemporary Left counter­ Contempt for the I intellectually , flabb y and listless inheritors "aye" to the referendum , while the AS violence . What's new? The AS is now come to the Stude nt Health Service . You ca n spleen. " now also make appointments in adva nce to see cultu re, he wou ld neces arily ha ve brought forth Angela DavI of Western civilizal10n Council voted nearly unanimously doubly prohibited from passing the What does that mt'an? any doc tor you'd like by dropping by or calling Reali ty and symbol totally coincide. for Angela em bodie ' White phenomenon' political motions it has never had much Well . infectious mononucleosis I an acute "nay." This "fact" would lead the 1346. every , not most . not nearly all. but every ea lure of the current ~egro Am ricans have rejected Angela DaVIS and her Ilk reader to believe that wh ile the student inclination for passing in the first disease believed to be caused by a virus and scene. Her arrest and impending trial eem likely. therefore. One recall Di ck Gregory gelling 3 percent of th e :\egro vote in body was against violence, student place. Also the AS is now prohibited to ga lvinize every facet of radical di ssent. Kun stl er. ea le. and Chica go in 1967 . hi opponent wa RI chard J Daley Or strikes, and political motions, the AS from initiating, without a referendum, Rubin will appear as amateur in comparison Eldridge Cleaver gelling less than 5 perce nt for PreSident In Council was somehow in favor of them . something over which it never had any LETTERS TO THE EDITOR First. and very important. she is an academician. he taught Harlem in 1968. :\0. Indeed. that people is too proud. too Th is is ridiculous. control : student strikes. philosophy for a while at UCLA . until her martyrdom bv unaffected to be lured by the message of hate and envy The AS never considered the good or Reaga n and the Regents. Perfect E en better. if possible sh~ It remain s a di l1nctive characteristic or the Panther that In any case, this hardly adds up to a most of their upport comes from literate. often upper-class bad points of violence, student strikes , student repudiation of the AS govern­ College. the services of J ames Hervey is till a student I A graduate stud ent work Ing ror her Ph .D" white (remember Lenn y Bernstein' Panther parties in ~ew or political motions ; it voted nearly Batchelder Fired? I fe el no need to apologize for Johnson to shed some li ght on a until J. Edgar Hoover and the took awa y her 5 X 8 cards. ment. In fact, the TRITON TIMES Plenty of identification potential there. right' In addition . if York last year' L One wonders how long the UnIverSIty tudent my years at Muir College, yet I horribly mi s und erstood I' \ ALWMs I-\"T~D .1'\0.% 6M>TARDS unanimously against using AS time senses a high degree of satisfaction by Editor: will continue to ee Angela Davi as the symbol of black I regret deepl y the headline accept the decision to replace subject: hea lth. possible. she is black . and vcry Third Worldy about it all- and and money on useless referendums. students, faculty, and administration ON ~W.. FAI2E: ... NoW \ f>.M ON~ !" therefore available to everything from Chicanos to Angolans to people. Conversely, students never received on yo ur Jan. 5 issue . me with a sense of relief. I Many are unaware that th ere for the job Mike Palcic and the rest of are places in the world today the opportun ity to vote on the issue " Batcheld er Fired ... " is shall , indeed , be working with the AS government has been doing . misleading and is a source of Provost Stewart and the Muir where serious disease is al mos t (useless referendums) the AS turned The main functions of the AS, which embarrassment to me and to College Council in defin ing the nonexi tent. Weston A. Price is ~ • ,.. 'rom ... ,ord. 10 bro, ltur •• down . The students voted on a mother ­ has nothing to do with their moral or Provost Stewart . All role of the college dean and in a dentist wh o travell ed the hood resolution, for or against vio· political views on violence and student communication between Dr. assessing the personal and world looking for communiti es lence, in wh ich the outcome was strikes, are to act as an intermediary Stewart, Vice Chance ll or professional characteristic s of of people with good teeth. He THE GOLDEN OLDIE predictable to al l but the leaflet coal i­ between students and administration Mu rphy, and me has been the person who will occupy that didn't fi nd any in the population tion . The students also voted to proh ibit and to provide student services. These cord ial and open. pOSition, and I shall do so centers but he did fi nd them in the AS from doing something it was functions , we feel, have been carried Wh ile it is true that the willingly. It is Muir College, remote spots, practi ca ll y decision to seek a new dean for after all , that I have loved and isolated from civ il iza ti on. And FILM SOCIETY already prohibited from doing by a out in a smooth manner . pan t1! g~I~:;;;::;~'.I:::: :::~:~ Regents' rule: passing a pol itical Muir College wa s reached worked for and I shall continue every where he found good We feel that the present AS govern· without my participation or motion. And finally, as a result of the my efforts to support the teeth , he also found superior present ment is to be commended for their involvement, for the Triton ac hievement of "a community health. These peopl e lived referendum , the AS will never aga in representation of students on the many Times to say that J was " fired" engaged in inquiry and the longer. were more vigorous, initiate a student strike . (Aga in? ) comm ittees dealing with student af· is to ignore my response to that excha nge of id eas beyond the and had less disease than any The January Film Festival Th is last issue , probably more than fa irs . AS supervision of the Coffee Hut decision. It is clea r to me that cla ssrooms into many aspects advanced community. There the others , supports the AS con tention is making it possible to expand the there are a number of specific of life in the community and was also less crime , less that the referendum was without ways in whi ch I have been less fac ilities. The AS is al so now working contem porary society." mental deficiency, and fewer reason . When 2000-odd students wen t effective as an administrati ve to try and prov ide cheap bu s service to . Sincerely, bi rth defects. on strike last Spr ing it was the result of officer of the college than a These places were in widely BUS STOP with Maril yn Mon roe the campus for the student commun ity Alan C. Batchelder individua l moral outrage with Ameri­ dean must be. Wh atever the College Dean separa ted locations wi th varied in Del Mar. It has also assumed care of can military action in Southeast As ia causes, I am quite willing to clima tes and food su pplies ; the JAN.16 HORSE FEATHERS with The Ma rx Brothers last year's People -to -People Program and at Ken t and Jackson State acknowledge that another man, peopl e were of di fferent races under Commun ity Interaction . perhaps fro m an academic Congrotulotions TT Colleges, not with any proc lamation by and cultures : bu t they all had These are only a few of the ways we discipline, can better serve the Dear Sir: one thing in common: they the AS . In recen t yea rs ha s any student admi ni strative needs of Mui r Congratulations on obtaining wer all relatively isolated RISING ABOVE strike in the UC system been initiated feel Palcic and the rest of the AS THE CAINE MUTINY with Hump hry Bogart government have adequately repre­ from civilization and ate lilt! THE GLOOM by AS Council proclamation? or none 01 the proces d food of sented studen ts. In other words, it is ON THE WATERFRONT with Marlon Brando What, then, di d the referendum civilization ThI S wa s thl:! ke~ to ANDTHE JAN.23 prove or accomplish? First, the leaflet student opinion on the Coffee Hut, the th ir superior hea lth. Their coa lition did a good job of ad vertising a cro wd at the Hot Tun a Concert, and food was grown natura ll y DOOM9FllMS. useless referen dum. However, once lines at this quarter's Fr ida y Nite at wi thout chemi cals and was not LOW students got to the polls there was only The Flicks which really reflect student ro bbed of much of its va lu e by B;--ide of Mr. Glabber • RIDER MIDSUMMER 'S NIGHT DREAM on e way to vot ,~ (the Flat Earth Society feel ing about the present AS govern· mode rn processing. It was not Royal Shakespeare Co mpany with Dionne Rigg ment, not the results of a referendum poiso ned wilh pesticid s or JAN.30 did not get sta -ted soon enough to ade · which had nothing to do with them. preservatives. MOON • TYRANUS nix THE ANATOMY OF A MURDER quately explai 1 its advice to simply ab - Dr. Price sup plies all the details in his book utrition o lWlR DW INN [R with James Stewart, Ben Gazzara, lee Remick and Physical Degeneration. Similar data has come fro m triton tiIlles other sources. Arnold DeVries New",Ocpr" '" nt Arls Department Ad vertising TICKETS IN ADVANCE- LIMITED NUMBER Editor-in-ct.i,·f .. lI d\\\fwd (; '"1I1I10 1I Rose De CosIo Tom Beer Departmenl compiled a nu mb r of such reports in his book Primitive Cit~ Editor ...... - Carl \ l'i iJlIq!t'r Rod lo,ong Joy G,lle"e Mark T"lIlng Peter Gordon Man and Hi s Food. His fi nd ings $1.50 TOTAL-GOOD ALL THREE NIGHTS 'l .. nagillg Ediln r ...... \Iil,. e "I a~l'r Robert Miller Susan Codes lorry Johnson ind icate th at peopl e who ate CoV~ Editor ...... Ch"t·" (; raham John Zoller ll ndo McAlli,ler Molly Selvin Ed Soyle Sargun Tont mostly fresh fr uits and tlu,illt'" "an 'I-'\'r ... , ... Jeff Fri rd Secretarial Staff PLACE TIME Juliano Cinque v getables had b tier hea lt h EtliltlrialD in l· t"r . . Huolil COllt r('rll­ Arti.t. Steve Cohen IIobbi. Fink Soroh McKenna than those who li ved ma inl y on Sum ner AudItorIum Jail 16 ·23 ·30 6:30 , .,.,orialt· Cit\ Editor ... (h. t'lI Il l'r Marge VonVol.en- J ,)\ Bruce Morden Allon Sekulo c r als or meat 1I 0wever. the . \Inl" ill bu,gh !'It:" Fronk Phillips George SalOn' most Important thing is that \ rh Etlitor ...... T"rr~ Bdr"I,. Clift Post An 't Managing Ed. Copy Department the 10 should b natural. not Ticket available at ~ v or l ' Edilor ...... Ho,I,. , lIalfoll Kathy Ru st Joe Eo.tern Sha,on Weldy ruined by proces ing and I'h tllograllh~ Editor .... joltn Zalll'r So,boro Simon Comy Sharlck Debbie Montgomery pOIsons Davis Camera Sh Phologrophy Gleno Schroeter Mr Johnson IS right lIealth rt and Lecture Offic r Hall C()lIlribulillll Edit .. r , .. !'l I nt· l.ulldau Production Jon Fronek Molly Montgomery STUDENT DISCOUNTS Dove Buchbinder i natural Oi ea is the u nn tural product of 7717 Fay 459-7355 The TR IT ON TI MES is offlciolly recognIZed and .upported 0' a .tudent new.pape, by the Cammunicalians Board F'IKEARTS and 105 M e ora u t of the UnIVerSity 01 Col,lornlo, Son Diego, Building 250, Matthew. Campus, lo Jolla , Cohlornla 92037. PublICatio n civilization 1818 GARNET STREE , ~74 ' 4000 " tw"t weekly on Tuesday. and Friday. Olf".. 0'. located in ,oom 117. Blake Hall , on the Revelle Compu,. For ·incerely. Advtrtillng phone 453·2000. XI 0 17; lor ed,toriol or new, phone Xl016. \' MAL~ C~AUVINlSi Plb Don Ross January 8,1971 Triton Times Page 5 Page 4 Triton Times JanulrY 8,1971 Simian Spheroid UCSD Club Meetings UCSD Tennis Club BilSKETBllLL Yoga Club Mond ay - Friday - 12 - 1:00 pm Have you ever had the desire to playa tennis Self-Indulgence-New Year's Eve at the Westgate - Wrestling Room. Gym match again t the La Jolla Beach and Tenni Snow Ski Club Club' If so. your chance has arrived. Dove Buchbinder well as a wed. One of these fine At this point the Maitre d' begins to Wednesday, Jan . 13 -7:00 pm - Room 2722 A. B. and C teams [or men and women 's Stoff Writer specimens of superlative service spread tidings for the coming year. We Tennis Club singles. doubles and mixed doubles are bemg Draped in regal surroundings directly ultimatel y informs us that our receive cardboard stovepipe hats, Bozo Thu rsday , Jan. 14 - 5:00 pm - Cia sroom. formed to challenge other TenniS Clu b and to opposite the downtown epidermal destination , the Westgate Room, is noisemakers (a picture of Bozo with two Gym enter local tournaments In the San Diego area. cinemae lies San Diego's gift to the "over there." beaters attached,-one shakes Bozo Folk Dance Club If vou are interested. call Tad Yamaguchi 453- World of Hostelry: The Westgate Plaza We are greeted to the Westgate Room vigorously while the bea ters strike Bozo Monda y evenings - 8 - 10 pm . - W. Balcony. 1000. Ext. 32i Hotel. by a curt-lOOking Maitre d' who notes in the nose causing a dull clang to Gym Tenni s Ie son for beginners and On entering this plush bourgeois our punctuality by marking us up on his resound throughout the room ), and an Friday evenings - H - 12 pm . - 201 MC intermediates will b available beginning retreat, a treatment immediately reservation log as "present." We are imaginatively contrived cardboard (c lasses 8 - 9:30 pm . 1 winter quarter spon ored by the Tenni Club ensues upon the luck y guest, rivaling seated at a table for five . kazoo. We reyert to childhood and Horse back Riding Club and conducted bv Mike Cruik hank Record Review that of a contemporary Louis XV) and In no time, we observe that our New relieve our frustrations gleefully. Thu rsdav . Jan. 14 - 6- i:30 pm, Register in the Recreation Office now or call his well-known mate. The moment your Year's Eve at the We stgate is to be as The entree proceeds to eliminate this Classroom', Gym Beth JOSI Ext. 2283. Cia se will run in tX week automobile comes to a halt, merry thrilling as a rabbit who has just given touch of reality. We raise our forks and Intramu ral Ba~k etba!l Captains ;\ieeting intervals at the following lIIne. doormen are already scrutinizing you birth to a litter of 40 bunnies. Helium­ knives into battle position, and before Friday. Jan. 8 - 3 pm Cia. room Beginning -. aturday 9.00 - 10 :00 closely, determining your acceptability filled balloons adorn the chair arms you know it our pia tes are devoid of filet Women's Conditiolllng Intermediate - Wednesda\ 3.00 - 4 30 into the Hotel proper. It is only when conspicuously and ticker tapes profane mignon, roasted duck , chopped sirloin Tues. Thurs. - 11 - 12 :00 - Pool Patio :aturda\, io .oo - 11.30 Terr y Bo ra k they are satisfied that the rigid the spotless carpet. (the elitist's version of what peons refer Beginners I 00 P r Ie so n. Interm ediate Arts Editor standards of coat and ti e after Five have Our chic a ttempt to be chic end s in a to as hamburgers, grilled tomatoes and WATER HOW IS COMI.\G ...... All girls 2.00 per Ie on 's name takes titular precedence in the latest been met, that permission is granted to fit of hysterical laughter as the menu 's baked Idaho potatoes. Our stomachs interested in learning "Synchronized endeavor in the 's outward journey, BLOWS enter this obnoxiou s display of Capitalist pricelist focuses innocuously upon our full , we breathe deeply and belch Swimming" - call Beth Jo i. Ext. 2283 or come AGA I ST THE EMPIRE. The cast of characters include foll y. eyes. Everything listed is a la carte, but happil y. to the pool on Mondays and Tuesday from 3:00 Airplane members Paul Kantner. Grace lick. Jack Cassady. And the Hotel Detectives Roam as our stomachs growl frighteningl y, the to 4:00 pm to join the Swim Club Beginning and Airpla ne-brother . in addition to other such As we proceed to the elevator, a weight in our wallets is relieved Passing Around an After-Dinner Smoke January 11th. notable . . Gra ham Nash . and Jerry Ga rcia discovery is made that we are to be considerably. Nevertheless, we proceed .... (gu itarist of the !. Hence. the al bum ' trea ted like Presidents and Kings. Our to order complete five-course dinners. Our after-dinner smoke, contrived as GYM CLOSED - Mondays. January 11th and a playful joke, consists of a strange * appropriate ub title. JEFFER 0:\ TARSH IP. The music party doubles as we note that each of us Dinner is Se rved \ 25th from 8 - 10 pm . Ba sketball SPORTS was composed by Kantner and many of the other artists on the has recei ved hi s own personal looking cigarette which is passed around The first course consists of three the table joyfully. Unfortunately, it is " ....•...... •.....••••••••••••••••••••••••... record . bodyguard . ounces of spritely chilled tomato juice I * ,, filled with pipe tobacco. This slight Our elevator reaches the third floor , with an almost invisibl e slice of lemon ., , inadequacy, however, is left unobserved WRITERS and one of our guards ra sps, " Are you to spark the tastebud s on to a zenith of Golden Oldie Film Society The lyrical theme is. indeed. "Blows Against the registered in the Hotel ?" We smile alertness. by our bodyguards, who have now I i Emp ire"-the techno-demo-bureaucratic anti·civilization of sarcas ti ca ll y and repl y, "No." Next comes a rather motley- looking returned as a result of the appearance of I : today. wi th certain distinction given to • Amerika' . Kantner' Our guard s ha ve now decided that it tossed salad with sour roquefort the oddly-shaped cigarette. Suddenly we I January Fe tiva l I NEEDED negativisms refer tooppre sion . to governments in general. to would be difficult to protect us, should dressing. Nabisco crackers quell our 'are made to feel emotionally the con trol and manipula tion of people- this rela ted in an uncomfortable. We pay our check we encroach upon the indulgent serenity imminent convulsion s. I II " underground" sort of "let's get back to nature." This we 've (which amounts to a trifling $45.(0 ), of th e upper fl oo rs. They bar exit from A~aiting our Soup du jour we gawk in Jan. 16· Bus Stop / Ho rse Feolhe rs heard before on other Airplane records: " p a ainst the wall. the lift, informing us that we will be astonishment at our sterling silverware departing from the Westgate Room with ******** motherfucker.. .tear down the walls We can be together ...... mo re than welco me on the lobb y level. and the equall y eloquent dishes. One of our hats, noisemakers and helium-filled to cite but one instance. BLOW AGAl." T THE EMP IRE says So be it. our party exclaims excitedly, " 1 can see balloons. The bodyguards follow us . Jan. 73 • The (o ine Mutiny / it a different way, without much love mixed in with the The lobby of the Westgate is a myself in this plate ." We increase their growing disma y, see revolutionary message. This is cenainly a more hard­ ver itable museum. El egant tapestries " Amazing ! ", we declare. when they di scern that we have placed On The Waterfront core radical trip . Al 0 differing. i the STARSH IPS' line the walls ' daintily, and gaudy Soup du jour consists of that highly ourselves on some of the recent antiques ROCKY platform- the future . This is most assuredly celestially chand eliers (some of whi ch are fla vored treat of French impersonators and ha ve begun to inhale the helium. We Jan. 30 - Midsumme r's Night Drea m/ oriented. laden with reference to the outer void . distant orbs. authentic) provide light to tumble to. the World over : French onion soup. stare at our guardS smugly, echoing and related solarisms. Qui te FUlurismo. But. one mu st Numerous doormen and bell hops Stale croutons add to our enjoyment of chorally in our 78-rpm voices, " Happy The Anatomy of a Mu rde r certainly wonder about the Jefferson Airplane's sincerity. ca rou se ill the lobby endlessly, bored as this richly brothed delicacy. New Year, Boys." triton After all. they have been wr iting and si nging revolutionary DATE Jon. 16-23-30 jargon for years. while at the same time. liv ing as fat cats in the society they put down. POSSIBILITIES ' Hard Times For PLACE Sumner Aud itorium times TIME 6:30 I' BLOW is truly an audio collage of the past. present and I offiee future of the Jefferson Airplane . and of contem porary music a well. In it. one can hear fleeting. and ometimes extended. San Diego Ballet Ticlcets ",oi/o61e at Urey Hall BOJ( Office ',II sonic imagery from all the past Airplane . The overall ol"I/OS Me - See Nora Aust effect is likened mo t to AFTER BATH I:--.lC AT •...... ••••.••...... • BAXTER ·S-charm. Grace. and harshne s intertwined . You 'll Lorry Johnson for the prog ram. There is so me \ listen to thi album many a time before bemg able to recall a Arts Writer good developing ta lent there, melody or other touch of familiarity. But. just keep listening but since the company cannot and enjoying it. Ballet in Sa n Diego is not in support many professional Steve Polk, Triton Cager. attempts a shot . the best of shape. Sure, we ge t dances. the students were a lot of people out when Rudol f thru st into pr e matu re iFYOU~ 'iN qlillaT. .. "Baby Tree." featuring only Jerr)' Garcia's banjo work and Nure yev is in town . bu t respon sibil i ty .. a single voice. comes across like a Pete eeger ballad about otherwise ballet is on hard A standout wa s Dian e Davis. UCSD 5 in a row ~~~~~~ the West. a river or a mountaineer- the type sung at a times. Thi s was made a loc all y developed hootenany. While the tone is definitely Seeger. the lyrics are stunningl y obviou s at the professional who did an ~.1fu.~~oJcJ. 'TJ!iCcu iY) ..... A'DU-I&-\J£l., more representative of a Tolkeinian vision : " There's an island annual production of "The excellent job as the Sugarplum r ~..uH.llC way out in the sea Where the babie they all grow on trees ...... Tritons Convert Baptists 88-85 utcracker" by the California Fairy. Her fine dancing and ~~A~ , (}Wv~ " Baby Tree" is followed on the album by. " Let's Go interpretation did much to Ballet Company (s uccessor. The UCSD Tritons. running their win streak to John Le Levier. with some clutch hoot ing in ~~ ~ Wd7. rt&W- ~ rnut"..uA ~ Together." which is typically Airplane in sound. a-Ia through merger, to the Sa n make up for the inadequa cies r- VOLUl\TEERS: " Wave goodbye to Amerika Say hello to the 5. defea ted lough Cal Baptist. prev iously 8- 1. th e waining minutes of the game. totaled 25 Diego Ballet Company J. The of the production . Her garden. " by the score 88- 85 . at the Baptists home court poin ts. making IS-out of 19 very tough cha rity second-rate location I in the Cavalier, Dale Muchmore, wa s Tuesday. shots. Brian Tod turning in his usual good ()qVe ! offfIt~Ften WP.I~ mi se rabl y inadequate Ru ss a very capable partner for the Buffalo Bob was a smash as be entertained bis DOW mature performance contributed hi s usual 24 points. as "Child Is Coming" radiates warmth . bringing to mind followers. Auditorium I. the sparse se ts pad de deux . Playing their usual running gam e. the Tritons the Tritons held off a final Ba ptist rally. .------:~-~ ~Hf .. ~;;~.. --.~ the costumes, th e poorly The second act of "Coppelia" were held to a close chec k. and fo und nearness of the fireplace and hearth. while sou nding The ga me was exci ting from the start. as both reminiscent of the fir t Airplane record tAIRPLA:,\E TAKE reproduced taped mu sic, all was paired with the portion of themse lves two points behind at half tim e. Like many of hi s students. he " The utcracker" presented. tea ms tra ded baske ts consisten tl y. The Triton OFF I. The second part of the song moves from thi s scenario. Beethoven Redtal made clear the diff icult times 38- 36. Th is defi cit was qui c kl~' erased. as th e "'''6~~~Jteii~ Sl'oc..lC, : has appeared in all parts of the It wa s similarly thin , though ability to press proverl to be the ulti mate as if a change in conSClOlis nes . 10 a harsher one-just a you which th e compan y fa ces. The Triton de fen e. play in g a cl ose press. fo rced the Robert Tu rner. Se ni or country. He is condu ctor of the Maxine Mahon in the lead role undoin g of the prayerless Bapti t . would if li stening and tO king-up . main problem ha s bee n harried Bapti ts int o countless turnovers. The Lecturer in the UCS D Mu sic Repe rtoire Cha mb e r financial : the public has not did much to salvage things. mistakes were promptl y translated into point s. I Department. will present four Orchestra. a part student. part been supporting local ballet The evening was enjoyable and the Tritons found a good seven point lead. Tonight. the Trito ns play ho t to t,; . Hawaii. at • .. l" ~~~ •• :.&.d.20~FF" :, of his young artist-students ~_ ~ ide Two goes deeper into the qua si-sola r journey of the professional orches tra whi ch suffiCiently. for the most part. but I left the Hilo. In try ing to run the win treak to 6 the UI\,QV ~ : wuru~ : JEFFERSO;--; STARSH IP. With extensive image-ex peditions from Los Angeles in an all provi des perform a nce The ballet school arm of th e theater with a feeling of Triton will go up aga in st a Hawaiian team that ,_ .. ,...... _...... , ...... -- :- ...... -.. - ... -...... ~ Beeth oven sona ta recital at experience for gifted young company has a good program considerable concern : it's been they have already defeated. into the musi( and language of the stars. " Sunrise" is me r el~' 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Janu ary 10. contemptuous of today's "civ ilized man ." " Hi Jack" proposes soloists. throughout the count y, and a long time since ballet in San e~eft5~ 'kwIi,' IbN ! ,':'.- . 140 L!\ ware~G»l.'>~ ~ The co ncert. free and open to supplied the bulk of the talent Diego has had such problems. the alternativ%-a surrealistic vO~' age 01 7000 Earthlings on the public. will be I(ive n in Todd Shines in Hawaii ~.L.1,e~~: · ~~qNo rct~R- ! the Starship I a SI the sun. " ... and our babies' lI wander naked Room 2250. Buildi n!; 2D on the through the c ties of the universe ...... Finally. "Starship" i a Muir Co llege campu . ~G-. <49 .Z4 i .. : · .90 i futuri stic blel d of sound and word : life on the tarship . sounds Rangi ng in age from 14 to 19. UCSD Player of the Wee~ in the tars. the four yo ung pianis ts have l ! w ~TefL • !>lIeer 1 Gut . determination . and hard work d SCri be 50 won a large number of prizes Express your ~~ ! ~~ : the on·court prowe ot U D ba ketball ·tar. :1- __ -- ___ - - - __ -. -.-__ _• • - - ___ - __ ___ ----_ - _. ------•• -. -. ____ ._---- ______• ______~ Although rr.) t album jac ket toda y see m to be as good. or and scholarships and have Cafe' Ha' Am presents , made ma ny pu blic appearances ideas Brian Todd . tartlng his third I'ar it~· year. . . better. than what is on the accompa nying di sc. an~ ' Brian ha proven him elf both offen Il'ely and commentarv on BLOWS AGA I.\ST THE E:\IPIRE would be as soloi ts wit h orchestras. in in JEWISH SEX defensive l ~' with a brilliant 236 cOring ! ~H]I~~ OlN~'1!J t ti l( \4c.l·,jrref( incompl te~' thout mention of its ou tstand 1l1 g cover artv.. ork . chamber groups. and in solo recitals. The four so nata to be TRITON TIMES Rabbi Kirsch of Del Mar will speak on traditional and on· average. hooting 53 perce nt Irom th e 11001' and qttrrL!C fWM'NCT : ~l\eT(H BOOK Besid s ar lmagmativel~' decorated co\er I marijuana a sup rb 85 p rcent frolll th tr throw lin pa ce-sca pe. nd a Dali·like portrait 01 winged brea ts I there performed represent a broad Send lett." cien t Jewis h attitudes toward sex this Saturday evening at sampli ng of Bee thoven 's wor k. landing 6 loot 4 in he Brian i not the tallest , Re'- ,qs" . ,4svp.l ~. Z?5149 is an illu strated booklet ~rith I~Tlc and graffiti. E ve n the and columns to 8:30 in the Infarmallounge. for ward around. but b cause of hi s hu ·tle and Ie.: \J... 1 D. • ', • STAR ' HIP 'sdustjacket i decorated . and decorated well. with starting with his early p riod Also in attendance will be the Israeli Consul from l.A . (1799 1. extending through the Editorial Director; "sen .. for the ba ket. he ha ' hown hi o I ' an iron~' -laden collage Dri nk s and refreshments, dancing offered free of charge. opponent that he I the man that lUu -t be , wUIo -,-t'I'IfIMtt--, :, iudft.. rDlLnhru--r ... ·- ,• early and late portions of his TRITON TIMES middle pe riod . and includ ing Jewish Students Association - SlOpp dol' Ise watch out' L •• • .. ~ ...... ~ ...... - .... - ... ~ •• -. ~ .. ... ~ .... . ~ ...... ___ , _ ...... __ ...... _ _ ._ ... . BL W AGAI.\ T TIlE EMPIRE I certainl~' no t tor th onata Opu 109 which 117 Blake Hall Student Affairs Building \0' STUI=aIT PISCOJWT' PI~UNT DOES NOT belongs to hi~ late nod aJu 5~eT· txmf'{T'Ovm ana <.Inu Iid ~ future It i an album requll'lng nUlll erou~ llst nlilp to g t into CUnUUl.tllr \\llt"l . ~ - ~~ .;l.&2.-82.i!>9 r ceived national recogni tion If you do. It' ure to knock yo u on ~' our as in th fi Id of t ac hi ng January 8, 1971 Triton Timts P_.e 7 Page 6 Triton Times January 8, 1971 _ H ••• ·______

C LAS S'I FIE D S Applications for State Graduate MORE MOVIES-2 p.m .. Unicorn Fellowships for 1971 ·72 must be FRIDA Y, January 8 Theater ; Ind ia Film Club presents postmarked and ent to the State Best Picture Award Winnl'r Scholarship and Loan Commission Services For Sale " Himalay K Godemin," in color LECTURES-noon, Sumner by January 16. Applications are Bean and alfalfa sprouter wit~ Auditorium ; Marine Biology with subtitles. available from the State Typing-I BM-Resonable rates-Call 488·3188. instructions and seed packets Seminar; Dr. Eugene Robin , Scholarship and Loan Commission, 53. Box 2422 Van Nuys, calif, Stanford University Medical 714 P Street,Sacramento,Ca. 95814 ; Typing ... Exp-er';'i-en-c-e-d-t-y-pi-st-..- .t-er-m 91404 Center."Cellular Adaptations to CONCERT-7:30 p.m. . 20-2250 from graduate admission offices, papers, thesis. Electric typewriter. Muir ; Robert Turner, Senior COSMETICS. For 9·25( Sam· Prolonged Diving ." financial aid offices, and the ..-iII do rush job. s. 453-6835. Lecturer in the Department of offices of the graduate deans. . pies of Randal non.allergiCi 4 p.m., 2A- 7421 ; Mathematics Mu sic, presents four of his you ng All current State Graduate DISTlNTlVE TYPING Cosmetics, (made from fruits, Colloquium ; Professor William artist students from Los Angeles in Fellowship recipients will IBM EXECUTIVE herbs, ferns, flowers, etc. ane! Leveque, Univ. of Michigan, "On an all Beethoven sonata recital. automatically be mailed renewal no harmful chemicals) send Distribution Modulo One ." Service on Schedule. Modest Free. materials on April 28. Rates. Satisfaction is the end only 1.00 to Randall Cosmetics FOLK DANCING- 8-12 p.m., product. Helen 45~ P.O. Box 2019, La Jolla, Calif, State of skin Is dry, normal, or gym 's west balcony (fenci ng Europe Charter Flights. room) . Teaching for , first-timers MONDAY, January 11 Do you have any questions or combination. Severa I Schedules available. and intErmediate dancers from 8- want to talk to someone about KLH 20 Complete Stereo Unl1 All Anamoly Factory dancers Coordinator : Professor 9:30 25 cents. Plea no street Judaism? Come to the Jew i h Sony TC355 Reel to Reel Tape hoes. FOLK DA CI G-8-10' 30 p.m in and those interested in becoming, Students Association office in Margaret Pool i 247 Roycroft Deck and 50 1800 ft reels of Son~ the we t balcony of the gym ; sign up for classes on Anamoly 250MC and talk to a JSA Ave ., Long Beach, 90803. MOVIES-7:30 p.m., U B 2722; Mostly line dances-, Factory door. or call 453-8901. representative or call Wendy at PRISO tape. Best offer for eac~ Friday ite Flicks, " Butcb Cassidy Israeli. etc. Limited teachlDg. 453·3449. LORANCHET-Goodman studio, item. call Ron Gardner, 121 ~ and the Sundance Kid " and three Please no street shoes. La Jolla. Custom Designed Sierra, Solana Beach 755-7664, Roadrunner cartoons. Wedding Bands and Sets, un­ TUESDAY, January 12 usual and striking. Complete Porsche 1960 Convertible Hare facilities for Custom Centrifu· and Soft top. Clean, in gooe SATURDA Y, January 9 shape. Contact Dr. Judd 453 If yo u are a new studeDt tbis gal Casting, 459-9248. LECTURES-4 p.m.. USB 3960 ; quarter aDd wa Dt to request a II·S 2000 ext. 2244. PARTY-Open; sponsored by Mr . John Keyes. journalist will student deferment, please com e to Is Your Auto Sick or Tired Alpha Sigma Phi ; 8 p.m at 2660 Try James Automotive Service 1965 5·90 Honda Very gooe speak on " P e r onal 250MC to fill out a Selective condition, recently overhaulec Hornblend . Apt. M. in Pacific Journalism-Th e Subjective ervice Relea e Information Card. American and Foreign Cars Beach Phone 274·0579 120 . Used only on Sundays bl Journalist" . Repairs and Polution control. Student Discount 7748 Herschel itenerant preacher. 276·2520. La Jolla (in the rear) 459-9181 Chevy Nova Wagon Excellenl SUNDAY, January 10 ANNOUNCEME T Weaving, macrame, batik 5750. 276·6894 eves. elasses Start soon. Call 755·4461 As new Scuba outfit Sacrifici Carmel Valley weavers supply There is a January 15 deadline 276-6194 eyes. for elass schedule. MOVIES-7 p.m.. B 2722 : for all cholarship applications for 5-90 HONDA "1968" Revolutionary film s: " Yippie the 1971·1972 academic year. Typing-for accurate Typing on Good condition 5120 Invasion of La Jolla." .. Los Siete." Please submit applications to the electric pica- term papers, "Arm y," (G I Organizing !. " Day of 274-4110 ext. 113 after 7 p.m. Asl Financial Aids office in 250M on theses, manuscripts etc. call for Jimmy Plane Hunting. ,. Pre ented by or before that date Applications Mrs. McCroskey 287·1607 Revolutionary Action Caucus for loans. work·study. and grants 79 HONDA 70CC must be in by March 15. BUMMING AROUND EUR· Electric Start MUSIC-2·5 p.m .. 201MC : Jazz OPE THIS SUMMER? Student Perfect Condition 5280 or Best 459-5746 Ensemble practie Need more sax FOU D-Black male Lab Charter Flights to London , Tel and trombone players Call Stefan retriever: 2 months old . leather Aviv and Japan Honda 50, 1966 Good shape S100 0Iestan. 453·6863 . colla r. no tags: 453·0036. LOW PRICES 1963 Yamaha 55 S50 (need Ca II 755·3990 after 5 p.m. or work) or ask about Rabbi (213) 651 ·3311 or write : Peter 755·3556 OPERATJOIIi URVIVAL E.S.E.P. - U.C.S.D. WHERE 00 WE GO FROM HERE? AUDITIONS 8217 Beverly Blvd . Personals :"Iote to (,SO MIlitants Ilf there are anvl Don 't waste Los Angeles, Calif., 90048 Wanted : Student for chauffeul any time and effort on plans to burn down' nor !Jlow up the Rock Singers, Actors, Dancers ing during Jan. 24 to Feb. 6 01 present Establishment It I programmed to self· for an new rock musical. The destruct a \\ hoI lot sooner than you'lI have any place 25(BEER Mar area. Call 755-2306 after else to go' Peoples Rock Theater is esta­ p.m. Fortunat el~ there ISanother Sid to thl picture. and It blishing a new professional entertainment Hou se for Rent, Clairmont. IS very bright Inde('d' theater in San Diego. exper­ In Januan uf 1933 Technocran"s Dlrector' In' hlef Br ., 2 Bath, Extras S275 Monti ienced Artists please call 274- Howard COlt 1",lted Amerlca" s leading Banker nightly 276-6894 eves. Industrialists and other notables. to a meeting In the 5689 before Sunday, 12pm., Pierre HOlel In "ell' York City There lalso on :'iatlonal for audition information. Silverado & Fay Gay Guy wanted to share 51 RadIO broJdcd t I he ad> Ised the merlcan ;l;atlon of the PEACE . eluded 3 bedroom house . Write findings of Technocracy Incorporated . 1and It La Jolla predecessor the T chmcal Alliance I since 1920. and Box 535, De l Mar invited the I~aders of thl ;\'atlon to avail ALL AMERICA:'-S 01 the I:-;TELLIGE:'iT. C1E:'iTlFIC USE. of th follOWing A . Is s. Hurok Sun. Jan. 17 Final Clo e Out 1 - Over 1/2 of the World 's Natural Resources exist on the UCSD North American Continent; over 1/2 the World's Presents Clearance ale at Our Cost! Technician reside here; over 1/2 of the World's A new star Gym Machines are located here. Large aving of the 8:30 p.m. 2 - These assets, SCIENTIFICALLY USED, enable us to STEREO COMPONENTS PRODUCE and TO SCIENTIFICALLY DISTRIBUTE - Classical a $40,OOO-a·year standard of living (1970 dollar values) to Scott-Dynaco-Kenwood EVERY ADULT ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CON­ TINENT-from age 2S Wltil death (graduated up to that Receivers-Amps-Speakers-Tape Recorders figure for minors). MORE THAN WE CAN POSSIBLE CONSUME-for every man, woman and child, from M birth Wltil death ! I 10 iollo music 3 - Using our Natural Resources and our Machines at peak efficiency, to produce this standard of living would C require that all adults, between the ages of 2S and 45, 1128 wall 10 iolla work apprOximately 4 hours a day, 4 days a week. The balance of the time could be spent LIVING instead of In H 459·3375 EARNING A LIVING . A 4 - By using non-negotiable ENERGY CERTIFICATES instead of obsolete MONEY as a MEDIUM OF DISTRIBUTION , we wuuld "vI only put PRODUCTIO E AND DISTRIBUTION ON A SCIENTIFIe IlASIS (measurable )-but would AUTOMATICALLY L ELIMINATE ABOUT 9S percent OF OUR CRIME IN SHAKLEE PRODUCTS THE PROCESS. 5 - Until age 2S would be spent in obtaining a REAL " EDUCATION instead of learning HOW TO MAKE A Di ~trib uto r (student) - ecologically cooper­ fAST BUCK ! ative laundry agent (Basic-l) - divine food 6 - Designs, blueprints and model! were then presented (37 years ago ) for CONTI ENTAL HIGHWAYS AND supplements (multiple vitamins, vitamin E AUTOMOBILES, with which auto accidents were vitamin C, instant Protein etc,) I mechanically impossible. 7· Blueprints for a Continental System of Hydrology, Land, SoH and Air Conservation and the Preservation of Call 283-0454 ature, as wetl as our INTELLIGENT USE AND $1 .00 UCSD Students CONSERVATIO OF IRREPLACEABLE NATURAL Ask for Wayne or leave your message and number RESOURrES. $2 .00 UCSD Staff with the answering service. Was anybody tistenin' Results in next isaue. $3 .00 Gen . Adm. OPERATION, PO Box 2019, La Jolla Ca., 92037. hoilollit Urty H.11 In Offi"

Page 8 Triton Times January 8,1971 NOI \fZIN\f!)~O 11~O~d ' NON