MISSOURI’S BEST SMALL-TOWN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 75¢ Three-time Gold Cup winner, Missouri Press Association, 2015, 2016 and 2017 CITY OF CASSVILLE KEEPING EYE ON WATER TABLE — PAGE 2 <<< WILDCATS RELEASE GRIDIRON SLATE Cassville schedule features 4 games at home. — PAGE 3 CASSVILLE emocrat DJULY 18, 2018 | CASSVILLE-DEMOCRAT.COM SHOT DOGS What: Animal Justice League of City of Exeter considers America involved in negotiations How: Has made a proposal in an effort to compromise Why: In response to three dogs being shot and mutilated in Eagle canning police chief Rock cil is considering Martinez’s issues raised,” LeCompte said. Public hearing to CITY OF EXETER removal, but that may only “He will receive those causes 10 be held, likely in What: Is considering terminating happen after Martinez is given days before the hearing to allow Nonprofit the employment of Police Chief a list of reasons for the deci- him time to prepare.” Kenen Martinez August sion and, per state statute, a LeCompte said the paper- Cause: Will be delivered to work is still being put together, BY KYLE TROUTMAN Martinez in coming weeks public hearing is held to allow and the hearing will likely take hopes to
[email protected] Next: Per state statute, there Martinez the opportunity to place in August. It will be open Following a closed session must be a public hearing held address the reasons. to the public. vote by its city council last week, before the city’s decision “[At the public hearing, LeCompte said the city help in dog the city of Exeter is considering Martinez] will have the oppor- remains an at-will employ- terminating the employment of Jim LeCompte, attorney tunity to defend himself or pro- er, and after the hearing, its police chief, Kenen Martinez.