Comprehensive Outdoor

Recreation Plan 2021-2026 Acknowledgements

The Vierbicher team would like to thank the numerous individuals who contributed time and energy to the creation of this plan. The vision set forth in this plan was developed in partnership with the residents of the City of Algoma. Many residents, civic leaders and other individuals participated in the public meetings and provided input through the online survey as part of this effort.

Parks and Recreation Committee

Kevin Schmidt, Chairman Steve Lautenbach Ann Kirchman Sara Olejniczak Devin Schmidt Jake Bretl (student representative)

City Council

Wayne R. Schmidt, Mayor Kevin Schmidt John Pabich Scott Meverden Leah Pierquet Steve Lautenbach Casey Buhr Lee Dachelet Jake Marring

Municipality Staff

Sara Robertson, Parks and Recreation Director

Table of Contents


Context and Purpose Plan Process Public Input Summary Summary of Previous Plans and Relevant Plans Summary of Past Accomplishments Goals and Objectives

Park System Overview and Park Summary……………………………………….8

Park Classification Parks and Recreation Inventory Park System Map Needs Assessment

Community Parks……………………………………………………………………..13

Neighborhood Parks…………………………………………………………………15

Mini Parks………………………………………………………………………………17

Special Use Parks……………………………………………………………………..18


Annual Budget……………………………………………………………………….25

Description of Planning Region & City of Algoma…………………………….26


Funding Sources Survey DNR Eligibility Plan Approval – City Council


Context and Purpose

The City of Algoma Parks and Recreation Department is in great need of funding for improved parks and recreational activities in the City of Algoma. With significant budget cuts, due to the poor economy, and reduced local and state resources, there are fewer resources for recreation, but more demand and interest by residents for new and improved recreational activities than ever before. Thus, a Comprehensive Outoor Recreation Plan (CORP) is essential grant eligibility.

Summary of Population, the Park System and Plan Layout

The population in the city is 3,128. The growth rate of the population from 2010-2020 was - 0.1% and the expected growth rate from 2020-2025 is projected to be -0.07%. Males make up 49.1% of the population and females 50.9%. The population is spread among 1,397 households with an average household size of 2.20.

Currently, there are 45.33 acres of park land in the City. The national standard for park acreage is 10 acres per 1,000. The City has 14.49 acres per 1,000. Considering the population is not expected to grow and the City meets the national standard for park acreage, there is no need for additional park space at this time. However, the City must think about the number of parks available, the amenities available, and access to the parks.

This Plan provides an overview of the park system, amenities, and a brief review of ADA access concerns for each park. Additionally, the proposed planned projects are listed in the Implementation and Recommendations section. The recommendations from the community are also included in the Plan. While the City cannot accommodate all recommendations and requests, because of the public engagement, the City does have a list of community wants and needs for future planning.

1 | City of Algoma CORP

Plan Process


The Parks and Recreation Department began the CORP update in January 2021 and completed the CORP with council approval in June 2021. The Parks and Recreation Committee discussed the CORP at four public meetings. The Public meeting in April 2021 had opportunities for the public to engage at the meeting and online. The public could engage online by providing input about their thoughts on the Goals and Priorities for the parks in an online survey.

1. Parks and Recreation Committee Input Meeting (01/18/2021) 2. Public Survey available January 25, 2021 – March 15, 2021 3. Parks and Recreation Committee Second Public Meeting April 19, 2021 4. Final Review of the Draft the plan May 17, 2021 5. Council Approval of the Plan June 2021

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Public Input Summary


The Survey had 15 questions that asked about the frequency of use for the facilities, city amenities, open-ended questions about amenities not available, accessibility issues, and how new projects or maintenance should be paid for. The following is a summary of the results. The full results are available in the Appendix.

A total of 176 persons took the survey. A majority of the respondents were female. Almost half (45%) of the respondents did not have children. However, 38% of the respondents had two to four children. The largest age bracket was ages 40 – 49 (25%), followed by 60 years old or older (21%), then the age range of 30 – 39 year olds (21%), 50-59 year olds (15%), 21 to 29 years olds (14%), and 3% were under 20 years old.

Many survey respondents brought up the youth club space, the boardwalk, accessible playground equipment, bathrooms, dog parks, splash pads, swimming pool, a selfie spot, sculptures, sidewalks, , picnic areas, benches, and the beach. There were additional comments which are included in the survey results section of this document. These survey results were presented at the second community meeting to help rank community priorities.

Community Meeting

A public workshop was held on April 19, 2021, at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. There were four stations for the public to complete dot voting and provide their thoughts on goals and objectives, priorities and improvements. There were no comments to change the Goals and Objectives. Participants also provided additional comments on future park improvements. Additionally, residents had the opportunity to rank their priorities in an online survey. Below are the results from the public meeting and online survey.

The top three items for Community Improvements:

Community Meeting / Online Survey

1. Biking Trails & Picnic Area (tie) / Playground Equipment 2. Basketball Courts / Beach 3. Beach & Boardwalk (tie) / Youth Club Space

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The top three items for Community Additions include:

Community Meeting / Online Survey

1. Splash Pad / Youth Activities 2. Additional Bathrooms / Splash Pad 3. Trails/Sidewalks / Accessible Playground

The top items to make more accessible are listed in priority (community meeting only).

1. Bathrooms 2. Dog Park 3. Olson Park 4. Playground Equipment 5. Snow Removal - Boardwalk 6. Splash Pad 7. Youth Club Space

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Summary of Previous Plans and Relevant Plans

City of Algoma Comprehensive Plans

The City of Algoma adopted its initial Outdoor Recreation Plan in 2005 for 2006 to 2011. The City updated the Plan in 2013 with new objectives and actions. Moving forward, future CORPs should list the accomplishments from the previous five years, which has been done in this Plan.

Kewaunee County CORP (2021-2025)

The Kewaunee County CORP was completed in December 2020. The Plan has four Goals:

1. To provide quality active and passive outdoor recreational opportunities of various kinds for the residents of Kewaunee County and visitors to the area, now and in the future. 2. To preserve and protect Kewaunee County’s natural resources and open spaces for the enjoyment of present residents and future generations. 3. To prevent the overcrowding of land and water based recreational facilities in the county and to accommodate population increases. 4. To plan new outdoor recreation facilities that accommodate public recreation needs, while recognizing the rights of private property owners, the need for safety, and the requirements of environmental protection.

State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP 2019-2023)

The Wisconsin Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is updated by the Department of Natural Resources every five years to identify essential and contemporary issues affecting outdoor recreation in the State and comply with the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965. Each plan builds upon the previous plan, with additions made in regards to political and national initiatives. The plan is used to allocate funds among local communities while recognizing the need to protect natural heritage and landscapes. Local communities are encouraged to see the plan as a blueprint to plan for their park and recreation needs. The five overarching goals for outdoor recreation include:

1. Boost participation in outdoor recreation 2. Grow partnerships 3. Provide high-quality experiences 4. Improve data to enhance visitor experiences and benefits 5. Enhance funding and financial stability

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Summary of Past Accomplishments from 2013 - 2020

Olson Park:

 Olson Park Master Concept Plan  Added kayak launch pad  Developed Ahnapee Water (Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission)

Perry Field:

 Removal of old pool  Replaced bleacher boards  Upgraded all lighting, including stadium lighting, to LED

DeMeuse Park:

 Finished fencing, including installing a double gate for safe dog arrival  Added dog agility features

Peterson Park:

 Remodeled bathrooms  Added second scoreboard  Re-built t-boxes for frisbee golf  Added new swing set, removed older broken playground features  Added ice rink and warming shed

Crescent Beach & Boardwalk:

 Replaced small garbage cans with larger, enclosed cans  Added 5 garbage/recycling containers  Worked with volunteers and groups on a beach maintenance plan for the south end of the beach  Worked with volunteers and groups on a beach restoration and removal of invasive plants on the south end of the beach  With funds from EPA and other sources, finished with Phase 1 of the Storm Water Redesign project at the north end of the beach  Added additional bike racks

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Goals and Objectives - CORP 2021 – 2026

A thorough assessment of goals and objectives is critical in planning the course of the City in development of the parks. The Park and Recreation Committee developed the following goals and objectives to aid in future planning.

Goal #1:

To make our community more active.


1. User-friendly and accessible facilities and trails 2. Have cues in the community to be more active 3. Accommodate a number of outdoor interests 4. Develop multi-disciplinary trails (snowshoeing/walking/running) 5. Provide activities and programs that promote physical activities

Goal #2:

To maintain/update/streamline our current recreation facilities and parks


1. Update, remove and arrange park equipment to meet safety standards 2. Resurface Perry Field tennis court 3. Find funding opportunities to update and improve Olson Park according to the park plan

Goal #3:

To utilize our resources efficiently


1. Research alternative sources of funding 2. Recycle building/materials where we are able 3. Reach out to volunteers/sponsors 4. Establish multi-functioning facilities/sites/routes that can be used by various groups 5. Communicate with other departments, schools and business resources to reach common goals that benefit all

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Parks Classification

The National Recreational and Park Association (NRPA) established guidelines which classified different park areas based on use, service area, size, and desirable site characteristics. This classification system has been largely incorporated into this plan utilizing the following selected definitions of types of parks considered most appropriate for the City of Algoma. To better understand the inventory in this chapter, below are several definitions. The following pages identify the parks and park classification for each park.

Mini Parks: A mini park is a playground or space that offers the opportunity for parental supervision of young children ages toddler through 12 years. It is generally 2500 sq. ft. to 1.5 acres. This type of park is generally a quarter to half acre per 1000 population. The distance from population is less than a quarter mile unless it is a play lot incorporated into a larger park. It can include play equipment, sand play areas, and play devices. This type of park is often found in small geographic areas and sub-neighborhoods unless it is incorporated into a larger park.

Neighborhood Parks: A neighborhood park offers greater outdoor space and recreation to the immediate neighborhood it is located within. It serves all ages, particularly children and their families. It is generally 5-25 acres and serves a population of 2,000 to 5,000 people. The distance from population is contingent on city zoning but optimally is near a school or library and within pedestrian access. It can include parking, bike racks, trail connections, restrooms, playground, picnic area, pavilions, grass area, and sports facilities.

Community Parks: A community park is a multi-use recreation space with serves most or all of the population. It is generally more than 25 acres, but can be a minimum of 15 acres. The distance from the population is generally 2-5 miles. Community parks are used for organized and unstructured field sports, outdoor performances, walking/biking, and special events. It can include a community center, restrooms close to high use areas, parking lot, picnic area, park maintenance storage, concessions, playgrounds, and recreational facilities such as fields, courts, nets, and trails.

Special Use Areas: A special use park serves to offer a space for a particular sport or activity such as festivals, sports, plays, ethnic celebrations, or special events/programming. These parks can be a source of revenue. The size of special use parks varies depending on the intended use. There generally are no age requirements or limitations.

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Parks and Recreation Inventory

There are twelve parks in the City of Algoma with seven of those parks being considered a special use park (Table #2). Tables 1 and 2 list the parks, park classification, and the available amenities at each park.

Table #1: Outdoor Recreational Facility Inventory

Community Park Neighborhood Park Mini Park

Amenities Peterson Olson Perry Field Heritage Little Park

Shelter x x Benches x x x Grills x x x Picnic Tables x x x x x Bike Rack x Trash Bins x x x

Amenities Lights x Concession x Vending Machines Restroom x x x Playground x x x x Sandbox x Basketball Hoop x x Volleyball Batting Cage x x

Activities Frisbee Golf x Softball Field x Football Field x Baseball Field x Identification Sign x x x x x Education Sign Rule Sign x Memorial Sign Signage Event Sign Flag Pole

While not a traditional park facility, the Algoma Community Building is regarded by the city and community as an indoor extension of the City’s park system. The building is home to the Algoma Youth Club which not only provides a safe space for children’s activities, but also a space for the young at heart to utilize.

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Table #2: Outdoor Recreational Facility Inventory Continued

Special Use Crescent Gerald Amenities Beach Newman Christmas Demeuse Richmond Legion Tahlier Sr. & Memorial Tree Point Horseshoe Boardwalk Shelter Benches x x x Grills x Picnic Tables x x x Bike Rack x Trash Bins x x x x

Amenities Lights x x Concession x Vending Machines x Restroom Playground Sandbox Basketball Hoop Volleyball x Batting Cage

Activities Frisbee Golf Softball Field Football Field Baseball Field Identification Sign x x x x Education Sign Rule Sign Memorial Sign x Signage Event Sign x Flag Pole x

ADA Accessibility

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the promise of equal opportunity by prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It is estimated that 19% of the American population have a disability. It is also expected that as the Baby Boomer population ages, many will acquire age-related disabilities. It is important to provide accessible facilities to allow all residents the opportunity to use and enjoy each facility.

For the purposes of this CORP, guidelines for Public Accommodations (Title III) will be used as the basis for the ADA review of each park facility. While not all amenities require ADA accommodations, it is best practice to provide accessible facilities everywhere it is practicable. Each park summary contains ADA information and a brief statement on the ADA accessibility of the park. Further analysis would need to be completed for a thorough analysis of park accessibility.

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Image #1: Park System Map

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Community Recommendations

The following is taken from the Parks and Recreation Committee input meetings and the public surveys. These recommendations are not planned at this time, but are listed here for the Park and Recreation Committee to consider annually as they plan their budget and capital improvement plan. 1. Connect Ahnapee Trail to Boardwalk 2. Another trail to connect to the small trail head (where – parking lot owned by Town) 3. Water filling station at shelter 4. Information Kiosks 5. Kayak facilities 6. Wayfinding 7. Peterson – Softball field – suggest sinking dugout lower, greater visibility for games/water drainage issue 8. Snowshoeing at Peterson 9. Speed bumps on western side because speeding is a safety concern 10. Resurface tennis ball court – add pickleball lines for two extra pickleball courts 11. Additional sand volleyball on west side of Peterson 12. Practice field – open space on west side 13. Kayak launch downtown 14. Connect Ahanpee Trails and Riverwalk Path 15. Winter sports rentals 16. Snowshoe Trails 17. Instructional opportunities for sports (hockey, pickle ball, snowshoe, kayak) 18. Drinking fountains at parks for humans and pets 19. Better signage for park locations 20. Improve communication to the public to create awareness about our outdoor recreation opportunities 21. opportunities at DeMeuse Park

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Peterson Park (20.73 acres)


Peterson Park consists of 20.73 acres of land on Algoma’s north side. A paved parking lot can be accessed from N 4th Street and a small dirt parking lot from Church Street. Additionally, pedestrians can access the park from a sidewalk connection to the cul-de- sac at the end of N Park Rd. The park is bordered by suburban single family residential lots on the south and west sides, and a wooded rural single family residential lot to the north. Church Street serves as the eastern border. The park provides a variety of active recreation options which are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

The park has two accessible parking stalls in the paved parking lot with access from N 4th Street. A paved path from the stalls provides access to the paved picnic area, including the shelter and concessions building. Additional accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

None at this time.

Maintenance as needed.

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Olson Park (6.00 acres)


Olson Park consists of 6.00 acres of land on Algoma’s north side, adjacent to the Ahnapee River. A large gravel parking lot is accessible from N Water Street. The current primary function of the park is to provide boat and kayak access to the Ahnapee River. Additional amenities are identified in the table above. In 2019, the Bay Lake Regional Planning Commission developed a Master Concept Plan for this park.

ADA Accessibility:

Accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements from Olson Park Master Concept Plan:

1. Kayak and Boat Launch 2. Pavilion/Shelter 3. Boardwalk and observational points 4. Benches and picnic tables 5. Pave existing parking lot and add ADA parking spaces 6. Nature-inspired playground equipment 7. Landscaping to include more green space 8. Trash and recycling bins 9. Interpretive signage

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Perry Field Park (4.40 acres)


Perry Field Park consists of 4.40 acres of land centrally located in Algoma. The park is rectangular, equating to roughly two city blocks, and is surrounded by public streets on all four sides. No parking is provided within the park; however, parking is available on the surrounding streets. Public sidewalks provide circulation around the north, east, and west sides of the park. Chain-link fencing encloses the park on all four sides, with gates at all access points. The park provides a variety of active recreation options which are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

The park has a paved pathway connecting to the public sidewalk along 6th street which provides an accessible route to the building and tennis/basketball court paved area. The baseball field spectator area is paved and accessible from the public sidewalk on the corner of Steele Street and Division Street. Additional accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

Perry Field resurfacing.

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Heritage Park (0.75 acres)


Heritage Park consists of 0.75 acres of land located on the east side of Algoma. The park includes Algoma Marina frontage on the southeast side and is surrounded by public streets on all other sides. Parking is provided in adjacent public parking lots for the Algoma Marina, and on the adjacent public streets. Additionally, pedestrians can access the park via a paved pathway connecting to the Crescent Beach Boardwalk. The park provides a variety of active and passivee recreation options which are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

The park’s paved pathway connecting to the Crescent Beach Boardwalk provides an accessible route through the park. However, the path does not provide access to any park amenities. The pathway ends at a connection to the public sidewalk along Steele Street. A paved public sidewalk provides an accessible route to the entrance to the restrooms at the corner of Steele Street and Lake Street. A paved sidewalk is provided from the shelter to Lake Street. However, there is no public sidewalk in that location on Lake Street, and the sidewalk ends at the curb without a curb cut or crosswalk to the public sidewalk located on the other side of Lake Street. Additional accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

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Little Park (0.44 acres)


Little Park consists of 0.44 acres of land located on the west side of Algoma. The park is bordered by public streets on the south and east side, an alley to the west, and a single family residential lot to the north. No parking is provided within the park; however, parking is available on the surrounding streets. The primary amenity in the park is a playground. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

The park has public sidewalks on the south and east sides of the park, which provide an accessible route along the edge of the park. Additional accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

17 | City of Algoma CORP SPECIAL USE PARKS

Crescent Beach & Boardwalk Park (7.50 acres)


Crescent Beach & Boardwalk Park consists of 7.50 acres of land located on the east side of Algoma. The park provides approximately 2,900 linear feet of beach frontage on Lake Michigan along the park’s eastern edge. Lake Street serves as the western edge of the park and provides on-street parking. A parking lot is also located at the north edge of the park, which is also across Lake Street from American Legion Park. The primary amenity of the park is the boardwalk, which is accessed at multiple locations from Lake Street, beginning at the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce building and extending to the north edge of the park where it connects to a paved path. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

Lake Street has one accessible parking stall located near the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce building. An accessible sidewalk is provided from the building to the street, terminating at a crosswalk to provide access from Ohio Street. Accessible restrooms are located within the building. A paved path is provided from the building entrance north to the start of the boardwalk. There are four additional access points along Lake Street, all requiring stairs. The boardwalk provides a path to at-grade beach access near the intersection of Lake Street and 4th Street. The boardwalk connects to a paved path to the north, providing an accessible path to Heritage Park, terminating at Steele Street.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

City of Algoma CORP | 18 DeMeuse Park (1 acre)


DeMeuse Park consists of 1 acre of land located on the north side of Algoma. Access to the park is located at the north end of 6th Street. Informal parking is located in a partial-paved, partial- gravel area at the end of the street. The park fronts the Ahnapee River on the east, a water treatment facility to the south, and an industrial facility to the west and north. The park functions as a dog park with fencing inclosing the area and agility amenities provided. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

Accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

Newman Memorial Park (1.56 acres)


Newman Memorial Park consists of 1.56 acres of land centrally located in Algoma. The park consists of ¾ of a city block, with a single family residence on the northeast corner of the block. No parking is provided within the park; however, parking is available on the surrounding streets. The park features open lawn area and large parkland trees. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

The park has public sidewalks on the south and west sides of the park providing an accessible route along the edge of the park. Accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

19 | City of Algoma CORP Richmond Park (0.05 acres)


Richmond Park is a small park located on 2nd St., just south of the Ahnapee River. The park includes tables and seating. A paved path connects the park along the river to the Algoma Marina. No on-street parking is available on 2nd Street adjacent to the park. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

The park has a public sidewalk on 2nd St., providing access to the paved tables and seating area. One of the tables provides a location for wheelchair access. The park is also accessible via a paved path connecting to the Algoma Marina.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

Legion Park (2.10 acres)

Photo courtesy of Dawn Getzloff Description:

Legion Park consists of 2.10 acres of land located on the east side of Algoma. The park shares a city block with the Algoma Community Building and American Legion Post 236. No parking is provided within the park, however, parking is available on the surrounding streets and a small parking area is located across Lake Street. The park features open lawn area and large parkland trees. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

Public sidewalks on the south, west, and north sides of the park provide an accessible route along the edge of the park. Accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

City of Algoma CORP | 20 Gerald Tahlier Sr. Horseshoe Park (0.35 acres)


Gerald Tahlier Sr. Horseshoe Park consists of 0.35 acres of land centrally located in Algoma, across Clark Street from Perry Field Park. The park consists of ¼ of a city block, with single family residences to the south and an alley to the west. Public streets front the remaining sides of the park. No parking is provided within the park; however, parking is available on the surrounding streets. The park’s primary amenity is 16 horseshoe ranges. A fence is located along the perimeter of the park, with a gate for access on the north side along Clark Street. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

A paved area outside of the Clark Street roadway provides access to the main gate. However, Clark Street does not have any sidewalks in the area and there are no paved areas within the park. Accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements: Photo courtesy of Dawn Getzloff Maintenance as needed.

Christmas Tree Ship Point Park


Christmas Tree Point Park is a small park located at the end of the Algoma Marina parking lot. The park consists of a small green space with a few trees and rip-rap along the small slope to the water of Lake Michigan. Amenities are identified in the table above.

ADA Accessibility:

The park is located directly adjacent to the paved Algoma Marina parking lot. Accessible amenities are needed.

Planned Improvements:

Maintenance as needed.

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Algoma Community Building and Youth Club


The Algoma Community Building is centrally located on Lake Street in Algoma. The City acquired the building in 1954 and has been used for recreational purposes since. The Algoma Community Building is home to the Algoma Youth Club and generally regarded by the community as an indoor extension of the city’s park facilities. Large community events are held at the Center; such as Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus is coming to Town. Additionally, programming for senior citizens like Card Club and Men’s Pool League and youth programming such as Saturday Morning Progarm, art classes, and Youth Club weekends. The gym is available each weekday for community members to walk. The City also partners with UW-Extension to offer exercise programming for senior citizens.

Many local groups use the building like Girls Scouts, Boy Scorts, 4H, AA, TOPS, and East Shore Industrires Communty Outreach. Community members’ are able to rent the building for birthday parties, family reunions and graduation parties.

ADA Accessibility:

A curb cut with detectable warning field is located on Lake Street, in line with the front door to the building. While the curb cut and sidewalk to the front door provide an accessible route from Lake Street, there is no route designated by striping or other means on Lake Street to provide accessible access from vehicle parking areas to the curb cut. The interior of the building was not reviewed for accessibility.

Planned Improvements:

The City has done an assessment on space and facility needs and would like at some point to do improvements and remodeling to make the building more user friendly.

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Action Program General Recommendations

The following recommendations are generally applicable to all communities. The planned improvements are listed in the next section, Annual Budget.

 Service Group Involvement Involve organized service groups in needed park and recreation development, including development of competitive sports areas and neighborhood parks. Traditionally, service groups have played an active part in the development of facilities such as ball fields. Continued activity of this type should be encouraged. In addition, service groups could help to meet the need for neighborhood facilties by supplementing municipal financial resources and providing organization and volunteer labor.

 Senior Citizen Involvement As more seniors stay active later in life than previous generations, and choose to “age in place” in their homes rather than in assisted living or nursing homes, it is more important than ever to provide amenities and accommodations for them as part of a well-rounded park system. Although senior citizens constitute a large proportion of the population of rural areas, they are often neglected in recreational planning. Accessible walking paths with frequent shaded resting spots provide a nice amenity for all ages, and can help improve park safety as different user groups will use such an amenity at different times of day. Providing accessible routes to popular park destinations, such as shelters, picnic areas, and playgrounds, ensures that anyone with or without mobility issues can enjoy these areas. Benches placed near neighborhood parks and play areas and passive sports facilities, such as horseshoe pits, located in community parks help to provide a place for the senior citizen. Small passive-use parks and garden and flower plots, located near nursing and retirement homes, should also be encouraged. In addition, senior citizens can provide invaluable assistance in beautifying parks and open spaces and can thereby become more involved in community life.

 Municipal/School District Cooperation Promote continued and increased cooperation between the City, Kewaunee County, and the school district in meeting recreational needs. With good planning, cooperation may take the form of cost sharing for land acquisition and/or facility development. Increased municipal use of existing school facilities during non-school hours should be encouraged.

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 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance With the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, local governments must ensure that all programs and facilities, including parks and recreation, are accessible to people with disabilities. ADA applies not only to people in wheelchairs or with vision and/or hearing impairment, but also to those with mental impairments, temporary disabilities, walkers, canes, the elderly, and parents with strollers or small children. To determine compliance with ADA regulations, each community should complete a self-evaluation of the accessibility of services, programs, and facilities and prepare a transition plan describing how compliance will be achieved. A person with training in accessibility standards should be consulted to assist with the evaluation and transition plan.

All proposed facilities should incorporate standards for barrier-free design. Specific areas include: parking, entrances, doorways, aisles, counters, restrooms, water fountains, access routes, picnic tables and grills, trails, campgrounds, playgrounds, and fishing piers. Examples of accessible features include: ramps in place of steps, hard surfaced walkways, wide doorways, grab rails in restrooms, special seating at spectator events and specialized playground equipment, wider parking spaces and curb cuts, picnic tables with ends extended, lower grill heights and wider trails. Care also needs to be taken to provide accessible routes between parking areas and destinations, meaning no slopes that exceed 8%, rest areas for sloped paths every 30’, and guard rails where paths drop off abruptly at the edge.

 Development and maintenance of parks is an appropriate function of city government. Overall planning should be done by the City Parks and Recreation Committee, the City Planning Commission, and the City Council. Specific site planning and scheduling of development or desired non-development should be decided with strong input by neighborhoods and interest groups. Strong input by residents is necessary for any successful development to occur.

 The City’s park, recreation, and open space planning process should be coordinated with the city's comprehensive planning effort.

 The City should make maximum use of federal and state grant opportunities to help with land acquisition efforts and the development of park and recreation improvements.

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This section of the plan is designed to serve as a guide over the next five years to assist the City of Algoma in charting the course of future park and recreation facility development. The Algoma Capital Improvements Program (CIP) follows on the next page. The CIP not only prioritizes each facility as to which year the improvement will take place (during the five year period), it also provides an estimate of what the cost will be for each improvement (in 2021 dollars).

It is important to realize that the CIP is only a summary of estimated costs based on current year figures. Project costs will be examined more closely when a particular improvement plan is being developed. It is recommended that this portion of the plan be updated on an annual basis by city personnel, with input from the City Park and Recreation committee. Changes will be made that reflect changing user trends, citizen interest, and City budget considerations. Before capital improvement projects are undertaken, park committee members, with citizen input, should:

1. Analyze all proposed projects and determine priorities each year;

2. Determine cost estimates for each development project; and

3. Determine project budgetary limitations and potential funding sources.

The City Park and Recreation committee is hopeful that a number of the recommended improvements to the city parks can be carried out with financial assistance from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under the LAWCON and Stewardship Fund cost-sharing programs. At the same time, however, the city recognizes that a considerable investment will also be required at the community level if the recommendations discussed in this plan are ever going to be carried out. The CIP provides a good indication of what level of assistance is going to be required during any particular year in the planning period. The Appendix provides funding resources.

PARK IMPROVEMENTS 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Olson Park Improvements 20,000.00$ UTV - Benche Replacement 15,000.00$ Perry Field Resurfacing 20,000.00$ Mower Replacement 15,000.00$ Blue Truck Replacement 30,000.00$ Total 20,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 20,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 30,000.00$

25 | City of Algoma CORP



Kewaunee County is 342.52 square miles and is located in eastern Wisconsin. There is an average of 60.1 persons per square mile. A little more than one third of the population lives in Algoma and Kewaunee. The largest city in the county is Algoma with a population of 3,128. The city of Kewaunee is the county seat with a population of 2,858.

Population Trend

The population in the city is 3,128. The growth rate of the population from 2010-2020 was - 0.1% and the expected growth rate from 2020-2025 is projected to be -0.07%. Males make up 49.1% of the population and females 50.9%. The population is spread among 1,397 households with an average household size of 2.20.

City of Algoma CORP | 26


The median age in Algoma is 45. The majority of the residents are between the ages of 57 and 75 (26.1%). Those aged 5 years old to 22 years are the next highest percentage of the population (19.9%).


The estimated number of community members working is 1,588 persons. A total of 30% of workers are older than 55 years old. Those age 29 and younger make up 24% of the employed persons living in the City. Those with a high school degree make up 28% of the population; those with some college for an associate’s degree make up 26% of the population; those with a bachelor’s degree comprise 14% of the population.


The median household income for the city is $45,465 which is less than the State’s median household income of $64,168. The median value of owner occupied housing is $116,154.

Of those employed, 27.9% work in manufacturing. Approximately 13% work in Health Care and social assistance. Retail Trade employees make up 12.5% of those employed.


Forest makes up approximately 13-14% of the county with the most common trees being hard maple, oak, and aspen. The primary minerals are sand and gravel. The terrain varies from primarily level to sloping, and is best described as gently rolling.

Water Resources

Groundwater is available from the Niagara dolomite aquifer. Cracks provide an avenue for water to enter drilled wells, though the quality tends to be very hard. Sand and gravel aquifer provides a water source for the south-central county. Surface water is abundantly available from Green Bay and Lake Michigan.

There are five major watersheds in Kewaunee County: Red River drains to the west into the bay of Green Bay, Kewaunee and Ahnapee Rivers drain southeast into Lake Michigan, Scarboro Creek drains the west-central county, Buck and Twin Creeks drain the southern county, and numerous small creeks drain the eastern part of the county.

27 | City of Algoma CORP


Kewaunee County’s climate is greatly tempered by Lake Michigan and Green Bay. The extremely high and low temperatures are moderated. The cool waters of the lake tend to delay the last freeze of Spring (avg. May 4th) and the warm water from the Summer tends to delay the first freeze of Fall (avg. Oct. 12). The growing season tends to be approximately 188 days. The average temperature in the winter months of December, January, and February is 22.3 degrees F. In summer (June, July, August), the average temperature is 66.3 degrees F.

The annual precipitation of 31 inches falls May through September. There are thunderstorms approximately 34 days of the year. Snowfall is 45.2 inches on average per year with the average first snowfall being December 2nd. Summer humidity data is replicated from Green Bay with averages of 60 percent by day and 85 percent by night.


Two glacial sub stages, Cary and Valders, created the drift mantle in the County. The period of time between these sub stages created the forests. The dominant soil type in Algoma is clay loam. The soils formed in the Cary sub stage include yellowish brown sand and gravel or brown loam. Soils that formed in the Valders sub stage are reddish-brown loam or clay loam.

Flora and Fauna

Vegetation found in the Northern Lake Michigan Coastal Landscape includes 60% non- forested land. This land is primarily agriculture with the remaining portions being grassland, wetland, shrubland, and urbanized land.

Forest lands are primarily maple-basswood with lowland hardwoods, aspen-birch, and lowland conifers making up the rest. Many rare plants are found along the beach due to the alkaline soil properties.

Most of Kewaunee County is used for agriculture (76.7%), with 13% forested, 8% wetlands and 4.4% residential development. There are 26 rivers/streams and 15 inland lakes.

City of Algoma CORP | 28

Additional Park Types Not Considered in Algoma CORP

School Parks:

A school park is a cooperative relationship park system between two public organizations. The purpose is to offer more cost-effective recreational and educational opportunities to community members with minimal resources. Clearly defined usage agreements make school parks work efficiently. The size of a school park is based on community needs and city/school planning. These parks are generally for school age children, though adults may have minimal use as well.

County Parks:

County parks are a result of land that is reserved for recreational purposes for residents living in the county. These parks may also include historical and natural areas. County parks generally are a minimum of 100 acres and may include recreational trails, , shelters, restrooms/showers, playgrounds, ballfields, fishing/swimming, and pet areas. Tourists and visitors also benefit from facilities and events within county parks.

State Forests:

State forests offer diverse recreational opportunities to large portions of a region and state. These forests provide nurturing of and sustainable forestry which benefits state economics and health. State forests can include various types of trails, camping sites, and other components specific and unique to the region. The size of state forests is generally 1,000 to 250,000 acres and can serve a large population within the state.

State Parks:

State parks offer education in local natural resources and conservation along with recreation. Both active and passive recreation are offered in a state park and can include biking, camping, various trails, swimming/fishing, picnic areas, parking and playgrounds. There is no size limit for a state park. The parks unique characteristics determine recreational uses, facilities, programming, and size.

29 | City of Algoma CORP Appendix A —Recreation Financial Assistance Programs

AGENCY PROGRAM CYCLE FUNDING DESCRIPTION USDA Rural Community Ongoing Direct Loan, Improve, develop or finance essential community facilities for Development Facilities Loan Guarantee, rural communities. Up to 100% of market value. Maximum Association or Grant grant 75% of project cost. Eligibility based on income, (RDA) population and need.

WI Dept. of All Terrain Annual, Due Grant/ Counties, cities, villages, and towns are eligible for up to Natural Vehicle Trails April 15 Reimbursement 100% of the costs of maintenance, development, Resources (DNR) rehabilitation, insurance, and acquisition of ATV trails and intensive use areas.

Knowles- Annual, Due Grant Requires 50% local match. The Stewardship program Nelson May 1 includes: Aids for the Acquisition & Development of Local Stewardship Parks (ADLP), Urban Rivers, Urban Green Space and Grant Recreation Trails programs. Eligible projects: land acquisition, development of nature-based recreation facilities, recreation trails, development of support facilities such as access roads, parking, restrooms, signage, utility systems and lighting.

Federal Aid in Ongoing, Grant These grants may be used to construct fishing piers and Sport Fish submit by motorboat access projects. Eligible components include boat Restoration Feb 1 for ramp construction and renovation, along with related fiscal year amenities such as parking lots, accessible paths, lighting and restroom facilities. Funding for this program comes from beginning in federal excise taxes on fishing equipment and a portion of the Oct federal gas tax. Land and Annual, Due Grant Grant covers up to 50% of the costs of acquisition of land and Water May 1 development of facilities for public park and recreation areas. Conservation Applications are due to the DNR by May 1 of each year. The Fund (LWCF) amount of funding available varies depending upon the amount appropriated by Congress to the program within the Department of Interior’s budget each year. Recreational Quarterly Grant Grant covers up to 50% of the costs of feasibility studies and the construction of capital improvements related to the Facilities development of safe recreational boating facilities, purchase of aquatic weed harvesting equipment, purchase of navigation aids, dredging of channels of waterways, and chemical treatment of Eurasian watermilfoil. An additional 10% may be available if a municipality conducts a boating safety enforcement and education program approved by the DNR. Projects of statewide or regional significance may be eligible for additional 30% cost-sharing assistance. Applications are due to the DNR and are reviewed and recommended quarterly by the governor-appointed Wisconsin Waterways Commission. Recreational Annual, May Reimbursement This is a federal program administered in all states. Municipal Trails Aids 1 governments and incorporated organizations are eligible to (RTA) receive reimbursement for development and maintenance of recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail uses. Eligible sponsors may be reimbursed for up to 50 percent of eligible project costs. Funds from this program may be used in conjunction with funds from the state snowmobile or ATV grant programs and Knowles-Nelson Stewardship development projects. River Planning Annual, Grant Maximum grant $25,000, requires 25% local match. Eligible Grant Dec. 10 projects include river management plans, public education, ordinance development and creation of river protection groups. River Annual, Feb Grant Maximum grant $100,000, requires 25% local match. Eligible Protection 1 projects include municipal stormwater BMPs, ordinance Grant development, in-stream and shoreline habitat and land acquisition.

1 City of Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan 2021-2026 / Appendix A WI Dept of Transportation Annual, Fall Reimbursement A comprehensive federal funding program that was created by st Transportation Alternatives the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 Century Act (MAP- (DOT) Program 21). TAP incorporates the following three WisDOT multi- modal transportation improvement programs: Safe Routes to School (SRTS), Transportation Enhancements (TE), and The Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Program (BPFP). All TAP projects are funded 80% federally, with a 20% local match. The minimum project cost is $50,000 for non-infrastructure and $300,000 for infrastructure projects. WI Dept. of Joint Effort Quarterly or Grant The JEM program funds five categories of marketing Tourism Marketing Semi- initiatives to promote tourism including: Destination (JEM) annually, Marketing, New Event, Sales Promotion, Existing Event, and depending One-Time On-of-a-Kind Event. on program Local Tax Annual Tax Revenue Development by creation of Special Districts Government Incremental Financing (TIF) Special Tax Annual Tax Tax Improvement Costs to Benefitted Property District Special Annual Assessment Assessment levied against benefitted property Assessments Impact Fees Fees Charges to impacted properties User Fees Fees Fees to use public property/facilities (trail pass, pool pass, shelter reservation, etc.)

2 City of Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan 2021-2026 / Appendix A Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q1 The following recreational opportunities and facilities are available in City parks, trails, and natural areas. Please indicate how often your household uses each of these amenities.

Answered: 176 Skipped: 0

Baseball Fields

Softball Fields

Tennis Courts

Basketball Courts

Volleyball Court

Disc Golf Course

1 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Picnic Area

Cooking Grills

Shelter Building


Shore Fishing Area


Concession Stands

2 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Bicycle Racks


Boat Launches

Kayak Launches


Archery Range

Ice Skating Rink

3 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Youth Club Space

Playground Set (swings, sli...

Peterson Park

Olson Park

Perry Field Park

Heritage Park

Little Park

4 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Crescent Beach & Boardwalk...

Demeuse Park

Newman Memorial Park

Richmond Park

Christmas Tree Point Park

Legion Park

Gerald Tahlier

5 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Ge ald a l e Sr. Horsesho...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Regular User (15 times or more per year) Occasional User (Less than 15 times per year) Never

6 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey


Softball Fields 20.69% 27.01% 52.87% 36 47 92 174

Tennis Courts 3.98% 19.32% 76.70% 7 34 135 176

Basketball Courts 9.09% 35.23% 55.68% 16 62 98 176

Volleyball Court 1.15% 24.14% 74.71% 2 42 130 174

Disc Golf Course 7.95% 31.82% 60.23% 14 56 106 176

Picnic Area 22.29% 52.00% 25.71% 39 91 45 175

Cooking Grills 4.55% 18.75% 76.70% 8 33 135 176

Shelter Building 10.98% 49.13% 40.46% 19 85 70 173

Benches 47.73% 46.59% 5.68% 84 82 10 176

Shore Fishing Area 19.43% 31.43% 49.14% 34 55 86 175

Gazebo 13.14% 43.43% 43.43% 23 76 76 175

Concession Stands 16.67% 51.15% 32.18% 29 89 56 174

Bicycle Racks 7.43% 29.14% 64.00% 13 51 112 175

Beach 65.32% 32.37% 2.31% 113 56 4 173

Boat Launches 7.43% 27.43% 65.14% 13 48 114 175

Kayak Launches 10.80% 34.66% 55.11% 19 61 97 176

Boardwalk 73.71% 24.00% 2.29% 129 42 4 175

Archery Range 2.87% 14.94% 82.76% 5 26 144 174

Ice Skating Rink 8.57% 25.71% 66.86% 15 45 117 175

Youth Club Space 25.86% 43.68% 31.03% 45 76 54 174

Playground Set (swings, slide, 40.00% 30.29% 29.71% climbing equipment, etc.) 70 53 52 175

Peterson Park 53.41% 32.95% 13.64% 94 58 24 176

7 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Olson Park 20.45% 35.80% 43.75% 36 63 77 176

Perry Field Park 36.36% 45.45% 18.18% 64 80 32 176

Heritage Park 14.77% 39.77% 45.45% 26 70 80 176

Little Park 11.56% 30.06% 58.38% 20 52 101 173

Crescent Beach & Boardwalk 64.00% 25.71% 10.29% Park 112 45 18 175

Demeuse Park 11.49% 20.69% 67.82% 20 36 118 174

Newman Memorial Park 4.60% 17.24% 78.16% 8 30 136 174

Richmond Park 4.62% 28.90% 66.47% 8 50 115 173

Christmas Tree Point Park 16.57% 35.43% 48.57% 29 62 85 175

Legion Park 10.92% 51.15% 37.93% 19 89 66 174

Gerald Tahlier Sr. Horseshoe 3.45% 12.64% 83.91% Park 6 22 146 174

8 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q2 The following recreational opportunities and facilities are available in City parks, trails, and natural areas. Please indicate whether or not you think the City needs more of these amenities.

Answered: 175 Skipped: 1

Soccer Fields

Baseball Fields

Softball Fields

Tennis Courts

Basketball Courts

Volleyball Court

Disc Golf Course

Picnic Area

Cooking Grills

9 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Shelter Building

Shore Fishing Area


Concession Stands

Bicycle Racks


Boat Launches

Kayak Launches

Biking Trails

Playground Set (swings, sli...

10 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey



Archery Range

Ice Skating Rink

Youth Club Space


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

City Needs to Add/Improve this Amenity City Does Not Need to Add/Improve this Amenity

11 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey


Baseball Fields 37.35% 62.65% 62 104 166

Softball Fields 36.14% 63.86% 60 106 166

Tennis Courts 31.93% 68.07% 53 113 166

Basketball Courts 55.15% 44.85% 91 74 165

Volleyball Court 28.92% 71.08% 48 118 166

Disc Golf Course 30.12% 69.88% 50 116 166

Picnic Area 57.14% 42.86% 96 72 168

Cooking Grills 42.68% 57.32% 70 94 164

Shelter Building 49.40% 50.60% 82 84 166

Shore Fishing Area 43.03% 57.58% 71 95 165

Gazebo 32.73% 67.27% 54 111 165

Concession Stands 36.14% 63.86% 60 106 166

Bicycle Racks 23.64% 76.97% 39 127 165

Beach 78.70% 21.89% 133 37 169

Boat Launches 32.93% 67.07% 54 110 164

Kayak Launches 33.94% 67.88% 56 112 165

Biking Trails 59.39% 41.21% 98 68 165

Playground Set (swings, slide, 62.50% 38.10% climbing equipment, etc.) 105 64 168

Benches 51.20% 49.40% 85 82 166

Boardwalk 58.43% 41.57% 97 69 166

Archery Range 15.76% 84.24% 26 139 165

Ice Skating Rink 32.93% 67.07% 55 112 167

12 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Youth Club Space 60.95% 39.05% 103 66 169

Pickleball 32.73% 67.27% 54 111 165

13 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q3 Please list any recreational amenities that the City lacks or not listed above that you wish were available

Answered: 111 Skipped: 65

14 / 31 Responses Planned youth (preschool-early middle school) activities. So many possibilities this is a missed opportunity. Having to drive to Green Bay or Sturgeon Bay for activities is not convenient. Permanent “bandshell” stage for concerts in the park and Shanty Days. Bathroom and concessions on beach. More dining with a view. Farmers market Bathroom facilities closer to the beach. Bathrooms on the beach and boardwalk near the youth club parking lot Better bathroom facilities for people using the beach More bathrooms OPEN! More out-houses available at parks, year-round Batting cages Better batting cages at the ball fields for Peterson Park. More benches at the beach I think that a bocce ball coarse could be added to the shoe area. Better Concessions at Peterson Park and a way to water the fields. Concession at the beach and ice rink Concession/Permanent Bathroom at the beach for tourist/summer season. Better dog park Dog park More opportunities for dogs and dog walkers Needs more access to the river for fishermen Put the docks back in at Olson park and open the launch, water lvls are plenty high for small crafts to Better care of perennial gardens I think there are plenty of recreational opportunities in the city. Good recreation activities for children! Golf Course This is not just from a personal standpoint. The 12 hole disc golf course is pretty well used, but it lacks the 18 hole needed to be a full course. I myself am part of the Door Disc Golf club. We have put in three courses in Jacksonport, Baileys Harbor and Sister Bay in the last three years. With funds from the The parks need to be maintained and ice rink needs to be opened. Indoor walking space Mini golf course Algoma needs a park with more woods and trails that are more scenic. Peterson park has some trails in the woods, but it's not picturesque. It would be cool if Algoma had a park like Peninsula State Park, not Natural Earth 🌍🌍friendly places. with fruit and nut trees., people could take freely. Any left over harvest could be donated to food shelf. Clean places with no pesticides and chemicals. We need to move this city into the future. Let’s be they example for others to follow. Now is the time! Funding is Public gardens/floral and veg Outdoor fitness equipment Pickleball courts at Perry Field. All inclusive playground equipment and clean/updated playground equipment An area of the parks for disabled children At the parks, different equipment for kids with special needs would be awesome. More opportunities for the disabled youth More updated playground equipment Park playground equipment needs updating A pool area A pool would be ideal though not realistic Roller skating area Sculptures Create a selfie spot More pickle ball courts at the youth club. Better playground equipment at Perry field. Adult stations for exercise like Sunset Park has in Sturgeon Bay. The beach should be kept cleaner, it is a HUGE asset to Better launching for kayaks. Out buildings open to public. Trails groomed at Peterson Park. Archery range needs a fenced area so not shooting into waterway or vehicles that park there. Changing rooms / bathrooms closer to the beach.🌍🌍 Summer concessions at the beach.🌍🌍 A volleyball court. Drinking fountains in all parks, beach showers, dog watering stations where dogs are allowed, more I have always thought it would be nice to add a shelter for Peterson Park. One that has electricity, tables, ect, that can hold a small group of say 50 or do. It's a beautiful park to hold events, such as Kickball/ slow pitch softball area at Perry.🌍🌍 Things for families/ mini golfing/ pool/etc More toddler/ adult things at playgrounds. Such as parent/ child swings. More items for kids to use their Pool, indoor sports arena Pool, mini golf, Possibly another kayak launch, bike rental, more benches on upper level of Lake St. between Dairy Deans and the Youth Club, better layout of Christmas Tree Park (maybe more concrete flatwork and Public use batting cage/pitching machines on a regular basis! More access to the youth club gym on Roller blading area, 3rd baseball/softball field at Peterson to host tournaments. Adding on to Youth Club: Indoor/outdoor pool, splash pad, Improve lighting and flooring within Youth Club/gym.🌍🌍 Concession Stand by Opening up the Southeast wall add windows and awning.🌍🌍 🌍🌍 An outdoor campfire space available for rent on calm evenings on the beach. Better/cleaner grilling options and picnic tables above beach. More signage and promotion of Ahnapee State Trail. Better planning when it comes to putting in lighting (no poles dead-center in photographed areas, such as Bathrooms, changing rooms and shower or splash pad facilities are needed at Crescent Beach. DNR beach safety tips recommend showering after swimming. The number of beach visitors is increasing and current bathroom facilities are inadequate. Beach visitors need a convenient place to rinse off sand and change into dry clothes. Revisit the Olson Park plans to identify priorities and implement the parts of the plan that are identified as appropriate. A trail along the river at Olson Park would offer an excellent opportunity for nature viewing, in particular bird watching, to compliment the fishing and A sheltered place for reunions or family gatherings. Area for shore fishing for the people who do not own a boat, are elderly or physically handicapped. Shower area/outdoor sprinkler/hose for after beach/swimming. It would be great if Olson Park was accessible to pedestrians from town. There is no good sidewalk or walking path connecting the two. Also a connection between Olson Park and the Ahnapee Trail Skate park, small water park A splash pad! Our kids need a local water fun place to go that isn't nearly an hour away. splash pad Splash pad Splash pad Splash pad for kids Splash pad for kids🌍🌍 Upkeep of sidewalks for walking🌍🌍 More cones having traffic stop for walkers🌍🌍 Occasional food truck(s) at various rec sites (beach, legion park) Splash pad for the kiddos. Splash pad or community pool Splash pad or small water park Splash pad!!!! For the kids to play!! PLEASE Splash pad, additional changing rooms at beach Splash pads or water features for children to play on Things that are wheelchair accessible and user friendly. Water play. A splash pad would be a great option We need something for the smaller kids to do in summer. Splash pad. Smaller play equipment Community Swimming Pool swimming pool Swimming pool Swimming pool Swimming Pool and playground area...or something like Bay Beach... Swimming pool, improve dog park Bicycle trail to south A walkway from downtown to Olson park. Dedicated walking paths. Dedicated, paved walking/bicycle trails through natural areas. trails Hiking/walking trails. Pets allowed More trails. I love what Door County has and wish we had more options. Paved biking and walking trails Snowshoe and hiking trails snowshoe area, selfie stations, splash pad Snowshoe or cross country ski trails🌍🌍 Splash pad🌍🌍

Winter gear rentals like snowshoes or cross country skis cross country skiing area More safe walking trails/sidewalks. Sidewalks are in tough shape and or non existent. Would love to see More things for the kids an the youth club should be open in the summer for the kids hence it’s called a youth club... run a kaps program like Kewaunee stop focusing on birds an beach an invest in our youth an getting them involved before they get involved in other things like drugs Kewaunee county is known for drug problems so focus on the youth an not the old people run programs all summer for the KIDS There needs to be more offered for kids at the Youth Club. 20 years ago, there were a large variety of offerings, and it seems as though we have lost reason it’s called a Youth Club as there are more offerings in terms of “classes” for adults than kids. Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q4 The Park and Recreation Committee is working to make recreational facilities and amenities accessible to all citizens in Algoma regardless of age and ability level. If there are specific facilities or amenities in the City that you think need to be made more accessible, please briefly list them below.

Answered: 71 Skipped: 105

15 / 31 Responses Things for teens to do. Have more bathrooms OPEN. More Bathrooms... Handicap accessible bathrooms and playground equipment I'd like to see the Boardwalk, lake path, and river path have a snow removal schedule. cross walk where harbor walk meets second street. more wheel chair access to Crescent Beach Boardwalk. The dog park needs to be worked on . There are times the entrance is under water. Improve/development of fishing along river to make easier for youth to enjoy a lifelong hobby A pick up and drop off area for people with disabilities for community events held at our parks. Algoma has a lot of older citizens, so social, low key activities made available and publicized. Maybe they are but not known by us. Parks for disabled children Make its more usable for all abilities and disabilities More access to activities to those who are disabled Services are accessible but not well known about. Perhaps more accessible advertisement could be a good thing. The Youth Club needs to be open for regular hours. It is a YOUTH club, NOT a pottery or planting club. Miss the good 'ol days when TQ actually did things for the kids in this town. Little park Little park Fix east side boat launch at Olson...away from kayak area Kayak launch at Olson Park. More handicap parking Perry field park not accessible to all. Stands at Perry Field need to be updated, scoreboard as well One of the parks would be nice to be more accessible such as perry park which might be the easiest to access and the largest seating Peterson park Put in pickle ball courts at Perry field and indoor courts at the youth club gym Needs access to the piers Playground equipment Playground equipment, swings that are wheelchair accessible at parks. More accessible playground equipment More sidewalks Sidewalks downtown and around legion park are crumbling. Sidewalks!!!! People with disabilities can’t get to the parks because our sidewalks are so A splash pad would be nice for our kids in the community. Splash pad!!! Splash pad, indoor and outdoor pool Historic Tours of Kewaunee County.

Public Pool Swimming pool We need a swimming pool. Better information and welcoming area to the Ahnapee Trail We need more restaurants, so people can enjoy themselves, In this beautiful city! Algoma youth club Better handicap situation down by the improved youth club area I believe the youth club needs to be more accessible to patrons who use wheelchairs. The park shelters/bathrooms. Always locked. It’s nice to spend a day at the beach or park but stinks that you have to pack up if bathroom break is needed. The beach need public Youth club open in summer for the kids run a camp like Kewaunee hence it is a youth club focus on kids not the old people start investigating in the future Youth club needs to have a better accessibility to wheel chairs. Youth club should also host high school only nights Pickleball courts at the Youth club or park. Frisbee golf hole is located on the hill making it dangerous to use in winter specifically sledding Once again, if more attention to the Disc Golf Course was made, I would be interested in hosting clinics to show all ages the sport, host league nights where half of the night would go back to the course and half to the winner. Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q5 Please indicate how you think the development of recreational facilities should be primarily funded.

Answered: 175 Skipped: 1

User Fees

Developer Fees



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


User Fees 25.14% 44

Developer Fees 20.57% 36

Taxes 52.57% 92

Fundraising 74.86% 131

Total Respondents: 175

16 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q6 Please indicate how you think the maintenance of recreational facilities should be primarily funded.

Answered: 172 Skipped: 4

User Fees


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


User Fees 41.86% 72

Taxes 72.67% 125

Total Respondents: 172

17 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q7 The Park and Recreation Committee is working to maintain open space, restore native plant communities, protect wildlife habitat, and preserve natural resources (natural areas). How important do you consider these efforts?

Answered: 175 Skipped: 1

Very Important

Somewhat Important

Not Important

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Very Important 53.71% 94

Somewhat Important 37.14% 65

Not Important 9.14% 16


18 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q8 In the future, the City may consider the development of new park space. If you could decide which kinds of amenities would be added to a new park, which kinds would you prefer?

Answered: 175 Skipped: 1

Natural (Wildlife...

Active (Basketball...

Passive (Walking...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Natural (Wildlife habitat, wetlands, gardens, etc.) 36.00% 63

Active (Basketball courts, tennis courts, skate parks, ball fields, etc.) 35.43% 62

Passive (Walking trails, cross country skiing trails, picnic areas, gathering spaces, etc.) 70.86% 124

Total Respondents: 175

19 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q9 Please indicate your overall satisfaction with the following City-wide parks and recreation facilities:

Answered: 175 Skipped: 1

Peterson Park

Olson Park

Perry Field Park

Heritage Park

20 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Little Park

Crescent Beach & Boardwalk...

Demeuse Park

Newman Memorial Park

21 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Richmond Park

Christmas Tree Point Park

Legion Park

Gerald Tahlier Sr. Horsesho...

22 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied


Olson Park 4.14% 37.28% 45.56% 11.24% 1.78% 7 63 77 19 3 169

Perry Field Park 7.60% 43.27% 33.33% 13.45% 2.92% 13 74 57 23 5 171

Heritage Park 7.83% 33.13% 57.23% 1.20% 0.60% 13 55 95 2 1 166

Little Park 5.45% 25.45% 53.94% 14.55% 1.21% 9 42 89 24 2 165

Crescent Beach & 18.29% 59.43% 17.14% 5.14% 0.00% Boardwalk Park 32 104 30 9 0 175

Demeuse Park 3.05% 23.17% 65.85% 7.32% 0.61% 5 38 108 12 1 164

Newman Memorial Park 3.03% 15.76% 72.12% 7.27% 1.82% 5 26 119 12 3 165

Richmond Park 4.85% 22.42% 67.88% 4.24% 0.61% 8 37 112 7 1 165

Christmas Tree Point Park 3.57% 26.19% 55.36% 11.90% 2.98% 6 44 93 20 5 168

Legion Park 4.85% 33.94% 57.58% 3.03% 0.61% 8 56 95 5 1 165

Gerald Tahlier Sr. 4.88% 18.29% 71.95% 4.88% 0.00% Horseshoe Park 8 30 118 8 0 164

23 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q10 Are you interested in volunteering to assist with any of the following City activities? If yes, please indicate your interest level in the question below.

Answered: 165 Skipped: 11

24 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Help with maintenance ...

Annual cleanup of City-owne...

Help with maintenance ...

Adopt a park spot.

Help identify and eradicat...

Help plan and support...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested

25 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

VERY SOMEWHAT NOT TOTAL INTERESTED INTERESTED INTERESTED RESPONDENTS Help with maintenance of park amenities. 5.03% 30.82% 64.15% 8 49 102 159

Annual cleanup of City-owned areas. 12.80% 46.34% 40.85% 21 76 67 164

Help with maintenance of trails. 6.25% 31.87% 63.13% 10 51 101 160

Adopt a park spot. 7.50% 39.38% 53.75% 12 63 86 160

Help identify and eradicate invasive plant species in 5.70% 21.52% 72.78% parks and natural areas. 9 34 115 158

Help plan and support fundraising for park updates. 8.13% 38.13% 53.75% 13 61 86 160

26 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q11 Please provide your phone number or email address if you wish to be contacted by the City about the above volunteer opportunities you selected.

Answered: 69 Skipped: 107

27 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q12 AgeWhich category below includes your age?

Answered: 175 Skipped: 1

17 or younger






60 or older

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


17 or younger 1.71% 3

18-20 1.71% 3

21-29 13.71% 24

30-39 21.14% 37

40-49 25.14% 44

50-59 15.43% 27

60 or older 21.14% 37


28 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q13 What is your gender?

Answered: 174 Skipped: 2



Other (please specify)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Female 74.71% 130

Male 24.14% 42

Other (please specify) 1.15% 2


29 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q14 How many children under the age of 18 do you have?

Answered: 175 Skipped: 1



2 - 4

More than 4

Prefer not to say

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


None 45.14% 79

1 13.71% 24

2 - 4 37.71% 66

More than 4 1.14% 2

Prefer not to say 2.29% 4


30 / 31 Algoma Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey SurveyMonkey

Q15 If you have additional questions or comments concerning the topics covered in this survey and/or are interested in learning more about the Park and Recreation Board future plans, please provide your contact information (name and phone number or email address) below and someone from the City will contact you directly:

Answered: 27 Skipped: 149

31 / 31 Responses Let us leave a splendid legacy for our children... let us turn to them and say, “ This you inherit; guard it well, for it is far more precious then money, and once destroyed, nature’s beauty can not be repurchased at any price. Ansel Adams

Please consider A splash pad Splash pad Park and recreation board is awesome. Although not necessarily a park issue, Algoma needs Our beach and grassy area above the beach should be made better with improved picnicking . it is probably the most used by out of town people and our biggest asset

Being a member of the Bird City Algoma Committee, I am very interested in seeing more native trees, shrubs and flowers planted in the city. Recently I contacted the city to find out how to get a tree planted as a memorial to a friend who had recently died. The plant list had so many non-native plants and the process was so cumbersome, I ended up donating money to the Library for books in this person's name. Thanks for asking for comments. I wish there was another option besides City needs to/does NOT need to approve amenity b/c I know money for upgrades is hard to find, but if we had the funds I would LOVE to see It’s great to see lots of effort going into improving and preserving our local parks! I think we need to offer more by the beach to draw in tourists. New park equipment at Perry field and the little park. Even move stuff from Perry to to the little park. Its a total waste of time and money to even THINK about adding more parks to this city. We can't even take care of the parks we currently have. Whenever there's an issue, the only excuse I hear is "we don't have time to fix this/that". I've seen playgrounds in broken conditions for weeks, ice rink NOT open, & youth club NEVER open! Along with a list of other items. Focus on improving what we have before wasting more of our tax$$$. And don't forget what the park & rec department is all about... THE YOUTH!!!! Move the football field to the high school, and make improvements to the baseball field at Perry. Make improvements to the dugouts at Peterson. I don't think Algoma should be looking into NEW parks. Rather concentrate on improving what we already have. A pool would be nice. I feel like my taxes are high enough and maintenance and programs should be funded with taxes. It used to not be an issue and there were far more park/youth club programs than there are now. Also, in the year 2020 my taxes increased again and there weren’t any programs or parks open all year due to covid.

I would like to see a third baseball/softball field made for the very young kids beyond the outfield fence of the East field (no fence needed for this field). We have both boy's and girl's little league teams and games and practice times are difficult to manage. COMMON COUNCIL MEETING Minutes Monday, June 7, 2021 at 6:00 pm CITY HALL - COMMON COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 416 FREMONT ST.

This meeting will be available live as a Zoom Meeting via internet or phone. Please contact City Hall at 920-487-5203 for the Meeting ID and Password.

1. CALL TO ORDER Minutes: The Monday, June 7,2021 regular meeting of the Algoma Common Council was called to order by Mayor Wayne R. Schmidt at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers

2. ROLL CALL Minutes: Present at roll call: Mayor Wayne R. Schmidt Alders: Jake Maring, Lee Dachelet, Casey Buhr, Leah Pierquet, Steve Lautenbach, Scott Meverden, John Pabich, and Kevin Schmidt Also Present: Public Works Director Matt Murphy, Administrator Jared Heyn, Fire Chief Tom Ackerman, Algoma Utilities - Pete Haack , Library Director Cathy Kolbeck, Parks & Recreation Director Sara Robertson. Present for Public Comment: Ben Nelson- Kewaunee County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director

3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Minutes: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schmidt.

4. MEETING IN COMPLIANCE WITH OPEN MEETINGS LAW Minutes: Mayor Schmidt declared that the meeting was in compliance with the open meetings law.

5. APPROVAL OF, OR CHANGES TO, THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA Minutes: Alderman Maring requested to move item J. Consideration of Ending Use of Zoom for City Committee and Council Meetings up in the agenda. It was requested that the item J be moved to the first topic under New Business. Maring made the motion to move item J to item A and then proceed with the rest of the items in new business as posted on the agenda. Pierquet seconded the motion to move item J up in New Business. Motion carried. Meverden moved to adopt the agenda as amended, motion seconded by Maring. Motion carried. Vote results: Ayes: 8 / Nays: 0

6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES a. May 3, 2021 Meeting Minutes Minutes: A motion was made by Lautenbach to approve the May 3, 2021 Common Council Meeting Minutes, motion seconded by Pierquet. Motion carried. Vote results: Ayes: 8 / Nays: 0

7. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Ben Nelson - Kewaunee County Economic Development Executive Director Minutes: Ben Nelson of the Kewaunee County Economic Development Corporation (KCEDC) introduced himself to the council. He gave a brief overview of the KCEDC and what they were working on.

b. Lois Lehmann Minutes: Lois Lehmann who resides at 30 Villa Heights Ct., Algoma, asked that a letter that she wrote be read aloud at the June Council meeting. Lois thanked the Algoma High School and the Streets Department for taking the time to educate the students about the Storm Water system in Algoma.

8. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS, CLAIMS, AND CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE a. General Bills & Credit Card Payments Minutes: A motion was made by Pabich to approve the bills and credit card payment, motion seconded by Meverden. Roll call vote was taken, all approved. Motion carried. Vote results: Ayes: 8 / Nays: 0

b. Conference Attendance Minutes: A motion was made by Meverden for Administrator Heyn to attend the WCMA Summer Conference, motion was seconded by Buhr. Motion carried.

c. Claims Minutes: At the time the agenda was posted there were no claims against the City. Administrator Heyn let the Council know that since then a claim had been received from the EEOC and that he will keep the Council abreast of the claim.

9. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Finance & Personnel b. Protection of Persons & Property - NO MAY MEETING c. Parks & Rec d. Public Works e. Plan Commission - NO MAY MEETING f. Community Development Committee g. Tourism & Promotion Commission h. Cable - NO MAY MEETING i. Library j. Medical Board k. Utility Commission l. Board of Appeals - NO MAY MEETING m. Board of Review n. Redevelopment Authority - NO MAY MEETING 10. MOTION TO APPROVE RECEIPT OF COMMITTEE REPORTS Minutes: A motion was made by Maring, seconded by K. Schmidt to approve the committee reports. Motion carried.

11. OLD BUSINESS a. Approve Finance & Personnel Committee recommendation to proceed with Bayland Builders as the General Contractors for the Public Safety Building Minutes: Mayor Schmidt clarified that the topic under Old Business of "Approve Finance & Personnel Committee recommendation to proceed with Bayland Builders as the General Contractors for the Public Safety Building" was not to approve the starting the building of the new Public Safety Building. This is to move forward with the contractor, Bayland Building, so we (the City) can get all the necessary information we (the City) are going to need as a Council to move forward to prepare for referendum to see if the tax payers want to fund a new Public Safety Building. A motion was made by Meverden to work with Bayland Building to get the necessary information ready for a referendum, seconded by Lautenbach. Motion carried. Vote results: Ayes: 8 / Nays: 0 12. NEW BUSINESS a. Proclamation 2021-01 Setting June 13-19, 2021 as Fair Housing Week in the City of Algoma Minutes: The Mayor read Proclamation 2021-01 that set June 13 through June 19, 2021 as Fair Housing Week in the City of Algoma.

b. Resolution 1070-2021 Authorizing purchase of a new server

Minutes: Buhr motioned, seconded by Lautenbach to approve Resolution 1070-2021 to authorize the purchase of a new server. Motion carried. Vote results: Ayes: 8 / Nays: 0

c. Resolution 1071-2021 Authorizing an agreement with GWB Professional Services for assistance with Redevelopment Area #2 project

Minutes: A motion was made by Meverden, seconded by Pierquet to approve Resolution 1071-2021 to authorize an agreement with GWB Professional Services for assistance with Redevelopment Area #2 project. After discussion about the proposal wording the motion to approve Resolution 1071-2021 was rescinded by Meverden. Pierquet seconded Meverden's rescindment. The Administrator will go back to GWB Professional Services with the requested proposal changes and will have the updated proposal for the next Finance and Personnel meeting.

d. Resolution 1072-2021 Adopting the Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

Minutes: A motion was made by Lautenbach, seconded by Pabich to approve Resolution 1072-2021 to adopt the Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. The Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan will be posted on the City's website and City Hall will have public copy available for viewing in the Clerk's office in the near future.

e. Resolution 1073-2021 Authorizing the Administrator to enter into a contract with Scott Construction, Inc. for sealcoating Church & Fremont Street Minutes: It was noted that there is an error on Resolution 1073-2021. Upon correction the resolution will read "A resolution authorizing the Administrator to enter into a contract with Scott Construction, Inc to sealcoat Church Street and Fremont Street." The word "Mayor" in the original resolution was changed to "Administrator". K. Schmidt moved, seconded by Buhr to approve Resolution 1073-2021 as amended to approve the sealcoating of Church Street and Fremont Street. Motion carried. Vote results: Ayes: 8 / Nays: 0 f. Resolution 1075-2021 Approving the WI Dept. of Natural Resources NR 208 - Compliance Maintenance Annual Report for the City of Algoma

Minutes: A motion was made by Maring, seconded by Pabich to approve Resolution 1075- 2021 to approve the WI Dept. of Natural Resources NR 208 - Compliance Annual Report for the City of Algoma. Motion carried. g. Accepting donation of Christmas Tree Ship Point Sculpture donated by Chris & Bruce Steinhagen and made by Shawn Olson.

Minutes: A motion was made by Pabich, seconded by Meverden to accept the donation for the sculpture at Christmas Tree Ship Point. The funds for the sculpture were donated by Chris and Bruce Steinhagen, and the sculpture was made by Shawn Olson. There is an informational sign that will be placed by the sculpture that was donated by Mark and Joanna Wilson. The Mayor also noted that the new Algoma sign at the top of Crescent Beach was donated by Shawn Olson. h. Lighthouse Lease Update Minutes: Administrator Heyn gave an update on the Light House Lease with the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) - the lease for the North Pier will remain at 25 years as that is all the further they will extend it. They did reassure Administrator Heyn that there shouldn't be any reason why they don't renew the lease when the 25 year mark is up. There will be another agreement coming to transfer ownership of the pier head light from the Coast Guard to the City of Algoma following the lease agreement that is with the ACOE. Alder Pabich motioned, seconded by Alder Buhr to have Administrator Heyn enter into the lease agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers for the North Pier. Motion carried after a unanimous roll call vote. Vote results: Ayes: 8 / Nays: 0 i. Use of proceeds from sale of Second Street parcel Minutes: Administrator Heyn discussed the use of the proceeds from the sale of the Second Street parcel. He suggested that they put the funds into the Lighthouse fund. After discussion Public Works Director Matt Murphy requested that the Public Works Department be reimbursed for the tasks of preparing the parcel for sale. Meverden motioned, seconded by Dachelet that Public Works Department be reimbursed for the tasks and materials back into their budget and the remaining funds be discussed at the Finance and Personnel Meeting on June 15, 2021. Motion carried.

j. Consideration of Ending Use of Zoom for City Committee and Council Meetings Minutes: Alderman Maring discussed the elimination of Zoom for committee and City Council meetings. Mayor Schmidt stated that he would like us (the City) to still be able to utilize Zoom in certain circumstances- like when a contractor or vendor is going to charge us (the City) travel/lodging/time/other expenses to come to an in-person meeting unless Zoom can be utilized and then the charges are eliminated or lessened. A motion was made by Maring to end Zoom meetings for committees and Council Meetings. The motion was seconded my Meverden. Alderman Buhr felt that it would be in poor foresight to eliminate Zoom altogether, or just to leave it for contractors charging fees. He made mention of the people who are unable to make it in, but would still like to attend and could do so via Zoom, he also noted that it was a busy time of year and with everything going on it may be easier to or more convenient to utilize Zoom versus come to the meeting in person. Alderman Pabich stated that he agreed with prioritizing in-person attendance for Committee and Council meetings. There was discussion about the repetition that Zoom causes due to the delay and cut-outs. Pabich asked that value of clearly stating the reason as to why an action is being taken would be useful for future reference on these types of issues. He also felt that removing Zoom removed opportunities for participation. A roll call vote was taken with the Alders voting as follows: Pierquet - Yes, Lautenbach - Yes, Buhr - No, Dachelet - Yes, Maring - Yes, K. Schmidt - Yes, Pabich - No, Meverden - Yes. Motion carried. Vote results: Ayes: 6 / Nays: 2


Minutes: Administrator’s Report – June 4, 2021 Redevelopment Area #2 Update • The RDA is meeting tomorrow in closed session to discuss parameters and authorize Staff to begin negotiations for parcels in Redevelopment Area #2. • Offers will be sent to the property owners immediately following authorization from the Redevelopment Authority. • The demolition process must begin (i.e. the first building needs to be in the process of being demolished) by December 31. Sixth Street Reconstruction/Utility Project • Work has begun on the Sixth Street Reconstruction/Utility Project • The project will reach substantial completion by Labor Day All-America City Banners • Al Forys of CGI Communications, Inc. has made contact with various businesses within the City offering opportunities to sponsor All-America City banners. • The City will receive banners at no-cost for various departments (e.g. Police, Fire, etc.) • We will be receiving smaller than average banners to accommodate and ensure the proper fitting upon our 12-foot poles downtown. o As the poles are made of fiberglass, special mounting systems are needed, but there is no additional cost to the City. • The banners will be place along 4th Street between the “Downtown Algoma” arches as well as along Steele Street. • The final banners will be in place prior to the start of Shanty Days. A question was asked to the Administrator by the Mayor about the Sixth Street project. The Administrator mentioned that the Sixth Street project will hopefully be finished by Labor Day. The question was will the intersection of Sixth and Fremont be open by Shanty Days? Public Works Director Murphy answered that yes, it will be open. It may not be black topped yet, and may be gravel, but it will be open for travel and accessible. Public Works Director Murphy also commented about garbage and recycling pick up for Sixth Street during the construction phase. He asked that the residents have their garbage and recycling out by 6:30 am on Tuesdays and the Public Works Department will work with the GFL trucks to get the garbage and recycling picked up. GFL will be traveling Sixth Street first to do the garbage and recycling.

a. Overview of Approval Process of Business License Applications

Minutes: There was discussion about the issuing of licenses by the Clerk and the way that the ordinance reads. Currently the licensing for new and renewal of Liquor Licenses was going through the Protection of Persons and Property Committee (PPP) and then to the Council for final approval. The way the ordinance reads that does not have to happen. For 2021 it will happen that way due to the way the publication of the renewal of the licenses was written (there are no new applications at this time). Administrator Heyn asked the Council if they would like the new licenses and renewal licenses to continue to go through the PPP and then to Council and have the ordinance re-written, or if for 2022 and beyond we follow the way the ordinance is written and have the Clerk issue them without Council approval. Currently the Clerk is issuing new, renewal, and temporary operator licenses and picnic licenses without bringing them to PPP and/or Council for approval, but is informing them of the licenses being issued. After discussion we will be following the ordinance for licensing by the Clerk.

14. MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS & COMMENTS a. Upcoming June Events

Minutes: The Mayor commented on the upcoming events for June: June 19, 2021 - CI of A Annual Car Show (Steele St) June 22, 2021 - Crescent Beach Boardwalk 25th Anniversary Celebration (Legion Park - Rain Date 6/23/21) June 26, 2021 - Violence Intervention Project Smokehouse Jamboree (Legion Park)

b. Algoma Area Rummage Sale

Minutes: The Mayor noted that the Algoma Area Rummage Sale will be held on July 9-10, 2021. The St. Mary Rosary Society is the ones who are organizing the event. The forms can be picked up at the Chamber.

15. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING 16. NEXT MEETING DATE: Monday, July 5, 2021 - 6:00 pm - City Hall

Minutes: The next meeting will be Monday, July 5, 2021 at 6:00 pm at City Hall.

17. ADJOURN Minutes: A motion was made by Pierquet, seconded by Lautenbach to adjourn at 7:26 p.m.

The public is notified that any final action taken at a previous meeting may be reconsidered pursuant to the City of Algoma Ordinances. A suspension of the rules may allow for final action to be taken on an item of New Business. It is possible that members of and a possible quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information or speak about a subject over which they have decision-making responsibility. Any governmental body at the above stated meeting will take no action other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice.

POSTED on the City Hall, Library, and Utility bulletin boards and on the City of Algoma’s website.

Contact: Jared Heyn ([email protected] 920-487-5203) | Minutes published on 06/14/2021, adopted on 07/05/2021