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1881 Volume 3 No 'm'%- J ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. APRIL, 1882. No. 7. OF Phi Kappa Psi GLOBE PRINTING HOUSE, 112 & 114 NORTH T^A^ELFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE. LIST OF CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES FOR 1882. Pa. Alpha. .1. H. .lohnston, Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa. Pa. Beta, F. M. Currie, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. Pa. Oamma, S. B. Meeser, Lewisburg University, Lewisburg, Pa. Pa. Epsilos', C. D. Hoover, Pennnylvania College, box 323, Gettys burg, Pa. Pa. Zeta, S. Wilbur Gibbs, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Pa. Eta, A. P. Shirk, 236 King Street, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Pa. Theta, R. W. Miller, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Pa. Iota, E. B. Sadtler, University of Pennsylvania, 3723 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Va. Alpha, C. W. Kent, University of Virginia, Va. Va. Gamma, K. L. Preston, Hampden Sidney College, Prince Ed ward County, Va. Ohio Alpha, F. K. Patterson, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware. Ohio. Ohio Beta, A. H. Kunkle, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, Ohio Gamma, W. T. Darr, Wooster University, Wooster, Ohio. Ohio Delta, E. M. Van Harlingen, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Ind. Alpha, T. J. Shannon, Asbury University, Greencastle, Ind. Ind. Beta, H. H. Harris, State University, Bloomington, Ind. Ind. Gamma, A. W. Knight, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. D. C. Alpha, R. J. Murray, Columbian University, box 632, Wash ington, D. C. III. Alpha, Wm. H. Crawford, Northwestern University, box 1082, Evanston, 111. III. Beta, F. R. Swartwout, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Kansas Alpha, E. A. Brown, State University, Lawrence, Kansas. Mich. Alpha, F. L. Webster, State University, Ann Arbor, Mich. Md. Alpha, D. S. Gittings, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md Wls. Alpha, F. J. Turner, State Univer.-ity, Madison, Wis. Miss. Alpha, R. F. Greer, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss. N. Y. Delta, John B. Blanchet, Hobart College, drawer 29, Geneva, New York. Cal. Alpha, J. M. Arthur, San Jos6, Cal. Cor. Sec. G. C, F. 0. McCLEARY, Lock Box 401, Washington, D. C. Jv SEPTEMBER, 1881. ^ IT Vol. III. No. I. % ; V-, - l|t ^lilrli O F Phi Kappa Psi. ^-^- GLOBE PRINTING HOUSE, 112 & 114 NORTH TWELFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ENTERED AS SEGOND-CL A" S MAIL r,'ATTfr; AT PHILADLPH;A POST O.FlCE ^U. [Al g^^i; .'f}i-s''^^^i^--^'' 'rS '.i LIST OF CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES FOR 1881 Pa. Alpha, Wm. F. Wise, Washington, and Jefferson College, Wash- iiiiiton. Pa. Pa. Beta, L. K. Tieste, box 1250, Allegheny College. Meadville, Pa. Pa. Gamma, Ernest L. Tustin, lewisburg University, Lewisbu/g, Pa. Pa. Er-siLON, Horace L. Jacobs, box 240, Gettysburg, Pa. Pa. Zeta, Jos, V. Champion, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Pa. Eta, A. P. Shirk, 236 King Street, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Pa. Theta, W. Scot! Harlan, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Pa. Iota, Milo D. Baldy, N. E. cor. Broad and Chestnut Sts., Phila delphia, Pa. Va. Alpha, C. W. Kent, University of Virginia, Va. Va. Beta, W. C. Prestou, Washington and Lee University, Lexing ton, Va. Va. G.\mma, j. H. Herbener, Hampden Sidney College, Prince Ed ward County, Va. Va. Delta, Curran Palmer, Bethany, W. Va. Va. Epsilon, R. B. Smilhey, Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Va. Ohio Alpha, Frank B. Drees, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. Ohio Beta, A. D. Hosterman, Wittenberg University, Springfield, 0. Ohio Gamma, W. T. Darr, Wooster University, Wooster, Ohio. Ohio Delta, Fred. Shedd, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Ind. Alpha, P. W. Smith, Asbury Univer.sity, Greencastle, Ind. Ind. Beta, Wm H. Adams, State University, Bloomington, Ind. Ind. Gamjia, W. P. M.Kee, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. D. C. Alpha, Robt. J. Murray, Gunton Building (Columbian Univer sity), Washington, D. C. III. Alpha, Will. H. Lacy, box 1082, Northwestern University, Ev anston, 111. III. Beta, Edw. T. Stone, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. III. Gamm.a.. Wis. .-Vlpha, C D. Van Wie, State University, Madison, Wis. Kansas Alpha, E. C. Meservey, State University, Lawrence, Kansas. Mich. Alpha, J. C. Chynoweth, State University, Ann Arbor, Mich- Ml) .\lpiia, D. Sterrett Gittings, Johns Hopkins University, Balti more, Md. Cal. Alpha, F. B. Milts, San Jose, Cal. Miss. Alpha, W. Terrel Rush, University of Miss., Oxford, Miss. N. Y. Delta, John B. Blanchet, Hobart College, drawer 29, Geneva, N. Y. Sec. of. G. C, Frank O. McCleary, Lock Box 401, Washington, D. C. Vol. III. SEPTEMBER. No. i. EDITORIAL. We are very sorry to have to announce that our dear Bro. Dr. E. F. Smith has been compelled, by moving away from Philadelphia, to give up his active superintendence of The Shield. But he will still work for it as much as he can. We are very sorry to be so late in getting out the first number for this year, but we could'nt help it. Matter did not come in soon enough, and we are not able, even if we were willing, to fill half a number ourselves. If letters come in in time, we shall get the next number out on the 15th proximo. Though not a matter which comes in the scope of The Shield, we can't help saying a word as to the great loss which we as citizens of the United States have suffered. The man who has been taken from us, was pre-eminent in the pos session of those qualities which every true Phi Psi holds in the highest estimation and strives to cultivate. We propose in our next number putting four pages for ad vertising after the reading matter, and we expect to have them filled with the professional cards of our legal and insurance brothers. We propose to divide the page into twelve parts, and to charge 50 cents for an insertion or $3 for the rest of send the year, and will put them in in the order of receipt. So in your orders and the stamps therefor as soon as you can. 2 The Shield. In this number of The Shield, the opening of a new vol the editors to ume and the first in the new form, it behooves and some much the say several things, some pleasant very with a contrary, but all true. First we greet you all good a and hearty grip, hoping that you have had pleasant profitable their work with re summer, that the active brothers will do newed strength and put in "big licks" for our common mother, and that those of us who have gone out into the world, either recollection to lately or years ago, will look back with fondest the time of active membership, and the friendships formed therein. Second, as you will see we have (though not justified by the pecuniary result of our last years work) altered the shape of The Shield, to one more suitable to binding and preservation and considerably more expensive, hoping that our brothers will give more suhstantial evidence of their ap preciation than formerly. Third, we want a communication, short or long, from every Chapter at least once in two months. ^ ^ CHAUTAUQUA REUNION. August 18th, 1881. An all night ride in a crowded railway coach scarce fits one for the appreciation of natural beauties, yet reinforced by a bounteous breakfast at the Sherman House, Jamestown, the Shield representative embarked, in a fairly impressionable mood, upon the outlet of the far-famed Lake Chautauqua in the steamer Shattuc, one bright morning in August, for Fair Point Assembly Grounds, the place appointed for our Phi Psi Reunion. Gruide-books to the lake are numerous and the pictorial representations of its attractions are easily obtained and are sufiiciently accurate to preclude the necessity of any de scription more or less vivid of that delightful morning ride the tortuous creek out through upon the lovely expanse of clear water, hemmed in by undulating hills covered with meadows and waving grain. Since this letter is to be valuable alone to Phi Psis, if at all. The Shield. 3 all impressions, grave, gay or grotesque, deserve mention, and whatever things of interest which came under our observation will be chronicled. We made our trip from Jamestown on the morning of the 17th and expected to surely meet many Fraternity men on the way, since the Phi Gamma Delta's Annual Convention was to be held at Chautauqua and the Point opposite, commencing on the 17th, as well as our own more modest Reunion on the day following. We were very much disappointed to find no evidences upon cravats or vests of the presence of the diamond or shield, but after carefully scanning the faces of the passengers, we mentally agreed that one pensive, poetic youth leaning upon the forward guards, main deck, was a 0. F. Whether he is or not we had no means of knowing, since we did not see him again during our stay. At the Kent House Landing, at last, a young man in jaunfy clothes, cigarette in mouth, sporting a diamond-shaped pin with the legend 0. F. A. thei-eupon, passed lightly over the, gang-plank and from his station on the forward main deck waved smiling adieus to two charming ladies upon the pier, until the boat, which waited some minutes for belated passen gers, again took up her journey. After the exhaustive process of watching his protracted leave-taking, we felt hardly equal to the looking for any others of the Greek world, and just as we were about to seek a vacant spot on the deck, whereon to lie and recuperate, we stumbled upon Bro. Wood, Pa. Beta, Chairman of last year's Reunion Committee. We had but fairly got acquainted when the boat landed at Fair Point and we disembarked to fall immediately into the hands of a ribboned mob, upon the lapels of whose coats were fluttering the ever dear lavender and pink.
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