Conspirare presents Roberto Sierra’s

2010-2011 season FINALE 1 Roberto Sierra’s

June 12, 2011, 7:00 pm Pre-concert talk by Margaret Perry at 6:00 pm

Long Center for the Performing Arts Austin, Texas

Heidi Grant Murphy, soprano Daniel Teadt, baritone Conspirare Symphonic Choir Conspirare Company of Voices Texas State Chorale Victoria Bach Festival Orchestra and Chorus Craig Hella Johnson Artistic Director & Conductor

Season Sustaining Underwriter

2 3 PROGRAM Program Notes Roberto Sierra’s Missa Latina There is a tradition, centuries long, that musical settings of the Mass treat the five sections of the Mass whose text never changes, known collectively as Missa Latina ‘Pro Pace’ Roberto Sierra (b. 1953) the Mass Ordinary. The reason for this is that such a setting could be used Introit: Da pacem, Domine (theoretically) any time the Mass was celebrated. A could certainly Kyrie include additional portions of the Mass, but any such portions would be from Gloria the Mass Proper which changes according to the season of the church calendar Credo and the particular Sunday. Offertory: Rogate quae ad pacem Sanctus This setting opens, then, with the Introit assigned in the Liber Usualis for the Agnus Dei 18th Sunday after Pentecost (p. 1056). Sierra’s Offertory combines a Gradual and Alleluia from a Mass to Beg for Peace (p. 1285) with an Offertory from the Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Lent (p. 562). The composer also adds to the Agnus Dei the Communion from the Mass to Beg for Peace (p. 1287). Heidi Grant Murphy,* soprano Sierra writes, “The concept of my Missa Latina ‘Pro Pace’ came directly out of Daniel Teadt, baritone Conspirare Symphonic Choir my experience growing up as a Catholic in . I still recall vividly Conspirare Company of Voices hearing the Mass in Latin in my hometown when I was a child. These Texas State Chorale memories created a strong impression—one that has only deepened through Victoria Bach Festival Orchestra and Chorus the years: a sense of mystery combined with power and compassion in hearing Gregorian chant intoned by the priest in a ritual involving this ‘dead’ language. Craig Hella Johnson, conductor “The title I chose—Missa Latina—has dual meaning. On the one hand it refers to the traditional Latin text, while on the other hand the work is infused with a ‘Latino’ character: full of Caribbean gestures that allude to my own Hispanic heritage, and which are present in so many of my works. These sounds can be heard particularly in the ‘Laudamus te’ of the Gloria and the ‘Pleni sunt caeli’ of the Sanctus.”

Missa Latina was co-commissioned by the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington, D.C., , music director, through a generous gift from the John and June Hechinger Commissioning Fund for New Orchestral Works, and the Choral Arts Society of Washington, Norman Scribner, artistic *Heidi Grant Murphy is exclusively represented by Kirshbaum Demler & Associates, Inc., director, through a generous gift from Anne B. Keiser and Charles Cerf. 711 West End Avenue, Suite 5KN, New York, NY 10025, Ms. Murphy has recorded for Koch International, Deutsche Grammophon, Telarc, and Arabesque Recordings. * * *

4 5 The work’s opening movement uses the complete text of the selected introit. earth portrayed vividly in the orchestra, and continues through his incarnation, The text therefore is in three sections: first the antiphon, a freely conceived crucifixion, and resurrection. The soprano provides an equally vivid picture of prayer; next is a verse from a Psalm, in this case Psalm 121:1 (Roman Catholic Christ’s ascension. numbering) (“Laetatus sum . . .” sung by the chorus); and finally the Doxology (“Gloria Patri,” sung by the soprano solo). Unlike liturgical practice, the With “et iterum venturi” the tresillo puts in a brief appearance, leading to antiphon is not repeated. The music throughout has florid melodic lines over another moment before the implacable God at the final judgment. After drone-like sustained sonorities, having a distinctly Eastern character. The declarations regarding the Holy Spirit, the tresillo in a very fast tempo drives orchestral postlude of the movement introduces the rhythm known in Puerto “et vitam venturi saeculi” with all the forces. A sense of resolution and peace is Rico as the tresillo, a 3 + 3 + 2 pattern that will figure prominently throughout achieved with the concluding “Amen,” sung in hushed tones. the Mass. As noted above, the texts assembled by Sierra for the Offertory are from a The Kyrie is a plea for mercy before a seemingly implacable God. The music couple of Masses, but the texts are all drawn from the Vulgate of the Psalms: takes on a more gentle character as the soloists enter. The center of the first Psalm 121:6-7, Psalm 147:1, and Psalm 134:3 and 6 (with slightly varied movement, setting “Christe eleison,” moves more quickly and brings in the text). The movement has a violent orchestral introduction, suggesting those tresillo rhythm. things from which we seek the shelter of God’s peace. The texts are intoned, leading to a concluding “Alleluia” based on the tresillo pattern. The tresillo dominates the opening of the Gloria at a faster pace. As the baritone solo starts “Laudamus te,” the dance rhythm changes to a cha-cha. The Sanctus features energetic, complex rhythms with changing meter The soprano at “Gratias agimus tibi” changes the music to a slower, gentler signatures. After a pause the soprano introduces “Pleni sunt caeli,” styled after quality. But soon an energetic 6/8 pace initiates “Domine Deus.” the Cuban son that united Spanish and African styles and in turn was the basis for salsa. Following tradition, “Benedictus” is slower, in a gentle 3/4 led, again, An oboe solo brings the Eastern sound back for “Qui tollis peccata mundi,” by the soprano. The movement ends with a return of the faster “Hosanna” with a very slow tresillo articulated by the bass drum and other bass music. instruments. The dance character returns for “cum Sancto Spiritu,” which leads to a recapitulation of both text and music of the movement’s beginning. The Agnus Dei concludes the work with the customary Ordinary text and adds an adaptation of Christ’s words from John 14:27. The movement begins with a The motives introduced by the soloists at the start of the Credo organize the return to the florid melody and Eastern character combined with moving pleas themes in this movement. Contrary to the usual approach of setting the Credo for peace. The text from John is sung a cappella by the soprano and chorus. to music, Sierra’s music is full of mystery and even doubt. The movement is shot There is a final exhilarating “Alleluia” based on the tresillo pattern. through with harmonies with non-resolving sevenths and ninths. “My Credo is — ©2011, David Mead more introspective and of an intimate nature because it deals with the personal belief everyone has and does not limit us to membership in [one] church.”

There is a kind of homage to Stravinsky as God the Son’s origin (“ante omnia saecula”) briefly takes on a primitive Russian quality. “Deum de Deo” is treated first as a mystery, then as a dance with the tresillo. But mystery takes hold again at “Qui propter nos homines,” with Jesus’ descent from heaven to

6 7 Domine Deus, Rex caelestis, Lord God, heavenly King, Gratias agimus tibi, propter magnam gloriam tuam, We worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory.

Deus Pater omnipotens, Domine Fili unigenite, Almighty God and Father, Only Son of the Father, Jesu Christe, Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Text and Translation Jesus Christ, Lord God, Lamb of God, INTROITUS Filius Patris; qui tollis peccata mundi, Son of the Father; you take away the sin of the world, Da pacem, Domine, sustinentibus te, Give peace, 0 Lord, to them that patiently wait for thee, miserere nobis; qui tollis peccata mundi, have mercy on us; you take away the sin of the world, Ut prophetae tui fideles inveniantur: That thy prophets may be found faithful: suscipe deprecationem nostram, qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis. you are seated at the right hand of the Father, receive our prayer. Exaudi preces servi tui, et plebis tuae Israel. Hear the prayer of thy people Israel. Laetatus sum in his, quae dicta sunt mihi: Quoniam tu solus Sanctus, Tu solus Dominus, Tu solus Altissimus, I rejoiced at the things that were said to me: For you alone are Holy One, you alone are Lord, you alone are Most High, In domum Domini ibimus. Jesu Christe, cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris. Amen. We shall go into the house of the Lord. Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the Glory of God the Father. Amen. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. CREDO Glory to Father, and to Son and, and to Holy Spirit. Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, Sicut erat in principia, et nunc, et semper, I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker As it was in the beginning and now, and always, factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium. et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in ages of ages. Amen Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum, KYRIE I believe in one Lord, ]esus Christ, the only Son of God, et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula. Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy. Deum verum de Deo vero, eternally begotten of the Father. God from God, Light from Light, true God Christe eleison. from true God. Christ, have mercy. Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy. Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri: Begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father. GLORIA per quem omnia facta sunt. Qui propter nos homines, By whom all things were made. Who for us men Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. et propter nostram salutem descend it de caelis. and for our salvation came down from heaven Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, We worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory.

8 9 Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: omnia quaecumque voluit, fecit in caelo et in terra. Alleluia. and became incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary: whatsoever he pleased he has done in heaven and in earth. Alleluia. et homo factus est. Crucifixus etiam pro nobis and was made man. He was also crucified for us, SANCTUS sub Pontio Pilato; passus et sepultus est, Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was buried. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of power and might. et resurrexit tertia die secundum Scripturas, Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. On the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures; Heaven and earth are full of your glory. et ascendit in caelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris. Hosanna in excelsis. he ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. Hosanna in the highest. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. Et iterum venturus est cum gloria, judicare vivos et mortuos, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, cujus regni non erit finis. Et in Spiritum Sanctum, AGNUS DEI and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Dominum et vivificantem: qui ex Patre Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Filioque procedit. Qui cum Patre et Filio, simul Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. and the Son. Who together with the Father and the Son Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem. adoratur et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per prophetas. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace, is adored and glorified, and who spoke through the prophets. Pacem relinquo vobis: pacem meam do vobis, My peace I leave you: my peace I give you, Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam. dicit Dominus, Alleluia. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. saith the Lord. Alleluia. Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et expecto I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. And I await resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen. Performing Note the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. Conspirare has the privilege of performing in a variety of beautiful venues. OFFERTORIUM We seek out acoustical and aesthetic environments that can best enhance choral Rogate quae ad pacem suntJerusalem: Pray ye for the things that are for the peace of Jerusalem: performances and we are deeply grateful to our hosts. While our performing et abundantia diligentibus te. venues may represent specific traditions and the texts of some of our repertoire and abundance for them that love thee. may also be representative of specific traditions, it is in no way intended to be Fiat pax in virtute tua: et abundantia in turribus tuis. exclusive of any individual whose experience or set of beliefs is not represented. Let peace be in thy strength: and abundance in thy towers. Lauda, Jerusalem Dominum: lauda Deum tuum, Sion. Conspirare respects and celebrates the great diversity of religious, artistic, and Praise the Lord, 0 Jerusalem: praise thy God, 0 Sion. human experiences represented among our singers and audience members. Our Laudate Dominum, qui a benignus est: Praise ye the Lord, for he is good: shared musical experiences are intended to bring us together as we all seek to psallite nomini ejus, quoniam suavis est: be inspired by the power of great choral music. The audience creates the space sing ye to his name, for he is sweet: in which the music is held.

10 11 Joseph Lubars Victoria Bach Festival Chorus Artistic Personnel Ben May Jim McFarland, Rehearsal Director Will Pearson John Proft Soprano Conspirare Symphonic Choir Gary Pyle Janet Born Conspirare Company of Voices Frank Shirley Mallorie Gabbert Ed Snouffer Ann Herbst Craig Hella Johnson, Artistic Director & Conductor Larry Speakman Sara Sawey Rick Gabrillo, Associate Conductor Walter Stewart Tigh Walters Aolt Soprano Aolt Gus Gutman Elisa Coffey Carr Hornbuckle Irene Adams Louise Kemp Avant * Symphonic Choir Section Leader Debbie Durham Peter Hu + Symphonic Choir Sectional Rehearsal Leader Rebecca Atkins Pat Fatter Black Diana Farley Bill Hulsey Erika Bacon Karen Hoffman Blizzard Faith DeBow, rehearsal pianist Lisa Lewis Robbie LaBanca Christine Boone * Wendy Bloom Kelley Moody Bill Lasher Cina Crisara *+ Janet Carlsen Campbell Christy Salinas Dean Leake Catherine Davis Fran Collmann Texas State Chorale Donna Salinas Jon-Michael Lees Susan Fernandez * Mary Anne Connolly Joey M. Martin, Director Billie Southern Jim Maxwell Caroline Frommhold Dorea Cook * Shirley Williamson Jos Milton *+ Kimberly Gerber *+ Barbara Durham Soprano Bev Raney Glenda Goehrs Melissa Eddy Kimberly Butler T enor Louis Renaud Nicole Greenidge Rebecca Frazier-Smith Erin English Jonathan Ramirez Dean Revering * Emily Grundstad * Cheryl Fuller Deanna Errisuriz Dick Rew Sara Hill Wravan Godsoe Rebecca Knox Bas s Tyler Rhodes Julie Keim Helen Hays Tristi Tobias Matthew Crigger Jonathan Riemer * Eva Laskaris Sheryl Jones Keith Cox David Schwarz Perry Lines Cecilia Kittley Aolt Scott Wideman Cynthia Lux Lou Ann Lasher Dan Spence Lynn Brinckmeyer Emma Lynch Laura Martin Matt Tresler Kathryn Dane Gitanjali Mathur Susan Ohlrich * Jim Volkema Joey M. Martin Conspirare Production Team Raymond Votolato + Devon McDermott Linda Ramsey * Katie Apple Steve White Elizabeth Moyle Flo Ann Randle T enor Anton Boyd Dana Wilson Rebecca Muniz * Keely Rhodes Todd Brennan James Elrod Christina Ortiz Deborah Rupp Luke Facker Rick Gabrillo Bas s Amy Mitchell Pooley Christy Salinas Seth Lafler Robert Harlan Brent Baldwin Stephanie Pickens Mary Smith Reyes Rodriguez, III Helen Hays Chris Baker Kathryn Quirk Agatha Torku Nicholas Ytuarte Benjamin Serrato Cameron Beauchamp * Kathlene Ritch Kendra Welton-Lipman*+ Walter Stewart Lena Salha Katherine White Klaus Bichteler Bas s Mary Simon Ariana Williams Anton Boyd Daniel Arredondo Crystale Taylor Dashon Burton Jonathan Babcock Sonja Tengblad T enor David Farwig Danton Bankay Jennifer Tiller David Bailey Rick Gabrillo + Joshua Brown Kirsten Watson * Anne Bertholf Aaron Gerber Mario Contreras, Jr. Erica Weisman Daniel Buchanan Robert Harlan * Jamieson McCaffity Lauren White Howard Burkett Bruce Haufler Patrick McMurrey Natalie Wilemon Daniel Cooper Bob Hayden Bryan Pulver Shelby Williams Paul D’Arcy * Robert Karli Spencer Wiley Jenny Wolfe Gary Goethe Jack Leifer Loel Graber Joe Loukotka

12 13 Victoria Bach Festival Orchestra Craig Hella Johnson, conductor

Violin I Stephen Redfield, Concertmaster, Hattiesburg, MS Elizabeth Blackerby, Austin, TX Bruce Colson, Austin, TX Dominika Dancewicz, Houston, TX Susan Doering, Auberry, CA Molly Emerman, Austin, TX Richard Kilmer, Austin, TX Corinne Stillwell, Tallahassee, FL

Violin Ii Karen Clarke, Principal, Murfreesboro, TN Joan Carlson, Austin, TX Boel Gidholm, Rochester, NY Kana Kimura, Houston, TX Gesa Kordes, Chapel Hill, NC Anna Luce, Austin, TX Nina Mavrinac, Converse, TX Caroline Slack, Houston, TX

Viola Oboe Trombone Bruce Williams, Principal, Austin, TX Emily Agnew, Principal, Rochester, NY Nathaniel Brickens, Principal, Austin, TX Ames Asbell, Austin, TX Jennifer Bernard, Austin, TX Philip Arno, Austin, TX Melissa Brewer, Tallahassee, FL Ian Davidson, Austin, TX Joseph Brown, Austin, TX Martha Carpetyan, Austin, TX Tomas Fajardo, Hattiesburg, MS Clat rine Tuba Greg Luce, Austin, TX Vanguel Tangarov, Principal, Austin, TX Raul Rodriguez, New Braunfels, TX Alan Olson, Round Rock, TX Violoncello Mary Schani, Austin, TX Timpani Douglas Harvey, Principal, Austin, TX Anthony Edwards, Pflugerville, TX Barbara George, Austin, TX Bas s oon Christopher Haritatos, Rochester, NY Brian Petkovich, Principal, San Antonio, TX Percussion Craig Leffer, Dallas, TX Daniel Chrisman, Austin, TX Genaro Gonzales, Principal, San Marcos, TX Shawn Sanders, Austin, TX Nathan Koch, Austin, TX Tom Burritt, Leander, TX Dieter Wulfhorst, Auberry, CA Graeme Francis, Austin, TX Horn Matthew Teodori, Austin, TX Double Bass Patrick Hughes, Principal, Austin, TX Melanie Punter Principal, Tallahassee, FL Ann Marie Cherry, Austin, TX Poian Jessica Gilliam-Valls, Pflugerville, TX Kurt Moede, Pflugerville, TX Faith DeBow, San Marcos, TX Ricardo Zuniga, Austin, TX Jill Rodriguez, New Braunfels, TX Harp Flute Trt umpe Elaine Barber, Austin, TX Adah Toland Jones, Principal, Wimberley, TX Robert Cannon, Principal, Cedar Park, TX Melissa Colgin Abeln, El Paso, TX Michael Bucalo, New Braunfels, TX Elizabeth Castano, Austin, TX Tim Shaffer, New York, NY

14 15 About The Soloists

Baritone Daniel Teadt has recently appeared A shimmering soprano with enchanting stage in Jonathan Kupper’s The Monkey’s Pawand presence, Heidi Grant Murphy is one of the Katarzyna Brochocka’s Happy Garden of Life with outstanding vocal talents of her generation. A The Microscopic Opera Company. He was a native of Bellingham, Washington, her graduate guest artist at WQED’s honoring of Byron Janis vocal studies were interrupted when she was named wherein he and the pianist performed selections a winner of the Metropolitan Opera National of Mr. Janis‘ Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Mr. Council Auditions and engaged by Maestro Teadt performed recitals with Pittsburgh Song to participate in the Metropolitan Collaborative, the Friends of Music Guild and Opera’s Lindemann Young Artist Development the Music in the Country Art Song Series. He was baritone soloist in Brahms’ Program. Today, Ms. Murphy has established a reputation not only for her radiant Ein Deutsches with Clarion University and Carmina Burana at musicianship and impeccable vocal technique, but also for her warm personality Susquehanna University. He also appeared in Pittsburgh Opera’s production of and generosity of spirit. of the Carmelites.

2009-2010 orchestral engagements feature Ms. Murphy performing Haydn’s Recently Mr. Teadt made critically acclaimed role debuts as Valentin in Faust Creation with The Florida Orchestra, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 with with the Tacoma Opera and Folco in Montemezzi’s L’incantesimo with Opera Omaha Symphony, Handel’s Messiah with Columbus Symphony and Hump- Theater Pittsburgh and was the baritone soloist in the West Coast Premiere erdinck’s Hänsel und Gretel with San Diego Symphony. Conspirare in Austin, of Roberto Sierra’s Missa Latina with the Los Angeles Master Chorale. Other Texas welcomes Ms. Murphy for a performance of Roberto Sierra’s Missa La- notable debuts include the Count in the Aix-en-Provençe Festival’s produc- tina, a work she premiered throughout the and recorded with the tion of Le nozze di Figaro, Cyrano with the Opera Company of Philadelphia, Symphony Orchestra. International appearances are Mahler II with Grammy®-winning performances of Billy Budd with the London Symphony the Bergen Philharmonic and Andrew Litton, and a selection of Mozart Arias Orchestra, and the Count with the Arizona Opera in a production directed by at Champs Elysées with Ensemble Orchestrale de Paris. Sir Thomas Allen. An alumnus of the Pittsburgh Opera Center, his roles there include Papageno in Die Zauberflöte,Donald in Billy Budd, and others. Heidi Grant Murphy’s latest recording, Lullabies & Nightsongs, based on the children’s book illustrated by Maurice Sendak, was released in September 2009 Mr. Teadt’s accolades include a Mattheus Sullivan Foundation grant, Theodore on Koch International. With Maestro Lorin Maazel and the New York Phil- Uppman Memorial Award from the George London Foundation, Gonzalus harmonic, Ms. Murphy appears on a live recording of Mahler IV and a sepa- Vocal Competition Prize, top honors from the Palm Beach Opera and MacAl- rate recording of ’s Gathering Paradise on New World. lister Opera Awards, as well as being recently voted Pittsburgh Magazine’s 2010 Other notable recordings include Roberto Sierra’s Missa Latina with baritone Best Local Artist. He maintains teaching positions at Washington & Jefferson Nathaniel Webster and the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra on Naxos, Hansel College and Clarion University. He earned both his Bachelor and Master of and Gretel (Gretel) with Andreas Delfs and the Milwaukee Symphony Orches- Music degrees from the University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana, where he tra, five additional discs for Koch and recordings for Deutsche Grammophon, studied with John Wustman. Arabesque and Delos. She can also be heard on the Grammy-nominated Swee- ney Todd (Johanna) for the ’s private label.

16 17 About the Composer

For more than three decades the works of composer Roberto Sierra have been part of the repertoire of many of the leading orchestras, ensembles and festivals in the USA and Europe. At the inaugural concert of the 2002 world renowned Proms in London, his Fandangos was performed by the BBC Symphony Orchestra in a concert that was broadcast by both the BBC Radio and Television throughout the UK and Europe.

Sierra’s numerous commissions include works for many of the major American Sachar Karen and European orchestras. International ensembles that have performed his works include the orchestras of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, New Mexico, Houston, , Dallas, Detroit, San Antonio and Phoenix, as well as About Conspirare by the American Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic, Los The word “conspirare” derives from the Latin “con” Angeles Philharmonic, National Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish National and “spirare” translated as “to breathe together.” Orchestra, the Tonhalle Orchestra of Zurich, the Spanish orchestras of Madrid, Galicia, Castilla y León and Barcelona, among others.

Founded in 1991 to present a summer classical music festival in Austin, Texas, Sierra’s work has garnered many honors. In 2003 he was awarded the Academy Conspirare has rapidly grown to become an internationally recognized, professional Award in Music by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The award choral organization that combines outstanding vocal artistry with innovative states: “Roberto Sierra writes brilliant music, mixing fresh and personal melodic lines with sparkling harmonies and striking rhythms.” His Sinfonía programming. Led by founder and artistic director Craig Hella Johnson, No. 1, a work commissioned by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, won the Conspirare is comprised of two performing ensembles and an educational program. 2004 Kenneth Davenport Competition for Orchestral Works. In 2007 the The Company of Voices is a chamber choir of extraordinarily talented professional Serge and Olga Koussevitzky International Recording Award (KIRA) was singers from around the country presented in an annual concert series in Austin, awarded to Albany Records for the recording of his composition Sinfonía No. other Texas communities, and locations in the U.S. and abroad. The Conspirare 3 “La Salsa”. Roberto Sierra has served as Composer-In-Residence with the Symphonic Choir of both professional and volunteer singers performs one or Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, The , The Puerto Rico more large choral/orchestral works annually. The Conspirare Youth Choirs is an Symphony Orchestra and New Mexico Symphony. In 2010 he was elected educational program for singers ages 8-16, who learn and perform in two separate to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences. For additional ensembles, Kantorei and the Conspirare Children’s Choir. biographical and other information about Mr. Sierra, visit

Conspirare produced its first commercial recording, through the green fuse, in 2004 on the Clarion Records label. A second CD, Requiem, also on Clarion and since

18 19 reissued by Harmonia Mundi, was released in 2006 and received two Grammy® nominations (Best Choral Performance and Best Engineered Album, Classical). Harmonia Mundi also released Requiem in Europe in 2009, and it received the Netherlands’ prestigious 2010 Edison Award in the Choral Music category. The Edison is the Dutch equivalent of the U.S. Grammy.

A third recording, Threshold of Night, was released worldwide in September 2008 on the Harmonia Mundi label, Conspirare’s first title for the distinguished recording company. Threshold of Night received two Grammy nominations, Best Choral Performance and Best Classical Album. In October 2008, in cooperation with Austin’s public television station KLRU, Conspirare filmed a PBS television special, “A Company of Voices: Conspirare in Concert,” that was broadcast nationally in March 2009 and is available on both CD and DVD. “A Company of Voices” received a Grammy nomination as Best Classical Crossover Album. Conspirare’s next CD “Sing Freedom: African American Spirituals” was recorded

last October for release in September 2011 by Harmonia Mundi. Sachar Karen

In 2005 Conspirare received the Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, About Craig Hella Johnson given by national service organization Chorus America. In 2007, as one of the select choruses to receive a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts under Renowned as one of the most influential voices in choral in the United its American Masterpieces initiative, Conspirare presented a four-day festival that States, Craig Hella Johnson brings a depth of knowledge, artistic sensitivity, and featured a distinguished gathering of composers and conductors, performances imagination to his programs. As founder and artistic director of Conspirare, of three world premieres, and a gala closing concert with a choir of 600 singers. Johnson assembles some of the finest singers in the country to form a world-class, In July 2008 Conspirare represented the United States at the Eighth World award-winning organization committed to creating dynamic choral art. Symposium on Choral Music in Copenhagen, joining invited choirs from nearly In addition to his work with Conspirare, Johnson also serves as Artistic Director forty countries. In February 2010 Conspirare was an invited, featured choir at of the Victoria Bach Festival, an annual event that draws musicians and critical the annual convention of the American Choral Directors Association/Eastern praise from around the country. Of Johnson’s performance of Beethoven’s Missa Division in Philadelphia. Conspirare received the 2010 Dale Warland Singers Solemnis, Mike Greenberg of the San Antonio Express-News wrote: “Through all the Commission Award from Chorus America to support the commission of a new amazing ebbs and flows of dynamics, the radiant balances, the seamless connection work by Seattle composer Eric Banks. In February 2011 Conspirare gave three of episodes, the theatrically astute tempo relations, the unified structural arc, invited performances in New York City under auspices of the Weill Music Institute the music shone forth with organic naturalness. Nothing sounded fussed over. of Carnegie Hall. Everything just sounded right.”

Johnson served as Director of Choral Activities (1990-2001) at the University of Texas in Austin where he led the graduate program in conducting. He was artistic director of San Francisco-based Chanticleer (1998-1999) and has served as guest conductor with the Austin Symphony, San Antonio Symphony, Santa Fe

20 21 Symphony, Chicago’s Music of the Baroque, Berkshire Choral Festival, and Oregon Board of Directors Artistic & Bach Festival. In September 2009 Johnson travelled to Taiwan to conduct the Fran Collmann, Chair Administrative Staff Taipei Male Choir. Robert J. Karli, Vice Chair Catherine Wildermuth, Treasurer Craig Hella Johnson Praised by audiences and critics, Johnson’s programs are hailed as thought- Mary Stephenson, Secretary Artistic Director William C. Bednar provoking musical journeys. One unique aspect of Johnson’s programming is Jack Brannon Ann Hume Wilson his signature “collage” style: through-composed programs that marry music and David Clark Executive Director Larry Collmann poetry to seamlessly blend sacred and secular, classical and contemporary, classical Patrick L. DeLaune Katie Apple and popular. In 2006 he was engaged to create a special peace-themed collage Tom Driscoll Director of Special Projects program for the North Central ACDA convention. He was also engaged by the St. Ann Fields Executive Assistant to the Artistic Director Robert Harlan Olaf Choir to create and conduct a collage program during a five-week residency Lou Ann Lasher Tamara Blanken with the choir in spring 2007. Karen Leeke Ticketing & Online Services Manager Eric Leibrock Hope Morgan A composer and arranger, Johnson works with G. Schirmer Publishing on the Cynthia Densmore Louise Morse Finance Manager Craig Hella Johnson Choral Series, featuring specially selected composers as well as E. Stuart Phillips Hon. Bea Ann Smith some of his original compositions and arrangements. His works are also published Melissa J. Eddy Marion Lear Swaybill Communications & Grants Manager by Alliance Music Publications. Also an accomplished vocalist and pianist, he Sheila Youngblood released his first solo CD “Thorns on the Rose” in 2008 on the Booker Music label. Rick Gabrillo Production Manager Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs Johnson’s distinctive style and commitment to the choral art have led him to be Advisory Board Stephen Aechternacht Wravan Godsoe honored with several awards, including 2008 induction into the Austin Arts Hall of John Aielli Operations/Ticketing Assistant Fame and the 2009 Louis Botto Award for Innovative Action and Entrepreneurial Sue Barnes Mark Bierner Zeal, given by Chorus America. David Hammond Ray Brimble Operations Manager David Burger A native of Minnesota, Johnson studied at St. Olaf College, the , David Claflin Robert Harlan Virginia Dupuy and the University of Illinois and earned his doctorate at Yale University. As the Production Coordinator Maydelle Fason recipient of a National Arts Fellowship, Johnson studied with Helmuth Rilling at JoLynn Free Debbie Kenkel Billy Gammon the International Bach Academy in Stuttgart, . Accounting Assistant Helen Hays Meri Krueger Dan Herd Artist Relations William B. Hilgers Wayne Holtzman Nina Revering Cassandra James Director, Conspirare Youth Choirs Judith Jellison Bob Murphy Nicki Turman Lynn Murphy House Manager Gayle Glass Roche Nancy Scanlan Robin Turman Russell Schulz Administrative Assistant, Angela Smith Conspirare Youth Choirs Bernadette Tasher Louann Temple Eva Womack

22 23 Conspirare Audio Support Conspirare & Video Recordings Conspirare invites you to join our family of donors. Your contribution supports Watch for Harmonia Mundi’s release of our new CD Sing Freedom! African American our gift of music through performances of the highest artistic quality and through Spirituals in September 2011! educational and outreach programs, including the Conspirare Youth Choirs. We gratefully acknowledge the underwriters of Sing Freedom! African American Spirituals: Fran and Larry Collmann, Crutch and Danna Crutchfield, Bill and Jeanie Wyatt, and The National Endowment for the Arts. Leadership Circle Circle of Friends Recordings allow us to share Conspirare’s unforgettable artistry with a worldwide audience, and Maestro Circle...... $25,000+ Sponsors...... $500 — $999 to create a permanent record for future generations. If you would like to help shape this legacy, Impresario Circle...... $15,000 ­— $24,999 Patrons...... $250 — $499 $ $ $ $ please contact executive director Ann Hume Wilson at 512-476-5775. Benefactor Circle...... 10,000 — 14,999 Sustainers...... 100 — 249 Platinum Baton Circle...... $5,000 — $9,999 Donors...... Up to $99 Golden Baton Circle...... $2,500 — $4,999 The Conspirare Catalog Silver Baton Circle...... $1,000 — $2,499

“A Company of Voices: Conspirare in Concert” – 2010 Grammy® nomination enclosed is my tax-deductible gift in the amount of $ PBS show, nationally broadcast in March 2009; available on CD and DVD - or- i pledge a gift of $ to be paid in full by june 30, 2011.

“Thorns on the Rose” – Craig Hella Johnson’s first solo CD choose one:

please charge my credit card $ per month for # months, begininning / / “Threshold of Night” – Two 2009 Grammy nominations date Conspirare sings the music of Tarik O’Regan i will pay by check $ per month for # months

“Requiem”– Two 2007 Grammy nominations, 2010 Edison Award (the Dutch Grammy) need a different pledge plan? please call us at (512) 476-5775 to arrange. Now on the Harmonia Mundi Label Payment Information ❑ “through the green fuse” – A favorite collection featuring several spirituals check payable to conspirare credit card ❑ discover ❑ mc ❑ visa ❑ amex “Angel Be” (2 CDs) – A collection of favorite live recordings by Cynthia Clawson name on card and Craig Hella Johnson, including four previously unreleased selections card number “Crossing the Divide: Exploring Influence and Finding Our Voice” (2 CDs) – Recorded security code expiration date during the NEA sponsored American Masterpieces Festival in January 2007 signature must be signature of cardholder Christmas at the Carillon “Here Comes the Light” (2009) name “Lay Me Low” (2008) as you wish to be acknowledged in conspirare publications “Love Again” (2007) address “Love Calls You” (2006) “I Still Love You” (2 CDs - 2005) city state zip “Always” (2 CDs - 2004) “Nearer” (2003) daytime phone ( ) “Where Does Morning Lie?” (2002) “Back to the Garden” (2001) e-mail “Home” (2000) employer

To order, please call (512) 476-5775; hear samples at Does your employer support the arts with matching gifts? If so, please enclose the completed form along with your payment. Mail to Conspirare, 1033 La Posada Drive, Suite 130, Austin, TX 78752. Conspirare is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Thank you for your generous support of Conspirare. 24 25 Supporters Donors

Gifts to Conspirare provide financial support for concerts, recordings, educational programs, and outreach activities. The following roster of donors includes cash Season Sustaining Underwriter and in-kind gifts received from individuals, family and private foundations, businesses, and government agencies between May 1, 2010 and May 31, 2011. We express our gratitude to each and every one of our donors.

Maestro Circle Robert & Pat Brueck City of Austin Cultural Arts Division Joe & Cynthia Cain Fran & Larry Collmann Dartz Deals Business & Foundation Supporters The Kodosky Foundation William R. Dickson The Mattsson-McHale Foundation Mary Nell Frucella The Meadows Foundation Cynthia Keever National Endowment for the Arts Joan & Tom Kobayashi South Texas Money Management Lou Ann & Bill Lasher Karen & Paul Leeke Impresario Circle Hope Morgan & Mike Taborn Robert & Lara Harlan Jerele & Elizabeth Neeld Jeff & Gail Kodosky Scott & Pam Reichardt Wendi & Brian Kushner John & Suzanne Shore The Kodosky The The Meadows Russell Hill Rogers Gayle Glass Roche & Mike Roche The Honorable Bea Ann Smith Foundation Mattsson-McHale Foundation Fund for the Arts Marc & Carolyn Seriff Mary Stephenson & David Minter Foundation Still Water Foundation Marion Lear Swaybill Texas Commission on the Arts Susanne Tetzlaff & Eric Tiblier Sheila & Ryan Youngblood The Rachael & Ben Silver Baton Circle Vaughan Foundation Benefactor Circle Anonymous (3) Jeri DeAngelis Sandi Aitken Louise N. Reeser Shannon Armstrong TesCom, Inc. Becky Beaver & John Duncan Anne Bertholf Platinum Baton Circle Klaus Bichteler & Mary Parse Anonymous Jack Brannon & Brian Miller American Composers Forum/Chorus America Dan Bullock & Annette Carlozzi Ken & Joyce Beck Dr. & Mrs. Paul Burns Public Funding Agencies Ray & Karen Brimble Ernest & Sarah Butler David & Janis Claflin CenTex Beverage Conspirare is funded and supported in part by the City of Austin David & Catherine Clark Dean & Gwen Collmann through the Cultural Arts Division, the Texas Commission on the Arts, Crutch & Danna Crutchfield Jerry Craft and the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art. Thomas Driscoll & Nancy Quinn Robert F. Dailey Helen & Bob Hays Melissa Eddy & Tracy Schiemenz Robert & Trish Karli Lot Ensey Eric Leibrock & Ellen Justice The Fetzer Institute Media Sponsors Joyce Mayer Rev. Dr. Ann Fields Louise Morse Fischer & Weiser Specialty Foods Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts Billy & Regan Gammon The Rachael & Ben F. Vaughan Foundation Gateway Music Festivals & Tours Catherine & David Wildermuth Susan & Jerry Gatlin Bill & Jeanie Wyatt Steve Gilbert Gerre & Judith Hancock Golden Baton Circle In honor of Craig Hella Johnson Aha Communications Richard Hartgrove & Gary Cooper William C. Bednar & Flo Ann Randle Hornaday Design

26 27 Michael & Jeanne Klein Jeanne & Van Hoisington Stuart & Paula Damore Steffen & Elisabeth Waltz Timothy Koock Morgan Hunter John Driggers In honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Angie & Steve Larned Diane Ireson Dorothy Drummer & Greg Eden Ben Wear Kathryn Lewis Mary M. Kevorkian Susan Duncan Bill Wood & Elsa Vorwerk Sheila Lummis Eva & Chris Laskaris Robert & Susan Epstein Bob & Lynn Murphy Mary Ann Lees In honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Sustainers William Nemir Mark & Lauren Levy Cliff & Martha Ernst Anonymous (3) Carlisle Pearson Emily Little Susan Nash Fekety Ginny Agnew E. Stuart Phillips Manuel & Anne Martinez Gwen & Bruce Flory Irene Eibenstein Alvisi & Lorenzo Alvisi Linda Ramsey Phil & Sue Maxwell Barbara Gibbs & John Driggers Ernest & Jeanette Auerbach Louis Renaud Milton D. Miller II Dolly Gray-Bussard Erika Bacon Dick & Lynn Rew Ivan Milman & Janie Keys In honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Ross & Kristin Bassinger Nancy Scanlan Suzanne M. Mitchell & Richard A. Zansitis Carolyn Harris-Hynson Mim & Garrett Beauvais William Schleuse & Virginia McDermott Janis Monger & Tom Mason Carr Hornbuckle & Jack Leifer Steven Beebe Peter Schram & Harry Ullmann Linda Monk H. David & Jan Hughes Craig & Holly Berent Angela & Charles Smith Susan Negley In honor of Bea Ann Smith Carolyn Bingham David C. Smith Leslie Oster & Daniel Rodriguez Bobby & Nancy Inman Dawn & Dusty Black In honor of Craig Hella Johnson Dan & Kim Peterson Craig Hella Johnson & Phil Overbaugh Karen Blizzard James Stolpa Forrest Preece & Linda Ball Morris & Marge Johnson Wendy Bloom Target Caren Prothro Tom Grimes & Karen Kibler Floyd Brandt Bernadette Tasher Daniel Ray & Ellen Gould David Kendrick Roslyn & Sean Breen Christopher Novosad, Smith & Sandra Ray Bill & Ann Kleinbecker Dr. Billye Brown Ben & Daphne Vaughan Dan & Kimberly Renner Greg & Cynthia Kozmetsky George Brown William & Anne Wagner Hamilton & Joanne Richards L & L Investment Company, LLC David Burger Marc & Suzanne Winkleman Andy & Sally Ritch Lawrence Lawver Harvey Caughey Ann Hume Wilson & Evan Wilson Jack & Susan Robertson Jon-Michael Lees Tom & Marsha Caven Eva & Marvin Womack Michal Rosenberger Nora Lieberman Ann Clark Lucia & Paul Woodruff Carole & Charles Sikes Albert Lin Mary Anne Connolly Kevin & Henley Sims In honor of Bea Ann Smith In honor of Col. & Mrs. John M. Connolly, Jr. Sponsors Julie & Shawn Smith Thomas & Alaire Lowry Ralph Coonrad Linda Aaker Mary Smith & Walter Stewart Cynthia Lux Cheryl & Eric Cosway Maureen Alexander In honor of all Symphonic Choir members Debe & Kevin McKeand Marie Crane Eva King Andries Dr. Anna Sorensen Vance McMahan Karel Dahmen Robert & Patricia Ayres Connee & Kent Sullivan Lynn & Tom Meredith Richard Davis Ann & Jeff Bomer Virgil & LaFern Swift Ann Moody Kay Delcher Amelia Bullock & Bill Krumpack Lois VanLaningham Douglas Nelson Robin & Karl Dent Richard Campbell Cynthia L. & Thomas Walsh Michael & Candace Partridge Nina & Jeffrey Di Leo Pablo Cardenas Jim & Nicole Pizzitola Charles & Mary Dickerson Chris & J. Dennis Cavner Patrons Brian & Lynn Powell Jerry & Shar Diercks Jo Anne Christian David Andrew Flo Ann Randle Sandy Dunn & Paul Harford Jennifer Clark Dr. Jacque Angerstein Amy Randolph Dan Dworin James & Debbie Dunn Robert & Margaret Ayres Bev & Milbrey Raney Sally Estes Virginia & Robert Dupuy Cindy Behling Joanne & Jerome Ravel Juli Fellows Barbara Durham Ola Bell David Schwarz John & Barbara Fibiger Mary Margaret & Ray Farabee Leah Billingsley Lindsay & Joan Sharpe Laura Fielder Sam & Maydelle Fason Pat Fatter Black Marilyn Sharratt Carol Fleming Daniel Finch Grace Blair Kay Sheffield Mary Anne Flournoy Susanna & Richard Finnell Nancy Bowman Kay Sherrill Karen & Bill Gernstein R. John & Susan Fox James Campbell Cord & Anne Shiflet Eliza Gilkyson Cheryl Fuller Nathaniel & Elizabeth Chapin Kirk & Rose Smith Loel Graber Tom & Kathy Cody Gallaway Elizabeth Christian & Bruce Todd Sandra Smith James & Jo Green Glenda Goehrs David & Natasha Collmann John & Bess Sommer Gary Greenblum Susan Gregerson Fran & Larry Collmann Michael & Carol Stehling Gus & Greta Gutman Balie & Beverly Griffith In memory of Philip J. Overbaugh Mrs. Louis Stumberg Ronda Hall Milton Guiberteau Eleanor Crary Martha Faye Terry Harmonium Choral Society In honor of Claire Korioth Eric & Lisa Craven Don Trapp David & Martha Harrington Harlan Motors Corporation Cina Crisara Erich Vollmer Leroy & Karen Haverlah Walter & Ann Herbst In honor of Deborah Rupp In honor of Wendi & Brian Kushner Janie Hayes & Jimmy Bisese Jane Hilfer Dr. Nell Dale 28 29 Zhongli & Wendy He Manohar Rao Robert Hollingsworth Rose Ann & John Reeser thank you Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Holtzman In honor of Louise Reeser Jeffrey Hudson & Robert Blodgett Nina & Dean Revering Melissa Huebsch Gerhild B. Rogers Aha! Communications – Deborah Pfluger Bill Hulsey Lauren Hughes In honor of Glenda Goehrs Austin American Statesman KMFA-FM J Carlos / M Serrato Foundation Leilani Rose Austin Chronicle KUT-FM Todd Jermstad Deborah Rupp Cameron & Beth Beauchamp* LSGS Magazine In honor of Robert Karli Donna & Christy Salinas Elizabeth & Gregory Nora & Andrew Sansom Blanton Museum of Art Long Center for the Performing Arts Steve & Daphne Kahle Dennis Schaffer Catherine Brimble* Bill Nemir* Stan & Biruta Kearl Pete & Frances Schenkkan Linda Buehlmann* Christopher Novosad, Julie Keim Rhonda Schleicher Sam & Anne Byars* Philip Overbaugh Marguerite & Hugh Kelly Paul Schraider Chris Cavner Margaret Perry Elinor Kliewer Mitzi Scott David & Catherine Clark* Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance & Cultural Center Jessica & J.J. Lagowski James Shultz Kathryn & Don Lougheed Mary Simon Fran & Larry Collmann* Ana María Tekina-eirú Maynard Mike & Sue Maine Donald Skirvin Paul Dodd* Karen Sachar Photography Jerome Malek Jeffrey Smith Ann & Ray Ellison Bea Ann Smith* Jennifer Martens Jim Sotiros Carolynn and Dale Elmshaeuser Mary Smith & Walter Stewart Mary Matus & Carol Taxis Dan Spence James Elrod South Texas Money Management Peter Flagg Maxson & John C.R. Taylor III John & Janice Spence Yasser Farra & Meri Krueger* – Jeanie Wyatt, Josie Dorris Jerrald & Barbara McCollum Don & Nancy Spencer In honor of David Farwig Barbara & Bruce Stevenson Michelle Fisher Bernadette Tasher* Karen McLaughlin Virginia Stotts Kim Gerber* TesCom, Inc. Connie McMillan Robert & Eileen Sudela Mary Gifford Texas Performing Arts at UT-Austin Janis McSwain Rose & Joe Sullivan Kathryn Govier Veryan & Greg Thompson Glenn A. Miller George & Nancy Sutton Helen Hays Victoria Bach Festival – Nina Di Leo Betty Shelton Mills Jack Swanzy Hornaday Design Sheila & Ryan Youngblood* John & Elizabeth Hansing Moon Rosera Tateosian Nancy Moore Meredith Thomas & Walter Stroup Chip & Jan Morris Agatha Torku * Special thanks to Artist Hospitality Volunteers Diana Mullin Nancy Townsend In honor of Deborah Rupp Susan Trautmann Neil & Maria Nehring Marie Van Roekel Arthur & Beth Nelkin Cynthia & Mark Vanderberg In honor of Charles & Jeanne Graves Charles Vann Tom & Mary Sue Koontz Nelson In honor of David Schwarz In honor of Nina Di Leo Fred & Shirley Viehweg Cynthia Norvell Karla & Augusto Villalon Susan Ohlrich Jeannette G. Walker Hilary Olson In honor of Carolyn Harris-Hynson Richard Orton Sandra Waycott & James Phares Margaret H. Overbaugh Robbie Webb Thomas Overbaugh Doreen Wheeler Become our fan on Facebook, Graydon Parrish Alex & Veda White follow us on Twitter, and join Jim & Joyce Parrish Jay & Glaucia Vasconcelos Wilkey our e-list at to Cathie Parsley get the latest Conspirare news. Brittan Pasloske & Mary Lea McAnally Conspirare also thanks all donors of gifts under $100 Pete & Elizabeth Paul and regrets that space does not permit the listing of Homer Payne each name. Your support is equally appreciated. Ann Phipps & Michael Cannatti William Pickens & Lindsey Falconer We strive to publish an accurate donor list. If an Ponomarev Family error or omission is noticed, please let us know. Karen Pope 512-476-5775 Anne Praderas & Tony Vance Gary & Cheryl Pyle Robert & Deirdre Ragan Randalls 30 31 32 33 2011-2012 performances to be announced soon. The Blanton Cantata Project proudly supports the artistry of Conspirare.

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34 35 we sing life

2011-2012 Season Samuel Barber: American Romantic Handel & Pärt: September 22, Georgetown Brilliant Baroque, Sublime Silences September 23-25, Austin June 8, Victoria An all-Barber program honors this great American composer. June 9, Austin Featuring the beloved Agnus Dei, plus the premiere of a new An eclectic choral-orchestral program including George Frideric orchestration by Robert Kyr of Barber’s rarely performed The Handel’s dynamic Dixit Dominus, Arvo Pärt’s luminous Berliner Messe, Lovers. Also to be recorded for a Conspirare CD! and On the Beach at Night by American composer Andrew Imbrie.

From the British Isles Conspirare Symphonic Choir October 8, Austin and Austin Symphony Orchestra Conspirare Symphonic Choir tenors and basses join the October 14-15 and May 4-5, Austin Conspirare Youth Choirs to perform works from Great Britain’s The city’s premiere symphonic ensembles collaborate in Holst’s rich choral tradition, including music from the Royal Wedding. The Planets (October) and Stravinsky’s Symphony of Psalms and Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms (May). Christmas at the Carillon December 1, Victoria Big Sing December 2, San Antonio November 17, February 23, and May 17, Austin December 3-5, Austin Where the audience is the choir! Our beloved holiday collage concert, with guest artists Mela Sarajane Dailey and Matt Alber. Conspirare Youth Choirs December 9-10 and April 28, Austin Joby Talbot: Path of Miracles Conspirare’s youngest choristers sing music from around the globe. January 19, Fredericksburg January 20-22, Austin Midwestern Tour A highlight of the season – the southwestern U.S. premiere of Path March 2012 of Miracles (2005) by British composer Joby Talbot. This mystical marvel was inspired by the journey of medieval pilgrims from the Conspirare headlines the American Choral Directors Association foot of the Pyrenees to Santiago in northwest Spain. “An evocative Central Division conference in Fort Wayne, with public concerts in journey.” – The Times Michigan, , and other locations to be announced.

Whitacre & Lewis: New Year’s Special January 21, Austin Music by Eric Whitacre, including a preview of a long-awaited new piece commissioned by Conspirare, plus world premiere of a new work by Peter Lewis, also written for Conspirare.

Tickets on sale in late July! Visit for updates.