Thonner's Analytical Key to the Families of Flowering Plants
Thonner's analyticalke y to thefamilie s of flowering plants R.Geesin k A.J .M .Leeuwenber g C.E.Ridsdale J.F .Veldkam p PUDOC, Centre for Agricultural Leiden University Press Publishing and Documentation The Hague/Boston/London, Wageningen, 1981 1981 /1/0 07 (P- :>< R. Geesink-Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands A. J. M. Leeuwenberg - Laboratorium voor Plantensystematiek en Planten- geografie, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands C. E. Ridsdale-B. A. Krukoff Botanist ofMalesia n Botany, Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands J. F. Veldkamp-Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands This volume isliste d inth eLibrar y of Congress Cataloging inPublicatio n Data Thisi sa translate d and revised edition of:Anleitun g zumBestimme n der Familien der Blutenpflanzen, 2nd. ed. 1917, Friedländer, Berlin ISBN 90-220-0730-8 © Centre foragricultura l publishing and documentation, PUDOC, Wageningen 1981 and Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, 1981 Allright sreserved . Nopar t ofthi spublicatio n mayb ereproduced , stored ina retrieva l system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, P.O. Box 566, 2501 CN The Hague, The Netherlands, and PUDOC, P.O. Box 4,670 0A AWageningen , TheNetherland s Printed inth e Netherlands Contents Preface toth e2n deditio n(1917 ) vii Introduction viii Acknowledgements x FranzThonne r- Life (1863-1928) xii FranzThonner-Bibliograph y xv FranzThonner-Derive dwork s xviii FranzThonner-Eponym y xx The Key - Introduction and Notes xxii Schemefo r adiagnosti cdescriptio n xxvi Conciseke yt oth ema jo rgrouping s 1 Keyt oth efamilie s 3 Glossary 198 Index 214 'All plants are hybrids, but some are greater bastards than others' lf*!Mfc .-, -e *••-r • + VT-V «-•! * .
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