arXiv:astro-ph/0606395v1 16 Jun 2006 h T eecp L il bevtr,EO hl)i the in Chile) ESO, Observatory, Silla 075.C-0462A. programme (La telescope NTT the mi [email protected] : email htmtyfrteesasi icl ihaclassical a with difficult is these accuracy stars, from for high available fainter photometry obtaining information Furthermore, of much observation. amount other lower their orbit OGLE- the a to to they and leading Compared exoplanets, 2004) 2004). OGLE-TR-113b al. al. transiting 2005), et et Konacki al. (Bouchy et 2004), TR-132b (Konacki 2004, al. al. et et (Pont 2005), (Bouchy OGLE-TR-10b al. et Bouchy 2003, OGLE-TR-111b 2003): al. et (Konacki 2002a, OGLE-TR-56b c, al. et (Udalski b, survey the by transit detected planetary were 5 OGLE-III and them, Among masses methods. radial–velocity transit the measured and of complementarity have the to thanks radii, parent their transiting the Among Introduction 1. edopitrqet to requests offprint Send ihacrc rni htmtyo h lntOGLE-TR-113 planet the of photometry transit accuracy High ⋆ DI ilb netdb adlater) hand by inserted be will (DOI: Astrophysics & Astronomy ae nosrain olce ihteSS2iae at imager SUSI2 the with collected observations on Based 1 3 2 4 5 Abstract. 6 photometric words. Key precis more significantly but a ones, deri with previous to curves with measurements light agreement t spectroscopic transit of and precision observations photometric high very NTT/SUSI2 former two reduce to to led changes has it some used for made We advantage and photometry. important photometry transit an in is positives which false images, astronomical variations scale of large fulfills with algorithm and photometry deconvolution-based crowding recent of level o high effects a systematic especially with of influence exoplanets, negative the of level characterization possible the for method bevtied e`v,5 hmndsMilte,CH-1290 Maillettes, des Chemin Gen`eve, 51 de Observatoire A,Taes uSpo,B8 e ri us 37 Marseill 13376 Lucs, Trois Les BP8, Siphon, du Traverse LAM, G´eophysique, Universit´e de Belgium et d’Astrophysique Institut bevtied at-rvne 47 tMce l’Observ St-Michel 04870 Haute-Provence, de Observatoire ntttdAtohsqed ai,9bsB rg,704Pa 75014 Arago, Bd 98bis Paris, de d’Astrophysique Institut aoaor ’srpyiu,EoePltcnqeF´ed´e Polytechnique Switzerland Sauverny, Ecole d’Astrophysique, Laboratoire .Gillon M. ∼ 0 xpaeskons a,ol h 0ones 10 the only far, so known exoplanets 200 ihacrc htmtyagrtmi eddt aefl a full take to needed is algorithm photometry accuracy high A lntr ytm tr:idvda:OL-R13–techn – OGLE-TR-113 individual: stars: – systems planetary 1 , ihanwdcnouinbsdmethod deconvolution-based new a with 2 .Pont F. , .Gillon M. : aucitn.5844 no. manuscript 1 .Moutou C. , 3 .Bouchy F. , l hs eurmns n tas nrae h resolutio the increases also it and requirements, these all h htmti cuay tsol lob bet cope to able be also should It accuracy. photometric the n rni htmty ihami oli id oobtain to follow-up mind: for in goal it main optimize a to with photometry, algorithm transit this to ifications otepooercaayi fcoddfields crowd- obtain to crowded of used be adapted level can of star isolated the no been that analysis when the high so even is recently photometric ing 2006), al. et the has (Magain to 1998) al. et (Magain 2005). Murray (Miralda-Escud´e 2002, & transit Holman the 2005, varia- al. of cases, et induced period Agol best dynamically the the the of in of tions detection ones measurements terrestrial the the high even by allow planets, Besides, may other of observations evaporation. planet transit and of accuracy processes migration the thus relationship and formation, mass-radius planets, the giant im- the close-in Nevertheless, is constrain of deep transits plane. better the their to Galactic of of portant the most monitoring in photometric in accurate present view crowding of of of fields because level telescopes, high large the with even method, reduction nde rwe ed.I a ordc otelowest the to reduce to has It fields. crowded deep in 4 e. ftesailrslto rmoeiaet nte.A another. to image one from resolution spatial the of , eL`g,Ale u6Aˆt 7 a.BC Li`ege 1, B5C, Bat. Aoˆut, 17, 6 Li`ege, All´ee du de aed asne(PL,Osraor,CH-1290 Observatoire, (EPFL), Lausanne de rale enwselradpaeayprmtr nexcellent in parameters planetary and stellar new ve 5 tie France atoire, o ee fsseai eiul,ue oehrwith together used residuals, systematic of level low niaedcnouinalgorithm deconvolution image An .Courbin F. , oti loih nodrt piiei o transit for it optimize to order in algorithm this to SF P h eeto fbed n h iciiainof discrimination the and blends of detection the i,France ris, avry Switzerland Sauverny, otast fOL-R13.Ti reduction This OGLE-TR-113b. of transits wo ee 2 France 12, Cedex e PitSra ucin.W aesm mod- some made We Function). Spread (Point vnaeo h oeta ftetransit the of potential the of dvantage qe:iaepoesn techniques: – processing image iques: 6 .Sohy S. , 2 n .Magain P. and , ⋆ aur 9 2018 19, January 2 n b 2 M. Gillon et al.: High accuracy transit photometry of OGLE-TR-113b the highest possible level of photometric accuracy, even () and the intensities (photometry) of the ob- for faint stars located in deep crowded fields. jects lying in the image. One of its main characteristics This new method was tested on new photometric ob- is to perform a partial deconvolution, in order to obtain servations of two OGLE-TR-113b transits obtained with a final image in agreement with the sampling theorem the NTT/SUSI2 instrument. This planet was the second (Shannon 1949, Press et al. 1989). This partial deconvo- one confirmed from the list of planetary candidates of the lution is done by using, instead of the total P SF , a partial OGLE-III survey. It orbits around a faint K dwarf star (I P SF which is a convolution kernel connecting the decon- = 14.42) in the of . Due to the small volved image to the original one. radius of the parent star (R ∼ 0.8 R⊙), the transit dip In M1, the determination of the partial P SF was in the OGLE-III light curves is the largest one among the not thoroughly addressed. When an image contains suf- planets detected by this survey (∼ 3 %). As OGLE-TR- ficiently isolated point sources, their shape can be used to 113 lies in a field of view with a high level of crowding, this determine an accurate P SF . However, this simple P SF case is ideal to validate the potential of our new method. determination is rarely possible in crowded fields, which Sect. 2 presents the observational data. Sect. 3 sum- generally contain no star sufficiently isolated for this pur- marizes the main characteristics of the deconvolution al- pose. gorithm and describes the improvements we brought to Magain et al. (2006, hereafter M2) have thus developed optimize it for follow-up transit photometry. In Sect. 4, a version of the algorithm allowing to simultaneously per- our results are presented and new parameters are derived form a deconvolution and determine an accurate P SF in for the planet OGLE-TR-113b. Finally, Sect. 5 gives our fields containing exclusively point sources, even if no iso- conclusions. lated star can be found. It relies on the minimization of the following merit function:

N 2. Observations 1 2 S = (d − [s ∗ f] ) + λH(s) (1) σ2 i i The observations were obtained on April 3rd and 13th, Xi=1 i 2005 with the SUSI2 camera on the ESO NTT (pro- gramme 075.C-0462A). In total, 235 exposures were ac- where ∗ stands for the convolution operator, N is the num- quired during the first night, and 357 exposures during ber of pixels within the image, di and σi are the measured ′ ′ the second night, in a 5.4 × 5.4 field of view. The ex- intensity and standard deviation in pixel i, si is the un- posure time was 32 s, the read-out time was 23 s, and known value of the partial P SF and fi is the intensity of the R#813 filter was used for all observations. We used the deconvolved image in pixel i. H(s) is a smoothing con- SUSI2 with a 2 × 2 pixel binning in order to get at the straint on the P SF which is introduced to regularize the same time a good spatial and a good temporal sampling. solution and λ is a Lagrange parameter. This algorithm The binned pixel size is 0.16′′. The measured seeing varies performs an optimal P SF determination, in the sense that between 0.85′′ and 1.38′′ for the first night and between it uses for this purpose the whole information available in 1.29′′ and 1.81′′ for the second night. Transparency was the image. It relies on the assumption that the P SF is high and stable for both nights. The airmass of the field constant over the image. To extend the validity of this decreases from 1.35 to 1.18 then grows to 1.20 during the assumption, one can treat relatively small sub-images if first sequence, and decreases from 1.23 to 1.18 then grows P SF variations are suspected. The P SF determination is to 1.54 during the second sequence. decomposed in several steps and is optimized in order to The frames were debiassed and flatfielded with the avoid including faint blending stars in the P SF wings, al- standard ESO pipeline. lowing their detection after inspection of the deconvolved In addition to these new data, we used VLT–FLAMES image and the residuals map (see M2 for more details). measurements (Bouchy et al. 2004), Taking into account the blending stars which are unde- stellar parameters derived from VLT-UVES spec- tectable in the original image results in a better accuracy tra (Santos et al. 2006) and OGLE-III ephemeris on the P SF , and thus on the astrometry and photometry. (Konacki et al. 2004) to constrain the physical and The deconvolved light distribution f may be written: orbital parameters of OGLE-TR-113b. M f(x)= akr(x − ck) (2) 3. Photometric reduction method Xk=1 3.1. MCS deconvolution algorithm where M is the number of points sources in the image, r(x) is the final P SF (fixed) while ak and ck are free The MCS deconvolution algorithm (Magain et al. 1998, parameters corresponding to the intensity and position of hereafter M1) is an image processing method specially point source number k. Note that the right-hand side of adapted to astronomical images containing point sources, (2) represents only point sources, thus the sky background which allows to achieve (1) an increase of the angular res- is supposed to be removed beforehand, and it is assumed olution, (2) an accurate determination of the positions that the data do not contain any extended source. M. Gillon et al.: High accuracy transit photometry of OGLE-TR-113b 3

3.2. Optimization of the algorithm for transit approximation of the intensities. With these better inten- photometry sities, we redetermine an improved partial P SF , and so on until convergence. Increase of the processing speed If we consider an image The most time-consuming task in the standard algo- with N pixels, containing M point sources, we are left rithm is the iterative determination of the point sources’ with the problem of determining N + 3M parameters, positions and intensities. Here, we already save a large i.e. N pixel values of the partial P SF and 3 parame- amount of computing time by keeping the positions fixed. ters for each point source (one intensity and two coor- Moreover, when the only unknowns are the point sources’ dinates). In follow-up transit photometry, we have gen- intensities, the problem becomes linear in all the param- erally to analyze several hundreds of images for a single eters. We thus have to solve a set of M linear equa- transit. Furthermore, we are not allowed to analyze only a tions, which can be done directly, without any iteration. small fraction of the image around the target star. Indeed, However, as the direct solution of this set of equations is several systematic noise sources exist, mainly due to at- quite unstable, we use the Singular Value Decomposition mospheric effects, and the correction of the light curve of method (SVD, Press et al. 1989), which has been found the analyzed star by the mean light curve of several com- to give excellent results. parison stars is needed to tend towards a photon noise The analysis of a set of images is thus divided into two limited photometry. This implies that the S/N (signal-to- parts. In the first one, a reference image is deconvolved noise ratio) of the comparison light curve must be signif- in order to obtain the astrometry and starting values for icantly higher than the S/N of the target star. Thus, we the point source intensities. Then, the shift of each image have to analyze a field of view large enough to contain in the set relative to the reference frame is determined many reference stars (but yet smaller that the coherence by cross–correlation. In the second part, an initial P SF surface of the systematics). In practice, we thus need to is determined for each image, using the fixed astrometry process several hundreds of images containing dozens or (including shift) and photometry. Improved source inten- even hundreds of point sources each. As the deconvolution sities are then obtained by solving the linear problem. As of such an image with the algorithm presented in M2 can the accuracy of the partial P SF depends on the accuracy last up to one day for a very crowded field with an up- of the photometry and vice-versa, the process is repeated to-date personal computer, we have to increase drastically several times until convergence. In practice, the conver- the processing speed. gence is reached after a maximum of 5 cycles. To reach this goal, we use three bits of prior knowl- edge. Determination of the sky background A tricky problem – First, we know that our hundreds of images correspond in crowded field photometry is the determination of the to the same field of view and, thus, contain the same ob- sky background. Fitting a rather smooth surface through jects. seemingly “empty” areas may lead to seeing-dependent – Secondly, we can assume that the stellar positions do not systematic errors. A much more robust method consists change during the observing run. As we are not interested in determining the sky background level so that the shape in the astrometry of the stars but only in their photom- of all point sources remains the same, irrespective of their etry, we can use the best seeing image or a combination intensities and positions. Indeed, a wrong sky level would of the best-quality images as a reference frame and ana- affect weaker sources much more strongly than brighter lyze it with the standard algorithm in order to obtain the ones. The fact that our method forces all point sources to astrometry, which is kept fixed during the rest of the anal- have the same P SF shape can thus be used to obtain an ysis. All we still need to know to obtain the positions of the accurate determination of the sky background. stars in each image is the amount by which this image is In practice, this is very simply done by not subtract- translated with respect to the reference image. This trans- ing the sky background prior to processing, but rather by lation is simply determined by a cross–correlation of the implementing its determination into the method. In this images. We neglect image stretch as in practice we treat case, the observed light distribution d can be modelled as: several relatively small sub-images to improve the validity of a constant P SF assumption. The result is that, for each M point source, we are left with only one free parameter (its d(x)= s(x) ∗ akr(x − ck)+ b(x) (3) intensity) instead of three. Xk=1 – The third prior knowledge is that the relative intensities where the sky background is represented by the function of most point sources do not change much from one image b(x), chosen to be relatively smooth. A 2-dimension sec- to another. We can thus obtain a first approximation of ond order polynomial (6 free parameters) was found suit- the partial P SF by assuming that the relative intensities able for images obtained in the optical. of the point sources are identical to those in the reference For the deconvolution of the reference image, we have image, just allowing for a common scaling factor on the now to minimize the following merit function: whole image, which takes into account variations of at- N 1 mospheric transparency, airmass, exposure time, etc. We S = (d − b − [s ∗ f] )2 + λH(s) (4) σ2 i i i then use this first partial P SF estimate to obtain a better Xi=1 i 4 M. Gillon et al.: High accuracy transit photometry of OGLE-TR-113b where bi is the sky level in pixel i.

For the deconvolution of the complete set of images, 1.01 the coefficients of b(x) are determined by adding an extra step to the analysis of the whole set of images, in each 1 iteration. Using the previous approximation of the partial 0.99 P SF and point source intensities, we determine the poly- nomial coefficients of the sky background by simple SVD 0.98 solution of a linear set of equations where all parameters 0.97 are fixed but the coefficients of b(x). The whole process 0.96 (1: sky background, 2: partial P SF , 3: intensities deter- 3464.5 3464.55 3464.6 3464.65 3464.7 mination) is repeated until convergence. BJD - 2450000 (days)


4. Results 1

4.1. Light curve analysis 0.99 The light curves obtained with our deconvolution-based 0.98 photometry algorithm are shown in Fig. 1. The flux vari- 0.97 ations before the second transit are intruiging, but we re- 0.96 marked that they are correlated to the location of a bad 3474.55 3474.6 3474.65 3474.7 3474.75 column of the CCD close to OGLE-TR-113 and a bright BJD - 2450000 (days) reference star. In fact, the bad column is located on their P SF s in the first 101 images, and it moved away drasti- Fig. 1. Our NTT/SUSI2 light curve for the first (top) and cally a few exposures before the transit, so the rest of the the second (bottom) observed transits of OGLE-TR-113b, light curve is reliable. The 101 first points were not used with the best fit transit curve superimposed. For the sec- in the transit fitting. ond transit, the variations of the flux before the transit For the first night, the dispersion of the light curve are due to a bad column of the CCD located close to the of OGLE-TR-113 before the transit is 1.20 mmag, while P SF cores of OGLE-TR-113 and a bright reference star the mean photon noise is 0.95 mmag. For the second (open symbols). night, the dispersion of the light curve after the transit is 1.26 mmag, for the same mean photon noise. The slightly higher dispersion for the second night can be explained NTT photometric series. A period was then determined by the increased seeing and the fact that OGLE-TR-113 by comparing these epochs with OGLE-III ephemeris has a 0.4 mag brighter visual companion about 3′′ to the (Konacki et al. 2004), allowing a very high accuracy on South (see Fig. 2). When a star’s P SF is blended with the period due to the large time interval separating the another one, a part of the noise of the contaminating star two sets of measurements (795 times the orbital period). is added to its own noise, resulting in a decrease of the The period was then fixed to this value and the radius ra- maximal photometric accuracy attainable. This effect is tio, orbital inclination, transit duration and transit of course very dependent on the seeing, and may have were fitted by least squares using the NTT data. The limb- a large impact on the final harvest of a transit survey darkening coefficients used were u1 = 0.55 and u2 = 0.18, (Gillon & Magain, in prep.). As the average seeing was obtained from Claret (2000) for the following stellar pa- higher during the second night, we thus expect a lower rameters: effective temperature Teff = 4750 K, accuracy for this sequence. Nevertheless, the obtained ac- [M/H] = 0.1, log g = 4.5 and microtur- curacies for both nights can be judged as excellent. bulence velocity ξt = 1.0 km/s, based on the parameters Our method has the advantage to produce higher res- presented in Santos et al. (2006). olution images which can be used to detect a faint blend- To obtain realistic uncertainties for the fitted transit ing companion around a star which could not be seen on parameters, it is essential to take into account the corre- a lower resolution image. As shown in Fig. 2, there is no lated noise present in the light curves, as shown by Pont evidence of such faint companions around OGLE-TR-113 et al. (2006, in prep.). Although we have attained a very in our results. good level of stability in our photometry, the residuals are not entirely free of covariance at the sub-millimag level. 4.2. Transit fitting We model the covariance of the noise from the residuals of the light curve itself. We estimate the amplitude of sys- The transit fitting was performed with transit curves tematic trends in the photometry from the standard devi- computed with the procedure of Mandel & Agol (2002), ation over one residual point, σ1 , and from the standard using quadratic limb-darkening coefficients. The transit deviation of the sliding average of the residuals over 10 parameters were obtained in two iterations. A prelim- successive points, σ10. The amplitude of the white noise inary solution was first fitted to determine epochs for σw and the red noise σr can then be obtained by resolution M. Gillon et al.: High accuracy transit photometry of OGLE-TR-113b 5

Fig. 2. OGLE-TR-113 (marked with a cross) in a 256 pixels × 256 pixels sub-image (0.7 ′ × 0.7 ′) from the worst (left) and best (middle) seeing NTT/SUSI2 image of the run (top = North, left = East). The nearby star just South of OGLE-TR-113 is about 0.4 mag brighter. Right: deconvolved image. At this resolution (2 pixels = 0.32′′), no trace of other faint companions is visible.

T . ± . of the following system of 2 equations: 0,OGLE[BJD] 2452325 79823 0 00082 T0,1[BJD] 2453464.61665 ± 0.00010 2 2 2 σ1 = σw + σr (5) T0,2[BJD] 2453474.64348 ± 0.00017 2 2 σw 2 Table 2. Ephemeris of OGLE-TR-113b transits. T0,OGLE σ10 = + σr (6) 10 is from Konacki et al. (2004), while T0,1 and T0,2 are for the two transits analyzed in this work. We obtained σr = 400 µmag for both nights. We as- sume that a systematic feature of this amplitude could be present in the data over a length similar to the transit 2 duration. Therefore, if χbf is the χ of the best fit, in- 2 we computed the radius and mass of OGLE-TR-113 as in stead of using ∆χ = 1 to define the 1-sigma uncertainty Bouchy et al. (2005), taking the relation between M∗, R∗, interval, we use and the atmospheric parameters from an interpolation of 2 Girardi et al. (2002) stellar evolution models. The value 2 σ ∆χ =1+ N r,i (7) of the planetary radius was then derived from the radius tr,i σ2 w,i ratio and from R∗. Next, we fitted a sinusoidal orbit by for each individual transit, where Ntr,i is the number of least–squares to the radial velocity data with the new pe- points in the transit i. As the residuals between different riod and epoch, obtaining the planetary mass from M∗ transits are not correlated, combining the data from both and the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity orbit. individual transits gives: Our values for the radius and mass of OGLE-TR-113 and its planetary companion are given in Table 1, which 2 2 2 ∆χ = ∆χ1 + ∆χ2 (8) also presents the values obtained by Bouchy et al. (2004) q and Konacki et al. (2004). Our results are in good agree- 2 2 2 Exploring the parameters space for χ = χbf + ∆χ , ment with the previous studies, but the uncertainties on we then estimated the uncertainties on our parameters. the mass and on the radius of the planet are significantly The results are given in Table 1. The fit of the final lower. In fact, our high photometric accuracy allows to light curve on the NTT data is shown in Fig. 3. This reach the regime where the uncertainties on the mass and figure also shows the final transit curve superimposed on radius of the primary dominate: the use of other stel- the OGLE-III data (the limb-darkening coefficients are lar evolution models should introduce parameter changes changed, as OGLE-III observations have been obtained which are of the same order than the error bars. The de- in the I filter), and the phased NTT/SUSI2 data after velopment of this point is beyond the scope of this paper. binning on 2 points superimposed on the best-fit transit curve. For this binned light curve, the dispersion before the transit is ∼800 µmag (first night), and ∼850 µmag 4.4. Transit timing after the transit (second night). OGLE-III (Konacki et al. 2004) and our new NTT tran- sits ephemeris are presented in Table 2. Using these 4.3. Radius and mass determination ephemeris and assuming the absence of long-term transit period variations due, e.g., to the oblateness of the star or Combining the constraints from our new transit curves dissipative tidal interactions between the planet and the −1/3 (dependence on R∗M∗ ) and from the spectroscopic de- star, we obtained a value for the period in perfect agree- termination of Teff , log g and [Fe/H] (Santos et al. 2006), ment with the one presented in Konacki et al. (2004), but 6 M. Gillon et al.: High accuracy transit photometry of OGLE-TR-113b




0.96 -0.05 0 0.05 Phase




0.96 -0.05 0 0.05 Phase




0.96 -0.05 0 0.05 Phase

Fig. 3. The best-fit transit curve is shown together with the phased NTT/SUSI2 data after binning on 2 points (top), without binning (middle) and with the phased OGLE-III data (bottom). with a much smaller error bar. Our extremely high ac- deviation of the second NTT transit off the expectation curacy on the orbital period (∼ 0.1 s) is mainly due to based on our period and the first NTT transit time, we the long delay between OGLE-III and NTT observations. obtain a value of ∼ 43 s. This T T V has a statistical Moreover, our accuracy on the epoch of the NTT transits significance of 2.5 sigmas. Nevertheless, we must stay is ∼ 12 s, while the accuracy on the OGLE-III epoch is ∼ cautious because systematics are able to slightly distort 71 s. light curves, all the more so since these transit light Short-term transit timing variations (T T V ) curves are not complete. This is the case here: we lack may be induced by the presence of a satel- the flat part after the first transit and, due to the lite (Sartoretti & Schneider 1999) or a second bad column, the flat part prior to the second one. A planet (Miralda-Escud´e2002, Agol et al. 2005, way to estimate the likelihood of the hypothesis that Holman & Murray 2005). If we examine the temporal systematics are responsible for the observed T T V is to M. Gillon et al.: High accuracy transit photometry of OGLE-TR-113b 7

A B C Inclination angle[deg] 88.8 − 90 85 - 90 88.4 ± 2.2 Period[days] 1.4324757 ± 0.0000013 1.43250 (adopted) 1.4324758 ± 0.0000046 Semi-major axis[AU] 0.0229 ± 0.0002 0.0228 ± 0.0006 0.02299 ± 0.00058 Eccentricity (fixed) 0 0 0

Primary mass[M⊙] 0.78 ± 0.02 0.77 ± 0.06 0.79 ± 0.06 (adopted) Primary radius[R⊙] 0.77 ± 0.02 0.765 ± 0.025 0.78 ± 0.06 (adopted)

Planet mass[MJ ] 1.32 ± 0.19 1.35 ± 0.22 1.08 ± 0.28 R . ± . . +0.07 . ± . Planet radius[ J ] 1 09 0 03 1 08−0.05 1 09 0 10 Planet density[g cm−3] 1.3 ± 0.3 1.3 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 0.4 Table 1. Parameters obtained from this analysis (A) for OGLE-TR-113 and its planetary companion, compared to the ones presented in Bouchy et al. (2004) (B) and in Konacki et al. (2004) (C).

T ± 0,1,ingress[BJD] 2453464.61669 0.00014 to confirm its existence. We notice nevertheless that our T ± 0,1,egress[BJD] 2453464.61653 0.00014 timing accuracy would clearly be good enough to allow T ± 0,2,ingress[BJD] 2453474.64299 0.00024 the detection of a third planet or a satellite giving rise T ± 0,2,egress[BJD] 2453474.64400 0.00024 to a T T V amplitude of 1 minute. Considering the case Table 3. Ephemeris obtained from ingress and egress of of OGLE-TR-113b and, as the cause of such a T T V , a both transits. satellite with an orbital distance to the planet equal to the Hill radius, we can obtain an estimate of its mass by using the formula (Sartoretti & Schneider 1999):

1/3 0.0005 δt 3M∗ Ms ∼ π Mp (9) Pp  Mp 

0 where M∗, Mp and Ms are respectively the masses of the star, planet and satellite, Pp is the orbital period of the ∼ -0.0005 planet and δt the amplitude of the T T V . We obtain Ms 7M⊕. 3465 3470 3475 For an exterior pertubing planet, the most interesting BJD - 2450000 (days) case would be a pertubing planet in 2:1 mean–motion res-

0.0005 onance with OGLE-TR-113b, for which we obtain with I the following formula (Agol et al. 2005): E

0 δt E Mp2 =4.5 Mp1 (10) Pp1 I

-0.0005 a mass ∼ 1M⊕.

3465 3470 3475 These computations demonstrate the interest of high BJD - 2450000 (days) accuracy photometric follow-up of known transiting ex- oplanets and show that the accuracy obtained with our Fig. 4. This figure shows the agreement between the tran- reduction method for high quality data would allow the sit times obtained from the complete light curves (top) and detection of very low mass objects. using ingress (I) and egress (E) independently (bottom) and the predicted transit times based on the determined period and OGLE-III ephemeris. 5. Conclusions The results presented here show that our new photome- try algorithm is well suited for follow-up transit photom- determine the transit ephemeris for the ingress and egress etry, even in very crowded fields. After analysis of NTT independently. Table 3 and Fig. 4 show the result. For SUSI2 observations of two OGLE-TR-113b transits, we both transits, transit times obtained from ingress and have obtained two very high accuracy transit light curves egress are in good agreement, leading us to reject such with a low level of systematic residuals. Combining our systematic errors as the explanation for the observed new photometric data with OGLE-III ephemeris, spectro- T T V . scopic data and radial velocity measurements, we have The statistical significance of the T T V is rather low, determined planetary and stellar parameters in excellent as can be seen in Fig. 4. Future observations are needed agreement with the ones presented in Bouchy et al. (2004) 8 M. Gillon et al.: High accuracy transit photometry of OGLE-TR-113b and Konacki et al. (2004), but significantly more precise. We notice that the sampling in time, the sub-millimag photometric accuracy and the systematics residuals level of our light curves would be good enough to allow the photometric detection of a transiting Hot Neptune, in the case of a small star as OGLE-TR-113. We have obtained a very precise determination of the transit times, and, combining them with OGLE-III ephemeris, we could determine the orbital period with a very high accuracy. The precisions on the epochs and the period would in fact be high enough to allow the detection of a second planet or a satellite, for some ranges of orbital parameters and masses. Even a terrestrial planet could be detected with such a transit timing precision.

Acknowledgements. The authors thank the ESO staff on the NTT telescope at La Silla for their diligent and competent help during the observations. MG acknowledges support by the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO) in the framework of the PRODEX Experiment Agreement C-90197. FC acknowledges financial support by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

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