can changethelivesofwomen! Attend thiscomprehensivetrainingandleavefeelingconfidentfulfilled,knowingthatyou Without propertraining,yourworkwithwomencanonlyrisetoacertainlevel! serving asago-toclinicianonissuesrelatedtowomen’shealthinrehabilitation. and osteoporosis.What’smore,you’llleavethistrainingbetterabletoexpandyourpractice, postpartum complications,pelvicfloordysfunction,breastcancer,lymphedema, advanced treatmentplansforthemostcommonissueswomenface,includingpregnancy/ Attend andbringvaluableadditionstoyourclinicaltoolboxthatwillallowyouimplement to helpwomenreclaimactive,satisfying,-freelives. This 3-dayintensivetrainingwillprovideyouwithtoday’smostinnovativetreatments risk, discomfortandcostofunnecessarysurgeries. their pain,missinganopportunitytorestorewellnesslives,andleavingthemfacethe patients misunderstood,misdiagnosed,undertreatedandunderserved–failingtoend Without specializedtrainingintheuniqueneedsofwomen,youcouldbeleavingyour lymphedema tobackpainandboneloss. childbirth, surgery,andtraumacanleadtomanyproblems,frompelvicfloordisorders Women’s bodiesgothroughalotinlifetime.Addthestressesandstrainsofpregnancy, Repatterning. in 2000,andsheholdsadditionalcertificationsCompleteLymphatic TherapyandMatrix doctorate inphysicaltherapyfromLomaLindaUniversity,where shealsobeganteaching Experts andwasawriterfortheAPTApelvicpaincertification courses.Dr.Chasseearnedher hands-on teachingstyle.Inaddition,shehasservedontheSpecialization AcademyofContent nationally topresentseminarsonwomen’shealthtopics,andsheisknownforherdynamic, Among thefirsttoreceiveAPTA’sBoardCertificationinWomen’sHealth,Dr.Chassetravels osteoporosis. complications, pelvicfloordysfunction,breastcancer,lymphedema,fibromyalgiaand with over20yearsofexperiencehelpingwomenrecoverfrompregnancy/postpartum Non-financial: DeboraChassehasnorelevantnon-financialrelationshiptodisclose. Financial: DeboraChasseistheownerofFunctionAbilityPhysicalTherapy.Shereceives aspeaking honorariumfromPESI,Inc. Speaker Disclosures: Debora Chasse,PT,DPT,WCS,CLT, Speaker online post-test. Order today by usingthe order form onthisbrochure orby calling 800-844-8260. confirmation which contains to accessyour login instructions the recorded seminar, handoutsand electronic of self-studycredits for license renewal. purchasing If thedigital format, you willreceive anemailedorder profession goto orcall800-844-8260. Checkwithyour licensing board to verify acceptance colleagues canreceive CEhoursfor anominalfee. To determine ifhomestudycredits are available for your onDVD Format:Seminar orDigital You andyou andyour onthesubject canpurchase aself-study package at any time. another seminar, orreceive a tuition refund lessa$90cancel fee. Substitutionsare permitted (CE credits onthesubject for may beavailable), aself-studypackage to acertificate attend CancellationHassle-Free you Policy: usbefore If contact theevent date, you canexchange

3-DAY Today’s Best Practices for Improving Recovery andOutcomes Comprehensive Training is anexpertinwomen’shealth

in Women’s Health







18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Objectives women’s health. Discuss strategies for specialization,professional andhealthprogramming in networking, coding,Review billing, anddocumentationfor women’s health. Discuss thelatest advancesinwomen’s healthandtheirimplicationsfor treatment. scenarios. andtreatmentApply evaluation techniques demonstrated throughout thecourseto case comprehensiveDevelop treatment strategies for specificimpairments. (Franklinmindfulness, Method). anddynamiccognitive imagery therapeutic exercise, tissuemobilization,lymphaticdrainage, pointrelease, soft trigger Discuss strategies for more effectively treatment, combiningmultiplemodalitiesduring exercises.recruit musclesduring the correct techniquesDemonstrate dynamicneurocognitive for helpingpatients identifyand imagery and increasing inpatientswithosteoporosis. mobility for decreasingDemonstrate interventions boneloss, protecting thespine, reducing fallrisk, infections inpatientswithlymphedema. for controllingDemonstrate interventions swelling, decreasing fluidbuildup, andpreventing in patientswithfibromyalgia. orreducing painandimprovingDemonstrate interventions strength, flexibility, andstamina patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer. for pain,swelling,Demonstrate interventions in impairments fatigue, ROM, andfunctional for rebuildingDemonstrate interventions childbirth. coreafter musclesandstability for reducingDemonstrate interventions low backpainrelated to pelvicfloordysfunction. for andincontinence. resolvingDemonstrate interventions bladderhyperactivity for reducingDemonstrate interventions pelvicpainandmanaging pelvicfloordysfunction. cancer treatment. lymphedema,fibromyalgia,dysfunction, osteoporosis, related andimpairments to breast complications, methodsfor pelvicfloor Demonstrate evaluation /postpartum Outline strategies for providing traumasurvivors. culturallycompetent care andsupporting concerns. strategiesDevelop for creating safe environments anddiscussingsensitive medical RELATED PRODUCTS teens andadults-inlivingahappier, healthierlife. -children,activities. everyone card thatcansupport This easy-to-use deck contains50+practices need it,andmuchmore. Eachcard includesareflection questionto helpengagefullywiththe more flexible, navigate challenging rest situationswithoutbecomingoverwhelmed, whenyou Chair Mindful Yoga becomestronger, benefitsofthepractice: way key to harness isapowerful andJennifer Gonzalez Mayuri By Cohen Harper, MA, E-RCYT Yoga:Mindful Chair 50+Practices Ages forAll from 21st century stress andnegativity.from 21st century basically your bestfriend, new Dr. gives you aholisticapproach HeidiKopacek, to de-frazzling YourSoothe: In withCrappy Mind-Body-Spirit GuideforDealing Emotions , clinicalpsychologist and HeidiKopacekBy Your withCrappy GuideforDealing Mind-Body-Spirit Emotions Soothe [Savebyincludingwithyourseminarregistration] • • • FREE HealthCare Flashcards Bring anyTraining Printable Spanishfor Flexible Customizable Cost EffectiveforGroups REGISTERNOW: Flashcards ACCESS AT: Improving Recovery and Outcomes Women’s Health On-Site! Comprehensive Today’s Best Practices for included! credits CE Training Wednesday-Friday May 20-22, 2020 Tacoma, WA 3-DAY in NON-PROFIT PESI Rehab ORGANIZATION P.O. Box 1000 US POSTAGE PAID Eau Claire, WI 54702-1000 EAU CLAIRE WI A division of PESI, Inc. PERMIT NO 32729 Improving Recovery andOutcomes active, satisfying, pain-free lives Health andhelpyour patients reclaim comprehensive training in Women’s Advance yourcareer this with Women’s Health

Comprehensive results fast Discover proven techniques that get fibromyalgia andosteoporosis dysfunction, breast cancer, lymphedema, related to pregnancy, pelvicfloor Practice effective treatments for conditions Today’s Best Practices for REGISTERNOW: A N A Training o n -P Wednesday-Friday rofit May 20-22, 2020 Tacoma, WA

O 3-DAY rg an in iz a tio n C o nn e c ti n g K n owledge

with N eed S i nc e 1979 • CLINICAL REASONING SKILLS UPGRADE YOUR ASSESSMENT AND • • • • • • WITH CONFIDENCE KEYS TO TREATINGISSUES SENSITIVE • • • KNOW ABOUT WOMEN’S HEALTH WHAT EVERY CLINICIAN NEEDS TO Course Content • ------with better techniques evaluation for: toGet theroot faster causesofimpairments clinician shouldknow Culturally competent care strategies every approach withatrauma-informed survivors Support yourSharpen sensitive listening skills the courseoftreatment information critical thatcanchange Reveal emotional, andtraumahistory Tips for discussingsensitive medical, dialogues How to create safe environments andopen any caseload How traininginwomen’s healthcanbenefit patients Top withfemale cliniciansmake 10mistakes link Why women’s are themissing healthskills Lab ------A more detailedscheduleisavailable uponrequest. times are lunch andbreak atActual thediscretion start ofthespeaker. There willbe two 15-min breaks (mid-morning &mid-afternoon). Schedule Live Seminar 7:30 8:00 4:00 11:50-1:00 Lunch (on your own) Age-related degeneration Balance andfallrisk integrity Bone Functional strength andmobility Lymphatic swelling andinflammation mobility Scar Pre- andpost-natal issues Pelvic floorandbladderfunction Pelvic pain

Registration/Morning CoffeeRegistration/Morning & Tea Program begins Program ends (all 3days) • WOMEN’S HEALTH EXPAND YOUR CLINICAL TOOLBOX FOR • - immediately Effective techniques you canuse - - - - - Lab ------Pregnancy/postpartum interventions to: interventions Pregnancy/postpartum Pelvic to: floorinterventions Breast cancer interventions to:Breast cancerinterventions Lymphedema to: interventions Fibromyalgia to: interventions Osteoporosis to: interventions Rebuild coreRebuild musclesandstability Improve scarmobilization pelvicpainandmuscletightness Reduce Prevent childbirth during tearing low backpain Manage Retrain pelvicfloormuscles Retrain Resolve incontinence Calm bladderhyperactivity Resolve pelvicandrelated backpain Manage functional impairments functional Manage Restore strength, ROM, enduranceand painandlymphaticswellingReduce Support swollen areas Support Prevent infections Decrease fluidbuildup Improve lymphaticflow Control swelling andedema Combat “fibro fog” --improve focus, Decrease environmental stress onthe strength, andstamina Increase flexibility painandfatigue Reduce Increase mobility Increase fallrisk Reduce Protect thespinefrom fracture Build boneanddecrease boneloss energy attention andconcentration body • • What to Bring Exercise mat clothing Lab-appropriate Note: All assessments, treatments, andlabsinthisprogram are external. • CARE FOR YOUR PATIENTS DESIGN ROBUST, INNOVATIVE PLANS OF • • • • • • • RESULTS MULTIPLE MODALITIES FOR BETTER HOW TO EFFECTIVELY COMBINE • ------specific impairments, including: Comprehensive treatment strategies for Lymphatic drainage Trigger pointrelease tissuemobilization Soft Breathing exercises Mindfulness Yoga Method neurocognitive Dynamic imagery/Franklin Lab ------Osteoporosis Fibromyalgia Lymphedema scarring Radiation recti/transverse abdominus Incontinence Bladder hyperfunction health Sexual Vaginal tears Pelvic floordysfunction Pelvic pain Questions? Questions? July 29–August 1, 2020 Visit our FAQ page orcontact The nation’s topIf speakersPESIfirst. andauthorscontact you are interested inbecoming aspeaker or have anewtopic Anna Rustickat idea,pleasecontact [email protected] or715-855-8195. HAVE A SEMINAR IDEA? A MANUSCRIPT TO PUBLISH? • WOMEN’S HEALTH HOT TOPICS AND INNOVATIONS IN • • • • • • PRACTICE CASE STUDIES: PUT KNOWLEDGE TO • • • HEALTH DOCUMENTATIONFOR WOMEN’S CODING, BILLING, AND edge research Give your patientsthebenefitsofcutting with osteoporosis Case study6:Safeguard thespineinapatient related to fibromyalgia painandfatigue Case study5:Reduce with abreast cancersurvivor lymphaticswellingCase study4:Manage joint motionwithabreast cancerpatient Case and study3:Improve tissuemobility Case study2:Successfullytreat incontinence and decrease pregnancy-related pain Case study1:Stabilize abdominalmuscles Avoid denials and auditswiththesetips How to maximize your reimbursement measures anddocumentation Justify treatment progress withtheright

registration required. Limited available; seats advance online personnel. military duty and active (on live seminartuition)for veterans (at theselocations only)free ofcharge PESI, Inc. isproud to offer thisseminar



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